Brochure Research Masters Humanities

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Research Master’s programmes of Humanities Master of Arts with an MPhil supplement: • Language and Communication • Philosophy • Theology

Research Master’s programmes 2011/2012


Table of Contents

Why Tilburg University, School of Humanities 03

Our profile and mission statement

School of Humanities

Research Master’s Programmes at a Glance


Tilburg University is an inspiring university offering a stimulating and

Tilburg University is located in the Southern part of the Netherlands,

Research Master in Language and Communication


challenging environment for students, staff, and alumni.

one and half hour from Amsterdam. Tilburg is a warm and young city

Research Master in Philosophy


Research Master in Theology


The university highly values authenticity, academic freedom, and

Prospective Researchers


continuous development. In its top-quality education and research

Career Opportunities


programmes in the disciplines of the social sciences and the humanities,

Tilburg School of Humanities is one of the leading academic bodies

Admissions and Application


the university is committed to addressing quality issues in society at

within the university and is responsible for a promising teaching

Contact Us


national and international levels. It does so by training people for

programme. The programmes offered by Tilburg School of Humanities

positions of responsibility in society and by contributing to socially

are accredited by the NVAO (in Dutch: Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatie-

sustainable solutions.

organisatie). NVAO, which is established by an international treaty,

Why Tilburg University

for ambitious students who would like to combine their studies with a pleasant social life.

independently ensures the quality of higher education in the Netherlands Tilburg University draws on a rich tradition which nourishes reflection

and Flanders by assessing and accrediting programmes, and contributes

and which also encourages the academic community’s awareness of its

to enhancing this quality.

philosophy of life in relation to academic disciplines.

Tilburg University in a nutshell

We offer • Reliable service

• Located in Tilburg

• Responsive environment

• Founded in 1927

• Supportive staff

• Best specialist university in the Netherlands

• Modern facilities

• With 12,000 students

• Excellent research institutions

• International students from 65 countries

• Highly qualified (academic) staff...and more!

• 233 full professors • 1,500 Master’s degrees each year • 85 PhD degrees each year • 1,940 scientific publications each year


For more information on the latest rankings and accreditations of Tilburg University, please visit our website:


Research Master’s Programmes at a Glance

Research Master in Language and Communication


Research Master’s programme in:

The Research Master’s programme in Language and Communication

Communication in face-to-face and multi-modal interactions at work is

• Language and Communication

is a two-year course of study offered jointly by Tilburg University and

a central theme. Other topics include understanding ways in which the

• Philosophy

Radboud University Nijmegen. Both universities combine leading-edge

use of language shapes institutional, cross-cultural, and international

• Theology

research with excellent education. This programme, with its strong

interaction. The current partnership between the Faculties of Arts at



emphasis on empirical study, is unique in the Netherlands.

Tilburg and Nijmegen intensifies fifteen years of collaboration in the

Start The end of January or the end of August

Dr. Reinhard Muskens

starts only at the end of August each year!)


Two years

The programme covers the numerous ways in which written and spoken

research carried out in Tilburg and Nijmegen, is open to all graduates

Course Load

120 ECTS

“One of the good things about philosophy is its diversity.

language is used – for example, to persuade, to inform, and to exchange

– from universities inside or outside the Netherlands– with a relevant


Master of Arts (MA) with an MPhil

I like to be surrounded by intelligent people who disagree

ideas. Because communication and the use of language are so tightly

BA or one-year MA.

interwoven, we take an integrated approach. For example, when other, non-verbal cues are taken into account, understanding spoken language

The programme focuses on the following areas:

Lecturer at Tilburg University


about almost everything among themselves and who

Tuition fee

€ 1672 per year (EEA)

question my dearest assumptions”

€ 2550 per year (NON-EEA)

Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (MPI) and the Baby Research Centre. This Research Master’s programme, which relies heavily on

is made easier. Such cues may include facial expressions and eye contact.

• Communication

* The tuition fees for 2011-2012 should be confirmed yet!

The interrelationships between language and communication have been

• Linguistics

** A two-year grant is available for EU students!

further illuminated by developments in information and communication

• Information Technology

Your personal contact Mr. Omid Feyli

technology. These have opened up exciting new areas of research,

• Language and Speech Technology

providing insight, for example, into ways in which information from

• Psycholinguistics

both linguistic and non-linguistic sources can be integrated in multi-

• Sociolinguistics

modal messages.

• Linguistic Anthropology

(International Relations Office)

Websites: w

Prof. dr. Paul Post Director of the Institute for Liturgical and Ritual Studies

“Religion is seen by great scholars - and not only scholars

What makes this programme special?

• Language Acquisition

What is the main difference between this two-year full-time programme

You take a few obligatory classes covering the foundations of and the

and Master’s programmes at other universities in the Netherlands?

links between these fields, as well as a range of elective classes at either

Firstly, the fact that we use empirical research techniques to focus on

university that go deeper into aspects of your chosen areas of interest.

language as it is actually used. And, secondly, there is the way we

Gradually, more and more of your time will be spent participating in

explore language and communication as an integrated whole.

actual research projects, reflecting the strong emphasis on empirical

in religion studies and theology - as ‘the royal road into

research. You come in as a student and you leave as a junior researcher.

Prof. dr. Emiel Krahmer

culture’. Studying religion gives you the opportunity to

The total study load is 120 ECTS-credits.

Lecturer at Tilburg University

reach deeply into society and culture.”

“From formal models to empirical discover” 04

Centre for Language Studies (CLS), which is closely linked to the Max

The empirical study of the human capacity for communication

(Please note: Language and Communication

For more detailed information please visit our website:


Research Master in Philosophy

Research Master in Theology

The Research Master’s programme in Philosophy is a two-year

Excellent research

In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that religion is a very


programme that covers a wide range of subjects in philosophy.

Research in philosophy at Tilburg University attracts world-wide attention.

important factor in the interplay between people and the development

The Research Master’s programme in Theology allows you to specialize

Our overall aim is to provide you with the skills and insight needed to

In theoretical philosophy, the Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of

of humanity in general, both individually as well as socially. A thorough

in one of the acknowledged subfields of Religious Studies and Theology:

do independent intellectual work in philosophy at a postgraduate level.

Science (TiLPS) is home to extensive collaboration between logicians,

study of religion, taking into account, all its specific manifestations and

Biblical Studies, Systematic and Ethical Studies, Liturgical and Ritual

Some of our students want to acquire these skills and insights as

philosophers of science, epistemologists, and philosophers of language.

practices, qualities and dimensions, is of paramount importance to our

Studies, and studies of Religious diversity.

preparation for a PhD track, some plan to use them in another area

And in practical philosophy there is a similarly strong cooperation

present-day society.

of intellectual enterprise, and some are just curious and want to know

between ethicists and social, political and legal philosophers. There are

what postgraduate studies in philosophy are like. But all are invited

frequent guest lectures by renowned speakers from all over the world,

The Research Master’s programme offers variety and excellence in all

Specific Courses

to participate in a lively research environment in which students are

all of which are open to students. We stimulate an intellectually open

areas of religious studies and theology, with an emphasis not only on

Major course 1 + 2 (15 ECTS)

encouraged to interact with some of the best minds in the field.

atmosphere and we not only study the many interconnections between

Christian and Jewish traditions but also on other, non-western religious

Minor course 1 + 2 (15 ECTS)

philosophical topics but also engage in interdisciplinary research, in

traditions, those of Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism in particular, and

Elective course/Skills (7.5 ECTS)

which philosophical points of view are combined with insights from

non-institutional forms of religiosity and spirituality.

The art of thinking The difference between our Research Master’s programme in

economics, legal theory, psychology, sociology, anthropology, linguistics

Philosophy and other programmes is that it emphasizes skills. You will

or computer science.

receive a solid, thorough training in the art of thinking: clear reasoning, critical analysis, deciphering complex subjects, and techniques such as


conveying your thoughts accurately. As a Master’s graduate you will

The programme, which takes two years, is structured as follows:

be able to make a valuable contribution to the intellectual debate on philosophy, both amongst colleagues and in wider social circles.

Spectrum of specialisations

First year • Methods of Philosophical Research (18 ECTS)

First year

General Courses (required for all Research Master’s students)

Thanks to cooperation with specialised centres of research, such as the

Classical Texts in Theology (7.5 ECTS)

Institute for Liturgical and Ritual Studies, the National Liturgy Studies

Methodological Skills (7.5 ECTS)

Research Programmae, the Centre for Intercultural Ethics, Babylon

Philosophy of Science (7.5 ECTS)

Centre for Studies of the Multicultural Society, the centre for Patristic Research, and the Thomas Institute, the programme offers expertise

Second year

in an impressive range of different areas of theological and religious

Specific Courses


Major course 3 + 4 (15 ECTS)

• Training in academic writing and presentation skills (6 ECTS)

Elective course/Skills (7.5 ECTS)

Tilburg’s Research Master’s programme in Philosophy is a joint venture

• One seminar in your area of specialisation (9 ECTS)

Key-words are: in-depth academic knowledge of the research fields of

with the Faculty of Philosophy at Radboud University Nijmegen.

• Two seminars of your choice (18 ECTS)

Religious Studies and Theology, acquiring research skills, preparation

General Courses (required for all Research Master’s students)

Together, we offer the widest selection of philosophy specialisations

• A research paper (9 ECTS)

for the PhD track and active participation in a wide range of research.

Master’s Colloquium (4.5 ECTS)

in Europe. You can choose between expert supervision in continental, analytical and historical approaches to philosophy in a wide range of

Second year

research areas.

• Three seminars in your area of specialisation (27 ECTS)

Participation in Research Seminars (3 ECTS) Research Master’s Thesis (30 ECTS)

• Training in academic skills (3 ECTS) • Research Master’s Thesis (30 ECTS)


For more detailed information please visit our website:

For more detailed information please visit our website:


Prospective Researchers Career Opportunities

Admissions and Application

Tilburg University has a strong position in research development.

The primary goal of these programmes is academic training, which

Admissions requirements

Application and selection procedure

The university is involved in different partnerships and joint ventures

makes it ideal for those wishing to embark of research career, for

Before applying, check that you meet the following requirements:

All applicants must go through an application and selection procedure

with other universities and research institutes all over the world.

example by pursuing a PhD track. But it also caters for the growing

• You have a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in a relevant discipline with

before joining the programme. This procedure ensures all students’

The continuous exchange of knowledge and ideas in these networks

demand from the public and private sectors for people with academic

a grade point average of 7.5 (out of 10, Dutch grading system!) and

makes it possible to create excellent educational programmes in research.

insights and research skills. Many graduates will join research groups in

a minimal score of 8 on the Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis.

the public or private sectors. These may address a wide range of topics

• Sufficient talent, affinity and motivation with respect to doing

The Research Master’s programmes in Language and Communication,

such as advanced internet, enhancing professional communication,

Philosophy and Theology are taught by scholars with an established

politics and administration, journalism and education in an internatio-

reputation in research. Therefore these programmes are offered to a

nal context.

selected group of excellent and talented students with a strong interest in research.

scientific research, as demonstrated in the Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis (or a comparable essay), or in a dedicated research proposal

backgrounds, profiles and ambitions meet our requirements.

Send in your application form and required documents.

Within 1 week you will receive confirmation of your delivered documents from the Admissions Officer.

Admissions Committee will deal with individual applications.

The Admissions Committee will spend 4 weeks on your individual application to form their decision.

Stage 3

You will receive a letter of notification, stating committee’s decision.

The notification letter will be send to you within 1 week.

Stage 4

You can either start studying immediately or you have to meet additional requirements.

From stage 1 onwards, the entire procedure will take up to 6 weeks!

Stage 1

• Adequate knowledge of English. TOEFL language admission test (min. paper based: 577, computer based: 233, internet based: 90) or IELTS

Besides research positions within the universities, there are research

(min. 6.5 overall/6.0 on parts) or Cambridge Proficiency. If you are an

and management positions in businesses, (non-) profit organizations,

English native speaker or an EEA citizen who has studied in an English

the educational sector and the government (e.g., the Ministry of

undergraduate programme, an English proficiency test is NOT required.

Education, Culture and Science), which require research qualifications, but not a Ph.D. Degree.

Application deadlines

Stage 2

Thus, for some students the Research Master provides a basis for further (Ph.D.) training, whereas for other students the Research Master

Next course Next course Deadlines

completes their training for an academic working environment.




Joost Mulder -

student Research Master

(requiring a visa)




01-10-2010 01-11-2010


(NOT requiring a visa)

“You are entirely free to make your own choice; the kind



of research that appeals to you most is the research you



get to do.”

(requiring a visa)





(NOT requiring a visa)



Please note: Research Master in Language and Communication has only an intake at the end of August each year!


Please consult our website, philosophy or theology) for detailed information concerning the admissions and application.


Contact Us for More Information

Feel free to join our online social networks

Please do not hesitate to contact our International Relations Office (IRO), for your personal queries about the programme, scholarships, admissions and enrolment. You are more than welcome to contact us before, during or even after your submission period. Our international team is glad to answer all your questions about studying at Tilburg School of Humanities and provide you with detailed practical information!

Your personal contact: Omid Feyli

Paulien Staal

International Relations Office

International Relations Office



Phone: +31 (0)13 466 3580

Phone: +31 (0)13 466 3060

For further information on the latest updates, please visit our Research Master websites: WikipediA




Tilburg University Address

PO Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands


+31 13 466 35 80


+31 13 466 28 92





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