Port Elizabeth (September) Primary/High Schools

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connect with us on These offers are exclusive to Cellucity & available at the following outlets:

Walmer Park (041) 368 3140 | walmer@cellucity.co.za, The Bridge (041) 363 4601 | thebridge@cellucity.co.za, Port Elizabeth Airport (041) 507 7370 | pe@cellucity.co.za, Hemingways (043) 721 2463 | hemmingways@cellucity.co.za Connected by Vodacom

Limited offer. While stocks last. Vodacom reserves the right to alter or withdraw the deals advertised without notice. Handset options are dependant on the deal selected. E&OE (Errors and Omissions Excluded). All prices shown include VAT. Terms and conditions apply on all Contracts, Top up, uChoose and Prepaid offers. All Contracts deals are subject to signing a 24-month Vodacom Contract and once-off SIM and Connection fee of R202 on all new Contracts, unless otherwise stated.


This October, CANSA highlights the importance of screening and early detection for breast cancer as part of its Women’s Health Campaign. Apart from non-melanoma skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women of all races, with a lifetime risk of 1 in 35 in South Africa, according to the 2007 National Cancer Registry. “We encourage all women to conduct regular self-examinations once a month. Know how your breasts look and feel – discuss any changes you observe with your health practitioner. It’s also very important to go for a mammogram every year from the age of 40,” states Elize Joubert, CANSA’s Acting CEO. She adds, “Women need to be aware of the screening opportunities available. We have mobile health clinics travelling to remote areas throughout South Africa”.

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AWSUM News is distributed to the following schools: PORT ELIZABETH: Primary schools: Laerskool Moregrove, Laerskool Kabega, Lorraine Primary, Willow Academy, Summerwood Primary, Laerskool Verkenner, Westering Primary, Herbert Hurb, Walmer West & Mount Pleasant. High Schools: Hoërskool DF Malherbe, Hoërskool Framesby, Grey Senior, Victoria Parl High, Pearson High, Hoërskool Cillie, Willow Academy, Hoërskool Andrew Rabie & Linkside High.

PRINTED BY Paarl Coldset

Reduce risk through regular examinations Many breast lumps are harmless, but they should all be checked. It is important for women to do monthly breast self-examinations and to go for regular clinical breast examinations. Symptom-free women of 40 and

older should go for a mammogram (a special X-ray to detect lumps in the breast), every year. Prevention and early detection The most effective weapon against cancer is knowledge. If you consider that one in four individuals may be affected by the disease during their lifetime, you will realise how powerful knowledge is in terms of risk reduction, prevention and early detection. CANSA’s prevention and early detection programmes and campaigns contain material re a balanced diet and promote a balanced lifestyle that includes regular exercise, not smoking, staying safe in the sun, doing regular self-examinations and undergoing regular medical checkups. All prevention and early detection programmes and campaigns are underpinned by research. Other cancers affecting women: • Fallopian tube cancer • Ovarian cancer • Vaginal cancer • Vaginal clear-cell adenosarcoma • Vulvar cancer • Uterine cancer How women can reduce their cancer risk: Be aware of the importance of the early detection of cancer. This enables more effective treatment and a better chance of recovery.

Acknowledge the importance of a healthy balanced lifestyle: not smoking, being sun smart, going for preventative screenings and avoiding known cancer-causing factors. We also encourage women to reduce their risk of female cancers by: • Avoiding hormone therapy • Using condoms to help prevent sexually transmitted infections such as the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which is a high risk factor for cervical cancer • Consulting a healthcare professional on the HPV vaccine • Consulting a healthcare professional for advice on appropriate screening tests if there is a family history of cancer Mobile health clinics CANSA has nine mobile health clinics travelling to remote areas throughout South Africa in October to reach women and men who would otherwise not have access to screening. They offer the following: • Clinical breast examinations • Pap smear screening tests for cervical cancer • Prostate specific antigen (PSA) tests for men to detect prostate abnormalities • Cholesterol test • B l o o d pressure test

For more information contact CANSA on 0800 22 66 22 http://www.cansa.org.za


Food & Home 2 OCTOBER 2014


YOU’LL NEED: • 1/2 cup flour • 1 tablespoon of sugar • 1 teaspoon of baking powder • 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda • 1/4 teaspoon of salt • 1/2 cup of fat-free plain yogurt • 1-2 tablespoons of milk • 2 tablespoons of melted and cooled butter • 1 egg, lightly beaten

by Melissa at No. 2 Pencil http://www.number-2-pencil.com

Makes about 20 bite size pancakes

Dear AWSUM Reader, There is a great way to read the AWSUM Newspaper on your smartphone or tablet. How? Via the ISSUU mobile app of course! Simply go to the Google Play Store (For Android Devices) or the Apple App Store (For iPhones and iPads) and download the ISSUU app on your smartphone or tablet. You can login with either your Facebook, Google Plus or LinkedIn account. Search for AWSUM News, click the follow button and you are good to go! You can have access to all the editions from all the regions that we deliver. Happy reading!

WHAT TO DO: 1. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a large bowl and whisk to combine. Add yogurt, butter, and lightly beaten egg to the same bowl. Add enough milk to make batter stir-able, 1-2 tablespoons depending on the thickness of the yogurt. 2. Scoop out a heaping teaspoon of pancake batter and drop the pancake batter onto the hot griddle. Give the pancake about a minute to set up on the griddle side so the lollipop stick won’t go all the way through, then place the lollipop stick in the batter just shy of the top of the pancake. Press stick down and use your spoon to smooth out the valley in the batter, that way you will have pancakes that look perfect on both sides! 4. Space the rest of the pancake pops out, so you have room to add the sticks. 5. To flip the pancake pops use a small spatula to lift them up a bit, then you can use the lollipop stick to give them a quick turn. The lollipop stick was warm, but www.holsboervacations.mobi it wasn’t too hot to handle. tel: 044 533 3707 | cell: 076 809 8090 Just be careful not to touch summerhill01@mweb.co.za the griddle!



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R199 PM x24 on uChoose Flexi 100

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These offers are exclusive to Cellucity & available at the following outlets: Walmer Park (041) 368 3140 | walmer@cellucity.co.za, The Bridge (041) 363 4601 | thebridge@cellucity.co.za, Port Elizabeth Airport (041) 507 7370 | pe@cellucity.co.za, Hemingways (043) 721 2463 | hemmingways@cellucity.co.za Connected by Vodacom

Limited offer. While stocks last. Vodacom reserves the right to alter or withdraw the deals advertised without notice. Handset options are dependant on the deal selected. E&OE (Errors and Omissions Excluded). All prices shown include VAT. Terms and conditions apply on all Contracts, Top up, uChoose and Prepaid offers. All Contracts deals are subject to signing a 24-month Vodacom Contract and once-off SIM and Connection fee of R202 on all new Contracts, unless otherwise stated.


In and around the house OCTOBER 2014 3


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theinvestment community community where will sponsor The majority ofprojects us will not gain wealthwe overnight, it takes long term al estate is to a safe becauseby youdoing are in full investing and a diverse portfolio to create wealth, but property inproperty assets, meaning you are essentially the the CEO costs for the project. vestment is an essential part of this portfolio. Contact RE/MAX ments, where other investments may be at the mercy of . The younger you start to invest in property, the better. today and let an experienced professional help guide you through We need your inputs of what projects in the community would be best. of ways in which you can add value to your property, the process of investing in property to become a millionaire. Don’t wait any longer, make that call today. We believe in eases the value and your the investment. to christos@remaxind.co.za. Pls send usreturns youronsuggestions Port Elizabeth and we would like to assist where its most needed.

Christo Slabbert BROKER/MANAGER Christo -Slabbert - Team Leader perties - E-mail: christos@remaxind.co.za - Website: www.propertiesportelizabeth.co.za - Work Phone: 27 (0)41 581 7414 - Mobile: 076076 929929 1710 - Fax: View Agent Properties - E-mail: christos@remaxind.co.za - Website: www.propertiesportelizabeth.co.za - Work Phone: 27 (0)41 368 1100 - Mobile: 1710 - Fax:086 086363 3636437 6437 By Katrina www.splashofsomething.com

Theres nothing quite like entertaining in your back-yard during the Summer. Whether it’s for a party or just to create a late evening chill out zone on your patio – check out this easy to do, budget friendly idea!



1. Blow up balloons to desired size. Keep in mind that the size of your balloon dictates the size of your lanterns balls (it’s also helpful not to blow up the balloons all the way; a bit less air makes for rounder balloons). 2. If you plan to place a lantern light in your finished lanterns, draw a circle on the top of each balloon large enough to accommodate the lighting fixture. If you’re not planning to light the lanterns or you’d prefer to stuff them with a simple strand of twinkle lights, you can skip this step (just make sure you leave enough space while wrapping to stuff the twinkle lights inside). 3. Lay a plastic drop cloth over your work surface, and set up a place where balloons can be suspended from the air to dry. I draped the plastic drop cloth across the bathroom floor and

• 5 to 6 balloons, blown up to whatever size ball or lantern you want to make • large plastic drop cloth • scissors • twine or cotton yarn • basic white glue • ½ cup cornstarch • ¼ cup warm water • petroleum jelly • clear, fast-drying spray paint • lantern lights or white twinkle lights

into the bathtub so I could hang the balls on the shower bar. 4. Mix glue, cornstarch and warm water in a large container until all lumps are gone, then cover each balloon in petroleum jelly (using rubber gloves for this cuts down on the mess). 5. Feed the twine through the glue mixture until it is coated, then start draping it around the balloon. 6. Wrap the ball vertically to a comfortable tightness, then horizontally. Once ball is wrapped to your liking, use a piece of twine to suspend it from the shower bar (or drying space of your choosing). 7. Allow balls to dry for 24 hours. Then, pop the balloons. It’s like magic! Spray the balls with clear, fast-drying spray paint. 8. Once they’re dry, insert the lights, and you’re ready to party like it’s 1999!

We have the largest selection of quality pork, beef and lamb sourced from the best possible supply. We stock AAA grade Sparta rump, sirloin and fillet steak as well as lamb from the Western Cape and Karoo regions.


Laerskool Moregrove 4 OCTOBER 2014

MOREGROVE CONCERT The Gr 1 to 3 children and teachers of Moregrove Primary entertained the parents and grandparents to a spring tea and a concert “ A trip down memory lane with Biff, Chip and Gran” on 26 and 27 September. The main characters Biff, Chip and Gran, from the school’s reading scheme, were transported on a magical adventure from the shores of the USA, through the jungle and into the city centre and townships. After an eventful and tiring day they finally landed up in every child’s dream world, “Candyland” .

Summerwood Primary School Tweekamp

Ons tweekamp-dogterspan het by die Oos-Kaapse proewe weggestap met die tweekampwisseltrofee vir laerskole. Ons het dié trofee ook in 2013 verower.

Co-Ed Cricket

The Co-Ed Cricket Festival was held in Port Elizabeth from 2 to 4 October. Summerwood was one of the hosts. Our U/13 A Team competed against schools like Cambridge and Grens from East London and won some of the matches.


Jolie Voges (12) het haar junior swart belt in karate verwerf. Aan die einde van die jaar tree sy as skeidsregter op en sal ook probeer om haar eerste dunn te behaal.

Hulle is v.l.n.r. Danielle Honiball, Mari Venter, Helene Venter, Anke Serfontein, Lize Müller en Christine le Roux.

Rhythmic Gymnastics

The Eastern Cape Rhythmic Gymnastics competition was held in September. The following girls from Summerwood did exceptionally well: From left to right are: Kiana Dyssel, Jodi Wilson, Kayra Parker-Nance, Laurika Brand and Emma Fitzhenry.

“PE. Dance Festival”

Keeanna Weldrick (links) en Kiana Dyssel het by die Port Elizabeth Dance Festival verskeie toekennings ontvang vir hul danspassies.


Lorraine Primary OCTOBER 2014 5

Die Ha!man

Cat CareSkenking

Die Ha!man (Francois le Roux) het die skool besoek en leerders van die blaasorkes het saam met hom opgetree. Francois is ‘n briljante tjellis, pianis en komponis. Francois was reeds op 10-jarige ouderdom orrelis in die kerk en het al op 11-jarige ouderdom as solis saam met simfonie-orkeste opgetree.

Hier sit ‘n Graad 3 klas by al die bydraes wat ontvang en aan Cat Care geskenk is. Dit lyk asof daar baie katte-liefhebbers by ons skool is!

Dear Dr Seuss: It is not only cats in hats, but our fun-loving Grade 4’s too! Op 1 September het die Graad 4’s heerlike pret gehad met hul tuisgemaakte lentehoede.

Westering Primary School Cricket

1st game of the cricket season for our very excited u13A team.


Both the Westering U11A and U13A teams came 2nd in their respective age groups at the “Seriously Fun” Hockey Tournament held at Westering High School.


Tegan and Fallon Bekker doing Westering proud by becoming South African Karate Champions in their respective age groups.

u11A cricket team ready for action!

Show Performance

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves put on a stellar performance in the Westering production of ‘Blown Away’.

Builder’s Gardening Show

Some of our Grade 3’s showing off their gardening skills and the Builder’s Warehouse Gardening Show.

Be AWSUM. Read AWSUM. Willow Academy

“Willows Got Talent” A popular item from the “Willows Got Talent” variety show was a modernized rendition of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. This rendition, renamed as Omelette, was highly entertaining and captured the essence, if not the vernacular of the original.


Laerskool Verkenner 6 OCTOBER 2014 Verkenner se maats het ‘n baie besige kwartaal afgesluit met ‘n lekker dag van kaskar-pret! Daar is selfs deur sommige slim planne gemaak toe hulle kaskar nie opgedaag het nie - kyk net hoe oulik ry hulle kruiwa!!


Grade R’s teachers

Some of our grade R’s and their teachers.

Having some FUN!! Grade R’s just the way we would like to end off a term: building puzzles and painting . . . and walking around our school, playing and having fun in the mud.


Our grade 1 cleaning ladies and boy.


Theodor Herzl School OCTOBER 2014 7

PE’s Top toast Mistress

Solar Charged

Sivu Tshefu (in Grade 11) recently brought home the Port Elizabeth Toastmasters Interschools Speech Content trophy for 2014. After completing an 8-week toastmasters course at THS, Sivu’s winning speech put her through to represent Theodor at the interschools competition. Her entertaining talk was all about her travels – she’s lucky enough to have been on 13 trips to 16 cities and she’s not stopping any time soon! Sivu says her favourite city is Istanbul and her best travel companion… her mum.

New Pupil Leadership

Theodor Herzl High School recently voted in its new Prefect Body for 2014/2015. Our congratulations to Victoria Bolton (Head Prefect), Jessica Mandel (Deputy), Thabang Mabula, Christie Vaughan, Sivu Tshefu, Sonali Madhoo and Yazdan Baig on their election to this vital team. Already, this new team has introduced a fresh tradition by awarding well deserved ‘Theodorian of the Fortnight’ certificates at assembly. First recipients have been Meghan Oddy (Grade 11) for Dancing, and Chanel Els and Cameron Gordon for the recycling they sort out for the school once a week.

Fired up by solar energy and Theodorian enthusiasm, the boys’ team of Grade 10 Physical Science pupils raced their class-built solar powered vehicle to victory at the Sasol Solar Car Challenge recently! Pictured top from left, Jesse Ross, Massimo Ponzo, James Thompson, Hareet Shar and Callum Exley were supported by Zaakirah Dudhia and Jodie Goldberg, members of the THS girls’ team that also built and raced a car. The Sasol Solar Challenge scholar educational programme provided schools with equipment to design and build two solar powered cars, which they then raced

Come fly with me

There was a flurry on Theodor Herzl’s sports fields in October when pilots from Helicopter Charter & Training dropped in to inspire the Grade 12 Life Orientation class to follow a career in aviation.

against teams from other schools. Our boys made it through the heats and semifinals to win the PE event overall, raking in a R2 500 shopping voucher from Pick n Pay for themselves and R11 500 in equipment for the school. Hot stuff!


Old Theodorian Krish Lynch, left and Jane Kirk (in Grade 11) are part of the Eastern Province Fencing team selected to participate in the National Junior Championships in Pretoria this month. THS teacher Mr Peter Lynch has been instrumental in establishing fencing as a competitive sport in the province since 2012.

THS Prefect Body, from left, Thabang Mabula, Jessica Mandel, Christie Vaughan, Sivuyile Tshefu, Sonali Madhoo, Victoria Bolton and Yazdan Baig, with Campus Head Mr Stephen Fay.


Mount Pleasant O/ 13-Krieket

Die O/13-Krieketspan het vanaf 2 tot 4 Oktober aan ‘n toernooi deelgeneem. Hulle het goed gespeel en ons is trots op die manne.

Baie Geluk!!! Here is one of the boys, Jason Serfontein, playing a shot down the field.


Laerskool Kabega 8 OCTOBER 2014 Pick n Pay Hero nominees

Pick n Pay Hero nominees Anneke Bushby, Monique Ferreira, Mrs Melissa Weldrick, Donne van Rooyen and Kayla Ferreira.

Entrepreneur’s Day

Leadership Camp


Mr Groenewald’s u/13 soccer boys did well at the Build It tournament.

The Grade 6 learners went on a leadership camp at Welgelegen.

Building Competition

We held a very successful entrepreneur’s day on 2 October 2014. Cameron Malgas and Carly Warrecker looked especially nice.

Vicky du Toit (left) and Ree Ramavhoya (centre) from TWTC with the Kabega Bio Buddies at Builders Warehouse during the “Build a herb garden from recyclables” competition.

Ice Bucket Challenge

Mr Roelofse dunks Mrs Saker and Mr Groenwald dunks Mr Sharp during the ice bucket challenge held to raise funds for Pulmonary Hypertension – Breathing for Kyle.

Herbert Hurd Musical Production

Much to the delight of the pupils, many Herbert Hurd teachers threw caution to the wind and played their part in the school’s musical production “Thank you for the music”.

Here, ‘Tina Turner’ and her ‘girls’ pose for the camera.

Teachers, in their colourful costumes, delighted audiences with their African moves to the song Jika by Mi Casa.

Interhouse Athletics Competition

Herbert Hurd held its Interhouse Athletics Competition at the Oval on September 23rd. Weymouth House won both the competition and the Spirit Cup. Here the cheerleaders show off their smiles and their trophies.

General Knowledge Competition

Albury House team members, Matthew van der Westhuizen, Tara Oosthuizen, Matthew Drake and Mvuyisi Mvoko celebrate their win at Herbert Hurd’s Interhouse General Knowledge Competition.


Hoërskool DF Malherbe 10 OCTOBER 2014 “Solar Car Challenge”

Leerders van Hoërskool DF Malherbe het op Woensdag, 1 Oktober deelgeneem aan die “Solar Car Challenge” op Kings Beach se parkeerarea. Die inisiatief, wat deur Sasol gereël word, nooi skole uit om te kompeteer vir ‘n groot kontantprys wat dan aan die skool geskenk word. Elke skool kry dieselfde tipe materiaal om hulle sonverhitte modelmotors te bou. Hulle kompeteer teen mekaar op ‘n plastiek

resiesbaan en neem deel aan verskeie uitkloprondtes. Laer- en hoërskole was die kans gegun om hulle tegniese en meganiese vaardighede teen mekaar te toets. Op die dag het die regte “Solar Car” wat besig is om sy tog van Pretoria na Kaapstad te maak, ook die terrein op Kings Beach besoek. DF leerders het ‘n goeie semifinale gehaal, waar die kompetisie sterk was, en die son min.

Individual brilliance!

Tiaan Barnard recently attended the Makro Bestmed cycling race in Lorraine where he got into 3rd place in the junior category. The race was no easy task as riders had to endure 90 kilometres of long climbs and sprinting. He also attended the St. Francis Links Criterium Race where he got 1st place in the juniors. Tiaan also participates in athletics and cross-country. DF would like to congratulate him on his great sporting achievements and his willingness to be involved.

Mathematics Olimpiad

Liesl Els, The Best Girls Mathematics Olimpiad Learner In The Eastern Cape!

DF leerders doen hulle deel vir die omgewing

Hier maak Biandré Stresso, tweede van regs, sy motor gereed om teen die ander skole deel te neem.

DF Malherbe se leerders het op Saterdag, 20 September op nasionale “Coastal Cleaning Day”, areas rondom die Sardiniabaai-natuurreservaat skoongemaak. Die leerders is besig om in samewerking met Sardiniabaai Lewensreddingsklub (SBLRK), oplei-ding te ontvang om gekwalifiseerde lewensredders te word. Andrew Marriot, die klub se voorsitter, tree op as instrukteur van die program. Marriot leer hulle nie net hoe om na vakansiegangers se veiligheid om te sien nie, maar alles rondom die mariene lewe, die gevare wat rommel op strande inhou, en interessante stories oor die klub se geskiedenis. Die leerders ontvang sowat 2 maande se weeklikse opleiding, waarna hulle sertifikate ontvang as gekwalifiseerde lewensredders. Die opleiding word in tyd geskeduleer vir die opkomende Desember-vakansie. Dit is die besigste tyd van die jaar waar vakansiegangers die Baai besoek. Die SBLRK en die leerders sal dus gereed wees vir die massas mense wat mag opdaag.

SA Diamond Ontwikkelingspan. Marinus Bronkhorst het in die vakansie deelgeneem aan die SA Diamond Ontwikkelingspan. Hulle het ‘n oefenkamp gehad waarin hulle op verskillende tegnieke gekonsentreer het. Daarna het hulle wedstryde gespeel waarby Marinus slegs een keer uit was as kolwer. Baie geluk Marinus! Ons is seker jy gaan nog baie hoogtes met jou krieket bereik!

Hier ontvang DF se leerders opleiding in die klubhuis.

Snaakse opgetelde voorwerpe het voorgekom.

Victoria Park High School “Matric of the Year”

Daniella Patsalos, our Headgirl, attended the herald “Matric of the Year” dinner where it was announced that she had won the cultural catergory, and was chosen second overall in the competition. Well done, Daniella, you make us proud!

Grey Soccer Tournament

Victoria Park High School played in the Grey Soccer Tournament in Bloemfontein recently in 30 degrees heat! VP finished 4th out of 20 Schools. Nkosinathi Gcakasi was named goalkeeper of the tournament and our very own Mr Leander was named coach of the tournament. Lonwabo Blafour with Bafana Bafana Head Coach, Shakes Mashaba at the Captain’s Dinner.

Inaugural Friday Night Light Athletics

40 of our athletes took part in the Inaugural Friday Night Light Athletics Series at NMMU Xerox Athletics Stadium recently. Here Cayla Seddon took first place in her hurdles race. Well done Cayla!


Grey Senior OCTOBER 2014 11

New Grey Supporters’ Stand Our new Supporters’ Stand was officially opened on Tuesday 9 September – this in the presence of invited guests and all our generous donors and sponsors. Well done, again, to Mr EP van Niekerk for taking the initiative and for driving this very worthwhile project. He did us the honour by cutting the ribbon before our guests posed for a number of photographs on the stand.

Life Saving World Championship

Congratulations to Craig Dalgleish, who is currently in France competing in the Life Saving World Championship (Rescue 2014). We received the fantastic news that Craig came 3rd in the 100m sprints. Well done!

Baie Geluk!!! Craven week Tournament In recognition of Grey’s contribution to the annual Craven Week schools rugby tournament over many years, we were presented with a bust of legendary Springbok player and SA Rugby Football Union head for more than 30 years Danie Craven. With the Grey men is George Craven, son of Danie Craven.

Grey Matric Dinner 2014 A great evening was enjoyed by all in the transformed and elegant surrounds of the De Waal Hall. A real sense of occasion and dignity prevailed – full marks to our Matrics who were immaculately turned out! The Grey Staff thoroughly appreciated the opportunity of sharing this special occasion with our Matrics of 2014.

Hoërskool Cillié Kultuuraand 2014

Op 28 Augustus het Hoërskool Cillié se Kultuurleerders weer gewys waartoe hulle in staat is met hulle jaarlikse kultuurkonsert. Die tema van hierdie jaar se konsert was: “Around the world.” Die gehoor het saam met die hoofkarakters, wat in ‘n vliegtuig aan die kant van die verhoog gesit het, die wêreld deur sang-, dans- en drama-items ontdek. Verskeie plekke is besoek en ‘n gepaste item, eie aan dié land, is dan gelewer. Die vliegtuig se laaste stop was SuidAfrika en elke persoon in die gehoor kon weer die Trots Suid-Afrikaanse gevoel kry. Tussendeur het die hoofkarakters interessante feite oor elke land gegee en die gehoor vermaak met hulle eie geite en uiteenlopende persoonlikhede. Die kultuurkonsert is elke jaar ‘n hoogtepunt en dit is altyd lekker om te sien hoeveel talent die leerders in Cillié het.

Leerderraad – ons maak ‘n verskil! Om ‘n leier te wees vat passie, harde werk, determinasie en geduld. Dit is maar net ‘n gedeelte wat die leiers van Hoërskool Cillié geleer het tydens die jaarlikse kamp. Die jaar se Leerderraadskamp was van 5-7 September 2014, by die Voortrekkerkampterrein in Boknes gehou. Die 43 leerderraadslede is deur 4 onderwysers vergesel wat gedurende die naweek verskeie sessies aangebied het. Die doel van die sessies was om hulself en die medeleerders bietjie beter te verstaan, om te leer hoe om leierskap practise toe te pas, wat verwag word van leiers en hoe om ‘n verskil te maak. Die jaarbeplanning is gedoen en die twee

0/16A Rugby

Hierdie span het vanjaar die liga onoorwonne afgesluit. Hulle klop D.F 44-0. Hulle beste wedstryd was egter toe hulle Despatch op Despatchveld met 27-13 geklop het. Baie geluk manne. Cillié is trots op julle. Julle is die span van die jaar!

groot projekte wat die Leerderraad gaan anpak is om die skool se sluitkassies op te knap en uit te reik na die kinders van die Sinethemba huis. Tussen al die sessies was daar ook ‘n paar “ken-mekaaraktiwiteite”, wat meestal baie vermaak verskaf het. Dit was ‘n naweek waat die 43 leerderraadslede, iets nuuts geleer het, hetsy oor hulself, skool of vriende. Die naweek was baie insiggewend met lekker kos, nuwe vriende, ‘n “awesome” tyd, seer maagspiere en min slaap! Dit was werklik onvergeetlik. Die Leerderraad van 2014/15 is baie opgewonde oor die positiewe invloed wat ons op ons skool gaan hê.


Hoërskool Framesby 12 OCTOBER 2014

Fantasia Lentekonsert

Fantasia Lentekonsert was gehou op Vrydag, 26 September ter voorbereiding vir en as fondsinsameling vir die koor se optrede by die Hartenbos Kaas-enBiltongfees op 24 en 25 Oktober. Met die Lentekonsert het die Fantasia koor opgetree as hoofitem met tien van hul beste liedjies, o.a. Nella Fantasia (solis: Chante Hugo), Duisend Drome (soliste:

Anzia van Heerden en Marinus van Rooyen), All Of Me (koorverwerking deur Maryna Rheeder), Ode aan my Land (begeleidster: Marissa Roodt), Ons vir Jou Suid-Afrika, Nicholis Louw Medley (solis: PC van Rooyen), Bring Jou Hart en Kasteel-keurspel. Die res van die konsert was aangebied deur sangsoliste uit die Fantasia Koor

(Karika le Roux, Anzia van Heerden, Kyle Snyman, Michael Landman, Zelnay Rossouw en Anri van Aswegen), asook twee gaskunstenaars (Marinus van Rooyen en Jancke Muller). Caitlin Garbers (gr 10E) het die gehoor vermaak met haar briljante toneelspel in ‘n stuk genaamd “Confessions”.

Tweekamp Die OP-proewe het die afgelope naweek by die Oval en Herbert Hurd plaasgevind. Framesby het uitstekend gevaar en 15 atlete is opgeneem in die OP-spanne wat aan ‘n Interprovinsiale byeenkoms gaan deelneem in Port Elizabeth op 25 Oktober. Hulle is: A-span: Vicky Oelofse, Shani Smit, Bridget Hart, Stefanie Olivier, Arno Swart, Dané Cronjé. B-span: Amoré Terblanché, Amorette Matthee, Anel Gerber, Jurgens Viljoen. C-span: Sonika Nel, Janno Agenbag, Brendan Welsh, Cobus Stadler, JP Greyling.

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Pearson High School Cambridge Cricket Festival

Pearson enjoyed a successful sporting holiday with a number of teams taking part in festivals and tournaments. The 1st Cricket Team participated in the annual Cambridge Cricket Festival and returned unbeaten.

Results were as follows: 4 October Vs Hudson Park Invitational (T20) Won by 8 wickets Vs Cambridge (T20) Won by 8 wickets 5 October Vs Selborne Invitational (deceleration cricket) Won by 5 wickets 6 October Vs Stirling (40 overs) Won by 9 wickets.

Grey High U/15 Tournament The Pearson U/15A Team Participated in the Grey High School festival: U/15A - Grey High School Festival 4 October Vs Bishops (deceleration cricket) Won by 2 wickets 5October Vs Kearsney College Won by 2 wickets 6 October Vs Affies (50 overs) Lost by 6 wickets

Overall winners of CO-ED waterpolo tournament Kingswood College hosted the 20th Annual Co – Eds Tournament bringing together the best Co – Ed teams from across the country. Both the Boys and Girls team competed in the finals. The Boys came up against a very talented Crawford College Lonehill team where after leading at half time, lost the game 5 – 3. The girls final brought a tough fixture for the Pearson Girls team, who played against Westerford in the final from Cape Town. The previous weekend Westerford lost to Reddam in the U19 Reddam Tournament, so this promised to be a great show down. The girls brought a spectacular final where they went down 7-6 and lost in the final second. Overall Pearson won the trophy for the best Co – Ed Water Polo School in the country for two consecutive years. Special mention needs to be made to the 4 Pearson girls who were selected in the top 13 players of the tournament. They are, Cayli Von Thiel, Laura Newton, Kelsey Vaughan and Hannah Werth. The boys side also had three players selected for the tournament side and they are, Antonio Votano, Matthew Petzer and Pierre Cilliers. Antonio Votano was nominated the best Goalkeeper and Matthew

Petzer was nominated the best forward of the tournament. The Pearson water polo teams competed at numerous tournaments around the country. The first tournament saw our U14 and U15 girls compete at the inaugural Collegiate U15 Tournament where the U15 team played for 4th place and saw the U14 side drew 5th. The U14 Boys took part in the annual Stirling U14 Tournament in East London where the boys ended up in 3rd position. The same weekend as the above the 1st girls participated in the inaugural Rewddam U19 Tournament in Cape Town where they competed against the countries best of the best. The girls came 8th out of 14 where they played 9 games and only losing to three. Pearson High School’s U15 Boys team finished in 5th place at the annual Ian Melliar Tournament in Cape Town at the beginning of the holiday.


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