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70 Athletes from schools in SA selected for sport showcase series, phase 2
LAERSKOOL KRUINPARK Interne Redenaarskompetisie
Graad 1 Luné Erasmus, Melandri du Plessis en Lua Olivier.
Graad 2 Sebastian Botha, Eckard Beelders en Ruben Kriel.
Graad 3 Heike de Klerk, Milan Zwarts en Lerisha Swiegers.
Graad 4 Anru Aucamp, Mianè van Niekerk en Aiden Olckers.
Graad 5 Ju-Anè du Plessis, Kayley Pieterse en Imke van der Lith.
Graad 6 Amelia Shaw, Katelyn Shaw en Alissa van Niekerk.
Graad 7 Estian Knoetze, Katie van der Walt en Thinus Prinsloo.
Virtual sport series to showcase national school talent “The Showcase is a concept that was born during the Covid-19 pandemic and has grown to the first of its kind talent identification platform in South Africa”, says Gerhardi Odendaal, CEO of Old School Group, the host of The Showcase. “We designed this platform for athletes to improve their own ability at their own pace and to inspire kids that would not normally get the chance to showcase their talents to enter. Bobby Skinstad, Robbie Fleck and VanesMari Proudfoot have put their support behind this initiative and we are proud to combine their skills and knowledge, together with our industry specialists, within the programme”.
of their background or status of the school they attend, the opportunity to compete against each other. “Think about it, for the first time ever a learner from HTS Middelburg can compete against a learner from Hoërskool Namakwaland in Springbok, so it made perfect sense to join this initiative”, says Durandt van Zyl, CEO of AWSUM. “So many times, we see talent that gets lost in the crowds at schools. Now kids can enter and compete individually, and we present the best performers for contracting by talent seekers”.
The Showcase is a platform that gives school kids the opportunity to showcase their talent through sport-specific conditioning drills to determine speed, strength and skill level depending on the sport. Drills include the vertical jump, broad jump, sprinting, etc. and leaners submit the results of each test/showcase on the Showcase website and follow their results on a weekly leader board. The AWSUM School News platform and The Showcase recently came together to give kids from all over the country and all walks of life, irrespective
The Showcase is a platform that gives school kids the opportunity to showcase their talent through sport-specific conditioning drills to determine speed, strength and skill level depending on the sport.
The 3 phased series consist of: Phase 1: 10-week period where learners will complete sport specific conditioning drills Phase 2: The top performing entries from Phase 1 will participate at a live event against each other and have the opportunity to showcase their talents in front of an audience of talent seekers, agents, varsity and high school recruiters, bursary givers, scouts and professional sports team coaches. Phase 3: A 4-day camp will allow players to develop skills and get tips from the best in the sports industry. “Children between the ages of 12 and 18 can showcase their athleticism and fitness as part of this unique programme and make their talents visible to top recruiters. This also builds self-confidence and enables youngsters to perform on a broader platform to measure their performance against other learners across the country”, van Zyl concluded. For more info visit www.theshowcase.co.za
Janco Viljoen 7 onderskeidings Top 10 Mpumalanga streek. Beste in Gert Sibande streek vir Afrikaanse Huistaal en Lewensoriëntering.
Sunelle de Bruyn 7 onderskeidings
Anel Pretorius 4 onderskeidings
Bianca Boshoff 4 onderskeidings
Kyla van der Merwe 4 onderskeidings
Simone Basson 4 onderskeidings Beste in Gert Sibande streek vir Verbruikerstudie.
Eduan Naude 3 onderskeidings Beste in Gert Sibande streek vir Meganiese Tegnologie.
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LAERSKOOL DELMAS PRIMARY Mpumalanga Atletiekkampioenskappe
Parys Xmas Festival
Stiaan Myburgh Gr 7 het die 80mH en die 200mH gewen by die Mpumalanga Kampioenskappe.
Duane Gr 6 het deelgeneem aan die Parys Xmas Festival in Desember 2020 Sy het die volgende plekke behaal: 1ste plek in die 10/0 Parkhorse op die rug van Dark Storm. Sy het ook n 1ste plek gekry vir 10/0 Ruiterkuns met Dark Storm. Sy het 4de plek gekry vir Kinder Ryperd ruiter 10/0 met die perd Candy Cane.
Aobakwe Moeng Head Boy
Matthew Klink
Deputy Head Boy
Caitlyn de Ponte Head Girl
Machemo Masekoameng Deputy Head Girl
Karabelo Setenane
Asanda Skhosana
Caitlyn Sing
Jibran Rajab
Owami Mzimba
Lwandle Ngwenya
Romana Cassim
Thando Mkhize
HOËRSKOOL DELMAS Top Presteerders Distrik Akademiese Prysuitdelingsfunksie – 4 Maart 2021 By die geleentheid te Middelburg, ontvang Anel Erasmus ‘n toekenning vir haar 9 onderskeidings en 93% gemiddeld. Sy is 3de in Nkangalastreek. Hendrik Prinsloo ontvang ‘n toekenning vir sy 7 onderskeidings en 92% gemiddeld. Hy is 4de in die Nkangalastreek. Beide ontvang ‘n skootrekenaar en drukker. Hoërskool Delmas ontvang ook ‘n trofee vir 100% slaagsyfer. Slegs 7 uit 150 skole in Nkangala en 30 uit 556 skole in Mpumalange kon die prestasie behaal. Baie geluk aan die klas van 2020.
Anel Erasmus 9 onderskeidings
Chenelle Meyer 7 onderskeidings
Hendrik Prinsloo 7 onderskeidings
Christo Grobbelaar 6 onderskeidings
Vanessa Sibanyoni 6 onderskeidings
Louise Schoonraad 5 onderskeidings
Lethu Mdlalose (Hoofdogter) en Gerben Wiese (Hoofseun)
LAERSKOOL DU PREEZ VAN WYK Ruiter presteer Amé Pienaar Gr7C het 13-14 Maart 2021, deelgeneem aan die SANESA Core League Q1 te Eaton Farm en die volgende plekke in Level 5 (Elementry) behaal: • Dreseer Freestyle - 1e plek • Dreseer A toets - 1 e plek • Dreseer B toets - 2de plek • Prix Caprilli A toets - 3de plek • Prix Caprilli B toets - 3de plek Pragtig Amé, ons is baie trots op jou!
Leerder presteer in karate Aidan Du Toit het in Desember 2020 aan ‘n aanlyn “All Styles Kata” kompetisie deelgeneem. Hierdie kompetisie was geloods deur Mr. Chira Galea van die Mediterranean Karate Alliance (MKA) in Malta. Aidan het ‘n vierde plek behaal en ‘n brons medalje gewerf. Baie geluk Aidan!
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CONTENT OF THE GUIDE: • • • • • • •
Institutions per fields of study Institutions per type of study Gap year options Au pair options Accommodation options Career content News relating to life after school
Middelburg PS swimmers participate in the SSA Open Water Championship Middelburg Primary wants to congratulate Tyla Longuiera and Kathleen Welsh who participated in the SSA Open Water Championship in Jeffreys Bay on the 20th of March.
• Tyla finished the 3km swim in 45:08:73 minutes (19th) • Kathleen in 45:12:57 minutes (21st)
HTS Witbank atlete presteer Baie geluk aan ons drie atlete met hul skitterende prestasies by die ASA-kampioenskappe:
PROUDLY BY AWSUM www.directory.awsumnews.co.za
Logan Nienaber verwerf ‘n Jonelle Hamilton-Attwell verwerf ‘n goue medalje silwer medalje vir Diskus vir hoogspring meisies meisies 0.15 o.15
Mnr en Mej Hoërskool Volksrust Op 23 Maart het daar groot opwinding geheers onder die graad 12 leerlinge. Die langverwagte name van die finaliste vir die Mnr en Mej Hoërskool Volksrust kompetisie is aangekondig. Hierdie gesogte titels word tydens ‘n spoggeleentheid op 21 April 2021 aan die mooiste, oorspronklikste, vriendelikste en gewildste seun en dogter oorhandig. Die tema is TYD en ons kan nie wag om te sien met watter oorspronklike idees hierdie finaliste vorendag gaan kom nie! Die tyd sal leer!
Nathan Venter verwerf ‘n silwer medalje vir hoogspring seuns o.19
EHS-atlete palm medaljes in by SA’s Vanaf 8 tot 10 April het die Erries se topatlete gaan deelneem aan die SuidAfrikaanse Junior Atletiek-kampioenskap in die Paarl. Dit was vir die Erries ‘n heerlike ondervinding en drie EHS-atlete spog met brons medaljes op Suid-Afrikaanse vlak: • Tyrone Berning (o/16) behaal ‘n derde plek in beide 300m-hekkies met ‘n tyd van 38,65 sekondes (pb) en in hoogspring met ‘n hoogte van 1,9 meter. • Mia Davel (o/16) behaal ook ‘n derde plek in hoogspring. Sy spring ‘n hoogte van 1,65 meter. • Carla Ferreira eindig agtste in spiesgooi met ‘n afstand van 41,08 meter.
Aan elke Errie wat deelgeneem het, baie geluk! Hoërskool Ermelo is besonder trots op elkeen se prestasie en deelname.
LAERSKOOL ORANJEGLOED PRIMARY SCHOOL Hoofleiers vir 2021 / Head Leaders of 2021
Front: Wandisile Nkonde (Deputy Head Girl extra-curricular) and Jade Mketelwa (Deputy Head Girl Academic). Middle: Thandolwethu Twala (Deputy Head Boy extra-curricular), Abenathi Ndlovu (Head Girl) and Tshiamo Maseko (Deputy Head Boy Academic). Back: Mrs. Nadine Slabbert (Student Council Gaurdian), Ms. Naomi Swart (Student Council Gaurdian), Lwandile Mbokane (Head Boy) and Mr. Werner Gerrits (Student Council Gaurdian).
Q & A met
Waarna sien jy die meeste uit tydens jou tydperk as leier by jou skool? Ek sien baie uit na al die nuwe uitdagings en lesse wat my rol as hoofmeisie (leier) gaan bring asook om in myself te groei en om ‘n positiewe inpak op ander leerlinge te maak.
Wat geniet jy die meeste van jou skool? Ek geniet die onderwysers se geesdrif en omgee vir die kinders. Hulle dink gereëld interessante en spesiale pretdae uit vir die kinders om aan deel te neem.
Redaksie vir 2021
Enige boodskap van aanmoediging vir jou mede-leiers? Glo in jouself en raadpleeg Liewe Jesus in alles wat jy doen. Leef elke dag so dat jy vir ander ‘n voorbeeld en inspirasie sal wees. Wie is jou rolmodel? Beide my ma en pa is my rolmodelle, hulle leer en inspireer my om die beste weergawe van myself te wees in alles wat ek aanpak en doen. Hulle leer my om altyd nederig en dankbaar te wees met die suksesse wat ek behaal en nie grootmoedig daaroor te wees nie.
An-Euné van Niekerk
Danankia Lesch
Karien Kruger
Karli van Schalkwyk
Lumé Viljoen
Nadia Mans
Nici van Niekerk
Suzaan Thomas
Zené van Heerden
Q & A met N
Waarna sien jy die meeste uit tydens jou tydperk as leier by jou skool? Om regtig ‘n verskil te maak in iemand se lewe. Dalk net om iemand aan te moedig, en wanneer daardie persoon eendag terug kyk dat hulle kan sê a.g.v my aanmoediging het hulle nooit opgegee nie.
Na watter hoërskool gaan jy in 2022? Hoërskool Secunda
Wat geniet jy die meeste van jou skool? Ek geniet die samesyn tussen my vriende by die skool.
Wie is jou rolmodel? My pa, hy is ‘n man soos Job - vroom, opreg en dien God onvoorwaardelik.
Enige boodskap van aanmoediging vir jou mede-leiers? Lei deur die voorbeeld wat jy stel en die respek wat jy vir ander het reflekteer terug na jou selfrespek.
HOËRSKOOL SECUNDA Akademiese Presteerders 2020
MP-Athletics Championships
Kayla Hurter 1ste - Gr. 8
Nika Thomas 2de - Gr. 8
Anzèl Nieuwenhuis 1ste - Gr. 9
Matsidiso Makgato
Tiaan de la Rey 2de - Gr. 9
Mercy Ambat 1ste - Gr. 10
Lianke de Vries 2de - Gr. 10
Jan-Hendrik Groenewald 2de - Gr. 10
Cara Strydom 1ste - Gr. 11
Amanda Retief 2de - Gr. 11
Lana Hyman Silwer - Skryfkuns Afrikaanse Expo
Chana Dunn 2 Goud - Skryfkuns Afrikaanse Expo
Nicole Lindeque
Michelle Parkes
Jessica van den Berg
Nkanyiso Mashiteng
Siyanda Mkhonza
Etienne Pretorius
Danelle Lange
Ryan Erasmus
Naudè Erasmus Jukskei
Tyra Newman
Sharona Klein
Liane Parkes
Hoërskool Secunda atlete presteer puik tydens SA-Kampioenskappe FIRST INSTALLMENT
202 2
Atlete van Hoërskool Secunda het ‘n hele paar medaljes tydens die afgelope Twizza Atletiek SA-Kampioenskappe te Paarl, ingepalm. • Nkanyiso Mashiteng won the u/16 Boys 400m final with a winning time of 50,63 s. • Matsidiso Makgato won 2 silver medals in the 4x100m relay u/16 Girls and the Medley relay race. • Nicole Lindeque was 6de met die 0/20 Vroue Spiesgooi. Haar afstand was 41,33m. • Michelle Parks behaal ‘n persoonlike beste tyd en eindig 6de in die 0/20 Vroue 5000m. Die atlete van Hoërskool Secunda het reeds uitstekend presteer tydens die MPAtletiek Kampioenskappe.
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Die volgende leerders het tydens die MPAtletiek Kampioenskappe goue medaljes gewen: • Michelle Parks - 5000m • Nicole Lindeque - Spiesgooi • Sharona Klein - 800m & 1500m • Liane Parks - 3 000m • Danelle Lange - verspring • Matsidiso Makgato - Verspring, 90m Hekkies, 100m • Nkanyiso Mashiteng - 200m • Ryan Erasmus - verspring Die volgende leerders het tydens die MPKampioenskappe silwer medaljes gewen: • Etienne Pretorius - gewigstoot en diskus • Siyanda Mkhonza - 200m • Nkanyiso Mashiteng - 400m • Tyra Newman - verspring
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LAERSKOOL KALIE DE HAAS Graad 6 Top 20 Presteerders volgens einde 2020
Madri van Niekerk
Somenique Els
Kamohelo Lephoto
Megen Muthan
Jovahanne vd Merwe
Christiaan van Rooyen
Nonkululeko Nkosi
Banele Tshabalala
Ethan vd Westhuizen
Suné Du Preez
Gugu Mbonani
Abigail Smith
Sinenhlanhla Radebe
Sanele Sikhosana
Amy-Lee van Wyk
Mpilonhle Mashaba
Dominique de Beer
Madelyn Venter
Chanté Jooste
Madré Venter
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Atlete na SA’s
Marise Schoonraad Onderhoofmeisie, Jacobs Cronjé Hoofseun en Nina Pretorius Hoofmeisie.
Zandré van Wyk - Driesprong Carla van Rooyen - 400m Teninke van Niekerk - 100m & 90mH en het 2 silwer medaljes o/15 verower in 4x100m aflos asook medly aflos.
LEES JOU SKOOL SE NUUS OP www.awsumnews.co.za
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HOËRSKOOL ERMELO Errie-atlete gekies vir Mpumalangaspan Op Saterdag 27 Maart het van Hoërskool Ermelo se atlete deelgeneem aan die Mpumalanga-atletiekkampioenskap by die Secunda Atletiekstadion.
Ruan du Toit (o/18) behaal ‘n tweede plek in die 400m met ‘n tyd van 48,93 sekondes.
Vyf van die Erries is gekies om die Mpumalanga-atletiekspan te verteenwoordig by die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskap wat plaasvind vanaf 7 tot 10 April in die Paarl. Die volgende EHS-atlete is vir die Mpumalangaspan gekies: Mia Davel (o/16) behaal twee eerste plekke in onderskeidelik hoogspring met ‘n hoogte van 1,63 meter, asook in die 300m-hekkies met ‘n tyd van 47,17 sekondes. Mikaela Hand (o/16) behaal ‘n tweede plek in skyfwerp met ‘n afstand van 30,89 meter en ‘n sesde plek in gewigstoot met ‘n afstand van 10,59 meter. Carla Ferreira (o/18) verower ‘n tweede plek in spiesgooi met ‘n afstand van 39,92 meter. Tyrone Berning (o/16) spog met drie uitstekende eerste plekke. In hoogspring spring hy 1,88 meter, hy voltooi die 300m-hekkie in 39,02 sekondes en die 400m in 50,90 sekondes.
Mia Davel
Mikaela Hand
Alhoewel die volgende atlete nie gekies is vir die Mpumalngaspan nie, presteer hulle nietemin ook uitstekend: Chester Mphahlele (o/17) behaal ‘n agtste plek in die 3000m en Bongmusa Vilakazi behaal ook ‘n agtste plek in die 1500m. Deidre van der Meyden (o/17) behaal ‘n tweede en vierde plek in onderskeidelik die 100m en die 200m, Johnke Prinsloo (o/17) behaal ‘n tweede plek in die 400m, Mia Steenkamp behaal ‘n tweede plek in die 400m-hekkies, Zané du Plessis (o/17) behaal ‘n derde plek in hoogspring, asook ‘n vierde plek in die 400m-hekkies en Chantelle Swart (o/19) behaal ‘n tweede plek in die 800m. Baie geluk aan elke Errie wat deelgeneem het, asook dié wat gekies is vir die Mpumalangaspan. Die EHS is met reg trots op elkeen se uitsonderlike prestasie. Lees meer oor ons atletiek op bl.7.
Carla Ferreira
Tyrone Berning
Ruan du Toit
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Ammaarah Arbee 94.43% - 8 onderskeidings
Cristian Ortega 92.29% - 8 onderskeidings
Hannah Peer 91.14% - 7 onderskeidings
Shraddha Agre 89.86% - 7 onderskeidings
Fatiema Dendar 89.43% - 7 onderskeidings
Megan Lourens 83.29% - 6 onderskeidings
Johanna Bruwer 83.29% - 5 onderskeidings
Itumeleng Nkambule 81.86% - 5 onderskeidings
Amoné Fraser 80.86% - 4 onderskeidings
Jané Bosman 80.29% - 2 onderskeidings
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Nasionale Hengelkampioenskappe
Interne Redenaars vir 2021
Mauritz Nel, Dillon Otto, Arno Liebenberg en Liam Werth het die naweek by Eilandsmeer aan proewe deelgeneem om te kwalifiseer vir die Nasionale Kampioenskappe. Hulle het almal goed gevaar en sien uit na die volgende rondtes.
Chenelle Roux 400 hekkies vir Dames o.20 by ASA se nasionale kampioenskappe ‘n 5de plek behaal.
Hanno Du Plooy 8ste in Suid - Afrika in Gewigstoot
Jaques Malan het die finaal vir Gewigstoot Seuns o.16 gehaal by die Twizza ASA Nasionale kampioenskappe. 14de posisie geëindig.
Kolskoot! Die skietspanne van Hoërskool Hoogenhout het hierdie week aan ‘n eerste kompetisie vir die jaar deelgeneem. Al mag ander skole nog nie besoek word nie, help tegnologie darem om die uitslae te bereken. Franko Arlow het die tweede beste telling by die O/21 - groep behaal. Suané Enslin eindig derde en Mekayla Engelbrecht vierde in die O/16 kompetisie. Baie geluk aan Diaan Olivier wat die beste telling by O/14 behaal en Jan - Hendrik Jansen van Vuuren wat derde eindig. Ons spanne is as volg: A - span - Suané Enslin, Franko Arlow, Diaan Olivier en Mekayla Engelbrecht. B- span - Weando van Schalkwyk, Francois van Schalkwyk, Ricus van der Merwe en Jan-Hendrik Jansen van Vuuren.
Mauritz Nel
Liam Werth
Die wenners van die junior en senior interne redenaars vir 2021 is sussies, Inge Botha (gr. 12) en Lineke Botha (gr. 8). Wonder wie wen die argumente in die huis?
Henko Meyer Dux - leerling Graad 8 - 2020 Gemiddeld 91.22%
Anke van der Walt Dux - leerling Graad 9 - 2020 Gemiddeld 90.56%
Wilmarie Du Toit Dux - leerling Graad 10 - 2020 Gemiddeld 80.14%
Chenelle Roux Dux - leerling Graad 11 - 2020 Gemiddeld 94.7%
Carinlize Muller Landsdiens Protea Wisseltrofee. Top ambassadeur. Verwerf Springbokkleure in 2020.
Shaima Khayati Redenaar Battery Zest Floating Trophy. Best senior orator 2020. Category winner Podiumpret.
Jaques Malan Landsdiens Karli Uys “Ek was daar” - Wisseltrofee. Word toegeken aan ‘n Graad 8 - leerder wat deur sy optrede, gesindheid en betrokkenheid ‘n voorbeeld is van ‘n ware Hoogie.
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CAMBRIDGE ACADEMY Top three IEB candidates
Tashil Lala
3 A’s, 3 B’s & 1 C
Kelcy Haines
2 A’s, 3 B’s & 2 C’s
Top three CAIE candidates
Samkelisiwe Makhubela 2 A’s, 2 B’s & 1 C
Melissa Stead 5 A’s, 1 B
Miriam Haag
1 A* (90%-100%), 2 A’s, 2 B’s & 1C
Bongi Khoza
3 A’s, 1 B & 2 C’s
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Jou landbouvennoot vir generasies
Miya Joao Onderhoofdogter
Siyanda Mabuza Onderhoofdogter
Carmay Jansen Hoofdogter
Mpumalanga Atletiekbyeenkoms
Henry Kemp Eerste plek o.13 gewigstoot.
Tiaan Bezuidenhout Eerste plek o.13 diskus en spiesgooi.
Christiaan Liebenberg Hoofseun
Ruben Jooste Onderhoofseun
Adam Voges Onderhoofseun
100% Wiskunde Prestasies
Luan van Venrooy Graad 4
Carli du Plessis Graad 4
Tanishka du Plessis Graad 5
Chano van Staden Graad 5
Charné Bester Graad 6
Brylen Alley, Anel Booyse (Hoofdogter), Angeline Boshuisen, Jayden Brits, Talita Cronje, Denique de Wit, Ilzeri Jansen van Vuuren (Onderhoofdogter), Ilanrie Jansen van Vuuren, Divan Keyter, Jayden Lloyd, Laverni Lloyd, Luyanda Mokoneni, Arfan Mnisi, Boitumelo Marabe, Njabulo Mthethwa, Iwan Oosthuizen (Hoofseun), Ivo Pieterse, Njabulo Sibitane, Hartman Smook, Alitsa Swanepoel, Phillip Tsheko (Onderhoofseun), Jessica van den Boogaard, Megan van Zyl en Anerize Verster.
HTS WITBANK SA Atlete te Paarl 2021
Danette Swiegers Gewigstoot en Diskus
Jonelle Hamilton-Attwell Hoogspring
Lehan Roux 3000m
Logan Nienaber Gewigstoot en Diskus
Nathan Venter Hoogspring
Tercius Bezuidenhout Spiesgooi
Uitvoerende Raad vir 2021
Voor: Diané Joubert (Onderhoofdogter Bemarking), Iwan Immelman (Onderhoofseun Kultuur), Kamogelo Mokonyenane (Onderhoofdogter Sport), Cameron Ferguson (Hoofseun), Anke van der Westhuizen (Hoofdogter), C.P. van der Westhuizen (Onderhoofseun Sport), Zenensca Meyer (Onderhoofdogter Kultuur) en Mikateko Muthimba (Onderhoofseun Bemarking). 2de ry: Me Vanessa Dempsey (UR-voog) Chamoné Bornman, Lindie du Preez, Dané Harmse, Yasmeen Mohammed, Laconique van Wyk, Larissa van der Ryst, Chanelle Prinsloo, Anthoné Vorster en Zandalee Swanepoel. 3de ry: Me Lucille Heyns (UR-voog), Ilze van Staden, Leon le Roux, Erika Venter, Egbert van der Wal, Renate Meyer, Jaco Le Roux, Lovaine van Biljon, Mtokozizi Sibanyoni, Julianne Klopper, Dwaylene Botha en Mnr Peet Prinsloo (UR-voog). Agter: Ruhan Schmidt, Hercules Barnard, Etienne Bester, Christiaan Scheepers, Damian Thomas, McNiel McMaster, Dirk Botha, Reinhardt du Toit en Juan Harrison.
Tel: 013 492 1559 | Email: pajolab@gmail.com Address: C/O R555 & 787 Eileen Avenue, Jackaroo Park, Witbank,1035
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HTS MIDDELBURG HTS Middelburg atlete is kookwater
HTS Middelburg se atlete het baie goeie prestasies opgelewer tydens die 2021 Twizza ASA Kampioenskappe. • • • • • •
Nóg ‘n Rooie presteer buite skoolverband!
Vené Esterhuyse algeheel 3de in die dogters o/15 400m item Lika Olivier algeheel 3de in die dogters o/15 800m item Wilco Geldenhys algeheel 4de seuns o/19 400m hekkies item Hendrik Smit algeheel 18de in gewigstoot en algeheel 13de in diskus Xander Benedetti algeheel 7de seuns o/16 gewigstoot Jansen Bell 11de seuns o/20 800m lopie. Kwalifiseer ongelukkig nie vir die semifinale nie.
Xander Benenetti
Wilco Geldenhuys
Jansen Bell, Lika Olivier, Vené Esterhuyse en Hendrik Smit.
Lionel Lubbe, in graad 9, verwerf sy swartbelt in Taekwando tydens ‘n formele graderingsessie die afgelope naweek. Baie geluk, Lionel! Nou weet ons wie om te vra vir beskerming. Jy maak die Rooies trots!
MIDDELBURG HOËRSKOOL Graad 8 - Top Presteerders
Jordan Reddy 93.7%
Kai van Wyk 93.6%
Makwena Ramathuba 90.3%
Maruné Nel 89%
Nika Geldenhuys 89%
Zandri Grobbelaar 88%
Sarita Scheepers 87%
Ulrich du Rand 87%
Taé Hogg 87%
Shakti Parbhoo 86.9%
Graad 10 - Top Presteerders
Graad 9 - Top Presteerders
Adolf Vollmer 92.7%
Anza Tshisevhe 90.6%
Zané Karsten 89.1%
Calvin Kok 88.1%
Rachel Patricio 88%
Barend Kurpershoek 91.7%
Kayla Pretorius 89.6%
Inge Grey 88.7%
Minné Swart 88.4%
Gift Mjekula 86.4%
Ciara Ross 87.6%
Inge Groenewald 87.3%
Janiqa Pieterse 86.8%
Joubert van Deventer 85.8%
Hanlu Wood 85.6%
Lynne de Clercq 86%
Graham Thesner 85.7%
Ben Jansen van Vuuren 85.6%
Jelani Mulder 85%
Amoré Kennedy 84.4%
Elga van Zyl 80.4%
Alicia Mthimkhulu 80.3%
Annerie Scheepers 79.3%
Graad 11 - Top Presteerders
Talja Beyers 89%
Hannah Lombard 88.9%
Lwethu Mlangeni 87.6%
Genevieve Hambidge 87%
Brady Welthagen 86%
Erika Vollmer 83.9%
Bonita van Rooyen 80.9%
Graad 12 - Top Presteerders
Zian Jacobsen 79.3%
Willem Kurpershoek 8 onderskeidings
Stephan Erasmus 7 onderskeidings
Shireen Putter 7 onderskeidings
Francois Combrinck 7 onderskeidings
Kristoff de Clerq 7 onderskeidings
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More than just numbers!
Grade 11
Grade 10
Grade 9
Grade 8
Top 10 of 2020
Anoushke Houy 91%
Francois de Jager 90%
Vutomi Makhubele 87%
Hlumelo Ludidi 84%
Divan Ellis 82%
Zimkhona Thwala 81%
Nerissa van Heerden 80%
Mohammad Sema 78%
Juan Beeslaar 78%
Danelle vd Watt 76%
Meliné Delport 92%
Prince Kusi 90%
Shaazeya Cassim 87%
Duwan van Niekerk 84%
Hayley Lavarack 83%
Aphelele Mbatha 82%
Leah Muller 81%
Jessica de Bruin 81%
Nontuthuko Zwane 79%
Anele Ngwenya 79%
NT Moolman 94%
Deliah Cromhout 82%
Zack Kranhold 81%
Thando Pungula 77%
Marnica Lamprecht 77%
Tewie Uys 77%
Nkosikhona Masondo 74%
Lusanda Shabalala 74%
Davida Steenkamp 73%
Luché Victor 72%
Shanelle Venter 91%
Stephanie Hepburn 90%
Mahdiya Chotia 89%
Zakiyyah Sema 87%
Zoë Muller 86%
Elanie Hepburn 84%
Yumna Moola 83%
Louw Viljoen 83%
Maydiyyah Jhetam 82%
Precious Kusi 81%
Grade 9 subject choices: why you should start considering them now In a few months’ time, Grade Nine learners will be required to make important decisions about which combination of subjects they will be pursuing through to their final Matric exams. This is an important first milestone on the road to building a career, an education expert says, adding that while the decision would normally be left until later in the year, the world has changed so dramatically that Grade Nines should start thinking about this significant decision sooner rather than later. “The world changed last year – not just because schooling and work were disrupted and not just because both had to happen from home in ways never imagined before. The world changed because we are unlikely to go back to what we experienced in 2019,” says Natasha Madhav, Senior Head of Programme: Faculty of ICT at The Independent Institute of Education, SA’s largest private higher education provider. “It has long been said that one needs to prepare young people for jobs that do not exist, but this has never been a concept that has been crystallised in a way that really helped one make decisions. Perhaps it is clearer now to focus on preparing for a world of work that is changed and focusing on industries and skill sets that are and will be in demand, rather than on jobs with names that are familiar to us. “So, for instance, law has not vanished as a field, but most lawyers now need to consult online as easily as they do in person and they can collaborate in real time with colleagues all over the place. They also need to be advising people on both physical and digital implications of what they do.”
“The basic instruction is the same – develop an understanding of fields you are interested in and the things you are good at. Then look for jobs and careers that seem future-focused. Then, look for institutions that not only offer future-oriented curricula, but whose teaching and learning and assessment are explicitly directed at a changing world”. This then links to smart subject choices, Madhav says. “If your field is likely to be scientific and technical and analytical, you are still well served to include maths and science and perhaps a technology subject. If your field is problem-solving and solution-oriented, then subjects like history and design or visual arts will provide that skill set. If you are looking for both, you will need both. Higher education institutions are not going to move away from some of the standard demands for particular high-demand disciplines or fields, so be sure that you understand what you need for admission and include these in your choices. One of the key issues to consider is the fact that automation is on the rise, and that technological adoption by companies will transform jobs and indemand skills in future. And, as noted by the WEF in their most recent Future of Jobs report, skills gaps will continue to be high as in-demand skills across jobs change in the next five years. As noted in the report: “The top skills and skill groups which employers see as rising in prominence in the lead up to 2025 include groups such as critical thinking and analysis as well as problem-solving, and skills in self-management such as active learning,
resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility… On average, companies estimate that around 40% of workers will require reskilling of six months or less and 94% of business leaders report that they expect employees to pick up new skills on the job, a sharp uptake from 65% in 2018.” So where to start researching which careers will exist when you matriculate, and which of them might interest you? “A good place to start, on top of doing online research, is to find a higher education institution that has already demonstrated that they produce technically proficient and in-demand graduates, whose skills are aligned with what is required in the workplace because of their close industry connections. In other words, an institution whose curricula are up-to-date at all times, and that is able to quickly and resiliently respond to our fastchanging world. You will know who they are as they will confidently speak about change and flexibility and adaptability and about the link between study and work,” says Madhav. “By speaking to a student advisor at such an institution, which crucially must also be able to demonstrate that meaningful learning continued during lockdown, learners will be able to discuss their current interests and strengths, and then get advice and insight into which fields will be in high demand in future, and which subjects they can choose later this year, which will give them access to these fields.”
Hoofleiers by Radio Kragbron
Hoofleiers - Vonkelontbyt Baie dankie aan Middies vir ‘n heerlike bederf vir ons hoofleiers by hulle jaarlikse vonkelontbyt. ‘n Mens kan ons CR’tjies altyd deur ‘n ring trek. Dankie dat julle ons so trots maak! Gerhard Hattingh, Mnr Pieter Fouchè en Leanri Holtshauzen.
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FROM CURRO BANKENVE Matric is your final year, from an academic point of view, what are you aiming for? My goal for this year was to do my work to the best of my abilities and to not worry about my marks as I know I have put effort into my work and my studies. I struggled in the beginning especially when we had to work from home, but I think I have accomplished this goal during my finals. I have the mindset of whatever happens, happens. I know I put the
work in and therefore I will be happy with my results. What are your plans after matric in 2022? I am going to TUKS to study a Bsc degree, I am not quite sure in what direction I would like to go and which Bsc degree I am going to end up with. But I am exited to see what life holds in for me!
Waarna sien jy die meeste uit tydens jou tydperk as leier by jou skool? Om `n positiewe verandering by die skool te kan maak en vir ander ten alle tye te kan help en hulle skoolloopbaan meer aangenaam vir hulle maak. Ook om ‘n positiewe voorbeeld vir alle skoolleerlinge te kon wees. Wat geniet jy die meeste van jou skool? Dat ons so ‘n kleinerige skool is, waar almal mekaar ken en oor die weg kom. Dis eintlik soos ‘n klein familie.
Enige boodskap van aanmoediging vir jou mede-leiers? Gee net jou beste en moenie teveel druk op jouself plaas nie. Probeer altyd ander help en vir ander ‘n goeie voorbeeld stel. Wie is jou rolmodel? My rolmodel is my pa met die goeie voorbeeld wat hy daagliks stel vir ons. Hy is ‘n man met waardes en stel altyd sy familie eerste.
CURRO BANKEVELD Top Matric Results
Melisha Rajah 7 distinctions
Ashlé Olivier 7 distinctions
Karli Martin 5 distinctions
Tracy Sanderson 4 distinctions
Leandri Prinsloo 4 distinctions
Monique Nel 4 distinctions