AWSUM Northern Natal - June Edition

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Celebrating school achievements in South Africa JUNE 2022

Read the latest school news on


Learners selected for provincial teams Leerders wat verkies is tot provinsiale spanne





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Bring jou tekkies en bring jou tokse Skenk ou tekkies of toks aan leerders wie se ouers dit nie finansieel kan bekostig nie. Skole en instansies kan betrokke raak deur te help met die insameling van die sportskoene. Die skopafrigter Vlok Cilliers en die Springbok-losskakel Morné Steyn het hul kragte saamgesnoer om `n verskil in die lewe van jong mense met sporttalent te maak. Cilliers het in 2020 die Tekkies-en-Toks-projek, in samewerking met Solidariteit Helpende Hand, begin om behoeftige kinders te help wat nie rugbystewels of tekkies kan bekostig nie. AWSUM is trots om van 2022 ook as mediavennoot by die projek betrokke te kan wees.

Hoe raak ons skool betrokke en skenk ek as ouer skoene? Die bekroonde skopafrigter Vlok Cilliers en


Morné Steyn snoer kragte saam met Solidariteit Indien jou skool wil betrokke raak, kontak gerus vir Annelize by Helpende Hand om skop-skop ’n verskil in die Ouers en leerders kan betrokke raak en enige ou of nuwe sportskoene skenk of deur `n geldelike bydra te maak. Die land te maak projek is nie net gemik op seuns wat aan rugby deelneem nie, maar op alle kinders en vir enige sportsoort. Daar is twee afleweringspunte: Leerders of ouers bring tweedehandse/nuwe sportskoene (ons versoek wel dat dit in ‘n bruikbare toestand moet wees) na • hul skool en plaas dit in die Tekkies en Toks boks by die skool • Ouers kan ook die skoene by hulle naaste Helpende Hand Ons Winkel-tak aflaai

4. 5.

Sodra die bokse vol is kontak die skool Helpende Hand wat die bokse leegmaak vir verdere insameling Helpende Hand is verantwoordelik vir die allokering en verspreiding na geskikte kandidate.

1. 2.

Gaan besoek ook gerus die webtuiste vir meer inligting.


Soccer Congratulations to the following learners who was selected for the u.17 soccer winter selections.

Anele Mabizela

Netball In netball, Nokuphiwa Thanjekwayo was selected for the under 18 KZN Sharks team. She will go on to participate at the National Telkom Junior Championships and SA trials in July.

Nokuphiwa Thanjekwayo

Aphelele Sibisi

Hockey Sibongumusa Maphosa was selected for the under 18 Northern KZN hockey team.

Sibongumusa Maphosa

Senamile Mabaso made the final Northern KZN team for rugby.

Senamile Mabaso

Lusizo Masengemi made the rugby district team for Northern KZN.

Lusizo Masengemi

The risks of supplements As parents or guardians, you know that the pressure to train hard, compete and achieve at a high level can lead athletes to entertain dangerous options. Saids is the Institute for Drug-Free Sport in S.A. AWSUM asked them why we should be concerned about the risks of supplements and they share the facts. The general assumption in school learners is that supplements will improve their performance on the sport field and that it is a ‘quick fix’ to reach your goals. This might be due to the confusing, sometimes dubious, claims on supplement labels. A scary fact is that one of the boys who tested positive for anabolic steroids during the Craven Week Rugby Tournament in 2018, revealed taking 18 different supplements, ranging from protein shakes and ‘mass builders’, to pre-workouts, energy boosters, etc. Why should we be alarmed if the following claims “scientifically tested”, “proven”, “healthy”, “specifically designed for youth”, “superior”, “drug-free” appear on the supplement packaging? It is unethical marketing and outright false claims of efficacy and safety and provides hidden risks that consumers are not always aware of. In fact, researchers from the University of KZN did an analysis of 15 Whey Protein Shakes from the top-selling brands in SA and found that 9 out of the 15 were non-compliant with labelling regulations, and deliberately manipulated and overstated the protein and amino-acid content of the products. Are supplements being tested sufficiently? No. In reality, the majority of supplements on the market have not been sufficiently tested or scrutinised by an independent health authority, such as the SA Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA). This problem is not unique to South Africa, but is a global concern. What are the dangerous ingredients that were found in supplements? Prescription drugs, banned substances, heavy metals, pesticides, and other dangerous chemicals. In one study, researchers analised the contents of 134 top-selling protein supplements available via the internet - many were found to contain heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, BPA (found in plastic) and other chemicals linked to cancer, liver damage and other ill-health effects3. In a study conducted by the University of Cape Town (UCT), 138 popular Protein Shakes from leading brands available on the SA market were tested for melamine content (found in plastic). The use of melamine in food production is not approved by WHO as it is related to kidney stones and kidney failure. Melamine is sometimes illegally added to food products to increase their ‘apparent’ protein content. The UCT researchers found that 57% of imported and 82% of locally produced protein shakes tested positive for melamine. Though the concentration was below toxic levels per se, there is a risk related to the amount of product the consumer will be taking (dosage), frequency, duration, and/or number of supplements the individual will be taking.

Can these ingredients, that exceed safety limits, cause medical problems or hospitalization? A study report from Harvard Medical School looked at the number of ill-health events reported on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System between 2004 to 2015. They found 977 adverse event reports in the 0 – 25 year age group2. Around 40% had severe medical outcomes, including hospitalization and death. Supplements sold for muscle-building, weight loss and energy were associated with almost 3 x the risk for severe medical outcomes compared to vitamins. Can supplements be taken as a supplement to nutritional needs? Advertising such as: “supplements specially designed for youth”, or that “young athletes need supplements to perform / bulk-up”, or “a normal diet is not enough” is concerning. These claims have no scientific grounds and contradicts evidence-based consensus on the value of “food first” for youth as best support for optimal health, growth and development and sporting performance (over the short- and long-term). Particularly in youth, a dietary supplement should only be considered (for as short duration as possible) to correct a clinically diagnosed dietary deficiency and taken under appropriate health professional guidance e.g. Registered Dietitian, who can address and optimise dietary intake as the main focus. A Dietitian can also help do a risk vs. benefit analysis and help identify low-risk products, if needed. Parents should note that SAIDS supports the views of leading health and sport authorities from around the world (including the IOC) that deems it inappropriate and unethical for active and competitive adolescent athletes to be encouraged to consume dietary supplements for performance-enhancement. References 1. Harvard Medical School - The hidden dangers of protein powders: They may contain added sugar, calories, or even toxic chemicals. 2020 (link) 2. Taking Stock of Dietary Supplements’ Harmful Effects on Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults,” Flora Or, Yongjoo Kim, Juliana Simms, S. Bryn Austin, Journal of Adolescent Health. 2019, doi: 10.1016/j. jadohealth.2019.03.005. 3. Consumer Reports - Arsenic, Lead Found in Popular Protein Supplements. Hirsch, 2018.

Visit the SA Institute for Drug-Free Sport webpage – Education and Video Library; Report Doping or Contact Us for any queries.


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Leané Jv Rensburg Gr. 7 94.3%

Jonathan de Jager Gr. 7 93.3%

Sarah Ferrier Gr. 7 92.6%

Jayden de Meyer Gr. 7 92.1%

Lizé Botha Gr. 7 92.1%

Daniël Wang Gr. 7 90.8%

Hano Botha Gr. 7 90.1%

Riekie Olivier Gr. 7 89.2%

Ethan Tseng Gr. 7 89.0%

Christiaan Campher Gr. 7 87.7%

Grace de Waal Gr. 6 92.9%

Ava Strydom Gr. 6 92.0%

Yusuf Akoojee Gr. 6 91.8%

Arnia Bothma Gr. 6 91.7%

FC Kotze Gr. 6 91.6%

Aliyah Lizen Gr. 6 91.1%

Scharné le Roux Gr. 6 91.1%

Mieke Hendrikse Gr. 6 90.5%

Dijhuné Swanepoel Gr. 6 90.2%

Loui Uys Gr. 6 89.5%

Mila Potgieter Gr. 5 94.2%

Lea Grobler Gr. 5 92.7%

Trinity Smith Gr. 5 92.5%

Esihle Nxumalo Gr. 5 91.4%

Reuben vd Walt Gr. 5 91.0%

Tiné Kriek Gr. 5 89.4%

Milani Nyangiwe Gr. 5 88.4%


FW 1430

HUTTENPARK PRIMARY SCHOOL Top 10 Term 1 (continued)

Matthew Whitlock Gr. 5 87.8%

Braden Seager Gr. 4 93.0%

Apryl Spilsbury Gr. 5 87.6%

Liam Lindeque Gr. 4 92.3%

Dylan de Meyer Gr. 5 87.6%

Milla Schoeman Gr. 4 91.8%

Celeste Tseng Gr. 4 96.5%

Juan Jv Rensburg Gr. 4 94.9%

Hannah Hansa Gr. 4 93.8%

Chanelle Rautenbach Gr. 4 93.6%

Anderson Hsu Gr. 4 93.5%

Talita vd Walt Gr. 4 93.1%

Sandiselwe Zwane Gr. 4 91.5%

KZN Inland Hockey Girls Congratulations to these girls on being selected for their respective KZN Inland Hockey teams: • Lané le Roux - u13 B • Janri Viljoen - u12 A • Karlie Hatting - u13 (non-travelling reserve)

KZN Inland Hockey Boys Congratulations to these boys on being selected for their respective KZN Inland Hockey teams: Sethu Mthiyane - u12 A • • Zac Smit - u12 A

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ST DOMINICS NEWCASTLE St Dominics Newcastle Learners Selected For KZN Teams

District Sports Accolades For St Dominics Newcastle Learners Well done to these St Dominics Newcastle learners, who were selected for the Amajuba District Hockey Girls team.

Congratulations to the following learners, who have been selected for the KZN Inland teams: • Under 18 Inland A Girls Team – Ciana Captain • Under 18 Inland B Girls Team – Lonathemba Mazibuko • Under 16 Inland B Girls Team – Xoliswa Sithole • Under 16 Inland B Boys Team – Motheo Ngobeni. Well done – we are very proud of you!

Xoliswa Sithole, Grace Wu, Andiswa Mhlungu, Aphelele Mkhwanazi, Kate Francis, Abongile Masondo, Lonathemba Mazibuko, Sanri van Rhyn, Sipesihle Mabona, Ciana Captain, Amahle Mbatha, Hlonipizwe Mthimkhulu, Zoe Kruger. Well done to the following St Dominics Newcastle learners who were selected for the Amajuba District Hockey Boys teams

Ciana Captain

Lonathemba Mazibuko

Minenhle Dlozi, Bagezile Khumalo, Kate Francis, Rantabele Rasenyalo, Lonathemba Mazibuko, Mvelo Mashinini, Sibonga Ncube, Thokozani Msimanga. Motheo Ngobeni

Xoliswa Sithole


Kaperjolle NSPS

The KZN Inland Hockey Trials took place on Sunday 15 May in Pietermaritzburg. We are very proud of the following three players who were included in the teams.

The Junior Primary section of the school took part in netball and hockey matches at Drakensberg Primary School’s Kaperjolle on Saturday 14 May. The event was very well organised and the boys and girls thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to put their skills on display.

Kwando Mazibuko (Boys U.13), Tiyana Kemp (Girls U.12), Bandile Mosia (non-travelling reserve for U/13 boys).

Abongwe Mfeka and Aarav Gajee on the attack

Arav Gajee fighting for the ball

Prefects 2022

Early in the year prefects were appointed at NSPS for the year 2022. Congratulations to all of them. We trust it will be a year of learning for them and that they will live up to the potential seen in them by the educators.

Front: Obama Mkonyeni, Siyamthanda Jiyane, Melokuhle Ngwenya, Talia Kara, Anthonia Omole, Thando Khumalo, Cebo Mchunu. Middle: Siphele Mosia, Khetelo Langa, Kiya Pillay, Zarah Ashraf, Arnav Ramdas, Adish Rampersad, Jared Biggar, Thulani Maringamoyo. Back: Adiya Singh, Jonathon Oktober, Nahar Gyanath, Samir Oriee, Yaseerah Cotwal, Mvelo Zondi, Esosera Iyonmahan.

Langa Dlamini on the attack

Zenande Khubeka on the netball court


After taking part in the Newcastle Schools Athletics Meeting at Amajuba Combined School on 4 February, eight NSPS learners were chosen to take part in the Amajuba District meeting. This meeting took place on 16 February at the same venue.

Sinaluthando Majola, Asemahle Mdletshe, Ndabazinhle Ximba, Alwande Sithole, Leelin Brights, Sandisiwe Dakkie, Amathemba Ntuli, Tshwanelo Mohomane

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NKZN Girls’ Golf League

The following boys and girls were chosen for KZN hockey teams:

Baie geluk aan Luné Holder wat die beste dogters gholfspeler van die dag was.

U. 16 Girls Front: Leiyah Akoojee & Mbali Hatshawyo. Back: Sophie Liebenberg, Luné Holdr & Monique Luus.

ATKV Applous Congratulations to our Formal choir who received GOLD at ATKV APPLOUS on the 26th of May! The choir, under the leadership of Ms. Willemse, worked very hard and spent many hours practicing their songs. Their performance was nothing short of excellent! Ons Formele Koor het Goud by die ATKVAPPLOUS op die 26ste Mei ontvang!

U.13 Boys Sbu Mchunu

Luné Holder

KZN Netball U.18 Boys Kwanele Tlou, Mgcini Phiri and Aphiwe Ngema.

U. 14 Girls Lariska Nell and Dia-Louise Greyling.

U. 18 Girls Front: Marlene Combrink, Anneri Roos and Esethu Shabalala. Back: Annika Sanders, Chardy Beamson and Alyssa Barraball.

U.16 Boys Unathi Madonsela, Ehsan Amod, Avumile Chonco (non travel reserve).

These learners have been chosen to represent KZN after competing at the 2022 Provincial All Ages Netball Tournament.

Ntando Dhlamini, Marike Rothmann, Charmaine Scheepers, Mione de Valence.

NKZN Golf League

KZN Rugby

Baie geluk aan Juan du Toit wat die beste seuns golfspeler van die dag was.

These learners have been chosen to represent the u.19 KNZN These learners have been chosen to represent the u.16 KZN Invitaional team that participate rugby team that will participate in the Rhino Rugby Week in in the Fankfort Rugby Week. Vereeninging.

U.19 Front: Sakhile Ngema, Sphesihle Dhladhla, Greyling van Niekerk. Back: Zane Geurtse, Wikus Coetzee, Ruan Brink, Marius Nel, Pedro Filipe.

Mihir Maghoo, Juan du Toit, Kabir Maghoo, Thabiso Nkosi & Unathi Madonsela

U.16 JP Mostert, Tyler Jonck & Coushay Koen.

ST DOMINICS NEWCASTLE St Dominics Newcastle Learners Selected For District Teams Congratulations to the following Primary School learners who were chosen for their respective Amajuba District sport teams.

Amajuba District Boys Hockey Teams Bonga Nkosi, Zipho Fakude, Landa Mgele, Noah Kubeka, Samkelo Makhanya, Wandile Zulu, Shayur Mahie, Langa Ngema and Qiniso Jiyane. Well done to these learners, who participated in the Club Swimming Levels Gala.

Kelsey Kemp, Abigaile Meineke, Ewa Kopniak, Jacey Filipe, Zoe Kruger Ethan Kruger, Emma Branco Lizen.

Amajuba District Girls Hockey Teams Tshibo Mathaila, Lisa Conradie, Jenna Parsons, Kharah Mailula, Senze Shezi, and Chenique Marais.

Amajuba District Netball Team Zelmari van der Walt.

The following St Dominics Newcastle learners were selected for the Amajuba District Athletics.

Thato Setloboko, Abongwe Mntambo, Mila Mgele, Zigi Mazibuko, Mvelo Mashinini, Rantabele Rasenyalo, Sibonga Ncube, Siposethu Zulu, Thokozani Msimanga, Tsepo Lebenya, Mottheo Ngobeni, Siphiwokuhle Qwabe.

AMAJUBA COMBINED Congratulations to our Top 5 academic achievers for Term 1

Gr. 12 Odette Coetzer, Chanell Furstenburg, Mandlakazi Yende, Zime Thwala.

Gr. 11 Sinothabo Mkhize, Zwakele Thabede, Amahle Mkhwanazi, Bomi Khawula, Marko Swanepoel.

Gr. 10 Akudziwe Chivave, Wamkelwe Shabalala, Cornelius Oddika, Shiheen Hurriram, Simikahle Ngobese.

Gr. 9 Joshua Fynn, Miracle Oddika, Victoria Cooper, Elihle Sikhakhane, Sibonelesihle Buthelezi.

Gr. 8 Anche Labuschagne, Misukuhle Maduna, Ntokozo Giyose, Simonè Smith, Janika Myburgh.

Gr. 7 Right to Left: Owenvana Ngubane, Dackota Ambrose, Zekhetelo Ndaba,Ntokozo Mamabola, Thandeka Mbongwa.

Gr. 6 Right to Left: Asibonge Dlodlo, Siyanda Ndaba, Kay-Lee van Wyngaard, Emihle Mbatha.

Gr. 5 Right to Left: Uzanovoyo Msimango, Senabelo Shezi, Ayabonga Mkhize, Samkelisiwe Mkhize, Manase Cebekulu.

Gr. 4 Right to Left: Skye Coetzer, Seth Heymans, Sherille Deysel, Enhle Shabangu, Lusanda Dlamini, Kay-Lee Bredenhan.



Top learner in grade 12

Makwande Mbokazi was selected for the KZN u12 hockey team.

Kiajna Rampersad is the top learner in Grade 12.

Arbor Park Sport Stars We were very excited to play sport again this year. Our learners had an excellent term regarding sport. We are extremely proud of the following learners! Our Rugby Stars: • Wonderboy Ndlovu (u/12 NKZN Rugby Team) • Lindo Vilakazi (u/12 NKZN Rugby Team and VKB Week) • Russel Tembo (u/12 Sharks team) • Aphiwe Makhoba (u/13 NKZN Rugby Team and VKB Week) • Tyhir Pandohi (u/13 NKZN Rugby Team) • Fisokuhle Shabalala (u/13B Sharks team)

Wonderboy Ndlovu

Lindo Vilakazi

Russel Tembo

Makwande Mbokazi

Aphiwe Makhoba

Tyhir Pandohi

Fisokuhle Shabalala

Akwande Khumalo

Aphile Sabasaba

Amahle Zwane

Siphosethu Zwane

Lumka Bekenya

Nkosiphile Dube

Our Hockey Stars: • Akwande Khumalo (u/12 Amajuba District Hockey Team) • Aphile Sabasaba (u/12 KZN Inlands Hockey Team) • Amahle Zwane (u/13 Amajuba District Hockey Team) • Siphosethu Zwane (u/13 KZN Inlands Hockey Team)

Our Netball Stars: • Lumka Bekenya (u/13 Newcastle Circuit Netball Team) • Nkosiphile Dube (u/13 Amajuba District Netball Team: non travelling reserve)

Kiajna Rampersad

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These two boys were chosen for the u.12 Sharks squad. Josua Badenhorst was chosen as captain for the Amajuba District u.12 team, as well as captain for the NKZN U.12 team.

/082 378 5970

Joshua Badenhorst

Samkelo Msibi

KZN Inland Hockey

KZN Netball

Mila and Sphelele were chosen for the NKZN Hockey teams.

These girls were chosen for the NKZN netball teams.

Mila Truter u.12 B

Sphelele Ninela u.13 C

Elaine van Zyl u.12

Enhle Mabaso u.13

Gabriella Gurr u.13

Suné Brits u.13

ATKV - Redenaars

KZN Hockey Trials

Baie geluk aan hierdie 4 sprekers wat Drakies by die ATKV Redenaars te Port Natal verteenwoordig het. Sulke bekkies moet verseker jêm kry.

These girls and boys were chosen to represent the Amajuba District at the NKZN hockey trials.

Alexia van Zyl u.13 Girls

Kiara Dunn u.12 Girls

Konke Zwane u.13 Girls

Lubanzi Hlengwa u.12 Boys

Mila Truter u.12 Girls Captain

Raven Beck u.12 Boys

Rene Hatting u.13 Girls

Samu Seme u.12 Girls

Sisanda Ndlovu u.12 Boys

Sphelele Ninela u.13 Girls

Gr.4 Janu Badenhorst, Gr.5 Aubrie Schoombee. Gr.6 Suné Brits en Gr.5 Mila Truter


Gr. 7

Academic Top 10

Hrehaan Singh

Shaveze Abid

Tuvalan Govender

Umar Mall

Nondumiso Mozibuko

Trisha Singh

Yasteel Bechoo

Avith Bandela

Tamika Dhaver

Nivar Hurrypersadh Singh

Yajna Singh

Yara Dayal

Bhavan Vengetsamy

Zinneerah Mohamed

Sinethemba Zwane

Njabulo Mkhonza

Ndabenhle Mdluli

Devakar Ramkissoon

Sibongokuhle Phukubye

Neharika Singh

Aphelele Ngwenya

Shreeya Anoop

Kenisha Govender

Saadiyah Sheik

Hanzalah Khan

Saisha Sumair

Aneesa Sheik Mungroo

Yusuf Aboobaker

Owethu Radebe

Hamza Cassim Ghulam Mohamed

Srihan Nandkoomar

Sunehra Haripersad

Samiya Mathadeen

Tiyana Ramkhelawan

Abubakr Amod

Mohammed Afeef Ul Hague

Esethu Mnisi

Arianna Harrypersadh

Kedal Kunene

Gr. 4

Gr. 5

Gr. 6

Chloe Naidoo

LUCAS MEYER PRIMÊRE SKOOL Hokkie - Zululandstreekspan

Nasionale Verteenwoordigers

Die volgende dogters is vir die Zululandstreekspan gekies.

Met groot trots het twee leerders LMS op Nasionale vlak verteenwoordig. Baie geluk aan Mienke Oosthuizen wat verkies is tot o.12 Natal Netbalspan. Miancké Erasmus het haar Suid-Afrikaanse kleure vir karate behaal asook by die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskappe brons en silwer verwerf. Baie geluk met julle uitstekende prestasies!

Chris-Marie Barnard o.13

Kayleigh Swart o.13

Elaumé Barnard o.13

Mishke de Bruyn o.13

Elaine Barnard o.13

Miancké Erasmus

Mienke Oosthuizen

Nuwe Onderwysers Julieann Potgieter o.12

Mignon Theron o.12

Lise Terblanche o.12

Baie welkom aan die nuwe personeel wat hul tuiste kom vind het by LMS. Mej. Mignon Meyer Graad 5 en 7 Engels onderrig en Mej. Eunice van Dyk Graad 3.

Tianey Schutte o.12

Netbal - Zululandstreekspan Die volgende dogters is vir die Zululandstreekspan gekies.

Zani Wagner o.13

Leandri Grobler o.13

Denise van Wyk o.12

Ivoné Lombard o.12

Mienke Oosthuizen o.12

Mej. Mignon Meyer

Mej. Eunice van Dyk

HOËRSKOOL PIONIER Nasionale Prestasies

Chezaan van Rensburg 0.19A KZN-span Hokkie

Rochelle de Bruin 0.18 KZN-plattelandspan Hokkie

Ashley Loch 0.16 KZN-plattelandspan Hokkie

Mia Coetzee 0.16 KZN-plattelandspan Hokkie

Robert Price KZN-span Karate

Chanté Oosthuizen 0.16 KZN-plattelandspan Hokkie

Anje Grobler 0.14 KZN-plattelandspan Hokkie

Kyla Bosman 0.14 KZN-plattelandspan Hokkie

Mia Bosman 0.14 KZN-plattelandspan Hokkie

Juané Venter 0.14 KZN-plattelandspan Hokkie

Heinrich Grobler 0.18 KZN-uitnodigingspan Rugby

JD Jonker 0.18 KZN-uitnodigingspan Rugby

Karl Fourie SA-span Skyfskiet

Dreyer Smit 0.18 KZN-uitnodigingspan Rugby

Reynier van Rensburg 0.18 KZN-uitnodigingspan Rugby

Andrew Wolf 0.18 KZN-uitnodigingspan Rugby

Miguel Martins 0.16 KZN-uitnodigingspan Rugby

Melé Erlank 0.17 KZN-sharks Netbal

Minke Mentz 0.15 KZN-sharks Netbal

Clarissa Scheepers 0.14 KZN-sharks Netbal


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HAMILTON PREPARATORY SCHOOL Hamilton Preparatory School’s 15th Birthday This year the school turned 15 years old and they used the occasion to name some of the buildings after the founders of the school on their Founder’s Day.

NUWE REPUBLIEK PRIMARY It has been quite a busy time at NRS. Our school has been renovating, upgrading and we ended our sports season with a colour festival. We participated in a few sports tournaments. Rugby was undefeated at the St. Dominic’s Festival, where two players were rewarded “Best Forward player of the festival” (Zanez Ontong) and “Best Back line player of the festival” (Mongezi Zulu) . At the Pongola Tournament our Hockey team, two players were awarded as “Midfielder of the tournament” (Mercy Chituku) and “Goalie of the tournament” (Thandeka Ndlovu). Last but not least, our first Netball team had an undefeated season, also competing at the Grantleigh Peter Terry-Lloyd Winter Sports Festival, walking away undefeated. Congratulations to all these learners and coaches, you do us proud. We are pleased to announce that quite a few of our learners made it to district and provincial level for both Schools’ sport and Extra Mural sport.

Girls Hockey Our RCL

Mercy Chituku,Thandeka Ndlovu, Aaliyah Mahomed, Alwande Mkhwanazi represented the District.

Boys Hockey Alexander Ziqubu and Suhail Dhooma represented the District.

Mercy Chituku,Thandeka Ndlovu, Aaliyah Mahomed and Alwande Mkhwanazi.


Rugby Mongezi Zulu and Zanez Ontong were selected to play for u.13 KZN team

Rugby District and Provincial

Anele Mahlaba, Emihle Jiyane, Nongcebo Mhlongo, Nonhle Mbatha and Oletha Ziqubu represented Zululand.

Anele Mahlaba, Emihle Jiyane, Nongcebo Mhlongo, Nonhle Mbatha and Oletha Ziqubu.


KZN Hockey

KZN Netball

On 9th May, Monument Primary Junior and Senior choir participated in the first round of the ‘Sing in Harmonie’ choir competition. Learners were very excited and were awestruck by the glits and glamour of the evening. Both choirs performed spectacularly and received fantastic feedback from the judges. They were also very impressed to find such exceptional talent in a small town like Ladysmith. Both choirs qualified for the final category that takes place in Pretoria on the 24th and 25th September 2022. Information regarding when the recording of Monument’s performance will be aired on Channel 146 Via will be posted on Monument Primary’s Facebook page.

Reanè Campher U.12 & Nosipho Mbona U.13

Uzanenhlanhla Sithole U.12

NKZN Rugby The following Two boys, Ayabonga Radebe and Evan Kempen, have been selected to represent NKZN Rugby u13 A side to tour to Frankfort. The VKB Frankfort rugby week will take place between the 23rd to the 26th of June. They will be playing against provincial sides from all over South Africa. Well done to these two boys as they are not only making Monument proud but also Ladysmith as a town. Well done boys, once again. Mr Abbott will be the u13 a NKZN rugby coach that will be touring with the boys.

Junior Choir

Senior Choir



drive careful y. (036) 637 7891 262 Murchison Street, Ladysmith, 3370

5 MILL ST. LADYSMITH 3370 036 633 1487 - 083 33 77 214 RCL of New Republic School



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