Timber Expozine SPRING 2012

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EXPOZINE The official magazine of TimberExpo





Inside: New show attractions for 2012 | Vox Pops | Industry News & Comment | Timber Buyers Forum | Exhibitor Profiles plus much more

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25-26 SEPTEMBER 20I2

new year for Timber Expo and a new look and feel to the event’s sister publication Expozine. This first fresh faced issue of 2012 is kicking off an exciting and busy year for everyone attached to the show. As you will read inside, last years event was an understated triumph and the feedback we received for the launch year was extremely positive. So we have some surprises in store for you this year. We have also increased the size of the event for 2012 with 50% more floorspace and additional seminar theatres plus several elements of Timber Expo have been given a makeover, so the 25 and 26 September are as inclusive, captivating and valuable to you and your business as possible.



New for 2012 - prepare for an action packed show with bags of additional content in store for this year’s exhibitors and visitors.


Major Sponsor Profiles – see what our Platinum, Gold, Silver and other front line sponsors have up their sleeves.


Face to Face – the Timber Buyers Forum caused quite a stir last year. This year will be bigger and better. Don’t miss out.


Vox Pops – some of the timber sector’s leading lights open up in our latest opinion column.


The Wood Awards 2012 – check out last years best in class and get ready for a new bumper crop as the ceremony celebrates 10 years in its new format.


Timber Trends – industry news and story snapshots of what has been happening across the timber world recently.


Seminar themes and speaking programme – get involved and shape your own event. See what the seminar themes and speaking programme will look like in 2012.

Away from the show, this issue includes our popular Vox Pops column. Ran last year to take informed comments from a variety of timber industry insiders, this short and snappy Q&A pools opinion from several different angles and hopefully reveals an overview of where the industry is on a few pressing matters. Finally, if you are picking this up, scratching your head and still unsure about what Timber Expo is all about, register for our FREE Exhibitor Briefing Day on the 14 May at the Ricoh Arena. Come and see what you are missing out on. More details can be found on www.timber-expo.co.uk alongside the latest show news and exhibitor and visitor updates. Enjoy the read… Gary Ramsay Editor Expozine e: gary.ramsay@timber-expo.co.uk The Timber Expo team would like to extend a big thank you to all of our exhibitors, sponsors and conference speakers for making this event possible, without your foresight, commitment and belief in our vision this event would not be possible. Cover image: Rothschild Foundation Images courtesy of: Simon Kennedy Morley Von Sternberg Ioana Marinescu Aidan Monaghan Katies Walker Furniture atmos studio Ltd Richard Crawford Precious Productions Spadge UK Richard Bryant/Arcaidimages.com Peter Lambert, YDNPA

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Find us on Facebookunder Timber Expo Follow us on Twitter under Timber Expo Join us on Linked In Group: Timber Expo 2012


Participate in Timber Buyers Forum www.timber-buyers.co.uk

Enquiries: To discuss the complete range of promotional activities available or to book exhibition space contact Loretta Sales:

t: 0208 8708794 m: 07956 173351 e: loretta.sales@timber-expo.co.uk The views expressed in the TIMBEREXPOZINE are not necessarily those of Timber Expo Ltd or TRADA but are of our sponsors and exhibitors.

The paper for this magazine has been sourced from sustainably managed forests and controlled sources. For more information visit www.pefc.org

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The Perfec or everyone that exhibited and attended last year’s show, one thing was obvious – the timber industry had found a show that it had it been looking for and needing for some time. The 2011 event delivered on its promise to be the only place in the UK for anyone interested in the timber sector.


“The show was designed to provide a unique opportunity for dialogue, networking and forging new business links” Rupert Scott, Marketing Manager of founder event partner TRADA

Timber Expo surprised many people. Hailed as an outstanding success by exhibitors and visitors alike, the launch event was not even dampened by the endless grind of the UK’s faltering economy. The buzz of the two days was infectious and only an industry curmudgeon would deny the fact that having the brave and the bold of the timber industry descend on the RICOH Arena, Coventry was a real boost. Familiar faces mingled with some new entrants to the UK marketplace with many international companies from Austria, Belgium, Canada, Finland, Germany, Ghana, Ireland, Malaysia, Norway, Sweden and the United States extolling the virtues of timber as a building material. The exhibition and seminar streams also showcased a sector that has been keen to embrace new technologies, new products and new ways of bringing solutions to market efficiently and costeffectively – something that will play a large part in future events.


“The show was designed to provide a unique opportunity for dialogue, networking and forging new business links,” says Rupert Scott, Marketing Manager of founder event partner TRADA. “Timber Expo 2011 more than fulfilled its potential and our expectations as organisers. It was even mentioned that the show reminded exhibitors of the early days of Carrefour du Bois in France and look how that has grown?” For Timber Expo’s Event Director, Loretta Sales, the first show was confirmation that the organisers have been diligent and conscientious in their approach to creating the show and putting together the first event. “Creating a show involves ‘making the right judgements’ on the ingredients,” said Loretta. “We do realise that we will get there in stages but we achieved the critical mass needed to carry the show forward, to nurture and develop it. This will stand Timber Expo in good stead with those who adopted a ‘wait and see’ approach before making a commitment to future Timber Expo events.”

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ect Mix Stuart McKill – Managing Director, Pasquill Timber Engineering 2011 Joint Platinum sponsor

“When we first heard that Timber Expo was going to be a very focused show, we felt it was the event we needed to be at, to showcase the learning and innovations that we have generated in the last six years. It has been a great event and the footfall has been fantastic. We feel this is one of the better events in the UK for showcasing our business.”

More than 4,000 visitors, including architects, engineers, contractors, housebuilders and local authorities, attended Timber Expo and feedback has been very positive, with 94% of those who responded to the show questionnaire saying they would visit again.

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Chris Sutton, Director, James Latham 2011 Silver sponsor

“It’s a very professional show and I am really pleased with the amount of people who came to the event. There have been high quality leads from people who are genuinely interested in timber and we have received a lot of enquiries. We felt it was important for James Latham to be here next year and we are looking forward to it already.” (The company has upgraded to Gold sponsorship for 2012 and will again sponsor the VIP lounge.)


A feature unique to Timber Expo was the Timber Buyers Forum, designed specifically to link exhibitors with major contractors, developers and clients. More than 60 key purchasers took part over the two days and this was a unique aspect of the show giving unparalleled access to potential industry partners. This element of Timber Expo will expand in 2012 and host over 100 buyers (check out page 22 for more details…) Dr Rosi Fieldson, Head of Environment, Simons Group, found the Forum fantastic and after coming to Timber Expo with ‘great expectations’ was impressed with the range of products and building systems on display. “It’s good to see a wide range of technologies in timber,” said Rosi. “We would like to see more of this, with even more choice. The Timber Buyers Forum was really worthwhile. As an FSC-certified main contractor we have a lot of enthusiasm for timber, based on craftsmanship and tradition and now led by more current thinking about low carbon construction. Therefore, timber is important to us and we enjoy using it. We haven’t been to anything like the

Forum before, but are thinking of setting up something similar for local materials and supply chains on future major projects. It is an efficient and practical way to screen solutions and explore options.’” The first year of Timber Expo exceeded expectations for many but also raised the stakes for us in 2012. If we are to improve on the ‘Aladdin’s cave’ of new products that Martin Chambers, Director of Shaylor Group plc found, then we will have to deliver an even more creative and stimulating show than last year. Find out more about what will be happening in 2012 overleaf!

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POSITIVE PLATFORM TRADA Chief Executive Andrew Abbott adopts a confident attitude to the year ahead, as the Association underpins members’ efforts to grow markets for timber. As we look ahead to 2012, should our mood be somewhat subdued, given the economic challenges and difficult market conditions that we are facing in the industry? Certainly, it could be all too easy to take the ‘glass half empty’ approach, but at TRADA we are looking forward to the many positive things that are planned for the coming year – activities that will really underpin the continued growth of timber in the emerging low carbon economy.


TRADA recognises that it has to strike a balance in its activities this year. We need to work hard to continue to support our members during these tough times, yet must also take a longer-term view to ensure that timber maintains and grows its market position. The environmental benefits of using timber in construction are well understood. Timber buildings can demonstrate low embodied carbon and be highly energy efficient in use, making timber a key material for low carbon construction. During 2012 TRADA will be looking at how it can best support the timber industry with the carbon knowledge and data that will be needed to compete strongly in future.

round better show this year. As you will read in this issue of Expozine, we will be busy on several fronts. The design of the TRADA stand for 2012 will be a key feature of the show and will demonstrate the flexibility and design potential inherent in timber. The 2011 two-day programme of seminars and tutorials in three theatres – sponsored by BM TRADA Group, Frame Wise UK and UK SIP Association – attracted hundreds of delegates and the range and quality of the talks were rated highly by visitors. This aspect of the show will be carried forward to 2012 and we will be looking for high calibre speakers to analyse issues and trends and to share technical information (see page 58). The design of the theatres themselves will be as much a talking point as the presentations.

Timber Expo 2012 will be a multi-faceted event for a diverse audience, but everyone will be able to take away the tools to bring their projects to life – knowledge, inspiration and personal contacts.

One of the key components of Timber Expo is networking. Even in this electronic age there is no substitute for face-to-face discussion and Timber Expo 2012 will provide even more opportunities for exchanging ideas and doing business. We are therefore working closely with trade and professional bodies to enable them to use Timber Expo as a platform for meetings with members and customers.

An important platform for TRADA, its members – and indeed for the timber industry as a whole – to deliver these key messages to specifiers and clients is Timber Expo. The launch event in 2011 was an outstanding success, a solid foundation on which to build. We are looking forward to a bigger, bolder, all

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It was a great first year but Timber Expo 2012 will be a quantum leap forward. Event Director Loretta Sales reveals how‌

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Success Breeds Success When we launched Timber Expo 2011, we had no doubt that the time was right to seize the day and to give the timber industry its own show in the UK. Exhibitors and visitors have been amazingly positive about our first show and we achieved that critical mass which would provide us with a springboard into a new year and a show – already 60% booked – which will be 50% bigger than last year. While size in this case clearly does matter, it’s not just about numbers – although we will be targeting a higher footfall in 2012. Timber Expo was always designed to show the world what, collectively, the timber sector has to offer, but if the focus of our marketing strategy for the launch event was to bring exhibitors on board, this year we will have the visitor just as firmly in our sights. More than 4,000 industry professionals, including architects, engineers, contractors, house builders and local authorities, attended Timber Expo 2011 and the feedback was really encouraging. We have been running ‘Think Tanks’ and talking to TRADA members and other industry professionals to find out more about what they want from the event and then translate that it new show content. We will not lose sight of the fact, however, that the creativity of exhibitors was one of the reasons for the show’s success. The TRADA stand will again provide a major talking point. Designed and built by Ramboll Computational Design it will encapsulate the flexibility and design potential inherent in timber and what is possible when technology meets imagination.

Structure designed and supplied by Price & Myers

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Features and Content for 2012 NEW – Timber Expo 2012 Awards – to be judged by independent experts, our media partners and representatives of our official industry body partners. Categories will be finalised by June 2012 but are likely to include:

a comprehensive programme of seminars will run across the two days of the show in three theatres, whose design will be as much a talking point as the presentations themselves.

o Overall Best in Show o Most Innovative Product o Most Aesthetic Product o Best Energy-Efficient Product o Best Offsite Solution o Best IT Solution o Best Tooling Innovation o Best Landscape Product o Best Interior Design Solution Our sponsors & exhibitors - Timber Expo 2012 is set to sell out this summer, with more than 60% of the 6,000m2 already sold. International Timber/Pasquill have reaffirmed their support as Platinum sponsors, while James Latham has upgraded from Silver to Gold alongside Accsys and ArchTimber Protection. Many new companies are joining the exhibitor list this year, including British Gypsum, Wallbarn, Balcas, English Woodlands Timber, Dragon Board, A&J Scott, Easi-Edge, Edward O'Riordan and Antui Sentai. Our upgraded online interactive floorplan booking system is certainly capturing the industry’s attention as we have added substantially more functionality and choice.

Official show partners – already the Builders Merchants Federation (BMF), the British Woodworking Federation (BWF) the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT), the UK SIP Association (UKSIPS), the UK Timber Frame Association (UKTFA) and the Timber Trade Federation (TTF) have signed up as official show partners for Timber Expo 2012 (see page 52) and discussions are taking place with several other key associations and organisations. Many of the partners are running meetings and briefing sessions in their own right for their members, but as an integral part of the main event. Timber Buyers Forum - this unique feature links exhibitors with major contractors, developers and clients. Several of the buyers who took part felt that they needed more time and would perhaps spend two days at the show this year. This will enable us to arrange even more one-toone meetings with exhibitors, as well as providing tours of the show for the buyers themselves (see page 22). The Timber Buyers Forum will double in size in 2012 with over 100 companies taking part. Topical seminar programme – a comprehensive programme of seminars will run across the two days of the show in three theatres, whose design will be as much a talking point as the presentations themselves. High calibre speakers will analyse issues and trends and share technical information on topics that visitors want to hear about.

Seminar Theatre concept to be constructed by Frame Wise Limited


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TRADA Technical Tours – led by TRADA Technology specialists offering informed commentary on technical and legislative background to product innovation for o VIP visitors o Participants in the Timber Buyers Forum o Press visitors o Product-specific tours for general visitors The Atrium – we will create a gallery of design and innovation, showcasing posters and models of award-winning timber projects, structures and innovative products, in a tranquil area where visitors can take time out from the buzz of the show and be inspired afresh by what is possible in wood. The Wood Awards 2012 – full colour posters of the shortlisted entries will be on display in the Atrium, alongside a unique programme of case study seminars on a selection of the winning entries. TRADA will coordinate the call for entries as last year – when a record 348 were submitted. [Speakers will be invited from the shortlist to present in the three seminar theatres] The TTJ Innovation Award - a new award sponsored by TRADA and Timber Expo 2012 within the annual TTJ industry award. All shortlisted entries will be given the


opportunity to go on display in the Atrium. To obtain an entry form email Nicola Cannings at ncannings@trada.co.uk. TRADA & Timbmet Student Pavilion – winning model in the competition for students of Oxford Brookes School of Architecture will be displayed in the Atrium along with the 15 shortlisted entries. The brief required that the pavilion could be deconstructed, transported and used as a temporary shelter for an injured marine stranded in bad weather conditions on an island.


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In the Atrium we will create a gallery of design and innovation, showcasing posters and models of award-winning timber projects, structures and innovative products

Lecturer / Student teaching sessions – a series of talks aimed at updating lecturers on the resources and activities that TRADA is running to assist in teaching timber within schools of architecture and engineering at UK universities.

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After a successful first year as Platinum Sponsors, International Timber and Pasquill are once again premium supporters of Timber Expo. International Timber International Timber will be showcasing the breadth and depth of its product range, with Pasquill demonstrating its specialist timber engineering offering. You will also be able to benefit from the knowledge and expertise of International Timber that will be participating in the Timber Talk programmes.

Dedicated to meeting the needs of its customers, International Timber is the UK’s leading importer and distributor of sustainable timber and has a global supply network, enabling it to source the best and most sustainable products. It provides an unrivalled depth and breadth of products to the merchant, timber frame, joinery, construction and manufacturing sectors. This includes softwoods, hardwoods, clear softwoods, panel products, Glulam and engineered timber components. The company is also a specialist in Thermowood decking, fencing and cladding solutions, as well as Accoya and other treated products.

forthcoming FLEGT (Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade) legislation and EU Illegal Timber Regulation, which are due to come into force in 2013, International Timber has also been focused on raising awareness of the requirements under the new legislation and regulation, ensuring timber buyers purchase products that meet supply chain auditing standards. For more information on International Timber visit: www.internationaltimber.com, follow us on twitter @Intltimber or phone: 0161 848 2906.

The company provides distribution throughout the UK with an extensive network of sites and specialist facilities, offering a range of services including bespoke machining, kilning, finishing and timber treatment. Central to International Timber’s operating ethos is sustainability and it has increased its sustainable product range, making it the leading supplier of sustainable timber in the UK. In anticipation of the


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A word from the top

Turning the Wheel in Falkirk In 2002 an ambitious project was completed to connect the historic Forth & Clyde and Union Canals. The Falkirk Wheel – or as it was previously known, the Millennium Link project – was an innovative design that would join together the two canals at Falkirk following the dismantling of 11 locks that stepped down over a distance of 1.5km back in 1933. The Falkirk Wheel is the world’s first and only rotating boat lift and has become a ‘must visit’ icon in Scotland. The visitor centre situated next to the Wheel is open all year round. Entry to the centre is completely free and it is full of fascinating information about the waterways and the

development of the Wheel. Designed to complement the Wheel and allow visitors a prime view of it in action, the visitor centre is glazed on one side, while timber cladding dominates the other side. This helps create an aesthetic balance to the large metal wheel by introducing a natural construction material. International Timber supplied the cladding for the centre. Because of its exposed location they suggested using Western Red Cedar due to its Class 2 durability and resistance to decay and insect attack. It is also low maintenance with a life span of up to 60 years when untreated and weathers down to a silver grey over time, making it the perfect timber to enhance the grey steel of the Wheel.

Tony Miles, Managing Director of International Timber, talking about the company’s decision to return as the Platinum Sponsor for a second year said: “Last year’s Timber Expo was well received by all who attended and we felt it was a good way for us to raise the profile of timber and highlight the sustainability and versatility it offers. This year we are expecting Timber Expo to have an even greater impact and are pleased to be involved again.”

Pasquill As a leading manufacturer and supplier of engineered timber products, Pasquill offer a wide range of innovative solutions for roof and floors including trussed rafters, glulam panelised roof solutions, Posi-Joists, I-Joists, spandrel panels, and floor cassettes. The company is committed to promoting modern methods of construction through research and development, evolving solutions in design and manufacturing excellence. Using its expertise in design and offsite manufacture, Pasquill has invested in new plants, new partnerships and new technology, ensuring that it stays at the forefront of this dynamic and fast-moving industry. Pasquill provide quality solutions and is the first national timber engineering company to achieve Q-Mark accreditation on its roof trusses and Posi-Joists. Pasquill is working with industry to evolve improved product and supply chain solutions. For more information visit: www.pasquill.co.uk

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Stuart McKill, Managing Director of Pasquill, adds: “As the UK’s only dedicated event for the timber industry, Timber Expo brings companies from across the supply chain together under one roof. It is an ideal venue to showcase new and innovative engineered timber solutions.”


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Accsys Technologies PLC, the company behind Accoya® wood and Tricoya® wood elements, is excited to return to Timber Expo 2012 as a Gold Sponsor to showcase its latest innovations and project successes. 2011 was an exciting year for Accsys Technologies. Accoya® wood is now distributed in over 30 countries around the world as the word about its use and benefits spreads. We also won the TTJ Market Development Award, sponsored jointly by TRADA Technology and Timber Expo 2011. Independent research results from TRADA, announced during 2011, demonstrated Accoya® wood’s outstanding coating performance exceeded a range of well known coated timber cladding products. In addition, the BRE 13-year window L joint study concluded that Accoya® wood can produce windows with a 60-year service life with a standard maintenance programme.

Created from sustainably sourced wood, Accoya® does not compromise on performance, strength or aesthetics, which makes it perfect for a variety of external uses such as windows, doors, cladding, decking and major structures. Accoya® wood will last at least 50 years above ground and 25 years in ground and is being used in a range of applications for commercial civil engineering and private projects. Accsys Technologies has also developed the world’s first Tricoya panel with Medite Europe Ltd. Launched at Timber Expo 2011, Medite Tricoya MDF has been hailed as one of the first true innovations in the wood composites industry in more than 30 years, marking the beginning of the next generation of wood-based panel products. www.accsysplc.com

One year on from the launch of Medite® Tricoya® – the first major innovation in the wood composites industry in more than 30 years – the material will return to Timber Expo to reveal why it has become so successful. Since last year, a selected distribution network has been signed up, and sales and range of applications for the world’s first extreme durable and stable MDF are increasing month-on-month. This unique extreme durable MDF comes with a 50year warranty and heralds a revolution in wood-based panel products for exterior and interior wet applications and will, yet again, be showcased at Timber Expo 2012. With projects already complete in the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands, customers are finding that Medite Tricoya machines, cleans and performs to an impressively high standard. Darren Smith, workshop foreman for AMS Joinery in Maidstone,


said: “Medite Tricoya was clearly developed for a good reason. It doesn’t move, it easily handles wet environments without change and has proved to be the perfect product for us. It saves so many potential problems, including repair and re-manufacture of products. It’s a more expensive product but it is well worth it.” Medite Tricoya is available from specialist distributors Avon Plywood, Arnold Laver, DHH/Decor Solutions, James Latham, Meyer Timber, RP Panels and Timbmet. This industry is changing. Find out how by visiting: www.meditetricoya.com or www.accoya.com

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formerly known as Arch Chemicals

October 2011 saw the completion of Lonza’s acquisition of Arch Chemicals, creating the world’s largest Microbial Control business. This also brings a new dimension to timber protection here in the UK.

Within this acquisition Lonza has gained the world-class reputation of the Arch Timber Protection business which will be a key component within its new business sector. The new partnership has the potential to grow and grow, bringing exciting opportunities and new product innovations for the company and its customers.

The new partnership has the potential to grow and grow, bringing exciting opportunities and new product innovations for the company and its customers.


Dr. Tony Kelly, European Sales Director for Arch Timber Protection, is excited by the potential of the move. “In the short term we will remain as Arch Timber Protection, but Lonza has made it clear that we will become an integral part of their new Lonza Microbial Control (LMC) business. One of our key shared strengths is innovation. Lonza strives for solutions to problems that directly impact their customers and Arch Timber Protection has been offering its own remedies through product and technology innovations for many, many years.

Both Lonza and Arch Timber Protection are wholly committed to investing in and developing new applications and the next 12 months promise to be exhilarating times for the timber protection industry. “Lonza is aware that Arch Timber Protection has very strong brands and we will continue to support these both regionally and globally. In the very near future, our customers can expect to see new product introductions, technical developments and marketing advances from Arch Timber Protection - all developments which will be featured in our Gold Sponsor presence at Timber Expo in September. Our customers can have real confidence in our products and support services and we are keen to develop new opportunities for them within their markets.” www.lonza.com www.archtp.com

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James Latham plc has been importing and distributing timber for over 250 years. An industry leader in panel products, hardwood, hardwood flooring and joinery quality softwood, the company has probably the most comprehensive product range available in the UK today.

The company carries an unparalleled range of value-added products

Through 10 strategically based depots, Lathams has nationwide coverage, and is able to offer its products for prompt collection or delivery within 24-72 hours depending on location. As well as a comprehensive stock of the main temperate and tropical hardwoods from Europe, Africa, North America, and the Far East, Lathams also source high quality joinery softwoods from North America and Scandinavia. The company carries an unparalleled range of value-added products, such as LG HI-MACS® Natural Acrylic Stone, Moralt and Flamebreak high performance door blanks, veneered and melamine panels including Dartmoor® and Shinnoki, EUROLIGHT® lightweight MFC boards, Birch plywood, plus hardwood and softwood plywood. In addition, as one of the largest distributors of MDF in the UK, stocks are held of standard, light, moisture resistant, F.R and Exterior panels.

Responsible Purchasing Policy. The company has a strong environmental policy with all depots being Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) certified. For more information on Lathams everexpanding range of wood-based panel products, softwood, hardwood and hardwood flooring or for a copy of the company’s environmental statement, please visit www.lathamtimber.co.uk where you can also view or download our various brochures and literature. Information is also available from our marketing department. email: marketing@lathams.co.uk or by calling: 0116 257 3415

James Latham’s dedicated specialist flooring division offers an extensive choice of solid and engineered wood flooring with a number of products, such as PAR-KY® and Timura® available on an exclusive basis, as well as adhesives, screeds, underlays and liquid DPMs, all displayed under one roof and available directly from stock. In addition, the group has a specialist custom-built panel division, Advanced Technical Panels (ATP), which is the UK's leading supplier of pre-finished and overlaid panels as well as certified Birch plywood for commercial vehicles, loading bays, van-linings and walkways. James Latham is a member and supporter of the Timber Trade Federation and was the first signatory to the Federation’s


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Coillte, Enterprise Ireland and three of Ireland’s largest and most technologically developed, progressive and flexible sawmills will again work together as Gold Sponsor at Timber Expo. In co-operation with Enterprise Ireland – the Irish government organisation responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets – and as part of a wider collaboration with Coillte Panel Products, the group will include Glennon Brothers, Grainger Sawmills and Murray Timber Group.

As part of a wider collaboration with Coillte Panel Products, the group will include Glennon Brothers, Grainger Sawmills and Murray Timber Group

Earlier this year Coillte, Ireland’s largest forestry and forest products company, celebrated 10 years of independent certification from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) with Kevin McCloud, best known for Channel 4’s Grand Designs. “Timber is one of the most sustainable and environmentally friendly construction materials,” he said. “It’s vital that timber is managed and harvested in accordance with sustainable principles, and Coillte’s FSC certification demonstrates their commitment to this approach. I believe there is a really positive outlook for the timber and timber products sector, as it has a major role to play in ensuring we have energy efficient and truly sustainable homes, offices and other buildings.” Coillte Panel Products comprises SmartPly Europe Ltd. based at Waterford, and Medite Europe Ltd. based in Clonmel, both of which are leading OSB and MDF manufacturers respectively. As part of Coillte, the company owns 442,000 hectares of FSC-certified forest, and uses their own trees to make their products. This guarantees a secure supply of Medite MDF and SmartPly OSB with continual investment and innovation. As one of Ireland’s largest and most technologically developed sawmills, Grainger Sawmills Ltd. is located on a 20acre site in Enniskeane, Co. Cork. Since it was established in 1977, Grainger Sawmills has generated consistent growth and an increasing market share. With processing


capacity of 250,000m3 per annum, it prides itself on its extensive product range serving all markets. Murray Timber Group has grown to become one of the largest, most progressive and flexible sawmills in Ireland. The company continues to invest in state-of-the-art sawmilling equipment to satisfy both domestic and export customer requirements and demand. The Group supplies products to the construction, garden and fencing and packaging markets in both Ireland and the UK. The Group has the capacity to processes in excess of 1,000,000m3 of round logs annually. The Group markets their construction timber under their own SNR (Sustainable Natural Resource) brand. Glennon Brothers is recognised as the premier name for quality timber products in the UK and Ireland. Glennon Brothers specialises in providing a wide range of strong, enduring, and attractive timber products, offering a ‘one stop shop’ for sawn softwood. Products include kiln dried strength graded carcassing, pallet and packing case material, and CLS, as well as timber frame homes and engineered roof trusses. Glennon Brothers were the first timber processor in the UK or Ireland, to ship home grown timber to France and were named Industry Entrepreneurs of the Year at the 2010 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Awards.

www.coillte.ie www.enterprise-ireland.com www.graingersawmills.com www.mtg.ie www.glennonbrothers.ie

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timber buyers

FACE TO FACE “I found the exhibition to be one of the very best that I have ever attended. The quality of the products on display was amazing and the willingness of exhibitors to engage in open and very frank discussions was very refreshing, I think this had a lot to do with the exhibition being very focused. The meet the buyer sessions I hosted during the day were about right in number and efficiently spread across the day. The people that met with me were very knowledgeable and are folk that going forward we will engage with again” Martin Chambers Shaylor Group


The Timber Buyers Forum is one of the easiest and most effective ways to meet and create new business relationships while you are at Timber Expo. Maximise your time and new opportunities by signing up now… he Timber Buyers Forum offers a highly effective way for timber buyers to meet with Timber Expo exhibitors in a structured manner during the event. It is aimed at ensuring that buyers meet with relevant vendors/ suppliers to secure immediate project or longer term strategic needs. This focused approach is a proven formula in delivering maximum returns from exhibiting at Timber Expo and gives buyers a structured opportunity to meet their business requirements.


The aim of the Forum is for exhibitors and buyers to use our unique online diary system to generate appointments based on the buyers preferences and exhibitor’s needs. Each appointment will be scheduled to last 30 minutes and appointments generated will appear in the individual online diary of both the buyer and the exhibitor.

The Forum is aimed at senior personnel with an influence over timber procurement decisions or timber-related specifications. If you are dealing with a live project, looking for future trading relationships, or have a genuine interest to learn about timber products, solutions and technologies, the Forum is for you. How does the Forum work? The buyer will select which day(s) of Timber Expo to participate. Once the date is confirmed the Timber Buyers’ website will be updated with a Buyer Profile. Buyers will complete a Profile template with information about themselves, specific projects, markets, technologies or products they are interested in. Timber Expo exhibitors* can request meetings with individual buyers which can be accepted or declined. * The Timber Buyers Forum is only open to exhibitors with stands of 9sqm or larger in size.

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Make a connection that counts…

Timber Buyers participants will also have the chance to arrange one-to-one meetings with chosen exhibitors or use the online exhibitor search tool to find companies of interest. Searching is easy and the Timber Expo team will manage requests/invitations and bookings on behalf of buyers. Do business the smart way To make the most of the Timber Buyers Forum, it is crucial that all participants are genuinely interested in looking to satisfy real business needs. The 2012 Timber Buyers Forum is set to host over one hundred buyer companies across the two days of Timber Expo and you can register to be involved at www.timber-buyers.co.uk or by emailing julie.richards@timber-buyers.co.uk


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In 2011 nearly fifty contractors and clients signed up to Timber Buyers Forum, amongst them were some of the biggest, most innovative and forward thinking businesses in the construction sector; Feedback from these participants was exceptional with many wishing to return in 2012. Below are some of the buyers who participated:

The benefits of being involved in the Timber Buyers Forum extend beyond pure business meetings. Buyer participants gain VIP status with ‘access all area’ passes, use of the VIP lounge with refreshments throughout the event, facilitated tours of the exhibition and invitations to the exhibitor networking and awards events. The Timber Buyers Forum proved to be one of the outstanding elements of Timber Expo 2011. Building business relationships in a relaxed but structured way the Forum offers a hugely effective way to maximise networking and business opportunities during a busy event. Exhibitors* at Timber Expo will be automatically registered for the Timber Buyers Forum. So make sure that you leave Timber Expo 2012 with fresh working relationships under your arm by using one of the event’s key gathering grounds to your advantage.

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Balcas is a highly-regarded, long-established company, setting the standard as Europe’s leading manufacturer of primed and veneered architectural mouldings. Now, we are delighted to be a Timber Expo Sponsor. Over the years, Balcas have become widely recognised as pioneers and innovators. Our products are built to last – just like our customer relationships. Our success is based on innovative technology, a wide product range and a constant determination to meet the developing needs of the building industry. We work for and with our customers. We design and tailor our products and production techniques to ensure unrivalled value, speed-of-delivery and quality of service. We supply mouldings from stock and we also offer a bespoke manufactured-to-order service. This degree of flexibility means we can meet large and small orders with consistently low lead-times in order to meet your ever-changing supply-line schedules. Balcas builds relationships, Balcas is here for you. Come and meet us at Timber Expo. A Major Balcas Break-Thru Balcas is primed to set Timber Expo buzzing with the launch of another breakthrough product in the architectural MDF moulding category. Our newest exciting initiative promises a step-change in how site work gets finished more efficiently and will save considerable time and man-hours during installation. Plus it looks great too! For the DIY enthusiast, our new product provides an instant finish. No paint required. You’ll find out all about our premium product breakthrough launch at Timber Expo.

impact through recycling materials and by reducing the amount of waste we send to landfill. We are now self-sustaining in producing sufficient energy to dry our mouldings and heat our offices. Thanks to the careful sourcing of our raw materials from sustainable resources, we are proud to have achieved FSC Chain-of-Custody Certification, the most demanding certification in the market place. Balcas helps you play your part by supplying products which support the growth of responsible worldwide forest management. Meet and Greet at Timber Expo Balcas is pleased to be a lead sponsor at Timber Expo in September 2012. We look forward to meeting old friends and new customers and giving you the low-down on the latest developments at Balcas. Call in and say hello. We promise a really warm welcome. Balcas, Kill, Co. Kildare, Ireland UK Tel +44 (0) 28 6632 6797 ROI Tel +353 (0) 45 877 671 Email mdfsales@balcas.com www.balcas.com

Balcas Protects the Future Everyone understands the need to take care of our environment. Balcas leads the way by managing our environmental


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Solid Wood Solutions

Solid Wood Solutions - Conference & Exhibition Ricoh Arena 30 May 2012 With standing room only at last years’ Solid Wood Solutions event in Manchester the next issue of this successful confex format will run on 30 May 2012 at the Ricoh Arena in Coventry. The event will demonstrate why engineered wood such as xlam and glulam solutions are increasingly central to the successful delivery of several high-profile sustainable projects in the UK. With capacity for 30 exhibitors and 300 delegates, the interest in these constantly evolving solid wood solutions is enormous and the enthusiasm for the material is infectious. The event will let delegates see, hear and learn why engineered wood is becoming so popular. It is now a key tool for those in the construction and property markets that are establishing a new generation of buildings that blend aesthetics and environmental concern with a flexible and reliable building material driven by offsite prefabricated technology. For more information visit www.solidwoodsolutions.co.uk Sponsored by

25-26 SEPTEMBER 20I2

NOTE: Exhibitors signed up to Timber Expo before 30th April 2012 will benefit from a 10% reduction in exhibition prices and delegate tickets for Solid Wood Solutions.

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2012 will be a tough year for companies involved in housing and public sector construction, but one company that seems to be thriving despite the tough economic conditions we face is Frame Wise Limited, one of the UK’s leading timber frame manufacturers.

The biggest boost to the timber frame industry is the journey to zero carbon 2016

There’s a reason for this and it starts and ends with the firm’s ability to continually evolve and develop solutions that far exceed the industry norm. Managing Director, Simon Orrells, explains why the timber frame industry is struggling and why clients are staying wedded to the Frame Wise approach. “The biggest boost to the timber frame industry is the journey to zero carbon 2016,” says Simon. “There couldn’t be a greater stimulus for a switch from wasteful and energy intensive methods of construction to highly sustainable and cost efficient timber frame. It’s the natural choice for most clients looking for highly sustainable and cost efficient buildings. “The opportunity is even greater than that. The construction industry is very set in its ways and unfortunately in a stagnant market, the opportunity to evolve new methods of construction seem to fall by the way side in favour of tried and tested means. While this predictable approach might work for some clients and certain corners of the market we are working hard with our clients to ensure that we are


constantly pushing the boundaries of design, sustainability and critically, cost performance. “Increasingly, we are using a range of timber materials to maximise the design potential of buildings like schools, universities and hospitals – we are currently working on a school that is using a combination of timber, lightweight steel and glulam to maximise the foot print of the school – this approach turns offsite manufacturing upside down, but ultimately achieves the best result for the client and its users. It’s critical that we are led by design, not the materials within it. “It’s pretty simple really. The opportunity to develop highly evolved structures that will pay back in less than four years is completely achievable. We know, because we build them.” Frame Wise Limited will be one of the key partners at Timber Expo 2012 - building the main seminar theatre. For more information on how Frame Wise can help you visit: www.framewiseltd.co.uk

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Norbord, the UK’s leading producer of wood-based panel products, will present its three core products – Sterling OSB, Caberdek particleboard flooring and Caberwood MDF – at this year’s Timber Expo using a stand made entirely of its own products. The focus of Norbord’s message at the show is the inherent sustainability of softwood products from managed forests. All of the products manufactured by Norbord make efficient use of sources of wood fibre that were once regarded as either waste or low-value by-product.

lorries using the A82 trunk road along the Great Glen, will now be brought by ship along the Caledonian Canal.

Sterling OSB will provide the walls of the stand, while Caberdek boards (complete with their moisture-resistant protective film) will be used for the floor. Stand furniture is to be made from Caberwood MDF – a staple product for furniture and interior fit-out. Sterling OSB and Caberwood MDF are both made from forest thinnings – small diameter logs from young trees which are felled as part of sustainable forestry practice to allow space for larger trees to mature. All of this timber is harvested locally in Scotland which not only benefits the local economy but also reduces lorry miles to a minimum. Caberdek particleboard flooring is made from up to 80% recycled wood which would otherwise be sent to landfill or burned. Norbord’s efforts to reduce its environmental impact extend well beyond its choice of raw materials. Besides sourcing its wood locally, the company further reduces lorry movements by using a fleet of trucks with specially designed dual purpose bodies capable of delivering raw logs to the factory and delivering pallets of finished product to Norbord’s customers. A new initiative is removing 30,000 tonnes of logs from the road by switching deliveries from road to canal. This material, which used to be carried by up to 1,000

All of the products manufactured by Norbord make efficient use of sources of wood fibre that were once regarded as either waste or low-value by-product.

Another important environmental initiative is Norbord’s extensive use of biomass to provide heat energy for its production lines. Residues arising from the production process fuel biomass boilers at each of Norbord’s four European factories. Over the past decade, this has allowed Norbord to reduce its consumption of fossil fuels by over 75% and, today, the company is the UK’s largest generator of renewable heat energy. Among important new developments is the development of the Caberfix Pro fixing kit for installers of Caberdek flooring. Each kit includes everything needed to install 50sqm of floor and incorporates Norbord’s new Joint & Joist moisture proof adhesive. Also on display will be the new No-Squeak adhesive developed for builders in the refurbishment and maintenance sectors. This flexible gap-filling product is designed to accommodate movement in new floors and prevent the previously widespread problem of squeaky floors. For more information visit: www.norbord.com

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TIME TO TALK TIMBER Last year we cast our net over a few of the timber industry’s insiders to gauge opinion on some issues affecting the health of an energetic sector. With lots of positive feedback and the trading climate in constant flux, we thought it was worth pooling opinion once more and see where we are all heading. If you agree, disagree or would like to talk timber for the next issue get in touch.

Q: As a construction material - is timber still lagging behind Concrete, Steel et al? Timber has definitely gained momentum over the past few years but there is still quite a way to go. I think a lot of the increased awareness has been down to campaigns developed by organisations such as TRADA as these have been effective in raising the profile of timber as a construction material. However, probably the main hurdle for the timber industry to overcome is the fragmented way we operate. The concrete and steel industries work in a more uniform way, which gives them a stronger voice. Until the timber industry can take this approach we will continue to struggle to be heard above their noise. Tony Miles Managing Director International Timber

Probably the main hurdle for the timber industry to overcome is the fragmented way we operate

Q: Reliable supplies of legal and sustainable timber are critical – how will the 2013 EUTR affect the UK market? The impact the EUTR will have on the UK market will depend on whether businesses have prepared themselves and introduced the required due diligence system before the regulation comes into effect next year. If the market is prepared then the impact should be minimal to the UK, but hopefully it will have the desired effect on the illegal timber trade. However, from International Timber’s perspective we always aim to stock timber from verified sources and this latest regulation is another step in the right direction to ensure all timber suppliers operate responsibly and only stock sustainable and certified timber. Q: Is the increasing popularity of Cross Laminated Timber and Glulam making architects and engineers think differently about using more timber and why? Due to the increased exposure of these products, architects and engineers have a better understanding of their capabilities and what can be achieved using timber. However to maintain this growth, the timber industry must continue to educate them on their capabilities and the advantages they bring over other products. Q: Looking at 2012 and beyond, where do you think the innovation and ‘next steps’ are for the timber industry? I think the Green Deal will open up opportunities for installers of insulation systems and this will have a knock on affect on the timber industry as it will play a part in this process. In regards to the next steps I think the main focus will be around ensuring our products are from sustainable sources and that all parts of the supply chain are working to achieve this.


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Q: As a construction material - is timber still lagging behind Concrete, Steel et al? Timber has made great strides in recent years in spite of the disparity of funding. One only has to look at the extensive and imaginative use made of timber both as a structural material and decoratively. However there is still much to do as evidenced by the lack of an iconic timber structure for the 2012 Olympics. Q: Reliable supplies of legal and sustainable timber are critical – how will the 2013 EUTR affect the UK market? From the supply side it will make timber suppliers look even more closely at their supply chains and should encourage more demand for certificated timber. From the demand view point, the potential risk of illegal and unsustainable supply has restricted possible use. Q: Is the increasing popularity of Cross Laminated Timber and Glulam making architects and engineers think differently about using more timber and why? Yes it is. The growing range of products and suppliers is encouraging designers to look again at timber. Q: Looking at 2012 and beyond, where do you think the innovation and 'next steps' are for the timber industry? Product innovation is continuing a pace and products such as Tricoya will take timber into markets that have not previously been open to timber.

Peter Latham OBE Chairman James Latham plc

The growing range of products and suppliers is encouraging designers to look again at timber

Q: As a construction material - is timber still lagging behind Concrete, Steel et al? Yes, and it will continue to do so unless the timber industry devotes more money to promoting wood’s unique benefits as a zero carbon building material. As the ultimate naturally renewable building material, today timber is competing relatively successfully with steel and concrete, but it should be prepared to invest more money in promotion and research to back up its zero carbon benefits. Q: Reliable supplies of legal and sustainable timber are critical - how will the 2013 EUTR affect the UK market? The vast majority of timber sold in the UK is already certified as from legal and sustainable sources, so the EUTR should have very little impact on the UK market. However, without proper communication of the requirements of the EUTR and appropriate reassurance, these regulations could be yet one more attempt to undermine timber’s environmental credentials with specifiers and end users. Q: Is the increasing popularity of Cross Laminated Timber and Glulam making architects and engineers think differently about using more timber and why? Yes, the increasing specification and use of engineered wood products in general is the most positive development for wood in the UK for many years. Innovative uses in institutional buildings have brought timber to a whole new potential audience and as an industry, we need to encourage and further develop this trend through aggressive promotion of the benefits of engineered wood such as CLT and Glulam.

Charles Trevor UK Director American Softwoods

Innovative uses in institutional buildings have brought timber to a whole new potential audience

Q: Looking at 2012 and beyond, where do you think the innovation and 'next steps' are for the timber industry? Wood modification is changing the game. Increasingly, Southern Yellow Pine is being used for acetylation and modification and we are delighted that SYP’s undoubted benefits for this process (open grain structure, ease of treatment and density) are being increasingly recognised.

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Q: As a construction material - is timber still lagging behind Concrete, Steel et al? As a material it is not lagging behind, in fact it is way ahead in terms of its sustainability credentials, however as a sector we are behind insomuch as we need to collaborate much more and offer one single integrated voice to the UK Construction Industry. Q: Reliable supplies of legal and sustainable timber are critical - how will the 2013 EUTR affect the UK market? I don’t feel qualified to answer this question. Andrew Carpenter Chief Executive UK Timber Frame Association

Innovation is undoubtedly the key for survival

Q: Is the increasing popularity of Cross Laminated Timber and Glulam making architects and engineers think differently about using more timber and why? The increasing popularity of CLT and Glulam is a really good opportunity for the whole of the structural timber sector. It promotes the use of timber and will encourage clients to look at all forms of structural timber construction methods. Very often the solution will be a hybrid of several forms which only goes to highlight even more our need to have a ‘joined up’ and integrated approach. Q: Looking at 2012 and beyond, where do you think the innovation and 'next steps' are for the timber industry? Innovation is undoubtedly the key for survival and is something we, within the UKTFA, have got as a cross cutting theme throughout all our events and activities this year. We need to do things ‘differently’ not just ‘better’. In the words of Sir Michael Latham, author of the ‘Constructing the Team’ Report of 1994, ‘If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got’. This type of thinking is rife throughout the UK construction industry and needs to change if we are to survive. As I’ve been saying for years during my time with Constructing Excellence ‘The only constant in life is change’ well now we are all in a position where we need to make that change happen and quickly.

Q: As a construction material - is timber still lagging behind Concrete, Steel et al? The increased importance of sustainability from sourcing to performance and product credentials is giving timber a boost with much more to come. In this Olympic year timber is gold, with concrete and steel in a photo finish for silver. Q: Reliable supplies of legal and sustainable timber are critical - how will the 2013 EUTR affect the UK market? EUTR will further demonstrate to our customers that we are leading on sustainable procurement, as such the market will benefit. Stuart Harker Sustainability Director Timber Trade Federation – ReThink

In this Olympic year timber is gold, with concrete and steel in a photo finish for silver


Q: Is the increasing popularity of Cross Laminated Timber and Glulam making architects and engineers think differently about using more timber and why? Yes, CLT and glulam definitely celebrate timber possibilities, however it isn't just a matter of providing a product, it's providing THE solution, i.e. early client engagement, sustainability data and technical support and a shorter, safer construction. TTF members are at the heart of this popularity and are benefiting from these new markets. Q: Looking at 2012 and beyond, where do you think the innovation and 'next steps' are for the timber industry? Innovation will come from both data and collaboration. From developing carbon, lifecycle and Building Information Modelling (BIM) data, to working closer with our customers and suppliers. Next steps include protecting our gold medal by ensuring timber is the material of choice.

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Q: As a construction material - is timber still lagging behind Concrete, Steel et al? Yes it is, but it should not be. Timber is the most environmentally friendly, naturally sustainable and aesthetically pleasing material available and should be proudly used as such. Certainly the reduced levels of embodied energy and high levels of recyclability that timber delivers are undeniable. Q: Reliable supplies of legal and sustainable timber are critical - how will the 2013 EUTR affect the UK market? Most suppliers to the UK market are already supplying legal if not sustainable timber, thanks to the UK CPET policy and the UK TTF’s Responsible Purchasing Policy. The EUTR should effectively be the European ‘rubber stamp’ on the existing use of legal and sustainable timber in the UK market. Malaysia, acknowledged as one of the most advanced tropical timber supplying countries, has worked very hard at ensuring supplies of tropical species are of the highest quality and provenance. Q: Is the increasing popularity of Cross Laminated Timber and Glulam making architects and engineers think differently about using more timber and why? Yes, it definitely is having an impact on the use of timber. If it means using a precious resource to its optimum potential and results in the increased use of timber, it can only be a good thing. The need for more timber-based solutions reveals a growing awareness by the construction industry of timber's structural strengths and environmental credentials.

Sheam Satkuru-Granzella Director Malaysian Timber Council

The EUTR should effectively be the European ‘rubber stamp’ on the existing use of legal and sustainable timber in the UK market

Q: Looking at 2012 and beyond, where do you think the innovation and 'next steps' are for the timber industry? Product Innovation will lie in continuous product development, optimum use of resources and promoting the use of timber in as many applications as possible. The ‘next steps’ involve expanding the ongoing efforts on asserting timber’s environmental, social and durability credentials. That and capturing more market opportunities that result in increasing the confidence of using timber products. What is essential is a concerted effort by the European timber industry to harmonise its efforts in promoting the wood sector and equally essential is for procurers to harmonise purchasing requirements to ease complexities in the supply chain, hence assisting the consistent availability of legal and/or sustainable timber products in the EU market.

The Verdict The competition between timber, concrete and steel as a central construction material in the UK is an old chestnut. But while the sustainability agenda has pushed timber way up the pecking order for architects and specifiers as a greener material of choice, the industry is still suffering from a disjointed and obsolete approach. Not for the first time has the point been raised that timber industry members

should learn to work in collaboration more and offer an improved, single integrated voice to the wider Construction UK – something that the Concrete and Steel industries (albeit with more cash to fuel them) do far better. In the modern digital world, it has never been easier to combine and mesh together investment in marketing and communications to impress the zero carbon benefits that only timber can deliver.

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Continued over..


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Many thanks to everyone that spared a few valuable minutes to speak to us. A few common themes emerged that paint an upbeat and positive position for the timber sector – a sector that has never been short of enthusiasm to innovate and to constantly improve

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The supply of legal and sustainable wood products is important to the protection of the world’s forests but also to the reputation of the timber industry. What the EU’s Illegal Timber Regulation – commonly referred to as the EUTR – will do is consolidate the healthy and well understood channels of sustainable supply onto the UK marketplace. The fundamental point is due diligence in everyday working practices and procurement policies. Again, proper communication of the requirements of the EUTR need to be explained clearly over the next 12 months (3 March 2013 should be firmly inked in your diaries) – don’t claim to be unaware of your responsibilities. Having been available for some time, engineered wood products such as Glulam and Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) have become extremely fashionable of late, which isn’t surprising considering the huge benefits they can bring to any scheme: structural stability, quality and reliability of product, ease of use and fantastic looks – the list is along one – and they are bringing timber to a whole new potential audience. The increased exposure of these products to architects and engineers surely means the future for


this range of timber can only expand. Again, to maintain this growth, the timber industry must continue to educate more on the capabilities and the advantages they bring over other building products. The Solid Wood Solutions events (see page 25) present a fantastic opportunity for profiling and learning about these techniques. What of the next 12 months and beyond? Not an easy question for anyone to answer with any real conviction – certainly not from a financial perspective. Innovation will continue to stem from more collective industry thinking and cold hard facts on timber performance. Certainly more Building Information Modelling (BIM) data extolling the virtues of timber is a must, as is information clearly answering all questions relating to carbon performance. Like the growth of engineered and solid wood solutions, modified woods continue to catch designers and engineers’ imaginations with products such as Tricoya taking timber into new and exciting markets. If you would like to be part of the next Vox Pops panel or want to suggest a question get in touch at: gary.ramsay@timber-expo.co.uk

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20I2 English Woodlands Timber Ltd is a hardwood sawmill and timber merchant. We specialise in the sourcing, conversion and supply of English and European timbers for furniture makers, architectural joinery and builders. Located near Midhurst in West Sussex the company’s 16,000 sq ft timber store holds a wide range of thicknesses in waney and square edge. Customers are able to select their own timber with our experienced staff. Our new six head Weinig moulder enables us to provide a bespoke machining service to our customers from this excellent stock. Externally the company lays down Oak, Ash and Sweet Chestnut in stick to air dry ‘en boule’. Very wide widths and long lengths are a speciality as is the supply of air dried timber for external joinery. For structural work, competitively priced oak beams with PEFC chain of custody is cut to order on a two week lead time.

For external cladding fresh sawn FSC Douglas Fir, Larch and Western Red Cedar is sourced locally from the Cowdray Estate. The company also provides a comprehensive Forest Management service across 10,000 acres in Southern England. Its roots and experience stretch right through the growing, milling, drying and presentation of quality timber. We look forward to welcoming you onto our stand at Timber Expo.


EuroTec – the Specialist for Fastening Technology – is a specialist company that deals with the development of products for fastening technology – mainly screws – that provide professional users with huge advantages. The company started about 11 years ago with two people working in a small cellar. Today the company is working in its own premises and with 86 employees operating across Europe. There are several reasons for our tremendous success – customer’s satisfaction, reliability and our high levels of innovation. Today EuroTec offers a respected programme with a wide range of products offering the professional end user a variety of possible benefits in different material grades such as hardened steel, hardened inox, A2, A4, A5 that are suitable for many

applications but are perfect for general timber construction and wood-use, flat and pitched roofing construction, cladding, hardwood decking and much more. All products are produced in high quality and to very reasonable prices. Our website www.e-u-r-o-tec.de also contains free calculation programs for you to maximise potential. www.e-u-r-o-tec.de

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Hoppings Softwood Products PLC has been established for 80 years and remains an independently owned timber importer, specialising in the machining and preservative treatment of sustainable softwood timber products. Over the last fifteen years, Hoppings Softwood Products have chosen to ‘Q’ brand our two core product ranges as a mark of our commitment to our customers and our product quality. Q-Deck® represents our range of quality outdoor decking products and Q-Line® our range of mouldings from small beads to large section PSE’s and pre-primed MDF mouldings. Recent range additions include Q-Grip® anti-slip decking and Q-Grip Strip, an elegant retro-fit anti-slip decking strip, QClad™ factory pre-painted timber cladding and Q-Deck Lyptus®, a sustainable hardwood decking made from eucalyptus trees cultivated in South America that is harvested in under twenty years. Our philosophy is to build partnerships with customers and our motto for 2012 is ‘Profit through Partnership’. An exciting new development for 2012 is the opportunity for those customers who are ‘stockists’ to

promote and sell our products online within their own website. Merchants can become stockists at any time. This potentially market changing online facility is provided and managed by us centrally and will open a new channel of supply for the vast majority of our customers. If you’re a merchant thinking about selling timber or other building products online then feel free to come and have a chat with us at Timber Expo 2012 and discover what opportunities we have to offer you. If you want a sneak preview of what website solutions we have provided some customers with, visit: www.jump-to.co.uk Our timber products are generally sold through timber and builders merchants and we currently supply a network of over 350 product stockists nationwide. www.hoppings.co.uk

Based in Austria, Mosser is one of the leading timber processors in Europe and have produced over one million cubic metres of glulam. Success – delivered via a complete product range with premium quality. In recent years this approach has made us one of the most successful suppliers of laminated wood and sawn timber in Europe. Mosser is not only renowned for the quality of its products, but also for the consistent support of its customers. Quality is assured in every processing step – from log wood right up to the finished end-product. Besides the development of new, problem-solving products for trade and industry, we consider consultation in application technology as very important. We offer competent support, short delivery times and adherence to delivery dates that give


total customer satisfaction in the same way as our fair price-performance ratio. Quality, service and speed are not just buzz words at Mosser – they are the basic philosophy of our company. The product range includes glulam, ceiling elements, finger jointed battens, wooden briquettes to sawn timber. Naturally we are completely PEFC-certified. We were the first Austrian timber manufacturer to be awarded this certificate. This provides our customers with additional assurance that the wood used for our products originates from sustainable forest cultivation. www.mosser.at www.seca.at

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Three of the world’s leading forest certification organisations will be sharing a stand to promote and educate visitors on a wide range of issues surrounding the supply of legal and sustainable timber into the UK market. You will be able to speak to the Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI Inc.) and the Malaysian Timber Council (MTC) all on the same spot. PEFC is now one of the most familiar faces across the timber and construction sectors. PEFC has recognised certification systems in more than 30 countries, accounting for over 230 million hectares of certified forest, offering the widest supply of certified timber globally. With two thirds of the world’s certified forest managed in compliance with PEFC’s sustainability benchmark, it is the world's largest forest certification organisation. The SFI program was launched in 1994. With 79 million hectares certified across Canada and the United States, the SFI forest management standard was recently re-endorsed by PEFC and companies can certify to both the PEFC and SFI chain-of-

custodies, both of which are accepted by the UK’s Central Point of Expertise on Timber. To help understand the vast and complex resource of tropical timber, the Malaysian Timber Council (MTC) will be available to provide a wide range of information about Malaysia’s sustainable forestry management methods. You can also find out more about the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) and its work certifying Malaysian forests and raw materials. For more information visit: www.pefc.co.uk www.sfi.org www.mtc.com.my www.mtcc.com.my

Progressive Solutions produce and market innovative software solutions tailored for the entire timber industry. Our systems and consultancy represent a good-sized capital investment for the companies we deal with, who don’t make that sort of commitment lightly. Whilst we expect to add value to a business and return the investment, it normally represents a carefully considered decision by the client. Our bisTrack solution provides something not many companies can offer to the timber sector. We’ve found that the exacting requirements and peculiar historical quirks of the industry are not well understood outside the sector. Many general IT suppliers and off-the-shelf commercial packages have come unstuck when trying to handle the needs of the timber industry. So it’s been gratifying for us to see our

expertise recognised by many of the leading timber merchants, importers, sawmills and agents in the UK and Ireland. With the day-to-day business requirements taken care of by the software, our customers have the backup of industryleading business intelligence, giving as much behind the scenes information on business performance as possible. Our dashboards, reports, key performance indicators are all easily accessible and customisable without having to commission bespoke work to get exactly what you need. www.progressive-solutions.co.uk

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The Wood Awards 2012 Each year the Wood Awards provides a glimpse into the myriad of different ways that timber is being used. With a decade under its belt, this year may prove to be the best yet.

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his year the Wood Awards celebrates its 10-year anniversary since its re-launch in 2003.

As Britain’s premier architecture and furniture competition celebrating excellence in design and craftsmanship using wood, the aim of The Wood Awards has always been to recognise, encourage and promote outstanding design, craftsmanship and installation in wood. Previous high profile Gold Award winners include the Weald and Downland Museum by Edward Cullinan Architects, Norwich Cathedral Visitors Centre by Hopkins Architects, Pinions Barn by Simon Conder Associates, The Savill Building by Glenn Howells Architects and last year, the Rothschild Foundation by Stephen Marshall Architects.

“There are clear synergies between the core principles of the Awards scheme and our focus on driving demand for wood and wood products by highlighting the versatile, practical and sustainable qualities in a wide range of uses.” Other sponsors include TRADA – who will again co-ordinate the call for entries – American Softwoods and the British Woodworking Federation. These awards continue to provide a unique and exciting opportunity to see some of the very best in today’s buildings and furniture. Full details of all sponsors and information on The Wood Awards can be found at www.woodawards.com. Find ‘Wood Awards’ on Twitter @woodawards, Facebook, and LinkedIn.


These awards continue to provide a unique and exciting opportunity to see some of the very best in today’s buildings and furniture.

In 2012, the Wood Awards Call for Entries will be launched on TRADA’s 80m2 stand at Ecobuild in March, and the 2012 Shortlist will be showcased at Timber Expo in Coventry in September, alongside a unique programme of seminars and talks supported by TRADA on a selection of the competing projects vying for a top spot in this year’s milestone competition. The timber industry’s sustainability and promotion campaign, Wood for Good, has this year become a lead sponsor of the Wood Awards, alongside long standing supporters the American Hardwood Export Council and the Carpenters’ Company. John Kissock, Chairman of Wood for Good, said that the Wood Awards provides an unprecedented platform to showcase some of the most creative and imaginative ways to use wood. “The Wood Awards are an ideal vehicle for us to help promote both the practical and innovative applications of timber to as wide an audience as possible,” he said.

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Commercial & Public Access Winner: Brockholes Visitor Centre

At last year’s Timber Expo, the Wood Awards 2011 Awards Ceremony took place in front of an invitation only audience. Here is a quick look at the winners and highly commended – all examples of why timber is one of the most versatile and attractive building materials in the world.

Gold Award Winner: Rothschild Foundation The brief for the project comprises space for the Rothschild Foundation Archive and office space for the charity investment organisation. The construction of the buildings in timber was inspired by the former use of the site as a farm populated by timber barns with vertical boarding and roof trusses. The structural frame is a timber diagrid formed from European oak glulam beams veneered in European prime grade oak. Over the beams is a stressed skin ply roof again with an oak veneer finish. On the north side the structure is carried to ground with solid oak V-columns next to full height glazing. Building Owner: The Alice Trust Architect: Stephen Marshall Architects Builder / Main Contractor: Kingerlee Structural Engineers: Thornton Tomasetti Joinery: Green Oak Carpentry Ltd

This RIBA competition winning project for a new visitor and education centre at Brockholes was awarded the new BREEAM Outstanding rating for sustainability at the interim stage, in large part because of the extensive use of timber throughout. The centre itself is made up of a cluster of large and smaller timber framed oak clad buildings housing various facilities for learning about and viewing the surrounding wildlife habitats raised on concrete pontoons.

The project aimed for zero-carbon both in use and production, using materials of low embodied energy, high levels of thermal insulation, building airtightness, natural ventilation and offsite prefabrication. Building Owner: Lancashire Wildlife Trust Architect: Adam Khan Architects Builder / Main Contractor: Mansell/Balfour Beatty Structural Engineers: Price & Myers Joinery: B & K Structures


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Highly Commended: The Apex, Arc, Bury St Edmunds

Private / Best Small Project Winner: Strange House

The Apex provides the civic focus for a scheme to redevelop an historic part of the centre of Bury St. Edmonds. The Auditorium ground floor is movable to permit a range of performance arrangements with American white oak clad seating wagons with bespoke white oak and leather benches. Two balconies with curved white oak fronts accommodate bespoke tip-up seating to match the ground floor benches. Doublycurved panels are laminated from solid timber, their geometry and horizontal slots helping to control reflections. Ground floor boarding and soffit boarding in the Auditorium are fixed to plywood substrates.

The new build house is small, relatively low-cost and sits on a constrained site, but aspires to create a generous architecture inspired by the considered use of engineered European softwood and crafted tropical hardwood. The building frame of solid timber engineered panels was fabricated from FSC European Softwood (Spruce) in a Swiss factory, driven to site in a container and erected in a week. The windows, doors and internal fit-out and furniture of responsibly sourced tropical hardwood (largely Cedro Macho) were felled by a hurricane in Central America, fabricated in a Nicaraguan workshop and arrived on site in a shipping container for simple site assembly.


Building Owner: St Edmundsbury Borough Council Architect: Hopkins Architects Builder / Main Contractor: Haymills Vinci (fit-out works, including joinery) / Vinci Construction UK (shell works) Structural Engineers: WSP Joinery: Coulson Joinery Wood Supplier: Associated Timber Services Ltd

Building Owner: Hugh Strange / Adriana Ferlauto Architect: Hugh Strange Architects Builder / Main Contractor: Solmaz Ltd Structural Engineers: Price & Myers Joinery: Simplemente Madera Wood Supplier: Eurban Ltd (Timber Frame Contractor)

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Highly Commended: The Watson House A holiday home that is easy to use and live in contact with nature. The brief was clear that the parents wanted to have space between their two teenage children’s bedrooms and their own and also provide a room for guests. The design was the result of the idea of a simple linear singlestorey form that ‘touched the earth lightly’. Two linear concrete foundations ran along each side of the house (with a basement in the central section) and these supported laminated timber floor, wall and roof panels from KLH timber. The panels were erected in less that one week and slender steel columns were employed to support the 15-metre long opening facing onto the woodland. Building Owner: Charles + Fiona Watson Architect: John Pardey architects Builder / Main Contractor: NFTS Ltd (no longer trading) Structural Engineers: Ramboll UK Joinery: Quest Timber Products Ltd Other Associated Company: KLH Ltd Wood Supplier: KLH Ltd

Structural Winner: Rothschild Foundation – previous page Highly Commended: Far Moor Bridge Far Moor Bridge is part of the new 350mile Pennine Bridleway National Trail, funded by the Countryside Agency (now Natural England) and Sports England. The section in the Yorkshire Dales at Far Moor Common, Selside, is a new section of bridleway with a new bridge, across the River Ribble. The commissioning Authority saw an opportunity to build an iconic structure, which would delight walkers and riders while being environmentally sustainable. Timber was the preferred material for construction being a natural material that would sit comfortably with the landscape in colour and context but it was thought that the required span was too great for this material. Building Owner: Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (client) Architect: Civil Engineering Design Services (formally Forestry Civil Engineering) Builder / Main Contractor: Houseman and Falshaw Limited Structural Engineers: Civil Engineering Design Services (formally Forestry Civil Engineering) Joinery: CTS Bridges Limited (responsible for joinery and construction) Other Associated Company: Marsden AES Limited (responsible for landscaping/holding areas) Wood Supplier: James Jones (wood cut, sized and drilled by Forestry Commission)


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Conservation / Restoration Winner: Diamond Hall, University Of Ulster The timber clad rainscreen was constructed of PEFC-certified untreated Grade Canadian Western Red Cedar fixed to FSC-certified battens, counter battens and an insulated Strongbak structural panel. It was chosen for its’ appearance, inherent durability, sustainability, dimensional stability, cost and low maintenance. The WRC was Grade A Class 1 Nr 2 Clear and better only. It is relatively light which made it suitable for fixing onto the existing structure. A pdf of the timber profile and construction system along with a design stage study of the shadows thrown by the various profiles have been forwarded with the photographic images. Builder / Main contractor: GEDA Construction

Special Award for Innovation Winner: 081-23mr - Stairs The design began with a plan arrangement of steps which fanned through a simple progressive array, inviting the visitor on as gradual and smooth a journey as the hallway above could accommodate. The stair was designed as a cohesive, easilyassembled kit of parts – an outsized 3D jigsaw constructed with an animated flipbook. An engraved base-plate enabled precise positioning of outer frame walls and the central spine wall, both bridged by elaborately carved beams that slotted in sequence into these flank walls. Routing constraints limited the use of chamfered cuts and thus meant substantial voids at the intersection between diagonal planar elements, necessitating the generation of additional filigree masking elements. Building Owner: Mr Henderson Architect: Atmos Studio Ltd Main Contractor / Builder: Red Oak Services Joinery Company: CNC Services - PMP Limted

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All information and images courtesy of the Wood Awards. Many thanks to Lucy Kamall at Character Communications for supply of material


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SAM Mouldings is the UK's leading manufacturer of moisture resistant primed and wrapped MDF mouldings to the construction and home improvement industries.

Established in 1990, SAM has enjoyed consistent growth to where it stands now as the recognised market leader and we constantly strive for total customer satisfaction as a foundation, we offer unrivalled quality service and product package, with orders supplied consistently on time and in full. Responding to tough market conditions, product innovation to enhance customer's sales is at the forefront of SAM’s thinking.

profiles available in the marketplace today including skirting, architrave, windowboard, door framing and dado rail as well as mouldings for the picture frame and kitchen industries.

Winners of the European Quality Award and with Investors in People Champion status, our purpose-built factory, spanning a 10-acre site, allows us to meet the growing demand for our product, a cost effective alternative to traditional timber mouldings. SAM offers the widest range of

SAM Mouldings looks ahead with confidence in continuing its growth and sharing our success with our trading partners in the years to come.

Key product innovations for 2012 include: • Fully Finished MDF • Door Sets & Door Kits • Flat Pack Staircases


The development of the SHERPA-concept is to make the use of timber as efficient, rational and competitive as possible. Perfect to use for furniture and interior design, balconies, staircases and construction, the easy and quick to assemble SHERPA® system connectors offer a high degree of prefabrication – meaning a significant reduction in assembly time can be achieved.



transfer, meaning the SHERPA-assembly and packaging technology, is strong, safe and guaranteed. www.sherpa-verbinder.com

Tested at the German Institute for Building Technology (DIBt), the wide product range is tailored for secure and reliable load


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Founded in 2000, Silva Timber Products has achieved rapid growth to become one of the UK’s leading importers of speciality timber products, sourced from the world’s most reputable sawmills. We offer the most comprehensive range of Western Red Cedar products in the UK including cladding, trim, decking, shingles, shakes, fencing, screens and trellis available in the widest selection of grades. Silva’s range includes: • • • •

Siberian Larch cladding ThermoWood & THOR cladding Eastern White Cedar sidewall shingles Hardwood decking – Cumaru, Ipé and Yellow Balau • Wood Finish – Bio Wash, Owatrol and Rystix • Fasteners and Fixings Other services include: • Custom machined profiles • Factory pre-finishing • Fire retardant treatment

Silva Timber Products has established a reputation for quality and has worked with some of the UK’s most prestigious names in the world of architecture and design. Our products have transformed and enhanced traditional and contemporary projects of all sizes including recent notable projects such as Tesco, Durham University, Center Parcs, Waitrose and Marks & Spencer. Silva Timber Products use suppliers who conform to the strictest environmental standards. The vast majority of our product range conforms to internationally recognised certification schemes including FSC and PEFC. Silva Timber Products can meet your deadlines by holding large stocks for immediate delivery from our UK warehouse. www.silvatimber.co.uk

In 1967, the SPAX brand was created. Today, 45 years on, SPAX continues to strengthen its position as a leading manufacturer of high performance products that are made in Germany using raw materials supplied by accredited European sources. High quality technology makes SPAX a leader with one of the most extensive product ranges available in the UK. Dedicated to meeting the needs of its customers, the products are well known and trusted. The performance, capability and reliability are second to none, which in turn makes SPAX an idea solution for modern methods of timber construction. Even in these extraordinary times, a proactive approach to research and development has resulted in new SPAX products being introduced to market, paramount to the success of both the supplier and end-user. The right products,

available and supplied in an efficient manner are the simple requirements of any successful business. Satisfying these requirements are key to the success of any supplier/end user relationship and SPAX works tirelessly and continues to achieve and deliver. Information is also available from our UK sales office by e-mailing sales@abcspax.co.uk To learn more about SPAX the company and the complete product range available please visit www.spax.com

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Founded in 1883, we are Europe’s premier timber stockist with vast quantities, specifications and species of both hardwoods and softwoods available. Four generations have built on their knowledge to build one of the finest timber companies in Europe, making Vandecasteele truly unique. Sixty acres of undercover storage stock 120,000m3 of finely presented quality hardwoods and softwoods, allowing us to satisfy every order. Our Europe-wide distribution facilities provide efficient delivery to the UK within 1 to 3 days. A modern machining mill meets the needs of customers for high-quality timber products. The latest computer system provides unquestionable efficiencies, meaning instant response to customer orders and inquiries regarding stock availability, quality, specification, unit price and delivery. Products available include: decking, laminate, cladding and Thermowood. Strong environmental credentials (FSC, PEFC, MTCC, CSA, VLO, OLB,

TLTV) are of paramount importance to the sustainability of the business. Among the species available are: • South-East Asian hardwoods – Teak, Meranti, Merbau, Keruing, Kapur and Yellow Balau • South-American hardwoods – Ipe, Jatoba, Massaranduba, Cumaru and Tatajuba • African hardwoods and logs – Sapele, Sipo, Iroko, Afrormosia, Wengé, Afzélia Doussié, Padouk, Badi, Ayous, Wawa, Koto, Emiré, Framiré and Khaya Ivorensis • North-American hardwoods – White American Oak, Walnut, Ash, Hard Maple and Tulipwood • North-American softwoods – Western Red Cedar, Douglas fir, Hemlock and Southern Yellow Pine • Siberian Larch, Russian and Scandinavian softwoods. www.vandecasteele.be

WIEHAG specialises in timber construction, specifically ED UPGRADFOR structures and roof panels. One successful project that has EXHIBITOR showed off WIEHAG’s expertise is the Millfield Shopping Centre in Balbriggan, Ireland.


The masterplan concept was to create an attractive, safe and secure urban precinct, that will link the existing town centre with the new peripheral development to the West of the town. The main retail centre is arranged around a curved glazed street linking the principal routes on the site. This street is set over two levels on this sloping site to achieve two innovative ‘groundfloor level’ streets to allow accessibility from all sides. In the internal glazed streets, ‘daylighting’ is of paramount concern and continuous roof glazing is provided to give the sense of being outdoors, although one is under cover. This roof glazing lays on inclined fish belly-shaped glulam beams


made of Siberian larch, that were designed, manufactured and installed by WIEHAG. The architectural criteria for the glulam surface is very high. To maintain the high quality during transport and the relatively long installation process of the glazing, WIEHAG decided to wrap the beams with a waterproof but breathable membrane in the factory. This membrane was removed from the beams after the glazing was finished. The glulam beams are definitely the eye-catching element of the centre that has been open to public since April 2011.


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W. Howard Limited are manufacturers of 91MDF mouldings, products include skirtings, architraves, window boards, door casings and door linings. With over 50 years of experience in the timber industry, we pride ourselves in being a progressive and innovative company. Originally starting out as a Timber Merchant, we recognised the market potential and moved into manufacturing MDF Mouldings and developing the Primer Mould brand. We have over 80 staff who are dedicated to providing an excellent standard of quality and service throughout the process. Our ‘Investor in People’ accreditation is a measure of our success and provides us with an opportunity to ensure we operate in an environment of continuous improvement. The product range consists of over 160 profiles and sizes and finishes in white primed,

veneered and laminate. As well as a vast core range offering, bespoke products are also available manufactured to order. As well as manufacturing MDF mouldings W.Howard also supply a wood composite decking product. W.Howard Limited has 4 brands of products: • Primer Mould – Primed MDF Mouldings • Primer Mould +Plus Veneered – Veneered MDF Mouldings • Primer Mould +Plus Polyco – Laminated products • Primer Mould +Plus Maine Deck – Wood composite decking www.whowardtimber.co.uk

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TRADA Student Pavilion: the Shape Of Things to Come

You will be able to take a glimpse into the future of timber design and engineering by visiting the TRADA stand at Timber Expo later this year.

sponsored by


Timbmet is again sponsoring a competition for students of architecture at Oxford Brookes University to design a demountable timber pavilion – the brief requiring that it can be deconstructed then transported and used as a temporary shelter for an injured marine stranded in bad weather conditions on an island.

What struck the judges most was perhaps ‘the individuality of each submission’. Ronnie Maclellan admitted the brief was more challenging than last year’s, but added: “Curiously this seems to have given the students the impetus to respond to the complex and conflicting demands in a positive manner.”

Ronnie Maclellan Senior Lecturer, Oxford Brookes School of Architecture, Brookes, said the judges were presented with ‘an impressive display of skill and labours’ and it was their difficult task to agree on only one winner, Stephanie Lewis.

Chief Executive of sponsors Timbmet Simon Fineman said: “This award is in memory of our late Chairman Dan Kemp who spent more than 60 years in the industry. Dan would have been delighted with the quality of all the entrants, especially because virtually every model emphasised the beauty and diversity of wood in a very demanding application. The efforts of every entry made for a very fitting tribute to a man who worked tirelessly all his life for the love of wood.’

He added: “The standard of entry this year was high indeed. There could have been many prizes. Some models were beautifully crafted, some highly imaginative, some the product of remarkable conceptual thinking, some demonstrated good understanding of structure or appreciation of the nature of wood. We saw some exquisite drawings, some depicting the project in context, others being excellent representation in plan and section. Many of the sketchbooks gave judges a clear insight into your design process and some of these were quite delightful.”

The winning design will be erected as part of the TRADA stand while all student models will be displayed on the winning pavilion. For more details visit: www.trada.co.uk www.timbmet.com

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Accoya® Helps Waitrose Fulfil its Green Ambitions

New sustainability features that will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by a staggering 80%

Accoya wood, using Accsys Technologies’ proprietary acetylation technology has been used in the construction of the Bracknell flagship Waitrose store. The store, which opened late last year, is Waitrose’s ‘greenest’ shop to date. The 25,000 sq ft store incorporates pioneering new sustainability features that will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by a staggering 80%. The store also features natural refrigeration and is the first to trial innovative biodiversity features such as a ‘living wall’ and ‘bug hotel’. Accoya was chosen for the timber cladding as the project wishes to achieve BREEAM Outstanding. As a high performance and FSC-certified timber cladding product, Accoya will help contribute to an improved BREEAM rating and help to soften the design aesthetically. The tenant also required a 50-year warranty for the timber cladding; and Accoya, through its industry leading Class 1 durability, proved the only timber capable. Vertical random width Accoya boards, supplied by International Timber, were clad to the façade of the store. A 2-coat anthracite grey woodstain was applied with a 10 year coating warranty which was another pre-requisite by the tenant.

Bangor (NI) Glulam Back on Track Bangor’s new £40m Olympic-sized swimming pool, rumoured to be the UK’s largest glulam project, is racing towards completion after the replacement of a number of 11-tonne beams that were damaged during their sea voyage to Belfast. Austrian glulam manufacturer Wiehag GmbH had to remanufacture a quarter of the 27 curved beams, following the damage which occurred during storms on the voyage from Rotterdam. Wiehag engineers and project managers


Tom Robinson, Project Architect for the shell and core of the Waitrose design, said “The new store will help deliver a key part of the town centre regeneration, bringing with it a state-of-the-art building and new jobs for local people. Waitrose remains committed to promoting a green agenda, whether it’s through sustainable farming or sustainable construction. Our new store in Bracknell fully embraces that ethos, we are proud to call it home”. Justin Peckham, UK, Relationship Manager, Accsys Technologies says “We are proud to have joined forces with Waitrose in promoting the benefits of sustainability and eco-friendly construction. Our philosophy on sustainability is the belief that protecting the environment can result in significant savings. Affordability goes beyond initial costs; lower maintenance costs and an enhanced performance must be considered. This fantastic Accoya-clad store will stand for many years and will be an incredible resource for the people of Bracknell.”

For more information contact: www.accoya.com

from client North Down Borough Council assessed the damage beams at Belfast and concluded several could not be used. Johannes Rebhahn, Wiehag head of international timber projects, said all replacement beams were now on site and were being erected. Wiehag had cancelled its Christmas break to make replacement beams. At 1,500m3, the project – Northern Ireland’s first 50m swimming pool – involves 1,500m3 of PEFC-certified spruce glulam. The entire roof is 165m long by 70m wide. For more information visit: www.wiehag.com

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Got it? The Pocket Guide to Timber The new Pocket Guide to Timber is the result of extensive customer research by Jewson and Swedish Wood, part of the Swedish Forest Industries Federation, to find out what information professionals need to know about the timber they buy. Supported by Swedish Wood and other industry bodies, the handy booklet contains information on a wide range of timber products as well as an overview of key legislation such as the Code for Sustainable Homes and Jewson’s commitment to responsible timber sourcing. Tony Traynor, UK project manager at Swedish Wood commented: “We have a longstanding relationship with Jewson and together, we undertook some extensive research on what information the market required when it comes to purchasing timber. The result is the Pocket Guide to Timber, which will provide Jewson customers with key facts when it comes to using timber products." Broken down into bite size sections, the guide covers Jewson’s wide selection of products, ranging from joinery and structural timber, engineered timber, panel products, doors and widows, and suggests the most suitable timber for applications such as cladding, decking and flooring. In addition, readers can find out more about Jewson’s Chain of Custody certification and the Pocket Guide to Timber lists Jewson branches with timber processing and cutting facilities.

To support the guide, there is a new online training module now available for trade professionals on the Greenworks Learning Gateway. Free to existing Jewson customers it gives you everything you need to know about wood in one place. Full easy to follow instructions on how to access the gateway are contained in the guide.

Andy Moseley, Market Director - timber at Jewson commented:

“We designed the Pocket Guide to Timber for the purpose of not only helping our customers through the process of selecting chain of custody certified timber but to also work as a handy reference tool on-site. At Jewson, we take our social responsibility very seriously. This not only means sourcing timber from legal and well managed sources but also helping to educate the market wherever we can.”

For more information visit: www.jewson.co.uk

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RIO Forest Declaration Marks 20 Years of Protection As preparations continue for the Earth Summit 2012 or Rio+20 conference, being held in Rio de Janeiro on the 20th - 22nd, June later this year, you can help safeguard the environmental, social and economic benefits that the world’s forests provide by signing the Rio Forest Certification Declaration. The Rio Forest Certification Declaration is based on the idea that a common set of principles is required to provide guidance to everyone about what is needed to better promote forest certification and its continuous growth to advance sustainable forest management. It picks up on ideas that have

previously emerged in other documents, including the 1992 Rio Declaration, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Agenda 21, the UN Charter and the Forest Principles, to establish a framework that all stakeholders should be able to support. So join the movement! The Rio Forest Certification Declaration will be presented with all signatures at the 2012 Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, 20 – 22 June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Sign at: www.rioforestcertificationdeclaration.org www.earthsummit2012.org

Wood First Set for March Unveiling Wood for Good, the timber industry promotional vehicle, will soon be launching its 2012 campaign Campaign. Manager, David Hopkins, has asked all timber companies to contact him with case studies, information and examples to support the campaign. "We want to hear from all TTF members and Wood for Good supporters about projects they have supplied to or worked on which show the benefits of using wood as a first choice construction material. This can be interior or exterior, big or small, innovative or traditional. We just want everyone to get


involved and send in evidence of why the construction industry should choose Wood First. This campaign is all about promoting the supply chain, so we want to hear from you. Please send us your photos, press releases or even just stories and statements about why wood should be first choice. The more of us get involved the stronger our campaign will be." For more information contact: dhopkins@woodforgood.com or directly on 020 7291 5371

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The FFD scheme was launched in 2008 by the Global Canopy Foundation. Its aim is to promote sustainable forest products sourcing and curb deforestation caused by other sectors, such as agriculture. Each year it sends out questionnaires to companies worldwide to assess their strategies for “minimising their forest footprint” and publishes its findings in an annual review. It focuses specifically on the supply and use of what it sees as key

“forest risk commodities”. Besides forest products (timber, paper and pulp), these are palm oil, soy, beef, leather and biofuel. Forest product companies which completed their FFD questionnaires and are included in the review include Stora Enso, Weyerhaeuser, Holmen Skog, Arauco, Domtar and UPM Kymmene. Last year’s Review concluded that the sector was the strongest performing overall, thanks to its “long heritage of exposure to certified supply chains and mature third party sustainability standard setting”. For the full report visit: www.forestdisclosure.com

Green Deal Needs YOU The Government has launched a consultation over its proposals for the Green Deal. The Green Deal is a voluntary financial mechanism to deliver energy efficient measures in homes and businesses. The necessary energy efficiency work will be paid for over a loan period and tied to the property. The scheme is designed to be cost neutral i.e. that the energy saving is greater than the loan payments. The Green Deal is due to go live in late 2012. The formal consultation period has just started and will run for eight weeks.


Fire Door Future – the next generation

Timber Proves a Green Point Timber and forest products companies are once more among the top performers in terms of minimising the risk of their activities causing deforestation, according to the latest report from the Forest footprint Disclosure initiative (FFD).


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You can complete the consultation at: www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/ consultations/green_deal/green_deal .aspx For further information or for consultation feedback please contact Stuart Harker on: sharker@ttf.co.uk

Watch out for the Green Deal Summit part of the www.retro-expo.co.uk event in October 2012. FIT FOR THE FUTURE

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The new Fire Door Inspection Scheme (FDIS) website is now live. It gives full details of the scheme and the FDIS online education programme which is available to those who want to have a greater knowledge of fire doors and a qualification to prove it. BWF and BWF-CERTIFIRE members will be able to register on the website. Once registered members can start working through the education modules, and then book and sit the final FDIS Diploma examination at a local test centre. Successful candidates will be awarded the Diploma in Fire Doors and will be entitled to use the designation DipFD after their name. Work is being finalised on a transition module which provides a route for diploma holders to become certificated inspectors, provided they successfully complete the module and go on to pass an on-site practical assessment of their skills and knowledge. The FDIS Diploma will provide a comprehensive level of knowledge in fire door specification, installation, inspection and maintenance. For more information visit: www.fdis.co.uk


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Major Industry Boost for Timber Expo 2012 The Builders Merchants Federation (BMF), the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT), the UK SIP Association (UKSIPS) and the UK Timber Frame Association (UKTFA) are amongst the new industry trade bodies to sign up as official show partners for this year’s event.








Members are offered several key benefits, including discount on stand space and VIP status as visitors. Christine Harding, BMF Marketing Manager said: “We are pleased to be working with Timber Expo this year as an official show partner. A large number of our members are involved with timber and we look forward to promoting the show and the Timber Buyers Forum in particular.” TRADA Membership & Marketing Manager Rupert Scott added: “Even in this electronic age, there is no substitute for face-to-face discussion. We are delighted to be working



closely with our show partners to enable the associations and their members to benefit from Timber Expo 2012 as a platform for promoting their activities and meeting with customers and specifiers.” More partners to have come onboard with Timber Expo include: BM TRADA, Chiltern International Fire, Timber Trade Federation, Wood for Good and the British Woodworking Federation. For more information visit: www.timber-expo.co.uk

RIBA Cast Concern Over Green Deal The Royal Institute for British Architects (RIBA) recently raised concerns that significant obstacles need to be resolved in order for the government's flagship Green Deal energy efficiency scheme to work in practice. Anna Scott-Marshall, RIBA Head of External Affairs, said: “The RIBA wholeheartedly supports the ambitious aims of the Green Deal, to lower the carbon emissions of our existing building stock, lift more families out of fuel poverty, improve the design of our homes and workplaces and grow our green economy. We want the Green Deal to work; however, in order to stop it failing at the first hurdle the government


needs to ensure that the outstanding issues raised in the consultation are tackled. The RIBA will continue to work alongside government and all other stakeholders in order to get the best deal for the British public.” The main items raised by the RIBA in its consultation response to the Department for Energy and Climate Change included a call an integrated approach to the

installation of energy efficiency measures, which will require Green Deal project managers and that the Green Deal will need performance targets and performance monitoring – particularly around carbon emissions – to ensure that it delivers. For more information on RIBA’s response to the Green Deal visit: www.architecture.com

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New Name For Finnforest One of the most familiar names of the timber industry is to disappear. Finnforest is now known as Metsä Wood. Metsäliitto Group, the forest industry group has changed its name to Metsä Group, changing the names of its business areas. The new Metsa Wood logo brings together all the group's business areas. The goal of the restructuring process has been to create a more unified and competitive forest industry group, focusing on five business areas: wood products, pulp and wood supply, forest services, tissue and cooking papers and board. The new corporate image and logo shared features the word Metsä and the head of a moose carrying a forest on its antlers.

“The new logo is fresh, proud and modern,” says Timo Karinen, Group Executive Vice President of Metsä Wood. “It is an excellent reflection of Metsä Wood – we are continually moving forward, without forgetting our roots. Our customers have known us as Finnforest, and this change will strengthen our corporate identity. We'll be understood as being part of a major forest industry company that manufactures not only high-quality wood products but also produces top-quality pulp, tissue and board."

For more information visit: www.metsagroup.com

TTF Launch 2012 Members Directory and Buyers Guide It contains all the information required to make an informed choice, along with details of incoming regulations, a full copy of the code of conduct, a description of the range of business services the TTF provides to members, and much more. The directory is sent to all members and also circulated to a wider audience of architects, specifiers and local authorities to encourage them to not only use wood, but to choose a reliable supplier from within the TTF membership. The guide has this year been complemented with the publication of the TTF action plan – an outline of the main focus of attention and action for the TTF executive in the coming years. The action plan has been developed following consultation with members, customers and supply chains

and highlights seven target workstreams which will help the TTF expand its work and ensure that the timber industry provides a competitive, focused and relevant service offer to key clients, particularly in construction. John White, Chief Executive of the TTF said: “The latest directory provides buyers with a fully comprehensive list of UK suppliers as well as insight and information on issues affecting the sector and our members. Our action plan also highlights the direction we are taking at TTF and areas of focus as we continue on our mission to grow the use of wood.”

For more information contact: www.ttf.co.uk

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ACTIS ACTIS is the European leader in thin multi-foil insulation with its popular TS10 and has recently launched HCONTROL REFLEX+, a BBA-certified three-in-one solution consisting of a reflective vapour control layer and an airtight barrier which also acts as supplementary insulation with impressive built-in thermal performance. ACTIS’ vision is to develop innovative, effective and environmentally friendly solutions to reduce energy consumption. The company is ISO 9001, ISO14001 and PEFC- certified. www.insulation-actis.com

Advanced Machinery Services Leicester based AMS are the UK’s premier service and spares supply organisation with highly skilled engineers regionally based all over the country. They are also a leading provider of training across the industry with basic machine instruction through manual handling and forklift operation. They have just commissioned a new purpose-built facility in Leicestershire that will be open at the end of this year. It will house the head office, showroom and training operations on one single site. www.advancedmachinery.co.uk

A & J Scott A & J Scott Ltd is one of the UK’s leading independent home grown sawmill, supplying sawn timber nationwide for a variety of uses, principally in the outdoor and garden products, fencing and landscaping sectors. We offer wide ranging cutting capabilities and also supply pressure treated products. We are also one of the country's leading hardwood and round timber merchants, providing hardwood of all species and qualities. We are FSC registered, NEW FOR and source timber from sustainable, managed forests. www.ajscott.co.uk



FASTENER SYSTEMS innovations in fastenings and fixings

Aptus Aptus Fastener Systems are the UK stockist for HECO - TOPIX® range of structural timber screws. HECO - TOPIX® has revolutionised the industry with a screw that virtually eliminates predrilling and additional metal work. As pioneers in the UK market, we are proud to have worked with the Napier University, TRADA, Sips UK and Ecological Building Systems Ltd plus some of the UK’s leading structural engineers. Our mission is to offer supplementary information to ensure European structural design will be harmonised and allow engineers and the timber industry to benefit from the advantages of using this innovative and high-performance product. www.aptusfasteners.co.uk

Combilift Combilift is acknowledged as the leading global manufacturer of specialist handling solutions for timber. Combilift will be at Timber Expo to demonstrate how its range of 4-way forklifts can make the handling of large and bulky loads safer and more efficient. Since the first Combilift was sold twelve years ago, around 60% of Combilift products are in operation in timber-related industries across 50 countries. A recent introduction to Combilift’s range is the award winning Combi-CB. This is a compact counterbalance design 4-way forklift developed for companies that handle a mix of palletised and long loads. www.combilift.com 54

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The specialist for Fastening Technology

Eurotec is a specialist company that deals with the development of products for fastening technology – mainly screws – that provide professional users with huge advantages. Visit our website today www.e-u-r-o-tec.de or come and see us at Timber Expo!

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Isocell Isocell offer a full range of Airtight products for achieving Airtightness , Wind Tightness and RainTightness to the highest of standards. Isocell offer full solutions for residential commercial and public sector builds , whether constructed in Block , Steel or Timber Frame. Our Airtight Systems and products are well established on the European markets since the 1990 tees and are utilised by some of the leading construction companies across Europe. Our products are ever increasingly being used in Ireland and the United Kingdom. www.isocell.ie

Knauf Drywall Knauf Drywall is a leading UK manufacturer of lightweight building products and systems. Part of the Knauf Group, one of Europe’s leading building materials manufacturers, it has a strong tradition of technical excellence and innovation in meeting the evolving needs of the construction industry including its award-winning commitment to sustainable development. Innovative products that will be showcased at Timber Expo include Knauf Aquapanel Exterior, an exterior cladding system which is ideal for use on timber-framed and timber-battened structures. The board is mechanically fixed to the framework and the system build up is then suitable to receive a render, paint or further external cladding finishes. www.knaufdrywall.co.uk

Monar Acoustic Systems Monarfloor Acoustic Systems is well recognised as the market leader for high performance acoustic flooring systems in the UK, offering a one-stop source of products, service, and technical support. Monarfloor’s product range is one of the largest in the UK covering new build, conversion and refurbishment applications whether the floor NEW FOR structure is wood, steel, or concrete. www.monarfloor.co.uk


Stakapal Ltd Stakapal are leading UK manufacturers of cantilever racking and member of SEMA (Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association) and have supplied the timber industry with storage solutions for over 40 years. From our purpose-built factory in Cannock, Staffordshire we have the manufacturing expertise to offer tailored cantilever racking solutions for a single or multi-site operation. Our in-house design and project teams provide a concept to completion service which includes an initial free site survey through to design, manufacture and installation by our own (SEIRS) installation teams. www.stakapal.co.uk

Trade Fabrication Systems Since 1998 Trade Fabrication Systems has been the UK’s leading processor of BBA approved peel-off protective films for floor panels, Class 0 foil-faced boards and factory applied coatings for a variety of applications. We work closely with customers to combine innovation with unbeatable service enabling us to offer products suitable for use in a wide range of industries. TFS’s experienced and dedicated technical support team thoroughly understand customers’ needs, have unrivalled product knowledge and are constantly in tune with the latest industry developments. www.tradefabricationsystems.co.uk


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on demand Inspirational and relevant seminar programme. TRADA Membership & Marketing Manager Rupert Scott, outlines ambitious plans for a fresh, topical and relevant seminar programme, spread across Timber Expo 2012.

Surveys show that there is unanimous demand for information on timber frame construction

he seminar theatres attracted hundreds of delegates last year and the range and quality of the talks were rated highly. And to be certain that we are offering topics which meet visitor needs and expectations in 2012, TRADA has carried out detailed research into what delegates want to hear about.


At the top of the list, there is unanimous demand for information on timber frame construction – more than 80% of all respondents and a massive 93% of specifiers want to learn more. The overwhelming interest is in structural aspects of timber frame, with energy efficiency and acoustic performance following close behind. And it will be no surprise to learn that timber frame and fire attracted particular attention. This significant and sometimes controversial area will be the subject of several presentations across the two days of the show. Other topics which scored highly in the TRADA research include: • Timber connections • SIPS construction • Cross-laminated timber • Modified woods • Cladding • Decking • Windows • Doors • Green oak • Solar shading


Respondents were also asked to choose which style of presentation would be most likely to engage them. Interestingly, technical presentations by independent bodies such as TRADA Technology came first, with case studies by architects/engineers just a few percentage points behind. End client perspectives attracted interest from nearly 60% of respondents, while about half voted for ‘what is on offer from product suppliers’ and actual site visits. The research has given us an excellent steer. We have within TRADA Technology a whole team of experts to impart the generic technical knowledge which is clearly in demand and can call on other associations with whom we work closely to share their expertise. Likewise, we are in discussion with external speakers within industry, also leaders in their field, to complete what will be a compelling programme to underpin business needs and help to grow markets for timber and wood products. We want you to get involved. If you have suggestions for topics and speakers please contact Rupert Scott email: rscott@trada.co.uk or phone 01494 569817.

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A collaborative event brought to you by:

Showcasing the delivery of affordable energy efficient housing

Conference & Exhibition



17 April 2012

Garston, near Watford Sat Nav. WD25 9NH

What FABRIC FIRST is a one day conference & exhibition platform for timber frame & SIPS technology providers to present the benefits of adopting ‘fabric first’ methodologies in respect of modern energy efficient residential construction. A comprehensive programme of policy presentations, technology & project case studies from within the residential sector. The conference programme is supported by an exhibition of 30 technology providers, networking sessions & access to the BRE Innovation Park.

Who It is ideally suited to developers, architects, RSLs and house-builders looking to deliver high performance building fabric using thermally efficient airtight structures. Delegate places are limited to a maximum of 200

NOTE: a full Conference Programme will be published online

To book your delegate place go to: www.fabricfirstevent.co.uk

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…making the most of your investment Are you maximising the Timber Expo opportunity as much as you ought to be? It all seems so simple. All you need to do is book your space, turn up on the day and everyone will beat a path to your stand to do some business. In reality things are very different…

The Exhibitor Briefing Day is open to businesses that are still considering getting involved in Timber Expo 2012 – so why not come along and make your final decision then? Register to attend by emailing: victoria.jones@ timber-expo.co.uk Exhibitors Briefing Day, 14 May 2012, Ricoh Arena, Coventry


To help you squeeze every drop out your investment in Timber Expo we will be hosting an action-packed Exhibitors Briefing Day on 14 May 2012 at the Ricoh Arena where you can hear from Austen Hawkins of the Association of Events Organisers and take away a copy of our exclusive Guide to Exhibiting. It is FREE to attend and has been designed to help you maximise your involvement in Timber Expo before, during and after the show and to give you some top tips on promotion, marketing and media. PREPARING THE GROUND - set out your goals and key considerations and spend some time and thought planning BEFORE Timber Expo. It will pay huge dividends when September comes. SPREAD THE WORD - tell people why they should visit you. The simplest and most obvious tactic of all is also, amazingly, the least practised! MOTIVATE - train your event staff. Selling at events is different from selling anywhere else so make sure your stand staff understand what is required from them. MEDIA - use the web and social media to promote the event and generate visitors. If you’ve got a website, it’s a great place to promote your presence at the show. And Facebook, Twitter etc are now an integral part of any PR/marketing campaign. LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! - the day has arrived. Your goals are clear. Your people are trained. The doors to Timber Expo fly open and the visitors start streaming in. Now what? KEEP IT ALL BUSINESS - collect lead information. High or low-tech – collecting

business cards is easy, but what else can you use to collect data electronically and secure information about your potential customers. REAP THE REWARD - what to do after the show and measuring its success. The visitors have all gone home. The stands are being taken down. Now is the time to follow through all of the new opportunities you’ve generated. THE MEASURE OF SUCCESS - measure your event activities. Every event is different for every exhibitor. Every time you evaluate an event, you’re actually measuring many things including the show itself, the market climate and your competitors’ activities. SET YOUR GOALS - make your goal list comprehensive. List your goals to reflect what you hope to achieve. Don’t just stop at sales lead targets. Try to capture all of the value you can get from your event activities. INTELLIGENT MARKETING - whatever your goals, exhibitions can deliver because they represent the marketplace in one place and time – bringing together suppliers, buyers, purchase influencers, consultants and the media. Events are an incredibly versatile marketing medium, to launch new products, generate media coverage, build brand awareness, generate leads and retain existing customers.

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Exhibitor Zone innovation Keeping true to our ethos of innovation and reducing the administrative burden on our exhibitors at Timber Expo we have updated our online interactive Exhibitor Manual as part of our new Exhibitor Zone. Accessed only by the use of an Exhibitor Login code the Exhibitor Zone is completely intuitive and provides a stepby-step process for exhibitors to find and complete all of the necessary technical information to plan and organise their stand at Timber Expo. This Exhibitor Zone contains a wealth of useful information and all of our Forms can be completed directly in the user’s web browser. A useful download link is available for users to obtain an offline copy of the latest edition of the Exhibitor Manual.












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The Exhibitor Zone works as a checklist showing users how they are progressing with submitting information through to our Operations Team. Icons show whether exhibitors have submitted the required information as well as highlighting information that is still to be submitted. Data is live and can be updated at any point, any time from anywhere in the world. All Forms essential to the efficient and safe running of the exhibition can be completed online too, including Forms for the Health & Safety Declaration, Demonstration & Working Exhibits, Contractor Nomination, Logistics Services, Data Capture Services and much more. Stand Package enhancement at the click of a button. With our innovative ‘stand package’ solution Timber Expo exhibitors can see immediately what is included within their Stand Package. A customised stand visual is shown along with all of the information on the basic layout of their stand – what is included and what optional choices are available in terms of furniture, electrics, lighting etc – all of which are uniquely included within the stand package at Timber Expo. Exhibitors can order additional items online or ‘opt out’ of certain items within their package. At Timber Expo we recognise that innovation is essential but we have not lost sight of the fact that in many cases this is no substitute for personal service and as such our Operations Team are on hand at any time to guide exhibitors through the Exhibitor Zone and make their Timber Expo experience the least stressful and most positive that it can be. If you are an exhibitor at the show and would like a demonstration of the Exhibitor Zone then please contact nickie.west@timber-expo.co.uk

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Timber Expo & TRADA sponsor TTJ Timber Innovation Award category

New for 2012 the Timber Innovation Award category of the TTJ Awards creates a direct link with Timber Expo. The winning innovation will be given presentation time in the Timber Talk seminar programme and display the product/solution on a Timber Innovation platform within the atrium area, at the main entrance to the event in September

TTJ Timber Innovation Award is designed to recognise companies that are pushing forward the technical boundaries of what is possible in timber.

• The product is fully or partially made using timber materials OR assists with timber based building materials (e.g. paints, coatings, adhesives, fixings etc)

Timber innovation is at the very heart of TRADA Technology’s own future strategy and they have been working closely with industry partners to find new ways of bringing their products to market, whether through testing, assessment or certification, and also via interactive technical seminars and exhibitions. Innovation was in the DNA of Timber Expo right from the start!

• The product/system conforms to the latest relevant UK safety and environmental legislation and regulations.

This category is open to any company which on their own, or in partnership, has created an innovative product or system solution, for example by: • developing a new product • taking a product and developing a ‘system’ • researching and developing solutions with the supply chain to better meet technical demands • improving the manufacturing process • carrying out testing or certification to validate product or system performance criteria • removing legislative obstacles or overcoming actual or perceived barriers to the use of timber.

To register to receive an entry form or further details of the application process and the timescales involved please email rscott@trada.co.uk The TTJ Awards is moving to a prestigious new venue this year - the Savoy, London and takes place on 14 September 2012. For more information and tickets please contact TTJ Awards co-ordinator Natasha Denney at: ndenney@ttjonline.com or call 020 8269 7833.

Organisations / individuals may enter this award category providing: • They either manufacturer, distribute or own the intellectual property rights to the product / system


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FASTENER SYSTEMS innovations in fastenings and fixings

The MULTI-MONTI速 TimberConnect from HECO Schrauben

The perfect combination of screw anchor and wood screw


HECO速 wood thread

The innovative soleplate anchor MULTI-MONTI-TimberConnect combines the patented concrete thread with a HECO wood thread. As such, the MMS-TC guarantees the simple and safe connection of timber structures to solid masonry and concrete as well as timber joists/beams to concrete. Multi-Monti速 thread

Aptus Fastener Systems Ltd Salterwood Drive, Denby, Derbyshire DE5 8JY Tel: 01773 740410 Email: sales@aptusfasteners.co.uk

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