20140115 myc

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Newnan Weather

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


January 15, 2014

MyConnection Published every Wednesday and delivered free by The Newnan Times-Herald

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Check Out the Classifieds on Page 7 Be informed. Stay informed.

Band finds therapeutic benefits of making music Multiplexor releases expressive new album

By Bradley Hartsell bradley@newnan.com

Allowing music to aid in releasing tension is a concept commonly applied in life. This notion is what brings many local musical groups together to kick around old tunes for a good time. More often than not, though, the “garage band” or the yetto-be-discovered grouping, has little inclination to pursue the cathartic hobby as anything more than just that — a hobby. Occasionally, however, the part-time interest becomes much more. Multiplexor, a band formed by Newnan local Kyle Coleman, has continued to build momentum — and passion — since 2011. Kyle Coleman, PJ Elias and Nathan Stone actually began playing music together after meeting at Northgate High School. In fact, Coleman had been writing Multiplexor songs years before Stone and Elias ever even k new t he ba nd existed. Coleman would record every instrument onto his laptop, starting with guitar, then drums. Eventually, he created his first album, “If I Told You Everything,” and with a

full album to present, Coleman recruited his close friends and frequent collaborators. “I went to high school with PJ. We played in a church band way back then,” Coleman said. “I actually joined PJ’s band in 2007, with Nathan on drums.” “I didn’t know how Multiplexor [as a full band] was going to go,” Coleman added, “There is some technicality to my music, which I thought might be difficult to recreate with other people. Ultimately, though, it’s important we had the feel of a band, not just recreating what was in my head.” PJ Elias recalls a little less apprehension regarding the music being originally created by Coleman alone. “I think the fact that we’re all best friends supplements Kyle’s having written all the music. That’s what makes it a band,” said Elias. “We all love the music and have a close connection. As a group, we miss out on the writing process, but we’ve been playing together since high school in one form or another, so it’s kind of a family thing. It completes the band aspect.” “If I Told You Everything” came out in May 2011, and by June, Multiplexor had booked its first show. The band iden-

tified with the Atlanta punk scene and continues to play the majority of its shows within city limits. T he members of Mu lt iplexor consider themselves “emo revivalists,” the music harkening back to an era of high energy music with confessional lyrics. The height of popularity spanned the late ‘90s through the mid 2000s, before tapering out into a forgotten fad. Recently, bands like Multiplexor have resuscitated the sounds of their heroes. The band unites with Coleman’s vision, thriving off his writing and collaborating on an overall sound. “Kyle’s been the nervous system for us,” explained Elias. “It’s not always easy but it’s fun. Whenever there’s a new song, I can’t wait to listen to it and learn it.” “I’ll write the shell of the songs and the ideas, but I like f leshing out the songs with other people. By now, the guys know what I like. We can work together now and be more fluid,” said Coleman. As for goals for the new year, Coleman wants to be “more of a band.” “I want to take it seriously

music, page 7

Photo by Jenny Robinson

Kyle Coleman of Multiplexor plays for a lively crowd. Multiplexor has been playing as a band for two-and-half years, but Coleman has written songs under the moniker for much longer.

Fuel up for fitness inside Make-Your-Own energizing dishes! ➤


C hillab ra t io n w ill b e h e l d a t t h e historic Moreland Mill.

Moreland to host annual Good Luck Dinner

Chunky Chicken, Vegetable and Rosemary Stew Kaiya Hill, left, and Clair Lynn Kight put up a poster promoting Chillabration, which will be held at the Moreland Mill on Jan. 18.

Chillabration to blend pork, greens, fun Pork, greens and peas are part of the “good luck” traditions practiced on New Year’s — and now are the fare for a new event in Moreland. Chillabration will be held Jan. 18 at the Moreland Mill. The menu for the Good Luck Dinner will include smoked pork, fresh greens, blackeyed peas and cornbread. Tickets for plates are $8 and can be purchased in advance from the Historic Moreland Mill, the Huddle House at Exit 41 on I-85, Moreland Surplus Sales and Auction House and the Coweta County Convention and Visitors Bureau. Tickets will also be sold at the mill the day of the event. The meal will be served from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Chillabra-

tion will include live music, hayrides and a bonfire. Proceeds will benefit Team Georgia, Transplant Games of America and the Moreland Cultural Arts Alliance. The ticket price will include the meal, a drink and entertainment and activities. There also will be a dessert bar prepared by members from AllenLee Memorial United Methodist Church in Lone Oak. “We’re featuring greens because that’s the traditional New Year’s good luck food,” said Carol Chancey of MCAA. Dick Ford, Moreland’s new mayor, has had a heart transpla nt a nd is a Tra nspla nt Ga mes at h lete. He joi ned forces w it h Ch a ncey a nd other MCAA volunteers to put

together the idea for a January event. Volunteers are getting out the word to “encourage all organ recipients and donors to come,” Ford said. “There are a lot of recipients — and donors. I run into them all the time.” Ford said mid-January is a good time for an event like Chillabration. People have gotten over the Christmas rush. They have been indoors because of the cold, and they are ready for something to do. “We want to make this an annual event where you can come and meet your family and friends,” he said. “It will be a fun thing for us just to get together.”

Family Features Sports nutrition isn’t just the domain of professional athletes — for a good workout and quick recovery, every­day athletes need the right diet, too. “A good workout is draining and can lead to fatigue and sore muscles,” said Michele Macedonio, R.D., C.S.S.D.,

n Make

L.D. a veteran sports nutritionist and team dieti­tian for the Cincinnati Reds. “The right combination of foods helps restore energ y a nd nutrients used during exercise, and prepares your body for the next workout.” Dishes such as these from CanolaInfo provide complex carbohydrates, fiber and protein with nutrition-packed

ingredients including whole grains, beans, nuts, fruits and plenty of vegetables. Each delicious recipe contains less than 300 calories per serving and is prepared with heart-smart canola oil to supply healthy unsaturated fats, including monoun­s atu­ rated and omega-3 fats. For more great recipes, visit www. canolainfo.org.

Know the Score

friends with fat: Fat is an important energy source for athletes, but it’s important to choose healthy fats. Canola oil, for example, provides a valuable source of unsaturated fats, including monounsaturated and omega-3 fats.

n Pump

up protein: Maximize muscle growth with a snack that contains carbo­hydrates plus 10 to 20 grams of protein consumed within 15 to 30 minutes after a workout, when muscle is most receptive to growing.

n Don’t

ignore complex carbs: Athletes need healthy carbohydrates, the pre­ferred source of energy for active muscles. Whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruit are good sources.

n Feed

the furnace: Running on empty? Your body needs consistent fuel to func­tion. A small preworkout snack may improve your workout performance. Liquid foods such as smoothies digest more quickly than solids, which makes them ideal pre- or post-workout for energy, hydration and restoring nutrients.

2 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, January 15, 2014



Newnan masters of motown The Centre January 17 7:00 p.m. In the early 60’s some of the most iconic names in the history of popular music were discovered in the Motor City of Detroit, MI, better know simply as Motown. Masters of Motown is a celebration of these artists. The show features costumed and fully choreographed tributes to male and female groups backed by a live band.

Info: 770-254-2787 www.thecentreonline.net

faces: The drawings of laurie wilson Newnan Carnegie January 17 2:00 p.m.– 4:00 p.m. Self-taught, Dr. Wilson spent hours in pursuit of drawing ability in graphite and color pencil. Her i mages of the human condition through facial expression are both breathtaking and haunting through the medium of graphite on paper.

Info: 770-683-1347 www.newnancarnegie.com

dessert & discussion Piedmont Newnan Hospital January 23 6:00 p.m.– 8:00 p.m. Howard Seeman, M.D. and Joseph Morris III, M.D. of the Piedmont Heartburn Treatment Center will discuss treatments and lifestyle changes that could improve the condition known as G.E.R.D. (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease). Anyone experiencing problems with heartburn, coughing, difficulty swallowing, or reflux are encouraged to attend.

1. What John Wilkes Booth did 6. *Montana used it to throw 11 Super Bowl TDs 9. Manufactured 13. With ample space 14. Waikiki garland 15. Policeman's shocker 16. Spritelike 17. Egg cells 18. Shamu and such 19. *The coldest Super Bowl venue todate 21. *2014 Super Bowl stadium name holder 23. Australian runner 24. Fries, e.g. 25. Actor's domain 28. Trans-Siberian Railroad city 30. *Last year's power ______ 35. Younger sister to Katniss 37. Larger-than-life 39. Tolerate 40. Milano moolah 41. India bigwig Any Size Package 43. Network of nerves 44. Like a lemon 46. Cough syrup balsam 47. Inevitable occurrence 48. Tip of lion's tail 50. Shipping hazard 52. Bell and Barker 53. Swerves 55. Orinoco or Grande 57. *Type of Super Bowl venue 61. Kool & the Gang's 1983 hit 64. Boston hockey player 65. 34th pres. 67. Haley to Manny on "Modern Family" 69. Moved like Argo 70. *It's raised for field goals 71. Mauritanian village, Boeir _____ 72. The Benevolent and Protective Order of ____ 73. Fossil fuel 74. Sound like Wilbur

As the New Year begins, Commissioner Rob Mikell of Georgia’s Department of Driver Services recommends checking the expiration date of your driver’s license or ID Card. “Happy holidays from the DDS family to yours,” says Mikell. “Please check the expiration date of your license or ID, and plan ahead if you are expiring this upcoming year. Not waiting until the last minute and having all the necessary documents ready ensures a smooth experience when you visit.”



43° 26°

Leg Quarters


lb. ea.


29. Quarrel 31. *It's artificial at this year's Super




Newnan, GA

John 14: 12-14 Faith is not believing that God can, it is knowing that He will!

America Must Stand with Israel! The W. Reece Payton Co., Inc. 770-301-7012


1 5 4 982

Leg Quarters

299 24 78


Gwaltney 16 oz. Pkg.






2 2

16 oz.

Gwaltney 16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced


Green Sausage &

$lb. ¢ lb. 75Morrell John

Carolina Pride 12 oz. Meat

lb. lb. $ 72 ¢ Patties...... Tennessee Pride 2.5 lb. Family Pack

12 oz. Pkg.



1 2 21 $ 68 3 1 5 4 2 $ 42 $ 94 $ 4 95 $ 92 3$ 42 2 Large Slicing 3 ¢ 4 lb. Bag Fresh 12 oz. Wafer Thin

16 oz. Hot or Mild

14 oz. Smoked or Polish

48 1 5 91 Fresh

Tennessee Pride 20 ct.

99 9 991Sausage...


lb. ea. 4 Lb., Fresh Frozen lb. Sausage Farms ¢ Lunch$ 95 Ocean Superior Market ¢ $Bologna95or ¢ Great & Gravy. Bologna... ea. Lamb Leg .................Makers...lb. Tilapia Fish Fillet ... Wieners... Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg.

Boneless Skinless

Smoked Link U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh ea. Country Style Ribs


Sea Best

Claxton Fresh

John Morrell 9 oz.

Carolina Pride 12 oz. Reg. or Thick Sliced

Imitation Flake


Cubed Pork

Sirloin Steaks Ground Beef Spinach All Meat Ready Pac 6 oz. Bag

16 oz. Beef, Pork or Chicken

21 1¢ 88 Coca-Cola. . . . . . 3 4

12 oz.


Buddig $Navel 14 Carl Oranges $ 44 Sugardale $ $2896 83 Carolina Pride$ 58$ 66 $ 98 Curly'sFresh ReadySausage Pac 10....oz.$ Bag Sliced Bacon ........... Sausage ..................... Bar-BQ ..................... Cherizo Sausage ..................... Ham & Turkey ..... ea. Bella Romaine............ lb. Globe Grapes............... 28 oz. 10 oz. 12 oz. Links or Patties 4 Ct. 2.67 Lb. 12 oz. Al$l Brands781.25 lSouthland iter Bottles Oscar Mayer $ 55 $ 47 Carolina Pride Dean Carolina Pride Foster Farms $ 98 $ 14 $ 38 ¢ Fresh ea. $ .........58 Sub Kits .................... Ready Pac........... 10 oz. Bag Cooked Ham Chicken Sausage .. lb. Waffle & Sausage .. Sliced Bacon Corndogs .................. Rutabagas................... ea. Italiano Salad Mix......

Sunset Farms

Carolina Pride

U.S.D.A. Select Beef

2 58

Boneless Center Cut


London Broil


U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh

U.S.D.A. Select Beef


Fresh Ground

U.S.D.A. Loin Pork Chops

Sirloin Tip Roast Single Roll lb. Steak .......................... Shopper's Value Fresh, Lean


Essential Everyday


$ $ 94 33

Shoulder Roast2 liter Bottles All Brands


4 Lb.

oz. Combo Pack .......... $ 48Essential 95 Everyday Coca-Cola.........



00 3 $ 92 or Yellow Honey $ 04 Jumbo Yellow $Ground 88 White ¢ $Sirloin 99 Steaks $ 49 Eye of¢Round Fresh Cutletts Beef Fryer Breast 4 4 $ 50 Swiss Steak .............. 1 Okra Corn Tangerines 59 1 2 Steak .......................... Energy Drinks 11 Onions....... Tomatoes... All Meat Smoked Link Great Meat ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Sausage & $ 31 97 Hot Dogs.. 89 Dogs........ 5 Bologna.. Sausage... 98 97 Biscuits.... $ 24 $ 95 $ 24 $ 99 88 98 $ 5/$ 4/$ ¢ $ 72 $ $49 17 Center Cut Loin $ $ 59313 59 $ Sausage 99 Smoked Sausage 2 ears $ 39 Smoked ... 5 Napkins ............... 1 Breakfast Ham ...... lb. Porklb. Chops lb. lb. 1 6 1 Dilllb. Slices ............ Great Bologna or John Morrell Sausage Sausage ¢ ¢ $ Lunch ¢ $ 78 $ $ 99 83 $ $5 9972 $ 9964 78¢ Bologna... 99$¢ 51 Wieners... 99 Patties...... &Smoked Gravy.Sausage Sausage... Makers... 99 91 99.................. 1 $249Smoked Sausage ...1 2 Mixed Nuts 2 2 Red Hots Dog Food ............ 46 Any Size Package



lb.Sugar Fresh


lb. Sugardale 16 oz. Jumbo

250 14ct. oz. Turkey




48 oz.

Shopper's Value

12 oz. 16 oz. Sweet Pickle Relish or


Essential Everyday Sweet Fourstar

Salad Cubes ........



lb. John Morrell 9 oz.

Carolina Pride 12 oz. Reg. or Thick Sliced


Fourstar Essential Everyday ... Gwaltney 16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg.Cat Food .............. 15 lb.

lb. Claxton Oz. Fresh Vegetable All Brands 8 Pack, 7.5Oil CansFresh $ Boneless Skinless U.S.D.A. Select Beef Coca-Cola.........

Fresh lb. lb. Paper Towels Boneless U.S.D.A. Select Beef Cubed Pork

U.S.D.A. Select Beef

Gwaltney 16 oz. Pkg.

Tennessee Pride 20 ct.

4.25 oz. ChoppedU.S.D.A. or 2.25 oz. Sliced Inspected, Any Size Package

Ripe Olives ...........

Cookies ................ 12 oz. Pkg.

Carolina Pride 12 oz. Meat

Tennessee Pride 2.5 lb. Family Pack

15.1 oz. 16 oz.

10 oz.

Essential Everyday

Essential Everyday Sunset Farms

Essential Everyday

Snack Crackers ..

Pink Salmon .......

FD 011314 REG

Essential Everyday

Sunset Farms Essential Everyday

13 oz. Animal or 16 oz. Ginger Snaps

14.5 oz.


Monster 10 Pk., 16 oz. Cans

14 oz. Boneless, Sliced

32 oz. Hamburger



......... lb.

$ 79 1 Party Plates ........ $159 Graham Crackers 1 Shopper's Value Food1.2Depot All Brands 5 liter BotBar-S tles Smoked PikNik ¢ Tomato Bar-S Sliced Bar-S 2/ Hamburger ¢ $ 70 ¢ Sloppy Joe Sauce 69 Lipton ¢ Sauce &Apple Cheese 96 $ 05 Mayonnaise $ 89 Blend Juice or Hot Dog 1 Foam Plates 99 Coca-Col Kellogg's Sausage Bologna Cooked Ham Iced Tea BrewMeat 2 Mayonnaise ............ 1 a . . . . . . Buns Pop•Tarts 2/ ¢ $ 79 ¢ $ 33 Salt 86 $ 59¢ 3/ Fresh Ground 2/$299¢ BeefSpring $ 02 Hunt's Ravioli 79 Water ........Loin 2 ¢ Pork Chops Beef Stew London Broil Sirloin Tip Roast Tomato Sauce.. 86 Oil .......................... 239 Coca-Cola......... 1 Chuck $ 83 $ $ 00 $¢ Coca-Cola......... 95 $$118 94 $ 95 $139 Vanilla Wafers 92 Food Depot 3 ¢ $ 99 Breast of Chicken Jumbo Yellow $ 99$2 Toasted Pastries .. 99 Large Slicing 2 Dressing .............. lb. ¢ ¢ lb. lb. 3 3 3/ ¢ 2Whole lb. Giant White Bread 99 3 Cashews $ Seasoning 99 Treat ..... 2 7950 Energy Drinks $1 1 GeneralBiscuits Mills Onions....... $ 75 Tomatoes... 29 $$121 $ 17¢ Instant Grits $ 59 Creamer .............. 1 Snacks ................... 2 Cheerios Cereal .. 3 99 1 ¢ Essential Everyday Oatmeal .............. 1 Wheat Bread $ 79 Bar-S Bar-S Bar-S Jumbo Essential Everyday $ 49 All Meat Link Great Sausage & Franks Cream Smoked Soup ....... 79 ¢79 Meat ¢ $1 31 Roasted Peanuts ¢ ¢ Hot Links Corn Dogs Beef Liquid ................. 1 $ Fiber OneHot or Nature Valley 89 Dogs.. ¢ $ 29 Dogs........ 97 589¢ Bologna.. Essential Everyday Sausage... 98 97 Biscuits.... $ 68 Drinking ¢ 3 Canned Water NEWNAN .. 59 ¢ Sauce 1 or Hot Dog Buns 99 82 Protein Bars ........ 2 Foam Cups .......... $Fruit 87 $ 68 $ 45 ...... $ 99 124 Bullsboro Drive • Newnan, Georgia Kitchen Bags .....30263 1 $ 62 $ or49 58 Helpers 1 ¢ Light Great Bologna John– Morrell Sausage 3/$p.m. Essential Lunch Tea $p.m. MONDAY SATURDAY 8:00Bread a.m.¢- 10:00 • SUNDAY 9:00 9:00 ¢ a.m. Bags THROUGH 1 ¢ ¢ ¢ Sausage 99 Everyday $ 72 5 Essential Charcoal ............... Hot99 Sauce ........... 1 5 Wieners... Patties...... 99 $ 99 & Gravy.Everyday Sausage... Makers... 78 Bologna... 99 91 $ 12 Canola Oil Lawn Leaf Bags . 4 Cereal Hormel $ 99 70 Essential Everyday ¢ Mighty Pac ........ 99 3 Pinto Beans Ruffles ¢ .......... $ . 2 Asst. Flavor Chips 3 Spam Saltines ............... 99 Charcoal ............... Corn Dogs Polish Sausage Smoked 79 Bacon $Wieners 49 $ 69 $$ 29 Cleaner ...... 1 $ 12 ¢ $ 59 Pine All Brands 1.25 liter Bottles Essential Everyday Essential Everyday

Deluxe Pasta .......

30 oz. 8 Ct., 10.5-15.2 oz. Select Varieties

$ 29

Essential Everyday

11 $ 68 1 58 98

Shopper's Value


26 oz. Iodized or Plain

8 oz. Can, Select Varieties U.S.D.A. Select Beef

Any SizeEssential Package 20 oz.

Everyday ...................... Dinty Moore

Shopper's Value Dog 18 oz. Box

48 oz. Corn or Blended


10 oz. Everyday Essential Fresh Hormel

Boneless Essential Everyday 1620oz., oz.Asst. Flavors


9 oz., Assorted Flavors Potato Chips, 9 oz. Cheese Curls, 11 oz. Cheese Puffs, 12 oz. Tortilla Chips or 10-15 oz. Pretzel

24 oz. Assorted Dishwashing

Sugardale 16 oz. Jumbo

5.8-7.1 oz., Select Varieties



Essential Everyday

15 ct. Red or Blue

10 oz. 97% Fat Free lb.Essential Everyday Valley Fresh White Chicken Gwaltney 16 oz. Pkg.

12812-35 oz. Ct., Select Varieties


Super Chill

Trash Bags ...........

1004.3-12.2 ct. Tagless oz. Box, Hamburger, Chicken or Tuna, Select Varieties

Essential Everyday


8 oz.

8 Pk.

Essential Everyday 40 Ct., 9 Inch Essential Everyday


64 oz. Apple or Apple Cranberry Shopper's Value Macaroni Old Orchard 100%

Fresh 4 lb. Small or Large

14.4 oz. Honey or Cinnamon

oz. 16 oz. Regular 15.5 Or Thick

16 oz. Pkg. 7.25 oz.

11 oz.

“Verily, verily I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall He do also; and greater works than these shall He do, because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.”


Pork Chops

14 oz. Macaroni & Cheese or 12 oz. Shells & Cheese

90 Millard Farmer Ind. Blvd.

10 Lb. Bag

U.S.D.A. Select Beef


Shopper's Royal Value



$ 95

$ Fresh95Fryer

U.S.D.A. Inspected

$ 55 Cutletts $ 90 Fryer Breast ¢ ¢ Mix $ 31 ¢ ¢ Cabbage Spring Tomatoes 97 Hot Dogs.. 89$ Dogs........ Bologna..$ 98 97 Biscuits.... 5 95 $ 99 Sausage... 24 $ 95 $ 24 $ 99 ¢ 38 Crab Meat Pork Spare Ribs$ 19 1 ¢ Any Size Package

152.5 lb.Lb. Family Pack

(certain restrictions apply)


$ 94 Quarterloin

$ 92

Tennessee Pride 8 oz. Pkg.



Loin Pork Chops London Broil Sirloin Tip Roast Chuck Please visit our website: www.myfooddepot.com!

Essential Everyday Butterball



U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh

U.S.D.A. Select Beef


Fresh Ground

Chips Fresh


© StatePoint Media

*Our cost includes freight, stocking fees, and associated expenses.

Ground Chuck Patties Tom's Asst. Flavor


• Non-citizens and anyone missing any of these documents will need to use the department’s checklist, which will provide the full list of all documents that are accepted. Go to www.dds.ga.gov and

Solution on Page 7

U.S.D.A. Select Beef

Any Size Package

Fresh Corn 7-10 oz. Nacho Tortilla, Chips, Cheddar Fries, Hot Fries, Nacho Rings or Puffed Cheezer

45° 27°

Fryer Breast

* OUR COST PLUS 10% ADDED AT REGISTER! * Boneless Center Cut

Any Size Package


Cutletts Fresh Fryer

Pork Chops


50° 26°

Boneless Skinless




Cubed Pork

Sirloin Steaks Quarterloin


Tennessee Pride 8 oz. Pkg. Whole or Half, Fresh American

Starting at


$ 24 $$ 24 55 $$ 95 90 $ 99

10 Lb.

49° 34°

Bowl 32. Elite military unit 1. "___ we there yet?" 33. _____-percha tree 2. *Manning in 2006 U.S.D.A. Select Beef 34. The Three Musketeers' swords 3. Soybean curd 36. *Halftime entertainer 4. Novelist _____ Zola 38. His was a merry old soul 5. Go-getter U.S.D.A. Inspected 42. Donkey in Latin America 6. Medicinal succulent 45. "Above and ______" 7. R in rpm 49. ___ Tzu of "Tao Te Ching" fame 8. *Frequent Super Bowl host, but not 51. *They play at host venue this year 54. Between wash and dry 9. Lime-rich soil 56. Tear jerker 10. American Society for Clinical Inves57. Double reed woodwind tigation 58. Europe/Asia mountain divide 11. Like Beethoven 59. Ottoman man 12. Gaelic 60. "Tomorrow Never ____" 15. Come up with a sum 61. *They also play at host venue 20. Divine presence 62. Infamous Roman 22. Tokyo, once 63. Maple, to a botanist 24. Bicycles on skis 66. New Zealander parrot 25. Water balloon sound 68. *Super Bowl begins at 6:25 pm in 26. "All My Children" vixen this zone 27. Firestone ware, pl.

2 41 25 1

Ground Beef

Sugardale 16 oz. Jumbo


• Check the expiration date on the right hand side of your driver’s license or ID card. If it is time to renew, then most U.S. citizens will need to bring Fresh four documents to get a gold star on the top right hand corner of your license: 10 Lb. Bag - An original/certified document to prove who you are, such as a birth certificate or Passport. - Your Social Security card. - Two documents showing your residential address, such as a bank statement or utility bill. - If you’ve had a name change, then you’ll also need to bring a document to prove that such as a marriage license.



cl ic k on S e c u re D r iver ’s License & ID to create your personal checklist or print the entire list. • Customers who already have the gold star printed on their license have already presented the necessary documents and do not have to br i n g i n t he i n for m at ion again. These customers may renew online for the next sixteen years if they meet the age qualification. • A license or ID Card may be renewed up to 150 days before the expiration date. • It is not necessary to visit a DDS customer service center in the county that you reside in. You may obtain licensing services at any center statewide. • Check for alternatives to visiting in person by reviewing Claxton Fresh DDS Online Services . Certain transactions must be handled in person, but many are available online such as changing your address, replacing a lost license and obtaining a copy of your driving history. Customers who already have the gold star on their license or ID may be eligible to renew their license online, so please check. • Before visiting the DDS, all customers are urged to plan ahead to renew or obtain a license or ID Card. Customers may print a detailed list of all mandatory requirements to prove identity, residency and social security number at www.dds.ga.gov. Customers may also create an individual Document Checklist tailored to their particular service.

Here are some helpful tips:

Info: 404-605-2430 www.piedmont.org/heartburn

jan. 16-19

Check your driver’s license expiration date


$ 25


Essential Everyday Super Chill



lb. 20 oz. Essential Food Depot 3Everyday lb. Family Pack ....... Carolina Pride 12 oz. Reg. or Thick Sliced 15-20 oz. Peaches, Pears, Fruit Cocktail or 12 Pk. Pineapple in Juice orHamburger Syrup Food Depot

Boneless Center Cut All Brands 2 liter Bottles

.87 oz. Assorted GravyAsst. Mix Packets or 1.25 oz. Meatloaf 11 oz.,1.25 Frosted, Flavors Seasoning, Chili Seasoning, 1.5 oz. Spaghetti Seasoning Essential oz. Beef StewEveryday Seasoning or 1.5


Essential Everyday

8.5 oz.

All Brands 8 Pack, 7.5 Oz. Cans

Essential Everyday

22 oz. Non-Dairy


Monster 10 Pk., 16 oz. Cans

Shopper's Value

12 oz. Original, Cheese or Butter

Essential Everyday24 oz. Pkg.

16 oz. Dry or 12 oz. Honey16 oz. Pkg.

10.5 oz. Mushroom, Chicken or Celery

........ Morrell 9 oz. Essential John Everyday 10 oz. Worcestershire


84$ 89

14.7-15 oz. Mini Beef Ravioli, Spaghetti Rings with Meatballs, Macaroni N Beef, Spaghetti with Meatballs or U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh 24 Pk., U.S.D.A. Select Beef.5 Liter

Essential Everyday

18 oz. Old Fashion

2.5 lb. Family Pack

Tennessee Pride 20 ct.

20 Ct., 16 oz.


. Main St

Essential Everyday 13 Gallon W/Handle, 20 Ct. Tall ...................... Essential Everyday

Gr ei



Tr a


FD 011314 REG



ing Cen

e Shopp

East Gat



Betty Crocker 16oroz.Thick or Wheat 6 oz. Gwaltney 16 oz. Regular Sliced Carolina Pride 12 oz. Meat Tennessee Pride 2.5 lb. Family Pack 12 oz. Pkg. Tennessee Pride 8 oz. Pkg. 15.7 Lb. White Mesquite or 16.6 Lb. Regular Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg. Shopper's Value Toasted Oats, 20 oz. Raisin Bran or .................. Food Depot 48 oz. Shopper's Value Essential Everyday 1512 oz. Frosted Flakes Oven oz. Turkey 36 Ct., 39 Gallon ............... ......... Roasted, Less Salt, Lite 1624 oz.Ct.Bag Essential Everyday Free & Clear or Original 9-9.5 oz. through January 19, 2014. Quantity rights reserved. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors. or Meat Prices Effective January 13All 16 oz. 3 lb. Pkg.

Essential Everyday

32 oz. Stainlifter or Free & Clear 32 Load

16 oz.

All Essential Everyday

Small & Mighty

2.5 lb. Family oz. 6.79-10 Lb. InstantPack Light

Frito-Lay's Bar-SEveryday Essential

8 Pk. 18 oz., 50 Ct. Red or Blue Plastic

Frito-Lay'sEveryday Essential

Bar-S 28 oz.

Essential Everyday 5 oz.


3 lb. Family Pack Frito-Lay's



Located on 124 Bullsboro Drive in the East Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster

12 oz. Pkg.

Bar-S Sliced

Supporting Community Wednesday, January 15, 2014   |  MyConnection 3

Cancer Programs

in our

Cargill, United Way in Coweta County and Piedmont Newnan celebrate a

partnership which supports cancer programs in our community. Cargill employees participated in the annual United Way workplace campaign and money raised will benefit cancer programs at Newnan. Thank you for your generous donations!

4 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, January 15, 2014

E D S I A W V E I N R G O T S S Sale Starts January 2nd

50% OFF SALE !

Closed January 1st





Entire Stock of

Lamps Pictures

Sleep Comfort International

Accessories Mirrors



Pillow Top or Plush 2 Piece Sets

2 Piece Sets

Twin Full Queen

239 Twin $ 279 Full $ 299 Queen King $










Reclining Sofas

Casual Dining










Bedroom Furniture





Book Cases




..................................................... .

........ ................... . . ..................... ..... .. . .






DOUBLE RECLINING Sofa only $599 Loveseat only $549

Matching Recliner also available only $399

TV Consoles 44”





Mattress & Boxsprings

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54” $Reg. $599.95



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Wednesday, January 15, 2014   |  MyConnection 5


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6 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Community Connection

‘But we just got on’ There is some unwritten rule that columnists must address whatever big event is happening at the time. This is especially true with holidays. We have to write what we’re thankful for, or make fun of family in the Thanksgiving column, and so forth. As the Little Black Dress has pointed out on more than one occasion, I never met a rule I liked. This is more so for journalists in this country who thankfully have the First Amendment. We have freedom of the press and we should be able to write whatever we want to. Or as Admiral David Farragut said at the Battle of Mobile Bay during the Civil War, “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.” Or holidays, in this case. Sorry, I get carried away someti mes on t hat whole press freedom issue. Where was I? Oh yes, my New Year’s resolution column.

I have never been big on all those New Year year resolutions — especially right at the start of the new year. It ’s not li ke Ja n. 1 rolls around and you are suddenly — shazam! — a completely different person. Part of the problem is that new resolutions take time. You don’t just suddenly lose those 35 pounds, and the new stamp collection you’ve always wanted to start only has two stamps (and you pulled those out of the kitchen drawer.) You’ve yet to buy that bagpipe, much less know where to get one. And then there’s the problem of finding someone in America other than in Boston who can teach you how to play it. Personally, I don’t understand how you can only make changes in your lifestyle starting Jan. 1. Why can’t you start making changes on any of the other 364 days, or 365 days if

JOHN WINTERS it’s a Leap Year? For me, I like to go slow on any resolution. Ease into it, so to speak. It, whatever “it” resolution is, will happen. Eventually. More important for me, as dad to the SONS of Thunder, is to help them work on their resolutions. I brought this up with the SONS the other day. “I want you guys to work on not arguing as much, especially with your mom,” I said. “We don’t argue.” “Yes you do.” “No we don’t. Quit hitting me.” “You hit me first.” “Did not.” “Dad!!!!” And we’re off to a good start. I also suggested they spend a little less time in the virtual world and, instead, maybe visit reality a wee bit more. I am, of course, speaking

of the absurd amount of time the SONS have spent killing zombies, building castles in Minecraft, and a host of other games. Their excuse is that it’s the holidays and they are on break and we — or Santa — delivered them on Christmas and … “You don’t realize how long you guys play those games,” I try again. “But we just got on,” is the go-to response. If I had a quarter (I know it’s a nickel but we’re adjusting for inflation) every time I heard that phrase … “You’ve been on for four hou rs ,” I ’l l respond , a nd immediately get blasted from every corner with the aforementioned phrase. And with that, I have my New Year’s resolutions. I am banning the phrase “but we just got on” and any semblance of said phrase. And I’m going to get a timer and attach a very, very loud siren to it. Just so we all know when enough virtual time is enough.


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The Bridal Planner will be published on Sunday, February 9, 2014 to home delivery paid subscribers of the The Newnan Times-Herald plus 2,500 additional copies will be distributed to advertisers and locations in Coweta, Fayette, Troup, Carroll and Douglas counties plus various other outlets. Also, with an average of over 1.4 million page views per month on times-herald.com, this section will be seen by thousands of future brides and grooms for a year!

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Looking ahead T he cha mpag ne bott les have hit the recycling bin, the resolutions are mostly intact, the Christmas trees are mulched, and the last chorus of “Auld Lang Syne” has been croaked. Say hallelujah, y’all. The year 2013 is finally in the history books. And some people couldn’t be happier. They’re the ones you see standing on the corner wringing their hands and clutching their insurance cancellation notices and whining that 2013 was “the worst one ever.” In some cases, that’s true. But history shows that the good years and bad have a way of balancing out over time. And even in “the worst one ever,” people found reasons to celebrate and smile. In 2013, many people lost loved ones. Only the passage of time can ease that pain. But in 2013, babies were born and couples were married and soldiers came home from war alive. The overhaul of America’s health care industry resulted in millions losing

their health insurance coverage or paying more to keep what they had. On the bright side, Russia didn’t invade anyone, no hurricanes hit the Gulf Coast, and Boston came back from a terrorist bombing to win the World Series. Face it, if the biggest problem anyone encountered in 2013 was the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, then 2013 wasn’t so bad after all. Don’t believe it? Let’s take a look at what happened during some other years that ended in the number three. A growing number of Americans are 100 years old or more. They were alive in 1913, when the 16th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified. Said amendment created the income tax. Today, it’s hard to understand why more tax money was needed since the entire 1913 federal budget was less than $1 billion. Today, the US spends $405 million per hour. In 1923, a young German fellow named Adolph Hitler started a five-year prison sen-

ALEX mcrae tence. Eight months later he was out of the clink with a new book called “Mein Kampf” and a taste for political power. Play “hunt the blessing” with that one. Today we complain — and rightly so — about unemployment hovering around 8 percent nationwide. In 1933, the worst year of the Great Depression, unemployment hit 25 percent. People had trouble saving seven pennies for a loaf of [unsliced] bread. By 1943, US soldiers were dying by the thousands in Europe and the Pacific, and bac k home , sho e s , me at , cheese, butter and cooking oil were rationed to keep supplies flowing to the troops. Good news? No one complained. In 1953, things were actually swell. The war was over, inflation was 1 percent, cars went for $1,500 bucks and Communist poster boy Joe Stalin died.

Run for Angels fundraiser taking registration The 2014 Run for Angels and fundraising Chicken Q will be held Feb. 1 in downtown Newnan, and registration is under way. It will be the 12th annual Angel’s House Run for Angels with 5K/10K road races certified as Peachtree Road Race qualifiers.

T he r u n i s profe s sionally managed and chip-timed by ORION Racing. The race begins on Greenville Street. There are prizes for the “Best Wings” themed costume(s) – ch ild, adult, a nd g roup. Chicken Q plates are available after the races for $9. Early registration through

Jan. 20 is: one-mile Fun Run– $20, 5K – $25, and 10K – $30. Late registration begins Jan. 21 when entry is: one-mile Fun Run – $25, 5K – $30, and 10K – $35. Register on Active.com or print a registration form from the Angel’s House run website: www.theangelshouse.org

find it  f irst

In 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. That was enough. Gas prices soared and lines at the pump stretched around the block following the first OPEC oil embargo of 1973. In 1983 noted playwright Ten nessee Wi llia ms rode “A Streetcar Named Desire” to his final stop and 237 US Marines were killed by a terrorist bomb in Beirut. We all remember that the Twin Towers fell on 9-11, 2001. But the World Trade Center was bombed for the first time in 1993. No one guessed that act was a preview of worse things to come. Just 10 years ago, in 2003, US forces invaded Iraq and Disney greenlighted development on a TV show called “Hannah Montana” starring a freshfaced lass named Miley Cyrus. By 2013, many people wished neither event had occurred. A new yea r ha s f i na l ly a r r ived f i l led w it h hope, excitement and, for some, dread. Just remember that how things turn out depends on you. Here’s hoping 2014 is your greatest year ever.



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Wednesday, January 15, 2014   |  MyConnection 7

Recipe/Community Connection

Chunky Chicken, Vegetable and Rosemary Stew Yield: 6 servings Serving size: 1 cup • 2 tablespoons canola oil, divided • 12 ounces boneless chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch pieces • 1 medium onion, cut in 8 wedges • 3 medium carrots, quartered lengthwise and cut into thirds • 1 medium celery stalk, cut into 1-inch pieces • 2 cups water • 2 dried bay leaves • 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes • 1 can (15 ounces) reducedsodium navy beans, rinsed and drained • 1 cup grape tomatoes, quartered • 1/2 cup chopped fresh Italian parsley • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary • 3/4 teaspoon salt

In Dutch oven, heat 1 tablespoon canola oil over medium-high heat. Add chicken and cook about 3 minutes per side or until it begins to brown (center will still be slightly pink). Remove from oven and set aside. Add remaining canola oil, onion, carrot and celery. Sauté, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes or until vegetables just begin to lightly brown on edges. Add water, bay leaves and pepper flakes. Bring to boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium low and simmer covered for 20 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Stir in chicken, beans, tomatoes, Italian parsley, rosemary and salt. Cover and cook 5 minutes or until tomatoes are tender and chicken is cooked. Serve immediately or let stew stand 30 minutes to develop flavors and texture.

music Continued from page 1

this year, because we have a new record and if there was ever a time to do it, it seems like it would be now,” said Coleman. Understanding Coleman’s passion is easy when you consider his band has made two albums on no budget and plays shows frequently in Atlanta. “It’s hard to remember with something you love so passionately and have been doing so long, if you want to do it full-time and support yourself, you have to think about it as a small business,” said Elias. “You’re an entrepreneur. It’s hard to remember to wear all those hats.” The band has its sights set on eventually doing an East Coast tour, though Coleman ack nowledges even more work has to be done to get to that level, especially as they promote their new album, “Some New Air,” released in December. Colema n a lso ack nowledges the music only gets them so far; promotion, marketing and social media presence are how connections are made. “I’m not a people person and I don’t have the drive to go out and market myself,” ad m it ted Colem a n . “O u r music is our strongest asset. It’s built on the hope the

PJ Elias, left, plays with Kyle Coleman a special acoustic version of a song from their new album, “Some New Air,” for The Blue Indian’s “Acoustic Alley.”

music will speak for itself.” When it comes to doing promotion, Multiplexor wriggles its way into something creative rather than the typical self-marketing. Last year, the band made a music video for a cover of Taylor Swift’s “Back to December.” The response exceeded Coleman’s expectations and reaffirmed the band’s belief in creative marketing. “I think the best thing that we can do is to keep pushing as much as we can, promoting and playing shows,” said Elias. “It really is connections and playing shows. If [recording labels] see that you’re hardworking and good, that’s your best way to get exposure.” “Hopefully a label looks at where we are and sees t h at we’ve a l ready m ade

t wo a lbu ms, w it hout a regional following,” Coleman explained. “It shows we’re not waiting to be on a label. It’s just what we do. We’re gonna do it anyway, whether there’s a label or not.” We’re going to do it anyway. That ethos is what separates Multiplexor from a lot of small-time bands who need instant gratif ication. Multiplexor is a form of therapy for Coleman — whether they are playing in his basement or to 300 people in Atlanta, he’s self-medicating. “It’s the most cathartic thing, if I’m going through something, to write it all out and structure it to make a musical statement and defeat the sadness,” Coleman said. “If I can create something and make it really good, it’s like I

Skillet Quinoa with Black Beans, Cilantro and Feta Yield: 6 servings Serving size: 1 cup • 1 tablespoon canola oil • 1 cup onions, diced • 2 cups red bell pepper, diced • 1-1/2 cups water • 3/4 cup quinoa, uncooked • 1 can (15 ounces) reduced sodium black beans, rinsed and drained • 1/4 cup chopped walnuts • 2 teaspoons chili powder • 1/3 cup crumbled, reduced-fat feta cheese* • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped • 1 medium garlic clove, minced • 1/2 teaspoon salt

In large skillet, heat canola oil over medium-high heat. Add onion and pepper. Sauté 5 minutes or until onions begin to brown on edges, stirring occasion­ally. Add water and quinoa. Bring to boil over medium-high heat, reduce heat, cover and cook on medium-low for 12 minutes or until water is absorbed. Remove from heat, stir in beans, walnuts, chili powder, feta, cilantro, garlic and salt. Cover and let stand 2 min­utes to heat through and absorb flavors. *Vegetarian option: Replace feta with vegan cheese or tofu.

Powerhouse Green Smoothie Yield: 1 serving Serving size: 1, 2/3 cups • 3/4 cup seedless green grapes • 1/2 cup ripe banana slices • 1/4 cup chopped kale • 2/3 cup non-fat plain Greek yogurt • 1-1/2 teaspoons canola oil • 1/2 cup ice cubes

ingredi­ents. Blend for about 30 seconds to 1 minute or until desired smoothness is achieved.

In blender, combine all

Solution to puzzle on page 2


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overcame what it was.” Musical careers are scarce in 2014, in the era where nobody pays for music anymore. It’s constantly an uphill battle, especially when emo revivalism goes against the current trends happening with electronic and dance music. But, for Multiplexor, the constant battle, in many w ay s , f uel s t h e mu sic a l expression. “It does get me down that it’s not easy to break into and there’s no guarantee we’ll ever find success or for how long, but it’s my favorite thing to do, and it’s even better when my friends love it, too, and we can work on it together,” Coleman said. “It’s just that much more of a payoff.”

8 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, January 15, 2014

For Local News Choose the subscription that’s right for you. Print and Digital Editions Focus on Education Outstanding Special Olympian honored — page 1D

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Newnan, Heritage try to keep seasons alive in state playoffs - page 6A

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New Piedmont Newnan opens Tuesday By ALEX MCRAE alex@newnan.com Piedmont Newnan Hospital officially opens Tuesday at its new campus at 745 Poplar Road. But before that can happen the aging facility on Hospital Road must be officially closed. It’s not a process that happens with the flip of a switch or wave of a magic wand. Moving from the old facility to the new is actually a balancing act that requires keeping both facilities open for more than a week as people, equipment and procedures underPhoto by Jeffrey Leo go a transition that allows no for error. There was activity Friday at the new Poplar Road campus of Piedmont Newnan Hospital, set to offi- room It’s not a process anyone cially open Tuesday. On Friday, outpatient radiology procedures began at the new hospital and the outpatient lab and respiratory center opened. The Poplar Road Command Center, from which the takes lightly. But, so far, the procedure is going smoothly final move will be overseen Tuesday, opened Friday during daytime hours.



and remarks from hospital officials make it clear they are ready to officially celebrate the opening of Georgia’s newest hospital on Tuesday at 745 Poplar Road beside Interstate 85. “We’ve waited a long time to be able to welcome patients to their new community hospital,” said Tim Stack, president and CEO of Piedmont

Hea lt hca re. “ We’re proud of the new facility and the expanded services we offer residents of Coweta County and the surroundRelated ing areas. The open- story, page of ing 5A the new Piedmont Newna n Hospita l is pa ramount to our vision of providing comprehensive, quality health care services across the Piedmont Healthcare system.” The final days of joint operation between the two facilities are scheduled down to the minute to make sure that essentia l ser vices offered at Hospital Road remain in place until those services are

See HOSPITAL, page 2A

Westmoreland hears concerns about energy regulations

NEW CANCER HOSPITAL Blessing event held at facility

By W. WINSTON SKINNER winston@newnan.com U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland toured CowetaFayette EMC’s north Coweta headquarters on Friday afternoon. His tour followed a meeting with CowetaFayette staff and directors about federal energy

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Wednesday, January 15, 2014 | MyConnection 9

MyConnection Sudoku Puzzle


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Miscellaneous 413 For Sale

TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.




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TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.

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10 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, January 15, 2014

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