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Thirty-One Gifts gives back to Boys & Girls Club Thirty-One Gifts made Christmas a little brighter for children and teenagers at the Newnan location of Boys and Girls Club of America. Suzanne Hudson, a Thirty-One independent national executive director who lives in Newnan, said the local club is one of hundreds of community organizations throughout the United States benefiting from Thirty-One’s contribution. The company donated more than 250,000 products nationwide. Company founder Cindy Monroe “strongly believes that holiday giving is a family event and what better way to celebrate families, encourage compassion and reward the soul than to pass the blessings forward,” Hudson said. Earlier this year, Thirty-One sponsored a Get One, Give One Sale in which the company pledged to donate one product for every item sold. The overwhelming response to the sale resulted in Thirty-One making the donation of thermal totes, cinch sacks and other products to the NBC “Today Show” Toy Drive. Monroe appeared on the “Today Show” to announce the contribution. “Thirty-One’s donation is one of the largest contributions ever to the toy drive,” Hudson said. Hudson worked closely with local Boys and Girls Club organizers in Newnan to acquire the free gifts for a Christmas party.

Hudson was joined at the event by Senior Executive Director Brandy Black and consultant Karen Gambon. Hudson’s husband, Linn, daughter Samantha and family friend Paige DePoi also participated with Boys & Girls Club workers, parents and volunteers in serving dinner and then assisting Santa with handing out gifts. The gift bags also included items from the Toys for Tots campaign, according to Boys & Girls director Daryl Smith. Monroe founded Thirty-One in the basement of her home in 2003. Today, the company has more than 100,000 consultants across the United States. The company sells unique and ontrend purses, accessories and products that offer organizing solutions. As a direct selling company, Thirty-One’s independent consultants hold home parties to share the company’s products in person while building relationships with hostesses and customers. Hudson joined the company in 2007, based on Thirty-One’s mission to celebrate, encourage and reward women. Hudson ranked as the top salesperson in her first full year with the company, and she has grown a team of consultants in every state. For more information on ThirtyOne, contact Hudson at 770-316-0111 or by email at suzloves31@gmail.com.

Christina Brock reacts to Santa’s arrival at the Christmas party for the Boys and Girls Club in Newnan.

Cool cooking with red hot tomatoes

i n s i de

Tomato C

ornbread Recipe

Photo by Clay Neely

“One of our biggest goals is being viewed as a viable competitor in the minds of the public,” said Chris Stroud, manager of Newnan-Coweta Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore.

ReStoring a local image By Clay Neely clay@newnan.com

Ch ris Stroud, li ke ma ny other Coweta residents, was — until recently — unaware of one of the many local consignment stores tucked away in the corners of the county. “I’ll be honest. I was born and raised here in Newnan, but up until just last year, I didn’t even know this place existed,” said Chris Stroud, manager of Newnan-Coweta Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore on Pine Road. The ReStore, which resells donated building materials and home goods to the public, raises funds for the local Habitat for Humanity chapter’s efforts to build and renovate

housing to provide affordable homes for eligible residents. The path that led Stroud to his current position was an unlikely one. After a 13-year career in the professional golf industry, Stroud found himself looking for a new line of work. “I was a PGA golf professional for 13 years. But the golf business hasn’t been in the best shape lately, so I told my wife that I’d just find something local to do,” said Stroud. “I fell in love with the mission of this place and I’ve really bought into what we’re doing and how we’re affecting families in the community.” “When you think about the people we help and reach, it’s very fulfilling,” said Stroud.

“Sure, I miss the golf world. But the things I miss are overshadowed by the feeling at the end of the day, knowing the impact that we might have had on a family.” Stroud considers his new position to be more than simply a job. “It was def initely divine inter vention,” said Stroud. “A man at our church offered me a position at his own company, but at the last minute he found this position here at the ReStore and asked if I’d be interested. So I made a phone call and now here I sit.” Stroud’s approach to the Re Store i s si m i l a r to t he


Tomato Cornbread Family Features Ketchup may be the first thing you think of when tomatoes are mentioned. But tomatoes are also the main ingredients in many other delicious meals.


“Tomatoes are incredibly versatile, buy them when in season for the best taste and texture,” said Chef Justin Timineri, executive chef and culinary ambassador, Florida Department of Agricul-

ture and Consumer Services. “When in season, tomatoes are always on the top of my shopping list.” Find more “Cool Cooking with Red Hot Tomatoes” recipes at http://bit.ly/fltomatoes.

Health Benefits — Did You Know?

Florida tomatoes are a good source of lycopene (helps prevent skin damage from UV rays), vitamin C (needed for growth and repair of body tissues) and vitamin A (helps vision and bone growth).

Did You Know? Botanically, the tomato is

a fruit. However, they are legally con­sidered a vege­ table after a ruling in the U.S. Supreme Court.

How to Buy The best test for a great tomato is a roma . Smel l the stem end for a strong sweet-acid ic frag ra nce. Choose tomatoes that are

plump, shiny and give slight pressure when applied.

How to Store To m a t o e s s h o u l d b e stored at a cool room temperature, out of their packaging and never in the refrigerator. Storing tomatoes in the refrigerator diminishes their flavor.

restore, page 3


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2 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Koran joins Lindsey's


David Koran has joined the staff of Lindsey's Inc. Realtors. 1. Abstains from food Koran was born in Newnan 6. Female sib when his father moved here 9. Like Homer Simpson's head from Ohio to start the William L Bonnell Company with Mr. 13. Freeze Bonnell in the mid-1950s. 14. Notable time Koran grew up in Tifton. He 15. Andrea Bocelli, e.g. attended Abraham Baldwin 16. Third rock from the sun College, where he played golf 17. "I thee ___" for two years, and graduated 18. Loosen laces, e.g. from the University of Geor19. *Number of participating Olympic gia with a bachelor's degree in sports business. 21. *Kerrigan's nemesis Fresh Lean U.S.D.A. Select Beef Koran worked for Tifton U.S.D.A. Select Beef Aluminum Company for 15 23. Nest egg years before embarking on his 24. Poacher's trophy entrepreneurial career. 25. A small amount of liquid He developed, staffedlb. and 28. Shining armor managed five document out30. Ultra bookworm U.S.D.A. Select Beefsou rci ng compa n ies ser v- U.S.D.A.David SelectKoran Beef 35. Viewer's appreciation ing the legal communities in 37. Riyadh native Atlanta, Orlando, Nashville, in 1995. He holds real estate lb. life and health licenses in Jacksonville and Minneapo39. Yokel's holler lb.in and Georgia and Florida. lis. After selling his stake 40. Kournikova or Karenina He is married to Gay Turner the companies, Koran formed 41. Nostrils 16 oz. 48 oz. 29. Persia oz. Baby Link a real12estate development com- Koran, owner of Blue Moon U.S.D.A. Inspected 43. German mister 31. "Matilda" author panyRoyal focusing on homes in the Boutique. They have two chilConecuh Fourstar 44. From center to perimeter of circle, pl. DOWN 32. Beforehand dren, Will and Katherine, and Florida panhandle. 46. Ricci of fashion 33. Waterwheel 1. Medieval domain Koran moved to Newnan four dogs. U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Inspected 47. Nonclerical 12 oz. 2. Popular smoothie berry 14 oz. 34. *Relayed flame 16 oz. Market Style, Hot or Mild 36. Sacrifice for gain 3. #1 Down laborer 48. *First WinterBar-S Olympics host Fourstar Sunset Farms 38. Out of shape 4. Little Richard's "_____ Frutti" 50. Solid part of wall lb. 42. Saudi Arabia native 5. Orb shape 52. Code word 45. Most frozen 6. Fastened stitches 53. Mosque V.I.P. 8 Pk. 12.1 oz. Dark Chocolate 49. Down Under runner 7. Rage 55. Party bowlful General Mills Frito-Lay's 51. Do like Tarantino 8.9-9.8 oz., Select Varieties 8. Ascetic holy Hindu 57. *Olympic athlete of yesteryear Betty Crocker 54. Lock horns 9. Form a curve seven S i x n e w e - b o o k s we r e patron’s suggestion, 61. *It happened40 on oz. ice, Corn 1980 Plus, 24 Pk. oz. 12 oz. 56. Avoid an attack ............ 10. Opposed to biographies have added to the 5collection offered large-print16.9 Corn or Canola oz. 65. Computer woe Kellogg's 57. Zealous Golden Flake 9 oz. Gemelle w/Meat Sauce through the Newnan 11. Tender cut to t he Honor Carnegie been added Mazola Nestlé 66. Cowboy's heel prod 58. Collier's office Barilla ........... Books collection, Mapel said. Library in December. 12. Small amount of residue 68. Trial and _____ 59.NutA or particular In other library news, the oz. Brown Cinnamon region 15. *Eurasian winner of 8814.5 medals butSugar, no Honey ........“Stop by to1 oz.sign up for this 60. *Speed skaters often touch free programGolden openFlake to Coweta Newnan Carnegie Librar y 69. Unable to move Quaker winter ones 12 Ct., 4 oz. the ice County residents,” said Amy Foundation held its annual making one 70. Funerary vase 20. *Only Olympian to win Gold in sumOrtega Mapel, Carnegie director. The fundraiser in December at 61. Madonna's 2012 release 71. More then one crocus mer and winter 13 oz. Maple & Brown Sugar or Regular 8.27 oz.1Chocolate Chip or Blueberry Little St. Muffins or Little Barnes Brownies and Noble book store Carnegie is at LaGrange 62. Field yield 22. Nile viper 72. *Gold winning ice dancers, Torvill Quaker at the Court Little Square in down- in Ashley Park. Debbie 8 oz., Select Varieties 63. Centers of activity 24. Government system in pre-revoluand ____ The gift 18card town Newnan. It is open Monoz. Corn earned Flakes, 12.5 oz.from Honey Nut Toasted Oats, Ortegagreat 64. *American speed skating tionary Russia 20 oz.allows Raisin Bran the or 15 Carnoz. Frosted Flakes 73. Pilot's announcement, acr. the proceeds day-Friday, 21.4 9 oz. a.m. to21.75oz. p.m. Corn Pops, Froot Loops or Apple Jacks or 10. 3 oz. Ci n namon Rol l , 13 oz. Crunch Berri e s, 11. 5 oz. Oops, 14 oz. Red Box or 12. 5 oz. Peanut But t e r 67. You know it when you see it? 75 oz. Bottle Everyday 25. *Keeps neck warm in Sochi? to purchase more and may be reached by calling egie staff Essential 26.8 oz. Frosted Flakes 74. Exemplary Select Varieties Quaker 16Page oz. Bottle,4Select Varieties 770-683-1347.Kellogg's 26. Of an arm bone books for the Honor Book colSolution on Xtra 2X Hidden A l s o , i n re s p on s e to a lection, Mapel said. 27. Chinese bear © StatePoint MediaValley Ranch


Newnan the life and times of vincent lombardi The Centre for Performing and Visual Arts January 28 7:00 p.m.

Breakfast Steak

John Pinero, an actor, director, producer, and motivational speaker is Vince Lombardi in his one man play and motivational presentation.


Bar-BQ Ribs ...........

$ 42

Info: 770-254-2787 www.thecentreonline.net

run for angels and chicken q First United Methodist Church February 1 Race: 8:00 a.m. Lunch: 11:00 a.m.


3 Whole Boneless $ 11 Sliced Bacon Pork Loin 2 Smoked Sausage ....

1 2

Smoked Sausage ...

$ 95


5 Smoked Sausage 2 Bone-In $ 51 $ 99 1 New Freshe-books, Sausage 2 honor Chuck Roast $ 72


$ 33




Boston Butt Pork Roast


$ 44


Red Hots ..................


Boneless Chuck Boneless

Steak ..........................

$ 12

The event is the largest fundraiser of the year for Angel's House in Newnan, which provides emergency shelter predominantly for teen females in state custody. This year's event includes a one-mile fun run. Race begins on Greenville Street at 8:00 a.m. The Chicken Q includes take-out orders and a seated luncheon.

1 Combo Pack $ 95 6 Swiss Steak $ 38



$ 95

added at $ 59Carnegie 2 Dinner Kits books Crackers ............. 1 $ 74 1 $ 44 $ 39 Corn Flakes 2 $ 90 Asst. Flavor Chips 1 Water Oil Ready Meals 1 $ 96 lb. Oatmeal Squares $227 Taco Shells.......... $122 Asst. Chips 3/87¢ lb. $ 43 $ 29 $ 60 Life Cereal ........... 2 Snacks ................ 1 $ 28 Taco Sauce ........... 1 $ 29 Cap'n Crunch Cereal 2 $ 81 Family Size Cereal $327 Cereal Laundry Dressing 2 $ 69 $ 65 Detergent Cleaner 1 Microwave Popcorn $169 Kettle Chip ...... ..$222 $ 97 $ 65 Toilet Bowl Cleaners 1 $ 37 Toaster Pastries 99¢ * Classic Soup 1 WholeADDED Superior Farms Cut Loin ¢ Center $ 9510% OUR COST PLUS AT REGISTER! Ramen $ 75 Pork Chops Frying Chicken ... 98 Roast or Chops ..... 3 $ 90 Disinfectant Wipes 1 $ 77 Beef Stew ........... 1 Noodles 1 Connection Broth 1 $ 78 $ 05 5/$ $ 74 Sugardale jan. 23-26 Sea Best Juice 1 $ 99 ¢ $ 92 2 Smoked Ham ....... 77 2 Crab Meat ................ 1 Broth ................. 1 Breast Chicken $ 91 ole Breakfast Beef ¢ Center Cut Loin 3 Juice 1 $ 59 $ 20 Steak $2 87Instant Grits Pork ying Chicken ...98 $ Chops 95 $ 83 $ 86Syrup .................. $119 $ 88 Bar-BQ Spare Ribs 19 Smoked Sausage 2 Ham or Turkey 2 Smoked Bratwurst 1 Smoked Sausage 3 Shaved Ham 2 39° $ 31 $ ¢ 42 ¢ Foam Plates $ 78 or Egg Noodles ... 1 24° 99 Vegetables 91 $ 50 $ 17 $ 91 $ 13 $ 65 $ 24 ardale $ Sausage 79 T-Bone ¢ Fillet Fish 2 Smoked Sausage 5 Sliced Bacon $ 55 1 Sausage 1 Smoked Sausage 6 Smoked 3 1 moked Ham ....... 77 Steak . Giant $ 17 $ 59 With No Beans .. 1 Wheat Bread 1 Spring Water 2 D'Anjou White Bread Pink Lady Bunch 42° $ 12 2/$ Pears $ $$ 0688 Apples 3 $ 28° 86 $ 87 $ 19 $ 29 Collards Grab'n Go Cups . 2 Smoked Sausage .... 3 Smoked Sausage ... 5 ¢ Ham or Turkey ..... 2 Smoked Bratwurst . 1 Smoked Sausage ... 3 Shaved Ham ........... 2 or Hot Dog Buns 1 Squeeze Mustard 1 Boneless $$ 2724 Boneless Center Portion $ 28 Ground Coffee $ $ 42Cut $ $ 11 Shank $ 98 $ 88 7 $ 91 $ 13Fresh $ 6549 ¢ ¢ $ ¢ Facial Tissue ....... 1 29 BBQ BreadBacon 1........... Sliced 2 Red Hots .................. 1 Sliced Bacon45° ........... 1 Sausage ..................... 1 Smoked Sausage ... 6 Smoked Sausage ... 3 Sauce Smoked 82 London Broil Loin Pork Chops Ground Beef Ham 99 99 1 1 ea. $ 49 30° $ 70 $ 64 $ 69 $ 34 Napkins ............... 1 Asst. Flavor Chips 2 Beef Stew Multi Grain 1 Cheerios 2¢ ¢ $ 49 Sweet PickleFresh 1 Kits $ 28 ¢ Ready Pac 1 lb. Bag Dinner $ 94 $ 95 $ 22 99 1 Relish or Sweet 49 Mix....... ¢ Essential88 hing $ 44 $ 74 Tangerines $ 19 Garden$Salad $ 59 Everyday 43° 1 5 ¢ 1 Corn Flakes 2 Ready Potato Mix .......... 1 Cheetos or Fritos 2 Corn Meal 1 Salad CubesRutabagas.................... Deluxe Pasta 89 ¢ 22° 89¢ lb. Oil 99 lb.Ready Pac$ 5 oz.99 Bag lb. $ 08 $ lb. 68 Meal Info: 770-254-2620 www.theangelshouse.org www.mycoweta.com

comedian james gregory

Charles Wadsworth Auditorium February 1 7:30 p.m. The veteran comedian is well know for his vulgarity-free shows and has been a stand-up comedian for over two decades. Gregory is also heard weekly on syndicated radio shows.


Clorox or Pine-Sol




34-35 Ct., Select Varieties



Brownies .............. Imitation Flake32 oz. Box, Select Varieties Aunt Jemima

Pancake Mix U.S.D.A. Inspected


Any Size Package 9-13.1 oz., Select Varieties

General Mills


32 oz., Select Varieties

lb. Danish


Fresh Frozen

12 oz. Wafer Thin

14 oz.

Carl Buddig


16 oz. Hot or Mild


Georgia Special



Carolina Pride

Essential Everyday

12 oz. Wafer Thin CarlSelect Buddig 12-16 oz., Varieties


Saltines Any Size Package 2.5 Lb. Family Pack

12 oz. 15 oz. Sugardale Can, Original or Turkey


Hormel Chili

24 oz., Asst.


Aunt14 oz.Jemima Sugardale



Mueller's Lasagna

3 Lb.

14 oz.

16 oz.




Sunset Farms

Food Depot lb. lb. ................



20 oz.

Dinty Moore

64 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties


20 oz.


3 oz. Chicken or Beef

....................... 10 oz. Shank Portionour website: www.myfooddepot.com! Langers Please visit 32 oz. Mexican Tortilla $ 00 Hormel Chunk ..................... Swanson ....... lb. 64 oz. 100% Apple Cranberry lb. lb.Fresh Lean Langers 12 oz. Original, Cheese or Butter 24 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties $ 10

Cheerios Cereal .. 16 oz.

10 Lb. Small Pork

k Portion

14.5-15.25 oz. Can, Select Varieties

Del16Monte oz. Hot or Mild Carolina Pride............. lb. 20 oz. ..................... Food 3Depot lb. Bag


12 Pk.


Dixie Essential Oscar Everyday Mayer

Dishwashing 68-120 Ct., Select Varieties Liquid 1.24 U.S.D.A. Lb. Box Select Beef Kleenex Rogerwood

Food Depot Bar-S

U.S.D.A. Sele

Essential Everyday 14 oz. Carolina Pride ........


1630oz.oz. Smoked, One Pounder

Pik Mayer Nik Oscar


40 Ct., 9 Inch

........... Mayonnaise

Essential Everyday 2.5 Lb. Family Pack ......... Royal Super Chill


U.S.D.A. Sele

1.24 Lb. Box



24 Pk., .5 Liter

....... Sweet Conecuh Food DepotPickle Hamburger Relish or Sweet Salad U.S.D.A. Select Beef 1612 oz. oz. Cubes

16 oz. 16Essential oz.

12 oz. oz., Smoked, 14 Ct. One Pounder 16






48&oz. 14 oz. Macaroni Cheese or Fourstar 12 oz. Shells & Cheese Essential Everyday


8 oz.

oz., Classic or French Essential Everyday 11.5 Roast Deluxe Pasta Essential Everyday Sugardale 14 oz. 10 oz. Worcestershire


3 1 2 77 69 2 32 99 11 Carolina Pride



8 Pk.

250 Ct. Compressed Pack


Tuna in Water



20 oz.


oz. Dark Chocolate Essential Everyday12.1 General Mills 28 oz.


8.9-9.8 oz., Select Vari Essential Everyday $ Crocker 49 Betty 3 lb. Bag Cleaner .......... 40oz.oz. Corn Plus, 15.7 Lb. Mesquite or 16.6 9-10.5 Lb. White Regular 5 Lb. or Reg. Self-Rising 12 oz. Pine ............... 16 oz. Ready to Spread Fudge, Vanilla or Milk Chocolate Corn or Canola Essential Everyday Frito-Lay's Essential EverydayKellogg's 9$ oz. Gemelle Essential Everyday 19w/Meat Mazola

100 ct. Tagless

Shopper's Value

Shopper's 12 oz. Shells & CheeseValue6.2-10 oz. Select Varieties

Essential Everyday

Essential Everyday


9-10 oz.

Food Depot Hamburger Mardi Gras or Hot Dog Buns 18 oz. Creamy or Crunchy 16 oz. Essential Everyday 5 oz. 14 oz. Macaroni & Cheese or




lb. Duncan Swanson $ lb.28 stocking fees, and... associated *Our Hines cost includes freight, expenses. 18-18.3 oz. Box, Select Varieties


11 oz., Asst. Flavors Essential Everyday Frosted U.S.D.A. Inspected Any Size Package

18.5-19 oz. Can, Select Varieties

Claxton Fresh


Cape Cod


24 oz., Select Varieties

Fresh American Lamb Shoulder

8.5 oz., Asst. Flavors

3 Pk. 9-10.5 oz. Box, Select Varieties





24-28 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties

Info: 770-683-0137 www.funniestman.com

12 oz.

$ 34

Multi Grain Cheerios


Peanut ButterBetty Crocker .... Ultimate Tea Bags Honey 16 oz. Bag 16 oz., 20 Ct. lb. Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Pinto Beans ........ Foam Cups .......... 24 oz. Kosher Dill

Charcoal ...............

Shopper's Value

18 oz., 50 Ct. Red or Blue Plastic

ea. .................. Barilla ............Frosting...........

¢ $$ $ 48 $ 27 59 Charcoal 3 69 Oatmeal Squares 2ea. 96 Spring $Salad Mix......... Pickle Spears ...... 1ea. 19 Taco Shells. Party Cups ......... 2 $ 29 Fresh 39Of Fresh Life Cereal ........... Cube Pork2 Fresh Boneless Eye ¢ Dill Slices ............ $1 Ground Chuck Pork Picnic ¢ Bathroom Tissue Sirloin 79 Ground Round Tip Roast Round Steaks Cuttlets $ 49 Apple Baby Sandwich Cookies 89 Vegetable ¢ Juice Oil$ 29 Taco Sauce Russet $ 49 Ready Pac Pine Cleaner 1 $ 49 Whole Farms Tea Bags ............... 99 Superior .... 1 CutCap'n Loin ¢ Center $ 75 95...... 59$¢ Pink Xtra $ 92 $ Spinach Crunch Cereal Salmon ....... 2X 2 $ 25 94 $ 42 $ 952 Dressing ... 49 $ $ 59 Potatoes Paper Towels $ 19 $ ¢Roast 59 Caesar Salad $ 49 Pork Chops lb. Frying Chicken ... lb. Charcoalor............... 5 Laundry Chops ..... Cookies ................ 1 lb. Frosting 1 lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. ¢ $ 65 $ 59 Detergent $ 49 ........ 89 Pinto Beans ........ 99 Cleaner ................. 1 Party Plates ........ 1 $ 99 $$99 Napkins ¢ ............... 1Dutch59 $ 78 28 Farms $ Olives $ 28 Snack Crackers .. 1 Farms 68 Dutch Farms............... 3 DutchRipe Charcoal ¢ SimplyPo Best Sugardale Minute Maid $ $1865 Microwave 2 Dannon¢ 2/ $ 54 $ 97 $ 54 $ 99 $ 54 ¢ Pickle Spears ...... $169 Sea $ 79 Shredded Chunk Shredded lb. Cleaners $ 99 Canola $ 79 Oil John .......... 2 Toilet Bowl l .. 69 lb. ea. $Great 19Cheese Juice Yogurt lb. lb.All Crab Meat......................... Smoked Ham ....... Armour Meat Dog Food ............ 4 Cheese $ Potato 99 Graham Crackers 1 AllParty MeatCups Morrell Croissant ¢ Cheese $ea.109 Classic ¢ ¢ 2 ¢ ¢ 3 Sou $ 39 Bologna.. 4 99 Corn Dogs Bologna.. 94 Sandwich Sausage... 99 $ 75 $ 8989 ¢ Dill Slices ............ 1 Hot Dogs 88 $ 99 ¢ Essential Everyday $ 79 ........ 1 Sugardale Disinfectant Wipes ... $1 19 Oscar $ 28 ue 79 $ 89 79¢SunsetDog ¢ Cookies Treat Biscuits 2 Danish Farms CarlMayonnaise Buddig Carolina Pride $ 95 Sloppy Joe Sauce 69 $ 83 $ 86 $ 87 1MayerHam Brownies 1 Delite Sandwich Vegetable $ 10... 3 Shaved 1 99 Broth ........ $Smoked 49 Spare Ribs ......... 19 Sausage ...Oil 2 Ham$ or 89 Turkey ..... 2 . 1 Smoked Sausage $ 99Smoked$Bratwurst $ 49 58 Oikos Dips 2 $ 74 Provolone Cheese 1 $ 99 Cheese 1 ¢ Pink Salmon ....... 2 Oil 2 $ Meat 00 Chillers 1 Juice 1 Smoked Armour6 Lunch $ Great 59 Cat ¢ ¢ ..................... Turkey Food .............. ¢ ...... 59 Pancake Mix ¢ Jumbo2 Hot or$Mild29$Chocolate ¢ ¢ 88 $ 49 Milk ...... Beef Ravioli ........ 79 Cookies ................ 1 Tilapia Georgia Special Sugardale Carolina Pride Royal Rogerwood $ 50 Broth $ 17 $ 91 $ 13 $ 65 99 Dogs....... Franks....... 85 Sausage... Makers....... 99 96 81 $ 99 Or Ham.... Orange Juice 3 $ 99 1 Sausage $ 72 ¢ $ 59 91 Smoked Saus ¢ Sodas $ 10 1 Smoked Sausage ...$ 6 Fish Fillet Sausage ... 2/596Sliced Bacon ........... 1 Sausage95 ..................... .................... 2 Chunk................ Cheese 2$ 99Smoked 2 $ 49 Party Plates ........ 1 Cheese Singles 1 Flips Yogurt Cheerios Cereal 3 & Cheese Juice ..................... 1 Pasta Snacks ........ 1 $ 89 Brewed Tea $ 99 Snack Crackers Sunnyland .. 1 $ 39 $ 99 Sunnyland Buttermilk 1Brand$ 31 Syrup ....... 3/ ¢ Hotel Sliced $ 42 $ 99 2/ ¢ $ 99 2 Dressing .............. 1 Essential 169 Seasoning 99 Everyday $ 79 2/ ¢ $ 29 Salt 86 Creamer 2 Shredded Cheese 2 Cheese Singles Everyday 1 $ 99 Canola Oil .......... 2 19& Half $ 79 $ 12 Sliced Bacon Sweet Pickle or Egg Noodles ... $Half 1 Essential Cooked Ham Meat Bologna ¢ Essential ........ 4 $ 99 Graham Crackers 1 Whole Buttermilk 2 Coca-Cola......... Vegetables ¢ $ 39 $ Oatmeal .............. Cashews 3 Relish or Sweet Dishwashing 770-254-0295 $ Soup 87 ....... 79 $ Vanilla 19Whole Food 99 Depot Essential Everyday 99 Cream Wafers 1 $ 89 $ 55Pasta Spread 1 Swiss Cheese $French 55¢ Onion Dip Margarine 1 Saltines Deluxe $ 99 Mayonnaise ........ 1 ¢2 BowlLiquid Giant Salad Cubes Fruit Drink 1 $ 79 With No Beans .. 1 s 2 $ Coca-Cola........... 99 ¢ Sloppy Joe Sauce 69 Roasted Peanuts ¢ 1 Wheat Brea Bread 99 Canned Fruit White ...... 99 Lawn$Leaf¢08 Bags . 4 .. 59 3/$ 09 Water 49 $ 28 $ $ 99 Swiss Cheese ¢ $2Drinking Biscuits 1 Oikos Dip 2 Fruit Ade $ 1 29 $French 06 Onion Dip


¢ Roma Tomatoes........... $ Aluminum 29lb. Foil .. 69¢ Fresh

“Praise ye the Lord. Praise, O ye servants of the Lord. Praise the name of the Lord. Blessed be name of the Lord from 100the ct. Tagless this time Shopper's forth and forValue evermore. From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the 16 oz.same Bag the Lord’s name is to be praised. The Lord is high above Essential Everyday all nations, and His glory above the heavens.”24 oz. Kosher Dill

Any Size Package

Essential Everyday Fresh American Lamb Shoulder


Psalm 113:1-4



Non-Dairy Bleach 12 oz. Vanilla, Duplex, Assorted orCreamer Lemon

Essential Everyday

Shank Portion ........... 48 oz.

15 Lb.

22 oz.

Select Varieties

4 Lb. Small or Large

Shopper's Value

48 oz.

Shopper's Value 10 Lb. Small Pork Shopper's ValueFlavors, Chunk or Shredded16 oz. 8 oz. Natural Sliced 8 oz. Assorted

14.5 oz.

12 oz. Wafer Thin

Essential Everyday

15 lb.

Essential Fresh Frozen Everyday

3 Lb.

16 oz. Assorted Flavors

15 ct. Red or Blue

Everyday 8 oz. Spaghetti orEssential Elbow Macaroni 15.1 oz. Everyday Essential

Essential Everyday

7.25 oz.


Essential Everyday


Essential Everyday

Essential Everyday weekly

14.4 oz. Honey or Cinnamon

(certain restrictions apply)

Essential Everyday Everyday

15.5 oz.

Shopper's Value

90 Millard Farmer Ind. Blvd.

Essential Everyday

Newnan, GA

1 48

24 oz., Asst. 8.5...................... oz.


8 oz. Natural Sliced

11 oz.Essential

Everyday 45 oz. Spread


16 oz. Dry or 12 oz. Honey

128 oz. Essential

18 oz. Old Fashion


Essential Everyday 45 oz. Regular

Everyday 7.5 oz. Buttermilk or Homestyle Super Chill


Clorox 16 oz. Dry or 12 oz. Honey



32 oz. oz.,Smoked, Select Varieties 14 oz. Essential EverydayGallon 16 One P Chocolate

12 oz. French Onion or Red Pepper Roasted 64 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties Dannon


Langers ....................

Tennessee Pride 16 oz. Roll



1/2 Gallon Whole 32 oz. Mexican Tortilla

Country Delite

oz., Assorted Swanson Lb.9 Family Pack Flavors Potato Chips, 1.24 Lb. Box Country Delite 642.5 9 oz.Apple Cheese Curls,11 oz. Cheese Puffs, oz. 100% Cranberry

16 oz. Hot or....... Mild

12 oz. Tortilla Chips or 10-15 oz. Pretzels


.............. Gallon Langers Essential Everyday 24 oz. Bottle, Select Va Red Diamond Aunt Jemima Sunnyland 12 oz. Pkg. ..............

.87 oz. Assorted Gravy Mix Packets or 1.25 oz. Meatloaf Seasoning, 1.25 Chili Seasoning, 1.51/2 oz. Gallon Spaghetti Seasoning .. or 1.5 oz. Beef Stew Seasoning Country Delite


Essential Everyday

1 1 $ 64 2

12-16 .................... oz., Select Varieties



1/2 Gallon All Brands Deans 14.5-15.25 oz. Can, Se .......... Mueller's 2 literLasagna Bottles 14 oz. Macaroni & Cheese Del or Monte 10.5 oz. Mushroom, Chicken orCountry Celery Delite ...............

16 oz. ...........................

$ 99 92¢

Essential Everyday

20 oz.

EssentialEssential Everyday Everyday


Essential Everyday

Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg.

10 oz. Pkg. 32 oz., Select Varieties

Essential Everyday Coffee-Mate ........

Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Mixed Nuts..

$ 45 99 79 1

8 oz. Chunk

30 oz.

.......... 16 oz., Asst. Flavors

Essential Everyday


Essential 16Everyday oz.

Tennessee 8.5 oz. Pride 4 Pk. Sausage, Egg & Cheese

15.5 oz.

Essential Everyday


........18.5-19 oz. Can, Selec

Whole Cashews

18-18.3 oz. Box, Select 14 oz.Varieties

General Mills

3 Pk. 9-10.5 oz. Box, S 20 oz. Pop•Secret Select Varie

34-35 Ct., Select Varieties

9-13.1 oz., Select Varieties Super Chill Chobani

lb. ......... .......... 16 oz. Pkg. Regular or 10Thick oz. 16 oz. Cheddar or Mozzarella 16oroz.Plain 26 oz. Iodized

Starting 48 oz. at

Essential Everyday

Meatballs, Macaroni N Beef, Spaghetti with Meatballs or Aunt Jemima .......................... .............................. Essential Everyday Gallon

Shopper's Value Macaroni

Essential Everyday

Clorox Mixed Nuts..

Bar-S 16 oz. Thick or Regular Sliced

14.7-15 oz. Mini Beef Ravioli, Spaghetti Rings with Essential Everyday Key32 West oz. Box, Select Varieties

12 oz. American


Hidden Valley R

Pure Squeezed or Enhanced 10 oz. Select Varieties 24 oz., Select Varieties Essential Everyday

14.4 oz. Honey or Cinnamon

12 oz.12 Pk. Cans, Asst. Flavors 5.3 oz., Select Varieties

16 oz. Bottle, Select Va

Clorox 59 oz.or Pine-Sol

15.1 oz.

John Morrell 9 oz. Pkg.


5 lb. Bag

24-28 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties

Everyday 6 oz.Essential Ctn. Select Varieties

Duncan Hines 59 oz. Guava Nectar, Pineapple Mango Guava or Kiwi Strawberry 48 oz. Corn or Blended ..............

Essential Everyday ea. Gwaltney 16 oz. Pkg. 2.4 oz. Pkg. 13Buddig oz. Animal or 16 oz. Ginger Snaps Carl 2 oz. Pkg. Shopper's Value ............................... Essential Everyday



13 oz. Animal or 16 oz. Ginger Snaps

12 oz. Pkg. Hot or Mild

30 oz.

8 oz., Select Varieties

Essential Everyday U.S.D.A. Inspected 10.3 oz. Cinnamon Roll, 13 oz. Crunch Berries, 11.5 oz. Oops, 14 oz. Red Box or 12.5 oz. Peanut Butter Any Size Package

Shopper's Value

Essential Everyday

2 Pack



48 oz.

Essential Everyday

.................. Essential Everyday 8 oz. Pkg.

250 Ct.

Shopper's Value Gwaltney 16 oz. Pkg. Shopper's Value Everyday

Sugardale 16 oz. Pkg.

15 ct. Red or Blue

4.25 oz. Chopped or 2.25 oz. Sliced 8 oz. Pkg. Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Select Varieties

18 oz., 50 Ct. Red or Blue Plastic

Shopper'sEssential Value 96 oz.

The W. Reece Payton Co., Inc. 32 oz. Hamburger 770-301-7012

Essential Everyday

6.7 Lb. Pkg. Instant Light 8 oz. Essential Everyday Mozzarella Imitation Flake


U.S.D.A. Inspected

33 3 498 1 2 1 1 177 922 2 11

16 oz. ReadyValue to Spread Fudge, Vanilla or Milk Chocolate Shopper's

12 Ct., 4 oz.

13 oz. Maple & Brown Sugar or Regular

12 oz. Vanilla, Duplex, Assorted or Lemon

75 oz. Bottle ..........Essential EverydaySelect Varieties

Single Roll

Essential Everyday

U.S.D.A. Select Beef

10 oz. Bag

Essential EverydayClaxton Fresh 14.5 oz.

15.7 Lb. Mesquite or 16.6 Lb. Regular

Essential Everyday Quaker Ripe Olives ...........


Essential Everyday

Essential Everyday

Fresh Shopper's Value 28 oz.

oz. Chopped or 2.25 oz. Sliced 14.5 oz.4.25 Brown Sugar, Honey Nut or Cinnamon

Essential Everyday

Essential Everyday

32 oz.Beef Hamburger U.S.D.A. Select

U.S.D.A. 4 Pk. Inspected

64 oz.

Everyday AmericaEssential Must Stand with Israel! Jeremiah 29:11

25 Ft. Standard

6.7 Lb. Instant Light

Imperial .. 15-20 oz. Peaches, Pears, Fruit Cocktail or ................................ ...... Pineapple in Juice or Syrup 36 Ct., 39 Gallon


Essential Everyday

12 oz. Cucumber Dill Essential Everyday Dannon


12 oz. Shells & Cheese 8 oz.

15 oz. Can, Original or Turkey

Gallon, Citrus, Tropical Punch or Mango

Hormel Chili All Brands 1.25 liter Bottles ...................


Dutch Farms20 oz.

Food Depot

8 oz.

2 ¢ or Hot Dog Grab'n Go Cups . ¢ ........ 6 Powerade............ 80 Beef Ravioli ........ $ 99 2/ $ 27 Large Slicing ¢Snacks ¢ 96¢ Sodas .................... $239 Green Facial Tissue .......$ 1 50 BBQ Bread ¢ $ 49 Energy Drinks 11 Tea Bags Sunnyland 99 Cabbage..... Tomatoes... Peanut Butter Sunnyland 1 All Beef Sunnyland Cooked in Water 3/ ¢ $ 49 2/ ¢ Dressing .............. 1 Tuna Seasoning 99 $ 64 Red Hot Dogs Jumbo Franks Turkey Breast 5 ¢ Charcoal Napkins $ 29 86 or Hot Dog Buns ¢ Asst. Flavor ............... 1 Pinto Beans 99 ¢ ¢ Foam Cups 89 $ 99 ¢ $ 39 Oatmeal .............. 99 $ $0772 4699Charcoal $ $396 NEWNAN $ 19 ¢$ $ $69 Cream Soup ....... 79 1 $ 74 73 $ 124 74 Bullsboro ¢ Potato Mix .......... 1 Cheetos or 4 Pickle Spears ...... 1 Drive • Newnan, Georgia 30263 5 2 Aluminum Foil 69 $119 1 $ 99 ¢ ¢ Party Cups ......... 2 er .. 59 Canned Fruit ...... 99 Lawn Leaf Bags . 4 $ 39 ¢ ............ 1 ¢ Regular Bathroom Tissue Sunnyland79 Dill Slices Sunnyland Sunnyland Sunnyland $ 89 Sandwich Apple Juice $ 73 $ 26 Red Hots $ 64Sausage Cookies 89 Vegetable Oil $ 49 Patties 1 Sausage Links Sliced Bologna Biscuits ..................... Toast or Breadsticks 1 Southern Vegetables ..... 1 Vegetables .................. 5 ¢ Pink Salmon ....... $249 Ice Cream ............... 2$ 59 Paper Towels 59 $ 59 Cookies 1 $ 49 Essential Everyday

$ 99 Oil

14.7-15 oz. Mini Beef Ravioli, Spaghetti Rings with Meatballs, Macaroni N Beef, Spaghetti with Meatballs or .............. FD 012014_2 Essential Everyday


12 Pk. Cans, Asst. Flavors


Super Chill



.87 oz. Assorted Gravy Mix Packets or 1.25 oz. Meatloaf 5Seasoning, oz. 1.25 Chili Seasoning, 1.5 oz. Spaghetti Seasoning or 1.5 oz. Beef Stew Seasoning Essential Everyday

16 oz., Asst. Flavors

Essential Everyday tiioonn

Essential Everyday


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Essential Everyday

48 oz. Corn or Blended


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18 oz. Old Fashion

free delivered


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Car Show.

s e. Senoia’ barbecu “oldies” and restaucandy and merchants of the many wn from are a few all day. downto Pictured be open a 50/50 ngs,” playing gs rants will , door prizes, and fun Mustan to be the “Musta ‘50s Awards g, food 3 p.m. The noon to music from the will be g, shoppin downtown drawin Filkins, perform the Senoia The vehicle cookand Charlie back cook await at will ’ to ng the event. the ‘70s. will be tion contact s. Churn Cruisin is $20 and emceei will event. or informa The Varsity favorite ade tion fee will he 8th annual registra 8 a.m. Dash plaques all-time For more at 770-599-9155 -8182. Car Show 250 cars ing their will offer homemfood the Oldies ng to downbegin at ed to the first at 770-599 al Gail Downs show will ‘N Scoop and addition n e helfman be returnifall. be present This year’s Suzann hawaiia ed. and older. this ice cream, Sept. provide 1987 cotton register held Senoia will s to cars cakes, spontown will be vendor be limitedinment will be n. The ice, funnel The event to 5 p.m. Always shaved show Enterta 11 a.m. of Newna will 28 from event, the car Toyota inment from sored by d enterta a popular and visitors 2013 feature t . draws entries Georgia Scott Sargean all over Guys,” “The Car



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Essential Everyday

Essential Everyday ning

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F R E I G H T,


Hot, Lean or


64 oz.

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Chocola le and

98 ....

16 oz., 20 Ct.

Essential Everyday


25 Ft. Standard





Shopper's Value 8 Pk. 16 oz. Bag Food


16 oz. Pkg.

Depot Hamburger Essential Everyday

1 89 2

Shopper's ValueOld El Paso


24 oz. Kosher Dill

48 oz., Asst. Flavors

Essential Everyday Mayfield Selects 32 oz. Hamburger

Ice Cream

Dixie ......................... Assorted Flavors 32 oz. Bottles


10 oz. Pkg. 15.7 Lb. Mesquite or 16.6 Lb. Regular 250 Ct. Compressed Pack

Essential Everyday 6.7 Lb. Instant Light

Dutch Farms

68-120 Ct., Select Varieties

Kleenex Monster, 10 Packs

100 ct. Tagless

12 oz. Pkg.

20 oz. Pkg. Select Varieties



12 oz., 14 Ct.

Mardi Gras ...............


12 Pk.

Food Depot Ham 16 oz.

Food Depot Pine Cleaner .... 28 oz.

Essential Everyday 9-10 oz.

16 oz. Ready to Spread Fudge, Vanilla or M

Essential Everyday Frito-Lay's

128 oz. Frosting .............. Flavors or 2.25 oz. Sliced 4.25Asst. oz. Chopped

Center Essential Everyday ppingShopper's Value Everyday 6.2-10 oz. Select Varieties e ShoEssential 9-10.5 oz. 6 Pk. No Cones East Gat ve ro DriOlives ............... Frito-Lay's....... Reduced Fat Betty Crocker Ultimate BullRipe sbo Mayfield 18 oz., 50 Ct. Red or Blue Plastic Ice Cream Novelties Essential Everyday . Main St

Gr ei



Tr a


Pk. MONDAY 4THROUGH SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. • SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Essential Everyday

12 oz. Vanilla, Duplex, Assorted or Lemon

11.5-16 oz. Bag, Select Varieties

PAGe 6



Shopper's Value

Music City


Located on 124 Bullsboro Drive in the East Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster

Shopper's 20 oz. Pkg. 12 oz. Pkg. 10 oz. Pkg. oz. Pkg. All Beef Prices Effective January 20 through JanuaryValue 26, 2014. Quantity rights12 reserved. Not responsible for typographical or Sandwiches pictorial16errors. Essential Everyday 4Shopper's Ct. Dessert Cones, 6 Ct. Dessert Bars, 6 Ct. Dessert Ct. Southern Style Essential Everyday 5 Lb. Field Peas W/Snaps Value 14-16 oz., Select Varieties or 9 Ct. Wonka Push Up Variety


Delicious No-Fuss Dessert Recipes

Easy Trifle


Essential 18 oz. Everyday Creamy or Crunchy


15-20 oz. Peaches, Pears, Fruit Cocktail or Pineapple in Juice or Syrup


9 oz., Assorted Flavors Potato Chips, O U R C O S T I N C L U D E S F R E I G H T, 9 oz.* Cheese Curls,11 oz. Cheese Puffs, Fresh 12 oz. Tortilla Chips or 10-15 oz. Pretzels

10.5 oz. Mushroom, Chicken or Celery9 oz. Box • GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE • Select Varieties Essential Everyday

Essential Everyday

Senoia bringing back fall to Cruisin’ es the Oldi Car Show

Essential Everyday

Gallon, Assorted Flavors

te Drizzle

Cole's Garlic Bread,




12-14.4 oz. Box., Select Varieties



16 oz. Pkg. 5 Lb. Baby Lima Beans

Fresh Frozen Shopper's Value

14.5 oz. Fresh Frozen

Single Roll

5 Lb.

Essential Everyday


21.3-29.5 oz. Original Line

15 ct. Red or Blue

Nestlé 13 oz. Animal or 16 oz. Ginger Snaps Essential Everyday 12.01-33.5 oz.


48 oz.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014   |  MyConnection 3

Recipe/Community Connection

Tomato Cornbread

Servings: 6 to 10 1 box cornbread mix 1 Florida onion, diced small Olive oil Sea salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste 1 cup Jack cheese, grated 2 large Florida tomatoes, chopped Follow directions on cornbread box to mix batter. Preheat oven as listed on cornbread box instructions. Preheat a large cast iron skillet over medium heat. Add diced onion and drizzle of olive oil to cast iron skillet. Season onion with salt and pepper to taste, and cook onion until tender. Fold half of cheese into cornbread batter. Pour cornbread batter into pan with onions. Add remaining cheese to top of cornbread mixture. Add diced tomatoes to top of cornbread mixture. Bake as directed on box. Remove from oven when golden brown and cooked throughout. Let cool slightly and serve warm. Kids Can: Pour cornbread batter into pan with adult supervision. Grown Up Alert: Have an adult help with oven.

Tomatoes on Toast

Servings: 2 2 Florida tomatoes 4 slices whole-wheat bread 2 tablespoons low-fat mayonnaise Sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste 1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese Remove the core from tomatoes and cut into thin slices. Toast bread slices and assemble open-faced sandwiches by plac­ing 1/2 tablespoon of mayonnaise on each slice of bread. Place tomato slices on top. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with Parmesan cheese. Kids Can: Help place tomatoes on toast and garnish with Parmesan cheese.

restore Continued from page 1

approach he took as a golf professional. He believes in the power of customer service and creating a comfortable layout for the store and its customers. “My method of operation is to turn everything out in 90 days so the store never looks stale,” said Stroud. His vision for the future of ReStore would be a front showroom resembling a furniture store and through the double doors to the back, a shopping experience similar to a Lowe’s or Home Depot with long, wide aisles filled with doors, plumbing, electrical and appliances. Stroud continuously acknowledges the power and usefulness that all people possess. “ We get a ma zi ng products in here. It’s unreal what people give away. Ultimately, I want to change the public’s perception of what we do. For example, if a washing machine kicks the bucket, most won’t rush out to buy something brand new right away,” s a id St roud . “ We want them to think of us first because they’ll know we carry high-quality products and they’re going to get it for half the price along with a 90-day warranty. It’s a no-brainer.” So far, the results are looking positive. Stroud notes the demographic for the ReStore

is starting to hit his target. “We are getting treasure hunters for sure and seeing BMW, Lexus and Mercedes cars in our parking lot. We currently have a piano in the back which is valued around $50,000 to $80,000. It was a donation, but I would be happy to simply get 5 to 6 grand for it,” said Stroud. T he a mount accepted for e ac h item s old f rom Restore helps to fund Habitat for Hu ma n it y. St roud h a s lea r ned qu ick ly t h at each donation and the item’s value should benef it both the customer and the cause. “You can’t give everything away. You have to respect the donor,” said Stroud. “We’re assuring our donors that we are going to get the best donation we can for them. However, we’re making unbelievable deals on these items and we don’t hold goods. It’s firstcome, first-serve and we treat everyone the same.” The possibilities are there, according to Stroud. T he more often you shop, the more likely you are to find what you’re looking for. “From art to automobiles,” said Stroud. “If you find a treasure, good for you. But, for us, we’re just focused on getting rid of items so we can buy building materials for future homes. There’s a fine balance. You want to respect the donation but I don’t want it sitting around o I price it to move.” Stroud strives to keep his inventory circulating so that his store looks fresh and keeps

people’s interest up, paying note to his customers that are coming in two to three times a week to see what might be new. However, sta r t i ng nex t month, the ReStore will be changing its hours and its focus. “ We ’ l l b e o p e n f r o m Wednesday through Saturday but we’ll be accepting donations Monday through Saturday. Our focus is slowly shifting from the customer to the donor,” said Stroud. “ We wa nt to c re ate a s many opportunities as possible to get those quality donations. We get a lot of donations because we don’t say no. Even if it’s a broken washing machine, I can find ways to move it, even if it means selling it to the scrap yard,” said Stroud. “If we start turning away donations, people will start looking somewhere else.” St roud feels t h at t he ReStore’s biggest misconception in the community is the quality that they offer. “People might think that we don’t have good st u ff when, in fact, we get very, very good stuff,” said Stroud. “Right now I have a pallet of unfinished red oak hardwood f looring, tongue in groove, 420 square feet of it and it’s on the floor for $600. That’s a steal and the kicker is that we get things like that quite often.” “We get Ethan Allen, fine china — we had a Duncan Phyfe sofa from the early

Tomato Basil Soup

Servings: 4 to 6 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 large onion, diced 2 tablespoons garlic, chopped fine 5 large fresh Florida tomatoes, chopped 1 teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon tomato paste 1/2 cup fresh basil leaves, chopped (save 4 to 6 for garnish) 3 cups low sodium vegetable stock 1/2 cup heavy cream Sea salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste Sour cream for garnish, if desired Preheat a medium-sized stock pot over medium heat. Add olive oil to preheated pot. Carefully, add onion and garlic. Cook onions and garlic until almost trans­lucent. Add tomatoes, sugar, tomato paste, fresh basil and vegetable stock. Simmer ingredients for at least 20 minutes. Puree soup in blender or with an emersion blender. Be very careful when pureeing hot ingredients. Add cream to soup, and stir to combine. Season soup with salt and pepper to taste. Serve with crusty bread. Garnish with basil leaves and sour cream. Kids Can: Help add the ingredients to the pot with adult supervision.

Pita Perfect

Servings: 2 1 whole-wheat pita pocket 2 teaspoons light mayonnaise 1/2 Florida tomato, sliced 1/2 Florida avocado, sliced 2 leaves Florida lettuce 4 pieces low-sodium bacon, cooked Slice pita pocket in half and spread with 1 teaspoon of mayonnaise on the inside of each half. Stuff each pita half with 2 slices tomato, 2 slices avocado, 1 lettuce leaf and 2 slices of bacon. Kids Can: Help stuff the ingredients into pita pockets. Grown Up Alert: Adults may need to help slice tomatoes and avocados.




I-85 at Bullsboro Drive 770-253-3995

1900s in perfect shape but from a bad part of town. All the research we found on it had it listed for around $550, but we sold it for $300. It was gone in two days.” Stroud wants the shopping experience to be as easy as possible for his customers and offer them a comfortable shopping environment. “We don’t want to be just some old thrift store,” said Stroud. “We have a huge mission we’re trying to accomplish and that motivates all of us. Honestly, one of our biggest goals is being viewed as a viable competitor in the minds of the public.” Looking to expand their reach. Trying to get the word out a nd let people k now about the operation. “Habitat has a solid name and rep so it’s beneficial for us.” “ R ig ht now we’re on ly doing half of what we can potentially do based on the demog raph ics of Cowet a County,” said Stroud. However, for Stroud, it’s not all about the material donations at the ReStore. He feels that the donations that people make of themselves are just as important. “We invite people from all walks of life to volunteer as well. People who either know about wood, about electrical, about plumbing or anything,” said Stroud. “Everyone has something to offer whether they know it or not.”

4 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Community Connection

Sitting in the lap of what?

Atlanta Range & Ordinance hosts free youth firearm safety class By Clay Neely clay@newnan.com Newnan business Atlanta Range & Ordinance partnered with Niki Turpeaux, owner of A rch a ngel Tac t ic a l of Alpharetta, to host a free gun safety class for children and families last weekend at the Atlanta Range & Ordinance location on Millard Farmer Industrial Boulevard. “It was a great success,” said Gary DeBarge, owner of Atlanta Range & Ordinance. “It wound up being a standing room only event with over 40 families in attendance.” “We want to help ensure that children have a good understanding of safe firearms handling and how to prevent themselves from getting into a situation if they’re in a group and a firearm appears when it shouldn’t,” said DeBarge. “Firearms are in millions of households i n t he Un ited States and that needs to be part of the discussion.” The event also aims to teach children many other basic

safety rules, such as stranger awareness, in order to keep themselves and their friends out of potential danger. Atlanta Range and Ordinance currently plans to make this free class a monthly event. “Where typically a class like this would cost $75 dollars per participant, we voluntarily provide the range time, the weapons and the ammunition,” said DeBarge. “It’s a give back to the community and it’s something we feel very strongly about.” Turpeaux, owner of Archangel Tactical, LLC and Founder of the Get A GR IP Ladies Persona l Defense & Fi rearms Training Program, was the instructor for the safety class. Her training curriculum serves women, men, youth and families in the disciplines of defensive pistol, shotgun, carbine, OC, edged/improvised weapons and unarmed defense training. “Gary and I are very like minded and want to offer high quality training,” said Tur-

Atlanta Range & Ordinance plans to offer free youth gun safety classes monthly, open to children 8 years of age and older.

peaux. “The fastest growing demographic in the firearms market today are families and women. We aim to focus primarily on skills, quality and the handling of firearms.” “Our discussions come from a survival mindset — talking about the mental component of gun ownership and discussing safety both inside and outside,” said Turpeaux. “Our focus is to educate children about scary topics in a nonscary manner.” “It’s important for both parents and kids to know what threats are out there nowadays. There is sophisticated

planning that goes into violence and we use some stories of women of families who have experienced this in retrospect. We essentially want them to realize that the potential for violence exists and that this could happen to anyone.” The next safety class at Atlanta Range & Ordinance is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 2 from 3 to 5 p.m. and will operate on a “first come, first serve” basis. The class is open to all children eight years of age and older and will require at least one pa rent to accompa ny them.

Keep Newnan Beautiful receives Governor’s Circle award Keep Newnan Beautiful is among the recipients of the Governor’s Circle Award, the inaugural round of the statewide awards. T he awa rd s were pre sented by Gov. Nathan Deal at the State Capitol as part of the Keep Ga. Beautiful Fall Conference. In honor of the 35th Anniver s a r y, t he G over nor ’s Ci rcle Awa rd recog nizes exe mpl a r y p e r for m a n c e by cer ti f ied a ff i liates i n reducing litter, minimizing waste and “greening” local communities. To qualify for the award, affiliates must be in good standing with Keep America Beautiful, conducting an

Solution to puzzle on page 2

Thomas Eye Group Welcomes Dr. Paul Patel Paul Patel, M.D. Board Certified Ophthalmologist Cataract Surgery

Royce Hall, M.D. Board Certified Ophthalmologist

Jessica McCluskey, M.D. Board Certified Ophthalmologist Retina and Vitreous Surgery

annual Litter Index, calculating the affiliate’s cost/benefit ratio and engaging volunteers to ta ke greater responsibility for their community environment. Additionally, the affiliate must be an active member of the Ga. network. “ T he a ff i l i ates receiving the award represent the best of community improvement efforts,” said Sarah Visser, executive director of the Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation. “They are doing the hard work every day to keep their communities economically vibrant and environmentally sustainable.”

Today, we salute the great state of Oklahoma. Not because the Sooners have a decent football team and great Mexican food, but because the Oklahoma State Legislature has a golden opportunity to enact a new law that will give locals an easy way to identify both child abusers and stupid people. All the politicians have to do is allow a statue of Satan to be erected on the grounds of the state capitol. Right next to the Ten Commandments monument that went up in 2012. Since the state leans conservative in both politics and religion, some people are wondering what Oklahoman thought a statue of Satan would be welcome. You’ll be relieved to know it wasn’t a homegrown idea. The proposal is being pushed by a bunch of New York “worshipers” representing the little known (until now) Satanic Temple. Temple spokesdevil Lucien Greaves said, “The monument has been designed to reflect the views of Satanists in Oklahoma City and beyond.” The proposal includes an artist’s rendering of the monument. The drawing depicts Satan sporting a goat’s head, h or n s , w i n g s a nd a D u ck Dynasty length bea rd. The Prince of Darkness is seated on a pentagram-adorned throne. Although the image has not yet made the cover of Rolling Stone, Greaves said the depiction is often used as a symbol of the occult (proving once again that Satanic-inspired art looks like hell). The statue also includes a pair of smiling kids standing by Satan’s side. Well, of course. When you think of Satan, smiling kids are the first things that come to mind. And what do those kids do when t hey v i sit t he Sata n statue? According to Greaves, Satan’s throne “will have a functional purpose as a chair where people of all ages may sit on the lap of Satan for inspiration and contemplation.” Sure. Nothing inspires contemplation like a lap dance with Lucifer. And what do you contemplate at a statue of Satan? I’m guessing peace, love and tenderness aren’t in the top ten. Locals weren’t really sur-

ALEX mcrae prised by the Satanic request. Since the Ten Commandments monument went up on state capitol grounds, others have requested similar recognition, including the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Really. The proposal naturally ruffled some feathers. Statue supporters explained that “Satan stands as the ultimate icon of the selfless revolt against tyranny, free and rational inquiry and the responsible pursuit of happiness.” This may be the first time “self less”and Satan are mentioned in the same sentence. If you didn’t know better, you’d think Beelzebub signed the Declaration of Independence. On the bright side, watching to see which adults bring the kids out to pose for a Facebook photo while sitting in Satan’s lap gives local lawmen a foolproof way to ID unfit parents. Cha nces a re t he statue won’t go up. And not because the Oklahoma State Capitol grounds are sacred. Any place where politicians gather is just the opposite. But in Oklahoma City, the design is doubly offensive. T he most-v i sited site i n Oklahoma City is the National Memoria l & Museum. Li ke the proposed Satan statue, the National Memorial & Museum features a place of contemplation, a well-manicured stretch of grass occupied by 168 chairs fashioned from glass, bronze and stone. Each chair represents a life lost on April 19, 1995, when a loser named Timothy McVeigh exploded a bomb at the Murrah Federal Building that took the lives of fourteen dozen people whose only crime was showing up for work. Memorial chairs on public property hold a place of honor and respect in the Sooner State. Oklahomans would be the last people on Earth to sanctify a seat dedicated to the devil.



Annual 2012 Report t





annual repo rt o






n e w n a n - c o w e t a







c h a m b e r

newnancowetach a m b e r. o r g 23 Bullsboro drive, newna n, Ga 30263 770.253.2270 • newnancowe tachamber.org

Chamber Mission: To cham

pion economic prosperity

for our members and the

Greater Coweta community

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014 A link to the Annual Report will be provided to all Chamber members PLUS this section will also be published online for an entire year at times-herald.com with over 1.4 million page views per month! Extra copies will also be given to the Chamber. All links in your print ad will be clickable on the web edition.

Advertising Deadline: Monday, February 10, 2014 For advertising information call


16 Jefferson Street • Newnan, GA • 770-683-1707 • times-herald.com

Wednesday, January 22, 2014   |  MyConnection 5

Community Connection

Free flu vaccine at health department By Bradley Hartsell bradley@newnan.com

Flu season is in full bloom in Georgia, leaving many suffering from the illness in Coweta. This year, it seems the flu virus is attacking an atypical group: young and middle-aged adults. The flu typically strikes the elderly and children under five years of age. But the H1N1 strain of f lu is thought to effect those in their mid-20s to late 50s. “This is an atypical year compared to most. The predominant strain of f lu virus currently is H1N1, which tends to target young adults instead of elderly people and children,” said Department of Public Health District Four’s Hayla Folden.

The H1N1 strain is part of this year’s seasonal f lu vacc i n e . Fold e n a n d He a lt h Department nurse manager Alice Jackson say getting vaccinated should be a priority for anyone who hasn’t already — and yes, there’s still time. “Getting a flu vaccine is still the number one way to prevent the flu,” said Folden. “People may think it’s too late, but it’s not. The Coweta County Health Department is now giving flu shots at no cost. The vaccines will be available on Fridays from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The vaccines were $25, but the CCHD has extra vaccine due to an emergency preparedness course earlier in the year. Jackson says the county intends to use the vaccine,

not allowing waste of the preventative medication, so the remaining vaccinations will be given at no cost. “It’s not too late for people who need the vaccine and would be thankful for it, to keep from getting sick,” said Jackson. The state of Ga. reports more than 400 hospitalizations and nine f lu-related deaths this season. Flu activity is up 23 percent across southeastern states. The spike in flu activity is normal for this time of year, but more people still need to be vaccinated. “While most of these people with severe illness have had risk factors for influenza-associated complications, including pregnancy and morbid obesity, several have not,” said Cherie Drenzek, D.V.M., state

epidemiologist for the Georgia Department of Public Health. “Anyone six months and older who has not gotten a flu vaccine yet this season should get one now.” In addition to the f lu vaccine, there are steps people can take to protect themselves and others from getting the flu: • Wash you r ha nds frequently and thoroughly with soap and water, or use alcoholbased hand sanitizers if soap and water are not available. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands. • Avoid people who are sick. • If you experience f lulike symptoms — cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, fever, body aches or fatigue — stay home to prevent spreading the virus to others.

Welch fourth- and fifth-grade REACH students mix carbonated water, sugar, and other flavors to create a new soda flavor. From left, Josie Buckalew, Jennifer Jung and Kassidy Fryer.

Welch students REACH for the stars

Cambridge House to hold ‘Affair to Remember’ benefit Cambridge House of Newnan is taking reservations for the annual Affair to Remember benefit at Wesley Woods. Cambridge House is a 501(c)3 organization designed to provide day programs for adults and seniors with memory loss due to Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.

The facility is located near the intersection of Georgia Highways 34 East and 154, Thomas Crossroads. The reception, dinner and silent auction will be held the Saturday evening of Feb. 15 at Wesley Woods of Newnan, 2280 U.S. Hwy. 29 north of Newnan, said Mary Ann Neureiter, gerontologist, executive

director of Cambridge House Adult Respite Care. A champagne reception will begin at 6 p.m. in the Woody's Lounge at Wesley Woods, and dinner will be held in the ballroom of Wesley Woods. Entertainment and music will be provided by local artists and a special tribute will be made in honor of Beth

By Celia Shortt celia@newnan.com

Lever, founder of Cambridge House. Cost for the event is a minimum donation of $35 per person. All event proceeds will go to benefit the memory care program of Cambridge House. Reservations for the event may be made online at cambridgehouseofnewnan.org or by calling 678-423-8700.

Nikki Boone Newnan January Artist of the Month Nikki Boone has been named Newnan Artist of the Month for January, and has her work on display at Newnan City Hall on LaGrange Street. O ve r t h e ye a r s , B o o n e obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in visual arts with a concentration in commercial art. She is capable of work ing wit h a ny ty pe of medium: watercolor, oil, Gauche, acrylic, pastel, charcoal, graphite, graphic design, and photography. “I have learned to be flexible within every aspect of the art field,” she said. “Since moving to Newnan in 2011 I have been tapping into my artist roots,” Boone said, “I was entered in the 8th Annual Juried Member Art Exhibit. At the Carnegie Library I had the privilege of demonstrating techniques. Prior to the demo I entered my ‘Meatloaf Sandwich’ into a competition in South Carolina,” she said. “In the future I hope to

Newnan Artist of the Month for January Nikki Boone has her work on display at Newnan City Hall on LaGrange Street.

become a children’s book illustrator as well as an established portrait artist,” she said. “If you are an artist never put down your master medium and always learn from other artists,” she said. “Together we can paint the future.” Art should be a symbol of praise to God, whether it is drawn, painted, digitally mas-

tered, assembled, or sculpted, she said, referring to “I will render praises unto thee.” — Psalm 56:12. “When I look at art I am drawn to the subjects that bring glory to God and his creation. As displayed in my show, His creation of children and the beach have always been my joy and passion,” Boone said.

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Students in Welch Elementary’s REACH program for Gifted Students are involved in weekly activities throughout the school year that can enhance their learning. “Students come to REACH one day per week to participate in activities and assignments centered on a theme,” said Welch’s gifted teacher Sharon Crawley. “Through thematic interdisciplinary units, the teacher helps students to see connections across the curriculum, and thus help to make individual parts of the curriculum more meaningful. More importantly, interdisciplinary units encompass not only low order levels of thinking such

as k nowledge, comprehension, and application, but also high order levels of thinking such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation.” Here are some activities of which Welch’s REACH students have recently been a part: • First- and second-graders studied fractions. • Second-graders sampled food with chocolate to gather data to solve date landmarks. • Fourth-graders constructed concave polygons. • Fourth- and fifth-graders created a new soda pop as part of their study on soft drink companies using the ratios as they mixed carbonated water, sugar and flavorings. • Fifth-graders classif ied numbers as abundant, deficient or perfect.

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The Newnan Times-Herald 16 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-253-1576 www.times-herald.com


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6 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, January 22, 2014

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New Piedmont Newnan opens Tuesday By ALEX MCRAE alex@newnan.com Piedmont Newnan Hospital officially opens Tuesday at its new campus at 745 Poplar Road. But before that can happen the aging facility on Hospital Road must be officially closed. It’s not a process that happens with the flip of a switch or wave of a magic wand. Moving from the old facility to the new is actually a balancing act that requires keeping both facilities open for more than a week as people, equipment and procedures underPhoto by Jeffrey Leo go a transition that allows no for error. There was activity Friday at the new Poplar Road campus of Piedmont Newnan Hospital, set to offi- room It’s not a process anyone cially open Tuesday. On Friday, outpatient radiology procedures began at the new hospital and the the takes lightly. But, so far, the which from Center, Command Road Poplar The opened. center outpatient lab and respiratory procedure is going smoothly final move will be overseen Tuesday, opened Friday during daytime hours.



and remarks from hospital officials make it clear they are ready to officially celebrate the opening of Georgia’s newest hospital on Tuesday at 745 Poplar Road beside Interstate 85. “We’ve waited a long time to be able to welcome patients to their new community hospital,” said Tim Stack, president and CEO of Piedmont

Hea lt hca re. “ We’re proud of the new facility and the expanded services we offer residents of Coweta County and the surroundRelated ing areas. The open- story, page of ing 5A the new Piedmont Newna n Hospita l is pa ramount to our vision of providing comprehensive, quality health care services across the Piedmont Healthcare system.” The final days of joint operation between the two facilities are scheduled down to the minute to make sure that essentia l ser vices offered at Hospital Road remain in place until those services are

See HOSPITAL, page 2A

Westmoreland hears concerns about energy regulations

NEW CANCER HOSPITAL Blessing event held at facility

By W. WINSTON SKINNER winston@newnan.com U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland toured CowetaFayette EMC’s north Coweta headquarters on Friday afternoon. His tour followed a meeting with CowetaFayette staff and directors about federal energy

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