Fiji time jan feb franz josef glacier 02

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The Franz Josef

GLACIER Our guide Jara leads us through a blue ice cave.

Words and images by tim warrington The Franz Josef Glacier or ‘tears of Hine Hukatere’ is an ancient tale of love and loss. The legend, passed down by the local Māori tribe NgāiTahu, has it that Princess Hine Hukatere loved climbing in the mountains with her lover, Wawe. Hine, mesmerised by the beauty of the Southern Alps, left Wawe behind and an avalanche swept him away. Hine was broken-hearted and cried a river of frozen tears that flowed down the mountain and formed a glacier. Today, this ancient monument to lost love calls romantics from all over the globe … and at least one single journalist. As we muster at base camp I am acutely aware I am the only solo climber. David and Irene, a young couple from Madrid, are on their honeymoon and Ariane and Brendan are from Perth. The weather is perfection: sunny, still and surprisingly warm. Layers are shed and mittens stowed. A foot of snow fell overnight, which has turned an incredible experience into pretty much a once in a lifetime encounter. This great icy artery, which dissects Westland TaiPoutini National Park, can at times appear grimy and grey as it collects rocks, debris and dirt on its descent, but blanketed in 12 inches of snow it is crisp, white and radiant. The only way onto the ice is by an ‘over-beforeyou-know-it’ helicopter flight. The glacier is every bit as magical as I imagined and a little bit more: snow-whipped peaks of white awesomeness. And we’re deposited right in the thick, landing on a small square of compacted snow not much bigger than a bedspread. We gear up, hikers all around me, giddy with excitement, chattering in whispered awe as we drink in the glorious icescrapers soaring skyward all around us. We grab our poles and crunch through the fresh snow and up steps carved into the ice.



A helicopter soars into the sky after leaving behind its payload of eager climbers.

Spanish couple David and Irene tread carefully, holding standard issue poles.

Ariane tastes the pristine snow.

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