Fast & Flexible Living
Beattie Passive, a leading provider of Passivhaus homes in the UK, are preparing to revolutionise housebuilding with their new range of modular, zero carbon homes.
he first company in the UK to
standard. Whereas traditional construction
construction in the Beattie Passive modular
combine offsite construction
methods involve numerous joints between floors,
factory, the apartments are being transported
methods with a Passivhaus
walls and roofs (each joint experiencing inevitable
to and finished on site, and once the apartment
Institute certified complete build
heat and air loss), the Beattie Passive build system
blocks are assembled, solar panels will be
system, are set to deliver a new
incorporates a continuous insulation system
fitted. This means the development upon
range of homes from cosy one-bedroom pocket
within a treated timber frame structure delivering
completion will be net zero carbon and will
homes to sprawling three-storey apartment
a complete build system from foundation beams,
achieve Passivhaus Plus certification.
blocks, Beattie Passive stands ready to deliver
ground floor, walls and ceiling.
the highest quality, Passivhaus standard homes
Cabinet Member for Housing and
Once in place, high performance
Communities, Councillor Lynda Thorne, said:
at a scale and pace never seen before in the
insulation material is injected into the cavities,
“The Council is extremely pleased to be working
creating one continuous insulated layer all
with Beattie Passive to provide innovative and
around the property, with no joints and no
sustainable solutions to help tackle housing
construction to a whole new level. Developing
leaks. As standard the Beattie Passive system
need in the city. We’ve made excellent progress
on their signature Haus4one, a fully modular,
provides the following benefits:
in supporting people who’ve been homeless
Beattie Passive are taking timber
Passivhaus standard one-person home built to
over the last few months and our vision for
turnkey, Beattie Passive have pioneered a whole
Thermal bridge free ≤0.01 W/(mK)
services for the future is now taking shape very
new range of high quality, energy efficient
High thermal efficiency (U-Values)
quickly. Beattie Passive’s modular solutions
modular homes of various designs, including
Walls - ≤0.11 W/(m²K)
provide a fast and effective response for our
one-, two- and three-bedroom homes and
Roof ≤0.11 W/(m²K)
plans. The flexibility of this fully demountable
apartments. Designed for councils, housing
Ground Floor ≤0.12 W/(m²K)
system means they can be moved elsewhere in
associations and developers, the new modular
Airtightness below 1m³/hm²(@50pa)
the future if required, enabling us to respond to
range offers a large variety of products and styles
Triple glazed Passivhaus windows.
changing housing need over time.”
This greatly increases the energy efficiency of
Passive, added: “We are very excited to be
that can be delivered quickly and can fit with the client’s needs and aesthetic requirements,
Ron Beattie, Managing Director of Beattie
whilst delivering the highest quality of housing.
Beattie Passive homes and means that their homes
launching our new range of modular housing.
With the homes able to be built quickly in their
reach Passivhaus standards every time. With the
These are the first fully modular homes that
modular factory, Beattie Passive are currently the
easy addition of renewable energy sources such
are able to achieve net zero carbon and reach
only company in the UK able to deliver net zero,
as solar panels and air source heat pumps, these
Passivhaus certification on the market and have all
Passivhaus standard homes at a scale and pace
homes can effortlessly reach net zero carbon and
the same benefits as every other Beattie Passive
never seen before in the industry.
achieve official Passivhaus certification.
build. These can be built and delivered much
As with every other home built by Beattie
One of Beattie Passive’s current
quicker than a traditional build for a comparable
Passive, the new modular homes are built using
developments is their biggest project to date, a
price, and we believe this offers a real opportunity
the innovative Beattie Passive build system, a
modular development of 48 homes comprising
to revolutionise housebuilding in the UK.”
fabric-first approach to building that is designed
a variety of one-, two- and three-bedroom
from the ground up to deliver Passivhaus as
apartments for Cardiff Council. Currently under
Timber Construction Magazine
Autumn 2021
More at www.beattiepassive.com