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Wednesday, January 9, 2013 January 23, 2013
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Be informed. Stay informed.
Family Features
here’s no doubt that mobile phones, tablets, computers and the Internet make accessing and sharing information a lot easier. From pop culture trends, politics and sports updates, to breaking news and social networks, there’s an awful lot of information out there, and trying to stay on top of it all can be overwhelming. If everyone in the family is connected to their devices — are they really connected to each other?
Information Overload If you think your email inbox is overloaded, take a look at some of these numbers: n 30
billion pieces of content are shared
on Facebook every month. n 864,000
hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every day.
n More
than 190 million tweets are sent on Twitter every day.
It’s not just adults trying to consume all that information. The Kaiser Family Foundation says that kids 8 to 18 years old average more than 7 1/2 hours a day using digital media. And they spend a lot of that time using more than one digital medium simultaneously, so they end up packing 10 hours, 45 minutes worth of media content into that 7 1/2 hours. So how can you get the information you want while also turning down the noise?
Tips for Managing Your Media “Internet and digital devices aren’t going away,” says Kinsey Schofield, pop culture maven and social media strategist. “They’re only going to become more prominent. The trick is to find ways to manage your time and the information effectively. When you do that, you’ll have less stress and more
What to do when Beginning an Exercise Regimen
time for some fun together.”
Set Internet Limits — for Everyone With so much information and social connections available in an instant, it’s tempting to spend too much time in the digital world. But when you do that, says Kinsey, you miss out on things happening in the real world. n For kids, set time limits on their
Winter Tips Workout ➤
At the dawn of a new calendar year, many people decide it's time to turn over a new leaf and shed those extra pounds that accumulated over the previous 12 months. The resolve to lose weight is perhaps never stronger than at the beginning of a calendar year, when the holiday season has passed but those added inches on the waistline remain. Though it's noble to want to lose weight and improve health, regardless of what time of year it is, there are precautions men and women should take before beginning a new exercise regimen. Visit your physician. It's best to get a full physical before beginning an exercise regimen. A full physical can reveal if you have any health problems that might limit what you should and shouldn't be doing at the gym. If anything turns up, your physician can develop a plan of attack for you to address the issue. If nothing turns up, then your doctor will probably give you the green light to go forward with few, if any, limitations. Conduct a self-assessment. Once
you've visited the doctor and received the go-ahead to start working out, do an honest self-assessment to see where you are in terms of fitness. Walk a mile and time yourself. Do as many push-ups and sit-ups as possible, but be careful to stretch and not push yourself. This selfassessment should not be demanding. Instead, the goal is to gauge where you are and how your body feels when doing some simple exercises. Establish your goals. The goal of most people beginning a new exercise regimen is to lose weight. However, there are other incentives as well. For example, some people might be starting to train for a marathon or another sporting event. Whatever the reason, know why you're getting started, as such goals can help you monitor your progress as the year goes on. Start slowly. Caution should reign supreme when beginning an exercise regimen. Diving into the deep end at the onset increases the risk of injury, which could limit activity for months to come. First get your body acclimated to exercise, then gradually challenge yourself
as you see fit. Leave time to recover. Though it might feel rejuvenating to get back to exercising, it's important for everyone, but especially those who are just starting, to allow themselves some time to recover. Allow your muscles and joints to recover between workout sessions. Frequency of sessions can increase as your body gets acclimated, but at first allow a day or two between sessions so your body can recover. Listen to your body. Exercising after a long hiatus from routine exercise won't be easy, and your body is likely going to tell you that through certain aches and pains, if not nausea, dizziness or shortness of breath. If any of these symptoms appear, take a break. This could be your body telling you that you're asking too much and you need to take your foot off the gas pedal for a little while. Consider hiring a personal trainer. Many people are overwhelmed when entering a gym after a long time away. If
Making The Most of Your Resume StatePoint
i n s i de
electronics usage. They can earn time by doing chores, for good behavior, or as rewards for good grades. Keep track of time with stickers, beads or even candy. n Adults should lead by example. Set aside a specified chunk of time to deal with emails, social media check-ins or catching up on the latest
Job hunting can be a frustrating experience. Many times you can apply for what seems like the perfect job only to never hear back. With most open positions receiving an overwhelming number of applicants these days, it’s extremely important to set yourself apart from the pack. The most essential part of landing an interview is your resume. Often your resume is the only representation of you a hiring manager has. Typically, employers don’t spend more than a minute or two looking over a resume — a small amount of time to make a great impression. “Landing an interview for the job you want is hard enough, especially now with so many people going after the same position,” says Michael McAuliffe, President of a non-profit consumer credit counseling service. “If your resume contains flaws, from poor choice in wording to an overlycomplicated format, then your chances of getting a call go from slim to none.” Give yourself every chance possible to get the job. Make your resume stand out among the crowd by following these four tips. Proofread! A misspelling or grammatical error on
a resume could lead to your resume getting tossed out at first glance. Use spell check and have a friend or family member look it over as well. You never know where an error could be lurking on the page. Get Expert Help Expert resume review can be an invaluable resource for any jobseeker. Seasoned hiring professionals look over resumes to correct any mistakes and offer advice as to how the resume can be improved and be better received by prospective employers. Some companies charge for this service, but non-profits offer their expertise for free. Be Appropriate A major red flag for hiring managers is an inappropriate email address. You don’t want to be remembered as a joke, you want to stand out for your abilities. “With free email services like Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo, there is no reason not to have a generic email address consisting simply of your name,” says McAuliffe. Formatting Hiring managers need to be able to
2 MyConnection | Wednesday, January 23, 2013
ARMCHAIR TRAVELERS – "china: a student's perspective"
The Newnan Carnegie January 25 2:00 p.m. Join Jesse Riggs, who will share travel images, cultural information and adventures from his recent trip to Beijing and Jilin. Call to reserve your spot. Info: 770-683-1347
Sharpsburg Recreational Softball Association Regisration
45C Newnan Station Drive, Newnan January 26 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Age Groups: 6 & up, 8 & up, 10 & up, 12 & up, 13+. Cost: $125.00 for first child with discounted rate for additional girls from the same household. All games are played at Whitlock Park behind QT on Highway 34 East. Tryouts February 9.
2 2
48 oz.
Carolina Pride
U.S.D.A. Select Beef
Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco
Boneless London Broil or
Salchichas de enlace pequeĂąos ahumado o salchichas de bollo, 48 onzas
Top Round Steak......
$ 23
U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de caĂąada sin hueso asado Londones o bistec de centro
Hot Dogs or Smoked Link Sausage
Roast.............. ....
Fresh Lean Breakfast Steak
Smoked Ham Smoked Ham
$ 44 $ 44
$ 23
Shank Or Butt Portion
Shank Or Butt Portion
RoundSteak Steak Round
Fresh Lean Breakfast Steak
For teens, peer pressure or wanting to sleeping and a loss of interest in escape emotional stress can often lead appearance or hobbies. Symptoms to prescription drug experimentation, often occur in clusters. which in turn can lead to abuse, addiction and sometimes a drug z Monitor your medications. Keep a overdose. detailed record of which prescription According to the National Survey drugs you have in your home and the on Drug Use and Health, 70 percent remaining number of pills. Store your of children age 12 and older say they medications in a secure location. If Help" got prescription drugs, not from a you have medications that you no 32. Terminated drug dealer, but from a friend or longer need or have expired, dispose 33. They're found at checkout relative. of them properly. 34. *Truman Capote's party girl "Each day, more than 2,000 36. Garden starter teens begin abusing prescription z Educate others. Talk to your 38. Toy block medications, believing that doctor- relatives, neighbors and other parents 42. Jack Black's "_____ Libre" Gusto prescribed medicine is safer to in households where your children 45. Blow out the candle, e.g. experiment with than illegal drugs,"Gusto spend time. Grandparents' homes are 49. Sigma ___ Epsilon says Steve Pasierb, president and frequently a source of pills, simply 51. S CEO of The Partnership at Drugfree. because older people take more 54. Shylock's practice org. "Parents and grandparents take medications. Talk to the PTA at your 56. Swelling great pains to prevent poisoning teen's school, and encourage others 57. ____ Straits in young children by keeping to take preventive steps to prevent 58. Arm bone household chemicals out of the prescription drug abuse. 59. Cat-headed Egyptian goddess reach," according to Pasierb. "The U.S.D.A . selecto de pulpa bola same approach needs to be taken to z Talk to your children, andde rosbif listen 60. Gremlins U.S.D.A. Select Beef safeguard medications in the home." for clues. Make sure your children 61. Timeline divisions Eye ofof Round The first step is to get informed understand the dangers misusing 62. What one goes by about the dangers and know how to prescription medications -- but avoid 63. ___ rally 48 oz. intervene. Tips for parents providing information about which Jamóninclude: ahumado de porcion de pierna o extremo 65. *Wicked Witch of the West to Carolina Pride . selecto de bistec de caùada sin hue drugs are popularU.S.D.A to abuse. Listen Hot Dogs or Smoked Dorothy Gale U.S.D.A. Beef to Sausage your kids, and always Select ask these z Learn to recognize the signs of Link 67. Jack-in-the-box part Jamón ahumado de porcion de pierna o extremo lb. abuse. Warning signs include they meeting, sudden questions: "Who are Boneless London Broil or Solution on Page 6 mood swings, changes in social what will they be doing, and where Bistec milanesa de des ayuno magro fresco Salchichas de enlace pequeùos ahumado o Š StatePoint Media be?" circles, secretive behavior, excessive will salchichas dethey bollo, 48 onzas lb.
Boneless Full Cut
The Centre for Performing and Visual Arts January 27 3:00 p.m. The only Red Skelton tribute in America authorized by the Red Skelton estate and Lothian Skelton is now in its eighth season. Info: 770-254-2787
Prescription Drug Abuse NEWS USA
1. Sweeney Todd's weapon 6. *Recluse from "To Kill a Mockingbird" 9. Dumbfounded 13. *"Fear of Flying" author Jong 14. Unit of electrical resistance 15. Groom, to a bird 16. Brightest star in Cygnus 17. Anonymous John 18. Shadow 19. Covered with scabs 21. *F. Scott Fitzgerald's mysterious millionaire 23. Nada 24. Circle overhead? 25. Douglas ___ 28. Lowest brass 30. Catch in a net 35. Bad day for Caesar 37. Grey, of tea fame 39. Spanish saint DOWN 40. Church section 1. *Like Stephen Crane's Badge of 41. *Poe's talking bird Courage 43. Bucolic poem 2. Mars, to the Greeks 44. Chirp, as in bird 3. Brass component 46. *"Twilight" series, e.g. 4. Home to largest mammal 47. "The farmer in the ____" U.S.D.A. Select5. Beef *John Updike's "______, Run" 48. Bonnie and Clyde's doing U.S.D.A. Select6.Beef *Stephen King novella "The ____," 50. Mythical bird, pl. adapted into "Stand by Me" film 52. Without professional help, acr. 7. Exclamation of surprise 53. Sound of impact 8. The end 9. They're missing from Venus de Milo 55. Tint 57. *T. Williams' fading Southern belle 10. He played Sergeant Joe Friday 11. Suggestive of supernatural 60. *J.D. Salinger's young cynic 12. Piece of evidence 63. Pilaff or plov 15. Capers or charades 64. ET carrier 20. Gloomier 66. Unbroken 22. Brewpub offering 68. Dadaist Max _____ 24. *John Updike's alma mater U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de corte completo de centro sin hueso 69. Rip off 25. *Harper Lee's Atticus _____ 70. Savory taste sensation 26. GemU.S.D.A. State selecto de rosbif de pulpa bola de centro sin hueso 71. Kind of mossU.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de corte completo 27. Live it up Select Beef U.S.D.A. 72. Affirmative English rock band 29. Bleats Eye of Round 31. *Occupation featured in "The 73. Torn down
Boneless Full Cut
“Red: A Tribute by Tom Mullica�
$ 64 lb.
lb. Roast.............. .
3 Top Round Steak...... $ 23 $ 11 Cooke Shrimp ................ 13
$ 32 Fresh Lean Breakfast Steak
U.S.D.A. inspecc ionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro de paquete de cualquier tamaĂąoCamarĂłn completamente cocinado 41-50, bolso de 2 libras
de bistec suizo sin hueso AnyU.S.D.A. Sizeselecto Pkg. U.S.D.A. Inspected
U.S.D.A. Cut Select Beef Center
78 $ $265
Boneless Loin Pork Chops. ...........
Swiss Steak .....
Chuletas de cerdo suavizado fresco
48 oz. JamĂłn cocin
Carolina 10 oz.Prid
2 lb. Bag 41-50 ct.
QUALITY Sea Best Fully Cooked lb.
Hot Dogs or Smok Carolin Link Sausage
Salchicha pic
250 2 Whole or Half $$ 9545Smoked Pork $ $22 $ 95 11 $ 15 Chops......................... Shoulder Chops ........... 3 $ 782 Ham .............. .... 1 2 1 2 2 $ 45
$ 78 * Cuttlets............ OUR ADDED $ 78 COST PLUS $AT 55 REGISTER!2 $ 10% 11 $ 66 2 1 13 2
Filete de pescado tilapia cong elado fresco
Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco Salchichas de enlace pequeĂąo Senoia Library Fresh Cubed 16 oz. Ho Fresh Frozen salchichas de bollo, 48 o U.S.D.A. inspecc ionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro de paquete de cualquier tamaĂąoCamarĂłn completamente cocinado 41-50, bolso de 2 lib ras JamĂłn cocinado, 10 onzas Pavo rebanado delgado en envases de 9 onzas Tilapia Pork January 26 Carolin U.S.D.A. inspecc ionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro de paquete de cualquier tamaĂąoCamarĂłn completamente cocinado 4 Any Size Pkg. U.S.D.A. Inspected 10 oz. 2 lb. Bag 41-50 ct. 9 oz. Tub * Any Size Pkg. U.S.D.A. Inspected 2 lb. Bag 41-50 ct. 3:00-4:00 p.m. Center Cut lb. Carolina Pride Sea Best Fully Cooked lb. Butterball Thin Sliced Center Cut U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro sin hueso fresco U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamĂłn de cerdo fresco, entero o mitad Sea Best Fully Cooke lb. PorkhowChops. Do you want toLoin learn to ........... Chuletas de cerdo ahumado corte de centro Cooked Ham........... Shrimp ................ ea. Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chuletas de paletilla de cordero americana fresca Salchichas en lb. Loin Pork Chops. ........... U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Pork U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Boneless Shrimp2.67 ........ Gusto Center Cut *Our cost includes freight, stocking fees, and associated expenses. Superior Farms Fresh play chess? TheChuletas Senoia Branch de cerdo suavizado fresco lb. Salchicha picante o suave, 16 onzas Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas Filete de pescado tilapia cong elado fresco Chuletas de cerdo suavizado fresco Cubed 16 oz. Hot or Mild Fresh Frozen Filete de pescado tilFoster apia cong elado 14 oz. American Lamb will offer a chessFresh class taught by U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro sin hueso fresco U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamĂłn de cerdo fresco, entero o mitad Fresh Cubed Fresh Frozen Tilapia Pork Carolina Pride Please visit our website:! Butterball Turkey lb. lb. Pork a national chess master to those Tilapia lb. U.S.D.A. Fresh Pork U.S.D.A. Inspected FreshFish Boneless lb. lb. Inspected Fillets. .......... Cuttlets............ lb. Sausage ................... Smoked Sausage ........ who want to learn the rules of Fish Fillets. . U.S.D.A. Select Beef Cuttlets............ lb. Chuletas de cerdo ahumado corte de centro Chuletas de paletilla de cordero americana fresca Salchichas envuelto en pan de maiz, 2.67 onzas U.S.D.A. Salchicha inspeccionado costillas traseras U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de puntas de filete de lomo de cerdo polacodeo ahumado, 14 onzasbebĂŠ de cerdo Chuletas de cerdo ahumado corte the game, strategy and Chuletas de paletilla de cordero americana fresca Gusto Center Cut Superior FarmssportsFresh 2.67 lb. 14 oz.Inspected Smoked or Pork Polish U.S.D.A. Inspected Pork U.S.D.A. Gusto Center Cut lb. lb. U.S.D.A . selecto de rosbif de pulpa bola Superior Farms Fresh manship while American having Lamb fun at 2.7-3.3 oz., Select Varieties Smoked Pork Foster Farms U.S.D.A. Select Beef Hillshire Farms Smoked Pork American Lamb Tender Baby Back Pebbles, 10.75 oz. Marshmallow U.S.D.A. de costillas traseras bebĂŠ de cerdo inspeccionado filete de lomo de cerdo the library. If you are interested puntas deChops......................... Shoulder Chops ...........U.S.D.A. lb.inspeccionado Corn Dogs........ Milo's Sausage............. 12.5 oz. Honey-Comb, 11.5 oz. lb. Chops.................. Shoulder Chops ........... Eye of Round U.S.D.A . selecto de rosbif de pulpa bola U.S.D.A. Inspected Pork U.S.D.A. Inspected Pork please call the Senoia Branch or lb. Alpha-Bits, 11 oz. Cocoa or Fruit lb. U.S.D.A. Select Beef lb. 48 oz. Pebbles, 14.75 oz. Golden Crisp or Tender BabyCarolina Back Pride drop by and register at our cirEye of Round oz.asado Waffle Crisp .75-1.5 oz., Select Varieties 4 Pk. 5.5-22 2.7-3.3 oz., Select Varieties U.S.D.A . selecto de bistec de caĂąada11.5 sin hueso Londones o bistec de centro lb. oz., Select Varieties 15 oz. Can, Select Varieties culation desk. . 10.75 oz. Marshmallow Pebbles, Hot Dogs or Smoked Carnes deU.S.D.A. almuerzo selectodedepreparar bistec suizoemparedado sin hueso sub, 24 onzas lb. lb. lb. 48 oz. .... U.S.D.A. selecto de bistecCarnes de ojode almuerzo refrigerante Milo's 10.75 oz. Marshmallow Pebbles, McCormick Seasonings 9 Lives U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Select Beef 24 oz. Healthy Choice Link Sausage 11.5 oz. Info: 770-583-257612.5 oz. Honey-Comb, Carolina Pride de la costilla con hueso 12.5 oz. Honey-Comb, 11.5 oz. ahumado, 16 onzas 3.9 oz. Alpha-Bits, oz.or Cocoa or Fruit U.S.D.A . selecto de bistec de caĂąada sin hueso lb. asado Londones o bistec de centro Salchicha Hot11Dogs Smoked U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso Boneless London Broil or Land O' Frost Boneless Alpha-Bits, 11 oz. Cocoa or Fruit $ 32 Carnes de almuerzo de preparar emparedado sub, 24 onzas Pebbles, 14.75 Golden Crisp or U.S.D.A. Select Beef 16 oz. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Oscar Mayer Linkoz.Sausage Pebbles, 14.75 oz. Golden Crisp or 6 Pk. Carnes de almuerzo refrigerantes completo, 3.9 onzas 11.5 oz. Waffle Crisp oz., Select Varieties 4 Pk. 5.5-22 oz., SelectSalchichas Varieties Bistec milanesa .75-1.5 de desayuno magro fresco de enlace pequeĂąos24 ahumado o oz. lb. 16 oz. Can, Select Varieties 11.512oz. .75-1.5 SelectVarieties VarietiesCo oz.Waffle Crisp lb. 7.5 oz. Microwaveable Cup,oz.,Select Sunset Farms Boneless London Broil or Boneless salchichas de bollo, 48 onzas $ 32 Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas 3.9 oz. Lunchables
Center Cut
Loin Pork Chops..... 2 Cut Whole or Half Center $ 222 Loin 2 $ Ham 95 .............. .... $1$9675 $ Pork 95 Chops..... $ $26945 Fresh Lean 2 3Breakfast Steak 4 $ 23 Tips. .............Roast.............. .... .............. ... 4 $ 45 ....Ribs. $ $23 96 Tips. $ ............. 23....4 1 Ribs. .............. Roast.............. $ 28 ... 3 Post ¢ Dog Treats . . . 2 $ 50
$ 78
Fish Fillets. .......... $ 78
Bone In Ribeye Steak $ 95
Treats $ 3Dog97
2 6 ¢ $ 54 $ 64 $ 65 92 or Mixes . . . . . . 71 Wet Cat Food . 1 23 4 $ 98 3 Top Round Steak...... 3 Sub Kits.......................... 3 Swiss Steak . 3 $ 64 4 Weather Connection3 Top Round Steak...... 371¢ $Swiss83Steak$154 . $36577$$¢ 228361$398 HotSauce $..... 9199$¢ 2Pasta29withMeat 907 2 ¢ 13 $ 49 JAN. 24-27 ¢ 199 $ 61 2 1 2 $ 61 ¢ $ 2 2 13 Steaks 91 1 Ground ¢$418 90 Beef22 $ 92 2 9 1 Drumsticks Shoulders 2 2 Marinades .$ . . . 7118Pasta with Meat 94 98 271¢ $1 98 94¢ 2 2 ¢ 2 $ All118 Beef Franks....... 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 288 $ 627 61º $ 84 ¢1 2 $ 45 ¢ $ 75 $ 95 1 3 or Pudding . . . 94 Helpers . . . . . . . 1 46º 2 1 2 3 4 2 ¢ $ 62 Ground Beef $ 17 $ 98 Drumsticks Steaks Shoulders $ 45 $ 22 2 3 4 2 94 1 lb. 1 lb. lb. 75 2 2 Loin Pork1Chops..... 2 Ham .............. 1 2 1 ¢ lb. ¢9 Tuna . . . . . . . . . . 92 Pasta Roni . . . . 91 59º ¢ ¢ ¢ $ 28 ¢ $ 45 9 $ 91 $ 45 892 $ $ 28 75 ¢ 97 ¢$ 29 $ 95 19 Foam Cups . . . . . . . . $ 92 $ 92 9692¢ 40º 2 ¢ $ 98 89 Saltines¢ . . . . . . . . . 1 6 $3 19 Foam Cups$ . .54 Tips. ............. 1 Ribs. .............. . . . . . .Cooking . 1Oil . . 2 Boneless Salmon Pasta 93 $ 29 ¢ $ 98 . . . . . . 89 ¢ $ 25 lb. Saltines . . . . . . . . . 1 ¢ lb. lb. lb. ¢ $ 54 9 ¢ 93 2 Pasta ....... 1 71 1 1 $ ¢ 77 ¢ 71 1 77 $ 44 $ 25 $ 25 $ 44 ¢ $ 53º ¢¢ 355¢ 2/ ¢ 1 ¢ ¢ $ 99 ¢ ¢ 89 ¢ $ 61 $ 98 1 3 3 3 Tuna in Water . . . 69 92 ¢ ¢ ¢ 61 Aluminum Foil 69 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Recipe Inspirations 71 $ 25 Premium Light Tuna 96 92 $ 49 ¢ ¢ 3 1 49 92 36º 92 91 89 2/ ¢ 9 92 Tuna in Water 7191. . .69 Aluminum190Foil 92 2Beef90Ribs 96$22Chuck 2Macaroni & Cheese 96 69 2 Macaroni & Cheese 96 $ 69 1 $ 99 Patties ¢ Ground Chuck Shoulder Roast Roast ¢ $ 89 87 ¢ 87 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ $ 70 87 ¢ 1 1 2/661Oil¢ . . $3779 2 ¢ 9684 $¢ 7771 $ 89 2 Chunk ¢White Tuna496 $Cooking 2 53º 2 Beef Stew¢ . . 89 .84 . . . . ¢1 94 71 Pizzas........ 94 Bathroom Tissue 79 2 ¢ 2/ 44 3 ¢ 64 ¢. Franks.... Salt55 . . .$. . . . . .4 . . 6686 1 Stew25 . . . . . .11 98 $¢ 44 $53Tissue 25Dogs $. . .Oscars....... Great Dogs$ Beef 97 Bathroom 79 $ 94 Hot 99 Biscuits... $ 49 69 $ 66 ¢ $ 66 Salt . . . . . . . . 86 $ $ 59 40º $ 18 99 1 3 3 3 ¢ $ 62 ¢ $ 62 $ 99 53 $ 99 3 $ 17 2 $ 17 $ 98 $ 98 $ 59 2 2 $ 80 $ 80 89 2 3 69 99 2 1 $ 59 94 1 94 1 ¢ 1 2 1 1 or Preserves . . . 1 75$ 59 2 1 Corn Meal 2 75 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 Corn $Oil 49 ...... 3 ¢ 3. . . . . . 1 $ Towels . . . . . . . 59 49 ¢ Vegetable Oil 2 $ 72 Corn Meal . . . . . . 1 ¢ ¢ Towels . . . . . . . 59 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ $ ¢ ¢ ¢ OilLinks....... Vegetable 2 4 78 $ 2589¢ 76$ Makers....... $ 91 39 Sausage... Croissants 99 99 95 $ 25 92 $ 95 ADVANTAGE SCHOOL 92 Lunch Meat91 52 Nuggets.... 89 2 1 $¢ 59 Peanut$¢ Butter ¢ 2 $ 59 49 2 $Microwave ¢ 66 ¢ $ Popcorn 39 2 OF REAL ESTATE $ 49 ¢ Pizzas........$ 98 Great Dogs 97 Flour . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Franks.... $ 25 94 4 98 Hot Dogs 99 64 Oscars....... Biscuits... $ 39 ¢ $ 98 Napkins . . . . . 1 $ 25 Vanilla Wafers 1 . .¢. . .19 1 93 2 ¢1 Flour . . . . . . . .$93 4/$2 . .¢. . . 1 Vanilla Napkins 6 Wafers 1 1 ¢ ¢ 97 1 $ 29 82 89 ¢ ¢ 1 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Thirst Quencher 97 ¢ 1 1 ' n Munch . . . . . 82 $ ¢ ¢ $ $¢ 49 2 93 $ $ 25$ 4992 ¢ 99 96 $ 92 93 ¢22 ¢ 93 $ 99 ¢71 ¢ $259$125$ 92 2196¢$¢ 49 $ 71 $ 99 $ 72 2 19 ¢$19 99 ¢ 1 Peanut Butter 1 2 Dog Food . . . . . 5 $ 29 $ 21 2 2 4 93 Peanut Butter 1 78 Dog Food . .¢. . . 5 99 $1 29 99 Croissants $ 59. . . 4 Meat 52 Nuggets.... 76 2 Makers....... 89 Sausage... 2/ ¢Links....... 69 2 69 Snacks . . . . 1 ¢ Lunch $ 70 87 Snacks . . . . . . . 1 Juice . . . . . . . . 2 Dish Detergent 2 96 $ 77 ¢ 96 $ 70 89 87 2 $2 77 3 96 1 89 2 $ 57 1 65$ 39 1 $ 59 3 $ 99 2 $ 66 1 $ 59 $ 89 $ 99 ¢ $ 59 1 $ 99 Garden $ 80 1 ¢ $ 72 Apple Juice .2/. 1¢ Dog Treat 59 Slicing $ $66 ¢ 6 2 ¢ ¢ Biscuits Apple Juice$1. 99 . 1 2 89 $ 59 4 2 Dog Treat Biscuits 2 79 1 1 1 $ 59 ¢ ¢ 86 Spring Water . 59 ¢ 1 98 $3180 3 Spring Water . 59 89 2 2 2 ¢3 3 98 Tomatoes... 53 182 Salad.......... 1 1 $ 49 2 1 2 69 99 ¢ $ 25 82 $ 95 ¢ $ 49 $ 49 1$299 9969¢ $39$ 4909 2 $ 2 1 $$139 49Bleach . . .$$.12.$. .5925$10954 Dishwashing$259 1 95 ¢ Dishwashing Liquid 1 Tea Bags . . . . . 99 1 61 $Liquid Bleach . . .Tea . . .1Bags .$21 45 . . . . . 99 4 1 1 2 ¢ 4/$1 ¢ $ 99 $ 59 $ $ 49 49 97 $ 82 1 1 1 $ 39 ¢ 4/$ ¢ 1 65 ¢197 ¢ 1 $ 99 $ 19 $ 19 2/ ¢ 1 2/ ¢ 1 1 82 3/ Cat Food ¢¢ .1 17 . . . . . Tomato $ 99 $ 59 Garden $ ¢21 93 . . . . . . .Pasta ¢ 3 . . . . . . 7 Tomato Sauce 43/84¢ Pasta . . . . . . . .2 89 Cat Food $¢ 22Slicing . . . 89 Sauce 84 1 $ 15 2 $Salad.......... 2 98 2 Tomatoes... $ 49 1 93 $ 2 59 98 $ $ 2199 86 $ 22 93 49 1 19 1 69 1 $ 69 ¢ 2
Â?ŒŒbOÂź $25 991 ¢ 2$1$ 2979 2¢ 79¢ 1 1 1 2 $ 79 1 1 1 2 1 $ Pinto 99Beans . . . . 99¢ 7 99 Creamer .Pinto . . . . . Beans . 1. . . . 99 99 1 2 Creamer 1.$. . .2.159. . 1 1 $ 99 1 1 1 1¢ 1 1 2 2 2 NEWNAN $ 70 $ 42 59 ¢ 1 $ 42 64$ 61 Brussel2Sprouts 1 1 2491 282 2 $ Brussel Sprouts 49 $ 1 $ 54 $ 45 69 1 11 1 1 2 1$1209$1149 $149$ 254 299$2¢ $14512 $ 61 $126 $112 16 1 Field1 Peas w/Snaps22 1 2 1 9 Field1 Peas w/Snaps Fries $ 19 $ 32 2/ ¢ $ 81 3/ ¢ Fries $ 132 $ 88
Lean t Steak
$ 28
Soup . . . . . . . .
.... Land O' Frost Kool-Aid Post Crystal Chef BoyardeeMcCormick Seasonings Smoked Sausage........... Oscar Mayer lb. 9 oz. Deli Shaved Bursts 25.5 oz. . . . . . . Sub.... Kits.......................... or Mixes . . . . . . Wet2Cat Food Any SizeFarms Pkg. U.S.D.A. Inspected 10 oz. lb. Bag 41-50 ct.. 9 oz.Lunchables Tub Sunset Beans . . . . . . . . . Cereal or Mixes Complete...... Land O' Frost Center CutU.S.D.A.12Select Carolina Pride Any Size Package Bonus Pack - Claxton Sea Best Fully Cooked Tyson Beef $ Superior Farms Fresh 78 Butterball Thin Sliced $ 55 $ 11 oz. 7.5 oz. Microwaveable Cup, Select Varieties $ 66 Smoked oz. With Honey 12 oz. D.A. Inspected 10 oz. 2 lb. Bag 41-50 ct. Shaved Cooked Ham........... Ham or Turkey............ 9 oz. Tub 9 oz.20Deli lb. Loin11 Pork Sausage........... Chops. .71-2.2 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties Select Varieties 25.5 oz. Shrimp ................ Fresh Fresh Thighs Or 14.5-15 oz. Can, ea. T-Bone American Anytizers. Crystal........... Chef Boyardee Carolina Pride 10 oz. Sea Best Fully Cooked 12 oz.,Lamb Select VarietiesTurkey ..................... $ 78 Thin Sliced $ Sara Lee Delightful Crystal $ 1655 oz. Hot Butterball or Mild Land $ 66 O' Frost Tyson COWETA AND SURROUNDING AREA McCormick Grillmates Chef Boyardee Hormel lb. Chops. ........... Cooked Ham........... Shrimp ................ $ 1816Hormel ea. $ 44 Turkey Ham .......100% .....or .Wheat ......T ..urkey............ Hot Sauce ..... Pasta withFrozen Meat Sunset Farms Hot Sauce . . . . . Fresh Cubed Bread 16 oz. Hot or Mild Fresh oz. . . . . . . . 14 oz. Anytizers.............. 4 Pk. 17 oz. Peppe Breast of Chicken Spam . . . 16 oz. Hot or Mild .71-2.2 oz. Pkg., Select $ Tilapia Market Style Pork Carolina Pride THURSDAY10Fresh $ 50 Varieties 14.5-15 oz. Can, Select Varieties 78 Butterball Turkey $ 11 .71-2.2 oz. Pkg.,Rosa' Select Varietie 14.5 oz. Can, Select Varieties Oscar Mayer $ 15 16 oz. Hot or Mild oz. Frozen 12 oz., Select Varieties Mama 14 oz. 16 oz. Simple. Low Fat, Banana Nut 24 Pk., .5 Liter Sunset FarmsCarolina lb. Fish Fillets. .......... Cuttlets............ lb. $Chef Sausage ................... 16 oz. Tilapia Fresh Sausage.................... McCormick Grillmates Boyardee Pride Smoked Sausage ........ $ 50 .6-6 oz., Select Varieties 4.3-8.4 oz., Select Varieties McCormick Grillmates Hormel $ 18 Hormel $ 78 Hormel Butterball Turkey Hormel orFat Fruit & Nut 4 Pk. 17 oz. Pepperoni or Deluxe 11 $ 44 Del Monte Crystal Springs $ 18 10 oz. 97% Free $ 44 6.2 oz. $ 15 Pizza....... Any Size Package Bonus Pack - Claxton U.S.D.A. Select Beef Superior Farms Fresh Breast Fishof Chicken Fillets. .......... SpamMarket . . . . . . . .lb. . . Style Oscar Mayer of Chicken ............ lb. Sausage ................... Spam . . . . . . . . . .Betty CrockerMarinades . . . . Sunbelt Rosa's Fresh ........ PurifiedMama Breast Marinades .... PastaGusto withCenter MeatSmoked $ Post 74Lamb Jell-O Gelatin Thighs Cut Sausage Tomatoes . . . . 2.67Valley Superior Farms Fresh lb. Fresh Fresh Or Fresh Sausage.................... 14 oz. Smoked or Polish T-Bone American Granola Cereal$ . .21 $Cocoa75 WhiteFarms All 20Beef Franks....... orWater FruityHillshire Pizza..................... .6-6 oz., Select Varieties $ oz., Select Varieties Smoked Pork American Lamb Center $ Farms 85 .6-6 oz., Select Varieties Foster 10Gusto oz. 97% Fat Free Cut 95 6.2 oz. oz.$ 95 4.3-8.4 esh 2.67 lb. $ 69Post 14Fresh oz. Smoked U.S.D.A. Inspected Pork or Polish U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Boneless 16.9 oz., Assorted Flavors . . . . . . Chicken Pebbles Treats . Valley Fresh Post Valley Fresh Smoked Pork lb. mb Jell-O Gelatin Betty Crocker Chops......................... Foster Farms Shoulder Chops ........... lb. Corn Dogs........ Jell-O Gelatin $ 95 $ 95 White Hillshire Farms Food Depot $ $ 75 Sausage............. 69 U.S.D.A. Select BeefCocoa or Fruity 4.5-7 oz., Select Varieties 5 oz. Light Sodium Sparkling Ice ¢ Whole or Half White CocoaCenter or Fruity lb.Cut lb. $ 21 $ 21 Chops......................... hops ........... Corn Dogs........ $ 85 $ 85 Sausage............. or Pudding . . . Helpers . . . . . . . or Pudding . . . FRIDAY Breadlb.. . . . Water . . . . . . . . Chicken . . . . . . . .the SeaIn Pebbles Treats Rice-A-Roni Chicken Chicken. . .of.Bone or Pebbles Treats . . lb. .... Wheat 5 oz. Light Sodium 5 oz. Light Sodium 4.5-7 20 oz., Select oz.Varieties Ribeye Steak 8 Pk. 2.7-3.3 oz., Select Varieties lb.
Post Cereal
lanesa de desayuno magro fresco
McCormick Seasonings
9 Lives
Heinz 16 oz.U.S.D.A. inspecc ionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro de paquete lb. de cualquier tamaĂąoCamarĂłn completamente cocinado 41-50, bolso de 2 libras
Salchichas de enlace pequeĂąos ahumado o salchichas de bollo, 48 onzas
huletas de lomo de cerdo corte de centro de paquete de cualquier tamaĂąoCamarĂłn completamente cocinado 41-50, bolso de 2 lib ras
Salchichas de toda carne de res, 16 onzas
Chuletas de cerdo ahumado corte de centro
en pan de maiz, 2.67 onzas U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas Salchichas de lomo deenvuelto cerdo corte de centro sin hueso fresco
Chicken of the Sea
U.S.D.A. de puntas de filete de lomo de cerdo Marshmallow Pebbles, 2.7-3.3inspeccionado oz.,10.75 Selectoz. Varieties
20 oz. 12.5 oz. Honey-Comb, U.S.D.A. Inspected Pork 11.5 oz.15 oz. Can, Select Varieties
hmallow Pebbles, -Comb, 11.5 oz. oz. Cocoa or Fruit oz. Golden Crisp or Crisp
Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas
Chuletas de paletilla de cordero americana fresca
Chuletas de cerdo ahumado corte de centro
ordero americana fresca
Salchicha picante o suave, 16 onzas
Filete de pescado tilapia cong elado fresco
Salchicha picante o suave, 16 onzas
Filete de pescado tilapia cong elado fresco
Aperitivos de pollo, 25.5
Salchicha picante o suave fresco, 16 onzas
Chuletas de cerdo suavizado fresco
Milo's Tuna . .Healthy . . . . . . .Choice . Alpha-Bits, 11U.S.D.A. oz. Cocoa or Fruit Select Food Depot Tender Pebbles, 14.75 oz. Golden Crisp or
2 77 Salchichas de toda carneSalchicha de res,ahumado 16 onzas de pavo, 14 onzas
Salchichas envuelto en pan de maiz, 2.67 onzas
Salchicha polaco o ahumado, 14 onzas
2 77 10 oz. 97% Fat Free
15 oz. Can, Select Varieties
U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillas traseras bebĂŠ de cerdo Rice-A-Roni FoodorDepot Food Milo's Depot Hamburger
16 oz.
6.2 oz.
Chicken of the4 Sea Lb.
16 oz., 20 Ct.
Healthy Choice& oz. Thick 24 oz.15 Essential Everyday U.S.D.A. Select Beef 16 oz., Any 20 Ct.Size Package Chunky or Original Hunt's or 14 oz. Deluxe Macaroni & Cheese oz. Bold 12 oz. Deluxe Shells & CheddarBoneless 6 Pk. 12 Pk. 4 Pk. 5.5-22 oz., Select VarietiesFresh or1616 oz. Can, Select Varieties lb.
PastaGiant Roni . .White .. or HotDogDogTreats Buns . . .
Pizza para niĂąos deluxo o de s
Pizza para niĂąos10deluxo o de salchĂchon de paquete12 deoz., 4 de 17 Varieties onzas oz. Select
Salchicha ahumado, onzas U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de jamĂłn depolaco cerdo ofresco, entero14 o mitad
U.S.D.A. Inspected Pork 16 oz.Fresh Baby Back 48 oz. Pure.75-1.5 Canola,Ground Corn or NaturalVarieties Blend oz., Select Essential Everyday
Aperitivos de pollo, 25.5
Pavo rebanado delgado en envases de 9 onzas
Pavo oenjamĂłn rebanado Pavo rebanado delgado envases de 9 onzas delgado, 9 onzas
JamĂłn cocinado, 10 onzas
Salchicha picante o suave fresco, 16 onzas
ado fresco
Pavo o jamĂłn rebanado delgado, 9 onzas
JamĂłn cocinado, 10 onzas
oz. Deluxe Shells & Cheddar or 1448oz.oz. DeluxePure Macaroni & CheeseCorn or Natural Blend Canola, Essential Everyday 2.6 oz. PouchU.S.D.A. Select12Beef Tuna . . . .Essent ...... Boneless
Soup . . . . . . . . Essential 424Chicken Lb. Dog Treats . . . BBQ 2.6 oz. Pouch oz. of the Sea Sirloin TipEverydayCrisco 2.6 oz. PouchSoup . . . . . . . . 11.5 oz.White Waffle Crisp Essential Everyday Bread lb. Giant Ketchup Essential Everyday lb. Hunt's .... ... Food 9DepotLivesHamburger 6 Pk. 4 Pk. 5.5-22 oz., SelectBeef Varieties Chicken Hunt's Essential EverydayKool-Aid Chicken of theSuga Sea Can, Select Varieties Ribs Chuck Patties Ground Chuck Shoulder Roast of16theoz.Sea Crisco Roast McCormick Seasonings Post Heinz Bread Ketchup Kool-Aid 9 Lives Sugar 5 oz. Heinz Manwich 25 Sq. Ft. Boneless Salmon Salmon Cooking Oil . . . . . . . .17-.46 oz., Select Varieties Bursts 2.5 oz. Pouch or Mixes or HotWetDogCatBunsFood . . Beans . . . .Everyday ..... Bursts Wet CatCereal Food . Boneless 7.25 oz. Essential oz. 24 oz. Shoppers Value Standard .17-.46 oz.,12Select 25 Sq. Ft. 2.5 oz. PouchBeans . . . . . . . . . McCormick 2.5 oz. Pouch oz.5Varieties 7.5 oz. Microwaveable Cup, Select Varieties Chicken of the Sea 16 oz.
24 oz. Hunt's .75-1.5 oz., Select Varieties
SATURDAY Ketchup McCormick Seasonings
or Mixes . . . . . .
Carnes de almuerzo de preparar emparedado sub, 24 onzas
U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de ojo de la costilla con hueso
Carnes de almuerzo refrigerantes completo, 3.9 onzas
20 oz. With Honey Shopperslb. Value Frost Shoppers Value Standardlb. 7.25 oz. 3.9 oz. EssentialLand Everyday Chicken of the Sea lb. O' Food lb. McCormick 16 oz. Crystal Chef Boyardee Oscar Mayer Depot Sara Lee Delightful $ 29 Crystal Chef Boyardee Sara Lee Delightful Sub Kits.......................... Shoppers Value 11 oz. Frosted Sunset Farms U.S.D.A.Premi Select Premium Lightoz.Tuna 12 oz. Original, Cheese or Butter $ ReciAssorted Size Package U.S.D.A. Select Beef p83 eHot InspiSauce rFlavors atiFresh ons Pavo. . .o.jamĂłn Lunchables Complete...... U.S.D.A. Select Beef24Boneless um Li100% ght Tuna . rebanadoBBQ Pasta Bread . . . Any$Fresh delgado, 9with onzas Meat 1.5 oz. Froot Loops, AppleBread Jacks 100%2.1oz.Wheat Hot Sauce . . . . . Pasta with Meat Sausage........... oz. Kosher Dill 48 oz. Vegetable, 100% Pure16Canola Wheat Bread 5 oz. In Water 1.5 oz. Froot Loops, Apple Jacks Essential Everyday Aperitivos de pollo, 25.5 or Corn Pops or24 oz. Frosted Flakes Smoked 11 oz. Frosted BBQ 59 Ground Boneless 1.5 oz. Froot Loops, Apple Jacks 5 Sirloin Tip 9 oz. Deli Shaved 4 Pk. 12 oz. Original, Cheese or Butter 48Essential Everyday or Corn Pops or 2.1 oz. Frosted Flakes oz. Vegetable, Pure .71-2.2 oz.100% Pkg., SelectCanola Varieties 14.5-15 oz. Can, Select VarietiesKellogg's 14.5 oz. Can, Select Varieties 25.5 or20 oz.Right Blend oz. In WaterEssential or Corn Popsoz.orPkg., 2.1 oz. Frosted Flakes 24 oz. Pk., .5 Liter20 oz. EssentialorEveryday 10-10.75 oz.Grits 16 oz. Assorted Flavors .71-2.2 Select Varieties 14.5-1510oz.oz. Can,20Select Varieties 5 oz. In Water14.5 12 oz.,oz.Select Varieties ¢ 15 oz. SUNDAY Can, Select Varieties$ or59 26¢ oz. Iodized Plain Kellogg's oz. Instant . . . . . 16 oz. Simple. Low Fat, Banana Nut Chicken of the Sea 12 oz., Select Varieties Essential Everyday Toaster Pastries Right Blend 24 Pk., .5 Liter Land O' Frost ofLong the Sea Gr Kellogg's Essential Everyday Super Chill 16 oz. Simple. Low Fat, Banana Nut 24 oz. Post 24 Pk., .5 Liter 4 Pk. ¢ Tyson Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Chicken Value Post Grillmates Bar-S 16 oz. Frito-Lay's Chef Boyardee Hormel ofDel the Monte Sea 16 oz. Pkg.$ 44 McCormick $ 18PickleEveryday Hormel Cups . All Meat $ 18 McCormick Chef5.75 Boyardee or FruitMayer & Nut2Shoppers . .Dean's Oz.Post Singles Del Monte Carolina Pride 12 oz.. Pkg. Mazola Crystal Springs Hormel Spears . . . . . . Chicken Oscar oz. Pkg. Turkey Cereal Or Ham Cups 4 pk. $ 18 Hormel or Fruit & Nut $ 44 Cereal Crystal SpringsCereal ¢ CupsGrillmates .. 26Special oz. Iodized orSpring Plain Salchicha picante oPastries suave fresco, 16 onzas Instant Grits . . . . . Essential Mazola Long Grain Rice Toaster Raisin Bran Raisin Bran Ham or T urkey............ 8 oz. 19.5 oz. Special K Granola Low Fat Honey, 12.5 oz. K Essential Everyday 19.5 oz. Special K Granola Low Fat Honey, 12.5 oz. Special K Breast of Chicken Spam . . . . . . . . . . Anytizers.............. Chunk Whi t e Tuna n Shoppers Value Spam . . . . . . . . . . Sunbelt Raisin Bran 19.5 oz.Marinades Special K Granola Low Fat Honey, Meat Marinades . . . .Jumbo Pasta with Sunbelt Mama Rosa's $Cinnamon&74 Chunk8Whioz.Tomatoes te Tuna Gwaltney Pecan, 11.4Purified oz. Special K Blueberry, 13.6 oz. Special K& Bologna OrK Blueberry, Purified oz. Hot Meat or Mild . . . 12.5. oz. Special K 16Pasta with Pecan, 11.4 oz. Special oz. Special K Chili W/Beans Little Sausage $ Asst. 74 Tomatoes . .. .13.6Essential ChipsMeat Cinnamon . . . . Cooking Water Cinnamon Pecan, 11.4 oz. Special K Blueberry, 13.6 oz. Special K Salchichas de toda carne deFlavor res, 16Everyday onzas Essential Honey, 11 Special Chocolate & Strawberry, 13.4 oz. 14.5 oz. Pizza para niĂąos deluxo o de salchĂchon deOatspaquete deoz.4Water de 17Konzas Oats & Honey, 11 oz. Special K Chocolate & Strawberry, 13.4 oz.Everyday ¢ Oil . . Oats & Honey, 11 oz. Special K Chocolate & Strawberry, 13.4 oz. Sunset Farms Granola Cereal . . 18 oz. Jar, Select Varieties Water Special K Chocolate Pieces, 12.8 oz. Special K Fruit & Yogurt, 12.4 Granola Cereal . . 18Koz. Jar, Select Varieties .6-6 oz., Select Varieties Select Varieties Special K Chocolate 16 oz. oz., Select oz.,oz.Select 18 oz. Jar, Select Varieties 97% Varieties Fat Free Special.6-6 K Chocolate Pieces,Varieties 12.8 oz. Special K Fruit & Yogurt, 12.4 4.3-8.4 10 40 Ct.,20Pieces, 9oz. Inch12.8 oz. Special K Fruit & Yogurt, 12.4 6.2 oz. oz. oz. Special Vanilla Almond, 12 oz. Special K, 11.2 oz. Special K Essential Everyday 6.2 oz. 20 17 oz. Pepperoni or Deluxe 8Squeeze Pk. 4.3-8.4 oz.,Mustard Essential Everyday oz. Special K Vanilla Almond, 12 oz. Special K, 11.2 oz. Special4 K Pk.16.9 48 oz. oz. Special K Vanilla Almond, 12 oz. Special K, 11.2 oz. Special K Market Style 48 oz.¢ 98 Red Berries, 11.5 oz. Fiber Plus Cinnamon, 15.3 oz. Fiber Plus Berry 1 Roll oz., Assorted Flavors 16.9 oz., Assorted Flavors Smuckers Jam, 5 Lb. Self-Rising Regular or White $ Valley Fresh Essential Everyday Post Post Oscar Mayer Red Berries, 11.5 oz. Fiber Plus Cinnamon, 15.3 oz. Fiber Plus Mama Berry Jell-O GelatinIcelb. Betty Crocker Jell-O Gelatin Red Berries, 11.5 oz. Fiber Plus Cinnamon, 15.3 oz. Fiber Plus Berry Betty Crocker ¢ Sparkling Yogurt or 15.5 oz. Fiber Plus Jam, Caramel Smuckers Rosa's lb. lb. Smuckers Jam, FoodJelly Depot FoodPlusDepot lb. $Pecan$Jelly 37 88 Squeeze Mustard Frito-Lay's SalmonMazola . . . . . . or PreservesJelly. . . Yogurt or 15.5 oz. Fiber Caramel Pecan or 15.5 oz. Fiber Plus Caramel Pecan Sparkling Icelb. ValueKellogg's 48 oz. Pink 1 Roll Fresh Sausage.................... ¢ Mazola ¢ 5 Lb. Self-Rising Regular or White White Cocoa or Fruity $ 21 Cocoa or Fruity $ 85 Yogurt Shoppers Essential Everyday $ 21 Foam Plates . . $ 85 All Beef Franks....... or Pudding . .$. 37 Helpers . . . . ...... . . . or Preserves orWater Pudding Helpers. ...Shoppers ....... . . Value Kellogg's Kellogg's Wheat Bread $. . .48. 37 Wheat .Treats .On-Cor . .7.oz... .Pkg. Corn Oil .. .. .. .Armour . 2.4 Crackers oz. Pizza..................... .. Water . . . . . . . . Cereal . . . . . . . 4 ct. Sausage,Essential Pebbles Treats . Everyday PebblesBread oz. Pkg. Essential 2 oz.Chicken Wafer Thin Ham Or Turkey John Morrell 7 oz. Pkg. Egg & Cheese . . . . .... .Everyday 12 oz. Pkg. Cereal . . . . . . . Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas
12 oz.
With Honey Chickenlb. of20theoz. Sea
7.5 oz. Microwaveable Cup, Select Varieties
5 oz. Light Sodium
4.5-7 oz., Select Varieties
Carl Buddig Rice-A-Roni or
Chicken of the Sea
Pk. or Crunchy 16.3 oz. Jar, 8Creamy Easy Bites
Food Depot Hamburger
5 oz. Light Sodium Lunch5 oz. 4.5-7 oz., Select Varieties 6-10 Ct. 11.2-19.2 SelectSea Varieties Chickenoz., of the Rice-A-Roni or
Cereal .8 .Pk.. . . . . John Morell Essential EverydayTasty Food Depot Hamburger 15 oz. Thick &
16.3 oz. Jar, Creamy or Crunch
16.3 oz. Jar, Creamy or Crunchy Dean's
6-10 Ct. 11.2-19.2Planters oz., Select Varieties
21.6 oz. Hickory, Honey Planters Golden Flake 15 oz. Thick & Pop•Secret 16 oz. Pkg. PlantersRegularDean's 5Hickory, Lb. Self-Rising or Plain Bar-S 16 oz. Pasta Roni 5.75 Oz. Singles . . . . Carolina Pride 12Can oz. Pkg. All Meat Hickory, or Brown Oscar Mayer 2250 oz.Ct. Pkg. Turkey Or Ham 4 pk. 24 oz. Pop•Secret Peanut Butter or Hot Dog Buns Tuna . . . . . . . . . . Pasta Roni . . . . 21.6 oz. Honey Chunky or Original or Hot Dog Buns Chunky or Original 11 oz. 5orLb.16Self-Rising orJumbo Plain Asst. Peanut Butter Flavor Chips 250 Ct. 48 oz. Sugar Select Varieties oz. Bold Mi c rowave Popcorn Gwaltney 9.34-10.5 oz. Essential Everyday 48Mama oz. Pure Canola, Corn or Natural Blend Meat Hickory, Regular or Brown Rosa's Bologna Or Essential Everyday or 16 oz. Bold Little Sausage & 12 Pk. 11 oz. 2.6 oz.Essential Pouch 48 oz. Pure Canola, Corn or Natural Blend 32 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties 24 oz.oz. 20 oz. 48 oz. Hunt's 12 Pk. Essential Everyday 9.34-10.5 Everyday Hunt's Hunt's Frito-Lay's Essent Essential Everyday Sugar 32 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties 1 oz. 3.5 oz. Caramel or Buttery Toffee Chicken of the Sea Crisco Hunt's 16 oz., 20 Ct. Food Depot Hamburger Essential EverydayHunt's FoodHunt's Depot of the Sea Crisco Barbecue Sauce 16 Chicken oz. 32 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties Frito-Lay's Essential Everyday Food12Depot Hamburger p 3.5 oz.59 Caramel orGatorade Buttery Toffee 4 Lb. Hunt's oz. DeluxeSauce Shells & Cheddar or 14 oz. Deluxe Macaroni & Cheese $ Manwich Gatorade Golden Flake Cheetos Pasta Ketchup Crunch CLASSES FORMINGBarbecue FOR BonelessWINTER SalmonSauce Cooking Oil . . Veget Essential Everyday Manwich or Hot Dog Buns . Giant White Essential Coca-Cola......... BonelessEveryday Salmon Cooking Oil. . . . . Barbecue Thirst Quencher Cheetos Essential Everyday Gatorade or Hot Dog Buns . Vegetable Oil Sauce Crunch Essential Everyday .17-.46 oz., Select Varieties Thirst Quencher Asst. Chips Pouch 9 oz. Assorted Flavors Potato, 9 oz. or Fritos in PEACHTREE2.5 oz.CITY ' n Munch . . . . . oz. Foamoz., Select CupsVarieties ........ $ 33 Bread .17-.46 Saltines . . . . . . . . . Crunchy oz. Creamy or Crunchy 2.5 oz. Pouch Sugar Flavors Potato, 915oz.Lb. or Fritos 46 oz. Bottle,16Food 16 18 oz.Pasta Cheese Curls, 9 oz. Cheese Puffs, 46 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties McCormick . . . . . .9Cheese .oz. Assorted Chicken of the Sea Coca-Cola......... 18 oz. Creamy or Armour 2.4 oz. Select Depot Varieties 25 oz., Select Varieties 7-8Pkg. oz.,McCormick Kettle Cooked15 Lb. 2 oz. Wafer Thin Ham Or Turkey John Morrell 7 oz. Pkg. 4 ct. Sausage, Egg & Cheese On-Cor 7 oz. Pkg. 12 oz. Pkg. Curls, 9 oz. Cheese Puffs, Chicken of the Sea V-8 10-15 oz.¢Pretzels Value46 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties11 oz. Tortilla Chips25or oz., Food Depot Value11 oz. Tortilla Chips or 10-15 oz.Shoppers Shoppers LAUNCH YOUR 5 oz. 25 Ft. Shoppers Value Recipe Inspirations Premium Light Tuna Pretzels CodSq. Inspi Select Varieties Lunch CapeRecipe Shoppers Value . . . Palmolive Carl Buddig V-8 BBQ Bread Tasty Dean's Easy Bites John Morell r ati o ns 7.25 oz. Premi u m Li g ht Tuna Coca-Cola......... Essential Everyday BBQ Bread . .Shoppers . Shoppers Value Palmolive Juice . . . . . . . . Shoppers Value.5 Liter Standard REAL ESTATE CAREER TODAY! 48 oz. Vegetable, 100% Pure Canola 5 oz. In Water 24 Pk., 10-10.75 oz.. V-8 Value Juice . . . . . . . Dish Detergent Asst. Flavor Chips 15Inoz. Shoppers Value 48 oz. Vegetable, 100% Pure Canola or Right Blend 5 oz. Water Super Chill $ 99 TunaHormel in Water . . . 24 Pk., .5 Liter ¢ To learn more 10-10.75 oz. Aluminum Foil 15 oz. Post pleaseChicken Frito-Lay's 32 oz. 12 oz. join usof theatSeaour RightSpring Blend 24 oz. KosherChill Dill 11.5 oz.or¢Classic or French Roast Dasani Water... .. Kellogg's Super ¢ Mazola 11 oz. Frosted Macaroni & Cheese 4 oz. Chicken of the Sea Essential Everyday Essential 12 oz. Original, Cheese or Butter 11.5 oz. Classic or French Roast 12 oz. Post Frito-Lay's Raisin Bran Hormel 4 oz. ¢ Spring White Tuna $ 7 EverydayEveryday 64 oz. Essential Everyday $ Essential Essential Everyday 16 oz.4 Lb. Small or Large Chilioz.W/Beans . . Essential AssortedCereal Flavors Cups . . Essential Everyday Asst.Everyday Flavor Chips 69 American Mazola Water $ 49 4 Lb. Small or Large Everyday CAREER NIGHT Chunk SESSIONS ¢ Worcestershire Essential Everyday Caroll Shelby $ 59 6 Essential oz. Oil Bag Cooking . . 24 Chunk oz. 64Whi Raisin Bran 4 Pk. Essential Everyday Essential Everyday $ 49 $ 72 t e Tuna Cheese Singles Worcestershire Chili W/Beans . . 128 oz. Caroll Shelby Asst. Flavor Chips Large Water Pickle Spears . . . . . . 18 oz. Jar, Select Varieties Essential Everyday Powerade......... 40 Ct., 9 Inch Hamburger Dill Shoppers Value Ground Coffee . 26 oz. Iodized or Plain 128 oz. 12 oz. 8 Pk. Sauce Instant GritsCoffee ..... . Pac Cheese Singles Long Grain Rice Cooking . . Value Toaster Pastries Essential Everyday Shoppers Essential Everyday Ground All Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Can s Tues., January 15, 22 & 29, 2013 48 oz.Ready American Sauce Shoppers Chili Mix Essential Everyday 18 oz. Jar, Select Varieties ¢ OilValue 40 Ct., 9Essential Inch EverydayChili Mix .14.5. .oz.. . . . Smuckers Jam, Jelly 8 Pk.Essential Everyday $ Super Slices Chill .16Essential .$.oz.. . Assorted . . .Everyday . 72 .59 . Flavors Super Chill Mazola16 oz. Assorted Flavors 8 8oz.oz. Frito-Lay's Coca-Cola......... 8 oz. 48 oz. Beef Stew . . . . . . . 6:00-7:00 PM Essential Everyday Foam Plates . . 4 pk. Energy Drinks ¢ Bathroom Tissue 8 oz. Assorted Varieties Smuckers Jam, Jelly Essential Everyday $ 37 or Preserves . . . Frito-Lay's Essential Everyday oz. $ 9 ¢ or Homestyle Singles2 Liter Bottles$ 2449oz. Chunk Crackers .99 . . . . 3/$ .Buttermilk Shoppers Value oz. Brands Mazola Essential Salt . . . . . . . . . . . 16 oz. Pkg.FoamAmerican 3/$ 33 . . . . . .20Colonial $ Cheese Corn Kellogg's Oil . . . Everyday . . . $ Squeeze Shoppers Value Plates .Cheese . 20All .. Shredded or Chunk $ . . $ 42 lb. 128 oz. Select Varieties ea. Mustard 37 Coldwell Banker Bullard or Preserves . . . Pink Salmon . . . . . . 16.3 oz. Jar, Realty Creamy or Crunchy Crackers . . . . . . Cruz Soft 16 oz.24Assorted 1 Roll Oil . .24. .oz., Colonial Coca-Cola......... Essential 5Sauce oz. 5 Lb. Self-Rising Regular or White Dutch HotFarms Sauce oz., Assorted Java Drinks...... Red 4Gold 6-10 Ct.Cereal 11.2-19.2 oz.,Cheese Corn . . . pk. Chunk . . . . . . Flavors . . . . . . AssortedSunny Delight . Select . . . .Varieties . . . .Hot 96 oz. 16 oz. 96 oz. 45 oz. 48 oz. 90 Glenda Trace, Newnan, Everyday Biscuits 16.3 oz. Jar, Creamy or Crunchy Cheese Shoppers Value Brands 1.25 Liter Old Fashion B8S9 Essential Everyday PlantersGA 30265 Golden Flake Essential Everyday OldAllFashion Bread . Bottles 100 Ct. Tagless ¢ Buttermilk or Homestyle Pop•Secret Drinks 5 oz. kory, Honey 6-10 Ct. 11.2-19.2Essential oz., Select Varieties Essential Everyday 100 Ct. Taco Tagless Tortillas Essential Everyday Ketchup . . . . . . . . . . Essential Everyday 16 oz. Everyday 45 oz. 24 oz. CanValue $ Shoppers Value Essential Everyday Shoppers Coca-Cola......... gular or Brown Planters Golden Flake Shoppers Value Chunk Cheese Peanut Butter Chips Corn Meal ...... Essential American Towels . . . . . . . ShoppersEssential Value Select Varieties Essential Everyday Mi18crowave Popcorn Pop•Secret To reserve your seat call 21.6 oz.Everyday Hickory, Honey Asst. Flavor . .Seasoned . .5. . . Liter . . orBottles Spread BowlBiscuits Margarine 16 oz. SD 24 oz. Can 18 oz. Corn Flakes, 12.5 oz. Vegetable Oil 24 oz. Pack, oz. Corn Flakes, 12.5 oz.1 oz. $ 99 16 Light KidneyEveryday Beans, Hickory, Regular or Brown American $ 99 Hunt's Cheese 32 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties C Peanut Butter Asst. Flavor Chips 3.5 oz. Caramel or Buttery Toffee Spread Bowl Margarine Select Varieties
Tuna . . . . . . . . . .
21.6 oz. Hickory, Honey Hickory, Regular or Brown 2.6 oz. Pouch Sugar
All Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Can All Brands
1.5 oz. Froot Loops, Apple Jacks or Corn Pops or 2.1 oz. Frosted Flakes
20 oz.
w Fat Honey, 12.5 oz. Special K cial K Blueberry, 13.6 oz. Special K K Chocolate & Strawberry, 13.4 oz. .8 oz. Special K Fruit & Yogurt, 12.4 12 oz. Special K, 11.2 oz. Special K us Cinnamon, 15.3 oz. Fiber Plus Berry Caramel Pecan
2 Liter Bottles
All Brands 1.25 Liter Bottles
Apple Jacks oz. Frosted Flakes
ue Sauce
24 Pack, .5
Liter Bottles
20 oz.
32 oz. Bottles, Asst. Flavors
19.5 oz. Special K Granola Low Fat Honey, 12.5 oz. Special K Cinnamon Pecan, 11.4 oz. Special K Blueberry, 13.6 oz. Special K Oats & Honey, 11 oz. Special K Chocolate & Strawberry, 13.4 oz. Special K Chocolate Pieces, 12.8 oz. Special K Fruit & Yogurt, 12.4 oz. Special K Vanilla Almond, 12 oz. Special K, 11.2 oz. Special K Red Berries, 11.5 oz. Fiber Plus Cinnamon, 15.3 oz. Fiber Plus Berry Yogurt or 15.5 oz. Fiber Plus Caramel Pecan
4 Pack, 16 oz. Cans, 15 oz. Cans,
Monster Asst. Flavors
FD 012113- Page 1
Jim Qualls Cheese Gatorade 770-254-0079 Singles Thirst Quencher
9.34-10.5 oz.
46 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties
Juice . . . . . . . . ?MLVM[ LIa 5I 5IZKP ZKP
8 oz. Assorted Shredded or Chunk 12 oz. Essential Everyday $ Essential Everyday 8LI WCheese IGVIX XS Chunk ...... SY 'LIGO 3Y X XLI 'PEWW M½IHW SR 4 EKIW
$ 72 Âł &DOO 7
Microwave Popcorn
16 oz. 45 oz. Dasani Water... DutchBeans, 250 Ct. Singles Farms 16 oz. 16 oz. Garbanzo Beans, 15 oz. Black Hunt's 1 oz.11 oz. 3.5 oz. Caramel or15Buttery Toffee Essential Everyday $G 48 15 oz. Essential Everyday Essential Everyday 32 oz. oz. Bottles, Asst. 16 Flavors Lb. Lb. Essential Everyday 8 oz. Spaghetti or Elbow Macaroni 8 oz. Spaghetti or Elbow Macaroni 16 oz. R 16 Red Beans, oz. Large or Baby Butter ¢ oz.Farms 15-17 oz. Frosted Flakes Crunch 6Munch oz.Dutch Bag Asst. Chips . . .1/2 Gallon Large 8 oz. Essential Everyday8 oz. 'n15-17 .Frosted . . . . Flakes Gatorade Golden Flake Cream Cheese Bar . . . . . Pasta Sauce Barbecue Sauce Frito-Lay's Essential Everyday $ 15 4 Pk. ctn. Select Varieties American Beans or 15 oz. Seasoned Black Beans Beans or BowlValue Margarine Powerade......... Flour . .Quencher . . . . . . .Everyday . .Everyday . . $ 29 Dannon Shoppers Shoppers Delite Activia Ready Pac Essential Everyday Essential Napkins ... . .Cheese . Value Asst. $Essential 73Everyday 25Essential oz., Select VarietiesCheese Cream Bar . .7-8. .oz.,. Kettle Cooked Country Shoppers Value Spread Vanilla Wafers Shoppers Value Cheetos 1/2 Gallon Buttermilk or Whole Buttermilk Thirst Chips . . . Vegetable Oil ' n Munch . . . . Bush's 4 Pack, 16 oz. Cans, Monster Bush's Whole Chocolate Milk . Yogurt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 $ 8 oz. Cereal Country Delite Cereal Palmolive Cape Cod $ 9 9 oz.Kettle Assorted Gallon Buttermilk or Whole Buttermilk or 1/2Fritos ctn. Select 46 oz. Bottle,orSelect Varieties 255.3 oz.,oz. Select VarietiesVarieties Singles 7-8 oz., CookedFlavors Potato, 9 oz. Energy Drinks Gallon Beans 18 oz. Creamy Crunchy Dutch Farms 15 Lb. Dannon Okios Country Delite Cheese Curls, 1/2 Gallon Milk . . .42 . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bean Diamond ¢ 9 oz. Cheese Puffs, Dish Detergent Asst. Flavor $ Chips 99 Redea. $ 12 8 oz. Assorted Shredded or ChunkMonster Asst. Flavors 15 oz. Cans, 128 oz. V-8 Palmolive Cape Cod 128 oz. Country Delite $ lb. 11 oz. Tortilla Chips or 10-15 oz. Pretzels Essential Everyday Shoppers Value Yogurt .............. Shoppers Value Dairy Sweet Brand .... Cream Cheese Bar .Drinks...... . . . .. . . . . .16$oz.1Bag49Whole Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gallon Citrus, Tropical Punch or Mango . $ 22Tea oz.. . Non 16 oz. Bag 12-17.3 oz. Pkg. Select Varieties Chunk Cheese Essential Everyday Sweet Java 22Shoppers oz. NonChips Dairy Essential Everyday Sweet Juice . . . . . . Dish Detergent Asst. Flavor 1 Quart Value TampicoChocolate Milk Pillsbury Peanut Butter 49 Gallon Citrus, Tropical Punch or Mango Dog Food . . . . . 16 oz. Cheddar or Mozzarella $ 39 $ Dairy Fresh Gallon Buttermilk or Whole Buttermilk Essential Shoppers Value$ 66 Grands! Biscuits Pickle Relish. .or. . . . Shoppers Essential Everyday Gallon Everyday FD 012113- Page 1 32 oz. $ 99 Pickle Relish or Tampico ............... Snacks Value . . . Essential . . . . Everyday 1/2 Country Delite Shredded Cheese . . . . 2 RedJuice 12 oz. Half n Half . . . . . . . . . . Diamond 11.5 oz. Classic or French $ Roast70 Honey Nut Toasted Oats,
Sugar Crunch 20 oz. 8Hunt's oz.Raisin Bran or
Golden Flake
NutorToasted Oats, 5Honey Lb. Self-Rising Plain Sauce oz.Pasta Bottle, Select Varieties 2032 oz. Raisin Bran or
oz. 16 oz. Medium Hot or Pinto Chili 8Beans,
16 oz. M
Ă&#x2C6; Âź| Ă&#x160;Â?Ă Âą American Cheese Singles 4 oz. $ Essential Everyday Everyday Sweet $ Essential 99 Juice 4 Lb. Large Salad Cubes Essential 64 oz. 16 oz.Small SelectorVarieties Cubes Gallon Assorted Flavors $ 16Dutch 49oz.Everyday . . . . . . . . Essential . .8 .oz.. .Assorted . Everyday . Varieties $ 72 Sweet Brand Tea .... Shredded Cheese . . . . 4 pk.Worcestershire CarollSweet Shelby. .Salad 0 Oà ´ŸÂ?Â&#x2030;b¹´¥ 16 oz. Assorted Flavors Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crystal Farms $ 57 $$ 39 19 Hamburger Dill FarmsEssential Everyday enter 128 oz. C $ 64 g $ 12 Music City in â&#x20AC;˘ GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE â&#x20AC;˘ p Shoppers Value Ground Coffee . p 8 oz. Swiss Cheese . . . . . 2ate1SQuart Sauce ho Cheese Singles Everyday $ 2 orGallon Homestyle Assorted Flavors Shredded or Chunk American $ 99 $Buttermilk Chili MixCitrus, . . . .Tropical . . .Chunk $ 49 Gallon Better . . . Super Chill. . .Gallon French Onion Dip 16 oz. Pkg. n' Eggs . . .1 .lb.. .Pkg. 128 oz. Select Varieties. . .
8Â&#x2020;Â&#x2020; ÂźÂ?Essential Fresh Punch orSlices Mango. . . . . . . . . . . East G Dairy Country Delite Chunk Cheese ... Fruit ADE . . . . . . . . . . Apple Juice . . $ City 1 lb. Pkg. Dutch Farms 5419 oz. Music Box Pepperoni, Ham 8 oz. Dog Treat Biscuits Chunk Cheese . . . . . . Chunk. .Cheese . . . . . Essential 4 pk. 16 oz. Assorted Cruz Soft 8 oz. Flavors $ 09 Sunny Delight 59 oz. Select Juice Varieties $ 26 WE HAVE CREDIT CARD MACHINES 8 oz. Assorted Varieties 54 oz. Box Pepperoni, Ham Simply Orange Juice Tampico 20 oz. Everyday Biscuits Fresh Frozen Swiss Cheese 16 oz. Cheddar or Spring Mozzarella n Half . . . . . . . . . . 8 oz. Natural Slice Dutch Farms Cheese Shoppers Value 24 oz. . . . . . . . 2 Half Essential Everyday & Cheese, Meatballs & Water . Taco Tortillas Buttermilk or Homestyle 8YĂ&#x2021;b¹Ÿ ´bÂĄ 3/$ Drinks ¢ Gallon Fresh Frozen $ 90 Shredded or Chunk Fruit ADE . . . . . . . . . . $ 99 Essential Everyday 45 oz. AVAILABLE IN ALL LOCATIONS. & Onion Cheese, Meatballs $ 128 99 Varieties . . . . .$. 16 Colonial $ 09 French . . .& Bullsboro 16 & Sauce . . . . . .Chunk Country Delite Juice .49 .oz.. .Pkg. . .Red. .Gold. 24 oz., Assorted Drive Orange Juice Shredded .â&#x20AC;˘. .Newnan, . .Dutch . . . Cheese ¢. oz. Essential Everyday . . . . 30263 Swiss Cheese $. . . .99 . . . Mozzarella, Philly Steak Hot .Sunny . .oz.. Select FarmsGeorgia 96 oz. . . . Dip Cheese . . . Philly . . 124 $ 89 Cruz Soft Mozzarella, Steak &Essential Delight .Chocolate . Farms Milk . . . . . . $ $ CheeseGallon or 49.5 oz. Box Side Old Fashion Bread . Provolone Cheese .. ..... .. 1 .Dutch Everyday Biscuits 8 oz. Swiss 100 Ct. Tagless 16 oz. Pre-Priced $3.29 59 oz. Ketchup . . . . . Natural Slice Cheese Essential Everyday Taco Tortillas Drinks Cheese or 49.5 oz. Box Side Spread Bowl Margarine Country Delite Gallon Assorted Flavors Shoppers Value 16 oz.Cheese Burgers Essential Everyday French Onion Dip ... 45 oz. Cry stalMONDAY Farms FD 012113_2 Florida's 8:00 Natural a.m. $ 81 $ Shot 89Mini THROUGH SATURDAY 10:00 p.m. â&#x20AC;˘ SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9:00 p.m. $ 45 $ 19 58 Value 32 oz. Pkg. 1 lb. Bag. $ Shoppers Provolone Cheese .... Music Essential Everyday Shot Mini Cheese Chunk ..... Dishwashing Liquid 8 oz. 18 Essential oz. CornEveryday Flakes, 12.5 oz. 8 oz. 32 oz. Pkg 16 oz.City Seasoned1 lb. or Bag. Light Kidney Beans, Chocolate Milk . . . . . . Amerian Singles . .$.Burgers . . 99 Orange Juice .oz..Fresh .Natural . . . rights .Cheese .Frozen Bleach . . . . Hot Pockets Crinkle Cut or Regular FD 012113_2 Prices Effective January 21, 2013 Through January 27, 2013. Quantity reserved. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors. 8 Slice Dutch Farms Dutch Farms Tea Bags . . . . . 16 oz. Medium Hot or Pinto Chili Beans, American Nut Toasted Oats, Hot Spread MargarinePockets $ 15 1/2 GallonHoney 4 Pk. ctn. Select VarietiesBowl Crinkle Cut . . .Frozen .15. .oz.. .Black . . Beans, Essential Everyday Fresh 16 oz. ADE Garbanzo Beans, $ 09 Fruit 20 Cheese oz. Raisin Bran or $ 29 Essential Everyday French Onion Dip ... $ 73 Cream Cheese Bar . . . . . 15 Lb. 8 oz. Spaghetti or Elbow Macaroni Swiss Cheese . . . . . . . . 16 oz. Red Beans, 16 oz. Large or Baby Butter 8 oz.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Essen oz. Frosted Whole 15-17 Chocolate Milk Flakes . 8 oz. Yogurt Gallon . Beans or 15 oz. Seasoned Black Beans Singles 16-16.8 oz. pkg. Select Varieties 16 oz. Pre-Priced $3.29 Natural Slice 1/2 Gallon Buttermilk or Whole Buttermilk Dutch Farms Shoppers Value 5.3 oz. ctn. Select Varieties Essential Everyday $ 15 1/2 Gallon Gallon Essential Everyday Delite 4 Pk. ctn. Select Varieties Value Essential Everyday 16-16.8 oz.Shoppers pkg. Select Varieties Cry stal Farms 1 lb. Country Delite Bush's $ 89 $Country Country Delite BlueBar Bunny. . . . . ¢ $ $ 99 Red Diamond $ 12 YogurtCream $Bag 29 73 Cereal Cheese Provolone Cheese . . . . 1 1 lb. Bag . . . . . . Cat Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Pasta . . . . . . . . Blue Bunny Sweet Brand Tea . . . . 2 Chocolate Milk Whole Chocolate MilkFD 012113_2 . 2Frozen Fresh Amerian Singles . . . . . Yogurt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tomato Sauce Beans $ 88 $ 09 12-17.3 oz. Pkg. Select Varieties $ 99 Cadbury Bars . . . . . . 1/2 Gallon Buttermilk or Whole Buttermilk <PM 6M_VI
SMRK ]Sor Mozzarella 16 oz. YV JEZSCheddar VMXI VI WXEYVERX Essential Everyday )$0,/<
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013 | MyConnection 3
Recipe Connection
Continued from Page 1 you find yourself intimidated or simply don't know where to begin, hire a personal trainer. Many charge by-the-session, so you can learn which machines to use and how to use them after a session or two and then continue working out on your own. If joining a gym
Lobster Salad with Asparagus Herb Mayonnaise
Pan-Seared Cod Fish
Yield: 4 servings 4 6-ounce filets black cod, skin on 4 sprigs fresh thyme, roughly chopped 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil Kosher salt Pinch of cayenne pepper Pat fish dry with paper towels and season on both sides with thyme, 1/2 teaspoon salt and pinch of cayenne. Heat butter and olive oil in large non-stick skillet over medium high heat. When butter is melted, add fish, skin side down, and cook until skin begins to get crispy and golden, about 5 minutes. Turn fish and cook until golden and firm, about 3 to 5 minutes, spooning some of the butter over filets to keep moist. To serve: Mound mashed potatoes onto four serving plates. Place fish diagonally over mashed potatoes. Spoon tapenade over fish and top each with a slice of bacon.
White Bean and Olive Tapenade
Yield: 4 servings 1/4 cup thinly sliced red onion 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 14-ounce can white beans, drained and rinsed 1 anchovy, optional 1/3 cup oil cured black olives, roughly chopped 1 small orange or lemon, 2 tablespoons juice, 1 teaspoon zest 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper Soak onions in cold water. Heat olive oil in a large non-stick skillet over medium to high heat. Add beans and anchovy, and cook without stirring until beans begin to fry, about 5 minutes. Add olives, juice and zest. Stir and continue to cook until beans become golden and slightly crispy, about 5 more minutes. Drain onions and squeeze dry. Turn off heat, stir in onions and parsley and season with salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Set aside until ready to serve.
Yield: 4 servings 1/2 pound thin asparagus, tough stems removed 1/4 cup chopped mixed fresh herbs, such as chervil, parsley, tarragon or chives 1/3 cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons champagne or sherry vinegar 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 2 tablespoons walnut or hazelnut oil 2 1 1/4-pound lobsters, steamed, tail and claw meat removed from shell 4 cups mixed baby lettuce Juice of 1 lemon Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper Prepare large bowl of ice water, and set aside. Bring shallow pan of salted water to a boil. Add asparagus and blanch until bright green and just tender, about 2 minutes. Remove and plunge into ice water bath to stop cooking, reserving asparagus water. Once asparagus is chilled, remove from ice water bath, pat dry and set aside. Place herbs into blender and puree with 2 to 3 tablespoons reserved asparagus water until smooth. Whisk mayonnaise with pureed herbs and 1/2 the lemon juice. Then season with salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Whisk vinegar, mustard and remaining half of lemon juice together in large bowl. Slowly whisk in walnut or hazelnut oil until smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste, and set aside. Slice lobster tail into 1-inch pieces. Cut asparagus in half on diagonal. Add sliced lobster, asparagus and baby lettuces to dressing and toss gently to coat. Spoon herb mayonnaise onto 4 plates in a circular pattern. Divide lobster evenly over plates. Place asparagus around it; mound salad greens in center of each, and top each with lobster claw.
as a new member, the gym might offer a couple of complementary personal training sessions. If so, take full advantage of this offer. When beginning a new exercise regimen, don't forget to let caution reign until your body has adjusted to this healthy lifestyle.
Resume Continued from Page 1 quickly find the information that matters most to the position. Using an unusual format could cause some of your accomplishments to get lost in the jumble. Make it as simple as
possible for the hiring manager and stick with a traditional format. So take good care of your resume. It is the first step to landing the job you want.
Crispy Bacon Mashed Potatoes
Yield: 4 servings 1 pound Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled and quartered 4 slices bacon 1/2 cup half and half, warmed 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted Freshly grated nutmeg Kosher salt and freshly ground white pepper Place potatoes in large pot of cold salted water. Bring to a boil over high heat; reduce heat to medium and continue to boil until potatoes are fork tender, about 15 minutes. Turn off heat and let potatoes rest in hot water for 5 minutes. Drain, reserving 1 cup of the starchy water. Meanwhile, place bacon in large cold skillet. Turn on heat and cook until crispy, turning once, about 7 minutes. Drain bacon on paper towels, reserving bacon fat. Warm half and half slightly over medium heat in the same pot potatoes were boiling in. Add potatoes and 1 tablespoon reserved bacon fat. Using potato masher, mash potatoes until smooth. Add melted butter and season with a pinch of nutmeg, salt and freshly ground white pepper to taste. Cover to keep warm while fish cooks.
Tips When Buying Fish Look for vibrant flesh. All fish fade as they age. If the fillet still has skin, that skin should look as pristine as the skin on an equally good whole fish – shiny and metallic. Smell it. The smell test is especially important with fillets. They should have no pungent aromas. Is there liquid on the meat? If so, that liquid should be clear, not milky. Milky liquid on a fillet is the first stage of rot. Press the meat with your finger. It should be resilient enough so your indentation disappears. If your fingerprint remains, move on.
Wild Web Continued from Page 1 celebrity news, for example. Designate meal times as “device-free” zones, and make a point of letting your kids see you setting aside your devices. n As a family, make a list of Internet house rules. Include the types of sites that are acceptable and those that are off limits, time allowed on the Internet, and guidelines for sharing information online.
Monitor Mobile Usage A lot of time is spent on the phone — and most of it isn’t actually talking. n “Just looking at your data usage each month can be a wake-up call,” says Kinsey. Go through your monthly statement as a family so you can see exactly how much time you are spending connected. This can help you determine reasonable limits on texting, Web browsing, game playing and consuming music. n Most mobile data plans have parental controls available that will let you limit when kids can text or call, filter Web browsing, block picture messaging and block unknown phone numbers. This can help you put some limits on when your kids can go online, and keep them safer while doing so.
Manage Email More Effectively You don’t have to get buried in an avalanche of junk email, nor do you have to answer every email sent to you. n Use your filters. Email filters can automatically detect spam, send junk to the trash folders, help you keep track of messages relating to specific tasks or coming from certain people. Learn how to use your filters and you will simplify your inbox (and life) in an instant. n Unsubscribe frequently. Whenever you type your email address into an online form, you’re agreeing to get messages. “If you don’t read that newsletter, don’t shop at that store, or don’t care about those updates, follow the directions for unsubscribing,” says Kinsey. Do this fairly regularly and you should see your inbox get smaller. With the right plan, you can tame the wild, wild Web and break free from information overload. And that will go a long way toward getting — and keeping — your family connected to each other.
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Offer good for one item at regular price only. One coupon per customer per day. Must present coupon at time of purchase. Offer is not valid with any other coupon, discount or previous purchase. Excludes all custom orders, labor, gift cards, CRICUT® products, Tim Holtz® Vagabond™ Machine, special orders, rentals or class fees. A single cut of fabric or trim “by the yard” equals one item. Online fabric & trim discount is limited to 10 yards, single cut. Cash Value 1/10¢.
4 MyConnection | Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Parenting Connection
The Parent
ConNection What you can do to improve your child’s education Family Features
new study of the American family’s “passion points” from Just Kids, Inc. reveals that most families (45 percent) agree schools and education are their top priority. Yet, parent involvement in their children’s education is at an all-time low. According to studies by the National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education, students whose parents are involved in their education are more likely to:
that parents can contact, students have multiple teachers who don’t know them that well. “Of all the choices we as parents will make in our lifetime, decisions about our children’s education are among the most important,” says Rose Fernandez, parent advocate and founder of the National Parent Network for Online Learning. “Schools need to do more to get parents involved and parents need to raise the bar on what they expect of their schools, the teachers and themselves.” Fernandez says schools that succeed in engaging families from diverse backgrounds share three key practices:
n Earn higher grades and test scores. n Enroll in higher-level programs. n Pass their classes and be promoted. n Attend school regularly. n Adapt well to school, have better social skills, and even show improved behavior. n Graduate and pursue postsecondary education. While parental involvement during the elementary school years is fairly strong, it tends to drop off dramatically when those children go on to middle and high school. There are several reasons for this:
n Focus on building trusting, collaborative relationships among teachers, families and community members.
n Many parents feel that their children should do their homework alone, or that if parents aren’t experts in a subject matter, they shouldn’t try to help.
n Recognize, respect and address families’ needs, as well as class and cultural differences.
n Middle and high schools tend to be bigger than elementary schools, and less personal.
“If a school district doesn’t establish parental involvement as a priority, if it doesn’t define what it means, then parents need to take action,” suggests Fernandez.
n The structure of the school day can also be a problem for parents — instead of one teacher
n Embrace a philosophy of partnership where power and responsibility are shared.
The ABCs of Parent Involvement
If you want to be more involved in your child’s education, but aren’t sure how, try implementing these ABCs.
A Ask — Ask children specific questions about the school day. What projects are they excited about? What did they learn in a particular class? How did they feel? What were the highs and lows of the day? Ask, and then really listen to their answers. Advise — You can’t do homework for them, but you can help them establish a study routine, figure out how to use their time wisely and organize their notes, papers and supplies. Show them how to break large tasks into smaller ones so they won’t be overwhelmed. And you can help them figure out how to research and get answers for themselves. Advocate — You know your child better than anyone. If you see that your child is struggling — or isn’t challenged enough — you can talk with teachers and counselors to get the help or additional resources they need.
Build Relationships — Get to know the teachers and administrators at your child’s school. Build relationships with other parents, and get involved on committees that affect the school. You can be a much stronger advocate for your child if you have relationships with the people involved in their education.
Ask the Right Questions n Find
out about teacher expectations of student performance. What percentage of the grade comes from tests, homework and class participation? n Find out about the school’s stance on communication with parents. Are there regular check-ins with your child’s teacher, either in person or via email? Is parental involvement in the education process welcomed or discouraged? n Find out how individual learning needs are met. Are there individualized education plans for students who struggle? How are the needs of gifted students met? Are there paraprofessionals available in class?
subjects not offered locally. n Resolving scheduling conflicts. n Retaking courses to catch up with peers, build self-esteem, and graduate on time. n Taking language classes not available at the local school.
Other Options to Help Your Child Succeed Traditional brick-and-mortar education isn’t always the best fit for every student. The National Center for Education Statistics reported that school districts across the country had an estimated 1,816,400 enrollments in online education courses for the 2009–2010 school year. Whether it’s for a single course or full-time enrollment, there are several reasons parents choose online learning for their children: n The option to take AP and Honors courses. n Filling an academic void with art, music or other vital
Create Space — Make sure your child has an appropriate place and environment in which to study. There needs to be room to spread out books, good lighting, and necessary tools such as diction aries or calculators. Some students need a very quiet environment while others do better with some background noise. Suit the study space to your child. Challenge — Don’t let your child settle into “cruise control” and do just enough to get by. Find out what he or she is interested in and challenge them B to stretch their minds in that subject. If your school Balance — Schoolwork is important, but it’s equaldoesn’t offer a subject your child would like to ly important that students learn how to study, or if the classes aren’t sufficiently challenglead a well-rounded and balanced life. Encourage ing, consider other options such as an online course your child to join a club or sport, or participate for enrichment or extra credit. in other extra-curricular activities. After-school Communicate — Keep the lines of communication activities can help their academic and personal open with your student and your school. Make sure development. your child knows your expectations — and when Be Proactive — Getting involved early in the you are proud of his or her efforts and achieveschool year can help head off some potential probments. Stay on top of school communications tools have ...and Radiation Oncology Services knows patients shouldn’t lems. But if problems do arise, don’t wait to take such as newsletters and bulletins. Go to parentto and travel excellent In fact, all about action. Initiate dialogue with your child withfar for teacher confcancer erences,care. and make surewe youknow have conthe teacher or counselor so that together you can tact information for teachers and counselors at the combining compassionate care with state-of-the-art technology in school. find the best solution.
Faith Speaks...
Make this confession of faith based on Psalm 62 and watch your mighty God go to work on your behalf!
I find rest in God alone. My salvation comes from Him. He is my Rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken. My hope comes from Him. My salvation and my honor depend on Him. HE IS MY MIGHTY ROCK, my refuge. I trust in Him at all times. I pour out my heart to Him. No situation in my life takes my Father God by surprise. Though everything around me is changing, my mighty God – my Rock – never changes. He is my source of help and strength. And He will never leave me alone. He is right beside me – leading and guiding me – so I always make right decisions. I always take the right steps, and there is no difficulty I can’t come through! God is a big God, and He always takes care of me!
Newnan, GA
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90 Millard Farmer Ind. Blvd.
Coweta’s Choice For Local News
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Cancer Knows Many Faces
Print and Digital Editions Focus on Education Outstanding Special Olympian honored — page 1D
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Town Hall
Newnan, Heritage try to keep seasons alive in state playoffs - page 6A
147th year — Issue 124
5 Sections, 58 Pages
Established 1865
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Crane talks issues — see page 8A
ISSN. NO. 0883-2536
Newnan, Georgia
$1.25 Sunday edition
Coweta’s Local Daily
New Piedmont Newnan opens Tuesday By ALEX MCRAE Piedmont Newnan Hospital officially opens Tuesday at its new campus at 745 Poplar Road. But before that can happen the aging facility on Hospital Road must be officially closed. It’s not a process that happens with the flip of a switch or wave of a magic wand. Moving from the old facility to the new is actually a balancing act that requires keeping both facilities open for more than a week as people, equipment and procedures underPhoto by Jeffrey Leo go a transition that allows no for error. There was activity Friday at the new Poplar Road campus of Piedmont Newnan Hospital, set to offi- room It’s not a process anyone cially open Tuesday. On Friday, outpatient radiology procedures began at the new hospital and the outpatient lab and respiratory center opened. The Poplar Road Command Center, from which the takes lightly. But, so far, the procedure is going smoothly final move will be overseen Tuesday, opened Friday during daytime hours.
a warm, friendly environment. . . close to home.
Cancer Knows Many Faces
Blessing event held at facility
and remarks from hospital officials make it clear they are ready to officially celebrate the opening of Georgia’s newest hospital on Tuesday at 745 Poplar Road beside Interstate 85. “We’ve waited a long time to be able to welcome patients to their new community hospital,” said Tim Stack, president and CEO of Piedmont
Hea lt hca re. “ We’re proud of the new facility and the expanded services we offer residents of Coweta County and the surroundRelated ing areas. The open- story, page of ing 5A the new Piedmont Newna n Hospita l is pa ramount to our vision of providing comprehensive, quality health care services across the Piedmont Healthcare system.” The final days of joint operation between the two facilities are scheduled down to the minute to make sure that essentia l ser vices offered at Hospital Road remain in place until those services are
See HOSPITAL, page 2A
Westmoreland hears concerns about energy regulations
By W. WINSTON SKINNER U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland toured CowetaFayette EMC’s north Coweta headquarters on Friday afternoon. His tour followed a meeting with CowetaFayette staff and directors about federal energy
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013 | MyConnection 5
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6 MyConnection | Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Health Connection
Winter Workout Tips Family Features
Just because the season has changed, it doesn't mean that you have to give up on your workout routine. Here are a few winter workout tips from Aaron Ruth, strength and conditioning coach. You can stay fit no matter what the temperature is outside.
Don't Skip the Warm Up In colder weather, your muscles are tighter, making them more prone to muscle pulls and strains. Spend a little more time warming up your body to help you avoid injury.
to the core, which can leave your hands, feet and ears susceptible to frostbite. Wear gloves, warm socks and a hat or headband.
Have a Post-Workout Refueling Plan - What you put in your body after you work out is just as important, if not more, than what you put in it before. After exercising, refuel and rebuild your muscles with essential carbs and protein.
Wear Sunscreen - It might be
cooler outside, but you can still get sunburned. Choose sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays, and has an SPF of at least 30. Don't forget to protect your lips with a lip balm that has sunscreen.
Vary Your Routine - Beat the winter workout blues by changing up your routine — and by having fun. Get the whole family moving by doing things together.
Coweta’s Greatest Generation The Newnan Times-Herald spent over a year highlighting the stories of surviving local World World II veterans in a project called “Our Greatest Generation.” This award-winning series presented the stories of over 120 local men and women and was a favorite of readers young and old. Since the series ended, we have had countless requests to reproduce this collection of stories so they may be preserved for future generations and enjoyed time and again in their entirety. We are pleased to announce the entire series has been published in a limited edition hardcover book with 288 pages that tell the stories and feature photographs of these proud men and women.
Stay Hydrated - When it's cooler outside, you generally drink less water — but when you exercise, you still sweat and lose fluids and electrolytes. Be sure to drink plenty of water before and during your workout to avoid dehydration.
Pick up your copy today at 16 Jefferson Street, Newnan, GA 30263
Dress in Layers - Exercising
Also available to order online at times-herald/store
generates body heat and sweat, and when sweat starts to dry in cold weather you can get chilled. Dress in layers that can be removed when you start to sweat. Start with a thin layer of synthetic material which will draw sweat away from your body. Then add a layer of fleece or wool, and top it all off with a waterproof and breathable outer layer.
Protect Your Extremities When it's cold outside, the body tends to concentrate blood flow
or fill out the form below and mail with your payment to: The Newnan Times-Herald c/o Book Order P.O. 1052, Newnan, GA 30264
A collection of stories from Coweta County’s WWII Veterans and The Newnan Times-Herald Solution to crossword on page 2
Harold Barron
Paul Deverick
Bill Dailey
Wendell Whitlock
Winston Clark
Elmer Spradlin
James McCalla
Robert Alexander
Horace Couch
Paul McKnight
J. T. Joiner
Don Lindstrom
Hugo Parkman
Clarence Boynton
Bob Newton
Charles Turner
Frank Moynahan
C. B. Warren
Everett Graves
Marvin O’Neal
Horace McMullan
Albert “Lee” Herrington
James Goodrum
Jack Wade
Bob Eatman
Alton Reeves
Eddie B. Bass
Joe Lowe
James Mansour
Merlin Houston
Joe Todd
Robert E. “Bob” Lee
James Robb
Robert Pittman
Coleman Yarbrough
Mickey Williams
Udolphus Daulton Payne
Tommy Thompson
Jimmy Carlisle
Bob Haynie
Homer Youngblood
Ed Wolak
Harold Barber
Patrick Ciandella
Bert Bray
Gene Cook
‘Flying the Hump’
Frank Cheney
Art Carlson
Sarah Rone
Harry Newton
James Maddux
D. M. “Hump” Humphries
Dan Moten
Helen Denton
E. R. Forsyth
Gilbert Taylor
Edwin Bean
Ed Wyrick
Ed Milton
Bill Barrow
Tom Miller
James Stitcher
Donald Van Houten
Robert Sanders
John Richards
Annual Report
James Warren
Sam Isaac
Bill Jones
Ford Boling
Bill Deakins
Roscoe McMichael
Bill Lowry
Leo Baker
Jimmy Nixon
Alton Kirby
Grover McMichael
Marvin Brittain
Arthur Dye
Robert Bridges
Cecil Taylor
David Mealor
William Tinsley
Alvin Warren
Ferrell Parrott
Al Lewis
James “Jim” Williams
& 2013 Business Plan
Walter Ferrari
William Smith
Walter Craven
Roy Pitts
Marvin Kee
Earl Smith
Norman Estes
Sisto “Sas” Radicchi
Robert Allen
Raymond Cook
Donn Murray
William Jackson
Clifford Wright
David Potter
John Finley
Tom Glanton
Eric Chaffin
Tom Norton
Tom Camp
Nelson Reinhardt
Leland Rogers
John Keeble
Lowell Chambers
Jack Humphrey
Bobby Hammond
Jesse Hayes
John Byrd
Edwin Fey
Jim Wasson
Bill Rainer
J. W. Hartley
Olin Watson
Zane Bristol
Adrian Daane
C. E. “Chunk” Dingler
Bruce Deakin
William Morris
Bob Taylor
J. T. Williams
Helen H. Tillett
Ralph Parks
Top 10 Story Headlines viewed online from Jan. 1-10 1.
One-car crash claims life of Sharpsburg teenager
Wreck on I-85 kills dad, sends eight family members to hospital
Wreck victim, 9, lives on through organ donation
Georgia Power seeks shut down of 3 plants, curtail operations at Plant Yates
Car slams into fire truck on Bullsboro
5. 7.
Victim in Peachtree City fatal fire identified
Man arrested following weekend beating with a pistol
No serious injuries in five-vehicle wreck on I-85
Peeping Tom suspect faces stalking charges
Maplecreek Drive home heavily damaged by fire Sunday night
Your online source for News, Information and Advertising in Coweta County.
to be published in
Wednesday, February 27, 2013 A link to the Annual Report will be provided to all Chamber members PLUS this section will also be published online for an entire year at with over 1.4 million page views per month! Extra copies will also be given to the Chamber. All links in your print ad will be clickable on the web edition.
Advertising Deadline: Friday, February 8, 2013 For advertising information call
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16 Jefferson Street • Newnan, GA • 770-683-1707
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TO OUR READERS The Newnan Times-Herald does not knowingly accept advertisements regarding employment which are not bona fide job offers. This newspaper is committed to providing a reliable source and marketplace for those individuals seeking employment. Be cautious when attempting to do business with any unknown person or company. Please analyze all advertisements carefully and use good judgment and common sense. This newspaper does not knowingly accept advertisements that discriminate or intend to discriminate on any illegal basis. Nor does this newspaper knowingly accept advertisements that promote illegal activities.
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Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Call: Aviation Institute of Maintenance
Bargain Buys $200-or-less
Bar Stools
Set of 6, solid oak, excellent condition, $125.
Antique garden bench, $75 OBO.
Reclining Chair
Hunter green, cost $500 at Macy's, very good condition, $150.
Disney Princess Electric Scooter
3 wheels, plays music, horn, includes charger. $50
/ Copier
Hewlett-Packard 750 printer, scanner, copier. Lift the flip top to easily copy books or brochures. Complete with 1 unopened color cartridge. $30
TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.
Mobile Homes For Sale
Investment Opportunity
4 mobile homes – 2, 2 BRs and 2, 3 BRs. Range from $3,500 to $6,000. Can stay in park. Owner financing.
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013 | MyConnection 7
MyConnection Sudoku Puzzle
TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.
Homes For Rent-Unfurn. Apts For Rent - Unfurnished
Newnan Luxury Rental Homes
Houses, townhomes, apartments All price ranges! As low as $499 770-683-1221 or 770-683-1199
FOR RENT: 3 BR, 2 BA Apt. 444 Jefferson St., $695
24HR info: 770-253-2300 office: 770-683-4807
Homes For Rent-Unfurn.
Manufactured Homes For Rent
3 & 4 BR
Ranch homes. 2-car garage. Thomas Crossroads area. $950 $999 / month. GRFA accepted.
OTR 10-14 days out. $1,000 Sign-on, Great Pay / Benefits! Well maintained equipment, great lanes.
3 BR, 2 Bath
Franklin area. $130/week, $460 move in. Range, refrigerator, DW, Central H/A.
Mobile Homes For Rent
Sudoku Solution
Mobile Homes
Starting at $100 per week. Newnan & Luthersville. Safe areas. Low deposit required 770-927-9276
Need some fast cash? Don’t put it in the attic, sell it in the classifieds!
770-318-8230 or 678-877-6184
3 BR, 1 Bath
2013 Directory
On 3 acres. Central Heat and Air, in Northgate school district. $795 / month.
4 BR, 2.5 Bath
newnan tax & accounting
Super clean, new paint, 2,000 + sq. ft., Northgate schools. Great price at $1,050 / month.
44 Greenville St. • Newnan, GA
introductory offer
New Clients Only Bring in your previous year’s return and receive: $35 OFF last year’s fee from any National Tax Firm
3 BR, 2 baths. Ivy Glen Subd. $800 / month
$50 OFF last year’s fee from any CPA Firm or
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Call 770-253-1576 to place your Tax Prep ad.
Daybed frame and hide -a-bed frame with 2 single, good clean mattresses. Can join to make a king bed. In Newnan. $125
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8 MyConnection | Wednesday, January 23, 2013