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Topmatrieks 2022
Toppresteerders - Klas van 2022
HTS Middelburg wens graag al die 2022-matrikulante van harte geluk met hul pragtige uitslae. Mag dit goedgaan met elkeen van julle op jul lewenspad. Die skool koester hoë verwagtinge van julle en hou julle met belangstelling dop, want ons wéét julle sal hoë hoogtes bereik!
2022 NSC Matric Exams in numbers
Number of question papers printed
Number of scripts produced 9.8m
Number of writing centres Number of matrics
One thing I think helped me achieve these top marks, was the consistency of my studying. All throughout high school, I made sure that I kept on top of my work and that I was understanding the fundamentals of every topic. This meant that I felt confident in matric that my foundations were solid for each subject, allowing me to just expand my knowledge through the grade 12 curriculum.
The 2022 overall NSC top learner for public schools