Wednesday, January 9, 2013
ur Bridal Planner will show you how to make the most of your time, energy and budget, while keeping your wedding’s style and fun factor sky high.
November 27, 2013
2013 Bridal Planner
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Luminarias to honor Madeline McTier By Celia Shortt celia@newnan.com
In what has become a Christmas tradition in Coweta County, residents of the SummerGrove neighborhood in Newnan will be setting local streets aglow with luminarias. “It allows us to do a few great things at once — make SummerGrove beautiful, raise money, and have a greater sense of community,” said Lights for Linda Luminarias founder, Nancy Sanker. Sanker started this project with friends to honor her sister, Linda McGrenaghan, who died after fighting leukemia for 19 years. All proceeds from the luminarias go to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Currently, more than $6000 has been donated to LLS through the project. This year, Lights for Linda is dedicating the luminarias to Madeline McTier. McTier was a 17-yea r-old East Coweta High School student who passed away in September from complications of a brain tumor. She lived in the neighborhood where Lights for Linda began. “It’s an honor that they would think of us,” said Madeline’s mother, Jennifer McTier. “SummerGrove is a large community. Even though it is a big community, it is close-knit. So many people have done so many wonderful things” Jennifer McTier purchased luminar-
Lights for Linda Luminarias kits are for sale this year in honor of Madeline McTier. To purchase, email lightsforlinda@gmail. com. They are available for a suggested tax-deductible donation of $20 to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Each kit includes eight luminary bags, eight longburning candles, sand, and instructions.
The streets of SummerGrove on a past Christmas Eve lighted by the Lights for Linda Luminarias.
ias for the cause in the past, but has not before been as involved as she is now. This year, she plans to help with the entire process — from distributing luminarias, to assisting in organizing the overall effort. “Christmas will be hard,” she said. “It will be nice to see the luminarias on Christmas Eve. It will be good to focus on that instead of the bad. I’m looking forward to helping.”
This is the first year in which the luminarias will be honoring a specific person. “We felt compelled to do it because I can’t imagine losing a child,” said Sanker. “You can join us as we remember Madeline, encourage others who are in the midst of their health challenges and salute their caregivers.” Luminaria kits can be purchased at lightsforlinda@gmail.com. Kits are
available for a suggested tax-deductible donation of $20 to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Each kit includes eight luminary bags, eight long-burning candles, sand, and instructions. The kits will be available for pickup on Saturday, Dec 7 from 9 a.m. to noon at the SummerGrove Town Hall. Kits can also be picked up at 55 Lake Shore Drive on Dec. 9 from 3 to 7 p.m. SummerGrove residents are invited
to become “Lighthouses,” helping to spread the luminarias’ glow by placing professionally printed signs in their yards. Signs will be delivered during the week after Nov. 22 and picked up on Dec. 7. For more information on purchasing luminarias and how to become a “Lighthouse,” email lightsforlinda@ gmail.com or call 770-344-8046. Follow the luminarias’ progress by visiting www.lightsforlinda.org or “liking” the organization on Facebook. As a way of saying thanks, Lights for Linda Luminarias will include the purchaser’s name and the name(s) of the person each is honoring in a future SummerGrove newsletter.
i n s i de Special touches for an easy-to-create pie bar ➤
Photo by Jeffrey Leo
Heritage School junior Ruthie Powell is already a four-time GISA state cross country champion with a chance at a fifth title in 2014. Last spring, she swept victories in the 800, 1,600 and 3,200 meters at the GISA state track meet.
Heritage four-time GISA champion Ruthie Powell continues to dream big By CHRIS GOLTERMANN cgoltermann@newnan.com Sixth graders, take note. You’re never too young to dream big. Just ask Ruthie Powell. Five years ago, The Heritage School junior found herself on the school’s 1-mile warmup cross-country course not knowing much about the sport, but compelled to “follow in the footsteps” of former Lady Hawks standout runner
Elizabeth Ginn. Has she ever. Powell continued to add to her own legacy last month by capturing an unprecedented fourth consecutive GISA individual state championship while adding another title for Heritage’s cross-country program under the guidance of longtime coach Frank Marchman. Under Marchman’s guidance, the school has won a dozen state cham-
pionships since 2002 divided equally among girls (2003-06, 2010-11) and boys (2002, 2004-06, 2010-11). The list of individual winners between programs is equally lengthy including Powell’s cousin, Margaret, who set a state-record in the mile for Heritage in 1995. Yet Ruthie has gone from a promising prospect in middle school to
powell, page 3A
Decadent Dessert Bar Anyone who entertains knows it takes effort to make it look effortless. For those planning to host a dinner party this holiday season — or throughout the year — incorporating special touches is part of the fun and adds to your guests’ experience. The next occasion where you plan on entertaining, resist the temptation to delegate bringing a dessert to your guests. Instead, save the best for last by serving up a dessert pie bar as the sweet finale to a wonderful gathering. Follow these easy steps to help bring your dessert bar to life for your next event.
Shhhhh ... it can be your little secret Finding ways to save time without compromising quality is the hallmark of a savvy host or hostess. With the high-quality ingredients and handmade touches available in today’s pre-made pies in the frozen aisle
dessert, page 2A
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2A MyConnection | Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Mingle with kringle
Historic Downtown Newnan November 29 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Children of all ages come to downtown Newnan to see Santa arrive to light the Christmas tree. Children bring your wish list and parents bring your cameras.
Info: 770-253-8283 www.mainstreetnewnan.com
plaid friday
Historic Downtown Newnan November 29 until 8:00 p.m. Plaid Fr id ay celebr at es t he d ive r sit y a nd c r e at iv it y of independent businesses. Plaid Friday is the fun alternative to the big box store “Black Friday”, and promotes both local and independently owned businesses during the holidays. Help us celebrate by wearing plaid.
Info: 770-253-8283 www.mainstreetnewnan.com
peachtree city chair-ity event Peachtree City December 5 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. The 7th Annual Chair-ity Event is a fundraiser for abused children living in the cottages at The Christian Village at Christian City. Tickets are $25 in advance and include food and drinks and an entry to win a golf cart.
Info: 770-703-2636 www.christiancity.org
Wedne sday, Januar Octobe r 9, 201 3
Connect with your customers. Call to advertise.
Wednesd ay and
delivered free
Pie pairings that please
1. Fence part 2. C in TLC 3. Kilimanjaro top, e.g. 4. Slow, musically speaking 5. Lamentation 6. Blatant promotion 7. ___ Royal Highness 8. ABBA’s genre 9. Auction off 10. Dry riverbed 11. Bread maker 12. Ship wrecker 15. Torch holder 20. Result of pitcher’s dominance 22. Pendulum’s path 24. *Type of words less common these days 25. *Dots and dashes code 26. Popular potato 27. Gin’s partner 29. Symphony member 31. Patty ____
by The
nov. 28 – dec. 1
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page 5
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Solution on Page 6A © StatePoint Media
Weather Connection
Teacher uses sta bility ba lls in claTHURSDAY ss
Ruth Hil l instru By Celi ctor cre celia@ a Shor tt newna n.com ati
Continued from page 1A
of your local grocery store, your guests will never guess that the f laky crust on their pie isn’t homem ade when it looks and tastes just like it is made from scratch. With so many delicious dessert pies to choose from, creativity can shine in presentation instead, bringing signature special touches to your next occasion.
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Ruth Hill first-g “awes rader ome.” Jada Wilkes
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When planning your pie bar, select an assortment of three to five pies that bring complementary color, texture and flavor. For a traditional pie bar serve holiday favorites, such as Dutch Apple Pie, Pumpkin Pie and Southern Pecan Pie. Wow your guests with a pie bar full of vibrant colors by slicing into the rich Razzleberry Pie, Lattice Cherry Pie, and Peppermint Pie. If you have chocolate lovers on the guest list, satisfy their cravings with a chocolate lover’s themed pie bar, serving Chocolate Satin Pie, Turtle Pie and Peanut Butter Cream Pie.
Top it all off Let your guests get in on the fun with a toppings bar that allows them to tailor each piece of pie to their tastes. Consider presenting a wide selection of toppings for mixing and
matching like Reddi-wip, ice cream, chocolate syrup, chocolate chips, marshm allows, coconut, crushed cookies and fresh fruit.
A delightful display Show off the signature special touches of each pie with a display of elevated pie stands. Keep some pies sliced in the pie dish and some served onto dessert plates for added dimension. You can always replenish the plated slices as needed to avoid a cluttered table. Add to the festivity by displaying the array of toppings in martini glasses or Mason jars and feature pie slices on small, square platters to complement the round pies. Don’t forget to add a pie server next to each pie and spoons for each topping.
Tie together with a tag Once your pies and toppings have been creatively displayed on your table, add custom labels that fit your theme so guests can easily determine what the selection includes. Distinguish your pies with foldable tent labels or tags for each variety served. These can be easy to make and personalize if you are feeling crafty, or purchased at a local paper goods or craft store. Label each topping selection by simply tying a tag around the martini glass or Mason jar with ribbon.
Historical Society museum extended hours, new exhibit Visit the Senoia Area Historical Society Museum — while family is in town for the holidays— and take a journey through the past. The museum is adding a new exhibit following Thanksgiving: “The Joy of Christmas Pasts,” showcasing more than 50 Christmas cards from the first half of the last century. In conjunction with the opening of “The Joy of Christmas Pasts” and the holiday weekend, the Senoia museum will be extending its operating hours. Doors will open at 10 a.m. and close at 4 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 29 and Saturday, Nov. 30.
Senoia Area Historical Society is adding a new exhibit with more than 50 Christmas cards from the first half of the last century.
For more information visit w w w.senoia histor y.org or find the society on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/ Senoia-Area-Historical-Society.
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“I have suffered from severe neuropathy in both feet for close to 10 years. My previous doctors said it was due to my Diabetes and that I would just have to live with it. After reading about Dr. Dunn, I went to go see him. I’ve completed the treatment plan that he outlined and am happy to say that I am finally symptom free.” — Bill Schwartz “Before seeing Dr. Dunn, the neuropathy in my feet was so bad that I couldn’t even drive a car. Now, I can drive myself to get groceries and go to Wal-Mart whenever I want to. Dr. Dunn truly gave me my life back.” — Mary Jenkins “After the first treatment, I noticed an immediate improvement. For the first time in many years, I was actually able to sleep through the night without my feet waking me up.” — Susie Sayer Now let me say this, I’m not promising that I can cure everyone. I don’t even know if you qualify for my program. That’s yet to be determined, and requires a thorough examination and review of your medical history. I know that you’ve been promised the moon and stars before and nobody has delivered the goods. That’s why I’m offering you a risk-free introduction to this program. For a limited time you’ll receive my Qualifying Examination Special for only $47 if you call before December 11, 2013.
Correct Diagnosis + Correct Treatment = Best Results Possible and Relief. If you’re tired of the institutionalized merry-go-round of cover-up care, then you need to try my program. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
1. Do you feel like you’re wearing an invisible “sock” over your feet? 2. Does it feel like you are stepping on thumb tacks? 3. Are you extremely sensitive to touch… Burning, Freezing or electric “shocks” into your legs or feet? 4. Are you experiencing Numbness, Tingling, Loss of Feeling or even Weakness in your legs or feet? 5. Are you starting to have balance problems now because of your feet? If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, chances are that you may have Peripheral Neuropathy. If you’ve been suffering for a while and you’re tired of treatments that only give you temporary relief, then I may have the answer you’ve been waiting and hoping for. Remember, this Special Offer is only good until the 11th of December. Call today 770-450-4541 and we can get you scheduled for your consultation and exam as soon as there’s an opening. When you call, tell Donna or Jennifer that you’d like to come in for my Neuropathy Recovery Evaluation so she can make sure you receive proper credit for this special offer. Sincerely, Dr. Matt Dunn, D.C.
P.S. See Dr. Dunn interviewed about Neuropathy on 11Alive Morning and hear him on 95.5 FM “WSB” Dr. Dunn practices in Peachtree City, Georgia and specializes in the treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy and Herniated Discs. See My Patients Share Their Inspirational Stories at:
To learn even more: www.tinyurl.com/neuropathyvideo
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 | MyConnection 3A
Community Connection
powell Continued from page 1A
one who has become the standard for the program’s current successes. The Heritage School junior, who comes from an athletic family that includes sisters Lydia, an alumnus who starred in basketball and soccer, and Zofia, a standout on the Lady Hawks’ Final Four volleyball team, just might not have realized the magnitude of her own accomplishments. “That’s what I was trying to get across to her [about her accomplishment] and I don’t think she understands that yet,” Marchman said. “You have to do it all in one day. She could be great all year and that day, some other girl could beat her out. There’s a lot of mental toughness involved. I’ve looked all throughout GISA in cross country and I haven’t found anybody else that’s done what she’d done.” Marchman has relied on younger runners to keep both programs going strong, especially with Heritage adding volleyball in 2011. “We’ve had some good runners and good people,” said Marchman, who was able to put together a varsity girls lineup in time for this year’s state meet that placed eighth to go with a third-place finish from the Hawks. “I’m just fortunate here at Heritage to get people to come out.” Outlasting Augusta Prep eighth grader Jamie Holodek in 19:43 to win this year’s Class AAA girls championship at the state course in Loganville, Powell continued to put together sub-20 times worthy of putting her among the best runners in the Georgia High School Association. Holodek did her best to challenge the Lady Hawks’ No. 1 runner, staying with her through the 2-mile mark. Powell admits that it equally helped bring the best out of her after running a much slower mark of 20:22 while winning the Region 1-AAA championship by a 25-second margin on the same course nine days earlier. “There was a girl this year that I didn’t have any idea about [Holodek] and she kept up with me until about mile two. My comfort zone is wait until 1-2 miles and go from there,” Powell said. “She definitely helped me run the time.” Had Powell kept the pace of her most recent title winning effort at this year’s GHSA state meet — be it among a very challenging course at Carrollton — Powell would have placed sixth in the Class A private school race, won the Class A public event and placed second in AA, AAA or AAAA girls runs. With a persona l best of 18:41, her times have consistently dropped since emerging as a Class AA state champion
as an eighth grader in 2010 in Macon with a time of 20:10. Powell repeated the following year in 20:02 then kept the run of titles going in 2012 despite Heritage making a jump to the GISA’s highest classification. Ever since her first run as a sixth grader, though, Powell has made it her goal to find the front of the pack. Like any pure runner, it started with a passion for speed and the feel of her heels kicking up behind her. “I like to run. Whenever we did [physical education], I liked it,” she said. “I remember watching Elizabeth Ginn race. She was rea lly good and I wanted to follow in her footsteps.” That fall, Powell found her-
self with Ginn, an AA champion in 2006 and 2007, along with Heritage’s seniors on the varsity warm-up trail and remembers immediately finding herself comfortable in her surroundings. “I remember we ran pretty fast,” Powell said, “and I loved it.” Her first middle school race at George Walton as a sixth grader in a 1 ½-2-mile event ended with the first of many victories to come, eventually easing into 5K varsity runs over the next two years. “I was actua lly worried about it,” said Powell recalling the first 5K race of her career, which was held at Oak Mountain in Carrollton. “It wasn’t that bad, because in middle
school, you’re sprinting a lot. In 5k it’s going along at your own pace.” Success has carried over onto the track for Heritage, where she has excelled in the spring in the 800, 1,600 and 3, 200, sweeping the three events in last year’s Class AAA state track meet in Albany. It hasn’t come easy, though. Powell feels she’s dedicated herself to training and setting goals each year. “Running is a really hard sport. I guess I’ve learned that I can push myself a lot harder than I know I can,” she said. “It just doesn’t happen. I train for it every year. I think I know I can do it. It’s just I have to put the work in.” Marchman, who can vouch
“I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving.” Psalm 69:30 “I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the Lord.” Psalm 116:17 “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him: rooted and built up in Him, and established in the faith as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.” Colossians 2:6-7 Thanksgiving is not a day, but rather an attitude of the heart!
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for the effort, feels that his No. 1 runner has the talent to excel at the college level. But he also admits there’s still areas for her to build on. “She puts in the time,” said the Heritage School coach. “I’ve been telling the college coaches, her potential’s still not there yet.” The thought of competing at the next level excites Powell, who is just as active in school as a member of Heritage’s SGA and Key Club while also playing basketball during the winter months. But she also understands some of the process is out of her control. “Running in college is definitely a goal. I would love to do that. I’m just have to try to keep my options open and see what happens. I’m going to run
well this track season and get my times down,” she said. ‘I’ve been to camps and they say you just have to do your thing and be lucky. We’re e-mailing coaches and we’ll just see how it goes.” The daughter of Dr. Jack and Page Powell can also see herself possibly following in another family tradition as part of a seventh generation to practice medicine in Coweta with interests in physical therapy and a possible pre-med major in college. Up f i r st , however, i s a chance next fall to finish out her cross-country career with an potential fifth individual championship. “That’s my goal,” she said. “I just have to keep on dreaming really hard.”
4A MyConnection | Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Community Connection
The Heritage School unveils memorials for Tyler Henson By Bradley Hartsell bradley@newnan.com
Emotion poured out on Nov. 7 when The Heritage School unveiled memorials to Tyler Henson, a student killed in May after losing control of his vehicle. Henson was a multi-sport junior, highly regarded for his character on the field and in the classroom. The memorial was spearheaded by Trevor Saw yer, Henson’s best friend of many years, as a way to honor the memory of his fallen friend. Following the accident, Sawyer approached Heritage Head of School J.P. Watson and proposed a memoria l. Watson consented. He said the school planned for a tribute to Henson and he knew the school would honor and encourage Sawyer’s initiative. “It’s incredible the work he’s done. There’s no question he’s brought people together,” said Watson. The Hensons have regarded Sawyer as more family than friend over the years. Even sweeter for the family, was knowing this memorial project secured Sawyer his Eagle Scout rank, meaning the project would make an impact not only on the memory of Tyler but in Sawyer’s life as well. “This wasn’t for Trevor,” Watson said. “This was for the Henson family.” Perched on the hill above The Heritage School’s football field where Henson once excelled, stand two dedications to the student athlete. One is a bronze plaque commemorating his likeness with loving words inscribed. The other, right next to the plaque, is a marble col-
umn topped with a helmet and a football. The column’s lid was slid off on Nov. 7, and Sawyer dropped in notecards containing loving thoughts and memories of Henson composed by students and faculty. Engraved on the column are the words “Mind, Body, Spirit, Camaraderie,” and Isaiah 40:31, including the closing lines “They run and not grow weary, they walk and not be faint.” “I’m still baffled, I couldn’t imagine it would look this good,” said Saw yer. “Tyler was a big part of this campus. He was only here three years but you can see the impact he made.” The entirety of The Heritage School looked on as friends and family spoke of Henson’s life, the memorials remaining covered. Watson, Sawyer, Henson’s Uncle Bart and football coach Kevin Prisant were among the speakers. The young, composed Prisant began his speech by saying, “Today is not a sad day,” and that it was a day to celebrate the life of Tyler Henson. As he continued his prepared words, his voice broke and tears appeared in his eyes. In a poignant moment, Prisant sidestepped the microphone and whispered to the crowd, trying to mask his emotion with a laugh, “I said today wasn’t a sad day.” When the memorials were finally unveiled, the hard work of Sawyer and the Henson family was revealed in a touching and personal dedication to their loved one. “We were overwhelmed that [Sawyer] wanted to do this for Tyler,” said Bart Henson. “We’re grateful he decided to
do this project. When we saw it all unveiled, it was amazing how perfect it was. It brings those emotions back up.” Dean Henson, Tyler Hen-
Since 1979
make his idea a reality. He had been chiefly involved throughout the organization of the dedication, so last Nov. 7 didn’t bring Sawyer many surprises. When Henson’s Uncle Bart spoke, however, Sawyer said he too, was brought to tears.
Hanging of Ministries
Green Arranged by
Fred Hottensen
Photo by Bradley Hartsell
Henson family members stand at their son’s memorial following its unveiling recently at The Heritage School. From left are his sister Rebekah, his father, Dean, his brother, Peyton, his mother, Amy, and sister Rachel.
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and the Henson family lost a son, a brother, a nephew, a grandson. Nov. 7 wasn’t a day to hold back tears but to purge them and celebrate the life of someone so many cared about. Sawyer said he was proud of everyone who came together to
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son’s father, said of the unveiling, “It just f loors you. Trevor’s idea coming to fruition, it’s awesome.” Sawyer lost his best friend
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Wednesday, November 27, 2013 | MyConnection 5A
Gene Evans
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All vehicles are plus tax and title and subject to prior sale. Not all buyers will qualify for Ford Credit limited-term financing. Ford Trade-in Assistance Cash is for customers that trade in a 1995 or newer Ford/LM/Competitive vehicle and purchase a new vehicle. 1 Customer can elect to apply award amount to transaction or receive cash in lieu of the Ford Black Friday Award Prepaid MasterCard.® $500 on ’13 Escape, ’14 Fiesta, ’14 Fusion Energi, ’14 Fusion Hybrid, ’14 F-150 Regular Cab, and ’14 Transit Connect. Not available on ’13 Fiesta S, ’13/’14 FocusElectric, ’13/’14 C-MAX Energi and ’14 C-MAX Hybrid. The Ford Black Friday Award Prepaid MasterCard® is issued by Comerica Bank pursuant to a license by MasterCard® International Incorporated. MasterCard® is a registered trademark of MasterCard® International Incorporated. Card will be mailed after purchase of the vehicle and can be used to make purchases through June 30, 2014. There is no cash or ATM access with this card. Award amount will vary based on vehicle selected. Offer ends 12/2/13. See dealer for complete details. *3 days or 150 miles, whichever comes first. See the store for terms and conditions, some restrictions apply. Dealer retains all Ford rebates. Payments are with approval from Ford Credit. Actual mileage will vary. See www.fueleconomy.gov. Photos for illustration only. Dealer is not responsible for typographical errors. “Ghostbusters” (Parker, Jr.) is used by permission of EMI Golden Torch Music & Radiola Music. All rights reserved. ©1996-2013 AutoNation, Inc. 1
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6A MyConnection | Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Community Connection
Worst foot forward It’s not smart to judge a book by its cover, but guys have never let that slow them down when it comes to checking out the chicks. Wo m e n h a v e a l w a y s known this and dressed — or undressed — accordingly. The tactic never fails. While an impressionable lad, I paid good money to see the girly show at the Pike County Fair in Troy, Ala. It was a lifechanging event for a kid who still drooled over the lingerie ads in the Sears catalog. The display of cleavage was both astonishing and fearful. Today’s females display more flesh while strolling the local mall — a problem for guys. Once upon a time, girls stayed covered from knee to neck, in school, out of school and everywhere in between. “Loose” girls likely to hand out a kiss, or more, at the end of a date, advertised their availability by “forgetting” to fasten the top button on their Bobbie Brooks blouses. But there were some fashion lines even the “bad” girls would not cross. At least not those girls raised in the South. Whether their folks were sharecroppers or sh a reholders , Southern girls were taught from birth that they should never, Never, NEV ER wea r white shoes before Easter or after Labor Day. And they didn’t. A recent news story shows that at least one Southern girl’s mama never gave her “the talk.” This incident occurred in the parking lot of a metro Atlanta Waffle House restaurant. Names are not necessary, but suffice it to say that a man and woman in their 20s had met earlier in the evening, consumed several drinks and surrendered themselves to Mother Nature and Jack Daniel. Things went so well the pair decided a kiss was not sufficient to celebrate the occasion. They went to the Waffle House.
Instead of going inside for an iced tea toast, the two jumped each other in the dude's pickup in the parking lot and proceeded to scatter, smother and cover themselves with a variety of “romantic” side dishes not offered on the Waff le House menu. Bystanders said the truck was soon thrashing about like a test vehicle at a shock absorber factory. Moans and groans from the two lovers even drowned out passing traffic.
ALEX mcrae The outdoor action started hurting hash brown sales, and cops were called to restore domestic tranquility — and customer appetites. W hen t he po -po popped over they found the gentleman seated behind the wheel. The police report described the woman’s condition and location as: “pantsless and straddling him.” Cops said the car reeked of
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Northgate, Whitewater open subregion play a ay
Eaton: Plant Vo V gtle expansion progressing see page 3
see page 7
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SA ATU TU R DA AY Y,, O Y OC C TO B E R 5 , 20 1 3
SA ATU TU R DA AY Y,, O Y OC C TO B E R 5 , 20 1 3
T o graduate fro Tw f m Coweta DUI Court see page 3
Small business ow o ners fe f el pinch of refo f rm fo Editor’s ’ note: This is the third ’s installment in a continuing n ng series by The Ne N wnan TimesH rald on the fe He f deral Aff Affo ffordable Care Act and what it means fo f r Coweta area residents and businesses.
BY CLAY A NEELY AY L LY Peachtree City. y y. didn’t make any immediate need to worry about it. tive fo f r them to subscribe to our CLAY AY@ AY Y@NEWNAN.COM ff red health insurffe As an employer, Smith cur- moves. He relies on info f rmation fo H i s c o m p a n y c u r r e n t l y company-offe rently staffs ff roughly fo ffs f ur to six fr f om his insurance agent. Aft f er offers health insurance, but ance through Blue Cross Blue ft Christopher Smith is the employees at each location. everything he had read or heard it’s not a popular item with his Shield. We have a lot of single guys who fe f el like they don’t ow ner of t h re e Va lvol i ne When he first learned about on the news, Smith concluded employees. Instant Oil Change locations t he passage of t he federa l that because he has less than “We W ’re not paying minimum We — one in Newnan and two in Affordable Care Act, Smith 50 employees on staff he didn’t wage, but it’s still not cost effe ff cffe HEALT L H, page 2 LT
What's In Your Pocket?
Man victim of drive v -by ve b by
Motives of two suspects unclear
Special effects whiz provides explosive excitement
A man was injured in a drive-by shooting late Friday and was transported to the hospital by helicopter. The man was believed to be playing basketball with a group by a small church around the 90 block of West Washington Street, said Lt. Eddie Attaway with Newnan Police Department. Police are currently searching fo f r two unknown suspects who drove by and fired into the group just befo f re 6 p.m. fo One man was hit in the stomach and was fo f und on the f ont porch of a home across fr the street when public safe f ty fe personnel arrived. He was shortly transported to Atlanta
The victim of a shooting on West Washington Street was transported to a hospital in Atlanta by helicopter late Friday.
by helicopter, which landed in are unsure of the vehicle or the Westside Plaza shopping type of weapons used in the center around 6:30 p.m. shooting at this time, and are According to Attaway, y police still interviewing witnesses. y,
Three Cowetans help carry on a holiday tradition
4th armed robbery suspect arrested By WES MAY A ER AY
suspect we were looking g fo f r,,”
You get all the benefits of the digital subscription including these additional features: • The convenience of print home delivery • Comics • Special print inserts • USA Weekend print edition • Newnan-Coweta Magazine - 6 issues per year • Annual Coweta Living magazine
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With the purchase of a qualifying Lennox® Home comfort System. Offer expires November 29, 2013 CN003367
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Strong Arms In A Truck 4046 Sharpsburg McCollum Rd. Newnan, GA 30265 770-304-5961 www.strongarmsinatruck.net
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The Newnan Times-Herald 16 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-253-1576 www.times-herald.com
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painful reminder of how much Southern culture and footwear habits have coarsened in recent years. Once upon a time Southern mothers taught their daughters the proper time and place for white shoes. Now a babe is busted for wearing a burger like a boot. Both lovers were arrested. Good. I hope the woma n’s charges included a fashion felony.
cessfully to locate her loafers, the woman committed the ultimate footwear faux pas. The police report stated: “When the female finally got dressed she attempted to put a cheeseburger on her foot as if it were a sandal.” You read that correctly. This babe stuck a cheeseburger on her foot. Words escape me. It would be tacky to call this woman the Waff le Ho, so I won’t. But her actions were a
booze, as did the passionate perpetrators. When asked, the dude pulled up his pants. The young lady did not, choosing instead to slither into the passenger seat and stare longingly into the neon-kissed gloom. Cops finally convinced the woman to get dressed. She eventually snagged her panties and slipped them on. It’s a blessing. Then things went downhill again. After struggling unsuc-
Sunday, December 1 at 3:00 PM Adult $12, Senior $10, Student $4
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