Challenge The Magazine of TifďŹ n University > Winter 07|08
Homecoming 2007 TU Shines Among Peer Colleges with Total Academic Experience
V\gl bY Tiffin
Both institutions have seen remarkable growth in the past several years, with increasing enrollments and expanding campuses. New projects being considered are the development of a recreation center on the campus of Tiffin University. The site for the project will be a former salvage yard that is being cleaned up with funds through the Ohio Department of Development. Heidelberg also is planning to construct a similar facility on its campus. Because of the impact the universities have on the overall economy,
C i t y o f T i ffi n Rated A mong 1 00 Be st Small Towns in A mer ic a
planning is underway to identify ways the community can leverage the strengths of the colleges. Corridors are being planned that will connect the downtown area to the campuses with improved landscapes, retail, housing and entertainment.
Tiffin has been recognized as one of the “100 Best Small Towns In America,” by Site Selection Magazine. A 2007 survey of Micro-
Again leveraging the universities, plans are being discussed that
politan Areas in the United States conducted by Policom Corp., Palm
would lead to an entrepreneurial center that would help to develop
City, Fla., shows Tiffin’s economy ranks in the 62nd percentile na-
the local and regional business talent that already exists or may
tionally and in the top 10 of Ohio among cities of similar size.
consider starting new business ventures.
Mercy Hospital is in the process of de-
This past year, Tiffin was successful in
veloping a new $65 million medical
acquiring funding through the Depart-
campus in Tiffin. This development in
ment of Development’s Rural Develop-
conjunction with another $7 million
ment grant and loan program to con-
medical facility, VH1, and a new $8.5
struct a new $1.6 million facility that is
million Super Wal-Mart, all in the west
the new home of a new manufacturer to
end area of Tiffin, is spurring further de-
the community, PPC Insulators. It joins a
velopment in the retail sector.
growing list of companies, foreign and domestic, that have been attracted to
The city of Tiffin will be making a sig-
Tiffin in the past decade.
nificant investment in constructing a new connector road between SR 18 and
Like many communities in the Midwest,
US 224 and using another development
Tiffin has challenges that need to be
tool, tax increment financing, to help
answered. And many of the answers to
open land along the west end for fu-
our challenges will be found in chang-
ture commercial development. The city
ing the way we look at ourselves and
already is seeing increased activity from
how we do things.
developers looking to acquire land and create new retail opportunities brought
The underlying strength is here. It is up
about by the large financial investment
to us to bring about the future we envi-
that is taking place.
sion. As Norman Vincent Peale said, “We tend to get what we expect.”
The city of Tiffin has an economy that is very diverse with manufacturing, education, medicine, retail, construction, mining and agriculture forming the bulk of the employment opportunities. The diversity in the economy is underscored by the
This article is based on a column which was written by Rich Focht,
advantage of having two four-year universities, Tiffin University and
President and CEO of the Seneca Industrial and Economic Develop-
Heidelberg College, located within the city boundaries. This diver-
ment Corporation, that appeared in The Advertiser-Tribune.
sity of employment provides many skilled workers who create a very positive economic influence on the region.
Winter 07|08
EDITOR’S NOTE Dear Alumni and Friends: Real Connections. Real Results. That is what you will find in the pages that follow. Challenge Magazine allows you an opportunity to review and for us to
g[\f \ffhX
record what has occurred in the past 6 months and in this issue, you will
WINTER 07|08 The Magazine of Tiffin University
examine a positive force of brave and memorable alumni, record-breaking enrollment, outstanding results, and
Cover: Sophomore Lindsay Morris
challenging plans for our next reaccreditation to take place in 2009. In the meantime, what is new with
> National Survey of Student Engagement, p4
you? We are sincerely interested in your story and your photo-
graphs to be included in ClassScene. Why not take the time to
Jobs, promotions, awards, recognitions,
much are you enjoying your retirement! A favorite part of my job as TU each day through our website at or email
Tric k or Tr eat
marriages, births, vacations, hobbies, volunteer work or exactly how Editor is hearing from you. You have an opportunity to connect with
C am pusS c ene
tell us what you have been up to or what do you remember most about your TU days.
National S ur v ey of Student Engagement ( NS S E)
Trick or Treat, p13
W ho’ s W ho and What They Do
I nc r ease in Enr ollment Success at Tiffin University continues.
We continue to grow,
change, and provide opportunities for students to succeed. See for yourself in the pages ahead.
> Increase in Enrollment, p20
Lisa W. Williams
Homec oming
Editor, Executive Director of Media Relations & Publications
Writing C ontest
R e-Ac c r edition Pr oc e s s Begins SEND NEWS, OLD OR NEW, TO CHALLENGE MAGAZINE. Mail: Lisa Williams, 155 Miami Street, Tiffin, Oho 44883 Call for interview appointment or story idea: 419.448.3444 Email: Website: CREDITS Photography: Lisa Williams Contributing Writers: Geoff Schutt, Elaine Ocker Graphic Designer: Mary Ann Stearns
Correction: to
Grad Working in I raq
Alum niS c ene Homecoming, p24
C lassS c ene
I nM emoriam
Don Bero for being named
incorrectly in the last issue of
Challenge. Don has been a long-
Hall of F ame
time friend and donor of the University and we deeply regret
Grad Working in Iraq, p32
S por tsS c ene
the error. President’s Club Dinner 2007 Don Bero with Martin Koop
If this issue of Challenge Magazine is addressed to someone in your household who has moved, please notify the Alumni office by calling 419.448.3323 or email
TU shines >
2007 NSSE
T iffin U nive rsity Shine s Am o ng Pe e r Co l lege s W i t h To tal Ac ade m ic Expe rie nc e . Mo re th a n 20 0 r a n do m l y se l e cte d T i ffi n Un i ve rsi ty stu de n ts pa r ti ci pa t ed i n t h e 2007 Natio nal Sur ve y o f Stude nt Engage m ent ( NS S E) . In a re ce n tl y re l e a se d NSSE “E xe cu ti ve Sna ps h o t ,” TU sh i n e s a m o n g pe e r i n sti tu ti o n s, e spe ci a l l y wi t h “ h i g h i m pa ct” e du ca ti o n a l a cti vi ti e s, a cco rdi n g to Dr. Ter es a Sh a fe r, De a n o f Asse ssm e n t a n d Accre dit a t i o n a n d Pro fe sso r o f So ci o l o g y.
National Survey bY fghWXag XaZTZX`Xag The NS S E is the r ec ogniz ed benc hm ark f or assessing the extent
to whic h c olleges and univ ersities ef f ec tiv ely engage s tudents in
their educ ation. Ac c or ding to the NS S E, r esults f r o m the s ur vey
“ c an pr ov ide pr ospec tiv e students with insights into how they
might lear n and dev elop at any giv en c ollege. ” 4
Winter 07|08
The survey focuses on five areas: N
Level of academic challenge
Active and collaborative learning
Student-faculty interaction
Enriching educational experiences
Supportive campus environment
TU was one of 610 colleges and universities in the U.S. that took part in the 2007 NSSE, and the results demonstrate that Tiffin
[\Z[ \`cTVg TVg\i\g\Xf Xae\V[ XWhVTg\baT_ XkcXe\XaVX
University is living up to its brand promise of “Real Connections, Real Results.” “In addition to providing annual comparative data, the creators
Make it possible for every student to participate in at least two
of NSSE have discovered that taking part in certain activities
high-impact activities, one in the first year, and one later related
during college boosts students’ performance in many areas, such
to their major field.” Such experiences will better prepare students
as thinking critically, solving real world problems, and working
for a productive, satisfying lifetime of continuous learning.”
effectively with others,” Shafer says. “These ‘high-impact’ educational activities include learning communities, undergraduate
Student participants in the 2007 NSSE had the opportunity to
research, study abroad, internships, and capstone courses.”
make personal comments and observations about their educational experience at Tiffin University. One TU student remarked,
She adds, “Tiffin University is as good or better in each of the
“Going to a smaller private school like Tiffin was a very big
‘high-impact’ educational areas compared with colleges and
advantage for me. It gave me a chance to get to know everyone
universities within our peer group. Efforts will continue to increase
– students, faculty and staff. By doing so, I was more comforable
the number and types of ‘high-impact’ experiences available to
in the environment and it was easier to learn. I knew that no
students and to encourage their participation.”
matter what I needed, my professors were always there to help me in a timely and attentive manner. The faculty and staff genuinely
According to George Kuh, NSSE Director, “A common question from
care about each individual, being sure that everyone who comes
NSSE users is, ‘What is the one thing we should do to increase
out of Tiffin University will succeed out in the real world.”
student engagement and success on our campus?’ Our answer:
TU shines >
2007 NSSE
All TU students currently have had capstone courses or experiences and many have participated in required internships or field experiences for several years, according to Shafer. Additionally, the F.J. Miller Society, begun in fall 2005, supports a living and learning community in Miller Hall for students in the Honors and Leadership programs. All three academic schools support independent student research as well as collaborative research among students and faculty. Below is a comparison of the percentage of students who took part in “high-impact” experiences at TU compared to students at other institutions participating in the 2007 NSSE.
% of Students Participating in a High-Impact Educational Practice FRESHMAN
Learning Communities
12 16 17
Research with Faculty
Professor Tom Newcomb
The NSSE compiles its results into a Pocket Guide to
Choosing a College, which offers both students and their parents key questions to ask during campus visits, and input from current
SENIOR Study Abroad
students. Tiffin University’s Pocket Guide can be accessed at
9 Pocket_Guide_Report_Tiffin_University_.pdf
11 14
More about the NSSE: The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) s tudies
c olleges and u niversities across the nation, and is designed to
Culminating Senior Experiences
identify student participation in programs and activities that will
benefit both the students’ learning and personal development.
30 32 0
The 40
Charitable Trusts, and is now self-supported through institutional participation fees. Project research is also supported by grants from Lumina Foundation for Education and The Center for Inquiry in the
Tiffin University
Selected Peers
Carneige Peers
Liberal Arts at Wabash College. The surveys are administered through the Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research, in cooperation with the Indiana University Center for Survey Research. More information about the NSSE is available through its website at
Winter 07|08
what’s happening >
“Women’s Work”
Grant Received
F ir s t e x h i b i t i t i on of th e 2007-2008 Se a so n
sity as a recipient of the Jenzabar Founda-
Leslie Rohr Scherer’s “Woman’s Work,” a diverse selection of pastels and drawings
tion Grant, according to Marisa Brown, TU’s
opened Tiffin University’s 2007-2008 Diane Kidd Gallery season.
Technical Support Specialist. Brown suc-
education partner, named Tiffin Univer-
cessfully completed a survey in the spring that assessed institutional reactions and perceptions of Jenzabar platforms which are currently in place at Tiffin University.
Ode to Robert Frost
Technical Support Specialist Marisa Brown presents grant check to Student Government members.
Tiffin University was one of 50 institutions chosen out of 1300 to complete the survey.
Designed to be awarded to a
student-based club or organization on Awaiting the Plow
campus, Brown chose Tiffin University Student Government’s “Adopt a Family Project.” Every year, Tiffin University Student Government teams up with the Seneca County Salvation Army to adopt a family for the Holidays. Student Government
From the playful “Sunnyvale Home for Wayward Ewes” to the touching and poetic “Ode to Robert Frost,” Scherer’s work conveyed both an immediate familiarity and offered plenty for viewers to discover and make their own personal connection as they took a closer look. Among the other works in the show were “Farm Market,” “Lininger’s Bridge,” and “Awaiting the Plow.” This was the first exhibition for Scherer, who says she knew early in life that art was her passion. After only two years of high school art, she was accepted into the prestigious Cleveland Institute of Art. She later moved to Tiffin, where she earned a degree in art and French from Heidelberg College. She said the title of her show came from the worn-out stereotype of generations past that a woman’s work was in the home, or in more traditional jobs such as teaching. Though Scherer became a teacher,
members spend a weekend afternoon shopping, and wrapping gifts for the adopted family. “We generally purchase functional as well as fun and entertaining gifts for the family,” says Kade Ross, Student Government President. “In past years, we have chosen families that have a smaller chance of being adopted due to the large number of family members. This year, with the help of the Jenzabar Grant, we will be adopting an additional and deserving family,” Ross said.
art remained her calling.
what’s happening >
This & That Finding Forrester
and Associate Professor of English and
TU Professor Vincent Moore moderated
a discussion of the film, Finding Forrester, during the first Tiffin University Arts &
Angles Program in September. The event
programs, we’ve been able to generate
included a screening of the film that was
some extraordinary discussions,” she adds.
“We hope to entertain as well as educate.
2000 which
During this year’s Arts & Angles programs,
we’ve purposely designed them so they
Connery and
complement current class offerings at
Tiffin University.”
Anthem Sung at Cleveland Indians Game “I’ve never been that nervous before in my life,” said Tiffin University freshman Jack Pohl. Pohl and the other six members of TU’s a cappella group, Up In The Air, sang the national anthem before a crowd of more than 40,000 Indians fans at Jacobs Field. “It’s quite a thrill to
Brown plays a
Building Leaders for Tomorrow
Gene Smith, director of athletics of The
into a presti-
Ohio State University, presented Build-
gious private high school. Along the way,
ing Leaders for Tomorrow during TU’s first
he befriends a reclusive writer, William
Good Morning World breakfast lecture
Forrester, played by Connery.
series of the season. Mr. Smith is in his
Forrester is a film about the creative pro-
third year as director of athletics at The
cess as well as about the courage to cre-
ate and to follow one’s dream,” remarks
U n i v e r s i t y.
Dr. Moore. “The discussion following the
film examined the issues of creativity,
friendship, and what it means to be an
son to hold
the position
at Ohio State About Arts &
and the first
“The Arts &
Angles series has been
to do so. He
previously served as director of athletics
at Arizona State, Iowa State, and Eastern
Michigan Universities, and is entering his
both to our
23rd year in the role. At Ohio State, the
student pop-
51-year old Smith oversees one of the
ulation at Tif-
nation’s largest and most successful col-
fin University
lege athletic programs. The department of
and to the general public in the Tiffin and
athletics is completely self supporting and
surrounding communities with a wide
receives no university funds or tax dollars
Up In The Air performed an original arrangement of the anthem to preserve the traditional feeling of the song while adding some interesting musical twists. This particular Indians game was a special one, in that it was both the last home game of the season, and the win that clinched the American League Central division title for the Tribe. The Jacobs Field performance was the first in an academic year that will include a long list of appearances by the group. Last year’s schedule included nearly sixty performances at schools, clubs, community events and charity functions all over Ohio and in Michigan. “I expect this year we will perform perhaps as many as 70 times, which would be a record for the group,” said Rees.
or moderators,” says Miriam Fankhauser,
This year will also bring the release of a new CD under Tiffin University’s new record label. Up In The Air will also record yet another disc, its fifth, in the school’s new recording facilities. Details about the group, as well as audio clips, photos and booking information can be found at
Dean of TU’s School of Arts and Sciences
range of interesting topics and speakers
be out there in front of all those people,” said Brad Rees, the group’s director and TU’s Director of Performing Arts.
Winter 07|08
Criminal Justice Career Fair Tiffin University hosted the annual Ohio Council of Criminal Justice Education (OCCJE) Career Fair in October.
The fair, held in The Gillmor
Student Center gymnasium, was a huge success.
Gildner author
Representatives from federal, state and local agencies were available to discuss career and internship opportunities. “We were very excited to host the OCCJE Career Fair,” said Dr. Steven Hur-
Award-Winning Author Visits TU
witz, Professor of Psychology and Criminal Justice
An award-winning poet and fiction writer, Gary Gildner, visited Tiffin University and
everyone ranging from college students and re-
at Tiffin University and Vice President of OCCJE. “We compiled an impressive array of criminal justice agencies. In addition to the law enforcement and corrections fields, there were organizations representing the areas of homeland security and mental health. This was a great opportunity for cent graduates looking for entry level positions
gave a free public reading of his work in October. The visit to Tiffin coincided with the publication date of the author’s latest book, Cleaning a Rainbow. He met with
to criminal justice professionals who are seeking new opportunities for advancement in the field to gather information and network with a wide array
several TU classes to discuss the writing process. Gildner was born in West Branch,
of professionals under one roof.”
Michigan. He is best known for his works of poetry, including Letters from Vicksburg As part of the OCCJE Career Fair, Carol McDan(1977), Blue Like the Heavens (1984), Clackama: Poems (1991), and The Bunker in
nell, Director of Career Development at Tiffin Uni-
Parsley Fields (1997), which won the 1996 Iowa Poetry Prize. He has also written two
versity, conducted workshops on resumes and professional portfolios.
novels, a collection of short stories, and a memoir, The Warsaw Sparks (1990), which he wrote while he was a Fulbright Lecturer at the University of Warsaw
Immediately following
the OCCJE Career Fair, the Washington D. C. Metropolitan Police Department offered a civil service exam. Additional information about OCCJE
and coach of the city’s baseball team. He currently lives on a ranch in Idaho’s
can be found at
Clearwater Mountains
BLACK SWAMP COLLEGE FAIR In October, TU hosted the Black Swamp Area College Fair.
The Gillmor
Student Center Gymnasium was overflowing with high school students, family and friends. What is a college fair? A college fair allows prospective students a chance to meet with multiple college representatives in one location. Students can get printed materials about many schools and talk to admissions representatives. A college fair is a great way for parents to learn about college admissions and the financial aid process. More than 60 colleges were represented.
what’s happening >
jX_Vb`\aZ New International
Dennis Kroeze and President Marion
I n te r n a t i o n a l s tu d e n ts n e w to TU pr esent ed t he flag
o f th ei r cou n t r y to Pr e si d e n t Ma ri on and t he cer em ony
included a special per for mance by the Tif fin University Choir,
a n d a C h i ne s e stu d e n t p l a y i n g p i a no. Qiuzi Hu
Zhao Yin 10
Jaime Thompson >
Winter 07|08
Jing Weng
Dr. Teresa Shafer, Dean of Assessment
“Buying the War”
and Accreditation at Tiffin University,
B i l l Moye r s’ Do cum e nta r y
TU Dean Attended Har vard Seminar
was invited to attend the Performance Assessment in Higher Education Semi-
Dr. Colleen Vallo moderated the Arts & Angles program in October, which featured Bill
nar at the Harvard Graduate School of
Moyers’ documentary, Buying the War. Dr. Vallo set the scene for the Moyers’ docu-
Education in November.
The seminar
mentary, and the discussion that followed. “More than four years have passed since
brought together Harvard faculty and
the United States invaded Iraq. In the months before the invasion, the media largely
leading practitioners to examine the
passed along the Bush Administration’s reasons for going to war, without examining the
current state of performance assessment
Administration’s claims that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and
and identify practical approaches to
had links to 9-11 and the terrorist organization Al-Quaida, which have now been shown to be false,” she explained. In the documentary
generate useful performance data.
“Buying the War,” journalist Bill Moyers looks at why the mainstream press chose passivity over The program explored how data
skepticism and scrutiny, as well as the reasons
can be effectively used to create
why the press has abandoned its independence
greater transparency in the teaching/
and long-standing role as the watchdog of govern-
learning process.
ment. “This is why the investigative reporting of three
In addition to her assessment duties,
Washington reporters for the former Knight-Ridder
Shafer also teaches each semester as a Professor of Sociology.
news chain went unnoticed after it published sto-
She serves
ries disputing the Bush Administration’s evidence
the local education community as Vice
for war,” Vallo adds. “The documentary is valu-
President of the Buckeye Central School District’s Board of Education.
“As a
parent and a school board member, I’m aware of the struggles our K-12 partners are dealing with in graduating students
able in that it shows how the press presented its Colleen Vallo
stories to the public—often in a way that seemed
like an endorsement for war,” Vallo says. “’Buying the War’ is a timely examination of how the press covers important issues facing the nation, especially in light of the Bush Administration’s current efforts to extend military actions into Iran.”
ready to compete at the college level. Assessment takes place at all levels of education: K-12 works with the OGT exams and state report cards, and colleges
GO GREEN Shir ts for Charity Tiffin University’s Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) sold “GO GREEN”
shirts in support of all TU athletics and all proceeds benefited the Make-A-Wish
various others instrument. The
for all of us to do our absolute best to improve the competition level of
Continuing its long-standing commitment to philanthropy, the NCAA Division II has established a partnership with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, a global charity that grants the wishes of children with life threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength, and joy.
our graduates.” Teresa Shafer
what’s happening >
CampusScene “Before the Music Dies” In November, TU’s Arts & Angles series featured Brad Rees, Director of Performing Arts, who moderated an event that offered an insider’s look at the music business, and featured special guest Adam McInnis, a noted singer/songwriter. The
cluded a screening of the award-winning documentary, “Before the Music Michael Spragg
Larry Adelsperger
Dies,” at the Ritz
TU Names Two New Trustees
Tiffin University has elected Michael Spragg and Larry Adelsperger to its Board
the music indus-
of Trustees according to Gary Heminger, Chair.
try with the audience. An Austin, Texas native,
As part
of the screening, singer-songwriter McInnis hand
his experience in Adam McInnis
McInnis was featured in the ABC television show, According to Tiffin University President Paul Marion, “Mike Spragg and Larry
“The One: The Making of a Music Star,” and is
Adelsperger are wonderful additions to our Board of Trustees. In addition to
currently touring the country in conjunction with
their career achievements, they have made many positive contributions to their
“Before the Music Dies.” He also gave a free
concert on the TU campus in The Gillmor Student Center which offered a mixture of alterna-
Larry Adelsperger is Executive Vice President of P.T. Services Rehabilitation, Inc., a Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy and Athletic Training service provider in northern and central Ohio. He is also President of an agricultural operation in Seneca County.
tive, rock, pop & soul, showcasing timeless songwriting and his captivating voice. McInnis’ music can be heard at
“I hope to be able to help enhance the impressive growth of Tiffin University through my responsibilities as a trustee,” said Adelsperger. “TU is in the fast lane, and I am proud to be a part of it.” Michael Spragg was named President and CEO of The Old Fort Banking Company this year. He has also been appointed as a member of the Board of Directors for The Old Fort Banking Company and its holding company, Gillmor Financial Services, Inc. He was most recently employed as the District President, Northern District and Executive Vice President of Commercial Lending of Sky Bank, where he had been employed since 1998. Prior to Sky Bank, Mike Spragg was employed as the President and CEO of Peoples Banking Company, Findlay, Ohio. “TU has done a tremendous job as a smaller University in achieving the comparable educational accomplishments of larger schools,” says Michael Spragg. “I hope to be able to help enhance this impressive growth through my responsibilities as a trustee.” 12
Winter 07|08
Dragon’s Den Players Love Letters The
presented the work of A.R. Gurney’s, Love Letters, in November. The play chronicles the relationship of two lifelong friends through letters they have written to each other since childhood, according to Dr. Mary Grennen, Assistant Professor of English. “The letters unravel the details of their intimate but often acrimonious friendship, their contrasting personalities, and their individual journeys through life,” she says.
Tiffin U n i ve r si ty’s O ff i c e o f S t u de n t Activ iti e s, G re e k A ffa i rs , E qu e s t ri a n Club a nd R e si d e n ce L i fe h o s t e d a communi ty T r ic k o r T re at ev e n i n g on Oc t ob e r 3 0 .
A l l T i ff i n a re a
Trick be Treat childre n w e re w e l c o me d t o bri n g family a n d f r i e n d s a n d e n j o y t h e holiday fe sti v i ti e s s uc h a s g a m e s , candy,
G re e k A ffa i r s c re a t e d a h a u n t e d house and TU’s Equestrian Club sponsored
include d co w s, she e p , h o rs e s , g o a t s , kittens a nd p u p p i e s . R e s i de n c e L i fe staff me m b e r s p a sse d o u t c a n d y i n front o f so m e o f th e re s i de n c e h a l l s on cam p u s .
what’s happening >
“Dinner in the City”
women of accomplishment, to be inhab-
Artist Marsha Monroe Pippenger described
ited solely by them and other women of
her narrative exhibition, Dinner in the City,
note,” Pippenger says
The world’s most elite athletes will be in
as a visual re-telling of the stories of two
Beijing, China in August of 2008, striving
remarkable women, Christine de Pisan
to win a coveted Olympic medal and the opportunity to stand proudly while their
of art and culture during the November
Whirlpool-Maytag Integration
Diane Kidd Gallery art exhibit opening.
Tom Toth, Division Vice President of Clyde
tion from Tiffin University will also be in
Whirlpool Corporation presented Clyde
Beijing for what Dr. Bonnie Tiell describes
as “an up-close, experience of a lifetime.”
and Judy Chicago, across five centuries
combines elements of both artists’ ground-
national anthem is played.
A delega-
during November’s Good Morning World
breakfast lecture series. Toth was named
TU students Leigh Zajac, Devin Rudolf,
Division Vice President for the Clyde
and Beth Clark will join 14 other stu-
Division in 2006. Prior to joining the Clyde
dents from universities across the country
Division, Toth held positions of increas-
on the journey. In total, 10 universities
women into
ing responsibility at Whirlpool’s Tulsa
will be represented as part of the “Tiffin
Division, corporate offices and several
University Olympic Academic Experience,”
according to Tiell, Chair of the Marketing
ing locations
and Sports Management Department at
history and
in the Unit-
Tiffin University.
Pippinger Empress Eheodora ...
The TU professor is teaming with Dr.
Advocate for Women
Marcia Mackey to guide the students on
he has dem-
the 12-day study of the organization,
1430) has been called France’s first
supervision, and management of inter-
professional woman of letters, made
national sport venues and elite competi-
famous by writing The Book of the City
tion. Mackey, an Associate Professor of
of Ladies. Judy Chicago, born in 1939, is a contemporary visual artist who created
Tom Toth
the art installation “The Dinner Party.”
Sports Management at Central Michigan
ties in the
University, has extensive travel experience
in Asia and will share her background in
and to his family. Whirlpool Corporation
international world class sports facilities
In The Book of the City of Ladies,
is the world’s leading manufacturer and
Christine de Pisan tells how in a
marketer of major home appliances, with
waking dream she is visited by three grac-
annual sales of over $18 billion, 73,000
“Our networking efforts will provide the
es: Ladies Reason, Rectitude, and Justice.
employees, and nearly 70 manufacturing
necessary expertise in teaching the scope
They charge Christine with establishing
and technology research centers around
of coordinating governing entities at the
a new writ-
the globe. The company markets Whirl-
local and international level to produce
ten tradition
pool, Maytag, Amana, Admiral, KitchenAid,
the world’s largest sporting event,” Tiell
Inglis, Brastemp, Bauknecht, Consul and
“To do this,
other major brand names to consumers in
more than 170 countries.
ment majors from our contingency of
an allegori-
10 large, midsize, and small universities
cal city built
in the United States will be studying
Chinese culture and olympic games
logical and Pippinger Dinner In The City
Winter 07|08
“While we’re there, the sports manage-
m y t h o -
TU’s ‘Olympic Academic Experience’
organization,” Tiell says.
Dr Zhaolu Lu, Professor of Philosophy at Tiffin University and Director of TU’s China Program, has been assisting the group with necessary logistical services for accommodations, ground transportation, and an interpreter.
A Small Home,
A Big Heart.
This is the second time that Tiell has coordinated the cross-cultural Olympic Academic program. In 2004, she joined Dr. Janet Hanna, former TU Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, as they guided 17 students to Greece to tour the remaining relics of the ancient site of the Games in Olympia and the modern sports venues for
the 2004 Olympic Games in the capital of Athens. During that program, the U.S. Embassy provided an academic focus on security issues at the Olympics for the team. Fifteen of the students received accreditation
as official Olympic Volunteers and served in a variety of capacities as guest services and transportation administrators. “While in Greece, the Tiffin University delegation was fortunate to meet numerous Olympians,” Tiell says. More
Experience, including the tentative itinerary, can be viewed by clicking on the Beijing Olympic logo at on the TU website. Dr. Bonnie Tiell can be reached at 419/ 448-3261, or via email at
175 St. Francis Avenue, Tiffin, Ohio
419.443.1445 A Retirement Community owned by Tiffin University.
what’s happening >
Book Published by TU Grad Students
Strange But Real can be ordered at a
F ive T i ff i n U n i ver si ty gr ad u at e stude nts m a jo ring in J ust i c e Ad m i n i str ati on d ec i d ed on a diffe re nt so r t o f cla ss pr oj e c t f o r t h e i r Con t emp or ar y Issu es a nd Tre nds in Crim ina l J ust i c e c o u r s e .
versial issues in the field of criminal jus-
cost of $7.80 (or the e-book for $1.25) by
tent/965868. “The book offers a realistic but candid viewpoint of contemporary and controtice,” Edwards comments.
“The book
should be of interest to the criminal justice practitioners interested in police, court, and corrections work. I believe it also will appeal to the novice, and to any reader who wants to learn about the
They wrote a book.
many obscure issues that impact the Strange But Real: Perspectives on Odd Issues in Crim-
political and operational aspects of
inal Justice covers diverse and sometimes contro-
fieldwork. This book provides candid and factual insight into the realm of
versial issues ranging from CSI (Crime Scene) enthusiasts serving on juries and taxpayer-financed college educations for inmates, to undercover
criminal justice.” N
Their Employment?
the feasibility of a border security fence, from inmate and police officer gender changes and
Should the United States Sanction Torture in Interrogations?
consequences to prison nurseries and ethnicity in jury selection, among others.
Should Police Officers Who Undergo a Sex Change Be Allowed to Maintain
prostitution, police surveillance cameras and
Should Lawmakers Introduce Harsher Sanctions
According to Ron Edwards, who received his Master of Science in Criminal Justice degree from Tiffin University in May, the book was
Should Child Rapists Be Executed?
the brainchild of the course instructor, Keith N. Haley, Professor of Criminal Justice
Should School Children Be Taught to
and Chair of Graduate Studies Programs.
Fight Back Against Armed Intruders?
“Professor Haley is an accomplished and widely published criminal justice author, and
More about the student authors of
the opportunity to work closely with him on this project was a labor of love,” Edwards
Strange But Real: Perspectives on Odd
remarks. “The initial classes were filled with extraordinary discussions of original and
Issues in Criminal Justice:
personal experiences encountered by the student practitioners. When Professor Haley
Ron Edwards is an adjunct instructor
presented the idea of writing and publishing a book, we readily embraced the opportu-
for the University of Rio Grande and the
nity to be part of this incredible collaboration.”
Hocking College in Ohio. He began his criminal justice career with the Ohio De-
Each of the five student authors in the JUS 510 class contributed three chapters and
assisted with the editing of the finished manuscript. Haley also contributed three
chapters, and utilized his extensive publishing background for the book’s layout and
tion in 1974
as a correc-
In addition to Edwards – TU’s Outstanding Graduate Criminal Justice Student of the
Year and one of two keynote speakers during the 2007 Graduate Commencement
Ceremony, the other student authors include Amanda Moon-Thomas, Shannon Scott,
as warden of
Stacie Suemoto and Sherri L. Warnock. Four of the five student authors are currently
working in the criminal justice field.
prisons before
Winter 07|08
retiring in 2001 as the South Regional
sition as an intake hearing officer for the
ciate’s degree
Director of Prisons. A Vietnam veteran,
Judges/Magistrates in the Protective Ser-
he retired from the Ohio Army National
vices Department.
He is also pursuing
Ohio Technical
Guard after 30 years. Governor Bob Taft
his master’s degree from Tiffin University.
College. Since
appointed Edwards as the Director of the
Governor’s Office of Veterans Affairs in
Stacie Suemoto graduated cum laude
Newark Police
2001. In 2004 he served as the Correc-
from Franklin University and is working to-
Depar tment,
tions Adviser to the U.S. Embassy in Port-
ward completion of her master’s degree at
Warnock has
au-Prince, Republic of Haiti. He holds an
Tiffin University. She says that obtaining
associate’s degree from the Hocking Col-
her degree from TU will be a step closer
lege, a bachelor’s degree. from Wilming-
to fulfilling her lifetime aspiration to work
and emotionally disturbed children, and
ton College, and a Master of Science in
in the criminal justice field. She has more
has been substitute teaching in special
Criminal Justice from Tiffin University.
than 15 years of experience in various
education. She is a former member of
aspects of office processes and manage-
the Ohio Army National Guard, where she
Amanda Moon-Thomas started her career
ment, and currently works as the Assistant
spent 12 years as a heavy construction
in the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation
to the Vice President of Flight Operations
equipment mechanic, and was assistant
and Corrections in 1996 as a pre-release
at a multinational aviation company.
section chief of her squad.
coordinator at North Central Correctional Facility. 1999,
Now pursu-
ing her master’s degree from Tiffin Univer-
Sherri L. Warnock, served as a patrol of-
sity, Warnock says she hopes to return to
ficer and community policing officer for her
the criminal justice field and to teach for a
transfer red
hometown of Newark, Ohio from 1991 to
college or police academy. She currently
to Lima Cor-
1998. She has a bachelor’s degree from
is an adjunct professor at ITT College in
Ohio Dominican University, and an asso-
Hilliard, Ohio.
Institution, where
unit manager. She is a 1996 graduate
Tiffin Tg T Glance
from Bluffton University, and is currently
History: Independent, coeducational in-
pursuing her master’s degree from Tiffin
stitution; founded 1888.
worked as a case
ager for nearly five years until the closing of the prison. In 2004, she transferred to Oakwood Correctional Facility as a social worker. She was soon promoted to
faculty; 80 percent of the full-time faculty hold doctorates or the highest certification in their field. Many work in their field of study and remain closely connected to
their industry. Campuses: 110-acre campus in Tiffin,
Academics: Tiffin grants the following
Ohio, including beautiful new facilities
Shannon Scott earned a degree in crimi-
degrees: Associate of Arts, Associate of
such as the Hertzer Technology Center
nology from Urbana University, but upon
Business Administration, Associate of
and The Hayes Center for the Arts, as
graduation, pursued a professional base-
Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Arts, Bach-
well as Academic Centers throughout
ball career.
After retiring from profes-
elor of Business Administration, Bachelor
Ohio and online.
sional baseball, Scott was hired by the
of Criminal Justice, Master of Business
Franklin County Children Services as a
Administration, Master of Humanities,
Library: The Richard C. Pfeiffer Library
caseworker and investigator. After two
and Master of Science in Criminal Justice.
has an extensive collection of books,
years, he left the agency to work as a ju-
On-campus and online courses offered.
subscriptions to magazines and newspa-
venile corrections officer for the Franklin
pers, microfiche units, and computers for
County Common Pleas Court, Division of
online searching. The library is a member
Domestic Relations and Juvenile Court.
student/faculty ratio; average class size
of OhioLINK and Online Computer Library
He was soon promoted to his present po-
of 18.
Center (OCLC).
what’s happening >
TaW Who’s Who What They Do According to Marinis, anyone who steps on Tiffin University’s
Jeremy Marinis Director of Undergraduate Admissions
campus can attest to feeling immediately welcomed. “To me, TU
A familiar face joined TU’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions this year. Jeremy Marinis (TU Class of 2002), served as a full-time
is a community of caring individuals striving to promote a learning environment,” he explained. “It’s a feeling of a close family.”
assistant coach with the Dragon Football Team and in the Graduate Admissions department before beginning his new roll as Director of
Not only did Marinis get his bachelor’s degree and begin his professional career at TU, he also met his fiancé, Jamie Martin, who
Undergraduate Admission in March.
is Director of TU’s Fremont Academic Center. “She oversees the Marinis was thrilled to be given the opportunity to stay at TU to work in the Graduate Admissions Office after his internship with the
recruitment and advising of students enrolling in the program,” he explained.
football team ended. “I am very fortunate to work for people who believe in me,”
This fall, Jeremy began working toward a Ph.D. at the University of Toledo. “I really enjoy the collegiate setting, working with students
he said.
and watching them reach their full potential,” he explained. “In the With his new position came many new and exciting responsibilities.
A typical
future, I would like to be able to teach classes and enjoy a healthy and happy family,” he concluded.
day for Marinis entails monitoring prospective student inquiries, developing working relationships with potential students and/or informing them of the status
Jill Earl Student Affairs Office Manager
of their application, promoting TU in a positive manner, managing
Friendly, kind, sincere, energetic, helpful, dedicated, and caring are
the recruiting team, overseeing student employees, and marketing
all words that describe Jill Earl, Student Affairs Office Manager. This
the undergraduate program, to name just a few.
year, Earl also took on the title and responsibilities of Equestrian Club and
Marinis doesn’t seem too troubled by his many new responsibilities
Team Advisor.
at TU. “I enjoy working with people and giving young adults the opportunity to reach their goals and develop their career paths,”
he said. “I have a hand in helping them make a better life for
comprised of 20 students, is in its first
year of competition. Earl acts as the liaison between the school and the
He shared that he finds it difficult to deny a student admission to
facility—where the team rides. She is
TU. On the flip side, Marinis feels that the most rewarding part of
also responsible for recruiting mem-
his job is seeing the excitement of new students as they enroll and
bers and traveling with the team. “It has been a really awesome
begin their futures.
experience for me,” said Earl. “I have been able to develop the program from the ground up.”
Winter 07|08
When Earl is not busy with her equestrian team, you can find her
employee relations. She also handles
surrounded by students at her desk in the front of the Student
the hiring process and all the paper-
Affairs Office. “The best part of my job is the students. I love being
work and details that go along with
here with them,” said Earl.
it. “I like to see people on the way in. It’s a great time to get to know new
Earl credits the TU students as being both the most rewarding part
employees and interact with current
of her job and her biggest motivator. “I love to watch them set and
employees on campus,” explained Hall.
achieve goals,” she explained. “I live vicariously through them.” Hall, who graduated with her bachelor’s Over the summer, Jill took on the project of improving the student
degree from TU in 1985 and again with
game room. She hung wallpaper and re-organized the pool tables
an MBA in 1992, spent 15 years in the banking industry before
and furniture and added a new air hockey table and additional ping
returning to TU as an employee. She credits Dr. John Millar with
pong tables as well.
her return. “I had left my position in banking to be a stay-at-home mom. I ran into Dr. Millar, who was once my softball coach and
In order to do her job, Earl must stay organized and always know
advisor for her MBA. He thought I needed more to do and encour-
what is going on around campus. It is not out of the ordinary to see
aged me to come back to TU to teach management,” she explained.
her drop what she is doing to cater to a student’s problem or special request. “I have to be able to roll with the punches,” she said.
“Dr. Millar took a personal interest in me as a student athlete during my undergraduate years and has continued to mentor me through-
Earl has accomplished many things over the past four years that she
out my career. That is one of the great things about Tiffin University.
has worked for Tiffin University. Those accomplishments include
You get to know your professors one on one and they care about
close relationships that have been developed with the students.
your development.” She took him up on the offer to come back to TU
“I have a great rapport with them. They know they can come to me
and was an adjunct faculty member for three years. In October of
for anything,” she explained.
2002, she was hired as TU’s first Director of Human Resources.
Another great accomplishment is the development of the
Since becoming director, Hall has successfully enhanced employee
Equestrian Club and Team, which she started two years ago as
benefits, developed the employee assistance program which offers
a club.
counseling to employees who are going through difficult times, and
“There was such a great response that we decided to
become an organization on campus. The students showed interest in
built the Human Resources Office from the ground up.
competition, so we made it happen,” said Earl. Hall shared that the most rewarding part of her job is helping an Outside of the office, and the barn, she is working on her
employee resolve a seemingly impossible issue. “It’s amazing the
bachelor’s degree. After taking a deep breath, she explained, “My
positive changes that have taken place on campus. I can appreciate
degree will be in business administration with a minor in marketing
where we were and where we are now,” she said.
and a concentration in equine business management.” In the future, Hall would like to integrate more technology into the Human Resources Department.
Lori Hall Director of Human Resources Equal Opportunity Officer “I believe that everybody has a purpose,” said Lori Hall, Director of Human Resources and Equal Opportunity Officer for Tiffin University. “My position helps me fulfill my purpose in life.”
“A Human Resources
Information Management System would be a great resource to have,” she explained. She would also like to keep teaching classes. “It reminds me of why I am here. The reason we are all here is to give the students a great learning experience,” “I have a real loyalty to Tiffin University,” explained Hall. “This is a very special place.”
Hall said that she really likes what she does. “It’s a dream come true to me that I have a job that I like this much,” said Hall. “I enjoy coming to work every day.” Her days are generally packed with appointments, walk-in’s, and answering many questions dealing with employee benefits and
what’s happening >
CampusScene “We have career-focused majors, combined with plenty of opportunities for our students to participate in internships, co-curricular activities, and be involved in the community. Our students are receiving the real-world experience that gives them a jump up on today’s competitive job market,” remarks Dr. Cam Cruickshank, Vice President for Enrollment Management. Graduate and Degree Completion Programs Show Dramatic Enrollment Increases Highlights of Tiffin University’s enrollment growth include the continued expansion of the university’s graduate and degree completion programs. N
Total enrollment in the Master of Business Administration, Master of Science in Criminal Justice, and Master of Humanities degree
42% Increase In Enrollment in 2 years
programs grew from 369 in the fall of 2005 to 715 this fall, which is a 94% increase in two years. N
The number of students enrolled in the bachelor’s degree completion programs in
A Reflection of Tif fin University’s Brand Promise: “Real Connections. Real Results.” Tiffin University’s dramatic 42% increase in enrollment in the past two years reflects the university’s brand promise of “Real Connections, Real Results,”
Business Administration and Criminal Justice grew from 322 to 480 in the past two years, which is a jump of 49%.
Tiffin’s bachelor’s
degree completion programs are offered both online and in Toledo, Elyria, Fremont, Cleveland, Lima, Columbus, Cincinnati, Mentor, Archbold,
according to President Paul Marion. “The significant enrollment increase reflects
and Shelby.
the positive academic reputation of the University and the high level of student “TU students receive the benefits of a small, satisfaction,” said Marion.
private institution where they can really get to know their classmates and faculty. This all adds up to Tiffin University being a really good value – we are
Total enrollment for fall Semester 2007 was 2,349 students. This represents an 18% increase over the 2006 enrollment of 1,990, and 42% over the 2005 enrollment of 1,658. Total enrollment for all of the other colleges and universities in Ohio grew by only 1.4% during the past year and 1.5% during the past two years.
Of Tiffin University’s 2,349 students, 1,825 come from Ohio, 390 from 39 other states, and 134 from 17 foreign countries.
Winter 07|08
consistently one of the most affordable colleges in the Midwest, along with providing the highest quality of education among our majors,” Cruickshank remarks.
Real Programs Bachelor of Arts N
Arts Administration – Musical Arts – Visual Arts Communication – Electronic Media – Journalism – Public Relations Education – Integrated Language Arts, Grades 7-12 – Integrated Social Studies, Grades 7-12 English Government & National Security History Law & Society Psychology – Addictions Counseling – Experimental Psychology – Human Services
In tern atio na l Stude nt Po pula tio n Pro vide s ‘ B ri d ge Be twe e n Na tive Culture s a nd Our Am e rica n Cult ur e ’ President Paul Marion officially welcomed
international students celebrated their
53 new students from Canada, United
return to campus.
Kingdom, China, Finland, India, Australia, Senegal, the Netherlands, Turkey,
Cultural exchange between all students,
and Romania during the annual World
faculty, staff and the community at large
Student Association (WSA) International
continues to flourish through the ac-
Flag Ceremony on Wednesday, Septem-
tivities of the WSA, according to Pavlo
ber 26, 2007 at the Gillmor Student Cen-
Kanellakis, the organization’s advisor.
Activities include international fashion shows, a community dinner offering na-
International students new to Tiffin Uni-
tive foods and entertainment, Diversity
versity presented the flags of their coun-
Week, and the co-sponsoring of social
tries to President Marion, while other
activities on campus. (continued p22)
Bachelor of Business Administration N N
Accounting Computer & Information Technology Finance Management – Equine Business Management – Hospitality & Tourism Management – Human Resources Management – International Business – Managerial Studies Marketing Sports & Recreation Management
Bachelor of Criminal Justice N N N N N
Corrections Forensic Psychology Forensic Science Homeland Security & Terrorism Law Enforcement
Associate of Arts N
General Studies
WHAT’S NEW AT TU Tiffin University’s New Undergraduate Programs include: Associate of Arts in General Studies; concentrations in Addictions Counseling, Experimental Psychology, Human Services (within Psychology major), and Equine Business Management (within Management major); minors in Creative Writing, Intelligence Analysis, and Regional Studies - Middle East.
Associate of Business Administration N N N
Accounting Business Information Technology
Associate of Criminal Justice N
Law Enforcement
New Undergraduate Services include: Equestrian team and success coaches for freshmen admitted through Learning Assistance Program. New Graduate Programs include: Concentrations in Sports Management (within MBA) and Criminal Behavior (within MSCJ). New Graduate Services include: Dean of Graduate Studies position created to enhance graduate programs.
what’s happening >
”International students provide a bridge
International Student Countries
between their native cultures and our
Represented at Tiffin University 07-08
American culture,” adds Anthony King,
English Language and American Culture
(ELAC) Coordinator and Director of Inter-
national Student Services. “Their com-
The Tiffin Unive r s it y Eque s tria n Te a m m a de his t o r y in Octo be r, whe n it co m pe t e d in its fir st Inte rco lle g ia t e Ho r s e Asso cia tio n ( HSA) m e e t .
mitment and courage has opened up
new worlds for our native born students
who in turn have accepted them into our
culture not as visitors but as friends.”
“Although Tiffin University is a small pri-
vate school, we were extremely competitive
The Netherlands
against the nine other universities in the
WHAT OUR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS HAVE TO SAY Xiaocheng Yin, a student from China, remarks, “I think TU is a turning point in my life. It has given me the chance to experience an American university so I can see the difference between a Chinese and American education. Students here are free to do many things. We can change our lives ourselves.”
The meet was hosted by Ohio University at Stonegate Farm in Coolville, Ohio.
meet,” remarks Coach Julie Vogel.
Romania Venezuela
The IHSA consists of eight levels of hunter
seat riding and six levels of western rid-
South Korea
ing, according to Vogel. The TU equestrians
Trinidad & Tabago
competed in 13 of 48 different classes in the
hunter seat riding competition.
Vietnam “Each student rider draws for placement order and horse on the day of the compe-
“Tiffin University is a place where I can
tition,” Vogel explains. “The riders are ex-
realize my dreams,” says Dandan Cui,
pected to be skilled enough to participate
also from China
competitively with an unknown horse and unfamiliar saddle.”
“To me, TU means a new environment and a new home in the United States. It
The event is judged according to class, and
has given me a new life, which is filled
awards are given to the top six riders within
with different things that I am not fa-
each class.
miliar with – different people, different cultures, and even different food. I like Tiffin University because of its beautiful campus and kind people. Also, it is full of challenges for me.” Di Hua of China “I chose Tiffin University so I can learn things that will help my family’s business back home.” Minxiao Xu of China “I think that TU is a place where many people coming from many different countries are meeting for the purpose of acquiring knowledge to excel in the future.” Mouhamadou Kane of Senegal
Winter 07|08
“We are very proud of all of our athletes, who placed in every class they entered,” says Assistant Coach Claire Johansen. Following their impressive first showing, the Equestrian team competed in November at Lake Erie College and again at Akron University. All team members again placed in their appropriate classes. Competitions will continue through spring semester. Members of the TU hunter seat team include Cory Boliantz, Elizabeth Buskey, Allison Dittman, Kaitlin Foster, Victoria Harrington, Autumn Hurst, Amanda Vorst, Veronica Yearling and Rachael Zwayer. Tiffin University is a member of Zone 6, Region 3, which also includes The Ohio State University, Kent State University, Denison University, College of Wooster, Kenyon College, University of Akron, Oberlin College, Lake Erie College and Ohio University.
Top: Victoria Harrington Sycamore Ohio, Rachel Zwayer Ashville Ohio, Elizabeth Buskey Rootsville Ohio, Katlin Foster Novelty, Ohio, Alison Dittman
Equestrian Team `T^Xf History
Winter Haven Florida, Amanda Vorst Continental Ohio Bottom: Phyllis Watts Faculty Sponsor, Claire Johansan Assistant Coach, Autumn Hurst Medina Ohio, Cory Boliantz Polk Ohio, Veronica Yearling Grand Junction Michigan, Julie Vogel Head Coach, Jill Earl Advisor
started in the spring of 2006. TU and Lane of Dreams offer horseback riding available three times a week to
“The objective of the IHSA is to offer the opportunity for students to
the entire TU community. Lane of Dreams teaches beginning through
participate competitively in their first year of riding with other ex-
intermediate English and Western riding, including dressage, jump-
perienced riders and gain competitive show experience,” says Team
ing and trail riding.
Advisor Jill Earl. Claire Johansen, a TU trustee, operates Lane of Dreams with Julie TU’s Equestrian Team is based at Lane of Dreams Farm, LLC, a
Vogel. Both are certified riding instructors. More information about
working farm and equestrian training center on Country Road 16 in
TU’s Equestrian Team is available by contacting Jill Earl at 419/ 448-
Tiffin. The team is an outgrowth of the university’s Equestrian Club,
3264, or by email at
A BIT OF TU HORSE HISTORY TU Alum, Lynne Bogan Shifley, Class of 1965, Galion, Ohio, writes, “I enjoyed the winter 2006-2007 issue of Challenge Magazine—especially the article on the Equestrian Club. I thought I would let you know that in 1963, I wrote an article for The Tystenac about another TU riding club, simply called, The Riding Club. We had fun, but went Western. Our horses were not all the same size—my horse was named Duke and was low to the ground, but very fast.” The article, written by Lynne Bogan Shifley, and dated November 1963, follows:
Tally-Ho Everybody This fall, TU swung into the saddle with a new club. It consisted of a group of daring Roughriders who hit the saddle every Wednesday from 3:30 p.m. until dark. Can you guess what it is? If you can’t, here’s a little clue, it’s a Riding Club. The Club began last term and ended with the coming of cold weather. It met every Wednesday at the Tiffin Riding Academy, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fruth. The charge was $1.25 an hour. There are horses for any type of rider, beginner or expert. Lessons were provided free of
charge to those members who were interested. During one of the meetings, officers were elected (Co-chairman, Bonnie Purvis and Gloria Nielsen, Secretary, Treasurer and Reporter, Lynne Bogan. The Club advisor was Mr. Moon who could usually be found around the Old Corral helping tighten cinches and shortening stirrups. With the coming of warm weather, TU will once again saddle up and swing into line. So long pardner, see you next spring!
tiffin university >
T iffin U nive rsity’s ho m e c o m ing to o k plac e the w e e ke nd o f Oc to be r 12. The weekend kicked of f on F ri day with the Tif fin University Athletic Hall of Fame Dinner, Auct ion and Induct ion Cer em ony at T he Gillm or St udent Cent er. On Sat ur day, t he Alum ni Of fice host ed pr e- g ame fest iv it ies at t he foot ball st adium whic h featur ed a food t ent , and a childr en’s gam e and c raft tent.
Homecoming g[\f 2007
Half-t im e included t he int r oduct ion of the 2007 Hom ecom ing Cour t and r ecognit ion of the 2007 At hlet ic Hall of Fam e m em ber s.
Assistant Football Coach David Barr 24
Winter 07|08
Hom ecom ing weekend also incl uded a wom en’s v olleyball m at ch, an alum ni s oftbal l gam e, a wom en’s soccer gam e, and a men’s soccer gam e. Aft er t he foot ball g ame, the fest iv it ies cont inued at a local est ablishment and TU alum ni and fr iends gat her ed t o t he s ounds of Four Thor n Rose-nor t hwest Ohio’s pr emi er classic r ock band. The weekend en ded w i th t he annual alum ni v olleyball gam e on Sunday. For fur t her det ails r egar ding nex t year’s H omecom ing Weekend, please cont act t he Al umni Of fice at 419.448.3313.
Center: Jim and Sue Karel, Parents of Alexis Karel
TU Homecoming King and Queen 2007 King- Kade Ross Kade is a Finance major from Oak Harbor, Ohio. “I picked TU because of the friendly manner in which I was treated upon visiting here,” he said. “Even as a high school senior I was treated as part of the TU Community”. He also was attracted to the small class sizes which allowed him to be more than just a number. While he is unsure about his future at this time, he is looking into graduate schools with programs in both Economic Development and College Student Personnel. Ross loves to travel and has also been looking for jobs overseas. Queen-Lauren Williams Lauren is a Law Enforcement major from Jupiter, Florida. She said, “I came to TU to further my education by entering into the criminal justice field so I can eventually work for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. I was also recruited by the TU Softball Team.” Williams
TU through the Master of Science in Criminal Justice program. “After that, I would like to work for a federal government agency,” she said. She is also interested in traveling overseas to play softball for an international team. Rocco Stella
tiffin university >
Homecoming Court: Seniors Joelle Hall and Zachary Ball
Robin Ferris, Class of 1979 returns to TU to celebrate Homecoming 2007
Dragon Alumni Fans
Senior Donnie Johnson slashes through the hole provided by senior Nathan Karn’s block during the Dragons 12-16 win over Concord.
TU Dragon
Special thanks to Walt of Columbian High School for taking the time to create and show TU pride on the hill of Frost Kalnow Stadium! 26
Winter 07|08
Matt Brosovich, Senior Right Tackle
[b`XVb`\aZ 07 Dragon fans
Junior Troy Brookins and sophomore Drew Douthit level a Concord receiver during Tiffin’s 23-16 victory
TU students >
T he f ir s t p la c e winner won $100 and th e s eco n d p la c e winner won $50.
T U s t u d e n t s were i n vi t ed t o en ter a writing co nte st “De scribe who ( pe r so n) o r wha t (e ve nt ) has i n s p i r e d y o u most at t h i s t i me i n y o ur life a nd why.”
ground infraction or and having to sign to me, then wait for the voice interpretation before receiving the teacher’s soft, sympathetic
look she was seeking. Worse still would be the storm-cloud ex-
By Paula Young We made a strange-looking twosome, my client and I. She was petite, even among her second-grade classmates. I was a tall 36year-old that fall of 1996. She, Deaf, I, the hearing one, was hired to be her interpreter. It must have felt odd for her, being in a classroom full of chattering, giggling children, with her only awareness of what was being said coming from my hands. I imagine her frustration when she’d want to urgently inform the teacher of an injury or play
pression on her face when she’d sign the correct answer in class like, “the yellow duck”, and I’d mistakenly blurt “the yellow bird.” I’d feel doubly badly; not only for my error but also because I had disappointed the appealing child with the huge blue eyes.
wasn’t that way for her at home with her Deaf parents and hearing, bi-lingual younger sister. Communication flowed freely with the grace of ASL on their hands, faces, and bodies. Our client/interpreter relationship was unique in that it was so long-term; having lasted eleven years. I can’t recall a cross word ever passing between us. Over time our relationship evolved from interpreter/client to a warm friendship. She’s such a bright, engaging, expressive person, it was always a pleasure to hear what was on her mind, what her weekend plans were, or read her original poetry. She, in turn, seemed interested in the tidbits I’d share with her about my family. In short, our relationship was an impossible-to-describe mixture of the professional, slightly maternal (on my part), and deeply affectionate. I was thrilled for her when she attended various leadership conferences and camps for Deaf youth. Her expressive eyes sparkled as she related how everyone there was Deaf and she didn’t have to go through an interpreter to communicate with her peers or adults. I was equally excited for her decision to attend Gallaudet University in Washington D.C.; a college for the Deaf. Judging from her
Paula and Mimi
Winter 07|08
e-mails and online blogs, in the few weeks she’s been there, she’s
Another person who
thriving in the environment where “everyone signs.”
has influenced me and only in a relatively
Mimi Rose Adams is an inspiration to me because she lived outside
short time compared
her comfort zone the entire time she was mainstreamed in a “hear-
to others is my fiancé,
ing” school; and now, finally, feels perfectly at home among her
signing peers, faculty and staff at the college. My life has been
capability to love un-
changed through my association with this cute kid turned lovely
conditionally not only
young woman. Any time I’m called upon to step outside my com-
myself but my daugh-
fort zone; whether it’s to work with an exceptionally challenging
ters sustains and en-
client, or to attend college classes with young people with a “born-
courages me daily. The
on” date after that of some of my socks, I will think of her having
divorce was a profound event and when I walked across Tiffin
been there, experienced that all of her public school days.
University stage to receive my bachelor’s degree through the Fast
His belief and
Rhonda, Allison and Ashley
Track program at 40 years old also impacted me profoundly. The Editor’s Note:
degree represented a closure to my past twenty years of a turbu-
Paula Young is a sophomore, non-traditional student, currently at-
lent marriage and a new beginning. The beginning has taken on
tending classes in Tiffin. She earned an associate’s degree in ASL
a different path than I anticipated in that I found a significant other
Interpreting. “I’m (very) slowly working on a bachelor’s degree,” she
and true love. This has given me the confidence to pursue my
said. A longtime resident of Tiffin, Paula is a wife, mother, grand-
Master of Humanities degree through Tiffin University.
mother, and ASL Interpreter in a public school system. In addition to the above people and events, I also contribute my faith as a major moving, sustaining and motivating factor throughout my life. These people, my accomplishments and my faith, I believe, have positively affected me by believing that I am important,
Wow! Anything is Possible with Belief in Yourself and Support
I can accomplish my goals and that, no matter what, I am loved by people, but most importantly by my maker. All of these I believe will contribute to me being able to help, serve and assist others throughout whatever roles I play within my life from this point.
By Rhonda Kieffer
My future is still an unwritten book waiting to be written page by
Many have inspired me, as well as two significant events. It is
page and chapter by chapter. The fact that I have a loving signifi-
difficult to give any one individual or event more credit than the
cant other, my children, the ability to learn and obtain my degree
next. We are all journeying as a result of individuals and events
and most importantly my creator and faith with me daily, then I
continually. The many that have impacted my life would include
can accomplish anything and my ideal would be to be involved
my children, more specifically my twin twelve year old daughters,
with an non-profit organization so that I may assist with the vol-
Allison and Ashley. They both have cerebral palsy to different de-
unteers or fundraising efforts for a worthwhile cause, particularly
grees. Allison is affected within her learning and Ashley is affected
ones affecting families and children.
physically in her legs, hands and some in learning. Editor’s Note: Both are not severe by any means but just enough to keep a chal-
Rhonda earned a Bachelor of Business Administration through TU’s
lenge in their growth.
They inspire me with their open mind
Fast Track program. “Tiffin University offered me an opportunity to
and how they adapt and continue with their best and modify as
continue my education and reach my educational goal. I pursued
necessary. They do all this so easily and through trial and error
the degree while moving twice, working full time as a single mom
until they find the best possible way. That in itself, as a mother of
and raising four daughters. Now, I want to further my education
these two wonderful young girls, has helped me to see that I too
which is why I am now enrolled in the Master of Humanities pro-
can do this within my life. I have modeled their resilience through
gram at Tiffin University,” she said.
a divorce, returning to school at Tiffin University, working and taking on new chapters within my life.
2009/2010 >
Re-Accreditation cebVXff Begins In the U ni te d State s, sc h oo ls a n d c ollege s v o lu nt ar ily s e e k accr e dit at io n fr o m no n- go v e r nm e nt bo die s . Ther e ar e two type s o f e d u c a t i o nal a c c r e d i t at i o n : i n s t i t ut i o nal and spec ializ ed. I nstitutional ac c r editation is pr ovided by s ix r egi o n a l a s so c i a t io n s o f s c h o o l s a n d c o l l e g es. The r egional assoc iations ar e independent of one another, but they c o o p e r a t e e x t ens i v e l y and a c k n o w l edg e one another’ s ac c r editation.
An institutional ac c r editing agency
eval u a t e s a n e n t i r e e d u c at i o n a l o r g a n i z a t i on in ter ms of its m ission and the agenc y ’ s standar ds or criteria. It accr e d i t s t h e o r g a n i z a t i on a s a w h o l e .
Winter 07|08
TU began its decennial (10 year) self-study review process during fall semester 2007 to prepare for its second comprehensive evaluation site visit and re-accreditation by The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association (HLC/NCA). Dr. Teresa Shafer, Dean of Assessment and Accreditation and Professor of Sociology, is coordinating the self-study process. “This is an exciting time to be involved with educating our nation’s youth,” Shafer says. “With so many educational choices that families can make, institutions must constantly review their operations to make sure they are offering the highest quality of education possible.”
Many institutions adopt a self-study
More than 75 TU staff and faculty members are serving on five
theme to help unify efforts
working committees to examine specific areas for the self-study.
during the process . Themes tend to hig hlig ht a strateg y or
“The self-study process is designed to be introspective, inclusive,
expectation surrounding the efforts as well . Our theme, “Keep the Ball
and provide the entire academic community an opportunity to par-
Rolling ” was selected to focus our attention on our forward prog ress .
ticipate,” she says. The self-study will also reinforce the effectiveness of TU’s new brand promise of “Real Connections, Real Results.”
4) Celebrate successes, recognize challenges and establish action plans for improvement. 5) Involve a broad cross-section of campus constituents so as to encourage and improve collaboration and
c o m p le t in g
r e p or t
communication among staff, faculty, and students. 6) Institute a transparent process and share results widely
mid- 2008, th e fin a l r epor t w i l l b e s u b m i t t ed i n the
among constituents. 7) Reward organizational citizenship for those most closely
summe r o f 2009, w i t h t he a c c r e d i t a t i o n s ite v i si t
involved in the self-study process. 8) Position TU for continued growth and prosperity.
taking p la c e d u rin g t he 2 0 0 9 - 2 0 1 0 academ i c y ear.
About The North Central Association The North Central Association of Colleges and Schools was founded in 1895 for the purpose of establishing close relations between
Shafer notes that The Higher Learning Commission adopted a new set of five criteria in 2005 that member institutions must successfully achieve. These include: N
Mission and Integrity
Preparing for the Future
Student Learning and Effective Teaching
Acquisition, Discovery, and Application of Knowledge
Engagement and Service
the colleges and secondary schools of the region. Throughout its history, the Association has been committed to the improvement of education at all levels through evaluation and accreditation. Today, the Association is a membership organization of colleges and schools in 19 states (Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming), Department of Defense schools, and the schools and colleges in sovereign U.S. tribal na-
Tiffin University has defined the eight goals below for its self-
tions within the 19 states.
study: 1) Achieve 10-year re-accreditation from HLC/NCA without follow-up visits or reports. 2) Confirm that TU’s academic programs and administrative policies are aligned with its Mission Statement, Principles for Action, and Strategic Plan. 3) Document the University’s strengths and opportunities,
About The Higher Learning Commission The 26-member Higher Learning Commission Institutional Actions Council (IAC) reviews institutional evaluations. This is the body that makes accrediting decisions. Twenty members are experienced peer reviewers, while six members are representatives of the public.
weaknesses and challenges.
alumni update >
Ron Edwards
Grad Working in Iraq to Help Rebuild Prison System
also supervise a staff of 80 Corrections Trainers from all over the United States, who have experience in both federal and state prisons.” Edwards says that his decision to go to Iraq was an extremely personal one. “For many years, I have worked closely with hundreds of people, both military and civilians, who had gone to Iraq and have reported how essential it was for the U.S. and all of its coalition partners to effectively work to rebuild this war-torn country,” he explains. “There are millions of Iraqi people who want and appreciate our coalition efforts to help them establish democracy. In Iraq, I have seen thousands of years of culture ravished by war. It will be many years before the proud people of Iraq can overcome the devastation of this conflict – a conflict that has impacted every aspect of Iraqi life. It is a labor of
Ron is at a Rusafa Prison for adult males during visiting hours . It is strang e to see only women come to the prison to visit their spouses or relatives . Men normally do not travel to prisons for fear of being arrested or kidnapped . The women are all in traditional Muslim attire. The visitors are in a court yard and are permitted to speak to the inmates on the other side of the security fence. Despite shakedowns by female corrections officers, female visitors still manag e to slip cell phones and other contraband throug h the elaborate security fences .
love to have this opportunity to be here
Ron Edwards, who earned his Master
The TU graduate is no stranger to overseas
There are currently more than 11,000
of Science in Criminal Justice degree
service. He retired in 2001 from the Ohio
employees of Iraq’s Correction Service
from Tiffin University in May 2007, is
Department of Rehabilitation and Correc-
who work in facilities across the nation
now working in Iraq to help rebuild that
tions, and spent a year in the Republic of
of Iraq. “I have personally met many Iraqi
country’s prison system.
Haiti working as the corrections advisor
executive staff, administrators, and correc-
advise the Iraqi government on how to establish an effective criminal justice system. I believe I am contributing to history.”
for the U.S. Embassy. Then he decided to
tions officers who appreciate the time and
Edwards was named TU’s 2007 Criminal
take a year off from work and work on his
efforts of what the U.S. Corrections
Justice Student of the Year and was one
graduate degree.
Mission provides in our efforts to the prisons and detention facilities throughout their
of two keynote speakers at TU’s Graduate Commencement Ceremony in May.
“The United States is heavily involved in
country,” Edwards says. “I am very im-
He is also one of the authors of the book,
rebuilding the Iraq prison system from the
pressed with the sincerity and compassion
Strange but Real: Perspectives on Odd
ground up,” Edwards remarks in email
shown to Americans on this mission. The
Issues in Criminal Justice.
correspondence from Baghdad.
people are caring, honest, and apprecia-
job is to advise Iraq’s Correction Service
in Iraq on this U.S. mission to assist and
tive of our presence in their country.”
Edwards works for a firm that connects
Director General on how to strategical-
criminal justice practitioners with the U.S.
ly operate the country’s prison system
Keith Haley, Professor of Criminal Justice
Department of Justice.
His position is
under international detention standards,
and Chair of Graduate Studies Programs for
Senior Director to Iraq’s Correction Service
and to fly him and staff members to pris-
the School of Criminal Justice and Social
Director General.
ons throughout the country. I work directly
Sciences at TU, was one of Edwards’ pro-
with the U.S. military and Iraqi judges. I
fessors and mentors during his graduate
Winter 07|08
prison consultant to Haiti, and now, when many should be satisfied, he connects with a leadership position in Iraq to rebuild and reform the Iraqi prison system.” Edwards says he hopes that the people of Iraq can soon enjoy the many freedoms that Americans enjoy. “We have an amazing quality of life in the United States. Many Iraqis will never have an opportunity to appreciate the freedoms we take for granted in America. The future of Iraq depends on how the government of Iraq This is a one-year old little boy who was with his aunt who is an employee of the Iraq Corrections Service Central Office staff . The little boy came to work with his aunt . Many parents and relatives reg ularly bring children to work with them especially if the child is sick or without a sitter.
school experience. “From the first class I ever saw Ron in, I sensed a zest for learning and an interest in almost everything,” Haley says. “He was always inquisitive in class discussions and considerate in trying to understand the view points of fellow students and faculty members.” Haley adds, “Ron provides an example for the entire TU community of being both a leader and humanitarian through his Ohio career as a corrections executive, U.S.
can overcome the past 35 years of tyranny and dictatorship,” he comments. “The effects of oppression are still prevalent in Iraq today, and I believe, that with the current work of the United States and its coalition partners, Iraq will have an opportunity to rebuild and harness its strong natural
Ron is kneeling with a small Iraqi g irl who is wearing a colorful dress . She was with a relative and Ron g ave her a “pop tart”. “There are thousands of beautiful children who you see walking by themselves on streets,” said Ron . This little g irl was not shy and did not speak Eng lish .
resources to become an independent country with a democratic government.”
promise is ‘real connections’ to the field of criminal justice practice.
I think in the
He adds, “I am proud to say that we are
case of Ron Edwards’ leadership and
developing an unprecedented criminal
humanitarian service in Iraq, it truly does
justice system in Iraq that will have a
not get any more real than that. As you
strong police presence, a fair and impar-
get to know him, you realize the breadth
tial judicial system, and a safe, secure and
of his multivalent personality: corrections
humane correctional system.”
leader and executive; military leader in the Ohio National Guard, musician, scholar,
Haley says of his former student, “At
the base of TU’s new educational brand
Mrs. Edwards would sometimes come to
classes as well.” Edwards says he had a “wonderful experience” during his graduate work at Tiffin University. “I was able to publish criminal justice research, co-author the book Strange but Real: Perspectives on Odd Issues in Criminal Justice with Professor Haley, study abroad in India, and deliver a Commencement Address as the 2007 Criminal Justice Student of the Year,” he says. “I will always be indebted to Tiffin University for offering me a Ron is standing at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Shield outside of Baghdad. FOB Shield is located adjacent to the Rusafa Prison Complex, this complex is the largest prison complex in Iraq; it has 13 separate prisons inside a massive complex.
world-class graduate education.”
update >
EVENT RECAPS 2007 Cruise TU sponsored the “Gems of the Baltic” for alumni and friends cruise in July. The Holland America cruise had ports of call in Copenhagen and Arhus, Denmark; Tallinn, Estonia; St. Petersburg, Russia; Helsinki, Finland; Stockholm and Visby, Sweden; and Warnemunde, Berlin.
2009 Cruise M ar k y o u r c a l e n d ar – wat c h f or f u r the r de ta ils! Alumni & friends are invited to join TU for a 7-day Mexican Riviera cruise on the Holland America cruise line. Departing from San Diego in the spring of 2009, the cruise includes ports of call in Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan, and Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
V _\V^! Point. Give. With our secure server, investing in Tiffin University has never been easier. Just point and click, and your gift – whatever its size – helps TU provide access and opportunity for individuals, and facilitates their preparation for successful careers and for productive and satisfying lives. We invite our friends and supporters to join us at where Real Connections yield Real Results.
Winter 07|08
Cedar Point August 3 marked the tenth annual “Tiffin University Day at Cedar Point”. Over 400 Tiffin University alumni and friends enjoyed a day of amusement and entertainment at the park.
Show Your TU Pride How many of you have your diploma hanging in your office? Do you wear Tiffin University apparel when you are traveling or on vacation? Do you have a TU license place on your car? Does a TU Alumni license plate holder display your license plate?
Participating in small activities like these helps promote your alma mater. Who knows when the next prospective student (or parent) will notice that you graduated from Tiffin University?
Tell Us TUbhg Yourself New Jobs or Promotions Award or Recognitions Marriages and Births Vacations Hobbies Change of Address Search for a lost Classmate
tell us about yourself >
He and the staff shot the activity photos and took the booklet’s cover photo, crediting his graphic arts classes at TU.
Ivan Cole, Class of 1938, Charlotte, North Carolina, and his wife, Maxine celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary with a family gathering in July.
1990’s Matt Pfeiffer, Class of 1991, Columbus, Ohio, and Kelly Kollin were married in July. Mat is employed by Skyline Chili, Inc., as a regional Sales Manager for the Grocery Products Division. Kelly is a 1993 graduate of Ohio University and works as a Human Resources Officer at The Supreme Court of Ohio. Brandi Hodgkinson Grogan, Class of 1995, Canton, Georgia, writes, “Tom (Class of 1995) and I met at Tiffin University and we were married. We have three beautiful children and are located in the Atlanta Region. I was a restaurant manager for fifteen years
Starting in back row: Doug, Megan & Susie Cole, July Cole, Randy Cole, Catherine Dilley, Jim and Aimee Cali, and Isabel Cali
and now I stay at home and have a Mary Kay business. Tom Grogan runs three hotels in Atlanta and does very well. Our favorite memory is meeting each other there.” Kara Windsor McDonald, Class of 1996, Tiffin, Ohio, writes, “We recently had our third child, Alec. I am also celebrating the oneyear anniversary of a new private mental health practice located
Victor Frantz, II, Class of 1959, Dayton, Ohio, was re-elected
in Tiffin Ohio. Wayne Morse Ph.D. & Associates is located at 24 W.
for the year 2006-07 as Treasurer of two Masonic bodies in Troy,
Market St. and we are accepting new clients for individual, couple,
or family therapy. Call 419-448-4094 to schedule an appointment.” Kara’s husband, Jason, is a Police Detective for the City of Tiffin.
1960’s James Unger, Class of 1961, and Linda Unger, Class of 2006, reside in Fremont, Ohio. James is retired and Linda is a Reproduction Technician at Terra Community College. Tom Geibel, Class of 1969, Tiffin, Ohio, is now in his 34th year as Executive Managing Director at the Kiwanis Manor in downtown Tiffin. “When the position came open here I interviewed and had no idea that 33 years later I would still be here,” he said. He has put together a commemorative booklet for the Manor’s 35th anniversary. It contains many photos, news, clippings, and a list of residents. Geibel is familiar with nearly all the events and people featured within its covers.
Winter 07|08
Kliff Wiant, Class of 1996, Duncan, South Carolina, writes, “A couple of years after graduation, I moved to South Carolina, and met Brook. I’ve been in the IT field for almost 10 years, and now work as a contractor for BMW Manufacturing. Brook and I have been married for six years, and we just had our second child, Madilyn, who joins big-brother Landon. We attend the Duncan Church of Christ and enjoy getting up to Ohio as often as we can. I am very thankful for the opportunity to play soccer and golf at Tiffin, as well as everything else that kept me busy there.”
Debbie Sidol, Class of 2001, North Olmsted, Ohio, recently com-
pleted the Virginia Double Iron Triathlon. After competing in sev-
eral half and full Ironman Triathlons, Debbie said she was ready for
Ohio, are the par-
doubles--the Virginia Double Iron Triathlon. The 45-year-old North
ents of a daughter,
Olmsted resident swam 4.8-miles, biked 224 miles and ran/walked
(Woods) Bowling
52.4 miles over 36 hours at Lake Anna State Park in Spotsylvania,
born in September.
Virginia, in October. It was quite a feat for Sidol, who weighed 230
Jolene Ruffing Houpt,
pounds six years ago and couldn’t walk 10 minutes on a treadmill.
Class of 1998, Bloom-
Sidol, 5-2, currently weighs 150 pounds
ville, Ohio, and her husband, Derek, became the parents of a baby boy named Wesley
Debra Beckley-Reamer, Class of 2002, Tiffin, Ohio, is Director of
Michael. “He has been the greatest thing in our lives and we can-
Human Resources at St. Francis Home, Inc. She and her husband,
not imagine life without him.”
Steve, have two children--Joe (a junior in college), and Samie Jo, (a high school senior).
2000’s Jennifer Anderson, Class of 2000, Avon, Ohio, recently completed her MBA at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University. In June, she took over ownership of Coco Press LLC. She moved its inventory and headquarters from Cleveland’s eastside to Avon, Ohio. She is president and CEO of the company, which publishes and distributes Story Line journals and stationary products. Recently, Coco Press unveiled its new web site,, and is planning many more developments in the future. Jennifer and her husband of 13 years, Christian, have four children. Herriott Brandon, Class of 2000, Toledo, Ohio, writes “After 7 years as Clubhouse Manager at Shawnee Country Club, I have decided to cut my teeth with a brand new restaurateur group in our first venture, Rouge Bistro (6060 Renaissance Place, Toledo). It is upscale dining at its best and we hope to open our second restaurant in the next two years. Hopefully I will be looking for some graduates from the Hospitality Management program at TU very soon.” Chris Barbuto, Class of 2001, and Hilary French Barbuto, Class of 2002, Heath, Ohio, announced the birth of their new baby girl, Talia, born in June. Chris is a Detective for the Licking County Sheriff’s Office and Hilary works in the Advertising Department for the Newspaper Network of Central Ohio.
Rod Daniel, Class of 2003, Woodmore, Ohio, recently accepted a position in special education with the Woodmore School District. Daniel is a graduate of the University of Findlay and has begun to work on his master’s degree at the University of Findlay. Ruth Highlander Watson, MCJ 2004, Bellevue, Ohio, was married in 2006. She is employed by the Seneca County Department of Job and Family Services. Jamie Nichole Wells Wilson, MCJ 2004, New Alexandria, Ohio, started a position with the Jefferson County Joint Vocational School as Criminal Justice Instructor for juniors and seniors. Deputy Chief John C. DeCarlo, MCJ 2005, Branford, Connecticut, was appointed to Police Chief of the Branford Police Department.
DeCarlo began
his career with the Branford Police Department as a part-time patrol officer in 1977. In 1978, he joined the department full-time.
Shortly after,
he started training with the State Bureau of Identification, becoming a finger print expert. DeCarlo achieved certification as a crime scene technician in 1981 and was promoted to the detective division. Anthony Dworznik, Class of 2005 and Erica Smith, Class of 2005, were married in May. Anthony is currently employed by, and Erica is employed by PrincetonOne as a Technology Specialist.
tell us about yourself >
Beth Souter Hussey, Class of 2005, Maineville, Ohio, writes, “I
Kristen Gibson, Class of 2007,
am a 2005 Graduate of Tiffin University. I was in a Fast Track co-
Kettering, Ohio, was named wom-
hort that met at Terra Community College. My family and I moved
en’s tennis coach and instructor at
to Cincinnati in 2006 and I became employed as the Assistant
the University of Dayton. In 2006,
to the Director of Athletics at the University of Cincinnati. I owe
she was a NAIA regional champion
my employment at UC to the degree I received in 2005. Without
in tennis and a national champion-
my business degree, I would have not been considered for the
ship participant.
position.” Jennifer Martin, Class of 2005, Delaware, Ohio, writes, “I have accepted a promotion and will be transferring back to the Depart-
Jacquelyn Laird McClure, Class of 2007, Fremont, Ohio, is self
ment of Administrative Services (from the Department of Rehab
employed with Birchard Lawn Care in Fremont. Her husband,
& Corrections). I will be supervisor of the Position Management
Aaron is a Realtor with Bolte Real Estate. They have two children,
Unit, part of the Human Resources Division, Support Center.”
Cody (age 17), and Carlie (age 14).
Kristina Schweikert, Class of 2006, Adrian, Michigan, has been
Lesley Roush, Class of 2007, Marblehead, Ohio, is Advancement
named head softball coach at Adrian College. This will be her first
Coordinator for The Lakeside Association in Lakeside, Ohio.
softball head-coaching job after serving as a graduate assistant for Siena Heights University last year. “I feel good about the opportunity to be a part of this program and all the positive changes at Adrian,” she said.
Tell Us TUbhg Yourself
TU ba g[X Road If yo u a r e a n O h io r e s i dent , y ou c an s how pride in T i f f i n U n i v e r s i t y t h r o u g h t h e C o l l e g i a t e L i c e nse P l ate P r ogram spon s o r e d b y t h e St at e of O h i o . The c o s t t o p a r t i c i pat e i n t he pr o g r a m ( i n a ddition to any nor mal r enewal f ees) is $ 3 5 annually. Of this $35 a n n u a l fe e , $ 2 5 i s di r ec t ed t o T i f f i n U n iv ersity in the f or m of a c haritable donation to the General Scho l a r s h i p F u n d i n y o u r n a m e. If yo u h a v e q u e s t i o n s r e g ar di ng t h e Co l l e g i ate Plate Pr ogram , please c ontac t TU ’ s Alumni R elation s Of fice at 419.448.3282 or y o u r l o c al Bur eau o f Motor Vehic les. 38
Winter 07|08
our deepest sympathies >
InMemoriam Stanley Tinkovicz, Class of 1948, Fremont, Ohio, passed away in 2007.
served in the US Navy during WWII were Mildred Theresa Wagner Cotter, Class
he received the Good Conduct Medal, Asi-
Trina Marie Emshoff, Class of 1993,
of 1935, Clintonville, Ohio.
atic Pacific Medal, WWII Victory Medal
formerly of Tiffin, passed away in July in
and American Area Medal.
He worked
Fort Myers, Florida. She was a mortgage
Irene Craun Semer, Class of 1939,
for National Farm Machine in Bellevue for
broker at Florida Mortgage Trust and a
passed away in August.
five years prior to working for the Whirl-
member of the Villas Elementary School
pool Corporation for twenty-seven years
PTA in Fort Myers.
in various management positions until
1940’s Juanita R. Stein, Class of 1943, Tiffin,
he retired in 1979. He was a Sandusky County Commissioner from 1981 to 1985. He and his wife, Luella, owned a farm.
Ohio, passed away in August. Along with
Michael Yurmanovich, Class of 2003,
her husband, she owned and operated
Avon Lake, Ohio, passed away in 2006.
Tiffin Glass and Mirror for more than 20
A life-long Avon Lake resident, he worked as the Quality Manager for Parker Hanni-
years. She was a realtor for Walton Realty, a member of Tiffin Eagles Auxiliary
Steven Rick-
Aerie 402 and Lady Knights and Friends.
er, Class of
fin Hydraulic Valve Corporation in Elyria.
1967, Maxine M. Benfer, Class of 1943, Re-
public, Ohio, passed away in September.
passed away
She was employed by the Tiffin Glass-
in 2006.
house until it closed and helped her hus-
band on the family farm until they retired
in 1992.
Earl J. Shultz, Class of 1940, Tiffin, Ohio,
served in the Army during the Vietnam
passed away in October.
War as a Sergeant in Army Intelligence. He received his bachelor’s degree from
Erben Kistler, Class of 1942, Akron,
the University of Findlay and a master’s
Ohio, passed away in 2006. Erben was
degree from Bowling Green State Univer-
retired from Goodyear Tire and Rubber
sity. He taught his whole career at Wil-
Company after 40 years of service.
lard High School as Head of the Business Department.
13th annual >
Hall of Fame In
T if fin
Univer sity
13t h
Annual Hall of Fam e Induction Cer em ony i n t he Gillm or Center. The ev ent , at t ended by nearl y 400 Dr agon suppor t er s, always r epr es ents the high point of t he Dr agons at hlet ic year and i s held in conjunct ion wit h t he annual Ho mec omi ng fest iv it ies. This year, fiv e for m er at hletes w er e honor ed - Kim Novotny Schwar tz, J ef f N unn, Dean Joseph, Am y Pence, and Gr egg Pr enz l i n.
Hall of Fame g[\f 2007 Amy Pence Jeff Nunn Dean Joseph Gregg Prenzlin Kim Novotny Schwartz
Winter 07|08
Kim (Novotny) Schwartz was one of
mind when talking about the 1993
a number of two-sport athletes that
and 1994 Tiffin University football
flourished for Tiffin University in the
team usually revolve the offense
1990s. The difference now is that
- running backs Brian Diliberto and
Schwartz joins only Dana (Kuhlman)
Kerrick Franklin, quarterbacks Sean
Sendelbach and Lisa (Lucius) Beeker
McKinney and Matt Dasher, or offen-
as Hall of Fame inductees who ex-
sive linemen like Chris Deal and Craig
celled at both volleyball and softball.
While sharing setter duties with Sen-
But it should be noted that those
delbach, Schwartz managed to garner two Mid-Ohio Conference
teams played great defense as well. Jeff Nunn was the premier
honors. She also is fourth in career assists and holds the season
member of the linebacking corps on those squads.
The images that normally jump to
record for most aces. While playing for the Dragons, the team compiled a 115-51 overall record, the best string of success in
Over Nunn’s four seasons with the Dragons, he earned NAIA All-
the program’s history.
American honors while leading the team to national rankings and recognition. While also earning All-District 22 and Mid-States Foot-
Schwartz’s excellence, though, was even more evident on the
ball Association accolades, Jeff registered 229 tackles during the
softball diamond. She garnered three more All-Conference honors
1993 and 1994 seasons. Not coincidentally, the Dragons reached
for the softball team and was a mainstay of two championship
the NAIA Tournament during those years, including reaching the
Elite Eight in 1994.
In her sophomore season, the Dragons won the Mid-Ohio Confer-
Among his unforgettable moments were the Dragons victory over
ence Championship. She followed this up in her senior season
the University of Findlay in 1993 and a heartbreaking last second
by leading the Dragons to the Bi-District Championship, sending
loss on a Hail Mary pass play against Westminster in 1994, a
the Dragons to the NAIA National Tournament for the first time
game the Dragons lost after coming back in the final minutes to
in school history. It was the first National Tournament trip for any
retake the lead.
women’s athletic program at TU. “Those were special teams,” Nunn said. “We achieved things that “It was a special season in 1993,” Schwartz said. “We played at
can never be duplicated in the same way ever again. We helped to
Highland Park, which was a very different experience than what
get the team noticed in the nation for the first time.”
the current players enjoy. There were so many great athletes on those teams, not just Sendelbach and Beeker, but players like Angie (Shardo) Nunn and Jenny Kane. I’ll never forget the fact that due to the playoffs there were five of us that missed our com-
mencement in 1993. The school did a special commencement
Men’s soccer was the first Tiffin Uni-
ceremony in the courtyard just for us. It had music, flowers, and
versity sport to garner the university
the procession, everything like a normal commencement. It was
national attention at the NAIA level.
very unique for the five of us to have that opportunity. Things like
The list of standout men’s soccer play-
that made those years very special.”
ers that have been inducted to the Tiffin University Hall of Fame reads like a roadmap of the program’s history. Dean Joseph’s sterling playing career adds another chapter to that storied history.
13th annual >
Hall of Fame
Dean earned NAIA All-American honors while leading TU to the
Rudi O’Brien, Jen Weaver, Shelley Weinhaus, Carrie Schroeder,
1995 Mid-Ohio Conference Championship. Along the way he also
Kristi Campbell, Becky Mertz. That was the best thing about those
earned two All-Great Lakes Region and All-District 22 honors, and
years, the things I’ll never forget.”
three All-Conference citations. Tiffin posted a 59-29 overall mark during Joseph’s career, includ-
ing a 26-4 mark in the Mid-Ohio Conference. He finished his career
It’s one thing to be the best pitcher
fifth in goals scored and also excelled in the classroom, earning
in school history. It’s another thing to
NAIA Scholar Athlete honors.
do it and be clueless about it.
“We had some true powerhouse teams that suffered serious inju-
Gregg Prenzlin broke nearly every ma-
ries in the postseason, which kept us from going further than we
jor pitching record in the Dragons re-
should have,” Joseph remembered. “It seemed we would have
cord books during his TU career. But
huge winning streaks, and then get hit with injuries that crippled
he had no idea he was doing it until
us. My senior year I remember we reached the Regional Semifinals
his career was over.
and came back to force two overtimes. We eventually lost on penalty kicks, but it exemplified the kind of team we had, teams that
“I didn’t know I had set any records
never quit no matter what we faced.”
until after I had left,” Prenzlin recalled. “I never felt like I was doing anything special. I was just one pitcher on the staff who always felt that he had to continually prove himself.”
AMY PENCE Amy Pence saw quite a bit over her
Prenzlin proved himself over and over as a Dragons pitcher, setting
career playing women’s soccer for Tif-
the career record for wins with 23. He also holds the career re-
fin University. The program was only
cords for strikeouts, earned run average, and win-loss percentage
in its second year when she joined it,
as well as the single season strikeout record.
and before she left it had garnered national attention. Amy Pence was one
Prenzlin played against NAIA powers Ohio Dominican and Mt.
of the reasons the program reached
Vernon Nazarene, two teams that routinely appeared at the NAIA
the levels it did.
National Tournament. The rivalries with those two teams, along with Findlay, always made the postseason an adventure for TU.
Pence garnered NAIA All-American
Prenzlin, along with pitcher Ryan McDaniel, gave the Dragons a top
honors during her career, and joins
notch tandem to throw at opponents.
Rudi (O’Brien) Noschang as a women’s soccer Hall of Fame inductee. During her four seasons, Amy earned three All-Great Lakes
Prenzlin earned three All-Mid-Ohio Conference honors over his four
Region, All-District 22, and All-Mid-Ohio Conference citations.
seasons, an accomplishment that is even more impressive considering the number of pitchers from Ohio Dominican and Mt. Vernon
Pence is fourth in career assists and is still in the top 10 in career
that regularly made the All-Conference squad.
goals and total points. Following her playing career, Amy served as Assistant Women’s Soccer Coach for TU for two seasons, helping
“Ryan McDaniel really helped me become a better pitcher by push-
to build the program not only as a player but as a coach. According
ing and competing with me,” Prenzlin said. “We pushed each other
to Pence, she could have accomplished even more.
constantly to get better. I remember players like Darby Roggow, Joe Kalhorn, and Alfredo Ortiz, who were just a few of the special
“I was known as the Crossbar Queen because I hit the crossbar so
players that helped me during my playing days. We played at High-
many times on my shots,” Pence laughed. “I suppose I could have
land Park, which was very different than what the players have
had a lot more goals. It’s funny what I remember. I remember a
now. I’m proud to have been part of a team that helped move the
lot of bad weather at Highland Park. I remember the intense rivalry
program forward.”
we had with Findlay. I remember breaking my nose on a corner kick during a playoff game against Findlay and wanting to continue, but the trainer wouldn’t let me. Of course, what I remember most are the friendships and players from those years. People like 42
Winter 07|08
sports at TU >
Football Wrapup
tions (42 catches, 364 yards, 7 TD). Junior Dyshaun Edwards led the team with 61 catches for 939 yards and 9 touchdowns, while senior LaMar Tipton finished with 44 catches for 565 yards and 3 TDs. The offensive line set the tone for the offense throughout the season, and allowed only ten sacks in eleven games. Senior
The Tiffin University Football program closed out the season in
kicker Andrew Breen went 9-12 on field goals and connected on
impressive fashion, defeating Central State 62-26 and clinching
50 of 55 extra point attempts, while freshman punter John McCoy
the 2007 Great Lakes Football Conference Championship. The
averaged 36.9 yards on 46 punts.
Dragons finished the season with a record of 9-2 overall and 5-0 in the GLFC. Earlier in the season, the team avenged last year’s
Defensively, the team forced two turnovers per game and accu-
season ending loss to Saint Joseph’s that cost the team the 2006
mulated 35 sacks during the season. The veteran squad was led
GLFC crown. The Dragons will now leave the GLFC for the Great
by senior linebackers Parris Burt (137 tackles, 2 sacks, 3 FF) and
Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (GLIAC) for the 2008
Steve Yarbrough (113 tackles, 10 tackles for loss, 5 sacks). Defen-
season, having posted a two-year mark of 19-3 overall and 9-1
sive linemen Drew Douthit and Wyatt Thames led the team with
in the GLFC.
nine sacks while senior Luke Seal finished third on the team with 105 tackles. In the defensive backfield, junior Andrew Manocchio (53 tackles, 11 pass defenses) tied with Yarbrough for the team lead with three interceptions, while Troy Brookins led the team with 14 pass defenses in addition to gathering 31 tackles. Despite key losses on both sides of the football, Coach Nate Cole was encouraged by what he saw from his team this season. “We were able to play sound football the entire season and earn a conference championship, which was very satisfying. Next year will be a big challenge for us.” The team went 1-1 this season against current GLIAC members, with a 50-6 road win against Gannon and a well-played 31-14 road loss to Hillsdale. The Dragons finished the 2007 season ranked 27th in the national American Football Coaches Association poll.
Junior Matt Root had one of the best seasons ever at quarterback for the GLFC Champion Dragons, who finished 9-2. Root set new single season records for completions, yards, and touchdowns.
Men’s Soccer Recap The Tiffin University Men’s Soccer team concluded its first season of NCAA Division II competition with a 10-6-1 overall record. The team managed a strong 4-1 finish, including a 3-0 Homecoming
The Dragons outscored their opponents by an average of more
victory against Roberts Wesleyan and a thrilling 6-5 win to close
than twenty points per game this season while running a bal-
out the season. The team will enter the Great Lakes Intercollegiate
anced offensive attack. The team piled up 2,490 yards and 26
Athletic Conference for the 2008 season, and established itself as
touchdowns rushing this season, led by junior Pierce Wade (1,006
a team that is ready to compete for a conference championship
yds, 6.1 ypc, 11 TD) and sophomore Alvin McKnight (570 yds,
after falling 2-3 to GLIAC champion Gannon and defeating GLIAC
5.5 ypc, 4 TD). The passing attack was led by junior Matt Root,
runner-up Northwood 3-1.
who completed 66% of his passes while throwing for 2,396 yards and 27 touchdowns. Senior Donnie Johnson contributed in every
The Dragons will return six of their top seven goal scorers from
way on offense, finishing third in rushing yards (464 yds, 7 TD),
this season, with Mircea Handru (4 goals, 3 assists) the lone
throwing two touchdown passes, and finishing third in recep-
graduating senior from the group. Handru was selected for the
sports at TU >
Senior Mircea Handru led the Dragons defense this season, earning Second Team honors in both the Great Lakes Region and the All-Independent squad. TU finished with a 10-6-1 mark.
The team will bring back all but two graduating seniors from this year’s squad, with Niquita Amirkhanian (4 goals, 6 assists) and Katherine Murphy (2 goals, 1 assist) leaving behind a tradition of success . Emily Goldsberry led the team with 12 goals and 26 overall points, with fellow juniors Renee Cain (5g, 6a), Ciara Gossett (4g, 3a), and Lauren Wilhelm (4g, 6a) contributing to the team’s 2.16 goals per game average. Also returning will be sophomore Abby Grieser, who tended goal for the Lady Dragons and allowed only 1.12 goals per game, and backup goalkeeper Emily Demorest, who allowed two goals in seven appearances.
All-Great Lakes Regional team. Also graduating is the team’s starting goalkeeper, Mike Rutkowski, who saved over eighty percent of
Sophomore Felicia Ruiz earned Second Team All-Great Lakes Region honors for the women’s soccer team, which finished 11-6-1. The Dragons also cracked the Top 10 in the regional rankings in their first year of Division II independent competition.
shots on goal and managed a solid 1.76 goals allowed per game average. Sophomores Tony Iyayi and Nick Dreshaj led the Dragons with 10 goals scored, while junior Adi Vlad was third on the team with 7 goals and 18 points. With a solid returning core of players, Coach Rudy Brownell has high expectations for his team as they enter the GLIAC. “We’ve had a chance to compete against GLIAC and Division II teams the past few years, so as long as we continue to work hard and improve we expect great things for next season.” The team’s veteran squad will be prepared for even tougher com-
Women’s Soccer Recap The Tiffin University Women’s Soccer team concluded its first season of NCAA Division II competition with an 11-6-1 overall record. The Lady Dragons closed out the season with three consecutive overtime games, including a thrilling match against #1 ranked
petition next year. “We have a lot of work ahead of us in the offseason,” said Coach Rudy Brownell, “and need to get faster and be more consistent. If we put the proper work in, some good things can happen next season.”
Cross Country Review
Grand Valley State (NCAA II) and a 2-1 victory over #10 ranked Ohio Dominican (NAIA).The team compiled an impressive 9-5-1 re-
The Tiffin University Cross Country season came to a close with the
cord against NCAA Division II competition, and was ranked as high
Men’s team earning their second consecutive ICAA Championship
as 10th in the Great Lakes Region. The team will look to build on
and the Women’s squad finishing in second place among all NCAA
its 4-2-1 record this year against GLIAC opponents as they enter
Division II Independent schools.
the conference for the 2008 season.
Winter 07|08
Men’s Basketball Preview The Tiffin University Men’s Basketball team will enter its first season of full-fledged NCAA Division II membership with some major additions to a Dragon squad that must adapt quickly to a higher level of competition. “We are a young team that will have to work hard on both ends of the floor for us to be successful,” said secondyear Head Coach Rodney Martin. The team will return only one starter from last year’s team, but Coach Martin is excited about the team’s possibilities this year. “The guys that are here are a talented group that will need to pull together as a team early. The new players we’ve added along with the returners should give us a chance to compete at this level,” Senior Chad Roberts became Tiffin’s second NCAA All-American in cross country, reaching the National Tournament and finishing 28th overall. He was also an All-Independent selection
The men’s team had strong individual and team performances throughout the year, and earned their second consecutive championship by recording seven of the top nine times in the nation among independent schools. The team finished 16th out of 37 teams at the Southern Stampede, held at Missouri Southern University, with Chad Roberts finishing with a time of 25:02. At the Otterbein Invitational, the team finished third out of sixteen teams and placed three runners in the top sixteen at the event. The team
said Martin. Sophomore Alex Strok leads a young cast of Dragons into the 2007-08 season. Strok earned All-Freshman honors last season but will be looked to for leadership on a talented but new group of players this season.
finished fourth out of ten teams at the All-Ohio Championships at Ohio Wesleyan, with Roberts (26:07), and sophomores Jason Bumb (27:34) and Jeremy Lee (27:41) leading the charge for the Dragons. Roberts and Lee were the top two runners named to the All-ICAA team, along with Bumb, senior Justin Setty, sophomore Chris Finn, and juniors Adam Nunns and Thomas Buxton. The women’s team narrowly missed out on the ICAA Championship, finishing in second place behind Flagler College. The team managed to place four runners in the ICAA top ten. Despite finishing in 29th place out of 40 teams at the Southern Stampede, the runners had solid times with sophomore Jessica Clark (19:08) leading the way in 63rd place, followed by freshmen Heidi Kiesel (20:16) and Erin Casey (20:37). At the All-Ohio meet, the team placed four runners in the top 45, led by Clark in 13th place with a time of 20:29, Kiesel in 27th place (21:46), Alison Ward in 42nd place (23:30) and Casey in 45th place (23:38). Clark earned her second consecutive All-ICAA selection, along with Casey and Ward earning their first ICAA honors. Heidi Kiesel was also named the ICAA Outstanding Freshmen.
The lone starter from last year’s team, sophomore Alex Strok, will return as the team’s resident sharpshooter. Strok averaged 10.3 pts per game while shooting 35% from three-point range in his first year as a Dragon. Freshman point guard Brian Scott (ChaminadeJulienne HS) will join Strok in the backcourt, with 6-3 freshman shooting guard Geryn Reese providing additional support on the wing. Sophomore Darryl Stinson (8.7 mpg, 2.5 ppg, 1.3 rpg) will start at forward and will be working in the paint along with 6’5 freshman center Rafael Cuellar.
sports at TU >
Providing some experience off the bench will be guards Kenny Pascley and Josh Diaz. Diaz, a 6-2 junior guard, started thirteen games last year for the Dragons while averaging 12.2 minutes and 2.8 points per game. Pascley, a 6-1 senior guard, averaged just under ten minutes and four points in fourteen games last year. “Each of these guys provided great energy for us last year,” said Coach Martin, “and hopefully they can continue to improve with another year under their belts.” Joining Diaz and Pascley off the bench for the Dragons are four newcomers. 6-5 Joe Horton (Akron Copley HS) and 6-6 Darryle
Junior Kylene Spiegel earned All-Conference and All-Independent honors last year. She, along with juniors Leanne Lucius and Fallon Sanborn, will lead Tiffin under new Head Coach Pam Oswald as they enter the Division II independent ranks in 2007-08.
Miller will provide additional backcourt support for Coach Martin, while 6-6 freshman Ryan Webb and 6-8 junior Mouhamdou Kane will help the Dragons control the boards. “All four of these guys are pushing for minutes early on in the season,” said Coach Martin, “and can be major assets for our team.” The team will compete as an NCAA Division II independent this year, and will be facing most of their future GLIAC foes in a challenging schedule for the young Dragons. “Having these guys get comfortable working together and executing on both ends of the
(6.1 ppg, 2.8 rpg) will also start for the Dragons, with sophomore
floor will dictate our success this season,” said Coach Martin.
Emily Woodruff playing a key role off the bench (1.5 ppg, 1.7 rpg).
“We’re looking to give these guys time to mature and grow, and
Junior transfer Megan Fletcher (Florence, KY) will join Spiegel in
take a positive step forward for this program.”
the starting backcourt after transferring from Kentucky Wesleyan where she led the team with 13.4 ppg. Freshman Lindsey McCabe
Women’s Basketball Preview The Tiffin University Women’s Basketball team enters their first season of exclusive NCAA Division II membership with a new head coach and a new attitude. Head Coach Pam Oswald takes over the reigns for the Lady Dragons and brings along her successful Division II experience from Wheeling Jesuit, where she served as an assistant coach for the past three seasons. “It is an exciting time to be at Tiffin University,” said Coach Oswald, “and I want to help take this program to the next level.” The Lady Dragons are coming off a 14-15 season that saw the team reach the AMC Semifinals before falling to conference runner-up Geneva. A solid returning group of players will make the transition for the program to Division II easier. Junior point guard Kylene Spiegel was the team’s leading scorer (12.1 ppg), in addition to leading the way in assists (4.7 apg) and steals (1.9). Fellow junior Leanne Lucius will join Spiegel for her third year as a Dragon starter after both earned All-ICAA selections last season. Lucius finished second on the team with 11.4 points and led the team with 7.0 rebounds per game. Junior Fallon Sanborn 46
Winter 07|08
(Cincinnati, OH) will work the paint with Woodruff after completing a solid high school career at Archbishop McNicholas. The Lady Dragon bench will have a combination of experience and youth, with junior guard Megan Jesulaitis (5.4 ppg, 1.3 rpg) leading the charge. Jesulaitis and Fallon Sanborn combined for 65 of the team’s three-point field goals last season, finishing second and third, respectively, behind Spiegel. Sophomore Alexis Karel will help control the paint for Tiffin after finishing third on the team last year with 9.3 points and 5.0 rebounds per game. Newcomers Elyse Schlump (6-1), Melissa Tejkl (6-1), and Jackie Allen (6-0) will be competing for time at the post positions and providing the team with quality size off the bench. Freshman Holly Focke (Cincinnati, OH) will provide the team with additional depth at the guard positions, while Mallory Yajko (Calcutta, OH) will look for playing time at the forward position. Coach Oswald looks for her young team to mesh well early to compete against a GLIAC-heavy schedule. “We need to work hard night in and night out with an all-out team effort to be successful,” said Oswald. “We’ve preached a team focus in practice and getting everyone on the same page for the beginning of our season.”
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