AWSUM Cape Town March 2023

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THE NUMBER 1 SCHOOL NEWSPAPER IN SA Read the latest school news on MARCH 2023 Celebrating school achievements in South Africa INTERHUIS ATLETIEK FREE GRATIS 4M WES-KAAP ATLETIEK SWEM REKORDS SPAT AKADEMIESE PRESTEERDERS INTERSKOLE ATLETIEK TENNIS AWSUM NEWS CAPE TOWN A sh o wr oo m w it h a pe rs o n a l touc h sanitary & plumbing supplies cc CHECK OUT OUR SHOWROOM Durbanville - Tel: 021 975 1930 Unit 8 Cattle Baron Centre Marais Street Durbanville 7550 From the initial wet works to the final touches, our showroom boasts an extensive handpicked collection of only the finest products selected from over 100+ brands. Call us (021) 556 1182



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AWSUM gesels met Retief Goosen oor sy skooljare

Retief Goosen (The Goose), oud HTS Tom Naudé - leerder en wenner van twee Amerikaanse Ope Gholftoernooie, praat oor sy skooljare in Polokwane. Behalwe vir sy 36 oorwinnigs as professionele gholfer en sy sewe PGA Toer - oorwinnings, haal Retief ook die World Golf Hall of Fame in 2019.

Ons moet begin deur te vra oor jou skoolloopbaan. Wat sal jy altyd van jou skool onthou?

Wat ek onthou, is dat die onderwysers by my skool streng was. As jy stout was die klas, het jy pakslae gekry. Daar was `n paar onderwysers wat gholf gespeel het en ek het saam met hulle gespeel, maar ek het nog steeds deugeloop as ek stout was.

Aan watter sport het jy op skool deelgeneem?

Vir my was dit net gholf elke dag. Op laerskool het ek wel rugby gespeel. Ek was binne senter, maar het van 12 jaar oud op gholf begin fokus deur gholfboeke wat in die huis was, te lees - onder andere boeke van Ben Hogan, Jack Nicklaus en Gary Player. Daai dae was daar nie videos nie, so ek moes in `n spiëel oefen alles wat ek in die boeke geleer het.

Watter tipe ou was jy op skool?

Ek was maar `n stil ou op skool en my eie ding gedoen. Ek was `n prefek in my laaste jaar, so dit was lekker om stoute ouens by onderwysers aan te kla.

Vertel ons meer oor jou grootwordjare in Polokwane.

Polokwane was maar klein tydens my grootwordjare. Ek kon met my fiets orals heen ry.

Ons het naby genoeg aan Polokwane Gholfklub gebly dat ek met my gholfstokke en sak op my fiets kon ry en vinnig nege gate na skool kon speel.

Wat is die beste raad wat jy al ooit ontvang het en wat jy vandag met ons lesers wil deel?

Niks kom verniet nie. Jy moet hard werk.

As jy nie `n gholfspeler was nie, watter sport sou jy wou beoefen?

Gholf was alles vir my. As dit nie gewerk het nie, sou ek seker nie `n ander sport beoefen het nie. Tydens `n onderhoud met die Polokwane Review vertel Retief: “Ons het altyd vir ure gholfballe agter in die tuin geslaan en my ma het ons uitgetrap, want ons het haar gras uitgeslaan” onthou Retief.

“Ek het my liefde vir gholf by my pa geleer en dan natuurlik by Francois my broer ook. Ek het vir hom gecaddy,” skerts Retief.

Wat sou jy sê vat dit van `n speler om die hoogste vlak van `n sportsoort te bereik en daar te bly?

“Dissipline en harde werk! My pa het geglo dat as jy iets wil hê, moet jy daarvoor werk en voluit daarvoor gaan. Hy het vir jou die geleentheid gegee, maar jy moes ‘n sukses daarvan maak. My pa se werketiek is iets wat oorgespoel het na my gholf. Met talent en harde werk, kan jy net suksesvol wees en ek is dankbaar daarvoor,” vertel Retief vir die Polokwane Review.

My pa het geglo dat as jy iets wil hê, moet jy daarvoor werk en voluit daarvoor gaan.

In dieselfde berig, berig die Polokwane Review dat oom Theo Goosen, Retief se pa, op 21 Desember 2022 op die ouderdom van 89 oorlede is. Tot die dag van sy dood het Oom Theo gholfraad met Retief gedeel en hy onthou hoe sy pa ‘n paar keer in Amerika en Engeland gaan gholf kyk het. “Sy tydsberekening was nie altyd so goed met die raad nie, en as ek nie goed gespeel het nie, het hy sommer sy vliegtuigkaartjie vervroeg en teruggevlieg.”

Retief Goosen is as 16 - jarige deur weerlig op die golfbaan raakgeslaan toe hy en sy neef Henri `n rondte gholf op `n Woensdagmiddag gespeel het. Toe dit op die vyfde gat begin reën, het hulle gaan skuil onder `n afdak, maar toe die reën opklaar, het hulle verder gaan speel. Dis toe wat hy deur die weerlig geslaan is en 20 minute later in die hosipitaal wakker geword het. Nadat sy neef gaan hulp soek het by die klubhuis het hy `n dokter gekry wat toevallig gholf gespeel het en Retief vertel dié dokter het sy lewe daardie dag gered. Na 3 weke wat hy nie skoene kon aantrek nie as gevolg van sy brandwonde, was hy terug op die gholfbaan en toe het sy golf vlamgevat, want mens besef jy kon dood gewees het.

Destyds het Retief die volgende wenk aan `n jong opkomende gholfer gegee: Hou jou fokus en neem die spel net hou vir hou, Vergeet van die toernooi en vergeet waar jy op die punteleêr lê.

Retief (The Goose) Goosen. Foto: Instagram
Retief Goosen saam met Gary Player (Foto: Instagram)
Jong Retief



Congratulations to our athletes who represented District North and took part in the WP Athletics Championships this year!

Good luck to Emilie Wegner (U11) and Anza Maphari (U12) today! They are representing Western Province in shot put at the Western Cape Athletics Championships today!

Netball Cricket

Well done to our U8A & U9A Mini-Cricket teams! They had a fun day out at the Panorama MiniCricket Festival today!

Congratulations to our U13 Netball Girls! They took part in the A-League Netball Mini-World Cup this weekend! TVPS represented Wales (each school was allocated a different country) and came 3rd in the A-League & are through to the Western Cape play-offs!


2022 Academic Awards Evening (Grades 8-11)

On Thursday, 16 February we celebrated with our 2022 Academic Award winners from Grade 8 – 11. These awards are determined according to their School Based Assessment marks. A Learner must obtain a minimum of 80% for the subject and had to complete all SBA tasks. A medallion is awarded to a learner who achieves an A-aggregate for the first time in the school. A bar is awarded to a learner who fulfils the already mentioned requirements for the 2nd, 3rd or more times. Academic Colours are only awarded in grade 10, 11 and 12 and are awarded to learners who fulfil the requirements for a medallion or a bar for the third time. Academic Honours are achieved when the learner fulfils the requirements for a medallion or a bar for the fourth or fifth time.

• Grade 8 (2022) - Kashmira Naicker – 7 Subject A’s – Aggregate of 87.8% - Academic Medallion

• Grade 9 (2022) - Ovayo Ntobongwana – 9 Subject A’s – Aggregate of 89.3% - Academic Bar

• Grade 10 (2022) - Ghaianne Gounden – 7 Subject A’s – Aggregate of 90.4% - Academic Bar & Academic Colours

• Grade 11 (2022) - Kaitlyn Smith – 7 Subject A’s – Aggregate of 88.9% - Academic Bar & Academic Colours.

Congratulations to Dominique Rispel and Jaydon van Graan who has qualified to be part of the Western Province Team, competing on Saturday, 18 March 2023 at Parrow

Kabisekela Nsumbu u.19 – Long jump Silvester Tekeshe u.19 - High jump Dominique Rispel u.15 - Triple jump Dylan Musekiwa u.17 - 200m, Long jump Stadium, Cape Town. Emilie Wegner and Anza Maphari Chloe Swart (U10 Shot Put), Blessing Molanga (U13 100m & 200m), Emilie Wegener (U11 Shot Put), Phamna Makatini (U13 Long Jump), Anza Maphari (U12 Shot Put), Karen Kasingo (U13 100m Sprints). Kashmira Naicker Grade 8 Chaianne Gounden Grade 10 Ovayo Ntobongwana Grade 9 Kaitlyn Smith Grade 11


The Table View High Derby


“Wow, it is sad to think that summer sports for term 1 have already come to an end. However, it truly couldn’t have ended on a higher note - The Table View High Derby! It was absolutely awesome to see all our summer sports teams come together and compete in an environment filled with “gees” which ensured we ended off the season on a high! Thank you to all the Elkanah House students that came to support and we hope to can carry this over into our winter season! Overall, reflecting back on the season, we had many special moments as a school and I truly cannot wait to see what is in store for our sports for the rest of 2023.

I hope everyone has a restful holiday and is as motivated and excited as I am for the upcoming winter season!” - Jordan Wright (Head of Sports Prefect)

Boys 5’s Hockey

• 2nd Team - Lost 3-2 Player of the Match: Jayden Rohner.

• 1st Team - Lost 3-1 Player of the Match: Dylan Stone.

Girls 5’s Hockey

• u.14 - Won 8-1 Player of the Match: Annabel Clack.

• u.16 - Won 10-0 Player of the Match: Ami Coue.

• 2nd Team - Won 3-0 Player of the Match: Havana Skinner.

• 1st Team - Drew 1-1 Player of the Match: Jemma du Plessis.


• Snr team won 5-2 Player of the Match: Adam Wilcock. Jnr team played against snr B team lost 6-1 Player of the Match: Josh Koetzer.

Tennis (Boys)

• Won 12-0 Player of the Match: Oratile Moré.


• u.15 - Won by 6 wickets, Player of the Match: Trent De Saint Pern.

• u.19 - Won by 58 runs, Player of the Match: Daniel Loggenberg who scored 50 runs.


• u.15 - Won 12-2 Player of the Match: Morgan Glanville.

• 2nd Team - Lost.

• 1st Team - Lost 8-5 Player of the Match: Rediel Kasali.


• Juniors Best Speaker: Zac Koetser (Grade 7)

• Seniors Best Speaker : Amber Kohlhofer (Grade 10)

Debate Cricket Mascots Junior Chess Softball Softball Boys Hockey
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Senior Chess

Swimming Athletics

Swimming at Milnerton High has been doing so well that we decided to enter TWO teams this season: Yellow team (first team) and Blue team (second team). The Yellow Team came fourth overall in their league (A-league) and our Blue Team came first in the C-league and have now been promoted to the B-league for the next season.


MHS Athletes

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Blue Team Yellow Team


WP Junior Interclub Golf Tournament

Athletics Interschools

International Public Arts Festival

Empie Challenge


Jaco Louw Riley Tarr Jaco Louw, ‘n graad 8 MPS-leerder wat swem vir Swartland Swemklub het verskeie medaljes hierdie seisoen ingepalm, o.a. ‘n silwer in vryslag by die WCA B Champs. Our Visual Arts and Design learners supported the International Public Arts Festival in Cape Town. Riley Tarr, a grade 9 MPS learner, competed in the WP Junior Interclub Golf Tournament this quarter in the u.19 category and finished 5th Ons WP Toutrek uitslae is soos volg: 440kg dogters het WP/Boland goud verwerf, 520kg seuns het WP brons, 520kg gemeng het WP silwer en 560kg seuns het WP silwer. The learners from MPS particpated in our annual Empie Challenge obstacle course race at MPS this term. Swartland Swemklub Lize Willems Lize Willems from MPS walked away as the Victrix Ludorum at the annual Athletics Interschools between Melkbosstrand Private School, El Shaddai, Blouberg International, CBC and Riverside College.
WP Toutrek
520kg Gemeng 560kg Seuns 440kg Dogters 520kg Seuns

Face of Design Karate


Michael Janse van Rensburg Graham de Beer Zak Tredoux Zandrich Nel Abigael Cassel Conradie Kriel Danica Schutte Heiden Blaauw Boys u.13 - 80m Hurdles, 200m Hurdles. Hannah van Heerden Girls u.11 - 1200m Landon Fabrik Boys u.13 - Long Jump, 100m, 200m Dirk Janse van Noordwyk Boys u.12 - 150m Hurdles Minke Saayman Girls u.13 - 200m Hurdles Burger Streicher (Afrigter), Sebastian Britz, Jacques Roux, Riaan de Beer, AJ Ras, Jeandrè Nel, Luan Lessing, Rikus Mouton, Louw Els, Noah Visagie. Voor: Jacques Roux, Maya Rijnsburger, Riaan de Beer, AJ Ras, Jeandré Nel, Luan Lessing, Rikus Mouton, Brandon Meintjes, Noah Visagie. Agter: Burger Streicher (Afrigter) Ons eerste seuns tennisspan is ook onoorwonne hierdie seisoen. Abigael Cassel (2022 grade 12) is the Face of Design winner of 2022 and received a bursary to study at the Cape Town Creative Academy. Conradie Kriel passed his Karate referee / judging exams. He also received
colours for Karate Kumite and has been chosen to represent WP at the National Championships in Durban. Danica Schutte received a first place for the ladies class in MX Motorcross on a Yamaha YZ 125 and will take part in Nationals later this year.
360kg A-span ontvang Silwer medalje en WP- kleure: 320kg A-span ontvang brons medalje:
Baie geluk aan die volgende VRS leerders wat WP-kleure vir Atletiek ontvang het.
MX Motorcross Atletiek WP-Kleure WP/ Wynland Toutrek Kampioenskappe Melkbosstrand High School AWSUM NEWS The biggest school news platform in S.A Share this edition with someone digitally WhatsApp your name to 073 187 9539 and we will send you the PDF


Milnerton Primary School Head Prefects For 2023

The Head Prefects for Milnerton Primary School for 2023 were announced. Congratulations to these learners as well as their parents on this wonderful achievement! We are so Proud!


Congratulations to Shiloh Ritchie, for placing 1st in the u. 9 60m girls sprints at Panorama Primary’s Interschools Athletics Day! A record time of 9.33 seconds!

Milnerton Primary School wins the Storzner Cup Gala for 2023! Head Prefects, Holly McNaughten and Justin Kellerman proudly hold the Storzner trophy. Yesterday marked the 50th annual Storzner Cup Gala here at Milnerton Primary...AND WE WON! Thank you to the schools who competed with us as well as all the parents who took the time to come and support the event and the learners. Well done to our incredible swimmers! GO MILLIES!! (Photo credits: Joanne Markland Photography).

The biggest school news network in SA

Noah Naude (Deputy Head Boy), Headmaster Mr. W. Middleton, Justin Kellerman (Head Boy), Holly McNaughten (Head Girl), Deputy Headmaster Mr. R.W Clarke, Inez De Graaf (Deputy Head Girl) Shiloh Ritchie
Holly McNaughten and Justin Kellerman



On the 9th of February our first team cricket side embarked on their second cricket tour of the year playing three cricket games. The first game was against Hopefield High School were we narrowly lost by 18 runs. Second day of tour we played Curro Langebaan. The boys were pumped to try and get their first win. Curro Langebaan won the toss and elected to bat first. Our Bowlers stayed patient and disciplined as we bowled them out for 85 in the first innings. After keeping Curro Langebaan to a underwhelming score, the batsmen were confident in their abilities to chase down their total. An early wicket in the first over added some nerves in the camp but a solid second wicket partnership took the team to a 9-wicket win.

Our final game of the tour was the annual fixture against Vredenburg High School. We won the toss and elected to bat first. The openers took their time and applied themselves which led to a solid partnership between Daniel Haschick and Waseem Fredericks who both ended up scoring fifties on the day. The team scored 255/9 in our fifty overs and our Bowlers once again stayed disciplined and bowled them out for only 42. 4 of those wickets being taken by Ethan Smeda.

On Saturday 18 February we played against Western Province RPC. Edgemead won the toss and elected to bat first. The team lost a quick wicket in the third over, but they continued to push through. A solid knock of 83 from Daniel Haschick helped take the team to a total of 203 after the 50 overs. The opening batsmen of WP RPC really had to make our bowlers work hard but they stayed patient and once we got both openers out the rest of the team crumbled after them with the help of Brandon Less who picked up 5 wickets in his bowling spell. We bowled them out for 106 and won the by 97 runs.


50th aQuelle Midmar Mile

Rachael Rodd in Grade 5 at Curro Century City Primary School swam 3 miles to raise awareness for Frankie And Friends Global Water Safety and Learn to Swim Campaign. Together with her teammates, R100 000 was raised. Interestingly Rachael was the youngest girl at 6 years old to successfully swim the mile! She has done it every year since And still holds that record!


On Sunday, 12 March 2023 our u.19 High School hockey team participated in the Spar hockey festival. Over 30 schools in the Western Cape participated in preparation for the upcoming hockey season. In true dragon spirit their perseverance and tenacity on the field was admirable! We look forward to an incredible hockey season at Curro Century City.

Our u.19 High School hockey team.

Rachael Rodd


BHS Cricket

Wynberg Cricket’s U15A delivered exceptional performances throughout the first term of 2023, remaining consistently in the top three on SA School Sports regularly updated national U15 cricket ranking. While WBHS’s 1st XI didn’t fare as well as their younger ‘brothers in an endless chain’, the U19A finished off the southern suburbs with edge of the seat wins over traditional rivals Rondebosch and Bishops, but with unseasonal rain cancelling the final clash vs SACS.

Inbound tours have returned in force this year with WBHS welcoming teams from the UK along with out-of-town visits from Affies, Grey College, St Stithians, and Grey High – and these all after the successful 1st XI & U15A Peninsula Cricket Festival that set off the season in the week before schools reopened for the 2023 academic year.

Wynberg’s ‘Gig Band’ wins the first Band Slam Competition of the year

WBHS took top honours in the first Band Slam competition of 2023 at St George’s Grammar School on Saturday 11 March.

Water Polo

Water polo at WBHS continues it’s upward trajectory in the U14 & U15 age groups, with great performances by the A & B sides on tours and in the local leagues.

WBHS Takes Gold at the Grey College National Schools Tournament

Our First and Second teams played in the A section of the tournament (26 teams) and our Third and Fourth teams in the B section (34 teams). The quality of Wynberg chess shone through with our A team winning the A section and our B team placing fourth. In the B section, our two teams earned a bronze medal and seventh place respectively. The first team must be commended for only losing 3 points during the entire tournament, compiling 15 wins, 4 draws, and 1 loss in their 20 games. Kevin Karengera playing at board one was the player of the Tournament winning the Board One prize for his four wins and a draw – all against nationally rated players.

WBHS Cricket u.15A WBHS Cricket u.19A
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Swimming Squad Tennis Congratulations to Margaret Krieg, Grade 10, who has been selected to be a part of the CTT (Cape Town Tennis) Junior Provincial Training Squad. Only the Top 8 players in
Front: Ms Viv Williams (Coach) Jenna Renecle (Captain), Isabella Webber and Ashlee Pretorius. Middle: Ella Vossgatter, Roxanne Reuter, Aaishah Hartley, Skye Micklethwaite and Michaela Labuschagne. 2nd Back: Kate Biggs, Ellen Hodgkinson and Imani Magotsi. Back: Reese
and Isla Morrow.



Golf Inter House Gala Highlights

Final Overall Points and positions:

1st Marchand 316 points

2nd Ramage 300

3rd Andrews. 290

Individual top swimmer awards: u.14: Andrew Gilbert (Ramage) u.16 Noah Wollenschlaeger (Andrews) u.19 & Victor Ludorum Taylor Luck

Water Polo

Rondebosch Boys’ High School is exceptionally proud of Jack Buchanan who has been selected by RSA Golf to represent South Africa

RBHS Top Matric Learners 2022 at the MCD NSC Awards Ceremony

Rondebosch Boys’ High School matric learners of 2022 shine at the MCD NSC

RBHS Top learners per subject with 80%

or more:

Nabeel Gopal - Economics

Daniel Schlesinger - EGD

Jason de Villiers - Mathematics

Taahir Parker - Mathematics

Thaaqib Jacobs - Visual Arts

The RBHS u.14A team took part in the Pitcairn Cup at Reddam over the weekend in a competition involving 10 schools from the Eastern and Western Cape. Some marvelous water polo was played with the team scoring many goals throughout the tournament. The group stages saw the team play Reddam B (21-0), Paul Roos (12-2), SACS (5-3) and Paarl Boys (12-0) before a quarter final encounter with Grey PE (18-1). The semi final was a competitive affair

This last weekend the Rondebosch Boys’ Rowing Club competed at the annual South African Schools Rowing Championships where they competed against rowing schools from all over the country as well as from Zimbabwe. We are immensely proud of the boys’ efforts and results, as well as how they conducted

Well done to all the boys and coaches for their amazing efforts and results. We couldn’t be prouder!

u.16 u.19
u.14 Water Polo


Ons het ‘n ongelooflike eerste opedag gehad! Baie geluk aan al ons leerders betrokke - jul was ware sterre! Dankie aan al ons graad 6- en 7-besoekers - ons kan nie wag om jul volgende jaar hier by ons skool te verwelkom nie!

2023-Rotary Debating Musiek

Terwyl die opedag aan die gang was, het hierdie groep dinamiese debatteerders die skool op hul eie manier verteenwoordig deur in ‘n woordewisseling met die dames van Rustenburg Girls’ High School te verkeer. Terwyl die seniors gedebatteer het oor ‘n beleid wat die salarisse van staatsamptenare sal verminder indien hul nie hul verkiesingsmanifes nakom nie, het die juniors hul stemme dik gemaak oor die waarde van harde werk teenoor sukses in die samelewing. Die seniors het Rustenburg

2 - 1 geklop en, alhoewel die juniors net-net 1 - 2 verloor, ontvang Nayla Walker in graad 9 die toekenning vir beste junior spreker. Wel gedaan, Jan van Riebeeckers!

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Groot opwinding heers in ons musiekdepartement! Aangesien meer as 50% van ons graad 8-klas vanjaar musiek as vak neem en ons musiekaanbieding van krag tot krag gaan, moes daar vinnig planne beraam word om aan ons Jan van Riebeeckers die diens te lewer wat hul verdien...

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