147th Birthday Edition - The Newnan Times-Herald

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147th Birthday

September 2012 — The Newnan Times-Herald/MyConnection — 1

Times-Herald marks milestones through years 1865 — On Sept. 9, 1865, The Newnan Herald’s first issue is published by lawyers J.S. Bigby and J.C. Wootten as a sideline. The four-page weekly cost $3 per year in advance and came out on Saturday. It was the first post-Civil War newspaper started in Georgia. Soon after, Bigby — who became active in local politics — sold his interest to James A. Welch. 1886-1887 — After the deaths of Welch and Wootten, The Herald is edited by A.B. Cates, a Tennessee native and Confederate veteran. In 1886 or 1887 it is merged with the rival Coweta Advertiser, which had been published by First Methodist pastor W.W. Wadsworth. 1887 — James E. Brown, who was editor of the Advertiser in 1886 — after almost 10 years at the Henry County Weekly, which he founded — becomes editor of the merged Herald and Advertiser. 1912 — Brown sells the Herald and Advertiser to Rhodes McPhail, but the arrangement does not last and Brown returns with Ellis M. Carpenter as assistant. 1915 — The Herald and Advertiser absorbs another rival, the Newnan News, and the paper again becomes known as the Newnan Herald. 1928 — Oren William Passavant, who had been editor of the Herald and Advertiser in 1911-1912 in Brown’s absence, purchases the paper on Brown’s retirement. Passavant has been one of several business managers during Brown’s tenure, as were Edgar T. Whatley and Thomas S. Parrott. 1936 — Passavant sells to Hanson G. Ford. During four years operating the Herald, Ford’s wife, Dorothy Gardner Ford, a descendant of the Cole family, takes an active role in the newspaper. — Also in 1936, Evan W. Thomasson and his son James J. Thomasson start the rival Newnan Times. 1940 — Ford sells the Newnan Herald to George W. MacNabb and Victor D. Armstrong. Armstrong soon leaves to serve in the armed forces, and MacNabb continues as editor and business manager. WWII — The war years are difficult for everyone, including newspapers. A small staff of no more than five put out the Newnan Herald, according to memories from Sarah Parrott. Newsprint and ink are rationed. 1944 — The Newnan Herald achieves renown — receiving several Georgia Press Association awards, including first place for best editorial and best news coverage in 1944. 1946 — The Newnan Herald is acquired in October 1946 by the Thomassons, who publish the Herald and Times separately for another year. 1947 — On Dec. 24, 1947, the first edition of the combined newspaper, The Newnan TimesHerald, is published. — Also in 1947, TimesHerald owners E.W. and James Thomasson with Dan Manget Sr. start Newnan’s first radio station, WCOH (Welcome City of Homes). WCOH signs on the air Dec. 6, 1947. 1964 — The TimesHerald is one of the first newspapers in Georgia to switch to offset printing to allow more pictures and greater use of color. 1965 — The TimesHerald celebrates the paper’s 100th birthday with publication of the

See years, page 2

Technological changes expand paper’s presence By W. Winston Skinner winston@newnan.com During the past year, The Newnan Times-Herald has made changes that have taken the newspaper into the community — and expanded the newspaper’s presence on the Internet. Compared to many businesses, much of newspaper work has always taken place outside the walls of the office. Advertising representatives spend much of their time calling on area businesses, and news reporters and photographers plan their calendars around events, meetings and interviews that take place somewhere ot her t h a n 16 Jefferson St. W h e n i t c a m e t i m e to replace hardware and software at The Newnan Times-Herald a few months ago, most news staff got MacBookAir laptops to replace their old desktop computers. At the same time, the newspaper contracted to use SkyQue, an Internet-based system created by Mediaspan for storing and processing news stories and images. W hile readers see minimal difference in the finished product, news archives are no long on disks in the TimesHerald building but stored via Internet several states away. The “cloud” computing model — and the use of laptops — means reporters can do much of their work outside the newspaper office. S t a f f w r ite r S a r a h Fay Campbell is an unabashed fan of the laptop. “I can’t imagine doing my job without a laptop. No, that’s not true. I can imagine it — and that’s why I would hate to do it,” she said. Campbell has been using a laptop to take notes at meetings and events for almost 10 years. “It revolutionized things for me,” she said. “I never was very good at taking notes with pen and paper while people were talk-

Photo by Jeffrey Leo

Newnan Times-Herald Publisher Sam Jones and staff writer John Winters check some emailed police photos on Winters’ laptop computer. The laptops mean the newspapers’ news staff members are less tied to their desks. Both men also carry iPhones to help them stay connected.

ing. I could never get everything they said — not even close,” Campbell said. A long meeting could result i n a rep or ter ’s note b o ok with writing on every page. Looking for a specific quote or fact could be time-consuming and frustrating. “When my notes are typed out in front of me, searching them is so easy — and months or years later, I can call up the notes from a particular meeting and see exactly what was said,” she explained. Campbell said she can use quotes “with pinpoint accuracy” and has learned how to use her laptop to take notes while looking “an interview subject in the eye.” Campbell and other reporters f ind the laptop a godsend when there is an event

to be covered late at night or out of town. Usually Wi-Fi Internet service is available at a restaurant or other location, meaning the reporter can access SkyQue and write stories while miles away from Newnan. “I can write the story wherever I am,” Campbell said. Joey Howard, The Newnan Ti mes-Hera ld’s cla ssi f ied manager, also oversees the newspaper’s growing online presence. The newspaper’s Facebook page has quickly grown from about 800 “likes” to more than 1,100, and there are 575 followers on the TimesHerald’s Twitter feed. H o w a r d r i s e s e a rl y t o post links to stories on the Facebook page. Most content is posted to the website — times-herald.com — between

5 -7 p. m . , a nd t here of ten are links to photo galleries. Occasionally, he posts “maybe a story or two later in the day,” he said. Howard has been personally selecting items for Facebook since late July. Prior to that time, the page had an automated feed, which funneled only “straight hard news” links, he said. Now Howard tries to link to “a well-rounded blend” of stories selected specif ically to appeal to Facebook enthusiasts. He finds the Facebook readers are often interested in quirky stories that might not make the front page. A story about two churches that began collaborating because of a scheduling snafu with a summer food program attracted

several “likes” and a comment on Facebook. “This is a great opportunity to get a different audience,” Howard said. Facebook and Twitter provide a way to connect with someone who “is not a print subscriber.” Twitter messages are limited to 140 characters. The short, pithy format lends itself well to the 24-hour news cycle, Howard said. One of the first tweets every morning is a weather forecast. “Anytime we have any kind of weather issue out there, it goes on Twitter,” Howard said. The newspaper’s Twitter a nd Facebook pa ges “a re geared to send people to the website,” he explained. In addition to Facebook a nd Twitter links, times-herald. com offers easy links to: n coupons.com. This site offers a portal to coupons for groceries and other items. n MyConnection. A digital replica of the newspaper’s free total market coverage publication is now online. MyConnection has been distributed to non-subscribers for several years, but the content is now available to subscribers as well. n the new Newnan-Coweta Magazine website — newnancowetamag.com. The magazine, published six times a year, is distributed through the newspaper. n an upgraded photo gallery. Not only can photographs taken by the staff be purchased, but newspaper pages are now available in pdf format, as well. Ellen Corker, the news editor, noted subscribers get the paper delivered to the door as well as full access to the digital edition and a searchable database of stories. “Readers get a whole package,” she said. She noted readers who are out of town can easily keep up with the Coweta news using their computers.

Newspaper’s origin dates back to end of Civil War County in 1854. Before com-

By W. WINSTON SKINNER ing to Newnan, he founded the winston@newnan.com Henry County Weekly in 1877. C owe t a C o u n t y ’s l o c a l daily newspaper was formed through the combining of two older newspapers. The Newnan Herald was a Coweta institution for 70 years before The Newnan Times was established. The papers were competitors for a decade before they were combined. The Newnan Herald was founded by two attorneys, J.S. Bigby and J.C. Wootten, and the first issue came off the presses on Sept. 9, 1865 — exactly five months after the Civil Wa r ended. T he four-page weekly — the first paper started in Georgia after the Civil War — cost $3 per year and was published on Saturday. Soon after the first Herald hit the streets, Bigby — who became active in local politics — sold his interest in the paper to James A. Welch. Following t he de at h s of Welc h a nd Wootten, the Herald was edited by A.B. Cates, a native of Tennessee and a Confederate veteran. Cates ran the Herald until late 1886 or early 1887 when the Herald consolidated with the Coweta Advertiser, which had been published by W.W. Wad s wor t h , a Me t ho d i st minister. A fter t he merger of t he Herald and Wadsworth’s journal, the newspaper became known as The Herald and Advertiser. James E. Brown, who later became known as Judge Brown after his appointment as a U.S. Commissioner, became editor. He served for four decades and was known for his insightful editorials. Brown was born in Marion

“Coweta County Chronicles” related that Brown served as editor there until 1886 when he came to Newnan as editor of the Advertiser, coming to the Herald and Advertiser after the merger. Brown married a Newnan wom a n , K ate Milner, in 1883. In 1912, Brown sold the Herald and Advertiser to Rhodes McPhail “after h av i n g g u id ed its fortunes for nearly 2 5 ye a r s ,” a c c o r d i n g to Times-Herald “Chronicles.” president and The sale did not owner Billy last, however. Thomasson “ T h e H e r a l d people wanted James E. Brown a nd Ja mes E . B row n wa nte d to r e t u r n to h is acc ustomed place — wh ich he did wit h Ellis M . Carpenter as an assistant,” the county history reported. E.W. I n 191 5, t he Thomasson’s H e r a l d a n d father, J.J. Advertiser Thomasson, absorbed was also a another rival, newspaper t h e N e w n a n publisher. News, and the paper again became known as the Newnan Herald. “Chronicles” reported, “The owners of the News are part owners of the Herald, and the owners of the Herald happy to

Ida Thomasson, center, congratulates her husband, James Thomasson, left, and father-in-law, E.W. Thomasson, when they were presented with 50-year medals by the Georgia Press Association in 1972.

have devoured a troublesome rival.” Among those serving as busi ness m a n a ger du r i n g Brown’s tenure were Edgar T. Whatley, Thomas S. Parrott and Oren William Passavant. Passavant also served as editor in 1911 and 1912 in Brown’s absence. Passavant purchased the paper on Brown’s retirement in 1928, serving as editor until 1936. In 1933 the paper was cited for honorable mention in editorial competition. Passavant, who was born in Uniontown, Pa., in 1882, came to Newnan to live in 1906 and married Edgar Means North. The news staff in the early 1930s consisted of Passavant and a young woman named Roberta Lyndon, later Roberta Mayes of Atlanta. “I worked from 1934 until 1 9 3 6 — w h e n I c a m e to The Newnan Herald was a Coweta institution for 70 years before

The Newnan Times was established. The papers were competitors

See history, page 2 for a decade before they were combined.

2 — The Newnan Times-Herald/MyConnection — September 2012

Local The Newnan Times-Herald’s origin dates back to end of the Civil War history Continued from page 1

Atlanta,” Mayes recalled in a 1988 interview. “I was a little of everything. Mr. Passavant didn’t have a large staff,” Mayes said. She remembered Passavant as “a marvelous person to work for.” In 1936, Passavant sold the paper to Ha nson G. Ford. During the four years that Ford operated the Herald, his wife, Dorothy Gardner Ford, a descendant of Newnan’s Cole

family, took an active role in the newspaper’s operations. I n 1 9 4 0 , Fo rd s old t h e paper to George W. MacNabb a nd Victor D. A rmstrong. Armstrong soon left to serve i n t he a r med forces , a nd MacNabb continued as editor and business manager until 1946. Miss Sarah Parrott worked with MacNabb at the Herald. “It was during the war years,” she said in 1988, describing the late MacNabb as “an intelligent young man.” She recalled, “It was difficult during the war. It was

hard to get paper to begin with.” Ink was also rationed. A small staff of no more than five put out the newspaper. “We did everything ourselves,” Parrott remembered. Wiley Long was among the employees during those years. The paper achieved renown from others in the newspaper field under MacNabb’s leadership. The Herald received several awards from the Georgia Press Association, including first place for best editorial and best news coverage in 1944. The Newnan Herald had

been born in the aftermath of one war and entered a new era as World War II came to a close. In October 1946, t he Hera ld wa s acqu i red from MacNabb by Evan W. T hom a s son a nd Ja me s J. Thomasson, publishers of the Newnan Times. Ja mes T hom a sson a nd his wife, Emeline Cheney T h o m a s s o n , a n d E .W. T hom a sson a nd h is w i fe , Betty Clay Thomasson, c a m e to C owe t a C o u n t y from Carrollton, Ga., in 1935. E.W. Thomasson’s father, J.J. Thomasson, was also a news-

paper publisher. “Throughout the western part of the State of Georgia the name of Thomasson has come to be prominently identified with newspaper publishing,” noted “The History of Georgia ,” published by t h e A m e r ic a n H i s to r ic a l Association in 1938. T h e f i r s t i s s ue of T h e New n a n Ti mes wa s pub lished March 12, 1936. Emeline Thomasson died later that year. In 1938, James Thomasson married Newnan native Ida Askew. Ida Thomasson was

involved in the newspaper for years, working as an editor and writing a popular weekly column, “Personally Speaking.” James Thomasson died in 1979, and Ida Thomasson died in 1981. Their son, William W. “Billy” Thomasson, is president and owner of The TimesHerald today. The Newnan Times and The Newnan Herald were published separately for about a year after the Thomassons bought the Herald. The first issue of The Newnan TimesHerald was published on Dec. 24, 1947.

From 1865 to 2012, Newnan Times-Herald marks milestones through years years

Continued from page 1 “Centennial Magazine,” a review of the county’s communities, businesses and history. 1966 — The Newnan TimesHerald operation moves to the present offices at 16 Jefferson St. Printing is switched from a 12-page capacity Fairchild News King offset press to a new 16-page King offset press. 1972 — James and Evan Thomasson are honored by Georgia Press Association for 50 years of service in the newspaper industry. 1979 — After the death of his father, James Thomasson, son William W. “Billy” Thomasson continues to operate The Newnan Times-Herald along with his mother, Ida Thomasson, and wife, Marianne. Grandfather Evan Thomasson remained an active part of The Newnan Times-Herald into his 90s. Ida Thomasson died in 1981, and “Mr. E.W.” as everyone knew him, died in 1983. 1985 — June 4, The Newnan Times-Herald begins twice-aweek publication with a new Tuesday edition joining the longtime Thursday edition. 1987 — On May 7, The Newnan Times-Herald Inc. becomes an associate member of The Associated Press. 1988 — The Newnan TimesHerald completes a year-long renovation of its 1914-era office building at 16 Jefferson St., moving the news department and

business offices to the second floor and revamping the lobby and production departments downstairs. 1991 — The switch to Wednesday/Saturday publication is made on Oct. 2. 1996 — In April, The Newnan Times-Herald is among the first five newspapers in Georgia to appear on-line with the startup of a website — today found at http:// times-herald.com. — Facing the challenges of growth in Newnan and Coweta County, the Thomassons bring in a new publisher, Sam Jones, in November 1996. Jones comes to Newnan after 18 years at the daily Columbus Ledger-Enquirer. 1997 — March 18, TimesHerald begins establishing a home delivery circulation system. — News Channel 9, a cable channel presented by The Newnan Times-Herald in cooperation with Newnan Utilities cable TV system, goes on-line with live coverage of the local school sales tax referendum in spring 1997; and the operation begins regular news programming in mid-April 1997 with a temporary studio in the building’s break room. — July 10-16, 1997, the press is moved to 23 Andrews St. to consolidate printing and circulation operations. — Announcement is made Aug. 2 that six-day-a-week publication will start in October. — “Good Morning, Coweta!” greets subscribers as the daily newspaper rolls off the press for the first time Oct. 1, 1997. The masthead reads “The

Times-Herald.” 1999 — The first floor of the Times-Herald building on Jefferson Street gets a makeover. Space that since the 1960s served as the pressroom is transformed into offices and work stations for the retail advertising and graphics departments. What had housed graphics makes way for classified advertising, and a new television production studio and office space for the paper’s cable TV operation, News Channel 9. — At the 1999 Georgia Press Association convention The Times-Herald wins the top General Excellence award in its division for its first full year as a small daily. 2000 — Continued equipment improvements include the upgrading of production and business office computer systems and networking. — The Times-Herald takes second place in the National Newspaper Association’s fourth annual Best of the States awards for daily newspapers less than 10,000 circulation. — On Sept. 11, The TimesHerald adds a Monday edition, becoming a seven-day-a-week daily newspaper. 2001 — Press capacity is upgraded to allow printing of two extra color pages in each newspaper section, providing the option for more color pictures for news columns and the availability of color for The Times-Herald’s advertisers. 2003 — In spring and summer 2003, The Times-Herald adds a new color press unit, as well as

a new paper folding unit on the press. The new equipment allows more pages inside the paper to have full process color photos and advertisements. — Sept. 24, 2003, the first section is printed after the switch to the smaller 50-inch “web” newsprint size. The first edition in the smaller format, with some design changes, is debuted Friday, Sept. 26, 2003. 2004 — Dec. 22, 2004, it is announced that the newspaper’s cable news operation News Channel 9 would end its 7-year run in early 2005. Newnan Utilities entered into an agreement for Comcast Spotlight to sell advertising on the cable system, ending a relationship with The TimesHerald, which operated News Channel 9 and sold advertising for 13 channels on the system. 2005 — On Feb. 18, 2005, it is announced The Times-Herald purchased Newnan-Coweta Magazine from Chad and Monica Watkins. Longtime newspaper staff member Angela Webster is named editor of the magazine, with the first edition published for May-June, 2005. — September 2005, two fourcolor press units manufactured by Web Press Corporation are added at the production facility on Andrews Street. 2006 — The Times-Herald’s former summer Newcomers’ Guide is transformed, published in August in a magazine format as “Coweta Living.” Subsequent annual editions have followed. 2008 — July brings the move of The Times-Herald production

facilities from Andrews Street to Newnan South Industrial Park off U.S. HIghway 29 South. The July 14, 2008, edition is the first printed at the new building. — A revamped version of The Times-Herald online at times-herald.com debuts with a new look and increased content. — Technological improvements allow submission of print subscription payments as well as classified advertising via the website. Customer interaction with stories and opinions begins with moderated reader “comments” and the daily “QuickVote.” — Times-Herald.com adds a digital version of special sections produced by The Times-Herald such as the annual Football Preview, High School Honors Days, Vision, Year In Review, Bridal and Health Connection. 2009 — The mobile version — m.times-herald.com — is introduced for readers to get their news, sports, opinion, etc., on the go from anywhere with a webenabled mobile phone. 2010 — An electronic directto-plate system replaces the process of sending pages first to film that required chemical developing. Completed pages are now converted to PDF documents and transmitted electronically from the offices at 16 Jefferson Street to the newspaper’s printing facilities in Newnan South Industrial Park. 2011 — In June, Georgia Press Association names James Thomasson posthumously to the Georgia Newspaper Hall of Fame. At the same meeting on Jekyll

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Island, newspaper owner William W. “Billy” Thomasson is honored for 50 years in the newspaper industry. — In July, a new and improved website photo gallery at www. times-herald.com is launched through MyCapture, offering more options for photographs and products. — On Sept. 9, 2011, the newspaper changes its masthead to read The Newnan Times-Herald — the name used by the newspaper for many years before it began daily publication. A new digital edition, created in conjunction with Tecnavia Press and with new program features, is rolled out at www.times-herald.com. — In March 2012 The Newnan Times-Herald switches to a new publishing system using InDesign for pagination and a web-based product from Mediaspan for creating news stories. With reporters and editors issued laptop computers, they are able to be more mobile — no longer tied to their newsroom desks. In online developments, the newspaper adds Facebook and Twitter accounts, provides Coupons.com and an improved photo gallery for online readers, adds the newspaper’s My Connection publication to online offerings and reintroduces a website for its bimonthly publication Newnan-Coweta Magazine at newnancowetamag.com.



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September 2012 — The Newnan Times-Herald/MyConnection — 3

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4 — The Newnan Times-Herald/MyConnection — September 2012





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White Oak Golden K Kiwanis Club

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Sponsor Appreciation

The members of the White Oak Golden K Kiwanis Club thank our sponsors who made last year’s Golf Tournament a financial success. Their generous support has been used to assist the community with programs and services that add to the quality of life in Coweta.

Major Tournament Sponsors

Boatwright & Co. CPA Bobby Welch’s Grandchildren – Hannah, Katherine, Caroline, Amelia & Andrew Gunay The Brass Grandchildren – Caroline, J.D., Reid & Topher Chick-fil-A Coweta County Sheriff’s Office Project S.A.F.E. Coweta Fayette EMC Dalton West Carpets Edward Jones Investments

Ernst & Young H & R Block Huddle House Grandchildren of Lee & Susan Hunter – Carson & Lauren Luker Jerry & Evelyn Singleton’s Grandchildren – Sarah Flores; Erin, Mary, & Jerry Hinton Mark, Mathew & Corbin Singleton McKoon Funeral Home & On-site Crematory Chick-fil-A Newnan Dwarf House

Newnan Utilities PSS Signs & Glass SouthTowne Motor Company Sprayberry’s Barbeque State Farm Agents of Coweta The Newnan Times-Herald Toyota of Newnan Vic Hanson’s Grandchildern – Porter Jennings, Derrick Hunter, Rebecca & William Newman

Business Partners & Friends of Coweta Youth

Arnall Grocery Co. Bank of Coweta BB&T Better Homes & Gardens – Scott Cosby B & L Tire Brett & Dana Mitchell MG Joe Brooks (Ret)

The Cleaning Depot Coweta Pool & Fireplace Crain Oil Company Debbie’s Pool Shop The Farm Bureau Headley Construction Hospital Discount Pharmacy

LCDR David Jessel USN (Ret) Lee-King Pharmacy Lindsey’s Inc. Maw & Paw Kettyle Auto O’Charley’s Quick As A Wink Sam’s Club

Friends of Kiwanis Cardinal Gates Charter Bank Crossroads Automotive Dillards Eddie’s Barber Shop Elliott Chiropractic Clinic Gimme Shelter Groov-Pin Corp.

Hooters of Newnan K & S Glass Knox Company, Inc. Lee-Goodrum Pharmacy Longhorn Steakhouse Morgan Trophy Newnan Ace Hardware Olive Garden Italian Restaurant

Red Lobster Restaurant Rosenzweig, Jones, Horne & Griffis, PC R.DuBose Jewelers Sargento Cheese Scott’s Book Store Shane’s Rib Shack Shenandoah Collision Center The Home Depot

Savannah Court of Newnan Jimmy & Mary Lynn Sprayberry Uniglobe McIntosh Travel United Bank Wal-Mart SuperCenter Wishbone of Newnan Wayne & Roberta Young

2012 Tournament Newnan Country Club Thursday, October 18 2-Person Teams - Ft. Lauderdale Format Lunch Served at Noon • 1:00 PM Shotgun Start

Reservations & Information Call 770-253-5187 or 770-253-2247

September 2012 — The Newnan Times-Herald/MyConnection — 5


Home Since 1966

The brick building at 16 Jefferson St. in downtown Newnan that houses The Newnan Times-Herald was constructed as a store in 1914 by Newnan businessman Thomas G. Farmer.

Newspaper building got start as farm supply store By W. WINSON SKINNER winston@newnan.com The Newnan Times-Herald has been located at 16 Jefferson St. i n dow ntow n New na n since 1966. The brick building was constructed as a store in 1914 by Newnan businessman Thomas G. Farmer. The store sold meat and all sorts of farm merchandise in the early days — cow feed, salt blocks, shoes, overalls, kerosene, anvils. Hay was stored in part of the building at one point. The upper floor of the building was used for a variety of offices through the mid-1950s. The local Jehovah’s Witnesses congregation met there. Servicemen returning from World War II took classes upstairs — taught by Henry

Kitchens and Sarah Robertson. When Newnan High School — then located nearby on Temple Avenue — became crowded, classes for eighth graders were held on the upper floor of the building. Elizabeth Dean was among the teachers, and students included Jane Bass, June Rutledge Duncan and Joel Hyde. Bobby McDonald ran Economy Auto Store, which later became Otasco, in the portion of the building that is now the advertising and composition area of the newspaper. Lindsey Barron and h is brot her-i n-law, Wi l lis Edwards, bought the Farmer building in 1955. Barron, who later went into the real estate business, operated an electrical and plumbing contracting business at 16 Jefferson St. Appliances were sold, and fur-

Thursday, September 27, 2012 • 7:00 PM Copeland Hall Bowdon, GA

niture was added with upper floor space being used as furniture storerooms. James J. Thomasson and E .W. Thomasson, publishers of The Newnan TimesHerald, purchased the building on June 7, 1966. Open house was held on Oct. 15 of that year. Prior to the move to 16 Jefferson St., the newspaper offices had been diagonally across Jefferson Street. R enovat ion s h ave b e en made several times since the old store building became the newspaper’s headquarters. For many years, the pressroom was located in the building, but it was moved when the newspaper began daily publication in 1997. The printing is now done at a warehouse in Newnan South Industrial Park.

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6 — The Newnan Times-Herald/MyConnection — September 2012

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September 2012 — The Newnan Times-Herald/MyConnection — 7

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Ice Cream Social – Grandparents Day On the front porch. Puppet Show Presented by: Hands In Motion

Health Fair Courtesy of Sol Amor Hospice. Free blood pressure checks, weights, free giveaways! Wednesday 9/12 Gourmet Dessert Party 1:00 p.m. Special assortment of desserts ordered for this occasion. Thursday, 9/13 Dancing W’s 11:00a.m From Wesley Woods. Tuesday 9/11 1:00 p.m.

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Luau with Kele’s Pacific Paradise Hula Dancers.






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8 — The Newnan Times-Herald/MyConnection — September 2012

Peachtree City Rotary Club Road Race Presented by This year is the 32nd year that the Peachtree City Running Club has held the Peachtree City Classic. “The Classic” is actually three races on the same morning. The Men’s 5K starts at 8:30a.m., the Women’s 5K at 8:40 and the Open 15K at 8:50a.m. All races end at the Frederick Brown Amphitheater where the party begins. This year the 18-piece Peachtree City Jazz Ensemble performs again during the awards program and post race celebrations. “The Classic” Runners Expo is held Friday night, Oct 19th and Saturday morning, Oct. 20th at the Frederick Brown Amphitheater. Pick up your race numbers and browse through the many vendors booths on display.

Thanks to our many great sponsors!

Advantage Rich Horning Foundation Join 2,500 other runners and walkers at the Peachtree City Classic on Oct. 20th.

Come join the fun. Registrations are limited & filling fast. Register on-line at www.active.com or download application at www.ptcrc.com

100% of all sponsorship dollars are returned to the local community in the form of scholarships, youth running programs, and school support.

Peachtree City Rotary Club Elementary Grand Prix Race Series

The Panasonic Fitness Challenge

The Rotary Club of Peachtree City, in cooperation with the PTC Running Club has created a series of races that provide the opportunity for both children and adults to participate in healthy events as well as raising much needed funds for our local elementary schools. Last year about $100,000 was raised by the schools and the series of races has became one more campaign in the fight against childhood obesity.

The Panasonic Fitness Challenge is a “competition” to find the “Most Fit Companies” and the “Most Fit Organizations” in Fayette County. The definition of “Most Fit” is the organization that has the highest PERCENTAGE of their employees (or members) that can finish either of “The Classic” 5K races or the Open 15K race. The competition will not be based on the speed or finishing times of the teams. It will be strictly determined on the basis of the number of total employees (or members), at the time of races.

2012-2013 Race Schedule: September 8, 2012 September 15, 2012 September 29, 2012 October 13, 2012 October 27, 2012 November 3, 2012 November 10, 2012 December 1, 2012 January 5, 2013 February 9, 2013 March 9, 2013 March 16, 2013 March 23, 2013 April 13, 2013 April 20, 2013 April 27, 2013 May 11, 2013

Cleveland Elementary 5K Tyrone Elementary Founders Day 5K Fayetteville Intermediate Cougar 5K Springhill Elementary 5K Peeples Elementary 5K Sara Harp Minter Mountain Lion 5K Braelinn Elementary 5K Peachtree City Elementary Jingle Bell Trail 5K St. Paul Lutheran School 5K Kedron Elementary School 5K Oak Grove Elementary 5K Burch Elementary 5K Crabapple Elementary 5K Huddleston Elementary 5K Inman Elementary 5K Our Lady of Victory School 5K Brooks Elementary 5K/10K

2012 Panasonic Team members

The Fitness Challenge is a great team building exercise and a LOT of fun. Your team members do NOT have to be runners. Walkers are also welcome. Come run or walk and join in the party afterward at the Frederick Brown Amphitheater on Oct. 20th. Preliminary Rosters MUST be submitted no later than Sept. 16th to secure a guaranteed team spot. After that date, it is possible we will cut off new team entries. If you have submitted a preliminary team roster by Sept. 16th, you WILL be able to add more team members to that roster.

Corporate Divisions:

2011-12 Series winners celebrate at Rotary awards luncheon this past June.

The PERFECT races for Beginning Runners, young and old This series favors the most persistent runners, not the fastest. This is truly a “Turtle vs. Hare” race series. Points are accumulated at each race, for all age groups, both male and female. At the end of the year awards will be presented to the top three runners, both male and female, in all age groups (ages 8 & under to to 75 & over), having accumulated the most points. Special bonus points will be awarded based on the number of races completed. Each race will be conducted by the individual schools as fundraisers for that school only. Waivers must be signed and fees paid for each race. For more info check the website - www.rotarygrandprix.org or email r2sun98@mindspring.com


5-20 Employees 21-50 Employees 51-150 Employees 151-500 Employees More than 500 Employees

Non-Profit / Government Divisions: I II III IV V

Elementary Schools Middle Schools High Schools Non-Profit Organizations Military & Government Organizations

All Divisions will have awards issued to the First, Second and Third place teams. Additionally, there will be awards issued to each Division for the largest number of finishers. For more information or to sign up for the 2012 Panasonic Fitness Challenge send a request for application and details to r2sun98@mindspring.com

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