The Crew2 Handbook

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2014Crew Member WHAT IS THE CREW? The crew is a group of high school seniors put together by Tim Barron Photography to spread the word about what Tim Barron Photography has to offer when it comes to senior portraits. This invite only group consists of students from many high schools in Doug-­ las County. As a member of the crew you have the opportunity to be the first senior to get your senior portraits photographed and pictures back and start handing them out! What does this all mean for you, more sessions, great prices, unbelievable new products and a way to earn all your photogrpahy needs for your senior year. By showing your pictures, passing out referral cards you help create a BUZZ that makes Tim Barron Pho-­ tography the most talked about studio around. And to show thanks I have came up with the most lucrative rewards system that rewards you for all your hard work. Tim Barron Photography doesn’t just photograph…. My number one goal is to create an unforgettable experience that you will not find anywhere else…. Your time with Tim Barron Photography is a one of a kind opportunity to express who you truly are, while having a blast doing it….

2014Crew Member About Me I am a local boy from Myrtle Creek; I graduated from South Umpqua High in 1990. In high school is when I really was introduced to photography, and fell in love. The spring of my senior year I enrolled in the Delayed Entry Program for the Navy. In January of 1991, I went to Basic Training in San Diego. I was set to see the world for 4 years get out and use my GI Bill to go to college. Well, a wonderful life developed. I met my wife Jesi and we were married in August of 1994. Our first son was born in 1997 and that is when my passion for photography took a different turn.

I was no

longer interested, as much, in capturing the beauty of the outside world. I began to want to capture images that meant something more. Documenting pieces of time for me and for others. Capturing expressions, emotions in people were a focus for me. Time went on, my skills become better and better. And in 2005, my second son was born and it was amazing. How-­ ever, the military likes to do things to the needs of the military and sometimes is not interested in the family as much. In 2005, we sold our home in San Diego, and were forced to re-­locate. We knew that to reach our long-­term goals changes had to be made. My wife and I decided to buy a home in Roseburg and I would finish out my 5 years until retirement in Bremerton, WA. As if that was not enough, I would be stationed on a forward deployed aircraft carrier, the USS John C Stennis. But what this did was allow my wife to finish nursing school and me to photograph all over the world. Dubai, Jakarta, Thailand, Hong Kong, Korea just to name a few. Which was pretty cool….. Fast forward to today, I am retired from the Navy. We are all back together in the house we bought in 2005. My oldest son is a Sophomore at RHS and my little guy will be in second grade at St. Paul Lutheran School in the fall. My wife is a RN at Mercy Medical Center. I am a student at Northwest Christian University and will finish my MBA in August of 2013. I am a member of Professional Photographers of America (PPA), Wedding and Portrait Photography International (WPPI) and a member of Seniors Ignite. I attend seminars/ webinars and other educational events through these organizations at least monthly. Education and family are priorities of mine

2014Crew Member Benefits 1. 3 Free Sessions 2. 1 Family Session 3. 25% off all prints 4. 15% off all gallery wraps, books, and all other non print products 5. 25 Free Grad Announcements 6. Mobile album App 7. $50.00 studio credit for each referral 8. Amazing portraits with the newest lighting and posing styles found in the portrait industry today 9. Earn points for participating in studio events and other items that pro-足 mote Tim Barron Photography 5. Parents earn a $50.00 dollar print credit for each referral they generate 6. Your friends get 25.00 off their session fee by giving me your rep card 6. By earning points you can have your complete senior package paid for.

2014Crew Member Requirements 1. Represent only TBP throughout the program length 2. Rep Cards-足 pass them out to friends and ask them to bring them to their session to ensure you receive your referral credit. 3. Use one of your portraits from one of your sessions with TBP as a profile picture for 30 days. 4. Participate in at least one studio event 5. Collaborate with the crew in designing this years t-足shirt. 6. Have your photo taken in front of your school in The Crew T-足Shirt. 7. Show off your images on your phone app.

note: all requirements must be met prior to receiving your studio credit.

2014Crew Member Deadlines First session must be completed by 20 April 2013. Model contracts/release must be signed and returned prior to first session. All model benefits will expire on or about 15 February 2014. Or the date your senior photos are due. However, your family session may be sched-足 uled for spring of 2014.

2014Crew Member Goals I would love for each of you to refer 3 people each. 3 people equals 150.00 towards your senior pictures. This could be a great package for most. If everyone meets the studio goals which means I book 30 seniors, I will give the top referring senior either an Ipad or a 500.00 scholarship.

2014Crew Member Contract I understand that if I am chosen as part of The Crew at Tim Barron Photography that I am representing the studio and will work hard at presenting my images to generate interest with my classmates and peers about Tim Barron Photography. I also understnad that the images taken of me by Tim Barron Photography will be used in advertising and marketing campaigns, display prints and on the websiite. By signing this contract I am granting TBP these uses. I understand that if I am chosen to be part of The Crew that the photographs taken of me as a senior crew member are my senior portraits and I will not have senior portraits taken at any other portrait studio. If you have your senior portraits taken at another studio you will forfeit all benefits acquired. I understand that all my appointmenst made at TBP are important and will do my best to be at every appointment on time and prepared. If I can not make and appointment, I will call 72 hours in advance to arrange another appointment. I understand that TBP retains the copyright on all images taken of me. By signing below I acknowl-足 acknowl edge that it is illlegal to scan, reproduce, or copy any of these images without permission from TBP.

My signature:


Parent Signature:


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