AWSUM Free State September Edition 2023

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THE NUMBER 1 SCHOOL NEWSPAPER IN SA Read the latest school news on SEPTEMBER 2023 Celebrating school achievements in South Africa VRYSTAAT Connecting hearts and homes. 082 900 6008 | I am your real estate MATCHMAKER THE PRINT OFFICE Your printing partner School workbooks, textbooks, diaries and yearbooks! Contact us for a quote at FREE GRATIS YEARS Spesiale bylaag: Krieketwêreldbeker 2023 - Slegs in die September-uitgawe! AWSUM verjaar! FRESH EGGS NOURISH THE MIND

`n Ou historiese gebou in die

Paarl word AWSUM se nuwe


AWSUM het die laaste paar maande `n ou historiese gebou in die Paarl gerestoureer om te dien as ons hoofkantoor. Die grootste uitdaging was die nuwe laag verf wat die mure, plafonne en dak sou kry en sonder die kundige hulp van JF Paints sou dié taak nie maklik gewees het nie. Elke mens wat al in hulle lewe gebou of gerestoureer het, weet dis nie `n maklike taak nie, en die een uitdaging na die ander staar jou in die gesig. So, as mens een minder kwessie het om jou oor te bekommer, het jy soveel meer


Die idee om AWSUM tien jaar gelede te begin, het begin omdat my kinders op laerskool was en ek opgelet het dat die hoofstroom en plaaslike media nie regtig skole op grootskaal en op `n konstante basis ondersteun het om aan leerders die nodige erkenning te vir hulle prestasies te gee nie. Ja, daar was bietjie nuus geplaas, maar dit het vir my gelyk of die bietjie wat geplaas word, net geplaas word om skole “gelukkig” te hou.

tyd om op ander dinge te fokus en dis wat JF Paints vir ons beteken het - van die dag wat hulle spesialis ons kom help het om die regte verf te kies, tot die dag wat ons besef het ons kort nog verf en hulle benoud gebel het.

Ons visie kon `n realiteit word en ons is opgewonde om vandag die foto’s met ons lesers te kan deel.

Ek het gesien dat daar by elke skool baie gebeur in terme van sport, akademie en kultuur. Ek wou dat skoolnuus sy eie platform moes hê en wou `n koerant begin wat sonder ander nuus kon oorleef - `n koerant wat positiewe nuus deel. Ons almal weet dat negatiewe of slegte nuus en skandes en korrupsie koerante verkoop. Die risiko was groot. Neem in ag dat ons geen kennis oor koerante, uitleg, pryse vir advertensies en vele ander aspekte gehad het nie. Ons het nie eers die verskillende diktes van papier waarop koerante gedruk word verstaan nie.

Ons wou anders wees, so daarom wou ons op die ouers fokus en was dit van kardinale belang dat die koerant deur die skole saam met die leerders huis toe gaan en nie op winkelrakke lê nie.

Hierdie syfers vertel ons storie:

• Ons druk elke jaar 4 koerante vir 22 streke landswyd.

• Ons druk elke jaar in Februarie 8 provinsiale koerante spesiaal net vir matriekuitslae.

• Ons druk 50 spesiale interskole uitgawes per jaar.

• Ons jaarlikse beroepsgids is `n spesiale uitgawe waar ons saam met na-skoolse instansies saamwerk om studierigtings met matrikulante te deel.

• 2.5 miljoen ouers volg elke jaar ons nuus aanlyn op

Tien jaar gaan in `n oogwink verby en daar is baie wat ons in dié 10 jaar geleer het en baie waarop ons trots is. Soos ons aanlyn skolenuusplatform wat ons vyf jaar terug begin het om daagliks onbeperkte nuus vanaf skole te deel. Ons deel hier oor die 2 000 skole se nuus en prestasies.

Ons wil graag dankie sê aan al die skole, hulle bemarkers, asook die duisende adverteerders wat ons deurlopend ondersteun. Sonder hulle, asook ons toegewyde personeel, sou dié 10 jaar nie moontlik gewees het nie.

Ons het groot planne vir die toekoms en ons sien uit na die volgende 10 jaar.

grootste skole nuus platform in S.A
as 2000 skole landswyd deel hulle skole nuus met ons d.m.v gedrukte koerante of aanlyn nuus.
AWSUM NEWS HEAD OFFICE The AWSUM Newspaper is published by TieMedia Group (Pty) Ltd, 28 Fabriek street, Paarl, 7646 Email: OUR TEAM Advertising Coordinator Lauren Adams Distribution Charl Paulse Editor Meinette van Zyl Sales Tina Human Jacoleth Botes Chief Executive Officer: Durandt van Zyl Managing Director: Meinette van Zyl Financial Manager: Carina Pio Sales Manager: Quintus Brand Printed by Paarl Coldset. Copyright: TieMedia Group (Pty) Ltd Schools Coordinator Melinda Huysamen The biggest school news platform in S.A Die grootste skole nuus platform in S.A Read the latest school news online at Layout & Design Aniena Venter Rowan Engledoe Ruveix Venter Enrico Theart Anzèl Heyns Volg ons op Facebook! @Vrystaat Skole Nuus Specialist Paint Centre 021 840 1580
70 000+ ouers lees dié skole nuus maandeliks op
years years THE PRINT OFFICE Your partner in printing The printing company taking the South African schoolscape by storm. Order your 2024 school diaries, yearbooks, workbooks and exercise books. Send your request to


Prefects 2024 Tennis

Be a true leader; an inspiration, great at heart and in spirit, strong but also humble, steadfast and the change when needed, be responsible and lead by truth and in harmony. Congratulations! We are looking forward seeing you taking the lead.

• Buys, Hanko

• Coetzee, Marcel

• Cosmo, Juliun

• De Villiers, Machiel

• Dienar, Tyler

• Du Plooy, Stephan

• Du Plooy, Wian

• Du Toit, David

• Duarte, Ronaldo

• Ekeji, Pretorius

• Erasmus, Philip

• Goosen, Chris

• Kitching, Dayne

• Krause, Hanru

• Kruger, Danie

• Leech, Jayden

• Letebele, Karabo

• Lethebe, Rele

• Lloyd, Wildre

• Lubaxa, Mikhulu

• Maree, Ruben

• Masoeu, Rorisang

• McGeer, Emile

• McLaren, Philip

• Mokomela, Muso

• Montjane, Theko

• Moses, Atlegang

• Mosiane, Mokgaotsi

• Ngxaki, Ayanda

• Pienaar, Dawid

• Reis, Nicholas

• Rossouw, Jean

• Santos, Liam

• Stockenstrom, Heinz

• Theron, Heinrich

• Troskie, Casper

• Van der Merwe, Pieter

• Van Wyk, Liam

• Venter, Dian

• Yanta, Junior

Grey se tweede tennisspan wen die Sentraal Tennistoernooi.

• Wen Fichardtpark 9-0

• Wen Voortrekker 9-0

• Wen Marlow 8-1

• Wen Pearson 7-2

• Wen Sentraal 7-2


Lazerrun Cycling

Our riders performed excellent during the two days of the Free State Road series that took place at Phakisa Raceway in Welkom.

Free State Time Trial Championship u.17 boys

• 1st Adian Claasen

Free State Criterium Championship u.17 boys

• 1st Adian Claassen

Free State Road Championship 70km u.17 boys:

• 1st Jean Jacques Koekemoer

• 2nd Adian Claasen

Junior men 70km

• 1st Jean Jaques Holtzhausen


Hanru Krause, Reynaldo Uys en Marko Bosch het Suid-Afrika verteenwoordig in die Worlds Laserrun UIPM wat in Bath, Engeland plaasgevind het.

Hierdie drie Grey-atlete het baie goed gevaar. Hanru en Marko dring deur na die finale waarin Hanru 5de eindig asook ‘n goue medalje ontvang.

Grey Rugby Soccer

Grey o.13A span wen Fichies 7s. Klop vir PBS 59 - 0 in finaal. The u.11B won the Bowl final. The u.11A won the Cup Final.

Grey U13A team played against Brebner U13A in the BSFA League Final and was awarded Silver medals. Grey 0 - 1 Brebner.

Krause, Fourie Vermeulen, Stefan Rheeder, Stephan du Plooy, Martin Ferreira, Stian Rheeder, Marnus van Wyk.

JF-trompoppies hou die wêreld op hul tone

Ses trompoppies van die Hoërskool Jim Fouché se trompoppieklub is nou wêreldkampioene nadat hulle die Mini-mix-roetine op ‘n wêreldkampioenskap in Kroasië gewen het. Die Wêreldkampioenskap is van 24-27 Augustus in Opatija in Kroasië gehou.

Jim Fouché weer Vrystaat-ligakampioene!

Hoërskool Jim Fouché se eerste rugbyspan is die tweede jaar agtereenvolgens die Vrystaat-ligakampioen nadat die span in ‘n taai eindstryd teen Hoërskool Fichardtpark geseëvier het. Jim Fouché wen dié ligabeker met ‘n telling van 31-25.

Jaco hou JF se naam hoog by die jaarlikse JF-ekspo vir jong wetenskaplikes

Jaco Deysel, ‘n gr.10leerling, het 4 Augustus aan die Eskom Ekspo deelgeneem. Jaco ontvang ‘n goue toekenning vir sy projek asook ‘n toekenning vir die beste projek in sy kategorie. Jaco is ook gekies om om die Vrystaat op internasionale vlak te verteenwoordig in Boksburg, 3 – 6 Oktober.

Die JF-raakpraters

Afriforum se Dink of Sink onvoorbereide debatskompetisie sentraalstreeksuitdunne het Donderdag, 28 Augustus, plaasgevind. In die senior-afdeling neem 18 spanne deel. Die JF-raakpraters eindig algeheel tweede tydens hierdie kompetisie.


Primêre Skool Jim Fouché se o.12B seuns hokkiespan het besonders goed gevaar hierdie seisoen. Hulle het al hulle liga wedstryde gewen:

• Willem Postma 3-2

• Fichardtpark 1-0

• Saints 2-0

Hokkie Liga Wenners Vrystaat 7’s

Litha Ntlati en Retief Ehlers is vroeër gekies vir die Grey Super Series. Litha is gekies vir die Vrystaat 7’s A-Span en Retief vir die B-Span. JF is baie trots op julle en weet julle gaan nog hoë hoogtes bereik in die toekoms.

Jaco Deysel Alex Bezuidenhout Carlise Botha Marlé van der Merwe Tristan van der Walt, Christian Strydom, Stean Marais, Hanko Botha, Bernard Labuschagne, Stefan Venter (k), SW van der Merwe, Stefan van Rooyen, Dylan Calitz, Calvin Bolt, Heinrich Hattingh, Wiandro Wiese en Altus du Plessis. Dezrie van Dyk, Kay-Leigh Liddle en Monique van der Merwe.


Leerderraad 2024

Vier vakmusiekleerders van Sentraal het aan die Musicon-kompetisie deelgeneem en die volgende plekke is behaal:


• 1ste-plek: Rosslyn Sorour

• 2de-plek: Kathrine de Wet


• 1tse-plek: Ulrich Brand

• 3de-plek: Fanie van der Linde

Rosslyn Sorour word ook as algehele wenner van dié kompetisie aangewys.Rosslyn neem vakmusiek by Sentaal en is vanaf 6 jarige ouderdom ‘n lid van die Sentraal Musiekakademie. Die Tralies is baie trots op die SMA-musikante.

Landloop Gholf

Baie geluk aan Carli Appelgrein, o.14-dogters, en Marli van der Merwe, o.16-dogters, met hul insluiting in die Vrystaatspan.


James Nel is vir die junior o.17BVrystaatspan gekies. Dié span gaan aan die ‘Neighbour challenge’, 30 September – 1 Oktober, deelneem.

Nr. 1 in South Africa Eunice World Champion

Mika-Leigh Strydom in Grade 8 won the u15 individual race at the UIPM Pentathlon and Laser Run World Championships in Bath, UK. She beat the winning time of 2022 with 14 seconds. This makes her the new u15 World Champion! She and her team mates (Megan Kleinhans and Tatiana Tomathos) also won the Girls u15 gold team medal.

Jané Eloff Anke van der Poel Jana Schoeman Ivan Hoffman Zak Swart Schalk Linde Lizmarie Simmons Jané van der Walt Megan Pretorius Emile van der Linde Chris Kachelhoffer Pat Cloete Lilli du Toit Isabel Boshoff Mia Raath Reynard Möller Jaco Wessels Bophelo Mohapi Anri Kachelhoffer Chené de Villiers René Jacobs EJ van der Berg Gustav
Arno Moolman Jana-Mari Erasmus Danielle Myburgh Megan
Ulrich Brand Percy
van Burick
vd Merwe en Carli Appelgrein
Fanie van der Linde, Kathrine de Wet, Ulrich Brand, Rosslyn Sorour. 1st Hockey Team Mika-Leigh Strydom Musiek Skandeer die kode en lees nog van ons skool se nuus aanlyn!

Ons kyk terug na ons wintersportseisoen en deel graag ons eerstespanne


Tola, Kezlin Pitout, Gerrit van Wyk, Kyle Flanegan, Jason Ehlers, Wihan Paulsen, Tristan Booysen, LJ van Straaten, Christiaan Myburg, Willem Bredenkamp, Ivor Hamann, Devlin Louw, Zandré Thompson, André Kleyn.


Agter: Joah de Villiers, Wihan Paulsen, Jean van Schalkwyk, Christiaan Myburg. Middel: Kyle Flanegan, Tiaan Louw, Ivor Hamann, Jan-Harm Siebert. Voor Zandré Thompson, Ruan Sander, André Kleyn, Kayleb Bouwer.


Liane Louw, Mia van Eeden, Jean-Marie Wentzel, Karli van der Sandt, Mieke Taljaard, Danica Third, Mi-Lan Botha, Amoré van Eck, Cara Hoffman, Inge van der Merwe, Elandri Booyens, Lezé Hobbs, Christenique Bosch, Leja Lourens, Divashnee Claassen.

2024 Leerderraad

Voor: Lua Haasbroek, Mikayla Wiese, Elske Blake, Ordino Kok, Bouwer Jonker, Anjaré Verster. 2de ry: Lize van den Berg, Jessica Botha, Miané Yssel, Berku Hannekom, Amirah Kok, Lynne van Tonder, Juffrou Marné Jansen van Rensburg. 3de ry: Dries van Tonder, Sion Reynolds, L. P Botha, Christélee Jooste, Eugene Le Roux, Eldene Esterhuysen. Agter: Danike Crause, Lea van der Merwe, Adriaan Botha, Dehan Malan, Emily Viljoen en Chris Yssel. Afwesig: Raymond Böhme, Ross Jansen van Niewenhuizen en Carissa Vorster.

Khaylen Marcha Fivaz, René du Toit, Nicole vd Berg, Charlize van Rooyen, Lené Gordon, Liani Brönner, Dioné van Deventer, Kara Kruger, Lisa van Deventer, Elandri Janeke, Johanri Stockenström, Cara Pienaar, Megan Lee Jordaan, Ané vd Berg.
Hokkiedogters Krieketdogters
Ethan Burger Hoofseun Janco De Witt Michael Cruywagen Frances Lerm Janco Pelser Minandie Vorster Tiaan Fick Gilden Valentine Karla
MJ Hattingh Wian Bekker Lana Ronne MJ Herbst Wouter
Marais Onderhoofdogter
Klerk Nathan
Nachke Van Der Walt Hoofdogter
Van Zyl
Swanepoel Zhayn Vorster
Revue Groep
Postma revue behaal goud! Baie geluk aan ons revue asook Juf. Yolandi en Juf. Leandré met jul A++ by die Rivista Fees.


FROM 1975 TO 2023


1975: N/A

1979: N/A

1983: N/A

1987: N/A

1992: Semi-final

1996: Quarter-final

1999: Semi-final

2003: Group stages

2007: Semi-final

2011: Quarter-final

2015: Semi-final

2019: Group stages

South Africa legends predict Proteas’ fortunes at World Cup

South African legends Jacques Kallis and Faf du Plessis have shared their thoughts on how the Proteas could fare at the upcoming ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 in India. South Africa head into the marquee tournament in India with a nice blend of youth and experience to pick from.

As good as the squad will be, the legendary all-rounder Kallis, speaking exclusively to the ICC, said the key for South Africa would be to stay true to their brand of cricket. “The one thing that needs to change for South Africa to be successful in a Cricket World Cup is to carry on playing the cricket that we’ve played going into the World Cup,” he said. “We have a history of playing good cricket leading into the World Cup. For some reason, things change. Maybe we want it too much. “I think players wanted too much and you’ve gone outside of the area you need to be doing. Maybe going outside of their roles because they wanted too much.”

Kallis had a valuable piece of advice to the current crop of players: “Stick to your roles. Trust the partner next to you. And just play the cricket you’ve been playing.” Kallis believes South Africa’s traditional strength – their pace attack – will once again be key for their hopes. “South Africa’s strength to me is going to be in our bowling attack,” he said. “We’ve got some quality pace bowlers that can blow away the opposition’s top-order. And I think they are going to play a major role if South Africa are going to get far, if we do get far (in the tournament).”

Kallis’ optimism was matched by former South Africa captain Faf du Plessis. “South Africa’s white-ball team is in a strong place,” du Plessis told the ICC. “They’ve got some real experience going into that World Cup.” Du Plessis, however, did warn that adapting to the conditions in the sub-continent would be the biggest challenge for Temba Bavuma’s men.

“The challenge for all teams that are not from the subcontinent is obviously always the challenge of going to the subcontinent,” he said. “Especially 50-over cricket. I find with T20 cricket, the surfaces are a bit more even. And you get some really good pitches. With 50-over cricket, you can get that wear and tear and the spinners really come into their own.”

Du Plessis however added that the home team, India, and serial winners Australia would be the teams to beat. “I think South Africa has got a really good side,” he said. “It will be hard to get past a team like India in home conditions. The other team you can never write off is Australia, with them being so successful in ICC events.”

Year Host Final Match playing Team  Result Captain Player of the Tournament 1975 England  West Indies vs Australia West Indies won by 17 runs Clive Lloyd Clive Lloyd (West Indies) 1979 England  West Indies vs England West Indies won by 92 runs Clive Lloyd Viv Richards (West Indies) 1983 England  India vs West Indies India won by 43 runs Kapil Dev Mohinder Amarnath (India) 1987 India  Australia vs England Australia won by 7 runs Allan Border David Boon (Australia) 1992 Australia and New Zealand  Pakistan vs England Pakistan won by 22 runs Imran Khan Martin Crowe (New Zealand) 1996 Pakistan India and Sri Lanka Sri Lanka vs Australia Sri Lanka won by 7 wickets Arjuna Ranatunga Sanath Jayasuriya (Sri Lanka) 1999 England  Australia vs Pakistan Australia won by 8 wickets Steve Waugh Lance Klusener (South Africa) 2003 South Africa  Australia vs India Australia won by 125 runs Ricky Ponting Sachin Tendulkar (India) 2007 West Indies  Australia vs Sri Lanka Australia won by 53 runs Ricky Ponting Glenn McGrath (Australia) 2011 India Bangladesh & Sri Lanka  India vs Sri Lanka India won by 6 wickets Mahendra Singh Dhoni Yuvraj Singh (India) 2015 Australia and New Zealand  Australia vs New Zealand Australia won by 7 wickets Michael Clarke Mitchell Starc (Australia) 2019  England England vs New Zealand England won in Super Over Eoin Morgan Kane Williamson ((New Zealand)
West Indies captain Clive Lloyd holds the trophy aloft at Lord’s in 1975 after receiving it from HRH Prince Philip
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South Africa squad for ICC

World Cup 2023: Full SA team list

Cricket South Africa have announced their 15-man squad for the ODI World Cup 2023 with Temba Bavuma set to lead the Proteas challenge.

















Taking a senior role in the team is a no-brainer, says Proteas’ Kagiso Rabada

Proteas fast bowler Kagiso Rabada was awarded Test player of the year at the 2023 Cricket South Africa Awards and following his featuring in the top five Test wicket takers in the world this past season, the award was well deserved. Proteas fast bowler Kagiso Rabada told IOL Sport that it is his ‘will to win’ that continues to make him one of the best fast bowlers in the world.

Rabada has been playing for the Proteas for a good nine years and from the time he made his Proteas debut at the Adelaide Oval, it was clear that Rabada was cut from a different cloth; he was always on a league of his own.No one will forget his match winning performance in Perth in 2016 at the tender age of 21.

Post 2018, international cricket handed Rabada an important lesson that results won’t always go your way. Rabada says their 2019 World Cup campaign, which saw them knocked out before they could finish their round robin fixtures, taught him to rid of self-doubt and accept that on the day there’s a possibility you could end up on the losing side. “Personally, the 2019 World Cup taught me not to doubt and accept that there’s either defeat or success, and it’s about keeping success in your mind at all times.” said Rabada.

His eleven-wicket haul against Australia at St. George’s Park Cricket Stadium in 2018 will forever be remembered, but most importantly it was clear from those early years that Rabada was a different kind of beast.

The ups and downs of the past couples of seasons have not taken anything away from what makes Rabada special and he told IOL Sport that he attests all his success to his ‘will to win’.

“For myself I think what makes me so different and successful is my will to win,”said Rabada. “I mean, everyone is different but if you ask me what drives me it’s definitely my will to win.” He added.

playing and what I’ve done, taking the senior player role is a no brainer for me,” said Rabada.

“It’s all about welcoming the youngsters into the squad and making them feel a part of the team and making them understand where we want to go so that we are all in the same boat.” He added.

Looking at the squad, Rabada’s nine-year international experience will come in handy. Rabada says it’s a no brainer that he now has to step up and be the senior player in the team. “Because of my experience, how long I’ve been

“Identity is important because it becomes what you go back to when things are going slightly off track,” explained Rabada. “It’s something you enhance when things are really going your way. It works as a reference; it acts as a compass as to what you want to achieve as a team.” He added. There’s no doubt that the Proteas squad has the talent to go all the way in the World Cup this time around, but that journey starts with them coming up with their identity and their style of play and letting the rest take care of itself.

Everyone is different but if you ask me what drives me it’s definitely my will to win.
Source: IOL Sport, written by Ongama Gcwabe
NTT Suzuki Bloemfontein 19 Zastron Street CBD, Bloemfontein, South Africa | 087 286 1800 | |
Kagiso Rabada. Photo: Muzi Ntombela/BackpagePix

























5 OCTOBER DATE COUNTRY VS Thursday, 5 October England v
6 October Pakistan v
7 October Bangladesh v
7 October South Africa v
8 October India v
9 October New Zealand v
10 October England v
10 October Pakistan v
11 October India v
12 October Australia v
13 October New Zealand v
14 October India v
15 October England v
16 October Australia v
October South Africa v
New Zealand v
18 October
India v
19 October
20 October
21 October
21 October
22 October
23 October
South Africa
24 October
25 October
26 October
27 October
28 October
Saturday, 28 October
Sunday, 29 October
1 November New Zealand v
2 November India v
3 November Netherlands v
4 November New Zealand v
4 November England v
5 November India v
6 November Bangladesh v
7 November Australia v
8 Novemebr England v
9 November New Zealand v
10 November South Africa v
11 November Australia v
11 November England v
12 November India v
15 November SEMI FINAL
16 November SEMI FINAL
19 November FINAL FIXTURES THE DOOR TO YOUR NEW HOME! Checkers Centre, Shop 5, C/O Arrarat & Stateway, 057 353 4235 | BUCO BLOEMFONTEIN: 5 Mill Street TEL: 051 434 2241 BUCO WELKOM: 200 Jan Hofmeyer Road TEL: 057 355 2445 BRAVE/10028/BUCO/E BUILDING NEEDS NOTHING IS TOO SMALL OR BIG FOR ALL YOUR Situated in Bethlehem, located in the heart of the Eastern Free State. PROVIDING HOSPITALITY THE WAY Tel: 076 432 4465 | Email: | | 4 Starret Street, Bethlehem

s a s g o o d a s t h e o r i g i n a l p i e c e o f g l a s s w e a r e r e p l a c i n g W e n e v e r c o m p r o m i s e o n q u a l i t y W e u s e S o u t h A f r i c a n m a n u f a c t u r e d a n d S A B S a p p r o v e d q u a l i t y p r o d u c t s D o n ' t c o m p r o m i s e y o u r s a f e t y , t r u s t t h e p r o f e s s i o n a l s w i t h y o u r w i n d s c r e e n r e p l a c e m e n t O u r h i g h l y t r a i n e d a n d a c c r e d i t e d t e c h n i c i a n s a r e s t a n d i n g - b y t o a s s i s t y o u

- 19 NOVEMBER2023 VS COUNTRY VENUE v New Zealand Ahmedabad v Netherlands Hyberabad v Afghanistan Dharamsala v Sri Lanka Delhi v Australia Chennai v Netherlands Hyderabad v Bangladesh Dharamsala v Sri Lanka Hyderabad v Afghanistan Delhi v South Africa Lucknow v Bangladesh Chennai v Pakistan Ahmedabad v Afghanistan Delhi v Sri Lanka Lucknow v Netherlands Dharamsala v Afghanistan Chennai v Bangladesh Pune v Pakistan Bengaluru v Sri Lanka Lucknow v South Africa Mumbai v New Zealand Dharamsala v Afghanistan Chennai v Bangladesh Mumbai v Netherlands Delhi v Sri Lanka Bengaluru v South Africa Chennai v New Zealand Dharamsala v Bangladesh Kolkata v England Lucknow v Sri Lanka Pune v Bangladesh Kolkata v South Africa Pune v Sri Lanka Mumbai v Afghanistan Lucknow v Pakistan Bengaluru v Australia Ahmedabad v South Africa Kolkata v Sri Lanka Delhi v Afghanistan Mumbai v Netherlands Pune v Sri Lanka Bengaluru v Afghanistan Ahmedabad v Bangladesh Pune v Pakistan Kolkata v Netherlands Bengaluru FINAL 1 Mumbai FINAL 2 Kolkata FINAL Ahmedabad FIXTURES 082 900 6008 | Connecting hearts and homes. WESTVAAL WELKOM 057 396 5670 | 174 JAN HOFMEYER RD INDUSTRIAL AREA Situated in Bethlehem, located in the heart of the Eastern Free State. PROVIDING HOSPITALITY THE WAY Tel: 076 432 4465 | Email: | | 4 Starret Street, Bethlehem Stateway, Welkom, 9459 | PO Box 3005, Welkom, 9460 | A t P G G l a s s , w e g u a r a n t e e t h a t t h e q u a l i t y o f t h e g l a s s w e f i t i n y o u r v e h i c l e i
2501 083 264 3433
Glass Welkom , 139 Jan Hofmeyr




Umpires - Most Matches

Most watched match of the Cricket World Cup:



An overview of the teams’ performances in every World Cup is given below. For each tournament, the number of teams in each finals tournament (in brackets) are shown.

Legend SF– Semi-finals S6– Super Six (1999–2003) QF– Quarter-finals (1996, 2011–2015) S8– Super Eight (2007) 1975 (8) 1979 (8) 1983 (8) 1987 (8) 1992 (8) 1996 (8) 1999 (12) 2003 (14) 2007 (16) 2011 (14) 2015 (14) 2019 (10) 2023 (10) 2027 (14) 2031 (14) Apps. Host Team Afghanistan GP GP Q 2 Australia RU GP GP W GP RU W W W QF W SF Q 12 Bangladesh GP GP S8 GP QF GP Q Q 6 Bermuda GP 1 Canada GP GP GP GP 4 England SF RU SF RU RU QF GP GP S8 QF GP W Q 12 India GP GP W SF GP SF S6 RU GP W SF SF Q Q 12 Ireland S8 GP GP 3 Kenya GP GP SF GP GP 5 Namibia GP 1 Netherlands GP GP GP GP 4 New Zealand SF SF GP GP SF QF SF S6 SF SF RU RU Q 12 Pakistan GP SF SF SF W QF RU GP GP SF QF GP Q 12 Scotland GP GP GP 3 South Africa SF QF SF GP SF QF SF GP Q Q 8 Sri Lanka GP GP GP GP GP W GP SF RU RU QF GP 12 United Arab Emirates GP GP 2 West Indies W W RU GP GP SF GP GP S8 QF QF GP 12 Zimbabwe GP GP GP GP S6 S6 GP GP GP Q 9 GP – Group stage / First round Q – Qualified, Still in Competition W – Winner RU– Runner up
Most runs Sachin Tendulkar 2 278 (1992 - 2011) Highest Average (min 10 inns.) Lance Klusener 124.00 (1999 - 2003) Highest score Martin Guptill v West Indies 237* (2015) Highest partnership Chris Gayle & Marlon Samuels (2nd wicket) v Zimbabwe 372 (2015) Most runs in a single world cup Sachin Tendulkar 673 (2003) Most hundreds Rohit Sharma Sachin Tendulkar 6 (2015 - 2019) 6 (1992 - 2011) Most wickets Glenn McGrath 71 (1996 - 2007) Lowest average (min 400 balls bowled) Mitchell Starc 14.81 (2015 - 2019) Best strike rate (min. 20 wickets) Mohammed Shami 18.6 (2015 - 2019) Best economy rate (min. 1000 balls bowled) Andy Roberts 3.24 (1975 - 1983) Best bowling figures Glen McGratch v Namibia 7/15 (2003) Most wickets in a tournament Mitchell Starc 27 (2019)
Highest score Australia v Afghanistan 417/6 (2015) Lowest score Canada v Sri Lanka 36 (2003) Highest win% Australia 74.73% (Played 94, Won 69) Most consecutive wins Australia 27 (20 Jun 1999 - 19 Mar 2011, one N/R excluded) Most consecutive tournament wins Australia 3 (1999 - 2007)
watched by
million people live Most career wickets Glenn McGrath 71(1996–2007) Best bowling figures Glenn McGrath 7/15 (27 Feb2003) Best average Mitchell Starc 14.81 (2015–2019) Best strike-rate Mohammed Shami 18.6 (2015–2019) Best economy rate Andy Roberts 3.24 (1975–1983)
Most dismissals (wicketkeeper) Kumar Sangakkara 37 Matches 41 Catches 2003 - 2015 Most catches (fielder) Ricky Ponting 46 Matches 28 Catches 1996 - 2011
2019 Group game between India and Pakistan -
David Shepherd 46 Matches 1983-2003 Steve Bucknor 45 Matches 1992-2007 Aleem Dar 34 Matches 2003-2019 Billy Bowden 25 Matches 2003-2015 Rudi Koertzen 25 Matches 1999-2007 Most attended Cricket World Cup: The 2011 Cricket World Cup had the most attendance of 1,229,826 spectators Most matches hosted by a ground Headingley, Leeds, England 12

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The Cricket World Cup has thrown up some great moments down the years. Here are our top 5.


5 Wasim Akram Destroys England in 1992 Final

Pakistan’s progress through to the 1992 World Cup final was far from smooth. Rain saved them from suffering an almost certain defeat against fellow finalists England in the group stage, while they needed Australia to beat West Indies just to reach the last four. They then stunned New Zealand in the semifinals, with a young Inzamam-ul-Haq leading them home in an unlikely run chase at Eden Park, Auckland. Wasim Akram hit a quick 33 in his side’s innings of 249-6 in the final against England at the MCG, though that is not the reason why he makes the list. England had slipped to 69-4 in their reply, but Allan Lamb and Neil Fairbrother repaired the early damage with a fifth-wicket stand worth 72. However, Akram put paid to any glimmer of hope England had of lifting the trophy. The left-arm seamer dismissed Lamb and new batsman Chris Lewis in successive deliveries, both bowled on the angle. Pakistan went on to win the match by 22 runs, allowing skipper Imran Khan to lift the trophy.

4 Sachin Tendulkar Carried Around Mumbai in 2011

Bowing out as a champion on home turf was the fairytale finish to Sachin Tendulkar’s World Cup career. In his sixth and final tournament, the Little Master was finally able to get his hands on the trophy as India chased down Sri Lanka’s total of 274-6 with 10 balls to spare. Although he had contributed just 18 runs with the bat, Tendulkar was obviously the centre of attention in the celebrations. The veteran batsman was carried around the Wankhede Stadium, his home ground in Mumbai, by his team-mates during the lap of honour. Virat Kohli rather beautifully summed up what the moment meant to both the player and the country as a whole, via Cricket Country: “Tendulkar has carried the burden of the nation for 21 years. It is time we carried him on our shoulders.” No player has managed more than Tendulkar’s tally of 2,278 runs in World Cup action.

3 Herschelle Gibbs Hits 6 Sixes in 2007

A huge 221-run win for South Africa over the Netherlands in 2007 would not be so memorable were it not for the stunning batting feat produced by Herschelle Gibbs. The right-hander became the first player to hit six sixes in an over of international cricket during the group game in Basseterre. Daan van Bunge was the bowler on the receiving end of the record, the leg-spinner having no answer as Gibbs continuously launched him over the rope. A short boundary at Warner Park might have helped, but the ruthless display of hitting brightened up a day when rain had forced a delayed start to proceedings. Despite the match being cut to 40 overs each, South Africa still made 353-4. Jacques Kallis made an unbeaten hundred, though his efforts were overshadowed by those of Gibbs. Gibbs contributed 72 from 40 balls and managed only one other maximum in his innings before being dismissed by Luuk van Troost.



2 Mike Gatting Regrets Playing the Reverse Sweep in 1987

England have become accustomed to falling just short in the World Cup; they have reached three finals and lost them all. The closest they came to getting their hands on the trophy was back in 1987, when they took on Australia in front of a packed house at Eden Gardens.

Having held their Ashes rivals to 253-5, England looked to be on course for victory when skipper Mike Gatting and Bill Athey were together at the crease. The pair put on a 69-run stand for the third wicket to carry the score to 135-2 by the time Australia skipper Allan Border came on to bowl his left-arm off-spin. Facing the first delivery from his opposite number, Gatting opted to go for an adventurous reverse sweep. He made contact with the ball but only managed to deflect it into the air via his own shoulder, allowing Australia wicketkeeper Greg Dyer to take the catch. The wicket proved costly; with Gatting gone for 41, England lost their way and ended up finishing seven runs short of their target.

South Africa Suffer in the Rain in 2003

The weather has never been too kind to South Africa at World Cups. In 1992, they were denied the opportunity to reach the final when the rules for bad weather worked against them. They had been on course to beat England in Sydney, but delays in play resulted in them eventually being left needing an impossible 21 from one ball. Move on to the 2003 tournament, the Duckworth-Lewis method had been put in place to make sure the side batting first did not gain an unfair advantage. The Proteas were hosts and needed a win in their last group game, against Sri Lanka, to reach the Super Six. The threat of rain was a distraction for them as they tried to reach a target of 269, though a six from Mark Boucher off Muttiah Muralitharan seemed to put them ahead of the requirement. But they had only 229 on the scoreboard—the par total according to the Duckworth-Lewis method (h/t Cricket Country). Boucher, though, thought it was enough. He did not get a single run from the following delivery, the last of the over. The umpires took the players from the field after that, leaving South Africa to sit and watch as their dreams of glory washed away.
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Expo Gimmie-dansers presteer

Baie geluk aan die volgende Gimmie-dansers! Hulle het op 24-27 Augustus deelgeneem aan die Free State Provincial Kampioenskappe en die Cheetah Challenge Kampioenskappe in Bloemfontein.

Candice Kleynhans-Bellringer behaal die volgende plekke:


• 8ste Plek - Disco Solo WTC

• 1ste Plek - Disco Small Groups WTC

• 3de Plek - Rock & Roll (saam Izane)

• 3de Plek - Couples (saam Izane)

• 3de Plek - Medal Solo

Cheetah Challenge:

• 11de Plek Disco Solo WTC

• 4de Plek - Disco Duo WTC (saam Alandri)

• 1ste Plek - Disco Small Groups WTC

• 3de Plek - Couples (saam Izane)

• 6de Plek - Rock & Roll (saam Izane)

Alandri Krause behaal die volgende plekke:


• 1ste Plek - Disco Slowdance

• 1ste Plek - Disco Small Groups WTC

• 1ste Plek - Rock & Roll, skuif op na Champ status (saam Henze)

• 2de Plek - Medal Solo

• 4de Plek - Freestyle Solo

• 5de Plek - Slowdance, skuif op na Champ status

• 9de Plek - Disco Solo

Cheetah Challenge:

• 1ste Plek - Disco Slowdance, skuif oor na WTC

• 1ste Disco Small Groups WTC

• 4de Plek - Disco Duo WTC (saam Candice)

• 5de Plek - Rock & Roll

Demi Danièls behaal die volgende plekke:


• 1ste Plek - Medal Solo

• 2de Plek - Disco Small Groups WTC

• 5de Plek - Champ Slowdance

• 6de Plek - Champ Freestyle Solo

Cheetah Challenge:

• 6de Plek - Champ Slowdance

• 6de Plek - Champ Freestyle Solo

Hulle is almal dansers by The Dance Connection in Stateway, Welkom.

Calista Gerber, Fatima Noor, Karmini Visser and Nyakallo Mbongo, have been chosen to present their Expo projects at the International Science Fair! The ISF will take place in Boksburg during the October holidays.

Kovsie Sprint Gala

Baie geluk aan ons Gimmie - swemmers! Hulle het deelgeneem aan die Kovsie Sprint gala wat gehou was by die UOVS se swembad op 26 Aug:

Ashley Seymour

• 3de in 100m Vlinderslag en 100m Rugslag

• 4de in 50m Vlinderslag en 50m Rugslag

• 5de in 50 Vryslag en 100m Vryslag

Shyenne Laubscher

• 3de in 50m Borsslag en 50m Vlinderslag

• 4de in 100m Borsslag

• 6de in 100m Vryslag en 50m Rugslag

Gao Makhalanyane

• 4de in 50m Vryslag en 50 Vlinderslag

• 6de in 50m Vryslag en 100m Rugslag

Thea Vermaak

• 5de in 100m Vryslag en 50m Rugslag

• 8ste in 50 Rugslag en 100m Vryslag, 9de in 50m Vryslag

T: 057 352 6241
Alandri Krause Candice KleynhansBellringer Demi Danièls



Gr. 9 NW quiz rondte 2. Goudveld eindig 2de in hulle afdeling en algeheel 4de! Die volgende leerders gaan deur na rondte 3 in Bloemfontein in Oktober:

• Michelle van der Westhuizen

• Nikki Boucher

• Jean Holtzhauzen

o.15 7’s Rugby

Rugby 7’s Toernooi te Henties Cilliers. Die o.15’s eindig 2de. Uitslae soos volg:

• Wen Trio 31-24

• Wen Trio (semi finaal) 31-17

• Verloor Witteberg (Finaal) 12-19


Baie geluk aan die volgende dogters wat gekies is vir die Lejweleputswa dogters krieketspan. Hulle dring deur na die Vrystaat-proewe wat sal 2-4 Oktober te Bloemfontein plaasvind.

o.19 Krieket

Baie geluk aan die volgende seuns wat gekies is vir die o.9 Lejweleputaswa seuns krieketspan. Hulle dring deur na die Vrystaat-proewe:

o.17 7s Rugby

Baie geluk aan ons o.17 Sevens-span wat by Witteberg se toernooi die Plaat gewen het. Hulle wen 4 van hulle 6 wedstryde en eindig algeheel 5de uit 16 spanne.


• Wen Retief 40 - 0

• Wen Sarel Cilliers 21 - 17

• Verloor Voortrekker 7 - 34

Beker Kwart-finaal

• Verloor Die Anker 14 - 22

• Plaat Semi-finaal

• Wen Hentie Cilliers 12 - 10

• Wen Landboudal 33 - 10

Voor: Mnr Quintin Burger, Tsepho Manenye, Vian Boardman, Janco van Wyk, Mnr Jandre Makkink. Agter: Tequan Tafel, Arno Vosloo, Arno Vogel, GJ Wessels, Tian Harmse, Wyatt Wessels, Zander Pretorius. Afwesig: Mnr Wikus Nieuwenhuis, Kamohelo Moloke, Ettiene Williams, Munro Heiberg.


Perdry Eskom Expo

Welkom Volkskool is trots op Leila Erasmus met haar goue toekenning by die Eskom Expo. Sy is ook aangewys as die kategoriewenner.

Baie geluk aan die volgende leerders wat opgeneem is in die SANESA Vrystaat perdryspan. Hulle gaan vanaf 4-7 Oktober aan die SA Kampioenskappe deelneem te Kyalami. Sterkte en ons Volkies is trots op julle.

Voor: Keyano Snyders, JM Rensburg, Motsisi Mototo, K.B. Sonopo, Thabiso Phafudi. Agter: Mnr Frans Crous, Hendro Boardman, Ethan McMaster, Ruben Crous (k), Jan Coetzee (o.k), Joshua van Heerden, Malan Marx. Afwesig: Mnr Jacques van Staden, Ru-Bran Kock, Hannes Fouche.

Leila Erasmus


Baie geluk aan die volgende dogters wat ingesluit is in die onderskeie Lejweleputswa krieketspanne:

Voor: Carike du Toit, Melienke Weiss en Hayley Docherty. Agter: Miché Penton, Simoné Mouton, Charmaine Ferreira, Bella

o.13 Krieket o.11 Krieket

Baie geluk aan die volgende seuns wat ingesluit is in die onderskeie o.13 Lejweleputswa krieketspanne:

Baie geluk aan die volgende seuns wat ingesluit is in die onderskeie o.11 Lejweleputswa krieketspanne:

Hendro Boardman en Ruben Crous Sami van Heerden, Mienke Nieuwenhuis, Annche Zwarts. Afwesig: Kaela-Mari Keyser Kara Taute, Zonika v.d Berg en Ivanka Erasmus. Kruger en Jemma Kleynhans. Voor: HD Venter. Agter: Janru Jansen, Nicolas Goosen, Bismarck vsn Dyk en Lukas Kilian. Voor: Carl van Vuuren. Agter: Luan Botha, Leander Greeff en Kirstein Kruger. Plaat Finaal

Internasionale Laser Run

Die volgende dogters het op 19 tot 21 Augustus aan die Laser Run Wêreldspele in Bath, Engeland, deelgeneem en soos volg presteer:

• Chani Britz - 7de

• Munay Uys - 8ste

• Z’ney Piechaczek - 12de

• Rouvé Janse van Rensburg - 14de

• Chani en Munay is deel van die dogters o.13 Suid-Afrikaanse span wat ‘n 2de plek behaal het.

SA Landloop

Die volgende dogters is ingesluit in die Vrystaat Landloopspan wat op 16 September aan die Suid

Vrystaat Luggeweerspan


Tjok-en-blok vol Tjokkie-trots

Landloop Kampioenskap gaan

SA Gimnastiek

Kaylah Meyer het aan gimnastiek deelgeneem en is deel van die span wat SA later die jaar by World Age Group Championship in Engeland gaan verteenwoordig. Sy is ook die jongste persoon om hierdie prestasie te behaal.

ATA World Kampioenskappe

Aiden Nienaber het die afgelope vakansie Suid-Afrika by die ATA World Championships in Phoenix, Arizona in die VSA, verteenwoordig. Hy behaal ‘n 2de plek in Combat Weapon Sparring en ‘n 4de plek in XMA Creative Weapon Form.

SA-Skole Netbal

Die o.13A Netbalspan het op 8 en 9 Augustus aan die SA-Skole kampioenskappe in Boksburg deelgeneem. Na ‘n naelbyt-wedstryd teen

Laerskool Lydenburg, eindig hulle 15de in die land.

Chani Britz Miné Richards Munay Uys Tené Venter Z’ney Piechaczek Lea Cilliers Izaney Labuscagne Rouvé Jv Rensburg Munay Uys Izaney Labuscagne het Vrydag, 25 Augustus, deelgeneem aan die finale Vrystaat skietproewe. Sy is gekies vir die Vrystaat o.14 Luggeweerspan wat aan die Nasionale Bisley gaan deelneem op 1-5 Oktober in Johannesburg. Afrikaanse deelneem: Kaylah Meyer Aiden Nienaber Aneen Posthumus, Jeanine Avontuur, Huibré Goossen, Lisa Groenewald, Caylee Strydom, Dané Neethling, Lelanie Jordaan, Hayley Stoltz. o.13A Netbalspan



Voor: Jasmine Liebenberg, Jennifer Wessels, Jani Faber, Carli Oosthuizen, Guill-Amé de Klerk. Agter: Carli Linde, Lykie Jonck, Susan Bender, Elouise Snyman, Megan Haward, Elizbé Heyns, Mianca van Niekerk, Kylé Visagie. Voor: Jaco Botha, Pieter Günther, Immanuel Veitch, Monyake Mokoena, Franco Maree, Kehan Wöhlitz, Frederik Fourie. Agter: Tiaan Terblanche, Arnold Ras, Josh Bezuidenhout, Dawie Fourie, Cecil Parsons, Tristan Meyer. Voor: Jennifer Wessels, Jani Faber, Carli Oosthuizen, Kylé Visagie. Agter: Carli Linde, Lykie Jonck, Elouise Snyman, Megan Haward, Elizbé Heyns, Mianca van Niekerk. Voor: Jaco Botha, Pieter Günther, Immanuel Veitch, Juan Theunissen, Frederik Fourie. Agter: Arnold Ras, Josh Bezuidenhout, Dawie Fourie, Cecil Parsons, Tristan Meyer. Bethlehem Voortrekker Hoërskool stel graag die matriekkomitee en huiskomitee vir termyn
2023/2024 bekend.
en Huiskomitee vir
termyn 2023/2024
Matriekkomitee (Meisies)
THE PRINT OFFICE Your partner in printing The printing company taking the South African schoolscape by storm. Order your 2023 school diaries, yearbooks, workbooks and exercise books. Send your request to The printing company taking the South African schoolscape by storm. Order your 2023 school diaries, yearbooks, workbooks and exercise books.
Huiskomitee (Meisies) Huiskomitee (Seuns)



Jordania Leerderraad Hoofleiers vir die termyn 2023 is aangekondig. Louis Uys (onderhoofseun), Henri Muller (hoofseun), Annabelle Grobbelaar (hoofdogter), Zoë Ellis (onderhoofdogter).

André Smit Klubhuis

Ons Jorrie-familie het ons geliefde skoolhoof, dr. André Smith, se verjaarsdag in Jorrieville styl gevier.... vol pret en plesier! Ons klubhuis het ‘n naam gekry en sal voortaan bekend staan as “André Smith Klubhuis”. Jy is vir ons goud werd, dr. André!


Jordania se Pom-Poms het deelgeneem in Vanderbijlpark en behaal hoër goud en verwerf ‘n goue medalje. Jordania Pom-Poms is ook gekies om deel van die finale groot produksie op Saterdag 12 Augustus te wees. Die Pom-Poms word dan ook gekies as deel van die SA-span, om Suid Afrika te teenwoordig in Amerika by Talent America.

Nienke Van Zyl 0/13 Dr. André Smit Louis Uys, Henri Muller, Annabelle Grobbelaar, Zoë Ellis. Jordania se Pom-Poms o.13A Thabo Mofutsanyana Krieket o.13A Thabo Mofutsanyana Dogterskrieket

Uitvoerende Komitee vir die 2023/2024

Hoërskool Witteberg se Uitvoerende Komitee vir die 2023/2024 is bekend gemaak en hulle is:

Hoof-en onderhoofleiers 2023/2024

Die nuwe hoofseun, hoofdogter en onderhoofleiers van Hoërskool Witteberg se Studenteraad is tydens `n spesiale saalperiode op Woensdag 23 Augustus aangewys.

Voor: Colin vd Merwe (SR Hoof van UK), Lehakoe Malinga, JP Cronje, Pieter Nel, Hardus Henning, AJ Erasmus, Cobus Labuschagne, Jacques Bester en Milne van Huyssteen.

Agter: Michelle de Jager (SR Hoof UK), Thato Mofokeng, Cara Cilliers, Jané de Villiers, Amy Kotzé, Tria-Mari Strydom, Juané Loubser, Corrie de Klerk, Kara du Toit en Sumari Eksteen.

Colin vd Merwe (O/Hoof UK), Llewelyn Beukes (O/Hoof Sosiaal), André Hauptfleisch (O/Hoof Kultuur), Marco Grobler (O/Hoof Akademie), Kirsten Fourie (O/Hoof Sport), Jurie Wessels (Hoofseun), Juné Lombard (Hoofdogter), Michelle de Jager (O/Hoof UK), Evané du Toit (O/Hoof Sosiaal) Laura Shepherd (O/Hoof), Simoné Venter (O/Hoof Kultuur), Ina-Marie Pierce (O/Hoof Sport)

Studenteraad vir 23/24 aangewys

Hoërskool Witteberg in Bethlehem se nuwe studenteraad vir die 2023/2024 is op 23 Augustus 2023 aangewys.

Voor: Carel Triegaardt, Kirsten Fourie, Stephan Geldenhuys, Marco Grobler, André Hauptfleisch, Junior Matsuma, Chabeli Rathulo, TJ Heyns, Jacques van der Merwe, Colin van der Merwe, Rian Roos, Llewelyn Beukes, Johann Viljoen, Luke Meyer, Jurie Wessels en Lesego Mosikidi.

Agter: Juné Lombard, Ina-Marie Pierce, Michelle de Jager, Joha Smit, Evané du Toit, Handri Spies, Mieke de Klerk, Kalica Willemse, Delshia du Plooy, Jordan Karsten, Yulienke Jacobs, Juané vd Merwe, Chandre-Leigh Afrika, Laura Shepherd, Lienke Beneke, Simoné Venter.



Akademie Kultuur

Die revue neem deel aan die Revista Revue Fees en presteer puik.

• Senior Revue behaal ‘n A+

• Junior Revue behaal ‘n A

• Vlammie Revue behaal ‘n A

Rugby o.13 Vrystaat

• Hloni Mohapi

• Luhan de Kock

• Gerrit J v Rensburg

• Tristan Beukes

• Damian Mulder

• Dylan van Eeden

Die volgende leerders het besonderse sportsprestasies behaal: Shaun Dednam was die wenner van die Motheo Distrik Hoofrekene Kompetisie. Sewe leerders dring deur na die SA WOW Spelfees Kompetisie in Stellenbosch.

Rugby o.12 Vrystaat

• Jayden de Vries

• Jayden Ontong

• Stiaan le Roux

Rugby o.13 Vrystaat 7’s

• Dylan van Eeden

• Tristan Beukes

• Damian Mulder Suid-Vrystaat Tennis

• Miran van der Linde

• Janey Jacobs

Netbal o.13 Vrystaat

• Cassidy Arends

Netbal o.12 Vrystaat

• Milan de Sousa

Hokkie Suid-Vrystaat

• Amoré van Lill

• Nunu Metwa

Amoré van Lill Cassidy Arends Damian Mulder Dylan van Eeden Gerrit J van Rensburg Hloni Mohapi Janey Jocobs Jayden de Vries Jayden Ontong Luhan de Kock Milan de Sousa Miran van der Linde Nunu Metwa Stiaan le Roux Tristan Beukes
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