Spread Your Wings Study Abroad - Go On Exchange!
Table of Contents
Frequently Asked Questions
Your Exchange
Your Exchange Coordinator
Action Plan
Language Requirements
Financial Support
Last Minutes
Preface At Tilburg University, we have a responsibility to educate you, our students, not just in your chosen academic field, but in a much broader context. As the recent worldwide economic crisis has shown, we live in a world where globalisation plays an important role not just in our working lives but in all aspects of our lives. In encouraging all our students, both international and Dutch students, to participate in a period of exchange at one of our many international partner universities, we firmly believe that you will be better prepared for the work place; your personal and academic skills will be enhanced by the experience of studying abroad, your opportunities will be increased and you will develop further on a personal level. We know that students who have taken the decision to study abroad are very positive about this period and also have better opportunities in the labour market. I would therefore ask you to read this information about the opportunities which await you and to seriously consider spending time abroad. For those who make that decision, may I wish you all the best in your studies and for those who are reluctant, there’s always next year! Professor Philip Eijlander Rector of Tilburg University
Introduction Spending a period abroad is a great experience! It is not only strongly recommended for your future career, but also as a valuable contribution to your personal development. You will get to know yourself better, you will get in touch with a culture that is (very) different from your own, you will meet new people and you will also learn to look at your own field of business from a different perspective. As a student here at Tilburg University you have a wide range of opportunities to spend time abroad. This brochure aims to inform you about all the possibilities to take part in one of the international exchange programmes. Take the chance and enrich yourself and your curriculum vitae and spread your wings in 2011/2012!
Even though the people in South Africa are amazingly friendly,
Although I thought I knew a lot, I learnt a lot about other
the people at the embassy can be bureaucratic. Start on time
cultures. Living in another country enabled me to analyze
with the application for your visa.....it can take a while!
the Netherlands better. Our culture has good and bad sides.
Chantal Dohmen - South Africa
I became more aware of this, for example, on a social level. In Spain people are socially closer to each other. Our culture
The education system at Spanish Universities is more like
is far more focused on individual satisfaction. I think this is
High School, the lessons in groups of 30 students take
because the state takes responsibility for the weaker whereas
50 minutes, you stay in the classroom and the professor
in Spain that is not always the case.
switches rooms
Helmar den Heijer – Spain
Britt van Loon - Spain Whether you are considering studying abroad or thinking about Seoul! What an amazing city! A semester at the other side
where to go, stop hesitating and take action. Start planning
of the World in such a different culture has turned my world
your trip to Hong Kong and prepare to have the time of your
upside down for a while, especially when you go to Seoul!
life! Hong Kong is the place where East meets West and it is
Fabienne Moust - South Korea
one of the safest places in the world. Live it, love it! Whatever you are looking for, you can find it in Hong Kong. With 22 bea-
Before I went on exchange I hated languages, but during the
ches, over 200 islands, mountains, beautiful nature, city life, all
months I discovered that Turkish is really interesting and actually
kinds of entertainment, and so on, Hong Kong has it all.
quite easy. It was possible to practise immediately and when
Koen van Riel - Hong Kong
you have the feeling you are improving it gives a great feeling. Lendert Willemsen - Turkey
After being selected for a study abroad destination, lots of things need to be sorted out. You have to think about accommodation, study requirements, flights, insurance, visa, finances, things back home, etc. At first this might seem a huge amount of work, but if you give yourself enough time to work things out it’s actually a piece of cake! Katrien Pouwels - Australia
Frequently Asked Questions Will my study progress be delayed?
How scary can it be?
No, not necessarily! This really depends on your School and
Going on exchange will be a major event in your student life.
your current study progress. Every School tries to make it as
It may be the first time you will be away for such a long period,
easy as possible for you to go abroad. Most Schools have
speaking a different language and getting acquainted with
rules and procedures for bachelor’s and master’s students to
different habits and rules. All beginnings are difficult, and
avoid study delay or minimize their delay as much as possible.
adapting to a new culture requires patience, humbleness
In any case, the sooner you begin with planning an exchange
and dedication. Therefore, going on exchange is not scary;
the better. Sometimes you have to “shift” courses around to
it is a challenge both academically and personally. We
create the perfect time in your curriculum to go abroad. This is
know from experience that the vast majority of students have
especially true for students who are already dealing with a
a great time while being abroad, and the initial fear is soon
delay in their studies. We always recommend students to see
replaced by an intense sense of freedom and happiness.
an academic advisor to discuss their study plan and to look
Many former exchange students often go back to visit the host
at the School website to inform yourself about School
university and friends they made during their period abroad!
procedures to minimize or avoid (further) study delays.
Exchange coordinators of Tilburg University
Is the preparation time consuming?
Is it very expensive?
It doesn’t have to be! You will have to prepare an application
While it is true that spending a semester abroad is usually
for the School and, after you have been accepted, you will
more expensive than staying at home, this is largely due to the
also have to prepare an application for the host institution.
fact that you will probably do much more traveling and take
If you start preparing well in advance, you will be able to
part in more activities than you would in Tilburg. Your choice
arrange everything easily. Most of our partner universities
of location can also influence the cost of your stay abroad.
will also help you with the things you need to arrange, such
While away, you will continue to receive your study financing
as accommodation and visas.
and will be eligible for a refund for your OV-card. You may also receive a grant from Tilburg University (see “Financial
If I would not be selected for either one of my chosen top three destinations, can I still go abroad? Of course!!! In the rare event that we would not be able to
Support”). Keeping a budget and planning ahead can help to make your stay abroad more affordable.
Do I have to have excellent grades in order to be selected?
place you at either one of the three destinations you chose, we will do our utmost to find an alternative destination for
Not necessarily. Some host institutions require students to
you. This is of course if your coordinator feels that you are
have obtained good grades; in this case the School is obliged
ready to go abroad AND if you meet all the requirements.
to look at your grades and select students with the highest
In this case we ask you to be flexible and open-minded
grade average. Most host institutions however are very
(two characteristics which are very important if you want to
easy-going in accepting Tilburg University students; in these
be successful abroad) and trust the judgement of your
cases your motivation and your study plan are much more
coordinator. We know that our invitation to go to another
important than your grades.
destination is sometimes completely different from your first choices, but we make an effort to search for the best match between you and a host institution. Despite your disappointment, please do not discard our offer and make an effort to seriously consider it. You will be surprised how close we come to finding the perfect exchange for you!
Your Exchange You can choose to go on exchange, either via your own School or via the International Office. Below you will find an overview with information and destinations.
An Exchange via your School
An Exchange via the International Office
All over the world
Outside Europe
All Schools have their own agreements with partner
The International Office has several agreements with partner
universities around the globe.
universities, all outside of Europe.
Selection process
Selection process
You will be competing with fellow students from within your
You will be competing with students from all Schools
Partner agreements
Partner agreements
are specifically established to add value to your study
are all at a university-wide level, which means that you are
programme. It is therefore possible that you may not be able
not limited to subjects offered by one particular School or
to follow every subject offered by the partner institution, but
department at the partner institution. However, you may have
that you are limited to courses offered by a particular School
to meet prerequisites for courses you want to follow at the
or department within that partner institution.
partner university and your School may also have certain rules regarding courses followed abroad.
Destinations For more information on School related destinations,
please visit the following website and choose the School
For more information on university-wide destinations,
applicable to you:
please visit:
Important If you wish to know more about the academic content of a university-wide exchange programme, please contact the exchange coordinator of your School. For all other questions, please contact Ms. Gerdien Zijlstra.
Your Exchange Coordinator School - Contact Information Tilburg School of Economics and Management - International Programmes Office Ms Maaike Wachters, Ms Elena Ă…seby, Ms Linda van der Tuijn Room: K-09 E-mail: tisem-exchange@uvt.nl
Phone: 013 466 3649
For an appointment, please call the Student Service Desk: 013 466 3037
Tilburg Law School - International Programmes Office
Ms Eline van Scherpenzeel
Room: M-101b
E-mail: law-exchange@uvt.nl
Consultation Hours: M onday - Thursday mornings between 11 am and 12 am
Phone: 013 466 2502
Tilburg School of Social and Behavioural Sciences - Education Office
Mrs Kim Horsten
Room: P-318
E-mail: international.fsw@uvt.nl
For an appointment, please call with the Education Office: 013 466 2088
Phone: 013 466 2088
Tilburg School of Humanities - Education Office
Ms Nadia Ptashchenko
Room: D-146
E-mail: n.ptashchenko@uvt.nl
For an appointment, p lease call with the Education Office: 013 466 2580
Phone: 013 466 3580
Tilburg School of Theology
Ms Annemarie Latour
Room: S-725
E-mail: a.f.latour@uvt.nl
Phone: 013 466 8994
International Office - Contact Information International Office - Tilburg University
Ms Gerdien Zijlstra
Room: P-2.222
E-mail: g.zijlstra@uvt.nl
Phone: 013 466 3076
Action Plan Deciding if you would like to go on exchange and where you
Step 2: Application phase
would like to go is not easy. You will also have to prepare
Did you find some exchange destinations that you like? Then
an application and be selected for one of your three choices.
you are ready to prepare your application package.
This may seem like a lot of things to do and to decide about.
• Choose three exchange destinations and rank them first to third.
However, if you follow the action plan we created for you,
• Fill in the application form in this brochure or download it
we are sure you will successfully go through the whole procedure of becoming an exchange student.
from the website • Prepare all the documents you need for your application (these are listed on the form)
Step 1: Orientation phase
• Hand in your application package before the deadline
The first question you will have to ask yourself is: “Where would I like to go and why?”
Step 3: Selection phase
Here are some tips to help you answer this question:
The selection phase may vary from one School to another. In
• Visit the websites of our partner universities
principle during the selection phase the exchange coordinator
• Visit the Student Service Centre to browse through brochures
will assess your application together with a selection commit-
of our partner universities • Check the weblogs and reports of exchange students who are currently on exchange or have been on exchange in
tee. If necessary you will be invited for a selection interview. After a few weeks you will be notified by email or regular mail about your selection.
previous years • Contact foreign students currently here on exchange
If you are selected for an exchange, you will be invited for
of your School
a meeting with your exchange coordinator to discuss further
• Participate in the Study Abroad workshop if you are not yet sure if you would like to go on exchange • Check the requirements of the destinations and make sure you (can) meet these • Make an appointment with the exchange coordinator of your School
Step 4: Selected or not selected?
through ESN-Tilburg or through the exchange coordinator
procedures. If you are not selected, we advise you to contact the exchange coordinator to discuss other options. It is possible we have other destinations still available. Depending on the alternatives available your exchange coordinator may require you to submit a new application or parts there of.
Deadlines Venice International University,
Workshops 1 November 2010
spring 2011
Intercultural Communication *MANDATORY* We live in a global village and people have ever more daily intercultural contact - at work, at university and in their private life. The interactive workshop ‘Intercultural Communication’
All destinations
15 November 2010
examines the influence of culture on building and maintaining
(School and university-wide destinations,
international and intercultural relations. The workshop focuses
ISEP programme)
on becoming aware of differences, bridging these differences and avoiding misunderstandings. All students who have been selected for an exchange are obliged to follow this course
Last minute destinations
31 March 2011
(see application form)
(all School and university-wide
destinations which have not yet
been f illed) Study abroad It is possible to complete part of your studies abroad in all Venice International University, autumn 2011
1 June 2011
study programmes. Studying abroad may be difficult to organise but is still very worthwhile. Where you study is a decision that should not be made lightly. The country, its language and culture, and your personal situation and motivation are all factors that need to be taken into account. The workshop ‘Study Abroad’ will address all these issues: www.tilburguniversity.nl/students/ssc/beinternational/ beprepared/studyabroad Culture shock You are going abroad for your studies. You have arranged everything: your ticket, insurance, study programme and accommodation. However, to succeed and get the most out of your time abroad, it is important for you to adapt to the culture you will be in. For this, you need to be aware of the values and norms you carry with you and how these will affect the process of adjusting, cross-cultural interaction and learning. In order to learn about this, you can participate in ‘Culture Shock!’: www.tilburguniversity.nl/students/ssc/ beinternational/beprepared/cultureshock
Language Requirements The best place to learn a language is in the country itself.
If your language skills are not yet up to the required standard,
Nevertheless, Tilburg University obliges students to meet a
you are obliged to follow a language course. Some partner
minimum language requirement before departure. We believe
universities, mostly those in English speaking countries, might
that this is necessary to be successful both academically and
require that you pass the TOEFL or the IELTS test before they
accept you as an exchange student. If this is the case, you can decide to follow a language course at Tilburg University
The minimum language requirement differs per School and
to prepare for this test or you can take the test without prior
destination. Some Schools oblige students to have a sufficient
preparations. If you successfully obtain the required TOEFL
level of the language spoken in the country itself; other
or IELTS score, you will also meet the Schools’ language
Schools oblige students to have a sufficient level of the
requirements. Be aware that these tests cost money and you
language of instruction used at the partner university. It is
will have to travel to a test centre outside Tilburg. Once you
important that you check the requirements of the destination
are selected for an exchange, the Schools or the International
you would like to go to before you apply. All Schools post the
Office will inform you about the language requirements,
language requirements on their website. However, below are
the Language Centre and, if applicable, the TOEFL and
the general guidelines:
IELTS test centres.
• English – English for IELTS or English for the Future • French – at least French: intermediate • German – at least German: intermediate • Italian – at least Italian: pre-intermediate • Portuguese- at least Portuguese: pre-intermediate • Spanish – at least Spanish: intermediate To meet the language requirements, students can follow language courses at the Language Centre at Tilburg University. In principle, all students enrolled at Tilburg University can follow 12 ECTS worth of language courses at the Language Centre for free. If you feel that you do not need a language course, because your language skills are already up to the required standard, you can schedule a language test at the Language Centre. Please keep in mind that a language test at the Language Centre can only be scheduled after you have been selected for an exchange. If your command of the language shows to be sufficient, you will receive a certificate. This certificate will be accepted by the Schools.
Financial Support Every student who is selected to study abroad will receive a
Study Abroad Allowance
scholarship automatically. Depending on your destination and
The Study Abroad Allowance is meant for students who are not
previously awarded scholarships, you will either receive an
eligible for an Erasmus grant.
Erasmus grant or a Study Abroad Allowance.
A student can only receive this grant once and it is designed to offset the extra costs of a period of study abroad.
Erasmus grant The Erasmus grant now falls under the Lifelong Learning
Period: At least three months with a maximum of 12 months
Programme. The Lifelong Learning Programme is intended for students who go abroad to partner institutions based in
Amount: Indication: In 2010/2011 students received â‚Ź 1000.
Europe. The Lifelong Learning Programme aims to stimulate student mobility in the European Economic Area and several neighbouring countries.
Study grant Students who receive a study grant from DUO will continue to do so during their study abroad. Students who receive a dependency-grant because they live with their parents, can apply for a non-dependency grant for the period that they are abroad. OV-reimbursement Students can also hand in their student OV-card to the DUO for this period, for which you will receive reimbursment (indication: in 2010 students received 1 83.97 per month). Students who do have an OV-card but have a so-called ‘nullening’ are also eligible for the reimbursement of their OV-card while they are abroad.
Period: At least three months with a maximum of 12 months Amount: The grant covers expenses incurred as a consequence of studying abroad. The amount of the Erasmus grant changes every year. As an indication, exchange students in 2010/2011 received 1 200 per month.
Last Minutes If you missed the first deadline in November, you still have
Some Schools will accept applications after the last minute
a second chance to apply. Every year places are not filled after
deadline. In this case we advise you to contact your exchange
the first selection period in November/ December. After the
coordinator and ask if there are still places left open that you
first selection period the Schools and the International Office
can apply for.
will publish a list of exchange destinations that still have places open. You can apply for these places by handing in your
More information is available on:
application before the last minute deadline of 31 March 2011.
Depending on the availability and deadlines of the partner institutions, you can still choose an exchange for the autumn or spring. To prepare yourself we strongly recommend you to follow the action plan outlined on page 6.
Colophon Text Editing/Production: Communications & Marketing, International Office Graphic Design: Scheepens reclame adviseurs, Tilburg Photography: Ben Bergmans, Clemens van Diek, Kim Horsten, Ton Toemen, Former Exchange Students Printing Office: Prisma Print, Tilburg Disclaimer This brochure was prepared with great care. However, Tilburg University reserves the right to change without notice any programmes, policies, requirements or regulations published in this brochure September 2010
www.tilburguniversity.nl/students/abroad - www.uvt.nl/studenten/buitenland