Ticket to Tilburg

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International Degree Students 2010/2011

Ticket to Tilburg


Table of contents Welcome


Tilburg University Summer School


Studying at Tilburg University


What to bring to Tilburg


Your academic calender


Getting to Tilburg University


Immigration procedures


Your first days in Tilburg


Health and liability insurance


Money matters


Tuition fees & Cost of living






Contact information


Facilities & Services


At Tilburg University, we strive to contribute to the development of a better, fairer, more sustainable society. In our educational programmes, this context returns again and again. Pressing societal and global issues form the backdrop to learning, from ageing, individualisation and the clash of religions and ideologies to climate change and poverty. At Tilburg University, you gain more than a narrow field of specialisation: a broad awareness of the globalising world and how your decisions will affect it.

Understanding society - a broader approach to learning


This brochure was prepared with great care. However, Tilburg University reserves the right to change the information published in this brochure without prior notice. More brochures are also available at:

www.tilburguniversity.nl/prospectivestudents/brochures 03


Welcome Dear student, Congratulations on your decision to pursue your academic studies at

Of course, your experience at Tilburg will encompass much more than

Tilburg University.

what you learn in the classroom. Our international student organisations, events and extracurricular activities, not to mention the charming and

The time is drawing near when you and fellow students from around the

historic city in which you will live, all contribute to making your time

globe will be travelling to Tilburg to make it home for the coming few

here, one to remember.

years. Now is the time to make final preparations – and start getting excited.

This brochure aims to provide you with important practical information regarding the final arrangements to be made before your arrival in Tilburg.

At Tilburg University, you know you are studying at a world-class academic

It will also give you some idea of what you can expect during your first

institution. Our university frequents the top of European rankings for its

few days as a student at the university.

research, progressive teaching methodology, outstanding facilities, and international orientation. Students from no less than 70 countries

We look forward to welcoming you in person to our beautiful campus

choose Tilburg University to further their ambitions, because here they

and city.

can be sure of an outstanding higher education – with a difference. Warmest regards, At Tilburg, what you learn is always placed within the context of global

Professor Philip Eijlander

society and its most pressing current issues. Thanks to this approach,

Rector Magnificus

our students develop a broader worldview – a trait that makes Tilburg graduates special, because they have a real sense of their place in the world, and their capacity to make a difference.


Studying at Tilburg University What does studying at Tilburg University entail? What learning methods

Seminars, workshops, and tutorials

are deployed, which courses are available, and how do we grade our

Providing a platform for interactive learning, seminars and tutorials


usually involve an in-depth discussion of the material covered in the preceding lecture. A variety of teaching methods are utilised in these

The learning framework at Tilburg University is designed to ensure you

sessions, including presentations, group-work, computer simulations

gain a deep understanding of the various subject matters, while also

and case studies, and usually have between 10 and 40 students in a

developing your ability to analyse information, logically formulate an

class. Additional workshops are also offered at Tilburg University, which

argument both in writing and verbally, and work effectively in multi-

focus on developing specific skills-sets or knowledge, often in practical

cultural teams – an essential skill to have in a globalising society.

or vocationally-oriented areas.

Teaching methods

Independent Research

Most programmes require you to conduct specific independent scientific Lectures

research on a topic of your choice with the goal of producing a paper, or

Lectures constitute an important part of learning at Tilburg University,

thesis, outlining your findings and conclusions. This exercise develops

because they provide a broad overview of a specific subject matter

invaluable skills, including your ability to critically analyse and review

presented in the words of a genuine expert in the field. All lecturers at

information, effectively manage your time, conduct empirical research

Tilburg University are accomplished academics, many with international

involving companies, organisations or consumers, and analyse and

backgrounds and additional roles advising and consulting for companies.

assess the implications of this data.

Lectures are held for large numbers of students, up to 375. Guest lectures

Enhancing what you learn from your professors, international academics from other leading universities, as well as prominent figures from the private, public and not-for-profit sectors frequently visit Tilburg University to present their views and experiences to students.


Teaching philosophy Understanding Society – a broader approach to learning

At Tilburg University, in every degree programme, current societal and global issues form a backdrop to learning, from aging, individualisation and the clash of religions and ideologies, to climate change and poverty. As a student here, you gain a sense of the world beyond your niche area of specialisation, and an appreciation for the implications of your everyday decisions – tools that will allow you to go on and become a positive force for change.

How will you be graded? Courses are assessed in a number of different ways. An examination period takes place at the end of each semester, but examinations, papers, presentations and other forms of coursework all count towards your final grade. Examinations

Examinations at Tilburg University are either oral or written. An oral examination usually takes between 30 minutes and one hour, while written examinations, the most common form of assessment, usually take between two and three hours. Should you fail an exam, resits are possible, the dates of which depend on your school and programme. Examination dates can be found in the Electronic Study Guide: www.tilburguniversity.nl/esg


Papers & Essays

The ECTS determines the student workload needed in order to graduate

Most of the courses you follow at Tilburg University will require you

from a programme, specified in terms of number of hours spent studying,

to write papers or essays. These assignments may vary in length from

learning outcomes, and competences to be acquired. 1 ECTS credit

a few hundred to a few thousand words. You will be expected to

corresponds to a 28 hour workload (covering lectures, study and

demonstrate your understanding of the subject matter and the relevant

examinations), and one academic year consists of 60 ECTS, both at

literature, and your ability to analyse the various issues by formulating

Bachelor’s and Master’s level. A Bachelor’s programme requires the

a cohesive argument based on clearly-established premises.

attainment of a minimum of 36 credits in the first academic year in

Grades are not determined by length, but by quality. You can get the

order to proceed to the following year. The table indicates how grades

assignment to write a paper in a group or individually.

are assigned to students.

ECTS credits and grading system

At Tilburg University we apply the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). This is a Europe-wide system developed by the European Commission that provides shared standards for higher education, and therefore comparable academic achievements. Our students thus have the flexibility to move between academic institutions within Europe for various parts of their degree, and graduate with credentials that are applicable within Europe-wide companies and organisations.

European grade (ECTS)

Dutch American Percentage of grade grade successful students achieving the grade

A 9.5-10.0 A+ 10 EXCELLENT: outstanding 8.5-9.0 A performance with only minor errors B 7.5-8.0 B+ 25 VERY GOOD: above the average standard but with some errors C 7.0 B 30 GOOD: generally sound work 6.5 C+ with a number of notable errors D/E 6.0 C 35 SUFFICIENT: performance meets the minimum criteria FX


FAIL: some more work required before the credit can be awarded

5.5 5.0


- -



- FAIL: considerable further work is required

Please note that a different system applies to graduate students at CentER. Please contact CentER for more information (see page 34). The table may possibly be subject to change in the coming year.



What courses will you follow?

The courses offered by Tilburg University in your specific programme and academic year can be found online in the Electronic Study Guide. This guide will give you an idea about the structure of the programme, course content, timetables, examinations, workload, and professors. An overview of all courses and programmes can be found at: www.tilburguniversity.nl/esg

Please note: the most current information on courses for 2010/2011 will be available from 1 August 2010. Code of Conduct

We have shared, university-wide values and principles at Tilburg University which all staff and students are expected to adhere to. These principles are laid out in the Tilburg University Code of Conduct and essentially represent what we consider fair and reasonable behaviour. This framework also lays a foundation for any debate that may arise concerning staff or student behaviour. Rules of conduct pertaining to specific situations are detailed in separate regulations, which also stipulate complaint procedures and possible sanctions. For more information on this topic, please visit: www.tilburguniversity.nl/code-of-conduct


Your academic calender Dates for the academic year 2010 – 2011 are detailed below. These dates


may vary depending on your school and programme, with the exception

The vacation dates below do not apply to all students. You will need to

of the Official Arrival Days and the dates of the Welcome Week, which

confirm with your Tilburg University Admissions Officer the exact dates

are the same for all students.

of the holiday periods that apply for your specific programme of study.

Official Arrival Days

19, 20, and 21 August 2010

Autumn break

16 - 23 October 2010

Welcome Week

23 - 27 August 2010

Christmas holiday

25 December 2010 - 3 January 2011


5 - 8 March 2011

Good Friday and Easter

22 - 27 April 2011

Queen’s Day

30 April 2011

Academic calendar 2010/2011


Start Autumn semester

30 August 2010

Liberation Day

5 May 2011

Dies Natalis celebration

18 November 2010

Ascension Day

2 - 3 June 2011

Start Spring semester

24 January 2011


11 - 13 June 2011

Summer holiday

11 July - 19 August 2011

Magdalena Knobloch, Poland - Welcome Week “Welcome Week is a great opportunity to meet new students, get to know the city, learn about Dutch culture, and start the new academic year with cool parties. It is an unforgettable and unique experience. Since I can’t be a new student any more, I always help out organizing it, and that’s also a lot of fun!”


Immigration procedures Our staff at the International Office are experienced in helping our inter-

Australia, Canada, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, South Korea,

national students meet their immigration requirements. They can assist

the United States of America and the Vatican City State

you with all immigration matters, from the time of your acceptance to a

If you are a citizen of any of the countries listed above, you do not need

programme, to after your graduation.

a visa in order to enter and study in the Netherlands. You do, however, need a Dutch Residence Permit.

The International Office will also assist you in registering at Tilburg City Hall after your arrival, or with specific requests such as extending an

• Before your arrival: Before you leave your country of origin you

existing Residence Permit. A host of additional services are also on

must prepare the necessary financial documents needed to apply for a

offer, including lunch-time sessions and workshops on practical issues

Dutch Residence Permit. Details of what you need will be sent to you

such as finding a job in the Netherlands.

via email by our International Office staff, who will also assist with any

Which immigration procedures apply to you?

questions you may have.

Dutch immigration procedures are based on your nationality, not where

• After your arrival: Once you have arrived in the Netherlands,

you live. To find out which procedures apply to you, check the information

our staff at the International Office will assist you in applying for a

below pertaining to your country of origin.

Dutch Residence Permit. More details will be given to you both on arrival and during Welcome Week.

European Union and European Economic Area

If you are a citizen of a country within the European Union or European

All other nationalities

Economic Area (EU/EEA), you will be informed on arrival at Tilburg

If you are from a country that is outside the European Union or European

University if any immigration requirements apply to you. You do not

Economic Area (EU/EEA) and not one of the countries listed aforemen-

need to make preparations prior to your arrival in the Netherlands.

tioned, you will require both a Dutch entry visa, and a Dutch Residence Permit.


• Before your arrival: You must have already obtained your Dutch

Already have a Dutch Residence Permit?

entry visa before entering the Netherlands. Our staff at the Internatio-

If you are an international student already living in the Netherlands on a

nal Office will apply for your visa on your behalf, making the process

valid Dutch Residence Permit, our staff will contact you via email regarding

quicker, cheaper and easier for you. You cannot apply for your visa

how to update your Residence Permit to reflect the change in purpose

yourself at your local Dutch Embassy. You will receive an email from

of your stay.

our International Office explaining the procedure and requesting any documents needed. If you are a Chinese national, you must also have a NESO certificate issued by NESO China in order to apply for a

More detailed information on all your immigration issues can be found at: www.tilburguniversity.nl/visa

Dutch visa. For more information, please contact NESO China at: www.nesochina.org

• After your arrival: You can apply for your Dutch Residence Permit via Tilburg University once you have arrived in the Netherlands. More details will be given to you on your arrival and during Welcome Week.

Gabriel José Angulo Linero, Colombia – Visa procedure “As an international student from Colombia, I needed a visa in order to enter the Netherlands. When the university accepted me, I was told that Tilburg University has an agreement with the Dutch Immigration Service (IND). A couple of weeks later I received an e-mail from Tilburg University’s International Office, giving me three different options to confirm how I was going to be financed during my course at the university. Once I had sent all the required documents via e-mail, my application was submitted to the IND. A couple of weeks later the International Office contacted me again informing me that my entry visa had been approved. I went to the Royal Netherlands Embassy in my country to collect my visa! Altogether, the whole procedure went very smoothly.”



Health and liability insurance Medical costs can be high in the Netherlands, especially if

You are also free to find your own private insurance, but keep in mind

you require specialised care at a hospital. Health insurance is

that your policy must meet the health and liability insurance require-


ments stipulated by the law. It is your responsibility to check whether or not your coverage is sufficient. If you are over 30 or planning to find a

As an international student studying in the Netherlands, the law requires

part-time job, you might also be required to take out Dutch public

you to have adequate health and third party liability insurance. We also

health insurance. For more information, please see the Nuffic website:

strongly recommend you take out additional travel insurance, as the


chances are high that during your stay here you will want to explore a


little more of Europe. Please note: Tilburg University cannot be held responsible for any Organising your health and liability insurance is your own responsibility.

costs which may be incurred during your stay in Tilburg as a result of

A good place to start is by checking with your current insurer in your

incorrect medical and/or liability insurance.

home country whether your stay in the Netherlands is covered by your existing policy. If it is not, you will need to take out private insurance. We recommend Lippmann or AON. Their insurance policies include

More information is available at: www.tilburguniversity.nl/insurances

health, liability and travel insurance. www.ace-ips-nl.com www.students-insurance.eu


Tuition fees & Cost of living Tuition fees at Tilburg University are among the most competitive in

Non-EU/EEA citizens

Europe and offer outstanding value for money. Bachelor’s programmes

€ 6,450**

Below are the tuition fees for the academic year 2010/2011. These fees

Pre-Master’s programmes

€ 10,506**

vary according to your nationality and the programme within which you

Master’s programmes

€ 10,506**

are participating. Prospective Non-EU/EEA Master’s students might be selected for the

EU/EEA citizens

Tilburg University Scholarship Programme. For more information visit: www.tilburguniversity.nl/tusp

Bachelor’s programmes

€ 1,672*

Pre-Master’s programmes

€ 1,672*

* For some programmes tuition fees differ from this overview.

Master’s programmes

€ 1,672*

** Tuition fees may be (partially) waives.

If you are a citizen of an EU/EEA country, you can apply for a loan to cover your tuition fees. This loan is paid to you in monthly installments. The application process for a loan usually takes around eight months, which means that if you would like to receive your first installment in September, you will need to have applied for the loan before January. More information on loans and their requirements is available at: www.tilburguniversity.nl/students/money/ib-group


*/** Please see www.tilburguniversity.nl/tuitionfees for detailed information.

Cost of living You will find life in Tilburg relatively inexpensive compared to life in other Dutch university cities. Below is a general overview of what you can expect in terms of the cost of living in Tilburg, per calendar year. These estimated costs will vary per person depending on your lifestyle and are also subject to change. Your tuition fees are excluded from this overview. € 4,500 - € 5,700



€ 3,000

€ 800

Books and readers

Health, liability and travel insurance


€ 125

A bicycle and lock (optional)

Sports card (optional)


€ 8,973 - € 10,173


Burcu Erdogan, Turkey - Creative Accounting “Although 750 to 850 euros a month is the official indication of the cost of living, I myself spend between 400 and 500 euros. If you want to save money, I would suggest cooking at home. Don’t travel by bus, use a bicycle or walk instead. You can also try to find a job; three months into my course, I was appointed as a research assistant, which means a monthly income. What also helps is the time I spend studying and working - it keeps me busy and stops me from spending a lot of money.”



Accommodation Your accommodation is ready for you from the moment you arrive.

You can book it yourself online A special website is available for you that shows you the availability of

As an international student, you are guaranteed accommodation here in

accommodation in Tilburg. You can even make a reservation on this

Tilburg. Our staff arrange this accommodation for you with the help of

site yourself. If you pay the administration fee, the first month’s rent,

two local housing agencies, ‘WonenBreburg’ and ‘Kamerbemiddeling

and your deposit (equal to one month’s rent), your accommodation

Tilburg’. Your accommodation is available for you from the first scheduled

is officially reserved.

Arrival Day (for these dates, see page 28 in this brochure).

What can you expect

Once you vacate your room, your deposit will be fully reimbursed provided there is no damage to the property. Should you decide not to

Mostly, you can expect to be situated right near the university, or the

come to Tilburg after having reserved and paid for your accommodation,

city centre. You will have your own room that is part of a unit, where

you will not receive a reimbursement of the reservation fee.

you share the kitchen, lounge and shower with your flatmates – fellow Tilburg students. So you get your own private space, but also the fun

Tilburg University arranges accommodation for you for your first

and socialising that comes with house-sharing.

academic year and you are expected to pay rent for your room for the full academic year. After this first year, you are expected to organise your

• Room sizes vary between 8 m and 20 m2. 2

own accommodation.

• All rooms come with a bed, desk, chair, wardrobe, bookshelves, carpets, curtains, and bedding. • All student residences have laundry facilities and a caretaker. • Monthly rent is between € 375 and € 475.

More information on how to book your own accommodation is available at: www.tilburguniversity.nl/accommodation


Facilities & Services High-tech ICT facilities


As a student at Tilburg University you get free Internet access and an

The University Library at Tilburg University is a world-class facility.

individual email account. Three internet cafes provide access to a total

It offers no less than one thousand study spaces, 500 equipped with

of 70 computers. 500 computers are available for use in the library,

flat screens and computers. It has internet connection and digital

and an additional 400 located in different buildings around campus.

access to over 11,000 electronic journals and 125 databases; an inter-

200 group-work stations are available in the Montesquieu Learning

library loans service; a learning forum for group work; and a main

Centre as well as a video-conferencing room. The library database is

learning resource centre considered one of the best in Europe.

accessible off campus by means of a VPN-connection. As we have a wireless network, you can also use your laptop anywhere on campus.

Language Centre


Montesquieu Learning Centre The Montesquieu Learning Centre is an innovative, one-of-a-kind facility made to support collaboration between students and lecturers – a vital

The Tilburg University Language Centre offers courses each semester

part of learning at Tilburg University. This centre offers full ICT facilities,

to students who wish to improve their skills in one of the following

including 200 group-work stations, an open space designed for team-

languages: Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish or Italian.

work, computers with video editing software, web cams and a room for

Additional tools for self-study are also available.

video recording.

Meditation Centre

World-class Sports Centre

Every interest, hobby or ideology is catered for at Tilburg University

It has been ranked the best sports centre in the Netherlands by students,

and the Meditation Centre is the perfect example. Centrally located on

and you will soon see why. Open daily and located at a short walk from

campus, it offers students a place to relax, reflect, meditate, and pray.

campus, the university sports centre offers every type of indoor and

The centre opens daily on weekdays and offers free access for everyone.

outdoor sports.

You can also participate in competitive sports through the various student sports clubs. For more information visit the website of Tilburg University Sports Centre at: www.tilburguniversity.nl/sportscentre

Religion and churches Around two-thirds of the Dutch population has either a Roman Catholic or a Protestant background, while the remaining third represent a diverse array of religions from all around the world including Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, or other religions. Each religion has its own place of worship. For more information on religion in Tilburg see: www.tilburguniversity.nl/religion

International student organisations Tilburg University has 14 international student organisations catering to a variety of interests. Feel free to join as a regular member, or as a board member. For a complete overview of the international student organisations and their activities, go to: www.tilburguniversity.nl/students/organisations



Tilburg University Summer School An ideal way to prepare for your studies at Tilburg University is to


participate in the Tilburg University Summer School (TUSS). It gives

TUSS starts on 15 July 2010 (Arrival Day) and finishes on 13 August 2010

you a head start in getting acquainted with the university, the city and

(Exam Day).

other international students. Courses are offered in: If you choose to spend only the summer at our university, Tilburg

• Languages

University Summer School is still a great “study abroad experience”,

• Business

which will probably leave you wanting more...

• Law

What does TUSS offer ? • Intensive Academic Summer Courses • A great social programme

• Religion • Philosophy • Psychology

• ECTS credits

Costs & Language vouchers

• Housing near the university

Future Tilburg University’s students following a language course will

• Studying on a beautiful green campus

be able to get a significant refund on the cost of those courses, using

Social programme The university’s optional social programme will have you living it up for a full month. There’s a varied and full line-up of activities and get-

language vouchers which they will receive at the beginning of September. Please check our website for detailed information: www.tilburguniversity.nl/summerschool

togethers like excursions, movie nights, concerts in the park, summer fitness (Summer School Sports Card) and much, much more.


What to bring to Tilburg What should you bring to Tilburg? Essentially – anything you want.

What to wear

With the addition, of course, of a few ‘must-haves’. The checklist below

The Netherlands has a moderate sea climate, with cool summers and

should help you avoid any unnecessary mishaps.

mild winters. The average summer temperature varies between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius and the average winter temperature varies between


0 and 10 degrees Celsius. Sudden cold or hot spells are not uncommon,

• Passport (valid until at least 30 September 2010)

however, so it is best to pack for any condition. Rain (and wind,

• Original documents (for example, your birth certificate, which might

together!) is also not uncommon, so bring a raincoat or umbrella for

be required by immigration authorities) www.tilburguniversity.nl/visa

• Cash in euros, to cover your arrival and the first couple of days. • Proof of your health and other insurance policies. Recommended: • Photocopies of important documents (e.g. diplomas) • Your letter of admission • A camera • A dictionary • A voltage converter and/or adapter • Some favourite photographs or small items to decorate your room.


inclement weather.

Getting to Tilburg University Outlined below are the various routes via which you can make

Travelling by train

your way to Tilburg University.

Tilburg University is a five minute walk from Tilburg Universiteit railway station. Not all trains stop at this station, so you may need to change at

If you arrive on the Tilburg University official Arrival Days, you will be

Tilburg Central station. The ‘Holland by Train’ leaflet instructs you on

welcomed at Tilburg Central Station by a fellow student, who will

how to get to Tilburg by train. Please check the related weblink:

accompany you to the university. Should you arrive on a different day, the information below will help you find your way to the campus.


Remember – virtually everybody speaks English in the Netherlands,

Travelling by bus

making it very easy to ask for directions when you need them.

You can also get the bus to Tilburg University from Tilburg Central

Travelling by plane

railway station. Bus number 4 (in the direction of Reeshof) goes to Tilburg University. Get off the bus at ‘Universiteit van Tilburg‘.

There are seven different airports in and close to the Netherlands via

Feel free to ask the bus driver to let you know when you are at this stop.

which you can reach Tilburg. These airports are: Schiphol near Amsterdam,

The journey takes between 5 and 10 minutes.

Zestienhoven near Rotterdam, Eindhoven near Eindhoven, MaastrichtAachen near Maastricht, Zaventem near Brussels in Belgium, Düsseldorf

Travelling by car

International near Düsseldorf in Germany, and Groningen Airport Eelde

When approaching Tilburg from Breda, Eindhoven or ‘s-Hertogenbosch

near Groningen.

(A58 / E312), leave the motorway at exit 11, Goirle / Tilburg / Turnhout.

It is a two to three hour train ride to Tilburg from Schiphol or Zaventem

At the traffic lights, follow direction Tilburg and take the left lane. Make

and costs around 20-25 euros. When scheduling your trip, bear in mind

a left turn to “Universiteit” and follow the “Universiteit” sign all the way

that Schiphol, Zaventem and Düsseldorf airports have their own railway

to the university. When approaching Tilburg from Waalwijk, Kaatsheuvel

stations. Should you arrive at Zestienhoven, Eindhoven, Maastricht-

and Loon op Zand, follow the signs to “Centrum”. At the roundabout,

Aachen, or Groningen Airport Eelde, you will need to take a taxi or bus

go straight ahead and follow the signs “Universiteit” from there on.

to the nearest railway station.

For more detailed information, please visit: www.tilburguniversity.nl/contact



Your first days in Tilburg At Tilburg University, we do our best to ensure you settle into university

The programme has not yet been finalised for the 2010 Autumn semester,

life as quickly and smoothly as possible, feeling supported and included.

but you can check out the last Welcome Week programme at:

The first days are special. You will remember your first weeks in Tilburg for years to come.

Welcome to Tilburg University


Tilburg Survival Kit Upon your arrival, you will be given our Tilburg Survival Kit, a resource

Life at Tilburg University starts off with a whirlwind of introductory

of useful tips and information for international students that includes

activities, information sessions and social events thanks to Welcome

maps, information on the Dutch and Dutch society, banks and exchange

Week. Welcome Week helps you seal new friendships and quickly

offices, transport, where to find medical aid, communication services,

assimilate into life at the university and Tilburg, and includes:

shops, and culture and leisure activities.

• A pick up service, so we can personally welcome you to

Tilburg University buddy system

Tilburg University • Getting acquainted with your academic advisors and programme coordinator

Our buddy system helps ensure that, from the moment you arrive in Tilburg, you have someone you can depend upon for anything you might need.

• Meeting your buddy, someone you can depend on to show you the ropes

A buddy is a senior student who has experienced the same phase of

• Information about your class schedules and the ICT facilities

adaptation and integration that you yourself will experience during your

• A guided tour of the campus and the sights of Tilburg

first days in Tilburg. They will introduce you to life at Tilburg University,

• Sorting out your administrative affairs

help you find your way around campus, and give you a tour of the city of

• An official welcome by the municipality of Tilburg

Tilburg. All new international students are assigned a buddy during

• Buying your bicycle – a staple item for everyone living in the Netherlands

Welcome Week.

• Loads of activities and events that will quickly acquaint you with your fellow students


Arrival Days for international students

When are the Arrival Days?

We hold specific Arrival Days for all our new international students. Our

The Arrival Days for the 2010-2011 academic year are:

meeting point for students travelling by train on Arrival Days is Tilburg Central railway station.

• 19, 20, and 21 August 2010, from 11 am to 7 pm.

Here, you will be greeted and picked up by our Tilburg University

Should you arrive after 7 pm on Tilburg Central railway station, prior to

volunteers, who will be wearing the trademark blue Tilburg University

the Arrival Days, or outside these hours during and after Welcome

shirts, and waiting at the main entrance to the station. Our volunteers

Week, you will need to stay in a hotel and meet us the following day.

will accompany you all the way to Tilburg University, where you will be welcomed by Tilburg University staff.

We recommend the following hotels:

Once at Tilburg, a welcome pack will provide you with useful information

Near Tilburg Central railway station:

on the university, Tilburg and the Welcome Week activities, while staff

Het Wapen van Tilburg

from the accommodation office will help you fill in the requisite paper-

Spoorlaan 362

work and tenancy agreement. Once everything has been finalised, our

Phone: +31 (0) 13 542 26 92

volunteers will show you the way to your new accommodation.


Opposite Tilburg Central railway station: Hotel Central

Spoorlaan 422 Phone: +31 (0) 13 543 62 34 www.hotelcentraltilburg.nl


Money matters How to pay for your accommodation You must pay the housing company where your accommodation is booked at the time of making your online reservation – which is well before your arrival in Tilburg. This payment includes the first and last months’ rent, plus administration costs. An invoice for your rent will be sent each month from your housing company to your Tilburg address. This invoice must be paid by bank transfer, or at the reception desk of the housing company using a bank or credit card. Your rent cannot be paid in cash. If you have any queries regarding your rent, please contact your housing company. WonenBreburg

Hogeschoollaan 120 5037 GD Tilburg Phone: +31 (0) 900 0209 english.kamerpunt.nl Kamerbemiddeling Tilburg

Amer 5a 5032 AZ Tilburg Phone: +31 (0) 13 4683248 www.kamerbemiddelingtilburg.nl


Opening a Dutch bank account

Credit card use

As an international student, you can open a Dutch bank account with

You can also use credit cards in the Netherlands, although many stores

‘Rabobank’, one of the most popular banks in the Netherlands. You can

and restaurants in Tilburg do not accept credit cards due to the high

use your bank card at most stores in the Netherlands, and also on the

transaction costs involved. Paying with a credit card is more common in

Tilburg University campus. Opening a bank account is free.

larger cities including Amsterdam, The Hague, or Rotterdam.

An application form will be emailed to you approximately a month

A job next to your studies

before your arrival in the Netherlands. This application form must be

In case you want to work besides your studies at Tilburg University,

returned to Tilburg University before the deadline specified in order for

there might be possibilities. For more information, please check:

your bank account to be ready in time for your arrival. Your bank card and other details about your account will be provided during Welcome Week. It is also possible for you to complete your application form after your arrival in Tilburg, but keep in mind that it will then be a month before you can use your account.



031 31

Maps Map of the Netherlands Groningen

Zwolle Amsterdam Den Haag



Arnhem Den Bosch

Tilburg Eindhoven




Waalwijk - Kaatsheuvel - Loon op Zand



Map of Tilburg Den B os c h

R ije n

Station Reeshof

Tilburg West Centraal Station


E indho v en

G ilz e B r e da




A 58

E 312

Goirle Hilvarenbeek

Map of Tilburg University campus C D E F G K L M O P S T V W Z

Cobbenhagen building Dante building Esplanade building Food Plaza Goossens building Koopmans building Library Montesquieu building Olympia building Prisma building Simon building Tias building Vigilant building Warande building Zwijsen building


Contact information Our goal is to assist you in any way we can with regard to life

Tilburg Law School

and study at Tilburg University.

International Affairs Office Ms Tessa Barten

Should you have any remaining queries after reading this brochure,


please do not hesitate to contact us at the details below. We are more

Phone: +31 (0) 13 466 3141

than happy to help.


M-101b +31 (0) 13 466 3143

Email: law.int.office@uvt.nl Tilburg School of Economics and Management

International Student Services

Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Ms Janneke van den Boom

Education Office

Ms Alejandra van Delft

Ms Janneke Geerts

Ms Loes Vaessen

Ms Maren Marcelis




Phone: +31 (0) 13 466 2512

Phone: +31 (0) 13 466 2088



+31 (0) 13 466 3072

+31 (0) 13 466 2053

Email: infoTiSEM@uvt.nl

Email: international.fsw@uvt.nl

CentER Graduate School

Tilburg School of Humanities

Ms Ank Habraken

Education Office

Ms Jasmijn van der Mast

Ms Paulien Staal


Room: D-124


Phone: +31 (0) 13 466 8215

Phone: +31 (0) 13 466 2140



+31 (0) 13 466 2892



+31 (0) 13 466 3066

Email: center-gs@uvt.nl



Postal address: Tilburg University, PO Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, the Netherlands

Visiting address: Tilburg University, Warandelaan 2, 5037 AB Tilburg, the Netherlands

Colophon This is a Tilburg University publication. Design

Scheepens reclame adviseurs, Tilburg


Gerrit Oude Sogtoen, Ton Toemen, Erik van der Burgt and Tim van der Avoird


Drukkerij Gianotten, Tilburg January 2010 35

Helsinki Oslo



Riga Vilnius Copenhagen

Dublin Amsterdam



Minsk Warsaw



Brussels Paris

Munich Z端rich


Budapest Bucharest

Zagreb Sofia

Madrid Lisbon

Tilburg University Address

PO Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands


+31 13 466 89 11


+31 13 466 29 21








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