AWSUM Durban & Surrounds March 2023 edition

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AWSUM gesels met Retief Goosen oor sy skooljare

Retief Goosen (The Goose), oud HTS Tom Naudé - leerder en wenner van twee Amerikaanse Ope Gholftoernooie, praat oor sy skooljare in Polokwane. Behalwe vir sy 36 oorwinnigs as professionele gholfer en sy sewe PGA Toer - oorwinnings, haal Retief ook die World Golf Hall of Fame in 2019.

Ons moet begin deur te vra oor jou skoolloopbaan. Wat sal jy altyd van jou skool onthou?

Wat ek onthou, is dat die onderwysers by my skool streng was. As jy stout was die klas, het jy pakslae gekry. Daar was `n paar onderwysers wat gholf gespeel het en ek het saam met hulle gespeel, maar ek het nog steeds deugeloop as ek stout was.

Aan watter sport het jy op skool deelgeneem?

Vir my was dit net gholf elke dag. Op laerskool het ek wel rugby gespeel. Ek was binne senter, maar het van 12 jaar oud op gholf begin fokus deur gholfboeke wat in die huis was, te lees - onder andere boeke van Ben Hogan, Jack Nicklaus en Gary Player. Daai dae was daar nie videos nie, so ek moes in `n spiëel oefen alles wat ek in die boeke geleer het.

Watter tipe ou was jy op skool?

Ek was maar `n stil ou op skool en my eie ding gedoen. Ek was `n prefek in my laaste jaar, so dit was lekker om stoute ouens by onderwysers aan te kla.

Vertel ons meer oor jou grootwordjare in Polokwane. Polokwane was maar klein tydens my grootwordjare. Ek kon met my fiets orals heen ry. Ons het naby genoeg aan Polokwane Gholfklub gebly dat ek met my gholfstokke en sak op my fiets kon ry en vinnig nege gate na skool kon speel.

Wat is die beste raad wat jy al ooit ontvang het en wat jy vandag met ons lesers wil deel?

Niks kom verniet nie. Jy moet hard werk.

As jy nie `n gholfspeler was nie, watter sport sou jy wou beoefen?

Gholf was alles vir my. As dit nie gewerk het nie, sou ek seker nie `n ander sport beoefen het nie. Tydens `n onderhoud met die Polokwane Review vertel Retief: “Ons het altyd vir ure gholfballe agter in die tuin geslaan en my ma het ons uitgetrap, want ons het haar gras uitgeslaan” onthou Retief. “Ek het my liefde vir gholf by my pa geleer en dan natuurlik by Francois my broer ook. Ek het vir hom gecaddy,” skerts Retief.

Wat sou jy sê vat dit van `n speler om die hoogste vlak van `n sportsoort te bereik en daar te bly?

“Dissipline en harde werk! My pa het geglo dat as jy iets wil hê, moet jy daarvoor werk en voluit daarvoor gaan. Hy het vir jou die geleentheid gegee, maar jy moes ‘n sukses daarvan maak. My pa se werketiek is iets wat oorgespoel het na my gholf. Met talent en harde werk, kan jy net suksesvol wees en ek is dankbaar daarvoor,” vertel Retief vir die Polokwane Review.

In dieselfde berig, berig die Polokwane Review dat oom Theo Goosen, Retief se pa, op 21 Desember 2022 op die ouderdom van 89 oorlede is. Tot die dag van sy dood het Oom Theo gholfraad met Retief gedeel en hy onthou hoe sy pa ‘n paar keer in Amerika en Engeland gaan gholf kyk het. “Sy tydsberekening was nie altyd so goed met die raad nie, en as ek nie goed gespeel het nie, het hy sommer sy vliegtuigkaartjie vervroeg en teruggevlieg.”

Retief Goosen is as 16 - jarige deur weerlig op die golfbaan raakgeslaan toe hy en sy neef Henri `n rondte gholf op `n Woensdagmiddag gespeel het. Toe dit op die vyfde gat begin reën, het hulle gaan skuil onder `n afdak, maar toe die reën opklaar, het hulle verder gaan speel. Dis toe wat hy deur die weerlig geslaan is en 20 minute later in die hosipitaal wakker geword het. Nadat sy neef gaan hulp soek het by die klubhuis het hy `n dokter gekry wat toevallig gholf gespeel het en Retief vertel dié dokter het sy lewe daardie dag gered. Na 3 weke wat hy nie skoene kon aantrek nie as gevolg van sy brandwonde, was hy terug op die gholfbaan en toe het sy golf vlamgevat, want mens besef jy kon dood gewees het. Destyds het Retief die volgende wenk aan `n jong opkomende gholfer gegee: Hou jou fokus en neem die spel net hou vir hou, Vergeet van die toernooi en vergeet waar jy op die punteleêr lê.

HEAD OFFICE The AWSUM Newspaper is published by TieMedia Group (Pty) Ltd, 376 Main Rd, Lemoenkloof, Paarl, 7646 Email: OUR TEAM Advertising Coordinator Elmaré Dippenaar Distribution Charl Paulse Editor Meinette van Zyl Sales Tanya Coetzer Quintus Brand Chief Executive Officer: Durandt van Zyl Managing Director: Meinette van Zyl Financial Manager: Carina Pio Sales Manager: Quintus Brand Printed by Paarl Coldset. Copyright: TieMedia Group (Pty) Ltd Schools Coordinator Melinda Huysamen The biggest school news platform in S.A Die grootste skole nuus platform in S.A Read the latest school news online at Layout & Design Aniena Venter Rowan Engledoe Ruveix Venter Enrico Theart Anzèl Heyns Follow us on Facebook! @Durban School News
Retief (The Goose) Goosen. Foto: Instagram `n Jong Retief Retief Goosen saam met Gary Player (Foto: Instagram)

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Rugby vs DNC/Brettonwood

1st team won 37-5

• 1st team won 38 - 19 • 2nd team won 44 - 12 • u.15 won 32-3 • u.14 lost 18-5
Basketball vs New Forest


First Term Highlights

First Match of the Year

On Thursday afternoon our first team Netball and Rugby teams played their first matches in the Gelofte Night Series. The Netball girls won their match 9 - 3 and the Rugby boys won their match 39 - 5! Well done to all those that played - we are proud of you!


Leaders 2023

The Learner Transformation and Diversity Chairperson, guides her committee in developing and implementing various initiatives throughout the year, focusing on how our diverse group of learners can seek to understand one another and build an understanding of and appreciation for multiculturalism.

Westville Captains

The Director of the Learner Management Team leads a body comprising of the heads of the different Service & Leadership portfolios and guides them towards implementing their vision.

The Chairperson of the Representatives Council of Learners is elected by her peers to lead the RCL, which represents the entire student body in matters related to their welfare and development at the Education Department Level.

Chartwell Captains

Braemar Captains

Atholl Captains

Netball Team Rugby Team Tara Witthuhn:Learner Transformation and Diversity Committee, Chairperson. Jenna Dunk: Learner Management Team Director. Nokuthenda Sithole: RCL Chairperson.


Umlazi District Prize Giving 2023 Durban Youth Council

The Durban Youth Council (DYC) has been running since 1966 and is a project of the Junior Chamber of South Africa. The council is composed of over 80 Grade 11 students from more than 30 schools in the greater Durban area. DYC is a non-profit, apolitical, non-religious, democratic organisation that strives to develop young leaders in Durban via community driven projects. The most notable transition in more recent years has been a renewed contribution to community service initiatives.

Glenwood boys that are involved in DYC:

• Ethanda Maloi – Health committee

• Kevin Kalala – Arts & Culture Committee

• Ntobeko Dlamini – Health Committee and part of the marketing team

• Lonwabo Nkalitshana – Environmental Committee

• David Marcel – Sports and Recreation Committee

• Jayden Lavis – Education Committee

Interhouse Championship Gala

DYC Members

The Interhouse championship gala of Glenwood High School, Durban, was held on Thursday 16 February 2023. The swimming on the evening was of a really high standard with some outstanding performances from the boys. Unfortunately due to the inclement weather predictions the Primary School events were cancelled.

Championship Trophies:

Buchan-Swanson Trophy

Open 100m Freestyle: P Dlamini

Peter Mcdonald Cup

Open 100m Backstroke: K Govender

Valentimm. Family Cup

Open 100m Breaststroke: M Ngcobo

Denny Family Trophy

Open 100 M Butterfly: M Ngcobo

Sean Ellis Memorial Cup

Dedication and Perseverance: J Venter

Prizegiving 2023

Special Prize Winners in Grade 8 2022

• Third: Andile Khanya

• Second: Chad Ryan Harris

Wilkes Cup

4 X 100m Freestyle Relay: Gibson

Eddie Bursik Cup

4 X 50m Medley Relay: Gibson

Glenwood Trophy

Junior Victor Ludorum: S Gibson

Glenwood Trophy

Senior Victor Ludorum: K Govender and M Botha

Gibson Cup

Relay Gala: Gibson

Kennedy Memorial Cup

Interhouse Champions: Gibson

Final Positions:

• 1st: Gibson (504)

• 2nd: Earlys (393)

• 3rd: Kennedys (355)

• 4th: Mccabe (302)

• 5th: Blanksby (272)

Mr Morne Scott (Deputy Headmaster in charge of Academics) attended a prize giving for the Umlazi District on 17 February 2023 at George Campbell. Glenwood’s Keenan Magellan Rajah was awarded first position in the Durban Central CMC for the 2022 NSC Exams and Glenwood was awarded a certificate of excellence for placing in eighth position in the Top Ten Schools in the Durban Central CMC for the 2022 NSC Exams.

Mr Morne Scott

• First: Jayden Naidoo DR Lee (Rhodes Scholar 1993) Trophy

• Nicholas Tyler Leadership Excellence Trophy :

• Mpumelelo Kukhanya Maphanga

Special Prize Winners in Grade 9 2022

• Third: Kaiushen Pillay

• Second: Gabriel Pellow-Jarman

• First: Caleb Hendrikse FD Fincham (Rhodes Scholar 1958) Trophy

• Gareth Rush Leadership Excellence Trophy: Juan Viljoen

Special Prize Winners in Grade 10 2022

• Third: Kevin Kalala

• Second: Brydyn Barnabas

• First: Dhiven Naidoo KR McCall (Rhodes Scholar 1958) Trophy

• Ethekwini Municipality Trophy for Mathematics in Grade 10: Brydyn Barnabas

• Ethekwini Municipality Trophy for Physical Science in Grade 10: Liam van Wyk

• Harbilas Memorial Trophy for Accounting: Dhiven Naidoo

• Patrick Hull Leadership Excellence Trophy: Ethanda Maloi

Special Prize Winners in Grade 11

• Third: Wilmar Smit

• Second: Elishua Naidoo

• First: Ntobeko Shabalala E Osborn (Rhodes Scholar 1952) Trophy

• Ethekwini Municipality Trophy for Mathematics in Grade 11: Ntobeko Shabalala

• Ethekwini Municipality Trophy for Physical Science in Grade 11: Ntobeko Shabalala

• Geoffrey McDonald Leadership Excellence Trophy: Liam Terblanche

Cambridge International Prize Winners

• Grade 10: Colours Award: Niral Sewrathan

• Grade 11: Honours Award: Euann Muller

• Special Prize Winners

• Longden Trophy for Junior Sportsman of the Year: Ntandoyenkosi Soni

• Sean Ellis Memorial Prize for Religious Involvement: Euann Muller

Glenwood High School Junior Prize Giving 2023 took place on Wednesday 1 March.


First Term Highlights

Grade 8 - 11 Prize Giving

At our junior prize giving we had the following sports achievers

The Pacer Training Trophy for the most promising Junior Sportswoman was shared between:

• LG Klijnstra and KM Coetzee

The Kingsmead Direct Trophy for the most promising Junior Sportsman went to:

• T Wingrove

The Walsh Trophy for the best Junior Sportswoman was shared between:

• EL McCartney & P Phewa

The Sterrett Trophy for the best Junior Sportsman was shared between:

• AK Blose & PC Momoh

KZN Touch Teams

The following boys and girls have been selected for KZN Touch Teams that will compete in the Junior Inter Provincial Tournament hosted by the South African Touch Association (SATA). The tournament will take place in Johannesburg from the 18th – 20th March 2023.

• KZN U15A Boys’ Team: Azola Shandu, Sphesihle Hlambisa

• KZN U17A Boys’ Team: Ayabonga Mkhize, Jordan Nell, Joshua Yuill, Lwandile Buthelezi, Sange Mlonyeni, Tanner Evans, Tumelo Mapotse

• KZN U15A Girls’ Team: Chloe Potgieter, Kayden Carson, Megan Maher, Calah van der Merwe

• KZN U17A Girls’ Team: Nadia Singleton, Hannah Potgieter (Captain), Lola Klijnstra

• KZN U17B Girls’ Team: Erin McCartney, Kylie Coetzee

• KZN U17C Girls’ Team: Philasande Phewa

Term Achievements

• Asaphile Blose has been selected as a Non-Traveling Reserve for the IRT U15 Invitational Softball Tournament to take place in the Netherlands in October this year. Ryan Haasbroek u.13, Erin McCartney and Philasanda Phewa u.17.

• Emma Atkinson competed in the last league race of the Biathlon season. She came 1st in the u17 category.

• Mr Brent White has also been asked to be the KZN Biathlon Chairman.

• Shannyn Olivier and Jordan Kidgell have been selected to represent the KZN Ladies Softball team from 21 to 25 March in Durban.

KZN Team for Showing Cows


Our cricketers had a successful day against Howick High School. Our u.14A XI have finished the season unbeaten with 6 wins out of 6. Well done!


• Howick HS 46-10

• Curro Hillcrest 47-2

• CH won by 8 wickets

Bronze Level President’s

Achieving the Bronze Level of The President’s Award involves four sections: at least 24 hours of community service; learning a new skill; taking part in physical recreation (sport) and 4 days of hiking and camping. Our very own Xavier de Robillard in Grade 10 has done us proud with his outstanding achievement, not only did he achieve his Bronze Level, but he went above and beyond the required criteria.

Xavier served a total of 100 hours of community service at the Upper Highway Baby Home for Abandoned Babies, as well as an additional 8 hours at the Ngani Yami Children’s Home tutoring grade 9 mathematics.

He took up cross-country running as his physical recreation and for the skills component, Xavier learnt how to play the piano, achieving a Gold A for Level 3 Mini Recital Pianoforte at the Interstudio Music Festival.

Xavier has now signed up for the Silver Level and will use the Grade 10 Vasbyt Excursion for the Adventurous Journey section of the award.

Well done Xavier and he was presented with his Bronze Award at Assembly.


Our basketball teams had a tremendous season and finished strong against Thomas More College. Well done boys!

Grade 8 McGaw/Rhind Award

The Grade 8 McGaw/Rhind award goes to a Grade 8 who stands out amongst their peers and displays the courage of a lion to take on any task. An individual who is respectful to their peers and teachers, modest and has embodied the meaning of perseverance in the High School environment. Congratulations to Gabriel Northmore!

Xavier de Robillard Gabriel Northmore
U.14A Cricket Team • 1st team won 44-10 • 2nds won 11-4 • U.15A won 15-0 • U.14A won 9-2 HILLCREST - 031 765 1215 -
PC Momoh and AK Blose EL McCartney and P Phewa T Wingrove KM Coetzee LG Klijnstra Ashlee Taylor Ashlee Taylor (Grade 10) was selected for the KZN Team for Showing Cows. • KZN U19A Girls’ Team Reserves: Brooke Buckley

Supporters of fast-paced schoolboy rugby are set to score with this week’s announcement that the Kearsney Easter Rugby Festival will again kick off over Easter weekend.

This 14th festival promises thrilling match-ups between some of the country’s top-ranked rugby schools, as well as the United Kingdom’s current ACE League champions, over the three play days – Thursday 6, Saturday 8 and Monday 10 April.

Glenwood, Westville, Durban High School (DHS) and hosts Kearsney College will represent KwaZulu-Natal. Returning to the festival are two powerhouse teams from Gauteng - Hoërskool Monument and Dr EG Jansen – and exciting Eastern Cape regulars Hoërskool Framesby (Gqeberha/ Port Elizabeth), Dale College (Qonce/ King Williams Town) and Hoër Landbouskool Marlow (Cradock), as well as Kimberley’s Hoërskool Noord-Kaap.

The organisers are excited to welcome newcomers are Worcester Gimnasium from the Western Cape and Hartpury College from the UK. Hartpury has won the UK’s national ACE League final 10 times in the last 12 years, and was named as the best in the world at producing professional rugby players in a study by NextGenXV.

Continued participation of this calibre of teams highlights the festival’s prestigious status amongst players, coaches and supporters. Schoolboy rugby plays an invaluable role in the development of South Africa’s rugby culture, and instils the values of sportsmanship, team work and respect in young players.

In keeping with the festival’s tradition, four primary school teams and an U13 development team have also been invited to showcase

2023 Kearsney Easter Rugby Festival

their skills. They are Highbury Preparatory, Hillcrest Senior Primary, Westville Senior Primary and Umhlali Preparatory, as well as the KZNRU Ibutho /Mark Godefroy team. An U13 game will kick off play each day, followed by six high school fixtures.

Speaking at the launch of this year’s festival, Kearsney headmaster Patrick Lees acknowledged the support of major sponsors Standard Bank, Halfway Ford and The Sharks, which has enabled the festival to grow significantly since its inception in 2008.

Standard Bank’s head of Commercial Clients, Craig Polkinghorne, said they were proud of their two-decade association with Kearsney and the festival which they have sponsored since 2012.

“As a bank heavily invested in education in South Africa, we recognise the critical role of sport in a well-rounded education and fully developed character. Moreover, we understand the role of sport in binding together people and communities in South Africa, building strong civil society,” he said.

Trevor Browse, CEO of the Halfway Group, said schoolboy rugby has an unbridled passion and purity that is often lost at higher levels, with many lifelong rivalries being born over the festival. The depth of South Africa’s available talent would ensure we remain globally competitive in the game, he said.

Colleague Chilton Penery, dealer principal at Halfway Ford Waterfall, said the company was extremely proud to be associated once again “with this amazing yearly initiative”.

Michael Horak, The Sharks high performance manager, said it was

important for players to soak up their experiences, have fun with their fellow teammates and make long lasting memories.

“The Sharks and The Sharks Academy are proud of our association with the iconic Kearsney Easter Rugby Festival since its inception. We look forward to seeing what these young players, from the best schoolboy teams around the country, bring to KERF this year,” he said.

Together with The Sharks, the festival’s successful Boots & Balls outreach initiative will again collect new and used sports gear, with the focus on rugby gear. All donated kit is sorted, refurbished and distributed to selected KZN Rugby Development schools and clubs. Participating teams and the public are requested to leave kit in designated collection bins at the main field.

Considered to be one of the most prestigious and well-organised schools’ rugby festivals in South Africa, teams travel with families and supporters to enjoy top schoolboy rugby in a family-friendly festival atmosphere on Kearsney’s beautiful campus, as well as enjoy KZN’s glorious Easter weather.

Numerous food outlets, a refreshment tent, exciting KidZone for little ones and ample available parking will ensure spectators can fully enjoy the special family atmosphere at Botha’s Hill.

Fixtures and festival information are available on www.kearsney. com and, for those unable to attend the festival, it will be livestreamed on the SuperSport Schools app.

Mouton Badenhorst (centre), from left Shane Bezuidenhout and Hayden Adamson (both Westville Senior Primary), James Muter (Umhlali Prep), Tinus Schoeman and Scott Rowland (Hillcrest Senior Primary), with Brandon Smith and Juandre de Beer (Highbury). Celebrating the launch of the 2023 Kearsney Easter Rugby Festival are Joey Mongalo, Currie Cup head coach, and Neil Powell, director of Sharks rugby (both right), and Kearsney headmaster Patrick Lees (middle), with Sharks players Nevaldo Fleurs, Le Roux Roets, Eduan Keyter, Tinotenda Mavesere and Fred Zeilinga.
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Swimming Basketball

Northwood learner, Bryce Loom, was invited to attend a SA National Swimming Training Camp in Nelspruit in January which culminated in a 2 day Grand Prix Gala after the training. Bryce did very well and managed a Silver in the 50m Backstroke and a Gold on the 100m Backstroke. Well done Bryce!


Aidan Johnson has been selected to represent South Africa at the World Fencing Championship in Bulgaria in April.

Congratulations to Dhilan Govender who was one of the South African swimmers selected by the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) to represent SA at the African Union Sports Council Region 5 Youth Games in Malawi from the 02 December - 11 December 2022. Dhilan swam the following events: 50 Breaststroke, 200 Freestyle, 50 Butterfly, 100 Breaststroke, 200IM, 400 Freestyle and 200 Breaststroke. He achieved his personal best in most of the events and gained valuable experience. Well done Dhilan!

Vlaggie_Our 1st basketball team at the St Johns Basketball Tournament.

Joshua Williamson has been awarded his South African Colours in Performing Arts presented by F.P.A.S.A (Federation of Performing Arts SA).


First Term Highlights

World Book Day: Our College had an awesome day with Exclusive Books, celebrating the importance of books and reading.

Our prize winners at our annual Dash-For-Eggs Gala held on Wednesday 1 March

Summer Sport Highlights 2023

With 19 sporting codes and a world-class 25-hectare campus with outstanding facilities and resources, Maritzburg College offers boys a multitude of sporting opportunities throughout the year. Summer sporting activities for the 1st term have included cricket, basketball and water polo, as well as athletics, swimming, canoeing, squash and soccer

Basketball Athletics

College’s athletes have dominated local interschool meets as well as the ASA events. To date we have won every one of the aQuelle Inter-school series held, and our athletes regularly secured top positions in their age categories with excellent track and field results.

Currently ranked at the top in the province, College’s basketball teams have had a great season taking part in a number of festivals and playing fixtures against Westville, Michaelhouse, Hilton, Glenwood, Northwood and St Charles. We also hosted the inaugural Jenny Orchard Basketball tournament which saw 16 schools from around the country send U14 an U19 teams to take part. College finished 4th in the tournament, with Lwandle Dlamini being outstanding throughout the tournament and earning himself a spot on the ALL star team.

Swimming Soccer Cricket Golf

With over 15 teams, College has had active season playing against Westville, Michaelhouse, Hilton, Glenwood, Northwood and St Charles. Arguably the best all round performance of the season for the 1st XI was against Northwood, when they brought home a comfortable six wicket victory.

College swimmers participated in a number of local galas with the highlight at the school’s interhouse Championship Gala which saw excellent individual and team performances including the breaking of a 41-yearrecord!

College’s golf team qualified for the SA Team Championship to be held later in the year.



High School Victor and Victrix Ludorum


van 2023

Glenwood Cricket Festival


Hadiyyah Kazi en Ethan Hambloch Kyle du Toit Zia Mahomed Vitthal Ramassur The 1st soccer team were excited to be part of the exciting SuperSport Schools 24 hour school sports dedicated channel (DSTV channel 216) launch, when they took on Westville Boys’ High School winning the match 2-0. Our U13 Cricket team at the Glenwood Cricket Festival. Our 1st Team Netball at their 1st match against Reddam. Our DUX of 2022, Vitthal Ramassur. Veels geluk aan Hadiyyah Kazi en Ethan Hambloch met jul aanstelling as hoofleiers. This terms Victor Ludorum goes to Kyle du Toit and the Victrix Ludorum was awarded to Zia Mahomed. Congratulations! 2022 Hoofleiers Jenny Orchard with College’s 1st basketball team 1st XI soccer team 1st XI cricket team College’s athletes won all three Victor Ludorum



This article was written by a human, and not by ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a new artificial intelligence (AI) tool that came out November 2022 that provides quick, well-formulated answers to a variety of questions and is going to revolutionize the way we do things and the way we communicate. This powerful tool answers questions in a conversational style. You type your question, and it types back…within seconds, no matter the question. Since its launch, the bot has amassed more than a million subscribers and more than 100 million monthly active users.

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ChatGPT can help you in the kitchen with recipe suggestions

Prompt it with something like “I have some leftover chicken and a can of black beans. Can you suggest a recipe and instructions to make?” and it will give you a list of ingredients and instructions to cook up something delicious.

You can even ask ChatGPT to tell you a joke and it will send you a joke!

ChatGPT can act as your own personal career coach. Prompt it with something like “act as an interviewer and ask me about my strengths” and it will start asking you questions as if you were being interviewed in real life. You can even ask it to help you improve your answers, so you can feel more confident and prepared for your next interview.

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With Chat GPT rising in popularity, what’s a parent to do?

There is no stopping the impact AI technology will have going forward, and Chat GPT is likely just the start of this era in education. Have an open conversation with your children and guide them through this transition so that they are aware of the risks and benefits of the technology. Explore the platform with them and work with their curiosity. Encourage your kids to use Chat GPT alongside an adults to get ideas about things they’re interested in, like music. Families can explore the tool together and try prompts that are fun, inspiring or helpful.

Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT in Education

The topic of AI tools and how they impact education is incredibly important and we have to ask what are some of the possible impacts of AI tools like Chat GPT on teachers and students?

How do I prevent cheating and plagiarism when tools like this exist?

How do I talk to my learners about Chat GPT?

What are the pro’s and con’s?

Can we stop it being used by learners?

Should we even try and stop it?

If not, how will it likely change teaching methods and approaches?

Can it actually be harnessed for good?

Some pro’s include:

ChatGPT is like having a personal tutor right at your fingertips. It can help with homework and explain difficult concepts in a way that’s easy to understand. For example let’s say you’re struggling to understand the concept of momentum, just ask ChatGPT to explain it to you like you’re five years old and it’ll give you a simple explanation that even a child could understand and if you have any follow-up questions it can help with those too this is such a great way to get a little extra help and support with schoolwork and it makes learning more interactive and engaging.

With bullying in schools, ChatGPT can also be an amazing resource for anyone’s troubling with anxiety stress or any other mental health issues for example you could type in “feeling really anxious and overwhelmed” and it will give you some tips for managing anxiety if you’re in need of some guidance or just want talk to someone chat GPT could be a convenient way to get support anonymously.

proud of our Boys B Squad who swam hard and placed 2nd. Cameron White Cricket Captain Front: Teale Beart, Sayur Govender, Zahra Noor Mahomed. Back: Vivek Ramsudh, Mrs Knowler, Marj Brown. Mikaela Russell Girls Swim Captain Arik Bramdeo Chess Captain Oliver Anderson Cricket Vice-Captain Mary Aylward Girls Swim Vice-Captain Reuben Bredenkamp Chess Vice-Captain Josh Watson Boys Swim Captain Mika Gouws Action Netball Captain Ziyanda Xala Tennis Captain Lincoln Burger Boys Swim Vice-Captain Mikayla Morrison Action Netball Vice-Captain Jesse Miller Tennis Vice-Captain Girls B Squad
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Term Highlights

Congratulations to our learners who achieved their School Honours or Colours, acknowledging their hard work and success in their extra-curricular fields.

Badminton Softball

Ulysha Padayachee and Calista Ramowtar were members of the Badminton team that represented South Africa at the All Africa Schools Championships in Mauritius and were awarded Honours. As a member of the same team, Skyler Rowe was awarded Junior Honours. DGHS was the only school representing SA and brought home bronze

For their selection to the KZN u15A Softball Team, Roxanne Cohen, Azraa Shaik, Lwandile Sishi and Holly Moriarty were awarded Junior Colours. Maddison Botha and Zama Khumalo represented the KZN u17A Softball Team and were awarded Colours. At the National Inter-provincial Softball Tournament held in Limpopo 2022, Nonhlanhla Magwaza and Madison van Rooyen represented the KZN u19A team and were awarded Colours

The Durban & Districts (D&D) Gala

The Durban & Districts (D&D) Gala is the highlight of the swimming calendar for the Durban boys schools. The gala was swum on the 21st February at the Kings Park Swimming complex and delivered a spectacle that was well rewarded with support and performances.

For the DHS swimming team, it was a matter of so close yet so far. The boys swam incredibly well and pushed the eventual winners Westville Boys High School right until the end. The lead changed hands several times and in the end, it was unfortunate, but justified disqualifications that cost us the required points.

Westville were full value for their victory as their swimmers too, performed exceptionally well.

The gala saw DHS win 10 events, place 2nd in 13 events, placed 3rd in one and were disqualified in 2. Congratulations must go to the U17 age group of B Hufner, B Visser, M Koekemoer & M Hunt, who won all five of their events last night. They are pictured below.

The final placings were as follows:

• 1st - Westville 134

• 2nd - DHS 124

• 3rd - Northwood 94

• 4th - Clifton 77

• 5th - Kearsney 65

• 6th - Glenwood 40

RCL Elections 2023 - Executive Members

Congratulations to the following learners that were elected:

• Chairman: Abhay Nunan

• Vice Chairman: Mphululi Dimaza

• Treasurer: Khwezi Shabane

• Secretary: Riley Clarivette


Hockey KZN Touch Rugby

Lerou Ditlhakanyane
Mwande Mdabe Lerou Ditlhakanyane has been selected for the South African U21 Mens Team for Hockey. Mwande Mdabe has been selected for the KwaZulu-Natal U15A Boys’ Touch Rugby Team
took part in a beach Clean Up in collaboration with KZN Beach Clean Up
2023 DHS
Holly Moriarty Roxanne Cohen, Lwandile Sishi and Azraa Shaik Izabella Brijmohan


Championship Gala

Durban Girls’ College held its annual Championship Gala on 13 February 2023. The girls swam their

Stride Field. The 33 box Birthday cake delivered by Mr G Downs and his team from Hilton Quarry SPAR with Headmaster Mr. G Lambooy Olivia Cairns Ane van Jaarsveld Sarah Schofield Christina van der Walt • U.13 Olivia Cairns • U.12 Cristina Van der Walt U.11 Ané Van Jaarsveld U.10 Sarah Schofield Girls Swimming Captains Boys Swimming Captains Cricket Captains Chess Captains

Hilton College boy selected to represent South Africa at NASA

Hilton College Grade 11 learner William Kitching has been selected to represent South Africa at the United Space School (USS) at NASA in Houston, USA.

Kitching, who is one of only two learners countrywide to have been chosen, is the second Hilton College boy to represent South Africa at the USS in two years; last year Ben Kok received this honour.

Kitching will be at NASA from 16 July to 31 July.

Hanlie Dry, the Director of Academics at Hilton College, and Dr Alexei du Bois, the school’s Director of International Learning, said Hilton’s science department was to be commended. “We are thrilled by this recognition. Last year Ben did us proud at the USS, as did Khanya Mhlongo, who attended the MIT Africa Seminar.”

Mike Green, the outgoing head of science at Hilton College, said last year’s matriculants who took science achieved an impressive aggregate of more than 10% above the national average. “Almost half of these boys achieved an A and 70% of them achieved an A, B or C symbol for science,” Green said.

Tanner Bailey, who was placed in the top 1% nationally for Physical Science, was among three Hilton College boys who took Further Studies Physics and also averaged 10% above the national average.

“A growing number of boys are opting for this course,” Green said.

Last year, Hilton College’s first class of A-level Physics pupils completed their Cambridge course. Ross Short scored a highly impressive A* while Spencer Wright, Ayaan Jakhura and Newo Munyai all achieved As.

At start of 2022, Hilton also introduced A-level Chemistry.

“A Level Sciences are widely recognized as challenging for even the most able pupils. We are incredibly proud of our boys’ achievements and the Hilton College Science Department for their hard work and expertise in preparing our first set of A Level matriculants for a successful set of results,” Du Bois said.

High accolade for Hilton College’s Dr Alexei du Bois

Hilton College is proud to announce that our Director of International Learning, Dr Alexei du Bois, has been named the Heimbecker Inspiration Chair for Experiential Education for 2023-4.

Dr Du Bois will take sabbatical next year and be based in Canada while he serves as Heimbecker Inspiration Chair. During his tenure, he will remain involved at Hilton, albeit from a distance, and will be ably assisted in his A-Levels work by senior member of staff James Webb. He will return to Hilton full time in January 2025.

The Inspiration Chair is bestowed by Shawnigan Lake School, an independent co-educational boarding school on the west coast of Canada, on an expert from outside of the school to help enrich the educational experience of its learners.

Dr D Bois holds a BA in English, History and Music from the University of Cape Town, a PGCE from the University of South Africa, and both an MSc in Comparative and International Education and a DPhil in Education from the University of Oxford (Commonwealth Scholarship).

He is recognized as a leader in experiential and sustainability education and the benefits it brings to communities, individuals and the environment.


Hats off to the Michaelhouse first basketball team who participated in the inaugural Maritzburg College Jenny Orchard Invitational Basketball Tournament during the half term break.

Going in as outsiders, the team went down to Kearsney College in one of the three group stage clashes - but did enough in beating Usuthu Forest (52-26) and Bishops (58-20) to finish second in the pool and force their way into

the quarter finals. A solid 51-42 win over Soweto Academy set up a semi final showdown with Maritzburg College who had beaten Michaelhouse earlier in the season. The boys played some excellent basketball, shooting with fantastic accuracy to move on to the finals with a 37-28 win. A character performance against St Charles - who had also downed Michaelhouse earlier in the year - ensured a humdinger of a 39-37 win for House to become the inaugural tournament champions.

Debating and Public Speaking

The two Michaelhouse senior debating teams travelled to The Wykeham Collegiate last week to compete in Round 2 of the Pietermaritzburg Debating League. The motion tackled ethical dilemmas around Fentanyl overdoses and whether lifesaving medicines such as Naloxone should be available to be administered by untrained individuals.

Michaelhouse 1: Seth Segal (Grade 11, Mackenzie), Lucien Baldry (Grade 11, West) and Daniel Kaabwe (Grade 12, Ralfe) went up against College 2, proposing the motion and lost.

Michaelhouse 2: Daniel French (Grade 10, Pascoe), Nathan Strachan (Grade 11, West) and Damian Watson (Grade 11, Mackenzie) took on Voortrekker and won what was a very heated debate. Daniel French was awarded best speaker.

Thanks to their chairs and time-keepers and those who came to support. Well done to all involved!

Hilton College Director of International Learning Dr Alexei du Bois
First Team Basketball William Kitching


Dear Parents and Learners

Academic Awards Ceremony

Pietermaritzburg Girls’ High School held its 2023 Academic Awards ceremony honouring the outstanding academic performance of its Grade 8 to 11 learners for 2022. Alumna and Group Talent Acquisition Lead for Absa Group Limited, Jodi Blake, was the guest speaker. Head Prefect, Sibongakonke Dlamini and Deputy Head Peer Counsellor, Unathi Thabede, were the recipients of the Catherine Morewood Memorial Award. The recipients of this award must be ranked among the top 20, based on their final Grade 11 results, and are learners who are respected, admired and well-liked by their peers.

Sibongakonke Dlamini, Jodi Blake, Andrew Graaf (Principal) and Unathi Thabede.

S.T.E.M Fair

Pietermaritzburg Girls’ High School hosted its first S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics) Fair this term. The school had its very own departments and clubs as exhibitors at the event, showcasing to local primary school learners what GHS has to offer in the STEM field.

The Class of 2022 has achieved outstanding results in the NSC Examinations. A culmination of five years of excellent teaching and hard work has resulted in a 100% pass rate 95% (222/234) of our girls receiving a Bachelors Pass and 513 subject distinctions achieved

Our top achievers for 2022 were:

Shantay-Leah Merrington, Pietermaritzburg Girls’ High School’s 2022 Dux, placed 3rd in the UMgungundlovu District and 2nd in the Msunduzi Local Municipality. Shantay-Leah achieved 7 As.

Congratulations on your excellent results, girls. You have done yourselves, your families and GHS proud.

7 Distinctions Ariya Beekrum, Shantay-Leah Merrington, Athaliah Pillay, Simran Sheik

6 Distinctions Tarika Harryparsad, Bupe Kamushi, Aaliya Mahomed, Sanele Mdlozini, Skahle Nkosi, Bhavna Ramdhin

5 Distinctions Rachel Carpenter, Cebo-Elihle Dube, Maseeha Essa, Temira Ganesh, Jocelyn Grobler, Savannah Houghting, Mieke Koekemoer, McKenzie Mornet, Given Ndlamlenze, Zoë Ngwane, Akhona Nkwanyana, Lolwethu Qulu, Cara Rawlins, Andiswa Shange, Cashmia Singh, Kriya Thulsie, Danielle van Zyl, Shrinam Vrajlall

4 Distinctions Akira Arjoon, Oluhle Dimba, Sibahle Dlamini, Elriké du Preez, Lihl ithemba Gama, Ntandoyethu Gcaba, Suarya Gengan, Taelin Haylett, Karla Jooste, Jade Lanzoni, Pia Manickum, Akhona Mlotshwa, Lerato Mokoatle, Senobia Naicker, Brogen Naidoo, Amahle Nkwanyana, Londeka Sibeko, Aphelele Sibisi, Adibene Skwey iya, Lehakwe Spirit, Hannah Trott, Khanya Zwane

We trust that the class of 2023, and the girls who follow, are inspired to emulate those who have gone before them.

Kind regards,

2022 NCS Exam Star Soccer

Shantay-Leah Merrington

The GHS soccer team were lucky to be invited to a Maritzburg United training session where they got to see the local soccer stars in action and get some tips for their own training.

GHS Soccer Team
Mr A.R. Graaf Principal

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