Tiffin University’s Weekly Electronic Newsletter In This Issue: ● Week’s Activities—pg. 2 ● Student Happenings — pg. 3 ● Library: Extended Hours—pg. 6 ● Graduation Photos—pg. 7 ● TU Tech—pg. 10 ● Financial Aid — pg. 13 & 14 ● Sports News — pg. 16—21
Vol. 27, Issue 27 April 14, 2015
TU Music Department Presents Nationally Acclaimed Musical Group Groove for Thought at Ritz Theatre
The Tif in University Music Department will present Groove for Thought in concert on Friday, April 17 at 7:30 p.m. at the Ritz Theatre. Groove for Thought may be best known for their 2010 appearance on the second season of NBC’s vocal competition show The Sing-Off. Tickets are available to purchase for $15 for adults at the Ritz Theatre in Tif in. Tickets are free for TU students with student ID. The seven singer group performs jazzy classics combining the upbeat styles of The Manhattan Transfer with the soothing sounds of Take Six. Groove for Thought has toured extensively throughout North America and Europe. First reaching a national audience at the 2007 American Choral Director’s Conference in Miami, Florida, Groove for Thought continues to perform both in the United States and abroad. Groove for Thought received the honor of performing at the 2008 Polyfolia World Choral Music Symposium in St. Lo, France, and the 2009 Europa Cantat Festival in Uterecht, Netherlands. They also performed at the Mittelrhein Musik Momente in Boppard and Rockenhausen, Germany and the MusicFest in Vancouver in British Columbia hosted Groove for Thought in 2009. In a 2010, they appeared on The Choir with Aled Jones on BBC 3 Radio, and in 2011, they had the exciting opportunity to open several shows for Jay Leno at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas. For additional ticket information, contact the Ritz Theatre, www.ritztheatre.org, 419-448-8544 http://www.grooveforthought.com/ http://www.youtube.com/grooveforthought 1
Week’s Activities Tuesday SpringFest Food Table Pretzels & Cheese sponsored by Student Government Caricature Artist Gillmor Student Center 11:00am - 3:00pm Free HIV Testing Seneca House (217 Miami) 1:00 - 4:00pm NO Food, Drink, Candy, Etc. 20 Minutes Before Testing National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Meeting Main 21 9:00pm BUS Fashion Show Osceola Theatre 9:30pm
TU Shooting Club Meeting Main 12 4:00pm Holi Festival of Color Legacy Courtyard 7:00pm Free Indian food and drinks Circle K Meeting Main 13 9:15pm Hypnotist Chris Jones sponsored by CAB Osceola Theatre 9:30pm
SpringFest Food Table Egg Rolls SpringFest Carnival (In latables, Petting Zoo, Food, and Activities) Legacy Courtyard 4:00 - 8:00pm Wednesday SpringFest Food Table Fried Mac & Cheese Bites sponsored H2O Collegiate Ministry Chisholm Auditorium by Student Government 7:00pm Name Creations Gay, Lesbian And Straight SupGillmor Student Center porters (GLASS) Meeting 11:00am - 3:00pm Main 13 "The Nightmare in Our Backyard" 8:00pm Forum on Human Traf icking Global Affairs Organization (GAO) sponsored by V.O.I.C.E Meeting Diane Kidd Gallery Main 11 3:30pm 8:00pm 1 Hour of Personal Development Co‐Curricular Offered Greek Stroll Legacy Courtyard 2
8:00pm Black United Students (BUS) Meeting Chisholm Auditorium 9:15pm
SpringFest Food Table - Meatballs Art Enthusiasts Club Meeting Hayes 111 4:00pm Omicron Roast of Nicholas Reinhard Osceola Theatre 6:30pm Groove for Thought in concert Ritz Theater 7:30pm Free with TU ID
Battle of the Neighborhoods Various Campus Locations Sunday H2O Collegiate Ministry Chisholm Auditorium 6:00pm Dance Showcase Gym 7:00pm SAAB Meeting Chisholm Auditorium 8:00pm
TU Professor and Director of Accessibility Services Sally Kloepfer took students from her Survey of Special Needs Education class to North Baltimore Middle/High School to observe their Special Education Services. From math and language arts to gym and lunch, the class observed the special needs students as they went through a normal day. Kloepfer’s students were required to take notes and answer questions about the experiences throughout the day which they used in a subsequent class discussion and a written re lection. They also had the opportunity to question the superintendent, principal, guidance counselor, school psychologist, a regular education teacher, and a special education teacher. The TU students noted how valuable the information they gathered about the requirements of special needs teaching is to their future as educators in middle and high school settings.
In 1788, William Blake invented a method of relief etching that he called "illuminated printing." This method made it possible to print both the text of his poems and the images that he created to illustrate them from the same copper plate in an engraver’s rolling press. Visiting curator of the “Blake in the Heartland” exhibit Michael Phillips demonstrated Blake’s printmaking methods to a small group of students, faculty, and staff before allowing them to join in. He brie ly described why and how Blake invented his methods both of plate etching and printing. Phillips then proceeded to ink plates etched according to Blake’s methods and print while explaining each step of the process.
Tif in University held the 2nd Annual Donor Recognition Luncheon to honor those donors who generously help fund students’ dreams every year. President Paul Marion gave opening remarks saying, “It is very important that we ind every way possible to make education affordable. One of those ways is endowed scholarships.” He encouraged students to use the time to thank and get to know the donors. Junior Grant Ekleberry, recipient of the Wayne and Virginia Kurtz Zahn Scholarship, offered a student’s perspective with his story of choosing TU to ful ill his dreams of paying for his own education and completing a business degree. “Regardless of the dream, everyone will need a little help along the way, and you donors provide that help,” he said. TU Alumni and COO of Lamplight Communities Bobby Petras added how being given a scholarship impacted his time at the university, and he encouraged current recipients to give back after they have graduated whether it be monetary or of their time volunteering and mentoring. Petras has orchestrated the Annual Aaron Ciak Golf Scramble that has raised money to fund the Aaron Ciak Memorial Scholarship in memory of his close friend and TU alumni. 4
Join TU and EF Tours for the trip of a lifetime in Brazil! Dr. Lisa Kahle-Piasecki will lead those who choose to seize this exciting opportunity through an eight day journey in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, December 28, 2015 - - January 4, 2016. Experience the excitement of a Latin American approach to the celebration of a new year! The next day, visit one of the city’s local businesses, and enjoy the world -renowned ireworks display from the famous Rio beaches! Be sure to wear all white to symbolize the renewal and look forward into the new year as the locals traditionally do. The sign-up deadline for the Business and Culture in Brazil trip with TU is September 24, 2015, but don’t wait to lock in the current price! For more information, visit:http://www.efcollegestudytours.com/ professors-trip/1550327HF or contact Dr. Lisa Kahle-Piasecki at 419.448.5129.
Yoga 5-6 p.m., Wednesdays Hayes Chapel Bring a mat or a towel All levels welcome Free! Contact Laura Ketter for more information: lketter@tiffin.edu
Senior Forensic Science student Victoria Davidson’s research paper entitled “Solid Phase Extraction of Urine in Postmortem Toxicology Testing” was presented via poster on March 22nd in Denver, Colorado at the American Chemical Society Conference. The research completed was a validation plan of a new solid phase extraction (SPE) column for use during testing of urine for 58 different drugs in postmortem toxicology testing. The validation plan consisted a percent recovery step, limit of detection step, carryover stop, and a case comparison step. The validation plan proved that the new columns were an adequate replacement to the old liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) tubes. The research and paper are the results of Davidson’s internship at the Franklin County Coroner’s Of ice Toxicology Lab. Davidson is pursuing a career in toxicology.
English Workshop Schedule Spring 2015 Date Time
4/15 1—2 pm
Clause & Clause Punctuation
Murphy Center News
Pfeiffer Library to offer Free Coffee for Finals! & Extended Hours
To assist students during the last week of classes & inals week, Pfeiffer Library will have extended hours. Beginning April 20, the hours of operation for the library will be the following: Monday-Thursday: 8:00 am - 11:59 pm Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday: 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm Sunday: 6:00 pm - 11:59 pm During this time, the library will offer free coffee starting at 8:00 pm. The extended hours and "Free Coffee for Finals" event will continue through April 29. For more information on hours and event, you can follow us on Twitter (@PfeifferLibrary) or visit tif in.edu/ library/hours. 6
Congratulations are in order to the tutors at the Murphy Academic Support Center. They have been noti ied that they have been certi ied by the CRLA (College Reading & Learning Association). This international organization requires a speci ic level of training for tutors. The Tif in tutors have met all of the criteria. So….. It is not too late to get help on your spring semester classes. The Murphy Center has (internationally certi ied) tutors available to help you with all of your academic needs. To get the support you need simply call the Murphy Center and request an appointment with a tutor. The number is 419-448-3324. We have tutors in nearly all subjects. You can also e-mail us at tutor@tif in.edu to make an appointment. Finally, you could always just drop by to schedule an appointment or to see if a tutor is available at that moment. The Murphy Center tutoring hours are Monday – Thursday from 9 am to 10 pm, Fridays from 9 am to 5 pm, and Sundays from 5 pm to 9 pm.
TU to Celebrate Holi Festival of Colors
Tif in University’s International Student Services, along with the International Cultural Center, will celebrate Holi Festival of Colors on Wednesday, April 15 at 7:00 p.m. in the Legacy Courtyard. The festival has many purposes. First and foremost, it celebrates the beginning of spring. Overall, this is one of the most spirited and beloved festivals of the Hindu calendar. “Holi is an opportunity to bring people from all religions, ethnicities and backgrounds together to celebrate and enjoy the arrival of spring,” says Jamie Marinis, Coordinator of International Student Programs at Tif in University. Holi is an ancient Indian celebration that marks the end of the winter gloom and rejoices in the bloom of the new spring season. Color throwing is part of a Hindu tradition of throwing worries to the wind and embracing the new season through spiritual and social harmony. The Holi Festival of Colors is free and open to all members of the campus and Tif in community. Everyone in attendance will receive free color and snacks. According to Marinis, there are currently 296 international students attending Tif in University representing 33 countries. Currently, Tif in University is home to 20 students from India, where Holi originated.
Managing Multiple Gmail Accounts
When Tif in University signed up with Google Apps for Education a lot of bene its were realized. Everyone had access to email on their smartphones, mailbox space was much larger, and Google Apps provided additional apps that could be utilized for collaboration, plus much more. Google Apps is also a familiar platform because it is sometimes used in K-12 education and personal accounts. If a person already had a Google Apps account, though, this can also cause problems when logging into email. For example, you may want to go to your Tif in University email account, but end up going directly into your personal account. So why does this happen? Google Apps tries to be intuitive and for the average user with one Gmail account the automatic login makes accessing email simpler. With those who have multiple accounts, the automatic login can be frustrating, but don’t give up yet. Google has provided a way to manage multiple accounts by following the steps below: Sign in to Google. Click on your pro ile picture (or blue person in upper right hand corner if no photo) or your email address.
Click on “Add account” button. Enter the email address and password for the other account you would like to use and click on “Sign in” A tab will open displaying the added email account. You can keep this tab opened and click between the tabs or close the second tab to open later. Once an account has been added it can be opened again by selecting the pro ile picture or email address in the upper right hand corner. The added account should now be listed under the main account. Select the account and it opens up again in another tab. More than one account can be added by repeating the steps above. Google recommends that if you are working with multiple accounts you may want to make sure that each account has a different proile picture or theme (changes background) to help identify which account you are currently working in. Themes can be changed under Themes tab after opening up Settings. Google offers backgrounds from basic colors and scenic views to ighting ninjas. So if you have multiple Gmail accounts check out the process above to manage your accounts.
FINANCIAL AID required documents tab of your inancial aid account to open the worksheet). You must print and sign the document-an electronic signature is not acceptable. Veri ication is the process of checking the accuracy Need Parent’s 2014 federal tax return tranof the information provided when applying for fedscript, unless the IRS Data Retrieval was used eral student aid from the Department of Education. when completing the FAFSA. If the parent was In the veri ication process, the Financial Aid Of ice unemployed and had no income earned from compares information reported on the FAFSA apwork in 2014 the parent must submit a plication with your federal tax returns and other “Veri ication of Non iling”, which must be rerequested documentation. A student can be selectquested on the IRS website. ed for veri ication through a random process estab- Need Student’s 2014 federal tax return tranlished by the Department of Education (30 percent script, if iled. If the student was unemployed of applicants are routinely selected for veri icaand had no income earned from work in 2014 tion), by the Department of Education if there apthe student must submit a “Veri ication of Nonpears to be inconsistent or con licting information iling”, unless the student is a dependent stureported on the FAFSA, by the school if there apdent. pears to be con licting information, if the student requests a Special Circumstances Review. Items can be dropped off, sent by mail, faxed to 419-443-5025, or emailed inaid@tif in.edu You will know if you were selected for veri ication to the Tif in University Financial Aid Of ice if after you have illed out your FAFSA, your Stu*Faxed or copied documents are acceptable. * dent Aid Report (SAR)states that you have been *To obtain a copy of your tax return transcript or selected. Further, you can check the “required doc- Veri ication of Non iling please go to www.irs.gov uments” tab at https:// inaid.tif in.edu-if veri ica- Once all of the documents are received by the ition is listed then you were selected. Failure to nancial aid of ice, the information will be reviewed. complete the veri ication process can result in not If changes or additional information is needed to being eligible to receive federal inancial aid. If the complete the veri ication process, the student will student and parent(s) iled taxes and used the IRS be emailed. data retrieval tool on the FAFSA and did not change the imported data, then you will not need to reIf you have questions about illing out one of the quest a tax transcript, so, using this tool is highly Veri ication Worksheets, please contact our Finanrecommended. cial Aid Of ice.*Please note: Based on the results of veri ication your inancial aid award may change. If you were selected for veri ication you must: If your inancial aid award changes you will be sent Complete all sections of the correct Veri ication a revised award letter. Worksheet (click on the document under the
What is verifica on? Was I selected? What do I need to do?
Con nued on next page 13
FINANCIAL AID *Veri ication of Non- iling will not be available until after June 15th! DO YOU STAY IN TIFFIN EVERY SUMMER AND NEED A JOB? Searching for a student worker in the inancial aid of ice to start summer 2015. Must be willing to be trained to answer inancial aid questions over the phone and in person and willing to work on other projects as needed. Minimum requirements include a cumulative 3.0 GPA, ability to work every summer, federal work study eligible, and be at sophomore standing. UPCOMING FINANCIAL AID EVENTS FAFSA FILING ASSISTANCE: April 15, 12:45-1:45 in Hertzer 112. If you need help iling your FAFSA for next year, this is the perfect opportunity to get assistance completing your 2015-2016 FAFSA! REPAYMENT BASICS: April 29, 5-6pm in Franks 121. This is your opportunity to hear about what to expect as you enter repayment on your student loans as well as information that every student borrower should know about federal student loan repayment options!
President and Mrs. Marion cordially invite you to a reception in honor of Tif in campus seniors on Thursday, April 23, from 5:30-7:00 p.m. in the Hayes Center for the Arts. This reception is in conjunction with the Student Art Exhibit opening on TU's campus.
H2O Collegiate Ministry
Meet every Thursday at 8:00 p.m. in Main 13.
All are welcome!!!
The only requirement? An open mind!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the GLASS President, Ethan Hug at HugE@tif in.edu
Thursday’s @ 7pm Sunday’s @ 6pm Chisholm Auditorium Connect With Us! www.LifeAtH2o.org Facebook.com/LifeatH2o @h2onewz Pinterest.com/H2oAtTU For more informa on, contact Jim at whaleyj@ ffin.edu
Our Mission Statement: GLASS is dedicated to providing support and education regarding the gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, trans, queer, and questioning community at Tif in University in a con idential, fun, and supportive environment. Members meet to support and educate each other as well as plan events for the campus. The organization hosts an annual Drag Show, Coming Out Day, Day of Silence, and sponsors an AIDS Awareness week.
When: Every Thursday 6:00pm‐8:00pm Where: Gillmor Student Center, Student Affairs: Offices of Jacob Simon and Michael La Torre Why: To be er support students within the GLBTQA Community! S.A.F.E. Hours cul vate community development for students of all sexual orienta ons, gender iden es, and expressions in order to support, embrace, and strengthen the GLBTQA community at Tiffin University. For more informa on please contact: Jacob Simon at simonja@ ffin.edu or 419.448.3421 Michael La Torre at latorremb@ ffin.edu or 419.448.5135 15
Sports News Softball The Tiffin University softball team, coming off a sweep of Ferris State, cruised into Allendale, Michigan to take on the Grand Valley State Lakers. In game one, freshman right hander Kimmy Reynolds put on a pitching clinic. Reynolds, 9-3 on the season, has improved as the season has progressed, and Sunday was no exception. Over her last three starts, she has thrown three complete game shutouts, surrendering only 4 hits, and has punched out 24 batters.
innings, giving up 10 hits, 5 runs, only one earned, walked 2, and struck out 1.
dra. With two on, Seth Bryant then roped a ball down the left field line for a double, scoring Dennis and Hartley. Heads up base running allowed Bryant to move to third on the throw to the plate, and he then scampered home on a passed ball to give the Dragons a 4-2 lead.
At the plate, Tiffin smacked 7 hits, but stranded 9 runners on base as Grand Valley danced out of danger everytime the Dragons were about to strike. In the first inning, Tiffin put a runner in scoring position, but couldn't capitalize. In the second, they loaded the bases, yet the Lakers somehow found away to get out of the inning without surrendering a run. Tiffin went on to fall in the contest 9-0 in five innings.
The split gives the Dragons a 20-12 overall record and a 10-3 GLIAC record. The Dragons sit in 3rd place in the GLIWith Reynolds blanking the Lakers, it AC, a half game behind Grand Valley, was her offense that needed to get goand a full game behind front running ing, and in the 6th they got rolling. CasWayne St. The 20 victories gives Tiffin its sandra Brown reached on an error, and Kaitlin Gruenewald singled to put two on. 6th straight 20 win season, dating back to the 2009-10 campaign. Jena King, who has been on a tear of late, lined a single back up the middle to score Brown. Delaney Mixer tacked on Baseball the final run with a single to score Gruenewald to give the Dragons a 2-0 lead. The Tiffin University baseball team split their four game series with Wayne State, Over the final two innings, Reynolds did- winning games one and four. The Dragn't allow a base runner en route to her ons narrowly lost the other two games by 10th win of the season. She surrendered a combined six runs. only 3 hits, walked 3, and struck out 4. At the plate, Jena King was the only Dragon The Dragons turned to their young right with multiple hits. King was 2 for 3 with hander Luke Fraley for the the start in an RBI. Over the weekend, King was 8 game three. Fraley spotted the Warriors for 12 with 4 runs batted in, and has a two run lead when he surrendered a boosted her average to a healthy .416. two run blast to center field. Game two was in complete contrast to game one, as Tiffin gave up four runs before they even stepped to the plate. The Lakers touched up Dragon starter Sarah Brown for 4 runs on 3 hits and two walks. Brown never made it out of the first inning, lasting only a third of an inning. Relief pitcher Kelsey Yaratch didn't fare much better, throwing the final 4 2/3
In the 4th, it looked as if the Dragons were headed to the bottom half of the inning still without a run, but a two out hit by Nick Calandra sparked a rally. With Calandra aboard, Alex Hartley trotted to first with a bases on balls. A bouncing ball hit by Jack Dennis that would have been the final out of the inning was misplayed by the Warriors to score Calan-
Wayne State responded in the bottom of the inning with two down, pushing four runs of their own home on three hits and a Tiffin error to take a 6-4 lead. They added three more runs in the 6th with a solo homer and a two run shot to left center field to give them the 9-4 advantage and ultimately a 9-4 victory. Luke Fraley hung around for 3 2/3 innings, giving up 6 hits, 6 runs, 5 earned, walked 3, and struck out 4. The combination of Brady Ward and Tim Benner respectively, finished the game in relief. At the dish, Seth Bryant was 2 for 3 with 2 RBIs, and Nick Hueneburg collected another multi-hit game, going 2 for 3. Tyler Nichols was sent to the hill in the final game to assure the Dragons a split, and right from the get go, his offense was there to help. In inning number one, the Dragons put the first two men aboard with an Isaac Perry walk and a Nick Calandra single. Nick Hueneburg then reached on an infield single to load the bases. Cody Spires was retired on a slow roller to second, but Perry scored to give Tiffin a 1-0 lead. The Dragons added one in the 2nd. Devon Fisk walked and Kyle Durham singled to left field to put a pair on, and lead off hitter Isaac Perry roped a single back up the box to score Fisk, making it 2-0. In the 3rd inning, the Dragons tacked on
Sports News conĆ&#x;nued on next page 17
Sports News continued Tyler Nichols was masterful on the scored. Jessica Bombard got the win in mound, throwing 7 2/3 innings, giving up goal, making 16 big saves to preserve 5 runs, but only 1 was earned. He did not the lead over 60 minutes. walk a batter, and fanned 5. Garret Scot pitched the final 1 1/3, allowing two hits Men's Tennis and a walk. The Warriors put their first runs on the Tiffin University posted a 6-3 win over At the plate, the Dragons clubbed 19 hits visiting Walsh for their second straight board in bottom of the inning. The two and drew 7 walks. The charge was led runs came at the hands of two Tiffin erGLIAC win, improving their record to 8by Nick Hueneburg and Cody Spires. rors and three hits, but it was too little, 15, 4-4 GLIAC. Hueneburg was 4 for 6 with an RBI and too late for Wayne State. scored 3 runs. Spires was also 4 for 6, 1st Doubles but he knocked in 4 runs, and smacked 3 TU - Lezama/Frery vs. WU - Cabezon/ Tiffin hammered home the final nails in the 4th, and never looked back. Durham doubles. Nick Calandra and Isaac Perry Whittaker aided the cause with 3 hits each. and Perry both singled to left field, and In a shocking sweep of doubles, TU was Durham motored into third with no outs. able to win all three doubles against Calandra reached on a fielder's choice to The Dragons run their record to 13-20 Walsh on Sunday. TU started it off with score Durham. Hueneburg then reached overall and 7-9 in GLIAC play. They will an important 8-6 victory at first doube back home at the friendly confines of bles. The freshmen duo was coming off on a single through the left side of the Heminger Field this Wednesday (April infield enabling Calandra to cruise to a big 2nd Doubles win the day before 15) and will play host to GLIAC South foe and carried over their confidence into an third base. Cody Spires kept the line Ohio Dominican. moving with a double down the left field important Walsh match. TU served and line to score Calandra, and Noah returned well to give them the early adHeard's single brought both Hueneburg Women's Lacrosse vantage which they took late into the and Spires home, giving Tiffin a 7-2 admatch for the victory. vantage. Tiffin University (8-6, 4-0 GLIAC) won its 8th straight game, remaining unbeaten in 2nd Doubles Wayne State added a run in the bottom conference with a 22-16 win over Findlay TU - Ludena/Mangone vs. WU - Lucca/ of the 4th with a pair of doubles to make on the road. Jaque it 7-3. Two more runs by the Warriors in In a last minute pairing, TU's Mangone the 5th pulled them within two runs, but and Ludena paired up for a dominant win It was another massive game for Tori the Dragon bats never cooled off. Nelson, who tallied 6 goals with an assist at 2nd Doubles. TU won 8-4 to give them the first victory of all the doubles along with 14 draw controls, 5 ground Tiffin added five runs over the final four matches. This was the match that gave balls, and 3 caused turnovers. Emily innings, while Dragon pitching held the Roussel also stood out with 4 goals and confidence to the rest of the matches en Warriors at bay. In the 6th, Nick Calanan assist while Morgan Sherley also had route to TU's doubles sweep. dra's double was followed by Cody 4 scores. Spire's two bagger to left center field, 3rd Doubles scoring Calandra. Two Warrior wild pitch- Tiffin jumped out to an 8-3 lead at TU - Almeida/Fernandes vs. WU - Vides allowed Spires to score, pushing the the 16:47 mark of the first half and took a manov/Carter Tiffin lead to 9-5. In a close match, TU's Fernandes and 13-9 lead into the break. They mainAlmeida defeated Vidmanov and Carter tained the slim 16-13 lead with 23:35 to In the 9th the Dragons sought out some play in the game before outscoring the 8-6. TU's captain Fernandes and their insurance runs, and found three of them. Oilers 6-3 the rest of the way. lone senior Almeida were able to will Nick Hueneburg doubled to score Isaac their way to a match they knew was inPerry, Cody Spires then singled to push Alexis MacMillan added 3 goals and 3 credibly important in a match that was Calandra home, and another wild pitch going to be very close. Every point was assists while Gina Abulone had 2 goals moved Hueneburg home to give the needed for TU to defeat Walsh and their and 4 assists. Amanda Flotteron had 2 Dragons their 12-5 victory. third doubles team stepped up when they goals and 2 assists while Katie Hill also another run. A Hueneburg single and Spires double put runners at second and third, and Noah Heard put the bat on the ball and Wayne State booted that ball to score Hueneburg.
Sports News conĆ&#x;nued on next page 18
Sports News continued needed it with aggression at the net and frustrating doubles strategy for Walsh to handle.
Walsh was able to take advantage of shots left short and won points in that manner.
On the women's side, the Dragons had 6th place finishes in three events. Brittany Darby was 6th in the 200, while both the 4x100 and 4x400 relay teams took 5th Singles 1st Singles sixth. Chyna Davis finished in the top 10 TU - Nicholas Almeida vs. WU – Lucca in two events - 7th in the triple jump and TU - Luis Ludena vs. WU – Cabezon TU's lone senior came up big in the TU's Ludena lost a close 4-6, 2-6 deci8th in the 100 hurdles. Miranda MondozWalsh match by winning his doubles and zi also was 9th in the hammer throw. sion to Walsh's Cabezon. Ludena played a close match and was ultimately singles match. TU's Almeida won 1-6, 6upended due to the aggressive play style 1, 6-2 against Walsh's Lucca. Almeida CUMBERLANDS INVITATIONAL of Cabezon. Mistakes late in the second has been struggling most of the year, but set ended up costing TU at first singles. showed up big when the team needed Tiffin took a split squad over to the Cumhim most. berlands Invitational and dominated 2nd Singles much of the field, winning the women's TU - Elio Lezama Perez vs. WU – Vid- 6th Singles event over 21 other teams with 123.33 TU - Victor Fernandes vs. WU – Adegas points. Siena Heights was second with manov Along with Almeida, TU's Fernandes A match that both teams thought they 120.5. For the men, TU was second of showed up big when the team needed had a good chance of winning, Walsh 20 teams, trailing Siena Heights 176-85. came away with a 6-3, 6-4 decision over him. The captain of the team was able to win 6-4, 6-3 against Walsh's AdeTU's Lezama. Both players played agThe women had a number of first place gressive and were able to pressure and gas. Fernandes stayed aggressive all finishes. Ashley Linton (1st in 1500 with match, but slowly became more and take advantage of big serves all 4:48.77), Sydnie Anthony (1st in 100 more patient as the match went on. Fer- with 12.41), Keianna Ingram (1st in high game. Lezama struggled and couldnandes realized that was his key to vic- jump with meet-record 5-7.75), and San't place aggressive serve returns for tory as he won the second set 6-3. most of the set and thus couldn't really rah Clow (1st in shot put with 48-2) all break Vidmanov. won their events. TU coach Laura Iguane also won both the discus (62-3.5) Track and Field 3rd Singles and the hammer throw (58.36). TU – Pierre Frery vs. WU – Whittaker TENNESSEE RELAYS TU's Frery came up big for the team Clow also took second in the discus with when his number was called on Sun52-0.25, while Miranda Mondozzi was day. Frery won a 2-6, 6-2, 7-6 (5) deci- Lamar Hargrove was chosen by the Uni- second in the shot put with 46-10.25 and sion over Walsh's Whittaker. In a match versity of Tennessee as the Athlete of third in the hammer throw with 50.18. the Meet at the prestigious Tennessee that was a bit sloppy at times for both Mary Boyden was third in the shot with players, Frery was the steady player late Relays April 10-11, as the four-time na- 45-3.5, while Giulianne Pereira was third in the match and ended up winning in a tional champion won the 200 meter invi- in the javelin with 35.62. tational with a time of 20.56. He also tie breaker. Both players, at times, teamed with Stephon Goodwin, Omar showed bits of inconsistency and that Other top finishers for TU included Anshowed in the large score discrepancy in Lane, and Reginald Thomas to win the thony (4th in long jump), Jamie Lombar4x100 in 40.35 at the unscored meet both sets. do (5th in 1500), Jessica Kern (5th in featuring numerous Division I, II, and III 800), Boyden (4th in discus), Javean teams. 4th Singles Douglas (5th in hammer throw), and TU - Agustin Mangone vs. WU – Jaque Monica Carson (5th in javelin). At a spot where TU is usually victorious, Numerous other Dragons made their TU lost 3-6, 4-6 at 4th Singles to Walsh's presence felt at the massive meet, with For the men, Joel Johnson took first in Theo Mancheron finishing 7th in the de- the 400 in 48.05, while coach Nolan Hill Jaque. Mangone couldn't seem to get cathlon. Thomas also took 7th in the the ball rolling in his favor as his usual won the hammer throw with 53.96. 100, while Lane finished 8th in the 200. patient style was punished by Jaque. Both players had long rallies, but
Sports News conƟnued on next page 19
Sports News continued Brent Hunter was third in the 1500 in 4:06.72, while Macerio Clark was third in the 400. Davion Bowers took third in both the discus (44-6.5) and the shot put (55-11.25), while Ralph Robinson was third in the hammer throw (53.12). Other top finishers included Jay Feuerstein (4th in shot put), Kerwin Jackson (5th in 400 hurdles), the 4x400 relay team (5th), and Toryko Grace (5th in discus).
Mazzola and Schuster. They played incredibly well and were able to dispatch Pinchuk and Nachtwey of WLU 8-4. TU was dominant early on getting an early break and a break late in the set to give them the victory. Mazzola poached at the net well the entire match staying aggressive and winning the big points when she was called upon.
1st Singles TU – Nelhage vs. WLU – Howard In a rematch of last year's thriller, TU's Nelhage easily dispatched WLU's HowWomen's Tennis ard 6-1, 6-3. Howard is ranked number Tiffin University shutout West Liberty 9-0 6 in the Atlantic Region, but that didn't intimidate Nelhage. The last meeting in a commanding performance. between the two was a 3 set adventure that Nelhage was victorious in. This 1st Doubles time, however, Nelhage was much more TU - Nelhage/ Beck vs. WLU - Howard/ prepared and played the windy condiCabera tions to her advantage. TU opened their match against West Liberty University with a familiar line up, unlike their travels to Wright State. TU's 2nd Singles TU – Mazzola vs. WLU – Dawson Beck and Nelhage continued their winning ways against the number 3 team in TU's Valentina Mazzola was able to make quick work of WLU's Dawson 6-3, the Atlantic Region with an 8-5 decision. The match was close, but as usual 6-0. Mazzola expertly crafted her shots with the windy conditions and made drop Beck and Nelhage didn't change anyshot after drop shot to give her team a thing from their winning ways and gave convincing win at 2nd Singles. TU a victory at 1st Doubles. 2nd Doubles TU -Avram/Harpaintner vs. WLU - Dawson/Paulk Avram and Harpaintner were much more comfortable being back at their 2nd Doubles home where they won 8-1 on Friday. TU was able to dictate play early against WLU and kept the confidence up the entire match. Avram was set up for many big forehand winners as the two dominated the entire match at 2nd Doubles. 3rd Doubles TU - Mazzola/Schuster vs. WLU Pinchuk/Nachtwey Back in the 3rd Doubles spot again was
3rd Singles TU – Avram vs. WLU – Cabera Aside from the 1st and 2nd Singles matches, TU was able to dominate every other match quite convincingly. Avram won a 6-0, 6-1 decision by playing her aggressive style of tennis that saw her hit many winners over the course of a short match. Avram wasn't shaken from the Wright State match and was back to her winning ways. 4th Singles TU – Harpaintner vs. WLU – Pinchuk TU's Harpaintner won a quick 6-2, 6-0 decision over WLU's Pinchuk. Harpaintner played the wind the best out of the
TU women on Friday, as she was able to use the wind to her advantage leaving her opponent without an answer in the second set. 5th Singles TU – Beck vs. WLU – Puga TU's Captain was back in the lineup Friday after an absence at Wright State. The senior was able to win 6-0, 61 in a match she never seemed worried about. Beck hit many aces on the ad side of the court due to the wind blowing off into that direction. 6th Singles TU – Schuster vs. WLU – Nanchtwey Abi Schuster was back to her winning ways with a 6-2, 6-0 victory over WLU's Nanchtwey. Schuster played her patient style of tennis while going after the shots that were left for her at the service line. Schuster has been a back bone rounding out the singles lineup for the Dragons all year and will surely be influential later on in the season.
Football The Tiffin University football team held their 2015 Spring game, with the white team taking the win 10-3. Head coach Gary Goff talked highly of his team's off-season work ethic, and talked about some of the improvements this winter. "Both sides of the ball are vastly improved," Goff noted. "Offensively we wanted to get better in the red zone and on third down, and I believe we have done that." One of Coach Goff's main focuses was shoring up his defense, and he was very excited with their effort and improvements.
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Sports News continued "It has been a very competitive spring," said Goff. "Our defensive line has worked very hard, and has improved everyday." To make the game fair, a draft was held on Thursday to divide the teams. The scoring began in the first quarter, with Antonio Pipkin scampering 22 yards to pay dirt to give the White team a 6-0 lead, Jared Friszman tacked on the extra point to make it 7-0. That touchdown was the only score of the quarter. In the 2nd quarter, Jared Friszman lined up a 35 yard field goal and knocked it home to give his team a 10-0 lead. The White team carried that lead to the half.
has seen this spring, "Competitively, we have really gotten after it on defense, and our focus was to get better in the red zone and on third down, and I believe we have accomplished that," Edwards noted.
"Besides the defensive line, the competition at wide out has been outstanding." Tiffin returns Pedro Correa, Austen Rankin, Tony Shead, Charles Holland, Jeremy Lewis, and tight end Dominique Lewis.
When asked his thoughts on the game, Head Coach Gary Goff said, "Willie Mays stood out, three sacks and a pick. People were asking who is number two, and today they found out. Overall, very pleased, both sides did a good job. Offensively I was impressed with Pipkin's play. He went out and called plays and made plays. I am very happy about our play today, but this game is for the fans. We wanted to come out and put on a "Allan is athletic, fast, and brings more experience to an already battle hardened show for them and stay healthy." group," said Goff. The Dragon linebackers feature a junior heavy lineup with plenty of experience. The defensive backfield features returners Trey Scott, Roamelle Bell, and DJ. Edwards-Stewart. A newcomer to that group is Allan Veazie, and Coach Goff said he is excited about what Veazie has shown.
The 3rd quarter saw both defenses take hold. Newcomer Willie Mays, a defensive end, collected three sacks and picked off On the offensive side of the ball, Tiffin a pass. Coach Goff is very excited about will be led by Antonio Pipkin. Coach Goff said the third year starter continues to Mays. improve. "Willie is long and athletic," said Goff. "His explosiveness off the edge is some- "He is getting better at seeing the field, and then making a decision based upon thing we have been looking for." what he sees," said Goff. "It is a luxury to have a quarterback that can call a play The 4th quarter began with the White without having to look to me. He is mateam leading 10-0, but a fumble by Jordan Nobles that was recovered by Green turing and we are excited about his proteam defensive lineman Nick Flores gave gress." Green a bit of life. The Green squad beThe offensive line is returner heavy, and gan moving down the field, and had a first and goal opportunity, but a few neg- returns All-GLIAC performer Mason Butative plays and penalties forced them to ler at center. The O-line brings everybody back, and has more depth than it settle for a field goal attempt. Tomislav has seen in years. Derezic split the uprights from 35 yards out to get the Green team within a touchAt running back, the stable has plenty of down. horses and those include - Jerry Brown, The Green defense forced a punt by the Jordan Nobles, Chris Watkins, and Patrick Boggs. The Dragons have an excelWhite, and with a little bit more than a minute left had a chance to tie the game, lent balance of power with Boggs and but the White squad would have none of Watkins, and speed with Nobles and it, batting down a fourth and long pass to Brown. seal the White team's 10-3 victory. At receiver, Tiffin will miss Marcus Beaurem and Tyler Jones, but bring back Dragon defensive coordinator Matt Edplenty of talent. Coach Goff noted, wards was very pleased with what he
The Dragons will start the season at home on September 3, with a 7 pm kickoff against GLIAC foe Walsh University.
Alumni Achievement Award TU Grads Sara Dunn & Steve Grubs
Wednesday, April 15, 2015, 7 p.m. Holi-Festival of Colors International Student Advising, International Student Programs, International Cultural Center Legacy Courtyard, Tif in University Rachel Crooks, 419-448-3369, crooksrn@tif in.edu Open to the public, free admission Friday, April 17, 2015, 7:30 p.m. ProMusic Festival Concert, feat. Groove for Thought Music Department The Ritz Theatre Music Department, 419-448-3360 Open to the public, $15 for adults, free for students for adults and free for students Sunday, April 19, 2015, 7 p.m. TU Dance Showcase Music Department TU Gillmor Center Gymnasium Music Department, 419-448-3360 Open to the public, free admission
Wednesday, April 22, 2015 Indian Cuisine Tif in University, Heidelberg University, International Cultural Center Beehive Cafe Rachel Crooks, 419-448-3369, crooksrn@tif in.edu Open to the public, tickets required.
Wednesday, April 22 - Thursday, April 23, 2015, 9 a.m.-12p.m. & 2-5 p.m. I-20 Signing Days International Admission & Student Advising International Student Services, Friedley Hall Rachel Crooks, 419-448-3369, crooksrn@tif in.edu TU students, free admission