Timber Rattlers Sponsorship Opportunities

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INTRODUCTION Baseball has been a constant in Appleton since 1891 and has seen many different incarna8ons throughout the years. In 1995, the team moved into their brand new stadium and, at the same 8me, re-­‐branded themselves as the Wisconsin Timber RaElers. Since that 8me, the Timber RaElers have become one of the top Minor League teams in the en8re country. In 2012, the Timber RaElers won the Midwest League Championship and were also awarded the pres8gious Larry MacPhail Award from Minor League Baseball, symbolizing the top promo8onal efforts in all of Minor League Baseball. The Timber RaElers were recently recognized by the Appleton Post-­‐Crescent as the Fox Valley’s Small Business of the Year. In 2013, Time Warner Cable Field at Fox Ci8es Stadium received a $6.2 million faceliV which now makes the facility a year-­‐round des8na8on. In addi8on to hos8ng 70 Timber RaElers home games, the NCAA Division III College World Series, WIAA State High School Baseball Championship, and the annual Green Bay Packers Charity SoVball game; it will now play host to weddings, banquets, corporate events, business mee8ngs, office par8es and many addi8onal non-­‐baseball events. Because of these renova8ons, Time Warner Cable Field has become the place to be in the Fox Ci8es.

2013 ATTENDANCE 2013 Timber Rattler Numbers Team Record: 59-­‐76 Home Record: 30-­‐37 Number of home games: 64 Number of rainouts: 6 Total Season AEendance: 241,938 2013 Average AEendance: 3,780* * Franchise Record Average

2013 Special Events Donald Driver Charity SoVball Game NCAA Division III Baseball Championships WIAA State Baseball Tournament FRV Legion All-­‐Star Game Special Event AEendance: 47,464

2013 TOTAL ATTENDANCE: 289,402

PREMIUM SPONSORSHIPS Naming Rights NEW! Areas Within the Ballpark

The NEW Beach! The Timber RaElers have added some unique things around the ballpark... One of the new features is the beach area outside the right field wall. This area aEracts a lot of aEen8on from fans of all ages. •  Large ougield wall signage •  All references to The Beach in print, media and throughout the ballpark will be referred to as the (Sponsor) Beach

PREMIUM SPONSORSHIPS Naming Rights to Unique Areas Within the Ballpark

Kids Zone

The Kids Zone has become the des8na8on point for our youngest Timber RaEler fans at Time Warner Cable Field. Located down the 1st base line, it’s a can’t miss! •  Kids Zone entrance signage •  All references to Kids Zone in print, media and throughout the ballpark will be referred to as the (Sponsor) Kids Zone

PREMIUM SPONSORSHIPS Naming Rights Within the Ballpark

Patio Decks

st rd The Pa8o Decks are located on both the 1 and 3 baselines. These tables seat 4 and include wait staff service. Making it a popular des8na8on for businesses and families. •  Signage on each table •  Signage on both sides of the ballpark •  All references to the Pa8o Decks in print, media and throughout the ballpark will be referred to as the (Sponsor) Pa8o Decks 1st Base All-You-Can Eat Seats st Located down the 1 base line, this area seats 65 guests and is all inclusive for groups and individuals •  Large signage visible throughout the ballpark •  All references to the 1st Base Seats in print, media and throughout the ballpark will be referred to as the (Sponsor) All You Can Eat Seats

BALLPARK SIGNAGE Scoreboard Signage What’s the score? Each Timber RaElers fan looks at the scoreboard an average of 127 8mes per game. Be in that spotlight and promote your brand! Our state of the art scoreboard features a LED full color video display. Tri-­‐Vision (turns every 45 seconds)

Outfield Billboard Signage Thousands catch your message with every crack of the bat! The most 8me honored method of ballpark adver8sing enables you to display your company’s brand to a cap8ve audience. Single Lower (8’ x 12’) Single Upper Double Lower (8’ x 24’) Double Upper NEW! Full Bullpen Signage (4’x24’ upper and 3’x24’ lower) Upper or Lower Bullpen Signage Upper or Lower Boardwalk Single (4’x12’)


Other Stadium Signage

Concourse Signage (4’ x 4’) These signs are located throughout the concourse at Time Warner Cable Field. All signs are framed and backlit so they cannot be missed! Will Call Window Will Call Window and front of ballpark signage. All references to Will Call will be referred to as the (Sponsor) Will Call Standings and Line Up Board Located to the leV and right of the main entrance. These signs convey your message and give fans valuable game informa8on. On Deck Circles Looking for a unique piece of signage. On Deck Circles put your message in front of every fan in Time Warner Cable Field! InformaPon Booth The Informa8on Booth is located at the main gate and is the des8na8on for any and all informa8on during a Timber RaElers game. From direc8ons, to prize pick up, the informa8on booth is where fans go to get it!

PRINT OPPORTUNITIES Official Game Program The Timber RaElers official full color game program is not your typical game program. Our fans do not purchase this “PLAYBALL” program, it is handed out for free to all fans as they enter the park. The cover and some content change for every series.

Full Page Ad ½ Page Ad ¼ Page Ad

Pocket Schedules

Panel Ad

The Timber RaElers distribute over 250,000 pocket schedules throughout the state of Wisconsin. They are displayed at retail loca8ons, circulated at special events and mailed to fans. Pocket schedules are a great way to get your message directly in the hands of our fans!

Ticket Envelopes

Whether fans order over the phone, pick their 8ckets up at Will Call or come to the box office ahead of 8me, their 8ckets are placed in an envelope which can feature your brand and message.


On-Field Promotions On-­‐Field promo8ons are a unique form of entertainment that provides fans at Time Warner Cable Field with more than just a baseball game and exposes your business to a cap8ve audience. An ordinary sponsorship becomes a memorable one when fans are not only able to recall the name of the sponsor, but also its personality. Full Season (67-­‐70 games) Half-­‐Season (33-­‐35 games)

Promotional Giveaway Nights Cost based on producPon cost of giveaway item The Timber RaElers offer a variety of promo8onal giveaway nights, limited only by our imagina8ons, tailored to help your business reach its target audience. Our sponsors have used these giveaway items as walking billboards by posi8oning their logo along with the Timber RaElers on baseball caps, bobbleheads, seat cushions, aprons...the op8ons are endless! As the sponsor of the giveaway, your company will receive the power behind our adver8sing including men8ons in our pocket schedules, newspaper and radio ads, the “Playball”, our live radio broadcast and in-­‐stadium ads. PromoPonal Giveaway Night Sponsorship Includes: *30 box seats for the night of your giveaway *An opportunity for one representaPve to throw a ceremonial first pitch *Giveaway night promoted prior to the event via newspaper, radio, website and in-­‐stadium ads. *Your giveaway listed in 250,000 pocket schedules

PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Promotional Giveaway Night The Wisconsin Timber RaElers are celebra8ng their 20th season at Fox Ci8es Stadium. In honor of the anniversary we are selec8ng the nine most prominent players in team history by each posi8on played. The first 1,000 fans will receive a mini-­‐bobblehead courtesy of you. As the sponsor of the giveaway, you will receive: *Your logo featured in all references and marke8ng *30 Box Seat Tickets for the game *An opportunity for one representa8ve to throw a ceremonial first pitch *Giveaway night promoted prior to the event via newspaper, radio, website and in-­‐stadium *Your giveaway/day listed in 250,000 pocket schedules *Logo featured on video board throughout the evening *PA announcements throughout the game *Opportunity to run full quality broadcast :30 sec TV commercial on our high resolu8on video scoreboard


MARKETING FOR GIVEAWAYS Newspaper / Internet •  Post -­‐Crescent and Press-­‐Gaze/e sports page and online strip panel ads leading up to the event •  Timber RaElers web banner and special press release •  (examples)

MARKETING FOR GIVEAWAYS Radio •  Recogni8on as Presen8ng Sponsor in all Timber RaEler radio commercials leading up to giveaway game Email •  E-­‐blasts, E-­‐newsleEers, & social media (Facebook, TwiEer, RaEler Blog, etc) Billboards •  HWY 41 and Casaloma Drive matrix signs Pocket Schedules •  Lis8ng in 250,000 pocket schedules distributed throughout the state of Wisconsin


Cost based on the day and event chosen Weekly promo8ons are an integral part of the Timber RaElers promo8onal schedule and include items like, Autograph Sundays, Bang for Your Buck, Thirsty Thursdays and fireworks to name a few. These are extended events that generate excitement for our fans and give your business exposure throughout the season. Your sponsorship will be reinforced through: the pocket schedule, newspaper and radio ads, the Timber RaElers website, the “Playball” and in-­‐stadium adver8sing. Mondays (9) – Senior Specials Tuesdays (9) – Throw Back Tuesdays Wednesdays (11) – Bang for Your Buck Thursdays (11) – Thirsty Thursdays Fridays (11) – Family Nights / Post-­‐Game Fireworks (7) Saturdays (10) – Post Game Fireworks (6) Sundays (9) – Brewers Sundays


Concourse Exhibits Cupholders

Fireworks Exit Sampling


:30 Commercials Broadcast your TV quality commercial on our state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐art LED video board at every game throughout the Timber RaElers season. These full audio/video commercials are sure to aEract some aEen8on.

Entertainment The video board is a great way to get your brand no8ced by our fans. Be part of the entertainment during the game and fans remember your company and the fun they had! Player Profile Fans get the opportunity to learn a liEle bit more about the future Brewers playing here today! InteracPve Fan Cam Everyone loves to see themselves on the big screen! Nightly Happenings and Game AcPon (PA/Video Board/Radio) During the game there are a number of occurrences available for sponsorship. Some happen every night, some are not guaranteed, but when they do happen the fans will know who sponsors it! StarPng Line Ups First Pitches Bat Boys Umpires At Bats Stolen Bases Caught Stealing Home Runs Foul Balls


The Kids Crew is the Timber RaElers kids only club. Kids receive a membership card, a special t-­‐shirt, member only events and much more! Your company logo would be featured on all of the items distributed and would include men8ons on the website and in-­‐ stadium adver8sing. You also will have the opportunity to add items to each members welcome pack.

Fang’s Reading Club

Fang’s Reading Club is an incen8ve based program, which rewards kids for reading. The Timber RaElers work with area schools and libraries to facilitate the program. As a sponsor of Fang’s Reading Club, your logo will be featured on all materials sent to schools, children and parents. Your logo will also be featured on all prizes distributed to par8cipants and on the videoboard during Reading Club games.

Kids Camps

The Timber RaElers host baseball clinics during the summer giving children an opportunity to learn from the pros. Each camp is FREE and is limited to 125 kids. Each child receives a camp t-­‐shirt and a 8cket to that nights game. As the sponsor of a Kids Camp, your logo will be featured on the t-­‐shirt and all materials promo8ng the camp. You will also have the opportunity to be present at the camp. Camp dates are selected by the Timber RaElers


Field of Dreams

This unique opportunity allows kids to take the field with the Timber RaElers players before every Timber RaElers home game. Each child will also receive a Timber RaElers hat With your logo on it as well, that can serve as a walking billboard. As the sponsor of this memorable program, your company would receive nightly exposure via the video board and PA system. Your logo will also be featured in all promo8onal items, print, media and on the Timber RaElers website.


Website ads are featured on the official Internet site of the Wisconsin Timber RaElers throughout the year and link directly to your website. www.8mberraElers.com HOMEPAGE Small (300x100) Rota8ng Ad Large (300x250) Rota8ng Ad Individual Non-­‐Rota8ng Ad


Radio Commercials

All Timber RaElers games both home and away are broadcast on 1280 AM WNAM. Single One (1) :30 second spot in all 140 regular season games. Double Two (2) :30 second spots in all 140 regular season games Triple Three (3) :30 second spots in all 140 regular season games

Pre-game or Post-game Show

Sponsorship of the Pre-­‐Game or Post-­‐Game show with two thirty second spots in the show that is sponsored and one thirty second spot within the game broadcast.

In-game Broadcast Contest

With the contest sponsorship, you get one thirty second ad in the inning in which the contest is run. Plus live men8ons.

Segment Sponsorship

Segments include the Star8ng Lineups, the Baseball Scoreboard, This Date in Baseball History, the Brewer Organiza8onal Report, Midwest League Update, Seventh Inning Stretch, Game Time Weather, Next Game Pitching Match-­‐up, and Game Line score. With sponsorship, you will get a live read at the beginning and end of the segment and one thirty second spot in the inning the segment is run.

CORPORATE HOSPITALITY VIP Suites The private serng of a VIP suite is the perfect way to entertain clients or share the exci8ng baseball ac8on with friends. Suites seat up to twenty people and include climate control, cable TV, wait staff service or pre-­‐ ordered menu. Season Tickets As a full season 8cket holder you and/or guests of your company will be able to catch all 70 regular season home games. You will enjoy the same great seats for each game as well as the fun and excitement that is part of the experience of Time Warner Cable Field. Patio Tables The pa8o tables offer more spacious sea8ng and a great view. Each table seats up to four and includes wait staff service. Group Outings and Picnics The Timber RaElers offer great group ou8ng opportuni8es: Discounted Group Tickets (20 or more) New! Banquet Facility / Club Level U.S. Cellular 1st Base Covered Picnic Pavilion 3rd Base Picnic Deck Miller High Life Home Run Porch Leinie Lodge All-­‐You-­‐Can Eat Seats Tailgate Areas , Full Service Picnic Menus, and more!


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Over the past nineteen years, the Wisconsin Timber Raflers have become the desPnaPon for fun, family entertainment in Northeastern Wisconsin. Below are some of the highlights: Awarded the pres8gious 2012 Larry MacPhail Trophy for best promo8onal efforts across all of minor league baseball! Named Fox Valley’s Small Business of the Year by the Appleton Post-­‐Crescent. Winner of 2012 Gameops.com Best Team Opera8ons: hEp://www.gameops.com/2012/2012/p=7. Average yearly aEendance of 240,000+ Over 3.5 million fans have aEended a Timber RaElers game. Became the class ‘A’ affiliate for the Milwaukee Brewers in 2009 and recently extended the partnership through 2016! The Timber RaElers reading program now reaches 170 schools / libraries and over 43,000 students. Timber RaElers logo ranked in the top 25 of all of Minor League Baseball for 18 out of 19 years. TimberraElers.com ranked as the second most visited site in all of single ‘A’ baseball. Timber RaElers play a key role in the community as host to the Donald Driver Charity SoVball Game, NCAA Division III College World Series, and the WIAA State Baseball Championships.

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