TIM May 2015

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Costa Blanca

Welcome to the May edition of T.I.M. Covering the Costa Blanca, inland and coastal

126th Edition

... for you this month! 2

One Monday Morning


The Bish Bash

10 Gadget Page 20 Grexit, Spexit 32 The Fun Page SPOT THE BULL COMPETITION! Last month, Bully was on page 38. Congratulations to Mr N.J. Whiteside of Castalla For a chance to win €50 this month, the entry form can be found on page 43. GOOD LUCK! The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily the views of the editor or staff. And the TIM magazine and or its staff will not be held liable for views in articles that the reader may not agree with.

Advertise with us Nickie Pickering: 606 891 644 editor@timspain.com Alicante Area, La Romana, Aspe & Hondon de las Nieves areas. Zoe: 634 362 474 zoe@timspain.com Castalla, El Campello, Fortuna, Quesada, Torrevieja and surrounding districts. John McGregor: 600 088 341 La Marina area.

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Dennis: 617 843 028 dennis@timspain.com Hondon de los Frailes, Albatera, Catral, La Murada, Benferri and Orihuela Costa.

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E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com


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by Chris Thompson

One Monday Morning

The 2nd of May 1808. A Monday morning in Madrid. We’ve had French soldiers swaggering all over the city since March. I blame the old King, King Carlos IV, when he let that lackey of his, Godoy, do a deal with Napoleon to invade Portugal. Imagine that! Our troops fighting alongside all those Frenchy garbanzos. Why would we side with that lot after the way they let us down at Trafalgar? Those cowardly Frenchy sailors ran away leaving our lads in the lurch and letting that one eyed, one armed Brit dwarf sink our navy. Lot of good it did the old boy anyway. Napoleon forced him to abdicate in favour of that son of his, Fernando VII, Now old Boney has both our Kings in France at Bayona planning to do goodness knows what with them. This morning’s rumour is that General Murat, Napoleon’s brother in law no less, who seems to think that he owns this country, plans to send the last of our Royals up to Bayona. Our worthless puppet government, the Junta de Gobierno, said no but Murat won’t take any notice of them. He’ll do what he likes. I’m off to the Royal Palace for a bit of a look see. It’s time we showed those garbanzos that enough is enough. And that’s where it started. Our man, along with a bunch of other Madrileños, the people of Madrid, forced their way into the Palace. Murat had dealt with rioters before. He’d blown a demonstrating mob in Paris apart with canister shot but in Madrid the result was different. Instead of running home and hiding, as the Parisians had done, the Madrileños began to fight. Murat was confident of his army. The men in Madrid were a part of the Grande Armée of France. The Great and Invincible French Army that had crushed everyone and everything in it’s path for years. It included not only Frenchmen but soldiers gathered together from all over Europe, and beyond: Dutch cavalry, Hungarian Hussars, Polish horsemen and the fearsome, turban wearing, desert warriors, the Mamelukes. The finest army in the world against a rabble, ridden with lice, living in hovels and armed with knives and outdated shotguns. That rabble was angry though and in the narrow streets of Madrid hordes of them fell on those fine cavalry horses and their moustachioed riders, overwhelmed them and hacked them to pieces with their long country knives. Dragoons, who had survived the bloodiest battles in history, died in a rain of plant-pots hurled from balconies by housewives. Spanish troops garrisoned in the city had been confined to barracks before the revolt because the French didn’t quite trust them. Two captains, Luis Daoíz and Pedro Velarde, stationed at Monteleón Artillery Barracks, disobeyed orders, joined the insurrection and became national heroes. They organised a handful of soldiers and ordinary Madrileños who not only beat off the first French attack but took the commanding general prisoner. Murat was amazed and furious. He sent a larger force to overwhelm the Spanish defence. Both Spanish officers perished in the attack. The French eventually regained control of the city. The best figures suggest that over four hundred Spaniards died, many of them before summary firing squads, when the fighting was over. French losses were about 130. On June15 Napoleon’s brother, Joseph, was proclaimed King of Spain, leading to a general anti-French revolt. In August, a British force under Arthur Wellesley, later the Duke of Wellington, landed on the Portuguese coast. By mid 1809, the French had abandoned Portugal. In Spain it took longer for the British and Spanish to defeat Napoleon’s army and it wasn’t till 1813 that the Battle of Vitoria finally saw the French driven from the Iberian peninsula.


E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com

Costa Blanca

PS QRO on nsi & Pe ce Advi sts iali Spec

Where can I invest a Lump Sum? Expatriate residents in Spain who invest capital sums in an offshore bond will find it beneficial to obtain a tax compliant policy issued by an EU life insurance companyor operating under EU Freedom of Services rules rather than a ‘foreign’ policy. (A foreign policy is a non-tax compliant policy issued by an EU insurer or a policy issued by a life insurance company which is located in a third country. A foreign policy will be subject to Spanish income tax on an annual basis). Investments in Spanish compliant offshore bonds grow virtually free of tax throughout the time the product is held, especially if you want the investment to simply offer growth potential. Whilst the tax treatment of tax compliant offshore bonds and mutual funds is on a level footing in Spain, expatriates who become tax residents may wish to consider offshore investments to manage their tax liability and/or control when tax charges are made. For instance, benefits can potentially be deferred to a period that may be more advantageous from a taxation perspective. Your local independent tax adviser can help you decide what is best for you. You have a very wide choice of funds to suit your risk profile and invest as little as 25,000 GBP / 30,000 EURO into a tax-compliant Bond (fund wrapper) and elect to take a regular withdrawal as income or simply leave for growth potential. Have you got the right type of offshore bond? We offer a free initial consultation. For more information, please drop an email mark.harrison@aesinternational.com or contact us on 965 704 338, 966 196 563 or 689 151 631. AES International does not offer individual tax advice.

DON´T FORGET THE FORTHCOMING FREE LUNCH ¨Let´s Inform You¨ SEMINARS Reserve your place ! Tel: 966 799 070 - All Seminars are a Noon start. Participating Companies in the Seminars: Currencies Direct; Avalon; Pellicer & Heredia Abogados; Telitec & AES International.


El Campello Wednesday 13 May

Sol Park

Moraira Tuesday 19 May

Quesada Fish & Chips Quesada Thursday 11 June

AES International is a trading style of AES Financial Services Ltd which is registered with the Comisión Nacional del Mercado del Valores(CNMV) and Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones(DGS) and is authorised to give investment advice under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive(MiFD). Some of the Investment examples advertised may be unregulated collective investment schemes (UCIS) and may not be suitable for all investors. Investors should always speak with their advisor as to the suitability of these investments within their portfolio. It does not constitute an offer to enter into any contract or agreement, nor is it a solicitation to buy or sell any investment.

E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com


TIM Magazine™

Place your pensions please !!!


bish bash

As the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta approaches, a survey asking ‘What has the Magna Carta done for us?’ has produced some unusual results in the UK. 30% complained it had got them stuck on jury service, 15% blamed it for the number of immigrants claiming benefits and a woman in Southend said ‘The one I ordered in the cocktail bar on the seafront had too much Worcester sauce.’ The remainder thought that, if he agreed to sign it, they would support Prince Charles becoming king. The growing popularity of Podemos with Spanish voters ahead of the November General Election doesn’t seem to be worrying the expat community. The number of men sporting ponytails has increased dramatically, while the Marxist threat is clearly no concern: DVD rentals of Marx Brothers films have recently soared to new heights. ‘I’d certainly vote for Julio Iglesias,’ added a lady interviewed in Cartagena, ‘but I don’t think he’s singing in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest, is he?’ She’ll be following the Australian entry instead. After pensions, liberalisation in the UK there’s been anxiety about people blowing their whole savings pile on luxuries like a Lamborghini, though Jeremy Clarkson has pointed out that for him a Lamborghini isn’t a luxury. Rumours that he then punched the interviewer were, of course, merely put out by the PR agency working for his next show. More worrying are some of the scams attempting to part pensioners from their hard-earned savings. One man in Brighton had been persuaded to invest everything in a water-powered car project in the Gobi Desert, while another put all his on Red Rum in the recent Grand National. The worst case, however, featured a woman from Devon whose entire pension pot disappeared overnight. She’d opened an internet bank account. Complaints about the length of advert breaks on TV continue to increase. ‘Seven minutes is all very well,’ explained a viewer from Elche, ‘I mean, most ready meals only need five in the microwave, but having a shower is a nightmare in that time.’ A TV company spokesman sympathised and said it was their aim to reduce the actual programme content to seven minutes in any hour in the near future. ‘Obviously not for live football,’ he added, ‘unless England are 4

by John Bishop https://johnbishopauthor.wordpress.com

playing, in which case we’ll show all adverts.’ Meanwhile a women’s group in Alicante is arguing for a reduction, claiming that after two minutes their husbands’ lovemaking is over and they just want to get back to something more interesting. Prior to voting day in the UK a poll was taken asking people about the biggest change they hoped to see in five years’ time, by the date of the next election. 10% said a fairer society, 15% hoped for more tolerance, 20% for wider human rights and 55% for more friends on Facebook. Spain’s recent revival as a location for the shooting of foreign films, following on from the successful completion of the epic ‘Exodus’ is set to continue although there have been some hiccups. A new ‘Carry On...’ series was scheduled to begin this autumn in Benidorm but they appear to have been at it already, while the six-month shooting of ‘Interstellar 2’ at Murcia’s new airport has been postponed: it seems a plane is due to land there halfway through. Progress on the sequel to Anna Karenina has also been suspended as the trains keep going too fast for her to jump in front of them. And ‘Fifty Shades of Grey 2’ has been transferred to Lancashire due, not to problems with the Church, but an excess of sunlight. With the end of the football season many of you will be wondering how to fill the empty hours until things start again. Next Sunday. Don’t worry. A British sports entrepreneur believes that after its success in Afghanistan, Spain will be the next place for an explosion of popularity in cricket, especially limited overs. He’s thinking of about three, because of the heat. Currently he’s waiting to hear exactly where the game will take off, but as soon as Joan of Arc has spoken to him we’ll let you know. Finally, following the launch of the ITV drama Broadchurch in the US under the new title of Gracepoint, several other TV shows are due to get similar treatment. Eastenders will be re-named Eastsiders while Coronation Street becomes ER Palace. Top Gear is currently on hold, however as the proposed title Gay Attire has been rejected.

E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com

Costa Blanca


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E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com


TIM Magazine™

. L A C I G O L C CY “Monforte Del Cid” Cycle Sportif. On Sunday22nd March 2015, fifteen members of Team “Cyclogical” based in Quesada travelled to Monforte del cid to participate in the 2nd Valle de las Uves (valley of the grapes) Marcha. The team left from “Cyclogicals” shop in Quesada at 6.45am and travelled in convoy along the AP7 turning onto the Madrid road at Elche following it to Monforte approx 20kms before arriving at the Sports centre at 7.45am. Registration started at 8 am so the guys were first in the queue then straight to the nearest restaurant for breakfast .The race was well organised and started on time at 9.30am with a mass start and no pace car which was brilliant the group soon thinned out as many of us left the town at 46km per hour. There were over 600 riders participating and 5 of the guys representing team cyclogical were taking part in their first event including Mickey who was also the oldest competitor at 76 years young. The Route was well sign posted with plenty of helpers, dispatch riders and police motorcycles assisting to marshal the route.

months and were taking part in their very first Sportif cycling event, they all performed really well with most of the team finishing in the top 50% of riders , which was excellent . Mickey was not only the oldest competitor but finished in a great time of 3hrs 50mins and was chuffed to bits The Team are pictured on their trusted stead’s just before the start at the start and are from left to right : Peter Cunningham, Kelvin Howard, Tony Nolan, Malcky Murray, Alan Quearns, Owen Desmond, Robert Capel, Glyn Whiting, Richard Binns, Gary Routledge, Alan Ray, Mickey Whybrow, Dave Robertson , Martyn Stone, Dave Brown was unavailable for the pic. All of the Team had an excellent day’s cycling and returned to Quesada with the Ham (Jamon ) presented to the largest team . On the Sunday evening after the race Peter had organised a great buffet party which everyone attended with their partners and had a great finish to another great day. The guys are looking forward to returning to Monforte next year. The team would also like to thank all their sponsors for their continued support, Sol-4 investment consulting, Expat pensions and investments, Arrow rent a car, Shenanigans bar, Spanish insurance, Securidan, Pulse core fitness and Ambience fires and solar. Team “Cyclogical” meet every Thursday night at 5.30pm and Sunday mornings at 8am and cover between 90 and 120kms at a moderate to fast pace so if you fancy a challenge come along and join us. Looking to improve your fitness, riding ability and speed and also have a new group of friends to train with then why not come along and give it a try or call Gary on 637 487 377.

The course covered a total distance of 99kms with just under 1000 metres of climbing involved which was an easy route and ideal for beginners. There were 600 riders participating on this route and it was not long before there were many splinter group’s but everyone just found their own pace and got on with it. The first groups of riders were very quick and it was not long before they made their mark and arrived back at 2 hrs 30mins. The first riders of team “Cyclogical” Owen, Big Al and Gary were back at 2hr 45mins with the rest of their guys back around the 3 hour mark. Many riders took over 4 hours to complete the circuit. Five of the team have only been cycling road bikes for 6


E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com

Costa Blanca

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JAGUARS Largest collection of

Classic Jaguars ever in Spain Written by Eric Arnold

After months of planning The Big One as it became to be called actually happened. A joint meeting between The Jaguar Enthusiasts Club, Spain and The Jaguar Enthusiasts Club, France, plus a few guys from the Madrid Jaguar Club. The result was 73 fabulous Jaguars cleaned and polished to “within an inch of their lives” and 151 very enthusiastic Jaguar owners. The main event took place on Saturday 28th March and Sunday 29th March 2015 but many of the participants took two or three days to travel to and from their home to the event in Northern Spain. Cars and owners came from all over Spain and France and congregated at the fabulous Parador Siguenza hotel in Siguenza. A 13th Century castle that has been converted into a glorious luxury hotel. An outstanding collection of Big Cats graced the cobbled grounds of this iconic building. It made “an old man” very happy, what an amazing sight. I am not going to try and mention all the cars, there were so many that deserved a special mention but, to do them justice would take up too much room in this article. If you want to see just some of them, visit our web site www.jec-spain.com and visit the Events pages and the Gallery pages where you can see examples of “just the best motors in the world”! On the Saturday evening we all gathered for the “Black, White & Bling” Gala Dinner, held in the medieval hall. A selection of exquisite “tapas” starters then either beef wellington or a fish dish, accompanied with some stunning wines. Dessert and coffee was preceded by the Grand Draw, prizes included bottles of 40 and 20 year old Cognac, an Iberico Cured Ham, a gold plated Jaguar fob watch, a 7” Android Tablet, HD DVD Car video recorder, display and camera, various bottles of superb wines, a cheese and many other items. At the end of the evening we held a Grand Auction. All the items in the auction were donated by some of the members. Many, many thanks to those who donated items to this fantastic auction. We made just slightly over 1,800.00 Euros, of which 600.00 Euros will be kept for club funds and the remaining 1,200.00 Euros will be donated to Cancer Research UK. Sunday started early, breakfast then “start your engines” was called at 09:30 and 73 glorious Jaguars snaked through the little town of Siguenza and then squeezed in to the town square. I am not quite sure how we got them all in but we did. I have never seen a site quite like it, a phenomenal photo opportunity. A meeting with the Mayor then at roughly 11:30, start your engines was called and the Big Cats cruised out of the town and into the Spanish country side on their way to another Parador hotel in Soria, where


a very special “posh tapas” lunch had been organised. That brought the organised parts of the event to a close. People made their own way back to Siguenza in their own time May I take this opportunity to offer a very special thank you to all those that attended, I know many of you travelled many hundreds of kilometres to attend this event. A very special thank you to Graham Searle, General Manager, JEC UK who came all the way from England to give us his support. Special thanks to Chris Park and Tim Sankey from JEC France, without their help and support The Big One would not have been such a tremendous success. As always a big thank you to Ian McMenemy, our dedicated Events Director for all his help and his hard work organising our normal events which allowed me the time to conceive and organise this event, and a special thank you to David Shea for his sterling work on our Facebook pages. Last but not least Alfonso Cuervo-Arrango, the events Press Officer who helped in so many ways not only with the press but with the organisation and arrangements through the day. I am already getting requests to “do it again”, just Bigger & Better, April 2017 is the target date. For our next meeting will be on 10th May 2015 when we will be visiting Restaurant, La Cova in Campello again, a firm favourite with our members and a beautiful location. Ian our Events Director is planning something special for September and we will be “cruising” down to Malaga for our “Trip Down South” in November. Why not come and join us. Our Costa Del Sol region has just been launched and is holding their first meeting on 19th April just outside Nerja, details can be found on our web site under Regions, check it out. The Jaguar Enthusiasts Club is the largest of the worlds Jaguar Clubs, apart from joining in the fun at the meetings, full members also benefit from a glossy 140 page A4 monthly magazine, Jaguar spares department and a technical advice service second to none. If you live in Spain and own a Jaguar you should be a member of The Jaguar Enthusiasts Club. The JEC in Spain is organised by Eric Arnold and Ian McMenemy. Eric can be contacted by email at jaguarspain@outlook.com or by phone on 609931647 or alternatively check out the JEC Spain website www.jec-spain.com Our Events Director, Ian McMenemy can be contacted at McMenemy@JECevents.com. Our Costa Del Sol Region is organised by Phillip Wray who can be contacted on jec.costadelsol@gmail.com Come along and join us, you will not be disappointed.

E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com

Costa Blanca

E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com


TIM Magazine™

genuine software was installed. Packed along with these, most often is software that causes adverts to appear on your computer – and these can often make the whole computer almost unusable, which defeats the object of them being installed (oddly!).

The Internet: Safety and Security The Internet is a great place, and certainly has changed how we interact with each other as a society (some feel for the good, and others for the worse!). However, as with anything, there are good and bad things around. Sadly though, the Internet can be a bad place for those not aware of the other dangers. The dangers can be different depending on your age. For young or vulnerable people, the dangers are pretty well publicised, with “stranger danger”, and giving out too much information the common problems. The basic rules are ensure your children talk to you about what they are doing on the web, and NEVER EVER meet anyone from the web unless they are with a parent/ guardian, and meet in public. Sadly though, the biggest risks on the Internet are not those risks above. There is a big money problem going on currently – that of unwanted advertising. It used to be viruses – but now they are very difficult to get, as long as you have a decent and updated anti-virus. The new issue though is something that, in the industry, is called “PUPs” – or Potentially Unwanted Programs. These PUPs are more often irritating than dangerous, but are now considered to be a significant problem. The most common PUP is one that changes your browser homepage (the website that opens when you start the internet on your computer). Most of these “new” homepages would carry advertising, and the software they used to change your homepage would be downloaded accidently by the user, or they would be tricked into it when some 10

So, how can I protect myself from these? The designers of this type of software are very clever people. They rely on user’s lack of in-depth knowledge or intrigue. They will create adverts that appear on websites that look genuine; “You need to install the update”, “Your machine is running slow, click here to repair it” are two of the most common “cons” out there. Another ploy is to side with a genuine piece of software, and pay them to allow the software to be slipped in to the install routine (often browser homepage changes are done this way). On the first style of PUP, don’t EVER believe any advert you read on a website. Don’t trust anything on a website that it trying to tell you something is wrong, or asks you to install software. Be very careful on downloading sites that you only ever click on the correct download option (many adverts will include the word “Download” or a download icon to confuse or trick you into clicking in the wrong place). The second style is to be imbedded into the install routine of free software (after all, the writers of good free software have to get some money for their creation!). When installing ANY software, read, and reread the install pages before randomly clicking on the “Next” button. Often there are check buttons on it, where they indicate additional software or homepage changes can be installed. Sometimes they are very difficult to read, intentionally, to encourage you to just accept them. Other times, they can be ignored by clicking on a “Skip” button at the bottom, or “Do not agree” button. If the worst happens and you accidently install something nasty, remember to use to “System Restore” function on your computer to go back to a point before your computer got infected.

E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com

by David Fraser

Costa Blanca

Fully Legal & Microsoft Qualified Computer Repairs Websites, Training & Advice Open Mon-Fri 10am-6pm, Sat 10am-2pm No call out fee Fully legal - 20+ years experience ALL work comes with a warranty Mobile service - work done at your convenience in your own home or workplace  Covering Pinoso, Hondon Valley, Fortuna, La Romana, Sax, Salinas and surrounding areas.

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Visit our weekly drop-in computer clinics for help, advice and repairs, and enjoy a snack / drink in our selected venue (followed by the weekly commission free auction): Every Saturday: Rafael's Restaurant Monovar Road, Pinoso (10am-2pm)

Telephone: 636 647 247 Web: www.thepcdoctor.es email: david@thepcdoctor.es Facebook: facebook.com/thepcdoctorspain

E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com


TIM Magazine™

Written by Rob Innis with Ignacio Pellicer Mollá (Abogado- Solicitor – Barrister) of Pellicer & Heredia Abogados This month we explain the Spanish tax return system, known as Declaracion De Renta. Many Resident Expats have either been avoiding this process through lack of knowledge or deliberate avoidance. However, the Spanish government is now exchanging information with the UK and other EU countries tax authorities to ensure all those liable to paying Spanish tax are making a tax return in Spain. Due to the double taxation agreement, you will never need to pay the same taxes in both countries. There is also an ‘amnesty’ option, see below. Who has to make a Spanish tax declaration? With very few exceptions, everyone resident in Spain for more than 183 days in a year has to file a tax return. Non-resident property owners are also obliged to file tax returns, but must follow a different system to residents. The cut-off point is 11.200€ in any one year which applies to income from employment and pensions from overseas under these circumstances: Income has not been taxed in Spain and neither in the UK. (i.e. UK state or private pensions) Income comes from more than one source (e.g. two jobs or two pensions or one of each) The cut off point is 22.000 euros ONLY if income comes from one source and is being monthly taxed in Spain such us Spanish pensions or employment income monthly taxed in Spain. It is obligatory in certain circumstances however low your earnings are: If you have a claim for double taxation If you are due a refund If you have made pension contributions If you are claiming deductions for cost of buying your main residence If you have capital gains or income above certain limits It may be in your interest to make a tax return when your earnings are low, for example if you have worked for only part of the year and may therefore be due a rebate. There are advantages of being fiscally resident in Spain. When do I become tax resident? The short answer is that living longer than 183 days in Spain (including occasional trips out of the country) during any one calendar year makes you tax resident. When is the Spanish tax return it due? The declaration must be filed by the 30th June during the year following the relevant tax year. Therefore, in 2015 everyone will be filing his or her 2014 tax returns. The tax is payable by the 30th June, although two stage payments are possible. 12

What if I don’t pay? Failure to pay tax can result in penalties of between 50% and 150% of the tax owed, plus interest. (But see below) Residents in Spain you will be taxed on your worldwide income, and will be obliged to file income tax returns. You will need to provide the following information: Income liable for tax: Earnings from work and or pensions Earnings from liquid capital (share dividends, account interests, income from renting property) Earnings from economic activities Net gains and capital gains loss Legally established imputations of income from ownership of some properties, other than the home, that are leased, etc. Certificate of Unemployment What information should I provide to include them as allowances? SUMA bills for personal residence or rented properties Proof of mortgage or loans (if any) Date of purchase of actual residence Pension plan contributions Charitable contributions Can I declare my last 4 years income tax return if I have not declared before? Yes, Law 16/2014 has permitted the last 4 years income tax return to be declared. This means that you can voluntarily declare the last four income tax returns before the 30th of June of 2015, without facing interest or penalties. We recommend you talk to a tax professional.

For more information and free advice, call us on 965 480 737 or see our advertisement on the front cover of TIM or e-mail info@pellicerheredia.com. Do not forget to mention that you are a TIM reader. ‘Let´s Inform You’ Seminars, with free lunch Dates for your diary: 13 May: El Campello 19 May: Moraira 28 May: Moraira – Seminar on Wills 11 June: Quesada 16 July: Orihuela (Villa Martin) 23 July: Ciudad Quesada All start at 12:00 o´clock. See our adverts or contact us for more details. Essential to book your place as spaces are limited. Pellicer & Heredia have numerous offices throughout the Alicante region and also in other locations. Refer to their website for more details: www.pellicerheredia.com

E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com

Costa Blanca

E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com


TIM Magazine™

Sterling v Euro update 965 070 584 / 635 015 818 E. janet.spain@currencies4you.com

Greece and Election fever still causing turbulence!

We are happy to give you any advice or quote rates. No charges or fees for any of our services and we will always get you the best rates. If you’re transferring funds, ask about our Spanish banking partnership deal offered to allCurrencies4Youclients -No maintenance fees, No card charges No transfer charges and only 45€ or less for a bankers draft transactions, whatever the amount of the cheque. Massively benefit to anyone considering buying / selling property, saving several hundred Euros.

Having had two dips down to the 1.3550 (0.7380) area early April, the GBP/EUR has been steadily climbing during April.

Check our exchange rates first, Call for a no obligation chat on transfers large or small.

The Pound/Euro pair represents trading between two biggest economies in Europe – the Eurozone and the United Kingdom. Both are particularly sensitive to changes in monetary policy between the Bank of England and European Central Bank. The BOE minutes release on 22nd April came in line with expectations offering no new surprise – a unanimous unchanged monetary policy stance revealing a better outlook for the UK economy and boosting confidence in GBP. This pushed the rate back above 1.40 for the first time since mid March.

Safety of your funds is paramount, as such we only use protected escrow accounts which are authorised and regulated by the FCA. Your localCurrencies4You office is in Pinoso. Also:-Vehicle re-registration & name changes, NIEs, Passport renewals, Spanish Driving licence, Insurance and mailbox rental.

In addition, news coming out of Greece still dominates the trend on where the rate is going. The momentum from the decision has forced more capital to come out of Europe pushing GBP/EUR up.Greece seem to be seeking every opportunity to delay in repaying debts creating market uncertainty. The critical point remains that political uncertainty surrounding May’s UK elections, most of the major shifts in currency value tend to be within a two-week window before the election. As such these current rates may well be the ‘peak’ and those who require a Euro purchase in the next few months should seriously consider getting what they can now or buying their Euros ahead of time with a forward contract. There is likely to be some flat lining until after the election, with bounces between 1.37 – 1.41 (0.71 - 0.73) 14

By Janet Lees Operations Director - Spain

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Costa Blanca

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TIM Magazine™

SCOOTS! regor

By John McG

Sunday 11th April – the scheduled day for a ‘Ride Out’, an outing on oldish classic scooters for those like-minded lads, and sometimes lasses to enjoy just being out on two small wheels together. Except – this is Spain, and the weather sometimes isn’t always to our liking... and it hadn’t been lately. Would this put off the more nesh-minded members? Nah! The hardy members of SCOOTS – that’s ‘SUNDAY CLUB OUT ON THEIR SCOOTERS’ - met up at the cafe in the square at San Miguel at 10.30. True, the skies looked a little questionable, ‘Parka weather’ one old Mod was heard to say. Well, it certainly wasn’t short sleeved shirts and shorts attire, but who cares when you’re out on the open road, as long as it’s not hurling it down – and it wasn’t. So we enjoyed the obligatory banter, gossip and scooter news updates: like my beloved ‘Bubbles’ Vespa TX 200 above left who had just been re-sprayed Ferrari Red (very close to Nottingham Forest Red, mentioning one of my other vices) and admiring comments were duly made, with requests for costs supplied. Numbers for the Ride Out? Well, it was a ‘Mod’ified Magnificent Seven again, although this time Leicester Lambretta Lord Pete wasn’t outnumbered by numerous Vespas, no sir, as Geordie Colin and Joe ‘Smiler’ Moran were also riding Lambrettas. The Piaggio chapter was well represented fourfold by Billy, Aircon Dave, the other Pete, aka Andy – don’t ask – and me, RAF John. OK, loo visited, parkas and helmets on. Off we went on what is to date my favourite stretch of Scooter riding heaven in the southern Costa Blanca, the single track road from San Miguel to Rebate. It swoops up, down, and round some quite tight bends; fortunately there’s very little traffic on the road, and when you see seven of us whistling along after each other it’s a great sight for an ancient old sixties Mod like me. We turned towards Pilar and hit the scoot unfavourite N332, and headed - north you ask, back to Torry? Not this time, amigo, we turned right and south..... Ooh, the skies had darkened by now, and we experienced some light rain – would we become soaked and washed away in a downpour?

and then ventured left. I was now in uncharted waters, but others weren’t and Joe stopped briefly to indicate a line of bars of restaurants in an urbanization. We didn’t stop, but later found out that his business was there, a fish and chip shop named ‘Pearls Plaice‘ - We continued on until we arrived by the seaside and were re-united with Seamus who we had seen back in San Miguel. ‘SCOOTS’ lined up their treasures in the time-honoured manner, see the illustrious line up top right and we all ventured into a very nice seaside cafe almost on the beach with lovely views over to the Mar Menor. Time for a warming coffee and a sustaining bite to eat as the sun struggled to shine through. We chatted again about getting a logo, matching shirts etc which again came to nothing: maybe we will sort it out next time. The conversation turned to next month and the Cartagena scooter rally on May 9th. Those who have been there before (not me) said it was a good wellorganised affair and a well planned day out, although it would be over an hour’s journey on our small Italian-original transport. Everyone seemed ‘up for it’ including yours truly – but alas, it didn’t occur to me until on the way home I realised I won’t be there. It’s my RAF reunion weekend in the UK, to meet up with other old farts – sorry, make that friends from the late sixties and early seventies, post my original scooter days. Ah well, they’ll just have to go to the big annual event without me, such is life. Now with the sky brighter and our hearts lighter it was time to return home to our loved ones with tales of our latest southern venture, complete with some photos which appeared hours later on Facebook. One day I will understand this strange new media and use it as its meant to be instead of pretending I know what it’s for. However did we all manage to keep in contact with each other in the old days - when Pontius was a Pilot (ancient Air Force joke). I think I am the ‘Modfather’ in terms of age of our group, although one or two greyer ones might give me a run for my money. But you can’t take the fun away from us, the sheer bliss of ‘bubbling’ along on a 25 year old classic scooter that’s a dead ringer for the sixties ones we used to ride - and some still do, of course. So if you feel the need to join us, why not come along for the day and see us – it’s a great day out – good clean fun with some great company – and the weather will be great!

Led now by Joe we essayed down the Cartagena road to San Javier and round the jet plane someone conveniently landed on the roundabout, 16

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Costa Blanca


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grexit, spexit

TIM Magazine™

The New Word Game

Last night I watched the “We Hate The Tories Debate”, I don’t think that was the actual title but as the representatives of the Greens, Labour, SNP and Plaid Cymru said quite clearly that they were prepared to take any measure that would drive the Tories out. So this is the state of UK politics today, when all else is lost unite as one with a message of hate, shame on you all. Can you imagine for one moment if the party they had all come together to hate was Muslim, Gay, Black or Jewish, would we then allow it to happen? I very much doubt it, but because the Conservatives are seen as white, university educated and wealthy then it’s all ok. Hate the rich, tax the rich, “tax cuts for millionaires”, “it’s all Thatcher’s fault”, “privatise the NHS” the rhetoric is sickening. I don’t really care that Ed Miliband has two kitchens; I am more bothered that he tried to make out that he didn’t really because “one was for snacks”. I don’t care that Natalie Bennett is Australian and looks like an Eastern European Shot-Putter; I do care that because she knows her chances of ever carrying out her manifesto makes her think she can produce a bucket list instead and that the electorate would be too stupid to see through it. I don’t care that Nicola Sturgeon wants to defend the UK with men and women brandishing sharpened sticks; but I do care that there may be English people out there voting for a party that wants Scotland to succeed above all else and that is sidling up to Ed Miliband in a revolting manner like two snakes at the bottom of a pit. It’s interesting to see Nigel Farage realising that his part of the vote is dwindling daily and noticing the vultures are circling start to tone down his policies on immigration and begin concentrating more on defence and the NHS. It is too late for UKIP and I think it will be a 20

little sad when Farage fails to even take South Thanet. I did predict in an earlier column that Reckless and Carswell always had their eyes on the prize. Carswell spoke well on Question Time later that evening and came across as a serious politician. I have a soft spot for UKIP because they have been treated terribly by the media who have loved to feature the loonies that UKIP generally have weeded out. Of course it doesn’t help their cause when Thanet District Councillor Rozanne Duncan was interviewed and proudly told us all that she “had a problem with negroes” she went on to say that “I don’t know if it’s their shiny skin”, however, she didn’t have the same problem with Jews even though “they have curved noses”. MEP’s must be very busy these days as they don’t have the time to say two words when they can simply merge them into one. The latest being the Grexit (Greek Exit) the most obvious thing ever with the exception of me eating two flans or maybe three if I go to a buffet. The Greeks took all the EU money gratefully and spent it on creating Civil Servant jobs paying 60,000 euros per year in the same way that Hamas take money from the UN to build hospitals and schools and spend it instead on tunnels enabling them to murder more Israeli civilians then go back for more and, amazingly are given it. So the bankrupt Greeks can’t pay their debt and have cosied up to Putin who I guess has advised them to dump their massive debt, take his 5bn and allow him to finish his Turkish Stream pipeline project. My guess is that, with an election looming, their maybe talk of a Spexit (you see, this game is easy) especially if Podemos carry on gathering support.

E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com

by Marty Funkhauser

Costa Blanca

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Costa Blanca

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TIM Magazine™

PERSONAL INCOME TAX (IRPF) ON FOREIGN PENSIONS INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROCEDURE FOR REGULARISING YOUR IRPF (PERSONAL INCOME TAX) AND WAIVER IN RELATION TO FOREIGN PENSIONS Spanish Law 26/2014, of 27 November, which modifies Law 35/2006, of 28 November, on Personal Income Tax, establish a transitional and non-extendable period in which taxpayers who receive pensions from abroad which are taxable in Spain and have not been declared during their corresponding fiscal year can regularise their tax situation without penalty, surtax or interests. Taking into account the Law came into force on 1st January 2015, the tax authorities in Spain can re visit your tax payments as far back as 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. The non-extendable period of time finishes on 30th June 2014. The law covers two different situations: 1. The possibility of filling in a supplementary tax return in order to include foreign pensions taxable in Spain which were not included in the appropriate tax year. 2. The taxpayer didn’t submit any Tax Return as they deemed they were not subject to it but, if these foreign pensions had been included in their Tax Return, the taxpayer would have been liable to submit a Tax Form in Spain.

REMEMBER! This special law: applies to foreign pensions taxable in Spain for tax years 2010-2011-2012-2013 Deadline for Income Tax Return submission and waiver application: 30th June 2015.


C/ Azorin, Nº8 bajo, Castalla Telf: 96 556 10 43 assintem@assintem.com

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Costa Blanca

E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com


Words and photos by Rob Innis


The Mendoza

TIM Magazine™

Hordes of runners on a 10km ‘Fun Run’ (surely an oxymoron?) blocked our route out of El Campello. However, the coach driver skilfully manoeuvred the long coach through the side streets and we emerged on the main road – destination Alfas Del Pi. The U3A (see box on next page) wine group was on another mission to sample 10 of Bodega Enrique Mendoza’s finest wines. Fully recovered from our recent sortie (and my second visit see TIM January 2014) to Bodega Florentino Perez in Albacete we were all looking forward to a typical sunny Costa Blanca day. Our driver again had to use all his skill as the entrance to the Bodega is via a rather narrow country lane. But we arrived unscathed and waited for our organiser to arrange our entry vouchers with handy little tear off strips to be exchanged for the various wines on offer. Complimentary glass in hand we moved into the delightful open air setting for the Mendoza’s Experience – a wellestablished annual event that includes more than just wine tasting. I stopped and chatted to the busy coopers who were demonstrating their art of making wooden barrels. It is now common practise for wine to be matured in either French or American oak barrels. The wood imparts flavours into the wine depending on duration in the barrel and both type and age of the barrel. Barrels are sold for several hundred Euros based on type and size. 26

Time for the first tasting, a rather young white wine, which I decided was a little light for my taste. Further exploration around the various stands and stalls revealed the chance to understand the difference the type of soil can make in wine production. After some explanation, we were offered the same variety of wine grown in both sandy and stony ground to try to taste the differences. Which, to be honest, were probably too subtle for me. Another tasting challenge was to distinguish between the same wine having been stored in a small barrel (250 Lts) against a large barrel (500 Lts) Wine from the larger barrel has less complexity but is fruitier and maybe this time my taste buds got the message. All interesting stuff especially if you are thinking of entering Mastermind, or maybe the local quiz nights. The sun got hotter and the friendly crowds got bigger meaning the queues for the next tastings were longer. Unless of course you sent a friend ahead and passed over your glass. Obviously some of the locals had more experience at this game than us novices. Our group’s challenge was to exchange all 10 vouchers before the coach departure time or face a long walk home. Naturally, food accompanies wine. So after an early sample of 10 types of cheese, where the skill was to balance plate, hold glass and other sundry equipment, whilst tasting said cheese not easy but a good party game. Large portions of well-priced tasty food were on offer. A 5€ plate of vegetable paella easily fed two people and prepared them for the afternoon and the remaining wine tastings.

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Costa Blanca

Unsurprisingly Mendoza’s main production is red wine from a selection of grapes including Pinot Noir, Merlot, Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Monastrel all grown inland in Villena and shipped down to Alfas for the actual wine production. The wineries were established in the late 70s and use environmentally friendly techniques to grow the vines without use of harmful chemicals and using natural fertilisation. Sophistated modern equipment is used to produce, mature and store the final product. The red wine was of a high quality and we especially liked the Shiraz and Santa Rosa, which Mendoza says: ‘This wine has an intense ruby red colour with orange shades acquired in its ageing. It is a mineral wine with aromas such as graphite, black stones, soil mixed with spicy, herbal and floral aromas. Once in the mouth it gives the feeling of being a very balanced wine, combining strength and elegance, with abundant unaggressive tannins. The after taste is long and harmonious bringing back the smoked and toasted aromas from the ageing in the barrels.’ And, yes it was excellent. The final tasting was a marriage of Valor chocolate and a desert wine, made especially to accompany sweet deserts including chocolate. Valor make a special melt in the mouth sweet, which was included with this tasting, and boxes of the product were on sale for chocoholics to take home.

Amazingly, everyone returned to the coach on time and after an interesting day, some great wines, good food and company all in a delightful setting we (noisily) travelled back to El Campello as our honourable leader reminded us of our next wine tasting session. Apart from this annual event, Mendoza offer conducted tours around their winery from Tuesday-Saturday and full details are on their web site. www.bodegasmendoza.com/en

If U3A is new to you – ‘The purpose of the U3A (University of the Third Age) is to encourage and enable people to share their knowledge and skills, interests and experiences. This organisation is unique in that the teacher is also the learner, and the word ‘University’ is used in its original sense of people coming together to share and pursue learning in all its forms. The U3A is open to everyone in the community. No qualifications are necessary, nor are any awarded. We hope to attract members from the surrounding towns and from a variety of nationalities. The only criterion is the ability to communicate in English.’ http://u3acampellosanjuan.weebly.com

E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com


TIM Magazine™

Shrimp Tacos with Mango and avocado

Ingredients count) peeled and 1 pound shrimp (16/20 deveined Olive oil

mboo, soak in water Skewers for grilling, if ba for an hour Mango Avocado Salsa: o, peeled and cut into 1 ripe but still firm mang

Preparation 1. Prepare your shrimp 2 Get the Salsa ready . Place the chopped mango, avocado, red on ion, jalapeño in a bowl. Sprinkle with salt and gently toss with fresh lime or lemon juice. Add fresh cilantro (if using) right before serving. 3 Get your grill ready for

the shrimp. Make sure

small cubes

it is very hot!

small cubes

4 Use two bamboo skewe

peeled, and cut into 1 ripe avocado, seeded, ion sp finely chopped red on

2 Tb

pper (less or more to 1/2 fresh jalapeño pe taste), minced

on juice 3 Tbsp fresh lime or lem t 1/2 teaspoon kosher sal

ves (optional) opped fresh cilantro lea

2 Tbsp ch

rs at a time to thread the shrimp. This will ma ke it easier to turn and keep the shrimp from sp inning on the skewer Brush shrimp with a thi n coating of olive oil on both sides. 5 Brush hot grill with a wa

soaked in olive oil. Place

dded up paper towel the skewers of shrimp

on the hot grill. Grill for 2-5 minutes per side, depending on how ho t your grill is and how big your shrimp are. Do n’t overcook or your shrimp will be rubbery! Remove the shrimp from the skewers when they are still relatively hot (they’ll slide off bette r when warm). 6 Warm your tortillas. De

cut out and keep

pending on the type of tortilla you are using (flour tortillas work well, as do soft white corn tortillas), you can put them on the grill for a few moments. To serve, place a few shrim p in the center of a tortilla and top with ma ngo avocado salsa!

Courtesy of simpleyrecipes.com 28

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Costa Blanca

Going Out E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com


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Costa Blanca

14th May 4 year anniversary celebration (booking essential) Come and Join us on the 14th of May for our 4 year anniversary. We have a fantastic offer for this day. Have a look on our advert to the left for all the details. As you can see from our photos you will have a wonderful meal in our lovely restaurant, which is decorated in a traditional yet modern Indian style. Our staff are welcoming and are looking forward to seeing you there. If you can’t make it for our anniversary, then why not visit us whenever you fancy an authentic and tasty Indian meal. If would like more information then why not visit our Facebook page and you can see for yourself what a great time you will have and the food that you will will enjoy. We hope to see you there, The Royal India

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job as a Dad was stealing from his my t tha ve lie be to d nte Short Joke: I never wa re. t home, all the signs were the road worker. But when I go 3




Sudoku Solutions

4 2

Sudoku Solutions

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1 32

Costa Blanca




Clues Across 1 Assistant (4) 3 High jumper? (8) 9 Assassin’s potential workload? (3,4) 10 Very energetic — crazed (5) 11 Afro-Cuban dance (5) 12 Prime of life (6) 14 Enjoyment of others’ woes (13) 17 Petty details (6) 19 Mutton or lamb leg (5) 22 Extra zeds in the morning (3-2) 23 Knickers (7) 24 US petrol (8) 25 Sharp (4)




1 Pithy saying (8) 2 Fact (5) 4 Where vegetables or fruit are grown (7,6) 5 Feigned pass or kick — model — baby comforter (5) 6 Southwest Pacific island hit by Cyclone Pam in March (7) 7 Sexually suggestive (4) 8 Hogwarts’ graduate — Super! (6) 13 Chuck overboard (8) 15 Exploit (something’s) potential energy (7) 16 Bob Marley music (6) 18 Plastic used for gramophone records (5) 20 Small diving waterfowl with a long neck (5) 21 Scrounge — steal (4)

1 Unconstitutional overthrow of a 1 Hinged window sash (8) 2 Presumptuously arrogant (6) government (4,5) 3 Ditch — rubbish tip (4) 8 Giants (5) 9 City buried by volcanic eruption, 4 Everything — 1997 Sheffieldbased film (3,4,5) AD 79 (7) 10 Fellow apartment resident (8) 5 Halloween ordeal? (5,2,5) 11 Well-built sexually attractive 6 Chinese philosophical doctrine man (4) (12) 13 Clear, logical and convincing (6) 7 Street musician with a hurdy14 Serious avoidable mistake (6) gurdy (5-7) 16 Centre about which something 12 Black and yellow insect, like a bee or wasp (8) turns (4) 17 Auf wiedersehen! (2,6) 15 After which day becomes night 19 With a roof over one’s head? (7) (6) 18 Common — noun (anag) (3-1) 20 Formal ruling on a point of Islamic law (5) 21 Inlaid veneers, forming a design to decorate furniture (9)




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Winging it! A view from the pilot’s seat by Chris Pickles, Sol-aero flyers One thing that worries people in single engine aircraft is if that engine fails. It’ll just plummet to the ground surely? All aeroplanes glide, the thrust being provided by gravity rather than engines. You will descend, but providing you pitch the aircraft down enough to maintain airspeed to avoid stalling you will maintain control. (Stalling has nothing to do with engines, its insufficient airflow for the wings to provide lift, then you do plummet!) The heavier the aircraft, the faster the glidespeed. Here, light aircraft have an advantage. 747’s glide at 220kts, touchdown at 150kts and need 7000ft to stop. My M1 glides at 55kts, touchdown is 45kts and I need 180ft to stop. Deadstick a 747 and you will almost certainly die, in a light aircraft you will probably get a puncture! In fact I’ve googled some statistics. In 2011 you expected 50 fatalities for every million hours flown in light aircraft, of these only two are attributed to engine failures. Takeoff and landing accidents are the biggest cause, followed by weather related incidents. In the majority of cases the victims were inexperienced pilots who flew infrequently.

X-Air Hawk, flown by hero’s

The key to safe flying is to fly often, and make the hours count by practicing the difficult stuff….ie circuits, and engine failures. I suppose an instructor has the edge here as the majority of the PPL course involves these disciplines! It’s easy to say all this, but how does it feel when it happens. Does training, or panic kick in? Statistics suggest the training wins out, it certainly did for me. In 2007 I was flying from Essex to Spain in my friend Ken’s X-Air, powered by a Simonini engine (Italian.... unreliable!). 150 miles south of Paris and 3000ft I suspected engine problems when a chunk of crankcase hit the windscreen and everything went quiet apart from Ken, shouting F*** Me!! (A generous offer, but hardly the time!)

Powered by Italians!

I can remember everything. No fear, just a surge of adrenaline sharpening the reactions! When I fly I always look for forced landing areas, and already had a field to the west earmarked. I had loads of height to lose though, so applied full opposite stick and rudder to sideslip the aircraft, I had to abort the slip to clear some power lines that came into view giving me an unacceptably fast approach, so ended up having to bank round to a smaller field to my right. Touchdown was smooth, and we ground to a halt in front of a surprised cow (not the farmer’s wife!) No damage to man or machine…..No drama. I’ve been occasionally terrified while flying….Severe turbulence in Almeria, Fog in Kent, dangerous situations that I put myself into, and boy did I learn from them! But the engine failure, looking back, was a piece of cake, one of the most exciting moments of my life in fact! And that’s how it should be!! Oh, and the X-Air? Bolted a Rotax engine on, got to Spain …..(eventually), flies great!! Until next time,

rmation call For more info hris/Jan) 966195 508 (C / 2 13 5 68 9 60 vert. or see main ad

Chocks away!!


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Costa Blanca

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TIM Magazine™

Horoscopes Aries A moneymaking opportunity is worth pursuing. Pour all your energy into this contest, as the spoils will be impressive. Working for a prominent executive or corporation will pave the way for bigger and better work assignments. When people see this impressive client on your CV, they’ll clamour for your services. Never underestimate the importance of a big name in generating business. When negotiating a salary or fee, aim for the higher end. Demanding what you are worth brings respect.

Leo A thrilling career opportunity is within your reach. Going above and beyond the call of duty will help you secure this position. Working overtime or coming in on the weekend will demonstrate a seriousness of purpose. Your employer will be impressed by your diligence and reward you with an impressive promotion. If you’re unemployed, don’t get your heart set on a particular field. You can thrive in a variety of industries, thanks to your hard work and tenacity. Widen your search.

Sagittarius Your financial situation will improve dramatically, thanks to a steady work assignment. Take this opportunity to put some money into a savings account. Having a nest egg will give you a greater measure of freedom. You won’t be able to travel freely because of work responsibilities. That’s a bitter pill to swallow until you remember the big picture. If you pay your dues now, you’ll be able to do some globetrotting later. Focus on becoming a valued employee.


Taurus Your forceful personality makes people sit up and take notice of you. This is a great time to show off your expert knowledge. Demonstrating a command for facts and figures will result in a teaching or media position. Make sure you don’t impose this air of authority at home. Your family won’t appreciate being ordered around. You may be a superstar in intellectual circles, but you’re just another relative on the domestic front. Don’t bristle at your loved ones’ irreverence. It’s good for your ego.


April 21st - May 21st



People are sceptical about your bold proposals. They think they’ll fare better by following the traditional way. Instead of pressing your case, turn your attention to a more rewarding area of life. A romantic relationship is heating up. Spending time with your amour makes you feel fabulous. It’s gratifying to exchange ideas with someone who is open to different viewpoints. Together, you can make exciting plans. Joining households, starting a business and going on an overseas trip are all possibilities.

If you feel overwhelmed, ask your best friend or romantic partner for support. Their tender loving care will boost your confidence. Thanks to their encouragement, you’ll have the strength to confront a persistent problem. For many years, you’ve longed to pursue a goal. Fear of being selfish has stopped you from embarking on this journey. Instead of putting everyone else’s needs first, you’ll make your own desires primary. This confident attitude will help you attain victory in record time



Travelling abroad for business or pleasure is in the cards. You’ll have a wonderful time exploring a country with a radically different culture. Don’t hesitate to try culinary delicacies. You will develop a fondness for a particular type of food that isn’t readily available at home. At times, you will feel like a fish out of water on this trip. That’s healthy. Being an outsider will make you a more compassionate, adaptable person. This will make you a better friend, colleague and neighbour.

This is a wonderful time to apply for a grant, loan or scholarship. Although the competition is fierce, yours will be one of the first applications accepted. That’s because you know how to make a good impression. If you have an interview, dress conservatively and make eye contact. When filling out paperwork, be as specific as possible. If you’re not sure how to answer a question, call the office and ask for guidance. Avoid being overly familiar with officials. Respectful behaviour pays off.



Your dynamic personality attracts romantic attention. If you’re single, you’ll have your choice of admirers. Choose the one with an earthy laugh. You’ll generate powerful chemistry that keeps you bonded together. Are you already in a relationship? Try not to put too much emphasis on the sensual side of your union. Instead, court your partner with kind words, thoughtful gestures and lovely gifts. When a person feels valued, they let down their defences and will want to move closer to you.

Spending more time at home strengthens family ties. In the past, you had a tendency to pour all your energy into work. This made you tired and dispirited. Even an independent person like you needs the support of your nearest and dearest. By putting your job in its proper perspective, you’ll have much more energy for the people you love. A romantic interest may be jealous of your relationship with a close relative. Don’t get defensive. Focus on being fair to both parties.

E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com

Be willing to look at a loved one’s side of the story. Good listening skills will pave the way for a harmonious relationship. Nobody likes to feel like their concerns are dismissed. Although you may not think your amour’s complaints are valid, you’ll change your mind after hearing how your behaviour is affecting their feelings for you. The last thing you want is to be seen as an oppressive tyrant. Practicing kindness and compassion will restore the passion that once flowed freely between you.

Pisces When you do something you enjoy, time becomes elastic. You suddenly have much more energy for other activities. Work doesn’t feel nearly as burdensome and friends become a source of strength. If your boss asks you to add more hours to your shift, be ready to refuse. You are no longer willing to spend every waking moment at the office. Playing sports, making art and spending time with friends are sometimes more important than climbing the corporate ladder.

Costa Blanca

E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com


TIM Magazine™


E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com

Costa Blanca

E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com


TIM Magazine™


Well we eventually got the sun back didn’t we? I hope you’ve managed to get out and about and I am sure, really sure we’ve turned the weather corner, Honest!

Well if it’s May it must be Alhama de Murcia. Always a good do whether it’s for the weekend, Friday night or just one of the days. Perhaps a decision to be made on the 10th with one or both of the events displayed to the left. They’re both worth a visit if they’re up to previous years’ standards. Only other do I can find is on the 17th in PozoEstrecho where Los Galileos are hosting a motoalmuerzo. No poster or other details, sorry. It’s a proper Boys’ Own year in MotoGP isn’t it? When last year’s runaway winner Marc Marquez was humbled in 5th place by a certain old timer Doctor Rossi everyone said it was going to be very different this year, especially when Marquez’s bike broke down at the end of practice in Austin, Texas. But no, our young hero jumps off his bike, climbs the track wall, jumps on the spare bike and nails the fastest qualifying time! Unbelievable. After that he just had to win the race and he duly obliged. Fast forward to Argentina, our young champ is miles out in front but his tyre starts to go and he is reeled in by the Doctor who passes him. Marquez tries to get straight back, makes contact and flies off. 25 points to zero in 3 seconds. You couldn’t make it up and I can’t wait for the next one. A bit more leisurely in World Super Bikes with Irishman Jonathan Rea running away with it at the moment. After round 3 he’s won 5 out of 6 races and managed 2nd in the one he didn’t win behind Chaz Davies. Jonny is already 50 points clear of Leon Haslam, followed by Chaz and Tom Sykes. Don’t bet on it being all over yet though, Sykesy won’t be at all happy back in 4th.He was world champ in 2013 remember and Leon Haslam is starting to live up to his potential.

Rea banking it over in Assen

In British Superbikes Shakey Byrne’s not having all his own way either as he was led home twice at Brands by James Ellison who is now just 6 points behind him. This should go to the wire as well, there’s some great biking to be watched this summer. Remember if you have any comments or want to advertise your club, group or an event I can be contacted via email at timbikers@gmail. com or on Facebook at Tim Bikers where you will also find details of events where I have got less notice.

timbikers@gmail.com Facebook Timbikers 40

Spanish word of the month – Rueda, wheel, as in Dos Ruedas, one of the best biker bars in the area (Elche). Give it a try, you can find them on Facebook. Stay safe moterosand all the Biking Best, Jack E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com

Costa Blanca

E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com


TIM Magazine™

HONDON VALLEY GOLF SOCIETY CAPTAIN MUNN THE OVERALL WINNER AS CARIBBEAN SUN REJUVENATES SEPTUAGENARIAN MARTIN AT FONT DEL LLOP Returning from a month in the Caribbean to celebrate his seventieth birthday, Martin Taylor won the April Stableford Gold Section on his home course of Font Del Llop. Two Steves, Munn and Ingerson, carded 33 and 29 points respectively to win the Silver and Bronze sections. Eleven groups, seven off the First Tee and four off the Tenth Tee, congregated at early o’clock before setting out from just after 9 am to do battle with this testing, undulating course that offers spectacular views of the surrounding area. It was sunny and warm for the first couple of hours. After about eleven o’clock the strengthening wind played a significant part, especially on the back nine where most of the holes were into the wind. In a field of forty three, sixteen of the golfers were members at Font Del Llop. But, in the final shake up, only three of the six winners and runners up and one of the five nearest the pin winners were playing their home course. In the two Matchplay Knockout ties played on the day, Kevin Lawler and Dug Blair progressed into the next round with wins over Geoff Rabey and George Kahn. In the Clubroom before the presentations Chairman Ron Graham read out a letter of resignation from founding member and President Bill Yuill who is leaving Spain and returning to Scotland. He wished Bill well for the future and informed the members that the Committee had approached Jim Lynch to take over. In reply, Jim Lynch thanked Bill Yuill for his excellent service to the Society and said that he was delighted and honoured to be the new HVGS President. Captain Steve Munn welcomed the guests, congratulated the winners and commented on the fine condition of the course. Steve asked that, in future, if members wished to walk they should annotate the playlist with a W or include it in their emails; this would help him to organise the Order of Play.

HVGS WINNERS – FONT DEL LLOP – Tuesday 14th April 2015 MEMBER




Gold Winner

17 32


Gold Runner Up

16 31

Steve MUNN

Silver Winner

21 33


Silver Runner Up



Bronze Winner

26 29


Bronze Runner Up

22 28

32 C/B


Nearest the Pin

Hole 3

Peter LOWE

Nearest the Pin

Hole 8


Nearest the Pin

Hole 12

Graham BLANK

Nearest the Pin

Hole 16


Nearest the Pin

Hole 17

Graham BLANK

Two on the card


Two on the card

Elspeth McDIVOTT

Best Guest

26 30


Green Fee Refund



Football Scratchcard


Forthcoming HVGS Golf Days and Other Events Tuesday 5th May - Alicante Meet in the Clubhouse at 08.30 am1st and 10th Tuesday 26th May - Albacete HVGS Away Day 1st Tee 10.30 am Tuesday 9th June - Alenda Meet in the Clubhouse at 08.45 am1st and 10th Mon 15th – Thu 18th June Hotel Costa Narejos - HVGS Golf Break Tuesday 14th July - Bonalba Meet in the Clubhouse at 08.45 am Friday 17th July - El Romero, Barbarroja Summer Bar-B-Que 7 for 7.30 pm For information on how to join HVGS contact the Secretary, David Fellows, on 965978104 and 649552730 or email davidfellows13@gmail.com . To reserve your place on the list for the Society Golf Days contact the Captain, Steve Munn, on 634326853 or e-mail him at steveandsonya@hotmail.com


E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com

Costa Blanca

CAMPO GOLF SOCIETY Campo meeting on the 20-3-2015 at Bonalba Again we were lucky with the weather, the forecast was rain, but I told them I would like sun and for sure we got sun. Bonalba was in much better condition than last year and the greens were much better, which made them faster than normal at this golf course. But still the scores are not good, regarding how many good golfers we have in the society. Just to let all golfers know,that all societies will have to pay more this year and next year to play at Alenda, plus all the Public will pay a lot more if they just play a one off game. I think if you want to play a one off game ring Alenda first. Winners At Bonalba on 20-3-2015 Winner in gold was Jan Hendricks with 28 points Runner up was K. Beek with 26points Winner in silver was K. Mulder with 25 points Runner up was H. Damen with 22points N/P on the 4th was J. Hendricks N/P on the 8 was K Beek N/P on the 14th was J. Wolde L/D Drive H. Damen Best Guest Player S. Ingerson

Next Meeting Alicante May 22nd 1st tee 9.52 If you would like to join this Society just ring me. Brian on 618 834 774

E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com


TIM Magazine™


FIREWOOD 658 626 315 Free kindling and free chimney sweep to all customers who purchase firewood from us. Also Mulch available Fruit tree, Olive and Almond wood cut to size of wood burner


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Costa Blanca

Care of the Elderly, permanent, respite and dementia clients, affordable rates TEL 659401945 or 677 804 691

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TIM Magazine™


If you have an item for sale over 500 euros or if you have a commercial advert and would like them listed in the Classifieds section of the magazine, then call 606 891 644. Closing date for Classifieds in the magazine is the 19th of the month.

BARGAINADS@YAHOO.ES Sell it Fast Sell it For FREE! You can place your unwanted items in our Classifieds section FREE of charge up to the value of 500 euros. Simply text your unwanted items too 680 976 823 or email them to bargainads@yahoo.es remember, no more than 25 words per item and no more than 3 items per household, and please always include what area you live in, we do not take FREE classifieds over the phone. Last day for Free ads is the 18th of the month

Send your small ads for print to BARGAINADS@YAHOO.ES

Advertise Your Classifieds For FREE No Value Restrictions. Sell anything fast at www.timspain.com classifieds, its totally FREE. Sell you House/car/boat or what you have at www.timspain.com

When sending through your items by email, please only send in normal size text.

GENERAL For Sale, 1 large deep single mattress 10 euros,1 single base 1 large deep single mattress 20 euros 1 metal shelving unit comes apart 10 euros, Gran Alicant Tel 622 041 083 Aviary (metal) for sale. Octagonal 1.5m x 1.5m wide x 2.0m high. Price 100 euros. Phone Lillian 965 708 823. Email roncharris@gmail.com. (Torrevieja, Nr. Centre). Polti Vaporetto steam cleaner, cleans all surfaces an areas. Complete with full set of attachments and instructions v.g.c 60€ o.n.o. Villa Martin area 679 120 649 2 foldable bikes, rarely used. Both units for sales at only 150.00 euros. Benferri mobile: 639 380 883 Honey pine living room dresser, 2 glass doors, 2 drawers. 2 cupboards, Honey pine corner tv unit with double cupboard Honey pine coffee table with under shelf, all very good condition € 220 as a package telephone 610 341 762 La Marina San Fulgencio Wii games console with lot of games including the sports pack mint condition 50euros Sony compact CD Stereo system 46

35 euros Leria portable oil filled radiator with two speed fan 35 euros Phone 968 675 569 (salado alto) near Abanila Chain Saw - Black & Decker 40cm electric chain saw in perfect working order. 60 Euros. Unit with two drawers and two shelves in dark oak wood, 52cm high, 116cm long and 42cm deep. In perfect condition. 95 Euros Wall Mirror - Wood framed mirror 83cm by 58cm in perfect condition. 20 Euros Aspe area Tel: 651 57 294 Roca white pedestal basin 22 euros, various lengths of new/ used wire mesh fencing and stretcher wire 25 euros, Teka stainless steel kitchen sink with mixer tap 25 euros. Fortuna tel 655 385 234. For Sale: Cream leather electric reclining chair with back, neck, and leg massager - 65 €. Buyer collects Gold coloured standard lamp with 4 tulip rosette light fittings. 45€ Glass fronted pine corner unit with shelving. Height 185 cm. 38€. Photographs can be supplied via email on request. Albatera area. Tel: 96-619-5231. Kit to motorise up and over garage door. Full instructions and 2 remotes.75€ Gel Cushion (heavy duty) , helps avoid pressure sores, as new, cost 70€, sell 35€,(Compaq Desktop

Computer, Pentium dual core, 2.6Ghz, Windows7, 300GB, 95€, (San Fulgencio) 690 772 178 Sun Mountain 4-wheel push golf trolley. Very easy to use, light weight, fold into a small & easy to handle size. 118.00 euros. Benferri 639 380 883 Two air condition units, second hand with remote.60 Euros each. 618 834 774 Rarely used power plate equipment. For sales at 168.00. Benferri 639 380 883 Camping items for sale , Waste Water Tank 40€- 2x Plastic Step 5 € ea- External Shower Fitting 15€- Fiamma Rafter 15€ Crespo Folding Adjustable- Table (medium) 30€- Gas/Electric S/S Kettle 10€- Boules 8€ Tel 629 438 885 Benferri For Sale Breadmaker Morphi Richards Model 48200 80 euros Tel 603 689011 Sax

SERVICES Peak Transport, Vince Webster Large Van UkSpain-Uk, Monthly runs, competitive quotes, reliable, friendly service. Telephone 690 818 090 and Uk mobile 0750 492 7034 email: spain2ukpeaktrans @yahoo.co.uk

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Qualified carer available for personal one to one care Tel Barbara 675 874 665





COLLECTION SERVICE Tel Phil (Fortuna) 607 848 332

2nd hand cars bought and sold Tel 691 260 502


Costa Blanca


BADMINT0N AT PILAR DE LA HORADADA Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-1pm. For information ring John McGilvray on 966 786 774 or Mobiles 634 658 506/695 871 707 or e mailcarolejohn_3@hotmail.com A group of us meet every Thursday at the Sunset Cafe on the n332 in Cabo Roig for rideouts. We are multi-national, and all makes of motorcycle are welcome. for more info contact Rob on mollyandbaileybassett@ hotmail.com

ANY GENDER – ANY AGE by Alegria Singers Fortuna A VOLUNTARY, COMPETENT PIANIST primarily to accompany the group at their performances, but if they are able to assist at rehearsals this would be a bonus.We are a FUN group of singers who sing for pleasure AND TO RAISE MONEY FOR CHARITY – in 2014 we raised €1954. Our repertoire is varied – from light classical, to gospel, rock, jazz, blues, show songs and of course at Christmas, carols both traditional and new. (Check out our website www.alegriasingerstfortuna. com).If you are able to help or need more information, please contact Anna : 634 481 057 / 968 696 003 or email info@ alegriasingersfortuna.com 1 Ladies Bike and 1 Gents bike. Please telephone 663564364 Castalla Wanted chest or stand up freezer also multi gym Tel 688 805 958

EVENTS PARTY YOURSELF INTO SHAPE THIS SPRING!! Ditch the Workout, Join the Party!! Zumba Fitness Classes with Licensed Zumba Instructor in Pinoso, Fortuna, the Hondons. For details contact Donna 966 195 876 / 699 408 773 www. zumbaiberia.com

The Samaritans cover the whole of Spain and operate 24/7. We also have a drop off centre and charity shop at Punta Prima off N332 24 hour Helpline 902 88 35 35 or email pat@ samaritansinspain.com




Wanted: Heating Engineer/ Plumber must be able to work unassisted, have own transport, although not always essential, must be willing to work away onsite occasionally. Needs to be localy based, Monóvar/Sax/ Novelda or surrounding area. Please send an email to us at sales@ecosolarspain.com with any references and then we will be in contact.

SALINAS/PINOSO/VILLENA AREAS. FABFINCAS IS A FULLY LEGAL & INDEPENDENT AGENCY. NO SALE - NO FEE. Contact Steve or Claire on 965 474 314 / 675 218 436 fabfincas@gmail.com Website:

MOVE AT YOUR OWN PACE ZUMBA GOLD Mon/Wed 09.30 Castalla Internacional. PARTY YOURSELF INTO SHAPE ZUMBA FITNESS Tue/Thu 09.15 Villena with licenced instructor JUDITH 603 438 384


NEED HELP TO LOSE WEIGHT THIS SPRING? Weight Management Classes with Judith. Castalla Internacional Mondays 10.45 Call 603 438 384


PROPERTY RENTALS For long term rent, 3 bed fully furnished period property, recently refurbished, small fenced garden, more land available, quiet country location, short distance from village La Font de la Figuera, 250 euros per month, INCLUDING water, electric and council tax. 963 146 701, workshop/ garage/store available.

CLUBS/MEETINGS MANIPURA YOGA CASTALLA - Classes in Yoga and Pilates Wednesday and Friday Mornings 10.00am - Tai-Chi Thursdays at 10.00am and Classes in Kundalini Yoga Monday and Wednesday Evenings at 19.30 .All Classes in English and Spanish. We are situated in the Castalla countryside, for more information and location Tel 607 754 009 yoga.manipura@ hotmail.com


House to rent, center of Salinas, 3 beds, furnished, small outside space, short term or long term, 200 euros per month ex bills. Tel 0044 1924 865 668 or 0044 7583 100 143 email petermcshane@ ymail.com

Classified items email: bargainads@yahoo.es www.timspain.com

Don’t wait, do it today

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TIM Magazine™

Open Day Success-despite the weather Contrary to popular belief it is not always sunny and warm in Spain and the weather clearly demonstrated this on April 9th, which was cloudy and cold with very strong winds. Despite this, the SAMM Open Day proved extremely popular with over 70 visitors, English, Irish and German. They came from as far afield as Totana, Mazarron and Catral, all about an hour’s drive away; arriving at CTD in Los Narejos to find out about SAMM’s sailing activities, talk to the club members and see their boats. Among them were experienced, but lapsed sailors, keen to take up the sport again, complete novices wanting to ‘test the waters’ and a young girl on holiday with her grandparents. Unfortunately the strong winds prevented some boats being moored on the jetty, so the visitors could only be shown photographs and nobody could be given a trial sail. Everybody left their contact details and will be personally invited for a trial sail when the weather improves. A further Open Day is planned for the autumn. To find out more about SAMM please visit their web site www.sailingmarmenor. com

The Royal British Legion in Spain, Torrevieja Branch, We look after ex service personnel and non ex service members and their families when needed who join our Branch, and organise various functions & meals out on a regular basis, our membership fee is only 23E per year, we have a welfare officer who visits sick people either at home or in hospital, a Social Secretary who organises various events during the year and trips out. We also have a Bowls Section who play at San Luis every Thurs & Sat afternoons at 2.00pm, playing friendly matches against other clubs at home or away. Our main aim is to raise funds for the “Poppy Appeal” which happens in November each year. We cover quite a large area of the Costa Blanca, which includes Guardamar del Segura, Quesada, Torrevieja, Algorfa and the surrounding areas. We are the oldest Branch in Spain, and we are now into our 26th year and have approx 135 members at present and hope to welcome many more members in the future. You do not have to be Ex Service to become members, and we welcome younger people to join us with fresh ideas. Membership Secretary (Pauline) 966 704 146. Public Relations Officer “Rick” 966 790 441

The Royal British Legion in Spain, Pinoso Branch, On Wednesday 4th February, the Royal British Legion in Spain, Pinoso Branch held a Quiz and supper at T de Tapas raising 99 Euros.The next Quiz is19:30 on Wednesday 8th April at the same venue. Special thanks to Question Master Ailsa Collie and Paul at T de Tapas.

month at Meson Tonet restaurant in Pinoso. For more details, please contact: Branch Secretary Email: pinoso. secretary@gmail.com Tel: (0034) 660344269

A Valentine Dinner Dance was held on Saturday 14th February at Meson Tonet Restaurant in Pinoso. Members and Guests enjoyed dinner and entertainment provided by Dave Stanley. Special thanks to Janice Rawlings for organising another sucessful event. The Pinoso branch of the Royal British Legion in Spain has a full programme of social events throughout the year. Please remember, you do not have to be an ex Member of the Armed Forces to join. Meet people, make new friends and raise money to help the armed forces of yesterday, today and tomorrow. N.B. Monthly meetings held on the last Tuesday of each

Visit our new website at http://www.britishlegion.org.uk/branches/pinoso 48

E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com

Costa Blanca

FAB FINCAS FAB Pr oper ti es • FA B P rice s • FA B S e rv ic e

Tel: 965 474 314 • Mob: 675 218 436 www.fabfincas.com • fabfincas@gmail.com Apartado de Correos 3, 03630. Sax. Alicante


established agent. Voluntary Sax - Ref: ff0714

Monovar - Ref: ff0767

Gorgeous villa in great location, 3D beds, 2 baths Conservatory Fabulous kitchen /diner. Genuine bargain - only 175,000 euros

Magnificent villa 5 beds, 3 baths Covered, salt water pool Great views Reduced - now 249,995 euros

Castalla - Ref: ff0747

Sax - Ref: ff0771

Petrer - Ref: ff0776

Sax - Ref:ff0778

Renovated country house 3D beds, 2 baths Conservatory/sun room Garage. Huge reduction - now 154,000 euros

Villa close to town 4 beds 3 baths Pool & bar Central heating Fab price - only 124,995 euros

Pretty renovated country, house, 4D beds, 2 baths Garage/workshop & outside kitchen, Manageable plot of 950m2. Great price - only 148,000 euros

Spacious villa with stables 4D beds, 3 baths Swimming pool, corrals etc. Stunning views

Caudete - Ref: ff0774

Sax - Ref: ff0779

Renovated country house Beautifully presented. 3D beds, 2 baths Sun room, pool

Villa with tennis court 4 beds, 2 baths Swimming pool, large garage Needs some modernization.

Gorgeous wooden villa 3D beds, 2 baths Jacuzzi spa Large outside kitchen

Bargain - 174,995 euros

Priced to sell - 155,000 euros

Wow - only 199,995 euros

Sax - Ref: ff0780

Villena - Ref: ff0782

Sax - Ref ff0783

Villena - Ref: ff0679

Very large villa 4D beds, 1 bath Huge under build Swimming pool Great price - only 156,000 euros

Charming villa with casita 4D beds, 3 baths Huge conservatory Possible for rental income

Large villa close to town 5 beds, 2 baths Tennis court, pool Lovely fitted kitchen

Well presented country house 4 beds, 2 baths BBQ, garage Close to town.

Only 179,995 euros

Now only 199,995 euros

Reduced - 149,995 euros

member of the AIPP for your peace of mind

Sax - Ref: ff0770 Villa with guest casita 6 beds, 3 baths Swimming pool & bar Central heating. (Main house) Only 286,000 euros

Only 169,995 euros

Caudete - Ref: ff0781

E-mail: editor@timspain.com • Web site: www.timspain.com


THE WAY TO YOUR NEW HOME PROPERTY OF THE MONTH. IPG Homes in Spain are looking for all types of property – we have clients waiting. How about a custom built property? We can introduce you to a very good builder. IPG have a good selections of properties, please browse our website.

FROM 275,000€

REF 906: 4 bed 3 bath Detached Finca La Hoya. The property has all paperwork and is fully legal This is an exceptional 4 bed, 3 bath, det finca, with an approx build of 200m2 large pool 11 x 5.5m2. All bedrooms are double, spacious 270,000€ family kitchen that has a pantry. Large day room, plenty of seating and dining area, perfect for entertaining. Master bedroom has en suite. The garden is paved, and also shingle area, mature trees, and shrubs and plants for easy maintenance. Garage and plenty of off road parking, the property is on a plot of 2,400m2. In very good condition throughout, viewing is highly recommended.






A very good builder, with a great reputation, 3 different areas of new build properties, villas, apartment, bungalows from 149,000€. Some have furniture and appliance packages. Villa pictured is in Cabo Roig area from 275,000€

2 bed 1 bath detached villa, excellent condition throughout, com pool,garage is spacious! Plenty of room for storage etc, two double bedrooms, garden is planted with various shrubs for easy maintenance, off road parking to front and rear of the property. Solarium with superb views,over La Marina.

Immaculate 3 bed, 2 bath detached villa, pool, property is on one level, 3 double bedrooms, bed 1 has bathroom en suite, fireplace in lounge, and property benefits from gas central heating. Fitted kitchen and utility room have attractive wood units and plenty of work space. Lovely mature garden, property is highly recommended.







3 bed, 2 bath detached villa, lounge diner, sep kitchen, two bedrooms and bathroom 1 on the 1st floor, internal stair access to under build with bed 3 and various other rooms for storage etc, bathroom 2 garden is paved and planted with shrubs and trees for easy maintenance. Easy walk to all amenities. This property is spacious, worth viewing,

2 bed, 2 bath detached villa, quiet location, overlooks com pool at the back. Ground floor has double bedroom and bathroom 1, stairs up to 1st floor with bedroom and bathroom en suite. Tastefully furnished, outside a solarium, and ground floor storage room. Property benefits from under floor heating throughout. Large rear garden, paved and planted with various shrubs. Close to amenities.

2 bed, 1 bath detached villa, good location, overlooks tree lined green area. Garage, storeroom, extended front, plenty of room for dining area, access to front terrace, sep kitchen, with access to utility area and door out to back garden. Lounge diner has wall mounted gas heaters. The property is finished with Cotogran, outside, eliminating future painting. In good condition throughout, Viewing is recommended.



TEL 966 795 233

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