Noordwes (September 2015) Primary/High Schools

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Jy kan een van twee gelukkige AWSUM-wenners Home wees, wat ‘n Springboktrui en Rugbybal geteken deur Jean de Villiers wen. Om te wen is maklik. Gaan “like” AWSUM News op facebook, en “post” dan die volgende op ons muur: Rugby World Cup 2015 #MakeItAHomeGame



ET 2











Team Editor Tenille Swanepoel | 021 872 3880



DIE LENTE IS OPPAD! Hi jy! Al ooit gewens dat jy net kan “pause” druk in jou besige lewe? Net lank genoeg om die oomblik waarin jy is te geniet, of net lank genoeg sodat jy al die huiswerk wat jy het klaar te kry?! Ja nee, kyk! Dié maand is in ’n oogwink besig om verby te vlieg. Gelukkig bring die afwagting en koms van September, opgewonde beloftes van lente se warm weer en langer dae. Binnekort is dit weer tyd vir bikini’s en sonbrandroom. Amper “unreal” om daaraan te dink. Maar, vir nou, druk ’n bietjie “pause” en lees AWSUM.

Daar is slegs 5 weke oor voordat die eerste wedstryd van die Rugbywêreldbeker afskop! Die opwinding is groot in Suid-Afrika, en selfs hier in die AWSUM-kantoor. Maak seker dat jy nie uitmis op die aksie nie, en begin solank geesvang! Hoe dan beter as met jou eie springboktrui of – bal wat deur Jean de Villiers geteken is? Om in aanmerking vir die prys te kom is maklik – Gaan “like” AWSUM op facebook, en “post” dan die volgende op ons muur: Rugby World Cup #MakeItAHomeGame. Tot later, Tenille en die AWSUM span

Congratulations Abrie Myburgh from Bloemfontein for winning a year’s supply of Wellington’s sauces! If you didn’t win this month, remember that you can still enter. We are giving away a year’s supply of Wellington’s sauces every month! Simply tell us what’s your favourite Wellington’s sauce flavour? Send your answer, contact details and postal address to:



Designers Rowan Engledoe | Jade Bushby | Editorial co-ordinator Ryno Wolfaardt | 021 872 3880

To advertise Engela Kruger | 071 484 1068

Schools inside AWSUM News is distributed to the following schools in Noord Wes: Primary Schools: Laerskool President Pretorius, Laerskool Mooirivier, Laerskool Bailie Park, Laerskool La Hoff, Laerskool Saamtrek, Laerskool Goudkop, Potch Central Primary, Laerskool ML Fick. High Schools: Hoërskool Schoonspruit, Hoërskool Klerksdorp, Hoërskool Wesvalia, Ferdinand Postma Hoërskool, Hoërskool Volskool, The Highschool for Girls Potchefstroom

Printed by Paarl Coldset

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PIENKVOET - PRET Daar moet iets in PP se water wees want: 6 van ons personeel is OF swanger, OF het so pas ‘n baba gehad… Ons is voorwaar BAIE geseënd! Op die foto (van links na regs) staan Elsabé Coetzee. Intussen is klein Christiaan gebore. Veels geluk aan jou en Cobus. Langs haar staan ‘n baie opgewonde Brian Erasmus. Hy en sy vroutjie, Tiffany, verwag hul eersteling “Ian” in Oktober. Lynette Bezuidenhout staan met Lené. Saam met Pappa Stephan en ouboet Ludwig is hul nou ‘n gesinnetjie van vier. Sarien Bartlett verwag hul eersteling, “Steyn” op 8 September. Alle sterkte word jou en

manlief toegewens. Luan is baie opgewonde oor kleinsus Lienke, wat mamma Vanessa Crouwkamp in November verwag. Pa Hennie sien uit na sy pienkvoet. Ons nuutste toevoeging (wat seker ook van die water gedrink het) is Naliza Mouton. Sy, haar man Eddie en Lizay sien uit na volgende jaar April. Ons wonder… pienk of blou? Aan al ons mammas en pappas wil ons Jesus se Wysheid, Kennis en Insig oor elkeen bid. Baie sterkte aan ons Hoof, Mnr. JAS Fourie opgeneem is vir ‘n knie-operasie. ‘n Spoedige herstel word u toegebid. P.S. Ons hoor hy gaan weer oupa word!

TOKKIES DIE WENNERS VAN DIE SUPER 12HOKKIEKOMPETISIE Die vreugdevure brand hoog by Laerskool Mooirivier. Na die Super 12-hokkiekompetisie wat op 31 Julie en 1 Augustus in Pretoria plaasgevind het, is die Tokkies se hokkiespanne gekroon as die algehele wenners. Die seunsspan was gedurende die kompetisie (gehou

tussen 24 top skole) die kampioenspan. Die dogterspan het uitmuntend gespeel en het bronsmedaljes verower. Die o/13Ahokkiespan (seuns) van Laerskool Mooirivier is die Super 12-kampioenspan. Die skool is die algehele wenners van die Super 12-hokkiekompetisie.

Heelvoor: Jurgen Peters Voor: Michael Fourie, CP Kleynhans, Michael van Rooyen, Marko de Witt, Eben Verster, Phillip Jonker. Agter: Rynard Botha, Stefan Schoeman, Morne Stafford, Piet van Wyk (afrigter), Philip Botha, Gabriel Richards, Gomolemo Koena, Martin Landman, Dirco Bester.

Die o/13A-hokkiespan (dogters) van Laerskool Mooirivier is die bronsmedaljewenners van die Super 12-kompetisie. Die skool is die algehele wenners van die Super 12-hokkiekompetisie. Heelvoor: Marlize Jordaan. Voor: Miandie van Staden, Riandi Boshoff, Marolene Basson, Sonika Grobler. Agter: Rouxle Marais, Mizelle Muller, Zia Pieterse, Sanja Truter, Gretchen van Wyk (afrigter), Jana McKinnon, Ninni Labuschagne, Ruandi van Dyk, Jacqueline van Rooyen, Milana van der Merwe.




By Steven Woda

You can hardly go onto Facebook, Instagram or any other social media site without being inundated with selfies. A recent study found that a 91% of teens have reportedly posted a photo of themselves online. With this kind of statistic, odds are that your teen has already taken and posted at least one of these instant self-portraits. For most teens, selfies are a harmless bit of adolescent fun, no more dangerous than other passing fads. Actual damage by selfie is rare, but it does happen. As a parent, you need to be aware of these risks and become equipped to discuss them with your teen. SELFIES AND SELF-ESTEEM One risk factor for selfies is that the act and obsession with taking them can lead teens to the development of poor self-esteem. There has been some speculation about whether self-portraits help or hurt selfesteem. Out of the few studies that have been conducted on the matter, the verdict on the effects of selfies on teen self-esteem is somewhat conflicting.

A body image survey conducted by the TODAY Show found that 65% of teen girls feel that selfies boost their self-confidence. 40% of them agreed that social media helps them put their best face forward. However, 53% of respondents alleged that photos of themselves that are posted by others can make them feel bad. Earlier this year a teen from the UK became obsessed with taking the perfect selfie. He dropped out of school, lost thirty pounds, and didn’t

leave the house for six months because he was devoting ten or more hours a day to taking pictures. Eventually, he attempted suicide by overdose. The chances are pretty good that your teen is not as ill as this young man was, but, while rare, the case demonstrates how poor self-esteem can be exacerbated by the selfie trend. The danger is very real and is something that should be on every parent’s radar. SELFIES AND YOUR ONLINE REPUTATION As with all online and social media activities, posting selfies can have a negative effect on your child’s online reputation. Both the quantity and subject matter of photos that are shared with friends on Facebook can impact the level of support and intimacy within their relationships. Additionally, the permanence of anything that is posted online, like selfies, can haunt a teen years after they’re taken. Although there are a few ways kids can make the social networks they use

more protected, there is never a guarantee that something won’t go viral once it is posted or merely sent to one person. College admissions officers and scholarship foundations now often include a search on social media for prospective students. Many employers have started looking up a job applicant’s online presence and factoring that information into their hiring decisions. That car-surfing stunt a teen photographed in his first year of college may be years in the past. But to an employer, what does that say about the job applicant’s judgment and self-control? He doesn’t know how long ago that picture was taken or how much your teen has changed in the intervening time; he only knows what the photo tells him. SELFIE SAFETY TIPS:
 1. Teach teens early on that selfies, social media posts, and the feedback they receive on social media should not be tied to their self-worth. 2. Ensure that your teens are using proper privacy settings throughout their social media accounts. 3. Instruct your kids to be careful about the personal settings and items that are featured in selfies. 4. Only post selfies that you would be comfortable sharing with the world.


Die lente is om die draai, en ek kan nie wag om weer gereeld in die tuin te kom nie. Maar aangesien my vingers allesbehalwe groen is, soek ek altyd na ’n projek wat nie vereis dat enigiets geplant word nie ... Hier is ’n maklike ene!

DIT HET JY NODIG: • ’n Ou teekoppie en -piering • Saadjies vir wilde voëls • Blitsgom • Tou of lint

SÓ MAAK JY: Maak seker dat die koppie en piering skoon en droog is. Druk die gom só uit – van die piering se rand, tot in die middel, en so lank soos wat die koppie hoog is.

Draai dan die koppie op die sy (met die oortjie na bo) en plak dit teen die piering vas. Laat staan dit ongeveer 24 uur lank om droog te word. Gooi dan die voëlsaad in die koppie. Gebruik ’n lint of tou om dit in ’n boom op te hang. En siedaar!

BAILLIE PARK LAERSKOOL (t) 018 290 5377 (e)



Leerders verwerf Noordwes kleure in gimnastiek tydens die nw kampioenskappe wat 7-8 augustus gehou is in klerksdorp.

VOOR: Malleen Pienaar. MIDDEL: Ané Strydom, Koketso Chigazana, Natasha Roets, Elliné Heenop en Karmen Fouché. AGTER: Juffrou Marjorie Erasmus (afrigter), Rozanne von Abo (beste speeler van die toernooi), Laura Scheepers, Megan Pat, Bianca Opperman (beste doelwagter van die toernooi), Simonique Duminy en Tané van Huysteen.

LINKS NA REGS: Lionel Moss, Leigh-Anne Moss en Stephan Schutte.



Bacon and Banana Stuffed Chicken Breasts

By Jenny Morris

Serves 4

METHOD: Preheat oven 180°C. Place the chicken breasts on a chopping board and using a sharp knife, cut a slit horizontally into the side of each breast to make a deep pocket –don’t cut all the way through! Cover the inside of each breast with Wellington’s Fruity Sweet Chilli Sauce. Cut the bananas to size and insert into breast pockets. For each breast, lay 3 rashers

of bacon out onto a flat surface. Lay the breast on top of the bacon and wrap bacon around the breast. Secure with toothpicks. Place on an oven tray and bake for 15–20 minutes until done. Remove from oven and rest the breasts for 10 minutes. Serve with steamed green beans and new potatoes and an extra drizzle of Fruity Sweet Chilli Sauce. © Jenny Morris 2014 -2015

Jy het nog nie ‘n BURGER ge-eet as jy nog nie ‘n 200g verouderde steak patty burger by Peers Place Restaurant gehad het nie. Breakfast, Steaks, Wood-fired Pizza, Fish & Chicken Dishes & Take-Aways... 018 468 5812

LAERSKOOL GOUDKOP (t) 018 468 1038/9 (e)


Laerskool Goudkop het op 21 en 22 Augustus aan die Super 8 Tennistoernooi deelgeneem. Goudkop behaal ‘n algehele 2de plek. Die seuns tree as dubbels-kampioene uit die stryd.



Die volgende seuns van Laerskool Goudkop is gekies vir die KOSH Krieket O/11 span

Agter : Mes. Beulah Geyer, Andriétte Colyn en Hannelie Zietsman (Afrigters). Voor : Bianca Smit, Maatje Luus, Marnus Prinsloo (dubbels-kampioen, Simeon Joubert (dubbels-kampioen).

Voor : Dihan Viljoen, Danie du Preez, Kyle van der Merwe. Agter : Logan Scott, Dean Dahms.

Laerskool Goudkop se Bybelvasvra-span v.l.n.r. 1ste ry : Jeandre Zevenster, Marco van Staden. 2de ry : Simé Wolmarans, Ronel Kruger, Alsuné du Toit, Simeon Joubert, Tian van Zyl. 3de ry : Megan Hattingh, Elzanne Hattingh, me. Selma Smit (Afrigter), Danelle du Toit, Christo Schoeman. 4de ry : Mireille Esterhuizen, Michelle Brink, Marelize Saaiman, Jurgens Cronjé, Renier Venter. Agter : Danel Appelgryn, Izanda Raath, Chaante Bezuidenhout, Lenré Coetzee.

Kinder en rolstoel vriendelik

Chicken breasts complemented by firm ripe bananas, salty streaky bacon and sticky Wellingtons Sweet Chilli Sauce. INGREDIENTS: • 4 chicken breast fillets, skinned and deboned 2 tbls Wellingtons’ fruity • Sweet chilli • 4 firm ripe bananas, peeled • 16 rashers of streaky bacon – 4 per breast

Follow Jenny @jennymorrischef


MODE G o tt aH av eG o


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It’s the dazzling details that count when celebs hit the red carpet. Same applies to you. This year it’s all glitz and glamour, get the look with showers of shimmer and when in doubt, settle on silver. It’s classic and classy and goes with just about everything. What more can you wish for? CHAIN GANG If you’re wearing your hair down or halfup make your Matric look romantic and dreamy with a jewelled hair chain or sparkly headpiece that cascades onto your forehead like an exotic princess. Just remember, this shimmery accessory is the focus, so go for understated earrings that won’t compete for attention.

The MATRIC Dance is the Super Bowl of high school. It’s the ultimate date night and whether you go with your longtime sweetheart or a new heart throb, you are going to go all out to look like million dollar babe. Fashion Editor Pepe Sofianos has just the perfect- finish shopping list for you! Indian hair chain, R39.99, MR PRICE

IN YOUR CLUTCHES Without a doubt the winning evening bag is the clutch. Flat or boxy, envelope or pouchy, it’s the choice of every A-lister and adds that unmistakable flash of fashion flair to any evening dress. Silver clutch, R349, FOREVER NEW.

Pepe says So you’ve got the killer dress and the hot date all lined up. That’s just half the battle. You’ve got to glam up for this epic evening with all the right extras. There are a few must-haves you can’t go without. Trust me!

DANCING QUEEN Time to pop on your dancing shoes in heels you can actually twirl around the dance floor without breaking an ankle. Whether you are stepping out in a long and lavish ball gown or a shorty and sassy dance dress, which by the way, is the new cool trend, you want to rock the most eye-catching sandals.

musthave Take note of the oh so glam glitter strappy sandals much-loved by fashionistas like Cara Delevigne that won’t let you down as you dance the night away. Silver strappy sandals, R550, TRUWORTHS.

Always wear your hair pushed behind that ear to show it off like Emma Watson.

‘EAR ‘EAR! Earrings are the perfect finishing touch and always look glam and MATRIC Dance night calls for a little more glitz than usual but be careful not to overload the look. So what’s new? How about a stunning statement ear-hugging ear cuff and

Diamanté set, R55, TRUWORTHS.

a dainty partner for the other ear? If you wear your hair up go for a dangly option and for a short hairstyle or long locks, nothing beats a sparkly halfmoon.

Gigi Hadid shows off her ice blue hair tips. CRAYOLA COLOURS Pastel hair is on the up and up. The latest rendition has evolved into finely-tuned artsy dip-dyed strands ‘a la It Girl model Gigi Hadid who showed up to a red carpet event with the new colour trend in tresses. So if you want to make heads turn as you walk into the dance venue wear your hair down and dipped. Don’t DIY it – this is one look you leave to your salon colourist!

Jewelled cuff, R499, ACCESSORIZE.

Gold chain earring set, R25.99, MR PRICE

RING A DING So you spent a fortune on the manicure of your dreams and you just have to show off those fancy tips. Time to play the stacking game. Stackable rings are the way to go, piled knuckle high or worn singly on every finger and your thumbs. Go for a mix of metals and shimmery stones to make your fingers do the talking.

Stack of rings, R39.99, MR PRICE.

ON THE CUFF The retro revival is all the game right now and what better way to celebrate being a glitzy gal than to splurge on some serious sparkles. Bracelets are big and bountiful, the perfect foil for all that glossy skin on bare arms! A good bet is something utterly glamorous and drop-dead gorgeous like a jewelled or diamanté cuff, especially an elasticised one that won’t slip off or slide around when the dancing gets hot.

LAERSKOOL LA HOFF (t) 018 468 2471 (e)


Die 0/13 krieketspelers van Laerskool La Hoff gaan as deel van die KOSH-span in Lichtenburg sake uitspook teen die ander areas.

Voor: Ulrich Swanepoel, De Wet Muller, Rico Cilliers. Agter: Wian Geldenhuys, Lowyk Vogel, Dandre Nienaber.

Die volgende 0/12 krieketspelers van Laerskool La Hoff gaan KOSH Krieket 24-26 September, in Vryburg verteenwoordig.

Voor: Divan Steenkamp, Dieter Roux Agter: Henlo Wessels, Jean-Pierre Lubbe, Wouter Faber.


Na die pas afgelope tennisliga vir laerskole het Laerskool La Hoff se Junior-A-gemengde tennisspan as wenners uit die stryd getree. Die span het deurgaans uitstekend gespeel en al hulle wedstryde gewen. Die taaiste stryd was die wedstryd teen Laerskool Saamtrek, waar La Hoff met 5 spelle gewen het.

Die spanlede is: Voor: Mieke Muller, Marjone Nel, Riana Nel, Lerieschka Vogel en Lara de Beer Agter: Deon Viljoen, Xander du Plessis, Kian Muller, Wyatt Botes


LAERSKOOL SAAMTREK (t) 018 462 4231 (e)


Laerskool Saamtrek se gholf het reeds die jaar al gewys hul kan kompeteer met van die beste gholfspelers in Suid-Afrika. Op 25 Januarie het Laerskool Saamtrek se gholfspelers deelgeneem aan die Delareyville Ope. Saamtrek se A- en B-span vaar baie goed met die A- span wat aan die einde van die toernooi gekroon word as die beste laerskoolspan in Noordwes. Die A-span, bestaande uit Neil vd Walt, Jaco Anderson, Zander Nel en Divan Mostert, kwalifiseer om aan die Ernie Els SA Ope vir Laerskole, op die pragtige baan Fish River Sun, in die Oos-Kaap, te gaan deelneem. Die toernooi huisves die top 2 spanne van elke provinsie en 18 deelnemende skole speel die ope vanaf 5-7 Augustus. Ons speel goeie gholf en behaal die 9de plek in Suid–Afrika - wat ‘n besonderse prestasie is. Nog ‘n besonderse prestasie word deur Divan Mostert behaal toe hy algeheel 10de eindig. Divan is slegs in Gr 5 en dit maak van hom ‘n speler om in die toekoms dop te


hou. Dankie aan Laerskool Saamtrek wat die seuns die geleentheid gegun het om te gaan deelneem. Die nodige ervaring wat die seuns opgedoen het is van onskatbare waarde vir die toekoms. In die 4 de kwartaal word die Super 12 aangebied en die Noordwes finale word dan ook aangebied. Hou ons gholf gerus dop hierdie jaar.

Volgende atlete het presteer op Noordwes kampioenskappe medaljes: Dogters 1km Dogters 2km Carli Visser Goud Suhanè Visagie Silwer Chiara Vermeulen Silwer Lianè Engelbrecht Brons Mienke Engelbrecht Brons Seuns 2km Seuns 1km Shaun Stroebel Goud Jarred van Staden Goud Andrè Visser Silwer

op 22 Augustus en verower Dogters 3km Lilica Burger Silwer Seuns 4km Nandtes Booyens Silwer

Links na regs: Niël van der Walt, Divan Mostert, mnr. Stephan Senekal (Personeellid), Zander Nel en Jaco Anderson.

LAERSKOOL ML FICK (t) 018 297 5003 (e)


Die graad 1-opedag was op Saterdag, 05 September 2015 gehou. Daar was heelwat voornemende Gr. 1-leerlinge. Die hoofleiers het geopen en almal verwelkom. Die senior- en juniorkore het opgetree. Daarna het al die nuwe maats saam met die Gr. 1 personeel verdaag om na die Poppekas te gaan kyk. Elkeen het ‘n kosblikkie met heerlike eetgoedjies ontvang. Pappa en Mamma het verder na mnr. Lourie van der Merwe, ons waarnemende hoof geluister. Waar hulle na die tyd heerlike tee en eetgoedjies geniet het. Deur Juffrou Daleen Viljoen



Congratulations to the Final Girl Leaders at Potchefstroom Central School lead with pride.



Congratulations to the Final Boy Leaders Potchefstroom central School. Lead with pride.

Congratulations to the Potchefstroom Central School Head Leaders. We would like to wish these learners well in their roles.

Head Boy David Asiwe, Deputy Head Boys, Delgardo Pietersen and Reilly Newberry. Head Girl Asmaa Gani, Deputy Head Girls Tshegofatso Tube and Salime Gossayn. Back row from back to front: Payton Abrams, Mbali Wanda, Jade Bonongo and Leniese Kock. Middle row from back to front: Jade Ramzan, Reatlegile Moemi, Kashaf Bhatti, Tayla Maddocks, Ilisma Britz and Kitso Thekiso. Front row from back to front: Angel Muswede, Atlegang Modise, Tshegofatso Rafutho and Realeboga Monchusi.

Back row: Luigi Derbyshire, Ivan Gasela, Thuto Mkhize, Connor Ross, Front row: Lauriston Barends, Rorisang Mohlabai, Dane O’Brien, Nabeel Hassim and Junior Mphahlele.

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KLERKSDORP HOËRSKOOL (t) 018 462 8423 (e)


Vier van KHS se Trompoppies het die afgelope naweek hul Provinsiale kleure verwerf. Chante de Bruyn, Hanje Jonker, Bianca Theron en Marizanne Nieuwoudt spog met hul sertifikate wat verwoord dat hulle die Noordwes Trompoppiespan in 2016 gaan verteenwoordig by die Nasionalekampioenskappe. Wat ‘n puik prestasie


Ons Eerste krieketspan wen met 148 lopies teen St. Conrads. KHS se 249 lopies vir 9 paaltjies in 50 beurte, wys dat ons kolwer op topstandaard is. Die veldwerk is ook van so ʼn aard dat hul opponente maar swaar lewe - om nie te praat van die boulers se goeie konsekwente aanvalle teenoor die kolwers nie. KHS speel teen Brothers, KHS wen die loot en kolf eerste, ons slaan 249/9 in ons 50 beurte! Beste kolwers Louwrens Vorster 68 Jerome Xaba 58 Brothers kolf volgende en word uitgeboul in die 25ste beurt vir 101. Beste boulers Ruan Minnaar 41/5 in 10 Jerome Xaba 24/3 in 4.4 JP Serfontein 30/2 in 7 Khs wen met 148 lopies Die o/15’s van mnr. Theuns BruceSmith wen met 220 lopies ook teen St. Conrads.

HOËRSKOOL VOLKSKOOL (t) 018 294 5287/8 (e)


Ons eerste tennisspan wat Vrydag (14 Augustus 2015) met Wesvalia afgereken het in die Noordwesfinaal.


Brandon van der Berg kom 2de in Junior Mans afdeling in 50km te Bestmed Lost City MTB race en Algeheel 6de.So trots op hom —


Die 0/15 A rugbyspan het deurgedring tot die Beeldtrofee-finaal wat die naweek (22 Augustus 2015) plaasvind!

Van links: Martin Fourie, Johan Burke, Pieter du Toit, Van Zyl Smit, Meneer Francois Lubbe (tennisorganiseerder).

HOËRSKOOL WESTVALIA (t) 018 468 1023/4 (e)


Baie geluk aan Hoërskool Wesvalia se nuut verkose VLR en Uitvoerende Komtiee vir 2015-2016 • Hoofseun: Christoff Els • Hoofdogter: Danelle Dreyer • Kultuurraad: Lance Nel
 • Sportraad: Antonie Joubert

• Bemarkingsraad: Magriet Payne
 • Leerdersake: Clara du Toit
 • Akademieseraad: Lize Basson
 • Wessieraad: Ivanka Schamrel

Mario Coetzer het Saterdag 15 Augustus 2015 aan die NWBSA se 4de liga deelgeneem. Alle deelnemers was Protea Skuts. Mario het onder haglike toestande met ‘n windspoed tussen 20-30 km uitstekend gevaar. Mario behaal die 1ste plek met puntetelling van 100%. Mario vertrek die 13de September 2015 na die VSA om aan die Wêreldkampioenskappe deel te neem.


Die finale van skaak vir hoërskole het plaasgevind op Woensdag 12 Augustus 2015 met die volgende uitslae. o/15 : Wenners - Hoërskool Wesvalia


SCHOONSPRUIT HOËRSKOOL (t) 018 462 9756/7 (e)


Vier van Hoërskool Schoonspruit se leerders het gedurende Augustus aan die ATKV se Spelathon deelgeneem. Die provinsiale uitdunne het in Potchefstroom plaasgevind en ons leerders het uitstekend gevaar. In die junior groep het Kayla van Heerden ‘n derde plek behaal. In die senior afdeling was Zannerie Prinsloo die Noordwes wenner.

018 294 3050

Zannerie Prinsloo – Noordwes wenner



August is the month of caring at Potch Girls High and the girls are challenged to give 67 “Mandela” minutes of their time to making a difference. The girls identify projects in the community that they would like to to support, they raise funds, collected toys, food and clothing and assisted by the educators, they visit these organisations.

The girls found their 67 Minutes to be a very humbling experience. They also realised how fortunate they are and that one can make a difference when you start by seeing the need in your own community. A tradition at Girls High has always been to teach girls to open their hearts to someone in need and this has been the ideal project. They are striving to uphold a culture of caring and invite the youth of Potchefstroom to join them in caring for the community. Let’s make every day a 67 minute Mandela Day!



Ferdienand Postma Hoërskool het hierdie jaar ‘n ongelooflike suksesvolle sportseisoen in vele skoolsporte beleef. Ferdies het die jaar afgeskop met hul oorwinning in die Kleinskole Interhoër Atletiek. Dit was die eerste keer in 11 jaar wat Ferdies hierdie liga gewen het. Op die netbalbaan het dit ook baie goed gegaan met die Ferdies-spanne Die Monsanto hokkie reeks bestaan uit 5 skole: Okney, Stella, Bloemhof, Sannieshof en Ferdinand Postma Hoërskool. Ferdies het 4 spanne in die reeks gehad: Die seuns 1 ste span, dogters 1ste span, dogters 0/16 en dogters 0/14 spanne. Al Ferdies se spanne asemrowend gedoen. Die 1 ste span dogters het

Okney 1:0 en ook vir Stella met 11:0 gewen. Hiermee het hul eerste plek in die Senior dogters afdeling behaal. Die 1ste span seuns het Okney 10:1 gewen in die finaal en het dus eerste in die seuns afdeling geëndig. Die dogters 0/16 span het vir Stella 1:0 in die finaal geklop en eerste in die Junior dogters afdeling gekom. Ons dogters 0/14 span wat in die 0/16 liga deelgeneem het, het Okney en 5:0 gewen. Hiermee het hul ‘n 3de plek behaal. Soos voorheen berig, is vele spelers vir die rugby, netball en hokkie provinsiale spanne vir 2015 gekies. BAIE GELUK FERDIE SPORTMANNE EN VROUE!

Ferdies se seuns 1ste hokkiespan het die liga gewen. Van links: Salmaan Moosa, Imaad Sayed, Kamogelo Ntsoane, Justino Lucas, Rynard Vogel, Jaco Conradie, Gherrit Doinet, Connor Schmidt, Mnr Louis Janse van Rensburg, Adriean de Freitas, Wiaan de Beer, Mnr Stanley Philipson, Keenan Goosens, Nicholas Ferreira, Hannes Conradie

Ferdies se dogters 0/16 hokkiespan het hulle liga gewen. Agter: Amy King, Legoa Kirsten, Carmen Lubbe, Roché Hattingh, Amber Geldenhuis,Morgan Potgieter, Martine vd Berg, Kristen vd Hooven, Ilené Grobbelaar. Voor: Zandri Reineke, Michelle Wiese, Sanet Meiring (afrigter) Afwesig: Juliett Kay en Tamsin Murgatroyd.

Ferdies se dogters 1ste hokkiespan het met trots as wenners uit die stryd getree. Agter: JD Aukamp (afrigter), Chanell Potgieter, Reneilwe Mokaleng, Carlinke Joubert (onder-kaptein), Catelyn Weston, Michelle Barnard, Dawina Fransman, Jessica Schaap, Chené Coetzee, Dulcy Hulton. Voor: Mpho Rampo, Adriaan Bartlet, Esmarie Roodt (kaptein), Monika van der Mescht, Kgothatso Moepeng.

Ferdies se dogters 0/14 hokkiespan het deelgeneem aan die 0/16 liga en 3de ge-eindig.

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