AWSUM Helderberg Mid-Year Achievers - July Edition

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JULY 2021

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Mediclinic Winelands Day Clinic is now open. This orthopaedic day clinic, a first for Mediclinic, specialises in same-day orthopaedic scheduled procedures and rheumatology interventions that allow for patients to recover in the comfort of their homes. Ask your doctor about the new Mediclinic Winelands Day Clinic or visit our website at for more information.

One in eight young people between the ages of 5 and 19 are at risk of developing a mental disorder, of which Mood and Anxiety Disorders are the most prevalent. Emphasis on the mental health of young people recently increased as a result of the disruption caused by Covid-19 and lockdowns which exacerbated challenges that existed before the pandemic. It has therefore once again become important to not only start talking about the mental health of young people, but also to recognise symptoms and know where to look for help, an education and mental health expert says. “The prevalence of mood difficulties among young people is increasingly becoming a concern internationally,” says Dr Jacques Mostert, Brand Academic Manager at ADvTECH, SA’s leading private education provider. Dr Mostert holds a PhD in Psychology of Education and is globally renowned in his field, having conducted experiential research in education in Denmark, the UK, South Africa and The Netherlands. Dr Mostert notes that an estimated 24% of teens between the ages of 11 to 19 suffer from depression caused by the home environment, 25% are subject to cyber-bullying and loneliness, 92% of LGBT youth report depression during the ages of 11 to 19, and 80% of teens between the ages of 11 to 19 report a sense of isolation that causes them to feel depressed. “It is very important to understand the signs of depression, so that action can be taken timeously should

concerns about the mental wellbeing of a child arise,” says Dr Mostert. “Teachers and parents can recognise the onset of depression when a sudden change in behaviour becomes apparent and continues for at least 3 weeks or longer. These include an atypical lack of energy, becoming increasingly irritable and agitated without a rational explanation, and a sense of being down in the dumps for no reason.” Some adolescents may withdraw from friends and family over a sustained period of time, he notes, adding that this is especially concerning if this is atypical of the normal interactions of the teen. “Another red flag is the inability to concentrate in class where ADHD or other non-neurotypical difficulties are not present, as well as regularly failing to complete classroom and homework assignments in time or often being late to class because of feeling overwhelmed. “This, coupled with unusually defiant behaviour towards teachers and other school staff, especially if this is non-typical behaviour, may indicate that the teen is experiencing difficulties with mood and affect.” In the same way as with anxiety difficulties and disorder, the student often asks to go home because of feeling ill with no discernable symptoms. The teen often has days off from class time due to doctor’s appointments,

hospitalisation, or inability to attend classes. Changes in sleep patterns, a significant weight loss or gain in a short period of time and disinterest in hobbies or areas where the teen previously showed interest also raise concerns about the mental wellbeing of the teenager. Finally, a loss of futuremindedness, or talk about death or suicide, engaging in risky or self-destructive behaviour (drinking alcohol, taking drugs, or cutting, for example) are clear signs of the teen suffering from mood difficulties or a possible mood disorder. “Not all of the above need to be present, but if there is a discernable and drastic change in a young person’s behaviour which continues for a period of several weeks or longer, intervention is necessary,” Dr Mostert says. “Most importantly, parents should trust their gut,” Dr Mostert says. “If your teenager insists that nothing is wrong, despite a prolonged period of depressed mood or being diagnosed with major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder, parents should trust their instincts and seek help. “Should the above techniques not bring about an improvement in the mental wellbeing, parents should seek advice from their medical practitioner or a psychiatrist.”

Visit Mediclinic Winelands Day Clinic on the corner of Saffraan and Rokewood Avenue in Stellenbosch. T 021 861 6300 | Emergencies: 021 861 2094





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Mr And Miss Parel Vallei High School 2021 Congratulations Mr and Miss Parel Vallei High School 2021: JennaLee Roets and Aden Gardiner! The runners-up are: Kayleigh Erasmus and Bakhulule Nkopo. The theme of the evening was “The Decades That Shaped Us” and the 20 contestants took us through time in style! Categories included basic black, stylish day wear, themed wear and evening wear.

Curro Sitari learners perform in the 2021 Shakespeare Festival On Wednesday, 19 May 2021, a bunch of very excited Curro Sitari learners headed for the Artscape Theatre in Cape Town to perform ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ in the 2021 Shakespeare Festival. Months of rehearsals and delays were culminating in a performance under the lights of the Artscape Theatre. It was a wonderful day of using the dressing rooms normally assigned to stars of the theatre, moving around back stage, learning what a technical and dress rehearsal are. The learners outdid themselves on the stage and really did the school proud with their final performance.

Hoërskool Strand arende kan ook visvang

Mr and Miss PV 2021: Jenna-Lee Roets and Aden Gardiner

Wie het gesê hengel is net vir seuns? Hoërskool Strand leerder Cherilies Grobler in graad 9 is ‘n ywerige varswaterhengelaar. In die 2020/2021-seisoen het sy die volgende prestasies by die CTAC (Cape Town Angling Club behaal: • Die swaarste karp in ide damesafdeling. (Hierdie karp het 4,8 kilogram geweeg en is ook Cherilies se persoonlike beste prestasie.) • Eerste plek in die senior damesafdeling vir varswaterhengel. (Hiermee is sy die jongste dame in die klub wat al hierdie prestasie behaal het.) Op grond van hierdie prestasies is sy genooi om in 2022 aan die WP Proewe vir varswaterhengelaars deel te neem.

Cherilies Grobler

PAUL ROOS GIMNASIUM Inter-Provincial Triangular Tournament Six Paul Roos golfers participated in the annual Triangular Inter-Provincial golf tournament held on 9 May at the scenic Robertson Golf Club. The host union, Boland, Southern Cape and Western Province competed against each other in the various age groups. Due to Covid, the event this year was played as 9-hole individual matchplay (over 5 rounds). For the 3rd successive year Western Province won the overall event and once again proved to be the strongest over the 4 age groups combined with the final accumulated scores being Western Province 134 vs Boland 118.5 vs Southern Cape 107.5. In the u.15 age category Western Province’s Andries van der Vyver (Paul Roos Gymnasium) was impressive with a haul of 8 out of a potential 10 points. The most competitive division, the u.17 age group, was a cliff hanger with WP starting the final day two full points behind their opponents. The final putt on the 18th hole decided the outcome with Jack Buchanan, playing in the final pairing, cementing the win for WP. This after his fellow u.17 team mates, Jack Brugman (Paul Roos

Gymnasium) and Matthew Lotz, had “pulled a rabbit out of a hat” by winning 4/4 and 3.5/4 of their respective matches on the final day. These 3 combined scored 11.5 out of a possible 12 points for Western Province on the final day – a truly remarkable performance! Individual Triangular points results for Paul Roos golfers were as follows: Western Province u.15: Andries van der Vyver – 8/10, Nicholas van der Vyver – 7/10 u.17: Jack Brugman – 7.5/10 Boland u.15: Gerhard Hartman 7/10, George Botha 4.5/10, Rynhardt van Zyl 3.5/10. Whitewash for Paul Roos Golfers against SACS On Friday the 28th of May the annual Paul Roos vs SACS derby took place at an overcast and wet De Zalze Golf Club. The Paul Rooser’s played exceptional golf to record a complete whitewash over their opponents. All six of our first and second team players won their respective matches, some by substantial margins! Well done PRG!

Boland Team u.15 - Gerhard Hartman 7/10, George Botha 4.5/10, Rynhardt van Zyl 3.5/10

Western Province Team u.15 - Andries van der Vyver 8/10, Nicholas van der Vyver 7/10. u.17 - Jack Brugman 7.5/10

Paul Roos swem dat dit spat! Ruard van Renen is deur Swem Suid-Afrika uitgenooi om saam met die PRG-afrigter, Keith Jansen, aan die SA Olimpiese proewe in Gqeberha (PE) van 6-12 April deel te neem nadat hy die finaal in die 50m rugslag, 100m rugslag, 100m vryslag en 50m vryslag gehaal het.

Ruard van Renen saam met PRG-afrigter Keith Jansen. SA Olimpiese Proewe

Petrus Truter Senior Nasionale Kampioenskappe

In die 100m vryslag en 100m rugslag het hy in beide items aan die Junior Wêreld kwalifiserende tydsvereistes voldoen. Petrus Truter het aan die Senior Nasionale Kampioenskappe tydens 14 – 18 April

in Stellenbosch deelgeneem waar hy `n Wêreld Junior kwalifiserende tyd in die 200 borsslag geswem het. Die Nasionale kampioenskappe is in vier afsonderlike byeenkomste verdeel en in die Wes-kaap streek het PRG 14 goue, 12 silwer en 5 brons medaljes verower.

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PAUL ROOS GIMNASIUM Afrikaans Redenaar stap met louere op internasionale vlak weg Pellatt Smith, ’n graad 11-leerder aan Paul Roos Gimnasium, is een van vyf hoërskoolleerders uit die Wes-Kaap wat vroeër vanjaar spesiale keuring ontvang het om aan die Performing Arts International Stars 2021-kompetisie deel te neem. Hierdie gesogte internasionale kunswedstryd is deur 16 kenners beoordeel en het vanjaar met ongeveer ’n 1000 deelnemers gespog. Talent Africa het as platform vir Suid-Afrikaanse leerders gedien om aan die kompetisie deel te neem. Die gekeurde leerders het deel gevorm van die Suid-Afrikaanse span wat FPASA (Federation of Performing Arts South Africa) op internasionale vlak verteenwoordig het. Die Suid-Afrikaanse span het uit 220 leerders bestaan en daar was altesaam 26 lande wat vanjaar deelgeneem het. Pellatt het vir hierdie prestige-kompetisie gekwalifiseer op grond van sy PodiumPret-toespraak van 2020. Hy het gevolglik

na die finale rondte van die Pole-Ierland-been van die kompetisie wat vanjaar in Mei beoordeel is, deurgedring. Dit is die eerste keer dat ’n Paul Roos-leerder in ’n internasionale kultuurkompetisie as Afrikaans-redenaar meegeding het. Dié talentvolle jong redenaar het met die louere weggestap deur die eerste plek in sy ouderdomsgroep (16-19 jariges) in die oop-kategorie te behaal. Die organiseerders van die kompetisie het ruimte gelaat vir leerders om in hulle moedertale soos Afrikaans te kan deelneem wat dit besonders maak. Hierdie bekroonde jong redenaar is passievol oor sy moedertaal en neem al van graad 1 af aan Afrikaanskunswedstryde deel. Alhoewel Pellatt hierdie prestasie as die spreekwoordelike kersie op die koek beskou, bly hy nederig en wil graag terugploeg deur ’n mentor vir jong redenaars aan Paul Roos Gimnasium te wees.

Pellatt Smith

Tennis Die 1ste o.19 Tennisspan van Paul Roos was die afgelope kwartaal in aksie by die 25ste Kearsney Tennis Festival in Kwazulu-Natal. Die span het die toernooi onoorwonne afgesluit deur Grey College in die finaal met 6 -1 te klop. Die span het voortgebou op hul prag vertoning by die Zest Fruit Gerrie Berner ‘n maand gelede en weer geen wedstryd verloor nie. • • • • •

PRG wen Clifton 7 - 2 PRG wen Rondebosch 8 -1 PRG wen Affies 8 - 1 PRG wen Westville 6 - 0 (Semi-finaal) PRG wen Grey College 6 - 1 (Finaal)

By die prysuitdeling is Stephen Claassen aangewys as die beste nr 2, Johan van Wijk die beste nr 3, Leonardo Sola die beste nr 4 en Willem de Waal die beste nr 5. Die ander spanlede was Ernst Gouws en Jake Downie.

Stephen Claassen, Johan van Wijk, Leonardo Sola, Willem de Waal, Ernst Gouws en Jake Downie.

Willem de Waal o.14 Suid-Afrikaanse Enkelspel Tenniskampioen

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Willem de Waal is ook onlangs aangewys as die nuwe o.14 Suid-Afrikaanse enkelspel Tenniskampioen!

LAERSKOOL STELLENBOSCH Stellies se jong roeikampioen

Suid Afrikaanse Saalperd Kampioenskappe

Anton Derksen het in April aan die Suid Afrikaanse “Canoe Champs Sprints” in Natal deelgeneem waarin hy uitstekend gevaar het. Hy het die volgende prestasies behaal: 2000m – Silwer, 1000m Goud, 500m - Silwer, 200m - Goud. Hy is ook aangewys as die o.8 Victor Ludorum.

Larissa Scholtz het van die 17de tot die 22ste April aan die Suid Afrikaanse Saalperd Kampioenskappe deelgeneem waarin sy Stellies se naam hoog gehou het. Sy het ‘n 6de plek in die o.12 Driegang Plesierperd Ruiters en ‘n 8ste plek in die Driegang Ruiterkuns behaal.

Anton Derksen

Larissa Scholtz

HOËRSKOOL STELLENBOSCH HSS-Leerders presteer by Celebration of Dance

Edge Stellies Cup Stellies het op die 10de Junie ‘n interne tennistoernooi gespeel: Die Edge Stellies Cup waaraan 6 spanne deelgeneem het. Een van die spanne was ‘n onderwyserspan. Hierdie onnies het 2de geeïndig- mnr. Petrus Uys het ‘n groot bydrae gelewer in hulle oorwinning!

“Celebration of Dance” is ‘n danskompetisie wat elke drie jaar plaasvind. Dansers van verskillende dansskole kompeteer vir twee weke in verskeie dansstyle teen mekaar. Die tipe dansstyle sluit moderne danse, hip hop, ballet, Spaanse danse en tap in. Vanjaar het die kompetisie in Panorama plaasgevind.

Die span van die dag was die ACES. Kaptein, Deon Toerien, het die eerste beker vir hierdie toernooi gewen. Dit was ‘n heerlike dag en ons gaan beslis weer so toernooi hou! Hier is die uitslae van die dag.

Baie geluk aan die volgende Stellies wat medaljes verwerf het: • Odelia Krige - twee goue medaljes en ‘n brons medalje; • Sophia Eksteen - ‘n goue, silwer en bronsmedalje; • Cindy Caine - ‘n goue en bronsmedalje; • Mila Goussard - silwer medalje; • Isabella Eksteen ‘n brons medalje. Julia Jordaan het ongelukkig haar arm die dag voor die finaal haar arm gebreek en kon nie in die finaal dans nie.

Odelia Krige

ATKV Debat Hoërskool Stellenbosch se debatspanne het onlangs aan vanjaar se ATKVDebatskompetisie deelgeneem, en ons spanne het taai onderwerpe soos ‘Geskiedenis as verpligte vak’ en ‘Die ontrekking van multinasionale maatskappye aan SA’ ontvang en debatte van ‘n besonderse gehalte gelewer!

Walden van der Walt en Anja Venter

Walden van der Walt (links) en Anja Venter, (regs) ons senior span, dring deur en sal Hoërskool Stellenbosch komende Augustus op nasionale vlak verteenwoordig, by die ATKV-finaal in Gauteng. Ons wens hulle baie geluk en alle sterkte toe met hul voorbereiding!

Standings: • Aces - 47 • Super Shots - 38 • Tennis the Menace (onnie span) - 38 • One Hit Wonders 34 • G.O.A.T 31 • Highly Strung 22 Die Aces het die meeste potte behaal en gewen.

Kaptein Deon Toerien

Boland Streekspanne Hoërskool Stellenbosch is trots op twee seunshokkiespelers wat in die Boland Streekspanne opgeneem is na afloop van die proewe. Heinwill Williams is opgeneem in die o.16 Boland Streekspan en Matthew Pieterse is opgeneem in die o.18 Boland Streekspan. Ons skool wens hulle alle sterkte toe met hul toernooi wat op hierdie stadium in September in die Kaap gespeel word. Baie geluk manne - ons is trots op julle en ons weet julle gaan ons skool se naam hoog hou! Semper Altior!

Heinwill Williams

o.16 Boland Streekspan

Matthew Pieterse

o.18 Boland Streekspan


Hoofleiers van 2de Kwartaal

Eikestad o.13A-rugbyspan wen Grey Kollege o.13A in die finaal van die TopLay/ Itec Super Series in Bloemfontein. Die Eikestad span het die 21ste Super Series vir die eerste keer gewen en deur die loop van die week uitstekende rugby gespeel. Finaal: Eikestad 31-24 Grey Kollege A EIkestad se o.11Arugbyspan het ook hulle finale wedstryd van die week 15-0 teen Grey Kollege B gewen om 2de te eindig.

Super Series o.13A Rugbygroep

Anja Smit

Netbalfees Eikestad o.13A-netbalspan het tydens die vakansie aan die Paarl Gimnasium Netbalfees deelgeneem. Die toernooi was goeie voorbereiding vir die seisoen. Eikestad het 7 uit hulle 9 wedstryde gewen. Ons is trots op elke Eikie en dankie vir almal se ondersteuning.

o.13A Netbalspan



Gideon Fourie

Matrieks! Kyk uit vir die 2021 AWSUM After School Guide wat by jou skool uitgedeel gaan word. Wat gaan jy na skool doen? Ons help jou om jou keuses makliker te maak.



Q & A with

Q & A with


What makes it special to play for Rhenish Girls’ High School’s first team? It is an absolute privilege to play for the Rhenish Girls’ High’s First Team and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to represent Rhenish netball at the highest level. As a school we pride ourselves in the resilience and tenacity of our learners and I truly believe that to represent Rhenish netball during the Covid-19 pandemic is testimony to our strength as a school. I am honoured to play for the Rhenish first team as I understand that it is a privilege and with this comes a responsibility to uphold our school’s name. What would you consider the strong points of your team this year? As a team we are all vastly different individuals, however I believe that this diversity is in fact our greatest strength. Motivation both on and off court is of the utmost importance to us as a team and is something that we have prioritised throughout the season. We have all worked tirelessly to cultivate positive mindsets and I firmly believe that both our positivity and willingness to learn are our greatest strengths.

our team also consists of a group of talented and dynamic Grade 11 players. The variety in both age and strengths within our team makes us a force to be reckoned with. We are grateful to have players who are incredibly diverse in their game play and are versatile on court. The bond that we share as a team truly establishes the Rhenish first team as a team to beat! Who is the joker of the team and why? Keren Kuzamunu is undoubtedly the joker of the team and never fails in cracking the team up whenever she has the opportunity. She always provides a light-hearted and uplifting spirit to the team and is most definitely not scared to put us all in our places!


What is the most enjoyable time after a match? After a match we come together as a team to analyse our game play and recognise what worked well on court as well as what did not work well. This gives us time to critically assess how we played and recognise what we need to work on in order to improve. I also really enjoy the excitement as well as relief in the air after we have played a challenging yet enjoyable game. There is nothing better than knowing that your hard work and dedication have paid off.

MARI STOFBERG HOCKEY CAPTAIN What makes it special to play for Rhenish Girls’ High’s first team? I have been playing hockey at Rhenish Girls High for 5 years now and I can honestly say that it has been a massive highlight of my school career. I think all my matric team mates will agree that it has been this way for them as well. Stepping into the first team of your sport at any school is an honour and a privilege and at Rhenish getting chosen to play for the 1st hockey side is that and much more. When playing for the first team you become part of a family. We spend hours training together in the afternoons, week in and week out, we share all our happy times and down times together, and each individual really gets to grow into strong, independent girls whilst in the team.

We have only been playing together for a few months now and we already have such good spirits and bonds in the team.

What would you consider the strong points of your team this year? We are known as a very athletic team and I think our strength lies in our determination and willingness to improve at every training.

What is the most enjoyable time after a match? The best moment is after the team talk is done and we are all busy putting away our hockey things in our bags and we usually start chatting about the match highlights and funny things that happened to us on the field. We all get a good laugh and no matter if we lost or won the match, everyone gets to go home with a smile on their face.

What motivates you to give your best on the field week after week? What motivates me every weekend running onto the hockey field is the pride and love I have for the badge on the front of my shirt. My team mates and coaches also motivate me to go out and play my best and therefore I want to show them the best hockey that I can play.

4HOURS What motivates you to give your best on the court week after week? I firmly believe that my team motivates me to perform and is the driving force behind all of our successes. The motivation and guidance from our coach as well as her dedication to us all as a team is absolutely invaluable and ensures that we are able to give it our all when on court.



Your team has been together for 5 years. What makes your team special? Although the majority of our team has been together since Grade 8, we are privileged that

Who was your matric hero in Gr. 8/Gr9? Nicole Smithdorff was definitely my matric hero in Grade 9 and I will never forget how much I idolised her as a centre that I hoped I would one day resemble. She was an absolute legend on Your team has been together for 5 years. What PARADYSKLOOF court and her talent was so evident; not only was makes your team special? CONVENIENCE CENTRE she an incredible player, but her attitude was Our team has actually not been coming together truly inspiring. Nicole always played with a smile for 5 years. We have a very young team with FRESH QUALITY WOOLWORTHS and her energy was infectious! majority of the girls actually being in grade 10 CONVENIENCE 24HOURS FRESH QUALITY WOOLWORTHS CONVENIENCE 24HOURS so this year is a very new team coming together. I think that is also what makes it so special.

What has been your team’s greatest achievement over the past 5 years? We have only played a few matches together so I think there are still many ‘big moments’ coming for this team but when we played our first ever match against Bloemhof in a festival earlier in the season and we won, it was very exciting. Who is the joker of the team and why? Definitely got to be Jenna. She is either trying to find shoes or hockey socks because she left them at home, struggling to translate the coache’s Afrikaans words or she is cracking a joke.

Who was your matric hero in Gr 8/Gr9? Monique Bartsch.










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Q & A with

Q & A with

TYRA-LEE MATTHEYSE NETBALL CAPTAIN What makes it special to play for Generation Schools Somerset West first team? I have been at my schoo since its beginning and I’ve been a part of the first team since Grade Nine. I am so happy to be captain of the first team because netball is a sport I’ve been playing almost my whole life and I know I have worked hard to get to this point. What would you consider the strong points of your team this year? My team is a completely new team. The strengths we’ve gained from being on a team together for only six months, is very impressive. We have gelled together and become a unit. All the players are well suited to their positions and we truly work well together. What motivates you to give your best on the court week after week? My coach motivates me to give my all when training or when participating in a match. We have been training together for many years and the connection we have is very special to me. My coach wants the best for m and I always push myself to show her that all her effort and hard work is worth it. She inspires me to be the best that I can be. Your team has been together for 5 years, what makes your team so special? My team has actually only been together for 6 months. This personally makes me believe how special and talented my team is. We managed to form such a strong group with people from all ages. The fact that my team was capable of participating in a netball tournament just shows how talented each player is and how everyone contributes to the team.

What has been your team’s greatest achievement? My team’s most recent match was our greatest achievement. This game was a challenging one and really allowed each player to shine. We didn’t have one moment where someone lost faith, because we knew we would strike back and come home with a win. My team mates inspired me that day and when that final whistle blew, we went home with a win because no one gave up. Who is the joker of the team and why? Personally, I think I am the joker of the team. I also feel the need that, as the captain, I have the responsibility of keeping the energy alive and keeping everyone happy. Although one cannot always be joking around and there are moments of complete seriousness and concentration, I know that I will always be there to make someone laugh. What is the most enjoyable time after a match? The most enjoyable time after a match is getting feedback and being told how well we played. Feedback will always contain constructive criticism, but each team mate truly loves the idea of becoming the best they can be. The moment they receive these points, they apply it immediately and I enjoy seeing my team mates grow and work towards their goals. Who was your matric hero in gr8/9? My matric hero in Grade 9 was definitely Geena Haak. We played netball together as I was on the first team during that time. She played goal attack and I played centre. We worked so well together and she taught me many skills that I still use today. She was a motivated player and always showed me ways to push myself.

ROBERT UNDERWOOD SOCCER CAPTAIN What makes it special to play for Generation Schools Somerset West first team? It is special to play for the school because it is an honour to represent the best that our school has to offer in a particular sport in the public domain. What are the strengths of your team this year? Our strengths are that we are a team that enjoys the game and enjoys the opportunities to form friendships and for team building. Some more strengths are that we have some really fast players in our team which makes it easy for us to win the ball and counterattack, scoring goals. I would also like to thank our coach for his love of the sport and the dedication he has to developing each and every one of us. He truly does add to the strength of our team. What motivates you to give your best on the field? What motivates me to play is the joy of being able to play sport, especially in these COVID times when sport is not always possible. For me, sport also provides physical and mental conditioning and stimulation. Your team has been coming together for 5 years. What makes your team special? Although this is our first year representing Generation Schools, many of us have played together for four years and so team members have become friends which is really special.

What is your team’s biggest moment in the past 5 years? During 2019, we were fortunate enough to travel to Grahamstown to play against some of the best schools in the country. We have also beaten some top schools and soccer academies in our area. Who is the joker in the team and why? Adin is probably the biggest joker in the team as he is always making people laugh with his good sense of humour and just making things more enjoyable than they already are. What’s the best moment after a game? The best moment after the game is the satisfaction of knowing you tried your best. Who was your matric hero when you were in Gr 8/Gr 9? Salmaan Ajam was our captain and he always inspired me to play my best game.

CURRO SITARI Radikale Redenaars Achievers High School A massive congratulations to all of our High School learners who participated and excelled during the 2021 “Radikale Redenaars” competition. Provincial Final • Jacy de Vos - Gr. 8 • Lilitha Nodikana - Gr. 9 • Salmaa Lockhat - Gr. 9 • Corne Visser - Gr. 10 • Jaco Visser - Gr. 10 • Sonwabise Madosi - Gr. 10 E • Amy Britton - Gr. 11 • Jade Venter - Gr. 11 • Tonis Asimakis - Gr. 11 National Final Due to covid only one learner per Grade per category have been invited to participate at the National Final in October this year. Congratulations to the following learners: • Zoe Maposa - Gr.11

Joshua Steyn - Gr.12 We are so proud and a big thank you to Mrs de Klerk for all her hard work.

Primary School Congratulations to the following learners that participated in the annual “Radikaal Redenaars” competition. The following Primary School learners qualified for district finals: • Gr. 5 - Noah Schwebel • Gr. 6 - Miante vd Westhuizen • Gr. 7 - Safiya Lockhat.

High School Achievers

A big congratulations to Megan Wing (Gr. 3) and James Wing (Gr. 5 both) who both qualified for the National finals which will take place during October.

Primary School Achivers Left: Miante vd Westhuizen, Gr. 7 - Safiya Lockhat. Middle: Jamer Wing. Right: Megan Wing, Gr. 5 - Noah Schwebel

High School Achievers

Dance World Cup


Cara van den Berg (Grade 8) competed in the Dance World Cup as a member of Prestige Youth Dance Company in Pretoria from 3-8 May. Cara received three gold medals for the group dances with her dance company in the styles Jazz, Lyrical and Commercial. In two group dances (Ballet and Contemporary) Cara received two silver medals. All the group dancers qualified to be part of the SA team that can participate in the Dance World Cup finals that will be held in Telford, England in August 2021. She also participated in the Street Dance section with a solo dance and qualified to participate in the finals in England with the mark awarded to her. Congratulations, you make us proud!

Henrique Geldenhuys (Gr. 11) participated in the Kickboxing CPT trials on 22 May 2021. This was a qualifying competition for the Western Cape trials later in the year. He received two Gold medals for two styles namely Semi Contact and Light Contact in the 16 to 18 -year category, under 74kg. Cara van den Berg


Henrique Geldenhuys

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VAN HOËRSKOOL STELLEN Posisie: Center Striker


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Wat maak dit spesiaal om vir Hoërskool Stellenbosch se eerstespan te speel? Wat dit vir my spesiaal maak, is die feit ons skool ‘n familie is. Almal staan saam, almal veg saam met en vir mekaar. Ons is een groot familie.

Wie is die grapgat in die span en hoekom? Dit voel vir my asof ons hele span vol van hulle is. Ek sou verseker sê dis tussen Marlu, Isaac, Christo, Alex en Matthew. Hulle maak die hele span lag. Hulle het altyd een of ander iets om te sê en mens kan nooit genoeg van hulle grappies hoor nie.

Wat is die sterkpunte van julle span die jaar? Ons span se sterkpunt hierdie jaar is verseker ons eenheid as ‘n span. Ons werk soos een groot masjien saam om ons doel te bereik.

Wat is die lekkerste oomblik na `n wedstryd? Ek dink wanneer almal die wedstryd bespreek. Wanneer almal praat oor al die goeie goed wat gebeur het, al die goeie goals.

Wat motiveer jou om Saterdag na Saterdag jou beste op die veld te gee? My liefde vir hokkie. Ek dink nie ek het al ooit gevoel ek het nou genoeg van hokkie gehad nie. As ek op Saterdae en Sondae op die astro kon gaan speel het, sou ek enige dag. Dit dryf my om elke wedstryd net my beste te gee, maak nie saak wat nie.

Wie was jou matriekheld toe jy in Gr 8/Gr.9 was? In graad 8 en 9 het ek nie rerig veel geweet wie almal in matriek hokkie gespeel het nie, maar in Graad 10 was JG Goldie my matriekheld gewees waarna ek opgekyk het.

Julle span kom al 5 jaar saam. Wat maak julle span spesiaal? Ek dink die groot ding wat ons span spesiaal maak, is dat ons soos broers vir mekaar is. Ons almal kan saam lag en saam kuier en saam speel. Almal kom baie goed oor die weg met mekaar. Ons is ‘n eenheid! Wat is julle span se grootste oomblik die afgelope 5 jaar? Ek sal sê verseker ons eerste game teen Paul Roos. Ons het vir ons self bewys ons ‘n skool van ongeveer 650 leerders wat teen groot skole soos Paul Roos kan speel. Ons staan ‘n baie goeie kans teen hulle. Ons het agtergekom dat ons baie potensiaal het hierdie jaar. Dit was seker ons grootste oomblik gewees.

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Author Unknown

HOËRSKOOL PAREL VALLEI Na ‘n baie geslaagde voorseisoen-en-kondisioneringsprogram was die PV-netbalspanne gereed om die groot kanonne te pak.

Skeidsregters - Leerders wat reeds hul vlak 1-eksamen geskryf het en hul Provinsiale graderings behaal het. Voor: Lara Terblanche, Bea-Mari Keuzenkamp, Lutho Phumelo, Zinathi Fukweni, Lerize de Villiers. Agter: me Charlotte Schoeman (SA “B+”Umpire), Daniella Kadima, Anoxolo Maqubela, me Alida Duvenhage (SA “A” Umpire), Megan Mol, Reshon Brown, Marietjie Cilliers, Liana Kriel (SA C+ Umpire).

o.18A Netbalspan is trots op hul eerstespandrag geborg deur mnr van Greuning van Discovery. Voor: Amy Jacobs, Luthu Phumelo, Jade Daniels, Hanushia van Niekerk. Agter: me Nicoline Malherbe (afrigter), Monique van Greuning, Megan Mol, mnr Jacques du Plooy (kondisionerings afrigter), Lanah Nel, Cailyn Bock, me Charlotte Schoeman (afrigter). Afwesig: Diana Millard.

o.16A Netbalspan wat aan die Netball Top School’s Championship sou deelneem, voordat netbalaktiwiteite eers weer afgestel is. Voor: Okuhle Ngoma, Daniella Kadima, Zinathi Fukweni, Gabrielle Mc Duiling. Agter: me Alida Duvenhage (afrigter), Anoxolo Magubela, Bea-Mari Keuzenkamp, Louwen Swart, Jacques du Plooy (kondisioneringsafrigter), Se’Bella Stander, Lara Terblanche, me Liana Kriel (afrigter). Afwesig: Benet Niemand.

o.14A Netbalspan wat aan die Netball Top School’s Championship sou deelneem, voordat netbalaktiwiteite eers weer afgestel is. Voor: Anneh Mitrovich, Chloe Chatburn, Ena-Mari Ozrovech (kaptein), Chelsey Kock, Crace Wagner. Agter: me Adel van Wyk (afrigter), Catherine Hofmeyr, Chloe Cilliers, Catherine Mol, Kimlin Adams, mnr Jacques du Plooy (ondisioneringsafrigter) en me Charlotte Schoeman (afrigter).

o.17A Netbalspan wat aan die Netball Top School’s Championship sou deelneem, voordat netbalaktiwiteite eers weer afgestel is. Voor: Skye Hurling, Kayleigh Erasmus, Reshon Brown. Agter: Autumn Moos, Werlize Pienaar, me Charlotte Schoeman (afrigter), Jaden Issel, Jamie-Leigh Lewin, mnr Jacques du Plooy (kondisioneringsafrigter).

Spelers wat gekies is vir Cape Winelands-Netbalproewe. Voor: Autumn Moos, Lutho Phumelo, Zinathi Fukweni, Amy Jacobs. Agter: Okuhle Ngoma, Zoë Langeveld, Chelsae Kock, Anoxolo Magubela.

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HOËRSKOOL STRAND Graad 8 - 12 Top 10 Presteerders

Derick Nortjé Graad 12 - 92.6%

CJ Smit Graad 12 - 91.1%

Anjanka Olivier Graad 12 - 90%

Marli Botha Graad 12 - 88.1%

Lisa Westraat Graad 12 - 87.9%

Maryna Erasmus Graad 12 - 87.1%

Veronique de Lange Graad 12 - 85.9%

Herman Ras Graad 12 - 84.4%

Pétra van den Bergh Graad 12 - 84.1%

McKenzie Knipe Graad 12 - 84.1%

Kira Marié Potgieter Graad 11 - 91.7%

Michelle Pretorius Graad 11 - 89,9%

Nika van Vuuren Graad 11 - 89.7%

Karmen Venter Graad 11 - 88.6%

Jessica Coetzee Graad 11 - 87.4%

Lien Hoogenboezem Graad 11 - 87.4%

Anne Swart Graad 11 - 82.9%

Chanté van Rensburg Graad 11 - 82.9%

Janlo Smith Graad 11 - 82.3%

Megan Myburg Graad 11 - 81.6%

Mieke van Rooyen Graad 10 - 86.6%

Christian de Jager Graad 10 - 86.4%

Luka Ahlers Graad 10 - 89.4%

Carla Punt Graad 10 - 97%

Joël Daniël le Roux Graad 10 - 94,7%

Carla Haughton Graad 10 - 93.9%

Carli van der Westhuizen Graad 10 - 92.4%

Marzell Schreiber Graad 10 - 91.3%

Nicole Malan Graad 10 - 90.1%

Celentia Janse van Vuuren Graad 10 - 90%

Leoné Smith Graad 9 - 92%

Nathan Nel Graad 9 - 91.9%

Caitlin Cornelius Graad 9 - 91.4%

Lee-Ann Taljaard Graad 9 - 88.1%

Donné Oosthuizen Graad 9 - 87.7%

Jané Swart Graad 9 - 87.8%

Lelanie van Rooyen Graad 9 - 86.4%

Clarissa Groenewald Graad 9 - 85.9%

Azaan Weyers Graad 9 - 85.1%

Corné Verster Graad 9 - 83%

Emily Landman Graad 8 - 92.9%

Nadine Pretorius Graad 8 - 92.1%

Kristen Thiart Graad 8 - 91.4%

Hanré Coetzee Graad 8 - 88.6%

Kyle Steyn Graad 8 - 88.4%

Chanté van Vuuren Graad 8 - 86.4%

Laroche Weyer Graad 8 - 85.7%

Jana van Vuuren Graad 8 - 85.2%

Mia Myburg Graad 8 - 84.8%

Kean van Coller Graad 8 - 84.1%

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LAERSKOOL HENDRIK LOUW Graad 4 - 7 Top 10 Presteerders

Photo Credit: Lunchbox Photography

Sumari Walser Gr. 7 - 90.7%

Hannah Lodewyk Gr. 7 - 85.3%

Timothy van den Bergh Gr. 7 - 85.3%

Meghan Boshoff Gr. 7 - 85.1%

Kyle Nel Gr. 7 - 84.7%

Caitlin Boshoff Gr. 7 - 83.4%

Trinity Stuart Gr. 7 - 81.4%

Ryno Zwemstra Gr. 7 - 80.4%

Joshua Lourens Gr. 7 - 79.7%

Anne Kriel Gr. 7 - 79.4%

Keira Nicholls Gr. 7 - 78.9%

Riley Barrett Gr. 6 - 90.3%

Allegra Corb Gr. 6 - 90.3%

Cassidy Byneveldt Gr. 6 - 88.5%

Aerin Rosandt Gr. 6 - 85.7%

Cullen Hugo Gr. 6 - 85.7%

Larone Jooste Gr. 6 - 85.2%

Ashley Gerber Gr. 6 - 84.7%

Reilley Capes Gr. 6 - 84.3%

Mia Mohr Gr. 6 - 84.2%

Marleen van Niekerk Gr. 6 - 83%

Cleo Botha Gr. 6 - 82.3%

Lian van Coller Gr. 5 - 90.3%

Eugene Rorich Gr. 5 - 89.8%

Mieke van Schalkwyk Gr. 5 - 89.2%

Andrea de Jager Gr. 5 - 87.2%

Lienka Williers Gr. 5 - 87.2%

Jade du Plooy Gr. 5 - 86.2%

Ariana v.d. Merwe Gr. 5 - 86%

Sallize Burger Gr. 5 - 84.8%

Tayne Rall Gr. 5 - 84.5%

Gerrit Zwemstra Gr. 5 - 84.2%

Zander v.d. Merwe Gr. 5 - 83.3%

Isabelle Hattingh Gr. 4 - 92,2%

Cherise Engelbrecht Gr. 4 - 91,3%

Dian Louw Gr. 4 - 90.5%

Ruan Kramer Gr. 4 - 86.5%

Hailey Hendricks Gr. 4 - 85.5%

Kira Lynn Gr. 4 - 84.8%

Danae Terhoeven Gr. 4 - 84.7%

Lindie van Zyl Gr. 4 - 84.2%

Learne van Zyl Gr. 4 - 82.8%

Imaan Abrahams Gr. 4 - 82.5%

Jana Slabber Gr. 4 - 82.5%

William Jooste Gr. 4 - 82.5%


Golf Vincent Venter has been selected to play for the u.13A WP Golf league. He has proudly made it onto their Western Province 2020/2021 Order of Merit. He was initially ranked 8th. He recently played in an Inter Club competition at Milnerton and scored the best net score for the day tournament. This resulted in him moving up the ranking, to 7th on the Western Province Order of Merit!

Deputy Head Girl - Amilia von Loeper, Principal - Mr Gordon Reddell, Head Boy - Alistair Jones, Head Girl - Hannah Miller, Grade 7 Educator - Mrs Mollie Smuts, Deputy Head Boy - Marcus Viljoen.

Netball Trials

7 of Beaumont’s u.13 netball girls took part in the Helderberg circuit netball trials. Selected to go through to the next round: u.13 - Mila Devine, Mieke vd Heerik, Hannah Miller, Roxy Setzkorn, Katherine Sickle, Alexandra Hannibal. These girls then took part in the next round at Bastian Primary. Girls selected for the District team and will continue to the next round of WP Trials: u.13 - Hannah Miller & Alexandra Hannibal. Due to the cancellation of all contact sport the next round of trials is post phoned till further notice.

Vincent Venter


Heinrich Karg Gr. 2 - Die wenner van Mnr. Afrika 2021 Petite en ook die Beste Model Suid-Afrika 2021 Petite. Die ouderdomme strek van 7-9 jaar.

Karli van der Merwe Gr. 6 - Sy het aan “Dance World Cup South African Qualifier” aan 9 items deelgeneem en kan spog met 3 goue medaljes, 3 silwer medaljes en 1 brons medalje. Sy kwalifiseer vir die SAspan wat in Augustus in Engeland gaan deelneem.

Mieke Carr Gr. 6 - Sy het aan die“Dance World Cup South African Qualifier” aan 15 items deelgeneem waarvan 6 solodanse was. Sy het 4 eerste plekke, 1 vierde en 1 vyfde plek behaal. Sy kwalifiseer vir die SA-span wat in Augustus in Engeland gaan deelneem.

Megan Jordaan Gr. 3 - Het Kaapstad distrikskleure ontvang vir gimnastiek en gaan deelneem aan die Wes-Kaap Kampioenskappe.

Luché Terblanche Gr. 2 - Deelgeneem aan die Radikale Redenaarsfees en kwalifiseer vir die Streeksfinaal.

Gr. 3 - Deelgeneem aan die Radikale Redenaarsfees en kwalifiseer vir die Streeksfinaal.

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Announcing the 20 schools who have been selected to make their movies for Filmit 33 Schools from South Africa and 2 from Namibia entered 2-minute film pitches for the Filmit competition during the month of June. Our first-round panel of judges consisting of Bradley Joshua from Gambit Films, Moenier Hendricks from Homebrew Films, and Marcel Spaumer and Richard September from Suidooster went through all 70 film concepts pitched by these school groups, and selected twenty they believe have entertainment value, is doable, evoked interest and should make for a good short film. All judges compiled a short video in which they share their professional opinion, observation, and subsequent recommendations on what the 20 approved film groups should focus on when heading into the mentorship programme in preparation for the making of their films. These videos are shared on the Paul Roos Gymnasium YouTube channel.

One-on-one mentorship by industry specialists kick off on the 27th of July. This mentorship will continue over a two-week period up until the 6th of August. It will take place online (via Zoom sessions) and will be presented by five actors from the TV series Suidooster. Each actor will be allocated to four of the participating schools. These actors will guide the learners in the early phases of development of their films. They are Marco Spaumer, Dean Smith, Esther von Waltsleben, Jawaahier Petersen and Eden Classens. The 20 schools who submitted the best film concepts in 2021 and who move on to the next round of the Filmit competition are: • • • • • • • •

Marcel Spaumer The Filmit team wants to inspire all schools who entered (also those who did not qualify to move on to the next round) to up their game and learn how to improve their ideas and concepts, if not for the 2021 competition – then definitely for the 2022 competition. A pre-recorded mentorship video (including advice from industry professionals) on pre-production, production and post-production of films will be shared via the Paul Roos Gymnasium YouTube channel. This video is made available free of charge for all 35 schools who entered the competition. Contributors to this video are Johannes Pieter Nel (director of photography), Louis Pretorius (screenwriter), Zandré Coetzer (Nagvlug Films), Lloyd O’Conner (sound engineer), Fahema Hendricks (director of photography), Braam du Toit (composer), Eva du Preez (editor), Neil Sandilands (acting for the camera) and Michael Botha (postproduction on sound). The mentorship programme was made possible by Atterbury and WeBuyCars. It will be uploaded and available for private streaming on the PRG YouTube channel on the 26th of July 2021.

• • • • • • • • • • • •

A magician never reveals its secrets by Curro Durbanville, South Africa Behind the Surfboard by CBC St John’s, South Africa Cascade by Rondebosch Boys’ High, South Africa Conflict: A Journey to Passion by Worcester Gymnasium, South Africa Duwweltjie by Paul Roos Gymnasium, South Africa Gedagtes maak saak by Kalahari High School, South Africa Interpreter Gone Wrong by Simon’s Town High School, South Africa Search by Fairmont High School, South Africa Theatre Kid by Bloemhof Girls’ High, South Africa The Art of Colour by St Georges Diocesan School, Namibia The Gingerbread Man by Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool, South Africa The Key by Paarl Boys’ High, South Africa Three shades of agony by Jan van Riebeeck High School, South Africa Too bright to shine by Mitchell’s Plain High School, South Africa Toue en kloue by Parkdene High School, South Africa Trigger on the beach by Charlie Hofmeyr High School, South Africa U Yolo #happiness by Desmond Mpilo Tutu High School, South Africa What do you stand for? by Table View High School, South Africa What drove her to madness by Groote Schuur High School, South Africa Zombie Blowout by Waterkloof High School, South Africa

Richard September

PRG Filmit looks forward to seeing how these learners grow, develop their film-making skills and contribute to the vast array of stories finding its origin in Southern Africa.

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