Archery Competition
Maths & Physical Science Extra Lessons
Congratulations to our hockey girls and their wonderful achievement, We are so proud of you all!
Our u.14 Netball girls ended 2nd in the Ekurhuleni South (D16) netball league.
Baie geluk aan die Junior Koor wat op 10 Mei ‘n silwer sertifikaat ontvang het.
Die 3 Netbal spanne wat deelneem aan die verdere uitspele vir die Liga is o.10 A & B en o.12 B. “Rig my af en ek sal leer. Daag my uit en ek sal groei. Glo in my en ek sal wen”#banieshettalent.
Leod het in die top 5 geëindig vir die ATKV Semifinale Redenaars.
Leer en ontwikkeling word nie net in die klaskamer gedoen nie maar ook deur speel. Soms is dit nodig om deel te wees van ‘n bietjie chaos.
We are excited to welcome our newest addition to the teaching staff, Marizel van der Merwe! Ms Marizel brings experience and a passion for teaching to our school. We feel confident that Marizel will have a positive impact on our students and continue to uphold the high standards of education that Laerskool Birchleigh is known for. Please join us in giving Marizel van der Merwe a warm welcome to our Laerskool Birchleigh family! We were thrilled to hear that you participated in the Ekurhuleni playoffs on 2 June 2023. Congratulations on making it this far and for all of your hard work and dedication to the sport.
Sylvia Malin, a student from Laerskool Birchleigh, has made waves in the public speaking community by achieving a top 10 position in the ATKV Public Speaking Competition. The prestigious event, which brings together talented
speakers from all over South Africa, offers an opportunity for participants to showcase their speaking abilities in front of a live audience and highly respected adjudicators.
Malin’s performance was captivating, with an eloquent delivery and a deeply meaningful message that resonated with the audience and adjudicators. Her passion for her chosen topic, which focussed on the importance of empathy in a modern world, was clear from the outset, and she held the audience’s attention throughout her presentation.
Her achievement in reaching the top 10 is particularly noteworthy, give the high level of competition in this year’s event. The finals will take place during August 2023 in Cape Town! Laerskool Birchleigh is extremely proud of her, especially taking in to consideration that Afrikaans is her second language, Well done and congratulations!
Front: K. Segabetla, M. Aires, N. Dryer, D. Meyer, L. Mpu. Middel: V. Tengwane, A. Grobler, T. Kheswa, E. Litityo Isabelle, S. Van Dyk, F. Sebogod.
Back: T. Ngwenya, B. Maitland, R. Abrahams, J. Price, L. Grundlingh, D. Britz, B. Du Plessis, J. Bischoff.
Front: S. Chandamara, Z. Bisschoff, K. van Druten, J. Diamond.
Back: Coach L. Fourie, M. Mans, P. Berends, E. Wolmarans, K. Mashaba, Coach C. de Rouwe.
Front: C. Ozoemea, H. Molopo, C. De Villiers, K. lesia, K. Segabetla. Middel: T. Kheswa, M. Mutyorauta , D. Britz, N. Churchill, D. Meyer, D. Van As.
Back: W. Liebenberg, S. Kamudima, I. tshabalala, L.Tengwene, B. Du Plessis, B. Maitland, T. Ngwenya, L. Tengwane.
Front: J. Manuana, N. Biogio, C. le Roux.
Back: C. Lupepo, Coach E. Havenga, Coach D. Calitz, Coach N. Scholtz, L. Joubert.
Absent: A. Msibi, L. Baloyi.
Kutloano’s Gauteng trials went very well and he has been selected into the Gauteng squad that will take part in the Karate National trials in July. Well done, you make us so proud!
Tolerance was our theme for the last week of Term1 - we had a little in house Art competition and all entry proceeds went to our School Feeding Scheme. Congratulations to the Winners it was a very hard decision as all entries were so well done.
In aanloop tot die Wêreldbeker-toernooi, het ons eksklusief met Jacques Nienaber gesels oor sy lewensreis, die Springbokke se aanloop tot die Wêreldbeker, asook bietjie skolerugby.
Hoe het jy by rugby betrokke geraak en hoe het jou pad geloop vanaf jou eerste betrokkenheid tot by Bokafrigter?
Na ek fisioterapie op Bloemfontein studeer het, het ek by `n fisioterapiepraktyk in Bloem begin en is ek gevra om die fisioterapeut vir die Vrystaat o.19 en o.21 rugbyspan te wees. Ek is `n paar jaar daarna aangestel as die fisio van die Cats in die Super Rugby-reeks. Rassie was toe nog `n speler by die Cats en het baie keer in die fisio - kamer video analises op sy “black box” (‘n analiseringsprogram wat hy by die WNNR gekoop het) gedoen. Hy sou my van tyd-tottyd roep om vir my te wys wat hy ontleed het, en so is my belangstelling geprikkel.
Jacques was kondisioneringsafrigter van die Cheetahs vanaf 2004 tot 2007, verdedigingsafrigter van verskeie Unies tussen 2008 en 2014, onder andere van die Stormers en ook in 2011 vir die Springbokke. Hy was ook Munster se assistent en senior afrigter vanaf 2016 tot 2017 voordat hy teruggekom het na SA en sy reis by die Springbokke voortgesit het.
Vertel ons meer van jou skooldae. Waar was jy op skool en in watter posisie het jy gespeel?
Ek was in Laerskool Riebeeckstad in Welkom en is toe koshuis toe by Grey College tot in graad 11. My ouers het toe Bloem toe getrek en ek is in graad 12 terug huis toe. Dit was nogal `n jammerte om my seniorjaar in die koshuis mis te loop. Atletiek (800m en 1500m) en landloop was my hoofsport, maar ek het ook rugby vir die lekkerte saam my vriende vir die laer spanne gespeel en dit nie so ernstig opgeneem nie. Ek het meestal flank gespeel.
Hoe belangrik is rugbystatistiek soos die aantal duikslae, meters gehardloop, ens. vir jong spelers?
Ek dink vir laerskoolspelers moet dit net gaan om die spel te geniet en selfs tot in die hoërskool ook, maar as jy `n meer ernstige rugbyspeler is, dan raak statistiek al hoe belangriker en kan dit vir jou belangrike dinge uitwys. Dit moet egter nie só belangrik raak dat dit die lekkerte uit rugby haal nie. Wat is daardie lekkerte? Dis die tye saam met jou vriende, in die tokkamer, die spangees, die kringetjie voor en na die tyd, die Maandag se praat oor Saterdag se wedstryd. Dís die goed wat mens onthou.
Wat sou jy sê is ouers se rol op laerskool en op hoërskool?
Ouers moenie die lekkerte uit die sport vir hulle kinders haal deurdat hulle te ernstig daaroor is nie. Volgens my is ‘n ouer se belangrikste rol om hulle kinders te ondersteun. Probeer die afrigting vir die afrigters los, en as jou kind ernstig is oor sy sport, leer hom dan dat dit harde werk vat om bo uit te kom. Daar is niks verkeerd om ekstra tyd in te sit nie. Weer eens is dit die belangrikste dat hulle rugby geniet. Die ou wat dit maak, is die ou wat rugby ongelooflik baie geniet, want die opofferings wat jy moet maak, kan jy nie maak as jy nie lief is vir rugby nie en sonder daardie liefde vir die spel, gaan jy nooit genoeg dryfkrag hê nie. Jy moet as speler eienaarskap neem. Wat is eienaarskap? Dis nie die afrigter se werk alleen om seker te maak jy raak beter nie, dis jou werk om seker te maak dat jy elke dag verbeter. Afrigters
We take great pride in providing exceptional service and extend a warm welcome to our valued clients at our premises located at 14 Ernest Openheimer Avenue, Bruma.
Our team is committed to delivering unparalleled customer experiences and unbeatable offers.
Please do not hesitate to contact us. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff are always happy to assist.
Landline: 010 594 4591
Whatsapp: 079 620 0336 (Tanya)
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Volgens my is ‘n ouer se belangrikste rol om hulle kinders te ondersteun.
We take great pride in providing exceptional service and extend a warm welcome to our valued clients at our premises located at 14 Ernest Openheimer Avenue, Bruma.
Our team is committed to delivering unparalleled customer experiences and unbeatable offers.
Please do not hesitate to contact us. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff are always happy to assist.
Landline: 010 594 4591
Whatsapp: 079 620 0336 (Tanya)
Audi Vorsprung durch technik
Spelers oefen deesdae met swaar gewigte van`n jong ouderdom af. Wat is jou mening daaroor?
Dit is `n belangrike onderwerp. Mens moet onderskeid tref tussen gewigte (weights) en jou eie liggaamsgewig en rekke waarmee jy kan oefen. Enige oefening waar jy jou liggaamsgewig gebruik, is 100% en kan net `n goeie bydrae tot jou kondisionering lewer. Sodra dit kom by gewigte in die gimnasium moet jy baie versigtig oefen omdat dit jou groeiplate kan beskadig. As daar met gewigte geoefen word, sal ek toesighouding en advies van `n spesialis of ‘n kenner aanbeveel. Sommige jongmense se groeiplate gaan op ‘n vroeë (veertien- en vyftienjarige) ouderdom toe en ander eers op ‘n latere ouderdom (sewentien- tot agtienjarige ouerderdom). Wees daarom baie versigtig om te vroeg, sonder toesig en advies van ‘n kenner, met gewigte te begin oefen.
Wat dink jy is die vlak van skole rugby in S.A in vergelyking met die res van die wêreld?
Ek dink ons skole rugby is op `n hoë en professionele vlak. Daar is baie min ander lande se skole wat met ons kan meeding. As jy kyk wat party skole oorsee aan hulle rugbyprogramme spandeer, is daar party van daardie skole wat meer aan hulle rugby spandeer as party van ons kleiner plaaslike Currie Cup - unies. In vergelyking daarmee is dit dan eintlik ongelooflik hoe goed ons is. Daar is verskillende ontwikkelingsprogramme vir jong spelers wat gevolg kan word en dit verskil van land tot land. Baie van ons sukses op seniorvlak is omdat ons kontakvaardighede reeds baie vroeg op skool ontwikkel word. Sommige oorsese lande se ontwikkelingsprogramme vir jong spelers fokus op skool egter meer op balvaardighede en individuele vaardighede. Dit is belangrik om te noem dat daar nie ‘n regte of verkeerde jong speler ontwikkelingsprogram is nie. Elke land doen wat vir hulle die beste is.
Is daar ‘n ouderdom waar jong spelers hulself in ‘n posisie moet begin vestig?
Daar is nie `n vaste resep nie. Jy moenie senuweeagtig raak as jy nie in `n posisie vestig nie – it will come to you. Daar is internasionale spelers wat tot in matriek nog in ander posisies gespeel het as toe hulle hul nasionale span gehaal het. In Frankryk speel `n ou soos Mathieu Bastareaud flank
vir Toulon in sommige wedstryde en senter vir Toulon in ander. Hy het Frankryk op senter verteenwoordig.
Kontraktering na skool het baie verander. Wat is ‘n goeie roete vir jong vooruitstrewende spelers om te volg sodat hulle die beste kans vir sukses het?
Daar is verskeie roetes wat gevolg kan word, maar drie van die algemeenste roetes wat gewoonlik gevolg word, is as volg. Die algemeenste roete is dat hy vir sy skool se eerstespan speel, asook Cravenweek (dalk ook SA-skole). Hy word raakgesien deur agente; hy word opgeneem by `n Unie se akademie en hy speel vir hulle provinsiale junior o.19 en o.21 spanne. Dan word hy opgetrek na die senior kompetisies toe (die Currie Beker, URC, ens.) en word dan uiteindelik vir die Springbokke gekies.
Die tweede roete is: Jy speel vir jou skool; jy gaan studeer verder; jy speel Varsity Cup en kry daar blootstelling en word daarvandaan opgetrek na `n provinsiale junior o.19 of o.21 span en word dan deur `n Unie gekontrakteer.
Die derde roete is deur klubrugby, waar jy dalk raakgesien word deur jou goeie spel vir jou klub en dan uitgenooi word na jou Unie se oefeninge en dalk so `n kans kry om te speel. Waarop dink jy moet laerskoolleerders en hoërskoolleerders in terme van spel en tegniekontwikkeling fokus?
Werk maar net aan jou vaardighede soveel as wat jy kan. Jy kan nooit te veel vaardighede hê nie. Jy kan nie té veel tyd aan vaardigheidsontwikkeling spandeer nie. Spelers met visie word beslis raakgesien. Kyk byvoorbeeld na Lionel Messi. Hy het 676 keer in die wêreldbekersokkerfinaal gescan waar die spasie is en wat om hom aangaan. Leer van vroeg af die gewoonte aan om die heeltyd te kyk wat op die veld aangaan en waar daar moontlike geleenthede en spasie is om te speel. Dis seker die beste vaardigheid waaraan jy as `n speler aan kan werk.
Scan die QR kode en kyk die video van Lionel Messi se scanning vaardighede:
wat meer aan hulle rugby spandeer as party van ons kleiner plaaslike Currie Cup - unies. In vergelyking daarmee is dit dan eintlik ongelooflik hoe goed ons is. Daar is verskillende ontwikkelingsprogramme vir jong spelers wat gevolg kan word en dit verskil van land tot land. Baie van ons sukses op seniorvlak is omdat ons kontakvaardighede reeds baie vroeg op skool ontwikkel word. Sommige oorsese lande se ontwikkelingsprogramme vir jong spelers fokus op skool egter meer op balvaardighede en individuele vaardighede. Dit is belangrik om te noem dat daar nie ‘n regte of verkeerde jong speler ontwikkelingsprogram is nie. Elke land doen wat vir hulle die beste is.
Ek dink ons skole rugby is op `n hoë en professionele vlak. Daar is baie min ander lande se skole wat met ons kan meeding.
Kom ons praat Springbokrugby. Daar is onlangs genoem dat julle as ‘n groep eintlik destyds meer op 2023 gefokus was, en dat 2019 se wen ‘n bonus was. Wat sê jy?
Jy is 100% korrek. Toe ons afrigtingspan in 2018 begin het, was Bok-rugby op die veld (resultaat-gewys) in daardie stadium op`n laagtepunt en om dinge te kon omdraai en `n kans te staan om die 2019 Wêreldbeker te kon wen, moes ons `n plan bymekaar sit wat ons `n kans sou gee. Ons het besluit om met die Bokke se sterk punte te speel en dit was om fisies te wees. Dit is nou vyf jaar later, en al het ons baie tyd tydens Covid verloor, het ons kans gehad om spelers se diepte in alle posisies te vergroot, om aan individuele vaardighede te werk. Baie faktore speel `n rol en daarom kan sukses nie verseker word nie, maar ons is in `n goeie posisie. Daar lê egter nog harde werk voor om die laaste dinge in plek te sit voor die Wêreldbeker se afskop.
Tick in the yellow box next to the player’s name
Willie le Roux
Warrick Gelant
Damian Willemse
Aphelele Fassi
Johan Goosen
Dillan Leyds
Frans Steyn
Cheslin Kolbe
Kurt Lee Arendse
Canon Moodie
Sbu Nkosi
Makazole Mpapimpi
Lukhanyo Am
Jesse Kriel
Damian de Allende
Andre Esterhuizen
Ruhan Janse van Rensburg
Jordan Hendriks
Manie Libbok
Handre Pollard
Elton Jantjies
Cobus Reinach
Faf de Klerk
Herschel Jantjies
Jayden Hendrickse
Grant Williams
Embrose Papier
Ox Nche
Steven Kitshoff
Thomas Du Toit
Vincent Koch
Wilco Louw
Ruan Dreyer
Trevor Nyakane
Lizo Gqoboka
Frans Malherbe
Bongi Mbonambi
Joseph Dweba
Johan Grobbelaar
Bismarck Du Plessis
Eben Etsebeth
RG Snyman
Franco Mostert
Lood de Jager
Ruan Nortje
Marvin Orie
Jason Jenkins
Ruben Van Heerden
Salmaan Moerat
Siya Kolisi
Ben - Jason Dixon
Pieter Steph du tOIT
Kwagga Smith
Marco van Staden
Deon Fourie
Duane Vermeulen
Jasper Wiese
Marcell Coetzee
Phepsi Buthelezi
Evan Roos
Willie Engelbrecht
Jean Kleyn
1. Take a photo of you selection. You are only allowed to pick 33 players.
2. Scan this QR code to WhatsApp your photo to 063 028 3966
3. The lucky winner will be announced on the 1st of September 2023.
Opened in January 2016, the home of Olympique Lyonnais has since hosted a series of international events, including rugby. Will host five RWC 2023 pool matches.
A historic stadium that has been renovated three times since it opened in 1937, Stade Vélodrome hosted two quarterfinals at RWC 2007. Hosting four RWC 2023 pool matches & two quarter-final matches.
Capacity: 67,847
Built as a home for Lille OSC, Stade Pierre-Mauroy was opened in August 2012 and 3 months later hosted its 1st rugby match as France beat Argentina 39-22. Will host five RWC 2023 pool matches.
Capacity: 50,096
Stade de la Beaujoire played host to one of RWC’s most iconic matches, as Fiji ran in 4 tries to beat Wales 38-34 and book their place in the quarter-finals. Hosting four RWC 2023 pool matches.
Capacity: 35,520
Built for the FIFA World Cup 1998, France’s national stadium has since also become home for the country’s rugby team. Hosting four RWC 2023 pool matches two semi-finals, the bronze final and the final.
Capacity: 80,023
The oldest stadium selected as a host venue for RWC 2023, Stade Geoffroy-Guichard was opened on 13 September, 1931. Hosting four RWC 2023 pool matches.
Capacity: 42,152
Stade de Bordeaux opened its doors in May 2015, less than 2 weeks before it hosted the semi-finals of that year’s Top 14 play-offs. Will host five RWC 2023 pool matches
Capacity: 42,060
Home to Ligue 1 club OGC Nice, Stade de Nice is another RWC 2023 host venue that also staged matches during FIFA Women’s World Cup 2019. Hosting four RWC 2023 pool matches.
Capacity: 35,983
Built to be a FIFA World Cup 1938 host venue. Stadium de Toulouse has since undergone three renovations. Hosting five RWC 2023 pool matches.
Capacity: 33,103
World Ranking: 3RD
Highest RWC finish: WINNERS: 1987, 2011, 2015
World Ranking: 2ND
Highest RWC finish: RUNNER UP: 1987, 1999, 2011
World Ranking: 12TH
Highest RWC finish: POOLS: 1987, 1991, 1995, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2019
World Ranking: 17TH
Highest RWC finish: POOLS: 1999, 2003, 2015, 2019
World Ranking: 21ST
Highest RWC finish: POOLS:
1999, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2019
World Ranking: 4TH
Highest RWC finish: WINNERS: 1995, 2007, 2019
World Ranking: 1ST
Highest RWC finish: QUARTER-FINALS: 1987, 1991, 1995, 2003, 2011, 2015, 2019
World Ranking: 5TH Highest RWC finish: SEMI-FINALS: 1991
World Ranking: 15TH
Highest RWC finish: POOLS: 1987, 1995, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2019
World Ranking: 20TH
Highest RWC finish: POOLS: 1987, 1991, 1995, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015
World Ranking: 9TH
Highest RWC finish: SEMI-FINALS: 1987, 2011, 2019
World Ranking: 7TH Highest RWC finish: WINNERS: 1991, 1999
World Ranking: 13TH
Highest RWC finish: QUARTER-FINALS: 1987, 2007
World Ranking: 12TH
Highest RWC finish: POOLS: 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2019
World Ranking: 16TH
Highest RWC finish: POOLS: 2007
World Ranking: 6TH
Highest RWC finish: WINNERS: 2003
World Ranking: 10TH Highest RWC finish: QUARTER-FINALS: 2019
World Ranking: 8TH Highest RWC finish: SEMI-FINALS: 2007, 2015
World Ranking: 11TH
Highest RWC finish: QUARTER-FINALS: 1991, 1995
World Ranking: 22ND Highest RWC finish: NEVER QUALIFIED
Rugby World Cup Pool A is home to two of the tournament’s favourites: New Zealand and France. These two powerhouses and potential winners will battle Italy, Uruguay and a Rugby World Cup qualifier from Africa.
Meanwhile, Rugby World Cup Pool B is considered to be the ‘pool of death’. Although reigning champions South Africa will be expected to top this particular Rugby World Cup group, Ireland and Scotland will both have their sights on finishing second in the pool and qualifying for the knockout stage.
Rugby World Cup Pool C contains Wales, two-time champions Australia and a resurgent Fiji side who will be looking to cause an upset. These sides will be joined by two Rugby World Cup qualifiers.The final group, Rugby World Cup Pool D, contains 2019 finalists England, Japan, Argentina, Samoa and a qualifier from the Americas.
If we suppose the top-ranked teams each win their pools and the second-ranked teams finish runners-up then the quarter-finals in 2023 could look something like this…
• Australia vs Argentina
• Ireland vs New Zealand
• England vs Wales
• France vs South Africa
• Wales vs Argentina
• Ireland vs France
• England vs Australia
• New Zealand vs South Africa or
Ireland currently top the world rankings, but with No 2 France and No 3 New Zealand placed in the same pool, a tough quarter-final awaits should the Irish top their own group.
It means the World Cup opener between France and New Zealand is allimportant, with the loser likely to come up against the Irish or SA in the last eight. Ireland beat New Zealand on their own turf last year, an historic series victory that elevated them to the top of the world rankings.
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Nienaber praat Skole en Wêreldbeker rugby...vervolg van bladsy 9 Die wêreldbeker lê voor. Wat was jou hoogtepunt tot sover as Springbokafrigter?
Op die veld, as hoofafrigter, was dit verseker om die Britse en Ierse Leeus te kon klop. Vir twintig maande het die spelers mekaar nie gesien nie, en om op so `n kort kennisgewing bymekaar te kon kom, saam met al die uitdagings wat met Covid gepaardgegaan het, en die reeks te wen, was `n baie groot hoogtepunt. Omdat ons net elke twaalf jaar teen die Britse Leeus speel, kry min afrigters die kans om die Bokke teen die Britse en Ierse Leeus af te rig. Dit was dus vir my as afrigter `n groot voorreg. Neem ook in ag dat die Leeus teen Australië geseëvier het en die reeks teen die All Blacks gedeel het. Sou ons verloor het, sou die Leeus onoorwonne teen die drie Suidelike Nasies gewees het en dis wat hierdie oorwinning soveel lekkerder gemaak het.
Af van die veld is my hoogtepunt om te sien hoe spelers ontwikkel en hoe hulle gemaklik raak in die span; hoe hulle groei as mense binne spanverband; as volwassenes en met die media, asook hoe hulle meer verantwoordelik raak en hoe hulle profiel ontwikkel.
Elke speler in die groep is uiteraard besonders talentvol. Wat is jou fokus ten opsigte van afrigting per individu, asook om die spelers te bestuur aangesien hulle almal hoë profiele het?
Ek glo nie dis ons afrigtingspan se rol om die individuele spelers se profiele te bestuur nie. Hulle is volwasse mans met hulle eie families en dit is hulle eie verantwoordelikheid om na hulle profiele om te sien. Al wat ons bestuur, is hulle rolle in die span en om oop en eerlik met ons spelers te wees ten opsigte van hul eie spel - die positiewe en negatiewe dinge uit te wys, aspekte uit te wys waaraan hulle kan werk en dit saam met hulle te monitor. Ons ondersteun hulle as individue, maar aan die einde van die dag is geen indiviuele spelersprofiel groter as die Bokke se profiel nie. Ons probeer die spelers ook leer dat dit hulle keuse is om kommentaar op sosiale media te lees, maar uiteindelik is dit die speler se eie keuse dat indien hy die goeie kommentaar wil glo, moet hy die slegte kommentaar ook aanvaar. Ons verkies daarom dat spelers nie eintlik sosiale media volg nie en eerder ons as afrigters se kommentaar en opinie oor hulle spel moet glo. Sosiale media is nie die realiteit nie.
Uiteraard is julle mikpunt om die wêreldbeker te wen. Is julle tevrede dat julle op hierdie stadium daar is waar jy wil hê julle moet wees?
Ek dink ons is. Ons het baie goed gedoen in ag genome dat ons baie tyd in 2020/2021 met Covid verloor het. Ons plan na 2019 was om aan spanontwikkeling en groei te werk, want daar was nie so baie tyd daarvoor voor die 2019 Wêreldbeker nie (net 18 toetse). Met spanontwikkeling bedoel ek die diepte per posisie en vaardighede van die individuele spelers. Hierdie proses het veroorsaak dat die uitslae op die veld soms daaronder gely het, maar dit het ons ook in `n baie beter posisie geplaas, deurdat ons spanontwikkeling en individuele vaardighede op `n beter vlak as in 2019 is. Deur hierdie roete te volg, het ons veral in 2022 baie spelers gesien wat na vore getree het en wat Bok-rugby soveel sterker gemaak het.
Hoe belangrik is jou wenrekord, aangesien dit op `n gereelde basis saam met vorige afrigters se rekords gepubliseer word?
Uit die aard van die saak verloor jy jou werk as die span nie wen of presteer nie. Die uitdaging is altyd om genoeg spelersontwikkeling te doen sodat jy nie net `n spelersdiepte van 15-22 spelers het nie. Indien jy dit kan regkry om as span te presteer, maar ter selfder tyd spelersdiepte te vergroot, vaardighede te verbeter en meer wedstrydstrategië in jou arsenaal te hê, dink ek is `n mens op die regte pad, want die einddoel om `n potensiële Wêreldbeker te wen, bly tog die belangrikste.
Baie mense wonder wat jou rol is en wat Rassie se rol is?
Die Direkteur van Rugby en die hoofafrigter van die Springbokke het verskillende pligte en rolle. Die maklikste beskrywing is dat ek verantwoordelik is vir wat op die veld gebeur en Rassie is verantwoordelik vir dit wat van die veld af gebeur. Dit is egter baie simplisties en bietjie meer kompleks as dit, maar dit is die maklikste om ons rol en pligte verdeling te beskryf. Ek en Rassie kom al `n lang pad saam. Ons het `n goeie werksverhouding en deur wedersydse respek beteken dit ons lewer insae oor en weer in mekaar se rolle, maar aan die einde van die dag staan ons elkeen pa vir ons resultate in ons onderskeie afdelings.
Hoe is die aanloop van Saterdag tot Saterdag voor ‘n toets?
Die Sondag na die Saterdag se wedstryd begin ons die Sondagoggend met medicals. Sondae is ook gewoonlik ons reisdag na ons volgende bestemming. Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van die spelers om dan hulle eie spel te analiseer (wat al die Saterdagaand vir hulle aangestuur word), waarna hulle deur die loop van die Sondagaand individueel met ons afrigters kan ontmoet om dit te bespreek, sou dit nodig wees. Sondagaande kom die afrigters bymekaar om die komende Saterdag se strategie te bespreek. Maandagoggende hou ons videosessies saam met die span, waar die vorige wedstryd ontleed word. Van Maandag tot Woensdag word daar geoefen. Die spelers se “naweek” begin Woensdagmiddae tot Donderdae waartydens hulle kan ontspan en hulle eie ding doen. Vrydae is kapteinsoefening afhangende van wanneer die veld beskikbaar is wat dan deur die kaptein gelei word. Dit neem nie sommer langer as 30 minute nie. Op `n wedstryddag begin ons al ses ure voor afskop met ons interne programme.
Jy was voor Springbokrugby betrokke by Munster. Wat het jou laat besluit op Leinster (hulle grootste vyand)?
Man, dis maar soos enige werk. Daar was `n pos oop en ek is genader en het die pos gekry.
Kan ons jou eendag terug verwag?
Definitief. `n Rugbyafrigter se paaie kan deur baie spanne en lande loop, maar op die ou einde is ek `n Suid-Afrikaner en `n trotse Bok-ondersteuner en as die geleentheid hom voordoen, dan kom ek terug. Oorsese afrigting stel `n mens bloot aan ander afrigtingstyle en nuwe tegnieke wat goed is vir my as afrigter en hopelik kan mens dit weer eendag in jou eie land terugploeg.
Baie sterkte aan julle. Ons wil vir jou dankie sê vir die rol wat jy in Springbokrugby gespeel het, die voorbeeld wat jy gestel het, asook jou nederigheid en die manier waarop jy jouself in hierdie groot pos dra. NET EEN VERSOEK ASSEBLIEF: Bring die Wêreldbeker huis toe!
The first game of every world cup to date has been started by the same whistle. The whistle is nearly 100 years old.
2. 1987 The first rugby world cup was hosted between New Zealand and Australia in 1987 - a championship in which New Zealand won.
3. 142 - 0
Australia holds the record for the largest winning margin, beating Namibia 142 - 0 in the 2003 championship.
The youngest player to appear in a world cup final was Jonah Lomu in 1995 aged 20 years and 43 days.
7. With 15 tries to his name, Jonah Lomu holds the most world cup tries ever scored in a Rugby World Cup.
The most tries scored in a single match was by Marc Ellis who scored six tries against Japan in 1995.
The youngest player to win the Rugby World Cup was Francois Steyn in 2007, aged 20 yers and 159 days.
The oldest player to appear in a Rugby World Cup match was Diego Ormaechea of Uruguay, aged 40 years and 26 days.
The record for the most drop goals scored in one match is held by Jannie de Beer of South Arica who kicked 5 drop goals against England in 1999.
The record for the most overall penalty goals kicked at the Rugby World Cup is held by Jonny Wilkinson with 58 penalties.
Oratile Mokone: Selected for u.18 Gauteng School Team. Selected for Junior u.21 Golden Fireball Team. Invited to trials for the SA fast u.18 team to play at the Youth Commonwealth Games in Trinidad & Tobago. Played in the Telkom Netball Championships last year and was named as one of the top 35 players in SA in her then u.17 age group. Nokukhanya Ndebele: Selected for the u.16 Gauteng School Team. Open Girls Team: Playing in Challenge finals June 1, 2023. The Open Girls Team finished second in the District league. Well done girls!
Congratulations to the u.14 Netball girls. They ended top of the log during their pool matches this season. They played in the playoffs and won against Dawnview 15-3. They played in the semi finals against Ashton 12-8 and advanced to the finals where unfortunately they lost the final round 11-10 against Leeuwenhof Akademie. We are proud of your achievements and we are looking forward to what is in store for this team in the future.
District Chess
Congratulations to the following learners that are included in district teams:
u.15 Girls: Gisele Coetzee, Thoriso Sebogoane, Bohlanle Matsepane.
u.15 Boys: Khodani Negota, Nkosana Moyo.
Provincial Rugby
Congratulations to the following players for their inclusion into Provincial teams for 2023.
Craven Week u.18: Mundilu Emeraude, Lynghe Pretorius.
Valke u.18: Isolomzi Khumalo, Oregopotse
Shilubane, Jeandre Momberg, Siyanda Mbanjwa.
Valke Academic Team: Sharon Nsenda, Sinenhlanhla Ndlovu, Shamma Nsenda, Relebohile Letlala, Junaid Griffies.
u.17 Rhino Week: Mihle Cholephi.
u.16 Grant Khomo: Lesego Moitse, Alec Mohlala, Luyanda Ntlebi, Levino Domingo, Khumo Maimane.
u.16 Valke A: Daniel Wawina.
u.16 Valke B: King Agbanzo, Jan Ramano.
u.15 East: Beya Nyathi, Bruno Amadi.
u.15 Provincial: Attreyo Jooste, Lwazi Molotja, Andrew Khoza.
provinsiale netbalspanne.
Provincial Hockey
Congratulations to the following Girls for their inclusion into the Eastern Gauteng Teams
u.18: Koketso Ramahlola, Nikita Nel, Kopano Ntefang.
u.16: Rethabile Mathapo, Lonwabo Mthimkhulu, Olwethu Nkosi, Katlego Molowane.
u.14: Ontathile Letsoalo, Rorisang Mashego, Issa Ndoukobo Pakoue.
Ekurhuleni-Noord Ringbal
Congratulations to all our Youths who have been selected for the Ekurhuleni North Ringball Teams. We are very proud of you!!!
u.15A: Theuns de Klerk, Juvan Roux, Christiaan Jansen van Vuuren, Natasha Haywood, Melissa Labuschagné.
u.15B: Kyla van Niekerk, Mia Knoetze.
u.18A: Chene Roux.
Baie geluk aan ons Jeugies se Gemengde koor wat deur is na die landsfinaal van die ATKV-Applous kompetisie! We are SUPER PROUD of you!!!
The School Chess Team (Grade 6 & 7 learners) attended the Arnold Schwarzenegger. Africa Multi Sport Festival at Ruimsig StadiumIt was a fun filled day with sports like karate, team chess, fencing, arm wrestling, individual chess and more. There were free activities like face painting, jumping castles, skating, monster trucks….Our Chess team fared well by winning at least one game per chess game round.
Raquel Peleais won 2 Golds and one Silver at the Diva Dance Competition on 26 May 2023! Warmest congratulations on your achievement! We’re so very proud of you!
Mini Soccer and Mini Netball games.
Our School joined 36 countries across the globe on International Kid’s Yoga Day. Where children worldwide take a break from their usual school routines. To have a fun day of yoga, chalking drawing and relaxing music. Yoga helps children improves their physical fitness without focusing on appearance. Yoga offers incredible benefits as children grow, including improved posture and spine health,flexibility, balance, strength, concentration, and coordination.
The School celebrated Pizza Party Day. The learners made their own pizzas at our local Pizza Perfect – Edenglen. It was an excitingly delicious day with over 100 pizzas made. They each also received a free toy and juice. They learnt about the origins of the pizzas and today’s mass production pizza process.
“We will structure a deal to suit YOUR needs”
Mini Soccer Vs Dunvegan Team Discussion
Mini Netball VS King David
Mini Netball VS King David
Taylin Brighton, top basketball and netball player at Holy Rosary, and her Eastern Gauteng U19 IPT team, placed second in the country, receiving the Silver medal for 2023. Taylin then added another achievement to her incredible list of top performances in Indoor Netball and was selected for the Under 19 Mixed Team to represent the South African Indoor Netball Federation at the Tri-Series, hosted by Australia in August.
Congratulations to our hockey players who have made it into the Eastern Gauteng Hockey Teams:
u.14: Leira Ahmed and Tshepang Madubanya
u.16: Keira Govender
u.18: Danielle Money
Honours Blazer
The Sky is the limit for Jeanne Riemann, Holy Rosary School Grade 12 pupil, recently received an Honours Blazer – the highest award any young lady at Holy Rosary School can achieve – acknowledging extraordinary results in at least 3 school disciplines:
She achieved full colours in Academics, Sports and Service; all the while rowing at Provincial and then National level.
She captained the Holy Rosary School Rowing team, has won numerous gold medals at Gauteng Champs and SA Champs, made the South African Junior Rowing team last year and has made the SA side again. She will be competing against the top junior rowers in the world in Paris, France in a few months’ time.
The character and skill required to achieve the above, whilst being a South African Junior Rower is exceptional – through hard work, perseverance and grit.
Tiffani Buyskes, who competed in the World Dance Masters in Croatia, achieving a Gold medal in tap dancing, as well as a Tianna Machet, who competed in the Acro Dance category at the World Dance Masters in Croatia – achieving gold medals for Acro Duet and Acro Group.
Congratulations to Primary School top achieving swimmer Zuria Venter, for her outstanding performance at the South African Swimming Championships! With an impressive sweep, she claimed the 1st place in 50m, 100m, 200m Breaststroke, and 200m Individual Medley. Not stopping there, Zuria also took 2nd place in 200m Freestyle and 3rd place in the Medley relay.
High School’s Jessica Sardinha
is congratulated for her ongoing outstanding performance in Lifesaving: for placing overall 1st (Victrix Ladorum) in South Africa, in the DHL National Lifesaving Pool Championships in Gqeberha and for achieving 1 Gold, 3 Silver, and 2 Bronze medals.
Two outstanding High School netball players, Amarachi Obiedelu (U17) and Songwe Kambafwile (U13), were selected to represent the respective Gauteng Provincial Netball Teams.