Gauteng Top Matrics edition 2022

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GAUTENG THE NUMBER 1 SCHOOL NEWSPAPER IN SA Read the latest school news on CLASS OF 2022 Celebrating school achievements in South Africa THE PRINT OFFICE Your printing partner School workbooks, textbooks, diaries and yearbooks! Contact us for a quote at FREE Congratulations to the Matric Class of 2022! TOP ACHIEVERS 2022 INSIDE! TOP ACHIEVERS FROM SCHOOLS IN GAUTENG Graad 7’s! Waarheen gaan jy volgende jaar? Hoërskole deel hulle Ope Dae datums in die uitgawe!


Christelle Jones - Hoërskool Randburg

Christelle Jones wat verlede jaar aan Hoërskool Randburg gematrikuleer het, is as die topleerder van Gauteng aangewys.

Baie geluk met die prestasie. Het jy die goeie uitslae verwag of was jy verras?

Ek het goed gevoel tydens die skryf van die eksamen en het goeie punte verwag, maar dit was ‘n groot verrassing om as toppresteerder van Gauteng aangekondig te word.

Watter studiemetode het jy gebruik? Het jy `n spesiale “study hack” wat jy kan deel?

Ek het nie ‘n spesifieke studiemetode nie. Ek het egter probeer om in al die klasse ten volle op te let sodat ek later net kon hersien en so tyd spaar. Opsommings van vorige jare het ook handig te pas gekom aangesien daar tog herhaling van vorige grade se werk in sommige vakke voorkom.

Wat was jou grootste uitdaging in jou matriekjaar? Die grootste uitdaging was om ‘n balans te vind tussen al my aktiwiteite en my akademie. Ek moes prioritiseer en besluit wat die belangrikste was vir my en dit was my akademie. Ek het daarom onder andere besluit om op te hou netbal speel in matriek.

Watter drie hoogtepunte staan vir jou uit tydens jou hoërskooljare?

My graad 8 jaar is definitief ‘n hoogtepunt aangesien dit die jaar is waarin ek van my beste vriendinne ontmoet het. Ons laaste Interhoër in 2020 is beslis ook ‘n hoogtepunt, want dit was die laaste keer voor Kovid wat al die skole met hul ondersteuners bymekaar gekom het vir ‘n byeenkoms. Die gees van al die skole was onvergeetlik en die saamsing van Sweet Caroline aan die einde van die aand sal my vir altyd bybly. My matriekafskeid is ook ‘n hoogtepunt. Ek het soos ‘n prinses daardie aand gevoel.

As jy matriek oor kon doen, wat sou jy anders doen? Niks nie. Dit was ‘n onvergeetlike jaar en alles het uitgewerk soos dit moes.

Wat en waar gaan jy in 2023 studeer? Ek gaan medies studeer aan die Universiteit van Pretoria.


Wat was jou gunsteling vak en hoekom? Biologie was my gunsteling vak. Ek is baie nuuskierig oor hoe die menslike liggaam funksioneer en het daarom die werk vreeslik geniet.

Wat is jou boodskap vir die Klas van 2023 wat ook so goed soos jy wil presteer?

Neem genoeg tyd om te rus en moenie skuldig voel wanneer jy uiteindelik vir jouself ‘n bietjie tyd afstaan nie. Jy het dit nodig en dit sal jou net help om nog beter te presteer as jy nie heeltyd moeg is nie. Jy gaan nie die punte behaal wat jy graag wil hê as jy uitbrand nie.

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Matriekuitslae 2022

Top Matrics 2022

Nommer 1 skool in Gauteng!
100%-slaagsyfer & 96.96% slaag met vrystelling
(Alpha Wiskunde ingesluit)
964 onderskeidings
73.9% gemiddeld
106A’s: Afrikaans
English First Additional
100% IEB pass rate | 9 A aggregates | 20 B aggregates | 65,74% grade average | 86 matric learners 90,70% bachelor’s degree pass rate | 109 Distinctions
Preez 92.7% Albert Wilsenach (8A's) 92.7% Johan Hanekom (7A's) 90.7% Carla van Wyk (6A's) 89.7% van 2022 27 x 5A’s Language Jeannedré Rosewall 9 Onderskeidings Chantelle Ferreira 7 Onderskeidings Carla van Wyk 6 Onderskeidings Kristen de Bruin 8 Onderskeidings Courtney Andrews 7 Onderskeidings Clarise Swart 8 Onderskeidings PR Human 7 Onderskeidings Shanné Frazao 7 Onderskeidings Ian Smith 7 Onderskeidings Nicola Vermeulen 8 Onderskeidings Johan Hanekom 7 Onderskeidings Casper Naudé 7 Onderskeidings Jeanne Craig 8 Onderskeidings Burnett Steyl 7 Onderskeidings Janell Mc Cabe 7 Onderskeidings Carmie du Preez 8 Onderskeidings Gustav Malan 8 Onderskeidings Ansuné du Toit 7 Onderskeidings Schalk Grobler 8 Onderskeidings Jana Retief 8 Onderskeidings Nicole Andrews 8 Onderskeidings Jada van Nieuwenhuizen 8 Onderskeidings Albert Wilsenach 8 Onderskeidings Nika Eybers 7 Onderskeidings Evah Fourie 7 Onderskeidings Natasha Honey 8 Distinctions Lize de Jager 6 Distinctions Cara Senske 7 Distinctions Ndivhu Ravhura 5 Distinctions Daniela Fernandes 7 Distinctions Mark Botha 4 Distinctions Kelly Hope 7 Distinctions Jabu Nkosi 4 Distinctions Mohau Makunyane 7 Distinctions Jayden-Belle Guthrie 4 Distinctions Emma Pieterse 7 Distinctions



Husnaa Haffejee - Al-Falaah College

Top two learners, Husna Hafejee of Al-Falaah College in KZN and Grace Kelly Prowse of Rustenburg Girls’ High in the Western Cape tied first place and were crowned the top achievers in the country for the Class of 2022’s NSC exams.

not know a single word of Afrikaans and was tackling an unknown subject.


Pass Rate: 100% | BD Pass: 87% | D Pass: 13% | Number of Matrics: 99 students

Graduates, celebrate the moment that you have so diligently and passionately worked for. Take responsible risks, make memories, and live a life with intent and purpose. We are proud of who you are, and we know that you will be successful in whatever you do. Be positive and believe in tomorrow.”

I joined the Al-Falaah College family in grade 5, my parents having decided to return from England to South Africa where they grew up. Alhamdulillah, by the Grace and Mercy of Allah (SWT), I have maintained my position as top student ever since. As such, I received a full scholarship throughout my high school career.

I believe that my faith has played a significant role in the success I have achieved. Islam teaches us to strive to seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave, and instils within us as Muslims an appreciation for learning and teaching. This has definitely helped me to remain focused and motivated throughout my schooling career.

Al-Falaah College consistently offered me opportunities to develop and showcase my skills. I have represented the school in numerous competitions. In grade 6, I received a gold medal for placing amongst the top 1% in the world in the international ICAS examination. During my matric year, I participated in the National Afrikaans Olympiad and Alhamdulillah placed first in KZN and third in the country. This achievement was notable as I was the only nonAfrikaans name amongst the top achievers. I hold this particular achievement dear to me as when I initially returned from England, I did

I would like to especially thank my parents, who have always stood by me and encouraged me to pursue my ambitions. Whenever I doubted myself, they were always there to reassure me of my abilities and I will be eternally indebted to them. I would also like to thank my grandparents, who have always kept me in their duas, my wonderful sister who I could not do without and family and friends who have supported me. As they say, no man is an island, and I could not have come this far on my own.

Alhumdulillah, it has been an honour and a privilege to be a student of Al-Falaah College. I will always cherish the memories and lessons that I have learned there, and I look forward to using my education to make a positive impact in the world. I am excited for the next chapter in my life, and in shaa Allah with the support of my loved ones and the guidance of my faith, I will be able to achieve great things.

Adam 8 Distinctions

Additional Language. Declan Naidoo: Mathematical Literacy.

English Home Language. Rory

Business Studies, History, LO, Mathematics.

Ivana Pavone 7 Distinctions Delarey van Tonder 7 Distinctions Neo Bosoga 6 Distinctions Paballo Modiba 6 Distinctions Cailyn Cavaleiro 6 Distinctions Jo-Ann Nash 6 Distinctions Milla Dupree 6 Distinctions Hanrú Horn 6 Distinctions Janine Robson 6 Onderskeidings Joshua Coulson 5 Distinctions Miga Otto 5 Onderskeidings Talita
5 Onderskeidings Saige Fourie 4 Distinctions Fabio Semedo 4 Distinctions Joshua Coetzee 3 Onderskeidings Heinrich Fromkorth 3 Onderskeidings Zonique
3 Distinctions Okuhle
3 Distinctions Christopher
3 Distinctions Jessica
3 Distinctions Sadiyah Solomons 3 Distinctions
– Cheryl Naidoo
Lailah Moonasar:
Top Matrics of 2022 Kauthar
Firdous Adam 7 Distinctions
Orestis Pavlou 7 Distinctions
Zinnirah Boodoo 8 Distinctions Suvir
7 Distinctions Tshinondiwa
7 Distinctions
Ilham Ismail
7 Distinctions
Neuza De Oliveira 7 Distinctions Oñu Okoli
Rory Edwards 8 Distinctions Mohamed Shaik 7 Distinctions My name is Husnaa Haffejee and I recently graduated from Al-Falaah College as the Head Girl of the class of 2022. I am honoured to have been acknowledged as one of South Africa’s top achievers. I can’t fully express my gratitude to first and foremost Allah (SWT), and to my parents, family, principals, teachers and peers who have offered me their support and guidance.
Please scan the QR code to read the full interview.


Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool se 2022-Matriekuitslae verstom die gemeenskap!

Die matriekklas van 2022 het puik presteer in die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-eksamen.

• Affies behaal ‘n 100%-slaagsyfer en ons het nou die trotse rekord van 37 jaar sonder ‘n druipeling.

• Die skool het ook die blye nuus ontvang dat die Gautengse LUR vir Onderwys (Mnr. Chiloane) aangekondig het dat AHMP die skool is met die hoogste graadvrystellingsyfer in Gauteng, naamlik 99,5%!

• Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool se dogters kry 3,2 onderskeidings per kandidaat en het ‘n groepgemiddeld van 76% behaal.

Opsomming van die uitslae:

• 221 kandidate slaag, met ander woorde 100%.

• 220 slaag met graadvrystelling - 99,5% van die groep.

• Groepgemiddeld van 76%.

• 713 A-simbole, plus 7 A-simbole in Alpha Wiskunde (3,2 A’s per leerder).

• In totaal het die groep 180 A+ -simbole behaal en 540 A-simbole.

• 10 dogters slaag met ‘n gemiddeld van 90%

Matriekuitslae 2022

Die groep van 235 kandidate het ‘n 100%-slaagsyfer behaal. 92,3% (217) het universiteitstoelating verwerf en die ander 18 kandidate kwalifiseer vir diplomastudies. Die Affie-kandidate het saam 478

Mia van Zyl, Anieke van Rensburg en Suvé Bloem.
Isabel Spies, Kaylin Denton en Rachelle Baumgärtner. Carel Olivier 9 Onderskeidings Marx Nel 8 Onderskeidings Joshuan du Toit 8 Onderskeidings Gerno Strydom 8 Onderskeidings Mikael Köhler 8 Onderskeidings Ryan Sutherland 8 Onderskeidings
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Markus Nel 8 Onderskeidings



How does it feel to be the top achiever from the Class of 2022 nationwide?

It feels incredible to have achieved the prestigious title of being the top learner across the country for 2022. It was an immense privilege to have attended the top achievers event, however, achieve an award like this one has gone far beyond my wildest hopes and dreams. I feel incredibly proud of my achievements and elated by my brilliant results.

What was your greatest challenge in matric?

My greatest challenge was definitely trying to stay motivated throughout the long year of matric. With the many sets of exams, it was easy to feel burnt out and tired, as well as to feel disheartened from some poor results. Trying to bounce back from a bad exam and stay stimulated learning the same content for many months was not easy.

If you could re-do your matric year, what would you do different? The only thing that I think I would have done differently is that I wouldn’t have stressed so much. Thankfully I learnt early on in the year that stress only holds one back from achieving of their full potential. Once I learnt to manage my nerves and clear my head before an exam, I felt that all forms of testing seemed to go much smoother.

What is your message to the Class of 2023 who want to achieve the best like you did?

My first piece of advice would be to not see school as a chore. Challenge yourself, challenge your teachers and always find ways to extend your knowledge. The more you make the work interesting for yourself by reading up extra material, the more motivated you will feel and the better you will do. My second piece of advice would be to pace yourself.

Matric is a long year with many sets of exams and tests so don’t go all out at the beginning because you will face burnt out by the end. If you stay consistent, keep up with the workload and do a little bit of work every day, I am sure you will achieve some great results.

What life quote do you live by?

Normality is a paved road: it is comfortable to walk on but no flowers grow. – Vincent Van Gogh

Please scan the QR code to read the full interview.

Matric Results 2022

Top Achievers - Class of 2022

MARAGON MOOIKLOOF REDDFORD HOUSE THE HILLS Reddford House The Hills achieves 100% pass rate and 38 distinctions.
Aphiwe Hlatshwayo 5 Distinctions Mvelo Kalipa 2 Distinctions Lesego Koch 5 Distinctions Kutlwano Molefe 3 Distinctions Oreneile Moloi 3 Distinctions 100% Pass Rate | 98% BD Pass Rate
Thian Kriel 7 Distinctions Lungelo Nhlapo 5 Distinctions Amoré de Jager 3 Distinctions Adriaan Roets 6 Distinctions Naledi Makupula 4 Distinctions Semin Kim 3 Distinctions Nadia Jordaan 6 Distinctions Luke Bickerton 3 Distinctions Nani Msibi 3 Distinctions
Top two learners, Husna Hafejee of Al-Falaah College in KZN and Grace Kelly Prowse of Rustenburg Girls’ High in the Western Cape tied first place and were crowned the top achievers in the country for the Class of 2022’s NCS exams.
Grace Prowse - Rustenburg Girls’ High

se gemiddeld: 91.85%

DIE HOËRSKOOL WONDERBOOM HOËRSKOOL OVERKRUIN Die Hoërskool Wonderboom het ‘n slaagsyfer van 98.2% en die leerlingpersentasie met universiteitstoelating is 68%. Wonnies spog met 120 Onderskeidings uit 168 leerders. Baie
Universiteitstoelating: Aantal kandidate: 218 onderskeidings:
Matriekuitslae 2022 Matriekuitslae 2022 Maricha Smal 8 Onderskeidings 91.85% Olivia Gatticchi 6 Onderskeidings 83% Mathys Schoeman 8 Onderskeidings 89,71% Refilwe Kalman 5 Onderskeidings 82% Wilhelm Esterhuizen 7 Onderskeidings 89% Eduard Mouton 6 Onderskeidings 82% Luryn Olivier 8 Onderskeidings 87,57% Shannon Pretorius 5 Onderskeidings 82% Aymé Dippenaar 6 Onderskeidings 86% Ruben Swart 5 Onderskeidings 81% Elmien le Roux 7 Onderskeidings 86% Tamaryn Solomons 7 Onderskeidings 85% Joané Horn 5 Onderskeidings 80% 100% SLAAGSYFER MIT-MAK KRUINFEES 3 MAART R150 P.P SPOEGWOLF REFENTSE ROOKSEIN ADAM GIFT Jordan Botes 4 A’s Anneke de Lange 5 A’s Hazel Mills 4 A’s Michan Homan 5 A’s Lianne Wilke 4 A’s Amoné Wilkens 5 A’s Taneli de Bruin 5 A’s AWSUM wil die topkandidate en matrieks van 2022 wat A-simbole behaal het, asook almal wat die eksamen geslaag het, gelukwens met julle uitstekende prestasie! #hoopjullegenietdieuitgawe The biggest school news platform in S.A | Die grootste skole nuus platform in S.A AWSUM NEWS
geluk aan al ons matrieks van 2022.
B-simbole: 257

Montie-matrieks van 2022 skitter helder – soos altyd!

280 Kandidate het die eksamen voltooi, waarvan 99,3% geslaag het met ‘n klasgemiddeld van 66%. 253 Leerders (91%) slaag met universiteitstoelating - die meeste in die skool se geskiedenis en die meeste in die distrik Tshwane-Noord. 7,9% van die groep slaag met diplomavrystelling.


• Die groep behaal 351 x A-simbole (plus 3 x Alpha Wiskunde),

• 530 x B-simbole en 494 x C-simbole.

• 7 leerders behaal ‘n voltal onderskeidings,

• 5 leerders behaal 6 onderskeidings,

• 10 leerders behaal 5 onderskeidings en

• 12 leerders behaal 4 onderskeidings.

Die Top 10 se gemiddeld is 85,71% en die Top 20 se gemiddeld is 83,57%. 26 Leerders se gemiddeld is bo 80%, met ‘n verdere 70 leerders se gemiddeld wat bo 70% is.

Baie geluk aan elke leerder en onderwyser vir julle harde werk, deursettingsvermoë en baie ekstra myle. Ons wens die Matriekklas van 2022 voorspoed toe met dit wat vir hulle voorlê.

Mag julle drome waar word en mag julle die Montie-waardes altyd in julle harte saamdra, waar jul ook al gaan. Droom groot en hou aan glo en werk!

2. Delise Coetzer 7 Onderskeidings + Alpha Wisk
3. Li-Anne Erasmus 6 Onderskeidings + Alpha Wisk
4. Dario Schwan 7 Onderskeidings
5. Kay-Leigh Collignon 7 Onderskeidings 8. Stefan Joubert 7 Onderskeidings 82,0% 6. Venusche van Broekhuizen 7 Onderskeidings
7. Alisma Nieman 7 Onderskeidings 83,3%


Matriekuitslae 2022

Slaagsyfer = 100% | Universiteitstoelating = 85% | Onderskeidings = 246

Simone Booyens 7 Distinctions Bianca van Rheede van Oudtshoorn 5 Distinctions Hardus Holtzhausen 4 Distinctions Megan Bouillon 7 Distinctions Joné Bester 4 Distinctions Jade Liebenberg 4 Distinctions Kayla Hodgman 6 Distinctions Mika Botha 4 Distinctions Megan Muller 4 Distinctions JJ Maree 6 Distinctions Juanic Beukman 4 Distinctions Elizna Nel 4 Distinctions Ulrich Potgieter 6 Distinctions Rachelle Dry 4 Distinctions Michael Owens 4 Distinctions Wian Styger 6 Distinctions Janneke du Preez 4 Distinctions Elke Schillack 4 Distinctions Liezel van der Walt 6 Distinctions Anesca Hill 4 Distinctions Jaylin van Zyl 4 Distinctions Owen Beytell 5 Distinctions Ghitte Hofmeyr 4 Distinctions
HTS JOHN VORSTER Baie geluk aan ons matrikulante van 2022. 100% slaagsyfer | 79% vrystelling vir tersiêre studies | 80 onderskeidings | 117 kandidate | Visuele Kunste vakgemiddeld: 83% Toppresteerders: Klas van 2022 Leana Pauw Chloë van Wyk Cara van Niekerk Dijan Nelson Wilgies hou vertikaal vas! 100% SLAAG! 6 6 5 5 5 4 Marike Pauw 7 Onderskeidings Dijan Nelson 5 Onderskeidings Leana Pauw 6 Onderskeidings Marlezé Jooste 5 Onderskeidings Chloë van Wyk 6 Onderskeidings Elize Hill 4 Onderskeidings Cara van Niekerk 5 Onderskeidings Heliané Aucamp 4 Onderskeidings Hané Marneweck 4 Onderskeidings John-Ernest Chamberlain 8 Onderskeidings Reghardt Spies 3 Onderskeidings Jayden Soer 6 Onderskeidings Daniel Malan 3 Onderskeidings MC Wolmarans 6 Onderskeidings Phebe Venter 3 Onderskeidings Carlo
Onderskeidings Johan
Onderskeidings Vian
Lombard 4
Steyn 3
Steenkamp 5 Onderskeidings
van Staden 3 Onderskeidings
Nagel 4 Onderskeidings


Top 10 Matric Achievers 2022



This achievement is based on the performance of its 1893 learners who wrote the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) exams last year.

Among the triumphant achievers are nine learners who each bagged a spot on the IEB’s Outstanding Achiever’s list. Learners who made it onto this prestigious IEB list have all achieved within the top 5% in 6 or more subjects and scored a rating level of 7 in Life Orientation. Among the learners are Isabella Campbell from Heron Bridge College who obtained 9 distinctions, Natasha Honey from Curro Hazeldean who achieved 8 distinctions and Mohamed Ismail Salejee from Heritage House who also obtained 8 distinctions as well as a 99% for Mathematics.

In addition, 12 other Curro learners received recognition as part of the IEB’s Commendable Achievements, meaning they’ve achieved within the top 5% in 5 subjects and scored a rating level of 7 in Life Orientation.

A world of opportunity at their feet

The majority of Curro’s learners (67%) achieved a minimum of a C-average and 190 learners achieved an A average. Curro’s talented learners can now access some of the best tertiary education available to pursue their dreams and build bright futures.

Curro’s academic faculty is incredibly proud of its learners’ results. “We commend our learners who have proven their talent and acumen to produce remarkable results. It has been wonderful to watch our learners grab every opportunity to learn, grow and succeed in the classroom. The sheer calibre of these learners is evident in their results, and these qualities will stand them in good stead as they take on new challenges as leaders of tomorrow,” says Cobus Loubser, Curro Holdings CEO.

“We are extremely proud of our entire Class of 2022 and wish them all the best,” concludes Loubser.

Congratulations to our matriculants of 2022! We are proud of all our students.
Shanice Van Wyk 4 Distinctions Halatedzi Savhase 2 Distinctions Surajudeen Fahm-Salimon 1 Distinction Abigail Gumbi 3 Distinctions Toby Murphy 2 Distinctions Christopher Chetty 3 Distinctions Akhona Mkhize 2 Distinctions Minenhle Ntuli 3 Distinctions Motshabi Mmoloke 3 Distinctions
Curro is delighted that its Matric Class of 2022 recorded an exceptional 98.63% pass rate for the 2022 academic year.
2 Distinctions The biggest school news
S.A Read all about the country’s top achievers and daily school news.
Isabella Campbell Mohamed Salejee Natasha Honey
platform in

Matric Results 2022 - Top Achievers

Well done to all our matrics of 2022, we are very proud of you. The first matric class for the school! Congratulations to the following learners for their outstanding work and results:

100% IEB pass rate

24 matric learners

92% tertiary exemption

2 A aggregates

3 B aggregates

18 subject A aggregates

39 subject B aggregates

21 subject C aggregates


Top Achievers 2022

We are proud of our Matric Heroes | 25 matric learners | 100% IEB pass rate | 92% bachelor’s degree pass rate | 8% diploma pass rate | 100% tertiary exemption.

Top Matrics 2022

Reddford House Blue Hills achieves 100% pass rate and 49 distinctions

1. Ntsako Mbali Mngomezulu 4 As 3. Matlapulane Abigail Ragwasha 2 As 2. Angelo John 2 As Raaghav Panwar Top 1 % of IEB Candidates per Subject – Hindi FAL 1. Asive Mdlankomo Dux-learner 2. Liyema Gqoli 3. Muhammad Abba 4. Anamika Beethasi 5. Edinia Ramiah
Shreya Balipursad
6 Distinctions
in S.A
Buhle Mncube this edition with someone digitally WhatsApp your name to 073 187 9539 and we will send you the PDF
Distinctions Trisun Naidoo Distinctions Harshil Vallabh
Distinctions Chloe
Distinctions AWSUM



Teneo placed 40% of the top 10 Matrics in SA

Over one thousand Teneo Matric students, wrote and passed their final examinations through 2 examination boards, IEB and SACAI.

Teneo’s North Star is academic excellence. 2022 has been a noteworthy year for Teneo with many milestones achieved. Our biggest cohort of Matric students to date have written their Final examinations. This is the fourth consecutive year for Teneo students writing SACAI Matric exams, our second year of British International Curriculum A levels and our first cohort of IEB matriculants.

For the past four consecutive years, Teneo’s matriculants have consistently improved on their overall academic performance. Teneo’s 2022 Matric pass rate is remarkable when one considers that all our Matriculants only joined Teneo in the last 4 years from other schools, and that Teneo accepts all students without exception, including late in the year, and with diverse learning abilities. Notably 31% of our total 2022 student base reported learning barriers including autism, dyslexia, anxiety, depression as well as visual and audio barriers.


2 Teneo students in the top 5 Matrics (1st & 2nd place) Congratulations to SA’s top Matriculant Danielle Vierbergen who joined Teneo in 2021, and achieved a 93.43% average with seven distinctions.

Top 10 National SACAI Students 2022

• 1st place - Teneo student Danielle Vierbergen with 93.43% (7 distinctions)

• 2nd place - Teneo student Clarissa Jannae Iyer with 88.71% (6 Distinctions)

• 5th place - Teneo student Kayla De Lange with 84.57% (6 Distinctions)

• 9th place - Teneo student Danika Chetty with 82.42% (5 Distinctions)

14 Teneo SACAI Matriculants achieved 4 to 7 distinctions. Overall, we were pleased that Teneo’s pass rate was 9% higher than the 72% SACAI average pass rate. 39% of all SACAI Matric distinctions from Teneo students.

• 59% of Teneo Matriculants achieved Bachelors Pass

• 30% of Teneo Matriculants achieved Diploma Pass 12% of Teneo Matriculants achieved Higher Certificate Pass

IEB Pass Rate Kick Off with a Bang!

We are thrilled to announce the results of our first class of IEB Matrics. The top Matric at Teneo was Blessing Ibegbuna with 5 distinctions and an aggregate score of 83%. Well done, Blessing!

Teneo achieved an 82% IEB pass rate! 60% of our IEB Matriculants received a Bachelor’s Pass.

Grade 12 Class of 2022

Topmatrieks 2022

Berg 93.43%
8 A’s Top NSS Presteerder 5. Jodie
88.86% - 8 A’s 7.
Dyason 88.29% - 7 A’s 2.
Kotzé 92.86% - 8 A’s 6. Leon vd Merwe 88.43% - 7 A’s 4. Ruan Esterhuizen 87.86% - 8 A’s 8. Juané Brink 85.71% - 7 A’s 9. Wiehan Prinsloo 84.86% - 7 A’s 13. Ce’nedra Drotsky 84.14% - 6 A’s 11. Anri Odendaal 86.29% - 6 A’s 15. Sego Motswasele 83.29% - 6 A’s 10. Mark Brown 86.86% - 6 A’s 14. Megan Rohrbeck 84.14% - 6 A’s 12. Francois Schutte 85.86% - 6 A’s 16. Lisa Kettles 80.71% - 6 A’s Ons is trots op ons matriekklas van 2022. | 100% Tersiêre vrystelling | 94.5% Universiteitstoelating | 336 Onderskeidings | 76% Leerders behaal 60% en meer | 725 Vakpersentasies bo 70%.
1. Elnette vd
- 7
3. Kevin Tennant
UITSIG HIGH SCHOOL 96.5% Pass Rate | 64,24% Bachelors Passes | 90 Distinctions
Kabelo Ramothole 6 Distinctions Thalukanyo Matumba 4 Distinctions Sinelisiwe Kani 4 Distinctions Kayla Naicker 5 Distinctions Vuyolwethu Nkunkuma 4 Distinctions Mihle Mpetukana 4 Distinctions Farah Hassim 4 Distinctions Thatoyaona Pitso 4 Distinctions Yule Nemutavhani 3 Distinctions Shehaan Hiralal 4 Distinctions Hana Hassim 4 Distinctions Amber Pheiffer 3 Distinctions
Danielle Vierbergen Teneo’s Top IEB Matriculant for 2022Blessing Ibegbuna
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Top Matrics 2022

Congratulations to our Grade 12 pupils who achieved excellent results in their IEB exams. 98% Bachelors Degree Pass | 29% of all candidates achieved an A average | Average of 2,8 distinctions per pupil.


Class of 2022 - Top Achievers

High School matric learners once again produced outstanding matric results. Congratulations to our Class of 2022 who achieved 356 distinctions and an 89.2% Bachelors pass rate.

CORNWALL HILL COLLEGE Luke Andrews 15 Distinctions Keenan Clark 7 Distinctions Sibella Erasmus 6 Distinctions Jamèan Groenewald 8 Distinctions Bradley Raubenheimer 7 Distinctions Samara Plummer 6 Distinctions Joshua Isaacs 9 Distinctions Natalie Olver 7 Distinctions Marcus Furstenberg 6 Distinctions Annabelle Mokhtari 8 Distinctions Emma Theron 7 Distinctions Luke Rein 6 Distinctions Shanae Barnard 7 Distinctions Mignon de Wet 6 Distinctions Salminah Sebola 6 Distinctions Zoë Koppeschaar 10 Distinctions Megan Freeman 7 Distinctions Shannon Forester 6 Distinctions Jenna-Lee Hardy 8 Distinctions Zaria Rule 7 Distinctions Emily Raubenheimer 6 Distinctions Kian Birkholtz 8 Distinctions Elena Pantazis 7 Distinctions Atang Mafa 6 Distinctions Natasha Peters 8 Distinctions Paula Traviss 7 Distinctions Kaleigh Schoeman 6 Distinctions Stephen Botha 7 Distinctions Milla du Preez 6 Distinctions
100% Pass rate 144 Matric pupils 398 Distinctions
Kimaya Rangasamy Dux Scholar 8 Distinctions Yuthika Harripersad 6 Distinctions Zahra Moosa 6 Distinctions Tidimalo Mokgatle 6 Distinctions Chante de Sousa 6 Distinctions Tanika Singh 6 Distinctions Zameer Motalib 5 Distinctions Kamogelo Tsele 6 Distinctions Muhammed Zaakir Vahed 6 Distinctions Naqiyah Ebrahim 6 Distinctions Shinn-Ru Hung 5 Distinctions Kayla Turnbull 6 Distinctions Ayesha Essop 5 Distinctions Minenhle Ndlovu 6 Distinctions Sihle Mongo 5 Distinctions Sashen Inder Gajai 8 Distinctions Mikaylinn Pather 7 Distinctions Ahmed Ismail 7 Distinctions Mariam Abdul Sattar 7 Distinctions Balilitha Mhangwane 7 Distinctions Devan de Wet 6 Distinctions Nirika Chetty 6 Distinctions


Zwarrie-matrieks spog met mooi uitslae

Hierdie groep, wat bestaan uit 330 leerders, se harde werk het 501 vakonderskeidings verseker met ’n gesamentlike gemiddeld van 71.3%. 11 Leerders het ’n gemiddeld van bo 90%, 42 leerders behaal ’n gemiddeld bo 80% en 105 leerders het ’n gemiddeld bo 70%.


Matrieks 2022

• 100%-slaagsyfer

• 90% van Woerie-matrieks slaag met universiteitstoelating.

• 163 matrieks behaal 210 onderskeidings.

• Dus: 1.5 onderskeidings per matrikulant.

• Van die 26 vakke wat ons aanbied, het 23 vakke ‘n 100%-slaagsyfer.

• Fisiese Wetenskappe en Tegniese Wetenskappe het ‘n 100%-slaagsyfer.

• Engels EAT, Lewensoriëntering, Dramatiese Kunste, Toerisme en

Karli Weinmann 94.4%
Cameron-Lee Renwick 90.3% Clara Oosthuizen 92% Derick Maree 9 Onderskeidings Janika Wait 6 Onderskeidings Elmé Jansen 4 Onderskeidings Hanri Pretorius 9 Onderskeidings Simoné Lewis 5 Onderskeidings Nekiesha Kruger 4 Onderskeidings Harry du Plessis 9 Onderskeidings Lize-Mari Kleynhans 5 Onderskeidings Dylan Marais 4 Onderskeidings Inge Keyser 7 Onderskeidings Thorenza Balie 4 Onderskeidings Lydia Noppe 4 Onderskeidings Mieke Coetzer 6 Onderskeidings Trisha Bruwer 4 Onderskeidings Danielle Garland 4 Onderskeidings Christine Kriel 6 Onderskeidings Nathan Kearney 4 Onderskeidings Juan Oosthuizen 6 Onderskeidings Sanri Kühn 6 Onderskeidings Marelize Viljoen 4 Onderskeidings Charlize Pieterse 4 Onderskeidings Chlöe Bilgnaut 4 Onderskeidings Musiek se vakgemiddeldes is bokant 70%.
Graad 7’s! Waarheen gaan jy volgende jaar? Hoërskole deel hulle Ope Dae datums! Blaai om! THE PRINT OFFICE Your printing partner School workbooks, textbooks, diaries and yearbooks! Contact us for a quote at HIGH SCHOOL GUIDE THE NUMBER 1 SCHOOL NEWSPAPER IN SA Read the latest school news on CLASS OF 2022 Celebrating school achievements in South Africa
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6 Distinctions
Rudman 7
Sonali Bhugwandeen 7 Achumile Koyana 6 Frem Ababio 7
Distinctions Matsibe
Mahonko 6
Joshua Daniels 7
Munashe Dombodzvukou 5 Distinctions Rae-Kyndra Ragoobeer 6 Distinctions
Lesego Mashego Dux scholar 90% average 8 distinctions: English 84% Afrikaans 87% Maths 93% Accounting 99% Information Technology 99% Physical Sciences 92% Further Studies Mathematics Standard (Algebra and Calculus) 91% Further Studies Mathematics Elective (Statistics) 84%
5 Distinctions
Distinctions Ashwyria
5 Distinctions
Furqaan Khan 4 Distinctions
Anjali Naidoo 6
Cassandra Crozier
Charlize Nfor 6
Tayah Hichert 5
Dylan Braune 5
5 Distinctions
Gillingham 5
Naidoo 5
Aluna Barnard


Matriekuitslae 2022 | Top Matrics 2022



Klas van 2022 - Toppresteerders

1 Parallelmediumskool in
98,46% Slaagsyfer
82,87% Universitetstoelating
Gauteng |
4. Marko Cronje 10 Onderskeidings 2. Lizelle Gordon 8 Onderskeidings 1. Wilma Nap 8 Onderskeidings 7. Leandri Engelbrecht 8 Onderskeidings 10. Ulrich Fischer 7 Onderskeidings 5. Marno Joubert 7 Onderskeidings 8. Mienke Roussouw 7 Onderskeidings 9. Wian Lombard 7 Onderskeidings 3. Joshua Rielly 7 Onderskeidings 6. Mart-Mari de Bruin 7 Onderskeidings Trotse Nories. Pragtige uitslae! 100% Slaagsyfer | 495 Onderskeidings | 301 Leerders Universiteitsvrystelling (93%). Christine Visser 6 Onderskeidings Liam Deprost 6 Distinctions Taryn Saby 7 Distinctions Su-Mari van der Walt 5 Onderskeidings Chamoné Grobler 7 Onderskeidings Louria Nel 5 Onderskeidings Cameron-Skye Stoltz 7 Distinctions Jan-Paul van den Berg 4 Onderskeidings Kyla Vermeulen 6 Onderskeidings Sabrina Uboldi 5 Distinctions

Topmatrieks 2022

100% slaagsyfer

90,7% kwalifiseer vir universiteitstudies

9,3% vir verdere diplomastudies

288 A’s en 2,2 A’s per leerder

Buiten die gelys, slaag 5 leerders met 5 onderskeidings elk en 8 met 4 onderskeidings elk.

• Top presteerder: Franco Vosloo met gemiddeld van 95,86% en 7A’s

7 leerders behaal 5 A’s
10 leerders behaal 4 A’s
Bernard Greeff 10 Ondersk. Ben de Bruyn 9 Ondersk. Stephan de Souza 8 Ondersk. Franco Vosloo 7 Ondersk. Philip Calitz 7 Ondersk. Megan Botha 7 Ondersk. Carla Dannhauser 7 Ondersk. Margaux le Roux 7 Ondersk. Phillip Stander 7 Ondersk. Caitlyn Coetzee 6 Ondersk. Ané Dannhauser 6 Ondersk. Kyle de Vos 6 Ondersk. Chantei Hoffmann 6 Ondersk. Nathan Labuschagne 6 Ondersk. Reinhard van Zyl 6 Ondersk. Alana Viljoen 6 Ondersk. Ruben Aucamp 5 Ondersk. Zahn Calitz 5 Ondersk. Louwhan Hoffmann 5 Ondersk. Jacques Scheltema 5 Ondersk. Misha Schoeman 5 Ondersk. Abigail Smit 5 Ondersk. Marcel Steyn 5 Ondersk. Moya Bolton 4 Ondersk. Illouise du Plessis 5 Ondersk. Larraine Esterhuizen 4 Ondersk. Chané Gambold 4 Ondersk. Ruan Krause 4 Ondersk. Tertius le Roux 4 Ondersk. Anika Oosthuizen 4 Ondersk. Clarissa Terblanche 4 Ondersk. Neil Tomlinson 4 Ondersk.
8 Onderskeidings Inge Ross 9 Onderskeidings Elca
9 Onderskeidings Christelle
10 Ondersk.
Jodie Vermeulen 4 Ondersk.
van den Heever
Elijah Flockhart 6 Onderskeidings Lana van Rooyen 7 Onderskeidings Stephanie Vorster 7 Onderskeidings Anja Pampel 7 Onderskeidings Stephan Mans 7 Onderskeidings Dietloff Bredenkamp 7 Onderskeidings Gizanne Lamprecht 7 Onderskeidings Elgar Schoeman 8 Onderskeidings Jolandi de Beer 8 Onderskeidings Zonica Lindeque 6 Onderskeidings Caitlyn Rothman 6 Onderskeidings Danielle van Aswegen 6 Onderskeidings Dané Kotzé 6 Onderskeidings Geluk Randjies, jul maak ons trots!


Matric Results 2022

Pass Rate: 100% | BD Pass: 93% | D Pass: 7% | Number of Matrics: 112 students | Number of distinctions: 219


Top Matrics 2022

Reddford House Northcliff achieves national ranking by IEB for Outstanding Student.


Class of 2022 - Top Achievers

“Colourful, passionate, innovative, resilient changemakers - that is how we will remember our 2022 matric cohort and we can’t wait for you to go into the world and make a difference. We wish you well on your chosen journeys!”

– Willem van Zyl

Crawford International matriculants Emma and Rachel Jacobs say their biggest inspiration is their mother.

“She was our greatest cheerleader and inspired us to reach for the stars. We were determined to continue to work hard towards achieving the goals we always spoke to her about. Since our mother’s passing, we strived to make her proud in every aspect of our lives....”

Read more about Emma and Rachel’s story online:

10 Distinctions
6 Distinctions
6 Distinctions
6 Distinctions
Nina Swart Jamie Cusins Christopher Whitley Jordan Dunne 7
Distinctions Julia
Karato Jennifer Le Roux 7
6 Distinctions
Tobias Petrick
6 Distinctions
Lauren Bowman
Connor Davies
Sheldyn Haikney
6 Distinctions
6 Distinctions
6 Distinctions
Simran Parsard Mutsa Chingwena Erin Pinnock
7 Distinctions Noa
3 Distinctions
4 Distinctions Tshegofatso
3 Distinctions
Taylin Toweel-Moore
Tiisetso Mashishi Manzana
Katelynn Strydom
5 Distinctions
7 Distinctions Rachel
6 Distinctions Christiana
7 Distinctions Emma
5 Distinctions Theresa
7 Distinctions
5 Distinctions
Gabriella Liontarides
Distinctions Kaylie
Distinctions Mikaela
Manias Jacobs Lambiris Jacobs Moses
Kerri-Ann Naicker
HELPMEKAAR KOLLEGE RAND PARK HIGH SCHOOL Baie geluk aan ons matrieks van 2022. 324 Distinctions | 99.26% Pass rate | 81% Bachelor Degree Passes | 98% Qualify for tertiary studies. Matriekuitslae 2022
Ryan Snyman 13 A’s Micaela Staal 10 A’s André van Graan 10 A’s Xander Nel 9 A’s Reyneke Jacobsz 9 A’s Nico Olivier x A’s Bianca Landman 8 A’s Bernelee Doster 8 A’s Bennu Dyson 8 A’s Anje van Jaarsveld 8 A’s Johane Fritz 9 A’s Keira Lombard 9 A’s Edrich du Preez 8 A’s Emily Geekie 8 A’s Giada Prinsloo 8 A’s Lana de Jager 8 A’s Liezl Cloete 8 A’s Nina Germishuysen 8 A’s Waldt Human 8 A’s Tyne Rouquette 9 Distinctions May Badenhorst 6 Distinctions Shikara Bharat 8 Distinctions Manana Du Toit 6 Distinctions Kemaiya Govender 8 Distinctions Jason Green 6 Distinctions Kiasha Baboolal 7 Distinctions James Higginson 6 Distinctions Michael Badenhorst 7 Distinctions Francois Le Grange 6 Distinctions Rhys Meyer 7 Distinctions Tamsin Swart 6 Distinctions Thabiso Naka 7 Distinctions Elizabeth Buitenhuis 7 Distinctions Arya Naidoo 6 Distinctions
Class of 2022 Top Achievers


Class of 2022 - Top Achievers

Congratulations to our matrics of 2022.


Matric Results 2022 - Top Achievers

Pass Rate: 100% | BD Pass: 99% | D Pass: 1% | Number of Matrics: 101 students

“The Class of 2022 has graduated with excellence, and we are proud of their achievements. Their courageous spirit and resilience, enhanced by their outstanding academic results, will ensure they continue to be change-makers of the future whist having a positive influence on everyone they encounter on their paths to greatness”

– Tracey Purkiss, Principal, Crawford International Sandton College

Top 5%


100% Pass Rate

100% Bachelor Degree Pass (University Entrance)

3.2 distinctions per candidate

11 placements in the Top 1% of specific subjects

IEB Outstanding Achievement: Kate Mc Leman and Amélie Cloete achieved within the top 5% in 6 or more subjects and achieved a rating level of 7 in Life Orientation

IEB Commendable Achievement: Cassady Krzychylkiewicz achieved within the top 5% in 5 subjects and achieved a rating level of 7 in Life Orientation


Top Matrics 2022

“Grade 12s of 2022, you have proven that no matter what the world throws at you, you were able to confront, endure and overcome all the difficulties thrown at you. This has made you the person that you will be as you enter the next adventure of your life. I wish you all the success on this new journey.”

- Reinhard de Klerk

9 Distinctions Amélie Cloete 8 Distinctions Natasha Hultzer 8 Distinctions Olivia de Castro 7 Distinctions Gemma Gauld 7 Distinctions Cassady Krzychylkiewicz 7 Distinctions Megan
7 Distinctions Sabrina
6 Distinctions Kirsten
6 Distinctions Adilaide
6 Distinctions Kenna
6 Distinctions Tanaya
5 Distinctions Claire
5 Distinctions Megan
5 Distinctions Dharsha
5 Distinctions Philippa
5 Distinctions
Mc Leman
Hwenda Twiggs Ajoodha Andersen
Rate: 100% | BD Pass: 93% | D Pass: 7% | Number of Matrics:
100 students
Outstanding Achievement:
1% Commendable Achievement: • Rachael Said, • Samantha Sher
• Daniel Koonin, • Mohammed
• Praval Naidoo, • Priyal Naidoo. Top
Anita Luo 9 Distinctions Francesca Spies 7 Distinctions Reyah Chetty 6 Distinctions Rhiya Singh 9 Distinctions Bhavya Nundlall 6 Distinctions Rebecca Currie 6 Distinctions Caitanya Moodley 8 Distinctions Sonia Vallabh 6 Distinctions Shriya Teeruth 6 Distinctions Sarah Fielder 7 Distinctions Tekeyah Naicker 6 Distinctions Arshiya Maharaj 7 Distinctions Divine Adenubi 6 Distinctions Praval Naidoo 9 Distinctions Daniel Koonin 8 Distinctions Anika Lala 8 Distinctions Rachael Said 9 Distinctions Yoonseo Hwang 8 Distinctions Tyra Nonodi 7 Distinctions Priyal Naidoo 9 Distinctions Samantha Sher 8 Distinctions Sanuri Naidoo 7 Distinctions Melokuhle Bango 9 Distinctions Elle Butler-White 8 Distinctions Claudia Ofungi 8 Distinctions Danielle Govender 8 Distinctions Mohammed Carrim 8 Distinctions Syan Kalyan 8 Distinctions 6 Distinctions Alexia Koonin Emma Nel Rachel-Sarah Segal Shiraz Bodinger Talish Deva
HOËRSKOOL VOORTREKKER HIGH BENONI HIGH SCHOOL Congratulations to our top matriculants of 2022, we are proud of you. • Total number of learners who wrote the 2022 examinations = 252 Total number of learners who achieved University Exemption = 201 (80.1%) • Total number of distinctions achieved = 180 (71.4%) • Pass rate achieved = 99.6% Top Matrics 2022
Achievers Kayla Brijnath 5 Distinctions Nomaswazi Nkosi 4 Distinctions Nonjabulo Mtsweni 4 Distinctions Zayanah Laher 8 Distinctions Lucy Elenor Brown 8 Distinctions Maseeha Hoosen 7 Distinctions Abhinav Sreekumar 6 Distinctions Sally Goosen 6 Distinctions Soren Green 5Distinctions Jared Kyle Moore 5 Distinctions Shiven Tyreece Munusamy 5 Distinctions Hannah Jhetam 5 Distinctions THE PRINT OFFICE Your printing partner School workbooks, textbooks, diaries and yearbooks! Contact us for a quote at BOKSBURG HIGH SCHOOL Pass rate: 95.2% | Students: 275 | Students that passed: 260 Matric Results 2022 Rodrigues 4 Distinctions 2 Distinctions Padayachee 2 Distinctions Nelwamondo 5 B’s 2 Distinctions Taylin White 2 Distinctions 3 Distinctions 1 Distinction Ndima 1 Distinction Tyler Niemack 3 Distinctions 2 Distinctions Christmas 3 Distinctions Mahlangu 3 Distinctions 3 Distinctions 2 Distinctions Sapire Naidoo 2 Distinctions Khanyisa Nkuna 3 Distinctions Nonye Dike 2 Distinctions
Class of 2022 - Top

Matrieks 2022

skole nuus
seker jy lees die nuutste skole nuus in jou omgewing op die AWSUM nuuswebwerf!
HOËRSKOOL DR. E.G. JANSEN Ons is baie trots op elke 2022 matrikulant. Baie geluk aan die volgende top-presteerders:
Die grootste
platform in
Henco Potgieter 7 Onderskeidings Vianette de Kock 4 Onderskeidings Haylee Bronkhorst 6 Onderskeidings Dione Stoltz 4 Onderskeidings Lowell Bezuidenhout 6 Onderskeidings Kayla Branders 4 Onderskeidings Kimé Steenkamp 5 Onderskeidings Clarinda Stols 4 Onderskeidings Wernard Kruger 5 Onderskeidings Jessica Botha 4 Onderskeidings
HOËRSKOOL JEUGLAND CURRO SERENGETI In totaal het die matrieks ‘n 97.36% slaagsyfer, 102 vakonderskeidings behaal en 139 B simbole. 71% van die matrieks het universiteitsvrystelling en 25,2% het diploma status ontvang, Congratulations to our top matrics of 2022.
van 2022
S’nenhlanhla Marolen 6 Distinctions Roanda Mudzanani 3 Distinctions Thoriso Nkosi 2 Distinctions Kiara Maikoo 2 Distinctions Thabisa Saphetha 2 Distinctions Viwe Soci 1 Distinction Mmabatho Komane 1 Distinction Steven Sinclair 4 Distinctions Lethulwazi Ngwenya 4 Distinctions Top 1% in Business Studies Ntobeko Mbele 3 Distinctions Pheladi Phasha 3 Distinctions Duan Rutherberg 9 Distinctions Nadia Conradie 3 Distinctions Gideon Luies 7 Distinctions Dee Gericke 3 Distinctions Savannah Jacobs 5 Distinctions Martin Munro 3 Distinctions Carin de Beer 4 Distinctions Damion Stols 3 Distinctions Thalia Hefer 4 Distinctions Adia Tandy 3 Distinctions Gemma Lemmens 4 Distinctions Jayden Valentini 3 Distinctions Ashley Bümmer 3 Distinctions Gabriella le Roux 3 Distinctions Janco Nieuwoudt 4 Distinctions Rochelle Casimiro 3 Distinctions
Top Matrics 2022

Matriekuitslae 2022 - Toppresteerders

Ons is trots op ons matriekklas van 2022. Totale aantal onderskeidings: 198 | Slaagsyfer: 98.63% | Toelating tot graadstudies: 83.4% | Toelating tot tersiêre instansies: 97.8%.


Top Matrics 2022

Juanné Swanepoel 8 Onderskeidings Annika Greeff 7 Onderskeidings Ann-Mari Oberholzer 6 Onderskeidings Mia Gildenhuys 7 Onderskeidings Clarize Holland 6 Onderskeidings Bernard Pieters 6 Onderskeidings Kayla Richards 5 Onderskeidings Sarel Erasmus 5 Onderskeidings Veruschka Fourie 5 Onderskeidings Melandri Bouwman 4 Onderskeidings Caitlyn Wolmarans 4 Onderskeidings Rickus Botha 4 Onderskeidings Leané van der Walt 4 Onderskeidings Savannah Pretorius 4 Onderskeidings
Lelethu Xulu Seipati
We are proud of our matric class of 2022.
Andile Ngwane Bonolo Maile
Mphirime Makhubela
Nhlengetwa Nobuhle Msimanga
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Matric Results 2022 - Top Achievers

Class of 2022 - Top Matrics

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Congratulations to
our matriculants of 2022.
Matteo Napoli 5 Distinctions Kaylee Naidoo 4 Distinctions Shanay de Klerk 3 Distinctions Mfanfikile Khumalo 7 Distinctions Nicoletta Betci 4 Distinctions Shayden Naidoo 4 Distinctions Jaydean Joseph 3 Distinctions Jodache Govendasamy 6 Distinctions EDENGLEN
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Tarryn Lin 8 Distinctions Neo Hlohlongoane 5 Distinctions Brittany du Toit 7 Distinctions Dominica Torres 5 Distinctions Teagan Vincent 7 Distinctions Qian Li 5 Distinctions Sydney
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Class of 2022


We are thrilled to announce that for the 34th year in succession our matriculation class has achieved a 100% pass rate, allowing all our students to study at tertiary level. 100% of our students received university exemption. While we highlight the matric top achievers at St Andrew’s, we also acknowledge the hard work and personal accomplishments of each one and appreciate the dedication and commitment to their


Matric Results 2022 - Top Achievers

Glenvista High School held its annual Valedictory Award ceremony to honour and celebrate the class of 2022 on the 24th January 2023 for their achievements of excellent results. The principal is very grateful


Top Matriekpresteerders 2022

to our top matriculants
of 2022
39% of all results were above 80% 71% of subjects had averages greater than 70% 90% of all results were above 60%
Radiyyah Seedat 11 Distinctions Melissa vd Berg 7 Distinctions Masingita Skosana 9 Distinctions Tyla Campbell 7 Distinctions Yuxin Zhang 9 Distinctions Lebogang Mothiba 6 Distinctions Alisha Calitz 7 Distinctions Kira-Marie Foster-Pedley 6 Distinctions Rachel Harrison 9 Distinctions Chabu Kambafwile 8 Distinctions Shannon Berry 6 Distinctions Shannen Kench 8 Distinctions Phila Mzileni 6 Distinctions Donna Yates 7 Distinctions Amelia Maistry 6 Distinctions Eryn Meiklejohn 7 Distinctions Ruby Holroyd 7 Distinctions
Baie geluk aan al ons matriekpresteerders van 2022.
Ninke Otto 8 Onderskeidings Lize-Mari 6 Onderskeidings Taylor de Vaal 4 Onderskeidings Bernhardt Steyn 4Onderskeidings Jönro van der Merwe 4 Onderskeidings Zanté van der Merwe 4 Onderskeidings Carmen Engelbrecht 9 Onderskeidings Dané Krouwkamp 6 Onderskeidings Magda du Preez 7 Onderskeidings Ruben Gadd 5 Onderskeidings Jaco Freemantle 7 Onderskeidings JP Liebenberg 5 Onderskeidings Nicole Martin 7 Onderskeidings Llewellyn van der Merwe 5 Onderskeidings
Amanda Huo 5 Distinctions Daveen Marimuthu 6 Distinctions Nabeel Mahomed 8 Distinctions Caroline Nkoane 6 Distinctions Nomonde Booi 5 Distinctions

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REDDAM HOUSE • 448 students completed the IEB NSC Examinations • 46 students obtained six or more subject distinctions (80%+) • 99 students attained an A-aggregate • 1 061 subject distinctions Nine Reddam House Class of 2022 students notch up nine distinctions each. Jaime Rademeyer 9 Distinctions Reddam House Bedfordview Rushir Komal 9 Distinctions Reddam House Bedfordview Isabelle
9 Distinctions Reddam House
9 Distinctions Reddam
Nabila Patel 9 Distinctions Reddam House Bedfordview Lauren Williams 9 Distinctions Reddam House Constantia Rebecca Monk 9 Distinctions Reddam House Constantia Bridget De
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Class of 2022 - Top Achievers

142 Grade 12 learners | 100% IEB Pass Rate | 98.58% Tertiary exemption with 92% BD Pass rate 19 A- Aggregates | 11 learners with 4 distinctions | 11 learners with 3 distinctions


Matric Results 2022

Total candidates: 188 | Pass rate: 99.4% | Total distinctions: 138 Matric Learner with the most distinctions: Clara Binedell and Jeane Visagie.

• 7 Distinctions with a 93% average. Distinction in Afrikaans Huistaal, English First Additional Language, Math, Life Orientation, Physical Sciences, Accounting and Life Sciences.

7 Distinctions for Jeané Visagie.

• Distinction in Afrikaans Huistaal, English First Additional Language, Math, Life Orientation, Physical Sciences, Accounting and Life Sciences.


Top Matric Learners 2022

We scored 153 distinctions, 70% bachelors pass and 25% diploma pass.

Luke Cable 8 Distinctions Mohammed
6 Distinctions Melissa
7 Distinctions Cassidy
6 Distinctions Tlotliso
7 Distinctions Gontse
6 Distinctions Niel
6 Distinctions Oratile
5 Distinctions Derrah
6 Distinctions Megan
5 Distinctions Leanica
6 Distinctions John-Paul
5 Distinctions Leah
6 Distinctions
Clara Binedell 7 Distinctions, 93% Carika
6 Distinctions, 83.57% Jeané
7 Distinctions, 92.43%
5 Distinctions, 83.57%
6 Distinctions, 86,14%
Tanya Greyling
Shené Labuschagne
7 Distinctions Dannah
5 Distinctions Tamryn
4 Distinctions Oratile
4 Distinctions Ravyn
4 Distinctions Darrien
4 Distinctions Sade
4 Distinctions Massinissa
7 Distinctions Nikita
4 Distinctions Teagon
6 Distinctions Michaella
4 Distinctions Divya Venketsamy 6 Distinctions Joshua
4 Distinctions
Van Heerden

Topmatrieks 2022

99.6% Slaagsyfer


Diploma: 17.6%

233 Onderskeidings

8 Distinctions Nigella
5 Distinctions Dean
6 Distinctions Ushay
6 Distinctions Rylin
6 Distinctions Mishka
6 Distinctions Maipelo
6 Distinctions
5 Distinctions
8 Distinctions
5 Distinctions
8 Distinctions
Govan Pillay Rama Tshipala Sabrina Albino
Angelina Correia
Shannon James Darian De Bruyn
5 Distinctions
Ntandoyenkosi Kwinda
8 Distinctions
5 Distinctions
7 Distinctions Divine
5 Distinctions
7 Distinctions
Rahul Rama-Panchia
Aarya Poonee
Darshan Asim Kumar Yombo
7 Distinctions
Leoni Pauly Shenize Bekker 7 A’s (90.29%) Bianca Pieterse 7 A’s (92.14%) Danica Jansen 6 Onderskeidings Lize Nel 6 Onderskeidings Mikayla Opperman 6 Onderskeidings Taryn Lotriet 7 A’s (89.14%) Tylo Bezuidenhout 5 Onderskeidings Ryan van Dyk 6 Onderskeidings 4 Onderskeidings: Rhie Calitz, Michelle Gallowitz, Leané Kotzé, Danya Kühn, Dezelle Naudé, Kyle Pond en C-Ané Retief. Milana de Jager 5 Onderskeidings Busisiwe Zwane 5 Onderskeidings Karli Breytenbach 5 Onderskeidings Ons is trots op ons matriekklas van 2022. 80%

Topmatrieks 2022

Matriekuitslae 2022

Voltydse kandidate / Full time candidates: 144

Slaag / Passed: 130

Slaagsyfer / Pass rate: 90.3%

Graadstudies / Bachelor Exemption: 53 (40.7%)

Diplomastudies / Diploma Exemption: 63 (48%)

Onderskeidings / Distinctions: 48

Caylin Pienaar 5 A’s Zanique Martin 4 A’s Ameli van Zyl 4 A’s Ethan De Oliveira 5 A’s Joné Hepburn 5 A’s Chanté Dismore 5 A’s Samantha Jones 5 A’s
4 A’s Ilze Marais 4 A’s Jessica
Chantelle Gouws Hynd
Ons is trots op ons matriekklas van 2022. Stephan Bester 7 Onderskeidings Alminette Swart 3 Onderskeidings Anathi Ndlovu 2 Onderskeidings Warine Kharivhe 4 Onderskeidings Mpho Rakhothule 2 Onderskeidings Vyani Latha 2 Onderskeidings Zandré Wepener 2 Onderskeidings Karabelo Sauhatse 3 Onderskeidings Cornette Boers 2 Onderskeidings Ons is trots op on matriekklas van 2022. Baie geluk aan die volgende leerders:


Klas van 2022 - Toppresteerders

Duxleerder: Monique Cilliers | 192 matrieks behaal 275 Vakonderskeidings | 77,6 kwalifiseer vir graadstudies | 98% kwalifiseer vir tersiêre studies.



One thing I think helped me achieve these top marks, was the consistency of my studying. All throughout high school, I made sure that I kept on top of my work and that I was understanding the fundamentals of every topic. This meant that I felt confident in matric that my foundations were solid for each subject, allowing me to just expand my knowledge through the grade 12 curriculum.

Monique Cilliers 8 Onderskeidings Heike Fourie 6 Onderskeidings Nadia Williams 5 Onderskeidings Kayla van Blerk 7 Onderskeidings Karla Brink 5 Onderskeidings Carli Dippenaar 4 Onderskeidings Marinus Faling 7 Onderskeidings Derich Havenga 6 Onderskeidings Marizel Barnard 4 Onderskeidings Ulrich Berendt 6 Onderskeidings Conrad Esterhuyse 5 Onderskeidings Johané Maritz 4 Onderskeidings Danélle Steinhofel 7 Onderskeidings Zelia Boshoff 5 Onderskeidings Johan Fivaz 4 Onderskeidings Francois Botes 6 Onderskeidings Kéan Rossouw 5 Onderskeidings Amorise Pienaar 4 Onderskeidings Jan-Hendrik Brink 6 Onderskeidings Marno van Wyk 5 Onderskeidings Kelson Bridges 7 Onderskeidings Natasha Engelbrecht 7 Onderskeidings Anandie Le Grange 7 Onderskeidings Angelique Strydom 5 Onderskeidings Ray-Juan Lessing 4 Onderskeidings Demi-Lee Barnardo 4 Onderskeidings Shandrika Martins 4 Onderskeidings Nika Taylor 4 Onderskeidings Marli Jonck 4 Onderskeidings Ons is trots op ons matriekklas van 2022. Baie geluk aan die volgende leerders: Matriekuitslae
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John Vorster Road, Sasolburg 016 973 2227
Kelly Grace Prowse from Rustenburg Girls’ High The 2022 overall NSC top learner for public schools
Of all the terrible things the pandemic did to us, what it did do is build resilience and character and I think that these children have really shown what it means to have character.
AWSUM NEWS Die grootste skole nuus platform in S.A Maak seker jy lees die nuutste skole nuus in jou omgewing op die AWSUM nuuswebwerf!
Anne Oberholzer, CEO of the Independent Examinations Board

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