Report Adaptive and Informative Skin: Weather and leaves

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Weather and leaves

Report Adaptive and Informative Skin Student: Tijmen van Gurp Bachlor 2.2 Project S081936 Coach: Ronald van Tienhoven

Department Of Industrial Design Eindhoven University of Technology January 2011

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Foreword This Report will tell you more about my concept. Last half year I worked on a prototype which could show the weather qualities inside by movement of leaves. In this report you can read how the idea was born and how the product was developed.

Before the rest of this report begins I first want to thank a few people. My coach Ronald van Tienhoven for his guidance and support during this semester, Joris van Gelder for giving extra feedback when needed, Geert from the e-lab who was always there for the support of electronics, Edwin Meijne and Robin for their help in programming, Ton Kroes for his input as an artist, and last but not least Sophie Brenny who helped me checking the rapport.

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Table of Contents Foreword ................................................................................................................................................. 3 Introduction into the project Adaptive & informative skin..................................................................... 8 What is Next Nature? .......................................................................................................................... 8 What is an Adaptive and informative skin?......................................................................................... 8 2 ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 Examples project for Adaptive & Informative Skin ............................................................................... 10 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 12 3 ............................................................................................................................................................. 13 First exploration .................................................................................................................................... 13 Biomimicry......................................................................................................................................... 13 4 ............................................................................................................................................................. 15 Idea Generations ................................................................................................................................... 15 Approach ........................................................................................................................................... 15 Explorations ....................................................................................................................................... 15 Brainstorm about possible skins ....................................................................................................... 16 My time in the Hospital as inspiration. ............................................................................................. 18 Personal Ideas ................................................................................................................................... 18 3 Ideas for Interim exhibition ............................................................................................................ 19 Weather......................................................................................................................................... 19 Piano .............................................................................................................................................. 23 Iteration 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 23 Sleeping ................................................................................................................................................. 27 5 ............................................................................................................................................................. 30 The Concept........................................................................................................................................... 30 Motivation for the project................................................................................................................. 31 Concept ................................................................................................................................................. 31 Context of concept ............................................................................................................................ 31 Process and decision making............................................................................................................. 32 6 ............................................................................................................................................................. 33 Exploration ............................................................................................................................................ 33 Conclusions........................................................................................................................................ 39 Page | 4

7 ............................................................................................................................................................. 40 Prototype............................................................................................................................................... 40 Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 40 Form: ................................................................................................................................................. 40 Small User exploration ...................................................................................................................... 42 Function ............................................................................................................................................. 46 Interaction: ........................................................................................................................................ 46 Weather......................................................................................................................................... 46 People ............................................................................................................................................ 46 Movement ......................................................................................................................................... 47 8 ............................................................................................................................................................. 48 Technology ............................................................................................................................................ 48 Choice of actuator: ............................................................................................................................ 48 Servo motors ..................................................................................................................................... 48 Air flows ............................................................................................................................................. 48 Electromagnets.................................................................................................................................. 48 Development controlling electronics ................................................................................................ 51 Building process for the coils............................................................................................................. 55 Prize per unit: .................................................................................................................................... 55 Programming: .................................................................................................................................... 57 9 ............................................................................................................................................................. 59 User test ................................................................................................................................................ 59 Research question ............................................................................................................................. 59 Description of the method ................................................................................................................ 59 Test Group ......................................................................................................................................... 59 Test situation ..................................................................................................................................... 60 Execution plan ................................................................................................................................... 60 Conclusions and recommendations .................................................................................................. 60 10 ........................................................................................................................................................... 61 Conclusion and discussion ..................................................................................................................... 61 11 ........................................................................................................................................................... 63 Reflection .............................................................................................................................................. 63 Goals .................................................................................................................................................. 63 Ideas and concepts ............................................................................................................................ 63 Page | 5

Integrating technology: ..................................................................................................................... 63 Form and senses:............................................................................................................................... 63 Descriptive and mathematical modeling .......................................................................................... 64 User focus and perspective ............................................................................................................... 64 References ............................................................................................................................................. 65 Bibliography........................................................................................................................................... 65 Used Pictures ..................................................................................................................................... 66 Appendix................................................................................................................................................ 67 A......................................................................................................................................................... 67 B. ........................................................................................................................................................ 68 C. ........................................................................................................................................................ 70

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1 Introduction into the project Adaptive & informative skin The project Adaptive and informative skin is about creating an intelligent and transformable skin. This report describes the research steps taken toward finding a new sort of skin within the theme Next nature. Before I start with writing about my process I would first like to tell you what I think Next Nature is and what this project is about.

What is Next Nature? I would first like to tell about Koert van Mensvoort who is in my opinion responsible with cooperation of other coaches, for the projects within this theme. He is also an author and instigator of the pheromone Next Nature. To explain what next nature is it is a good idea to visit because this site says it all: "Today the human impact on our planet can hardly be underestimated. Climate change, population explosion, genetic manipulation, digital networks, plastics islands floating in the oceans. Untouched old nature is almost nowhere to be found. “We were here�, is written all over." (Koert van Mensvoort, 2010) This project gives students the opportunity to create a next nature with in mind the old pure nature as we know it. We are changing everything around us and aspects of the old nature are disappearing. Children know more brands and logos than names of trees. The population of humans is still increasing and we use so many resources that we are seeing the end of some of them. Earlier the information given by the living things around us was important to survive but now a day's we have to earn enough money working, to survive. We change the nature around us but what if you see the products we create as nature? What if products around us start to behave like the nature around us? That’s the question we have to answer within the Adaptive and informative skin project.

What is an Adaptive and informative skin? In the beginning of this project an example was given for a skin, which was a Banana. A banana gives you a lot of information during its ripping process. In the first state it is green and you know that it doesn't taste nice. Some people prefer the fifth banana that is ripe but has small green points at the end. The structure of that banana is still a bit hard but definitely eatable. The 6th banana is just ripe but it structure is still hard in comparison to the 7th banana who getting soft en really sweet, wait a bit longer and we all know how a banana looks like. It doesn't only tells you something about the inside of the banana but we Page | 8

all know that putting a banana in bag where its gets squeezed is not a good an idea. Laying a green banana in the sun on the other hand is a good idea. So in short, a skin gives you information about the inside but also reacts on the outside. It tells a story about the interaction between 2 different worlds.

Figure 1 Banana Ripening Chart (Kader, 2005)

What if a product would have the aspects of the skin like the banana above? That's the question which I wanted to answer this half semester.

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2 Examples project for Adaptive & Informative Skin I started this project by looking at existing products to understand the opportunities there where for product creation on my part. This hard disk shows its content on its skin and aside from a nice decoration it also has a function. The other side of this skin would be the computer. By putting new information inside the hard disk its outside wil change. What I like about this concept is its simplicity, it looks like a normal product which divides our self-made nature but turns it in next nature through its adaptation.

Figuur 2 Ivy hard disk cover evolves with your data (Irene Joris)

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Another product, which is also information decoration, is an agenda on the wall which changes during the week. It is an abstract object and only tells you a how busy you are on certain moments of the day. I think the nice thing about this concept is that tells you something because you know the meaning behind it while it looks like just a nice decorative wall for someone else.

Figuur 3 Agenda Wallpaper (Pieters)

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The last product which I want to show is a headphone which you can see in this picture.

Figuur 4 Squamata headset dances with the Music (Japenga)

Listening to music is personal and closes you of from the world outside. But what if it shows your personality and music taste? It would have the opposite effect and make people curious about what you are listening to. I think this is a beautiful skin because it clearly shows the bridge between 2 worlds but it is not a direct translation. The person who listens to the music will understand the reaction of the skin but someone who sees this skin can only guess what she is listening too. When comparing it to the agenda, it is clear what it shows.

Conclusion An adaptive and informative skin can show information in a totally new and surprising way. It gives a product extra value through the adaptation from its inside and outside. I think that by adding these adaptations the product almost feels like a living organism itself.

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3 First exploration Biomimicry Diving into next nature I learned how much we can get out of nature as it creates things on a beautiful and intelligent manner. For example Velcro brand fasteners which is a direct translation of what burrs do when they klit in hairs of animals to plant themself somewhere else.

Figuur 5 (ideas right from nature, 2008)

Figuur 6 VelcroÂŽ being pulled apart (Anderson, 2005)

In the beginning of this project I looked into Biomimicry, this is the name for the examination of nature’s models, systems, processes and elements with the goal to mimic its way of addressing certain problems to solve human problems. As humans we tend to forget that nature has already solved all kinds of things which we encounter today. Nature knows already how to build things, to optimize packing space, to make water proof things. It even has the knowledge heat up and cools down a structure. The only difference is that nature solves its problems in such a way that it makes it possible to live for billions of years. We humans on the other hand produce a lot of waste when we solve a problem. One thing what we have to do is minimize the amount of material we use to create things. Nature only uses 5 polymers to make almost everything. We humans on the other hand use approximately 350 polymers to create an enormous amount of waste. (Benyus, 2009) My question out of this research was how can a skin have intelligence from nature? This was the start for my exploration into an adaptive and informative skin. Page | 13

I think we spend our time on a day as efficient as possible, during the gaps we have left, we want to relax and enjoy. When I am tired and come home I sit behind the computer. When I want to know something I Google it, when I want to speak to someone i get my phone out of my pocket. The next nature we are creating misses the subtle intelligence nature gives us. We adapt more information unconsciously then we know, but all the information available has changed from a continue overall spectrum to a specific and absolute spectrum. For example earlier in my youth I would turn on the radio to hear what the weather would be like, if they predicted rain I would get my raincoat just to be certain. While being outside I would watch the clouds and the change in light. Later the radio turned into the news on the television, and from that into the weather forecast on the computer and now I simply watch my mobile phone with a weather radar application. I think technology can certainly help us but now I also consider information should be given more intuitively and on a continuous way like nature does.

Figuur 7 Time spent in Primary Activities 2006 (thedymaxionchronofile, 2010)

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4 Idea Generations Approach My work was very much focused at making things and trying things out. I started with looking into different skins, and from thereon a lot of iterations of new Ideas. Every time there was an idea generation session and a transformation in the ideas as my understanding about the project grew over time. Ideas where generated in group sessions with other students and the transformations in my idea took place most of the time after talking to my coach Ronald van Tienhoven or Joris van Gelder.

Explorations I started the project with looking into different kinds of skins on the internet. In the next pictures I found certain aspects of a skin. But only pictures were not enough, i also explored some qualities of leaves in the garden. Thereby I noticed some other aspects, like smell, structure, texture and sound.

Figuur 8 Collage Skins, by Tijmen van Gurp 2010

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A skin is never just one color a skin has some kind of texture A skin is something you have to feel just pictures is not enough. Skins tell you information about the inside A skin can have a certain attraction to touch Some plants start to smell when you touch them

These are some pictures that I mad in my parent’s garden during this half year.

Brainstorm about possible skins In the first brainstorms during this project, I started to come up with possible skins. As starting point I used products that already exist and what kind of information they could give through their skin. The goal was to achieve a lot of ideas and come in a more creative state. The products that I choose for inspiration where products in the environment I was sitting in. I want to show a small part of the Ideas I had.

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What if your t shirt would show if you have goosebumps? When it is really cold outside your t-shirt would adapt itself to your skin, and when it is really warm it would maybe sweat.

Figuur 10

Figuur 9

What if your floor would react to dust on the floor? Then you would know when to vacuem. Maybe you hear a loud sneeze from the carpet when you should really clean.

Figuur 11

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There were more ideas but I did not have a really good feeling about these ideas. The feedback I got from others was too look closer to myself and what I want to achieve within the project. Where do I have attachments to?

My time in the Hospital as inspiration. In the beginning of the project I was hospitalized for 3 nights. Later in the project I noticed that most the Ideas I choose have had some kind of an input from these days in the hospital. That’s why I see this not as lost time but as very valuable. Laying Figuur 12 Infusion Figuur 13 Drips in infusion chamber down on a bed not being able to watch television because it is too exhausting was a situation where the only possibility was staring to moving things in my surrounding which are not too exhausting or sleeping. A simple thing like a little bubble of air in the drip chamber of an infusion kept me satisfied for hours or how the weather was changing outside. The characteristic of for choosing something moving is something which i gained from these days.

Personal Ideas Thinking what I wanted to achieve was a difficult question. I started writing things down and started brainstorming in a scenario based manner. I started with things I liked or where personal and I created a situation around it with an adaptive and informative skin. Most of these ideas where still based on problems, and problem solving.

Because it where quit a few idea’s I point them out shortly.

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1. A wall which shows information about your loved ones, where are they? change in shape or colors when they are in different situation 2. Windows who tells you what kind of weather it is going to be outside. Now I would check on the internet what the weather will do if it is raining but is it not possible that my window shows me a gimps of the future? 3. The site eetlijst works really well for student houses, what if a skin could show who wants to eat tonight? And who is cooking? 4. Why am i still tired when i have to get up? Is my sleeping rhythm not good? What if a skin could help me with a good sleeping rhythm? 5. A skin that shows the estimate cost of a product per year. I think a lot of products cost us more on energy than we know, seeing how much something cost for a longer timespan would help getting aware of our energy consumption. 6. A skin that helps me with a healthy working rhythm, it would work in such a way that it suggest on a calm way that i need to take a break and rehydrate. 7. I love to play piano but the expression sticks by sound, what if the skin from the piano would adapt while playing? 8. A skin on your wallet who tells you how much virtual and normal money you have. This was the basis for the rest of my project, I picked some ideas from whom I thought had potential and worked them out further.

3 Ideas for Interim exhibition After discussing the valuable aspects of my ideas I shoes for ideas which are closest related to me. Weather

I got fascinated by the change of weather. It helped me get through the day in the hospital and was nice to see the sunset and sunrise. I asked myself how I experienced the weather during a normal working day. Normally I would wake up and turn on my IPod touch and see the weather application from my bed. When in the university siting in my chair and sometimes watch the weather changing outside. I experienced 2 different worlds, the real weather outside, and the weather provided by technology. There are things that are not clearly visible when looking outside, such as temperature and the possibility of rain, and of course this counts also the other way around.

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Figuur 14 Collage wind by Tijmen van Gurp

Iteration 1

A light strip changes in color through the change in temperature. I tried this out with a Philips living color lamp and a temperature sensor connected to my arduino. As the temperature got higher, the temperature tones would be warmer. Iteration 2

The solution was too simple and only focused on temperature, and not on the weather as a whole. The inspiration for the next idea came from the sound leaves make when wind is blowing through them. I wanted to create the effect of the wind blowing through the leaves. I build a prototype for this. The qualities of the motion from this prototype gave me new insights as to how I could go further with this project. The qualities of moving leaves was a more direct translation of what I wanted to show and because of that it was closer to the project.

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Making this prototype taught me once again that making things gives insight into things you would otherwise not have thought of.

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Figuur 15 Interim poster weather idea

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Playing the piano has always given me a nice feeling. I think this is because you can create something beautiful instantly. I wanted to make this experience richer by giving the piano a skin that would react on how you play the piano. I think that technology and music instruments can really work together what can make music a more interesting field.

Figuur 16 collage Piano by Tijmen van Gurp

Iteration 1

The initial idea I had was to put lights in the piano and let them change color while playing. These colors would be related to what some people have while hearing sounds. This is called synesthesia. Everybody has some sort of form of synesthesia, because we know what it means when we speak about a warm or a bright tones. Synesthetics can hear colors, see sound or smell numbers.

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Figuur 17 Three centuries of Color scales (Collopy, 2004)

Research shows that there can be found similarities in which tones give a certain color. I think it would be nice if we all can experience Synesthesia a bit more than we do now. Technique I want to make this possible through the connection of a keyboard with a Midi output to a MAX MSP who sends it to a series of RGB leds, or another output.

Iteration 2

While looking into synesthesia I also read about phonesthesia, this is the ability to connect certain sounds from words to certain forms. To which figure belongs Takate, and to which Maluma?

Figuur 18 Phonesthesia (Kรถhler's, 1927)

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This is something everybody around me could guess right immediately because Takate has edges in the sound, and Maluma sounds round. This is also something that you can have while playing an instrument like the piano. Only there you call it staccato and legato.

Figuur 20 les demoiselles d´avignon

Figuur 19 Georgia OKeefe

Even in art you can see the difference between staccato and legato. I thought that if you could recognize round legato and staccato sounds on the piano I had to create something which translated in a certain movement. This movement had to show these properties.

This prototype can move from hard edged circle like shape to a round shape depending on how you play the piano. Iteration 3

After a discussion with Joris van Gelder I decided that this prototype was not a good representation of an adaptive and informative skin. The product is a representation of what the piano feels. It was a good idea put one step too far and it would be better if the skin Page | 25

would react to a more direct cause. I thought of it this way: "what kind of skin will the piano have if it was an adaptive and informative skin?� This discussion made me choose to present my initial idea at the interim exhibition.

Figuur 21 Poster piano idea

I had filled in the light effect out of the piano by hand instead of photoshopping it and then printing it. That is why you can’t see the light effect now.

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Sleeping It amazes me every time when I hear that we are a sleep for almost one third of our lives. But although a good night of sleep is important my sleeping rhythm is not always a healthy one. Initially I wanted to make people aware of how they slept, and if they had enough sleep. I wanted to do this because a lot of people have sleeping troubles having a good sleeping rhythm might help. I also wanted to show how people have slept during the night because it is something you are not 100% aware of.

Figuur 22 collage sleeping idea by Tijmen van Gurp

Iteration 1

I started with the exploration of how to read out information from my iPod touch. I could use the accelerometer as input to measure how I sleep during the night. This worked well with MAX MSP but I had to leave my computer on the whole night to get data out of my iPod touch. It took too much time to program it in such a way that could get useful information out of my iPod touch.

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Iteration 2

I worked on a visual representation of how it would look like if would transform the data of how i sleep to a physical object. I made curtains that would open in your lightest sleep and show you how you slept.

Iteration 3

This was again a representation of the information, and not the direct cause of what actual happens. That's why I transformed my idea to a bed that would change in shape and would adapt itself as if it were alive. Imagine yourself working and your bed makes itself comfortable so that you want to go to bed. If you than won't go it would get tired and fall asleep, and thereby hang in a position wherein you can see that the bed is really tired. When laying on the bed the bed would adapt itself you your position like a water bed does. In the morning it would wake up with you and set you in a more active position so that you wake up more easily.

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Figuur 23 Poster sleeping idea

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5 The Concept

The final concept I have now exist out of a plate which is the size of A1 with 32 tin plates attached to it that can all move separately. I made 32 plates because that was how many leaves I could make with the electronics available. Each leaf moves by a system of coils and magnets connected to it. Thirty-two leds behind the tin plates provide a light effect on the floor when the leaves are moving. My final prototype can show how the weather is outside through the movement of each separate plate of steal. The movement of the plates gave me the opportunity to mimic nature's weather patterns. . Ideally I’d want that my leaves shouldn’t make enough noise to distract, but definitely to attract attention. The leaves should hang in an office like environment where people work for a longer time. I want that after a certain time they see the connection between my object and the weather outside. Ideally they would recognize the weather outside continuously so that they are more aware of the elements and the old nature outside.

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The weather was the starting position and inspiration material but I see the value now also in the interaction possible between people and the product. There are endless possibilities of how it would react to people and the environment. This gives me the feeling that it would not be good if this product was only for weather. The value is that people are surprised what they see and easily come with other ideas.

Motivation for the project I am always been interested in designing things for a better sustainable world. This project was within the theme Next nature which has a focus on the environment. My project is not a project where I had to create an everyday object what made it difficult to make my product sustainable. The close relation to nature was a motivation to choose this project. I also had as goal to make working prototype and this project gave me all the freedom to do so.

Concept Context of concept The goal of my concept is to show people who are at work weather aspects through movement and sound. I think that it would be good to place my concept near a working area, preferably in a hallway where people walk by but not so far away that you can’t see the movement and hear the sound from you would be working. The target group for this product would be the working class who work in bigger cities. With bigger city's I mean city's Page | 31

with more culture than nature. This is not a fixed target group as I see my product still in the exploration face. It would need more validating and developing to see what the effects of this product would be.

Process and decision making After the interim I choose to go further with the concept of the leaves because the feedback on that was the most promising. This was because people liked the aesthetics of the movement within this object, and because it was easy to see how it would be in the future. People said that they were curious how it would look like if they had a big wall full of these leaves. The plan was to make such a wall which had a lot of leaves who could all move separately so that I can program any kind of movement through it. I want to be able to make patterns because I hope that people can recognize movements mimicked out of nature such as a wind flow through a branch or rain dropping on water. Through the design process I began with a direct translation of leaves. I explored several forms of leaves existing in our nature and I made a few in the size that wanted. I didn't like the direct translation of leaves and made a transformation in the design process towards squared metal leaves. The reason for that is that I learned that the movement from the leaves was the key in expressing the nature’s qualities and not the leaves themself. Another reason is that I made a translation of the weather outside to the weather "inside". This meant for me that the product should look modern and something that fits in a modern office space of today. The product should tell its story during the day over several days. I think that if it looked like a real branch with leaves, the movement opportunities are less than when it covers a whole surface. People will also immediately recognize that it is something from nature brought inside. That is something I want but the most important thing is that I want is to give people a translation of the element weather through movement. Something that I don't want to happen is that people think they understand the meaning behind the object and that they misjudge and don´t look further.

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6 Exploration When I found out what I wanted to achieve with my leaves I explored what there already was on the market similar to what I am making for inspiration and to know if i was going in the right direction. This artwork and architectural structure is called "Landschap aan de Dalzone" and was built in 2010, it is an ode to the first impressionistic painters school in Oosterbeek, The Netherlands. The painters from this school in Oosterbeek where known for their use of bright colors and a lot of difference in color nuances. Their painters played with light and dark and where often closely linked to nature.

Figuur 24 Collage by Tijmen van Gurp

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Symbol for their design was the artwork "Landschap bij de Oortberg" from Johannes Bilders a Dutch painter from 1890.

Figuur 26 achterkant Hema in Oosterbeek

Figuur 25 Landschap bij de Oortberg Johannes Bilders 1890

I think you can really see the translation from old nature to Next in this artwork. One thing which was a valuable lesson from this, is that not only the difference in level plays a roll but the addition of color in my prototype could give it a valuable extra dimension.

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Figuur 27 Shortcut London (Bruges, Shortcut, 2010)

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The artwork responds to the different speeds, rhythms and concentration of people in the alley, and a flowing pattern of light is built up in the passageway which reflects the recent movement. Jason Bruges

I like this concept very much because it shows patterns of light in reaction to how people walk. It translates the patterns of how people walk. I think when this is possible it is also possible to make patterns related to the weather.

Figuur 28 Mimosa (Bruges,, 2010)

Mimosa is an interactive artwork displaying behavior that mimics responsive plant systems. The piece was inspired by the Mimosa family of plants, which change kinetically to suit their environmental conditions. This concept shows really well what I want to achieve with my concept. These leaves interact when you move your hand over them. Its inspiration is from a plant in nature which is again a very good translation for Next Nature.

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Figuur 29 Mimosa (sensitive plants) before and after a stimulus (htt1)

Figuur 30 Flow 5.0 (Roosegaarde)

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Flow 5.0 is an interactive landscape made out of hundreds of ventilators who react on your sound and motion. By walking and interacting the visitor creates an illustrative landscape of transparencies and artificial wind. Our most recent version of 10 meters creates a mind blowing environment. Moving through Flow 5.0 the visitor becomes conscious of himself as a collective body, in a dynamic relation with space and technology.

This object is from Daan Roosengaarde, I think this product fits well in my vision for bringing the weather inside. I like this product because it is made from something typical out of our own culture, computer fans. I also like the direct translation of wind in this object what makes it a good example of what I want to achieve with my concept.

Another object from Daan Roosegaarde is number 7 in his series of interactive landscapes, it is called Lotus 7.0. This 'Lotus 7.0' is a living wall made out of smart foils which fold open in response to human behavior. Walking by 'Lotus 7.0', hundreds of aluminium foils unfold themselves in an organic way; generating transparent voids between private and public space. Here physical walls become immaterial, through a poetic morphing of space and people.

I like this concept because it has integrated several aspects such as movement, light as well as the open and closed movement in space all in one product. The interaction is due to this rich experience of something that surprises me and keeps me curious about how it works and what it does for a longer period than the concept with fans.

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Conclusions Most of these concepts came towards me while working on my concept. People who saw what I was working on suggested, to look into certain artworks and concepts. It was satisfying to see how there were a lot of similarities between these concepts in dynamic and aesthetic qualities. Looking these up these pieces of art during the process helped me to keep believing in what I was making and guided me through the process.

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7 Prototype Introduction In this part of my report you can read about how my prototype was developed. I will first tell you about Form function, interaction and movement. After these aspects I will explain about the development of the technology which made it all work in the end.

Form: I started my research for my concept with searching for a form of my leaves. Because my initial prototype had the shape of a real leave I chose to go further in that direction. To Search for the form I did a small exploration on the internet. After spending too much time on searching for forms of leaves I decided to go outside and get some real nature inside and I used the leaves from outside to get inspired. Something which I should have done much earlier in the process.

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Because I wanted to make a lot of leaves I decided to choose a material that could be lasercutted into its form. Therefor I chose for mat acryprop a material which is semi translucent. I liked this material in combination with light. I imagined a wall full of leaves which could change from colors through the seasons in all tints of green towards the warm spectrum in autumn and the blue grey spectrum in the winter. It was more difficult than i thought to make these leaves and I decided to first focus on making the movement work. For this chose tin plates. Why I choses for these plates I already explained in the introduction. The most important aspect was its aesthetic shiny quality and the unified look instead of a the diffused look when the leaves would leave gaps. The tin plates are a first step towards what is possible with this concept and creates a promising effect when moving with the light. In the future I see this product also work with other materials which give an even richer experience than these.

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Small User exploration Although I didn’t make the choice for using the shape of real leaves I still want to share the outcome of a small user exploration I did.

I was searching for what kind of representation people would like in the shape of a leave and the grouping from leaves on a branch. Therefor I used the form studies which I had done earlier and showed these to ID students.

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From the total of 17 people who I asked the most found leave number 8 the nicest.

Leaves Leaves 33

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10 4









For the branches the difference was less than for the leaves, branches number 3 and 5 shared 2nd place but branch number 7 was clearly the winner.

Branches Branches 23 18


14 10 7


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Function The leaves show through their movements the quality of weather. Different opportunities for movement are possible.

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I can change the intensity wherein the leaves move by changing the current I can change the intervals wherein a certain movement appears In the future I would be able to put the leaves in different position, now the coils heat up too much All different kinds of patterns are possible because every leaf is programmable.

The movement of the tin plates have different effects,

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When you see yourself you see yourself broken in different pieces which becomes stronger when the leaves move the reflection of the light on the leaves has the effect of the reflection you get from water This water effect is also happening on the floor because the leds are shining on the back of the leaves while they are moving. Every plate makes a different sound when a pin hits it on the back, this makes that this object also gives a mood through the sound.

Interaction: Because a skin has two different sides this product would have two different interactions. One side is the weather outside (rain, wind, light etc.) the other weather is the weather inside (people) who interact through movement. I will describe how I see the interaction for both of them. Weather

The leaves have different patterns and sounds when it is sunny, raining, windy, drizzling, or if there is a storm. Validating for this part of the concept still has to be done in a user test. Now I can say from the combined experience from myself and others who have seen my prototype that the interaction possibilities to simulate different weather effects. People

People can create "wind" by walking by the leaves. The leafs then will react on this by going up and following you in a wave. Other possibilities are that the leaves follow the rhythm of your footsteps, or that they react on the light/shadow you are creating. I decided to test the wave first because this had the most similarities with the overlapping concepts out of my research.

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Movement Because movement is part of my concept it is important to know what kind of movement can be made. There is a difference in movement when you look to one leave or all the leaves. On leave moves suddenly up and depending on how long the current is going through the coil it falls back again. Multiple leaves can form patters and thereby a continuous movement. This movement can have several qualities depending on the program.

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8 Technology Choice of actuator: When I figured out that i wanted to move all the leaves separately I needed an actuator which was not too expensive and could be easily attached to a leaf. In the following text you will find out about all the possibilities I explored.

Servo motors Although you have servo motors in all different sizes and they are not too expensive I don't like the sound they make when they are moving. If you have one object making this sound it is not so disturbing but with 32 this would be too loud and distract from the movement.

Air flows An air pump which blows air divided over all the leaves. I would have to design something like a control system to open en close tubes. The nice aspect of this is that this is close to nature, and the leaves would move by the element that normally moves them. I didn't choose to do this because regulating the pressure over different leaves would be difficult. I did not want the leaves to not move when multiple ports where open. I also did not want them to move to much if fewer ports where open.

Electromagnets When searching for an actuator that does not make sound I thought of electromagnetic forces. I started with making an electromagnet myself with the idea that when I would put another magnet in front of the electromagnet, they could repel each other. This didn't work because the magnet was also attracted to the steel inside the coil, this force was bigger than the force of pushing force of the self-made electromagnet. Then I came up the idea to put the magnet inside the coil instead of making an electromagnet, this turned out to work really well. The coil itself did not put up a really high electromagnetic field because when I just had the iron inside I could lift a scissor bot not more. The electromagnetic force of the magnet was big enough to get a total force that is big enough to move the leaves.

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Figuur 31 Solenoid (, 2005)

After discussing my findings with someone from the E-lab I found out that this kind of actuator actually already exist. This kind of actuator is called a solenoid. These are actuators that work in the same principle only than the magnet moves back with a spring.

Figuur 32 Solenoid with spring (, 2005)

I considered buying these things but the cheapest versions I could find where above the 3 euro each. Multiplied with 30 this would be too expensive that is why I decided to make every solenoid myself.

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Development controlling electronics I ordered a kilometer of copper wire, a set of strong magnets and started searching how I could let the leaves move. I first thought that I would need the 2 directional movement of a solenoid which is also possible using an H-bridge a component used to let a motor turn 2 sides. I made this work but it was too much wiring on a breadboard per coil to make the production time efficient. Using H-bridges also meant that i needed twice as much digital ports on my arduino.

Figuur 33 H-Bridge Steppe motor (Igoe T. )

That’s why I decided to connect my self-made solenoids a bit tilted so that when there is no current going through I would fall back automatically because of the gravitation. This meant that I only needed to be able to put every single coil on or off which is very good option with a multiplexer. A multiplexer is a component that makes it possible for me to expand the available digital out ports on my arduino. A multiplexer uses a binary number to select one of its outputs.

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Figuur 34 Shiftout circuit (Igoe C. M., 2006)

I started making this on a breadboard and made it work with leds before i started connecting the coils. Because the coils needed more power than my arduino can provide I had to place a transistor between every coil. In the beginning I chose for 1A transistors but some of the coils I made used more than 1A that´s why I changed them to 4A transistors just to be sure. Another aspect of coils is that when you stop putting current through the coil there is still energy on the coil. It de-energized in the other direction, this is a very short high pulls of voltage which can blow up your micro-controller. That is why I had to put a safety diode over the coil. Page | 52

Normally when electricity goes from + to - it cannot shortcut the coil because the Diode is in “sper direction�. But when the coil is de-energizing it can pass the diode.

Figuur 35 Breadboard overview 2 shift registers (Igoe C. M., 2006)

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Building process for the coils Because I developed the coils myself I shortly want to tell you how I made them. The coils exist of several components. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

one tube to wind the coil over one magnet one tube where the magnet fits in 2 rings which keep the copper wire on its place. one wooden pin that keeps the magnet in the right position when it falls back

I first made the tubes and rings for the coil, after that I wound up every coil with a drill. When that was done I would connect the wires to be able connect it to the breadboard. Then the only thing left to do was glue all the wooden pins and magnets in place. And of course attaching everything to the board.

Prize per unit: One unit exist of        

1/8 of an 74HC595 (10 € cent) 1 resistor (15 cents) 1 transistor (80 cents) 1 diode (0,08 cents) 1 * coper for coil (+- 1 Euro) material for coil(20 € cents) tin plate (20€ cents) led ( 80 €cents)

This gives a total of 3,35 € each. Which is a total cost prize around the 100 euro for 32 leaves. Of course this prize can be lower if it would be built in a larger scale and a more intelligent circuit.

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Programming: To explain how I programmed every coil I want to explain one simple program I made for the leaves. // I first declare the variables needed for the different pins I use on my arduino. //Pin connected to ST_CP of 74HC595 int latchPin = 8; //Pin connected to SH_CP of 74HC595 int clockPin = 12; ////Pin connected to DS of 74HC595 int dataPin = 11; // Than in the setup I set these pins in their output state so that I can send data to them. void setup(){ pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop(){ // in a for loop I let him create a series of numbers, 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128, these numbers are the numbers which i have to send to the shift register so that he knows which pin has to be high. for (int i = 1; i < 256; i= i *2) { //I create a function with 4 different variables because I have connected 4 shift registers (4*8 =32 leaves) to my arduino. The data saved in I is send to void shiftout. shiftout(0,0,0,i); } // I repeat this for every shift register. for (int i = 1; i < 256; i= i *2) { shiftout(0,0,i,0); } for (int i = 1; i < 256; i= i *2) { shiftout(0,i,0,0); } for (int i = 1; i < 256; i= i *2) { shiftout(i,0,0,0); Page | 57


} void shiftout(int number1, int number2, int number3, int number4){ digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW); // take the latchPin low so // the LEDs don't change while you're sending in bits: // the clockpin gets a different value each time the loop stops by the shift out function shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, number1); shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, number2); shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, number3); shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, number4); digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH); // putting it on high again will show the new number again. delay(100); // the delay is to change the speed wherein the leaves move after each other. }

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9 User test Because I didn't manage to do the user test with the actual product I have not proven outcomes yet on this question. The focus for me was initially to make a working prototype which I want to use as a test object to find results. I will take the feedback from the exhibition about my concept with me and write a conclusion for my showcase. I know that good research is important to prove your concept. I hope that I can include research more in my future design processes. I still wanted to make this usertest set up to repeat the knowledge learned during previous assignments. I made my final prototype with the Idea that I could test if people could recognize certain wheater espects out of nature. To be more specific I formulated a research Question.

Research question “Can people who work in closed working environment associate the dynamic qualities of moving metal leaves with different weather aspects such as sound and movements from wind and rain?”   

The dynamic qualities are the sounds, lights and movement created by the program that runs these leaves. Closed environment as in inside and no wheater influences from outside visible. The weather aspects can relate to winds speed, sounds, and patterns which I think are recognizable from nature.

Description of the method I want to start with examining 10 different wheater qualities and explore them in dynamic qualities. The qualities are the basis for the program I am going to write which will show these qualities as good as possible in my prototype. Then I want to test if they can recognize these 10 different wheater qualities in the patterns.

Test Group

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My initial test group will be industrial design students to make sure the test I want to do works. Later I want to do a test with the working class who has experienced all the technology from the last 40 years from the start. This group will be between the 25 and the 40 years old.

Test situation Preferably I want to test this object in a working environment which is known for these people. My prototype should be hanging on the wall as I want it in the end. They will be filmed and sound recorded for research purposes only.

Execution plan First I set up the test room putting everything in place and that I can start the usertest immediately. After the formalities, cookies, and an explanation why I want to record them I will start the test.

The test group will all have the freedom to see all the different movements first. I will give them all the same introduction asking them to speak aloud what they feel when they see in the movements. I do not want people to feel like they are being tested that’s why I first keep it open. After they have had the freedom to tell their feelings about the movements they can choose out of 10 given names for the qualities. I want to record them so that I can see both the prototype moving and the expressions on their face. In this way analyzing the results can give me information even when they do not respond much. Afterwards I want to have a moment for feedback, about how the felt during the test and what kind of ideas and opportunities they see in my prototype.

Conclusions and recommendations From the test I want to write some conclusions and recommendations for the future. For the prototype and possible recommendations for future user tests.

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10 Conclusion and discussion

During this project a prototype has been developed that can mimic weathers aspects into an abstract form. Although the reason for the prototype was to mimic natures element weather it has a lot more opportunities for the future than the vision it provokes now. I see the opportunities in enriching the experience even more by making it even bigger than it is now. I think that the biggest value of my prototype is that it surprises people and it can have another meaning for everybody who sees it. The comparison to the weather can be found when you know this product for a longer period of time but when you would see it for the first time it only gives people questions. Because of the movement which can change continuously the product attracts to watch it. The program for the leaves should therefore be a surprising program that shows new elements over time. In my exploration to future possibilities I also searched for other materials with better qualities than the tin that I use now.

Page | 61[material_uid]=1674&cHash=b6151ffb3a This is what the manufacturer says about it: This light composite and colorful material from Alucobond consists out of two aluminium cover sheets and a plastic core, the versatile material has lots of applications in industry and transportation. It has been developed as a rigid and, at the same time, flexible composite material. The material is extremely weatherproof, impact-resistant, is break-proof, and it offers vibration-damping. This material would be nice in my prototype because the quality of different colors on the material over different angles makes that the movement would create a color change. In the examples they give they compare their product with nature what makes it even nicer if I could replace it with the tin plates. I build this prototype with the intention that it would be even on a larger scale than it is now. I was thinking about a wall about 5 meters long and 2 meters high full with leaves which can all move independently. Then the effect of a wave which follows you while walking next to it would be even nicer. Also the range in intensity in the movement would be bigger. When just 3 leaves at the time move from the 500 hundred this would be more at ease than when 3 leaves of the 32 move at one time. I think that when I would go on with this project I would definitely try to do more with the light effect than it already has. Projecting a beamer on the leaves would give me the opportunity to show the actual the weather outside better than only with movement. Also the leds behind the leaves should be RGB leds so that the mood of the wall can change over time, for example during the seasons. Next to opportunities within my vision and the project I saw also other opportunities which could be interesting. I think that programming for such an object is much more fun than for the Admoveo. There is just too much possible. Because of this aspect it would be a great object to share with the rest of Industrial design, and as the gigantic light screen next to the station of Eindhoven it become something wherefore every week a new designer can make a new pattern. Attaching different sensors to it is really easy and gives a lot of fun. I think that it could be used for assignments as creative programming to program something that directly comes alive. Because there are so many leaves which can all move separately you can also see them as pixels which can show whatever you want. Words, letters, faces the time and so on. This is something what I don´t want with this object because it would make it a too direct tool for communication. In the end of the building process I talked with a sculptor Ton Kroes about the aspects of my prototype and the future possibilities. While talking with him we explored future possibilities and thereby also different movement aspects out of nature. He told me to look further into the Fibonacci sequence because you can see that so good in Nature. When I would develop this concept further I would certainly implement something from the Fibonacci sequence in my code. We also talked about different interaction possibilities one of them was that the leaves could follow the rhythm of footsteps, this is also an idea which I like very much. I am curious what will happen when it could react on several footsteps. Page | 62

11 Reflection Goals In the beginning of the year I started making my learning goals and one of the things I wanted to develop was the skill to make my own working prototype with a focus in integrating technology. Earlier projects I always worked on visuals and the design and research processes but I did not have the feeling that I gained depth into electronics and programming yet. I learned through the assignment abstract thinking for design that a fast method to come further in the design process is making things. I wanted to try out this approach and make various objects through the design process.

Ideas and concepts This semester was the first semester that I had to generate Ideas on myself which was very difficult in the beginning. The thing that I learned is that I had to go in discussion with myself and constantly ask further why. Also keeping the ideas close to your personal live makes them more valuable and better to motivate. Even though I didn´t always knew exactly why I wanted to make something I learned that trusting my feelings was good and that every prototype and exploration I made was a valuable one. For me personal the design process through making things works better than through exploration in literature.

Integrating technology: I started immediately with integrating technology in the beginning of this year because it was one of the aspects I really wanted to develop further dis semester. I created a Philips Living Color who changed from color in relation to the change in temperature. I Learned how to program for RGB led strips. I connected my IPod touch to the computer but overall I learned the most from making my final prototype. I made my own components, redesigned an existing shift register circuit and learned to program for this. Sometimes I was stuck in this process but I learned that asking for help is always possible within Industrial Design. I learned the most in the last part of the design process where I could program for my final prototype. Programming was first something for me that I found boring but through the process it almost became an addiction and because of that it was difficult to start with this rapport.

Form and senses: This semester I developed this competency in my search to what kind of leaf I wanted to use. In the beginning I wanted directly to make the leave but I learned that first gather as much materials as possible would have been a better strategy. During the process I looked for Page | 63

different opportunities to make my prototype look even nicer. The addition of light is I think a nice addition to the already existing qualities. In the end of the process I talked to an artist who knew more from materials than I did. I think that it was better when I had dared too look him up earlier. It was not that I didn´t thought of it but more that I thought my concept was not far enough developed to gain feedback.

Descriptive and mathematical modeling I think I touched this competency within the things I have done within programming for the leaves. But there are a lot more opportunities for me if I would develop this concept further and for example implement the Fibonacci sequence. Most things I learned by trial and error within the mechanics this doesn´t mean that I didn´t learned from it but I know that I am capable of gaining more depth into the theory when I would make a better time planning. Calculating exactly how much wire I would need for a coil is something which I see as an opportunity to develop this competency in the future further.

User focus and perspective My focus this project was not so much on the User as I would like to have. I think that this competency is because of that not so much developed the past semester. I validated my ideas and concepts in the people I saw on the university. I think that because I was very active the last weeks I received a lot of comments and questions about what I was making. This helped for me to understand what I wanted to achieve with my concept, and the positive reactions on the prototype helped me to motivate and go on with the project. I think the most important work for a user test is the setup for a usertest that is why I still made this. In future iteration of this product user involvement should certainly be bigger but because it was still very conceptual and a not finished concept for the biggest part of the year doing a usertest would have been something to just do in order to reach a higher level in this competency.

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References Bibliography (sd). Opgehaald van (2005). Opgehaald van ideas right from nature. (2008). Opgehaald van thedymaxionchronofile. (2010, september). Opgehaald van Anderson, T. E. (2005).'s/artsyscience. Opgehaald van Benyus, J. (2009, augustes). Biomimicry in action. Opgehaald van Bruges, J. (2010). Opgehaald van medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+todayandtomorrow_net+(today+and+tomorrow)&ut m_content=Google+Reader Bruges, J. (2010). Shortcut. Opgehaald van Collopy, F. (2004). strange medical conditions. Opgehaald van Igoe, C. M. (2006). Opgehaald van Igoe, T. (sd). Opgehaald van Irene Joris, L. d. (sd). ivy- hard disk cover evolves with your data. Opgehaald van Japenga, J. (sd). squamata-headset-dances-with-the-music. Opgehaald van Kader, A. A. (2005). Opgehaald van ml Koert van Mensvoort, H.-J. G. (2010). Opgehaald van Kรถhler's, W. (1927). messa di voca. Opgehaald van Page | 65

Pieters, J. (sd). Agenda wallpaper. Opgehaald van Roosegaarde, D. (sd). Opgehaald van

Used Pictures Figure 1 Banana Ripening Chart (Kader, 2005) ....................................................................................... 9 Figuur 2 Ivy hard disk cover evolves with your data (Irene Joris) ......................................................... 10 Figuur 3 Agenda Wallpaper (Pieters) .................................................................................................... 11 Figuur 4 Squamata headset dances with the Music (Japenga) ............................................................. 12 Figuur 5 (ideas right from nature, 2008) Figuur 6 Velcro® being pulled apart (Anderson, 2005) .. 13 Figuur 7 Time spent in Primary Activities 2006 (thedymaxionchronofile, 2010) .................................. 14 Figuur 8 Collage Skins, by Tijmen van Gurp 2010 ................................................................................. 15 Figuur 9 .................................................................................................................................................. 17 Figuur 10 ................................................................................................................................................ 17 Figuur 11 ................................................................................................................................................ 17 Figuur 12 Infusion .................................................................................................................................. 18 Figuur 13 Drips in infusion chamber ..................................................................................................... 18 Figuur 14 Collage wind by Tijmen van Gurp .......................................................................................... 20 Figuur 15 Interim poster weather idea ................................................................................................. 22 Figuur 16 collage Piano by Tijmen van Gurp ......................................................................................... 23 Figuur 17 Three centuries of Color scales (Collopy, 2004) .................................................................... 24 Figuur 18 Phonesthesia (Köhler's, 1927) ............................................................................................... 24 Figuur 19 Georgia OKeefe ..................................................................................................................... 25 Figuur 20 les demoiselles d´avignon ..................................................................................................... 25 Figuur 21 Poster piano idea................................................................................................................... 26 Figuur 22 collage sleeping idea by Tijmen van Gurp ............................................................................. 27 Figuur 23 Poster sleeping idea .............................................................................................................. 29 Figuur 24 Collage by Tijmen van Gurp................................................................................................... 33 Figuur 25 Landschap bij de Oortberg Johannes Bilders 1890 ............................................................... 34 Figuur 26 achterkant Hema in Oosterbeek ........................................................................................... 34 Figuur 27 Shortcut London (Bruges, Shortcut, 2010) ............................................................................ 35 Figuur 28 Mimosa (Bruges,, 2010) ................................................................... 36 Figuur 29 Mimosa (sensitive plants) before and after a stimulus (htt1)............................................... 37 Figuur 30 Flow 5.0 (Roosegaarde) ........................................................................................................ 37 Figuur 31 Solenoid (, 2005) .................................................................................. 50 Figuur 32 Solenoid with spring (, 2005) ............................................................... 50 Figuur 33 H-Bridge Steppe motor (Igoe T. ) .......................................................................................... 51 Figuur 34 Shiftout circuit (Igoe C. M., 2006) ......................................................................................... 52 Figuur 35 Breadboard overview 2 shift registers (Igoe C. M., 2006)..................................................... 53

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Appendix A. Initial project description given by TU/e General information Brief Description In old nature the appearance of product is often highly informative on its functioning. Take for instance of a banana: you can buy a banana when it is still green, and it is already possible to eat it. But when you wait for the banana to turn yellow, before eating it, its taste will be completely different. You can choose the proper moment of eating yourself, when you like the taste of the banana best. The visual appearance of the banana is more than ‘just a skin’. It is actually meaningful and provides you with information on how the banana will taste. In this project we will transfer this principle to product design – think e.g. of the casing of cellphones that colors with the calling behavior, a wallpaper that shows your agenda, a remote control that camouflages its buttons that are rarely used, or a mobile harddisk that changes its appearance depending on the data it carries. Objectives / Specifics Explore the design space for products that communicate through an adaptive and informative skin. Generate ideas and scenarios. Develop a prototype. An information decoration project. (project objectives; learning goals) Main learning goals for the student are in the domain of 'ideas and concepts', 'form and senses' and 'integrating technology'. Deliverables Interim deliverable: - Four to six well worked out concepts (including a scenario's on its use + a description on the technological feasability). - For each concept a professional advertisement is created that markets the product (look for inspiration in lifestyle tech magazines). Final Deliverable: - A working prototype of the final design (this can be a convincing wizzard of oz solution) - A visual report of the design-research process.

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B. code//Pin connected to ST_CP of 74HC595 int latchPin = 8; //Pin connected to SH_CP of 74HC595 int clockPin = 12; ////Pin connected to DS of 74HC595 int dataPin = 11;

int sensorPin1 = A1; int sensorValue1 = 0; int sensorPin2 = A0; int sensorValue2 = 0; int sensor1 =0; int sensor2 =0; int count = 0; int vertraging = 5; void setup(){ pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop(){ sensorValue1 = analogRead(sensorPin1); sensorValue2 = analogRead(sensorPin2); if (sensorValue1==0){ if (sensor2 == 1){ sensor1 = 2; } if(sensor1 != 2){ sensor1=1; count = 0; } } if (sensorValue2==0){ if(sensor1 == 1){ sensor2=2; } if(sensor2 != 2){ sensor2=1; count = 0; } } Page | 68

if (count > vertraging){ sensor1 = 0; sensor2 = 0; } if (sensor1==2){ for (int i = 1; i < 256; i= i *2) { // take the latchPin low so // the LEDs don't change while you're sending in bits: shiftout(i,i,i,i); } sensor1 = 0; sensor2 = 0; count = 0; }

if(sensor2==2){ for (int i = 256; i > 0; i= i /2) { // take the latchPin low so // the LEDs don't change while you're sending in bits: shiftout(i,i,i,i); } sensor1 = 0; sensor2 = 0; count = 0; } shiftout(0,0,0,0); count = count ++; //delay(10); } void shiftout(int number1, int number2, int number3, int number4){ digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW); shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, number1); shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, number2); shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, number3); shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, number4); digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH); delay(count + 50); }

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