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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Look for the

November 20, 2013

2013-2014 Edition


online at

Published every Wednesday and delivered free by The Newnan Times-Herald

Check Out the Classifieds on Page 7

Glanton students experience history firsthand By Celia Shortt celia@newnan.com

Earlier this month, fourth-graders at Glanton Elementary School in Grantville hosted 15 Coweta residents who shared with them stories from their generation. “It’s a wonderful thing to chat with a child,” said Glanton Elementary School Principal Katie Garrett. “Share something from your life.” “You are in the presence of some really great people,” she said to the students. “Enjoy your time with these people.” Students spent the rest of the morning with one of the 15 adult participants. These adults represented key areas and eras in Coweta County — city government, Kiwanis, educators, and community leaders. Each student listened and took notes while their adult partner shared a story from their life. Each story focused on an important or special event, place, memory, or occasion from their early life.

“We had retired educators and members of the local Kiwanis chapter, and other community stakeholders came to give students a greater sense of purpose, audience, and community, connecting to the past,” said fourth-grade teacher Ellen Thomas. Thomas and Glanton Elementary School Media Specialist Lori Mayes organized the event. After their interviews, the students used his or her notes and what they had heard during the interview to write a short story. The short stories will be published in a special “Student Treasures” book. They will also be submitted to a writing contest sponsored by the Coweta Public Library System for 4th to 12th graders. The student with the best overall composition in the contest will be awarded the grand prize of a Kindle Fire tablet. Second and third place prizes will also be awarded. The winning stories will published in a new magazine, “Truly Southern,” in March 2014.

Photo By Celia Shortt

Willie Boyd is interviewed by fourth-grader Tobias Parks. Boyd is active in community service in Coweta County.

Local survivor raises community’s awareness of pancreatic cancer By Bradley Hartsell bradley@newnan.com

November is Nat ion a l Pa ncreatic Cancer Awareness Month, and Newnan is taking a vested interest in the cause. On Nov. 5, Newnan Mayor Keith Brady and Cissy Hass, Newnan resident and pancreatic cancer survivor, along with the team at Cancer Treatment Centers of America at Southeastern came together to help raise awareness and promote action against one of the deadliest cancers. Brady began the presentation by reading the official proclamation recognizing November as Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month in Newnan. Brady presented the proclamation with Nancy Mader, a Newnanite who serves on the board of the local Southeastern Assistance in Healthcare organization. Pancreatic cancer is an issue close to Mader, as she’s lost her father, aunt and grandmother to the disease. Mader, in an emotional speech, emphasized the need to “move from awareness to action” so that doctors can do more for 45,000 that will be diagnosed this year with pancreatic cancer. While more people are diagnosed each year with other cancers, pancreatic cancer is extremely deadly. With only a 6 percent survival rate, 94 percent of patients die within five years of diagnosis. Mader said many of the symptoms are so innocuous, people never think to get checked until the cancer is in its advanced stages. One survivor was on hand, however. Cissy Hass, her team of supporters in attendance, known as “Cissy’s Army,” anchored the presentation with powerful words about breaking the expectations set for her. “Those statistics don’t apply to me,” Hass said to a large applause. Hass was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer in April, leading to 17

Photos by Bradley Hartsell

Newnan’s Cissy Hass opens up about her fight against pancreatic cancer. Hass was diagnosed at Stage 4 in April and continues her fight today.

rounds of chemotherapy and five-andhalf weeks of radiation. She is certainly battle tested, and at the presentation stressed “putting an end to this insidious disease” through the ripple effect: awareness leads to funding, which leads to research, which finally leads to answers. Marie Swope, invited to the presentation as a friend of Mader, lost a sister to pancreatic cancer and found Hass’ message a powerful one. “I think she’s a remarkable, strong woman,” said Swope. “I know, because to fight this cancer, you have to be strong.” Dr. George Daneker of CTCA and Georgia Tech spoke of some of the advancements being done in pancreatic cancer research. Dr. Daneker remarked

how advocacy isn’t as strong for pancreatic cancer like it is for something like breast cancer because, unfortunately, there aren’t enough survivors to rally for the cause. “The best advocacy is better treatment,” said Daneker. He mentioned how research is not moving forward nearly as fast as the medical community would like, but locally, grants from Georgia Tech and financial augmentation from national groups are helping to push the process along. One of those groups is PanCan, or Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. Represented by Brooke Caviglia at the event, who closed the presentations, PanCan is a leading group in campaigning against pancreatic cancer. Caviglia stated their goal is doubling the survival rate by 2020. To see that goal, Caviglia said that every dollar PanCan raises for research is leveraged into $10 by doctors. Right before the presentation began, PanCan was alerted it had surpassed its yearly goal of $200,000 raised for 2013, which Caviglia relayed, warranting a rousing response from the crowd. “Breakthroughs are on the horizon,” Daneker said in his presentation, something PanCan reinforced when it presented its facts and figures. Those breakthroughs are hopefully coming for the fighters like Hass and to decrease the amount and the severity of diagnoses across the country. “My journey is not over, I know that,” said Hass, who recently got a purple dot tattooed on her finger to commemorate her fight. “But I am not scared.” Absent that day was her son, currently serving in the Navy. She hated he had to be overseas worrying about his mother. She looked back with teary eyes at her “army,” with her son there in spirit. “I fight for you,” she said.

i n s i de

Prepare a memorab le Thanksgiv ing dinne r ➤ PA GE 5 Barbeque Roast Turkey

Unforgettable Feast Everyone wants to serve their guests a delicious, memor­a ble meal, especially during the holidays. This year, bring dishes to the table that put an easy, elegant and flavorful twist on the traditional. Whether you’re a first time host or a seasoned pro, there are certain secrets to help ensure a holiday meal that is both elegant and effortless. One such secret is using dressings and sauces to enhance savory flavors and add zest to your meals. One taste and your guests will think you spent hours in the kitchen. Start with a salad of Baby Greens with Roasted Pears, Feta and Walnuts. The heart-healthy walnuts and olive oil are combined with feta cheese, baby greens and firm, ripe pears. Toss in your favorite dressing for a quick, easy salad that will have your guests lining up for more. Not only is the salad good for you, the healthy oils found in salad dressings help the body to better absorb key nutrients. Your

guests will love having a healthy dish on the table. Your guests will also love Grilled Shrimp with Remoulade Sauce. Whisk together a spicy sauce with savory ingredients, such as Dijon mustard, hot sauce, capers, parsley and mayon­naise, which is made with healthy oils and contains Omega 3 fatty acids. Baste sauces on skewered shrimp as they grill for a zesty and spicy dish that can be used as an appetizer or tasty side item. Make a BBQ Roast Turkey the centerpiece of your table. Start with your favorite barbecue sauce and add a few additional ingre­d ients to give it an extra kick of flavor. The finished sauce is then basted on the turkey as it roasts to create a spicy glaze. This holiday season, experiment with your favorite dressings and sauces to create meals for your family. You can also visit www.dressings-sauces.org for more holiday meal recipe ideas.

Coweta students compete in math challenge at Auburn University

Coweta students traveled to Auburn University. Students were, front row, Andrew Gaillard (SRMS), RJ Pettaway (SRMS), Nicholas Harrington (SRMS), Chad North (CEC), Terry Broadwater (CEC), Brian Bales (CEC), Myles Webb (CEC), Logan Haynes (CEC); second row, Roneesha Bowles (SRMS), Shaylen Marshall (SRMS), Samone Alexander (SRMS), Kimberly Hatfield (SRMS), Maxy Gates (SRMS), Lindy Payne (ECMS), Uzoma Offor (ECMS), Bahsia Ennaemba (ECMS), Nate Plyant (SRMS), TJ Plyant (SRMS), Sydney Varnadoe (CEC), Meghan Sanders (CEC), German Figueroa (CEC); third row, Jessica Grote (SRMS), Alma Reyes (SRMS), Nate Barnett (ECMS), Mackenzie King (ECMS), Mary Thompson (ECMS), Jenna Stover (SRMS), Jaylen Crumbley (SRMS), Luke Morgan (SRMS), Jackson Carroll (SRMS), Isaac Barnett (ECMS), and River Hardin (ECMS).

Thirty-two Coweta County middle-schoolers recently traveled to Auburn University to compete in the Auburn Mathematical Puzzle Challenge (AMP’d). Students from the Central Educational Center’s 8 th Grade Academy, East Coweta Middle and Smokey Road Middle competed in a day full of challenges at the event, and walked away with one first place win. Students began the day by competing in a marketing challenge. Students purchased goods to solve a problem that would lead them to their room key. Once inside, teams were given three puzzles to solve. The Coweta teams solved all three

puzzles and received bonus pieces as well. Following challenges included three more puzzles and three more bonuses. The students worked throughout the day to gain pieces to a final puzzle. During the final challenge the team from CEC won first place and received the “Ready Set Go” award. Each team received a plaque, a puzzle and T-shirts. “The students represented the county with excellence and their teachers could not be more proud of their accomplishments,” said East Coweta technology teacher Blaire Booth.

2 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, November 20, 2013


10-15 lb. Average Weight


Farm Fresh Frozen

Mingle with kringle

Historic Downtown Newnan November 29 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. C h i ld r e n of a l l age s come downtown to see Santa arrive to downtown Historic Newnan to light the Christmas tree. Children bring your wish list and parents bring your cameras.

Info: 770-253-8283 www.mainstreetnewnan.com

plaid friday

Historic Downtown Newnan November 29 until 8:00 p.m. Plaid Fr id ay celebr at es t he d ive r sit y a nd c r e at iv it y of independent businesses. Plaid Friday is the fun alternative to the big box store “Black Friday”, and promotes both local and independently owned businesses during the holidays. Help us celebrate by wearing plaid.

Info: 770-253-8283 www.mainstreetnewnan.com


peachtree city chair-ity event Peachtree City December 5 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. The 7th Annual Chair-ity Event is a fundraiser for abused children living in the cottages at The Christian Village at Christian City. Tickets are $25 in advance and include food and drinks and an entry to win a golf cart.

Shank Portion

45 Hen Turkeys

1. “The buck _____ here” 6. Augment 9. Like a jury unable to agree 13. Orca, e.g. 14. *Photographs in text messages 15. Wiser 16. Buddhist who has attained nirvana lb. 17. Australian runner 18. Sign of life 19. *Movie host 21. *Like popular TV genre 23. Hot springs resort 24. Ski lift 25. Sensitive subject to some 28. Delhi wrap 30. Boredom 35. “____ Free” (1966) 37. *What a judge does on “Top Chef” 39. Straight muscles 40. Continental currency 41. Iron Age priest DOWN 43. Churn 1. Go to and fro 44. Make more attractive 2. Through, to a poet 46. Major European river 3. Pearl Harbor location 47. “Fool me ____, shame on you” 4. Surveyor’s maps 48. Rodent and name of outdoor gear 5. Arrangements maker 6. D’Artagnan’s weapon of choice 50. Fungal spore sacs 7. *Kourtney and KhloÈ’s sister 52. Articulate 8. Beyond suburbs 53. Coffin along with stand 9. Drag 55. Mozart’s “L’___ del Cairo” 10. Tangerine and grapefruit hybrid 57. *One Direction, e.g. 11. Egg holder 61. *Modern book 12. *Multi-shaded Christian 65. Architectural projection 15. Merciful one 66. Jelly-like stuff 20. Talked like a sheep 68. *”Say Yes to the Dress” target 22. *”The Biggest Loser” isn’t supposed 69. Calyx part to do it a lot 70. Emergency responder 24. Like a noble dignitary Any Size Package, Fresh 71. Saint _____ of Rome 25. At right angles to ship or plane 72. *American Idol’s Ryan Seacrest 26. Known for its common red casing 73. Unidentified John 27. Computer message 74. City in Belgium 29. Like pink steak



¢ lb.

U.S.D.A. Inspected


$ 25

Weather Connection

nov. 21 – 24 57° 38°

60° 44°

58° 38°

Bone-In Rib Eye

Steak or Roas


$ 94


$ 77



Chuck Roast

© StatePoint Media



Whole Boneless

Beef Briskets

ever Published

ay and y Wednesd

free delivered

by The


rald Times-He




! per day

Call 770-2

reshapes h Brian Cash Shepherd ement in the Sout ag land man

zzard & Lewis Gri orial em Catfish M ide ke Bi R

d literacy childhoo efiting ber 6 ser ben d for Octo Fundrai schedule



year’s from last iting Cyclists ride benef for annual ation Found cy. the Ferst ood litera Childh

a.m. hood 6 at 8 n for Child land Oct. optional lengths Foundatio in More with ride t he Ferstg bicycle ride land Mill fund raisin s at the More ride begin


Fresh Fryer

Shopper’s Value Traseras y pescuezos de pollo fresco




2/ Franks

¢ ¢ 88

Sugardale 16 oz. All Meat






Salchichas enorme de toda carne, 16 onzas


Royal Smoked

U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de cañada sin hueso asado Londones

OurDill Cost Kosher Pickle Spears Essential Everyday



$ 22 14 oz. Jellied or Whole

+Essential 10%!Everyday - Added at theCranberry Register ea.

Essential Everyday

14.5 oz. Chicken or Beef

$ 69Hometown 3/$ 2/ ¢ That's Value! 91 1 1 99 Huesos de pescuezos ahumado, 2 libras




Hot Dogs

Never Again!

Cake Mix

Never again will I confess curses or bad luck, “for Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us; that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” Gal 3:13-14 Never again will I confess discontent, for I have learned, in whatsoever state (circumstance) I am, therewith to be content. Phillipians 4:11

America Must Stand with Israel! God is good all the time! The W. Reece Payton Co., Inc. 770-301-7012

Brownie Mix

Duncan Hines


48 oz.




Coming Nov. 29:

Top quality Fir Christm Frasier as Christmas Trees, Cac & Cyclamen tus s!

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48 oz. Corn or Blended

Essential Everyday

Essential Everyday

Canola Oil


2 2 99


$ 79



Bolona de toda carne rebanado grueso o filete

28-30.6 oz. Select Varieties

16 oz. Light or Dark Brown or 10X

Maxwell House



John Morrell 30 12 oz. oz.



SugarEveryday Essential


79 18 oz.

$ 58


Old Fashioned ¢ Salad Dressing Oatmeal 16 oz., Assorted Flavors

Essential Everyday


$ 79

15-20 oz. Peaches, Pears or Fruit Cocktail In Juice or Syrup

Essential Everyday

Canned Fruit

99 399 3 6 6

$3 99 $ 39 ¢ ¢ 12 1 1 77 $ ¢ 2¢ 77 $ 65 99lb.¢ 11 Second Foods ...... 1 Gravy Mix . . . .$ . . . . .9 71 Applesauce . . . . . . . . 2 99 4lb. $ 94 $ 94 ¢ 2$ 34 lb. Baking Chips. . . . . . 1 Gravy. . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Cranberry Sauce. . . 1 U.S.D.A. Inspected $ 99 $ 99 85 $ 59 Bone-In $ 19 $ 49 $ 96 U.S.D.A. Inspected $ 95 ¢ 3 1 1 2 5 Bone-In Sweet Fresh $ 98 Peanut Butter . . . . .41 Packaged Candy . .¢ 2 Pudding Mix . . . . . . .71 Ground Beef Chuck Roast $$1Roast 18 96 Potatoes... Ground Beef $ Collards... 04 $ 65 Juice . . . . . . . .Chuck ...... 1 Froot Loop Treasures 3 Pumpkin. . . . . . . . . . 1 3/ ¢ $ 2/ 25¢ ¢ $ $79 2569¢ Whole Boneless 99 99 79 1 $ 25 NEWNAN Whole Boneless $ 25 Beef Briskets lb. lb. Beef Briskets lb. lb. $ 99 $ 99 2/ $ 49 1 4 99¢ 99¢ 1 McCormick Del Monte $ cates 21 Available 2/$ $ We Have Gift Certifi $. 67 Aluminum Foil. . . . Brown GravyU.S.D Mix .t Beef Fruit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. Selec Coca-Cola .......... 3 U.S.D.A. Select Beef For The Holidays! Eye $ 15 Kraft Dole $ 35 McCormick Bone-In Rib Bone-In ¢ Rib Eye Coca-Cola .......... Pourable Dressings Country Gravy . . . . T ropical Fruit Salad .1 lb. lb. t as Ro ¢ Steak or Steak or RoMott’s 99 t Gerber 2 Pack $ lb.10 McCormick ¢ as Coca-Cola $ 30-50 Sq. Ft., Select Varieties


.87 oz. Original or Low Sodium

14.25-15.25 oz., Select Varieties All Brands

12 Pack, 12 oz. Cans

14-16 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties

2.64 oz. Original, Peppered or Sausage

15.25 oz. All Brands

7 oz., Select Varieties

.75-1 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties

46-48 oz. Jar, Original or................ Natural

6.7 Lb.

Southern Roots nursery gardens


Duncan Hines

16.5 oz. Select Varieties


All Meat Thick Sliced or Steak

18-18.3 oz. Select Varieties

Newnan, GA



(certain restrictions apply)

90 Millard Farmer Ind. Blvd.


12 oz.



95 lb.

2 lb. Pkg.


Backs & Necks 14-15.2 oz. Cut or French Style Green Beans, Whole Kernel or Cream Style Corn or Sweet Peas


Filete de tilapia


24 oz.

to advertise

$ 50

Shank Portion

Smoked Ham Smoked Ham

London Broil



295¢ Sugardale


Carne diezmillo molida fresca de paquete de cualquier tamaño

with your customers

Starting at

Fillets Shank Portion

2 4545 ¢ ¢ $ 94 3 ¢ 45

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U.S.D. 10-15 lb. Average Weight

$ 92


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10-15 lb. Average Weight

Hen Turkeys Hen Turkeys U.S.D.A. Select Beef

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By Clay

dation eates foun Family cror of daughter in hon

Ocean Market

Farm Fresh Frozen Farm Fresh Frozen Ground Chuck


your ! prior to for FREE the week on Friday rald.com times-he nan.com and on ifieds@new s-Herald nan Time 76 or email class 53-15 The New line noon *Dead


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Coweta High School Marching Band and Santa & Mrs. Claus. The next day, on Dec. 8, is Senoia’s annual Candlelight lb. Tour of Homes from 5-8 p.m. Tour five historic homes and a historic church. Enjoy light refreshments at the Senoia Area Historical Society. Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 the day of the tour. Ca ll 770 -378- 6627 or 770-599-8182.

Senoia is gea ring up for Christmas. On Saturday, Dec. 7, is the city’s annual Light Up Senoia event from 4 -8 p.m. Enjoy entertainment at the stage i nclud i n g baton t w i rler s , Christmas music, Fayette Fiddlers and more. T here w i ll a lso be pony rides and face painting for the youngsters. Then at 5:30 p.m. experience the magic of a wonderful Christmas parade complete with floats, the East

Ground Beef

Info: 770-703-2636 www.christiancity.org

Senoia gearing up to celebrate holidays Smoked Ham


15.7 Lb. Mesquite or 16.6 Lb. Regular

Essential Everyday

Instant Light Any Hershey’s Size Package, Fresh Charcoal Charcoal Any Size Package, Fresh 8-14 oz., Select Varieties Essential Everyday


9.4-12 oz., Select Varieties Fresh




14.4 oz. Honey or Cinnamon

Essential 10.5Everyday oz. Box

Kellogg’s Graham Crackers

15.5 oz.

lb. Essential Everyday

Sloppy Joe Sauce

8 Ct., 13.5-14.7 oz. Box, Select Varieties


WE HAVE CREDIT CARD MACHINES 20 Ct., 13 Gallon W/Handle 36 Ct., 39 Gallon

2 Liter Bottle All Brands

50 Ct. Red or Blue

Cookies de rosbif o bistec de ojo

U.S.D.A. selecto de la costilla con hueso

.9-3.75 oz., Select Varieties


14.7-15 oz. Beef or Mini Beef Ravioli, Spaghetti W/Meatballs or Spaghetti & 15 oz. Rings W/Meatballs or Macaroni & Beef ea.

Libby’s Essential Everyday

U.S.D.A. Select Canned Pasta

.3-3 oz., Select Varieties

Essential Everyday Drinks ....................

Jellied Snack 8 Pack, 7.5 oz. Cans or Whole Essential Everyday 14 oz. Can,

Plastic Party

12 oz. Jar, Select Varieties



15.1 oz.

2 Liter Fanta Flavors, Mello-Yello, Mr. Pibb, Barq's Root Beer, Seagram's Or Minute Maid

13 oz. Animal or 16 oz. Ginger Snaps

Essential Everyday

Heinz Cups

1.25 Liter Bottles

All Brands

$ 69 U.S.D.A. Select¢ Beef

Ocean Spray U.S.D.A. Select Beef Coca-Cola .......... Crackers Assorted Flavors

Powerade Single 32 oz. Bottles

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3 3

.87 oz. Asst. Gravy Packets, 1.25 oz. Meatloaf Assorted Flavors Chicken or Celery Select Varieties or Chili or 1.5 oz. Spaghetti or Beef64 Stewoz. Bottle, Monster Single 16 oz. Cans

Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Ocean Spray Energy Drinks

Cream Soup


U.S.D.A. Select

25.4 oz. Bottle, Reg. or White


. Main St

Gr ei

16 oz. Fudge, Vanilla or Milk Chocolate



ing Cen

e Shopp

East Gat

ve ro Dri

bo ulls 4.25Traoz. Chopped or 2.25Boz. Sliced il n

Essential Everyday Essential Everyday 124 Bullsboro • Newnan, Georgia 30263 EssentialDrive Everyday Tall Kitchen Bags Lawn Leaf Bags Ripe Olives Ready to Spread Frosting Pine Cleaner MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. • SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.U.S.D.A. selecto de rosbif de diezmillo con hueso Prices Effective November 18 through December 1, 2013. Quantity rights reserved. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial U.S.D.A.errors. selecto de rosbif de diezmillo con hueso AVAILABLE IN ALL LOCATIONS. Essential Everyday Essential Everyday

12 Ct.

10-10.5 oz.

8.5 oz. Any Size Package Food Depot Frito-Lay’s Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Any SizeWhole Package

10 oz.

28 oz.

Located on 124 Bullsboro Drive in the East Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster

5 oz.

Golden Flake

6 Roll


16 oz. Dry

12 oz. Honey

Essential Everyday

Essential Everyday

Ocean Market 12 Double Roll 10.2 oz. Pouch Extra Soft White Essential EverydayOcean Market

Wednesday, November 20, 2013   |  MyConnection 3

Community Connection

Bedrock Classic golf tournament raises money for Project SAFE By Wes Mayer news@newnan.com

The Bedrock Classic golf tournament was held at the Orchard Hills Golf Course south of Newnan, with all proceeds going directly to Project SAFE (Students Are For Education), a course taught by school resource officers to Coweta County fifth-grade students. A total of 90 golfers in 23 tea m s pa r t icipated i n t he event organized by the Coweta County Sheriff ’s Office, and 43 companies, businesses and organizations sponsored the course’s holes. The Redneck gourmet provided food, Rockback Pizza provided drinks, Sign-A-Rama donated signs for the tournament, and Morgan’s Trophy presented trophies to the winners. “We appreciate all their support,” said Lt. Stephen Crook with the School Resource Unit. “All of the money raised by the tournament goes back to the kids of Coweta County, not the sheriff’s office.” There were three flights of golfers in the tournament. The first f light first-place winners were Joe Crain, Kermit Perry, Richard Bemister and Craig Ketelsen; the second flight winners were Jodi Shepherd, Cheryl Drewyer, Bud Freeburg and Joel Starnes; and the third f light winners were Matt Frady, Tyler Claburn, Chris Claburn and Scott Arnold. Two other trophies were awarded — The Longest Drive to Will Smith, and Closest to the Pin to Eric Johnson. The morning began with some light rain, Crook said, but it fortunately cleared up into a beautiful day for the golfers. Project SAFE is a program taught in all elementary schools in Coweta. Including Crook, there are six school resource officers teaching the course. The program is taught one day per week for 12 weeks and, on the side, courses are also taught to younger elementary school students. According to Crook, each week the program covers a different topic. The topics include the consequences of using drugs, dangers of gateway drugs like marijuana and alcohol, help with self-esteem, stress, violence, gangs, Internet safety and the media.

Crook also said resource officers role-play with students about different ways to say “no.” Usi ng t hei r ow n ba n k account, separate from the County Sheriff’s Office, Project SAFE is accountable for its own resources. It provides T-shirts and certificates to all 1,800 to 2,000 graduates. In addition, the student who writes the best essay from each class receives a medal, and the student who writes the best

essay from each school receives a leadership award trophy. All the money raised from the tournament goes toward Project SAFE, Crook said. T h e pro g r a m i s f u nde d entirely by donations, and the Bedrock Classic golf tournament is its largest fundraiser. Donations to the project are accepted at all times, and questions may be directed to Lt. Stephen Crook at the Coweta From left, Bedrock Classic 2013 first flight first-place Cou nt y Sheri ff ’s Off ice at winners Joe Crain, Kermit Perry, Richard Bemister and Craig Ketelsen. 770-253-1502.

From left, Bedrock Classic 2013 third flight first-place winners Matt Frady, Tyler Claburn, Chris Clabur n. Not pic tured, Scot t Arnold.


On lef t, Bedrock Classic 2013 Longest Drive winner Will Smith and Closest to the Pin winner Eric Johnson (right).

I-85 at Bullsboro Drive 770-253-3995

From left, Bedrock Classic 2013 second flight firstplace winners Jodi Shepard, Cheryl Drewyer and Bud Freeburg. Not pictured, Joel Starnes.

4 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Community Connection

I need a popsicle One of the most agonizing feelings any parent goes through is seeing one’s child in pain. This is more so when you know there is absolutely nothing you can do but try and comfort them the best you can. But the pain is still there and will be there for days to come. Youngest SON of Thunder was lying on the couch. And he was in pain. We had just come back from the hospita l where Youngest had his tonsils removed. Yes, we probably should have done it


sooner, when he was younger, but he rarely got sick. That is, until this year, when he went through eight bouts of strep throat. And all I can do is just sit there and hold him. Wishing the pain away, but knowing

that won’t happen despite all the drugs we are giving him. There is nothing I can do. Or is there? Youngest wanted a popsicle. Orange-flavored to be exact. And suddenly, I had a way to help him out in some small way. I f You n ge st wa nted an orange popsicle, then an orange popsicle he shall have. Try and get in my way. I now had a mission. A mission to find a good old-fashioned orange popsicle — the kind with the stick at one end and, obviously, orange in color.

Just a suggestion Dear Mr. President, I have written you several notes in the past and all went unanswered, so allow me to introduce myself. Again. My name is Alex and I’m here to help. To be honest, I’m not your biggest fan. But I am wild about the U.S.A. and ready to serve when my country needs help. Like now. Mr. O, watching your team trying to implement Obamacare has been like watching clowns pile out of the stunt car at the circus. Except at the circus, customers are expected to laugh. No one is laughing over Obamacare.

ALEX mcrae I know these things aren’t easy. I feel your pain. And I cringe when conservatives suggest that if the dopes who desig ned Oba m ac a re h ad spent more time working in the private sector and less in graduate school they would have known that it was going to be really hard to implement the largest, most expensive

government progra m ever conceived outside the former Soviet Union. The task got tougher when Team Obama decided the best way to implement the program was to let “customers” sign up via a new government website. And maybe they would. If they could. Mr. President, after almost three years of alleged work, your Ha r va rd-heav y tea m of hacks has yet to produce a workingn website capable of simultaneously handling enough customers to f ill a booth at the nearest Waff le House. Frankly, sir, the Obamacare

The kind everyone has on a hot summer day. So I head off to the local grocery store and right for the frozen treats section. What the whatever. I cannot find an orange-flavored popsicle. Heck, I can’t find a popsicle. I mean, a lot of the offerings said “popsicle” but there was nothing “pop” or “sicle” about them. And the flavors? Strawberr y shor tca ke, chocolate eclair, cookies and cream, oreo, toasted almond, choc-dipped vanilla, root beer, banana, lemon lime. Whatever happened to grape, cherry and, obviously, orange? And who in the world would eat a toasted

almond so-called popsicle? And where were the popsicles? We had Big Stick Cherry Pineapple, something called a “Firecracker,” SpongeBob Squarepants Pop Ups, Slow Melt Mighty Minis, Sour Patch Kids, Hello Kitty, Airheads, Scribblers, Rainbow, Jolly Rancher Awesome Twosome and on and on. Let me repeat what I wanted. A four or five inch long frozen piece of ice with a wooden stick running one end. One of those all-American popsicles that have been around since our country was founded. And not a one was to be found. I look yet again. Buried in the deepest, darkest corner of

the freezer section that clearly says “popsicles” is a box. Lo and behold it contains grape, cherry and, thankfully, orange. And they are the originals. Kind of like Levi 501s before “fashion” took over. I grab the box and head to checkout. I’m thinking of getting a pack of gum — maybe Juicy Fruit or, if I’m daring, Dentyne. Gold old American gum. Good grief. They’ve got rows of gum from companies I’ve never heard of and even several bizarre flavors sponsored by one snowboarder alone …

rollout has been the most disastrous launch since the Titanic sailed for New York in 1912. I know you’re not happy about this, sir. And frankly, I think some of the criticism of you and your program is unfair. Sure, we created a space program from scratch and sent a man to the moon and back, but that was decades ago, when Americans were more concerned with results t ha n f ieldi ng a tea m t hat reflects our nation’s diversity. We’re now the most inclusive nation on Earth. You deserve t he cred it. Restor i ng ou r national competence can’t be far behind. But I digress. Back to the current problem. Your two beautiful daughters, Sasha and Malia, are 12 and

15 years old, respectively. I’d bet anything those two young ladies have more computer savvy than you and I can even dream of. I know a 4-year-old that can operate every piece of electronic equipment in the house. Twelve-year-olds are writing code that alerts them to sales at Aeropostale. Building websites? Today’s teenagers could build the Death Star in a week. The kids down the street from the White House are dabbling with quantum computing and artificial intelligence. The Obamacare website team is still stuck at Pac-Man and Donkey Kong. That’s a formula for failure. The solution is simple, Mr. President. Ignore your pol-

icy advisors and fire those old school tech no geek s . Then, just put the right people in charge. Why not let your daughters build the new Obamacare website? Or let them hire some bright young friends for the job. I bet your girls know plenty. And chances are, hiring these young guns will save tons of money. They will certainly charge less than the $630 million already wasted on this effort. If you play your cards right, the new team will probably work for a lifetime supply of Red Bull, Doritos and video games. Think it over and let me know. Please reply to alexmmcrae@gmail.com. Google still works. Yours for a swell America.

State, county and school property taxes due Monday, December 2 Coweta County Tax Comm i ssioner Tom my Fer rel l reminds taxpayers that 2013 state, county and school property taxes are due Dec. 2, since the normal due date of Dec. 1 falls on a Sunday this year. If a taxpayer has not received a bill on any property for which they have the responsibility, they should check with the Tax Commissioner’s Office for the amount due to ensure payment is made, Ferrell said. Late charges begin accruing after that date.

Taxpayers may view and print their tax bills online at www.cowetataxcom.com. Tax bills may also be paid on the website through PayPal. Appeals — If a taxpayer appea led proper t y va luation and that appeal has not been settled, the taxpayer was mailed a bill based on 85 percent of the Assessors’ proposed value as required by Georgia law. Those bills are also due Dec. 2. Payment options — New for 2013 is the “Bill Me Later”

payment option through PayPal on the Tax Commissioner’s website at www.cowetataxcom.com. “Once approved and initial payment and processing fee applied, the Tax Commissioner’s Office receives the tax payment and there would be no additional charges if paid within six months,” Ferrell said. “This is just another payment option for taxpayers and the decision to apply for this program is solely at the discretion of the taxpayer,” he said.

find it  f irst

Property owners who purchased their property after Jan. 1, 2013, should remember that tax bills were mailed to the legal owner of record as of Jan. 1. However, responsibility for payment of taxes would have been determined at sales closing, normally with the new owner becoming responsible, Ferrell said. “Failure to have received a tax bill in the mail will not cause late charges to be waived if paid after the due date,” he said.

T h e Ta x C o m m i s s i o n er’s Office cannot guarantee receipt of a tax bill in the mail, he said. Taxpayers are encouraged to mail payments whenever possible, Ferrell said. Off icial USPS postmarks are accepted. Visa, Mastercard and American Express are accepted with a 2.5 percent administration fee. Debit cards are accepted at the counter with a $2 fee per transaction. Also, for taxpayer convenience, an overnight

payment drop box is located at the Perry Street entrance to the County Administration Building, he said. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday – Friday, except for the third Wednesday in each month when the office opens at 8:30. The Property Tax and Tag Offices, as other county offices, will be closed Thursday and Friday, Nov. 28 and 29 for the Thanksgiving holidays.

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Newnan-Coweta Magazine 16 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-253-1576 www.newnancowetamag.com

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013   |  MyConnection 5


Recipe Connection

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BBQ Roast Turkey Sauce

Open To Serve You Sunday thru Saturday - 8am to 9pm

Servings: 6 • 1 - 10 to 12 lb turkey • 1/4 cup butter, softened • 3 cloves garlic, minced • 1 teaspoon salt • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper • 3 lemons • 2 small onions, quartered • 3 cups prepared BBQ sauce • 2 teaspoons soy sauce • 1 teaspoon worcestershire sauce • 1 bay leaf

Grilled Shrimp with Remoulade Sauce Servings: 4 to 6 • 3/4 cup mayonnaise • 2 tablespoons ketchup • 2 teaspoons dijon mustard • 2 teaspoons hot sauce • 2 teaspoons capers, chopped • 2 teaspoon parsley, chopped • Ground black pepper to taste • 4 cups water • 2 tablespoons kosher salt • 2 tablespoons sugar • 1 tablespoon lemon juice • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 6 whole peppercorns • 24 shrimp, peeled and deveined

Preheat oven to 400°F. Rinse turkey inside and out. Pat dry. In small bowl, combine butter, minced garlic, salt and pepper. Loosen skin of turkey and rub butter between skin and meat. Place lemons and onion inside cavity of tur­ key. Tie legs with kitchen string. Combine BBQ sauce, soy sauce, Worces­tershire sauce and bay leaf in sauce­pan. Sim­mer 30 minutes to blend f lavors. Discard bay leaf. Set aside until ready to use, 2 cups for basting and one cup for serving. Place turkey on rack in heavy, large roast­ing pan. Roast one hour, then reduce heat to 325°F. Brush turkey with 2 cups of BBQ sauce mixture. Roast 20 minutes. Brush with BBQ sauce every 20 minutes, about 1 hour 10 minutes longer, for a total of 2 1/2 hours or until meat thermometer inserted into thick­ est part of thigh registers 175°F. If tur­ key begins to get too brown, cover with foil while roasting. Transfer tur­ key to platter. Cover loosely with foil and let rest 30 minutes before slicing. Serve immediately with remaining cup of BBQ sauce mixture.

For remoulade sauce, whisk may­ onnaise, ketchup, Dijon mustard, hot sauce, capers and parsley in small bowl. Season with black pepper. Store in refrigerator until ready to use. Combine water, salt, sugar, lemon juice, garlic and peppercorns in gal­ lon size ziplock bag. Add shrimp to brine and chill 15 to 20 minutes. Drain shrimp and rinse with cold water. Place shrimp on skewers. Preheat grill to medium high heat. Spray grill grates with cooking spray and grill shrimp 2 to 3 minutes per side. Serve immedi­a tely with remoulade sauce or other sauce options below. Additional sauce options: Blend 1/2 cup mayonnaise with 2 teaspoons Sriracha.


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Baby Greens with Roasted Pears, Feta and Walnuts Servings: 4 to 6 • 4 firm, ripe pears, peeled, cored and cut into 8 slices • 1 teaspoon olive oil • 8 cups baby greens • 1/2 cup feta cheesem crumbled • 1/2 cup walnuts, toasted • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 400°F. On a parchment lined baking sheet, drizzle pears with olive oil. Roast in oven until edges of pears begin to brown, but still firm. Cool. Gently toss baby greens and cooled pears in salad bowl. Sprinkle feta and walnuts over salad. Season with salt and pepper. Serve imme­ diately with choice of dressing. Suggested dressings: Ranch, Cham­ pagne Vinaigrette or Strawberry Poppy Seed.

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6 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Community Connection

Military dad strong influence on son’s support of charity By Clay Neely clay@newnan.com

Scott Tyson, left, stands with his youngest son, Mason on their 180 Degree Farm in Sharpsburg.

Local farm, non-profit provides organic food By Bradley Hartsell bradley@newnan.com

W hen Mason Tyson was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma in 2006 at just four years old — on his birthday, no less — his parents, Scott and Nicole, were simply devastated and left asking a lot of questions. After Mason’s initial surgery, doctors began outlining his future. Chemotherapy was the next option. Chemo was going to weaken Mason and put him at risk for future issues. He’d probably live to be 40, the Tysons were told. Unsatisfied, the family opted against chemo, deciding to wait and monitor the cancer. All the while, Tyson researched the question of ... “Why?” “I read case study after case study trying to find the link to Neuroblastoma. Over and over it kept coming back to pesticides,” said Scott Tyson. T he fa m i ly i m med iately made a diet change, largely based on a paper written by Dr. Cha rles Benbrook . No more processed foods, no more sugars (“sugars feed cancer,” explained Tyson), no more vegetables grown in chemicals. With a drastic but medically sound diet change, the cancer in Mason’s lymph nodes calcified and sealed completely. Their son’s cancer healed and they attributed it all to one of the most basic elements of life: natural foods. A month before the diagnosis, the Tysons bought a farm in Sharpsburg, intending to build on it and move from Fayette County. The Tysons looked at their near 15-acre farm with something else in mind: it would be an organic garden, a community-oriented garden to help those in need. Tyson had grown food his whole life. Now, he was armed with the knowledge of “nutritiously dense” fruits and vegetables, as well as grassfed meat. “Whatever the plants eat, we ingest,” explained Tyson, “So

we have to be very careful.” Tyson says plants absorb pesticides into their cell walls, so when consumers wash off vegetables, it’s not really doing anything but making them wet. In 2009, 180 Degree Farm opened with the creed “grow, give, teach.” The focus is on good soil. Tyson says the food they grow isn’t ever an issue; they’re merely the extension of the soil. Tyson works full-time but works every night and weekend in the garden, toiling over every vegetable imaginable and the farm’s grass-fed chickens, ducks, turkeys and sheep. His wife, Nicole, homeschools Mason, now age 11 and six years cancer-free, and Cameron, 15. The 180 Degree Farm, a nonprofit organization, donates primarily to churches, food banks and their CSA customers (com mun it y-suppor ted agriculture). “In my opinion, 60-70 percent of diseases come from food,” said Tyson, who pointed to Autism and Type 2 diabetes. He believes it’s linked to America’s recent past of convenience — fast food, junk snacks and sodas. “Changing diets is going to take time. But the people who do switch see changes. Things like pancreatic cancer tend to go away when diet changes.” The Tysons teach classes in addition to growing food, raising awareness to the dangers of conventional diets and the power of natural ones. The farm has thrived off of volunteers and donations throughout its four-year history. Tyson says colleges send students to volunteer for days at a time. It’s the passion of those who pitch in that keep the the farm thriving, matching the passion the Tysons had of pitching in to the community. Scott Tyson calls it “a labor of love.” When he’s working every night and weekend with what saved his youngest child’s life, how could he call it anything else?

It’s easy for David Watts, for mer ow ner of New na n Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram, to name the individual who’s had the biggest impact on his life. “My dad,” Watts said. “My father was the greatest influence in my life growing up.” After rattling off the resume of his father’s life, it’s no mystery how this came to pass. Growing up only four blocks from Wrigley Field, David Watts’ father, Orville J. Watts (he went primarily by O.J.), cast a large shadow for his son. As a member of the 163rd Engineer Combat Battalion, he was on the first line that took Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944. He was shot twice, but only grazed, and was soon back on the front lines with Patton’s First and Third armies — participating in the Battle of the Bulge and driving all the way into Germany. Like many who served, following his discharge from the military, O.J. Watts went to college on the GI bill, graduating from the University of Miami with a double major in theology and political science. From Miami, he found his way to the Secret Service, work i n g u nder P re sident Dwight Eisenhower. Then, he spent 33 years as an FBI agent in Chicago and Indiana. Wat t s ’ bac k g rou nd a nd upbringing has influenced his devotion toward the Humble Heroes Foundation, a charity started by Atlanta Police Detective Patrick Apioan and his wife, Sandra. The Humble Heroes Foundation is committed to assisting police officers and firefighters, and their families, by providing f inancial and moral support to those who have been seriously injured or

al i c pe S ay d i l Ho

Michael Condit, center left, holds a check for $8,000 raised by David Watts, center, for Humble Heroes, founded by Atlanta Police Detective Patrick Apioan, center right.

year and tied it into the dealership as our main sponsor,” he said. Condit says that the next Go Topless event will be in May. “It ’s still not ver y wellknown down here just yet. I k now Patrick did something for Chris Landreau, the Coweta County fireman who passed away from cancer in 2011. He did a fundraiser before he passed but that’s the only exposure Humble Heroes has had down here so far,” Condit said. The younger Watts ultimately went on to Purdue for college, where he majored in accounting and marketing, then subsequently went to work for KPMG and was, by luck, assigned to large car dealerships. Watts went to work for a large dealer group, initially as CFO, and then moved into the operations side, and over the last 20 years he has been involved in various forms of ownership including being a partner in Ascent automotive, a platform of Lexus dealerships in Las Vegas, Ohio and Texas. He has worked

fallen ill, while building solid relationships between public servants and the communities they serve. “Part of my affiliation with this organization was growing up in a law enforcement family,” said Watts, and his dedication toward the cause was evidenced during the Newnan dealership’s grand opening last spring. D u r i n g t h e i n it i a l t wo months of the opening, proceeds were don ated from every sale for a grand total of $8,000, benefitting Humble Heroes. Michael Condit is a member of the Newnan Police Department and used his off-road club, Go Topless, to help raise money for Humble Heroes. Condit’s event three years ago was held in downtown Newnan. “We did Go Topless down near the Alamo three years ago. We did it as a fundraiser for an injured deputy out of West Virginia who was shot in the spine. It used to be a meet-and-greet for Jeeps, but turned it into a fundraiser. I partnered with Patrick shortly after that. We did it again this

with most major franchises — Toyota, Nissan, Ford and GM — in either operations or ownership. “It’s been fantastic,” Watts said of his time with the CDJR dealership in Newnan. “The community has been so supportive and we were lucky to work with the Chamber of Commerce so early. It’s a small town that’s very well networked. The Chamber was instrumental in our growth. What usually takes years has only taken just a short time,” said Watts. CDJR over the last year was involved with fundraising for high schools and charities, he said. “It’s a big part of our commitment to give back. If you’re asking the public to do business with you, it needs to be mutual.” CDJR was recently sold to Terry Taylor but Watts plans to remain part of the Newnan community in the future. “I believe that Newnan and Coweta, based on the growth of the past and the projected future, is a terrific opportunity for a dealership,” said Watts.

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Solution to crossword on page 2

Atlanta;Powers Htg & A/C;B26360;3.792x3-Newnan-Times Herald


Northgate, Whitewater open subregion play a ay

Eaton: Plant Vo V gtle expansion progressing

see page 7

see page 3

SA ATU TU R DA AY Y,, O Y OC C TO B E R 5 , 20 1 3

SA ATU TU R DA AY Y,, O Y OC C TO B E R 5 , 20 1 3

T o graduate fro Tw f m Coweta DUI Court see page 3

Small business ow o ners fe f el pinch of refo f rm fo Editor’s ’ note: This is the third ’s installment in a continuing n ng series by The Ne N wnan TimesH rald on the fe He f deral Aff Affo ffordable Care Act and what it means fo f r Coweta area residents and businesses.


Peachtree City. y y. didn’t make any immediate need to worry about it. tive fo f r them to subscribe to our ff red health insurffe As an employer, Smith cur- moves. He relies on info f rmation fo H i s c o m p a ny c u r r e n t l y company-offe rently staffs ff roughly fo ffs f ur to six fr f om his insurance agent. Aft f er offers health insurance, but ance through Blue Cross Blue ft Christopher Smith is the employees at each location. everything he had read or heard it’s not a popular item with his Shield. We have a lot of single guys who fe f el like they don’t ow ner of t h re e Va lvol i ne When he first learned about on the news, Smith concluded employees. Instant Oil Change locations t he passage of t he federa l that because he has less than “We W ’re not paying minimum We — one in Newnan and two in Affordable Care Act, Smith 50 employees on staff he didn’t wage, but it’s still not cost effe ff cffe HEALT L H, page 2 LT


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Man victim of drive v -by ve b by


Motives of two suspects unclear

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A man was injured in a drive-by shooting late Friday and was transported to the hospital by helicopter. The man was believed to be playing basketball with a group by a small church around the 90 block of West Washington Street, said Lt. Eddie Attaway with Newnan Police Department. Police are currently searching fo f r two unknown suspects who drove by and fired into the group just befo f re 6 p.m. fo One man was hit in the stomach and was fo f und on the f ont porch of a home across fr the street when public safe f ty fe personnel arrived. He was shortly transported to Atlanta




The victim of a shooting on West Washington Street was transported to a hospital in Atlanta by helicopter late Friday.

by helicopter, which landed in are unsure of the vehicle or the Westside Plaza shopping type of weapons used in the center around 6:30 p.m. shooting at this time, and are According to Attaway, y police still interviewing witnesses. y,


Three Cowetans help carry on a holiday tradition

4th armed robbery suspect arrested By WES MAY A ER AY

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suspect we were looking g fo f r,,”

You get all the benefits of the digital subscription including these additional features: • The convenience of print home delivery • Comics • Special print inserts • USA Weekend print edition • Newnan-Coweta Magazine - 6 issues per year • Annual Coweta Living magazine

All of the local coverage from our community’s staff of journalists • Full access to an online replica of the print edition on your computer or laptop • iPad app allowing you to read the print edition from your iPad.


$2,500 in rebates* and tax credits** With the purchase of a qualifying Lennox® Home comfort System. Offer expires November 29, 2013 CN003367 *Offer is valid only with the purchase of qualifying Lennox® products. System rebate offers range from $300–$2,000. See dealer for details. **Visit www.energystar.gov for more information on the tax credit guidelines. See dealer for details. © 2013 Lennox Industries, Inc. NTH. 11/29. LNX

Coweta County’s News Source, Published 5 Days A Week

16 Jefferson Street | Newnan, GA 30263 | 770-304-3373 Expires 12/31/13. (Subscriptions must be paid in advance. Does not apply to mailed subscriptions.)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013 | MyConnection 7

Drivers Trucking

Schools/ Instruction


Drivers – CDL-A

Train and work for us! Professional, focused CDL training available. Choose Company, Owner Operator, Lease Operator or lease Trainer.

To place your ad


• Call 770-253-1576 • Fax 770-253-2538 • Email classifieds@newnan.com • Log on to times-herald.com

www.CentralTruck DrivingJobs.com


Run FB with WTI. Be home through the week and weekends. Start up to 28% plus fuel bonus. New equipment. BCBS. Experience needed. LP available.

770-253-1576 • times-herald.com


Child Care

Child Care

I offer Child care in my home. References if needed. Call Between 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Located in Newnan, off Smokey Road.





Advertise Your Auction

In over 100 newspapers for only $350 . Your 25-word classified ad will reach more than 1 million readers. Call Jennifer Labon at the Georgia Newspaper Service.


TO OUR READERS The Newnan Times-Herald does not knowingly accept advertisements regarding employment which are not bona fide job offers. This newspaper is committed to providing a reliable source and marketplace for those individuals seeking employment. Be cautious when attempting to do business with any unknown person or company. Please analyze all advertisements carefully and use good judgment and common sense. This newspaper does not knowingly accept advertisements that discriminate or intend to discriminate on any illegal basis. Nor does this newspaper knowingly accept advertisements that promote illegal activities.





Gun Show

Nov. 23 & 24 Sat. 9-5 & Sun. 10-5 Cartersville. Clarence Brown Conference Center. (5450 GA Hwy 20) Buy-sell-Trade. Info:



Drivers Trucking



12 Pro Drivers Needed!

$$$ Up to 50 cpm $$$ Full Benefits + Quality Hometime. CDL-A req.

Click on...



Drivers Trucking



25 New Driver Trainees Needed!


Become a driver for TMC Transportation! Earn $750 per week! No CDL? No problem! Local 15 day Training!

OTR Flatbed Drivers earn 50 up to 55 cpm loaded. $1,000 sign on to qualified drivers. Home most weekends. EOE Call:




Regional CDL-A Drivers

Solo and Team CDL-A Drivers!

Averitt offers fantastic benefits & weekly hometime. Paid Training. Recent grads with CDL-A & drivers with limited experience.


Apply online at: AverittCareers.com Equal Opportunity Employer

Covenant Needs Drivers!

Truck Drivers are in Demand! Great benefits, stability, and earning potential! The avg. truck driver earns $700+/wk.*! No CDL? 16 Day training avail!

Call Today!

N. GA: 866-494-7434 or S. GA: 866-557-9244 *DOL/BLS 2012.



Hiring full time. Hourly pay. Mon. - Sat. 9-6. 93 Temple Ave.


EDITION Sunday, Nov. 24 Wednesday, Nov. 27 Thursday, Nov. 28 Friday, Nov. 29 Saturday, Nov. 30 Sunday, Dec. 1 Wednesday, Dec. 4

DEADLINE Wednesday, Nov. 20 at 5 pm Monday, Nov. 25 at 5 pm Monday, Nov. 25 at 5 pm Wednesday, Nov. 27 at 9 am Wednesday, Nov. 27 at 5 pm Friday, Nov. 29 at 9 am Monday, Dec. 2 at 5 pm

EDITION Wednesday, Nov. 27 Wednesday, Dec. 4

DEADLINE Thursday, Nov. 21 at 5 pm Friday, Nov. 29 at 1 pm

Schools/ Instruction


Airline Careers





Good condition. $150.

Holiday Dress

Hands on training for career opportunities in aviation, automotive, manufacturing and more. Financial aid for qualified students. Housing available. Job placement assistance. Call AIM:



Kenmore Front Loading. Purchased 7-18-13 New. Only used 2 months. $399 Cash.


Bargain Buys $200 or less


Display Cabinet

Beautiful, 5' x 3' with 5 glass shelves, excellent cond. 2-years-old. $200 OBO



Begin here. Get FAA approved Aviation Maintenance Technichan training. Financial aid for qualified students. Housing available. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance:


Black velvet, tea length. Size 12. $30




Welding Careers

Side by side refrigerator freezer. Color white. Needs ice maker work. Good condition. $100

29 Serious People to work from anywhere using a computer up to $1,500 - $5,000 PT/FT. www.amazing lifestylefrom home.com







Size 205-50-16. Looks like new. $50 770-304-0462


Classified Advertising Deadlines


Two Radial Tires

Pawn Express of Newnan

Never used. Cost $200. Will take $75.

New Liz Claiborne. Large, brown. $10.



Ab Lounger Exerciser

Train to be a Professional Truck Driver

through Primeʼs Student Driver Program. Obtain your Commercial Driverʼs License, then get paid while training!

MyConnection Sudoku Puzzle




Insurance Agents needed: Leads, No Cold Calls; Commissions Paid Daily: Lifetime Renewals; Complete Training: Health / Dental Insurance; Life License required. Call:

Bargain Buys $200 or less

7 ft. tall, great for TV and components. Very good cond. $125


Earn $500 Per Day


Train to become a Medical Office Assistant. No experience needed ! Online training at SC gets you job ready! HS Diploma/GED & PC/Internet Needed!


877-277-7298 DriveForSuper Service.com


Medical Office Trainees Needed!



Local - Home Daily! Forest Park Van! Great Pay, Benefits! CDL-A, 1-yr. exp. req. Estenson Logistics. Apply: www.goelc.com


Excellent Home Time & Pay $3000 to $5000 Sign-On Bonus! BCBS Benefits. Join Super Service!


Like new, woman's mountain bike. 26" Magna 15 speed, blue. Good tires. $50.



Hooked type, 9'x11'. Blue and pink on ivory background. Immaculate. $150.



Lapel Microphone

for speakers. Used very little. Very good shape. Cash only. $60


Steamer Trunk Great for someone who likes to refurbish old pieces. $125 OBO.


Land & Lots For Sale

1 Acre




North Georgia Mountain Land Bargain!

2 BR, 1 Bath Cottage

770-253-2256 or 770-251-0284 Homes For Rent-Unfurn.

TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.

Sell it quick! 770-253-1576


TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.

Manufactured Homes For Rent 705

3 BR, 2 Bath


Powers Crossroads area. 14x80. Range, refrigerator, Central H/A. $130 / week, $560 move in

2 Homes: 3 BRs $640 - $690


3 BR, 2 BA, $850



5 Homes: 2-4 BRs $475 - $820


Mobile Homes For Rent

2 Homes: $475

866-952-5303 ext. 77




17 Acres. Abuts US National Foresty. Only $59,900. Was $199,900. Georgeous mountain top setting, gentle slope, crystal clear mountain streams. Enjoy tremendous privacy. RV friendly. Only one like this. Must see. Excellent financing. Call now


Sudoku Solution


Live in Historic Downtown Newnan




Apts For Rent - Unfurn.

Wooded lots Meriwether County Water system - no well needed! Owner financing with $250 down, 8% APR, $104 / month

1 3 Inch. Not a flat s creen. $25



770-583-8864 or 770-301-8786 FOR RENT: 3 BR, 2 BA Apt. 444 Jefferson St., $695 1 BR, 1 BA Home 936 Welcome Arnco Rd., $495 smokerisemanagement.com

24HR info: 770-253-2300 office: 770-683-4807

Rent-to-Own Hogansville

107 Boozer St. 2 BR, $350; 102 Marshall 2 BR, $475 No dep. or credit check



Small Home & Mobile Homes Starting at $100 per week. Newnan & Luthersville. Safe areas. Low deposit required 770-927-9276

Real Estate / Rental Ad Weekend Special Friday • Saturday Sunday 12 lines (about 40 words) print & online $30


2013 Service Directory Dumpsters



Home Improvement

manny the


concrete service, llc

“When we leave.... ...it’s finished!”

slabs • patios sidewalks • driveways

pool decks tear out

Home Improvement

/ replace


30 years in business! Call for a FREE Estimate! Gene King

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• home improvement & repairs • finished basements • electrical / plumbing • drywall / trim work • pressure washing • int. - ext. painting • all types of flooring • kitchen / bathroom remoddeling • roofing / siding / gutters • windows / doors • decks /screen porch No Job Too Large or Small Over 33 years experienced For your FREE Estimate call:




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5” & 6” Gutters Metal or Shingle Roofs Siding • Windows Doors • Decks

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Home Improvement


Over 30 years experience Locally owned and operated / Fully licensed and insured



Tree Services

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tree removal stump grinding Trimming, Chipping, Debris Removal, Hauling Licensed & Insured Experienced Excellent References

call mike: 678-416-5684

Home Improvement

Ornamental Iron

J. Veitch Construction, Inc.

F&F Ornamental Iron

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Tree Services

Tree & Outdoor Services

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Must present coupon at time of estimate. Can not be combined with any other offers.

• Tree Removal • Stump Grinding • Pruning & Trimming • Bobcat Work • Brush Clearing • Storm Clean Up • Pressure Washing

Service Directory Ads • 20 Days in Print • 30 Days Online • 4 Weeks in MyConnection Advertise in here and reach over 676,900 in Readership!

Office: 770-253-5883 email: Jeremy@s2tree.com

Drug Free Licensed Insured Work Place www.S2Tree.com

To advertise in The Newnan Times-Herald Service Directory, call 770-253-1576 or email: classifieds@newnan.com


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8 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, November 20, 2013









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