T-O Key Club 2C | 2S // Issue 3: Lifting Eachother Up

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T-O Key Club Division 2C | 2S Lifting Each Other Up ISSUE 3

CONTENT Letter from the Lt. Governor 4 Suburban New Kiwanis 6 Photo Recap 7 Kiwanis Club of Garland 8 Alex Lemonade Stand 9 Garland High Installations 10 Suicide Awareness 11 Major Emphasis 12 2nd Training Conference 14 Summer Event Ideas 15 International Convention 16 Contact Information 17

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Division 2C and 2S!

I know some of you have only met me about once or twice, so here is a little bit about me. My me is Tien Thi My Huynh, the Lt. Governor for Division 2C and 2S under the mighty Texas - Oklahoma ct. You might say I'm kind of cheesy or that I make corny puns, but Tien out of Tien my puns are astic! I'm definitely in love with Marvel comics and I'm a total overachiever. I'm Orchestra President, demic Decathlon President, P.A.L. Mentor, Rank 3 in Tennis and of course in one of the best clubs , Key Club! I hope to get to know everyone real well this year and to help all of my clubs reach the 25 clubs this year. Aside from my school life, you can probably see me at a local coffee shop or mall n like a villain. I usually play video games such as L.A. Noire, or Final Fantasy, Fable, and Kingdom rts, so I guess you can say that I'm a total nerd! But hey~ at least I'm CUTE! I can definitely say that one he best experiences I've ever had was traveling to Italy and I'd love to visit every summer if I could and n love with an adorable Italian man and eat gelato every day, but the world is not a wish granting ory. YES I JUST WENT THERE #TFIOS. Anyways! There is more to me than just a dorky little bio that I e, so as awkward as I may be, come up to me and let's talk!

Anyways, now onto some strict business, I am so grateful to have seen many of you at the previous training conferences. I’m looking forward to all of the things you have in store and to all of the lives will touch. As of right now, I am working on sending you all the things you will need before I’m off to fornia, but I will be gone for a month and won’t be back until August 1st. Although I will be back, I will be attending a board meeting, so if you need anything feel free to email me or contact me via ne and I will arrange a Skype session or whatever I can in order to help you with whatever necessary.

Make sure to do me proud kiddoes! I hope to see all of your reports and articles before the 5 th of h month that way if there are any corrections that need to be made, I can help you fix them, so ase work with me, I am here to help you! Also, don’t be scared of me! I don’t bite, or maybe I do, but I w that some of you need ideas for summer service, I WILL HELP YOU!

There is a long year ahead of you. Be prepared to work hard if you hope to achieve your goals. I eve in each and every one of you, so make me proud kiddoes! Don’t forget to fulfill the divisional proof suicide awareness and governor’s project for Children’s Miracle Network. And don’t forget to e a lovely, wonderful summer.

GOAL: I called this newsletter Lifting each other up, because it is solely based on inter-clubbing, K ly, and working together. I encourage you all to have at least one interclub this Summer, and to visit K families Your lovely Lt. Governor in Service

Tien Thi Huynh Page 5|Division 2C



It definitely is great to see so many people spending time in their day to make a difference in the world, especially for you! These hardworking Kiwanians meet every Tuesday working on service projects and events to help the community and of course to look after our lovely Key Club members! I’ve had an amazing opportunity to attend two of their meetings before going to California. They have the most grand personalities! Although the girl power might be lacking (GO JANE!) they are have very sweet personalities and know how to make you laugh! It’s actually a funny story. I started out with a simple email, and of course he advertised some service projects such as Toys for Tots (WHICH INFO WILL BE COMING OUT!) When I was first coming to visit, I took the train and I was freaking out! Google Maps told me to walk across the highway! (How about no?) Thankfully their secretary David Brewer was generous enough to drive me AND BUY ME LUNCH! I hope that you Carrolton schools make an effort to meet these folks, because they work hard to take care of your clubs. You’re missing out! If you need info on their meetings contact me and I’ll hook you up! Make an effort to go see them this Summer, because who can turn down making new friends and Mexican food?

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Lt. Governor Training


DCON 2014

Alex Lemonade

DCON 2014

Kiwanis Party

DCON 2014

Lt. Governor Training

DCON 2014

Lt. Governor Training

DCON 2014

DCON 2014 DCON 2014

DCON 2014

DCON 2014 Page 7|Division 2C

Kiwanis Club Of Garland

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There are not enough words in the world that can describe how amazing these group of people are to me. After attending so many of their meetings, I am absolutely devastated that I have to miss their meetings because of vacation! (I know! Kiwanis> Vacation) The Kiwanis Club of Garland is filled with people that are caring, enthusiastic about service, and full of big personalities. I can’t thank them enough for all the things they have done for me, including giving me a scholarship. Take some time to visit these folks they visit every Thursday at the Copper Kettle. EVEN THE WAITER IS SUPER COOL. BEST FRIENDS FOREVER BRIGHAM. HAHA! Even going through a tornado is worth visiting them. Trust me, Chris and I went through tornado sirens literally. They’re like a second family to me and I promise, you won’t regret visiting them. Come by, enjoy the program they have in store, and enjoy the phenomenal atmosphere!


Lemonade On June 20, 2014, Chris Do and I went out to the Toys R Us on North Central Expressway to run the Alex Lemonade Stand. Alex was a girl that wanted to raise money for pediatric cancer research through a lemonade stand with her parents, and of course, she had a dream and reached an amazing goal. She raised 1 million dollars for research. However, it is our duties to continue her legacy and finish her dream because cancer has not yet been stomped out! I think that Chris and I did a pretty good job of posting social media and raising money. We tried to lure in kids with warm smiles and of course TOYS! We had such a great time and even had the chance of being on CBS and Fox 4! Hopefully we were able to open people’s eyes to the cause. At the end of the day, we concluded with over $100 dollars in profit for Alex Lemonade Stand!

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GHS Installations OWL just start by saying, that I had a fantastic time eating Chili’s with you all! You guys might suck at taking selfies *cough* Hogan *cough*, but you guys will definitely make great officers. I know that if you work hard, you can achieve anything you want to achieve! You all have such great ideas and keep them coming! I’m so glad that you guys let me in on and everything! I can tell from the group’s presence that you are ready to lead and change your club to better your school and community. I am ecstatic to work with you all, and of course if you need help TELL ME! I hope that you continue to have service events this Summer, and don’t forget to turn in your reports. Enjoy your year officers, it’ll go by fast!

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Thank you to the schools that were able to make my second training conference for those that are new to my division or for those that were not able to make it to the first one. I had a blast working with you all and I really enjoyed eating breakfast with ya’ll at Angela’s at the Crosswalk. You all were extremely fun and outgoing and I have to say even though a wedding interrupted us, we managed to get a lot done! You all had great energy and I hope you all learned a bunch! I will do follow ups to see how you’re doing and if you need any help whatsoever don’t be afraid to talk to me. I don’t bite…. Well maybe if you get in the way of me eating hot cheeto puffs!

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 Host your own Lemonade Stand to donate to Pediatric Cancer for Alex Lemonade Stand

 Volunteer for some local 5Ks, there are a lot especially around July 4th!

 Volunteer at a food pantry or North Texas Food Bank (ONE OF MY FAVORITE EVENTS)

 Have a school supply drive for your school district, some school districts hand out supplies to low income families

 Have a carwash and raise money for Children’s Miracle Network or the Eliminate Project

 Have a trash bash and clean up roads!  Host a lock in! Stay up all night and play games! Page 15|Division 2C


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Kaitlyn Wilson Governor@tokeyclub.com

Emily Zhao Editor@tokeyclub.com

Dennis Hogan Region8advisor@tokeyclub.com

Colin Gonzalez treasurer@tokeyclub.com

Tien Huynh ltg2c@tokeyclub.com

Ashlyn Salvato Cl@tokeyclub.com

Samuel Kinnin secretary@tokeyclub.com Page 17|Division 2C

Texas Oklahoma Division 2C North Garland High School Garland High School R.L. Turner High School Hebron High School Creekview High School Berkner High School Jesuit Prepratory School Sachse High School Hillcrest High school | Bryan Adams High School Irma Rangel | Terell High School Rockwall High School | Rockwall Heath High School Sunset High School | Woodrow Wilson High School

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