Joint International Doctoral (Ph.D) degree in Law, Science and Technology
INTRODUCTION E-discovery - the discovery and production of electronically stored information (ESI) sought by an opposing party during litigation for the purpose of evidence to support a legal argument, is an important area that poses difficulties for lawyers, litigants and the entire court all alike. Discovering and producing required document(s) among huge volume of data created and stored electronically in various formats, in repositories is a big challenge which needs to be addressed. Poor recall and precision of production documents can have adverse effect on litigations. We aim to develop a system to address these issues with the overall goal of improving recall of responsive documents while also maintaining a high degree of precision.
PROBLEM STATEMENT The problem statements have been formulated in the following research questions as follow: ! How can we improve recall with a single query irrespective of the terminologies used? ! How can we produce accurate query result while avoiding several queries by users in the name of relevance feedback? ! How do we produce a scalable system to handle several documents usually involved in E-discovery. ! How we handle the heterogeneous nature of document formats within the document collection for appropriate classification?
User Interface Query
WSD System Query expansion
Indexing &Search System
RESEARCH AIM & OBJECTIVES The aim of this research to develop a scalable E-discovery tool that will achieve the following objectives: ! I ncrease the recall of responsive documents ! R e t r i e v e r e s p o n s i v e d o c u m e n t s irrespective of the format ! Captures the semantic of the user query and retrieve accordingly without relevance feedback
Document Collection
Responsive Documents
Figure 1: Illustration of the E-dicovery System
! Development of a technique for word sense disambiguation of query based on semantic relationship among query terms using a knowledgebased approach. ! Query expansion using the result of word sense disambiguation for constructing term dictionary for indexing and classification. ! Development of a independent document-format platform for reading and indexing documents of varying formats. ! D ocument classification using vector space classification. This involves a lot of processes which includes document-term dictionary development, indexing, dictionary compression etc
It is believed that this a p p ro a c h w i l l g r e a t l y enhance the ultimate goal of recall in during Ediscovery task as most classical challenges have been identified for solution
ENIAFE FESTUS AYETIRAN Doctoral candidate of Joint International Doctorate in Law, Science and Technology Contact details: e-mail.: Phone: +34651599932