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JUNE 2016
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DUANE VERMEULEN la vie en France
How this year has flown! Editorial team
We are already halfway through 2016, winter is upon us in all its glory, exams are almost done, many already had their matric dances, and a lot of school sport has been played (with some more big events still coming up).
Editor Marika Truter | 021 872 3880 Fashion editor Pepe Sofianos | 083 300 2068 Designers Rowan Engledoe | Jade Bushby | Nadia Matthee | Aniena Keller | Ruveix Venter | Editorial coordinators Ryno Wolfaardt | 021 872 3880 Nicole Davids | 021 872 3880
Advertising Susan Potgieter | 078 346 6796
Distribution AWSUM News is distributed to the following schools in BLOEMFONTEIN:
Primary Schools: Jim Fouché, Bloemfontein, Willem Postma, Eduplus Independent School, Fichardtpark, Sand du Plessis. High Schools: Sentraal, Fichardtpark, Grey College, Jim Fouché, Martie du Plessis. AWSUM News is published by the TieMedia Group, Jock de Villiers Office Building, 376 Main Road, Paarl, 7646. 021 872 3880 |
We are looking forward to Wimbledon, the 2016 Summer Olympics, the Tour de France, and some exciting rugby in the World Rugby U20 Championship. Talking about rugby – what a pleasure to have Duane Vermeulen on our cover and to have him tell us a bit more about himself and his life in France in our AWSUM Celebrity Interview this month! We appreciate the great feedback we had on our new look AWSUM News, as well as the change to featuring a local celebrity on the cover. You can look forward to finding out more about your favourite Rowan Engledoe celebrities in the entertainment, fashion, décor, health, Senior Designer & beauty, food and sport industries each month. Feel Studio Manager free to drop us a line to let us know who you like to The highly see as feature. talented Rowan has It is also the time of year when Grade 9s have to start making some serious decisions about their been with AWSUM future when they have to make their subject choices for over two years. for the last phase of their school career. Have a look He is happily married at our hints for things to consider if your child has and the doting reached this point. father of a fourWe would like to introduce you to our AWSUM team year-old daughter, members, and no one better to start with than Rowan Summer. Engledoe, senior designer and studio manager. Enjoy this edition, and keep warm! All the best for the last stretch of this term! Marika & your dedicated AWSUM team
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EDUCATION When I grow up... I want to...
Grade 9 subject choices
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AWSUM Celebrity Interview Duane Vermeulen Daniel Johannes ‘Duane’ Vermeulen is gebore op 3 Julie 1986 en matrikuleer aan die Hoërskool Nelspruit. Van daar loop sy professionele rugbyloopbaan deur die Pumas (2005–2007), die Cheetahs (2007–2008) en die Stormers (2009–2015), tot nou by Toulon in Frankryk waar hy tans op kontrak is. Duane speel sy eerste van 35 toetse (tot einde 2015) op 8 September 2012 teen Australië. In 2014 was hy benoem as een van vyf vir die IRB Player of the Year-toekenning. As die ysterman van SuidAfrikaanse rugby word Duane gerespekteer as ‘n wêreldklas speler hier en oorsee. AWSUM News het by hom gaan inloer om te hoor hoe die lewe in Frankryk hom behandel.
V Hoe ervaar jy die lewe in Frankryk?
A Soos enige nuwe plek, het Frankryk maar sy aanpassings. Taal, kultuur en kos is die grootste goed om gewoond aan te raak.
V Vertel ons meer oor Toulon. A Toulon is ‘n kleinerige stad in die suide van Frankryk wat ontstaan het as ‘n militêre hawe. Vandag is die stad bekend vir skeepsbou, vis en wyn, en natuurlik ook die rugbyspan. Mense hier is mal oor RC Toulon en dis bitter min dat ons stadion nie propvol is nie. V
Hoe vergelyk die rugbystrukture tussen
V Hoe vergelyk die rugbystrukture tussen 3. Toulon en die Toulon en Stormers? die Stormers?
A Altwee is uiters suksesvolle professionele eenhede. Omdat mens in Suid-Afrika met heelwat jonger spelers werk, word daar hier egter baie meer tyd bestee aan ontwikkeling.
V Hoe lank het dit jou geneem om Frans te leer praat? A Ek laat jou weet sodra ek dit bemeester het!
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V Kry jy darem so nou en dan gebraai in Frankryk? A Vleis is hier topgehalte en met die son wat so laat in die aande sak, maak dit vir perfekte braaitoestande.
V Hoe verskil die Franse van Suid-Afrikaners? A Ek dink Suid-Afrikaners pas oor die algemeen goed in Frankryk aan. Die Frenchies kan soms wel maar bietjie emosioneel word en op hol gaan met ‘n ding, maar verder is hulle passievolle mense wat lief is vir hulle land en hulle kultuur.
V Wat mis jy die meeste van jou lewe in Suid-Afrika? A Mens se vriende en familie is wat mens altyd maar die meeste na verlang.
V Beplan jy om weer eendag in Suid-Afrika te speel in die Super Rugby-reeks? A Dis moeilik om nou te sê presies wat die toekoms inhou. Vir nou het ek ‘n werk om te doen vir Toulon en doelwitte om te bereik. Wie weet wat daarna voorlê.
(t) 051 433 1913 (e)
Boys selected for Craven Week
0/12A: Marno Victor, Hendrè Botha and Jayden Botes.
0/13B: Elzano Prins, Herman Boshoff and Toto Mlambo.
0/13A: Lefa Mathinya.
EDUPLUS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL (t) 051 446 0527 (e) St Michael’s Festival During the recent St Michael’s School Music, Visual Arts and Drama Festival, the following learners of Eduplus Independent School did exceptionally well: Berne Beukes 13 gold symbols, Liam van Zuydam 10 gold symbols, Marjolijn Visser 13 gold symbols, Elizabeth Rossouw 10 gold symbols, and Danielle Ceronio 28 gold symbols. These gold symbols were obtained in a wide variety of items ranging from music, drama, visual arts to photography. Eduplus received 198 gold certificates and 23 silver certificates. FRONT: Danielle Ceronio. MIDDLE: Liam van Zuydam, Marjolijn Visser, Elizabeth Rossouw. BACK: Berne Beukes.
Skoonmaak in Langenhovenpark Die Langenhovenpark Zibi-komitee, in samewerking met Eduplus Onafhanklike Skool en verskeie besighede ‘n skoonmaakaksie in Langenhovenpark, op die oop terrein noord van die Boeremark, gehou. 27 Leerlinge en ses personeellede van die Eduplus Onafhanklike Skool het hul Saterdagoggend opgeoffer om die oop stuk grond wat aan die skool grens en aan die Departement Openbare Werke behoort, te kom skoonmaak. Die kinders het na ‘n kort praatjie oor die waarde van ‘n rommelvrye woonbuurt geluister, waarna hulle in spanne verdeel het om teen mekaar in ‘n rommel-optelkompetisie mee te ding. Die kompetisie was met groot ywer aangepak en so tussen die skoonmaak deur het die kinders vet pret gehad.
Bloem Show The Eduplus learners cleaned out the prizes with their beautiful artworks at the Bloem Show this year. These learners received 1st prizes in their divisions: Neo Smiles, Liam van Zuydam, Lily-Rose Marx, Kian Lindenberg (Category Trophy winner), Xavier Marx, Lerato Lekale, Janie Deysel , Bea-né Schoeman, Danielle Ceronio, Makheta Nkomo, Neilke Maree, Gary Simons, Kholofelo Khoabane, Esona Mepha, Maluti Letuka, Mpho Seleka. Sixteen learners received 2nd places, sixlearners 3rd places and four learners received a highly recommended award.
FICHARDTPARK PRIMÊRE SKOOL (t) 051 522 8166 (e) Fichies se Netbal mik hoog Die netbaltalent by Fichies blink behoorlik uit. Juanita Kruger (0/12), Melinda Heyns (0/13) en Corli Hertzog (0/13) is verkies tot die Vrystaat Netbalspan. Harde werk sal jou lei tot sukses. Julle hou Fichies se naam hoog met julle uitblink prestasies. Baie geluk!
Fichies kan praat dat dit bars Fichies het uitstekende gevaar tydens die ATKV Redenaarshalfeindronde te Betlehem. Fichies se redenaars was deurgaans voorberei om oor enige onderwerp ‘n toespraak te kan lewer. Onder leiding van Juffrou Emsie Lloyd (afrigter) het 6 van die 7 redenaars onder die Top 10 in hulle verskeie afdelings geeïndig.
Rugbybulle kook op Pikkiedag Fichies se 0/11A-rugbymanne is verseker ‘n span om op trots te wees. Onder leiding van mnr. Jan Brits (afrigter) blink die rugbyspannetjie behoorlik uit. Hulle het aan die Pikkiedag te Virginia gaan deelneem en uitmuntende prestasies gelewer. Hulle het 146 punte aangeteken en niks teen hulle nie. Om alles te kroon, beeld die spannetjie Fichies se Christelike waardes uit deur om voor elke wedstryd ‘n stilte oomblik te neem. Knap gedaan!
VOOR: Mari Truter (9de), Rianette Kemp (9de). MIDDEL: Gerald Fowler (6de), Liza Botha (3de). AGTER: Carlise Botha (3de), Suné Deacon (4de).
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PRIMÊRE SKOOL JIM FOUCHÉ (t) 051 522 5951 (e) Hokkie 0/14 Geluk aan TW van der Westhuizen wat gekies is vir die 0/14 Vrystaat Hokkiespan. JF is trots op jou!
Rugby 0/13 Cravenweek Geluk aan Danie van Heerden wat gekies is vir die 0/13A Cravenweekspan. Ons wens hom alle sukses toe.
(t) 051 5225461 (e)
St Michaels Kunswedstryd
Hallelujah SA Konsert Sand du Plessis Primêr se junior en senior kore het op Maandag, 30 Mei aan die Hallelujah SA Konsert in die Sand du Plessis Teater deelgeneem. Die kore het die voorreg gehad om saam met Adam Barnard en Henry Scott op te tree. Die kore, onder leiding van mee. Esther van der Merwe, Liezille Schmidt, Elma Coetzer en Suna Burger, het hulle uitstekend van hulle taak gekwyt. Die produksie is opgeneem vir KykNet en Lig Tydskrif.
‘n Groot groep leerders van Sand du Plessis Primêr het onlangs die voorreg gehad om aan die St Michaels Kunswedstryd, wat plaasgevind het van 16 tot 20 Mei, deel te neem. Hierdie graad 4 tot 7 leerders het geweldig goed gedoen in hul eerste addisionele taal, Engels. Met die uiters bekwame afrigting deur Marni van Wyk, was daar baie goeie simbole behaal. Daar was baie A++, A+, A en B’s. Sannies is baie trots op hierdie leerders! Die Graad 6 en 7 leerders wat aan die kunswedstryd deelgeneem het.
Die Graad 4 en 5 leerders wat aan die kunswedstryd deelgeneem het.
PRIMÊRE SKOOL WILLEM POSTMA (t) 051 436 2730/1 (e) Truida Kestell tennistoernooi 2016 Die dogters was die wenners van die B-afdeling (1ste uit 15 skole) en die seuns het 2de geëindig in die B-afdeling (2de uit 15 skole).
Juffrou Lisa le Roux, Carmen du Plessis, Nina Ben Scholtz, Nico Corbett, Johan Nel, Frederich Brisley. Schimper, Mia Schimper, Amy Fröhlich.
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ATKV Redenaarskompetisie Die semi-finaal van die jaarlikse ATKV Redenaarskompetisie het op 20 Mei by Witteberg Hoërskool in Bethelehem plaasgevind. Skole van oor die hele Vrystaat is verteenwoordig en net die top redenaars van elke skool het deelgeneem. Tydens hierdie kompetisie het Vianke Herbst van Willem Postma Primêre Skool ‘n eerste plek behaal. Sy gaan op 11 Augustus aan die Nasionale Kompetisie op Rustenburg deelneem.
Amanda Coetzer tennistoernooi Willem Postma se eerste dogters tennisspan het deelgeneem aan die Amanda Coetzer tennistoernooi.
Lizmarie Schoeman, Celia Snellenburg, Karli Frölich, Carla Hechter, Nicole le Roux, Jana Otto, Sebiene le Roux.
JIM FOUCHÉ HIGH SCHOOL (t) 051 1760/1 (e) Padfietswedren Ben Britz van JF het onlangs die o/16 Nasionale Padfietswedrentitel verower oor ‘n afstand van 85km in ‘n tyd van 02:28:06.
Gebiedjeugsleier Sulene Labuschagne van JF is gekies tot Gebiedsjeugleier vir die Voortrekkers.
Atletiek Tharina van der Walt van JF is ingesluit in die SA-atletiekspan wat einde April in Lesotho aan die Afrika Spele gaan deelneem. Tharina spog met verskeie topposisies en nuwe rekords gedurende die eerste kwartaal se atletiekseisoen in Hamergooi (61,18m, SA - Goue medaljehouer), Diskus (45,20m ASA-Vrystaat) en Gewigstoot (15,26m ASA-Vrystaat).
Bronwyn Leonard van JF het onlangs ‘n nuwe rekord opgestel in diskusgooi D17 met ‘n afstand van 39,19m tydens die Hoërskole Atletiekbyeenkoms wat gehou is. Sy spog egter met ‘n afstand van 39,40m tydens die ASA Atletiekkampioenskappe.
Tweekamp Etienne Beckman en Marli Kotzé van JF is opgeneem in die SuidVrystaat Tweekampspan.
HOËRSKOOL SENTRAAL (t) 051 410 1800 (e) Netbal - 10 jaar Kampioen Met ons oorwinning oor Eunice High School maak die Hoërskool Sentraal met groot trots ons 10e wenjaar bekend! Die Tralies se 1e span het sedert 2006 nog ELKE jaar die groter Bloemfontein-liga gewen. Ons hou duim vas vir die ‘Free State Challenge’ wat tussen 16 tot 17 Junie in Welkom plaasvind waar die span moontlik vir die 10de agterneenvolgende jaar die beker sal huis toe bring.
VOOR: A. Nel, M. van Wyk (kaptein), N. de Wit (o/kaptein), mnr. JH Vorster (Skoolhoof). AGTER: Mev. S. Grobler (spanbestuurder), M. Boshoff, Z. Posthumus, O. Khasake, me. R. Erasmus (afrigter), D. Klopper, J. Nel, A. Fourie, Z. Jordaan.
MARTIE DU PLESSIS SKOOL (t) (051) 5226801 (e) Rugbyproewe Met die onlangse rugbyproewe gehou vir Spesiale Skole is ‘n Vrystaat LSOB-span gekies wat gedurende die Junie/Julie skoolvakansie aan die 35ste Cravenweek vir LSOB skole gaan speel. Vanjaar se LSOB Cravenweek sal vanaf 26 Junie tot 1 Julie in Pretoria plaasvind. Martie du Plessis Skool het nie minder nie as 8 seuns in die 018 span.
Vrystaat netbalproewe
Met die aanbied van die Vrystaat netbalproewe vir die kies van die Vrystaat LSOB Netbalspan wat aan die SA vir Spesiale Skole in Natal gaan deelneem vanaf 10 tot 13 Julie 2016 was Luandrie Gouws so bevoorreg om in die span opgeneem te word.
Twee van Martie du Plessis se leerders het die besonderse prestasie behaal deur vir die onderskeie Vrystaat Hokkiespanne gekies te word. Nikki Seboka is vir die Vrystaat 018 Dogters Hokkie A-span gekies en Bruzaille Tobias is vir die Vystaat 018 B-span vir seuns.
Wihan Myburgh, Curtley Niewenheyzen, Enrico Cordier, Abednago Ansah, Nwiwgwe Nthombeni, Bruzaille Tobias, Phillip Oelofse en Carlo Jooste.
Die Suid Afrikaanse JKA Karate Kampioenskappe het plaasgevind van 19-21 Mei in Johannesburg. Tydens die kampioenskappe het Dade Boyes, ‘n leerling van Martie du Plessis, die mooi prestasie behaal deur ‘n algehele derde plek te verower in die Junior Novice Boys Purple Kumite 14. Dit is voorwaar ‘n puik prestasie.
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GREY COLLEGE (t) 051 444 1513 (e) UITSLAE – 3 Mei 2016
UITSLAE – 16 Mei
STOEI Bernard Maree het 3rde gekom in die 021 Presidente Suid Afrika Stoei in Grieks Romeins styl vir stoei gewig 63-69Kg Vrydag in Gauteng RUGBY Wildeklawer Toernooi U19A • 1st team 31 – 13 Garsfontein o19A • 1st team 48 – 23 Oakdale o19A U16A: • Grey 31 – Garsfontein 14 • Grey 57 - EG Jansen 7 U15A: • Grey 48 – Garsfontein 18 • Grey 53 – EG Jansen 14 U14A: • Grey 18 – Garsfontein 35 • Grey 21 – EG Jansen 17 TENT PEGGING The National U/19 Boys team of the South African Equestrian Tentpegging Association took part in an international friendly against the Great Britain team at Mistico Equestrian Centre, Paarl, Western Cape on 2 April 2016. The National Boys team won the international event with 377 against 268 points. SASCOC
HOKKIE • 0/14B teen Saints 3 – 3 gelykop
awarded Protea colours for Tentpegging to Stephan Jacobs. Congratulations! HOCKEY • Grey u14A beat Jim Fouché u14A 5 – 2 O16A Liga • Grey o/16B teen JF o/16A • Grey o/16B wen 10 – 1 Nomads u19 Tournament • Grey College 2 vs Pretoria Boys High 1 • Grey College 2 vs Rondebosch 3 • Grey College 0 vs Wynberg 3 • Grey College 2 vs Jeppe 2 • Grey College 2 vs Maritzburg College 3 LEWENSREDDING Baie geluk aan ons Greymanne wat deelgeneem het aan die SA Nasionale Stilwater Lewensredding Kampioenskappe in Durban. Uitslae
Robbie le Roux (5 x goud Individueel) en 2 x SA rekords, Andre Mouton(1ste SA Kampioenskappe waaraan hy deelneem) en Casper Engelbrecht. Al drie seuns verbeter hulle beste tye. Baie geluk!
o/16A-Liga • Grey o/16B 5 – Fichardtpark 0/16A 0 KRIEKET • Raynard van Tonder is gekies vir die SA 0/19 krieketspan wat later die kwartaal na Sri Lanka sal toer. Baie geluk met hierdie wonderlike prestasie. • Phillip Visser is aangewys as Vrystaat Krieket se 0/17 Speler van die Jaar, baie geluk! TENNIS The Kearsney Tennis Festival took place from 12–15 May. Round Robin • Grey vs Kearsney College – Grey 8 –1 • Grey vs. Affies – Grey 5 – 4 • Grey vs Stellenbosch Grey 9 – 0 Semi-final • Grey vs Pretoria Boys – Grey 5 – 2 Final • Grey vs Paul Roos – Paul Roos 6 – 3
Other results Final tournament standings 8 Hoërskool Stellenbosch 7 Clifton 6 Kearsney College 5 Selborne College 4 Pretoria Boys 3 Affies 2 Grey College 1 Paul Roos SOKKER • Grey 1ste span klop CBC 2-0 • Grey /15A verloor 4-0 teen CBC se /17’s • Grey/14A verloor 2-1 teen CBC se /15’s • Grey /17A wen 3-0 teen Brebner se /17A’s • Grey /15A verloor teen Brebner /15A 2-0 • Grey /14A wen 2-0 teen Brebner /14A
SOCCER • Grey 1st team beat Navalsig 3-1 • Grey /15A beat Navalsig 5-3 • Grey /14A beat Navalsig 2-1 HOCKEY • U/14B lost 3-1 against JF U/14 A
HOËRSKOOL FICHARDTPARK (t) 051 522 6927 (e) Hoërskool Fichardtpark is ‘n bak(gat) skool Tydens die onlangse Bloemskou het die leerders van Hoërskool Fichardtpark verskeie pryse los gebak. In die Hoërskole gebakafdeling is daar 38 klasse (afdelings) waarin leerders kon inskryf. In 22 van hierdie klasse het leerders van Hoërskool Fichardtpark eerste plekke behaal. In die Hoërskole gebak-afdeling is daar vanjaar slegs 8 spesiale pryse toegeken. Van hierdie 8 pryse het Hoërskool Fichardtpark al 8 gewen. Van die 155 skou-inskrywings van die skool, het 98 van hulle pryse gewen. Voorwaar ‘n skool wat kook! Kyla Lessing was die wenner in die Gr 10-afdeling. Sy behaal 2 x 1ste pryse, ‘n 2de prys en ‘n 3de prys. Ilané Strydom wen die Gr 11afdeling met 4 x 1ste pryse en 3 x 2de pryse. Bianca Wessels is die wenner in die Gr 12-afdeling met haar 2 x spesiale pryse, 2 x 1ste pryse, 3 x 2de pryse. Met hierdie leerders wat Kook is dit die 10de agtereenvolgende jaar wat Hoërskool Fichardtpark aangewys word as die skool met die meeste punte in die Hoërskole gebak-afdeling.
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Matric Farewell 10-step Matric Farewell Checklist
1. The date
By now you should have a date. After receiving the formal event invitation, phone your date and make sure that they save the date!
2. The parents
Your date’s parents might want to meet you. They will appreciate your effort and feel more comfortable sending their son or daughter to the dance with you.
3. The meeting point
Create a central meeting point for all your friends by arranging a cheese and wine event at someone’s house on the day of the farewell. This is the perfect opportunity for last-minute photo shoots with parents.
4. The dress/suit
Have a fitting to make sure that your outfit is still intact, clean and fits perfectly. If not, you still have time to have it cleaned, trimmed or fixed. Remember to take a cocktail dress with for the afterparty!
5. The shoes
Don’t forget the shoes! Wear something that is stylish, complements your outfit and comfortable. Girls, you should avoid heals that hurt your feet. They can put a serious damper on your evening.
6. The accessories
Add style to your outfit. Get some bling jewellery, a tie that complements your date’s dress or a handbag to carry the essentials.
7. Beauty appointments
Book your hair and make-up appoinments for the morning of your matric farewell. Plan the look you are going for. Be sure to take photos with you to the appointment as examples. You can do your nails earlier the week.
8. The photoshoot
Depending on your budget you can either hire a photographer or have a friend or family member take the photographs. Plan your day so that there is time for taking photographs before leaving for the event.
9. Getting there
The trend is to hire a vehicle for the event – from sports cars to old collector cars – but you can use any method of transport that will get you there on time and looking as fabulous as when you left. A limousine is spacious and can transport a whole bunch of your friends. This is fun for getting excited on the way to the event!
10. The afterparty
Many matric farewells have a official afterparty. They are less formal than the matric farewell, but be sure to check the dress code of the venue beforehand. For the girls a cocktail dress should be fine. For the guys long trousers, closed shoes and a collared shirt should fit the bill.
Elegance is the only beauty that never fades Audrey Hepburn
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2 9
Grade 9s: Guidelines to your future Choosing the right subjects Grade 9 learners will soon be gearing up to select the subjects that will see them through to Matric – an important decision which should not be left to the last minute and which should already be top of mind for learners who want to give themselves the best chance for success in Grade 12 in 2019.
Nola Payne, Head of Faculty: Information at The Independent Institute of Education notes that this is one of the first opportunities learners of this age will have to practice strategic decision-making that will have a major impact on their lives. It should be looked at as an exciting first step into their future as adults, and also a valuable learning tool, she adds. Below are some tips and guidelines she has for helping them make this all-important decision.
When I grow up... I want to...
1. Already know what you want to study? Then study up on entrance requirements.
If you are clear about what you want to do, check out the websites of both public and private higher education institutions to verify their requirements, and let that guide your subject choices. Very importantly, look at a range of different institutions and courses within your field to allow yourself some choice and a Plan B after Matric.
2. Don’t know? Then leave as many options available as possible.
Those who are not yet sure about their future direction should choose subject combinations that will leave them with options and room to manoeuvre later, including Maths and Science. Learners who struggle with precisely these subjects, should consider keeping only one of them to focus their efforts. (Maths Literacy should only be considered as a last resort, Payne says.)
3. Consider what makes you happy.
As you spend time at your desk every day, going from class to class, and completing your homework, be alert to which subjects make you come alive a little more than others. Determine which subjects mirror your interests and career dreams, and include them. Carefully research how your favourite subjects manifest in the working world, as you may potentially have more - and more interesting - options than you are currently aware of.
4. Consider what you are good at.
Choose at least two subjects in which you can do really well. Admission to higher education is performance-based, so it makes sense to do very well in some subjects rather than badly in all of them because you chose only so-called gateway subjects.
Don’t sell yourself short You may think you won’t stand a chance of getting good sufficient grades to enter higher education post-Matric. But remember that the South African National Senior Certificate has four levels of pass. While one of them is the degree pass, you could also qualify for diploma or higher certificate study. These two qualifications, which are normally vocationally or career-focused, could give you access straight to the world of work and even degree study if you wanted to do it later. There are also options in public and private FET colleges, or you may even be entrepreneurial and want to start your own business. “The key to making the best subject choices for your future self is to ensure you do your research thoroughly, and at a comfortable pace, so you don’t have to rush the decision. Don’t leave it until the end of the year, when you might be tempted to just tick the same boxes your friends are ticking, and in the process set yourself up for frustration and disappointment,” Payne says.
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TEL: 051 410 1800