Rugby-afrigters van plaaslike skole gesels met AWSUM

Rugby-afrigters van plaaslike skole gesels met AWSUM
Get ready to witness unparalleled skills, fierce competition, and unforgettable moments in the 11th edition of the Sportsmans Warehouse Premier Interschools. With a mouthwatering line-up of 24 matches, the 2024 season will kick-off from April 6th concluding with the final whistle on August 17th. As the game of netball and rugby continues to grow, upcoming school talent will have the chance to showcase their skills live on SuperSport, with enthusiastic supporters cheering them on from various sidelines across the nine provinces.
Let’s take a closer look at the upcoming rugby fixtures:
Glenwood High School vs Maritzburg College 6 April
Marking the explosive start of the 2024 Premier Interschools circuit, we head to the vibrant east coast of Durban for an epic clash as Glenwood hosts archrivals Maritzburg College. Taking a look at the last 10 showdowns, Glenwood dominated with a staggering 8 victories, while Maritzburg College only managed to grab two.
Afrikaans Hoër Seunskool (Affies) vs Paarl Gimnasium (Paarl Gim) – 13 April
Celebrating the 8th year of this rivalry – all roads will lead to Pretoria for the clash between Paarl Gim and Affies. With the Paarl team being the firm favourites on paper, Affies would need to dig deep for a comeback as their track record speaks 3 victories, 6 defeats and a draw out of 10 matches against their Cape rivals.
Paul Roos Gymnasium (Paul Roos) vs Paarl Boys’ High – 20 April
Get ready for an exciting clash as the tournament’s 3rd round lands in Stellenbosch where Paul Roos and Paarl Boys’ High will battle it out for local bragging rights. Paul Roos will head into the match with their backs against the wall as Paarl Boys’ clinched six out of their last 10 matches.
Paarl Gimnasium vs Grey College – 20 April
Prepare for an epic showdown on April 20th as the Sportsmans Warehouse Premier Interschools delivers a dynamic double-header. History will also be made as the Paarl Gim and Grey College clash is set to become an annual fixture on the rugby calendar with all teams competing. Since 2010 Grey College’s track record seems to put them in a favourable position as they claimed 6
victories out of the last 9, being played on rare occasions during festivals with Paarl Gim only having won 3.
Grey High School (Grey High) vs Paul Roos Gymnasium – 27 April
Travelling to the Eastern Cape a week later, the Paul Roos team will meet forces with Grey High School. With 10 closely contested battles played between these two teams - Paul Roos has clinched six victories, but Grey High isn’t far behind with four wins of their own.
Grey College vs Paarl Boys’ High – 11 May
The sixth rugby clash of the Sportsmans Warehouse Premier Interschools will lead us to Bloemfontein awaiting a titanic clash between Grey College and Paarl Boys’. The hosts have ruled the roost when looking at the last 10 matches, having won 7 leaving the Paarl side trailing behind with only three wins under the belt.
Bishops vs Rondebosch – 1 June
Gear up for one of the most historic derbies on the South African rugby calendar before the midterm break as Bishops will play host to Rondebosch. With both teams firing on all cylinders, Rondebosch holds a slim lead, winning five matches to four with one draw in the last 10 encounters between these two schools.
Waterkloof vs Affies – 20 July
After the June break, the games will commence with Waterkloof going head-to-head with longtime adversaries Affies in an all-Pretoria showdown. Affies has been dominating the field, emerging victorious in seven of the last 10 encounters between the two teams, while Waterkloof has managed to secure only three wins, with their last triumph dating back to 2017.
Durban High School (DHS) vs Jeppe – 27 July
The 9th game of the Sportsmans Warehouse Premier Interschools heads to the scenic KZN coast for an exciting clash between DHS and Jeppe. These two schools rarely cross paths, having squared off only six times since 2009. Jeppe has been dominant in these encounters securing victory in five out of six matches, while DHS managed to secure their lone win in 2017.
Paarl Boys’ High vs Paarl Gimnasium – 3 August
Considered as the biggest school sports derby in the world – on August 3rd Paarl will be overflowing with visitors as we head to Faure Street Stadium to see defending titleholders Paarl Gim taking on Paarl Boys’ High. With both teams locked in a fierce rivalry, the last 10 encounters have been neck and neck with the two teams holding five victories each. This historic derby, spanning over a century, is guaranteed to deliver yet another battle of the titans.
Boland Landbou vs Oakdale Landbou – 10 Aug
The Sportsmans Warehouse Premier Interschools action will remain in Paarl for yet another week! This time, the spotlight will shine on the two agricultural powerhouses from Paarl and Riversdale: Boland Landbou versus Oakdale. Taking their last 10 battles into consideration - Boland Landbou holds a narrow lead with six wins over Oakdale’s four.
Paul Roos vs Grey College – 17 Aug
The final whistle of the Sportsmans Warehouse Premier Interschools will go off in Stellenbosch as the 2024 season draws to an end when Paul Roos host Grey College in what could potentially be a decider when it comes to earning that top spot in the 2024 schools’ rankings. The last 10 matches have Grey College leading with eight wins to two but knowing the side of Stellenbosch – Paul Roos will want to even it out.
For the 2024 Season, here’s the listed netball fixtures:
• Durban Girls’ High vs Pietermaritzburg Girls’ High – 6 April
• Paarl Girls’ High vs Oranje – 19 April
• Pearson High School vs Rhenish Girls’ High – 25 April
• Noordheuwel vs Monument – 2 May
• Herchel Girls School vs Rhenish Girls’ High – 3 May
• Waterkloof vs Garsfontein – 11 May
• Paarl Gimnasium vs Bloemhof – 16 May
• Stellenberg vs Bellville – 18 May
• Waterkloof vs Afrikaans Hoër Meisieskool – 22 May
• St Mary’s School vs St Stithians College – 19 June
• Paarl Girls’ High vs Paarl Gimnasium – 2 August
• Bloemhof vs Oranje – 17 August
Die jaarlikse NMI Noord-Suid Rugby-toernooi het vanaf 22 – 26 Maart in Pretoria plaasgevind, en AWSUM het met die eerstespanne wat aan dié toernooi deelgeneem het se afrigters gesels en by hulle gehoor wat hulle filosofie as afrigters is en wat hulle meen die eienskappe van `n goeie rugbyspeler moet wees.
“Uit die aard van die saak sal ‘n goeie rugbyspeler beskik oor natuurlike talent, maar dié gawe moet aangevul word deur ‘n gesonde werksetiek, ‘n positiewe gesindheid, en dissipline,” vertel Ruan Jacobs, Affies se eerstespanafrigter. Jannie Geldenhuys, Grey Kollege se hoofafrigter van die eerstespan en die Cherries stem saam dat die waardevolste speler wat mens in rugby kry, iemand is wat vreugde daarin vind om hard vir sy spanmaats te werk. Die meeste van die afrigters stem saam dat `n goeie rugbyspeler gedissiplineerd, hardwerkend en doelgerig moet wees. “`n Speler moet aktief luister, inligting inneem en verandering op die veld toon. Talent bring jou net só ver,” meen Roean Bezuidenhout, afrigter van Welkom Gimnasium. “Ja, `n goeie speler wys wat hy sonder die bal kan doen en is `n speler wat onder druk kan floreer,” voeg Abré Minnie, hoofafrigter van Hoërskool Outeniqua by.
Afrigters leer by mekaar en kyk op na manne soos Rassie Erasmus, Stuart Lancaster en Bill Belichick, maar tog het elkeen ook sy eie filosofie as dit by afrigting kom. Dietlov Coetzee, afrigter van Helmekaar Kollege, glo daarin om eerste die mens te dien voor jy die speler dien, dit verseker dat alles daarna makliker is. “Die belangrikste is om `n leersame omgewing te skep en seker te maak die spelers geniet elke oomblik, om van die spelers beter mense te maak en hulle iets van werksetiek te leer,” vertel Rudi Dames van Hoërskool Dr. E.G Jansen. Die meeste is dit eens dat jy as afrigter die kind se karakter vorm en slyp. JB Naudé, Oakdale Landbouskool se agterlynafrigter byskryf dit mooi: “Om `n afrigter te wees is om `n timmerman te wees wat elke speler skaaf en vorm om sy volle potensiaal uit te leef, om sy drome en die span se drome na te jaag.”
Ons het ook in 2023 met die Springbokke se voormalige afrigter Jacques Nienaber net voor die 2023 Rugbywêreldbeker gesels en hom gevra hoe belangrik rugbystatistiek soos die aantal duikslae, meters gehardloop, ens. vir jong spelers is.Jacques noem dat vir laerskoolspelers dit net moet gaan om die spel te geniet en selfs tot in die hoërskool ook, maar as jy `n meer ernstige rugbyspeler is, statistiek al hoe belangriker raak en kan dit vir jou belangrike dinge uitwys. “Dit moet egter nie só belangrik raak dat dit die lekkerte uit rugby haal nie. Wat is daardie lekkerte? Dis die tye saam met jou vriende, in die tokkamer, die spangees, die kringetjie voor en na die tyd, die Maandag se praat oor Saterdag se wedstryd. Dís die goed wat mens onthou,” vertel Jacques.
Elke ouer wil net die beste vir sy kind hê, maar waar trek mens die streep. Jacques voel ouers moenie die lekkerte uit die sport vir hulle kinders haal deurdat hulle te ernstig daaroor is nie. Volgens hom is ‘n ouer se belangrikste rol om hulle kinders te ondersteun. “Probeer die afrigting vir die afrigters los, en as jou kind ernstig is oor sy sport, leer hom dan dat dit harde werk vat om bo uit te kom. Daar is niks verkeerd om ekstra tyd in te sit nie. Weer eens is dit die belangrikste dat hulle rugby geniet. Die ou wat dit maak, is die ou wat rugby ongelooflik baie geniet, want die opofferings wat jy moet maak, kan jy nie maak as jy nie lief is vir rugby nie en sonder daardie liefde vir die spel, gaan jy nooit genoeg dryfkrag hê nie. Jy moet as speler eienaarskap neem. Wat is eienaarskap? Dis nie die afrigter se werk alleen om seker te maak jy raak beter nie, dis jou werk om seker te maak dat jy elke dag verbeter. Afrigters is net daar om jou te help en te fasiliteer. Dis nie jou ouers se werk om seker te maak jy gaan oefen nie, dis jóú werk,” meen Jacques.
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Our Majorettes competed in their first league competition on 2 March at De La Salle School. “Congratulations to our Primary and Senior School Majorette teams and coaches for achieving a clean sweep at the first league competition at De La Salle. What a fantastic kick-off to the 2024 majorette season!” – Coaches: Alisha, Matthew, Natalie, Rabi and Zoe.
Primary School:
• Flag group – first place
• Pom group – first place
• Mace Group – first place
High School:
• Flag group – first place
• Pom group – first place
• Mace Group – first place
We invite spectators to join us for the prestigious KNIGHT OF CHAMPIONS competition (dedicated to former adjudicator Norman Knight). This is the first Large Drill competition which will be held at St Dominic’s on 20 April. For more info please contact marketing@stdominics.co.za
The Premier League Gala is the most prestigious event in the swimming season, where the top 10 girls’ schools in Johannesburg compete. We are very proud of our fourth place - congratulations swimmers and coaches!
The East Rand Gala was held at the Delville Swimming pool. St Dominic’s won the girls section of the gala. A brilliant ending to the First Term Swimming Season.
We are very proud of Hannah Crafford in Grade 11, who played for the first time in the Under 18 category in a Tennis South Africa Tournament and won after an epic three and a half hour final match. Hannah and her partner also won the doubles title. This is an amazing achievement. Well done, Hannah! Tennis
St Dominic’s makes it to the final of the Reef Cup Invitational Water Polo Tournament.
St Dominic’s competed in the Reef Cup Invitational Tournament – and won every game until St Stithians beat us in the final 7 (St Stithians) - 5 (St Dominic’s)
We are currently ranked 5th in the country!
Amy Hollard, Ruby Carlson and Ogechi McMurray were selected to the All Stars Tournament team.
Ruby was awarded Best Attacker of the Tournament.
St Andrew’s School for Girls’ swimming and diving teams made a HUGE SPLASH recently as they won the 2024 Summer Splash Swimming Gala and finished second in the Diving division, respectively.
St Andrew’s School for Girls’ rowers are OAR-SUM! St Andrew’s won the overall-points trophies at both the prestigious Buffalo Regatta and Selborne Sprints in East London recently. This is an incredible achievement, and highlights the crew’s immense dedication to the sport, discipline to their training, commitment to their coaches, and passion for their school! We are so very proud of all
our rowers and coaches for the fantastic results. We would also like to acknowledge everyone who played a role in the success of the regatta, including RMB, the ELBA committee, rowers, coaches, parents, volunteers, suppliers, media, and sponsors. It is a highlight on the sporting calendar, and we look forward to defending our title again next year!
Congratulations to Kaitlyn Reddy who won a silver medal at the Japan Karate Association trials. Kaitlyn received her Gauteng Provincial colours, and will be representing the province at the SA Championships in May.
Well done to Caitlyn DukoffGordon who competed in the South African 10km Championship. Caitlyn finished 13th for the u.20 age group in a time of 48:07. This weekend Layla Nixon participated in the Gauteng Provincial Lifesaving Championships in Pretoria. She performed remarkably well achieving 5 Gold medals and 1 Silver medal.
Congratulations to Robyn Faherty for winning Gold in
Lifesaving SA National Open Water Championships
Congratulations to Songwe Kambafwile, who has been invited to represent South Africa in the 2024 World Indoor Netball Federation - Junior Tri-Nations, in New Indoor Netball
Swimming SA 10km Championships
Well done to Jessica Sardinha and Zuria Venter who competed in the SA National Open Water Championships this weekend held in Nelson Mandela Bay. Jessica finished in 16th position in the 15-16 yr old category in a time of 45:42min. Zuria Venter finished 4th in the 13-14yr old category and 10th overall, in a time of 41:14.
Well done to Zuria Venter at the SA Junior National Championships. Coming away with Gold in the 400m Free, Silver in the 200m Free and 2 Bronze medals in the 200m IM and 400m IM. We are so proud of you!
Congratulations to our girls who raced the Tinman Triathlon last weekend at PrimeView. Amy Jackson placed 5th in a time of 42:48, Caitlyn Dukoff-Gordon placed 7th in a time of 45:05 and Siobhan Evans placed 8th in a time of 54:12.
Holy Rosary Rowing team recently competed in the South African Schools’ Rowing Championships. The rowing club placed 4th overall with numerous medals in different age groups. Our u.14 4x+ placed 1st in their final, and our u.14 age
Congratulations to Andile Majiki and Katlego Choma, they have both qualified for the Gauteng Athletics Championships.
Grade 12’s
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Congratulations to all the athletes that participated at the Gauteng Athletics Championships on the 8th and 9th of March. We are proud of you!
Also, congratulations to Luan de Lang and Stian Greef that participated at the SA Athletes on the 24th - 26th of March in Polokwane.
Congratulations to the players who qualified for the Kempton Park team and made it to District!
We are very proud of you all!
• Athlehang
• Jayden
• Kgatso
• Lepato
• Ntsoeu
• Ona
• Kemoratile
• Te-André
• Anandi
• Leruo
• Luyolo
• Naudé
• Megan
• Jana
• Ropa
• Ebube
• Cassidy Bosman (3e 3000m)
• Zandri Rheeder (2e spiesgooi)
• Anna-Mart Viljoen (2e driesprong)
• Chantré Berg (2e 400m hekkies)
• Mia de Jager (3e 800m)
• Mikyla du Toit (2e 1500m)
• Arno Swart (2e gewigstoot)
• Franco Hattingh (1e 400m, 1e 400m hekkies)
• Sebastian Small (3e 100m, 3e 200m)
• Werno Pretorius (1e 800m)
• Michael Bekker (2e 800m, 3e 1500m)
• Dihan Keeve (3e gewigstoot)
• Almero Gerritsen (3e 110m hekkies)
• Emile Snyman (3e 100m)
• Preston Smith (3e gewigstoot)
• Luan Visser (3e 300m hekkies)
• Tristan da Silva (1e hoogspring)
Middel: Arno Swart, Franco Hattingh, Sebastian Small, Werno Pretorius, Michael Bekker.
Agter: Dihan Keeve, Almero Gerritsen, Emile Snyman, Preston Smith. Afwesig: Luan Visser, Tristan da Silva.
Deruk van Aswegen (graad 9) het die afgelope naweek deelgeneem aan die National CrossCountry Race by Rocky Bay en die eersteplek behaal in rondte een. Deruk is tans die nasionale voorloper in die 85cc pro-klas.
Baie geluk Deruk. Kempies wens jou alle voorspoed op die renbaan toe!
Chanté Pretorius (graad 9) het op 9 Maart deelgeneem aan die “Northwest Classic Powerlifting”-kampioenskappe en het die eersteplek behaal in die sub-junior kategorie (85+ gewigklas) Chanté ontvang erkenning as die beste sub-junior en kwalifiseer om deel te neem aan die SA Kampioenskappe. Baie geluk aan díe kragtige Kempie!
Die JEUGIE-gees is hier! Ons 2024 dirigente is aangewys.
The JEUGIE-spirit is here! Our 2024 cheerleaders are appointed.
On Friday 16 February, our Top 8 u.9 to u.13 boys and girls were selected to participate in this prestigious event in Tshwane.
Our results were:
• Funanani Mutheiwana - Boys u.9 60m & 80m - 1st 60m & 80m
• Orifuna Mutheiwana - Boys u.12 100m & 150m - 1st 100m & 150m
• Lesedi Mphuti - Boys u.13 100m & 200m3rd 100m & 2nd 200m
• Kamukama Kahimbaara - Boys u.12 1200m & 75m hurdles - 1st 1500m
• Jennalee de Buys - Girls u.12 150m & 1200m - 2nd 150m & 1st 1200m
• Sanelo Machaba - Girls u.12 Shotput & Discus - 3rd shotput & 3rd discus
u.13 boy’s relay: - 1st
• Thato Simelane
• Orifuna Mutheiwana
• Galen Mhlanga
• Lesedi Mphuti
Thank you to all our athletes for your commitment and dedication at this meeting.
In the boys’ u9. 80m, Funanani Mutheiwana from Curro Serengeti set a new Greater Kempton Record with a time of 11.25 seconds. He currently holds the record in the u.7, u.8, and u.9 junior age divisions! What a champ!
Gift Mngomezulu from Curro Serengeti won the 200m boys u.19 race at the District Championships on Thursday, 22 February. We are very proud of you, Gift!
The Foundation Phase Robotics Team from Curro Serengeti- The Novi Navigators came first place in the Curro Robotics Cluster Competition 2024 held here at Curro Serengeti on Thursday, 7 March 2024. Team members were Nqobile Mthembu and Cai Amaambo. Robotics
Well done to all our newly elected Councillors, especially our new Mayor Amahle Nyathi and Deputy Mayors Chloe Ramdass and Nalah Gatsi. We know you will lead the school with pride!
Congratulations to our Media Monitors for 2024
Well done to Noah (Gr. 4) and Khaye (Gr. 7) on their recent achievements and medals at the recent Gauteng Karate Competitionyou’ve made us so proud!
• First place - Owethu
• Second place - Nahlani
Interhouse cross country took place on Tuesday, 12 March.
Congratulations to the following learners who participated in the EHS Got Talent:
Congratulations to our swimmers that were selected for prestige:
• Kaden Rennie
• Jared Wade
The results were as follows: 1st Kestrel, 2nd Falcon, 3rd Harrier and 4th Eagle. Winners in each category - Senior Boys: Mayibongwe Sibanda, Senior Girls: Chandre Bennett, Junior Boys: Liam Botha, Junior Girls: Daniella Helwick.
• Third place - Mr Meaner (stage name)
• Trophy for unique talent - Knox and Ricardo
• Chanel D’arcy
• Mikayla Pon
• Aimee Blackler
• Jessica Law
• Kyle North
• Daxton Correia
• Clarissa Hughes
• Abigayle Grant
• Hayleigh Klopper
• Amanda Lee
• Lingyyn Gao
• Trophy Personality - Rifilwe
• Gareth Cummings
And a big congratulations to Mikayla Pon who placed third in the 50m butterfly and received a bronze medal.
In the heart of the rugby season, Edenglen High’s rugby boys have emerged as a force to be reckoned with, displaying sheer determination, skill and teamwork in their recent matches. As the season progresses, Edenglen High’s rugby team continues to set their sights on further triumphs, driven by the collective ambition to etch their names in the annals of school rugby history.
donations of clothing, jewelry, stationery etc.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the partners of Ekurhuleni North Chess who graced us with their presence and actively participated in the tournament. Congratulations are in order to all the players for their outstanding performance. It is with great pleasure that we announce that all proceeds from this event will be allocated to charitable donations.
Well Done Haneef Shaik, Gr. 5 on achieving Gold Level and Winning your Age Group Section.
congratulate our
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Our Intermediate Phase officially welcomed their new prefects for 2024! This occurred in the presence of their teachers, Grade Heads, peers and their loved ones. Our leaders made a heartfelt oath to lead with integrity, honesty and loyalty. We believe in the power of their example and are excited to witness the positive impact they’ll make in our school and community. We look forward to seeing the difference they will make in our country one day.