20140108 myc

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

ur Bridal Planner will show you how to make the most of your time, energy and budget, while keeping your wedding’s style and fun factor sky high.

January 8, 2014


2014 Bridal Planner

Published every Wednesday and delivered free by The Newnan Times-Herald

— See ad on page 3 —

Check Out the Classifieds on Page 7

Beloved dog, best friend gets new lease on life By SARAH FAY CAMPBELL sarah@newnan.com

Brian Ziifle pictured with his best friend, Lady

Lady, an 11-year-old Yorkshire Terrier, is Brian Ziifle's best friend. The perky Yorkie has formed an incredible bond with Brian, a Coweta County resident who has Down Syndrome. Four years ago, Brian moved into his own condo. "We sent Lady with [Brian] to be his roommate, so he had someone waiting there for him when he came home," said Brian’s mother, Helen. "They really have formed a bond that goes beyond owner and pet. He talks to her like a human and tells her everything, and she is really his best friend." In the days leading up to Christmas, Lady became very sick, and the Ziif les thought they were going to lose her. The family prayed fervently, along with starting a prayer chain among friends. Brian even wrote a letter to Santa Claus. Then the Ziifles received a Christmas miracle. Lady woke up fou r days before the holiday, gasping for breath. “We took her straight to the

veterinarian and they sent us to an emergency place in Fayetteville,” said Helen. “Lady was in respiratory distress and was suffering from renal disease.” The emergency veterinarian staff discovered Lady had pneumonia and they suspected an enlarged heart, but couldn’t see the heart clearly because her lungs were filled with fluid. The tiny dog was put on oxygen and was given heart medication. On Monday, Lady was placed in intensive care. “The internal medicine veterinarian said she would do all she could do to get her home to Brian on Christmas Eve,” said Helen. O n Mond ay, t he Z i i f le s stopped by a new restaurant in Fayetteville on the way home from visiting Lady at the pet hospital. Santa Claus was at the restaurant visiting children. Santa was preparing to leave when he spotted Brian and returned, putting an arm around the young man. Brian told Santa he had one Christmas wish, that Lady could come back home. “Lady is very sick and she might die,” Helen recalls Brian saying to Santa, “The poor man.

His eyes filled up and he said, ‘Well son, I’m only Santa, but I will pray for you and your pet.’” L ady ret u r ne d home on Christmas Eve, but the doctors and the Ziifles thought she was coming home to die. Later that evening, the family attended midnight mass services at a nearby church. Brian lit a candle for Lady. “Then, just to cover all his bases, he returned home and wrote a letter to Santa,” Helen said. “He explained who Lady was and how he loved her. He wrote she was his best friend and asked if Santa would please use his magical powers to help heal lady,” Helen said. “Not to leave everything just to God, we enlisted Santa, too,” Helen said with a smile. Brian left the letter with milk and cookies. Lady made it through Christmas. On Thursday, the family took Lady to the veterinarian for a follow-up visit. “The staff was flabbergasted. Lady was walking around and looked so good,” Helen said. “The X-ray showed Lady’s lungs

LADY, page 3

Chase away winter chills with meals from your pantry

Resolving to eat more healthily nothing new By BRADLEY HARTSELL bradley@newnan.com

The end of the year gives way to a lot of reflection — “best of 2013!” — and promotes a lot of looking forward — “this will be the best of 2014!” Trends in food may be a bit more difficult to predict, but some foodies are already placing bets on some hopeful contenders. 201 3 gave us t he R a men burger and the fried Twinkie burger, but it’s likely none of those social media food fads made it into a Coweta kitchen. Places like the Huffington Post and CBS News provide several predictions, but two trends dominate the upcoming year: international flavors becoming staples of American kitchens, and foods that place emphasis on healthy eating habits. If these trends seem familiar, it is likely because these ideals of new flavors and healthconscious choices typically are predicted annually. Americans will be cooking dishes spanning the globe and they’ll be doing it with responsibly grown food and exercising portion control. These hopeful projections

are optimal, but local food fiends aren’t buying the hype. “[These lists] are ineffective because these ideas are only introduced in January and do nothing to help people see the need for a lifestyle change,” said Gina Bruce, a food enthusiast who often appears in the Culinary Exposure column in The Newnan Times-Herald. Bruce’s favorite gift this Christmas was a set of Julia Child’s cookbooks. “Nobody is telling people how bad it is to drink diet Coke, but we tell people to stop eating sweets cold turkey. It’s unrealistic.” If these lists are unrealistic, why do they pop up in some form every January? “Because of the hype. It’s January. If [these articles] don’t make it sound appealing and ‘new,’ even though people have known these ideas for years, then people don’t get excited. The problem is, that excitement doesn’t last through February and beyond.” For many families, including Bruce’s, there isn’t always the time or money for the lifestyle these popular lists promote. “People can’t maintain the lifestyle because it’s expensive

or because they don’t know how to change eating habits for good,” Bruce said. “Everyone cleans out their fridge, buys organic food and cookbooks on better eating. They join a gym and then go broke and head back to McDonald’s for the next 10-11 months. Jan. 1 comes along and we repeat.” “I worked at a gym for years,” she added. “I saw this trend. People get too excited and aren’t realistic. We romanticize working out and being healthy without the commitment.” 2014 will likely be a year very similar to 2013, at least when it comes to food. Bruce doesn’t discount eating healthily, but the change doesn’t automatically come because the calendar turns. Some foods will be “buzz” foods, like kale a few years ago. Cauliflower is tabbed to be the next big thing. If you ask Bruce, these lists may get foodies excited — i.e. every dinner party in 2014 will be dishes from the South Pacific — but ultimately, people will cook what’s in their fridge, and hopefully the contents of the fridge will be just a little bit healthier than they were the year before.


Heart-wa rm satisfying ing, recipes ➤


Turkey Green Bean Chili with Cheesy Corn Fritters

(Family Features) There’s nothing quite like a hearty, homemade meal to help warm up those cold winter nights. And with a well-stocked pantry - or “Cantry” - delicious meals, like Turkey Green Bean Chili and Home-Style Chicken Pot Pie, are just a few

cans away. Because ca ns lock in foods’ freshness and nutrition, stocking up on staples like canned tomatoes, green b e a n s , p e a s a nd c a n ne d chicken means that you have access to wholesome ingredients all winter long. Plus, the

more cans you store in your Cantry, the fewer last minute trips you have to make to the supermarket. So this season, when you’re sea rch i ng for sat i sf y i ng, heart-warming meals that you and your family can cozy up to, start by looking in your Pantry.

2 MyConnection |  Wednesday, January 8, 2014



ACROSS 1. Leigh is to Scarlett as _____ is to Rhett 6. ___ de deux 9. “Through” in text message 13. “___ __ fair in love and war” 14. Under the weather 15. Sand bar 16. Disturb 17. “New” prefix 18. Equestrian’s attire 19. *Eminem’s 2013 hit 21. *Rogers’ duet partner 23. Driver’s aid 24. Sub station 25. Acid 28. Often held on sandwich 30. *Girl on Fire 35. Creole vegetable 37. Poverty-stricken U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de la carne de cuete U.S.D.A. selecto de diezmillo de res sin hueso de paquete de combinacíon 39. Bank ware, pl. Fresh U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Select Beef 40. Bit attachment 41. Israel’s neighbor Bit congelado fresco Costillas de cerdo danes de 10 libras DOWN Filete de pescado de31. tilapia lb. Gregory Edmonds, son of John and Stacy Edmonds lb. of 43. Catch-22 U.S.D.A. TannerInspected 10 Lb. Fresh Frozen 32. Billiards bounce Any Size Package 1. Clothing of distinctive style U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de paletilla de res sin hueso Sharpsburg, isU.S.D.A. de bistec suizo sin hueso of commendation and 44. Weight watcher’s choice, pl. shownselecto receiving a certificate Danish Tilapia 33. Cuckoo Center Cut 2. Medicinal house plant his first set ofLoin "gold bars"Select from Colonel U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Beef Donald Brown, USA, Retired, 46. Black cat, e.g. 34. Ski destination lb. of the Chops Georgia Mountain Chapter, Military Officers Association of Pork 3. Something ea. that happens so fast 47. First rate America. Looking on is his father, Lieutenant Colonel John Edmonds, 36. A chip, mayberebanado espiral Escamas de carne delb. cangrejo de imitación Mitad de jamon cocinado completo 4. Famous Hungarian composer 48. Take to one’s heart who lb. swore Tanner into the U.S. Army Military Intelligence Imitation Flake Spiral Sliced 38. Cambodian money Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco lb. Corps 5. High regard during ceremonies at the University of North Georgia. 50. Aquarium dweller Sea Best Sugardale Fully Cooked 42. Clarence in “It’s a WonderfulSalchicha Life”, e.g. U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de puntas de filete de lomo de cerdo 6. *”Just Give Me a Tocino Reason” nominee Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas rebanado, 12 onzas picante o suave, 16 onzas lb. 52. *”___ Work,” Best New Artist of ‘83 U.S.D.A. Inspected 45. Pinching pennies 14atoz. Turkey 16lb. oz. Hot or Mild, Market Style 7. Barley brewlb. 12 oz. 53. Conceited Alas para partido congelado fresco, 2.5 libras Salchicha de toda carne enorme, 16Sugardale onza Salchicha ahumado49. o polaco, 14 onzas “so few” Salchicha ahumado de enlace, 24 onzas Salchicha de bollo, 16 onzas Carne de almuerzo, 12 onzas Churchill’s Butterball Sunset Farms 8. North face, e.g. 2.5inferior, Lb. Fresh Frozen 16 oz. All Meat 14 oz. Smoked or Polish 24 oz. 16 oz. 12 oz. 55. Lt.’s in the Navy 51. Boat load 9. “___ does it!” B.C.K. Carolina Pride Carolina Pride McEvers McEvers Carl Buddig Salchicha ahumado enlace, 12 onzas 2 libras 54. Nervous and ansty Salchicha ahumado picante o suave, 1.5 libras 57. *Macklemore’s kindde............. of shop Party Wings Jumbo Hot DogsSalchichas ...Lb. rojos picantes, Sausage ..................... Smoked Links ........ Hot Dawg ................ Lunch Meat............ 10. Tramp 12 oz. Baby Link 2 1.5 Lb. Hot or Mild Salchicha picanteGrammy o suave, 16 onzas Tocino rebanado, 12 onzas Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas Salchicha de bollo, 32 onzas Salchicha rojos picantes, 16 onzas Salchicha envuelto en pan de maiz, 2.67 libras 60. *This year’s host 56. Dry white Italian wine U.S.D.A. Inspected 11. *In ‘85 Prince won two for “Purple U.S.D.A. Inspected 16 oz. Hot or Mild 12 oz. 16 oz. 32 oz. Georgia Special 16 oz. 2.67 Lb. Royal Georgia Red 64. Song of praise Country Style Carolina Pride Carolina McEvers 57. Hyperbolic tangent McEvers McEversAirman Foster Farms ____” Pride Air Force Aus- skills. T-Bone lb. ............... 65. Shed tears ..................... Sausage Sliced Bacon ........... Smoked Sausage ... Hot Dogs .................. tin J. Landrum Red Hots .................. Corn 58. At this point graduated A i rmen complete 12. Final, abbr. U.S.D.A. Inspected Dogswho U.S.D.A. Inspected 67. The _____, Netherlands from basic military train59. Police action basic training earn four 15. High-pitched 20 oz. 16-85 Ct.,Sweet SelectPickle Varieties 11.3 oz. Classic Roast or 10.3 oz. Black Silk 48 oz. Corn or Blended 16 oz. Relish or 20 oz. Essential Everyday ing at Joint Base San AntoFood Depot Hefty Value Pack 68. Take down masts $ 99 or 100% Colombian Essential Everyday credits toward an associate 60. Potassium hydroxide solution, pl. Essential Everyday Sweet 20. Gathers harvest $ 69 ¢ Oil .......................... 8-10 Ct. Box, .73 oz. nio-Lackland, Folgers Salad Cubes ........ 69. ClodMilk chopper ....... San Antonio, in applied science degree ........... 128 oz. Chocolate or 61. Curved molding 22. Chicken _Beef __ kingStew ............. 12 Pk. Cans, Asst. Flavors Texas. 5 Lb. White or Reg. Self-Rising... Wesson 8 oz. Milk Chocolate 14 oz. Macaroni & Cheese or 12 oz. Shells & Cheese 12 Pk. 100 Ct. through the Com munity 30Pkg. oz. 70. Blatant 62. Lie in wait Everyday Super Chill 24. Kind of security guard Essential Everyday 99Select Varieties W/Marshmallows The airman$completed an Essential $ 29 PikNik 10.3 oz. Special Roast Caffeinated or 10.8 oz. Half Caffeine $ 59 Ziploc Vegetable Food Depot Hamburger Sodas ..................... 71. Gardener’s storage 63. *Multi-Grammy winner....... Elton’s, “Ben25. *”Royals”Corn nomineeMeal ............ Swiss Miss Mueller's intensive, eight-week pro- College of the Air Force. Deluxe Pasta 16 oz., Asst. Flavors Folgers Oil Mayonnaise ... 5 Lb. Plain or Self-Rising oz. Landrum is the48son of 7.25 oz. 72. *”Owner of a Lonely Heart” band won 26. Knitter’s Essential nie and the ____” Varieties quantity Everyday gram that included Essential Everyday Essential $ 39 train- Andy 9 Mega Roll, Select $ 59 16 oz. ... Shopper's Value Macaroni 2/ Landrum of Newnan ¢ Everyday ing in military discipline Dressing .............. one Grammy 64. From wound 27. Often done to fruit...................... Cottonelle 4 Flour Ct., 13 oz. Select Varieties Food & aCheese .......... Canola Oil 18 oz.Depot Old Fashion of Sharpsand studies, Air Force core and Jamie Lowery 18and oz. Creamy or Crunchy 29. It goes up down 66. Poor man’s 73. Offends with odor 26 oz. Iodizedcaviar or Plain ......... Essential Everyday Hunt's Snack Pack $ 79 ¢ Shopper's Value burg. He is a 2010 graduate values, physical fitness, and $ 49 Essential Everyday 2/ ¢9-10Oatmeal .............. principles and of Northgate High School. Reg. Roll oz. 12 oz. Original, Cheese or Butter Butter ..... Media 6 Pk. Solution on Peanut Page 4 © StatePoint 15-20 oz. Peaches, basic Pears, Fruit Cocktailwarfare or Pineapple in Juice or Syrup Salt ...................... Essential Everyday $ 99 Essential Everyday Viva 96 oz. $ 59 3.75 Frito-Lay's Bags ..... oz. In Hot Sauce, Oil or Water Essential Everyday 48 oz. ¢ Kitchen Instant Grits ........ Shopper's Value Essential Everyday ¢ Essential Everyday $ 49 Canned FruitU.S.D.A. 11.3 99 ...... 8 oz.oz. Squeeze Chicken of the Sea Inspected . 40 Ct., 9 Inch Leaf Bags . $ Lawn U.S.D.A. Inspected Kellogg's Special K Essential Everyday ................... 15.7 Lb. Mesquite or 16.6 Lb. Regular $2/$72 Bleach Vegetable Oil ...... 9-10 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties 22 Ct. Everyday Essential Everyday 8 oz. Spaghetti or................ Elbow Macaroni MustardCereal .............. QUALITY Essential Everyday Granola ....... $ 49 11 oz. Prepared $ 49 Essential Beneful 10 oz. Pine Cleaner ...... Frito-Lay's Essential Everyday 11-13.1 oz., Select Varieties 2/ ¢ 2 Ct. Magic Eraser Duo or 32-40 oz. Cleaners, Select Varieties Essential Everyday Charcoal ............... Essential Everyday ¢ Pasta ................... Essential Everyday $ 19 Kellogg's .................. $ 39 6.7 Lb. Instant Light .............. Worcestershire Sauce$ 42 Frosting................. Vanilla Wafers Mr. Clean Magic Eraser 24 Pk., .5 Liter 22 oz. Non-Dairy Essential Everyday Special K Cereal 7.4-12.5 oz., Select Varieties 8 Pk. $ 99 9 oz., Assorted Flavors Potato Chips, 9 oz. Cheese Curls,

NEWNAN MASTERS OF SOUL The Centre for Performing and Visual Arts January 16 7:00 p.m. Called the most entertaining history lesson ever performed, the show reproduces the sound (and more) of a record label that was incredibly influential in terms of the history of popular music. The Virginia-based ast has performed live round the world for more than three decades. The live performance features talented musicians and world-class performers from The TFC Band.

Eye of Round


Steak .......................... $ 50

$ 95 $ 42 Pork Spare Ribs 19


Fish Fillet.................. Boneless

1 Smoked Sausage 2 Sliced Bacon 4 1 $ 33 Smoked Sausage Red 1 2 Steaks 2Hots

The 12th annual Run for Angels and Chicken Q includes a onemile fun run which begins at 8:00 a.m. A 5K race will get underway at 8:15 a.m. There will also be a 10K race starting at at 8:30 a.m. Race registration is available online via the Angel’s House web site. To-go plates will be available beginning at 10:30 a.m. and sit-down dinners will begin at 11 a.m.

$ 53 ...

$ 45

$ 13 ...

$ 68

$ 75

$ 75 95


4 84

Historic Moreland Mill January 18 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.



4 4


$ 38 Landrum Pork Airman 11 Sausage $graduates 2 $ Tender 57 Tips$288 258 1basic training $ 95 $ 78 $$ 5883 $ 99 $ 25 $ 75 1 22 Smoked Sausage 2 3 1 Ribs 4 Pork

........... $ 68

Steaks Ground Coffee $3118




1 1

$ 44

Style $ Country 17 2

1 599 Wheat Bread Pork Ribs 127 Sandwich Bags $2154 or Hot Dog Buns$1229 $ Cocoa Pasta Ground Coffee 31 1 lb. $ 22 79 lb. $ 96 18 $ 42 $ 7¢ BBQ Bread......... 1 99 2/ 1 ¢ 2 Pudding or Gelatin ..90 1¢ Toilet Paper $686 1 31 $ 70 lb. 1 lb. Paper Towels ...... 6 99 Asst. Flavor Chips 2 ¢ 4 99 2 Sardines 71 1 2 Country Style T-Bone 1¢ $ 53 $ 5 09 Foam Plates ......... 99 11 Multipack Pork 5 Ribs 1 07 Dog Food Steaks382 or Spray Cleaners $2$89 79 $ 59 $ $ 5229 $ 3 59 1 Baked Delights 2 Crackers ............. 1 * Spring Water ....... 2 2 1 OUR COST PLUS 10% ADDED AT REGISTER! $ 22¢ 2 Liquid Cleaner ... 89 2 Dry Dog Food $145982 ¢Asst. Flavor Chips$139 89 $ 96 $69 39¢ $ 40 ¢ 3/ ¢ Vienna Air Effects 2 2/ 99¢ Chunk Light 2 1 Asst. Chips 87 Cat Food 92 1 ¢ lb. Tuna Sausage lb. 79 3/ ¢ $ 15 59 & Red Juice 259¢ Dry Cat Food $38484 ¢Bakery Bars $1160 2/Country Style ¢ 991 T-Bone ¢ 2 99 Pork Ribs 3 Steaks 1 $ 22 3/ ¢ $ 49 69 ¢Granola Bars 84 1 Cat Litter 3 1 69 1 Juice $$ 1799 69 $ 69 2 $ 74 $ 69 $ 10 Cereal ................. 1 4 Rice & Pasta Sides 11 Classic Brownies 1 2 79 $$ 5999 ¢ $ 39 2 Juice ..................... 2 Toaster Pastries 99 $ 55 1 $ 68 lb. 2 lb. Sandwich Spread 1$ 49OatsPork ..................... 2 $2 ¢ 49Chops Roast Beef London Broil$ 49Ground Pork 89 99 $ 116 $ 2 73 $ 43 Juice..................... $3 99 Drink Mix ........... 1 ...................44 2 $ 59 Water $ $ 18 $ 94 $ 92 6 1 79 09 $ 73 Jelly 2/ lb.¢ Bath Our +10%! $ Tissue 99 $ or 27Jam $ 59 lb. $2Cost lb. lb. Drink .................. On the Go Drink Mix 1 Corn Muffin Mix .. 96 1 1 3 Boston Butt Fresh Boneless Boneless Center Cut Loin $ 18 $ 31 $ 18 Beef $ 69 $ 93 Pork Chops London BroilDrinkGround .................. 2 Rich & Hearty Soup Pork 1 CrackersRoast .............. 1 1 $ 92 $$71 92 ¢95 $ 08 $99 $$23947 $ Fruit Drink 1 Giant White Bread Pretzels $ 44 $ 18 $ 94 292 2 4 1 2 1 T-Bone

www.theangelshouse.org www.mycoweta.com



$ 99 Crab Meat................ Half Ham................. $ 15 $ 92

Downtown Newnan February 1 8:00 a.m.

$ 75 3.66 oz., Select Varieties

Dinner of Smoked Pork with choice of fresh greens, blackeyed peas, cornbread & beverage. Hay rides and a bonfire, and music! Proceeds benefit Team Transplant Games of America & Moreland Cultural Arts Alliance. Tickets available at the Historic Moreland Mill, Huddle House, or the Coweta County Convention & Visitors Bureau.


Kellogg's Special K 24 Pk., 16.9 oz.

Waste Bags

$ 88 44

13 Gallon W/Handle, 20 Ct. Tall

36 Ct., 39 Gallon

28 oz.


16 oz. Ready to Spread Fudge, Vanilla or Milk Chocolate

. ... Creamer..............

$ 44 Super Chill 50 oz. Liquid

11 oz. Cheese Puffs, 12 oz. Tortilla Chips or 10-15 oz. PretzelsFrito-Lay's Charcoal ............... Beneful

Shopper's Value


$ 57

* Essential Everyday

Essential Everyday

40 oz. W/Febreze Meadows & Rain


18 oz., 50 Ct. Red or Blue Plastic

... Snacks ................ 14-15.5 Lb. Bag, Select Varieties

Cereal ... $ 19 Arm & Hammer Mr. Clean Everyday 5 oz.Party Cups ......... Essential 128 oz. Drinking Laundry Beneful Golden FlakeDuplex, Assorted or Lemon 4.6Detergent 12 oz. Vanilla, Super Chill Foam stocking Cups ..........fees, and 5Water Oz. In Vegetable Oil or includes freight, oz. *Our cost associated expenses. Ft. Select Standard Shopper's Value Drinking Water .. 9.725oz., Varieties Water Original or Chicken ¢ Shopper's Value Chicken of Please the Sea visit our Libby's 5.5100 oz. ct. Can,Tagless Select Varieties Febreze 1 oz.Sandwich Cookies website: Shopper's Value 13 oz. Animal or 16 oz. Ginger Snaps Aluminum Foilwww.myfooddepot.com! .. Golden Flake Friskies Buffet 4 Pk. ............ Essential Everyday Tea Bags ............... $ 59 Value 46Shopper's oz., Select Varieties ........ 8 oz. ............ Cookies ................ 6 oz. U.S.D.A. Inspected 8.79-11 Shopper's 3.15 Lb. Bag, SelectValue Varieties 15.1oz. oz.Asst. Flavors Granola or Fruit & Grain Bathroom Tissue V-8 Fusion Inspected Essential Everyday ¢ Shopper's Value 3/$U.S.D.A. Ripe Olives........... Essential Everyday Single Roll Sunbelt Tomato Sauce .. $ 99 Friskies Hot Sauce ............ ........ 16 oz. Bag Essential Everyday $ 99 16 oz. Snack Crackers Shopper's Value Mixed Nuts ......... ........ .. Essential Everyday ...... Essential Everyday oz. Pineapple Strawberry, Black Cherry Apple, Light Acai Mixed Berry, 14.4 oz. Honey or Cinnamon ¢ 46Paper Towels ...... Lb. Bag, Select Varieties ........ Essential Everyday Saltines.................. Light Grape Raspberry, Black Cranberry 50%, Cranberry Blackberry, Peach Mango 20Pinto $ 99 1.4-2.08 oz. Asst. Everyday Flavors Beans $ 79 Essential 250 ct. Whole Cashews.. 5 oz. 100%, Tropical Orange 100%, Acai Mixed Berry, Light Peach Mango 50%, Light Tidy Graham Crackers 16 oz.Cat Sunbelt Bakery Essential Everyday Essential Everyday ¢ Essential Everyday Pomegranate Blueberry, Strawberry Banana 100%, Pomegranate Blueberry, $ 79 Essential Everyday 15.5 oz. 5.4-8 oz., Select Tuna InVarieties Water .... Peanuts 18 oz.Roasted Corn Flakes, 12.5 oz. Honey Nut Toasted Oats, ............. Concord Grape Raspberry or Light............... Strawberry Banana Napkins .... Betty Crocker, General Mills $ 74 Essential Everyday Long Grain Rice 20 oz. Raisin Bran or 15 oz. Frosted Flakes ¢ 8 Pk. 15 lb.Fusion 8.6-12.2 Select V-8 19.5Sloppy oz. or Mott'sDepot Fruit Snacks . 24 oz. oz., Kosher DillVarieties 11.5 oz. Joe Sauce Food Essential Shopper's Value Classic or Everyday French Roast 4.1-7 oz., Select Varieties Bear Creek Essential Everyday 14.7-15 oz. Mini Beef Ravioli, Spaghetti Rings with Pillsbury ..................... Fiber One Hamburger Meatballs, Macaroni N Beef, Spaghetti with Meatballs or Essential Everyday Food ............ $ 27 46Dog Pickle Spears ...... oz. High Fiber or Spicy Hot Low Sodium 4 lb. Small or Large oz. Frosted, Assorted Flavors Bars ........................ Essential Everyday or Hot Dog ¢ 11Ground Hamburger 1532 oz.oz. JarAny V-8 6-8.98 oz., Select Varieties 42 oz. Regular or Old Fashion Shopper's Value Essential Everyday Beef Ravioli ........ U.S.D.A. Inspected Size Package U.S.D.A. Select BeefDog U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh Buns Coffee Essential Everyday Nature Valley Granola $ 27 Treat Kraft .87 oz. AssortedBoston Gravy Mix Packets orButt 1.25 oz. Meatloaf Fresh Biscuits ..... Quaker Boneless Boneless Center ..Cut Loin Dill Slices ............ Seasoning, 1.25 Chili Seasoning, 1.5 oz. Spaghetti Seasoning Bars or Thins ...... Niagara Nourish

Info: 770-254-2627 www.coweta.ga.us

Weather Connection

JAN. 9-12

20 Ct., 16 oz.

4.25 oz. Chopped or 2.25 oz. Sliced


8.5 oz.

$ 44

$ 75


16 oz. Dry or 12 oz. Honey

45° 34°



5.1-9.5 oz., Select Varieties

General Mills

51° 41°

Milk & Cereal Bars . 10.5-11.25 oz., Select Varieties


11.4 oz. Filet or Fish Stick Donuts ..................







F R E I G H T,




Juicy Juice



75 88


Lb. 124 Double Roll Essential Select Varieties Everyday



90 oz. Assorted Varieties



Sugardale 16 oz. Pizza Jennie-O 12Lasagna oz. Pkg. All Meat TPreztel urkey ¢ 7 oz. Monterey Jack or Spinach 3 Cheese Stuffed

Apple Juice

U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh

1 942 8 Pk.

U.S.D.A. Inspected

U.S.D.A. Inspected

Fresh Pork





8 Ct. ................

Essential lb. Everyday ADDED AT

5 Pk. Candy Bars, 6 Pk. Sandwiches, 6 Pk. Truffle Bars or 4 Pk. Cones


F R E I G H T,

Essential Everyday




Pasta Sauce 12.3 oz.


Our Cost +10%! REGISTER! Ice Corn on $ 79 ¢ Stouffer's $lb.60 $ 49 lb.

5-6.5 oz. Box

64 oz.

¢ Cottonelle

RibVarieties or Loin Half Leg Of Lamb 24 oz. Can, Select 16 oz. Reg. or 12 oz. Pieces Pork Picnic

Food Depot



Soup .......

Whole or Half

Chuck10Patties 20 oz. Pk., 67.5 oz. Select Varieties Ground Chuck $ 67 80


Progresso Traditional or Superior Farms Fresh Lance American

Any Size Package



Cream 1 Ct., 8.5 oz.

18.5-19 oz., Select Varieties





Seasoning .......... Nestlé 10.5 oz. Mushroom, Chicken or Celery

Party Plates

Crystal Light

Any Size Package


64 oz., Select Varieties

Mr.09 P's $ 10 $ lb. Coffee .................... 3


Essential Everyday

10 Ct. .7-1.18 oz., Select Varieties ........

10.8 oz. Bag Half Caffeinated or Breakfast Blend Select Varieties or 10.3 oz. Gourmet Supreme

Crunchy Folgers

Essential Everyday

Cat Food

Juicy Juice


2 1 62 Essential 28 Pk., 16.9 oz. Everyday

15 lb.

8 Pk., 54 oz., Select Varieties ..............

U.S.D.A. Select Beef

Essential 8 Qt. .87-1.9 oz.,Everyday Select Varieties

PinkLight Salmon....... Crystal 15 ct. Red or Blue

Shopper's Value

Bama Cereal

or 1.5 oz. Beef Stew Seasoning

14.5 oz.

Liquid V-8 Fusion.................

21.4 oz. Corn Pops, 21.7 oz. Froot Loops or 2 Lb. Apple or26.8 Grape Apple Jacks or oz. Frosted Flakes or 32 oz. Grape Jam Kellogg's


1 10 oz.

oz. Strawberry Assorted Dishwashing 4624 oz. Light Banana, Peach Mango, Tropical Orange, Essential Strawberry Banana, Light Everyday Pomegranate Blueberry or Acai Mixed Berry


55° 42°

4 Combo Pack 3 2 $ 94 $ 04 Shoulder$Roast Swiss Steak 4 78 58 $3 1 2

Lean Breakfast Steak

Info: 770-254-2787 www.thecentreonline.net

Tanner Edmonds receives Boneless Chuck commission $ 42military $ 94

Skinny Cow






Cream Carolina Pride 12 oz. Meat Jumbo Meat ¢ Bologna Or

John Morrell 9 oz. Smoked or Polish the Cob ¢ Link

¢ Wieners.. 99 Sausage... Franks.....85 94 $ 52 89 Vegetables Ready $ Pac 09 ............. 1 Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg.



¢ 99 1

Buttermilk, Homestyle or Blueberry

Essential Everyday


14 Oz. Pkg. Waffles Four Star

$ 51 Red Hots.... Fresh $ 89 Culinary Circle ¢

1 Entrees $ Asst. Flavor Pizza 3 1 Leg Of Lamb ¢ Vegetables Salad 1 Rib or LoinCorn Half Pork Garden Picnic Chuck Patties$248 Ground Chuck ¢ 72 ¢ Fresh ¢ ¢ $$5 39 Boston Butt $ 66 Boneless Boneless Center Cut Loin $ 28 $ 14 5/$ 88 $ 89 Sausage.... 99 81 Pizzas..... Bologna... Sausage... Corndogs.. 96 98 Makers....... 89 1 Cut Fries $ 08 1 $ or Sandwich 92 Beef $ 95 $ 471 1 $ 92 $ 68 Scambles 1 Roast Vegetables Biscuits 1 1 Ground Pork Pork Chops 2 2 4 1 2 Broil SUNDAY London $ 99 $ 18 $ 05 $$ 1819 Pizza Bites 100 1 Activia Vegetables Special K Flatbread 4 4 Ice Cream 1 58° $ Orange $ Cheese $ 54 23 3/$ $ 75 $ 06 $2 98 ¢ $112Yogurt 1$$28843Cookies $ 49Biscuits Juice 2$¢1T69urkeySingles 1¢ Jumbo Coca-Cola......... 42° Link All Meat 1 Bologna Or 5 MeatVegetables Asst. Flavor Pizza Whip Topping 2 ¢ Four Star 2$89 Pizza 51 ¢ 85¢ 10 oz.


Fresh Garlic Bread ........


59 HotorDogs.. 12 oz. Blueberry or Apple Cinnamon Almond Oatmeal Franks...... Any Size Package Lean Cuisine


Fresh ..................... 5.75 Oz. Single 2 Pack Package Any Size Mama7.4-11.5 Rosaoz., Select VarietiesArmour

7.6 oz. Cajun Blackened

Gorton's Select Beef U.S.D.A.

Grilled Fillet........

1 Lb. Baby Lima Beans

Fresh Frozen Superior Farms Fresh American

1 lb. Bag 1 Lb. MixedU.S.D.A. Vegetables Inspected or Sliced Carrots

12.01-33.5 oz.

Yellow or White

U.S.D.A. Inspected

Fresh Frozen Fresh Pork Fresh Bar-S 16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced 2.4 oz. Pkg. 12 oz. Pkg. Hot or Mild Four Star 48 Oz. Hot or Mild ............. U.S.D.A. Inspected California Blend, Cut Okra, Cut Yellow Corn, Italian Green Beans,Armour U.S.D.A.32Inspected Fresh oz. Crinkle or Regulat All Meat Lunch Sliced Yellow Squash or Speckled Butter Beans John Morrell Essential Everyday Smoked 12 Ct. Southern Style Fresh Frozen Fresh Frozen ................

Whole or Half 1 Lb. Baby Whole Okra, Breaded Okra, Broccoli Cuts, Butter Beans,

3 1 211 9811 2 2 Pillsbury Strudel,

7.5-10 oz., Select Varieties

Lean Cuisine Culinary or 59 oz. Carton Spa Collections.

............. lb.

................... ea. lb.


$ 44 $ 18 $ 94 $ 92 1 1 88 99 97 94 lb.


Florida's 6 oz. Garlic Chicken Pizza, 6 oz. Barbecue Pizza, 6 oz. 4 Cheese Pizza, Kellogg's 6Natural oz. Pepperoni Pizza, 6 oz Deluxe Pizza, 6.12 oz. Spinach Mushroom Pizza, Dutch Farms 6 oz. Chicken Club Panini, 6 oz. Chicken Spinach Mushroom Panini,

HotFarms Dogs.. Dutch

Shopper's Value Dannon Fresh Green ............. Snap Beans...................

Essential ............. Everyday 1 Lb. Field Peas W/Snaps

6 oz. Philly Style Steak Panini, 6.5 oz. Chicken Ranch Club Flatbread 22.90-26.41 oz. or 6 oz. Spinach Artichoke Panini Sugardale 16 oz. Ultimate Jennie-O 12DiGiorno oz. Pkg. Lean Cuisine


4128 Pk.,oz.,16.9 oz. Flavors Reduced Fat Assorted Select Varieties

1 Lb. Blackeye Peas or Cut Green Beans 7.5 oz. Fresh Frozen Buttermilk or Homestyle

13.4-16.4 oz., Select Varieties 12 oz. American

Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg.

Fresh Frozen

............ Potatoes All Brands 2 liter BottlesRed

Pillsbury 8 oz. Reg., Light or Extra Creamy

Fresh 3 lb.Everyday BagMorrell 9 oz. Smoked or Polish John Essential

Fuji Apples................... .......................


Wieners.. Country U.S.D.A. Inspected DeliteSausage...


8 oz. Natural Sliced

Essential Everyday Fresh 5 lb. Bag 14-16 oz. Select Varieties


20.5-21.6 oz., Assorted Traditional

Carolina Pride 12 oz. Meat


20 oz. Cheese, Pepperoni or Combination

14 Oz. Pkg. Essential Everyday






Tomatillo Fresh 8 oz.


Hots.... Franks...... $ Pink 29 Country Red Provolone Cheese 1 lb. Delite lb. lb. lb. Fresh Fresh Gogurt 1 Boston Fresh Boneless 1 Orange Juice Butt 3 Boneless Center Cut¢ Loin $ Empire 10 Coca-Cola........... 99 Garden Salad Corn Pears 22 Grapefruit Chocolate Milk........Apples $ 49Ready $3807 Pork Roast Fresh Grape $ 89 Pac Ground Beef $ London Broil $ 58 Pork Chops Cheese Singles 1 CheeseRosa$ 28 Cookies ¢ Lunch 198 Red¢DiamondSmoked$ $ $15 Mama 88Tomatoes 38 ¢1 Armour $Morrell ¢ All Meat 1672 Salad Mix 5/$ 99 2 ¢ Buttermilk 81¢ John Pizzas..... Bologna... Sausage... BrewedSausage.... Corndogs.. Tea ................. 21 8 oz. Assorted Flavors, Chunk or Shredded

8 Ct., 18 oz. Select Varieties


Essential Everyday 1 lb. Bag Fresh Any Size Package $Fresh64 U.S.D.A. Select Beef $ 89 Yoplait $Pac54 10 oz. Bag Ready Yellow or White ...............................Comice ............................... Classic Romaine 12 oz. American 8 oz. Assorted Flavors, Chunk or Shredded Package 16.5 oz. Chocolate Chip, Sugar or Peanut Butter Or Simply Lettuce Essential Everyday $ 72 Pillsbury Essential Everyday



All Brands 1.25 liter Bottles


oz. Package Any16 Size

2 1 2

Bar-S 16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced

1/2 Gallon

Country Delite 12 oz. Pkg. Hot or Mild

Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg.


All Brands 6 Pack, .5 Liter Bottles




Four Star 48 Oz. Hot or Mild Coca-Cola......... Gallon




U.S.D.A. U.S.D.A. Inspected ea. Energy Drinks 1/2 Gallon Inspected Makers....... Country Delite Fresh Pork Fresh ea. ea. lb. $ 04 $ 12 1 Quart ......... Cinnamon Rolls ..... 1 Whole Buttermilk .. 2 Rib or Loin Half Leg Of Lamb Pork Picnic 45 oz. Spread Deans 16 oz. Cheddar or Mozzarella 12 oz. Golden Homestyle Buttermilk, Buttermilk or Golden Honey Butter Gallon, Citrus, Tropical Punch or Mango $ 70 $ 99 18 Essential Everyday Red Potatoes Fresh Green ¢Tampico Fresh $ 99 Pillsbury Essential Everyday Half & Half .................... $ $ 05 $ 75 Bowl Margarine ...... 1 lb. Snap Beans................... Tomatillo Peppers...... Shredded Cheese .. 2 Biscuits.............................. 1

16Fresh oz. Assorted Flavors


16999 $292


2 Pack


Essential Everyday Ground

Starting at

5 lb. Bag


2 $1 $ 9294 $$ 9518 98 $$Great47 Low44 $ 92 2Brand $ 08 1 Prices on Name lb. lb. 2 $ 00 22 2 lb.$2298 4 lb. 1 1 1 1 1 Coca-Cola......... 1

96 98 Cheese Singles Chunk Cheese 2 Ground Chuck Chuck Patties 5.75 Oz. Single

95 $ 1/2Coca-Cola......... Gallon U.S.D.A. Inspected 3 lb. BagFresh All Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Cans

Essential Everyday



$ 88

ears $ ..........

Farms Fresh American oz., Select Varieties ea. Superior7.3-10.2

99Whole Pillsbury orBiscuits Halfor

Fresh 5 lb. Bag

Monster 10 Pk., 16 oz. Cans

Fruit Drink ...................


6 Pk., 18.6 oz. Strawberry or Raspberry

Assorted Flavors $05 48Gallon, Music City lb.

16 oz. All Brands liter Bottles Dutch2Farms lb.

$ 12 $ 28 French Onion Dip. Fruit Ade ......................... Gwaltney Gwaltney 8 oz. 8 oz. Natural Sliced Gallon 5 lb. Bag 3 lb. Bag 770-254-0295 Dutch Farms Lunch Meat Great Dogs Essential Everyday Yoplait Simply Orange Chocolate Fresh Size62 Package Superior Farms Fresh U.S.D.A. U.S.D.A. Inspected ¢ $ Pink 09 $Empire $Slicing 45American $ Inspected 84 FreshAny Fresh 90 Millard Farmer Ind. Blvd. 95 $ French Onion Dip . Yogurt ................................ Juice ..................................... Delite ................................... Fresh Pork John Morrell 9 oz. Smoked Fresh or Polish Sugardale 16 oz. Swiss Cheese .............. Ground Fresh Whole or Half Carolina Pride 12 oz. Meat Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg. Coca-Cola......... 6 14 Oz. Pkg. Jennie-O 12 oz. Pkg. Newnan, GA Apples Grapefruit Tomatoes FD10 010614 REG oz. Bag 1.25Star literRib Bottlesor Loin Half All MeatClassic Romaine¢ Turkey OrOf Lamb Ground Leg MeatChuck¢ Bologna Chuck Patties ¢ Jumbo Four $ 51 ¢ ¢ Link Pork Picnic ¢All Brands weekly

8 oz. Chunk Fresh 3 lb. Bag

lb. Yogurt....$ 14 ea. 19 Danimals ea.

lb. Essential Everyday $ Fuji Apples...................

Swiss Cheese................

(certain restrictions apply)


4 oz.

Freshlb. 8 oz. Sliced Baby Pillsbury $

Portabello Mushrooms.. Crescent Rolls


........... 12 oz. Light Parfait Strawberry or Blueberry or 4 Pk., 24 oz. Low Fat Strawberry 59-59.17 oz., Select Varieties Fresh Large

9 oz. Turkey or Cooked Ham


16 oz. Pkg.

64 ¢ $ 99 1 Wieners.. 99 Sausage... 97 Coca-Cola........... Red Hots.... ¢ $ 08 $ 95 $ 47 2 Ready Pac 2$2 58 2 $ 38 98 2 2 4 1 Tomatoes 11 Salad Mix All Meat Lunch Smoked Mama Rosa ¢ John Morrell Armour $ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ $ 08 572 $ 38 $ 14 Great Prices98 on Name Brand 99 Pizzas..... Bologna... Corndogs.. 96 Low Makers....... 81 Sausage... 89 Sausage.... 1 2 9 Link All Meat Bologna Or Jumbo Meat Four Star ¢ ¢ $ 51 ¢ Turkey ¢ ¢ 2 1 85 Hot Dogs.. 88 $Franks...... Franks..... $ $ 38 92 $989294Fresh Grape

“Let us remember that the Christmas heart is a giving heart, a wide-open heart that thinks of others first. The 5.75 Oz. Single birth of baby Jesus stands as the most significant event in all of history because it has meant the pouring into a sick world of the healing medicine of love which has transformed all manner of hearts for almost two thousand years.” — George Matthew Adams America Must Stand with Israel! The W. Reece Payton Co., Inc. 770-301-7012

10 oz. Bag

Or Simply Lettuce



2 Pack







Bar-S 16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced




Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg. ea.

12 oz. Pkg. Hot or Mild

Hot Dogs.. 88 Franks......NEWNAN 94 Franks.....85 Wieners.. 99 Sugardale 16 oz.

9 oz. Turkey or Cooked Ham



Lunch Meat

Carolina Pride 12 oz. Meat

Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg.

Jennie-O 12 oz. Pkg.


16 oz. Pkg.

16 oz. Pkg.







All Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Cans

$ 75 Coca-Cola......... 16 oz. Pkg. Gwaltney 12 oz. Pkg. lb. 50 lb.Monster 10 Pk., 16 oz. Cans $Brown Sugar Gwaltney Jumbo Four Star 48 Oz. Hot or Mild Energy Drinks Meat Franks Bacon All Brands 6 Pack, .5 Liter Bottles


John Morrell 9 oz. Smoked or Polish

14 Oz. Pkg.

. Main St


Gr ei





Red Hots.... Gwaltney

Gwaltney Bologna Georgia 30263 Great Dogs 124 Bullsboro Drive Great • Newnan, Red Wieners Aberdeen Allp.m. con2 liter Bottles aBrands MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. • SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. – d 9:00 B Tr a


ing Cen

e Shopp

East Gat

12 oz. Pkg.


Drive llsboro

Bu9 oz. Wafer Thin Ham or Turkey

3 Lb. Family P


Sliced Ba

12 oz. Pkg. Low S


¢ $ 00 $ 96 $ 38 $ ¢ 18 Slice ¢ ¢¢ 94 1 $ 72 2 ¢ Coca-Cola......... Pizzas..... 96 Corndogs..98 Bologna...99 Makers....... 81 66 89 Sausage.... 5 $ Sausage...

$ 83 5.75 Oz. Single

2 Pack

Bar-S 16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced

g. 12 oz. Pk

Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg.


Located on 124 Bullsboro Drive in the East Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster

12 oz. Pkg. Hot or Mild

Lunch Meat

Sliced Bac

Four Star 48 Oz. Hot or Mild

Meat rights reserved. Lunch John Morrellor pictorial errors. Smoked Rosa Armour PricesMama Effective January 6 through January 12, 2014.All Quantity Not responsible for typographical


16 oz. Pkg.

Gwaltney Jumbo

Meat Franks

Gwaltney 12 oz. Pkg.

Brown Sugar


3 Lb. Family Pack


Sliced Bacon

12 oz. Pkg.


Sliced Bacon


$ Coca-Cola......... All Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Cans o, 12 onzas

16 oz. Pkg.

All Brands 1.25 liter Gwaltney Bottles

Tocino rebanad

All Beef

$ 39 Gwaltney ¢ 4 Lb. Pkg.

$ 31

Wednesday, January 8, 2014   |  MyConnection 3

Recipe/Community Connection

The Ziifles will now have time to prepare for the loss, and plan to fully enjoy the time remaining with Lady.


Continued from page 1

were clea r a nd they just cou ld not believe t he improvement.” “I told them besides good medical care, Lady had Santa and she had God,” Helen said, “I’m sure some of the improvement was just being back with Brian. Lady felt so safe and secure and loved,” she said. “I think she healed better.” Today, Lady’s health continues to improve. “She’s getting feisty again, barking and wagging her tail,” Helen said. Lady is doing well enough that she was given the OK from the vet to travel with the family to New Orleans to celebrate the New Year. Helen said she is impressed by the staff of the animal hospital and the veterinarian. “I’m sure she continuously loses patients … you would think she would get a little calloused about it,” Helen said. “But when I told her the story of Brian speaking to Santa at the restaurant and writing him the letter, she cried her eyes out.” And then there were all the

people on the prayer chain who kept checking on Lady, even during the hustle and bustle of Christmas. “It just amazed me, we have wonderful friends and people who believe in the power of prayer,” Helen said. “That is the only thing I can attribute Lady’s recovery to. Medically, it was not what anybody anticipated.” L ady i s st i l l su f fer i ng f rom k id ney fa i lu re a nd an enlarged heart. She will have to take medicine for the remainder of her life, but doctors estimate Lady will live another year. The Ziifles will now have time to prepare for the loss, and plan to fully enjoy the time remaining with Lady. “For Brian, it’s huge,” Helen said. “We honestly feel like it is a miracle, that is the only explanation we can give.” Helen said when people ask her what Lady is like, she tells them she’s just like Brian, only with fur. “She just loves everybody. Everybody loves her,” she said. “Lady is one of those sweet, loving dogs that everybody falls in love with. Brian and Lady are so much alike; they are the perfect pair.”

Turkey Green Bean Chili with Cheesy Corn Fritters

For Chili, cook turkey, onion, bell pepper and garlic over medium heat in a large pot for 8 to 10 minutes or until meat is brown and vegetables are tender; drain. Stir in tomatoes, water Prep Time: 30 minutes and cumin. Bring to a Serves: 6 boil; reduce heat. SimChili ingredients: mer, uncovered, 15 min 1 pound ground turkey utes, stirring occasion breast* ally. Stir in green beans. 1 cup chopped onion Serve with Cheesy Corn Fritters. 1 cup chopped red bell pepper For Cheesy Corn Fritters, 2 cloves garlic, minced combine muffin mix, egg, 2 (14.5 oz. each) cans milk, corn and cheese in Del Monte Zesty a large bowl. Heat oil in Chili Style Diced a very large skillet over Tomatoes, undrained medium heat. For each 1 cup water fritter, pour about 3 table 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin spoons of batter into hot 1 (14.5 oz.) can Del Monte skillet. Cook 4 minutes or Cut Green Beans, drained until golden brown, turning once.** Corn Fritters ingredients: 1 (8.5 oz.) package corn muffin mix 1 large egg, beaten 2/3 cup milk 1 (8.75 oz.) can Del Monte Whole Kernel Corn, drained 1/3 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese with jalapeno peppers 2 tablespoon vegetable oil

Please let this Christmas end I think we will just wrap this past Christmas up in a box and hide it somewhere in the attic, never to be remembered. The intent was all there, but the execution was, shall we say, different. Where to begin? Probably a couple of days before Christmas, as the Little Black Dress was at Youngest SON’s school delivering little gifts to the teachers, I get a call at work. Apparently the car won’t start. Being the dutiful husband, I head to the school to jumpstart the now dead vehicle. Won’t start. Radio works, windows go up and down. Engine will not turn over. And I start to think this probably is going to be something other than a battery. So we get the car towed, and the mechanic calls and says it was the starter. Do you have any idea how much a starter costs and to get it installed? Later I turn to The Dress and say “Mer r y Ch rist ma s.” She responds that she’s “always wanted a starter for Christmas.” I believe it was the same day, after dropping me off at work, that the LBD


returned home to find that one of her rescue mutts had somehow climbed up on the table and got into the brownies she had painstakingly cooked for the staff here. An aside. Dear staff: The dog literally ate the brownies. Will try again next year. Not content with merely eating the brownies, said mutt also decided to vomit said brownie intake all over the house. It was somewhere around this time that The Dress and I both got hit with some rather painful issues. She got a fever blister that was, as one of the SONs called it, the size of a meteor. No kissing for Christmas even with bounties of mistletoe. It hurt to eat. For my part, I got a pinched nerve in my back. It hurt to walk. Trying to sit down was like getting hit by a arrow,

Many happy returns They are the two most overused words of the holiday season. Not “Merry Christmas. Not “Happy Hanukkah.” Not “Kwanzaa Rocks.” The other two: “Give Back.” If I hear those words one more time this year I’m liable to throw up my hands — and my last meal. I keep my guilt muscle in great shape all by myself. I bet I’m not alone. You can’t sit through an hour of the annual “It’s a Wonderful Life” marathon without seeing a heart-tugging pitch featuring sad-eyed pets, hollow-cheeked children or pajama-clad twentysomethings not yet enrolled in Obamacare. I get it. ‘Tis the season when heartstrings and purse strings are never closer, when those most likely to give don’t think twice about mailing a check or visiting a website to “give back” to a worthwhile cause. No complaints about the concept. I do it myself. Mostly because I realize many worthwhile causes and organizations could not survive without what Tennessee Williams (via Blanche DuBois) called “the kindness of strangers.” Give away. Just make sure you’re giving to those who are willing to receive. And always remember there are certain people that are not receptive to the “Give Back” gospel. Especially this time of year. Those people are called retailers. And

ALEX mcrae

between Christmas and New Year’s Day there is nothing they like less than cranky crowds knocking down the doors determined to “give back” gifts that were too large, small, tacky, thoughtless, useless or just plain stupid. Sadly, most of the unwanted items were given with the best of intentions. The problem is, they were given by people who should never be allowed to shop alone. For example, teenage boys should be banned from purchasing perfume for young ladies. Girls want Chanel No. 5. Adolescent males are turned on by eau de WD-40. Likewise, bachelors should be barred from Victoria’s Secret. Luckily, help for lousy shoppers is here. Retailers have compiled a list of the most-returned gift items. If you find yourself eyeing one of these gift bombs next year, you might want to step back. Way back. Clothing is the item most likely to be returned. One look explains why so

NOTE: * If desired, substitute 3 cups chopped cooked turkey for cooked ground turkey breast. Add with tomatoes in Step 2.

Heat oven to 400 degrees In large saucepan, Melt butter. Add onion, Prep Time: under 15 minutes potato, peas and carServes: 4 rots and celery; sautee 5 minutes. 3 tablespoons butter or In bowl, combine margarine soup, chicken, rosemary, 1/2 cup diced onion sage and white pepper; 1/2 cup diced potato stir into vegetables. 1 (8.5-ounce) can peas Unfold 1 pie crust; fit and carrots, drained into 9-inch pie plate. Fill with chicken mix1/4 cup sliced celery ture; cover with second 1 (10 3/4-ounce) can pie crust. Trim crust if cream of chicken soup needed; press edge with 1 (10-ounce) can fork. Brush top crust VALLEY FRESH with egg wash (1 egg Chunk Chicken, beaten with 1 tablespoon drained water) to create glossy 1/4 teaspoon dried crust, if desired. rosemary leaves, Bake pie 10 minutes. crumbled Reduce oven tempera 1/4 teaspoon ground ture to 350 degrees. Bake sage 25 minutes longer. Cover 1/8 teaspoon white pepper crust with aluminum 1 (15-ounce) box refrigerated foil to prevent browning. Bake 15 minutes more. pie crusts (2 crusts)

Home-Style Chicken Pot Pie

** Keep cooked fritters warm in a 200 degree oven while cooking the remaining fritters.

a very sharp arrow complete with pain poison. The SONS had to push and pull me to help get me out of a chair. And even in and out of the car. Lord help me if I coughed. What else? Oh yes. Youngest SON of Thunder has had a silver tooth for quite some time. While The Dress was helping him floss that night, it popped out — hitting her in the eye. We are ready for this blessed holiday to be over. The Dress will not show herself in public. I can’t move. We agree we are just going to do a little “re-gifting” for each other this year. Fortunately, we already had the SONS covered. Christmas rolls around. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a big bow to wrap the SUV with — to remind her about her new starter. So I just reminded her. Repeatedly. Not to worry. In that whole re-gifting motif, she hands me a present. It’s a beautifully framed photo of us — at our wedding. Middle SON of Thunder bursts out laughing. “That’s not a gift.” The LBD tells him to shut up. Not to be outdone, I grab the aforementioned vomiting dog and a bow and say, “Here. Merry Christmas.” I can’t wait to see what New Year’s Day brings.

many items go back. What I don’t understand is some of the things people keep. And wear in public. It’s easy to go wrong with toys, games and electronics, and retailers say even savvy dudes make a mess of perfume and cosmetic choices. Speaking of guys, when it comes to jewelry, experts say you can’t go wrong by surprising that special lady with a big, shiny gift certificate. I suggest a mood ring. At least you’ll know when to duck. Certain gifts are inappropriate — or just plain tacky — at any time of year. L e ad i n g t he 2 01 3 l i st i s “ D uc k Dynasty” chia pets. These are swell as office party gags, but if you know someone who would love a chia garden featuring the likeness of Uncle Si, maybe you should “give back” some of your acquaintances. This year, I even saw an ad pushing miniature vacuum cleaners. Who gives this to a child? And why? Even presents from your nearest and dearest can break your heart. Not long after I was grown and gone and out of the house, my mother sent me two Christmas gifts in the same box. Both were unforgettable. I wore the handmade f lannel shirt until the stitching came loose. The other? Well, how many parents do you know that have given their children Odor-Eaters foot deodorant for Christmas? Every time I talked to mother, I raved about the shirt. The Odor Eaters? She didn’t ask and I didn’t tell. Sometimes, silence is the best thanks of all.


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The Bridal Planner will be published on Sunday, February 9, 2014 to home delivery paid subscribers of the The Newnan Times-Herald plus 2,500 additional copies will be distributed to advertisers and locations in Coweta, Fayette, Troup, Carroll and Douglas counties plus various other outlets. Also, with an average of over 1.4 million page views per month on times-herald.com, this section will be seen by thousands of future brides and grooms for a year!

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advertising deadline:

friday, January 17, 2014 for information or to advertise contact:

16 Jefferson Street, Newnan, GA • 770-683-1707

4 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Community Connection

Local artists create large, memorable sculptures By Bradley Hartsell bradley@newnan.com

Great art is sometimes hard to appreciate — especially when it’s in your own backyard. Taking a local artist’s painting for granted is easy to do, as painting is such a fundamental art form. But it may be harder to wrap your head around a welded chair more than 6 feet tall or a metal cello that’s even taller. Things like that are imported from somewhere else — not driven from Franklin right out of the shop. To R.L. Hughey Jr., however, it’s art, and it’s being made right outside Coweta County. Hughey is a retired mechanical engineer from Southwire and works with his partner, Debbie McNeil, to create large, original pieces of art. It started when he opened Green Lantern Frame Shop with a friend, where, according to Hughey, a lot of artists would visit, sparking his own interest in art. Hughey began ta king art classes, finding an immediate interest in pen and ink drawing, but when pen and ink became too time consuming, Hughey discovered a natural ability with sculpture. Fifteen years ago, McNeil was a former art teacher who had a studio in Carrollton. Hughey would come by and show her his drawings and expressed an interest in watercolor painting. The two began collaborating, and later, when Hughey

retired, they were both certified in welding. Now, after all these years, the two concentrate on sculpture and stained glass, creating new and exciting pieces of art continuously. “It was a whole different game [moving from painting to sculpture],” McNeil said. “Because I was used to 2D and sculpture is 3D.” I n recent yea rs , Hug hey and McNeil have exhibited their oversize welding projects throughout several events, including one in Chattanooga, Tenn. “Where’s My Hammer?” is the chair welded and made entirely from old tools, earning its name for the three hammerheads contained somewhere in the chair. Hughey says the chair had more than 50 different layouts until it was finished, which he says was a three-month construction process. The chair has been exhibited from Newnan to Tennessee, winning second place in the annual Newnan-Coweta Art Association show. Don Nixon, director of the Centre for Performing and Visual Arts in Newnan, later asked Hughey to borrow the ch a i r a ga i n , f rom Ch at t anooga, where it can be found now. The chair is joined by a welded metal cello containing the wires of a toy violin tucked inside the metal body. The burgeoning arts scene in Coweta is well-documented, primarily its painters. But it still seems surprising when visiting the Centre and seeing a metal cello bigger than you are that

Photos by Bradley Hartsell R.L. Hughey Jr. shows off his “Where’s My Hammer?” at the Centre for Performing and Visual Arts in Newnan.

Franklin’s R.L. Hughey Jr. standing with his and Debbie McNeil’s welded horse, made out of a bicycle. The sculpture has been a first prize winner at the annual Newnan Coweta Arts Association art show.

plays music. You really wonder, “That came from here?” “He’s an incredibly talented engineer. I follow his lead when it comes to sculpture,” said McNeil. “He likes rusty metal and I like colors,” she added. “So we make a pretty good team.” “We do a variety of stuff between the two of us,” Hughey

Brilliance just never seems like it can be right across the county line, accessible to us so easily. But yet, there’s R.L. Hughey Jr, wheeling in a metal chair or cello or horse built just down the road. “I’ve always worked around metal,” he said. “Welding is exciting, all these different metals coming together to create

said. “She’s the lead in watercolor and painting. I’m the lead with welding. We don’t really make these things to sell, we just enjoy exhibiting.” The duo have welded a lifesized horse made from a bicycle, which has won them first prize in the NCAA show, and an 11-foot fish, along with many fused glass pieces of art.

Preparing for tax season Although most have said their fond farewells to 2013, thought needs to be given to the year that just passed as tax-filing season approaches. Tax season is a few months away, but it’s never too soon to begin preparations for filing taxes. Some prefer to toast the new year and then arrange appoi ntments w it h t hei r accountants, while others use the new year as an opportunity to get organized. Preparing for tax time at the dawn of a new year can make the process go more smoothly. Here are some tips on how to prepare for the upcoming tax season. * Start a documents folder. Employers, charitable organizations, banks and other financial institutions begin mailing out tax forms from the previous year in early January. Individuals should keep their eyes open for any mail that appears to be tax-related. Store these documents in a folder that can protect any sensitive information. Such folders also make information more accessible as more and more documents arrive in the mail.

fees if people do some of the filing preparation work themselves. This can include creating a profit/loss statement on investments, or working up a tally of charitable donations. Make an itemized list of all pertinent information so it will be handy when tax-filing time arrives. * Decide on a filing option. Technology has made filing taxes much easier. Tax preparation software is available for those who choose to file their taxes themselves. There also are walk-in centers that will prepare tax-filing documents. Individuals also can visit a certified public accountant. Whatever method taxpayers choose, allow for ample time to gather information and get the taxes filed by the deadline. Leave some wiggle room in case one filing method doesn’t work out.

* S t a r t s a v i n g m o n e y. Although the goal is to get a refund each and every year, t a x payer s somet i me s owe money, which can be troublesome for men and women whose budgets are stretched thin already. Those who owed money in the past should begin * Begin collecting receipts and itemizing expenses. Many saving money for tax expenses expenses are tax-deductible. as early as possible. T hese ca n i nclude educa* Develop a good filing systion costs, moving expenses, tem. Many financial professionhome improvements, medi- als will advise people to keep cal expenses, charitable dona- financial records for 7 years. tions and childcare costs. Store Any tax documents should be receipts and other documen- kept together should they need tation , i ncludi ng ca nceled to be referenced or if an audit is checks, with the other tax doc- ordered. Designate a filing cabuments. These will come in inet or a box specifically for tax handy should an audit ever be documents. ordered. Tax f iling season is right * Create a spreadsheet of important information. It is handy to have all f inancial information at the ready. Some accountants will lower their

around the corner, and the dawn of a new year is a great time for men and women to start gathering documents and preparing their returns.


Solution to puzzle on page 2

I-85 at Bullsboro Drive 770-253-3995

something else. I love it.” Hughey says he appreciates the feedback when they show a piece. People tell him all the time, he says, they come back to the show every year to see what they bring. Nixon proudly displays the chair and cello in the lobby of the Centre. He asked rhetorically, “Aren’t they fabulous?”

Wednesday, January 8, 2014   |  MyConnection 5

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Newnan, Georgia

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New Piedmont Newnan opens Tuesday By ALEX MCRAE alex@newnan.com Piedmont Newnan Hospital officially opens Tuesday at its new campus at 745 Poplar Road. But before that can happen the aging facility on Hospital Road must be officially closed. It’s not a process that happens with the flip of a switch or wave of a magic wand. Moving from the old facility to the new is actually a balancing act that requires keeping both facilities open for more than a week as people, equipment and procedures underPhoto by Jeffrey Leo go a transition that allows no for error. There was activity Friday at the new Poplar Road campus of Piedmont Newnan Hospital, set to offi- room It’s not a process anyone the and hospital new the at began cially open Tuesday. On Friday, outpatient radiology procedures outpatient lab and respiratory center opened. The Poplar Road Command Center, from which the takes lightly. But, so far, the procedure is going smoothly final move will be overseen Tuesday, opened Friday during daytime hours.



and remarks from hospital officials make it clear they are ready to officially celebrate the opening of Georgia’s newest hospital on Tuesday at 745 Poplar Road beside Interstate 85. “We’ve waited a long time to be able to welcome patients to their new community hospital,” said Tim Stack, president and CEO of Piedmont

Hea lt hca re. “ We’re proud of the new facility and the expanded services we offer residents of Coweta County and the surroundRelated ing areas. The open- story, page of ing 5A the new Piedmont Newna n Hospita l is pa ramount to our vision of providing comprehensive, quality health care services across the Piedmont Healthcare system.” The final days of joint operation between the two facilities are scheduled down to the minute to make sure that essentia l ser vices offered at Hospital Road remain in place until those services are

See HOSPITAL, page 2A

Westmoreland hears concerns about energy regulations

NEW CANCER HOSPITAL Blessing event held at facility

By W. WINSTON SKINNER winston@newnan.com U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland toured CowetaFayette EMC’s north Coweta headquarters on Friday afternoon. His tour followed a meeting with CowetaFayette staff and directors about federal energy

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6 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Community Connection

Registration under way for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parade

Anneke Schallich is from Oldenburg, Germany. She spent the last three months teaching at Moreland Elementary School.

Students learn new language with visiting teacher By Celia Shortt celia@newnan.com Newnan’s annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. parade will be Jan. 11, departing from Newnan High School and moving through the Court Square. Registration is under way by organizing group Newnan Chapter 483 OES.

Newnan Chapter 483 Order of the Eastern Star, Prince Hall, is preparing to hold its 27th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration and parade in Newnan. The annual Memorial Service, traditionally held the Friday prior to the parade, will be held Jan. 10 at Zion Hill Baptist Church, 87 Pinson Street in Newnan, starting at 7 p.m. The parade will be held on Jan. 11, departing from the area of Armory Road next to Newnan High School. The 2014 celebration theme is “Illum i nati ng t he Sta r through Rededication, Recla-

mation and Education for the Growth of the Future,” said Sister Margaret Blandenburg, Chapter 483 Worthy Matron. Grand marshal for the 2014 parade will be Newnan Mayor Pro-Tem Cynthia Jenkins. Members of the Chapter 483 OES are accepting parade registration for floats, cars or walking groups. The parade entry fee for floats and groups is $25. Entry for individual motorcycles and horses is $10. The parade will leave the area of Newnan High School at noon Jan. 11. Float participants are asked to enter on Armory Road no later than

9:30 a.m. for judging. The judging for floats will begin at 10 a.m. Coordinators will begin lining up other participants at 11 a.m. The parade will move from Newnan High School north on LaGrange Street, through the Court Square downtown and along Jackson Street and Wesley Street, ending at Willie Lynch Park. Refreshments for participants will be served after the parade. T-shirts and sweatshirts com memorati ng t he 2014 celebration are available for pre-order from Blandenburg, who is chairing the Com-

memorative Shirt Committee, at 770-254-1491. Or contact: Co-Chairperson Sister Brenda Carter, 770-251-1107; Co-Chairperson Sister Jewel Moore, 770 -252-5875; Sister Wendy Freeman-Smith, 770-251-9958; or any Newnan Chapter 483 representative. Thompson noted that spec i a l re cog n it ion go e s to Newnan Chapter 483 Past Worthy Matron Sarah Williams for getting the annual celebrations started more than two decades ago. Also, Cynthia Finney and the youth Eastern Star chapter members provide input on the annual celebration.

Keys to meeting 2014 financial goals By Michael Rupured UGA Cooperative Extension

The New Year is an opportunity for fresh starts, and new beginnings. Quitting a bad habit, losing weight, exercising more, and doing better with money are common New Year's resolutions. By Ground Hog's Day, most resolutions have fallen by the wayside. Why? People beat themselves up too much and give up too easily. They mess up one time and, instead of trying again, call it quits. These resolutions have more in common than popularity. All revolve around activities most engage in every day. The way a person eats, spends money, and exercises develops over many years. Changing old habits and routines overnight is a tall order, and rarely possible. Messing up now and then goes with the territory. A day or two of overeating, overspending, or sk ipping the morning walk is a setback, not a reason to give up. Persistence is the key to success. Stick with your program more days than not, and results will follow. Over the course of a year, even small changes can make a big difference. Walking 30 minutes a day will not make you thin overnight. Drinking one less soft drink, passing on doughnuts, and the money saved by skipping daily treats may seem insignificant. But sticking with small changes adds up. A positive attitude makes a difference. Focus on the benefits and what you get from sticking to the program, rather than what you are giving up. Obsessing about the sacrifices you are making guarantees failure. Banish this negativity from your thoughts. Steps to help manage money better in the coming year: • Know where your money goes. Fi nd out how much money comes in and exactly what you do with it. Carry a pad with you for a month or two and record every purchase. At the end of the month, separate your spending into no more than a dozen catego-

Persistence is the key to success. Stick with your program more days than not, and results will follow.

ries such as food, housing, and transportation. • Target eyebrow-raising surprises for spending cuts. If you have never tracked your spending, you may find you spend a lot for small, frequent expenses. If the amount of money you spend on something bothers you, do something about it. • Set realistic and specific goals. A specific goal includes the cost of the goal and the date you plan to reach it, such a s pla n n i ng to save $60 0 by next December for holiday gifts. The goal is realistic if you can afford to set aside $50 each month. If you cannot, adjust the goal or increase your income. • Develop a plan for spending to meet goals. Besides goals, your spending plan needs to include fixed, variable and occasional expenses. Fi xed ex penses a re t he same every month. Variable expenses go up or down each month. Occasional expenses are due less often than every m on t h . S om e o c c a s i on a l expenses, like birthdays and a n nu a l i n s u r a nce prem iums, you know about. Others, like medical bills, arise unexpectedly. • Pay yourself first. Saving whatever is left usually means not saving at all. Instead, put the money you need to save for goals and occasional expenses in your savings account before

you spend a penny for anything else. Better yet, arrange for an automatic deposit or payroll deduction into your savings account. When you get a raise at work, sign up for half the raise amount to go into a savings account or a company savings plan. • Eliminate debt. Pay attention to how much you pay in monthly finance charges on credit card and other debt. Instead of paying interest each month on your debt, you could be earning it on your savings. Being on the lending side of that transaction is a much better deal than being on the borrowing side. The money going to debt payments each month could be going to your savings. • Focus on one expense at a time. When making changes, it is easy to go too far, too fast. Commit to making a few changes at a time to reduce your spending. These simple suggestions can help you do better with the money you have. Some changes pay off more rapidly than others. The sooner you start, the more you stand to gain. For more research-based advice and resources to help build financial stability in 2014 visit www.fcs.uga.edu/ext/ econ/. (Michael Rupured is a financial specialist with University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.)

Beginning in October, Moreland Elementary School experienced something special and out of the ordinary, a guest teacher from Germany. From Oldenburg, Germany, Anneke Schallich spent the last three months at Moreland Elementary School with Janey Allen, one of its special education teachers. Schallich first interned with Allen when she was teaching at Poplar Road Elementary School. Recent ly, Sch a l l ich f i nished her teaching degree and is waiting to start her student teaching in February. In Germany, once their education is completed, teachers must student teach for an extended time before becoming a fullfledged teacher. Schallich had a bit of time before hers started, so she decided to work with Allen at Moreland and use that time learning more about special education. “I was never full exposed to kids with special needs,” she said. “I learned about that here. Never got that in university. [So without it] I would have had no idea how to deal with special needs.” “She has a great gift working with some of those kids,” said Allen. “She is good with autistic kids.” In the classroom, Schallich assisted Allen and other teachers. She taught about Germany and its culture — food, Christmas, and the differences between north and south. She also shared about public transportation there and showed them as wide a range of games

as possible. In addition to helping in Allen’s class, Schallich was able to teach German to the REACH students. “I want to show them it is fun to learn another language,” she said. Her teaching was communicative language teaching and included vocabulary, working with sentences, writing, playing games, and having the students speak as much German as possible. “She’s been amazing,” said Moreland Elementary School Principal Melanie Perry. “Who would know you could learn German in Moreland.” Schallich was able to experience many things outside of the classroom, too. She learned about American culture and traveled to Florida, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia. Her favorite part, though, was celebrating Thanksgiving with Allen and her family. Schallich says she enjoyed her time here and really does not want to leave. “I got really attached to the kids,” she said. “I think I’m going to miss the kids.” I n add it ion to her t wo times teaching and studying in Georgia, Schallich has also worked and been to language school in Australia. She values the studying abroad she has done and cultures she has experienced. “It gives me a lot of self-confidence, makes me independent,” she said. “I can communicate with people from other cultures. It gives me understanding of other cultures and what they expect.” Her student teaching begins Feb 3 in Berlin, Germany.

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