PE & Surrounds - 1st Quarter School Highlights 2021

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Grade 9 subject choices: why you should start considering them now In a few months’ time, Grade Nine learners will be required to make important decisions about which combination of subjects they will be pursuing through to their final Matric exams. This is an important first milestone on the road to building a career, an education expert says, adding that while the decision would normally be left until later in the year, the world has changed so dramatically that Grade Nines should start thinking about this significant decision sooner rather than later. “The world changed last year – not just because schooling and work were disrupted and not just because both had to happen from home in ways never imagined before. The world changed because we are unlikely to go back to what we experienced in 2019,” says Natasha Madhav, Senior Head of Programme: Faculty of ICT at The Independent Institute of Education, SA’s largest private higher education provider. “It has long been said that one needs to prepare young people for jobs that do not exist, but this has never been a concept that has been crystallised in a way that really helped one make decisions. Perhaps it is clearer now to focus on preparing for a world of work that is changed and focusing on industries and skill sets that are and will be in demand, rather than on jobs with names that are familiar to us. “So, for instance, law has not vanished as a field, but most lawyers now need to consult online as easily as they do in person and they can collaborate in real time with colleagues all over the place. They also need to be advising people on both physical and digital implications of what they do.”



“The basic instruction is the same – develop an understanding of fields you are interested in and the things you are good at. Then look for jobs and careers that seem future-focused. Then, look for institutions that not only offer future-oriented curricula, but whose teaching and learning and assessment are explicitly directed at a changing world”. This then links to smart subject choices, Madhav says. “If your field is likely to be scientific and technical and analytical, you are still well served to include maths and science and perhaps a technology subject. If your field is problem-solving and solution-oriented, then subjects like history and design or visual arts will provide that skill set. If you are looking for both, you will need both. Higher education institutions are not going to move away from some of the standard demands for particular high-demand disciplines or fields, so be sure that you understand what you need for admission and include these in your choices. One of the key issues to consider is the fact that automation is on the rise, and that technological adoption by companies will transform jobs and indemand skills in future. And, as noted by the WEF in their most recent Future of Jobs report, skills gaps will continue to be high as in-demand skills across jobs change in the next five years. As noted in the report: “The top skills and skill groups which employers see as rising in prominence in the lead up to 2025 include groups such as critical thinking and analysis as well as problem-solving, and skills in self-management such as active learning,

resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility… On average, companies estimate that around 40% of workers will require reskilling of six months or less and 94% of business leaders report that they expect employees to pick up new skills on the job, a sharp uptake from 65% in 2018.” So where to start researching which careers will exist when you matriculate, and which of them might interest you? “A good place to start, on top of doing online research, is to find a higher education institution that has already demonstrated that they produce technically proficient and in-demand graduates, whose skills are aligned with what is required in the workplace because of their close industry connections. In other words, an institution whose curricula are up-to-date at all times, and that is able to quickly and resiliently respond to our fastchanging world. You will know who they are as they will confidently speak about change and flexibility and adaptability and about the link between study and work,” says Madhav. “By speaking to a student advisor at such an institution, which crucially must also be able to demonstrate that meaningful learning continued during lockdown, learners will be able to discuss their current interests and strengths, and then get advice and insight into which fields will be in high demand in future, and which subjects they can choose later this year, which will give them access to these fields.”







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FROM WESTERING HIGH SC What are you looking forward to the most during your term as leader? I am looking forward to working with my fellow prefects and just creating a strong bonds between us, which will make the experience as a prefect more memorable and exciting. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Strengths – I am good with working under pressure and I’m very punctual with attending meetings or ensuring things are up to date. Weaknesses – I am not good with adapting to change immediately, I prefer doing things the old way. What do you love the most about your school? That the school provides a wide range of sports for either boys and girls and that teachers put in the extra effort to have extra lessons for learners after school hours. Matric is your final year, from an academic point of view, what are you aiming for? I am aiming to be in the top 20 again, and my aim is to get 75% and above for all my subjects. What will your message of encouragement be for your prefects/ co-leaders? When times get tough, don’t give up. Keep going because you

are capable of it! Don’t let anyone put you down, lift your head up and keep going. Who is your role model? My role model is Kiara Meyer, a hockey player (she is currently in matric at Alexander Road High School). She is a very talented young lady and always determined to do her best on and off the field. She puts in the extra work to become better and improve herself. What are your plans after matric in 2022? I want to study Bcomm Accounting at Wits University and play varsity hockey, while still playing for my province and aiming to make national level. If you could be any superhero, who would you be and why? I would want to be Supergirl, because she is courageous, and she is someone that helps others without being asked. She saves lives and nothing will stop her from doing that. On a regular Saturday, you will find me at…with… You will find me at home, either watching series or simply sleeping. When I am motivated enough, I will be doing workouts and trying to keep active.

Q & A with Y


Congratulations on being selected as a leader at your school. What are you looking forward to the most during your term as leader? I’m looking forward to the bonds that we will make as the prefect body of 2021 and ensure that we work as a ‘pack’ to maintain and preserve the good name of the Muir. 2021 has started off on a rough note but I am confident in my team and believe that we will face the challenges head on.

What will your message of encouragement be for your prefects/ co-leaders? I know we have all been waiting for this moment for a long time since stepping into the doors of Muir in grade 4. Since it is our final year let us make sure that this year is going to be the best year so far in all spheres of school life whether it is to do your roles as leaders or performing in your academics or your sports. LET US DO IT!

What are your strengths and weaknesses? My strengths are probably time management and seeing things through at all cost. My weakness has to be perfectionism, that is probably the reason why I take hours to complete something that could be done in minutes.

Who is your role model? Cristiano Ronaldo.

What do you love the most about your school? I love the sense of brotherhood among the boys and the fact that we are always making sure we’ve got each other’s backs even in the darkest of moments.

On a regular Saturday, you will find me at…with…You will find me at the gym or at home binge watching documentaries.

Matric is your final year, from an academic point of view, what are you aiming for? This year I am aiming for honours in academics.

If you could be any superhero, who would you be and why? I don’t know if he is a superhero but I would have to say Walter O’Brien from the series Scorpion. Simple, that guy is a genius!

Who is your Hollywood celeb crush? Rihanna!

LAERSKOOL JEFFREYS Atletiek Kortafstande

80m dogters o.9 Karlien Smit, Nina Crous en Kayley Brown.

80m dogters o.7 Madison Hayes, Shadiah Rood en Liah Wolf.

80m boys u.9 Marques Luiters, Asa Mutakusi en Simeon Abdul Muhmin.

80m boys u.8 Ahluma Peter, Achuma Peter and Liqhaywe Grootboom.

100m dogters o.11 Ané Prinsloo, Cassidy Alberts en Ulrike Groenewald.

80m seuns o.7 Déan Griebenhouw, Kyle Johnson en CJ Veldsman.

100m seuns o.11 Hunter Justus, Christopher Cornelius en Simon Hoek.

100m seuns o.10 Daniël Veldsman, Liam Botha en Kennith Smith.

100m dogters o.13 Nina Strydom - Nuwe Rekord!, Kima Strydom en Miché Westerdale.

100m dogters o.13 Anzelle Botes - Nuwe rekord!, Amoré Coetsee en Tatyana Sauls.

1200m dogters o.12 Mienke Smit - Nuwe rekord!, Kiara Wolmarans en Caydee Adams.

100m seuns o.13 Kobus Strydom, Noah Mbizi en Divine Sacks.

100m boys u.12 Lolwethu Mpendu, Luniko Mdidimba en Blane Clarges.

100m dogters o.10 Erin de Lange, Micha Kriel, Khadijha Abdul Muhmin en Estelle Geyser.

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80m girls u.8 Caydee Stuurman and Chanté van Heerden.

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NICO MALAN HIGH SCHOOL Nelson Mandela Mini A huge congratulations to George Pieterse who won the Boys Under 16 Gold section and Dawid Vermaak and Jayden Olivier who both played in the Boys Under 14 Gold final. Well done boys!!!!!!

Atlete vir EPA span Baie geluk aan ons twee Nico Malan atlete wat vir die EPA span gekies is om aan die SA’s te gaan deelneem. • Chloe Luiters vir spiesgooi dogters 0/16 • Bryan Katoo vir 200m 100H en verspring

Bryan Katoo

Die volgende atlete het ook deur die seisoen aan die EPA liga’s deelgeeneem:

George Pieterse

• • • • • • • •

Danelle Sterley het Saterdag 27 Maart deelgeneem aan die Teen Miss Port Elizabeth 2021, waar sy die volgende toekennings ontvang het. • • • • • •

Ons is ongelooflik trots op julle!

Chloe Luiters

Teen Miss Port Elizabeth 2021

Trinika Brink 1ste verspring Danica Barbas 5de 400m Cindy Strydom 2de hoogspring 4de 400mHekkies Leandri de Beer 6de 400m Rudolph Gerber 5de gewigstoot Francois Smit 3de gewigstoot Roland van Wyk 2de gewigstoot Jarid Lucas 5de 1500m

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VICTORIA PARK GREY PRIMARY SCHOOL 2020 Awards Ceremony Displaying some of her many awards, is 2020 Dux of Victoria Park Grey, Nina Meneguzzo. Nina was the recipient of the Centenary Trophy, for her outstanding overall achievement.

Mwelase Lugogwana proudly displays the trophies he was awarded at the Victoria Park Grey 2020 Awards Ceremony. He received the Boys’ Swimming Champion Award, as well as the Award for Perseverance.

Leonard du Plessis - Head Boy, Charné Bronkhorst - Head Girl, Marli du Preez - Deputy Head Girl and Divan Rivabella - Deputy Head Boy.

Top 3 Matrics 2020 Nina Meneguzzo

Mwelase Lugogwana

2020 Swimming Champions Victoria Park Grey 2020 Swimming Champions, together with Swimming Coach, Mrs Cathy Newman. Nina Meneguzzo won the girls’ champion race and Mwelase Lugogwana swam to victory in the boys’ event. Both races were 100m Freestyle.

Chantal Jacobs - 2nd position, Caryse Kloppers - 1st position and Kelly Cummings - 3rd position.

Grade 8 Respect arm bands Each grade at D.F. Malherbe receives a different colour arm band, which links with the schools core values, as they go through the different grades. The grade 8 value is “Respect”.

International Children’s Book Day Pupils and teachers from Victoria Park Grey School dressed up as book characters to mark International Children’s Book Day.

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Teachers Jasmine Swanepoel, Melissa Castelyn and Jamie Stobbs and Masca Qangule 9, Lakhanya Mke 10 and Bulela Mtse 12.

COLLEGIATE GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL Concert Band 2021 Due to the continued COVID-19 regulations, the Collegiate Girls’ High School Concert Band of 2021 (comprising of 50 musically gifted and talented young learners) had to seek alternative ways to reach their families, supportive audiences and the wider community of Gqeberha. The concert band, conducted by Mr Grant Snyman, decided to record a YouTube video (through TwoTone productions) which would not only serve as a free online ‘virtual’ concert, but also as their entry into the National Allegretto Music Eisteddfod – they now excitingly await their results. This will place the Concert Band amongst the

top music departments/concert bands in the country. Further congratulations must also go to Frances Brummer (Grade 12) and Robin Wentzel (Grade 11) whom competed in the recent first round (solo division) of the National Allegretto Music Eisteddfod. In the provincial/regional round they both achieved a Prestige Award and were awarded A+++ for the performances. They have both progressed to the National Showcase (Round 2), which will see them compete against the top performers from each region. All the above mentioned performances and videos are available on the school’s YouTube channel.

Mr Grant Snyman (teacher), Mrs Ciska Range (accompanist), Frances Brummer (saxophone) and Robin Wentzel (clarinet).

Concert Band in the Stevenson Hall, Collegiate Girls’ High School, Gqeberha

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CONTENT OF THE GUIDE: • • • • • • •

Institutions per fields of study Institutions per type of study Gap year options Au pair options Accommodation options Career content News relating to life after school




Laerskool Stulting spog met Q & A with uitmuntende swemmer GIRL LIZALISE BOQWANA HEAD FROM CURRO WESTBROOK What are you looking forward to the most during your term as leader? As a leader this term I am looking forward to instilling a good and healthy relationship with the learners of Curro Westbrook. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Strengths: Organisation, determination and empathy Weakness: Confidence. Is there anything you would like to change at your school? Add more extra mural activaties such as addition clubs eg. Debate club, Gaming club, Film club, Photography club etc. What do you love the most about your school? The amazing teachers at Curro Westbrook. What high school are you going to in 2022? Collegiate, Woodridge or Curro Westbrook.


Who is your role model? Mrs Van Der Merwe. If you could be any superhero, who would you be and why? Fictional superhero: Black Widow because in the movie Avengers: Endgame she scarifies herself to protect her team and save the rest of the world, which is something everyone should be doing for others. Who is your Hollywood celeb crush? Jacob Elordi, Zac Efron, MichealEaly

Soné Jacobs het onlangs aan die Marina Mile by Marina Martinique deelgeneem. Hierdie 13-jarige leerder van Stulting het ‘n 4de plek in die o.18 ouderdomsgroep behaal en ‘n algehele 7de plek vir die half myl swem.

Rowallan Park Primary School head leaders for 2021 Congratulations to Rowallan Park Primary School’s Head Leaders for 2021 we wish you all the best for the year ahead.

Pick one: • Netball, rugby, cricket, or hockey? Hockey • Cappuccino, hot chocolate, or tea? Hot Chocolate • Braai with friends or takeaways? Takeaways • Binge watching series or a live music festival? Binge watch series • Android or iOS? Android

What will you message of encouragement be for your prefects/ co-leaders? “A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit.” – Arnold Glaso.

Bulali Mdletye, Zania Matsheku, Emihle Raba, Reese Mafeking.

Hoërskool Framesby swemmer Q & A with vaar goed in die derde liga YUSUF LAHER HEAD BOY FROM CURRO WESTBROOK What are you looking forward to the most during your term as leader? Besides being a leader to my fellow prefects, I am also a leader to all the kids at Curro Westbrook. I am honoured to be given this opportunity and look forward to assisting in creating more unity and discipline and maintaining the friendly atmosphere at our wonderful school. What are your strengths and weaknesses? My strengths are that I am reliable and like being helpful. I enjoy assisting others wherever I can. My weakness is that I can sometimes be shy to tell someone if they are doing something incorrectly. Is there anything you would like to change at your school? It would be nice if they added more shaded areas/spots on the field since the kids always ‘fight’ for the shaded spots and especially now with social distancing.


Hoërskool Framesby swemmer Katie Horne het aan die Derde A-Liga swemgala deelgeneem en het baie goed gevaar. Sy het junior nasionale kwalifiserende tye in die 100m-vryslag, 200m-vryslag, 200m-wisselslag en ‘n senior kwalifiserende tyd in die 400m-vryslag geswem. Al haar tye was ook peroonlike bestes. Wel gedaan, Katie!

we need to believe that we can do it and sometimes we can prove ourselves wrong and accomplish things we never thought possible. So, hang in there, we are a team and we have each other to rely on. Who is your role model? My mother because she is a very determined, hard working and overall an amazing person She is such a great person to look up to. Pick one: • Netball, rugby, cricket, or hockey? Hockey • Cappuccino, hot chocolate, or tea? Hot Chocolate • Braai with friends or takeaways? Braai with friends • Binge watching series or a live music festival? Binge watching • Android or iOS? Android

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What do you love the most about your school? I love the friendly and warm environment; and the hardworking teachers and the kind children. What will your message of encouragement be for your prefects/ co-leaders? There will be days where we will be faced with tasks that will take us out of our comfort zone, but

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Q & A with

SUNRIDGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Interhouse Athletics The Sunridge Primary Interhouse Athletics took place over 5 days to ensure social distancing and that protocols were adhered to. All learners from Grade 2 to 7 had the opportunity to take part in various athletics events namely long jump, high jump, shot pot, hurdles and various running events. The learners enjoyed the opportunity to take part and be part of a sporting event again. Some learners truly excelled and others had fun taking parts in events that they haven’t taken part in before. A great and successful week was concluded on Thursday the 1 of April.


FROM VICTORIA PARK HIGH What are you looking forward to the most during your term as leader? Bringing a good change around the school by being the best leader I can be for my peers. I love my school so I can’t wait to do everything I can do to make it a fantastic place for everyone. What are your strengths and weaknesses? I love to be confident within myself. I realized that there is no other person like me so I have to be happy with myself. I am a hard worker, I love people and I am dedicated. I know what I want. My weakness would be I am very over-caring, over-loving and over-protective and at the end of the day I sometimes get hurt. I think I will have to make big changes in 2021. Is there anything you would like to change at your school? We are a very family orientated school. The teachers believe in the power of individuality. They create a very disciplined environment yet also a homely one. They build up our confidence and really go out of their way to prepare us as learners for life. Honestly, I would want to change nothing. What do you love the most about your school? The environment, teachers, SMT management team, Tuck shop, field etc. The list continues and continues. The one that stands out for me will be the way the staff stick to the motto: Vivite Fortes Matric is your final year, from an academic point of view, what are you aiming for? I would love to get at least



2 distinctions at the end of the year. Academically, I am much more relaxed and less stressed. I can work hard now to get where I need to be. What will your message of encouragement be for your prefects/ co-leaders? To lead with your heart and not your mind. To remain humble at all times, never forget where you came from and always be a good example. Lead from behind and always have respect for yourself and others. To enjoy the year and make the most of it Who is your role model? My parents and Jesus Christ. What are your plans after matric in 2022? I have a huge passion for children and because my Dad is an educator I would love to study Education. I also love Performing Arts, so my goal is to combine my degree. My biggest goal is to study and get my Phd in Education and then I will be Dr. Wildman, nice ring to it hey? Who is your Hollywood celeb crush? Tyler Perry. I have been in love with him since I was 7 when I watched my first Madea movie. He is one of the best directors/actors I have ever known. He is a true example of a good leader. He did not let his past determine his future, he learnt from it and made a success out of it. Every movie he has directed I have learnt a valuable life lesson from. That’s what I love most about him.

Q & A with Y


FROM VICTORIA PARK HIGH What are you looking forward to the most during your term as leader? As Heads we get to meet with the Headmaster once a week. I am looking forward to grow in my leadership role through these meetings. What are your strengths and weaknesses? I recognize the title and responsibility of Head Boy. It gives my words and actions a greater influence. I would love to use this to its full potential especially in the time of this pandemic where many learners are uncertain about many things. I want to share with my fellow learners the constant that I have found as someone who believes in Jesus. Through Him I have found a constant hope in this time of despair. What do you love the most about your school? By far the most distinctive characteristic of VP is the family atmosphere. I could see and feel it on Open Day whilst in Grade 7 and I have seen it throughout my High School career here.


Who is your role model? I have many role models and from each of them I can learn something different. My dad’s example of leading the church with truth yet bringing compassion is inspirational to me. Billy Graham and Reinhard Bonke, how they told the good news of Jesus Christ in Power and valued discipleship. Pick one: • Netball, rugby, cricket, or hockey? Hockey • Cappuccino, hot chocolate, or tea? Hot Chocolate • Braai with friends or takeaways? Braai with friends • Binge watching series or a live music festival? Live music festival • Android or iOS? iOS

Q & A with





What makes your school unique and why do you think you were able to achieve such exceptional marks? Our school’s motto – Maxime do Operam – speaks for itself. In English it means “I do my best”. We at Pearson High School always do our best and put our everything in to the things we set our mind to. Since grade 8 the idea of perseverance is imbued within us – and it is this ideology of pushing through adversity that allowed me to, despite the devastation of the pandemic, continue to work hard and achieve my goals. What role did your school and its teachers play in your success? All the teachers at our school are invested in each and every pupil’s success. They take an involved approach to ensure that every Pearsonite can reach their full potential. From my own experience, the school allowed to me get out of comfort zone and they inspired me to achieve goals which I never thought would fully materialise. What is your favourite subject (and why), and who was your favourite teacher? My favourite subject is Mathematics. The main reason for this is that Maths never felt like effort to study. I always enjoyed the challenges that it provided and how stimulated and energised me to work hard in all my subjects.My favourite teacher is my Afrikaans teacher, Mr Rademeyer. He sparked a passion within me for Afrikaans which I never knew existed. He also inspired me because he always managed to effectively balance his family and professional life without neglecting either of them.

n r e t s a Your E





Reynhardt Buys is South Africa’s top academic achiever from the prestigious Pearson High School. AWSUM met up with him to find out how he managed to stay motivated and work hard during his final exams. What motivated you to work so hard? My main motivator that fuelled my hard work has to be my mother. She always put her everything in to take care of me and my sisters without any hesitation whatsoever. So, I always worked hard so that I can, in a sense, show my appreciation for her dedication to us and try to do my part in our family.



What are you going to study in 2021? I will be studying Actuarial Science at the University of Stellenbosch. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Although I am a person who does try to plan ahead in order to make most of the opportunities that come my way, I never try to put expectations on myself. Despite this, I know I will still be studying Actuarial Science and start working part-time whilst finishing my board examinations. How would you motivate next year’s matrics to achieve their goals? What advice can you offer them? My main piece of advice is that you need to work hard because you want to. In the end, you will need to find the motivation within you to spend hours behind your books. If you love the subjects that you do, that will come naturally, but if you are not that lucky, you need to remind yourself that you’re studying hard for your own success one day. What is your favourite hobby? My favourite hobby is singing! It can always cheer me up when I am down. And no feeling is better than a choir finally putting a song together after weeks of work.

Congratulations on being selected as a leader at your school. What are you looking forward to the most during your term as leader? I am really looking forward to working with and forming great relationships with all of the other leaders within our school to ensure that we are all working together to make 2021 as successful as possible. What are your strengths and weaknesses? I would like to think that I am a very hardworking and dedicated individual and I think that I have good leadership skills. One of my weaknesses is probably not knowing when to delegate tasks and when to do the task at hand by myself. What do you love the most about your school? The thing that I love the most about The Grey is definitely all of the rich heritage and tradition within our beloved school as well as the amazing ethos that has been built up over the years. Matric is your final year, from an academic point of view, what are you aiming for? I am aiming to get the best possible results that I can get in all 7 of my subjects, through dedicating as much time as I can to studying.

What will your message of encouragement be for your prefects/ co-leaders? I believe that it is very important for all of our prefects to stay true to themselves and their values and beliefs at all times throughout their term of office, because they were selected/voted into their position of leadership because of who they are. I would also always encourage all of my co-leaders to give it their all to uphold the traditions and proud name of The Grey at all times, to the best of their ability. Who is your role model? Jacques Kallis What are your plans after matric in 2022? My dream is to play professional cricket one day, but I understand that this is a very difficult profession to get into and so whilst pursuing my dreams I am looking at studying Financial Planning at university. If you could be any superhero, who do you want to be and why? It would have to be Captain America, because his strength, agility and speed are superior to any Olympic athlete and also because he leads the Avengers.

SUNRIDGE PRIMARY SCHOOL Head Leaders & Deputies 2021

Luka Bessinger

Travis Pheiffer

Jaycee Diedericks

Cherize Schutte

e ws N l o o h c S Cape Durandt Roothman Head Boy JOBURG SOUTH



Zia Ferreira Head Girl




hs & Physical Science Extra Lessons Individual attention Fix gaps in fo f undational knowledge Support & reinfo f rce the school curriculum fo Short courses on spesfic topics Do or redo matric maths or science


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HOËRSKOOL FRAMESBY Miss Teen South Africa 2021 Baie geluk aan Ellen Myburgh (Gr.12) wat as Miss Teen South Africa 2021 gekroon is! Op Woensdag, 7 April het dr. Ellen Roux, die nasionale direkteur van SACOPA, vir Ellen kom kroon met dié groot titel.


WE WON R30 000! We won R30 000 as the top Eastern Cape school for 2020 from The Glass Recycling Company.

Deputy head girl/Onderhoof dogter: Cindy Langeveldt Head girl/Hoofmeisie: Christen Leite Head boy/Hoofseun: Alude Geza Deputy head boy/ Onderhoof seun: Kungawo Tshazibane

Clarissa Strydom, Altus Els, Lianae Petzer and Iwan Fischer.


Money for CANSA

Our swimmers took part in Biathlon hosted by NMB Modern Pentathlon, biathle.

We collected money for CANSA and we won an award for collecting the most funds.

Chanté Strydom, Xakeena McQuinto and Somiha Vencencie.

Gemma Munro, Cleo Gouws and Natalie Strydom.

LORRAINE PRIMARY Introducing our Prefects for 2021! / Ons stel bekend ons Prefekte vir 2021! “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” - John C. Maxwell

Top row: Nina Bezuidenhout, JJ John, Ju-Ane du Plessis, Triston Fourie, Chanre Barnard, Ruben Bouwer, Kiana Botha, Alexzander Behrens, Jennica Essen, Ruan Francis, Kylie Klaasen and Gustav Eisenberg. Second from Top: AJ Friend, Teneal Els, Aaron Butler, Lindsay Gouws, Connor Beer, Simone le Roux, Cayden Coetzee, Mieka Swanepoel, Aedan Smith, Olisa Tom and Daniel Stofberg. Third row: Hasina Parbhoo, Alexia Grubic, Charldrik Vos, Erin Brand, Travis White, Leah Steyn, Wion Venter, Megan Vermaak, Phelolethu Samuel, Hannah Hattingh and Owen Wessels. Bottom row: Linmari Botha, Lukas Jacobs, Giorgia Willatt, Hannah Andrews, Gabby Schonfeldt, Nadia van Niekerk, Milla van Heerden, Jesse Premlal, Shante Stone, Lianell Westraadt, Zoe du Plessis and Taylor Marshall.

Q & A with Y



FROM WESTERING HIGH SC What are you looking forward to the most during your term as leader? To grow as a team to broadcast the school far and wide and to show the fun in education. What are your strengths and weaknesses? My strengths are emotional control and uplifting. My weakness can be laziness and procrastinating. Is there anything you would like to change at your school? I would like to change learners view on problem solving.

Westering High is using the AWSUM App to connect parents with the school. Can you afford to build a school community without the AWSUM App?

What do you love the most about your school? The kindness and willingness of our teachers and the passion they possess for the job and connecting with their learners. Matric is your final year, from an academic point of view, what are you aiming for? I want to pass matric with a few distinctions I don’t want to pressure myself but I would like to do my best and give it my all for the last time. What will your message of encouragement be for your prefects/ co-leaders? You never know which day is your last so make them all count. Who is your role model? Myself. Despite the mountain of challenges I face I strive to have a smile on my face and make the most of my days ahead.

What are your plans after matric in 2022? I would like to go overseas for a year and work on a cruise ship or resort to save up and take the weight of university fees off my parents’ back whilst enjoying and exploring the world. If you could be any superhero, who would you be and why? I would want to be flash so I could travel to any part of the world during holidays and visit the ones I love. Who is your Hollywood celeb crush? Mariah Carey.

WESTERING HIGH SCHOOL Athletics EPA Championships Some of our athletes participated in the Athletics EPA Championships this past weekend. Their results are as follows: • Colin de Vlam U18 Boys 800m Final - placed 7th with a time of 2:24:10 •

Theolan Pillay U18 Boys 100m Final - placed 8th with a time of 11:76 U18 Boys 200m Final - placed 4th with a time of 24:07

Connor Liberty U18 Boys Longjump with a distance of 5,55m U18 Boys 200m Semi-Final placed 5th U18 Boys 100m Semi-Final placed 4th

2021 Head Leaders

Jordan Matroos - Head Boy and Alyssa Filander - Head Girl.

2021 Matric Jackets

Colin de Vlam

Theolan Pillay

Connor Liberty ended up 3rd position with this jump.

Junior City Council 2021

Thandi Nikelo and Yibanathi Slate

Dux Scholar Matric 2020

Tatum Cloete

Linton Grange

t r o p p u S We ! s l o o h c S All 10 primrose square, Linton Grange • 041 360 4879




Academic badges for achieving 80% in 2020

Athletes perform at ASA Championships

The following Grade 7 pupils received their Academic badges for achieving 80% and above in the December exams last year:

We are proud of our athletes that participated at the ASA Twizze Championships 7 – 10 April in Paarl. •

Clarise Moolman obtained a 4th place in the 400m for Woman u/20 at the ASA Twizza Championships with a PB of 57.28seconds. Inge van Eyk obtained an 11th place in Pole Vault for Girls u/16 at the ASA Twizza Championships. Ryan Jordan finished 2nd in the 400m Men u20 at the ASA Twizza Championships with a time of 47.01 seconds. Anke Serfontein came 2nd in

• Front: J. Hartman, Z. Bonnasse, L. Aspeling, Z. Cerfonteyn and M. Kennedy. Back: L. Momberg, D. Sheard, K. Nicholls and E. Daniel. •

Regional Level 2 and 3 Galas

• •

the 1500m Girls u18 at the ASA Twizza Championships. Marí Venter obtained a 9th place in High Jump for Girls u/18 at the ASA Twizza Championships. Keira van Heerden finished 7th in the 400m Girls U16 final at the ASA Twizza Championships and ran her personal best in a time of 59.51 seconds. Mia Vermaak came 7th in the Long Jump Girls U16 at the ASA Twizza Championships.

The following swimmers participated in the Regional Level 2 and 3 Galas held at the Newton Park Swimming Pool from 23-28 March 2021. They are seen here wearing the medals they earned at these galas.

Clarise Moolman

Ryan Jordan

Keira van Heerden

Anke Serfontein

SA Swimming Nationals The following swimmers have qualified for SA Nationals from 14 – 18 April Senior Nationals: Mr G. Harris (Headmaster), D. Sheard, A. Haffijee, M. Hlangothi, T. Dace, C. O’Connor, N. Naude, K. O’Connor, J. Viduya, J. Roman and H. De Beer.

Tennis Tournament and Clinic BNP Paribas RCS Rising Star Tennis Tournament and Clinic was attended by the following Hurdians:

D. van Loggerenberg, O. Senti, Z. Browne, D. Booker, and J. van Loggerenberg.

Oluhle was also interviewed by the Supersport television crew.

• • • • •

Alexa Barnard Lize Muller Flippie van der Spuy Wietske van der Westhuizen Junior Nationals

• • • • •

Kiara Croft Robyn Hough Caitlin Rademakers Keira van Heerden Connor Bagley




GIRL FROM RIEBEEK COLLEGE What are you looking forward to most during your term as leader? Leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could. As Head Girl, I want to inspire others to do better, to get involved and to be different. I’m looking forward to not only inspiring others, but to being inspired by others. As a leader, I want to build others up to lead, so that a space is created where we can all learn, motivate and encourage one another to be better and to do better!

Who is your role model? The people I surround myself with have all inspired me or taught me something valuable. But, my mother deserves the top title as my role model. Her resilience has taught me to never give up, no matter the circumstance. I admire her selflessness. Her confidence and joyful spirit lights up any room. My mother continues to show my sister and I constant love and support in all we do. I am unconditionally thankful for that!

What do you love most about your school? The sense of unity amongst the learners and staff and the spirit of “we are all in this together”. I think this stems from the diverse cultures, sport and committees Riebeek College offers, where learners are able to grow and develop their skills in team efforts and leadership.

What are your plans after matric in 2022? I wish to pursue a career as an entrepreneur. I plan to study a B. Com in Business Management. I would also like to be involved in more charity work, especially for women and children.

Matric is your final year, from an academic point of view, what are you aiming for? As I enter my final school year, I would like to embrace my last opportunity as a Riebeek girl by continuing to follow our school motto Ora Et Labora– pray and work. This year will indeed require much prayer and hard work. My goal is to remain focused and constantly strive for improvement in my academics along with balancing my sport, cultural and social activities too.

If you could be any superhero, who would you be and why? I would want to be Wonder Woman, not only for her superhuman strength, but because she believes that, “Only love can truly save the world,” which I agree with wholeheartedly. The fact that my name also starts with the letter ‘w’ is purely coincidental!

Head leaders from all over the country told AWSUM who their favourite superhero is. Read all the interviews online at

HTS DANIEL PIENAAR Hoofleiers 2021

Jamiel van Wyk (Adjunkhoofseun), Karel Otto Marais (Hoofseun) en Luyolo Dambuza (Adjunkhoofseun).

Categorised documents, photos and videos

We have reclaimed the way schools communicate

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Easy access to important school information

Group chat functionality

AWSUM App for schools


The biggest school news network in SA

LAERSKOOL SONOP Leerderraad 2021

Chloe Coetzee

Lienka van der Westhuizen

Liandi Jonker

Chloë Davis

Kèani Schoultz (onderhoofmeisie)

Janie Joubert

Jamie-Lee de Jager

Mieke Frier (hoofmeisie)

Aiden Benecke

Kiana Gerber

Lische Greyvenstein

Steyn Strümpher (hoofseun)

Austin Benecke

Franku Fouché

Heideli Hoekstra

Johan-Louis Kleyn (onderhoofseun)

Tian van Zyl

Amoré Jonck

Steve Barry

Liam Vosloo

HOËRSKOOL DESPATCH Eerste Netbalspan-groep vir 2021

Voor: Sharon Dlomo. Middel: Carmen Barnard (Hulpafrigter), Mieke de Kock, Hailey Ferreira, Loné Smith, Kaylen Barnard, Marli Kruger en Theresa Prince (1ste Span Afrigter). Agter: Anke Bekker, Lisakhanya Grootboom, Ninke Barnard, Crystal De Beer, Reze Coetzer, Shené Visser, Kelly Oosthuizen, Nadine Luiters en Janine Schoonraad.

Hoërskool Despatch gebruik die AWSUM App vir effektiewe ouer-skool Kommunikasie. Is jou skool reg om op te teken?

we don’t

sell food we sell friendship 1 Rabie Street, Despatch 041 933 3237 Mon - Sat: 7am - 8pm Sun: 8am - 8pm /DespatchSUPERSPAR

DIE BRANDWAG HOËRSKOOL Hokkiespan Altesaam 14 hokkiespelers van die Hoërskool Brandwag het vir hulself ’n plek oopgespeel in ’n toerspan wat later vanjaar in Nederland gaan hokkie speel.


Anika Ferreira (Links): Het in die o.63 kg-divisie deelgeneem en ook 57,5 kg gelig, wat aan haar ook ’n eerste plek in haar gewigsafdeling besorg het.

Voor: Karien van Niekerk, Anke Muller, Lia van der Merwe, Jadelyn Uithaler en Karlin Erasmus. Agter: Kayleigh Gouws, Joané Lloyd, Annette Venter, Roné Moll, Rachel Maneveldt, Karista Erasmus, Ashnay Sayster, Suzette Hayward en Deané Slabbert.

Heike Groenewald (Regs): Het in die o.69 kg-afdeling deelgeneem en met ’n gewig van 57,5 kg die eerste plek behaal en ook ’n nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse rekord opgestel.

MUIR COLLEGE Top Matrics of 2020 Congratulations to the Matrics of 2020! We are proud of your achievements in a challenging year! Learners with highest number of distinctions:

Darius George 6 distinctions Aggregate: 89% Accounting: 91% Afrikaans FAL: 88% Life Orientation: 92% Life Sciences: 91% Mathematics: 95% Physical Sciences: 93% • 42 subject distinctions • 67 subject level 6s • 93.4% pass rate Congratulations to our leaners and their teachers!

Robert Hendricks 6 distinctions Aggregate: 84% Accounting: 90% Afrikaans FAL: 89% Life Orientation: 83% Life Sciences: 84% Mathematics: 92% Physical Sciences: 84%

Marcques Prins 5 distinctions Aggregate: 81% Accounting: 85% Afrikaans FAL: 90% Life Orientation: 83% Life Sciences: 81% Mathematics: 83%

Die Brandwag Hoërskool kommunikeer d.m.v die AWSUM App met hulle ouers en leerders. Is jou skool reg om op te teken?


Rugby 0/13A spelers Divan Kotzè, Juan Hoffman, Deon Slabbert en Ayden Anderson oefen lynstane voor die Grey Bloem toer.

ATKV Ethan Bothma (Graad 7) het die afdeling vir Graad 6 en 7 in die ATKV se Digi-spelkompetisie gewen! Hy het 100% behaal!

Divan Oosthuysen, Divan Kotzé, Mené McKay en Zandri Stumke.

o.13A netbal toergroep na Paarl Gym

Alethea Bonaparte, Mené McKay, Danica Basson, Zandri Stumke, Haylee Botha, Keisha Reuben, Logan Delport, Mia le Roux, Justine Barkhuizen en Kobie Mellet.
















ST ANDREW’S COLLEGE ASA Track & Field Age Group Championships St Andrew’s College brother’s Bryce and Nathan Putzier represented Eastern Province at the ASA Track & Field Age Group Championships in April. Bryce took part in the U18 Pole Vault and Nathan in the U16 100m and 200m events. • •

Bryce cleared a height of 4.30 meters, finishing second in the U18 Pole Vault final. Nathan made it through to the semi-finals in both the U16 100m and 200m events. In the 100m Nathan finished 6th in his semi-final in a time of 11.82 (11th overall); in the 200m there were three semi-finals, Nathan finished 4th in his heat with a time of 23.34 placing 9th.

St Andrew’s College Shield Water Polo Tournament The annual St Andrew’s College Shield Water Polo Tournament took place in March this year. The tournament was played over five days due to COVID regulations, with 11 teams participating from around the country. Five teams from the Eastern Cape, three teams from the Western Cape, two teams from KwaZulu-Natal and one team from Gauteng. We were also lucky enough to have two current FINA referees, Dion Willis and Brad Rowe as well as Ian Melliar who has reffed at the Olympics and that St Andrew’s beat Rondebosch in the final.

St Andrew’s Grand Slam Tennis League The St Andrew’s College internal Grand Slam Tennis League took place in order to give our tennis players some game time. The play offs took place in sweltering conditions on a Friday afternoon. The senior section was closely contested with Feds Flyers beating Aces by the narrowest of margins to take the early lead for third place, while Beorns Bro’s won the two well contested matches over Dream Team to take the silverware, in a very close final. Beorns Bros won by 6 log points to 5.

Bryce and Nathan Putzier.

GRAEME COLLEGE 1st XI Cricket Awards


Tennis matches against Kingswood.

RCL Inauguaration

Mornay Kohl - Sean Wiblin Trophy for Player’s Player of the Season Aphiwe Mnayanda - Smuts Family Bat - Most outstanding player of the year Mr Neil Smuts - invited to hand over the awards on behalf of the Smuts family View Gana - Trevor Cowie bat - Most Improved 1st XI cricketer

Wothando Funani - Head of School Leadership & Head of school RCL David Tyson - RCL

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69 Beaufort Street, P.O.Box 325, Grahamstown, Tel: (046) 622 2328 / 622 2031 / 622 7017, Fax: (046) 622 8200, Email:

Virtual sport series to showcase national school talent “The Showcase is a concept that was born during the Covid-19 pandemic and has grown to the first of its kind talent identification platform in South Africa”, says Gerhardi Odendaal, CEO of Old School Group, the host of The Showcase. “We designed this platform for athletes to improve their own ability at their own pace and to inspire kids that would not normally get the chance to showcase their talents to enter. Bobby Skinstad, Robbie Fleck and VanesMari Proudfoot have put their support behind this initiative and we are proud to combine their skills and knowledge, together with our industry specialists, within the programme”. The Showcase is a platform that gives school kids the opportunity to showcase their talent through sport-specific conditioning drills to determine speed, strength and skill level depending on the sport. Drills include the vertical jump, broad jump, sprinting, etc. and leaners submit the results of each test/showcase on the Showcase website and follow their results on a weekly leader board. The AWSUM School News platform and The Showcase recently came together to give kids from all over the country and all walks of life, irrespective of their background or status of the school they attend, the opportunity to compete against each other. “Think about it, for the first time ever a learner from HTS Middelburg can compete against a learner from Hoërskool Namakwaland in Springbok, so it made perfect sense to join this initiative”, says Durandt van Zyl, CEO of AWSUM. “So many times, we see talent that gets lost in the

crowds at schools. Now kids can enter and compete individually, and we present the best performers for contracting by talent seekers”.

enables youngsters to perform on a broader platform to measure their performance against other learners across the country”, van Zyl concluded.

The Showcase is a platform that gives school kids the opportunity to showcase their talent through sport-specific conditioning drills to determine speed, strength and skill level depending on the sport. The 3 phased series consist of: Phase 1: 10-week period where learners will complete sport specific conditioning drills Phase 2: The top performing entries from Phase 1 will participate at a live event against each other and have the opportunity to showcase their talents in front of an audience of talent seekers, agents, varsity and high school recruiters, bursary givers, scouts and professional sports team coaches. Phase 3: A 4-day camp will allow players to develop skills and get tips from the best in the sports industry. “Children between the ages of 12 and 18 can showcase their athleticism and fitness as part of this unique programme and make their talents visible to top recruiters. This also builds self-confidence and

For more info visit

70 Athletes from schools in SA selected for sport showcase series, phase 2

Kingswood College at the renaming of Burton Street “…Renaming Burton Street after Rev Dr Simon Gqubule is not about trying to wipe away our past. It is about continuing our journey, into the future with the grace, vision, passion for education and zest for life that embodied the man that was Simon Gqubule. He is now part of our history, part of the fabric of our school, our country and our journey…” – Mr Warrick Strachan (Chairman of the Kingswood College Council). The renaming of Burton Street to Reverend Dr Simon Gqubule Avenue has a great deal of symbolism behind it. Kingswood is a Methodist school, with Methodist roots and the Chapel is the heart of our school. It is then fitting that the road that runs through our main campus, be named after a distinguished Methodist Presiding Bishop. A person who was also an astute academic who valued and contributed greatly to the education of young people. He championed issues which we also hold dear as a school including diversity, equality, justice and transformation.

Hoërskool PJ Olivier is opgewonde om Alpha Math as ekstra vak aan te bied Hoërskool PJ Olivier is opgewonde om Alpha Math as ekstra vak aan te bied. Hierdie vier brawe leerders is ons eerste groep in Gr.8-10 wat dit aandurf. Ons sien uit na groot prestasies!

Laerskool Stulting leerder presteer by US Kids Gholfdag Hannes Lourens, ‘n gr.3-leerder van Laerskool Stulting, het onlangs ‘n 2de plek behaal tydens die US Kids Golfdag by Oubaai Golf Estate. Baie geluk!

Harcourts Port Alfred here for all your property requirements.

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Armand Oosthuizen (Deputy), Jarryd Harty (Head Boy), Nigel Adams (Headmaster), Dr Ian Knott-Craig (Deputy Headmaster), Carissa le Roux (Head Girl) and Yolisa Bobo (Deputy).

2020 Matric Results The 39th Matric Class to sit Matric final examinations achieved 33 bachelor passes. Of the 59 candidates, 56 passed. The pass rate for 2020 of 94.91% is an improvement on the 2019 figure of 89,3%. This puts Port Alfred High in the number one spot as Ndlambe’s best performing school. When measured against the Grahamstown schools, Port Alfred High is in fourth place with Victoria Girls High taking first place (100%) followed by Graeme College (96.66%) and Hoerskool PJ Olivier (96.55%). The PAHS Matric Class of 2020 achieved 42 distinctions across 15 subjects with 33 candidates eligible for university in 2021. Twelve distinctions in Afrikaans First Additional Language and twelve distinctions in Life Orientation were awarded. Six distinctions in Business Studies and four in Life Sciences are also noteworthy. SUMMARY OF PAHS MATRIC RESULTS 2020: 94,91% Pass Rate (2019: 89,33%) 43 Distinctions across 15 Subjects (2019: 26) 33 Bachelor Degree Passes (2019: 37) 20 Diploma Passes 3 Higher Certificate Passes

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