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Dit is Matriekeksamentyd! C ONTENT Die jaar vaar voort met ‘n dolle spoed – dit is moeilik om te glo dat dit alreeds die finale pylvak vir ons Matriek is! Ons wens almal alle voorspoed toe vir hierdie uitdagende tyd.
Marika Truter | 021 872 3880 Fashion editor Pepe Sofianos | 083 300 2068 Designers Rowan Engledoe | Jade Bushby | Nadia Matthee | Aniena Keller | Ruveix Venter | Editorial coordinator Ryno Wolfaardt | 021 872 3880 Advertising coordinator Samantha Marshall | 021 872 3880
Advertising Ina Snyman | 073 575 5540
Distribution AWSUM News is distributed to the following schools in PRETORIA: Primary Schools: Glenstantia, Curro Hazeldean Primary. High Schools: Pretoria
Met Matriekeksamens nou aan die gang, gee ons ‘n klompie strategieë vir daardie nagmerrie-oomblik in die eksamen wanneer jou kind alles vergeet. Help jou kind om kalm te bly, diep asem te haal, en ons riglyne te volg om hulle te help om sukses te behaal. Jenny Morris, aka The Giggling Gourmet en ons gereelde For the Foodies-skrywer, beantwoord ‘n klompie vrae hier onder vir ons lesers en foodies om haar beter te leer ken. Geniet haar resepte! Ons bring ook solank vir julle die program van die gewilde Wildeklawer-toernooi in 2017, sodat julle kan begin beplan.
AWSUM News is published by the TieMedia Group, Jock de Villiers Office Building, 376 Main Road, Paarl, 7646. 021 872 3880 |
JAN BRAAI: THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF BRAAI WENNER Veels geluk aan Chris Schoeman van Johannesburg!! Jou boek is op pad – lekker braai dié somer!
Jenny Jenny Morris – aka The Giggling Gourmet – is een van Suid-Afrika se mees geliefde kospersoonlikhede. Sy is ‘n restaurateur (Yumcious, in Greenpoint), skrywer, radio- en TV-aanbieder, glanssjef, opvoeder en kostoergids wat ‘n liefdesverhouding met kos vanaf ‘n jong ouderdom gehad het, toe sy watertand lekkernye vir skoolfondsinsamelings begin maak het. Haar liefdesverhouding met kos is ‘n ware een, wat al die sintuie inspan.
How to manage a mid-exam meltdown
Pg 4
V: Vir watter glanspersoonlikhede het jy al gekook? A: Vir dosyne bekendes en koninklikes ... onder ander Prins Charles, Thabo Mbeki, Kenneth Kaunda, Charlize Theron, Al Gore, en die Hertog en Hertogin van Kent. V: Wat geniet jy wanneer jy nie kosmaak nie? Ek is baie lief vir lees, ek luister graag na musiek en geniet ‘n goeie fliek.
V: Hoe het jou foodie-reis begin? A: Ek het van kleins af ‘n avontuurlik koslus gehad. My ouers het ons in die kombuis verwelkom en ons aan nuwe bestanddele bekendgestel. Ek het altyd geweet my lewe sal rondom kos draai.
V: Wat is jou raad vir aspirant-foodies? A: Eet volgens die seisoene. Probeer nuwe, interessante bestanddele.
V: Wat is jou kombuisstaatmakers? A: Ek kan nie klaarkom sonder knoffel, botter, olyfolie, parmesankaas, suurlemoene, komyn en dhania (cilantro) nie!
Celebrity Interview
V: Vertel ons meer oor Yumcious. Hoe het die restaurant ontstaan? Wat is jou visie en wat bied jy? A: Yumcious bedien goeie informele kos. Ek bring omtrent elke aand van my lewe deur met nuwe resepte uitdink. Ek kan die kleure, teksture en aromas ‘proe’. Ek het ‘n ander plek as my kookskool nodig gehad om my opgedroomde resepte ‘n realiteit te maak. Ek wou graag ‘fine casual food’ aan baie mense voorsien, en die kos is presies dit.
Geniet Oktober! Marika & jul toegewyde AWSUM-span
Girls, Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool, Curro College Hazeldean, Reddford House, Garsfontein, Waterkloof.
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V: Wie sal jy graag aan tafel wil hê? A: Hugh Laurie, Beth Hart, Helen Zille en Jamie Oliver.
V: Watter interessante dinge is in die pyplyn? A: O, ek sien baie uit daarna om ‘n Nuwejaarsete in Antarktika te kook! Dit sal glo die eerste keer wees dat ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse glanssjef dit doen!
Tel: 012 343 2431
630 Schoeman/Francis Baard Street, Arcadia, Pretoria
Shop 64, Menlyn Retail Park C/O Lois Garsfontein Rd (Next To The Place Restaurant)
012 361 0693/5
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Throwing time and money in the water!
8 71 5
Learners sometimes make career choices based on the exposure they perceive from their parents’ occupations; The ramifications of such a common mistake by any parent or leaner can be detrimental, and often irreversible. In some instances, a learner “perceive” a certain occupation to be what they want to do, but without knowing the proper consequences and job-profiling of that specific occupation. He/she inevitably ends up in a situation of being unable to4 meet the job requirements, overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy and despair, or totally derailed, as “this didn’t turn out the way I thought it would, and I’ve invested years and a truck load of money in an unfulfilling career path”. A good example is my nephew’s son, Gilbert, who worshipped the ground his advocate Dad walked on, and couldn’t wat for the day he could step into those successful footsteps. He went right ahead to study LLB, but after only a few court appearances, realised that it is something he will never be able to do - appearing in court in front of an entire audience! Had his parents given him the opportunity to be properly assessed years earlier, they would have discovered in time that he is much more inclined towards careers where his strategic thinking abilities could be applied, and that he would prefer to work in an environment where he is not exposed to the public. Massive damage to his self-esteem could have been avoided, had they only realized the crucial role they had to play inanusing to them, to guidefor him in his choices, andwhen embrace talents and abilities. Writing examthe cantools be aoffered very stressful experience many learners, even they his true 4. Visualise In some instances, the learner is eager to study an occupation that sounds impressive, for Engineering/ etc. unfortunately, only few have were diligent in their revision. Teachers and parents should, as their final act of support If youexample cannot remember any ofDoctor the material, try to use some memory tricksthe to assist cognitive ability pass the later and moretodifficult University years! they We at therefore first assess the level Numerical, Verbal and Abstract reasoning before pen is put totopaper, empower learners know what to do should bePOP-Profiling you. For example, try to visualise sitting in class when the material was covered, or try to confronted a mental they receive their ability of awith learner and void thenwhen link the outcome to anpapers. Occupational Interest Profile where a couple of possible career choices arenotes givenin(based intellectual ability) picture yourself in your study area with your front ofon you. Often thinking about the
Banish the blank: Manage a mid-exam meltdown
The exam environment can be unfamiliar and daunting. The environment is often a context of the material can help you to remember it. formal one, with rules about where to sit, what you can do, and what you can have with 5. Reconstruct your memories What differentiates POP-Profiling’s from your average “Quick-Fix-Household-Test”? you. It is quite normal to experience exam nerves in anmethodology examination venue. However, If are youfacilitated are able toin jotadown notes about the material, these notes and see how the Our assessments are approved by the Health Professions’ Council of South Africa and controlled environment underreview supervision of registered sometimes students can become so overwhelmed that they cannot remember the information that you have remembered relates to the question. Try to reformulate your Psychologists. material that they have spent many hours reviewing. This can lead them to feel even notes into a response to the question that was given to you. more panicked and stressed. Assessments are Internationally and locally recognition, and compared to huge norm groups to ensure high reliability and Validity. 6. individuals Remember drawn the bigfrom picture To avoid runaway nerves, learners do the in the minutes beforesample of Occupational Interest Profile (OIP) should in specific hasfollowing been developed on a large a wide range of occupational groups the clock starts: Firstly, when you receive the paper, carefully read through all the Keep in mind that what you are usually marked on is your ability to answer the question. In Can be compared against International and local norm groups instructions and every page of the paper. Then re-read all the instructions. This will give the worst case scenario, where you cannot remember a single piece of information from you a sense of what is expected of you. Remind yourself that even if you do forget your course material, simply try to answer the question from a common sense perspective. Everdetails, felt completely lost in the of careerforget choices, subject choices, what school to choose for your child's needs? some it is unlikely that you jungle will completely everything. You may find that you do actually know quite a bit about the question and may be It's a scary thought be all alone during these Watershed-decision-making-moments of one's life. Then, while readingtothrough the paper, mark all the questions that you can answer. awarded some marks for your general knowledge. Doing this may also prompt you to But with fear these no more.... We first. can facilitate youryou decision process in a professional, scientifically environment, which will enable you to make an Start questions That will give some making confidence and allow your mind remember thebenchmarked course material. informed and well thought through on these crucial your career path.Staying calm is your most important weapon in the exam room, as is keeping a sense some time to process, as well as to startdecision accumulating some marksaspects for the of paper. If, measure despite approaching paperof in numerical, this manner, a learner feels overwhelmed, We candidates’alevels verbal andstill abstract reasoning abilities. This we link to at their occupational interest profiles, and provide the candidates of perspective all times, and endeavouring they can take the following steps in order to gain their equilibrium confidence. with several career choices, based on their two top measured and fields of interest. Individuals educational backgrounds only toofdovarious your best in whichever situation and cultural groups can thus be 1.accurately Don’t panic assessed, in context of South African norms and reliabilities. Example Report you find yourself. If Professional you feel panicked, take long,and slowPersonality and deep breaths. Doing this will calm you the physically. Occupational Profiling is being done under supervision of registered psychologists with extensive experience in Profiling and Remember that you have more than one Getting the physical panic under control is an important step in calming your mind. opportunity to perform in a subject. For Corporate Psychology. example, you write more than one paper 2.Assessments, Calm down accredited by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) are applied tomay obtain accurate outcome based results, with detailed reports on for any one subject, and your year marks also Once youand have calmed your body, it is time to calm your mind. Give yourself a mental career personal development paths. count towards final mark. the worst pep-talk by repeating to yourself “I am calm. I have hard. I know training my work.” You We specialise in group psychometric testing atworked schools, colleges, facilities, etc. under closeyour supervision ofIf,a in qualified invigilator. Now also case scenario, you do fail the exam papers, can also give yourself this pep while you are taking breaths. Personality profiling can betalk done individually or indeep groups under supervision. available on the and your year marks, you may still have the Amazon App Store 3.We Getwould back to business love to hear from you to understand your need and provide profiling suggestions accordingly. opportunity to apply to re-write the subject. Once you are feeling a bit calmer, go back to the questions that you believed that you
Please send an email with basic or detailed information to Sonet or Elmarie. We'll gladly assist telephonically, per e-mail or make an appointment to come and see you
could answer. Tryfirst to jot down anything and everything thatGauteng you can remember for the consultation, travelling fees outside excluded. about at nonot cost the material. You can always cross this out to indicate that it should not be marked.
General Reasoning Assessment - Numerical Reasoning - Verbal Reasoning - Abstract Reasoning
* Supervised Assessments can be taken individually or in groups, electronically or per booklet in Afrikaans or English. *All ability Assessments are done under supervision of qualified psychologists. Comprehensive feedback, benchmarked against SA Norms, is available 24h after assessment.
Page 4
Article by Dr Gillian Mooney, Teaching and Learning Manager at The Independent Institute of Education.
Occupational Interest Profiling
Assess vocational interests and work needs - South African norms for scholars are applied - Combines a basic 5 scale personality measure (work needs) with work interests in one questionnaire - Measures work areas which the individual would enjoy - Reports integrate the OIP results with that of ability test to produce a report that makes career recommendations while taking level of ability into account - South African report links OIP scales to nearly 600 South African careers
(t) 012 998 6116 (e)
Choirs perform at the Youth Music Festival On Saturday, 22 October both Glenstantia choirs had the opportunity to perform at a prestigious concert hosted by a touring orchestra and choir of The Hall School of London.
This was a very enjoyable concert and our choirs received overwhelming applause from the audience!!! This was a highlight on our performance calender. May we always sing joyfully!!
(t) 010 060 0757 (e)
Entrepreneurs Day at Reddford House On 14 October the EMS and Business Studies students held their Entrepreneurs Day. The students were divided into groups and drew up their business plans, including a budgeting and cost analysis, and got quotes from different suppliers. The group then applied for a loan for start-up capital from “Reddford Bank”. Marketing is a vital part of any business undertaking and the students also designed and implemented their own marketing strategy. Children from our Early Learning and Preparatory Schools came to spend their money at a variety of stalls, from games and karaoke to a wide variety of eats and treats. As well as being a fun activity, Entrepreneurs Day also offers a real-life experience and a valuable learning opportunity that gives the students a taste of what it means to be an entrepreneur and goes a long way in fostering an entrepreneurial spirit in the students.
AFRIKAANSE HOËR MEISIESKOOL PRETORIA (t) 012 344 3811 (e) Affies maak hul harte oop vir Loxton ’n Historiese laerskool, JJ Booysen op Loxton in die Karoo, is deur ’n brand verswelg in Julie 2016. Die skooltjie is meer as 100 jaar oud. Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool het van ‘n projek gehoor toe leerders van La Rochelle in die Kaap besluit het om die skooltjie te help om hulle biblioteek weer op die been te bring. La Rochelle het ‘n uitdaging gerig aan die volgende skole: Afrikaanse Hoër Meisies Pretoria, Hoërskool Bloemhof in die Wes-Kaap en Oranje in Bloemfontein om ook boeke en skryfbehoeftes te skenk. Affies het hulle boekrakke afgestof en al hulle ongebruikte boeke vir die goeie doel geskenk.
Anneh Pretorius sê: “Ons wou graag ‘n dorpie met die boeke bou, ‘n dorpie soos Loxton, maar die leerders het so positief gereageer dat die skool alreeds ongeveer 3000 boeke ontvang het.” Daar is toe besluit om eerder ‘n stad met die boeke te bou. Die WitOpWitspan argitekte wat reeds ‘n eetstad gebou het, se hulp is ingeroep. ‘n Skaalmodel van Pretoria se stadskern, vanaf die Kerkplein, is op papier gedruk en Affies se boekstad is daarop gebou. Karlien Thomashoff, Ursula Thomashoff, Anneh Pretorius, Inge Wilkinson en Marguerite Pienaar. Karlien, Inge en Marguerite van WitOpWit Argitekte het Affies bygestaan om die stad te bou.
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PRETORIA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL (t) 012-4307341 (e) Bonolo making a name on sports field PHSG is very proud of Bonolo Moabi (Grade 8), who is making a name for herself on the sports field. When she was chosen to be part of the Gauteng provincial U14 hockey team this year, it was yet another huge achievement on her part and a big step forward in her desire to one day play for the national women’s team. “To be chosen boosted my confidence as a hockey player,” she says. “I was just very happy and extremely excited.” Bonolo plays in the school U14 team and was chosen as the Most Promising Junior Hockey Player. The provincial team participated in the South African National Winter Games, in Durban, and finished in second place overall, and were awarded silver medals. She is a former Benoni Northerns Athletics Club (BNAC) member and a Benoni Northerns Junior Hockey (BNJH) player. “My favourite sport to play is hockey, because it is a team sport and does not put as much pressure on you in that, win or lose, you are still a team and have people supporting you,” she says. The ambitious girl says, “As proud as I am of myself and my achievements, it is only a result of hard work and dedication, plus the support of many people.”
CURRO COLLEGE HAZELDEAN Tweeling is hoofleiers vir 2017! Henri en Mia Groeneveld is nie net Curro College se hoof-leiers vir 2017 nie, maar hulle is ook ‘n tweeling. Hulle het hul laerskoolloopbaan in Lichtenburg voltooi. Daar het hulle reeds as leiers uitgeblink, aangesien hulle jaarliks klasleiers van hul onderskeie klasse was. Mia was in 2012 ook die hoofmeisie van haar laerskool en Henri was die Dux-leerling. Henri en Mia is veelsydige leerders wat presteer in verskeie velde by die skool. Hulle is toppresteerders in akademie, neem graag deel aan atletiek, speel tennis vir die skool en is kultuurvoorlopers. Mia is in die eerste netbalspan en deel van die skool se meisiesokkerspan, asook ‘n volleerde pianis, kitaarspeler en danseres. Henri speel provinsiaal skaak, doen landloop en is ‘n suksesvolle redenaar wat as Tweetalige nasionale wenner by die Radikale Rede-naarsfees aangewys is.
Radikale Redenaars Baie geluk aan Henri Groeneveld van Curro Kollege Hazeldean. Henri is die nasionale wenner van die Radikale Redenaars vir sy tweetalige toespraak. Henri is ook gekies as Curro Kollege se hoofseun van 2017.
Henri Groeneveld, Mia Groeneveld, Louise Dyer en Stefan Roos.
(t) 0824164957 (e)
Matriekafskeid Our performers steal the show Curro Kollege hou matriekafskeid by Monte de Dios.
Performers from Curro College Hazeldean excelled during the annual inter-Curro cultural festival for Curro high schools in the northern part of the country, called Curro Cuesta. Participating schools included high schools from Polokwane, Nelspruit, Witbank, Brakpan, Kempton Park, Johannesburg and Pretoria. The festival culminated in two gala concerts in the Atterbury Theatre, where the best cultural talent of the combined Curro schools was showcased, with Melinda Bam (Miss SA 2012) as the host for both shows. Curro College Hazeldean scooped up a record total of 60 medals: 34 Gold, 19 Silver and 7 Bronze. Pupils from the College also received trophies for the highest achievement in the following categories: Senior and Junior Vocal, Senior Dance and Junior Art/Photography. Pupils from Curro Hazeldean Primary won trophies for Junior Instrumental and Junior Dance.
Rohan Breytenbach en Louise Dyer.
HOËRSKOOL GARSFONTEIN(t) 012 998 6096/8200/8210 (e)
Garsie-spreker maak golwe in Redenaars en Public Speaking Jonathan Rijnen (Graad 9 in Hoërskool Garsfontein) het dit hierdie jaar reggekry om sy merk as spreker te maak. Nie net dring hy deur na die Nasionale finaal van die ATKV-redenaarskompetisie, waar hy as ‘Beste Taalgebruiker’ in Graad 8 en 9 aangewys word nie, maar hy tree ook as nasionale wenner in Afrikaans en Engels van die Radikale Redenaarskompetisie uit die stryd. Hy is vir seker ‘n jong spreker om in die toekoms dop te hou. Page 6
CURRO HAZELDEAN PRIMARY (t) 012 809 0714/6 (e) Eskom Expo International Science Fair Jan-Willem Verhoef se wetenskapprojek Keep it Clean – consistently clean car paint was een van 30 projekte wat gekies is vir deelname aan die Eskom Expo ISF (International Science Fair) uit 558 projekte wat ingeskryf was vir die Gauteng Noord Expo. Ongeveer 20 000 leeders (Graad 7–12) neem jaarliks deel aan die eerste uitdunrondtes van die Expo. In 2016 het 1365 skole deelgeneem. Vir die Eskom Espo ISF is daar 580 deelnemers genomineer uit die streekskompetisies (Graad 7–12) en 488 projekte is ingeskryf. Behalwe SuidAfrika, het die volgende lande ook deelgeneem: Mexico, Thailand, Lesotho, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Mosambiek, Zambië en Kenya. Die kompetisies het plaasgevind vanaf 4 tot 7 Oktober in Boksburg. Jan-Willem het die volgende spesiale toekennings verwerf vir sy projek: • Wenner van die Special Award of the Microscopy Society of Southern Africa. Die prys is ‘n kontantbedrag vir hom sowel as ‘n kontantbedrag vir Curro Hazeldean Primary. • Wenner van die Fritz van Rooyen-prys toegeken deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns (Afdeling Chemiese Wetenskap). Die prys word toegeken aan die projek wat die beste aangebied word in Afrikaans (modelinge beoordeling) by die Expo ISF. • Hendrik van der Bijl Award (sponsored by AECE (Pty) Ltd). This prize is awarded at the National Finals of the Eskom Expo for Young Scientists for an outstanding project showing awareness and understanding of a current technological challenge and offering an innovative solution. Tydens die finale het hy ‘n silwer medalje vir sy 2016 Eskom ISF-projek ontvang. Jan-Willem is ook een van ‘n paar Graad 6 tot 8 finaliste wat ‘n uitnodiging ontvang het vanaf die ISF om te kom vir ‘n onderhoud met die doel om ‘n kandidaat te selekteer wat Suid-Afrika sal verteenwoordig tydens die 2017 Broadcom Masters International wat in Amerika gehou word.
Extremely talented learner with three SA medals Garrick Rees is one of Curro Hazeldean’s most talented athletes and the pride of the school. This season, he won all the cross country races that he participated in, as well as AGN (Athletic Gauteng North) and SAs. In all the races, he started in the first position and maintained first position throughout the race. He completed the SA Championship in a time of 09:58 min and his personal best for the season was 09:45 min at the Curro event. The Cross Country title was his third SA title for the year. He received a gold medal in March for the 1200m at the SA Championship and in July he won the SA Judo Open Championship.
Dream season for Marco Strydom Curro Hazeldean is proud of Marco Strydom, the star cricket player of this season. Marco was included in the u/11 Cricket Northern Regional team which will participate at Mpumalanga from 9 to 12 December 2016. What makes this achievement more special is the way Marco was chosen. He went through four difficult trials to be included in the team. Marco also achieved this season – in one match he scored a 100 runs not out. We wish Marco all of luck and know he will do Curro Hazeldean’s proud. Most important is to enjoy every moment of the tournament.
SDR Photo / Simon Deiner
SDR / Simon Deiner SDRPhoto / Deiner Simon Deiner SDR Photo /Photo Simon SDR Photo / Simon Deiner
SDR Photo / Simon Deiner
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HOËRSKOOL WATERKLOOF (t) 012 347 0277/8 (e) Oud-Klofie besoek die Sweedse Kongingshuis Oud-Klofie Bernard Smit het op 22 Oktober aan ‘n Wetenskapkompetisie in Boston deelgeneem. Hy was die enigste eerstejaar student tussen finale jaar-, honneursen M-studente. Hy is deur ISF (International Science Fair) gekies om die prysuitdeling van die Nobelprys vir Wetenskap in Swede by te woon. Hy is een van 25 studente wêreldwyd wat uitgenooi is. Tydens die besoek moet hy sy Expo-taak aan die koning en koningin van Swede voorlê. Hy het met sy projek elektrisiteit met bakterieë opgewek deur hul te magnetiser en ‘n proses van elektromagnetiese induksie toe te pas.
Klofie-swemmers presteer Ethan Riekert en Liam Prinsloo van Hoërskool Waterkloof is gekies om aan die jaarlikse XIX Golfinhos Sprint Gala, wat van 21 tot 23 Oktober in Zimpeto, Maputo in Mosambiek sal plaasvind, deel te neem.
Ethan Riekert
Bernard Smit (foto geneem in 2015).
Hoërskool Waterkloof Konsertorkes weer nasionale kampioene Die Hoërskool Waterkloof-konsertorkes het op 1 Oktober aan die jaarlikse SAMOV Nasionale kompetisie deelgeneem en vyf trofeë verower. Die konsertorkes ontvang trofeë vir die volgende kategorieë: • Algeheel Beste indruk, konsertdissipline en netheid (vir die dertiende jaar sedert die ontstaan van die orkes in 2004) • Beste konsertorkes (vir die dertiende jaar sedert die ontstaan van die orkes in 2004) • Algeheel Beste Orkes in hierdie afdeling (vir die dertiende jaar sedert die ontstaan van die orkes in 2004) • Dirigent van die jaar (vir die tweede jaar aan mnr. Eddie Clayton toegeken) • Algeheel Beste Groep vir die dag (vir die tiende jaar verower) Daar het twintig orkeste aan die kompetisie deelgeneem.
Liam Prinsloo
Klofie Expo-leerders presteer uitstekend Vyftien jong Klofie-wetenskaplikes het in die Oktobervakansie aan ‘n internasionale Expo in Boksburg deelgeneem en baie goed presteer: vier goue (Cornel Rautenbach, Clarice Greyling, Louis Delport, Edrich Engelbrecht, Berno Myburg en Reinier Scherman), vier silwer (Christopher Baumgart, Franco Schmidt, Jo-Ane Verhoef, Wilandri Hills en Anika Meyer) en vier brons medaljes (Franco van Vuuren, Jana Dreeckmeier, Nicola van der Walt Braam Viljoen en Ruan Prinsloo). Daar is sewe spesiale pryse aan die volgende leerders toegeken: Franco Schmidt, Anika Meyer, Christopher Baumgart, Edrich Engelbrecht, Louis Delport, Cornel Rautenbach en Jana Dreeckmeier. Cornel Rautenbach het twee spesiale pryse ontvang. Christoper Baumgart en Clarice Greyling het elk ‘n universiteitsbeurs ter waarde van R30 000 van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch ontvang.
Goue medalje wenners: VOOR Renier Scheman, Clarice Greyling, Louis Delport. AGTER: Cornel Rautenbach, Edrich Engelbrecht, Berno Myburg.
Mnr. Eddie Clayton, hoofleier Liza-Mari Wolhuter en mnr. Danie Smit.
2017 DHS Field A A A A A A A A A A
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TIME 08h00 09h10 10h20 11h30 12h40 13h50 15h00 16h10 17h20 18h30
Saturday 29 April 2017 Glenwood vs Garsfontein Monument vs Oakdale Stellenberg vs EG Jansen Welkom Gim vs Outeniqua Paarl Gim vs Waterkloof Noord Kaap vs HTS Middelburg Diamantveld vs Helpmekaar Paarl Boys High vs Selborne Grey Bloem vs Boland Landbou AHS Pretoria vs Paul Roos
DHS Field A A A B A B A A A A
TIME 08h00 09h10 10h20 10h20 11h30 11h30 12h40 13h50 15h00 16h10
Monday 1 May 2017 Stellenberg vs HTS Middelburg Selborne vs Helpmekaar Waterkloof vs Paul Roos Noord Kaap vs EG Jansen Monument vs Boland Landbou Diamantveld vs Welkom Gim Paarl Boys High vs Glenwood Garsfontein vs Oakdale AHS Pretoria vs Outeniqua Paarl Gim vs Grey Bloem