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SEPTEMBER 2016 FREE / GRATIS | Tel: 021 872 3880 Home
School News
Jan Braai #HeritageDay
NOURISH THE BODY & Awsum Hope Challenge
Spring has sprung – let’s braai!! September is the month when we fully Editorial team C ONTENT wake up from our winter hibernation, and Editor
Designers Rowan Engledoe | Jade Bushby | Nadia Matthee | Aniena Keller | Ruveix Venter | Editorial coordinator Ryno Wolfaardt | 021 872 3880 Advertising coordinator Samantha Marshall | 021 872 3880
Advertising Eulalie O’Reilly | 076 770 8177
Distribution AWSUM News is distributed to the following schools in DURBAN: Primary
Schools: Northlands, Morningside, Winston Park, Westville, Penzance, Glenwood Prep. High Schools: Glenwood, Kloof, Northlands Girls’, Durban Girls’, Durban Girls’ College, Durban. AWSUM News is published by the TieMedia Group, Jock de Villiers Office Building, 376 Main Road, Paarl, 7646. 021 872 3880 |
National Braai Day is the brain child of Jan Scannell, better known as Jan Braai. Hy het sy ‘kwartleeftydkrisis’ in 2005 bereik en gevoel dit was tyd om waarde toe te voeg tot die samelewing. Sy idee was om ‘n projek van stapel te stuur om nasiebou te verbeter – om al die lekker aspekte saam te voeg, en so het die idee van ‘n nasionale partytjiedag ontstaan. Amerika het hulle Thanksgiving, Ierland hulle St Patrick’s Day, Nederland hulle Koninginnedag … en nou het ons ons Braaidag, want wat is meer eg-Suid-Afrikaans as ‘n braai?! Enjoy our interview with Jan, as well as the best ever recipe for braaibroodjies on the next page. Unfortunately, we are also in the season of allergies and hay fever, so we brought you some information on how to avoid and manage these Nadia Matthee annoying attacks. Junior Designer We introduce AWSUM team member Nadia Nadia started working Matthee, who loves working on AWSUM News, at AWSUM News late last as it is a perfect match for what she wanted to do year, after completing her after her studies to become a graphic designer. graphic design course in The year is running downhill faster all the time, Stellenbosch. She likes spending time with friends and we will be bringing you some exam tips in our upcoming issues – look out for the handy tips and family and enjoys the outdoors, especially the to reduce exam stress and for planning exam day. beach. Enjoy September! Marika & your dedicated AWSUM team
Spring Allergies Pg 4
Celebrity Interview
Jan Braai is ongetwyfeld Suid-Afrika se gunsteling braaimeester. AWSUM News het met hom gechat terwyl nie net ‘n kudde beeste nie, maar ook ‘n trop volstruise hom en sy Jan Braai-konvooi van 60 voertuie iewers buite Calitzdorp gejaag het. V: Hoe het Jan Braai ontstaan? A: Jan Braai homself is gebore toe ek die Twitter-handle @janbraai in 2009 geskep het en mense so na my begin verwys het. Gelukkig is my regte naam ook Jan, so ek het darem nie te veel van ‘n gesplete persoonlikheid nie! V: Wat dink jy van vroue wat al hoe meer die braaimeesters word? A: O, ek dink dis fantasties! Die dae van mans wat om die braai staan en mannepraatjies maak, terwyl die vroue aartappelslaai in die kombuis maak en fyntjies aan ‘n glasie rosé pik, is gelukkig vinnig aan die verbygaan. Vroue het ‘n besonderse aanvoeling vir braaivleis, en braai eintlik baie beter. (Ek koes!) V: Wanneer is die kole net reg? A: Sodra die vlamme klaar gebrand het. Baste met jou hand soveel sekondes so hoog oor die kole hou. Sodra daar net kole is, braai jy.
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what better way to welcome summer with a National Braai Day!
Marika Truter | 021 872 3880
V: Wat braai jy? A: Enigiets – skape, beeste, hoenders, visse – you name it. V: Wat drink jy saam met braaivleis? A: ‘n Baie beskaafde gin&tonic (wat ook goed is teen malariamuskiete, natuurlik) terwyl ek braai, wyn saam met die ete, en daarna ‘n brandewyntjie, of selfs ‘n whiskeytjie. V: Wat geniet jy vir nagereg? A: Daai stukkies braai na die braai, wanneer ons nog ‘n bietjie hout pak vir atmosfeer, en dan sommer weer ietsie op die kole gooi. V: Wat is jou missie? A: Om 50 miljoen Suid-Afrikaners almal op een dag te laat braai! Drie braaiboeke en verskeie TV-uitsendings later, is dit aan die gebeur! Van die boeke is ook in Europese lande beskikbaar, so die boodskap word ver en wyd versprei! V: Wat is jou boodskap vir al die ywerige braaiers? A: Keep it classy, South Africa!
Were at The Lofts Boutique Hotel on Thesen Island in Knysna, feeling quite chuffed with life and the hotel management said it would not be a problem if we wanted to braai on the deck. The only question was, what to braai in such a decadent setting. Now earlier in the day we got a very nice sourdough bread from Il de Pain, the renowned bakery on Thesen Island, and I wanted to use that as part of the meal. So the decision fell on creating a few super luxurious braaibroodjies. Normal white toaster bread was replaced by slices of the world class Il de Pain sourdough bread, chutney was swopped for a mixture of French style mayonnaise and whole grain mustard. Onion was replaced by spring onion and tomato was replaced with sun-dried tomatoes. Naturally we needed cheese and the decision fell on 18 months matured cheddar. For team spirit I also added gypsy ham into each unit. Forget about butter on the outside – for these creations you use olive oil on the outside.
What you need
• Slices of fresh sourdough bread • French style mayonaise • Whole grain mustard • Gypsy ham • 18 months matured cheddar • Sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil • Spring onions • olive oil
What to do
1. Go for an oval shape sourdough bread as opposed to a round one. This way all the slices will be the same size. Slice the bread fairly thin, the same thickness as normal toaster bread. One has a natural tendency to slice these types of bread thicker, so be conscious of avoiding that. 2. Lay out half of the bread slices on a cutting board and liberally spread with the French style mayonaise and whole grain mustard. 3. Add the gypsy ham, slices of cheese, sun-dried tomatoes and
chopped spring onions. Do not be stingy with any of the ingredients – this is a super luxury braaibroodjie and not only should the quality of ingredients reflect it, but also the quantity. 4. Add the top layers of bread and drip or spread olive oil on them. 5. Place in a hinged grid (toeklaprooster) and braai over medium-low heat coals. After the first turn, also spread olive oil on the other outside (the side that was at the bottom when you assembled the units). Continue to braai over the gentle coals, turning very often, until the cheese is melted and the braaibroodjies are golden brown on the outside. 6. It goes without saying that you serve these beauties with glasses of ice cold Méthode Cap Classique, the South African – vastly superior – version of what the French call champagne.
Braai lekker saam met
Jan Braai!! As jy ‘n kopie van The Democratic Republic of Braai wil wen, epos ons by met jou naam en kontakdetails.
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Health & Wellbeing Spring Allergies Spring means gardens and parks are back to being prettier than ever. It’s also the season for stuffy noses and sneezing, no thanks to allergies. But why do people get these spring allergies in the first place? During spring, flowers bloom, and along with it the pollens are released into the air. These tiny specks of nature travel and hopefully pollinate other trees and flowers for their continued existence. However, when these pollens end up in your nostrils and accidentally inhale them, they can irritate the immune system, which sees them as foreign invaders. The body’s immunity then releases antibodies and a chemical known as histamine. For non-allergic people, these histamines are kept at a tolerable level. However, for those who are prone to allergies, the immune system goes into an overdrive and releases loads of histamine that, in turn, causes the common signs and symptoms of allergies. Pollens, however, are not the only culprits. During spring, the environment can be humid, making the surroundings including your home a perfect breeding ground for molds, which can cause the same reaction to your immune system as pollens.
“But why do people get these spring allergies in the first place?”
Prevent Those Pesky Allergies You can’t shelter yourself completely from these spring allergens, but there are many steps you can take to reduce your exposure and hopefully prevent those allergies. • First, get a clear diagnosis of your allergies. Typically, people have allergies to three or four species of trees and plants. So even if pollen counts are high, it doesn’t mean your allergies are worse. That’s why diagnosis is such an important part of allergy care. • Pay more attention to the environment too. Certain pollens move at different times of the day, and usually, during spring, these pollens come from trees. They also tend to be less active when it’s raining, but their number increases after. Expect exposure to be very high during mornings and windy days, so you might want to avoid outdoor activities at these times. • You should also be more proactive by making allergy medications your best friend. Drugs such as antihistamines and decongestants can protect you from allergies or at least reduce the symptoms. In fact, begin taking them early or before symptoms appear. With a week or two lead time, you’ll feel better all season. Although some of them require prescription, most of them are available over the counter, so having them is easy. • Don’t forget to keep your indoor air clean. Change your dirty filters, dehumidify if necessary and close windows and doors if presence of pollen in the area is high.
You’ve Got the Power Challenge is Still On! Take on the challenge and win great prizes! Now in its second month, the Bestmed ‘You’ve got the Power Challenge’ is getting more exciting. Schools have more time to work on their creative music videos showcasing healthy living. Sasja la Grange, Marketing and Communications Manager at Bestmed says, “With Summer nearly here, it’s a great time to come up with vibrant and creative ideas for keeping healthy at school and at home. We are pleased with the number of entries we have received to date, and wish to afford everyone an opportunity to become a part of this exciting programme.” The challenge requires students and their families to showcase the benefits of healthy living by creating unique, cool and fun music videos and stand a chance to win great prizes. “So far we have received great videos and it is evident that participants are having fun with the challenge. This is going to be a tight competition,”
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adds la Grange. Over and above the cash prizes for the winners and the runners-up and other spot prizes, the overall winning school will be treated to A MUSIC CONCERT featuring Richard Stirton, Gavin Edwards, Almur Marais and Jeremy Olivier from The Voice SA. In addition, R10 000 cash will be awarded to the best Individual and family entry. There is now a school entry option, where the winning school video will be crowned based on the following criteria:
· · · ·
Performance ability (25%) Entertainment value (25%) Effort (25%) Originality (25%)
“I would like to encourage more students and their families to take on this fun challenge, demonstrate their ways to keep healthy and win awesome prizes,” concludes la Grange. You’ve Got the Power Challenge To become part of the challenge, visit for more information. Each school is required to create a music video based on Bestmed’s song and demonstrate how healthy living can make for a better life within the school and family context. Teachers and families can also participate in the video as the aim is for the whole school to have fun. Once the video is completed, it can be uploaded on the site before the competition closes on 30 September 2016. Bestmed will announce the winners on 24 October 2016.
GLENWOOD PREPARATORY SCHOOL (t) 031 201 5165 (e) Juniors enjoy athletics event! Glenwood Preparatory School recently held its Annual Junior Primary Sports Day. An excellent morning was held with the highlight of the day being, as always, the Dad’s and Mom’s races! The Victor Ludorum went to Mpumelelo Gumede, whilst Sarah McLaren received the Victrix Ludorum. Norton House received the Winning House trophy and Nettleton House received the Spirit Trophy. Well done to all the girls and boys who participated!
Foundation Phase Spring Walk The Glenwood Preparatory School Foundation Phase recently celebrated the first day of Spring by wearing their amazing Spring Hats. Glenwood Prep was a sea of colour with fantastic hat designs. The Foundation Phase then proceeded with their Spring Parade around Bulwer Park to celebrate Spring Day.
Chess success at Durban Central finals The Glenwood Preparatory Chess team recently participated in the Durban Central Chess finals held at Penzance Primary School. After numerous rounds, the Glenwood Prep Chess team shone to win the prestigious event.
MORNINGSIDE PRIMARY SCHOOL (t) 031 303 2413 (e) Olympics at Morningside With the Beijing Olympics looming in 2008, Mrs Eugiene Neville had the foresight and inspiration to organise a friendship interschools relay event that would introduce the learners to the joy and spirit of the Olympic Games. The athletes would run through the streets of Durban, carrying a torch and a baton that would be passed from school to school until both arrived at Morningside Primary School, where the torch would be used to symbolically light the Olympic Flame. That year, six schools participated. They carried a paraffin garden torch that had to be relit with great regularity as the winds caused the flickering flame to frequently falter. The London Olympic Run, held in August, was a great success, with 13 schools participating. It was run from Sherwood, through the suburbs of Glenwood, Umbilo, Greyville, Sydenham, Springfield, Musgrave, Essenwood, Overport and Morningside and for the first time an electronic torch was used. An interesting sideshow to the event was the presence of the actual torch that was used to light the Olympic Flame in Sydney in 2000. It was carried by the team of Durban Girls College and lent to them by Mr David Campese, who carried the flame on a portion of its epic journey across Australia. Congratulations to all the athletes and schools who participated. We look forward to celebrating the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 with an even larger contingent of athletes.
(t) 031 564 2369 (e)
1st XI hockey boys and girls hockey festivals Our 1st XI hockey boys and girls travelled to Bloemfontein to participate in hockey festivals. The boys were invited to play in the South African Prep Schools Hockey Festival
hosted by St Andrews. Northlands was the only co-ed school to have been invited to this prestigious event. The girls had fixtures against Oranje Meisies, Eunice and Tjokkies.
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PENZANCE PRIMARY SCHOOL KZN Champ Amily competed at the Barry Yarnell Spring Festival incorporating Juniors, Children’s and Pony Riders KZN Closed Champs at Durban Shongweni Club last weekend from 9 to 11 September. She came home with three first places, a second place and a fourth place on her ponies Juanita and Von Ghaku Leilah.
Interschools Athletics Penzance competed in the latest Interschools athletics and placed first overall. Well done to all our boys and girls, as well as Mrs Reid and Mr Moodley for their hard work!
KZN Swimming Three Penzance pupils were chosen for the KZN Swimming Team: Jordyn Govender (Grade 7), Ashley Ebing (Grade 5) and Joshua Balfour (Grade 6).
(t) 031 205 2271 (e)
Penzance A Team Softball The Boys A Softball Team won the Boys Softball A league for 2016. We are super proud of our boys and their coach, Mrs Dixon.
Gymnastics Jason Muller Jason Muller (right) broke the U12 High Jump record, which had been standing for 13 years at the Inter-Schools Athletics. He also set a new record of 1:45, which we hope will stand for the next 13 years!!
Mia King made the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Rhythmic Gymnastics team for 2016. She will compete in the SA Gym games in Cape Town during the October holidays.
WESTVILLE SENIOR PRIMARY SCHOOL (t) 031 266 5218 (e) Youth Chess Championships
Our Gymnastics Star
Priyasha Naidoo recently participated in the African Youth Chess Championships held in Port Elizabeth, where she represented the U12 Girls South African team. She played many different African countries and was rated tenth in Africa. She also received her South African colours. Priyasha started playing chess at the age of nine and has since excelled in the sport. Over the last three years, she has played in many chess tournaments and some of the highlights were being selected to represent the KZN chess team in 2014, 2015 and 2016. She also produces excellent academic results (first in A class since Grade 4) and is fond of reading. She is also a talented piano player and has a keen interest in sport. Priyasha is a very dedicated individual and always looks to give her best in anything that she participates in.
We at Westville Senior Primary are very proud of Teagan Griffiths who competed in the Women’s Artistic Gymnastics competition. Teagan competed in the level 5 category and received three silver medals for the overall floor routine, overall vaulting and overall for level 5 in her age group. Well done, Teagan!
Badminton team We would like to congratulate these three learners for being selected to the PADDSA badminton team: • Daanyaal Ally • Ronan du Plessis • Keval Ramchander We are proud of you!
Daanyaal Ally and Ronan du Plessis.
WINSTON PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL (t) 031 767 3214 (e) Spur mountain biking series It was an amazing Saturday afternoon at Kearsney College, where Winston Park Primary School shone in their new cycling kit. We had a record number of riders and we were complimented many times on our riders good behaviour! These children rode hard and came in the top 10 in their respective age groups. Jodi Mackinnon (2nd), Megan Cumming (3rd), Emily van Heerden (3rd), Emma Fountain (4th), Liam Becket (5th), Olivia Hughes (5th), Luke Newlands (5th), Chase Duthie (6th), Willem van Heerden (6th), Peyton Fountain (6th), Ngoy Nsindane (8th), Matthew Thomson (9th), Lara Thomson (10th), Grant Cox (10th) and Jarad Bell (10th). Well done to everyone who rode and finished - it was a tough ride!
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DURBAN GIRLS’ COLLEGE (t) 031 268 7200 (e) Winner of The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition 2016 This year’s competition was the most successful to date, with approximately 13 500 entries from nearly every Commonwealth country. The Senior and Junior judges were deeply impressed by the entries, describing them variously as ‘inspirational’, ‘brilliantly written’, and ‘mind-blowing’. We, at Durban Girls’ College, are extremely proud of Inessa Rajah for winning this competition, as she is a gifted writer who often produces pieces that are nuanced and profound. In recognition of her achievement, Inessa has been invited to London to take part in a series of educational and cultural events. Winners will be presented with their certificates by HRH The Duchess of Cornwall at Buckingham Palace at a formal Awards Ceremony. Inessa wrote a remarkable short story exploring the difficulty of holding an entitled position in the face of poverty and conflict-induced resettlement. Her piece
grapples with the reconciliation and embarrassment of social status. Her essay, titled Dr Congo-Man, resonates on a visceral level with all South Africans affected by the co-existence of privilege and poverty and forces us to interrogate our own humanity in the face of the suffering of others. The subtlety and simplicity of the piece belies a very mature treatment of a complex social issue that is clearly a global issue as well. She entered the competition as she felt, in her words, that it gave her a platform to write about a relevant, thought-provoking topic.
DURBAN GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL (t) 031 274 2700 (e) Mme Sanderson and her Grade 12 French class This year’s French Evening was full of fun, from yummy French food, inspirational poems and songs, to team crafts and all other things French. Un grand merci, Mme Sanderson.
Don’t try to catch her!
Making the right moves Grade 8 twins, Te’jal and Saneha Rajoo, are a force to be reckoned with when it comes to the chess board. Saneha won the high school competition section at a recent D&D Competition and Tejal was placed first at the second interschool chess tournament.
Marilize Goosen participated at the first round of the KZNCSSA athletics meetings. She was entered as a heptathlon athlete but also participated in other individual events. Her results were outstanding. Heptathlon events: • 100m hurdles – first place • 200m flat – first place (new record) • 800m flat – first place (new record) • Long jump – first place (new record) • High jump – first place • Shot put – second place • Javelin – third place Individual events: • 100m flat – first place (new record) • Relay – their team won this event Marilize was the senior Victrix Ludorum for this competition.
DURBAN HIGH SCHOOL (t) 031 277 1500 (e) SA Schools Rugby DHS Grade 11 and 1st XV Rugby player Sanele Nohamba was selected for the SA Schools A team.
Raw Cup victors
SA Schools Badminton
DHS played host to the oldest schools football clash when they came up against old rivals Maritzburg College. This battle was always going to be a nail-biter and came down to one mistake. DHS were victors on the day and won the match 1-0 to claim the Raw Cup.
Jaydon Beru Jaydon Beru has been chosen from KZN to travel to Denmark where he will participate in a training program as well as play in two international badminton tournaments.
As part of our 150th year celebrations, we hosted the SA Schools Badminton Tournament. DHS won the tournament and were crowned SA School Champions.
DHS Sevens The DHS Sevens team has enjoyed a very successful season, winning four Cup Finals and one Plate Final of the six tournaments.
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GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL (t) 031 205 5241 (e) Schools Soccer Cup Kay Motsepe Provincial Champions Glenwood High school played the most attacking Soccer throughout the tournament, scoring 16 goals in five games and only conceding two. The discipline and self-belief of the Glenwood boys allowed them to triumph in adversity, pulling off great wins in the semi-final and final. Glenwood boys are deservedly the Strongest Soccer School in KZN as Kay Motsepe Provincial Champions.
Sevens Tournament
Eskom Expo for Young Scientists Regional Expo: 19 August 2016 Glenwood recently participated in the Eskom Expo for Young Scientists, regional division. Glenwood won: • 5 gold medals: Leo Cobianchi, Lee Misra, Owen Thaver, Akhilan Moodley and Shaiel Bandullala • 5 silver medals • 10 bronze medals In addition, Glenwood (for the third consecutive year) received the Special Award in “Innovation and Technology” – Owen Thaver, as well as the “Highest Score” in the category “Plant Sciences” – Akhil Moodley.
Glenwood hosted its annual Photonote 7s Tournament on Saturday, 20 August. 12 teams participated in this tournament. Tournaments like these give players an opportunity to experience a different form of rugby. The tournament consisted of 4 pools with each team playing 2 knock-out matches. • Pool A: Glenwood, George Campbell & Pinetown Boys’ • Pool B: Westville, Kloof & Port Shepstone Combined
• Pool C: Port Natal, KZN Development & Clifton • Pool D: Glenwood Falcons, South Coast Combined & Vryheid Landbou The Results from the tournament are as follows: • Cup: Glenwood Falcons (A Team) • Plate: Glenwood (B Team) • Bowl: Vryheid Landbou School • Shield: Pinetown Boys High School
KLOOF HIGH SCHOOL (t) 031 764 0451 (e) Grade 12 Art Exhibition The Grade 12 Art Exhibition was held on Friday, 9 September. The exhibition is a culmination of three years of practical work. As per the requirements of the subject, students are required to submit three sourcebooks as well three final artworks per sourcebook. Students commence preparation for this exhibition at the beginning of Grade 10. Each student is required to complete by the end of each term a series of work that will contribute to the final Grade 12 Exhibition. The work on display not only reflects the progression of the students, but also the culmination of the practical aspect of Visual Arts. The artworks on display reflect the following themes: ‘I am’, ‘Home’ and ‘Conflict’. The works depict a variety of media, ranging from pencil to paintings. As drawing is the fundamental foundation to the artmaking process, as well as a key requirement for tertiary study, the drawings on display reflect not only drawing skill, but also a deeply nuanced response to the subject matter. What is most impressive is the Exhibition represents not only learner progression in terms of conceptual development, Johannes Grobbelaar, Charlotte Christie, Chloe Taylor, Mrs S Ramsookbhai (Subject Head), Tamarind Digges, Amy Martin and but also the development of their techniques. Nicola Colyn.
NORTHLANDS GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL (t) 031 571 1100 (e) Bobby Van Jaarsveld to perform at NGHS! Pop singer-songwriter, actor, heart-throb and judge on The Voice, Bobby van Jaarsveld will be performing at Northlands Girls’ High School on Saturday, 17 September. A stage will be erected on the school field for this fundraising event, and people are encouraged to bring along the family, a blanket and picnic baskets. Tickets are R250 for Golden Circle and R200 for general entrance, children between six and 12 years old R100, and there’s no charge for children under six (must be accompanied by an adult). Tickets are limited. Gates open at 2pm (the concert will end at 6pm). There is also an opportunity to meet the Liefling hit-maker by purchasing an exclusive backstage pass. To buy your tickets mail for ticket sales.
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Softball Stars Congratulations to these learners who were chosen for the KZN Softball Squad: Ashleigh Paul, Tasneem Booley, Sarah Rowlands and Spume Shezi.
Ashleigh Paul, Tasneem Booley and Sarah Rowlands and Spume Shezi.