Jan 2013 || M1.1 Project
Corporate light Project
By: Tijmen van Gurp & Ardjoen MangrĂŠ
Initiated by:
Open Light Institute TU/e Commissioned for: Coached By:
Rob Zimmermann
Introduction 2
Project Initiated by: Harm van Essen Coached by: Rob Zimmermann Carried out by: Tijmen van Gurp Ardjoen Mangré
Hello, We are Tijmen van Gurp and Ardjoen Mangré, two Industrial Design Master students from the TU/e. For 10 weeks we have worked on the project ‘Corporate Light’ in commission for Cofely
In commission for: Cofely In Co-operation with: BRUNS Client coach Cofely: Rob Kursten Director Cofely Region South: Jochem van Tilburg Project Manager BRUNS: René Jamers
his report that is laying before you is our proud creation of a half years work. We are happy that we had the opportunity to work for such an interesting project. We both learned a lot in this half year thanks to the guidance of our coach and thanks to the opportunities we got from Cofely. Regards,
Ardjoen Mangré Tijmen van Gurp
project description
what is cofely ? orientation
1st prototype
2nd Prototype
3rd Prototype
20 22
Goals & Values
Concept development Sensors
Integrating technology
theme day
concept description
34 36 38 48 49
interaction Form aspects Future implementation
PROJECT Description
Corporate Light Interactive Light installation Vision Experience
This project is about the design and realisation of an interactive light installation that welcomes visitors to the Cofely headquarters. Cofely is a large multinational in the field of professional building services. The light installation should communicate Cofely’s vision through an experience for the people who approach and enter the building. The visitors should be attracted to it and remember the experience. You will design the installation and play an important role in the realization of the installation that has to be done by the beginning of 2013, and stay in place for at least five years.
A few years ago Cofely GDF Suez introduced the slogan “far ahead in sustainable technology”. With this slogan as a starting point, Cofely supports its clients with innovative, state-of-the-art solutions in Energy Efficiency, Human Comfort and Asset Efficiency for industry, infrastructure and the building services market. Cofely thus makes a sustainable contribution to the more efficient use of resources, a comfortable and energy-saving indoor climate and an optimum use of high tech technical installations. As a part of their business development they constantly search for new technologies and solutions. Collaboration with the Intelligent Lighting Institute at the TU Eindhoven is an example of this. The challenge is to design an installation that firmly conveys Cofely’s vision. In the built environment, lighting solutions is one of the branches implemented by Cofely. Traditionally, functional lighting is an important part of human comfort in buildings. However, modern lighting sys-
tems offer a lot more opportunities, such as information sharing, increased user experience, flexible usage of spaces, and efficiency of installation. Control of and interaction with light plays a key role. The purpose of this project is to investigate what the light.time.space. move theme can do with corporate identities. The primary goal is not to deliver a turn key installation but to share common values in our way of working and deepen collaborations directed to future research. The light.time.space. move theme considers lighting in a broad perspective and recognizes the opportunities of space, materials, reflections, and dynamics. Our process is highly explorative and physical: moving, creating, making, testing and iterating to gradually find subtle solutions with the largest effect. In this project you design a new installation for Cofely, allowing Cofely to demonstrate how they combine state of the art technology with a thorough understanding of the people using their systems and to convince their clients of their expertise.
What is Cofely? 8
�Way ahead in sustainable technology�
Cofely is a worldwide technical service provider and was launched in March 2009 following to the merger of Elyo and Cofathec. In the space of one year, the brand was rolled out in 20 countries and now has nearly 35,000 employees in Europe, Canada, Thailand or Morocco. An environmental and energy efficiency services company, Cofely designs, implements and operates sustainable solutions that enable communities and businesses to use energies efficiently and reduce their environmental impact For several decades, Cofely has made a reputation of being a specialist in designing solutions dedicated to collectivities and companies in the implementation of their buildings, networks and the management of their energy
consumption and efficiency. Cofely is an expert in developing solutions in energy efficiency and facilities management services who adapts to their customers needs. Three contact persons at Cofely: Rob Kursten: Client coach, who monitored our progress and represented the client Cofely and their requirements and vision Anjet Mutsaers: Receptionist, who was a big help in getting information about the visitors of Cofely. Jochem van Tilburg: Director region south Netherlands, final responsibility realisation of the project for Cofely.
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„We started this project with an explorative orientation”
After having done the necessary research on Cofely the time came to get inspired. There has already been done a lot with light and interaction by different artists and designers. These projects give a nice image of what the possibilities are and what sort of atmosphere and feeling can be created with it. Videos of these projects were inspiring and got us in the theme and setting. From all these interesting and inspiring videos one inspirational mood board video was created. This video was used in the first meeting with the client to set a mood and show in what direction would be worked in. In this movie
Movement Kinetic objects Touch Moving pulses Atmosphere
many different types of interactions with light objects are shown, and they all have a unique effect on the environment, the installation itself or the person who interacts with the installation.
Corporate Image
Inspirational video Light & Interaction
s s ce
s o i s r P Analy
�We started this semester exploring different light installations and light effects. Analysing all the different movies made us more aware about what was possible with light� 13
Every video clip was analysed and categorized. These chunks of data made the start for different directions we chose. For example, one of the things we saw was a semitransparent cube with a moving light in it. The surprise effect and the mix in colours was beautiful to see. We imagined this cube to be at the entrance of the parking place and how people would react on it. This process continued over the different movies and gave a basis for a 3 layered interaction, with a beginning, middle and end.
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// Brainstorm
BRAINstorm BRAINSTORM // Brainstorm // brainstorm
1st Prototype
“Making & Synthesizing” Capacitive Sensing
”Exploring Light Effects”
The interaction with the rail is made possible via a series of self made capacitive sensors (made out of aluminium and copper tape) controlled by an MPR121 module and an arduino.
Construction The framework of the rail is constructed out of lasercutted MDF parts covered with a coloured opal light-transmitting plastic, which gives a much smoother effect than a transparent plastic. The lighting regulated by 13 high power leds controlled by an arduino.
The video gives a demonstration of the interaction with the first prototype of the rail. It demonstrates the multiple possibilities and shows its nice light effect.
2nd Prototype 18
Wondrous creatures offer inspiration for light project
The idea of the firefly floor comes from the guiding aspect of the creature. The led lights integrated in the floor mimic the behaviour of the firefly. A light appears on the path as visitor approaches and will swirl around and move faster as the visitor approaches. When the visitor is very near the firefly flies forward letting the visitor follow her, guiding him or her towards the entrance.
The prototype that was made represented this idea. It is a piece of floor with implemented led lights controlled by an arduino. The leds are programmed to swirl around randomly like a real firefly. The speed is controlled by a ultrasonic sensor, so when the visitor approaches the floor panel the lights will start to increase their speed.
The symbolic meaning of the firefly of course deals with light and illumination. This is important for this concept but the messages this creature gives us are equally important. The firefly is an ordinary looking creature when her light is off but it is a remarkable sight when she glows. This also counts for the concept, which looks just like an ordinary floor rail and entrance until the lights go on. The firefly primarily uses its light in mating ceremonies, and it is quite
Attraction Illumination Guidance Efficiency
elaborate an intricate. Light signals are precise and exactly timed in order to attract the right mate. Intriguing, elaborate and timed light effects are also in this concept used to attract and guide visitors. It is also very interesting that the firefly does not produce heat in order to create her light. In addition to using no heat to produce her light, which is very energy efficient. Like the concept tries to contribute with the energy efficient led illumination.
3rd Prototype 20
IR sensing The final prototype was not build with capacitive sensors anymore because they did not met the requirements for the realisation of the rail. Instead Sharp IR proximity sensors were used which were also able to detect through the opal material.
POLYCARBONATE COVER To cover the rail the choice for opal polycarbonate was made because this material is translucent, it doesn’t has the cold feeling of metal and it is very strong/impact resistant. It also diffuses the light so the light is equally divided over the length and creates a smooth effect.
Construction The framework of the rail is constructed out of lasercutted mdf, a heat bended PMMA (eventually it will have to be made out of polycarbonate) The lighting is regulated by a digital addressable led strip controlled by an arduino.
Integrating Technology 22
“Our process was focussed on creating the experience”
The first prototype we made was to test the light effect that we had in mind. This was realized with a series of high power leds controlled by an arduino, multiplexers, led controllers, and capacitive touch sensors.
In the second prototype we focussed on making the light effect in the ground. For this we used a series of high power leds connected to multiplexers and an arduino. An Ultrasonic sensor was used to detect if someone was near a tile of light.
This prototype enabled us to explore several interaction possibilities in real life.
After making this prototype we knew better how to create the light effect in the ground. Also the light qualities and “animation” of the light was clearer after this.
For the final prototype we decided to use a digital addressable RGB led strip. This led strip was easily to program with the arduino and enabled us to test the light effect through the railing with several colours.
Theme Day
The theme day was a moment for us to get feedback on our concept and on the progress of this project. Also the things to work on from then on were discussed on this day.
Interaction Technical Details Vision Brand image
One of the most mentioned comments was that we were being to technical in a early phase of the project and did not spend a lot of time on getting the right vision. Partially this was correct, the reason why we were already so technical , was because we already in an early stage had to know the technical and material qualifications to know if the concept was possible to realise. If we only had been spending time on the vision we would not have been able to convince the client of our concept. The prototypes and technical details were very important to enforce the story of the concept and made it feasible.
Concept sketch
At the phase in process where the concept was chosen and the concept had to be further developed, some expertise was necessary to work out a full functional and weatherproof installation. To be sure to develop such an installation, a professional company who has the expertise to produce this concept was called in. On advice of our coach the company Bruns BV Bergeijk was contacted. Bruns is a company which mainly furnishes museums, information centres, science centres etc. Next to this they also make presentation models / blowups. The company has advanced techniques to create products, whereby it can provide effective demonstrations. Bruns has the experience and capabilities to deliver a technical model of a very complex nature, or a prototype of large dimensions. They build and
Rail render
Location Bruns Property Produce special products with a high degree of difficulty. And important for this project was their experience in producing outside exhibits and light installations. Another important aspect was that Bruns is accustomed to working with designers and customers based on design-and-build work, focusing on adding specific knowledge and expertise in their specific field.
Bruns was contacted to set a meeting to see if Bruns could be of meaning in this project. At this meeting there was spoken with John Bootsman (Project Director) and RenĂŠ Jamers (Project Manag-
er). RenĂŠ was the person who was actively involved in this project and who was often contacted and met later on in the project. In the meeting there was spoken of the possibility of Bruns to realize the concept of the interactive light installation for Cofely. Therefore the concept was explained supported with the necessary visuals both pictures as videos. At this meeting there already came up some options to take a look at or answers were given on for example material choice questions. At the end of the meeting the agreement was made that Bruns would make an estimation of the price of the whole concept. This price tag was discussed with Cofely and formed a base for how to proceed with the project and how to develop and make adjustments to the concept.
Bruns is accustomed to working with designers and customers based on design-andbuild work, focussing on adding specific knowledge and expertise.
Exploration through capacitive and infrared sensors
In the process we looked into how we could sense the touch of a hand on the railing. There is a lot possible with capacitive sensing but the difficulty was that we had to sense over a distance otherwise the sensor would be visible. With capacitive sensing this is hard to manage, you would need to make your own custom circuit. The infrared proximity sensor from Sharp turned out to work perfect through the opal Plexiglas.
Goals & Values
Goals and Values The goal for us is to design an installation that demonstrates how Cofely combines state of the art technology with a thorough understanding of the people using their systems and convince their clients of their expertise. The installation should both be functional as well as reflective and communicate a more poetic message.
As a visitor visits Cofely he parks his car and wonders where he can find the entrance.
An interactive light rail to guide visitors to the entrance
The interaction in the installation should create a first bond between the clients and Cofely. Thereby the installation should represent the technological capabilities of Cofely.
� Annelux stays for Annecto and Lux which means connected through light. In the next chapter you can read what we have Designed , and how we envision how it works in the future �
How we want to do this we want to introduce through a small scenario of a client visiting Cofely.
As he walks to the entrance he thinks about the meeting he is about to have. He wants to give a good presentation and is curious to what Cofely can mean for him .
As the visitor walks towards the entrance, he suddenly sees the light effect and it surprises him how it reacts to him. For a moment he has forgotten all the worries and stress and he continues his road towards the entrance.
As he continuous his path to the entrance of Cofely, he relates the light effect to Cofely.
When he arrives at the entrance he is full of new ideas of how to present his ideas. He has a nice conversation starter where employees of cofely can relate to.
“You have now been introduced to what we want to achieve with the installation in the next part you will read about how the light installation will work. “
The concept
Connected Trough light The road towards the entrance can be experienced through 3 different layers.
We want to propose our concept called Annelux which means connected through light. Very early in the concept development we decided that we wanted an interaction existing out of 3 layers. The first layer exist out getting familiar with the fact that there is an light interaction that guides and invites you towards the entrance. The visitor gets attracted from the parking place towards the road of the entrance. In the second layer the visitor walks further towards the entrance en comes in the hot-spot. In this part the system is most reactive and playful, the visitor is the initiator of the interaction. The third layer is a warm welcome to enter the building giving new ideas and inspiration. The biggest excitement is gone and the visitor continues towards his meeting.
The client parks his car and looks where he needs to be. He looks curious to twinkling lights a few meters ahead of him. When he walks towards the lights, they move forward along a path. In his head he runs through the ideas he has for the meeting, while walking further his attention is caught by the lights on the floor that hide into a railing over a small pond.
Curious he walks closer and notices that the light becomes brighter. He smiles because he has a nice reference to his daring idea. When touching the railing the light becomes even brighter and with his movement pulses of light flow into the direction of the entrance inviting him to come further. For a moment he has forgotten all the worries and stress and he continues his road towards the entrance. The touch of the railing makes a connection with cofely, and his growing ideas flow towards Cofely.
When he is at the end of the pond the warm light above the entrance welcomes him to enter the building, to share his ideas with Cofely.
Possibilities of the 36
he interaction of the railing is one of the aspects that makes it unique. We see a lot of possibilities for how people can interact with the railing. The goal for us was to make not only a nice light effect but something more personal where people can relate to. We chose for a very intuitive interaction, one that you will participate in even if you only walk by. But the interaction should have more layers than that, what will happen when I touch it? Or when I will touch it with someone else? What will happen if 2 people pass each other? These layers make it surprising and intriguing to interact with it.
For example when 2 people meat each other from 2 different directions, the both get a colour assigned which will mingle when they pass each other. With this we want to make a connection between the visitors, a quick smile or a look in each others eye would be a great result. When you walk towards the railing the lights from the ground move up into the railing and continue to move up until you walk besides the railing. The light than continuous to follow you. If you don’t touch
it we want the railing to invite you to touch it. We want to do this by a slow breathing light that moves with you but with its own life. When you touch it becomes bright and a pulse of light shoots away towards the entrance. More interaction possibilities should be tried out at the scene itself when the people are trying to interact with it in different ways.
“We chose for a very intuitive interaction, one that you will participate in even if you only walk by”
Form Aspects The light installation fits within its green environment. The aesthetic properties of the object and the light itself will influence how the user will experience the road towards the entrance. The installation fits the context without distracting from its green environment. We want to provide an immersive experience that engages people into the interaction without imposing them into the interaction. The physical form follows the existing perceptual experience and makes this even bigger. The form evokes an interaction, as the shape fits in the ergonomic standards, and is curved towards the parking place. This means that you already see the railing while walking towards the entrance.
�We want to provide an immersive experience that engages people into the interaction without imposing them into the interaction.�
„The tiles in the ground is the first subtle indication that there is an interaction. The visitors excitement and curiosity is getting higher. After they are guided towards the railing we think that the visitor is expecting an interaction there as well.� The first part of the interaction is created with high power leds hidden between the tiles. Even in bright sunlight this should be seen. While walking over the parking place the first square of led lights light up when the motion detector sees you. While coming closer towards these lights the next detector will see you and the lights will move towards the next tile. Through this interaction you are guided intuitively towards the path over the small pond. Under the railing will be the last tile, here the light will flow from the ground into the railing.
�After the lights in the ground move into the railing the biggest interaction will take place. The railing will react on people passing by through the use of ultrasonic sensors and it will react on people touching the railing through a series of infrared proximity sensor.�
The railing is going to be made out of opal Polycarbonate, this thermoplastic material can easily been bend towards the shape we want. Depending on the budget the shape can be more or less organic. Important in the shape is that it can be seen from the parking, that is why we let it curve towards the ground. All the electronics within the railing should be with a IP certificate of 65 or higher, to guarantee that it will survive the dutch weather conditions for several years. The DMX controllers, and micro controllers will be placed inside the building, so that it can be easily maintained and to guarantee durability. The railing is connecting the 3 different parts in the interaction, from the ground to the ceiling.
Form study of the rail, the more organic shape is preferred, although this might be impossible within the available budget
�The colours in the illustrations are indicative. The colours blue and green work good in the environment. We believe that the colours in the light must be subtile though good visible. The red spectrum must be avoided as this colour has negative associations in relation to energy consumption. „ In the final part of the interaction we want to put the visitor in the spotlight. The light from the railing will flow towards the ceiling and enlighten the path towards the entrance. The already existing lights in the ceiling can be replaced with brighter lights that can be seen from over a distance. Its colour should be the same as the railing so that it will fit in the storyline. When someone walks the same route back the light effects will work the light effects work the same only in reverse order.
Future To deliver the final product there are some steps that need to be taken
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In the time we head we noticed that is was not realistic to deliver a fully working product therefore we looked for a company that could realize the future steps that have to be taken.
02.Expertise of Bruns
Bruns has the expertise of interactive installations with lights also for the outdoor environment. This gave us the confidence that they can realise a product that will last for multiple years.
03. Components
The basic idea for the technology and components is finished, but there is a lot that still needs to be developed further. The right shape, the waterproof sensor, and how tho program the interaction.
04. Our input
Now that our semester is finished we still want to be involved. We believe that our expertise can be used to realize the final product. This can be in design choices and realisation of the software & hardware.
Co-operation Bruns and Cofely
When all the parts are finished and ready for implementation we see an opportunity for Cofely and Bruns to work together. There is some overlapping expertise but roughly you could say that Cofely is more skilled installation technique, Bruns at the other end is good in the development of these kind of products. Dividing the expertise will be good to work as efficient as possible, in the end this can lower the costs if implementing the installation. If this co-operation is a success we think it can be good for both Cofely and Bruns for future business opportunities. Cofely can with cooperation with bruns supply also more creative products.
Rob Zimmermann Rob Kursten Jochem van Tilburg Harm van Essen Anjet Mutsaers
Students: Ardjoen MangrĂŠ Tijmen van Gurp M1.1
We want to thank everybody who has made this project possible, who has helped us developing ourselves as designers or helped us in any other way. Our special thanks go out to: