AWSUM Laeveld - June Edition

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Celebrating school achievements in South Africa JUNE 2022

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Learners selected for provincial teams Leerders wat verkies is tot provinsiale spanne



The risks of supplements As parents or guardians, you know that the pressure to train hard, compete and achieve at a high level can lead athletes to entertain dangerous options. Saids is the Institute for Drug-Free Sport in S.A. AWSUM asked them why we should be concerned about the risks of supplements and they share the facts. The general assumption in school learners is that supplements will improve their performance on the sport field and that it is a ‘quick fix’ to reach your goals. This might be due to the confusing, sometimes dubious, claims on supplement labels. A scary fact is that one of the boys who tested positive for anabolic steroids during the Craven Week Rugby Tournament in 2018, revealed taking 18 different supplements, ranging from protein shakes and ‘mass builders’, to pre-workouts, energy boosters, etc. Why should we be alarmed if the following claims “scientifically tested”, “proven”, “healthy”, “specifically designed for youth”, “superior”, “drug-free” appear on the supplement packaging? It is unethical marketing and outright false claims of efficacy and safety and provides hidden risks that consumers are not always aware of. In fact, researchers from the University of KZN did an analysis of 15 Whey Protein Shakes from the top-selling brands in SA and found that 9 out of the 15 were non-compliant with labelling regulations, and deliberately manipulated and overstated the protein and amino-acid content of the products. Are supplements being tested sufficiently? No. In reality, the majority of supplements on the market have not been sufficiently tested or scrutinised by an independent health authority, such as the SA Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA). This problem is not unique to South Africa, but is a global concern. What are the dangerous ingredients that were found in supplements? Prescription drugs, banned substances, heavy metals, pesticides, and other dangerous chemicals. In one study, researchers analised the contents of 134 top-selling protein supplements available via the internet - many were found to contain heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, BPA (found in plastic) and other chemicals linked to cancer, liver damage and other ill-health effects3. In a study conducted by the University of Cape Town (UCT), 138 popular Protein Shakes from leading brands available on the SA market were tested for melamine content (found in plastic). The use of melamine in food production is not approved by WHO as it is related to kidney stones and kidney failure. Melamine is sometimes illegally added to food products to increase their ‘apparent’ protein content. The UCT researchers found that 57% of imported and 82% of locally produced protein shakes tested positive for melamine. Though the concentration was below toxic levels per se, there is a risk related to the amount of product the consumer will be taking (dosage), frequency, duration, and/or number of supplements the individual will be taking.

Can these ingredients, that exceed safety limits, cause medical problems or hospitalization? A study report from Harvard Medical School looked at the number of ill-health events reported on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System between 2004 to 2015. They found 977 adverse event reports in the 0 – 25 year age group2. Around 40% had severe medical outcomes, including hospitalization and death. Supplements sold for muscle-building, weight loss and energy were associated with almost 3 x the risk for severe medical outcomes compared to vitamins. Can supplements be taken as a supplement to nutritional needs? Advertising such as: “supplements specially designed for youth”, or that “young athletes need supplements to perform / bulk-up”, or “a normal diet is not enough” is concerning. These claims have no scientific grounds and contradicts evidence-based consensus on the value of “food first” for youth as best support for optimal health, growth and development and sporting performance (over the short- and long-term). Particularly in youth, a dietary supplement should only be considered (for as short duration as possible) to correct a clinically diagnosed dietary deficiency and taken under appropriate health professional guidance e.g. Registered Dietitian, who can address and optimise dietary intake as the main focus. A Dietitian can also help do a risk vs. benefit analysis and help identify low-risk products, if needed. Parents should note that SAIDS supports the views of leading health and sport authorities from around the world (including the IOC) that deems it inappropriate and unethical for active and competitive adolescent athletes to be encouraged to consume dietary supplements for performance-enhancement. References 1. Harvard Medical School - The hidden dangers of protein powders: They may contain added sugar, calories, or even toxic chemicals. 2020 (link) 2. Taking Stock of Dietary Supplements’ Harmful Effects on Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults,” Flora Or, Yongjoo Kim, Juliana Simms, S. Bryn Austin, Journal of Adolescent Health. 2019, doi: 10.1016/j. jadohealth.2019.03.005. 3. Consumer Reports - Arsenic, Lead Found in Popular Protein Supplements. Hirsch, 2018.

Visit the SA Institute for Drug-Free Sport webpage – Education and Video Library; Report Doping or Contact Us for any queries.

Bring jou tekkies en bring jou tokse

Skenk ou tekkies of toks aan leerders wie se ouers dit nie finansieel kan bekostig nie. Skole en instansies kan betrokke raak deur te help met die insameling van die sportskoene. Die skopafrigter Vlok Cilliers en die Springbok-losskakel Morné Steyn het hul kragte saamgesnoer om `n verskil in die lewe van jong mense met sporttalent te maak. Cilliers het in 2020 die Tekkies-en-Toks-projek, in samewerking met Solidariteit Helpende Hand, begin om behoeftige kinders te help wat nie rugbystewels of tekkies kan bekostig nie. AWSUM is trots om van 2022 ook as mediavennoot by die projek betrokke te kan wees.

Hoe raak ons skool betrokke en skenk ek as ouer skoene? 1. 2. 3.

Indien jou skool wil betrokke raak, kontak gerus vir Annelize by Ouers en leerders kan betrokke raak en enige ou of nuwe sportskoene skenk of deur `n geldelike bydra te maak. Die projek is nie net gemik op seuns wat aan rugby deelneem nie, maar op alle kinders en vir enige sportsoort. Daar is twee afleweringspunte: • Leerders of ouers bring tweedehandse/nuwe sportskoene (ons versoek wel dat dit in ‘n bruikbare toestand moet wees) na hul skool en plaas dit in die Tekkies en Toks boks by die skool • Ouers kan ook die skoene by hulle naaste Helpende Hand Ons Winkel-tak aflaai

4. 5.

Sodra die bokse vol is kontak die skool Helpende Hand wat die bokse leegmaak vir verdere insameling Helpende Hand is verantwoordelik vir die allokering en verspreiding na geskikte kandidate.

Die bekroonde skopafrigter Vlok Cilliers en Morné Steyn snoer kragte saam met Solidariteit Helpende Hand om skop-skop ’n verskil in die land te maak

Gaan besoek ook gerus die webtuiste vir meer inligting.



Puma Rugby

Baie geluk aan die volgende leerders wat verkies vir die verskeie Mpumalanga-spanne.

Baie geluk aan die volgende leerders wat verkies is tot die verskeie Puma-wwspanne.

Joshua Taljaard o.13 Seuns Streekspan

J.T Venter o.13 Seuns Streekspan

Waldo Moolman o.13 Seuns Streekspan

Ruan Oosthuizen o.13 Seuns Mpumalanga span

Micah Meyer o.13 Dogters Streekspan

Johné Fourie o.12 Dogters Streekspan

Christiaan Tryhou o.12 Seuns

Dian Venter o.13 Seuns Mpumalanga span

Hanlu o.12 Seuns

Julian Middel o.12 Seuns Streekspan

Milla Schultz o.12 Dogters Streekspan

Aldo van Jaarsveld o.13A Pumas Cravenweek

Sebastian Rheeder o.13B Pumas

Jamie Doncaster o.12A Pumas

Handru vd Merwe o.12A Pumas

Naude Breytenbach o.12A Pumas

Jacques Winterbach o.12B

Matrieks! Maak seker jy kry die 2022 AWSUM After School Guide wat in Junie by jou skool uitgedeel gaan word. Ons deel in hierdie gids moontlike studierigtings en ander opwindende avonture wat jy na skool kan aanpak. AWSUM


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Baie geluk aan die volgende leerders wat verkies is tot die verskeie rugbyspanne.

Die leerders het deelgeneem aan die ATKVRedenaars provinsiale finaal te HTS Witbank.

Francios Odendaal o.18 Cravenweekspan

Drikus Greeff o.18 Cravenweekspan

Christiaan Botha o.18 Cravenweekspan

Ernst Deichmann o.18 Cravenweekspan

Ryan Venter o.18 Cravenweekspan

Danny van Staden o.18 Cravenweekspan

Stephan Veldman o.18 Akademie/ Urban Span

Andreas Fouché o.18 Akademie/ Urban Span

Kian van Tonder o.16 Akademie/ Urban Span

Tiaan de Beer o.16 Akademie/ Urban Span

Marno du Plessis o.16 Grant Khomo-span

Theunis Meyer o.16 Grant Khomo-span

Ethan Breytenbach o.16 Grant Khomo-span

Jacques Swarts o.16 Grant Khomo-span

Ian Wood o.16 Grant Khomo-span

Bradley Claassen o.16 Grant Khomo-span

Hokkie Baie geluk aan die volgende leerders wat verkies is tot die verskeie provinsiale oefenspanne.

Luhan van Wyk o.16 Seunshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Zander Schoeman o.16 Seunshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Stefan Coetzee o.16 Seunshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Wian de Beer o.16 Seunshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Wiaan von Benecke o.16 Seunshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Kaylee Ferreira o.18 Meisieshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Duné Nortjé o.18 Meisieshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Chanel Hope o.18 Meisieshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan



Hokkie (vervolg) + Swem

Reinhard Grobler o.14 Seunshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Nicolaas Meyer o.14 Seunshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Sebastian Jacobs o.14 Seunshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Ian van Rooyen o.14 Seunshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Lomon Basson o.14 Seunshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Emile Endemann o.14 Seunshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Luann Strauss o.18 Seunshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan


Lize Oosthuizen o.18 Meisieshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Jehan du Plessis o.18 Seunshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Wikus v Biljon o.18 Seunshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Dewald Voster o.18 Seunshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Paul Harley o.18 Seunshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Simoné Froneman o.16 Meisieshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Carla van Rooyen o.14 Meisieshokkie Provinsiale oefenspan

Lucy Friendethal o.18 Swemspan Mpumalanga

Danje Obermeyer o.18 Swemspan Mpumalanga

Jaco Rademeyer o.18 Swemspan Mpumalanga

Dian de Klerk o.18 Swemspan Mpumalanga

Magdalena Terblanche o.18 Swemspan Mpumalanga

Neil Burger o.15 Swemspan Mpumalanga

Henning Radley o.15 Swemspan Mpumalanga

Dylan Stolts o.15 Swemspan Mpumalanga

Eben Terbalche o.15 Swemspan Mpumalanga

Ethan Esterhuizen o.15 Swemspan Mpumalanga

Esmari Wietsz o.15 Swemspan Mpumalanga

Samuel Tryhou o.14 Swemspan Mpumalanga

Karmen van Rensburg o.14 Swemspan Mpumalanga

Eben Obermeyer o.14 Swemspan Mpumalanga

Christo Ferreira o.16 Swemspan Mpumalanga

Melindie van Rensburg o.16 Swemspan Mpumalanga

Lucy Friendethal o.16 Swemspan Mpumalanga

Jodi dos Santos o.16 Swemspan Mpumalanga


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Bergvlam Skuts

Baie geluk aan die volgende Vlammies wat verkies is vir die Provinsiale spanne; Steflin van den Heever o.16 Puma Platteland rugbyspan (Kaptein), asook Kgosi Mashego in die Grant Khomo-span. Cynthia Strydom en Ntombi Nxumalo is beide gekies vir die hokkiespan, terwyl Taryn-Lee Steenkamp opgeneem is in die meisies rugbyspan. Baie geluk aan elkeen van hierdie sportsterre!

Baie geluk aan die Vlammies wat puik op die skietbaan presteer het te Bethal. Hier volg die skuts se posisies in Mpumalanga: o.14: • Zander Erasmus 5de • Johan Oosthuyzen 39ste o.16: • Dandrè Sickers 6de • Xander van Niekerk 41ste • Israad Bellim 51ste • Ethan Blake 60ste • Elani Botha 57ste

Kgoshi Mashego

Ntobi Nxumalo

Taryn Steenkamp

Ons netbal is tops!

Cynthia Strydom

o.21: • Meghan Swart 2de • Janel van Wyk 5de • Tamryn Truter 12de • Mynhard Stassen 18de • Armand van der Linden 25ste • Xavier Kuhn 28ste

Steflin van den Heever Meghan Swart

Janel van Wyk

Dandré Sickers

Zander Erasmus

Tamryn Truter

Mynhard Stassen

Armand vd Linden

Xavier Kuhn

Baie geluk aan al ons netbalspelers met pragtige uitslae. Die volgende spanne is deur na die Laeveld uitspele: • o.14A • o.16A • Eerstespan Ons eerste netbalspan wen al die hulle wedstryde: • Wen 26-13 Lowveld • Wen 31-17 Joseph • Wen 26-21 Curro Ons tweede netbalspan wen een en verloor een: • Wen 11-7 Lowveld • verloor teen Curro met slegs 4 doele. Johan Oosthuizen

Xander van Niekerk

Irshaad Bellim

Elani Botha

Ethan Blake

CURRO NELSPRUIT Pumas U.18 Rugby Congratulations to Waldt Stander, Jodi Berlington, Marius Coetzee, Willem Blom, Musa Ngwenya, Hermanus Robbertze and Thabiso Sekwane with their selection in the Under 18 Platteland Provincial Team!

Waldt Stander

Jodi Berlington

Marius Coetzee

Willem Blom

Musa Ngwenya

Hermanus Robbertze

Thabiso Sekwane

Provincial Rugby Team Congratulations to Bradley Du Plessis with his selection in the Under 15B Provincial Team!

Bradley du Plessis

Pumas U.17 Rugby

U.16 Grant Khomo Rugby

Congratulations to Bonolo Mphahlele, Skhumbuza Mdhluli, Enrique van der Merwe and Taku Taderera with their selection in the Under 17 Provincial Team

Congratulations to Ed Ndhlala and Eben van Wyk with their selection in the Under 16 Grant Khomo Provincial Team!

Bonolo Mphahlele

Skhumbuza Mdhluli

Enrique vd Merwe

Taku Taderera

Laerskool Volschenk wins the AWSUM Primary School competition Laerskool Volschenk from Riversdal won the AWSUM competition for primary schools. Primary schools had to send a photo with grade 7 learners holding the Top Matrics AWSUM edition. The winning school won R2500 for the grade.

The winning photo from Laerskool Volschenk, Riversdal

Ed Ndhlala

Eben van Wyk

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LAERSKOOL BERGLAND Rugby Achievers Pupils that qualified for the u.13 Mpumalanga (Puma) rugby team:

Front: Dylan Duvenhage, Wynand Truter. Back: Freddie Welman, Steyn Lamprecht, Rhandzu Mkhabela.

Pupils that qualified for the u.12 Mpumalanga (Puma) rugby team:

Front: Paul Favard, Matthieu Favard, Asande Mleya (insert), Le Roux Evans. Back: Blessing Sithole, Dietrich Thiele, Luan de Klerk.



Congratulations to the pupils that qualified for the Mpumalanga hockey team.

Pupils that qualified for the u.12 Mpumalanga (Puma) netball team:

Riëtte Botha (o.12 Girls), Arno Gouws (o.12 Boys), Gift Hlabangane (o.12 Boys), Le Roux Evans (o.12 Boys), Iwan Grundlingh (o.13 Boys).

Oratile Mgwenya, Riëtte Botha.



Mias Bezuidenhout en Simoné Swart albei in Graad 6, o.13 seuns en dogters onderskeidelik, het Mpumalanga by die SA skole tennistoernooi verteenwoordig wat plaasgevind het Vrydag 18 Maart tot 22 Maart in Bloemfontein. We are very proud of you.

Baie geluk aan Mia du Preez en Xiluva Khoza o.12 dogters en aan Lumé Engelbrecht en Brianna Mabaso o.13 dogters wat in die Mpumalanga netbalspanne ingesluit is.

Mias Bezuidenhout en Simoné Swart

Brianna Mabaso en Lumé Engelbrecht

Xiluva Khoza en Mia du Preez


Beste Laerskool in Mbombela

Hierdie atlete was deel van die Interprovinsiale span wat die 4de Junie ter Zonderwater Correctional Services, in Cullinan, Gauteng Noord deelgeneem. We are very proud of you.

Nie net is Laerskool Laeveld die jaar 40 jaar oud nie maar is ook aangewys as die beste Laerskool in Mbombela vir die “Best of Mbombela Readers’ Choice Awards 2021!” Huge thanks to each and every one who voted for us, this would not have been possible without you!

o.8 Dogters Anje Roux

o.12 Seuns Robert Jardine

Seuns SW Neethling

o.13 Seuns Mia Bezuidenhout Ontshiametse Mashigo

o.10 Seuns Nathan Roelofse Aiden Nel o.11 Seuns Luan Stoltz


Head Prefects

Top Academic Achiever in their respective grades 2021. Photo taken on 13 April 2022. Naheeha Mohammed Gr 5 (Gr 4 - 2021), Lamees Shaik Gr 6 (Gr 5 - 2021), Naledi Nkoana Gr 7 (Gr 6 - 2021), Aakifah Solooje Gr 8 (Gr 7 - 2021).

We are proud to announce our head prefects: Head boy: Rohan Abraham Head girl: Naledi Nkoana

Deputy Head girl: Kuhle Sithole Deputy Head boy: Tristen Muzerengi

Provincial Hockey

Puma Rugby

The following girls were chosen to be part of the u.12 Mpumalanga Hockey team: • Chantelle Hlatshwayo • Rifumo Madonsela • Okuhle Mbuyane • Lebone Mashabane

The following boys were chosen to be part of the rugby teams. • Ukonana Sinugo – u.12A Puma Team • Alande Mokobane – u.13A Craven Week Team • Exellent Vuma – u.13B Puma Rugby Team



UPLANDS COLLEGE Uplands gets serious about cricket and hockey Meeting Neil Carter and Tjoff van Staden offers one an insight into what quality coaching is all about. Sport plays such an integral part in the holistic experience that Uplands pupils enjoy that the school has taken its vision to the next level by introducing two professional coaches to the staff. The Cricket Academy is perched on the eastern side of the lovely Uplands campus. Here you will find Neil Carter, a professional cricketer who has played and coached both locally and internationally in Scotland and the UK from 1998 through to 2013. His focus turned to coaching in recent years due to his passion for the development of the sport. He has spent the last eight years at Bishop’s in Cape Town before taking the decision to relocate to the Lowveld with his family who have deep roots in the area. Carter oversees all aspects of cricket at Uplands. His objective is to nurture players and create a foundation from the early grades which follows pathways through to college. “If all the processes flow and continuity of cricket from a young age is established, the pupils will thrive in the sport,” he says.

Netball Uplands Preparatory School is incredibly proud of the following girls and their netball achievements to date: • Lungile Mbetse has been selected for the Mpumalanga U12 team • Indiphile Mashiteng has been selected as a non-travelling reserve for the Mpumalanga U13 team.

Cricket is part of the curriculum at Uplands, and one only has to gaze across the lush cricket fields to realise the importance this sport has at Uplands. Private coaching is available at the Cricket Centre, with plans to develop more girls in the sport. “Processes, passion and enjoyment will lead to results,” says Neil, and Uplands supports the view that it wants to develop lifelong players who will pass their love of the game on through the generations. Hockey has always been a strong sport in the Uplands community. Boasting some of the finest facilities, the school has long enjoyed its formidable reputation in the sport. Tjoff van Staden feels that “sport sells” and has played semi-professional hockey in Potchefstroom and NW University. He is determined to develop a culture of caring about the children and nurturing them through the pathways that are created in the One School environment. Tjoff is convinced that the opportunities in sports such as hockey and cricket will open doors to the outstanding players for their tertiary education journeys, both internationally and across South Africa. The Mpumalanga Rhinos are based at Uplands, which identifies the school’s commitment to the sport. Through the initiative of bringing specialists into the Uplands family, the school aims to develop their players and improve the opportunities that the youngsters have to play. At Uplands, we believe that an important future outcome is to empower children through sport and learning, and the path mapped out with the first two specialists talks to that strategy clearly. Creating pathways to develop the talent pool within the school is an important step in development. Tjoff feels positive about his future at Uplands. “I dream of offering all children a cross-section of sport.”

Ntsako Silinda

Adam Davies

Mr Neil Carter

Mr Tjoff van Staden

Uplands Hockey Astro

Uplands Cricket Academy

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LAERSKOOL WITRIVIER/ WHITE RIVER PRIMARY SCHOOL Mpumalanga Hockey Baie geluk aan die volgende spelers wat opgeneem is in die onderskeie Mpumalanga spanne wat aan die Nasionale- en Streekstoernooie gaan deelneem. Ons is baie trots op julle. Geniet die ondervinding. Congratulations to the following players that was included in the Mpumalanga teams. These teams will participate in the National IPT Tournament and regional festivals. We are extremely proud of you. Enjoy the experience

Sofia Oosthuizen u.13 Girls Kiwi Team

Zizo Yedwa u.12 Girls Kiwi Team

Nyiko Ndlovu u.12 Boys First Team

Mabutho Nzima u.12 Boys Kiwi Team

Bayanda Mbuyane u.12 Boys Kiwi Team

Keegan Hobbs u.12 Boys Kiwi Team

Netball Baie geluk aan ons o.12A netbalspan wat Vrydag 3 - en Saterdag 4 Junie 2022 deelgeneem het aan die Mpumalanga Kampioenskappe by Generaal Hertzog. Ons is trots op julle! Congratulations to our u.12 A Netball team that took part in the Mpumalanga Championships on Friday and Saturday 3 & 4 June 2022 at Generaal Hertzog . We are so proud of you!



u.15 Puma A-Team: Lindani Ndlela u.15 Puma B-Team: Shapard Khoza and Vuyiswa Magagula

Marco Siemens verwerf Mpumalanga kleure in visvang.

South African Champion in Kickboxing 2022 Junior Girls Under 60 Kick Light: Kylie van der Westhuizen

Lindani Ndlela

Shapard Khoza

Vuyiswa Magagula

Marco Siemens

Kylie van der Westhuizen

Mpumalanga Hokkiespelers 2022 o.14 Dogters B-span: Sethu Mathebula o.14 Dogters C-span: Khanyisa Nyezi

Sethu Mathebula

o.16 Seuns C-span: Dimpho Mabuza o.18 Seuns: Lethabo Matse and Matthew Hennings

Khanyisa Nyezi

Dimpho Mabuza

Lethabo Matse

Matthew Hennings

Ons gesels met Duane Vermeulen, oud-leerder van HS Nelspruit Duane Vermeulen is as Suid-Afrika se rugbyspeler van die jaar aangewys. Vermeulen is ook as die Superrugby- en Unlocked-speler van die jaar vereer. AWSUM het met hom gesels oor sy skooldae en hy deel sy raad aan leerders van vandag. Ons moet begin deur te vra oor jou skoolloopbaan. Wat sal jy altyd van jou skooldae onthou? Ek het `n ongelooflike tyd in HS Nelspruit gehad, regdeur van st 6 tot in matriek. Ek kon nie vir `n beter tyd gevra het nie. Ons het regtig goeie onderwysers gehad en almal het regtig `n verskil in my lewe gemaak en ek glo ook in ander skoliere se lewe. Op die sportveld het ek dit baie geniet. Ek het ups and downs gehad, moelike tye, pa-en-seun aande wat moeilik was, want my ma kon nie saam gaan nie, so ek het saam met `n pel se pa gegaan, maar ek dink dit het ook van `n mens die man gemaak wat jy vandag is. Met deursettingsvermoë en harde werk het dinge great uitgedraai. Wat sal onderwysers van jou vertel? Watter tipe ou was jy op skool? (Duane lag). Man, ek dink dis `n moeilike een. Ek was `n besige mannetjie op skool, maar ook somtyds baie stil. Ek het `n paar great onderwysers gehad met wie ek `n goeie pad gestap het. Mnr Jos van Dyk, Sarel Cilliers, mnr Meyer (wat Aardrykskunde gegee het) en ek het ook my Hotelbestuur - onderwyser, mnr Els, baie geniet. Hulle het my baie opdraende gegee. Ek moes `n paar keer buite die klas gesit het, so ek dink hulle sou sê ek was baie besig, maar het ook maklik in iemand se hart ingeklim. Watter tipe ou was ek? Ek het baie van my sport gehou. Ek het by my standpunte gestaan. Dis seker maar daarom dat ek die onderwysers opdraend gegee het. Ek het baie goeie vriende op skool gehad – van st 6 tot matriek toe. `n Lekker groep ouens en meisies. Almal het mekaar aangevul op hulle swakpunte en ook mekaar ondersteun in hulle sterkpunte. Wat sal jy altyd van sportgeleenthede op skool onthou? Is daar enige hoogtepunte? Daar is baie! Eerstens was daar die Mpumalanga - finaal wat ons gespeel het. Ons het die finaal teen HTS Middelburg of Ermelo (dink ek) gewen en dieselfde aand het ons matriekafskeid gehad, so dit was chaos om terug te kom. Die grootste hoogtepunt was `n ongelooflike 2004 Cravenweek in my matriekjaar wat by NHS aangebied is. Ek kon Nelspruit verteenwoordig en kon vir almal wys waarvoor skool staan en wat ons skool kan bied.

Jy het in Nelspruit grootgeword. Wat maak die area en sy mense so uniek? Ek is in Nelspruit gebore en het toe vir agt jaar in die Kaap gebly, maar na my pa oorlede is, is ons weer terug na my ma se ouers en het weer in Nelspruit gaan bly. Ek was lanklaas in Nelspruit, maar ek het nog steeds goeie pelle daar en my ma en grootouers bly nogsteeds daar. Ek moet sê, dis `n spesiale plek en `n dorp wat na aan my hart lê. Wat inspireer jou in die lewe? As jy `n verskil in iemand anders se lewe kan maak op die manier hoe jy jou werk en jou passie uitleef, hoë standaarde en dissipline volg en ander dit raaksien, is dit die mees inspirerende ding wat daar is. Die lekkerste ding op aarde om te hoor, is as mense daar buite is sê jy het `n verskil in hulle lewe gemaak. My familie inspireer my ook. Ek doen alles vir my vrou en my twee seuntjies. Dit is is met tye moeilik. Ons is baie weg en ver van mekaar af, maar ek wil graag my twee laaities wys dat hulle pappa `n verskil in mense se lewe gemaak het en ook `n verskil in hulle lewe maak, sodat hulle ook eendag kan sê my hero is my pappa, soos my pa my hero in my lewe was - en nog steeds is. Wat is die belangrikste lewensles wat jou skool vir jou geleer het? Ek dink die grootste lewensles is nederigheid en dissipline saam met harde werk. Ons skool se leuse is “Palmam Qui Meruit Ferat”. Dit beteken laat hom wat dit verdien, die palmtak dra. Ons skool het vir ons `n ongelooflike platform gebied om jouself uit te leef en te wys wie jy is, om jou talente te erken en daarop te bou. Wat sou jy sê vat dit van `n speler om die hoogste vlak van `n sportsoort te bereik en daar te bly? Ek dink die groot ding is deursettingsvermoë en om nooit op te hou nie. Ons het so `n ding by die Bokke: jy moet eers `n warrior wees voor enige iets anders kan saamkom en ek dink dis daai passie vir dit wat jy doen en dan van daar af net daarop te bou. Dit maak nie saak of mense deure voor jou toemaak nie, jy gaan op jou manier daai deur weer oopmaak, of oopslaan of oopskop. Stel vir jou doelwitte en werk van daar af hard. Jy moet ook kennis in jou veld hê n nie altyd dink jy weet alles nie. Met elke geleentheid wat daar is, leer jy iets nuuts – of dit is van `n coach, van `n speler, of van `n wedstryd self. If youre not winning, you’re learning.

As jy nie `n rugbyspeler was nie, watter sport sou jy wou beoefen? Daar is twee. Ek sou regtig graag atletiek wou doen. Ek het spiesgooi geniet of ek het altyd gedink om NFL te gaan speel. Net om myself te toets en te kyk. Ek weet nie of ek rêrig goed daarin sou wees nie, maar sou dit graag `n go wou gegee het. As jy nie in jou posisie gespeel het nie, in watter ander posisie sou jy graag wou speel? Ek sou graag in die agterlyn wou speel, maar is ongelukkig nie vinnig genoeg nie. Ek dink vir my om deel van `n spansport te wees, is seker die lekkerste. Om tyd saam met pelle, wat dieselfde passie as jy het, te spandeer en saam dieselfde doel wil bereik.

“Dit maak nie saak wat jy doen nie, maar as jy glo dis die beste vir jou, of dit vir jou sport of jou familie of wat ook al jy doen is, 60% van mense gaan altyd hou van dit wat jy doen en 40% gaan teen jou wees”. Wat is die beste raad wat jy al ooit ontvang het en wat jy vandag met die eerders wil deel? In 2015 het ons `n sielkundige by die Bokke gehad, met die naam Pieter Kruger, en hy het breinprofieltoetse met elke speler gedoen en gesit en met elke speler gesels. Die les wat hy daai dag vir my geleer het is op `n 60/40 weegskaal gebasseer – dit maak nie saak wat jy doen nie, maar as jy glo dis die beste vir jou, of dit vir jou sport of jou familie of wat ook al jy doen is, 60% van mense gaan altyd hou van dit wat jy doen en 40% gaan teen jou wees. Toe ek jonger was, het ek altyd daai 40% probeer omdraai, maar ek het vrede daarmee gemaak en geglo dat 60% is wat mens nodig het. As jy gelukkig daarmee is, sal mense jou ondersteun, maak nie saak wie wat sê nie. Jy moet net 100% vasstaan in die besluit wat jy geneem het en alles gee. Ek basseer tans my lewe op die 60/40 weegskaal en glo dit het `n ongelooflike groot verskil in my lewe gemaak en hoop dit maak `n verskil in die Nellie-leerders se lewe.


Mpumalanga Fourball

Our U/11, U/12 and U/13 Netball girls made their way to the Ehlanzeni regionals. Our U/12 and U/13’s won all their games against Clivia and Komatie! They went through to the Mpumalanga Playoff’s that took place in Witbank on the 4th of June!

Our Fourball players selected to play for the Mpumalanga Team.

What a proud moment it was for our coaches! Well done to all our teams!

Front: Shantell Khoza , Megan Lourens. Back: Angelique, Zama Mantshintshi, Nonthando Mahlalela, Rea Mangwale, Minette Swartz, Lara Jv Rensburg, Olwethu Mkhaliphi.

Unathi Mlangeni, Tomaria Nkosi, Maka Khoza, Chantel Mabunda, Sinethayo Khoza, Zané van Staden.

Robroy Macgregor, Luan Small, Alex Matthee, Mokholo Mathebula


First Team Rugby Jersey Handover Front: Lukas Radley, Kevin Forssman, Luan Small, Jayden Beumer. Back: Liam Tosen, Jano Allerston, Erenst Zeelie, Divan Rossouw, Alex Matthee.

Alex Matthee

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