Thursday, November 14
Wednesday, January 9, 2013 November 13, 2013
at The Centre for Performing & Visual Arts
Rece iv Free e Gift Bag!
Doors Open at 5:00 PM Show Begins at 6:30 PM
Enjoy entertaining demos and learn step-by-step expert cooking techniques.
Published every Wednesday and delivered free by The Newnan Times-Herald
Check Out the Classifieds on Page 7
Tickets $10 at the door!
Junior League kicks off community Can-A-Thon The Newnan Junior Service League has begun work on its 30th annual Can-A-Thon for the Coweta Community Food Pantry. The 2013 Can-A-Thon public drive will be held with locations in downtown Newnan and the Goodwill service center at Thomas Crossroads on Dec. 3, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. — the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. Community members may drop off their cans or cash donations to representatives at both locations throughout the day, said Jr. League spokesperson Casey Perkins. Donations may also be made at any Coweta County school, and at Canongate Coweta County Golf Club. Most of the Coweta schools are having individual drives to support the almost three-decade-old community effort. “ T he New n a n Ju n ior Ser v ice League is very proud to continue our tradition of helping our community through the twenty-ninth year of our Can-A-Thon,” said NJSL Can-AThon chair Ginny Lambert. “Seeing our community come together, year after year, to help those in need during the winter months is something we should all be proud of. We hope
that we will continue to see the same high level of support from the Coweta community again this year.” The Newnan Junior Service League has worked for a number of years with the Coweta County School System, The Heritage School, local businesses and civic organizations, to develop the county’s largest annual food drive. “The impact that this Can-A-Thon has on our community is amazing,” said Andrea Newton, NJSL president. “The League is deeply appreciative of the support we have received each year from those who come out and donate, who volunteer, and who contribute through their schools. We are truly honored to be in a position to organize this event that makes a difference in the lives of so many.” For more i n for m at ion on t he New na n Junior Ser vice Leag ue, including how to support its fundraising efforts for the Coweta community, visit Newnan Junior Service League is an organization of women committed to enhancing the quality of life in Coweta County through dedicated service, volunteering and leadership.
Photo by Sharon Sherlock
These Newnan High School seniors took a dif ferent take on trick- or-treat this Halloween items for the 2013 NHS Can-A-Thon effort. From left are, front, Mindy Griffith — Senior Class Societ y president and Homecoming queen, Aaron “AJ ” Young — Senior Class and National president, Tiffanie Sherlock, Morgan Garner; and back, standing, Hunter Kaplan, Ashley Sherlock
Emeritus senior, 91, wins holiday card art contest
i n s i de
ct Pierog ies Pesto, Bu ffalo & m ore! ➤ PA GE 3
By Bradley Hartsell
Alexander Von Hesiter, a 91-year old artist, looks at a scrapbook of old pic tures and his pas t paintings.
The things you notice about the Von Heisters’ Emeritus Senior Living apartment are the art hanging on the wall and the history books on the shelf. For Al Von Heister, the love of history and art have been intertwined for most of his 91 years. Born in 1922 in Düsseldorf, Germany, Von Heister’s family immigrated to the United States in May 1927. “That was the same time [Charles] Lindbergh was flyi n g ove r. We m u s t h a ve crossed paths on the way,” said Von Heister. Alexander “Al” Von Heister served in the Air Force in World War II, where his affinity for airplanes really developed. He began sketching them and eventually began painting in earnest after the war. His art talent paid homage to his great-grandfather and great uncle, who were famous for their art, Andreas a nd Oswa ld Achenbach , respectively. Andreas Achenbach received the medal of first class in Paris in 1855 with “The Chambers Biographical Dictionary,” noting "he was regarded as the father of 19th century German landscape painting." Al Von Heister took inspiration from his accomplished family and began painting landscapes from his travels in the war. One painting on display in the living room is of the Hong Kong harbor. The winning holiday card he painted is from a photograph he took in Rothenberg, Germany, a medieval town. He says he finished the painting about a year ago and then submitted it, along with more than 200 other Emeritus residents from all over the country.
and collec ted food and National Honor Honor Societ y vice and Tavaris Johnson.
BELOW Al Von Heister’s winning holiday card for Emeritus Senior Living center ’s national ar t contest. The painting is of Rothenburg, Ger many, decorated for Christmas.
Five winners were selected and are displayed on Emeritus’ website. Von Heister’s card depicts a snowy building-front during Christmas. The wreath on the door, glowing entry lamp, and window above the door spark a warmness that pushes away the pretty but bitter snow. Mr. Von Heister and his wife of 44 years, Roselynn, lived in LaGrange for many years before coming to Emeritus Senior Living in Newnan a year ago. He retired from Delta after 28 years, in 1987. In LaGrange, he had a studio and took a few art courses from Steve Close. Von Heister recalled Close setting up a table with folded clothes draped on it and colored jars stacked about. He turned to the class and said, “Now, paint that.” Other than those classes, which came much later in Von Heister’s life, he is self-taught. Roselynn Von Heister feels their love of travel and experiences in life have led to her husband’s impressive life in the arts. “I w ish ever yone cou ld travel,” said Mrs. Von Heister. “I think we wouldn’t have so many problems if everybody were more connected.” Perhaps their experiences — from
Pierogy Kebabs
Photos by Bradley Hartsell
Scotland to Al Von Heister’s beloved homeland — and rich historical background have contributed greatly to their gentle spirits and bubbling creativity (Mrs. Von Heister herself is a longtime seamstress). It ’s ea sy to i m ag i ne A l Von Heister leaving a warm impression on those around him, including the people he
interacts with on a daily basis at Emeritus. “We are astounded by Al’s talent and creativity, and we are thrilled that his work was chosen for the Emeritus card,” said Annette Fields, executive director. “Al is a treasured member of the community. He constantly delights us with his great talents.”
As the temperature begins to drop, it’s the perfect opportunity to gather your circle of friends and bring the entertainment indoors. Whether it’s game day or the season finale of your favorite TV show, these dishes and delectable wine pairings will make any casual get-together that much more memorable ... and delicious. From f i nger food s to sat i sf y i ng mea l s , piero gies are always a hit. Flavorful whipped potatoes combi ned w it h ta st y add ition s , l i ke chedda r cheese and onion, are gently folded into a pasta shell to create the perfect canvas for your favorite ingredients and spices. Dishes like Buffalo Pierogies and Pierogies Pad Thai are perfect for a crowd, whether you’ve planned ahead or are having an impromptu gathering — just be sure to keep a few boxes of pierogies in your freezer. With pierogies and wine, no matter the occasion, you’re guaranteed a relaxing and tasty time.
2 MyConnection | Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Newnan pancake breakfast & arts and crafts show Northgate High School November 16 Breakfast: 9:00–11:00 a.m. Arts and Crafts: 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
1. Trigonometry ratio 6. *It offers three games on • Monday, Nov. 18 , 2:30 • Monday, Nov. 25, 10 a.m.Thanksgiving p.m.- Home & Hearth: Deck- Family Thanksgiving Craft 9. Beauty salon sound ing Your Halls for the Holidays. Program – space limited. 13. Throat dangler An encore presentation by pop- • Monday, Nov. 25, 2 p.m.14. Chapter in history ular home staging professional Family movie “Curly Sue,” 15. Connect by dialing Shelley Harsin. Learn the latest r ate d P G , st a r r i n g Ja me s 16. An episode of "The Brady Belush i, Kel ly Ly nch , a nd 10-15 lb. Average Weight in this year’s home fashion and Sugardale Bunch," e.g.10-15 lb. Average Weight Sugardale decoration to enhance your Alisan Porter. Refreshments 17. Boozehound *OUR COST INCLUDES FREIGHT, STOCKING FEES, served. holiday season. *OUR COST INCLUDES FREIGHT, STOCKING FEES, 18. Sty sounds AND ASSOCIATED EXPENSES. • Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1 p.m. - • Tuesday, Nov. 26 - SesAND ASSOCIATED EXPENSES. 19. Edit for publication sions at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. “Downton Abbey” program 21. *Thanksgiving cause for celebration Make a Thanksgiving bracelet. sponsored by the New na n 23. Tokyo, formerly Designed for ages 5-12. Limited Carnegie Library Foundation. 24. Done to a heart? to first 10 registered for each This is a paid ticket event of 25. Loquacious person's gift session. $20 per person, which includes 28. Medicinal house plant • Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2:30 prog ra mSelect a nd tea . Li m ited 10-14.4 oz., Varieties 30. Be owned by p.m.- A Writers’ Exchange. 76 oz. Mac & Cheese, 57 oz. Birds Eye seating. 35. *You don't want turkey cooked Writers of all level of skill Chicken Alfredo or Lasagna 5-6.5 oz. Box, Select Varieties 12 oz. 12-14.4 oz., Select Varieties • Thursday, Nov. 21, 2:30 and interest or 61.37 oz. 5 Cheese this way Mr. P’s Mary Hill continue to work Banquet Stouffer’s p.m. - “Gentle Yoga.” Certified from Donald 37. *Running all day? Maass’ book and instructor Elizabeth Dorsey related workbook, “Writing the 39. Mekong or Zaire 34. *Meal topper DOWN guides gentle yoga floor exer- Breakout Novel.” 40. Jack-in-the-pulpit, e.g. 36. Arab ruler 1. Mutt U.S.D.A. Select Beef Family Pack cise for stress relief, flexibility, • Wednesday, Nov. 27, 10 41. Relating to birthFamily Pack 2. Ham radio ending U.S.D.A. Select Beef 38. Christening acquisition stretching and strengthening. a.m.Family movie “Arthur 43. ___ Scotia 3. "Absolutely!" 42. Washing sponge Wear comfortable clothes and Christmas.” Animated family 4. Circumvent 44. Shaped like a cone 45. Last resting spot 16 oz. Chunk 16 oz. Shredded shoes. For all levels of physical 5. *One of two countries celebrating fun, rated PG. Refreshments 8 oz. Asst. Flavors 46. Stretched ride 8 oz. Chunk 8 oz. Natural Sliced Asst. Flavors Cheddar or Mozzarella Chunk or Shredded Thanksgiving 49. Sigma ___ Epsilon ability. served. Everyday 47. Capital of Ukraine Everyday Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Essential Essential 6. *It fills once again on Turkey Day 51. Everyday 48. Catch in a snare 7. "To" follower 50. Vegas glow 54. Ticked off 8. Wood turning device 52. Brut, as in champagne All major carriers direct - Shop rates & apply online 56. Swelling 9. Gangster's blade 53. Type25-31.8 of carpetoz., Select Varieties WWW.GAHEALTHCOVERAGE.COM 1 Lb. Field Peas With Snaps 13-19 oz., 57. Select 10. "All or ____" End Vtoarieties hostilities Fresh Frozen) $ Authorized 12 Pillsbury Marie Callender’s John Williams, Jr. 55. Wicked Witch of the West to Dorothy 11. Signs ( 770 253-9283 Agent 58. Wrinkly fruit Pies Vegetables ......... Frozen Biscuits . .Exterminator's target Dinners or Pot Request Quote: 57. *Thanksgiving dessert ingredient . . .12. 1 Lb. Mixed V egetables, Sliced Carrots or V egetable 5 LaGrange Street • Downtown Newnan 19 oz. Bake in Pan Cinnamon or 48 oz., 36 Ct. White Dinner 28 oz. Hearty 359. MeatDemeanor or White Cheddar Macaroni Gumbo 15. Hotel employee 61. *Presidential act Rhodes Marie Callender’s 45 oz. Fresh Frozen $ 09 Surveyor's map. . . . . . Rolls . . . . . . . . . . . . .20.. Part of gastro-intestinal system Frozen60.Bakes 64. Quick EssentialVEveryday egetables . . . . .Buttermilk . . . .7.5oroz. 12 oz. American 16 oz. American Homestyle 7.5-10 oz., Select V arieties 8 oz. Natural 45 oz. Dutch Apple or 40Sliced oz. Razzleberry 22. Priestly garb 61. Blueprint 65. Toothpaste type 12 Ct. Any Size Package, FreshEssential Everyday Essential Select Everyday Essential Green Giant Marie Callender’s Essential Everyday Fresh U.S.D.A. U.S.D.A. Select Select BeefEveryday Any Size Package, Fresh Frozen $ 89 24. Get-together Boil in Bag Vegetables ... 67. "M*A*S*H" 62.U.S.D.A. Thor's father Select U.S.D.A. Beef Piesextra . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25.. *Followed with "amen" Southern Style Biscuits Quart 41 oz. Banana 69. Traction aid Cream, 28 oz. Chocolate Satin or Peanut Butter, 38 oz. Coconut 63. Typical start of workday Blue Bell 26. Packers' quarterback Cream or 39 oz. Lemon Meringue 70. Swedish shag rug Marie Callender’s Sherbet . . of. .the. beholder ....... 66. Part YOUR GO-KART SUPERSTORE! 27. Force of the blow 20.5-22.85 oz. Pies . West Wing's office 71. _____ acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29. Large Inventory • Custom Built Go-Karts 68. As opposed to "sin" in trigonometry Tombstone Original Line 10 oz. 72. Windshield option Parts &Asst. Service • Superior Customer Service 31. Clickable text 80 oz. Reg. or Crinkle 128 oz., Flavors, Reduced Fat Campione Asst. Pizza . . . . . . . . . Shopper’s Value 5 Lb. Bag 24 Reg. Roll Chimney or Shopper’s Value 73. Asian capital Bread . . . . .32. Solution on Page 7 1 Lb. Baby Lima Beans Garlic . .Shaped likeButtermilk an egg Cut Fries Ice Cream or White 12 Double Roll White oz. Beef or 48 oz. Bottle 74. Bowling10.25 alleys 33. "Never saySelf-Rising _____" © StatePoint Media
10% % PPLLUUSS 10
Farm Fresh Frozen Farm Fresh Frozen
45 45 1 HenTurkeys Turkeys Hen
Northgate soccer team will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast and Arts and Crafts show in the ninth grade cafeteria. The all-you-can-eat breakfast is $5. Northgate High School is located at 3220 Fischer Road, Newnan.
Info: 770-463-5585
‘Hearts that meet’ pow-wow Coweta County Fairgrounds November 16 11:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. This is a Native American Powwow to educate the students, parents, and community about Native American customs. All proceeds raised will go to a 14 year old dancer who had spinal surgery due to scoliosis.
Info: 770-254-2620
holiday open house Downtown Newnan November 17 1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Get an early star t on your Christmas shopping in downtown Historic Newnan. There will be Christmas spirit in the air. And an exciting time in Newnan with refreshments and in-store specials!
Info: 770-253-8283
Weather Connection
nov. 14-17
Newnan Carnegie Library November events
95 87 1
$ 99 Claxton Fresh Split $ 17 Claxton Fresh Split FryerBreast Breast Fryer Cheese
99 99
Shank Portion Portion Shank
Smoked Ham Ham Smoked
Steam Fresh Vegetables
$ 73 Boneless Boneless
Sirloin Steaks Swiss Cheese Swiss Cheese
3 That's Hometown Value!
$ 99 $ + 99 $ at 19 $7709 $ ¢ Our Cost 10%! Added the Register ¢ 2 1 2 2 1 lb. lb. 22 lb. 1 lb.
Georgia Health Insurance
$ 314 373 1 Spread Bowl $ 33 $ 13 1 FEES, AND 5 1 Provolone Cheese Cheese Singles *OUR COST Cheese Singles Biscuits Margarine INCLUDES FREIGHT, STOCKING ASSOCIATED EXPENSES. Bone-In U.S.D.A. Inspected Whole Boneless U.S.D.A. Inspected $ 27 $ 89 $5 $ 19 72 Whole$Boneless 99 2 $ 99 Bone-In 3/$ Ground Beef $ 53 BeefBriskets Briskets Chuck Roast Ground Beef $ 59 Beef 3 1 770-253-5374 $
1 1 25 $ $ 19 95 $ $$ 25 95 $ 4 Corn Bath Meal Gravy ¢ $ 49 Flour ¢ Tissue 2/ ¢ Oil 99 136 ADDED 99 $ OUR COST AT $ 10% ¢ PLUS $ 79 11REGISTER! $ 44
Aunt Jemima
10.5 oz. Mushroom, 16 oz., 8 Ct. Turkey or Chicken Buttermilk, Flaky or Butter Essential Everyday
Campbell’s lb. Essential Everyday Jumbo Biscuitslb. Cinnamon Rolls
69 1
Vegetable, Best Blend, Canola or Corn 16 oz. Essential QUALITYEveryday
8 oz.
White Lily Cream Cheese
Package AnyAny SizeSize Package
Angel Soft
5 Lb. Bag Select Varieties 8 oz., Reg. or Light Essential Everyday
8 Ct., 12.4 oz., Select Varieties
Wesson lb. Quarters lb. Margarine
Essential Everyday
Sour Cream
U.S.D.A.Select SelectBeef Beef U.S.D.A.
1 $ 25 199 ¢ 59 74
OceanMarket Market Ocean 20 oz. Cheese, Pepperoni or
Tilapia Boneless Tilapia Boneless ¢ Margarine $ 58 Key West Fries! Corn on the Cob Waffles Pizza Bites Traditional Pizza 62 Quarters Please visit our Cut website: Chillers 1 13-16.3 oz., Select Varieties 23 oz. Can, Decaf orFillets or Caffeinated London Broil Ground Chuck$ $75 3927.8-29.2 oz., Select Varieties London Broil Ground Chuck Fresh$ 99 Sugardale $ 39 ¢ $ Fresh Peter $ $Pan 43 3672 $ 73Folgers Simply Smooth Activia Folgers $ 15 Egg Nog 1 Fresh Fresh
12.3 oz. Buttermilk, Homestyle or Blueberry
59 oz. Carton Guava Nectar, Pineapple, Mango & Guava or Kiwi Strawberry
16 oz. Regular
Combination Imperial Spread
32 oz. Reg. or Crinkle Cut 8 Ct. 20.5-21.6 oz., Asst. *Our cost includes freight, stocking fees, andEssential associated expenses. Growers’ Pride Essential Everyday Everyday Essential Everyday
Essential Everyday
1 99 1 1 7 7 50 $ 94 $ 94 $ 1 1 1 942 7 1 Loin Loin Ham Ham $ 00 ¢2 $ 25 2 2 79 71 77 $ 98 77 $ 98 7 $61° 2 $ ¢ $ 99 $ 19 $ 59 ¢ 2 Fresh Fryer Royal Smoked Fresh Fryer You Could Win 48° 69 3 89 1 Backs Smoked 1 1 You Could 21Win 11 Royal 1 79 ¢1 $ 86 Backs&&Necks Necks 86 1 Neckbones 64 2 2 2 $1,000 $ 05 $1,000 +10%! Stock Our up for¢¢$the268Cost Holidays with the Essential Everyday Brand! $ 22 2 CASH! $ 32 $ 18 CASH! 1 5 68° 59° $ 39¢¢ ¢ ¢$ 29 Cheetos or Fritos Asst. Flavor Chips 99 88 1 6 88 $ 19 ¢ $ 39 69$ 19 ¢¢ $ 59¢ ¢ $ 99 ¢ ¢791 1 99 1 $174¢¢ ¢ 2 1 59 89 69 97 60 60
1 2 1 92 $$ 92
Essential Everyday
8 oz. Pkg. Chunk or Shreds
12 oz. American
4 Pk., 16 oz. Select Varieties
2 Quart
Country Delite
Peanut Butter ..... Yogurt Rib Or Half Cooked GroundRib Coffee Or ....Half Cheese Fully Cooked Ground Coffee .... Cheese 15.25 oz. box, SelectSingles Varieties $ 29 6 oz. Bottle $ 79 oz.54 Classic Decaf 1 Delite $22.6 Spiral$Sliced 58° Spiral Sliced Pork . . . . . .Pork ....... 1 Pillsbury $ 03 Crystal 54 2/ ¢ Folgers $ 21 lb. $ 21 lb. lb. Cake Mixes ....... $ 05 lb. lb. lb. Juice . . . . . . 3 38° Orange Dutch Farms
Dutch Farms
14.1 oz.
Ground Coffee ....
10 Pk., 21/2 oz. Gallon
102 oz.
©2013 WMMB, Inc.
Country Delite 33.9 oz. Classic Roast Essential Everyday Essential Everyday 16.5 oz. Chub, Chocolate Chip
Essential Everyday Aunt Jemima Whip Topping Yoplait Greek 5.3 oz. Ctn., Select Varieties
Corn on the Cob Folgers ¢ Nestlé
Shells $ Pie36
16-16.5 oz., Select Varieties
$ ¢ Nestlé lb. Cookies . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Post Maid $ Smart Balance $ 39 Minute Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal Orange Juice . . . . . . Spread . . . . . . . . . . . .
lb. Greek Yogurt
Yoplait Vanilla Cluster or 17 oz. Raisin Medley
45 45
59 oz. Carton, Select Varieties
13-15 oz., Select Varieties
1/2 Gallon
Country Delite
45 34
5.85-7.1 oz., Select Varieties
Country Delite 16 oz., Asst.
$ 89 Frozen $ Chicken the SeaTea ....... Vegetables Deep Pie ShellsofBrewed 2 lb. Pkg. $Sardines 05 Deans ............ $ 2 lb. Pkg. 2 Pk., 12 oz.
oz. In HotRed Sauce,Diamond Oil or Water Essential3.75 Everyday
Protein Bars ....... 4.87 oz. Donut House Light Roast Original or Decaflb. lb.fresco GreenTraseras Mountain Traseras y pescuezos de pollo y pescuezos de pollo fresco Medium Tier K Cups .. Essential Everyday *
40 Ct. 9 Inch
12 Ct.,164.02-9.31 oz., Select Varieties Sugardale oz. All Meat Sugardale 16 oz. All Meat
Foam 15 oz. Can Jumbo Green Mountain Jumbo Essential PlatesEveryday
Franks ........ Medium........ Tier K Cups Franks Pumpkin
Gallon, Citrus, Tropical Punch or Mango
Punch . . . . . . . . . . . . Gallon, Asst. Flavors
Music City
Fruit Ade . . . . . . . . . .
6 Ct. Rich Milk Chocolate or W/Marshmallows
(certain restrictions apply)
90 Millard Farmer Ind. Blvd. Newnan, GA
Never Again! Never again will I confess curses or bad luck, “for Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us; that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” Gal 3:13-14 Never again will I confess discontent, for I have learned, in whatsoever state (circumstance) I am, therewith to be content. Phillipians 4:11
America Must Stand with Israel! God is good all the time! The W. Reece Payton Co., Inc. 770-301-7012
Ham or Hot Mix Ham or Cocoa
Turkey................ Turkey
Jamon o pavo rebanado delgado, 2 onzas Jamon o pavo rebanado delgado, 2 onzas
Coming Nov. 29:
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18 oz. Corn Flakes, 12.5 oz. Honey Nut Toasted, 20 oz. Raisin Bran or 15 oz. Frosted Flakes
9.75 oz.
French Onion Dip 5 Lb. Bag, Self-Rising or All Purpose
12 lb.
6 oz.
32 oz.
Pie Crust
ea. ea.
Huesosdedepescuezos pescuezos ahumado, ahumado, 22 libras Huesos libras
Tub/Shower Cleaner . 12 oz. Original, Cheese or Butter Carolina Pride 12 oz.
Essential Everyday H!!Works The All Meat Meat H All Essential Everyday Instant Grits Bologna .... Toilet Cleaner ...... Bologna .... Marshmallows 10-10.5 oz. Carolina Pride 12 oz. Reg. or Mini
Bolona de toda carne, 12 onzas
Bolona de toda carne, 12 onzas 46 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties
V8 Fusion 16 oz. 16 oz.
Gwaltney Refreshers Juice .... Gwaltney
State State Phone Phone
Zip Zip
7 oz. 10 oz. Worcestershire
Carolina Pride 6 oz. Carolina Pride 6 oz.
9 oz. 9 oz.
Bologna.... .... Bologna
Sausage.......... Sausage
Bolona de toda carne, 6 onzas Bolona de toda carne, 6 onzas
8 oz. Chunk Tuna $ 26Light Dutch Farms
Five names will be drawn from each Five names will be Friday, drawnNov. from29th, each store location store location Friday,will Nov. 2013. Those names be 29th, sent into 2013. namesand willone be name sent into theThose main office will thebemain office andGrand one name drawn for the Prize.will That be drawn forwill thebeGrand Prize. That drawing held on Tuesday, drawing will2013. be held Tuesday, Dec. 2nd, The on winner will be Dec. 2nd, 2013.after The the winner will be notified drawing. notified after the drawing.
lb. $ .
French Onion Dip
The Works
Golden Flake Essential Everyday Essential Everyday TO WIN Toaster REGISTER $1,000 CAS REGISTER TO WIN $1,000 CAS Essential Everyday Graham Cereal Pastries
7 oz. Everyday 30Essential oz.Essential John Everyday Morrell
Meat All All Meat
5 oz. In Vegetable Oil or Water 16 oz.
$Chicken 70ofDutch Farms the Sea
11 oz. Frosted Assorted Flavors
Essential Everyday
Name Name Address Address
Flour ..............
5 oz.
32 oz. No Phosphorus
¢ John Morrell ¢ Condensed 14 oz.
Half & Half
12.25 oz. Honey Nut Cheerios, 11.5 oz. 13 oz. Reese’s Peanut Butter Puffs, 12 oz.Classic or French 12 Roast oz. 12 oz. 11.25 oz. Cookie Crisp or Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Kunzler 12 oz. Honey Kix Kunzler
John Morrell John Morrell
Salchicha, 9 onzas Salchicha, 9 onzas
Great Dogs Dogs Great 6.4 oz. Lasagna, 5.8 oz. Cheeseburger Gran Salchichas, 16 onzas Gran Salchichas, 16 onzas
oz. Non-Fat 15 oz.9.6Sweet Peas, 15.25 oz. Whole Macaroni, 6 oz. 3 Cheese, 5.6 oz. Essential Ev oz. French Style Kernel Corn or 14.5 John Morrell 12 oz.Stroganoff,54.7 Creamy 16 oz. oz. oz. Cheddar John Morrell 12 oz. Instant or Cut Green BeansEverydayCocktail Essential Essential Everyday Cheese or 5.5 oz. Cheese Lasagna 15Melt Ct. Red or Blue Cocktail Essential Everyday Powdered Saltines Tuna in Water Green Giant .... ... Hamburger... ....
91 91 Vegetables ¢ $99 99¢ ¢ 1 2/$ 95 95 1
¢ Coffee Evaporated PikNik Tasty Squeeze Mustard Sauce Ground Domino HotDogs Dogs Makers ....... Links General MillsHot Makers Tasty Links Salchicha, Milk 12 onzas Milk Sweet Mik Carnes....... de almuerzo, 2.6 onzas Salchicha pequeno sabroso,Milk 7 onzas Salchicha, 12 onzas Carnes de almuerzo, 2.6 onzas Salchicha pequeno sabroso, 7 onzas 4 Lb.Essential Everyday Lunch Lunch Evaporated
1 Helper $69 59¢ 58 1 ¢$$2 58 98 $ 68 $ 68
Smokies Smokies Party Plates Salchicha pequeno coctel, 12 onzas Salchicha pequeno coctel, 12 onzas
All Meat Thick Sliced or Steak All Meat Thick Sliced or Steak
McEver’s16 oz. McEver’s16 oz.
Bologna ........ Bologna
Sausage Sausage
Kunzler Kunzler
Smoked Smoked
Bolona de toda carne rebanado grueso o filete Bolona de toda carne rebanado grueso o filete
.... ....
Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas
59 ¢ 59 6 61 Apple Blends Juice 1 Casseroles . . .¢. . . . . . 1 $ 99For $ 69 $ 3349 Available For The Holidays! Available For The Holidays! Available The Holidays! $12 33 Vanilla Extract .... 1 Imitation Vanilla 79 Biscuit Mix .......... 1 Coca-Cola Honey Bear Honey $ Coca-Cola Wish-Bone Mueller’s $ 81 2/ ¢ Barilla $ 00 10.5 oz. Chicken Pot Pie, 8.9 oz. Shephard Pie or 11.1 oz. Chili W/Cornbread
64 oz., Select Varieties
Old Orchard We
2 oz. Pure
$HaveGift 70 Have Gift Certifi cates Gift Certificates Kraft Velveeta WeWe Have Certificates
Essential Everyday 8 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties
1 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties All Brands
40 oz.
Essential Everyday 9 oz. Gemelle W/Meat Sauce
Essential Everyday
Coca-Cola .......... $ 12 oz. .......... TacoCoca-Cola Seasoning Mix
$ 80
8 oz.
20 Pack, 12 oz. Cans Old 20 El Paso Pack, 12 oz. Cans All Brands
Essential Everyday Liter Bottle 16 oz.2Bottle, Select Varieties All Brands All2Brands Liter Bottle
Salad Dressing . . . . . 1 88 Ready Meals . . . . . . . 2 Coca-Cola 99 Coca-Cola $$ $ 55 $ 89 19 99 $ 19 $ 04 $ Spices $$193 62 62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/ ¢ 4/$ Chili No Beans 1 . . . . ¢1 Ready Meals . . . . . . . 2 1 1 1 Coca-Cola 299¢ Coca-Cola 99 1 59 $ 89 $321 89 $ $ 07 $ 04 Cooking Spray . . . . . 2 Kits38. . . . . . . . 2 Collard Dinner Yellowor Storage Bags ¢. . ¢2 Freezer 2/$ Collard Yellow 38 $$ 18 2/$ 18 $Squash 59 88 Sprouts 2/ ¢1 ¢ $ 49 Energy Drinks Energy Drinks $ 1 Sprouts 1 71 Squash 1 88 89 89 1 $ 18 Mashed 199¢ 2/$ 2/ Dinner Kit 49 Potatoes . . . 2/ 1$ 08 Soft Taco 99¢ . 2 $1 $ 03 Containers . . . . . . . . . 2 $ 69 NEWNAN Refried Beans . . . . . . 1 Body Wash 2/ . . . . . . . . ¢3 ¢ $ 29 $ 49 86 1 1 $ 99 70 $ 99 ¢ $ 39 $80 59 $ 09 $ Bath Tissue . . . .2 .... 5 59 1 1 Taco Shells . . . . . . . . 1 Homestyle Soups . . 1 $ 44 $ 09 Paper T owels . . . . . . 5 $ 29 $ 39 ¢ $ 20 Flour T ortilla Shells 1 ¢ Syrup . .99 ........... 2 2 1 Pasta . . . . . . . . . . .
15oz. oz. Can, Select Varieties 20
85 88 85 88 Mayonnaise ¢ Cereal Sugar2/$ $ ¢49 3/$ ¢ ¢ 82 ¢ ¢$99 79 ¢2 79 $ 18 $ 1991 70 1 97 97 2 1 70
5 oz. Armour 2.6 oz. 8 oz. Armour 2.6 oz. Essential Everyday
15 oz. Sweet Peas, Small Sweet Peas Essential Everyday or Mixed Vegetables
Southern Roots nursery gardens
F R E I G H T,
29 oz. Can
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Wednesday, November 13, 2013 | MyConnection 3
Recipe Connection
Pierogy Kebabs
(pictured on Page 1) Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 12 to 16 minutes Serves: 8 Wine pairing: Cabernet Sauvignon • 1 tablespoon olive oil • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder • 1 (12-ounce) box potato & cheddar mini pierogies • 1/2 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch pieces • 1/2 pound beef sirloin, cut into 1-inch pieces • 2 green bell peppers, peeled, cored, seeded and cut into 1-inch pieces • 2 red bell peppers, peeled, cored, seeded and cut into 1-inch pieces • 2 yellow and/or orange bell peppers, peeled, cored, seeded and cut into 1-inch pieces
Preheat broiler. Combine olive oil and chili powder in small bowl. Brush pierogies with chili mixture. Toss chicken chunks and beef chunks separately with salt and pepper to taste. Using six (6) 12-inch-long metal skewers, thread meat chunks, pierogies and bell peppers. Repeat with remaining ingredients. Broil skewers three inches from the heat source until meat, pierogies and peppers are cooked through (about 6 to 8 minutes per side). Serve with your favorite dipping sauce.
Pesto Pierogies Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 10 minutes Serves: 6 Wine pairing: Pinot Noir • 1 (8-ounce) package of cream cheese, softened • 1/4 cup prepared pesto • 1/4 teaspoon salt • 1 (12-ounce) box potato & onion mini pierogies • 1/3 cup roasted red pepper strips, well drained • 2 tablespoons pine nuts, toasted
In medium bowl, stir softened cream cheese, pesto and salt until well blended and smooth. Sauté pierogies as package directs. Arrange pierogies on large serving platter; top each pierogy with small dollop of pesto mixture. Top each with some roasted red pepper strips; sprinkle with pine nuts.
Buffalo Pierogies Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 18 minutes Serves: 4 Wine pairing: Pinot Grigio • 1 cup oil • 1/2 cup hot pepper sauce • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder • 1 (12-ounce) box potato & cheddar mini pierogies • Non-stick cooking spray • Blue cheese dressing • Carrot sticks • Celery sticks
Preheat oven to 400°F. Combine oil, hot sauce and chili powder; toss with frozen pierogies. Coat baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray and spread pierogies evenly on the baking sheet. Bake at 400°F for 16 to 18 minutes, or until pierogies are puffed and browned. For best results, turn over once halfway through bake time. Serve with blue cheese dressing, carrot sticks and celery sticks. Optional: Deep fry frozen pierogies in 350°F oil for 3 minutes or until golden brown, as directed on box.
Pierogies with Butter & Onions Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 10 to 15 minutes Serves: 4 Wine pairing: Chardonnay • 1 (16-ounce) box potato & cheddar pierogies • 1 cup sliced onions • 1/4 cup melted butter, margarine or olive oil
Place pierogies in boiling water; cook about 5 to 7 minutes. Meanwhile, sauté onions and butter in medium saucepan over medium heat. Place sautéed onions into large bowl. Add cooked pierogies and mix gently. Serve and top with sour cream, if desired.
Pierogies Pad Thai Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes Serves: 4 Wine pairing: Chardonnay • 1 (12-ounce) box of potato & cheddar mini pierogies • 1 tablespoon butter or margarine • 2 large eggs, beaten • 1 tablespoon peanut oil • 1 large garlic clove, minced • 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into thin slices • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper • 1/2 cup peanut sauce • 1 cup bean sprouts • 1/4 cup chopped peanuts • 2 scallions, thinly sliced
Boil pierogies according to package directions. Drain. Meanwhile, in 12-inch skillet over medium-high heat, melt butter; cook eggs until just scrambled, stirring constantly. Remove to bowl. In same skillet, heat peanut oil; over medium heat, cook garlic until lightly browned. With slotted spoon, remove garlic to bowl with eggs. In drippings remaining in skillet over medium-high heat, cook chicken until well browned and cooked through, stirring constantly. Add salt and crushed red pepper. Stir in egg mixture, peanut sauce, bean sprouts and cooked pierogies. Toss to mix well. Garnish with chopped peanuts and scallions.
4 MyConnection | Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Community Connection
Bon mots
People col lect d i fferent things. Stamps, baseball cards, coins, scars, strep throat. I collect wise words. My favorites usually come from those of the animation persuasion, although occasionally humans have something significant to say. I’ve run my favorite cartoon ones before, now it’s time for real men and women to speak. I’ve tried to find the appropriate originations where possible. Some of my favorites: • If anyone ever tells you you put too much peanut butter on your bread, stop talking to them. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life. • If you never allow your child to experience failure and disappoi nt ment , he/she w i l l
not be equipped to handle adulthood. • If you would spent less time complaining about your life, you’d possibly enjoy it more. • The goal isn’t to live forever. The goal is to create something that will. (Chuck Palahniuk) • Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now. (Neal A. Maxwell) • Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity. (Dany Gokey) • I f you wa nt to ach ieve greatness, stop ask ing for permission. • To know what life is worth, you have to risk it once in a while. (Jean-Paul Satre) • When was the last time you did something for the first time? • Do you know why the Indian
JOHN WINTERS ra in da nces a lways work? Because t he India ns keep dancing until it rains. (Sherman Alexie) • Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. (Herman Cain) • The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard) • It is never too late to be what you might have been. (George Eliot) • There are over 7 billion peo-
ial c e Sp y a lid Ho
what I wanted to do is the minute I finally felt free. • Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. (Miles Kington) • You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something in your life. (Winston Churchill) • Always be yourself. Unless you ca n be a pi rate, t hen always be a pirate. • Do more of what makes you awesome.
• The realization that happiness is a state of mind that you can control sometimes doesn’t occur to people until it is too late. • Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. (Mark Twain) • The minute I stopped caring about what other people thought and started doing
ple on Earth. And you are going to let one person ruin your day? • Don’t wait. The time will never be just right. (Napoleon Hill) • Follow your passion. • Giv i ng up on you r goa l because of one setback is like slashing your other three tires because you got one flat. • Don’t take yourself too seriously. Life is more fun when you can laugh at yourself. • Let your children grow up to be what they want to be, not what you wished you were.
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Halloween horror Now that the Great Government Shutdown of 2013 has ended, all eyes are on the heroic struggle to breathe life into the bureaucratic beast known as Obamacare. The patient remains unresponsive, but technical wizards hired by the same government that brought you “Cash For Clunkers” are confident that by Thanksgiving 2013 the U.S. will have actually created a working website, just like the one at Duck Commander and Abe’s BBQ in Clarksdale, MS. Then, all that remains is coaxing the Obamacare website i nto c om mu n ic at i n g with other websites to verify income, lose identities and generate nuclear launch codes. Finally … Shazaam! Consumers will be able to see exactly what kind of insurance they are allowed to buy and what it will cost. Unless they can’t. Americans will gather at local emergency rooms, sing “Oh, Happy Day” and rush home, lock the doors and pray they never get sick. For my money, that glorious day can’t come soon enough. It’s time to quit hollering about health insurance and start dealing with more serious problems, like eliminating musical racism on American college campuses. What? You weren’t aware this was a crisis? Consider this: While the feds were busy cal-
culating insurance deductibles, things were spookier than usual at Hampshire Halloween, the official fall bash sponsored by Hampshire College in Amherst, Mass. In a brutal reminder that the spirit of Jim Crow is alive and well, a group of African-American classical musicians was told it could not perform at as promised (and contracted). W hy? Because when the g r o u p ’s a p p e a r a n c e w a s announced, enraged students expressed outrage that the school would allow a group of African-American musicians to enter the campus and perform classical music. Noting that such music is typically played by majorityCaucasian orchestras, protesters said choosing this group to perform represented “cultural appropriation.” Whatever that is. In canceling the performance, the school’s Hype Committee, which runs the event, issued a statement saying they meant no disrespect to the black performers. Right. Amazed? Shocked? Thought we were past that? Apparently not. With one big exception. The story told here is true except for … skin color. The band that got canceled was an all-white group called Shokazoba. They play something called Afrobeat music. Hype Committee members
ALEX mcrae must have figured that since white people can’t jump, they can’t boogie, either. Hampshire College spokesperson Elaine Thomas said some students were concerned that letting white kids play Afrobeat music did not show the proper respect for “marginalized cultures.” I wonder if Hampshire College has notified the 1.03 billion residents of Africa that theirs is a marginalized culture. I hope not. I’d hate for native Africans at Hampshire College to think they weren’t as important as everyone else. That is, if any “marginalized” African students can pay the tab at a college where tuition, room and board tops $57,000. Shok a zoba wa s once a n above-average white band. Now the group is devastated. On the bright side, they could avoid t h is problem i n t he future by playing exclusively for blind audiences. That may be the only way members of Shokazoba could be certain that listeners were concentrating on the quality of their sound, not the color of their skin.
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Northgate, Whitewater open subregion play a ay
Eaton: Plant Vo V gtle expansion progressing
see page 7
see page 3
SA ATU TU R DA AY Y,, O Y OC C TO B E R 5 , 20 1 3
SA ATU TU R DA AY Y,, O Y OC C TO B E R 5 , 20 1 3
T o graduate fro Tw f m Coweta DUI Court see page 3
Small business ow o ners fe f el pinch of refo f rm fo Editor’s ’ note: This is the third ’s installment in a continuing n ng series by The Ne N wnan TimesH rald on the fe He f deral Aff Affo ffordable Care Act and what it means fo f r Coweta area residents and businesses.
Peachtree City. y y. didn’t make any immediate need to worry about it. tive fo f r them to subscribe to our ff red health insurffe As an employer, Smith cur- moves. He relies on info f rmation fo H i s c o m p a n y c u r r e n t l y company-offe rently staffs ff roughly fo ffs f ur to six fr f om his insurance agent. Aft f er offers health insurance, but ance through Blue Cross Blue ft Christopher Smith is the employees at each location. everything he had read or heard it’s not a popular item with his Shield. We have a lot of single guys who fe f el like they don’t ow ner of t h re e Va lvol i ne When he first learned about on the news, Smith concluded employees. Instant Oil Change locations t he passage of t he federa l that because he has less than “We W ’re not paying minimum We — one in Newnan and two in Affordable Care Act, Smith 50 employees on staff he didn’t wage, but it’s still not cost effe ff cffe HEALT L H, page 2 LT
What's In Your Pocket?
Man victim of drive v -by ve b by
Motives of two suspects unclear
Special effects whiz provides explosive excitement
A man was injured in a drive-by shooting late Friday and was transported to the hospital by helicopter. The man was believed to be playing basketball with a group by a small church around the 90 block of West Washington Street, said Lt. Eddie Attaway with Newnan Police Department. Police are currently searching fo f r two unknown suspects who drove by and fired into the group just befo f re 6 p.m. fo One man was hit in the stomach and was fo f und on the f ont porch of a home across fr the street when public safe f ty fe personnel arrived. He was shortly transported to Atlanta
The victim of a shooting on West Washington Street was transported to a hospital in Atlanta by helicopter late Friday.
by helicopter, which landed in are unsure of the vehicle or the Westside Plaza shopping type of weapons used in the center around 6:30 p.m. shooting at this time, and are According to Attaway, y police still interviewing witnesses. y,
Three Cowetans help carry on a holiday tradition
4th armed robbery suspect arrested By WES MAY A ER AY
suspect we were looking g fo f r,,”
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Wednesday, November 13, 2013 | MyConnection 5
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6 MyConnection | Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Community Connection
Manso De Sousa shares 40 years of ballet By REBECCA LEFTWICH
Visitors to downtown Newnan's Fall Art Walk may have noticed girl-sized, futuristic flamingos frolicking in front of the courthouse or watched in fascination as human statues came to life to perform a pas de deux. Perhaps they were startled when a bride burst into operatic song as she bustled along the sidewalk, trailing a butler and balloons. Or maybe they were amused by the Mozart-era pair, pausing their stroll to read from a scroll. The performance art pieces — or site-specific work, as he prefers to call it — were the creation of Paulo Manso de Sousa, a Newnan resident and artistic director Manso de Sousa of the newly formed Southern Arc Dance Theatre. " I j u s t wa nte d to m a ke some kind of strong statement about what SADT can do in the Newnan area," he said of the inaugural work. "I love Newnan. I've been here five years, and I see so much possibility, so much creativity. I'd love to be in the forefront of some of that." Manso de Sousa's portfolio is weighty, his credentials ranging from the New York Met — his first professional gig — to the Miami City Ballet, where he was principal dancer the better part of a decade. He's worked for and alongside artists who are well-known even outside dance circles: Mikhail Baryshnikov, Rudolf Nureyev, Gelsey Kirkland. He's traveled the world as a dancer and teacher,
soaking up each experience and making it a part of his creative process. "The more you do, the more you see, the more growth for you," Manso de Sousa said. "It's like an artist; the more colors he has on his palette, the better he ca n express himself. Dance is a lang u a ge , s o t he more you experience with your body, the more you're able to express." It a l l bega n with a stint as Action in his O a k l a nd , C a l ifor n ia elementary school's production of "Westside S t o r y." M a n s o d e Sousa — who was born on the Portugese island of Medeira and had emigrated to California with his parents — caught the eye of the school's dance teacher, who had a small folkloric group that stayed busy performing at local events like Oktoberfest. His actual segue to ballet, though, was his bronze medalwinning piece in the Highland Games Sword Dance competition, which featured a kilt-clad Manso de Sousa and his personal bagpiper. Afterward, one of his fellow dancers suggested ballet classes. "I was a boy, I had two legs, I was proportioned, and so they gave me a scholarship," Manso de Sousa said. The then-1 3-year-old was one of a young group of dancers who trained under an older regime. "The director was hiring all these old Russians (Ballets Russes) that nobody really wanted because ever ybody
was doing a new generation of dance," Manso de Sousa said. "So I got to work with these incredible people." From Oakland, Manso de Sousa moved on to New York. "That's where I really started to get obsessed with dance," he said. Living in a oneroom apartment with short-term parental support, Manso de Sousa needed more than his obsession — he needed a job.
Weeks after making the move, he was one of 200 hopefuls
auditioning for a spot at the New York Met. Of 200 dancers, only one female and two males were selected. The Oakland teenager had found his place. "I loved doing what I was doing," he said. "I loved the c l a s s r o o m , I love d b e i n g coached. I love performing — don't get me wrong, it's incredible to be onstage — but there's something about the daily challenge of work, where you go to the barre and you have a coach and you keep trying to make it perfect."
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Hard work often can turn into something beautiful and unexpected, Manso de Sousa said. "The fun is, you ta ke all you've experienced and all you've worked toward, and you can let muscle memory and intuition take over and then look back and see what came out of it," he said. As the youngest dancer at the Met, Manso de Sousa said he was fascin ated by the legendary opera house and its sideli ne ba llet compa ny. He introduced himself to the opera singers, watched the conductors and befriended James Levine, who was music director at the time. Levine watched him from the wings as he progressed as a dancer, eventually advising him to move along if he really wanted to have a career as a dancer. Manso de Sousa took his advice and promptly went to work with Edward Villella, one of America's first well-known male dancers, who was director at the Eglevsky Ballet at the time. Villella recognized similarities in the young dancer's body and dance styles to his own, arranging for a scholarship at the School of American Ballet for training. Vi llella a lso spent time educating audiences about the art of dance. "He would travel around, giving lecture demonstrations on his work with ("father of American ballet") George Balanchine, and we would do little vignettes of Balanchine ballets," Manso de Sousa said.
The intervening years were a whirlwind of dance and travel, acting and modeling, and teaching, teaching, teaching. "I love being in the studio, creating," Manso de Sousa said. He will open a for-profit studio offering dance classes next year, but Manso de Sousa's main focus is on SADT — a not-for-profit 501(c)3 company — and all he'd like to accomplish through it. Continuing Villella's work, Manso de Sousa will begin his first series of lecture demonstrations at Newnan's Carnegie Library next month. The SADT Company has several performances planned throughout the area, and Manso de Sousa hopes eventually to begin partnering with other dance companies and choreographers for performances on the local stage and the world stage as well. Meanwhile, he is aiming for innovation and quality. "I like creating and I like doing site-specific work, stuff for the libraries and schools," Manso de Sousa said. "All that's
Corner Arts Gallery 14 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263 678-633-5705
ASSISTED LIVING Savannah Court Personal Care Home Community 27 Belt Road Newnan, GA 30263 770-251-6639
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Lynn’s Bookkeeping Service For all your small business needs Palmetto Area 770-755-8046
Thursday, November 14 at
The Centre for Performing & Visual Arts 1523 Lower Fayetteville Road Newnan, GA Doors Open at 5:00 PM Show Begins at 6:30 PM Visit Vendors Prior to the Show! PRESENTED BY PRESENTED NATIONALLY BY
Dance Theater Company rehearse with SADT Artistic Director Paulo Manso de Sousa.
Dancers Brittany Hawes and Will Scott performed a duet as part of SADT’s program during downtown Newnan’s Fall Art Walk.
PHOTO IN STORY: Paulo Manso de Sousa as a young member of Eliot Feld’s American Ballet Company in New York City.
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possible — it's what we used to do, and it's where I learned what we're doing. "I have had a lot of rich experiences that I am eager to share with other people," he said. "It's 40 years of work. It's all I've ever done. For more information on the Southern Arc Dance Theater, call 305-510-7385.
Encore Decor Consignment Shop Fine Furniture/Home Decor 8 East Court Sq., Newnan The Pink Hanger Consignment 3339 Hwy 34. E., Suite H Sharpsburg, GA 30277 770-683-3164
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Wednesday, November 13, 2013 | MyConnection 7
Community Connection
Coweta walks to end Alzheimer’s By Clay Neely
Hundreds of walkers and volunteers came to Coweta County Fairgrounds recently for the third annual Walk to End Alzheimer’s event. Kel ly H i nes , d i rector of public relations for Piedmont Newnan Hospital helped with registration for the event. “It’s really growing. This is the third year we’ve had the Alzheimer’s walk exclusively for Coweta. We have 37 teams that were pre-registered and at least 300 walkers,” said Hines. Vendors stood at tables with items for a silent auction while participants gathered on the law n. Ly nette Smit h, from Team John’s Angels, worked alongside Julie Rushin and Katrina Lyle, general manager of Applebee’s. “It doesn’t matter to me what we sell,” said Smith. “I’ll do whatever it takes to raise awareness for the cause.” Robert Young from Young Taekwondo Academy assisted in a warm-up on the lawn in front of the stage. Cameron Pirouz from Homestead Hospice add ressed t he crowd prior to the walk. “We can do this and we will do this. None of us would be here today without the help of our sponsors and the donations they have made. Thank you for your dedication and commitment.” Pa r t icipa nt s were g iven an assortment of flower pinwheels, each color signifying their relationship with the disease. Jeffery Smith from B enton Hou se of New n a n explained the significance of the f lower pinwheels to the audience. “Orange f lowers signify you support the mission of the Alzheimer’s Association, while a purple flower means you have seen the effect that this disease has played in your own life. A yellow flower is for the caregivers who walk for the 5.4 million people affected by this disease, and the blue f lower represents those who are personally afflicted with Alzheimer’s. Becky Alexander spoke on behalf of the Alexander family. She witnessed the impact dementia had on her family’s life last summer when her mother-in-law, Eleanor, wandered away from home and was found four days later. “Today, I ask you to f ind your own Eleanor. Find a reason to keep searching for a cause and for a cure.”
Photos by Clay Neely
More than 300 people participated in the 2013 Walk to End Alzheimer’s at the Coweta County Fairgrounds.
Endicott wins national go-kart titles Local go-kart racer Ethan Endicott recently won a pair of national championships at the 2013 Maxxis Nationals in Neeses, S.C., held Oct. 11-13. Racers must be ranked in one of the top-five ranked series to qualify for the invitation-only nationals, which featured competitors from at least 14 states. Endicott won in the Junior Sportsman class for ages 8-12 year-olds and added third and 13th-place efforts in two other classes in races that included up to 35 competitors. Endicott also won the Junior I Heavy classification at the nationals for 8-10 year-olds. More recently, he returned from t he Sout heast Gra nd Nationals in Dexter, where Endicott won three classification races and clinched a series title in the ProKart Tour in both the Junior Sportsman Cham and Junior Pro Purple divisions. Teammate Brysen Duncan added a division championship in the Junior Purple Lite Classification.
I-85 at Bullsboro Drive 770-253-3995
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8 MyConnection | Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Art Connection
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Jim and Helen Poore and daughter Hannah Poore talk with Cargill’s Brad Down about Hannah’s painting, which was selected as a part of this year’s Off the Wall art show at the Newnan plant.
Newnan Cargill celebrates ‘Off the Wall’ art program Ca rgill celebrated its 11th Off the Wall art program in Coweta County this month, with a reception for 12 Newnan High School artists whose paintings and drawings will hang at the Newnan plant for the next year. The student artists’ portraits, landscapes, still-lifes and paintings of animals were framed by Cargill and will hang in its business offices for the next year. The loaned canvases include at least one cow, appropriate for the Newnan plant, a consumer package meat facility. In return for the donation of art, the Newnan High School art program received a donation of $1,200. Cargill’s “Off the Wall” art program began in 2004, in conjunction with the opening of Coweta’s Centre for Performing and Visual Arts. Cargill’s Brad Down and the Coweta school system began the program, which is designed to support and promote artistic achievements of local students, encouraging artistic expression and skill development.
Each year, students produce art at school, following curriculum guidelines. A jury of teachers compiles works with varied themes from each class and presents them to Cargill representatives, who make the final 12 selections. Cargill frames the selections and displays them in its facility throughout the year. The art is also used in the Newnan plant’s community cards and communications. At the next annual show, Cargill returns the framed artwork to the students to enjoy in their own homes. Cargill has featured over 100 student artists through the program over the years, making donations to several local art programs. This year’s selected artists included Newnan High students Brandon Wenner, Hannah Poore, Brittany Rosser, Kaitleen Brown, Elizabeth Clark, Kerrie Head, Emma Norris, Nick Wells, George Willis, Olivia Wright, Hannah Hudson, and Trevor Roberts. School students and families are then invited to attend a celebration during which Brad
Down and Cargill employees thank the student’s for their contributions. Many of the parents were as excited as the students. “It’s a good way for us to support the arts in schools, and a great way for us to showcase our community’s talent to our employees and visitors,” said Down. “Our plant has many visitors from the community, the nation and from around the world. When they tour the facility, they enjoy the art displays in the hallways and always express an appreciation for the remarkable talent in our community.” “The most exciting part of this program is when students, their families and teachers attend the reception,” said Down. “It turns us into a venue for families to view student’s art and provide artists with exposure within our community. It’s probably the most exciting part for us because we get to put a name and face and story. It changes this from being art on a wall to being personal with these students and their families.”
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Wednesday, November 13, 2013 | MyConnection 9
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10 MyConnection | Wednesday, November 13, 2013