Keeping Timber Connected
Rothoblaas, the Italian multinational manufacturer of high technology timber solutions, has opened the doors to its brand new UK subsidiary in Manchester. Eve Dennehy caught up with Stefano Muscoloni, newly appointed CEO of Rothoblaas UK to find out more.
othoblaas is much more than just a manufacturer,
What can you tell us about what’s happening in the UK market
tell us more about the company?
overall and why have you taken the decision to expand your
“Rothoblaas is an Italian multinational company providing
base here? “The decision to open the UK subsidiary was due partly to growth in
high technology solutions for the timber sector. We want to be recognised as an innovative company: a company
the market and because we now have six members of staff here. Also,
that spreads the know-how as well as the technology. Our headquarters
for Brexit purposes, having a subsidiary in the UK helps us with import
are based in the Dolomite region of Northern Italy from where we
and export – for example we can provide all our documentation in
provide worldwide product and support services that cover every need
Sterling instead of the Euro and this is a major benefit.”
for timber construction, in particular for mass timber construction, and What is your UK strategy and how does it fit into the company’s
specialising in cross laminated timber (CLT). “The roots of Rothoblaas go back to 1991, and this year we celebrate
overall strategy? “Our strategy is related to growing the mass timber market. The UK
our 30th anniversary. The Company was formed by Robert Blaas when he was 24 and running his own business selling machines for carpenters. He
market is strong, with increasing numbers of designers, engineers and
was active initially just in the Dolomite region, subsequently growing to
contractors keen to use mass timber. We need to aid the process of growing
cover the whole of Italy and finally reaching an international market. He
the market in this direction. We’re working with all the main mass timber
was joined in the business in 1993 by Peter Lang who was just 20 at the
contractors in the UK as well as many of the largest companies in modular
time and together they identified a gap in the market which led them to
construction so you can see Rothoblaas fixings, tapes and membranes in
develop Rothoblaas into the company it is today.
most mass timber buildings here. We also see the importance in helping to
“They were pioneers, but there was also an element of luck in
develop the market for timber frame, carpentry and joinery.”
that they happened to be based in the area in which CLT was born. In the early 1990s the mass timber market was based predominantly in
Tell us more about your range of products and services... “We design and manufacture fastenings: screws, connectors,
this same area of northern Italy, Austria and Germany and it focused mainly on private homes and small structures. What Robert and
hidden connections – everything required to connect two pieces of
Peter understood was that the market for timber construction would
timber. Our range also includes fall protection systems, Passivhaus
inevitably head in this direction, that CLT would be the market for the
products such as membranes and tapes, and noise reduction systems
future. They were the first to believe in this material as the future of
which is quite new to the market. Around 5% of our turnover comes
construction and decided to move into the design and production of
from our large range of carpentry tools and machines. In Italy carpentry
fasteners and screws, going on to develop the full range of products
is a common trade which is why we’ve developed such a large range,
and services needed for all elements of timber construction. In fact the
and this enables us to supply specialised carpentry products to the UK
only product Rothoblaas doesn’t provide is the timber itself.”
market that would be difficult to find here otherwise.”
Timber Construction Magazine
Spring 2021