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www.nissan-me.com 2008

SHIFT_ comfort

Smile with Every Mile. With its contemporary styling and class-leading levels of interior room and comfort, the new Nissan TIIDA sedan lets you start and end your day with a smile.

π``«`e π``c ™`e π`` «`ª`L ≈k ` °VQ ,áMÉ°ùŸGh áMGôdG ÚeCÉJ ‘ ÉgOqôØJh ô°UÉ©ŸG ÉgRGô£H .≈°VôdÉH ∑CÓ“h ∂eƒj Iójó÷G Gó«J ¿É°ù«f è¡ÑJ

SHIFT_ comfort



Features and specifications are subject to change depending on market requirements. Please consult your local dealer.

.∂H ¢UÉÿG »∏ÙG π«cƒdÉH ∫É°üJ’G AÉLôdG .¥ƒ°ùdG äÉÑ∏£àŸ É©ÑJ Ò«¨à∏d á°VôY ÉjGõŸGh äÉØ°UGƒŸG



Quality Refined. Satisfaction Defined. 5


Step into the TIIDA and discover a spacious, accommodating cabin where every detail is painstakingly designed to provide a thoroughly modern appeal.

Features and specifications are subject to change depending on market requirements. Please consult your local dealer.

áÑMôdG á«∏NGódG IQƒ°ü≤ŸG ∞°ûàcG É¡∏«°UÉØJ πc º«ª°üJ ” »àdG Gó«J ¿É°ù«æd .á≤FÉa IOÉ©°ùH ∑ôª¨J ájÉæ©H

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Comfort Embraces You with Open Arms. 9




Features and specifications are subject to change depending on market requirements. Please consult your local dealer.

á`` `MÉ`` ` ` °ù`` ` ŸG á``HÉ`` ` Mô`H á`` ` `MGô`` ` dG ∂`` ` æ` °†`` à` ` ë` J .∂H ¢UÉÿG »∏ÙG π«cƒdÉH ∫É°üJ’G AÉLôdG .¥ƒ°ùdG äÉÑ∏£àŸ É©ÑJ Ò«¨à∏d á°VôY ÉjGõŸGh äÉØ°UGƒŸG

9 8 7 6

A Rendezvous with Elegance. 11


Features and specifications are subject to change depending on market requirements. Please consult your local dealer.

á`` ` `bÉ`` ` f’ C G ™`` e ó`` ` ` `Yƒ`` ` e .∂H ¢UÉÿG »∏ÙG π«cƒdÉH ∫É°üJ’G AÉLôdG .¥ƒ°ùdG äÉÑ∏£àŸ É©ÑJ Ò«¨à∏d á°VôY ÉjGõŸGh äÉØ°UGƒŸG



Responsive to Driving. And Your Desires.



Features and specifications are subject to change depending on market requirements. Please consult your local dealer.

IOÉ`` ` `«` ≤` dG á`` °ù``∏` °S iƒ`` `¡` J É`` `Ÿ kÉ` ` `≤` ` `Ñ` W .∂H ¢UÉÿG »∏ÙG π«cƒdÉH ∫É°üJ’G AÉLôdG .¥ƒ°ùdG äÉÑ∏£àŸ É©ÑJ Ò«¨à∏d á°VôY ÉjGõŸGh äÉØ°UGƒŸG



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¿Gƒ`` d’C G ≥`` «` °ù`æ`J ¿GƒdC’G ≥«°ùæJh π«°UÉØàdÉH AÉæàY’G Rõ©j »àdGh IQƒ°ü≤ŸG πNGO ºZÉæàdGh IOƒ÷G á«°†ØdG äÉ≤∏◊G ‘ á∏ãªàe ÉgGôJ äÉëàa äÉ¡LGhh ,äGOGó©dÉH ᣫÙG .ÜGƒHC’G ¢†HÉ≤eh , ájƒ¡àdG Colour Coordination Attention to detail and colour coordination enhances quality and harmony in the interior — witness the silver meter surrounds, vent grilles and door handles.

ø`` ` °q ù`` fi ƒ`` `L ÜÉH íàØj ,∂©HÉ°UCG øe áØ«ØN á°ùª∏H ,Ahógh áeƒ©æH äGRÉØ≤dG ¥hóæ°U ÜGƒcC’G äÓeÉ◊ áÑ°ùædÉH ôeC’G ∂dòch .…ƒ∏©dG ∫ƒ°ùfƒμdG ¥hóæ°Uh Refined Ambience With a light touch of your finger, the glove compartment door opens smoothly and quietly — likewise, the cup holders and overhead console.

Features and specifications are subject to change depending on market requirements. Please consult your local dealer.

A heightened sense of satisfaction and comfort can be enjoyed with Nissan TIIDA as it offers an impressive level of quality that is best appreciated when seen, touched or actually driven. Refined yet zesty, the stylish interior and handsomely crafted exterior combine to provide you with not only a rewarding driving experience, but also a special aura of quality that is clearly perceptible.

πNGO áeóîà°ùŸG OGƒŸG IQÉ«°ùdG ´GQòdG ófÉ°ùe ≈∏Y ∂YGQP óæ°ùJ ÉeóæY ´GQòdG óæ°ùeh ÜGƒHC’G ≈∏Y áàÑãŸG Ωóîà°ùŸG ó«éæàdG ¢Tɪb ¿Éa »£°SƒdG áMGôdÉH Qƒ©°ûdG ∂d øeDƒj ¿CÉH π«Øc .iƒ°ü≤dG Interior Materials The door armrests and front centre armrest have been carefully upholstered to ensure a delightfully soft feel when you rest your elbows on them.

á`` ` «` `aô`` `◊G

á`` `ë`jô``e ó``YÉ`` ≤` e π«ª÷G ó«éæàdG ¢Tɪ≤H AÉæàY’G ” ó≤d ÜÉMÎdÉH ÉØ«£d GQƒ©°T ∂ë檫d ™æ°üdG ø≤àŸG ɪc É¡«a ¢Sƒ∏÷Gh IQÉ«°ùdG ∂dƒNO á¶◊ øe ÌcCGh , IOÉ«≤dG AÉæKCG ºYódÉH Qƒ©°ûdG Rõ©Jh øe áYƒæ°üŸG »eÉeC’G ó©≤ŸG óFÉ°Sƒa ,∂dP .iƒ°ü≤dG áMGôdG ∂d ôaƒJ ÚãjQƒ«dG

The precision with which the components fit together is as pleasing to the eye as the craftsmanship seen in the finest furniture.


Perceived Quality

ô°UÉæY ™«ªL ô¡¶J »àdG ábódG ¿EG ô°ùJ ¢†©ÑdG É¡°†©Hh ΩAÓàJ IQÉ«°ùdG çÉKC’G ‘ á∏ãªàŸG á«aô◊G Qó≤H ôXÉædG .≥«fC’G Craftsmanship


™FGôdG É¡ª«ª°üJ ∂dòch .É¡JOÉ«b hCG É¡°ùŸ hCG É¡JógÉ°ûe óæY É¡°ùª∏à°S »àdG IOƒ÷G øe kÉ©FGQ iƒà°ùe ∂d ôaƒJ å«M áMGôdGh É°VôdÉH kÉØYÉ°†e kÉ°SÉ°ùMEG Gó«J ¿É°ù«f IQÉ«°S ∂ëæ“ .ΩÉJ 샰VƒH IôgɶdG IOƒ÷G øe á°UÉN ádÉg á©FGôdG IOÉ«≤dG áHôŒ ¤EG áaÉ°VEG ∂d Ωó≤àd ∂dP πc ,ºîØdG »LQÉÿG É¡∏μ«gh á≤«fC’G á«∏NGódG É¡JQƒ°ü≤à πãªàŸG ÜGò÷Gh

Seat Comfort The beautiful upholstery is carefully stitched like tailor-made clothing and the low-repulsion urethane front seat cushions provide supple and a relaxing comfort.

.∂H ¢UÉÿG »∏ÙG π«cƒdÉH ∫É°üJ’G AÉLôdG .¥ƒ°ùdG äÉÑ∏£àŸ É©ÑJ Ò«¨à∏d á°VôY ÉjGõŸGh äÉØ°UGƒŸG



áëjôe IQƒ°ü≤e

Cabin comfort Thanks to its surprisingly spacious cabin, the TIIDA offers class-leading levels of room for shoulders, knees and legs. The high roof also means that even tall passengers will enjoy sufficient headroom (front and rear). Wide door apertures and ideally positioned seats with high hip-points facilitate getting in and out of the TIIDA — naturally and comfortably. Forward visibility is also impressive.

,¿óŸG πNGO ∫ɪ©à°SÓd áªFÓe É¡∏©éj …òdGh •ƒ¨°†ŸG IQÉ«°ùdG ºéM øe ºZôdÉH ÖcôdGh ±ÉàcCÓd kÉë«°ùa kÉZGôa ∂ëæªàa ,áHÉMôdÉH õ«ªàJ Gó«J IQƒ°ü≤e ¿CG ’EG ´Éàªà°S’G áeÉ≤dG »∏jƒW ¢UÉî°TC’G í«àj ™ØJôŸG ∞≤°ùdG ¿EÉa ∂dòc ,πLQC’Gh »eÉeC’G ó©≤ŸG ‘ AGƒ°S ¢SCGô∏d ‘Éc ÆGôØH á©°SGƒdG ÜGƒHC’G äÉëàa ¿EÉa kÉ°†jCGh ,»Ø∏ÿG hCG ‹Éãe πμ°ûH É¡©bGƒÃ áàÑãŸG óYÉ≤ŸGh IQÉ«°ùdG ¤EGh øe êhôÿGh ∫ƒNódG π¡°ùJ á«fÉμeEG ∂dP ¤EG ∞°VCG .áMGQh ádƒ¡°ùH .á©°SGƒdG á«eÉeC’G ájDhôdG

πLQCÓd »Ø∏Nh »eÉeCG í«°ùa ÆGôa Ample front and rear legroom

IócDƒe áªFÓe

Reassuring convenience The TIIDA cabin is equipped with many useful features, including a multitude of storage boxes and pockets that let you keep small items tucked neatly away while you drive. Other welcome amenities include an LED map lamp and front centre armrest.

IójóY Ió«Øe ÉjGõà Gó«J IQƒ°ü≤e õ«¡Œ ” ó≤d íª°ùJ ܃«Lh øjõîJ ≥jOÉæ°U IóY ∂dP ‘ Éà AÉæKCG øeG πμ°ûH IÒ¨°üdG ¢VGôZC’G ßØëH ∂d ìÉÑ°üà Iõ¡› Gó«àa ∂dP ¤EG áaÉ°VE’ÉH .IOÉ«≤dG .»eÉeCG »£°Sh ´GQP óæ°ùeh LED IAGôb









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á©°SGh á«eÉeCG ájDhQ á«fÉμeEG êhôÿGh ∫ƒNódG π«¡°ùàd IÒÑc ÜGƒHCG äGQÉWEG

Expansive forward visibility







Big door apertures and high hip-point ease entry/exit

»FGƒ¡dG ∞««μàdG Ωɶf

Air-conditioning The TIIDA cabin is designed with a large number of air vents to ensure that everyone in the cabin directly benefits from the air-conditioning. And the air vents feature handy shuttle dials that allow occupants to adjust the airflow to their preference.


øe ÒÑc Oó©H äOhR ∂dòd »FGƒ¡dG ∞««μàdG ΩɶæH É¡HÉcQ ™«ªL º©æj ¿CG ≈∏Y Gó«J ¢Uô– πjó©àH ÜÉcô∏d íª°ùJ å«ëH äÉLQO ¤G ᪰ù≤e ácôëàe ¢UGôbCÉH RÉà“ »àdG ájƒ¡àdG äÉëàa .¿ƒ∏°†Øj ÉŸ kÉ©ÑJ AGƒ¡dG ≥aóJ




»©ª°ùdG ΩɶædG

Audio system Enjoy driving all the more as you listen to the excellent sound quality delivered by this audio system, featuring a CD player and six speakers strategically located in the cabin.

IOƒ÷G ≥FÉØdG 䃰üdG ¤EG ™ªà°ùJ âfCGh ÌcCG ∂JOÉ«≤H ™àªà°SG ¢UGôbCG π¨°ûe ≈∏Y …ƒàëj …òdG »©ª°ùdG ΩɶædG ∫ÓN øe á«é«JGΰSG ™bGƒÃ É¡à«ÑãJ ” 䃰U äGÈμe áà°Sh á›óe .IQƒ°ü≤ŸG ‘ 2


1 Front pillar tweeters 2 Front door speakers 3 Rear door speakers

á«eÉeC’G äÉeÉYódG ‘ áàÑãe äÉYɪ°S á«eÉeC’G ÜGƒHC’G ‘ áàÑãe 䃰U äGÈμe á«Ø∏ÿG ÜGƒHC’G ‘ áàÑãe 䃰U äGÈμe 3







Features and specifications are subject to change depending on market requirements. Please consult your local dealer.

1 2 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



LED map lamp. LED map lamp improves visibility in the cabin. Dim lamp. Soft lighting elegantly illuminates the cockpit area. Large front door pockets. Ideal for storing bottles, maps and facial tissues. Split fold-down seat-back (6:4 split-off). Front cup holders. Designed with lid and push-open mechanism. Large glove box. Enough room for a handbag. Front centre armrest. Features a lined console box. Console front pocket. Extra convenience for front passengers. Console rear pocket. Handy for storing small items. 467-litre capacity (VDA) luggage compartment.





1 2 »eÉeC’G ÜÉÑ∏d IÒÑc ܃«L 3 (6:4 áÑ°ùæH) »£∏d πHÉb ó©≤e ô¡X óæ°ùe 4 á«eÉeCG ÜGƒcCG äÓeÉM 5 ÒÑc äGRÉØb ¥hóæ°U 6 »eÉeCG »£°Sh ´GQP óæ°ùe 7 ∫ƒ°ùfƒμ∏d »eÉeCG Ö«L 8 ∫ƒ°ùfƒμ∏d »Ø∏N Ö«L 9 (VDA) Îd 467 á©°ùH á©àeC’G ¥hóæ°U 10 LED IAGôb ìÉÑ°üe DIM ìÉÑ°üe



1 .∂H ¢UÉÿG »∏ÙG π«cƒdÉH ∫É°üJ’G AÉLôdG .¥ƒ°ùdG äÉÑ∏£àŸ É©ÑJ Ò«¨à∏d á°VôY ÉjGõŸGh äÉØ°UGƒŸG



ΩOÉ°üàdG ™bh áeÓ°S

Impact safety Key parts of the body are designed to absorb the force of a collision (zone body construction), while SRS dual airbags help prevent injury. The front seatbelts also feature two-stage load limiters to counter excessive deceleration forces and pre-tensioners, which eliminate any belt slack almost instantly.

á`` ` eÓ`` `°ù`` `dG

πª©J ÚM ‘ ,ΩOÉ°üàdG Iƒb ¢UÉ°üàeG ≈∏Y πª©J å«ëH IQÉ«°ùdG πμ«¡d á«°ù«FôdG AGõLC’G ¢†©H ⪪°U ó≤d ájɪ◊G ≈∏Y (‘É°VEG ¿ÉeCG Ωɶf SRS) áLhOõŸG á«FGƒ¡dG óFÉ°SƒdGh á«eÉeC’G óYÉ≤ª∏d ᣰûædG ¢SCGôdG ófÉ°ùe Úà∏Môe ≈∏Y πª©J §¨°†dG Iƒ≤d äGOóëà á«eÉeC’G óYÉ≤ª∏d ¿ÉeC’G áeõMCG äõ¡L ɪc .áHÉ°UE’G øe . kGQƒa ƒNôdG ΩGõ◊G ó°T ≈∏Y πª©j …òdG ≥Ñ°ùŸG ó°ûdG ΩɶæH ∂dòc äõ¡Lh ,áWôØŸG á∏eôØdG Iƒb ¬LGƒàd



1 Collapsible steering column. Enhances safety in certain frontal collisions.


2 Seatbelt pretensioners. Two pre-tensioners eliminate slack from the driver’s seatbelt.

1 :QÉ°ùμfÓd πHÉb IOÉ«b OƒªY 1


ä’ÉM ¢†©H ‘ áeÓ°ùdG Rõ©j .á«eÉeC’G ΩGó£°U’G

All new CVTC 1.8L and 1.6L engines The TIIDA now offers two new in-line four-cylinder engines to choose from all aluminum, compact and lightweight engines, the 1.8-litre, 135 hp MR18 features numerous technological advances to enhance intake/exhaust efficiency, thermal efficiency and torque, while reducing noise, friction and fuel consumption. The high torque of the 1.6-litre, 118 hp HR16 ensures satisfying performance and stress-free driving in the city and on the highway. It is also extremely efficient and environment friendly.

CVTC (Continuous Valve Timing Control) CVTC optimises the opening and closing of the intake valves in accordance with vehicle operating conditions (load, engine rpm, etc.) to improve intake efficiency and torque at low- to mid-speed as well as output at high speed. This engine is also made environment friendly, thanks to a high-density catalytic converter that significantly reduces harmful emissions while enhancing fuel economy.

In addition to stylish full-wheel covers, attractive 7-spoke aluminium alloy wheels are also optionally available.

Helping to maintain good visibility at night and in bad weather are powerful headlamps and bumperintegrated halogen fog lamps. A high-mounted rear stop lamp clearly indicates to following drivers when brakes are being applied.

‘ áàÑãŸG á«æ«LƒdÉ¡dG ÜÉÑ°†dG í«HÉ°üeh á«eÉeC’G í«HÉ°üŸG ¿EG ä’ÉM ‘h kÓ«d ájDhôdG ±hôX Ú°ù– ≈∏Y óYÉ°ùJ »eÉeC’G ΩOÉ°üdG kGô°TDƒe …ƒ∏©dG »Ø∏ÿG ∞bƒàdG ìÉÑ°üe πμ°ûj ɪc .áÄ«°ùdG ¢ù≤£dG .íHÉμŸG ≈∏Y §¨°†dG ” ób ¬fCÉH ∞∏ÿG ‘ Ú≤FÉ°ù∏d kÉë°VGh





To ensure safer, controlled braking in emergencies, the TIIDA features ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) and EBD (Electronic Brake-force Distribution) technology, which minimises the effect of having heavier passenger/cargo loads. It is also equipped with a BA (Brake Assist) system that provides additional stopping power by activating ABS in hard or panic braking situations.

.ΩOÉ°üdG ‘ áàÑãe á«æ«LƒdÉg ÜÉÑ°V í«HÉ°üe 3 .…ƒ∏Y »Ø∏N ∞bƒJ í«HÉ°üe 4

ºμëàdG áeÓ°S

Control safety


Ωɪ°üdG â«bƒàH ôªà°ùŸG ºμëàdG Ωɶf C VTC ádÉM ™e ≥aGƒàdÉH Öë°ùdG äÉeɪ°U ¥ÓZEGh íàa Rõ©j C VTC (..ïdG ,áYÉ°ùdG ‘ äGQhódG OóY ,∑ôÙG ,ádƒª◊G) áÑcôŸG á°†Øîæe áYô°ùH IOÉ«≤dG óæY Ωõ©dGh Öë°ùdG IAÉØc Ú°ùëàd ∂dPh óbh .á©ØJôŸG äÉYô°ùdG ≈∏Y ''Iƒ≤dG'' ºYO ∂dòch ᣰSƒàe ¤EG áYô°ùdG õqØfi π°†ØH áÄ«Ñ∏d kÉ≤jó°U ¿ƒμ«d ∑ôÙG Gòg ºª°U ∑Ó¡à°SG øe óëjh IQÉ°†dG äÉKÉ©Ñf’G π∏≤j …òdG áFÉØμdG ‹ÉY .¬JGP âbƒdG ‘ OƒbƒdG

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äÉeƒ∏©ŸG áeÓ°S

Information safety


¿RƒdG ÉØ«ØNh ¿ÉWƒ¨°†e ájRGƒàe äÉfGƒ£°SCG 4 `H øjójóL Úcôëà Gó«J RÉà“ á©°S GP MR18 ∑ôfi RÉàÁ .ɪ¡æ«HQÉàîàd Ωƒ«æŸC’G øe πeÉμdÉH ¿ÉYƒæ°üeh çÉ©Ñf’G /Öë°ùdG á«∏ªY á«dÉ©a øe Rõ©àd IójóY äÉ«æ≤àH ¿É°üM 135 Iƒ≤H Îd 1^8 .OƒbƒdG ∑Ó¡à°SGh ∑ÉμàM’Gh è«é°†dG øe π∏≤J ÚM ‘ Ωõ©dGh ájQGô◊G á«dÉ©ØdGh ∂d ôaƒj ƒ¡a ™ØJôŸG Ωõ©dGh ¿É°üM 118 Iƒ≤H Îd 1^6 á©°S GP HR16 ∑ôfi ÉeCG ≈∏Y hCG áæjóŸG ‘ âæc AGƒ°S ôJƒàdG øe á«dÉÿG IOÉ«≤dGh ∂«°Vôj …òdG AGOC’G .áÄ«Ñ∏d ≥jó°Uh ∫É©a ∂dòc ƒgh ,á©jô°ùdG äÉbô£dG

ó°ûdG ΩɶæH Iõ¡› ¿ÉeCG áeõMCG 2 ‘ AÉîJQ’G øe π∏≤J :≥Ñ°ùŸG .≥FÉ°ùdG ΩGõM

Alloy wheels and full-wheel covers

3 Bumper-integrated halogen fog lamps. 4 High-mounted stop lamp.

Îd 1^6h Îd 1^8 á©°S kÉ«∏c ¿GójóL CVTC ¿Écôfi


Using detailed analyses of actual accidents, our engineers focus on enhancing the ‘real world safety’ of Nissan cars.


»©bGƒdG ⁄É©dG áeÓ°S ‘ çOGƒ◊G Öæéàd ºμëàdG áeÓ°Sh äÉeƒ∏©ŸG áeÓ°S , ΩGó£°U’G áeÓ°ùH IRõ©e Gó«J ¿G .áHÉ°UE’G ô£N π«∏≤Jh ÜÉcôdG ájɪM ±ó¡H h ΩGó£°U’G ä’ÉM

Real world safety

™fÉŸG πeGôØdG Ωɶf ABS) ΩɶæH Gó«J äõ¡L ó≤a ,áFQÉ£dG ä’É◊G ‘ á≤«bOh áæeBG á∏eôa á«∏ªY ó«cCÉàd .á©àeC’G/ ÜÉcôdG øe óFGõdG πª◊G ôKCG π∏≤j …òdGh EBD kÉ«fhÎμdG íÑμdG Iƒb ™jRƒJ É«LƒdƒæμJh (¥Ó¨fÓd ä’ÉM ‘ ABS §«°ûæJ ÈY ÈcCG ∞bƒJ Iƒb íæÁ …òdGh BA íÑμdG IóYÉ°ùe ΩɶæH Gó«J äõ¡L ó≤a ∂dòc .ájƒ≤dG á∏eôØdG

Features and specifications are subject to change depending on market requirements. Please consult your local dealer.

Advanced suspension The TIIDA is equipped with an advanced suspension system that delivers peak performance on any road surface. Ripplecontrol shock absorbers further add to the comfort, while damper rebound springs enhance stability on curves.

Transmissions Working in perfect balance with the engine, the 4-speed automatic transmission shifts precisely in all driving conditions. The new 6-speed manual transmission* utilises engine torque more effectively and delivers a smooth shifting feel. A 5-speed manual transmission is also available. *Available only with the 1.8-litre MR18 engine.

Qƒ£ŸG ≥«∏©àdG .í£°SC’G ∞∏àfl ≈∏Y kÉ«dÉãe kGAGOCG ∂ëæÁ Qƒ£e ≥«∏©J ΩɶæH Gó«J äOhR ó≤d Rõ©J ÚM ‘ áMGôdÉH kGQƒ©°T ꃪàŸG ºμëàdG äGP äÉeó°üdG äÉ°UÉe »Ø°†àa .äÉØ£©æŸG ≈∏Y äÉÑãdG IóJôŸG º¶æŸG Ωɪ°üdG äÉcÈfR

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Seat materials

Interior colour: Sand Beige (C)

(»°S) »∏eQ è«H :»∏NGódG ¿ƒ∏dG ácÉ«◊G /®¿hôHÉμdG ÚH èeój ó«éæJ ¢Tɪb Cabron®/fabric combination upholstery

(60 ∫EG) [PM] ∫óà©e …OÉeQ

(20»H ) [P] Oƒ°SCG

(4 …Gh ¬jEG) [M] ôªMCG

Amethyst Grey [PM] (L60)

Sapphire Black [P] (B20)

Red [M] (AY4)

(1 ¢ùcEG ƒ«c) [3P] ¢†«HCG

(1 ΩEG ƒ«c) ¢†«HCG

(ôØ°U …Gh »c) [M] »°†a

White [3P] (QX1)

White (QM1)

Silver [M] (KY0)


á«LQÉÿG πμ«¡dG ¿GƒdCG ó`` `YÉ`` ` `≤` `ª∏`G á`eÉ`` Nh

ƒμjôJ πãe ójƒ°S Suede-like tricot

(32 »c) [TM] ÅaGO »°†a Warm Silver [TM] (K32)

Ωƒ«fÉà«J Êó©e [TM] ,…DƒdDƒd Êó©e [PM] ,äÉ≤ÑW 3 …DƒdDƒd AÓW [3P] ,…DƒdDƒd [P] ,Êó©e [M] [M] Metallic, [P] Pearl, [3P] 3-coat Pearl, [PM] Pearl Metallic, [TM] Titanium Metallic 21


Features and specifications are subject to change depending on market requirements. Please consult your local dealer.

.∂H ¢UÉÿG »∏ÙG π«cƒdÉH ∫É°üJ’G AÉLôdG .¥ƒ°ùdG äÉÑ∏£àŸ É©ÑJ Ò«¨à∏d á°VôY ÉjGõŸGh äÉØ°UGƒŸG



…hój 6 ,»μ«JÉeƒJhCG 4

…hój 5 ,»μ«JÉeƒJhCG 4 4395 1695 1540 2600 1480/1485 163 1505 1530 1545 1550 1485 1510 1535 1540 1115 1140 1155 1160 1095 1115 1145 1150 5 5^3 52 15 QBG 65/185 Ωƒ«æŸCG á°UƒH15 ¿ó©e á°UƒH15 (VDA) Îd 467



LE, SE(1.8, 1.6)



Suede-like tricot

Interior colours

Sand Beige (C)

Sand Beige (C)

3º°S º∏e * (‘É°U) 127/5200 (‹ÉªLG) 135/5200 * (‘É°U) 107/6000 (‹ÉªLG) 118/6000 .O.O/¿É°üM * (‘É°U) 17^8/4800 (‹ÉªLG) 19^0/4800 * (‘É°U) 15^6/4400 (‹ÉªLG) 17^0/4400 .O.O/Ω-èc 9^8 9^9 OƒbƒdG ø≤ëH ÊhÎμdEG ºμ– ECCS 52 …hój 5 …hój 6 »μ«JÉeƒJhCG 4 »μ«JÉeƒJhCG 4 3^727 3^727 2^861 2^861 ∫hC’G 2^047 2^105 1^562 1^562 ÊÉãdG 1^392 1^451 1^000 1^000 ådÉãdG 1^029 1^171 0^697 0^697 ™HGôdG ¢ùeÉÿG – – 0^820 0^971 ¢SOÉ°ùdG – – – 0^811 2^310 3^545 2^310 »Ø∏ÿG 3^687 ÒNC’G ácô◊G πbÉf iƒà°ùe 4^072 4^066 4^072 3^933 IOÉ«≤dG á∏éY Ωɶf kÉ«dBG IRõ©e áYô°ù∏d á°SÉ°ùM IOÉ«b á∏éY ™e ¢SôJh °ùe ¿ƒ°SÒØcÉe ´ƒf »eÉeCG ≥«∏©àdG Ωɶf »FGƒàdG Ö«°†b ´ƒf »Ø∏N ÚàaOGÎe ÚàfGƒ£°SG ™e áLhOõe IQGóH á«aÉ°VEG íHÉμe ΩɶædG

(1^6 , 1^8) …EG ∫EG ¢Tɪb/¿hôHÉc »∏eQ è«H

Sapphire Black [P] (B20) Amethyst Grey [PM] (L60) Warm Silver [TM] (K32) Silver [M] (KY0) White (QM1) White [3P] (QX1)

õeôdG ´ƒædG á©°ùdG •ƒ°ûdG * ô£≤dG iƒ°ü≤dG Iƒ≤dG ≈°übC’G Ωõ©dG §¨°†dG ∫ó©e OƒbƒdG Ωɶf OƒbƒdG ¿GõN á©°S ´ƒædG


äÉfGƒ£°SG 4 ,Ωɪ°U16 IOôØe ájƒ∏Y áeÉc 1598 1797 78^0 * 83^6 84^0 * 81^1

¢SEG ƒμjÎdG πãe - ójƒ°S »∏eQ è«H

´ƒædG óYÉ≤ŸG ¢Tôa á«∏NGódG ¿GƒdC’G

¿GƒdC’G (4 …Gh …EG) [M] ôªMCG (20 »H) [P] Oƒ°SG ÒaÉ°S (60 ∫EG) [PM] ∫óà©e …OÉeQ (32 »c) [TM] ÅaGO »°†a (ôØ°U …Gh »c) [M] »°†a (1 ΩEG ƒ«c) ¢†«HCG (1 ¢ùcEG ƒ«c) [3P] ¢†«HCG

2600 4395

2600 4395

· :IóMƒdG Unit: mm

ácô◊G πbÉf ácô◊G πbÉf äÉjƒà°ùe

Gear ratios


Colours Red [M] (AY4)

Grade Seat Material


* The gross figures indicated above are measured for engine alone, whereas the net figures include the horsepower/torque of an engine with the muffler, radiator, and other components needed for actual operation on a vehicle. Hence, net figures are smaller than gross figures.

RGô£dG ∑ôÙG ácô◊G πbÉf º∏e ‹ÉªLE’G ∫ƒ£dG º∏e ‹ÉªLE’G ¢Vô©dG º∏e ‹ÉªLE’G ´ÉØJQ’G º∏e äÓé©dG IóYÉb º∏e »Ø∏N/»eÉeCG äGQÉWE’G ¢SGóe º∏e ¢VQC’G øY ≈fOC’G ´ÉØJQ’G èc …hój ‹ÉªLE’G áÑcôŸG ¿Rh èc ƒJhCG èc …hój áZQÉa áÑcôŸG ¿Rh èc ƒJhCG ¢üî°T óYÉ≤ŸG OóY ¿GQhódG ô£b ∞°üæd ≈fOC’G ó◊G Îe (áaÉë∏d áaÉ◊G øe) Îd OƒbƒdG ¿GõN á©°S QÉWE’G äÓé©dGh äGQÉWE’G äÓé©dG á©àeC’G ¥hóæ°U á©°S

᫵«fɵ«ŸG äÉØ°UGƒŸG

Mechanical features Code HR16DE MR18DE Type DOHC 16-valve, 4-cylinder, in-line Displacement cc 1,598 1,797 Bore x stroke mm 78.0 x 83.6 84.0 x 81.1 Max. power hp/rpm 118/6,000 (gross) 107/6,000 (net) * 135/5,200 (gross) 127/5,200 (net) * Max. torque kg-m/rpm 17.0/4,400 (gross) 15.6/4,400 (net) * 19.0/4,800 (gross) 17.8/4,800 (net) * Compression ratio 9.8 9.9 Fuel system ECCS, electronic fuel injection control Fuel tank capacity 52 6M/T 4A/T 4A/T 5M/T Type 1st 2.861 3.727 2.861 3.727 2nd 1.562 2.105 1.562 2.047 3rd 1.000 1.451 1.000 1.392 4th 0.697 1.171 0.697 1.029 5th 0.971 – – 0.820 6th 0.811 – – – Reverse 2.310 3.687 2.310 3.545 Final gear ratio (Hypoid final gear) 3.933 4.072 4.072 4.066 Steering Rack and pinion, power assist front Mcpherson type Suspension rear Torsion beam type Diagonal split dual circuit service brake system with tandem master cylinder Brakes front Disc rear Drum parking Hand



äÉ`` ` `Ø` ` °UGƒ`` ` ŸG

(1^6) …EG ¢SEG

á«°Uôb íHÉμe áfGƒ£°SG íHÉμe ájhój íHÉμe

á«eÉeCG á«Ø∏N ±ƒbh


ΩOÉ©dG ™e ∑ôëª∏d Ωõ©dG / á«fÉ°ü◊G Iƒ≤dG á«aÉ°üdG ΩÉbQC’G øª°†àJ ɪæ«H ,§≤a ∑ôÙG ¿Rh ¤EG √ÓYCG á«dɪLE’G ΩÉbQC’G Ò°ûJ * .á«dɪLE’G ΩÉbQC’G øe ô¨°UCG ¿ƒμJ á«aÉ°üdG ΩÉbQC’G ¿EÉa ∂dòd .ácôë∏d áÑcôŸG É¡LÉà– »àdG á«°SÉ°SC’G AGõLC’G á«≤Hh ójÈàdG ∂Ñ°Th

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. reserves the right to make any changes without notice concerning colours, equipment or specifications detailed in this brochure, or to discontinue individual models. The colours of vehicles delivered may differ slightly from those in this brochure. The specifications vary for different countries depending on local market conditions. Please consult your local dealer to ensure that the vehicle delivered accords with your expectations.

äGõ«¡éàdGh äGó©ŸGh ¿GƒdC’ÉH ≥∏©àj ɪ«a ∂dPh QÉ©°TEG ¿hóH äÓjó©J ájCG AGôLEG ‘ É¡≤ëH IOhóÙG QƒJƒe ¿É°ù«f ácô°T ßØà– ¿GƒdC’G øY kÓ«∏b á«≤«≤◊G äGQÉ«°ùdG ¿GƒdCG ∞∏àîJ ób .IOófi äGRGôW êÉàfEG ±É≤jEG ‘ hCG Ö«àμdG Gòg ‘ áë°VƒŸG äÉØ°UGƒŸG hCG »∏ÙG π«cƒdG hCG ´RƒŸG á©LGôe AÉLôdG .»∏ÙG ¥ƒ°ùdG ±hô¶d kÉ≤ÑW ôNB’ ó∏H øe äÉØ°UGƒŸG ∞∏àîJ .Ö«àμdG Gòg ‘ áæ«ÑŸG .∂JÉ©bƒJh ∂JÉÑ∏£àeh ∂JÉLÉ«àMG ™e ≥aGƒàJ áª∏°ùŸG IQÉ«°ùdG ¿CG øª°†J »μd


52 185/65R15 15-inch aluminium 15-inch steel 467L(VDA)

(1^8) …EG ¢SEG






SE (1.8) SE (1.6) LE MR18DE HR16DE 4A/T, 6M/T 4A/T, 5M/T 4,395 1,695 1,540 2,600 1,480/1,485 163 1,545 1,530 1,550 1,505 1,535 1,510 1,540 1,485 1,155 1,140 1,160 1,115 1,145 1,115 1,150 1,095 5 S


Grade Engine Transmission Overall length mm Overall width mm Overall height mm Wheelbase mm Tread front/rear mm Min. ground clearance mm kg A/T Gross vehicle weight kg M/T kg A/T Curb weight kg M/T Seating capacity persons Min. turning radius m (curb to curb) Fuel tank capacity L tyre tyres and wheels wheels Trunk capacity

á∏ª©à°ùŸG OGƒŸGh ¿GƒdC’G

Colours and Materials


AGOC’Gh á©°ùdGh ¿RƒdG ,OÉ©HC’G

Dimensions, weight and capacity,

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