Excellence in a changing world
Uitnemendheid in ‘n veranderende wêreld
Parel Vallei High School, at the foot of the Helderberg in Somerset West, is a co-educational, bilingual school. We have grown to become a beacon of excellence in a changing world and one of the top schools in the country. We provide education of the highest calibre to learners from Grades 8 to 12.
Our culture of inclusive diversity is built on Christian values and the balanced approach of body, mind and spirit means that 1300 learners are actively involved – all in preparation for making a positive contribution to South Africa one day!
Parel Vallei op die voorpunt van opvoeding in Suid-Afrika
Parel Vallei is op die voorpunt van opvoeding in ons land en met wyse aanpasbaarheid, handhaaf ons ‘n fyn balans tussen behoud en vernuwing van beste praktyke op alle terreine. Ons moderne geriewe en fees van geleenthede wat elke leerder welkom en tuis by die Blue Thread-familie laat voel, tesame met ‘n strewe na
akademiese, sport- en kultuuruitnemendheid wat jaarliks talle SAen provinsiale verteenwoordigers op elke moontlike baan, veld en verhoog lewer, wys waarom Parel Vallei voorkeur geniet wanneer leerders hulle keuse moet maak.
Headmaster of Parel Vallei, Mr. David Schenck
Hoërskool Parel Vallei Kampus
Advanced education valuable foundation for university
The AP Mathematics curriculum extends and enhances learners’ knowledge of Mathematics, sharpens their problem-solving skills, and greatly facilitates the transition to the demands of university, whether in South Africa or abroad.
AP English is designed to encourage learners to develop a strong, independent voice and love for the written word. The ability to interrogate ideas and formulate responses across a wide range of texts is critical in the learners’ development.
At Parel Vallei we strongly believe that advanced education provides an invaluable foundation for university, develops intellectual and academic independence, stimulates, and enriches learners and augments the school syllabus.
PV bied leerderondersteuning deur kundige span
Opvoedkundige sielkundige, geregistreerde berader en jeugwerker
Parel Vallei se leerderondersteuningspan help skep ‘n veilige leeromgewing, waarin elke leerder belangrike akademiese, emosionele en sosiale vaardighede aanleer. Die span luister in ‘n vertroulike en veilige spasie na die leerders se bekommernisse en bied praktiese bemagtiging waarmee ons Parel Valleiers uitdagings kan oorkom, hulle volle potensiaal kan bereik en kan ontwikkel tot die beste weergawe van hulself. Alhoewel die hooffokus die leerders is, heg ons ook waarde daaraan om, waar moontlik, saam met ouers en onderwysers te werk om die beste moontlike ondersteuning aan ons leerders te bied. Ons leerderondersteuningspan is ook betrokke by die pastorale program wat leerders toerus om alledaagse kwessies te kan hanteer.
Caleb Daries: 83%Maths
Benjamin Kleyn: 94% Maths, 84% Statistics
Priyanka Pitamber: 90% Maths, 83% Statistics
The theme for Parel Vallei’s 2023 Interschools Optog was The Greatest Show.
Parel Vallei celebrates 2022 NSC Matric Results
The matric class of 2022 achieved a 100% pass rate (239 candidates) for the 5th consecutive year!
Parel Vallei was placed in the Top 20 schools (18) in the Western Cape by the WCED and our DUX learner, Christian Kotzé, with an average of 96,83% claimed the number 5 position in the Western Cape. We also celebrated 456 subject distinctions, 458 B subject symbols, the 91% Bachelor passes, 54 candidates on the merit list (80% or higher average or / A symbol in 4 subjects) and 69%
grade average. The top 10 candidates achieved an average of 90% and the top 100 candidates achieved an average of 79%. Afrikaans FAL obtained 56 A’s, English HL 44 A’s, Business Studies 30
The matric class of 2022 celebrating a 100% pass rate for the 5th consecutive year.
Join the tech journey of Parel Vallei Robotics and thrive in digital age
We aim to take you on a tech journey from learning block-based coding to understanding the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence. Our curriculum is built on the three pillars of technology - engineering, data sciences and computer sciences - and will form a valuable foundation for a learner who wants to pursue a career in robotics and coding. As we seek excellence in a changing world, we want to leverage the power of modern technology and allow our Parel Valleiers to thrive in the digital age. Robotics will improve
EduVista en StudyHub bevorder akademiese onafhanklikheid
EduVista is ‘n volledige skoolbestuurstelsel wat portale voorsien vir alle belanghebbendes. Die “PV Parent Portal” gee vir ouers toegang tot hulle kind se skoolrapporte, rooster, vakke en onderwysers se kontakbesonderhede. ‘n Ouer kan ook persoonlike inligting verander of afwesigheidsbriewe en vakkeusevorms oplaai.
Die StudyHub is weer om die leerders toegang te gee tot hulle dag- en eksamen- of toetsroosters, die vakkurrikulum met onderwerpgebaseerde studiemateriaal, kragpuntaanbiedinge, video’s, vorige toetse, eksamenvraestelle en verryking. Onderwysers se kontakbesonderhede is daar met aanlynvergaderingsgeriewe en interaktiewe vraagen-antwoordgeleentheid en alle relevante inligting met betrekking tot die dag-tot-dag-program. Leerders kan ook hulle eie vordering volg.
Parel Vallei se geheime resep vir akademiese uitnemendheid
The Parel Vallei Optog performed at the opening ceremony of the Cape Town International Hockey Tournament in 2022, unveiling the largest South African flag and bringing all the joy and colour of our beautiful rainbow nation.
Our mascot Winston making sure he keeps a good body, mind and spirit balance Mr & Miss PV 2022 Contestants
Parel Vallei toppresteerders 2022
Leierskapontwikkeling kardinale komponent in opvoeding
Opleiding van leiers en die ontwikkeling van leerders se leierskapsvermoë is ‘n kardinale komponent in die opvoeding van Parel Valleiers. Ons skep geleenthede reeds op junior vlak regdeur tot in die senior grade. Leerders word betrek as klas- en graadverteenwoordigers en op alle terreine van die klub- en kultuurlewe van waar daar voorsitters en komitees verkies word tot by kapteins van sportspanne. Dit lei tot die daarstelling van ‘n sterker, verantwoordelike leierskorps in die seniorfase en ‘n VRL (Verteenwoordigende Raad van Leerders) wat bestaan uit leerders wat reeds ondervinding van jare se diens het voordat hulle verkies word tot ‘n posisie van leierskap om die skool te lei.
PV’s subject choices offer a buffet of opportunities.
English Home Language or English First Additional Language, Afrikaans Huistaal of Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal, French and German Second Additional Language, Life Orientation, Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Physical Sciences and Life Sciences, Accounting,
*We offer tuition in the following instruments: Piano, Keyboard, Singing, Violin, Viola, Clarinet, Saxophone, Guitar, Ukulele, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn, Percussion and Drums.
Student leadership development for
all Grade 8-11 learners
The vision of Parel Vallei’s Student Leadership Programme is to develop leaders, critical thinkers, and thoughtful decision makers with skills that will set them apart as people in the greater society, able to lead, not only within our school, but also within their families, communities, and our country. The variety of developmental opportunities complement our holistic approach to education and include leadership camps/experiences, Toastmasters, RCL workshops, a pastoral programme and sports captains’ workshops.
Parel Vallei Dux, Christian Kotzé claimed the 5th position in the Western Cape with an average of 96,83%.
Hoofdogter Anoxolo Maqubela en hoofseun Ethan Pandaram
Parel Vallei se waardes van respek, integriteit, trots, selfdissipline en deursettingsvermoë is die Blue Thread wat ons as familie saambind.
TUNGU – Turn Up Never Give Up
Parel Vallei Netbal gee die pas aan in die ontwikkeling van spel en speler
Parel Vallei Netbal gee behoorlik die pas aan as dit kom by die ontwikkling van spelers, afrigters en skeidsregters. Ons het tans 40 spanne onder leiding van spesialis afrigters, drie SA-gegradeerde skeidsregters, ‘n kondisioneringsafrigter en biokinetikus.
‘n Kultuur van dissipline, gesonde gewoontes, omgee, opoffering, eenvormige standaarde en deursettings-vermoë saam met deelname aan top toernooie en klinieke, vorm alles deel van Parel Vallei se suksesresep om ‘n gebalanseerde en gelukkige netbalspeler te help ontwikkel wat die spel geniet, maar ook presteer en boonop by ander fasette van die spel betrokke raak. Ons het tans spelers wat dien as tegniese beamptes en beskik oor provinsiale netbalskeidsregtinggraderings. Ons bied gereeld opleidingsgeleenthede ook vir ander skole in ons gemeenskap. Ons het agt buitenetbalbane, ‘n rekke gimnasium en een binnenshuisenetbalbaan. In 2022 het PV sewe provinsiale verteenwoordigers opgelewer en Zinathi Fukweni is aangewys as een van die top 35 o/17-netbalspelers in die land.
New international standard training facility for Parel Vallei hockey
Hockey at Parel Vallei High School has been on the lips of many for the last few years and even more so with the exciting new phase that was introduced with our state-of-the-art water base Astro Turf. This international standard training and playing facility complements our goal to be
Boys Hockey
Our Boys’ Hockey programme is headed up by Mr. Michael van Rensburg, a SAHA Level 3 qualified coach and the current head coach of the Western Province u/21A men’s side. “It is our mission to produce competitive, skillful, and dedicated boys of character with a real passion for the game of hockey. We aim to create an environment in which our players are enthusiastic and play a positive brand of hockey. We include technical, tactical, and mental coaching, strength and conditioning, reaction training and video analysis within our programme. Our coaches impart their knowledge in a positive way, paving the way to excellence and life-long enjoyment of the sport which will also develop a true sense of team and sportsmanship in all our hockey players.”
Continued growth in size and stature for PV Cricket
Parel Vallei Cricket has shown remarkable growth in size and stature over the past four years with 9 teams competing well in quality fixtures against established schools in the Boland. Our under-14 team won the Van Der Vyfer Brinkhuis Festival in 2022 and other highlights include touring the SA Schools Festival in the Eastern Cape, competing in the Pearson, Paarl Boys, and Paarl Gym Festivals alongside some of the best teams in the country and provincial representation for four of our cricketers.
Our head coach, John Hartley, recently completed his level 2 certificate.
Stephen Southey, Jan Rademan and Matthew Dickson are experienced cricketers who still play league cricket and have been involved in coaching for several years. Our local academy, Fuller Phillips assists with the technical aspects of our players’ game. We are proud of our upgraded practice facilities which now include new turf nets and an opportunity to practice on a modern, realistic surface.
recognized as a top 10 hockey school in South Africa. Parel Vallei had 37 provincial and 4 national players in 2022 and will again aim to offer our players the best possible fixtures and exposure with 12 outgoing tours and tournaments across all age groups in 2023.
Girls Hockey
Our Head of Girls Hockey, Mr. Jarred Pitout, is a SAHA Level 3 and FIH Level 3 qualified coach and has also been appointed as the head coach for the Boland u/18 A IPT Girls’ side for 2023. “Parel Vallei Girls’ hockey programme boasts a place for all with specialized coaching in drag flicking, conditioning, mental coaching, nutrition, goalkeeper training, and even umpiring and technical. We strive to produce a holistic athlete with the knowledge to take her game to the next level while remaining healthy and happy. Our balanced approach has consistently produced players of a high caliber, performing even at national level.”
Parel Vallei had 35 provincial hockey players and Jenna Blaauw was selected for the SA Schools
Parel Vallei het 40 netbalspanne onder leiding van spesialis afrigters.
PV Rugby ook ingestel op die spel van die lewe
Parel Vallei het die wêreldwye beheerliggaam van rugby, se waardes van spanwerk, respek, genot, dissipline en sportsmanskap aangeneem en poog om deur middel van die spel, elke speler toe te rus om die wedstryd van die lewe te kan speel.
“Ons verstaan ook dat daar twee soorte sportmanne is en by Parel Vallei is daar binne ons program se raamwerk van uitnemendheid, repsek en hardwerkendheid ruimte vir beide. Die ernstige sportman met die begeerte om uiteindelik sy provinisie en land te kan verteenwoordig vorm deel van ons 10 spanne wat in die hoogs-kompeterende WP Premier B liga speel terwyl die potensiaal van ons seuns wat slegs sosiaal wil speel, ook ontwikkel word.”
Golfing opportunities at Parel Vallei
“Deur waardes deel te maak van ons spelers se ontwikkeling, leer hulle nie net om die spel te speel en te geniet nie, maar ook hoe om verskiillende uitdagings te kan hanteer,” sê hoof van Parel Vallei Rugby, Mnr. Christie Fourie.
PV se SA-muurbalspeler nou ook betrokke by afrigting
Parel Vallei se muurbal spog met ‘n springbokafrigter en Suid-Afrika se nommer een o/16-speler, Devon Osborne is vanaf 2023 ook betrokke by die afrigting van PV se juniorspelers. Ons seuns-
training twice per week.
We compete against other schools in the Western Cape and were crowned as the champion of the 2022 XCO High School Cycling league with the best girls’ team, second-best boys’ team, and 8 riders in the top 5 in the Western Cape. Our riders also compete and receive podium positions at the National level in various disciplines (road, track, MTB, and time trial.)
Parel Vallei is die interskolekampioen in die Helderberg en spog met talle provinsiale en ook SA-atlete in atletiek, landloop en tweekamp.
Parel Vallei Golf is based at the Somerset West Golf Club and offer wonderful touring opportunities.
Parel Vallei se swemspan bestaan uit klubswemmers en skoolswemmers wat deur die skool afgerig word en aan al die Boland gala’s deelneem. Daar is egter ook geleentheid vir sosiale swemmers wat graag hulle fiksheid en verskillende swemstyle wil verbeter.
Parel Vallei tennis ‘n kombinasie van al die bestes
Parel Vallei se tennis word gekenmerk deur professionele afrigting, topgehalte fasiliteite en ses splinternuwe bane. Ons spanspelers oefen feitlik elke middag, speel ligawedstryde op Maandae en die toere en ander toernooie waaraan ons deelneem bly jaarlikse hoogtepunte op die kalender!
Some players just enjoy being on the court and joining our social squad. We really cater for all levels of tennis! Our professional coach is a former professional tennis player who understands all the facets of the game.
Chess develops valuable skills like problem solving and logical thinking and within Parel Vallei we recognize the social, but also the very competitive side to this sport. Parel Vallei has produced many strong players over the past years, playing in national tournaments. Our Parel Vallei chess team takes part in the Top Schools league in the Western Cape. We have two external chess coaches and are proud so say that our head coach, Mr. A van Wyk, is also a qualified provincial arbiter.”
Parel Vallei Waterpolo will be starting in 2023.
Parel Vallei se gelukbringers, Butch en Bella bring ook hulle kant op en langs die sportveld.
Parel Vallei se interhuis-atletiek bevorder massadeelname en ons interskole-atletiekspan bestaan uit meer as 200 atlete.
The Eco Club showing Parel Vallei’s green heart
The Eco club at Parel Vallei endeavours to create an appreciation of our natural world and an awareness of environmental issues faced by our planet by recycling paper, collecting e-waste, planting trees during Arbor month, planting indigenous plants in the school garden, going on beach clean-ups at Strand beach, fund-raising e.g. SANCCOB, recycling bins and going on educational outings e.g. Helderberg Nature Reserve and to the Stellenbosch botanical gardens.
Crafts Club – making a creative difference in the community
The main goal of our Crafts Club is to upskill while giving back to the community. This is the perfect place for students who love to express their creativity through arts and crafts. We also aim to provide a relaxed and safe environment to wind down after a long school day. This is where students can learn new skills, share ideas, and create unique handmade projects. From paper crafting to knitting and jewellery making, there’s no limit to what we can accomplish together. We raise funds and create useful crafts to donate to charities, old age homes and more. Join our craft club for a fun, crafty, stress relief while learning something new and making a difference.
PV se noodhulp laat groei diensbaarheid tot mediese loopbane
Parel Vallei se noodhulpklub bemagtig leerders om noodsituasies te kan hanteer en beseerdes by te staan gedurende skoolaktiwiteite. Leerders ontvang opleiding van gekwalifiseerde paramedici en instrukteurs en kan ‘n vlak 1-, 2- en 3- kwalifikasie verwerf.
Parel Vallei se noodhulpspan vorm ‘n baie belangrike deel van die skool se sportprogram en noodhelpers kry praktiese ervaring deur diens te doen tydens sportgeleenthede. Behalwe vir die vaardighede en belangrike ervaring, berei die klub ook leerders voor vir moontlike loopbane in die mediese wêreld. Verskeie van ons oudleerders is vandag gekwalifiseerde paramedici, verpleegsters, fisioterapeute en dokters!
PV se fotografiespan verewig al ons hoogtepunte en herinneringe
Die doel van ons fotografieklub is nie net om ‘n diens te lewer aan die skool nie, maar ook ‘n liefde vir fotografie te kweek, ons tegniek te verbeter en te leer by mense wat in die bedryf of beroep staan.
Parel Vallei se fotograwe is by al die verskillende aktiwiteite betrokke en hulle foto’s word gebruik vir bemarking, sosiale media asook ons jaarblad. Leerders kry die geleentheid om in te skryf vir die Stellenbosch Eisteddfod, Montagu Youth Arts Festival en ook vir die jaarlikse interskole derby teen Hoërskool Pearson.
Blue Thread Magazine Parel Vallei’s very own online magazine
Presidents’ Award
Parel Vallei has been part of the The Presidents’ Award since 2013. This youth empowerment programme has afforded many Parel Valleiers the opportunity to serve their community while learning new skills and challenging themselves.
Participants must show regular participation and commitment in four sections – community service, adventurous journey, skills development and physical recreation.
Team – Parel Vallei’s very own trained technical assistants
The PV tech team provide an outstanding service to Parel Vallei High School as they attend to all the technical needs. New technicians are professionally trained to set up, operate, and strike all technical equipment such as speakers, sound-desks, microphones, lighting and projections at all school events. They also serve as part of the technical crew of our different drama productions that go on tour every year.
They keep learning and exploring the world of technology to stay abreast of all the latest equipment and methods and we are proud of the professional touch they bring to all our
Loving, serving, helping, caring
Parel Vallei’s Interact Club is actively involved in our community, helping, and serving several nonprofit organisations with different initiatives. The annual Santa Shoebox Project is definitely one of the highlights and a wonderful opportunity for all the Parel Valleiers to get involved.
ATKV-jeug maak impak en verskil deur ‘n viering van taal en kultuur
ATKV (Afrikaanse Taal- en Kultuurvereniging) bied Parel Valleiers geleenthede om hulself te ontwikkel en te groei. Die Parel Vallei-jeugtak van die ATKV bied geleenthede vir kinders om aan deel te neem, soos sokkies, boeresport en ‘n spesiale viering van Erfenisdag. Ons reik ook uit na die gemeenskap en bak koekies vir die hospitale, gaan verf ander skole en koop ‘n rusbank en samel Doekies vir Dames in vir skole wat ‘n behoefte het.
Duvenage Biblioteek – jou een-stopmulti-media-bestemming
Parel Vallei se Duvenage Biblioteek en mediasentrum is ‘n een-stop-bestemmng en heerlike bymekaarkomplek waar jy alles kan kry om jou met jou skoolwerk te help.
Ons bied rekenaars met internet-toegang waar jy navorsing kan doen en ‘n goeie versameling naslaanwerke en nie-fiksie boeke vir take en projekte. Ons het ook ‘n groot en goeie versameling leesboeke, al die nuutste publikasies, studiegidse wat uitgeneem kan word en vorige jare se eksamenvraestelle. Jy kan dokumente laat druk, fotostateer, lamineer en selfs ringbind teen billike pryse.
Parel Vallei is ingestel op ons leerders se leeromgewing en baie trots op hierdie kalm en veilige ruimte waar leerders pouse of na skool kan lees, navorsing doen, swot of sommer net sit en ontspan.
PV Drama lewer die beste in Suid-Afrika
Die Parel Valleiers is by elke aspek van die toneel- en teaterbedryf betrokke van voor die kamera en op die verhoog as akteur of danser, tot by die skep van nuutgeskrewe tekste, die regie van leerder- of interhuisproduksies en agter die skerms as verhoogbestuurders en klank- en beligtingsoperateurs.
Die geleenthede, blootstelling en deelname aan talle feeste, kompetisies en eisteddfods in verskillende genres en style van Musicals en Shakespeare tot tienertoneel en Engelse komedie, bring ‘n ryk ervaring en verfyning van beide individuele spel en
Parel Vallei Music building a tradition
Parel Vallei se produksie mAaNmAaTs was die nasionale wenner van ATKV-tienertoneel 2022.
Paul Strydom was in 2022 die beste akteur van ATKVtienertoneel asook die wenner van die Nasionale Toneelspelkompetisie.
Woordwewers / Word weavers
“Miskien maak ek ‘n haikoe net uit klank En bind ‘n strik van woorde om”
(Miskien van Coenie de Villiers)
As jy graag jou emosies op papier weergee, of van lees en gedigte hou, is Woordwewers die plek vir jou. Ons skryf in Afrikaans en Engels, prosa, poësie of drama en kom een keer ‘n week bymekaar om van die week se stres en probleme te vergeet, te ontspan en ons frustrasies op papier neer te pen.
Musiek Eisteddfods
In 2022 ontvang Parel Vallei een trofee, drie medaljes, 28 Cum Laudes, 30 Goud+ en 28 goue sertifikate by die Stellenbosch Eisteddfod, Drie medaljes, 14 kategoriewenners, 26 Cum Laudes, 34 Goud+ en 13 goue sertifikate by die Helderberg Eisteddfod en drie goue medaljes, drie silwer medaljes, agt onderskeidings en nege eretoekennings by die Kaapse Afrikaanse Eisteddfod.
The Parel Vallei Acapella is a singing group that only uses voices without instruments to accompany them and the performance always has movement and a clear theme. It creates
Public Speaking, Debating and Orators
Do you get heart palpitations whenever a teacher mentions an oral assignment, get tongue-tied when your friends are debating a controversial issue and ask for your opinion or find that you want to participate more in class discussions, but you fear sounding stupid? Debating and orators teach you to
using evidence to support and persuade. It builds confidence as you learn how to think on the spot and speak more eloquently.
Parel Vallei se Engelse debatspanne neem deel aan die Boland-liga en in 2022 is twee van ons Parel Valleiers gekies vir die provinsiale debatspan. Ons Afrikaanse debateerders
neem deel aan die landswye Dink-of-Sink-debatskompetisie en ons Redenaars neem deel aan o.a. ATKV-redenaars, Radikale Redenaars en Oppie Tong Af. Parel Vallei het in 2022 vier nasionale eerste plekke by die Radikale Redenaars behaal asook ‘n wenner en drie naaswenners by Oppie Tong Af.
Hoërskool Parel Vallei High School 95 Parel Vallei Road, Somerset West, 7130 - www.pvallei.co.za
Parel Vallei performed the musical, Fiddler on the Roof in 2019. In 2023 a cast of 43 learners will take you on a magical adventure in The Wizard of Oz to discover there is no place like home.