AWSUM Rustenburg & Brits - June Edition

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Celebrating school achievements in South Africa JUNE 2022

Read the latest school news on


Learners selected for provincial teams Leerders wat verkies is tot provinsiale spanne




Bring jou tekkies en bring jou tokse Skenk ou tekkies of toks aan leerders wie se ouers dit nie finansieel kan bekostig nie. Skole en instansies kan betrokke raak deur te help met die insameling van die sportskoene. Die skopafrigter Vlok Cilliers en die Springbok-losskakel Morné Steyn het hul kragte saamgesnoer om `n verskil in die lewe van jong mense met sporttalent te maak. Cilliers het in 2020 die Tekkies-en-Toks-projek, in samewerking met Solidariteit Helpende Hand, begin om behoeftige kinders te help wat nie rugbystewels of tekkies kan bekostig nie. AWSUM is trots om van 2022 ook as mediavennoot by die projek betrokke te kan wees.

Hoe raak ons skool betrokke en skenk ek as ouer skoene? 1.

Indien jou skool wil betrokke raak, kontak gerus vir Annelize by


Ouers en leerders kan betrokke raak en enige ou of nuwe sportskoene skenk of deur `n geldelike bydra te maak. Die projek is nie net gemik op seuns wat aan rugby deelneem nie, maar op alle kinders en vir enige sportsoort.


Daar is twee afleweringspunte: • •

Die bekroonde skopafrigter Vlok Cilliers en Morné Steyn snoer kragte saam met Solidariteit Helpende Hand om skop-skop ’n verskil in die land te maak

Leerders of ouers bring tweedehandse/nuwe sportskoene (ons versoek wel dat dit in ‘n bruikbare toestand moet wees) na hul skool en plaas dit in die Tekkies en Toks boks by die skool Ouers kan ook die skoene by hulle naaste Helpende Hand Ons Winkel-tak aflaai 4.

Sodra die bokse vol is kontak die skool Helpende Hand wat die bokse leegmaak vir verdere insameling


Helpende Hand is verantwoordelik vir die allokering en verspreiding na geskikte kandidate.

Gaan besoek ook gerus die webtuiste vir meer inligting.




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Awsum School News

The risks of supplements As parents or guardians, you know that the pressure to train hard, compete and achieve at a high level can lead athletes to entertain dangerous options. Saids is the Institute for Drug-Free Sport in S.A. AWSUM asked them why we should be concerned about the risks of supplements and they share the facts. The general assumption in school learners is that supplements will improve their performance on the sport field and that it is a ‘quick fix’ to reach your goals. This might be due to the confusing, sometimes dubious, claims on supplement labels. A scary fact is that one of the boys who tested positive for anabolic steroids during the Craven Week Rugby Tournament in 2018, revealed taking 18 different supplements, ranging from protein shakes and ‘mass builders’, to pre-workouts, energy boosters, etc. Why should we be alarmed if the following claims “scientifically tested”, “proven”, “healthy”, “specifically designed for youth”, “superior”, “drug-free” appear on the supplement packaging? It is unethical marketing and outright false claims of efficacy and safety and provides hidden risks that consumers are not always aware of. In fact, researchers from the University of KZN did an analysis of 15 Whey Protein Shakes from the top-selling brands in SA and found that 9 out of the 15 were non-compliant with labelling regulations, and deliberately manipulated and overstated the protein and amino-acid content of the products. Are supplements being tested sufficiently? No. In reality, the majority of supplements on the market have not been sufficiently tested or scrutinised by an independent health authority, such as the SA Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA). This problem is not unique to South Africa, but is a global concern. What are the dangerous ingredients that were found in supplements? Prescription drugs, banned substances, heavy metals, pesticides, and other dangerous chemicals. In one study, researchers analised the contents of 134 top-selling protein supplements available via the internet - many were found to contain heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, BPA (found in plastic) and other chemicals linked to cancer, liver damage and other ill-health effects3. In a study conducted by the University of Cape Town (UCT), 138 popular Protein Shakes from leading brands available on the SA market were tested for melamine content (found in plastic). The use of melamine in food production is not approved by WHO as it is related to kidney stones and kidney failure. Melamine is sometimes illegally added to food products to increase their ‘apparent’ protein content. The UCT researchers found that 57% of imported and 82% of locally produced protein shakes tested positive for melamine. Though the concentration was below toxic levels per se, there is a risk related to the amount of product the consumer will be taking (dosage), frequency, duration, and/or number of supplements the individual will be taking.

Can these ingredients, that exceed safety limits, cause medical problems or hospitalization? A study report from Harvard Medical School looked at the number of ill-health events reported on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System between 2004 to 2015. They found 977 adverse event reports in the 0 – 25 year age group2. Around 40% had severe medical outcomes, including hospitalization and death. Supplements sold for muscle-building, weight loss and energy were associated with almost 3 x the risk for severe medical outcomes compared to vitamins. Can supplements be taken as a supplement to nutritional needs? Advertising such as: “supplements specially designed for youth”, or that “young athletes need supplements to perform / bulk-up”, or “a normal diet is not enough” is concerning. These claims have no scientific grounds and contradicts evidence-based consensus on the value of “food first” for youth as best support for optimal health, growth and development and sporting performance (over the short- and long-term). Particularly in youth, a dietary supplement should only be considered (for as short duration as possible) to correct a clinically diagnosed dietary deficiency and taken under appropriate health professional guidance e.g. Registered Dietitian, who can address and optimise dietary intake as the main focus. A Dietitian can also help do a risk vs. benefit analysis and help identify low-risk products, if needed. Parents should note that SAIDS supports the views of leading health and sport authorities from around the world (including the IOC) that deems it inappropriate and unethical for active and competitive adolescent athletes to be encouraged to consume dietary supplements for performance-enhancement. References 1. Harvard Medical School - The hidden dangers of protein powders: They may contain added sugar, calories, or even toxic chemicals. 2020 (link) 2. Taking Stock of Dietary Supplements’ Harmful Effects on Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults,” Flora Or, Yongjoo Kim, Juliana Simms, S. Bryn Austin, Journal of Adolescent Health. 2019, doi: 10.1016/j. jadohealth.2019.03.005. 3. Consumer Reports - Arsenic, Lead Found in Popular Protein Supplements. Hirsch, 2018.

Visit the SA Institute for Drug-Free Sport webpage – Education and Video Library; Report Doping or Contact Us for any queries.

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Baie geluk aan elke atleet met hul prag prestasies, hierdie atlete ontvang ook hul SA deelname sertifikate.

Blayne Nel Gewigstoot

Melissa J v Vuuren Gewigstoot

Lehandro Esteves Hoogspring en Spiesgooi.

Kyra Jubileus Gewigstoot en Diskus Beste Veldatleet

Tjaart Barnard Diskus

Katli Mathuloe 80m & 200m Hekkies

Jenilee du Toit 200m hekkies

Elizy Jv Vuuren


Rugby Baie geluk aan die volgende o.13 en o.12 seuns wat verkies is om die Luiperds o.12 & o.13 in 2022 te verteenwoordig.

o.13 Katli Mathuloe, Carlo Classe, Lerato Matlaisane, Ewoudt Lidderd, Duran Pieterse, Ruben van Heerden.

Baie geluk aan Laerskool Rustenburg se verkose hoofleiers vir die tweede kwartaal: Elizy J. v. Vuuren en Dehan Jacobs. Ons weet verseker dat hulle Larries se naam hoog sal hou.

o.12 Rainer Walker en Lohann Botes.

Laerskool Rustenburg is baie trots op drie van ons o.13 hokkiespelers wat verkies is tot die Noordwes A en B-spanne. Ruandré Booysen en Mia De Gouveia Farinha is gekies vir die A-span wat Stellenbosch toe toer vanaf 2-6 Junie. David van den Bergh is gekies vir die B-span en toer Potchefstroom toe vanaf 26-30 Junie. Baie sterkte aan hierdie spelers.

David van den Bergh

Mia de Gouveia-Farinha

Ruandre Booysen

Dehan Jacobs

Tennis Moontlik die meeste Larries tennisspelers ooit in die Noordwes tennisspanne. Die volgende Laerskool Rustenburg tennisspelers ontvang hulle Noordweskleure: Evan Erasmus, Ayden Nel (o.10), Blayne Nel (o.11), Linchen Langeveldt (o.12). Lohan Reynecke (o.12), Mia de Wet (o.11), Tiana van Niekerk (o.12), Anelia Nel (o.12). Baie geluk aan die ouers en die spelers. Larries is bitter trots op hierdie spelers en sien uit na goeie uitslae!

FIELDS COLLEGE Provincial Netball

National Chess Championships

Congratulations to the following girls who were chosen for the North-West Netball teams. U/13 Panashe Jonasi U/14 Palesa Popane U/15 Reatlegile Taukobong

Panashe Jonasi o.13

Palesa Popane (o.14) & Reatlegile Taukobong (o.15).

Soccer Our first team girls walked away with silver in the Final League and our u.16 boys made their opponent work up a real sweat. Congratulations on 2 great games.

Thato Matshego will be taking part in the National Chess Championships.

Panashe Jonasi o.13

Top matric learners invited by District Director of North-West and the Department of Education Three of our matric learners Lisakanya Mbaligontsi, Zuhayra Satar and Otlotleng Lekoakoa were invited as guests at a function hosted by Mrs Paledi, the District Director of North-West and the Department of Education. They were honoured for being in the top 50 learners from over 18 000 registered matric learners.

1st Team girls

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Lisakanya Mbaligontsi, Zuhayra Satar and Otlotleng Lekoakoa



Provinsiale Hokkie

Baie geluk aan die volgende rugbyseuns wat verkies is tot hulle onderskeie rugbyspanne.

o.13 – Noordwes-Netbal: Chloë van den Bergh, Jenna-Lee Harmse, Seanné du Randt. o.12 – Noordwes-Netbal: Marilie de Wet, Danique Prinsloo, Ané van der Westhuizen.

Baie geluk aan Stella Jooste en Danique Prinsloo wat gekies is. Ons it trots op julle.

Rugby o.12 – Luiperdspan: Keagen du Randt, James Kleinsmith. Rugby o.13 – Luiperdspan: Dian Huisamen, AJ Coetzer.

Keagan du Randt

James Kleinsmith

Dian Huisamen

AJ Coetzer

Chloë van den Bergh

Jenna-Lee Harmse

Marilie de Wet

Danique Prinsloo

Ané van der Westhuizen

Seanné du Randt

LAERSKOOL PROTEAPARK ATKV Koor ATKV Junior en Senior kore behaal ‘n silwer

Noordwes Hokkie

SA Atletiek

O.12 Luiperd-oefengroep

Nathan van Staden behaal ‘n eerste plek in die 0/12 Diskus.

Nathan van Staden, Ray Erasmus, Uya Kumalo, Juan Matthee, Jadon Bezuidenhout en Mario Enos.

Die volgende spelers is opgeneem in die NOORDWES A en B-spanne • • • • •

Josh Brown - 0/12 B Marius van den Berg - 0/13 A Rilee van Dalen - 0/13 B Kagiso Moloantoa - 0/12 A Mario Enos - 0/12 B

Mooi so, Parkies is trots!

Noordwes Netbal

O.13 Luiperdspan

Die o.12 A Netbalspan is tweede op Bojanala Kampioenskappe, hulle is deur na Noordwes.

Marius vd Berg, Nathan Volschenk, Rilee van Dalen.


NW Klere vir Bergfiets

o.14 NW-Netbalspan Rapelang Leshomo, Corneli Gerber, Antonel de Villiers, Mirne Young, Kaylan Goosen, Chrizelle Olivier, Ja-Lize Louw en Zunika Bouwer.

o.16 NW-Netbalspan Kamogelo Molefe, Elsje Gouws, Zane Maritz en Carike Arnold.

o.15 NW Netbalspan Nina Breetveldt, Mianke van der Merwe, Anya Matchett en Mia Malan.

o.18 NW-Netbalspan Riadre Botha en Charlize Theron

o.17 NW-netbalspan Danel Gouws, Landri Janse van Rensburg, Andrya Joubert, Sonika de Bruin, Jone Joubert, J-Dene Krugel, Anya Oosthuizen en Christin Olivier.

Victrix Ludorum

NWU prestige-sportreeks Wenners

Kaitlin Louw aangekondig as Victrix Ludorum tydens die Q3 Bojanala SANESA-byeenkoms

RHS Gholf NWU prestige-sportreeks wenners.

Kaitlin Louw

Reghard Pieterse, Hendre Naude, Darion vd Berg, Stefan Kruger, Jordan Goosen, Aidan Drummond.

Anrich Barkhuisen


Die tennis senior span was 3de en juniorspan was 4de in die NWU Prestige sportreeks.

Reinhard de Beer, Alrich Wannenburg, Jurie Blignaut, Henno Oosthuizen, Gary Impy, Waldo de Beer, voor, Nicolene Cloet, Annemie Pretorius, Talitha de Preez, Niane Pretorius.


AWSUM gesels met die eerstespan rugbykaptein van Hoërskool Rustenburg

G e o B a r n a r dt e in

Provincial Rugby Congratulations to the following boys from Laerskool David Brink who have been included in the respective U.12 and U.13 Leopard teams. We are proud of you!

e e r s t e s pa n R U G BY k


Lefa Makoka, Sifiso Nomandla, Phenyo Tshwene, Phenyo Ngwenya, Lefa Maloma.

First team rugby at Loftus Brinkies se eerstespan rugby by Loftus. This is a day that our boys will remember forever!

North West Team

Congratulations to Sebotse Kgalema from Laerskool David Brink who has been included in the U/12 North West team. We are proud of you!

Wat is die hoogtepunt van jou rugbyloopbaan tot dusver en wat is die hoogtepunt van jou span se seisoen sover? In my eie loopbaan is die hoogtepunt die span van 2022. Wat ‘n voorreg is dit om te kan voorvat met so ‘n span wat agter jou staan. Vir RHS is dit verseker ons oorwinning teen Noordheuwel waar die span karakter gewys het en as een man saam gespeel het. Hoe motiveer jy jou span? Ons word gemotiveer deur al die manne wat die afgelope 100 jaar voor ons in dieselfde trui gespeel het. My en my span se grootste motivering is die talent wat ons van God ontvang het en om dit tot ons volle potensiaal te kan gebruik. Wie is julle onderkaptein en hoe staan hy jou by? Hugo van Niekerk – hy steek die vuur aan die brand by die voorspelers en dit syfer deur die hele span en hy help baie met dissipline.

Hoe is die samestelling van die span vir 2022? Enige beserings? Ons het ‘n baie goeie naam in die liga, maar ons is nog nie waar ons wil wees nie. Ons het 4 briljante spelers wat beseer is en dit het ‘n invloed op die span, maar vir die spelers wat opgeskuif het wil ek krediet gee en sê hulle staan hulle plekke heeltemal vol. Wat wil julle as ‘n span die jaar bereik? Wat sal jou trots maak? Ons doelwit is om die Virseker Beker in 2022 te wen en RHS te laat opskuif na die beker afdeling. Ons as jaargroep wil die skool in ‘n beter liga agterlaat as wat dit was en die beker vir die eerste keer as eerstespan huistoe bring. Dit sal groot geskiedenies in die 100 jaar se bestaansjaar van die skool maak. Wat is jou planne vir die toekoms? Ek gaan Risikobestuur studeer by NWU Pukke en sal baie graag vir die Young Guns rugby wil speel.

SPECIAL EDITION OUT NOW! Hoërskool Rustenburg’s rugby is up against Hoërskool Montana this coming Saturday. Be sure to get your hard copy of the special edition featuring Hoërskool Rustenburg’s A teams, interviews with the first team rugby, netball and hockey captains and read what the coaches have to say.

`n Spesiale AWSUM - uitgawe vir die sportdag tussen Hoërskool Rustenburg en Hoërskool Montana


11 JUNIE 2022



NW Netbal

Baie geluk aan dié Bergsig leerders wat NW Kleure verwerf het in hokkie. Ons is baie trots op julle! Congratulations to the following learners with their inclusion in the NW Hockey team. We are extremely proud of you!

Congratulations to the following learners with their inclusion in the North West Netball Team. Indeed a great achievement! We are extremely proud of you!

• • • • • •

U 18 boys - Alvah Sithole U 16 A boys - Kitso Paulus U 16 B Boys- JP v Niekerk U 14 A boys - Divan Burger U 14 A boys - Ethan Oetegenn. U 14A girls - Cailyn Botha

Divan Burger

Cailyn Botha

Alvah Sithole

JP van Niekerk

Kitso Paulus

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Oatile Molefi Omphile Motabogi Neo Silinza Jonne Mulder Masentle Chara Lelentle Mokone Amogelang Msimanga Theo Khunou Botshelo Mashimo Jene Bonthuizen Charmanda le Roux Chanri Roesh

Oatile Molefi

Omphile Motabogi

Neo Silinza

Jonne Mulder

Masentle Chara

Lelentle Mokone

Amogelang Msimanga

Theo Khunou

Botshelo Mashimo

Jené Bonthuizen

Charmanda le Roux

Chanri Roesch

0.15 Luiperds Bosveld Sirkelspan

0.16 Luiperdspan

Baie geluk aan die Bergsig leerders wat ingesluit is in die 0.15 Luiperds Bosveld sirkelspan. Trotse Arende! Congratulations to the following learners with their inclusion into the Leopards Bosveld Circle team. Proud Eagles!

Bergsig is trots op die volgende talentvolle rugbyspelers wat deel vorm van die 0.16 Luiperdspan. Julle is voorwaar ons #arendtrots ! We are proud of the following talented Bergsig rugby players with their inclusion in the Leopards team! You make us #proudlybergsig !

• • • • •

Christian de Abreu Ronaldo Prinsloo Steven Grobler Oreratile Sedumedi Caleb Kihoro

• • • •

Bongu Sakie Luyanda Taffa Siya Buthelezi Simeon Botha



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DIE HOËRSKOOL WAGPOS Noordwes Netbalspan

Provinsiale rugby

Ons o.14 netbal is tops!

Aimee-lee Jacobs is verkies vir die Noordwes netbalspan!

Juan Lubbe is gekies vir die o/19 Luiperds rugbyoefengroep!

Baie geluk aan ons o/14 Netbalspan wat die naweek by Best Schools gekwalifiseer het om aan die Provinsiale Kampioenskappe deel te neem! Hul afrigters is Juffrou Cilliers en Juffrou Nel.

Aimee-Lee Jacobs

Juan Lubbe

ONTVANG DIE AWSUM KOERANT OP JOU FOON WhatsApp jou naam na 073 187 9539




LAERSKOOL BEKKER Leerders verkies tot Goue Leeus rugbyspanne

Horse Riding

Baie geluk aan ons leerders wat vir die onderkeie Goue Leeus rugbyspanne gekies is. o.13A span - Naledi Phiri • • o.12B span - Neo Moerane • o.13B span - Phemelo Modau

Odile Kleinhans and Caleb Venter competed at the prestigous showing Autumn Gold Cup at ICB in Kyalami in May.

Champion Novice junior show horse 2nd place novice junior working riding Caleb and his horse Azanian Giant obtained: 3rd place open junior show hack. 2nd place open junior show hunter. 3rd place open junior working riding.

Odile and her horse Banners Legacy obtained: 1st place Novice junior show hack. 2nd place Novice junior show riding. 1st place Novie junior show hunter. 3rd place junior novice working riding.

Well done Caleb and Odíle! We are so proud of you!

Reserve champion Novice junior show horse Caleb and his horse Queen Josephine obtained: 2nd place novice junior show hack. 1st place novice junior show riding.

Odile Kleinhans & Caleb Venter

Naledi Phiri

Caleb Venter was awarded the following National Awards from the Gauteng Showing Association in recognition of his overall achievements for 2020/2021 in South Africa final rankings: • Winning 5th place for the open junior National Rider Ranking award on Azanian Giant and • Winning 5th place for novice junior National Rider Ranking award on Queen Josephine. • Caleb also participated in the prestigous Horse of The Year 2022 competition and walked away with the following awards: Champion Junior Open Working Riding. Champion Junior Open Show Hunter. Overall Reserve Junior Show Horse 2022. Congratulations Caleb, we are proud of you!

Neo Moerane

Wiskunde 2022 Grondslagfase-kuns in Wiskunde-uitdaging: Ons maak kuns met herwinbare materiale.

Francesco Salbego: Gr3 - 22/30 & Lijan Botha: Gr 1 - 23/25

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LAERSKOOL BRITS Provinsiale Hokkie

o.13 Dogters Voor: Danica Goosen (B-span), Hannje Burger (A-span). Agter: Elrike du Plessis (B-span).

HOËRSKOOL BRITS Gauteng-Noord Tennis


Annie van Schalkwyk is in die Gauteng-Noord groep en beklee tans die 35e posisie op die o/18 nasionale ranglys en is nr. 72 op die nasionale dames ranglys. Sy is deel van die Pietie Norval Tennisakademie.

Morné Combrinck is gekies vir die Rhino Week o.18-span. Baie geluk Morné!

o.12 Dogters Xivula R (B-span), Saidi Bosch (A-span) en Marine Werner (B-span)

Noordwes Hokkie


Lucian Greyling is by die Noordwes hokkiespan ingesluit.

Elrike du Plessis 0/13 en Saidi Bosch 0/12 het Noordwes-kleure in netbal verwerf. Annie van Schalkwyk

Morne Combrinck

Leerders op die Noord-Wes ranglys vir tennis Baie geluk aan die volgende spelers wat op die Noord-Wes ranglys vir tennis is: Dogters o.19 • Monique Strydom - nr. 9 • Kaylee Cloete - nr. 13 Seuns o.16 • Hanro Reyneke - nr. 12 • Stephan Scott - nr. 14

Lucian Greyling

Elrike du Plessis en Saidi Bosch

Noordwes Luiperdspan Die volgende Britsies is ingesluit in die Noordwes Luiperdspan wat die provinsie gaan verteenwoordig. Dis ‘n puik prestasie!

Voor: Berto Grobler o.12 Divan Bruwer o.12 en Tshimologo Rampudi o.12. Agter: Rokang Oletile o.13.

Kaylee Cloete, Stephan Scott, Hanro Reyneke en Monique Strydom.

ONTVANG DIE AWSUM KOERANT OP JOU FOON WhatsApp jou naam na 073 187 9539

Laerskool Volschenk wins the AWSUM Primary School competition Laerskool Volschenk from Riversdal won the AWSUM competition for primary schools. Primary schools had to send a photo with grade 7 learners holding the Top Matrics AWSUM edition. The winning school won R2500 for the grade.

The winning photo from Laerskool Volschenk, Riversdal


Noordwes ATKV redenaars finaal

Baie geluk aan ons leerders wat baie goed by die Skopboks SA kampioenskappe in Mosselbaai presteer het.

Ons spog met agt leerders wat deur is na die Noordwes ATKV redenaars finaal.

• • • • •

Ruvaun Harrington: Goud(SA Champ) semi contact, Goud(SA Champ) Light con, Goud(SA Champ) Kick light. Ronin Swarts: Goud (SA Champ)Kick light, Brons light con. Jordan Nelson:Goud(SA Champ)Light con, Brons semi contact. Keenan Peacock: Silwer Light continues, Silwer kick light Ruan Groenewald: Silwer semi contact, Brons light con.

Noordwes Karate Noordwes Netbal

Luiperd Rugby

Baie geluk aan Christiaan Coetzer Geluk aan Stefanie van Vollenhoven, Diane Dippenaar en Sadie Bothma wat verkies is tot die wat sy kleure in Noordwes Karate Noordwes netbalspanne. ontvang het.

Geluk aan JD Jordaan, Gerick Bothma, Reinhardt van Enthoven en Jacques Bouwer wat vir hulle onderskeie Luiperd rugbyspanne gekies is.

Stefanie van Vollenhoven, Diane Dippenaar, Sadie Bothma.

JD Jordaan, Gerick Bothma, Reinhardt v Enthoven en Jacques Bouwer.



Kickboxing Franco Dippenaar is aangewys as die SA Kickboxing kampioen.

Jasmyn Japhet U18 Provincial Netball team 1

Kristi Koekemoer U15 Provinsiale Netbal span 1

Luvelane Lechuti U18 Provincial Netball team1


Ruan Holtzhausen SA Lewensredding klere1

Linique Rowles Runé van Staden U15 U15 Provincial Netball team Provincial Netball team


Suné van Zyl SA Lewensredding klere

Lehanra Greeff U14 NW Hockey Non-traveling reserve

Xavier Boikanyo U18 Luiperds Cravenweek span1

Franco Dippenaar

NW ATKV Redenaars

Palesa Maroganye U16B NW Hockey

Ackloyd Jaricha

Anla Bezuidenhout

Gustav Kruger

Janru J.v Rensburg

Mienke J.v. Rensburg

Minante Jonker

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Oud-Springbok Victor Matfield gesels oor sy skooljare

Ons moet begin deur te vra oor jou skoolloopbaan. Wat sal onderwysers van jou vertel? Ek dink wat hulle sal onthou, is seker maar `n stillerige outjie wat maar meestal op sport gefokus het en wat heel goed in sy akademie gedoen het. Ek was nie `n groot partytjiemens nie. Watter tipe ou was jy op skool? Ek was nog altyd baie lief vir sport. Ek het groot geword met krieketnette, tennisbane en enige iets wat met `n bal te doen het. Al my geskenke was altyd sportgoed, so ek het `n groot liefde vir sport. Dit was nooit vir my `n werk nie. Ek het geglo as ek harder werk as enige iemand anders sal ek suksesvol wees.

Jy was die Springbokkaptein – wat was die waardevolste les wat jy in daardie posisie geleer het? As kaptein dink ek die belangrikste les wat ek geleer het, is jy kan nie alles self doen nie. Jy kort sterk manne om jou te ondersteun en jy moet hulle vertrou. Jy moet hulle bemagtig en dan moet jy hulle vertrou. `n Kaptein is nooit alleen nie. Dis altyd `n kaptein en sy korps wat almal saam werk om sukses te bereik. So, ek dink die grootste les is dat jy nie alles self kan doen nie. Jy moet ouens saam jou kry wat al jou spelers ken, want as jy hulle ken, dan weet jy hoe ook om hulle te motiveer. Jy moet rerig tyd maak om by elke persoon te sit en hulle te leer ken om te weet hoe om die beste uit hulle te kry. Blitsvrae: Kies een

As jy nie `n rugbyspeler was nie, watter sport sou jy wou beoefen? Vir seker krieket, want ek was op skool seker `n beter krieketspeler en is baie lief vir krieket.

• •

Ons weet jy was die wêreld se beste slot op jou dae. As jy nie in jou posisie gespeel het nie, in watter ander posisie sou jy graag op die rugbyveld wou speel? Kyk, as `n jong mannetjie het ek altyd gedroom om losskakel te wees, maar op laerskool het ek agsteman gespeel, maar nog steeds pale en kantlyn toe geskop. Ek kon links en regs ewe goed skop op skool, so dis dalk hoekom ek, toe ek Bok gespeel het, te veel in die agterlyn was. Ek het altyd gedroom om daai losskakel te wees, maar die naaste wat ek gekom het was agsteman. So ja, as ek nie slot gespeel het nie, sou ek graag agsteman wou speel. Ek het darem toe ek in Toulon was agsteman gespeel.

Braai of Takeaways? Definitief `n braai. `n Lekker double cab bakkie of `n vinnige sportmotor? Nie `n sportmotor nie. Ek is meer `n SUV man. Beste vakansiewegbreek? Die beste vakansieplek is Heroldsbaai waar ek altyd Desember gaan vakansie hou.

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NW Luiperds Rugby/NW Leopards Rugby Vuyisile George en Khumo Senna is opgeneem in die NW Luiperds O/13 Rugbyspan. Congratulationsto Vuyisile George and Khumo Senna, who have been accepted into the NW Leopards Rugby team.

Noordwes Netbal Gogontle Rantao i svir die o.14 MOOKA NW netbalspan gekies.

Skyfskiet Mia Harman(12) neem deel aan die pistool in dooie rus vir O/12 dogters. Sy het na 3 Liga’s reeds haar eie NW Rekord verbeter van 391/400 na 395/400. Ons kyk uit vir haar by die SA Kampioenskappe.

Gogontle Rantao

Soccer Achievements These two learners received the following awards for soccer. • Aobakwe Dire: Upcoming soccer player • Benedict Wilskut: Man of the match

Vuyisile George and Khumo Senna

Mia Harman

Platteland Luiperds o.13 Rugbyspan Seabelo Moredi, Nunis Coetzee, Henry Holtzhauzen en Kobus Coetzee is opgeneem in die Platteland Luiperds o.13 Rugbyspan

Aobakwe Dire & Benedict Wilskut

Provincial Rugby The following learners were selected for various provincial rugby teams. • Letlotlo Pilane • Stefan Roux • Daniël Nortje • Motheo Podile • Molefe Motsikwa

Seabelo Moredi, Nunis Coetzee, Henry Holtzhauzen en Kobus Coetzee.

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