AWSUM March Edition - Northern Natal 2022

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MAART 2022



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King Cetshwayo Chess Open Tournament was held at Richardia Primary School, Richards Bay on the 19th and 20th of February 2022. Congratulations to all of our players!

Anele Nkosi has been selected to represent the province (KZN) in the TSA Inter Provincial Tournament. Good luck!

u.16 - Saien Segadavan (Won all 7 games - 1st Place), Philasande Ntombela (4th Place), Mhlengi Ngubane (3rd Place)

u.18 - Xolani Mngomezulu (2nd Place), Sivuyo Mngomezulu (4th Place)

Anele Nkosi

Cricket EHS Cricket team.

Zaeem Suliman, Simphiwe Dlamini, Mayuren Chetty, Grant Jordan, Okuhle Gumede, Mlungisi Mlema, Daniel Maree, Ayema Magudulela, Rishaav Bisheshar, Kyle Naicker, Liam de Kock

Boelies – Help so jou kinders Baie ouers is nie bewus daarvan dat hul kind moontlik ‘n slagoffer van afknouery in die skoolomgewing kan wees nie – totdat dit te laat is. Kinders wil nie altyd hul ouers vertel dat hulle afgeknou word nie, uit vrees vir wat die boelie aan hulle sal doen as hulle uitpraat, of omdat hulle skaam of verleë is daaroor. Daar kan baie redes wees waarom jou kind jou nie wil vertel dat hy afgeknou word nie: daarom is dit jou werk as ouer om ‘n oog (en ‘n oor) op jou kind te hou. Wees bewus! Afknouery is ‘n wêreldwye probleem en Suid- Afrika is beslis geen uitsondering nie. Volgens ‘n Unesco-verslag1 word bykans 250 miljoen kinders en jongmense jaarliks op ‘n globale skaal afgeknou. Navorsing toon dat boelies daarop uit is om sekere kinders te treiter en af te knou weens verskeie redes, soos verskille in etniese en kultuurgroepe, liggaamlike voorkoms, of seksuele of geslagsoriëntasie. ‘n Boelie situasie word gekenmerk deur 6 definiërende faktore7, nl.: •

Intensie om iemand skade te berokken – Die oortreder vind genot daarin om die slagoffer te domineer en uit te tart.

Intensiteit en die duur van die situasie – Die boelie hou aan met sy gedrag oor ‘n lang periode en die afknouery veroorsaak dat die slagoffer se selfbeeld ‘n knou kry.

Mag oor die slagoffer – Die boelie het mag oor die slagoffer a.g.v. ouderdom, fisiese krag, grootte of geslag.

Kwesbaarheid van die slagoffer – Die slagoffer is meer sensitief vir ‘n getergery, kan himself nie voldoende verdedig nie en het fisiese of sielkundige eienskappe wat hom meer kwesbaar maak vir boelies en viktimisering.

Gebrek aan ondersteuning – Die slagoffer voel geïsoleerd en blootgestel. Soms is die slagoffer bang om afknouery te rapporteer uit vrees vir vergelding. Gevolge – Die skade wat die slagoffer se selfbeeld opdoen, kan lank voortduur en kan daartoe lei dat die slagoffer homself van skoolaktiwiteite onttrek, of ook aggressief begin raak.

Afknouery kan verskeie vorme aanneem, naamlik:

3. Verandering in geaardheid

Fisies (skop, slaan of boks);

Verbaal (noem kinders name, dryf die spot met hulle of maak dreigemente);

Emosioneel (sosiale uitsluiting, intimidasie deur gebare of dreigemente);

As ‘n ouer moet jy jouself afvra of jou kind se geaardheid verander het en of hy buierig is terwyl hy voorheen gelukkig of toeganklik was. Só ‘n verandering kan die gevolg wees van hormonale veranderinge, veral by tieners, maar dit kan ook ‘n teken wees dat iets of iemand jou kind seermaak.

Rassistiese afknouery;

Seksueel; en

Kuberafknouery (deur die internet op sosiale media soos Facebook; of deur selfone met haatboodskappe of afdreiging)

Vyf tekens wat kan aandui dat jou kind ‘n slagoffer van afknouery is 1. Ongewillig om skool toe te gaan As jou kind dit normaalweg geniet om skool toe te gaan en ewe skielik nie meer wil gaan nie, kan dit daarop dui dat hy by die skool afgeknou word.

4. Vriendverskuiwings Hou jou kind se vriendegroep dop, want só kan jy agterkom wie hy ignoreer. Jou kind kan homself van ‘n vorige vriendegroep distansieer. 5. Punte wat daal Akademiese prestasies of punte wat daal, kan die gevolg wees van kinders wat bang is om skool toe te gaan, juis omdat hulle afgeknou word. Die skool word ‘n omgewing van vrees en angstigheid, eerder as ‘n omgewing waar daar geleer en genot ervaar word. Ander waarskuwingstekens van afknouery sluit die volgende in: •

Onverklaarbare beserings soos kneusplekke, snye en krapmerke;

2. Veranderinge in slaappatrone

Verlies aan eetlus of verandering in eetgewoontes;

Studies toon dat 36% van kinders wat slagoffers van afknouery is, slaapprobleme het. Kinders wat afgeknou word, kan soms parasomnia of nagmerries ervaar. Afknouery kan ook tot depressie by kinders lei, wat dan kan veroorsaak dat kinders sukkel om te slap of dat hulle te veel slaap.

Vernielde of verlore skoolboeke, klere, of elektroniese toestelle; of

Gereelde klagtes oor maagpyn, hoofpyn, naarheid of dat hy siek voel.

Besoek gerus vir meer inligting.

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HUTTENPARK PRIMARY SCHOOL Amajuba District Athletics

SA Atletiek

The following Hutties represented Amajuba District in athletics at the KZN Champs in PMB.

Geluk aan Mieke Schoeman wat in die KZN atletiekspan ingesluit is. Sy sal eersdaags Natal verteenwoordig by die SA Kampioenskappe.

Mieke Schoeman

Swimming Congratulations to Janri Viljoen and Arnia Bothma who competed in the KZN Age Group Level 2 Swimming in Durban. Total Medal count: • 7 x Gold • 3 x Silver

Liam Joubert, Minay Ras, Mieke Schoeman, Milla Schoeman, Duné Geyser, Siphosetho Hadebe & Juan Janse van Rensburg. Janri Viljoen and Arnia Bothma

HUTTENPARK PRIMARY SCHOOL We celebrated Hutties history - Official Time Capsule Opening Huttenpark Primary School was established in 1973. Over the years our school has evolved and adapted, however our core values have always remained deeply rooted within the school. Our mission has and always will be excellence in education; while upholding and maintaining the interests, needs and safety of our learners, educators and parents of the school. Our vision will always be a child centred, value driven school and to our motto, Æquitate Ac Diligentia (With fair play and diligence)- we remain ever true. On 15-10-1977 Mr. C.J. Vorster, Principal of Huttenpark at the time, placed lead tube capsules into the pillars of our school’s front gate, instructing the principal in 2022 to open up the said pillars and reveal the contents thereof on the 22-02-2022.

In 1977 after the capsules were concealed in the gate pillars, Mr. Vorster had left a bookmarker behind in the school diary as a reminder to the principal in the year 2022 of the capsules that were placed within the school’s gate pillars, that are to be opened on the 22-02-2022. This bookmarker has been kept in the school’s diary ever since, as per Mr. Vorster’s request and will now be framed along with the contents of the capsules to be kept in the school’s archive as a reminder of this day. Despite the global pandemic we have been faced with, we are grateful that we got to celebrate this day in our school’s history. Thank you to all the people who drove from far places to attend this function, some even flying in from other countries.

NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL Top Sport Achievers Ashlyn Davids was selected for the u.16 Amajuba hockey team.

The under 18 boy’s hockey team was selected for the Amajuba district. Maphosa made it through to the country district - u.18.

Minenhle Nkosi participated in athletics for the Amajuba district, which took place in Pietermaritzburg. She was placed 4th for discus and shotput.

Ashlyn Davids

u.18 Boys Hodkey Team

Minenhle Nkosi

The 2nd team took second position at St. Dom’s hockey tournament.

Sbongakonke Dube and Bronwyn Theron were selected for the u.14 girl’s hockey. Absent, Sbongakonke Ndlou was also selected.

Sbongakonke Dube and Bronwyn Theron

The u.18 girl’s hockey team, Leeandre Theron and Sinhle Ngubeni were selected for the Amajuba district trials. Sinhle was selected for the country district.

u.18 Girls Hockey Team

The u.14 boys were selected for country district.

2nd Boys Hockey Team

u.14 Boys Hockey Team

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Steyn Rothmann 1ste in o.21 Veer, Elandri Panther 1ste in o.16 Veer, Lanhel du Preez 3de in o.21 Sporter. Steyn wen ook algehele wenner vir Veer klas.

1st team hockey boys win the A section of the St Doms pre season tournament

Invitational Gala

KZN Championships

8 schools were invited Ladysmith High, Monument Primary, Egerton Primary, Huttenpark Primary School, Drakensberg Primary School, St Doms and Ferrum High.

The following athletes represented the Amajuba District team in Durban at the KZN Championships. Die volgende atlete het die Amajuba Distrikte span in Durban by die KZNkampioenskappe verteenwoordig. The results are as follows / Resultate as volg: Daniel Dannhauser 4de plek in 200m en 2de plek in 100m Marike Rothamnn 2de plek in Diskus en 1ste plek Gewigstoot (nuwe rekord 11.42m) Megan Olivier 4de plek in 800m en 2de plek in 3000m Zander Struwig 3de plek in 100m Hekkies en 3de plek in 300m Hekkies Megan Redelinghuys 8th place in 3000m Siphesihle Dube 3rd place in Discus and 1st place in Shotput

Daniel Dannhauser, Marike Rothamnn, Megan Olivier, Zander Struwig, Megan Redelinghuys, Siphesihle Dube



Congratulations to the St Dom’s swimmers for representing the Amajuba District Swimming team at the KZN Champs at Kingspark in Durban. We are proud of your achievement. A special mention goes to Emma BrancoLizen whom has been included in the KZN Swimming team.

Congratulations to our learners who achieved exceptional results during this year’s Amajuba District Athletics. We are extremely proud of you. • Bagezile Khumalo: 1st Boys u.15 100m heat, 3rd Boys u.15 100m finals and 2nd Boy’s u.15 long Jump. • Kate Francis: 2nd Girls u.19 100m Heat and qualified for the finals, 1st Girls u.19 200m heat, 2nd Girls u.19 200m finals. • Thokozani Msimanga: 1st Boys u.19 100m Heat and qualified for the finals. • Rantebele Rasenyalo: 2nd Boys u.19 100m Heat and qualified for the finals. • Sibonga Ncube: 3rd Boys u.19 High Jump. • Emily Erasmus: 2nd Girls u.17 Shotput. • Thando Ojika: 2nd Boys u.19 Shotput. • Minehle Dlozi: 1st Boys u.15 Shotput. • Mvelo Mashinini: 2nd Boys u.17 Shotput. Lonathemba Mazibuko: 1st Girls u.19 Shotput. •

Zelmari vd Walt, Abigial Meineke, Zoë Kruger and Ethan Kruger

Bagezile Khumalo, Kate Francis, Thokozani Msimanga, Rantebele Rasenyalo, Sibonga Ncube, Emily Erasmus, Thando Ojika, Minehle Dlozi, Mvelo Mashinini, Lonathemba Mazibuko

Curro Cup Athletics

Senior Primary Athletics Day

The following girls achieved excellent results at the Curro Cup Athletics: Zelmari van der Walt - 3rd in Discus and 2nd in Shot-put (u.13) • Lisa Conradie - 2nd in Javelin (u.13) • • Shiloh Uys - 1st in Shot-put (u.12) • Chenique Marais - 1st in Discus (u.12)

At our Senior Primary Athletics Day, the following learners were our best track athletes and received the following trophies: Lisa Conradie - Senior Victrix Ludorum • Sasha Zizhou - Senior Victor Ludorum • Samukelisiwe Dhlamini - Junior Victrix Ludorum • Lilhle Ncube - Junior Victor Ludorum •

Zelmari van der Walt, Lisa Conradie, Shiloh Uys, Chenique Marais

Lisa Conradie Senior Victrix Ludorum

Sasha Zizhou Senior Victor Ludorum

Samukelisiwe Dhlamini Junior Victrix Ludorum

Lilhle Ncube Junior Victor Ludorum

DRAKENSBERG PRIMÊRE SKOOL Amajuba District Athletics / Distrik Atletiek

KZN Atletiek Kampioenskappe

Our athletes that took part in the Amajuba District Athletics.

Baie geluk aan die volgende Amajuba Distrik atlete wat deelgeneem het aan die KZN Kampioenskappe in Pietermaritzburg:

Siphiwokuhle Makhathini

Nathan de Valence

Mia du Toit

Luthando Butaza

Josua Badenhorst

Mthobisi Dhlamini behaal 2de plek: gewigstoot seuns o.11 Blake Kallis behaal 2de plek: 70m hekkies seuns o.10 Lwandile Mdluli behaal 1ste plek: 100m dogters o.11 en 2de plek: verspring dogters o.11 Baie geluk! Ons is trots op julle.

Lwandile Mdluli

Itumeleng Phaahla

Zano Kubheka

René Hattingh

Mthobisi Dlamini

Lwandile Mdluli

Mila Truter

Luan Lens

Siphumelele Nkosi

Nathan van der Merwe

Lethokuhle Khumalo

Zothani Siboza

Blake Kallis

Blake Kallis

Mthobisi Dhlamini

ARBOR PARK PRIMARY Our Hockey, Rugby and Netball first teams for 2022 We are so excited that the sport can continue normally this year. We want to congratulate the following learners on their excellent sport performances. The following boys also made the Newcastle District Rugby Team u.13: Tyhir Pandohi, Nkululeko Nkabinde, Anele Zuma, Fisokuhle Shabalala, Mthiya Mbatha, Aphiwe Makhoba, Siyanda Nkosi. u.12: Russel Tembo, Sobethu Ntshangase, Wonderboy Ndlovu, Lindo Vilakazi, Kuhle Zuma, Mhlengi Nkosi, Amukelani Mavuso.

Wonderboy Ndlovy Rugby

Tyhir Pandohi Rugby

Thandolwethu Mkhize Rugby

Sobethu Ntshangase Rugby

Slindelo Ngwenya Rugby

Siyanda Nkosi Rugby

Sibongakonke Zondo Rugby

Saphiwa Kubheka Rugby

Russel Tembo Rugby

Nkululeko Nkabinde Rugby

Nhlakanipho Shabangu Rugby

Mthobisi Dlamini Rugby

Mthiya Mbatha Rugby

Mhlengi Nkosi Rugby

Lindokuhle Vilakazi Rugby

Laaiq Chutel Rugby

Kuhle Zuma Rugby

Hlelo Mabele Rugby

Fisokuhle Shabalala Rugby

Aphiwe Makhoba Rugby

Anele Zuma Rugby

Anele Sibiya Rugby

Amukelani Mavuso Rugby

Unakhokonke Khumalo Hockey

Siphosethu Zwane Hockey

Simthandile Mgenge Hockey

Simekahle Makhubu Hockey

Noluthando Sikhosana Hockey

Kendra Stringer Hockey

Hlobisile Ngema Hockey

Fanele Mabaso Hockey

Elasha Dookhie Hockey

Aphile Sabasaba Hockey

Amahle Zwane Hockey

Amahle Magubane Hockey

Akwande Khumalo Hockey

Zusiphe Gama Netball

Zesuliwe Khumalo Netball

Nkosiphile Dube Netball

Nakho Vilakazi Netball

Lumka Bekenya Netball

Khethokuhle Nxumalo Netball

Hlobisile Mchunu Netball

Aphiwe Mathobela Netball

AMAJUBA SCHOOL 2022 Grade 12 Monitors

2022 Grade 7 Monitors

Front: Mrs I. Koorts, Zoë Mahlangu, Britney Myburgh ( Head Girl), Mrs D. Boschoff, Clint Muloyi (Head Boy), Ruan Jackson, Mr S. Le Grange. Middle: Afika Shabalala, Unathi Mthethwa, Zime Thwala, Odette Coetzer, Phiwokuhle Mbatha, Kiajna Rampersad, Nomalanga Kunene, Senamile Zwane, Sibongakonke Sikhonde, Mandlakazi Yende, S’fundo Khumalo, Kayleigh Good. Back: Simisokuhle Khumalo, Anastasia Kardas, Thabiso Mapira, Sandiselwa Thabede, Wenzile Sithole, Eugene Conradie, Malaika Mahlangu, Lethokuhle Nkala, Mageba Zulu, Simthandile Dube, Fortune Sibiya.



Congratulations to Ayabonga Nkwanya who participated in the u.11 80m event at the KZN Athletics Championships in Pietermaritzburg.

Congratulations to Mandisa Ndima who was selected for the u.14 Amajuba District hockey team.

Ayabonga Nkwanya

Mandisa Ndima

Front: Princessnandi Dikgomo, Refiloe Ndlebe, Ziyanda Nyamane, Ntokozo Mamabolo, Marno Breytenbach, Ovemvana Ngubane, Nkazimulo Sibiya, Busisa Simelane, Thandokuhle Zuma, Minenhle Madida. Back: Lwazi Mkhwanazi, Ms de Jongh, Amahle Mavuso, Zethu Khumalo, Bomikazi Hlatshwayo, Zekhethelo Ndaba, Abongwe Mabaso, Sphosethu Dlamini, Sibahle Ndima, Ryan Singh, Mrs Delport, Oluhle Khumalo, Siphesihle Zwane, Mpho Msimang, Sihle Nkosi, Thandeka Mbongwa, Efficiency Sibisi, Mr Sharp, Sapna Steyn, Dackota Ambrose

Newcastle Rugby Teams

André Swanepoel has been selected as part of the u.12 Newcastle rugby team of 2022 and will participate in the Northern Natal trials.

André Swanepoel

2021 Dux learner

Congratulations to our Dux learner for 2021, Siyabonga S. Dlodlo Siyabonga achived 7 A aggregates for the following subjects in his NCS exams: English Home Language, Afrikaans First Additional Language, Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Life Orientation, Accounting and Engineering Graphics and Design.

Amajuba District RCL

Congratulations to our Head Boy, Clint Muloyi, on being selected as the Chairperson for the Amajuba District RCL.

Siyabonga S. Dlodlo

Clint Muloyi


Download papers Download past exam Download past exam exampapers papers Per Per grade grade grade Per Per subject subject Per subject





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HAMILTON PREPARATORY SCHOOL Hockey The Hamilton Preparatory School u.13 boys and girls hockey teams triumphed in an early season 6-a-side hockey festival against neighbouring schools, Monument and Egerton on 26th February.

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EGERTON PRIMARY SCHOOL Interhouse Gala Egerton Primary had their interhouse gala on Friday. Clear skies and cheerful learners cheering on their respective teams to victory. Electrifying team spirit, and talented swimmers who swam faster than fish, what more can you ask for. Thank you to the organisors, and all the participants who made this day so succesful.

London Cooke-Tonnesen & Hannah Struwig Senior Victor and Victrix Ladorum

Holly Oosthuizen & Aiden Ellis Junior Victor and Victrix Ladorum

Egerton Primary Deputy Principal Egerton Primary is very excited to welcome their new Deputy Principal Mr Cassie Smith to the Egerton Family.

Spirit Trophy went to Macaulay

Winning house was Corrigal

Mr. Cassie Smith

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Reon Basson Michael Roberts Junior Victor Ludorum Trophy - Best u.10 - 11 (Boy)

Liam Biddulph het deelgeneem aan n gala in Pietermaritzburg by die Seal Swimming Centre. Hy het drie 4de plekke en een 3de plek behaal.

Emma Grobler & Aleah van der Merwe Leandri and Liezl Lombaard Junior Victrix Ludorum Trophy Best u.10 - 11 (Girl) Leané le Roux Megan van der Merwe individual Medley Trophy – Girls Leandi Campher Backstroke Trophy – Fastest time boy or girl Chelsey van der Merwe Kirsten Pugh Senior Victrix Ludorum Trophy – Best u.12-13 Girls Michelle Robberts Butterbly Trophy – Fastest time boy or girl

Liam Biddulph

Emma Grobler & Aleah vd Merwe

Arno Warmenhoven Clarkson Cup Individual Medley Trophy – Boys Boardman Brothers Senior Victor Ludorum Trophy - Best u.12-13 (Boy) Mean van der Merwe Crawl Trophy – Fastest time boy or girl Anke Fourie Breaststroke Trophy – Fastest time boy or girl

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Reon Basson

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Swem o.8 Petrus Eybers en Zandri Scheepers

Swem o.7 WD Lens en Jana Cilliers

Swem o.9 Mieke Cilliers en Wiehan Harding

Swem Junior Victor/Victrix Carli Eybers en Ruben Potgieter

Swem Junior Victor/Victrix Leandri Grobler en Marnus Pretorius

Swem Beste Prestasie Zandri Scheepers (Dogters o.8 Skopborde)

HOËRSKOOL PIONIER Kampioene van Spar-hokkietoernooi 2022


Die eerste dogtershokkiespan het teen Hoërskool Ferrum in die finaal geseëvier.

Die volgende leerders het medaljes vir hul onderskeie items tydens die interskole by Hoërskool Hoogenhout in Bethal ontvang.

Voor v.l.n.r: Zanté Visagie, Zendi Zondo, Mieke Steenkamp, Aimeé Bosman Agter v.l.n.r: Tarien Davel, Danielle Bosman, Zoé Richards, Johanné Smith, Susan Gregory, Chezaan van Rensburg, Rochelle de Bruin, Nina Coetzee, Izelle Fick

Minke Mentz 4 x 100m aflos Brons

Jacques Richter Spiesgooi Brons

Stefan Marais 100m Goud / 200m Brons

JD Jonker Spiesgooi Silwer

Susan Gregory Verspring Goud

Tarien Davel 100m Brons

Beändra van Vuuren 4 x 100m aflos Brons

Chanté Oosthuizen 4 x 100m aflos Brons

Rochélle Fuhri 4 x 100m aflos Brons

Christiaan Scheepers Driesprong Goud

Minette van der Merwe 100m Hekkies Brons

Mieke Steenkamp 100m Silwer / 200m Goud

Clarissa Scheepers Hoogspring Silwer / 200m Brons

Petri Botha Gewigstoot Brons

NUWE REPUBLIEK PRIMARY School Sport & Extra Mural Activities We are delighted to return to school in 2022. All learners back, full attendance and our sporting season to kick off. Along with our school sport, we share extra mural activities of which include: Karate, Amateur Wrestling, Gymnastics and Dance.

Hockey Coaches: C. Hartslief, D. Mgwenya. Front: S. Mthethwa, X. Bini, L. Malinga. Middle: E. Hadebe, B. Dlamini, A. Mkhwanazi, M. Chituku. Back: T. Dlodlo, A. Mahomed, G. Stoltz, U. Ndlovu, A. Stoltenkamp

Rugby Coaches: Z. Dlamini, S. Smith. Front: A. Msimango, W. Maphumolo. Second row: O. Ntshange, K. Steele, D. Grobler, W. Ntshangase, T.Lubakhi. Third row: L. Ngema, D. Dlamini, T. Shezi, N. Mkhize, N. Mkhize, A. Radebe. Back: S. Mbatha, S. Mtshali, Z. Ontong, M. Zulu, E. Nxusa.

Amateur Wrestling: Legend cup Z. Paquot

Gymnastic: Zululand District P. Bwato, L. Paquot

Netball Coaches: C. De Jager; M. Becker. Front: N. Mhlongo, O. Sibiya, E. Jiyane, A. Ntuli. Back: S. Shabangu, O. Zulu, A. Mahlaba, A. Thango, N. Mbatha.

SAREL CILLIERS HIGH SCHOOL Sarel Boys Build Golden Bridge On Thursday last week the Grade 10, Grade 11 and Grade 12 bridge building teams left before the dawn broke for the long drive to Harrismith for the InterSchools Bridge Building Competition. After spending the day building their bridges the teams were ready in the evening to test their creations. Each bridge is awarded marks an aesthetic score for concept and design, is weighed and then weights are placed underneath the bridge in gradual increments until the bridge breaks. All of these factors are considered, with the weight bearing capacity of the bridge being the ultimate factor. The bridge built by the Grade 12s weighed 381 grammes but only broke under a weight of 61.5 kg, placing the team in first place for the fourth time with a total overall score of 56.28 points. The bridge that come in second supported a weight of 49,5kg, so it was a clear win for the Grade 12 team. The younger teams came 8th and 14th in the competition and obtained valuable experience. This is a remarkable achievement for our bridge builders. The winning team will compete in Pretoria in August at the international bridge building competition. Congratulations to Mr Slabbert and Mr du Plessis for this outstanding achievement with the learners. Well done to Faiyaz Ismail, Mongezi Langa and Simelokuhle Masondo on your win and we wish you all the best for the next bridge building competition. Sarel Cilliers held its first Cross Country run last week with all the first team hockey, rugby and netball players taking part, as well as members of the Track Team. Well done to girls Akheela Griffiths, Khanyi Rokhotso and Tawana Mangena for 1st 2nd and 3rd place and to boys Leonard Kruger, Tristein Griffiths and Ndleenhle Shabalala for 1st, 2nd an 3rd place. It was a very enjoyable afternoon and the runners had excellent support from the spectators as they finished their run. This is a great training for fitness and there will definitely be future cross country runs. The top five Grade 12 learners attended a career awareness programmes in Newcastle last week. Andre Nieman, Melusi Masondo, Shravan Mangaldeen, Siyabonga Khumalo and Mesuli Masondo represented the school and came away with valuable information regarding career choices and possible bursaries. It was agreed that it was a very informative day out and the learners came back with lots of new ideas regarding their future careers. The girls First Team Hockey took part in the Spar Inter Schools Hockey Tournament in Newcastle on the weekend and played some excellent matches, Sarel Cilliers vs Pioneer 0-2, Sarel Cilliers vs Vryheid 0-1 Sarel Cilliers vs Dundee 0-0 and Sarel Cilliers vs Landbou 1-0. Congratulations to Pioneer for winning the tournament. It was a great experience for our hockey team and the girls acquitted themselves well, with some excellent play. It promises to be a great season for our players who are coming together well as a team. Congratulations to Mr Pinder for being selected as Umpire of the Day.

Smelokuhle Masondo, Faiyaz Ismail and Mongezi Langa (Head Boy)

DUNDEE HIGH SCHOOL Top Academic Achievers Gr.12 Academic Achievers of 2021 school year.

Yusrah Khader (90,3), Silindokuhle Ndhlovu (83,1), Lethu Gule (83,2) Karli Potgieter (82,5), Sinethemba Hlongwane (82,6), Junior Mpofu (80,7), Senzelokuhle Sithole (80,9), Azande Botha (82,5) and Suhail Malek (78,4). Absent: Shreeya Sundar (81,4) Gr.11 Academic Achievers of 2021 school year.

Zandisiwe Maphalala (86,3), Nozibusiso Ntshangase (81,3), Muhammad Khader (80,4), Aphiwe Molefe (78,8), Luzo Zulu (78,2), Mzokhona Mathebula (78,1), Nicole Mitchell (77,8), Akhona Zulu (75,7). Absent: Inneke Labuschagne (75,7), Muhammad Bobat (75,5)

Gr.10 Academic Achievers of 2021 school year.

Samuel Nel (89,4), Sandakahle Miya (84,5), Anele Hlatshwayo (82,4), Nomagugu Ngubo (81,8), Tiffany Themm (80,9), Muhammad Ebrahim (80,1), Khwezi Molefe (79,3) and Sesese Zungu (77,5). Absent: Kuhlekonke Mpungose (79), Mangaliso Ndaba (77,9)



RBCS u.11 cricketers who have been selected for the u.11 Zululand cricket team:

Grade 6 student, Kacey Hughes was awarded the Inter-school Senior Primary victrix ludorum for 2022.

Kacey Hughes

Rithvik Chintalapudi, Louis Botha and Ome Moyo

Swimming Danika van Zyl, Kacey Hughes and Hayley Diedericks made the King Cetshwayo swimming team.

Hayley Diedericks (u.14), Danika van Zyl (u.13) and Kacey Hughes (u.13)

HOËRSKOOL RICHARDSBAAI Swimming Results 2022 / Swemresultate 2022


Baaitjies maak skoonskip by Interskole-swemgala’s Hoërskool Richardsbaai se swemspan vat Goud by die Interskole-gala by Kingspark op 22/02/2022 en het stof in die oë van 8 ander skole in Natal geskop! Our swimming team was also the overall winners of the Interschool gala that was hosted at Arboretum swimming pool on 24/02/2022. Die volgende swemmers het die King Cetshwayo swemspan gemaak: 1. Ewan du Preez 2. Sven Hinze 3. Hilmar Viljoen 4. Calista Barrington 5. Michelle Barrington 6. Aruli Fick 7. Clarise Coetzer 8. Cherise Coetzer 9. Gunter Jacobs

Hoërskool Richardsbaai maak skoonskip by EG Jansen Redenaars! Baie geluk aan ons Senior en Junior Redenaarspanne wat stof in die oë van die hele Natal geskop het. Baie Geluk aan Ewald Futcher en Leandri van der Sandt en Anton Meyer en Jané Strachan wat vir 9 skole in Natal gewys het waar Dawid die wortels gegrawe het!

Anton Meyer, Ewald Futcher, Leandri van der Sandt en Jané Strachan

Cricket • • •

1st team boys won 3/4 games 1st team girls won 1/2 games u.15 boys won 1/2 games

HSRB Swimming Team / Swemspan

Academic Reward

Hoërskool Richardsbaai got awarded for being the school with the most number of distinctions for English FAL during the NSC examination in 2021.


1st Team Boys Cricket

Dominic Soldat made the King Cetshwayo tennis team.

Dominic Soldat (Middle)

1st Team Girls Cricket

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