Tel: 021 872 3880
Droom jy oor liefde?
Elke dogter droom oor jou groot troudag of jy in graad 3 is en of jy in matriek is. Dalk is of was jy reeds getroud. Elkeen wat droom kan die volgende oefening doen:
P 2
Slow on Saturdays
When is enough TV enough
Die gevoel is goed vir jou
Ons deel ‘n liefdes omelet in die
AWSUM kombuis
1. Maak jou hande oop, vingers teenoor mekaar en buig/vou die middelvingers inwaarts. Probeer jou duim, wat jou ouers verteenwoordig, weg vat/oopmaak van mekaar. Jy kry dit reg, nê! Dit is omdat jou ouers nie bestem is om jou hele lewenspad saam met jou te stap nie.
e h t l l a t u o k c e s Ch w e n l o o h c s t s late inside 3.
2. Maak nou jou duime weer toe/bymekaar en probeer jou wysvingers, wat jou broers en susters verteenwoordig, weg vat/oopmaak van mekaar. Jy sal dit ook kan regkry, want jou broers en susters sal eendag gesinne/families van hul eie hê en so ook hul aparte lewens lei van joune.
Sit jou wysvingers weer terug bymekaar en probeer nou jou pinkies wat jou kinders verteenwoordig, weg vat/oopmaak van mekaar. Hulle òòk sal oopgaan want jou kinders gaan ook eendag kinders van hul eie hê, hul eie gesinne en families hê, apart van joune. 4. Laastens, plaas jou pinkies weer terug bymekaar en probeer nou jou ringvingers, wat jou eggenoot (jou man of vrou) verteenwoordig, weg vat/oopmaak van mekaar. Jy kan nie! Al probeer jy hoe hard, sonder om jou ander vingers oop te maak!
Hoekom? Want Man en Vrou is bestem om hul lewenspaaie saam te loop, 7x7 sakke sout saam op te eet, deur dik en dun mekaar onvoorwaardelik lief te hê.. . en dis hoekom ons ons trouringe aan ons ringvingers dra!
Hoop elke leser het `n AWSUM Valentynsdag.
Life Style
Slow on SATURDAYS After a day spent at the Stellenbosch Slow Food market, you appreciate the kind of lifestyle that we have in the Western Cape. Food, wine, picnics, activities for the kids, vineyards, name it – there is no lack of something interesting for everyone. It’s a platform for local farmers, bakers, grocers, organic merchants, finefood purveyors, butchers, artisan producers, celebrated chefs and micro businesses. The Stellenbosch Fresh Goods market is the original authentic Slow Food market that has been running for over 5 years. The market place is located at the Oude Libertas estate and has been re-invented as a showcase for the region’s finest food, wine, music, theatre and creative arts. “Slow Kids” is an initiative to create a culture of play and learning in a creative way. They
Celebrat e
focus on bringing new focus back to lost skills including music, crafts and sport and have an open mic where you can come and share your talents in music, dance and writing. Bring your chess set and play under the trees, try your hand at knitting, crochet and embroidery. You can even bring your choir community group to showcase their inspirational skills. What kind of activities can you expect? • Skip4Life and their artiste • Soccerball moves • ClassicalKidsMusic • Bookworms(bring or swap books) and • Zeb and the Rainbow kids(music) • Brian Smith’s Drumming • Kids illustration by Liesl van der Hoven from Fairy Caravan
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Can ART improve scholastic academic achievement? It is a well-known fact that different parts of the brain are involved in the process of learning. The most known being the left en right hemisphere. As each hemisphere has its own unique characteristics of thinking and processing, it has unique needs in relation to receiving information in the right context and format. For the longest time the education system has been designed and delivered perfectly in context for left hemispherical thinking, using words, words, word – text, text and more text. Very few visual images and visual methods including form, shapes and colour has been part of the learning environment. Yet, it is estimated that over 75% of both children and adults use the right hemisphere and spatial-visual images to learn and make long-term memory connections. Considering learning outside of the formal education context, much information is presented in a spatialvisual manner, through technology, television and computers.
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In the past it could be argued that only the right brain dominant spatial-visual learners would have the need for a more visual learning approach; as seeing and visualising is critical for the right brain learner.
out the ability to see, create and decipher visual images, learning will not be possible. It seems that all in all art plays a much more important role in learning than imagined.
However, in today’s day and age, with technology playing an increasing role in education, left brain learners might have to learn the ability to use image, colour and shape in the learning process. As words form the vocabulary needed for learning in the formal educational system, pictures and images forms the vocabulary for learning for the spatialvisual learners. Art and reading are both visual skills. Reading is about deciphering visual symbols. Art is about developing visual skills and learning to see and create symbols. Through the process of art the volume of visual vocabulary is greatly increased and more ways of communication and thought established.
o directly t Delivered ts through the paren chool! the s
Get the latest AWSUM edition on www.awsum.co.za
Regardless of brain dominance, every learner needs both the left and right hemisphere for optimal learning. With
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When is enough TV enough?
DIE GEVOEL is goed vir jou
As jy daardie vlinders in jou maag het, het jy meer energie en is jy sommer net Ius vir die lewe. Boonop is eet die laaste ding waaraan jy dink. Klink dit bekend? Met Valentynsdag wat oor die wêreld heen gevier word, val die klem onwillekeurig op die liefde. Volgens Prof Jacques Snyman, kliniese raadgewer van Resolution Health is daar sewe redes hoekom dit so belangrik is om liefde in jou lewe te hê: • Liefde kan jou langer laat Ieef: Mense het nog altyd op mekaar staatgemaak vir oorlewing. As sosiale wesens het ons almal biologiese dryfvere wat ons natuurlik laat smag na ‘n verbintenis met ander. As ‘n mens nie daardie verbintenisse vorm nie, kan dit tot stres en ander faktore aanleiding gee wat jou lewe kan verkort.
and face-to-face interaction with friends and family, these are both key towards creating a stress-free childhood.” Negative effects Children who watch more than the recommended two hours of television per day can suffer from obesity, irregular sleep, impaired academic performance and behavioural problems such as aggression. Excessive exposure to video games is linked with attention problems. “While it might be nice to get your kids out of your hair for a while, find healthier activities for them – the TV should be a treat, not the accepted norm,” advises
Swart. Limit Impose rules about the amount of time a week your children are allowed to spend on electronic devices such as iPads, tablets, smartphones and gaming equipment – “perhaps take the devices away if they do not appear to be respecting the rules,” says Dave. With regards to TV time, it is a good idea to limit this to weekends only; “As discipline and routine goes out the window, create a viewing timetable during the school holidays - this way everyone gets to watch a couple of hours of their favourite programme a week and it’s within limits.” Monitor Make sure to research the TV shows, movies and video games your child watches and plays. “If it appears too violent, includes excessive swearing, sexual content or explicit references, explain why it is not appropriate for them to view it,” says Swart. “Age restrictions are there for a reason.” Tips: • Never place a TV or computer in your child’s room – this can result in irregular sleeping patterns and poor academic performance; • Discourage the association of food with TV time; • Ban excessive screen time;
• Encourage healthy activities such as dancing, football, puzzles and group activities to help build social skills; • Set a good example – when you are home limit how much TV you watch, don’t stay glued to your phone or spend too long online; • Preview programmes and read the reviews, paying special attention to
• Liefde kan jou maer hou: Dit is baie algemeen vir mense om gewig te verloor as hulle met iemand begin uitgaan. “As jy verlief is, vervaardig jou liggaam meer adrenalien wat ‘n natuurlike eetlusdemper is,” reken Snyman. • Liefde verbeter jou geestelike welstand: Mense wat verlief is, het gewoonlik meer energie, wat hulle gretig maak om nuwe avonture en stokperdjies aan te pak. • Liefde verhoog selfvertroue: Mense in gesonde verhoudings is geneig om meer selfvertroue in alle areas van hul lewe te hê. Dis bewys dat die huwelik depressie in mans en vroue verlaag.
NORTHERN SUBURBS: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Primary schools: De Kuilen, Labiance, Bellville Noord, :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mikro, Tyger, Welgemoed, Fanie Theron, Aristea HighDe Schools: Schools::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Edgemead, Brackenfell, Durbanville Voorbereiding, ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: Gene Louw High Schools: HTS Bellville, Belville, Brackenfell, DF HELDERBERG: Malan, Tygerberg, Eben Donges, Stellenberg, Settlers, Primary schools:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Durbanville, De Kuilen ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Editor Meinette van der Walt 021 872 3880 | meinette@tiemedia.co.za Graphic Designer Rowan Engledoe 021 872 3880 | rowan@tiemedia.co.za AWSUM News is distributed to the following schools: BOLAND: Primary schools: Worcester Noord, Courtrai, NoordEind, Hugenote, Worcester Oos, Paarl Girls’, Worcester Voorbereiding, Paarl Gimnasium, Paarl Boys’, WA Joubert, Hugo Rust High Schools: Paarl Gimnasium, HTS Drostdy, Paarl Girls’ High, Montana, Worcester Gimnasium, Paarl Boishaai, Swartland, Boland Landbou, La Rochelle, New Orleans HELDERBERG: Primary schools: Stellenbosch, Eikestad, Beaumont, De Hoop, Somerset College, Hendrik Louw, Lochnerhof, Somerset West Primary High Schools: Paul Roos, PJ Olivier Kunssentrum, Stellenbosch, Bloemhof, Rhenish, Parel Vallei, Somerset College, Hottentots Holland Editor SOUTHERN CAPE: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Primary schools: Park, Hartenbos, George Voorbereirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ding, Outeniqua, Albertinia, Wesbank, Van Rheede, Graphic Designer Oudtshoorn Noord, van der Hoven, Hartenbos, Volsrrrrrrrrrrrrrr chenk, Blanco, Knysna, George-Suid, Glenwood rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr High Schools: Outeniqua, PW Botha, York, Albertinia, Punt, Oudtshoorn, Langenhoven Gimnasium, Knysna, rr:Ur :rr: r: rr:rrr::rrr rr r:r :rrrrrrrr :r:rrr:: Langenhoven Riversdal, Glenwood
• Liefde kan siektes help beveg: Studies het bevind dat verliefdheid siektes soos asma, artritis, hooikoors, sinus en selfs hoofpyn kan verlig. Dit beskerm die Iiggaam teen verskeie siektes, insluitend kardiovaskulere siektes soos beroerte, hoë bloeddruk en iskemiese hartsiektes - drie van die dodeliksste siektes,” sê Snyman. • Liefde gee jou immuunstelsel `n hupstoot: `n Onlangse studie het gewys dat ‘n vyf minute periode waartydens iemand opreg vir jou omgee of meegevoel met jou het, die heIe immuunstelsel bevorder .As Jy nie liefde In jou lewe het nie, is alles egter nie verlore nie. Die studie het gewys dat selfs flieks oor die liefde en om met troeteldiere te speel dieselfde effek kan hê. • Liefde help jou om longer te lyk. Bale studies het al gevind dat mense wat in gelukkige verhoudlngs is, flisies jonger Iyk as diegene wat nie is nie.
So voordat jy jou oë hierdie Valentynsdag vir al die verliefde paartjies rol, hou in gedagte watter voordele die liefde kan inhou.
Primary schools:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
High Schools:
TheoSOUTHERN Smouse | 072 947 7325 | theo@tiemedia.co.za CAPE: Lorrainne van der Toorn | 076 021 6462 | lorrainne@tiemedia.co.za Primary schools:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: HELDERBERG: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ayesha Brinkhuis | 071 898 9522 | ayesha@tiemedia.co.za High Schools: SOUTHERN CAPE:
Nic Papenfus | 073 190 2650 | nicpa@tiemedia.co.za Rika Papenfus | 083 320 8753 | rika@tiemedia.co.za
Primary schools:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Liza Schreuder | 076 614 2317 | liza@tiemedia.co.za :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Christo Brits | 084 616 0876 | christo@tiemedia.co.za :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Meet your consultant
Although television, interactive video games and the Internet can be excellent sources of education and entertainment for children, too much screen time can lead to bad health and behaviourial problems. In fact research by Public Health England has found that children who spend more than four hours a day in front of the television and computer screen have lower self-esteem and greater emotional problems. “To ensure your child stays healthy and happy, take the time to understand the risks associated with watching too much TV and monitor how long they spend watching shows and playing video games this holiday,” school counsellor and teacher at Cape Town based Riverside College, Dave Swart says. “Too much screen time means less physical activity
High Schools:
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Chef Katia Eischen ran a successful restaurant in Belgium for over 20 Years. When she and her husband decided to come to South Africa, the locale produce and South African quality of Life inspired her to share her cooking skills again in Somerset West, at her own spot called Vertu.
your mouth water. Ranging from fresh crispy home made salads to typical Belgian dishes like “ Flemish carbonades” (kind of stew), “Vol au vent ”(compare to chicken pie), “ Prawns in tomato cream sauce” & the number 1 “ Frietjes” (replace French with Belgian Fries), and of course lovely Belgian Chocolate & Liquor Besides the well known (Advocate) as well as “classics” on the breakfast Pancakes for the sweet and lunch menu, you will find tooth. some Belgian specialties that are guaranteed to make
Die Wingerd is a lovely relaxing restaurant, a true Winelands hospitality experience. A perfect venue to kick back after a hard days work or to bring the family and kids for a fun lled day. Have a mouth watering feast of our a La carte menu for you to delight, as well as delicious gourmet pizzas, and a unique barrel menu that will make you come back ba for more. All of this is complemented by our extensive wine list that will satisfy every palate.
Die Wingerd restaurant at Protea Hotel Stellenbosch, Techno Avenue, Techno Park. Tel +27 (0)21 880 9559 or e-mail: wingerd@phstellenbosch.com website: www.phstellenbosch.com
kos wyn kuier
Wys jou liefde met `n
After thorough investigation by the AWSUM team in Nulaid egg grading plants in Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Durban and Johannesburg we are excited to share one particular chicken interview with all our Februarie is die maand wat ons liefde vier, maar nie readers. The outcome was interestingâ&#x20AC;Ś net liefde vir jou vrou, man, meisie of kĂŞrel nie, liefde
Q: AWSUM Investigator: Where do you come from and where do you lay the eggs? Chicken: We all came through the integrated Nulaid production process with our own breeding farms, hatcheries, rearing farms. At age 18 weeks, when we are strong and healthy, we go to all the Nulaid layer farms to start laying eggs, where after Nulaid grades these eggs and supply our customers with quality commercial eggs and pasteurized liquid egg products. Q: AWSUM Investigator: After your eggs are packaged, what happens then?
vir mekaar. En wat is beter as om liefde te toon as om jou ma, pa, boetie of sussie in die bed met `n lekker ontbyt wakker te maak.
`n Liefdes omelet Bestandele o
4 groot Nulaid eiers
30 ml gesmelte botter
We deliver in all pack sizes as per our customer needs and we o supply all market segments in all the provinces. Our product o range consists of all grades of eggs from medium to jumbo and we grade eggs into the following pack sizes: 2x6, 18 eggs, 24 eggs, 30 eggs, 48 eggs and 60 eggs.
Sout en gemaalde peper
Q: AWSUM Investigator: How are they delivering the eggs?
125 ml fyn gerasperde kaas
30 ml fyn gekapte basil
We wish deliveries could be as easy as in that Leon Schuster movie where chickens ask to be put in the Durban box, but deliveries are done by our own delivery fleet as well as outsourced fleets in certain provinces. We proud ourselves that we deliver within 48 hours to all customers and that our products are always of the best quality and freshness. After all, they choose the best chickens to lay them.
125 ml saadlose gesnyde tamaties, sonder `n skil
Klop die eiers saam met die gesmelte botter. Voorverhit die oond. Posisioneer die oondrak in die middel van die oond en plaas die groot oondskinkbord om warm te word. Verwyder dit sodra dit warm is en sprei met `n nie- kleef middel. Gooi die eier in die skinkbord en plaas Q: AWSUM Investigator: Do you think your eggs are the best? terug in die oond. Bak vir 3-5 minutes of tot die eiers gebak is, maar nogsteeds klam is. Verwyder van die oond After we have laid our eggs, they take the eggs to pack stations where they are audited once a year by SAFSIS. We en gooi die tamaties, eier en speserye oor en rol (nogsmake sure that we comply with the criteria of these audits teeds in die pan) soos `n Swiss roll. Sny in 4 porsies en to lay the best eggs as possible. Passing these audits means that our customers are assured of the best products, produced bedien.
in the correct manner.
No one really knows what was first, the chicken or the egg, but one thing is certain, the AWSUM team is proud consumers of Nulaid eggs. To find out more about Nulaid you can visit our website at www.nulaid.co.za or contact our call centre at 0861 NULAID.
Laerskool Eikestad
Laerskool Stellenbosch Ons Personeel se Spanbou by Umshanti, Buffeljags.
1ste Semester Leerderraad 2014
Agter vlnr: Pierre de Wet, Maya van Aswegen, Elise le Roux, Kara Barnard, Jana Liebenberg (Onderhoofdogter), Paul Ellis (Onderhoofseun), Arno Heenop, Greteli Fincham, Johann Mocke, Wynand Neethling. Voor vlnr: Madeleine Basson, Clara Dudley, Ruan Hanekom, Talyah Greyling (Hoofdogter), Jan-Hendrik La Cock (hoofseun), Jeannie Jooste, Christiaan van Lamp, Tjaart Esterhuyse.
Mnr. Hawkie de Villiers en sy span vir 2014.
Boschpraatjies Redaksie 2014
Entrepreneursklub begin in volle glorie!
Interkleure Atletiek
Agter (vlnr): Jakob Holm, Marina Schoeman, Lize Viljoen, James Bekker, Talyah Greyling, Lize du Toit, Inge van Heerden. Voor (vlnr): Elmarie Swanepoel, Mayan Stegman, Greteli Fincham (Redaktriese), Paul Ellis, Clara Dudley.
Stellies kry nuwe onnies.
Vlnr: Noeline Southey, Marlene Bouwer, Tiaan Ellis, Shani Visagie, Rozelle Koch.
Interkleure Swemgala Bekerwenners 2014 Senior Bekerwenners Interkleure Atletiek 2014:
Agter (vlnr): Anouk Heuer (Beste baanatleet), Carl Roothman (Beste veldatleet), Wynand Neethling (Beste Baanatleet), Luke Burger (Senior Victor Ludorum). Voor (vlnr): Emma Bekker (Senior Victrix Ludorum), Jana Liebenberg (Beste veldatleet).
Junior Bekerwenners Interkleure Atletiek 2014:
Carla Kriel (Junior Victrix Ludorum) en Lukas Heyns (Junior Victor Ludorum).
Mnr. De Villiers (skoolhoof) met die 2014 Bekerwenners:
Vlnr: Kiara Noades (Senior Victrix Ludorum), IanĂŠ Marx (2de Beste Dogterswemmer), Johan van der Merwe (Junior Victor Lu-dorum), Berno van den Berg (2de Beste Seunswemmer), Willem van der Westhuyzen (2de Beste Seunswemmer), Paul Ellis (Senior Victor Ludorum). Afwesig: Shayna Truter (Junior Victrix Ludorum).
Ons verwelkom ons NUWE SKOOLHOOF
Laerskool Hendrik Louw Krieket Span
Hy wou nog altyd `n onderwyser wees wat kinders kan begelei tot verwesenliking van hul potensiaal. As skoolhoof kan hy steeds `n invloed hê op kinders se lewens. Hy het groot planne vir die skool en ons sien uit daarna om dit saam met hom te laat realiseer.
Hendrik Louw se O.13A krieket span wen Woensdag (5 Februarie) Somerset College met 9 paaltjies. Voor (vlnr): Lian Carpenter, Charl Morkel, Leigh Robyntjies, Liam Kloosman, Toufeeq Baard, Keagan Steers. Agter (vlnr): Chris Langeveldt, Taro Stegmann, Tiaan Engelbrecht, Chadwin Brown, GW Bruwer.
Binnenshuise Hokkie
Die Laerskool Hendrik Louw het in Januarie 2014 ons nuwe skoolhoof, John Reyneke, verwelkom Hy is `n gebore Vrystater en was voorheen skoolhoof van die Hoërskool Rob Ferreira in Witrivier. Daar het hy diep spore getrap. Mnr Reyneke is getroud met Louise en die egpaar het twee kinders. Hy is positief oor die nuwe fase in sy lewe as skoolhoof van Laerskool Hendrik Louw. Die skuif WesKaap toe is vir hom en sy gesin `n positiewe belewenis. Hy kan as `n ware onderwysman beskryf word.
Hendrik Louw se O.13 Binnenshuise seuns hokkiespan wen Maandag (3 Februarie) Somerset-Wes Primêre Skool 4 – 1. Vnlr: Quinton Lopes, Leigh Shields, Liam Kloosman, Chris Langeveldt, Keagan Steers en GW Bruwer.
Hendrik Louw se Binnenshuise dogters hokkiespan wen Maandag (3 Februarie) Somerset-Wes Primêre Skool 4 – 2.
Beaumont Primary
Agter (vlnr): Dominique Carstens, Daniela Di Maio, Renée Malan en Carla Badenhorst. Voor (vlnr): Cassidy Adams en Judrene Steyn.
Right - Beaumont learners continue to recycle every Monday morning. The average amount of waste recycled by Beaumont weekly for 2013 was 1886kg - approximately 3-4 kg per family. Our recycling monitors work at the three drop off points to receive recycling and hand out bags for the next week’s recycling.
The Gr R to Gr 3 learners took part in a fun gala. Simone Bowers, Julia Pospech and Abigail Chevers were very excited to take part.
Above - Our pair of resident Spotted Eagle Owls had two babies during the holidays. The babies are eager to learn. This one keeps peering into the classroom window.
The Oribi, Gazelle and Impala teams were in high spirits for the Inter House Athletics day. Every learner in the school took part in this event.
Laerskool Lochnerhoff
Ons nuwe Gr 1’s tydens hul eerste skooldag.
Janica Schutte (Links) en Wilandri Morries.
Nina Voigt (links) en Danté Swart.
Ruben Botha (links) en Wian de Klerk.
Baie geluk aan ons Victrix en Victor Ludorum. Hier ontvang hulle hul bekers van mr. Marius Botha, ons skoolhoof.
Bianca van Deventer is aangewys as Victrix Ludorum.
Die Blouspan is reg vir dié resies! Die Blouspan het vanjaar hierdie resies (kleureatletiek) gewen.
Die Groenspan en hulle dirigente besig met hul opmars.
Die Rooispan in hul “Candyland “
Quinn Visser is aangewys as Victor Ludorum.
10 FEBRUARY 2014
Laerskool De Hoop
Die begin van ‘n mooi tradisie. Elke gr.1leerling kry die kans om die skoolklok te lui tydens hul eerste saalbyeenkoms. Die appel val nie ver van die De Hoopboompie nie! Ons sê welkom aan ons ‘ou’ Die klok sal aan die einde van hul nuwelinge! Hier spog ons met hul mammas en pappas – almal oud-De Hoopers. laerskoolloopbaan vir oulaas beier.
Hoofleiers droom groot!
Survival of the fittest! Alexa Genis, Elsabé Viljoen, Jani Truter and Mieke Basson were practicing their wanderlust at the recent Prefect camp.
“Ek wil net die beste leier wees wat ek kan. Die leerlingraad sal strewe om goeie rolmodelle vir ons medeleerders te wees. Ons sal al ons take met eerlikheid doen om sodoende De Hoop tot n sukses te help lei.” Malan Truter “Ek wil elke geleentheid wat oor my pad kom, aangryp. I will do my best to lead by example and not by command. De Hoop se AWSUM monitors doen ‘awsum’ werk! Ek wil hierdie jaar die beste jaar in my lewe maak!” Caro Botha, Helene Viljoen, Keagan Benade, Kianne Lubbe Mindie Krause en Josua Nel druk besig om hul volgende koerant te bespreek.
De Hoop kleure-atletiek
Field athletes battle it out during the De Hoop interhouse athletics.
Following the great success of the inter-house gala, the swimming season is now in full swing.
Hoofleiers 2014: Willem Grönum (hoofseun), Malan Truter (onderhoofseun), Kianne Lubbe (hoofdogter) en Elsabé Viljoen (onderhoofdogter).
Read AWSUM online at www.awsum.co.za
Blouspan: Ship Ahoy! Die blou span was ‘gangster sailors.’ Hulle spankapteine was Malan Truter en Kari Davids. Die blouspan het ‘n derde plek vir spangees ingeseil! Goudspan: Die goudspan het die hippie-era laat herleef! Dié span het met die louere weggestap vir die geesbeker. Die spankapteine was Ben Barnard en Jeanne-Marie Minnie. Witspan: Meiring Ebersohn en Elsabé Viljoen , This is what a champion looks like, Mom! Dylan van kapteine van die witspan, het ‘n wolwedans rondom Wyk, Ryan Williams and Charl Holwill during the junior die ander spanne gedans. inter-house gala.
How we learn, read and function at near may be negatively affected by poor visual skills, which would have a significant impact on learning. Some visual skills that are important for learning and reading are: • • • •
Eye tracking skills – eyes following a line of print Eye teaming skills – two eyes working together as a team Binocular vision – holding two identical pictures(received from each eye) into a single picture Accommodation – focusing of the image
A visual problem can be mistaken for a learning problem. Through the use of Visual Therapy and/or appropriate use of spectacles can improve required visual skills at all ages. If your child is struggling in school, it may be time to have their visual system evaluated with a comprehensive visual examination. For an appointment please contact us on 021-8523667. 18 Dirkie Uys Street Somerset West 7130
Somerset West Primary
Interhuis GALA
Senior Victor Ludorum: Jesse Linders Senior Victrix Ludorum: Isabella Booyens
Junior Victrix Ludorum: Amy Jacobs
Baie geluk!
Junior Victor Ludorum: Maxime Langer en Leigh Witbooi
FEBRUARY 2014 11
Die wenspan was Lord Charles.
Primêre Skool Somerset-Wes het hul sewe en dertigste Lukas Potgieter Mini-atletiekbyeenkoms op Dinsdag, 4 Februarie 2014 aangebied. Die byeenkoms is al ’n integrale deel van die skool se 149-jarige tradisie en is iets waarop hul opreg trots is. ‘n Spesiale dankie aan BUCO Hardware and Buildware wat hierdie byeenkoms geborg het.
12 FEBUARY 2014
Kontak ons by - sales@speelgoedland.co.za • Tel: 021 976 2213 • Roy Hayes (071 863 2648)
• • • • •
Jungle gyms – klimrame Pit model trampolines en herstel van alle soorte trampoline matte Diens van bestaande klimrame Hindernis bane by skole , asook team building baan Hout bruggies in tuine asook by groot damme , en vleie
4 5 6
8 1
3 8
8 7 4
2 3 5
4 5
5 1
LID SERVES AS STORAGE COMPARTMENT for lunchbox, drinks and personal belongings. (Free lunchbox included)
Durable, Tough and Water Resistant.
Lockable with a padlock. The lid is designed to serve as a seat and can carry weight of up to 100kg.
EXTENDING HANDLE for pulling alleviates spinal strain. A second handle is used for easy lifting, ie. Up the stairs. SILENT AND STRONG OPERATING WHEELS – No marks on the floors. Teachers love this feature!
THE INNER FLAPS CAN BE USED AS A TABLE or as a white board to make notes on. Variety of colours available.
Each part is replaceable, making Cadii the most cost effective school case on the market!!!
Each Cadii comes with all these features at only R750.00 from 1 March 2014 & separate white dividers is available at R45 each. Cadii allows for two. This is also a PROUDLY SOUTH AFRICAN PRODUCT
Please contact LIDA on 082 370 8701 / 021 854 4848, should you require a demonstration at your school, parent evening or workplace or visit www.cadii.co.za