Wednesday, January 9, 2013
is conducting a subscription drive contest with a portion of the proceeds of each new subscription sold going back to that student’s school.
February 12, 2013
MyConnection Published every Wednesday and delivered free by The Newnan Times-Herald
Check Out the Classifieds on Page 7 see ad on page 6 for details
RRRRUNNING into battle
Photos by Clay Neely
Tom Pattiz jumps off the line at the beginning of the 5k race on Saturday.
Monica Lovett after the race with her son, Jett, and daughter, Mattie Louise.
Local teacher, mother fights cancer, runs with her children By Bradley Hartsell
Everyone who ran in Saturday’s Run for Angels 5/10k had their own reason for running, but Monica Lovett had an especially important one. Lovett has spent the last year battling breast cancer.
“Run for Angels is my medication, my therapy,” she said. Lovett, who teaches special education at Northside Elementary School, was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009, but was re-diagnosed with breast cancer to the lungs in February 2013, shortly after running in last year’s Run for Angels. She’s
undergone 18 rounds of chemo, hormone therapy and a hysterectomy, leaving her understandably drained. Her son, 10-year-old Jett, however, urged his mother to run Saturday in this year’s Run for Angels. Lovett and her husband, Matt, have always loved running and exercising. She remembers them participating in Run for
him because he wanted to participate last year and has been training. Matt, unfortunately, was unable to join because of an achilles injury. But their 7-year-old daughter, Mattie Louise, took the starting line with her
Angels for as long as she can remember, even pushing her little boy in a stroller as she walked the race. This year, she wanted to run again, especially at the suggestion of her son, but she was uncertain her body could handle the stress. Jett finally convinced his mother to run. She wanted to be there for
running, page 3
Healthier sweets for your sweetheart i n s i de
Lips and Love Basket re cipe ➤
Lt. Henry Freeman, shelter director, holds one of the dogs up for adoption at Coweta County Animal Control.
Imminent adoption may be last chance for many shelter dogs By Sarah Fay Campbell
Coweta County A n i ma l Control is overcrowded with dogs and, if some of them don’t get adopted soon, the shelter will have to sta rt euthanizing them — for the first time since November. Lt. Henry Freeman, animal shelter director, hopes that families will make the decision to adopt one — or more —of the 85 dogs the shelter currently houses. There are a few puppies currently living at the shelter, though many of the dogs are adults. Some smaller breeds are available for adoption and many medium-sized dogs as well.
“We have some that have been here since Oct. 7,” Freeman said. “We haven’t had a put-down list since the first of November… we are holding them as long as we can hold them, trying to find them homes.” The shelter’s “Christmas special,” with all animals half price, was a great success — with 121 adoptions in 19 days. However, “after Christmas our adoptions really dropped off,” Freeman said. Animal control officers are bringing in two or three stray dogs a day, and that builds up. Dog adoptions are $126, and cat adoptions are $70. The adoption fee includes spay or neuter surgery, the first round of shots for kittens and pup-
pies, the rabies vaccine, a microchip, and a heartworm test. Coweta Count y A n i ma l Control also has 58 kittens and adult cats available for adoption, many having been housed by the shelter for several months. Pictures of most of the animals available at the animal shelter may be viewed by visiting Coweta Count y A n i ma l Control is located at 91 Selt Road in Newnan, off Hospital Road. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Adoption hours are 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and viewing hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Lips and Love Basket Family Features I t’s easy to share in the f u n o f Va l e n t i n e ’ s D a y by serving those you love sweet treats that a re a hea lt h ier a lter n at ive to o r d i n a r y, h e a r t - s h a p e d confections. To really show you care, be a c upid a nd g ive you r sweetie hea lt hy, delicious t re a t s t h a t fe a t u re j u i c y w a t e rm e l o n . N a t u r a l l y dressed in the holiday’s hue
of v ibra nt red, usi ng t h is fa bu lou s f r u it i n re c ip e s adds color to the spread of any Valentine’s Day party, whether large or intimate. For a n elega nt , upsca le treat, serve Watermelon Petit Fours, which feature sweet watermelon, candied almonds a nd i s topp e d w it h you r favorite decadent frosting. Get the kids in the kitchen with Watermelon Cupcakes for a new take on the beloved classic. Served with pineapple
cream cheese frosting, kids will love helping you decorate these darling delights. If you rea l ly wa nt to m a ke t hei r he a r t s sk ip a beat, carve an adorable Lips and Love Basket. Fill it with all of your sweetie’s favorite fruits for a fresh, f lavorful display they’ll devour in a heartbeat. Remember, nothing shows your love more than edible gifts crafted by hand. For more sweet ideas, visit
You are invited for a fabulous evening at your favorite restaurant!
join us for our
FAMILY RESTAURANT 1188 Collingsworth Road • Palmetto, GA 30268
FEBRUARY 13, 14 and 15, 2014
Ready Pac 6 oz. Bag
All Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Can
2 MyConnection | Wednesday, February 12, 2014
All Brands 1.25 liter Bottles
Ga River Network offers $14 11events 2 liter - Fanta Flavors, Mello-Yello, Mr. Pibb, Barq's Root Beer, Schweppes Or Minute Maid
Georgia River Network’s “14 • Weekend for Rivers Conf. – 1. *It reads music on CDs Flavors 32 oz. Bottles ¢ in 2014 challenge” isAssorted encourApril 5-6. Powerade............ 6. “___ a Wonderful Life” aging Georgians to getMonster out and • Hidden Gems Paddling Events 4 Pk., 16 oz. Cans $ 23, 84 protect, restore, learn about, Drinks.. (May 10, Aug. Sept. 15, Nov. 9. Praise or glorify Energy recreate and volunteer on Geor- 15). 13. Domicile gia’s Rivers by attending 14 • Paddle Ga 2014 - June 21-27. 16.2 oz. Oatmeal Creme Pies, 14. *”The One11.4 I Love” 14 oz. Macaroni & Cheese or oz. group Fish Fillet or Fish Stick river-related events in 2014. To participate in the 14 in 11.5 oz. 10.6 oz. Honey Buns, 12 oz. Nutty Bars 12 oz. Shells & Cheese 15. Rid of impurities Gorton's Classic or French2014 RoastChallenge, send an email or 13 oz. Cosmic Brownies or Swiss Rolls River groups offer experiNewnan Essential Essential Crunchy Little Debbie 16. Medical helper ences such as family friendly to with Everyday Everyday Fish spring art walk river trips, river hikes, work- name and address to sign up. 17. Schiller’s “___ to Joy” Family Pack Deluxe Pastashops, conferences, Ground river clean- Coffee The group will send monthly Main Street Newnan 18. Light-footed Snacks ups, water quality monitoring, s lde i stpaquete i n g upcom ing March 21 U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de la carne de cuete U.S.D.A. selecto de diezmillo deupd res sinate hueso de combinacíon 19. *Stone’s Oscar winner and events, all of which qualopportunities across Ga. Fresh Lean 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Select Beef 21. *1985 London/Philadelphia Fundify to fulfill the challenge. The All participants who have Enjoy great local art as you stroll goal is to promote river restora- completed the challenge will raiser through downtown Newnan visiting tion, protection and enjoyment. receive a special award that 23. “The ___ of All Fears” the merchants that host this event. lb. Here are a few upcoming will be announced lb. soon, repre24. Ancient colonnade Info: 770-253-8283 Georgia River Network events: sentatives said. U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de paletilla de res sin hueso U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso 25. *”Simon & Simon” network U.S.D.A. Inspected U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Select Beef 28. “____ Was a Rollin’ Stone” Fresh Pork 12.7-16.4 oz. Rib or Loin Half relay for life yard sale 30. *MTVlb. first began asking artists to do Select Varieties Asa M. Powell Sr. Expo Center Bistec milanesa $ 18 desayuno this inde1989 Eggo 24magro oz. fresco lb. lb. lb. 14 oz. March 1 35. Nuclear fission Mary chemist B's Otto ____ French Toast 16 onzas Pk. Assorted Flavors Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzas Tocino rebanado, 12 onzas Salchicha picante o suave, 16 U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de costillitas traseras 56 oz. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 37. Suspend Open MayfieldStyle Haagen Dazs Sticks, 14 oz. 12 oz. Assorted Flavors 16 oz. Hot or Mild, Market U.S.D.A. Inspected The 2014 Coweta County Relay 39. Muse of love poetry Mayfield Classics Ice Kettle Pancakes or Butterball Turkey Sugardale Sunset FarmsMini for Life team is hosting its 33. Wombs DOWN 40. UN civil aviation agency, acr. Ice Cream Sandwiches Cream Dumplings Muffin Tops annual spring yard sale to raise 34. *Soviet leader, affectionately Up to . Often covered with a shade2 libras 41. Befuddle Salchicha ahumado de enlace, 12 onzas Salchichas rojos picantes, Salchicha ahumado picante o suave, 1.5 libras funds for the American Cancer 36. *Won French Open 1983Hot or Mild 12 oz. 2 1.5inLb. 2. Cain’s 43. Done Society.. 38. Glamorous Royal Baby Link Georgia Red Georgia Special 3. *Diet Coke 44. Relating 12.5 to aoz.node Honeycomb, Info: 770-254-2620 16 oz. Bottle 42. Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s character 4. Written corrections 5 Lb. White 11 oz. Cocoa or Fruity Pebbles, lb. 46. Fake or phony Select Varieties Diamond Rings, Diamond Earrings or Self-Rising 14.75 oz. Golden Crisp or Wish-Bone 45. They’re denoted in red 5. Recover Select Varieties 11.5 oz. Waffle Crisp 12 oz. 47. Balkan native & Diamond Necklaces Post Hormel Salad 6. Caddie’s offeringAunt Jemima 49. *”The ___” charted with “You Better ADDED AT 48. Be that as it may CUFF aarp tax aide REGISTER! Corn Meal Cereal Spam Dressing 7. *One excellent adventurer You Bet” in 1981 * O U R C O S T I N C L U D E S F R E I G H T, S T O C K I N G F E E S , A N D A S S O C I AT E D E X P E N S E S 50. Bypass 12.5 oz. Honeycomb, BRACELETS Central Library 8. Extract (metals) by heating 11 oz. Cocoa52. or Do Fruity Pebbles, 51. *Puzzle game These beautiful it yourself 16.5-18.5 Lb. Bag, Select Varieties 6 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties February 27 14.75 oz. Golden Crisp or 2.46-2.64 oz., Select Varieties 9. Winter Olympic sport 54. *Molly Ringwald films are full of this 1” cuff bracelets 11-12 oz. 53. Carpet style 11.5 oz. Waffle Crisp Purina Gerber 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Quakerteen Realworry Medley 10. Cantatrice’s offering offered in precious Frito-Lay's Post 55. Romanian money Free tax preparation will be .............. pewter will make a 11. Tangerine and grapefruit hybrid ....... 56. Seize the throne 57. *Moonwalk dancer offered at Newnan’s Central 2 Pk., 7 oz. Select Varieties stunning addition or Strawberry or 7.62 oz. Chocolate 15-16 Lb. Bag, Select Varieties 12. A good one of these is often re- 7.63 oz. Vanilla 57. Leave at the altar, e.g. Gerber to any attire. 61. Puts in motion Kibbles & Bits Library on 85 Literary Lane Kellogg's warded 13-16.3 oz., Monogrammed 58. Dwarf buffalo DIAMOND weekly on Thursdays from ............ 65. To come into use ............... .... Select Varieties 15 oz. 15. Royal court dance or not, the cuff Pierna de cordero americano fresco entero o mitad Costillas de cerdo danes de 10 libras 912.5-17.9 oz., Select Varieties 59. Sour milk sign February 27 through April 10. 4 Lb. U.S.D.A. Inspected 66. *Lots of this hairPan product sold in the 12 Ct., Select Varieties EARRINGS Peter Hunt's 20. D-Day beach bracelet is the Fresh Leg Whole or Crocker Half Baking 10ForLb.information on what items Any Package Betty ActorSize Kristofferson Milk Bone Eight O'60.Clock 1980s perfect gift for that 22. Debtor’s note 5.1-6 oz., Select Varieties 100 oz. Liquid, HE Original 64 Load to bring, please visit the CPLS or Dark Chocolate, 8.5 oz. 61. Take out, as in dragon 9.9 oz. M&M's Almond or 68. Pretzel Indian Medium Bagmonetary or 10.5 oz. Milkunit special person. Uncle Ben's ..... Sea Salt or 8.8 oz. Cookies & Creme Allergy Free Earrings 24. Slang for urban miners Gain 2X 12.6 oz. M&M's Peanut, Dark Chocolate Bag or 14 oz. Box, Select Varieties ¢ website below. $ 91 4.87 oz., Select 62.Varieties October birthstone Dove Chocolate $ 83 Milk Chocolate 5-5.6 oz., Select Varieties Made with Love in the USA! 69. Large-eyed lemur Rice ............ 25. *Tiananmen Square country lb. Detergent ea. Fleischmann while supplies last M&M Mars $ 70 Promises.... Donut House Info: 770-683-2052 Milk Bone 63. Greek cheese 15-50 Ct., Select Varieties 24 oz. Original or Sugar Free 70. Last word8-12ofoz.“America, the Beautiful” 26. *Star of 1984’s “Footloose” Select Varieties or 14 oz. Coconut ........ Escamas de carne de cangrejo de imitación Packaged Candy Filete de pescado de tilapia congelado fresco Huggies Log Cabin ..... in a yard 2.5 Lb. 64. Three of these $ 46 $ 00 71.Way, About explode $ 89 9.2-11.5 27.oz., Disreputable 11.5 oz. Twix Caramel, Miky Peanutto Hershey's Select Varieties Imitation Flake Frozen B.C.K. Syrup ........... Diapers .... 4-6 oz., Select Varieties Butter or Original Snickers, 10.5 oz. Snickers Baking Fresh Chips . 5.5 oz. Can, Select Varieties Claxton Fresh 67. Always, in verse Any Size Package 24 oz. Can, Select Varieties 14.5Varieties oz. Can, Select Vanilla, Butterscotch or Tapioca 72. 29. *Shoulder Variety or Mixed or 13 oz. TwixSmall Caramel amounts 4.4 oz., Select 20 oz.Varieties Giant Boneless Skinless Nestlé Fun Sizeaccessories4 Pk. Chocolate,Keebler Fresh 8 Ct. 10.5-15.2 oz., Select Varieties Fresh Boneless | Frozen Downtown Newnan | 770-253-4713 Friskies Buffet5 Greenville Street Hunt's Hunt's Hunt's Pack London M&M Mars Mini Uncle Ben's Food Depot Kellogg's 73.$*Yoda: Or do not. There$is no83 ___.” 31. *”The ____ and Cons of Hitch Party Wings Hiking” Snack Solution 82“Do. Chicken Breast Ground Beef ¢ Broil ¢ on Page 4
$ 49 1 2 $ 94 1 Steak 4 Chuck Combo Pack 3 DIAMOND $ VALENTINE’S 94 $ 04 4 2 Shoulder Roast 3 Swiss Steak Sale
$ 10
Breakfast Steak
$ 42
13Eye of Round $
29 $ 42
$ 49 22 Sliced Bacon$188 $192 Smoked 2 Sausage $223826 $ 33 $ 83 Smoked Sausage 2 Red Hots 2 Smoked Sausage $299 $ 15 38
Smoked Sausage.... ...
$ 99 Baby Back Ribs
50%2 OFF
Our Cost +10%!
80 4
$ 18
2 30 11 Oatmeal Cups Tostitos Cereal $ 10 84 2nd Foods 1FALL 11 To Go Powder 2 Dog Food $ 29 $ 53 Love IN WITH $ 65 PeanutSuperior Butter Farms Manwich SALE $ $59950 Danish Mixes & Frosting Center Large Biscuits....... $$175PRODUCTS 95K Cup $ 95 CoffeeCut Loin 3 19 FROM Pork Chops 86 10 Lamb.......... 4 Pork Spare Ribs 19$ American 02 ¢ 2 $ 90 $ 66 $ 25 2 Bread Mixes 1 K Cup Coffee 3WESSON! Treats .................. 2 HUNT'S AND 2 10 1 $ 78 $ 18 Sea Best Tilapia Candy Bars $ 2 50 $ 42 2/ ¢ $ 2 99 Pie Shells 1 Weather Connection Cat Food.......... 92$ 1 Pasta Sauce Pudding $ 53 81 Tomatoes99 Crab Meat................ 1 Fish Fillet .................. $295 $ ¢ 94 $ 89 18 4 $ 15 feb. 13 - 16 3 1 Packaged Candy ... 2 Tuna .................. ¢ ¢ ¢ 93 Cat Treats ............. 1 2 $ 14 $ 45 $ 97 $ 14 $ 58 $ 57 $ 88 Smoked Ham....... 1 Jumbo Hot Dogs... 1 SausageSmores ..................... 1 Smoked Links ......... 2 Hot$Dawg ................ 1 Meats ......................... 2 Cereal .... 3 Chocolate Spread 278 Wet Cat Food $161 Mayonnaise Corn Meal $ 92 $ 45 $ 25 $ 95 $ 95 2 1 3 3 1 * $ 13 $ COST 68 $ 58 $ 25 $ 75 $ 77 $ 33ADDED OUR PLUS 10% AT REGISTER! $ 10 $ 43 Wheats 46........... 2 SmokedMiniSausage Sausage.................54° 133°$Sliced Bacon ... 2 Hot3Dogs.................. 1 Corn11Dogs...............$ 4 79 Juice 3 Red Hots 2 .................. Cat Chow $ 42 $ 85 40 $ 49Grape Juice 88$3$0259 94 99 97 Cereal 3 3/$ Napkins............... 1 Cat Food.......... 12 Party Plates ........ 1 62 1 Dutch Farms 1 1Hot Sauce........... 1 $ 56 $ 53 $ 78 $ 79Cat Litter Red Diamond 2$499100%Canola Essential Everyday Raisin Sunny Delight Delite AppleCountry Juice 2 French Onion 4 DogBran Food ............ Family Pack 99 81 Oil 2 ¢London 96 9 8 892 Chicken Breast 1 Ground Beef Broil 2 89 56° SaltinesBiscuits ...............99 Drinks Orange Juice Brewed Tea Dip Snacks Vegetable Oil $ 23 2/ $ ¢89 $ 69 $ 99 Real$ Medley Cereal 3 Vienna Sausage 94 1 2 31° 2 Compleats 1 16 1 $$ 12 94 89 $ 18 Dog Treat Biscuits ... 2 Mayonnaise ........ 1 ¢ Garden 3/$ $ 18 $ 29 $ $ 13 $ 49 Tuna In Water ....69 lb.$ 68 lb. Salad Mix $ 31 $ ¢ 99 $ 49 $lb. 11 Vienna Sausage 53 Specialty Potatoes . 1 Oil 2 Dishwashing Liquid 1 Granola 2 Drinks................ 1 $ 69 ¢ Salad $ ¢Russet 39 1 Beef Stew ........... 1 Ready Pac $ 69 $ 65 79 $ 99 #1 Slicing Dressing .............. 1 Cuttlets BBQ Ribs 55° Chuck Sirloin Tip Roast Stew Meat 10 Pork Dressing Spam Instant Oatmeal . 2 Dog Food............ 70 Liquid Detergent Cat Food .............. 6 $ 59 Salad 79 Corn Meal ...........Italiano Potatoes Tomatoes 1 ¢ 37° 1 $ 92 $ 45 $ 25 $ 95 $ 95 Love ¢ Oatmeal $ 1 80 $ 14 .............. 99 FALL IN WITH 2 1 3 3 1 $ 48 $ 98 $ 38 Sweet Pickle Cubes 99 $ 59 4 99 Flour ..................... 1$ 02 ¢ FROM 2/ PRODUCTS ¢ Canned ¢ 29 Fruit ...... 99 $S AND 10 WESSON! $ & Cheese 96 2 $59 49 3/ ¢ 87 HUNT' $ 13 $ 99 3 1 $ 17 $ $ 58 $ 98 $ 18 2 $ 11Sugar .................... $ 491 Bologna 51° 87 2 1 ¢SaltTurkey1 2/86Roma 1 ¢ Charcoal Romaine............ 2 Classic 2 Pink Grapefruit............ John Morrell All Meat 1 Tomatoes............ Or Jumbo Meat ¢ 5 ¢ ¢ ¢ 30° $ 17 Hot Dogs.. ¢ $ $2839 85 Wieners.. Sausage... Franks..... 99 $ 17$88 $ 39 97 ¢88¢ $94 ¢ ¢ 49 Franks...... 48 32 Tomatillo Peppers...... Green Cabbage........... Tangerines.................... Ground Coffee Pink Salmon $ 99 39 2 1 79 2 Peanut Butter .... 179 Charcoal 3 Vanilla Wafers 1 87 $ 49 $ Beef 49 Chicken Breast Ground London Broil $ 19 Empire Fresh All Meat Lunch Yellow ¢ John Morrell Mama Rosa $ 59 ¢Fresh ¢ Armour ¢ ¢ $ 29 Party Cups ......... 2 Apple Juice ......... 1 $ 49 $ 38 $ 88 $ 49 $ 26 $89 99 Apples Squash Strawberries 99 Pizzas..... 96$Snacks Bologna... Corndogs.. 9 8 Makers....... 281 Sausage... 89 ................ 1 94 $ $ 18 Cheese 1 2 1 2 2 American¢ ¢ 28 $ 78 $ 1 lb. $ 28 2 Bleach ................. lb. lb. Sandwich Cookies 89 Singles ¢ $ 99 Cheese 99 Drinking Chunk Cheese 2 Water ..59 French6Onion $Garden 84 $ 59 $ 163 1 2/ ¢ Biscuits Drinks Orange Juice Brewed Tea Dip 1 $ 99 ¢ Cookies 1 199 Pasta.................. 99 89 Pork Cuttlets BBQTea RibsBags CheeseChuck Sirloin Tip Roast Stew Meat Shredded 2 99 $$11846$ 95$ 29 $ 9216 $214$ 12 $ 99 $ 3/$ 53 $ 80 59 Salad$ Mix Crackers 1 2 1 $ $3/ $ 25¢19Snack $ 95 79$ 45 $ 11 1 2 3 2 1 Swiss Cheese 2 Non-Dairy Creamer. 1 1 2 3 3 1 Drinks................ 1 Tomato Sauce 84 $ 79 Graham Crackers 1 $ 25 $ 56 ¢Beans $ 09 Danimals Drink 2 Margarine ¢ Swiss 80 1 1 ¢ Cheese 2 Love FALL IN WITH Foam Cups.......... 89 Pinto 99 ¢ Sodas ea. 41 Deluxe Pasta Sloppy Joe Sauce 69 ¢ $ 39 $ 89 PRODUCTS FROM John Morrell All Meat Bologna Or Jumbo Meat Turkey Cheese 1¢ ¢$ ¢ Spread ¢¢ Provolone ¢ ¢¢ Yogurt02 67 2 Aluminum Foil .. 69 85 Hot Dogs.. Wieners.. 88 Sausage... Franks..... 99 Long Grain Rice 69 97 $ 84 Franks...... 94 2 $ 29 $ 99 87 HUNT' S AND WESSON! Delite 1 ¢ $ 52 $ 23 $ 99 Ravioli ........ 79 ¢ Cheese Singles $$16972 Beef Butter 1 Juice 4 Crunchy 169 $ 59 Bathroom Tissue 79 Pickle Spears ...... 1 Chocolate Milk 2 Fish Family Pack All Meat Lunch John Morrell Mama Rosa ¢ Armour Deluxe Pasta $ 99 $ 57¢ $ Ground 93 ¢¢ CheeseSnacks ¢ Spread Butter ¢¢ 2 Coffee ¢ ¢ 1 Paper Singles 1 1 Buttermilk 1 3/ ¢ $ 39 99 81 Pizzas..... Bologna... Sausage... Corndogs.. 96 9 8 Makers....... 89 Half & Half 79 2 79 87 99 ...... 59 Dill Slices ............ 1 Seasoning 2/$ $ 29 3 1 $ Towels10 $ 49 $ 99 $ 56 $ 15 $ 13 $
Lil' Meals
2 79
Packaged Candy Pop•Tarts 74. Water lb. balloon sound ...
Jamon ahumado de porcion de pierna
Salchicha de toda carne enorme, 16 onzas
5 Lb. White 16 oz. All Meat Self-Rising COWETA AND SURROUNDINGor AREA Select Varieties
Shank Portion
Carolina Pride
$ 23 Dog Chow...........$ $ $ 64
Salchicha ahumado de enlace, 24 onzas
14 oz. Smoked or Polish
24 oz.
11 oz.
Kellogg's Krave
Salchicha de bollo, 16 onzas
16 oz.
13 oz. Original, Hazelnut or Almond
U.S.D.A. Select
White Bread
12 oz.
Carl Buddig
Pik Nik Stew Meat
Sirloin Tip Roast
Fresh 30 oz. Pork
Size Package Select Beef 4 Pk., Fresh 22Anyoz. Can, Select VarietiesU.S.D.A. Ground Boneless
BBQ Ribs 9LivesChuck
87 79
Rice ............
Friskies Party Mix Carne de almuerzo, 12 onzas lb.
U.S.D.A. Select Beef
lb. de lomo de .............. inspeccionado de chuletas central © StatePoint Media lb. 2.6-5 oz.,U.S.D.A. Selectcerdo Varieties de paquete de cualquier tamaño2.1 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties
Salchicha ahumado o polaco, 14 onzas
$ 15
Cleansed 11-1232. oz. Pkg., Select Varieties
1 1
Pork Cuttlets
...... 16 oz. Hot or Mild THURSDAY12 oz. 16 oz. 32 oz. 16 oz. 3 Lb. Family Pack 15 oz. Touch of Raisin 64 oz, Select Varieties 16 Lb. Complete or Indoor lb. lb. lb. lb. * Carolina Pride Carolina Pride McEvers Kellogg's Frosted McEvers Mott's McEvers Purina Bar-S lb. Cereal... ....................... 12.7 oz. Special K Chocolatefreight, Almond or 11.5 oz. Rocky Mountain Chocolate *Our cost includes stocking and associated expenses............ 64fees, oz., Select Varieties 250 Ct. 14.2 Lb. Seafood Medley or 16 Lb. Original Dry 15 ct. Red or Blue Kellogg's 6 oz. Morrell Welch'sAll Meat Turkey Meow Mix ¢ Jumbo Meat ¢ Bologna Or ¢ ¢ John ¢ Essential Everyday Please visit our Essential Everyday! 6 oz. Jar, Select Varieties 16 oz. 20 oz.Wieners.. Hotwebsite: Dogs.. 16.2 oz. Oatmeal Creme Pies, 18.5-24 oz., Select Varieties Shopper's Sausage... Franks..... .................... Value Franks...... ......... 16 oz. Gerber Food Depot Food Depot $ 17 10.6 oz. Honey Buns, 12 oz. NuttyHershey's Bars $ 42 $ 84 7.5 oz. Buttermilk¢ 20 oz. 15 Lb. 67.5 oz. 10 Pk. Original or Apple/Strawberry or 13 oz. Cosmic Brownies or SwissSyrup Rolls ......... 3rd Foods .. BBQ Bread .. 14 Lb. Jug, Select Varieties Wheat Bread 48 oz. Claxton Fresh 48 oz. Post Any Size Package 128 oz., Select VarietiesMinute Maid Gallon Gallon 8 Pk. or Select Homestyle Varieties 9-10 oz. Little Debbie 18 oz. Granola Chicken or 9 oz. Trail 16Mixoz.4.5-6 oz. Pkg., Cat FRIDAY Shopper's Value Boneless Essential Fresh Essential Everyday ¢ ArmourTidy Boneless All Meat Lunch John MorrellSkinless Mama Rosa ¢ ¢ ......... Gerber Pickups & Frito-Lay's ¢ ¢ Milk Bone Food Depot Hamburger $ 15 $ 70 . $ 70 ¢ Essential Everyday .............. Everyday Bologna... Sausage... Makers....... 6.7-17 oz., Select Varieties Breakfast Buddies Asst. Flavor Chips . Dog Biscuits . or Hot Dog Buns... 5 oz. Lite Pizzas..... ........... Corndogs.. 7.5-10 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties Salchicha picante o suave, 16 onzas
Tocino rebanado, 12 onzas
Salchicha ahumado, 16 onzas
Salchicha de bollo, 32 onzas
Salchicha rojos picantes, 16 onzas
Sugardale 16 oz.
5.75 Oz. Single
Milk Bone
Dog Biscuits .
5 oz. Gerber $ 81
2nd Everyday Foods ... Essential
Wish-Bone Essential Everyday
9-9.5 oz.
Archway Tray Pack
Asst. Cookies ...... 17 oz., Assorted Flavors
Sparkling Ice
Water ..................... Little Debbie
Bagged Mini Donuts 40 Ct., 9 Inch
Essential Everyday
Foam Plates .........
1 $
Quaker4 Lb. Small or Large Shopper's Value .
18 oz. Old Fashion
Essential Everyday 11.4 oz. Fish Fillet or Fish Stick
Peanut Butter 7.25 oz.
Essential Everyday
11 oz.
12 oz.Fresh
Large Powerade............ Assorted Flavors 32 oz. Bottles
2 1
Energy Drinks..
$ 99 14 oz. Macaroni & Cheese or
Essential Everyday
Tall Kitchen Bags..
8 Pk.
80¢ 484
Monster 4 Pk., 16 oz. Cans
11.5 oz. Classic or French Roast
Essential Everyday
Ground Coffee lb. 1 oz.
Golden Flake 9 oz. Smoked or Polish 5 lb. BagFrito Lay's
Asst. Chips..
Hunt's lb. Tomatoes Crackers ...... Essential 1 oz. Everyday 3 lb. BagGolden Flake
6.7 Lb. Instant Light Fresh
Essential Everyday
2 liter - Fanta Flavors, Mello-Yello, Mr. Pibb, Barq's Root Beer, Schweppes Or Minute Maid
14.5 Can,12Select Varieties oz. Meat 14.5Carolina oz. oz.Pride
20 Ct., 13 Gallon W/Handle
16.2 oz. Oatmeal Creme Pies, 10.6 oz. Honey Buns, 12 oz. Nutty Bars
Fresh Essential Everyday Hunt's Snack Pack
12.7-16.4 Any oz. Size Package Select Varieties
2 2
Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg.
16 oz. Reg. or 12 oz. Pieces
Pretzels ......Freshea. Claxton
Asst. Flavor Chips
Eggo 24 oz.50 Ct. Red or Blue Plastic 9 oz. Asst. 3 Flavors Chips, 9 oz. Cheese Curls, 11 oz. Cheese Puffs, 18 oz., 1 lb. Pkg. Bar-S 16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced lb.Potato Bag 2 Pack Mary B's Everyday French Toast 12 oz. Tortilla Chips or 10-15 oz. Pretzels Essential
Essential Everyday
All Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Can
All Brands 1.25 liter Bottles
10.75 oz. Mushroom, Chicken or Celery
15.7 Lb. Mesquite or 16.6 Lb. Regular
Essential Everydaylb.
64 oz.5.75 Oz. Single
Frito-Lay's 29Coca-Cola......... $ 29 Tostitos Salsa $. 695 ¢ Coca-Cola........... 99
or Hot Dog Buns...
100 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties Fresh
4 Pk. Chocolate, Vanilla, Butterscotch Tapioca Bar-S 16 oz.orPkg.
Pasta Sauce
Food Depot Hamburger $
$ Manwich Family Pack Lawn Leaf Bags Deluxe..... Pasta ea. Snacks
ea.Macaroni Shopper's Value
Kid Select Meals Snacks ......... 1 oz. Tropical, Berry Blend, Mixed8 oz. 3.5 oz., Select Varieties Creamy or Crunchy Berry, Peach or Strawberry Fresh Gerber Graduates Shopper's Value Gerber Graduates Dippers ...... Yogurt Melts .
15 oz.
12 Pk.
1215 oz.oz. Shells & Cheese Gorton's or 13 oz. Cosmic 36 Brownies SwissGal. Rolls Ct.,or39 Essential Hunt's lb. 15-20 Crunchy lb. Little Debbie lb. oz. Peaches, Pears, Fruit Cocktail or Pineapple in Juice or Syrup Essential Everyday Everyday
Peter Pan lb.
6.20-7.05 oz., Select Varieties
12 oz. Pkg. Hot or Mild
Food Depot 10 lb. Essential Bag ¢ Hormel Fresh Ground Boneless PorkEveryday AlpoEssential Everyday Gain Cream 2X Soup........... Cubed
Organic Apple or 1.75 oz. Gerber Graduates Grow TwistEssential Everyday 11.5 oz. Gerber Graduates 26 oz.Select Iodized Varieties or Plain oz. Can, Sugardale 16 oz. Ready Pac 10 oz. Bag 24 Classic or French RoastGerber Jennie-O 12 oz. Pkg. Hunt's Essential Everyday
16 oz., Asst. Flavors
Armour 2.4 oz. Pkg.
Betty Crocker
... ..........................
Essential Everyday
SUNDAY 2.5 oz. Bitty Bites Strawberry or Blueberry, 1.48 oz. Organic Lil' Crunch With Cheddar, Organic Green Vegetables or4 Lb.
Essential Everyday
3.7-6.6 oz., Select Varieties
Armour Essential Everyday
13-16.3 oz., Select Varieties
Essential Everyday
5 oz. Can, Select Varieties 48 oz. Corn or Blended
16 oz. Sweet Pickle Relish or
5 Lb. Plain or Self-Rising
Bar-S 16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced
13-13.2 oz., Select Varieties U.S.D.A. Select Beef Any Size Package
Quaker Shopper's Value
Essential Everyday
2 Pack
U.S.D.A. Select Beef
Select Varieties 11.8-15.1U.S.D.A. 15oz., lb. Select 10 Beef oz. Bag
Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg.
Armour Shopper's ReadyValue Pac 6 oz. Bag
9 oz. Smoked or Polish
Carolina Pride 12 oz. Meat
Jennie-O 12 oz. Pkg.
3 22 2
30 oz.
13.5 oz. Apple Cinnamon or Crunchy Honey Almond or 14.1 oz. Crunchy Cinnamon 24 oz., Asst. Almond
5 Lb. White or Regular Self-Rising
10 oz. Powdered Mini or 10.5 oz. Frosted or Glazed
$ 16
QuakerEssential Everyday
16 oz. Bottle Select Varieties 20 oz.
1 32
3.5-7 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties
20-24 oz., Select Varieties
Salchicha envuelto en pan de maiz de paquete de familia, 3 libras
Boneless Skinless
1 1
12 oz. Pkg. Hot or Mild14 oz. Fresh #1
8 oz. Pkg. 16 Pk. Assorted Flavors God Wants You Healed! 56 oz. 12 oz. Pkg. Mayfield Haagen Dazs Chunk or Shredded Open Sticks, Assorted Flavors Essential Everyday “And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in Pre-Priced $2.49 Essential Everyday Select Varieties Mayfield Classics Mini Ice Kettle Pancakes or their synagogues, and preaching the gospel Crystal Farms 12 oz. Vanilla, Duplex, Assorted or Lemon 96 oz. ............................... Ice Cream Sandwiches Cream Dumplings Muffin Tops 28 oz. Pk., .5 Literand healing all Crystal of24the kingdom, manner of Farms Essential Everyday 16oz. oz. Assorted Flavors 128 SuperandChill sickness all manner of disease among 16 oz. Essential Everyday .......... the people... and they brought....... unto him all Super Chill 7.5 oz. Buttermilk Dutch Farms 18 oz. Corn Flakes, 12.5 oz. Honey Nut Toasted 16 oz. Ready to Spread Fudge, Vanilla or Milk Chocolate U.S.D.A. Select Beef sick people that were taken with divers Select Varieties Gallon16 oz. Bottle or Homestyle 12.5 Animal oz. Honeycomb, All BrandsGallon 20 Pack, 12 oz. Can s 13 oz. or 16 oz. Ginger Snaps 128 oz.,5 Lb. Oats, 20 oz. Raisin Bran or 15 oz. Frosted Flakes ......... $ lb.95 White 11 oz. Cocoa or Fruity Pebbles, ea. Everyday Select Varieties ea. 8 oz. Spaghetti or Elbow Macaroni diseases and torments, and those which Essential Coca-Cola......... Essential Everyday Sunny Delight Country Delite Red Diamond or Self-Rising 14.75 oz. Golden Crisp or Essential Everyday Everyday U.S.D.A. Wish-Bone 16Select oz.Tagless Cheddar or Mozzarella Any Size Package Essential U.S.D.A. Select Beef Fresh Fresh Select Varieties 11.5 oz. Waffle Crisp 12 oz. 100 ct. were possessed with devils, and those .................. Aunt Jemima Hormel Essential Everyday Fresh Ground Post Salad .................. Beef Cubed All Brands 1.25 liter Bottles Boneless Pork which were lunatick, and those that had the ¢ 4.25 oz. Chopped or 2.25 oz. Sliced Shopper's Value 11 oz. Frosted, Asst. Flavors Corn Meal Cereal Spam Dressing Coca-Cola........... 15.1 oz. palsy; And He Healed Them. .. Essential Everyday Essential Everyday
Spring Water
Shopper's Value
Ready Pac 6 oz. Bag Essential Everyday
$ 69
Matthew 4:23-24
Toaster Pastries God Is Good All the Time! ..
22 oz.
America Must Stand with Israel!
Shopper's Value
14 12 oz. Shells & Cheese
16 oz., 20 Ct.
The W. Reece Payton Co., Inc. oz. Macaroni & Cheese or 770-301-7012
Essential Everyday
4 Pk.
Gorton's Shopper's Value Single Roll
entire check totaling $ 25 or more 24 oz.
11.4 oz. Fish Fillet or Fish Stick
Fresh Frozen
$ 10
20 Bullsboro Dr. Cheese Newnan Biscuits 770-252-6821
$ 27
Mary B's
Open Kettle Dumplings
45 oz. Spread Bowl
F R E I G H T,
98 2 21 12.7-16.4 oz. Select Varieties
24 oz.
French Toast Mary B's
12.7-16.4 oz. Select Varieties
11.5 oz. ................................ 14.5 oz. Can, Select Varieties Classic or1/2 French Roast Gallon Whole Hunt's Country Delite Essential $ 14
Essential Hunt's Snack Pack ................................. ..................................... Everyday
15 oz. Tub, Select.......... Varieties
Land O Lakes
Mixed Nuts.......... 8.5 oz.
Essential Half Gallon Everyday
Tomatoes ........
12 oz. Pkg. Hot or Mild Everyday
¢ 64 6
Whole Cashews.. Country Delite Dutch Farms 16 oz. Dry or 12 oz. Honey Buttermilk .................... $ 79 French Onion Dip$. Essential Everyday Coca-Cola......... Roasted Peanuts All Brands 20 Pack, 12 oz. Can
Coca-Cola........... 128 oz., Select Varieties
Essential Everyday
998 oz.
All Brands 1.25 liter Bottles
7.5 oz. Buttermilk or Homestyle
Sunny Delight
Country Delite
Orange Juice
16 oz. 2 liter - Fanta Flavors, Mello-Yello, Mr. Pibb, Dutch Farms Barq's Root Beer, Schweppes Or Minute Maid Gallon
$ 11
French Onion Drinks................ Brewed Tea Dip ¢ Red Diamond
1 2 3 2 1 88 2 2$1NEWNAN 2 22 2 2 $ 83 $ 48 $ 64 $ 43 $ 98 $ 38 3/$
$ 18 $ 49
$ 29 $ 16 $80 12 $ 26 $ 99 Assorted Flavors 32 oz. Bottles
14 oz. 12 Inch, 15-18.1 oz. 14 oz. French Toast $ 84 16 Pk. Assorted Flavors Assorted Flavors 16 Pk. AssortedDrinks.. Flavors ea. Energy 4 56 oz. 56 oz. Mayfield Haagen Dazs Jack's Sticks, Mayfield Haagen Dazs Open Sticks, Assorted Flavors Assorted Flavors Mayfield Classics Mini Ice Original Pancakes or 38 $ 88 $ 49 $ 26 $ 99 $ 69 Mayfield Classics Mini Ice Kettle Fillet or Fish Stick Pancakes or Creme Pies, 16.2 oz. Oatmeal 14Pac oz. Macaroni & Cheese or 11.4 oz. Fish Ready #1 Russet 11.5 oz. Cream Slicing Cream Sandwiches Cream Pizzas Muffin Tops 10.6 oz.Tops Honey Buns, 12 oz. Nutty Bars • GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE •Ice 12 oz. Shells & Cheese Ice Cream Sandwiches Dumplings Muffin Gorton's or 13 oz. Cosmic Brownies or Swiss Rolls Italiano Salad Potatoes Classic or French Roast Tomatoes
$ 38
2 $$32210 3
Prices Effective 14.75 oz. Golden Stouffer's Crisp or 11.5 oz. Waffle Crisp
10 oz. Bag
4 1 5 2 $ 86 84 4$113 $349 $1 1 $29 3 88 $ 75 $ 11 $ 45 6 2
25-40 oz., Select Varieties WE HAVE CREDIT CARD MACHINES Crunchy Stouffer's Family Size $ AVAILABLE IN ALL LOCATIONS. Fish $ 88
Blue 34 Bunny 3150 GA Hwy. Dinners ................... Newnan Novelties................ 12.5 oz. Honeycomb, 40 oz. 770-502-0122 11 oz. Cocoa or Fruity Pebbles, 6-10 Ct. 22.5-34 oz., Select Varieties
$ 29
Monster 4 Pk., 16 oz. Cans
Food Depot 10 lb. Bag
. Main St
12 Pk. No Ice Pops
5 Lb. Field Peas W/Snaps
20.5-21.6 oz. Assorted
Deluxe Pasta Traditional Pizzaea.Ground Novelties................ Vegetables ............. ea. MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 8:005 Lb.a.m. - 10:00 p.m. • SUNDAY12.01-33.5 9:00oz.a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Snacks 16 oz. Bottle 6 Ct. Asst. Flavor
February 10
5 Lb. White Haagen Dazs through February or Self-Rising Select Varieties
ing C e Shopp
3 $289 1 2 1$3 49 48 3 $ 2 79 1 Gr ei
Essential Little Debbie 67 Mayfield Freh FrozenEveryday Essential Everyday Everyday 124 Bullsboro Drive • Newnan, Georgia 30263 Family Pack
East Gat
Tr a
Located on 124 Bullsboro Drive in the East Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster
16, 2014. rights Fresh Culinary Circle for typographical $reserved. 58 Not Ready Pac Quantity 10 oz. Bag Frozen $ 18 5 lb.orBagpictorial errors.$ Fresh responsible Wish-Bone Select Varieties
Macaroni & Cheese Ice Cream Bars . Classic Romaine............ Mixed Vegetables .. Aunt Jemima Saladea. Novelties................ Post 6 oz. 3 Cheese & Ham, Philly Style Sub, Steak Mushroom or Chicken Quesadilla Flatbread, ¢ Fresh Smoked Turkey Club or Southwest Syle Chicken Panini or 5 Lb. Baby Lima Beans Essential Everyday 20 oz. Breaded Corn Meal Cereal Chicken Alfredo Flatbread Dressing 20 Ct. Frozen lb. Tomatillo Peppers...... Fresh Frozen Fries Mary B's Fresh Frozen Stouffer's Vegetables ............. Onion Rings ........
32 oz. Regular or Crinkle Cut
Fruit Ade.........................
.87Pasta oz.Bar-S Assorted Gravy Mix Packets or 1.25 oz. Meatloaf Sauce Pudding 16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced Armour 8 oz. W/Canola Half Gallon2.4 oz. Pkg. Seasoning, 1.25 Chili Seasoning, 1.5 oz. Spaghetti Seasoning 10 oz. Essential Everyday or 1.5 oz. Beef Seasoning Land O Stew Lakes Country Delite
Essential Everyday
©2014 WMMB, Inc.
Carolina Pride 12 oz. Meat Smart Balance
Essential Everyday ............
Essential Everyday ..........
Salad Mix
16 oz. Cadbury Caramel or Vanilla Bar or 16.8 oz. 8 Ct. Cadbury English Toffee
*Cannot be combined w/other discounts. Blue Bunny *NOT valid Friday or Saturday.
13-15 oz., Select Varieties
ADDED AT Our Cost +10%! REGISTER! Margarine ...................... 1 Buttery Spread......... 1 Ready Pac 6 oz. Bag
Essential Everyday FD 021014_REG_2 ¢
Worcestershire Sauce
Everyday 32Essential oz. Hamburger
Shopper's Value
Tampico $ 15¢75 oz. Powerade............ Fruit Drink ................... Hunt's Gallon, Assorted Flavors Monster 4 Pk., 16 oz. Cans $ 84 City 9 Music oz. Smoked or Polish Manwich Energy Drinks.. $ 28 Assorted Flavors 32 oz. Bottles
16.2 oz. Oatmeal Creme Pies, 7 oz. W/Olive Oil or 6.5 oz. Cinnamon Spread 89 Ctn., Select 14 oz. Sugar Macaroni & oz. Cheese orVarieties 12 oz. American 10.6 oz. Honey Buns, 12 oz. NuttyEssential Bars Everyday 24Essential oz. KosherEveryday Dill Land O Lakes Simply Orange 12 oz. Shells & Cheese oz. Can, Select Varieties 4 Pk. Chocolate, Vanilla, Butterscotch or Tapioca or 13 oz. Cosmic Brownies or Swiss24Rolls 2 Pack 16 oz.
5.75 Oz. Single
Gallon, Citrus, Tropical Punch or Mango
Super Chill
14.7-15 oz. Mini Beef Ravioli, Spaghetti Rings with ................................ Meatballs, Macaroni N Beef, Spaghetti with Meatballs or
Essential Everyday .......... Little Debbie
Instant Grits ....... 8 oz. 770-254-0295 Essential 90 MillardEveryday Farmer Ind. Blvd. Squeeze Mustard Newnan, GA 10 oz.
12 Ct.
Essential Everyday
11.4 oz. Fish Fillet or Fish Stick
Peter Pan Essential Everyday 6 oz. Ctn.,Butter Select Varieties Peanut Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg. Dannon
2 liter - Fanta Flavors, Mello-Yello, Mr. Pibb, Barq's Root Beer, Schweppes Or Minute Maid
16 oz. Quarters LandCans O Lakes 12 Pk. Assorted Flavors
13-16.3 oz.,
Jennie-O 12 oz. Pkg. 16Essential oz. Everyday
Shopper's Value
Essential Everyday (certain restrictions apply)
Crunchy Fish
8 oz. Natural Sliced
16 oz. 25Sugardale Ft. Standard
weekly 12 oz. Original, Cheese or Butter
Essential Everyday
Select 15.5 oz. Varieties
Ripe Olives...........
.. Shopper's Value oz. Honey or Cinnamon ................ lb. 14.4 lb. lb. Essential .. 6 Pk., 18.6Everyday oz. Strawberry or Raspberry 8 oz. Natural Sliced Essential Everyday..............
$ 19
Essential Everyday
16Essential oz. Bag Everyday
$ 49
Pine Cleaner
8 oz. Chunk
8 oz.
Essential Everyday
Starting at
Shopper's Value
RomaAsst. Tomatoes............ Flavor Pizza .
Ct. Green8Essential Cabbage........... Everyday
Corn on the Cob
12 lb.oz.
HormelPink Grapefruit............ ¢ 3 lb. Bag Spam Tangerines.................... lb.
98 ea. $ 28 ea.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014 | MyConnection 3
Recipe/Community Connection
Lips and Love Basket
1 to 2 long, oval-shaped seedless watermelons Cutting board Green dry erase marker Kitchen and paring knives Melon baller Assorted cookie cutters (X, O and heart shapes) Wooden skewers Toothpicks Strawberries Fruits to make fruit salad filling Large bowl and spoon Wash watermelon under cool running water and pat dry. On cutting board, place watermelon on its side and cut off 1/4 to 1/2 inch from stem end being careful not to cut too deep into white part of rind to provide sturdy base. With marker, draw scalloped line around width of middle of watermelon. Use paring knife to cut along marker line, then separate the two halves. Use melon baller to scoop out watermelon for your base. Cut top half of watermelon in half and use dry erase marker to draw large set of lips on one half. Use paring knife to cut out lips. Once you have general shape, carefully carve away rind. Use paring knife to shape lips into more finished look. Cut remaining 1/4-inch-thick slices and cut hearts, X’s, O’s or other shapes, discarding rind. Attach lips to top of base using wooden skewers and toothpicks. Slice strawberries lengthwise into 1/4-inch slices, keeping straw berry tops on for decoration, if desired. Attach slice of strawberry with green top to center of each scallop using toothpick. Use rest of strawberry slices in fruit salad for fruit bowl. Place fruit bowl on serving platter, fill with fruit salad and garnish with slices of fruit cut into hearts, X’s and O’s, if desired.
Watermelon Cupcakes
Yield: 8 servings 8 cupcake liners 8 cupcake shaped pieces of seedless watermelon 2 cups pineapple cream cheese frosting Sprinkles for garnish Place liners in 8-cup cupcake tin. Cut 3-inch-thick slices of seedless watermelon. Cut round cupcake-sized pieces from slices. Put watermelon cupcake in each liner. Place dollop of frosting on each cupcake. Decorate as desired with sprinkles.
Continued from page 1
mother and older brother. It meant the world to Monica. “It was very inspiring to run with them,” she said. “I’m very blessed that I can and am able to do it. I’m very thankful that they wanted to do it with me. “When my son told me to do the Angel’s Run, I had some doubts. But he was like, ‘Mom, you got this. You can do it.’ They cheer me on. My daughter was complaining that she should have done the one-mile walk. I laughed and said, ‘If I can do it, you can do it.’” T hose at t he race took notice. Bambi Edge of Angel’s House, the children’s shelter for which the race benefits, was thrilled to see Lovett return to the race she’s participated in for so many years. “To see Monica out on a cold Saturday morning in February, running with her two children to support the children of Angel’s House while fighting her own life battles, was especially touching,” said Edge. “Mon ica’s fa it h , st reng t h , courage and positive attitude are an inspiration to all who know her. She is one amazing woman.” In March, Lovett goes in for a scan. She says she’s praying it shows great improvement, but — possibly reiterating what her doctors remind her — stable is good, too. But she adds, “Stable is good, but I want gone.” “At the age of 33, anybody would be shocked that you’d be diagnosed with breast cancer,” said Lovett. “But I’ve been blessed with great doctors.” A year ago, Lovett said she switched to Cancer Treatment Centers of America at Southeastern. “I t hin k New na n a nd Coweta are very blessed to have that right here,” she said. Lovett feels part of beating her battle with cancer is just living her life, like participating in the Run for Angels or teaching, which she finds especially rewarding. “I love [teaching], it’s kind of like my way of giving back, especially teaching special education,” Lovett said, who’s
Elizabeth Crain crosses the finish line, finishing first in her age group.
been teach i ng i n Cowet a County for 16 years. “Hopefully, I’m inspiring my students, too, who have their own struggles.” When the snowstorm hit last week, Lovett was able to stay home with her kids and watch them play in the snow. Many parents enjoyed that luxury last week, but Lovett’s battle means soaking up every one of those precious moments. “As a teacher, you hate to miss those days. But I got to see my children play in the snow for six hours straight one day, and that brings me so much joy.” Lovett jokingly added , “ How we’re goi ng to make [the snow days] up might be stressful, but we will figure that out. Life goes on, we’ll catch up one day. It was worth it.” I t ’s t o u c h i n g t o s e e a mother run a race with her two kids, but the Lovetts are doi ng more t ha n just getting in some good bonding time. They’re rallying for a wife and mother who’s fighting cancer and needs their encouragement to keep pushing for ward. According to Lovett, what they provide means everything. “My family is my biggest cheerleader,” said Lovett. “I have two small children and my husband who have been ver y suppor t ive. My goa l this time is to be normal, not letting cancer win. I’m still work i ng, I’m sti ll bei ng a mom. I’m in control. I’m not letting cancer run my life.”
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4 MyConnection | Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Community Connection
Sherwood took a risk and is rewarded with success for Town and Country By Bradley Hartsell “I used to tell my husband, ‘Man, I’d love to have a place like this.’ Ronda Sherwood said, referring to Town and Country Restaurant on Franklin Road in Newnan, “All I could was fantasize about it,” she recalled. Sherwood worked as a manager at Waff le House, where she had been for 15 years. This experience gave her the food experience, but the money it
would take to open a restaurant was not available. After an undesirable change i n ow nersh ip i n 20 09, t he country cooking diner became available for sale. Previous owners fortuitously bumped into Sherwood at another local establishment and offered her Town and Country. She didn’t blink at the chance for a turnkey situation. “If I didn’t do it, I k new I’d regret it for the rest of m y l i fe ,” s a i d S h e r wo o d . As she paired her experience
with her passion, most of her friends and family didn’t question Sherwood’s plan to open a business, even though she was leaving a secure job. Sherwood says the first two years were extremely diff icult. In an already depressed economic state, she saw restaurants, even those corporateowned, close their doors. Sherwood scrapped by to keep the doors of her new venture open for business. Sherwood did stay afloat and town and Country is thriving
Em-urge-ency I don’t need a mirror to remind me how old I am. The commercials on my favorite TV channels do the job nicely. TV ads aimed at young people promote brighter smiles, flawless complexions and beverages that make you think you’re hip even if you’re not. Ads for my demographic group often mention “sudden urges.” And not the romantic kind, which I call “love
nudges.” The “sudden urges” mentioned here involve a desperate need to race to the nearest restroom, no matter how plush or primitive. Ti me h appen s . Urges change. I still smile when I recall the urge to pretend I was Superman and jump off the roof. One story house. One easy leap. I remember the urge to be an astronaut, an archaeologist, a
ALEX mcrae
zookeeper. All passed. I recall the overwhelming desire to mash lips with f ifth grade temptress Pam Patke. No luck. Her loss. At one time or another I longed to climb a mountain, canoe down the Mississippi River and be a great musician. Now, my most frequent urge is for a nap. So I was doubly shocked when a brand new longing popped up the other day. My wife had a meeting in Birmingham. She let me drive
now and Sherwood has established a strong community presence. The challenge now is to find ways to push the eatery further. “I learned from the corporate industry, you have keep adding and changing items to keep customers engaged,” said Sherwood. Unsurprisingly, Town and Country thrives off its regulars. Sherwood calls Town and Country “homey,” and notes how she tries to match her staff with the customers.
“My employees develop relationships with customers and interact on a personal level.” After the struggling first two years, Sherwood could have packed it in and been happy she took a chance at something. Now, with the restaurant on the right track, she’s thankful for the people who have helped her make Town and Country a special place. For Sherwood, it wasn’t about money. It was about fulfilling a dream, one that she can now say is “a dream come true.”
her over. The sky was blue, the road was smooth, Angela seemed happy and then … it hit. The urge. I stif led it as long as I could, then blurted out, “I wish I had a chicken.” To her credit, Angela didn’t f linch, though her eyelids drifted shut, as if she were in pain. But she didn’t hit me, so I said it again. “I wish I had a chicken.” “Why?” I said, “Your family had chickens when you were a little girl. You told me about going in the henhouse to get the eggs. It sounded great.” “I didn’t like it,” she said. “They pecked.” “Maybe you’d like chickens better now,” I said. “I’d love to have all those fresh eggs I picked up back then.” “That’s it?” I asked.
Silence. As we rolled along I thought how nice it would be to have a chicken cuddled in my lap, cooing and clucking and careful not to peck me or “do its business” on my jeans. After awhile my thoughts turned to a sorely missed friend who loved chickens. This fellow was always up to something new. If he was in the yard when I drove by I’d stop and admire the latest project. One day I watched him do wheelies on a new zero-radius mower. Another time, he and some friends were butchering a hog the size of a bathtub in his driveway. Once, he was putting the finishing touches on a new chicken coop. We talked about the hen house and his birds. He said he had always liked chickens. And not just for food. “They’re
Solution to puzzle on page 2
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Ronda Sherwood took over
Town and Country Restaurant in 2009.
just real relaxing,” he told me. “I like to sit and listen to ‘em and watch ‘em scratch around and cluck. It’s a real peaceful.” I bet it is. I wanted to see for myself. I still didn’t know why. I think I mentioned chickens a few more times on the trip. Angela didn’t respond and I finally shut up. The idea still hasn’t left me. Live chickens don’t seem to be an option for now, but maybe I can find a CD of soothing chicken sounds to play when I’m alone. On the other hand, if I buy a chicken sounds CD, more time alone is almost guaranteed. For all the wrong reasons. Maybe this chicken idea isn’t quite ready to hatch after all. I’ll think it over some more. In silence. (send your email comments to
Wednesday, February 12, 2014 | MyConnection 5
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6 MyConnection | Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Community Connection
education briefs Three locals graduate from GSSU The following area residents were among 400 students who graduated from Georgia Southwestern State University during the fall 2013 commencement ceremony held on Dec. 14 in Convocation Hall of the Student Success Center. Nicole P Irwin of Newnan graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Kathryn P Stover of Palmetto graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration in marketing. Aslam F Gangji of Fayetteville graduated with a Bachelor of Science in computer science.
Willis earns academic honors CU Zerric Keli Arv Willis of Fairburn, a freshman at Campbellsville University in Kentucky, has been named to the Dean’s Academic Honors List. The list recognizes students who achieve a grade point average of 3.50 or above for the semester with a course load of at least 12 hours.
Stover named to President’s List at GSSU Kathryn P Stover, a resident of Palmetto, made the Fall 2013 President’s List at Georgia Southwestern State University. To be eligible for the President’s List, a student must earn a semester GPA of 4.0 and take a minimum of 12 credit hours.
Burston named to President’s List at Chowan Sierra Burston of Grantville was named to the President’s List for fall 2013 at Chowan University in Murfreesboro, NC. Winners are full-time students who have accomplished a grade point average of 3.8 or better for the semester. Burston is a freshman majoring in exercise science.
Area students named to Dean’s List at GSSU The following local residents m ade t he Fa l l 201 3 Dean’s List at Georgia Southwester n State Un iversit y : David C Crabtree of Newnan, Meggan R Scott of Sharpsburg, Mallory A Underwood of Senoia, Hannah E Ruiz of Palmetto, Briana S Courtois of Fayetteville, and Eboni C Williams of Fayetteville. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, a student must earn a semester GPA of 3.5 or better and take a minimum of 12 credit hours.
Dean’s List Joe Sterrey of Newnan was named to the fall semester Dean’s List at Bryant University in Smithfield, RI. Sterrey is a freshman majoring in Marketing.
Area students named to Dean’s List at Samford S a m fo r d Un i ve r s i t y i n Birmingham named the following area students to the Dean’s List for the fall semester: Joshua D Baker of Brooks, Natalie C Cerasoli of Sharpsburg, K ierstin N Cusumano of Fairburn, Chris R Longoria of Newnan, Alysa R Rambo of Fairburn, and Rachel G Shirey of Fayetteville. To qualify for the Dean’s List, a student must have earned a minimum 3.5 grade point average out of a possible 4.0 while attempting at least 12 credit hours of coursework.
Lincoln Memorial awards degrees to students L i ncol n Memor i a l Un iversity in Harrogate, Tenn., awarded education specialist degrees to the following local students: Raymond Henderson of Newnan, Lea Henderson of Newnan, Kimberly Judge of Fayetteville, Karla Wilson of Turin, Tammye Hicks of Senoia, Amanda Sherer of Grantville, Grant Williams of Newnan, Vera Harris of Newnan, Liberty Bennett of Newnan, Marcela Sample of Fayetteville, Adam Daigler of Newnan, Sheleen Ferry of Senoia, Suzanne Brooks of Newnan, Ruby Burton of Newnan, and Bradley Willem of Newnan.
VMI names Dickinson to Dean’s List Ha n na h P. Dick inson of Peachtree City was named to the Dean’s List at Virginia Military Institute for the fall semester. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, a cadet must have a term grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and no grade below C. Dickinson, a junior, is majoring in biology. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Dickinson.
Shorter names locals to Dean’s List Shorter University in Rome has named the following local students to the Dean’s List during the fall semester of 2013. To achieve this honor, students must have been enrolled full time and have earned at least a 3.5 grade point average for the term. From Newnan: Edith Guadalupe Avila, Caleb McKinley Britt, Nicole Ashley Elder, Emily Paige Fusan,
Erin Serena Gould, Kevin Scott Jones, Corrine Latanya Kirk, Kaitlyn Marie Talley, Desireé Antoinette WatsonIsom, and Terri Pope Wright. From Sha rpsburg: La ndon Keith Allensworth, Cassie Ly n n Brow n , a nd G eorge Thomas Philpot. From Senoia: Christina Marie Ezell.
Rathert named to Dean’s Honor Roll at FHSU Krista Michelle Rathert of Newnan has been named to the Dean’s Honor Roll at Fort Hays State University in Kansas. To be eligible, students must have enrolled in 12 or more credit hours and have a minimum grade point average of 3.60 for the semester.
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Newnan-Coweta Magazine 16 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-253-1576
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children’s schools.
Barnett attends Space Camp Jack Ba rnett of Newna n recently attended Space Camp at the US Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Ala. The weeklong educational program promotes science, technology, engineering and math, while training students and adults with hands-on activities and missions based on tea mwork , leadership a nd decision-making.
Locals earn degrees from ABAC The following local students have earned degrees from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in Tifton. John Reynolds III of Grantsville earned a bachelor’s in diversif ied agriculture. Allison Morris of Newnan earned an associate’s in family and consumer sciences. Allison Gordy of Sharpsburg earned an associate’s in wildlife technology. Heather Haynie of Fairburn earned an associate’s in nursing.
VSU names locals to Dean’s List Valdosta State University has announced the names of area students from fall 2013 who have earned the academic status of Dean’s List. Students who achieve a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher on nine or more semester hours with an institutional (VSU) GPA of 3.00 or higher are recognized by being placed on the Dean’s List.
As a newspaper, The Newnan Times-Herald strongly believes in literacy and ensuring your children - our future community leaders - are well-educated about events in Coweta County. To that end, we are conducting a subscription drive contest with a portion of the proceeds of each new subscription sold going back to that student’s school. The proceeds are up to the discretion of each school and we only ask that they be earmarked for literacy, media and/ or technology programs.
with $25 going to each school where the subscription was sold.
with $12.50 going to each school where the subscription was sold.
In addition, we will offer a monetary bonus to the school in each division - elementary,
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Stay Connected with your community 1 wednesday
FamilySTRONG conference promotes healthy parenting
County teams take on region opponents
Convenience store busted for gambling
See page 8
See page 3
Patients face coverage deadline to advertise please call 770-253-1576 or email
MasterCard Amex
See page 6
Advertise Your Business Today! All ads are also online at:
Valdosta State University has announced the names of students from fall 2013 who have met all qualifications for graduation. Betty Eason of Newnan, master of education, curriculum and iInstruction accomplished teaching; Elizabeth Kaminski of Newnan, bachelor of arts, history; Chanbory Pey of Newnan, master of education, adult and career education; Rachel Robertson of Grantville, bachelor of science, chemistry; Jessica Van-
Alyssa Kee of Newnan has been named to the Dean’s List for grades achieved during the fall 2013 semester at Harding University in Searcy, Ark. To be eligible, a student must carry 12 or more hours with a 3.65 or higher grade-point average and no incompletes.
Your connection to local businesses PUBLISHING LAWN EQUIPMENT ART GALLERY
Corner Arts Gallery
diver of Sharpsburg, bachelor of business administration, marketing; Reginald Daniel of Fayetteville, bachelor of science, computer information systems; Brandy Hudson of Fayetteville, master of education, curriculum and instruction accomplished teaching; Candis Smith of Fayetteville, bachelor of science in education, early childhood education; Hilary Young of Fayetteville, bachelor of science in education, special education; Cambrielle Sanders of Fairburn, bachelor of science, biology.
Kee named to Dean’s List at Harding
find it f irst Sterrey named to
Locals earn degrees from VSU
From Newnan: Leanne Bishop, L e c re sh a Ch a ney, Sh a nel Clark, Donovan Colton, Megan Coomes, Tamelia Hall, Sarah Hamman, Elizabeth Kaminski, K rista Leschke, Sarah Moseley, Lindsay Schultze, and Marshall Williams. From Sharpsburg: Jonathan Johnson, Hunter Lewis, and Jessica Vandiver. From Senoia, Jessica Sewell. From Fairburn: Karima A pple wh ite , M a rc-E dw i n Saint-Louis, and Brejae Wylie. From Fayetteville: Reginald Daniel, Taylor Haas, Taimia Johnson, Zakkiyya Johnson, and Lethia Washington.
Piedmont Healthcare working to resolve contract dispute with Aetna/Coventry By Clay Neely
a contract dispute between P ie d mont He a lt hc a re a nd aetna /Coventr y i nsura nce might leave Coweta County area policyholders searching for an alternative to their current physicians and hospitals
Bill would legalize sale of raw milk for human consumption
by Feb. 1 if a resolution is not reached. last week, local customers of aetna/Coventry received a letter in the mail from Gregory Hurst, CeO of Piedmont Healthcare, explaining that the two companies have been in negotiations over a contract dispute that is currently set to
expire on Jan. 31. accord i ng to Hu rst , t he agreement would include not only Piedmont Fayette Hospital and Piedmont Newnan Hospital, but also more than 1,000 physicians who make up the Piedmont Physicians Group, Piedmont Heart Institute Physicians and Piedmont Clinic.
“We are optimistic about completing negotiations and reaching agreement within the next few weeks,” said Hurst in a press release. “However, if the contract expires, aetna/ Coventry will be forcing HMO members to f ind new doctors, and both HMO and PPO patients with aetna/Coventry
may incur higher out-of-pocket costs for care they receive at Piedmont hospitals and with Piedmont physicians as out-ofnetwork providers, beginning February 1.” “While there is no cause for great alarm at the time, it is important that you have the facts,” continued Hurst. “We
1 wednesday
diSpUTE, page 2
Dog fighting sting nets 34 arrestsPatients in face coverage deadline Piedmont Healthcare working to resolve contract dispute with Aetna/Coventry Meriwether
FamilySTRONG conference promotes healthy parenting
County teams take on region opponents
See page 6
By SaraH Fay CaMPBell
raw milk — milk that is unpasteurized and non-homogenized — is prized for the antibodies, probiotics and enzymes it contains, and for its delicious taste. raw cow and goat milk have become popular as health foods for those seeking a natural diet, and small farmers across Georgia produce and sell raw milk to eager customers. But the state of Georgia doesn’t allow the sale of raw milk for human consumption. To get around that, raw milk producers must label their milk fo r “ p e t u s e only.” a n e w bi l l introduced i n t he G e orgia legislature aims to change that. State rep. Stover David Stover, r-Palmetto, is one of many co-sponsors of House Bill 718, which would allow the sale of “ungraded raw milk” as long as the milk is prominently labeled as such. “It’s ludicrous to think we can’t buy that product for human consumption,” Stover said. He said he is not a milk drinker, but he is "a person who believes in organic foods and natural foods. That is just where I stand. I feel it is healthier for you.” If you research the pasteurization process, “it won’t make you feel good about what you are drinking,” Stover said. “This is something people have been asking me for.” rep. Scot Turner is the bill’s main sponsor. Georgia is currently one of 17 states that forbid the sale of raw milk for human consumption. It is one of only four that allow the sale for pet food. Only 12 states allow the retail sale of raw milk, with some restrictions. Some other states allow on-farm sales. Though natural food proponents rave about raw milk, government officials decry it as dangerous. according to the federal Centers for Disease Control, from 1998 to 2011, there were 148 separate outbreaks related to consumption of raw milk or raw milk products reported to the CDC. These resulted in 2,384 illnesses, 284 hospitalizations and two deaths. Between 1993 and 2006, there were a total of 121 dairy-related disease outbreaks reported to the CDC. Of those, 60 percent (73 outbreaks) were related to
are working diligently to renegotiate this contract on behalf of our five hospitals and physicians without creating undue a n x iet y or wor r y for ou r patients.” according to aetna/Coventry public relations spokesman
By Clay Neely by Feb. 1 if a resolution is not reached. last week, local customers a contract dispute between of aetna/Coventry received a P ie d mont He a lt hc a re a nd letter in the mail from Gregaetna /Coventr y i nsura nce ory Hurst, CeO of Piedmont might leave Coweta County Healthcare, explaining that area policyholders searching the two companies have been in negotiations over a contract dispute that is currently set to
Coweta officials involved in operation By WeS Mayer
Photo by JeffRey leo
The tractor trailer, filled with hay, was cut in half by the train, and there were no injuries.
Train splits hay truck in half at Moreland rail crossing By WeS Mayer
a train cut through a tractor-trailer rig stuck at an intersection in Moreland in south Coweta County on Tuesday, sending hay flying and sparking a dangerous materials threat. The truck, carrying a load of hay, was stuck on the tracks facing the highway at the intersection of Dingler road and U.S. Highway 29 in Moreland when a train rolled t h rough t he i ntersection and split the trailer in half. according to initial information from photographer Jeffrey leo of The Newnan Times-Herald after speaking with officials at the scene, the driver of the truck had exited the cab prior to the accident, and there were no injuries. The train, however, was
What is described as a large dog fighting operation in Meriwether County was put to an end by multiple law enforcement agencies late Sat u rday — with help from Coweta authorities. around 10:30 p.m., authorities w it h t he Meriwet her C o u n t y S h e r i f f ’s O f f i c e , C owe t a C o u n t y S h e r i f f ’s Office, Georgia Department of Natural resources, Woodbury Police Department, Greenville Police Department, Spalding County Sheriff ’s Office and animal control converged on a suspected organized dog fighting event on Happy Hollow Drive off Highway 362, according to a press release from the Meriwether County Sheriff’s Office. The Coweta Sheriff’s Office and DNr provided helicopter air support for the raid. “O u r n a rcot ics u n it h a s worked tirelessly on gathering intelligence on the event, and at a moment’s notice, they ‘rallied up’ and met at the training center where a briefing was conducted,” according to Meriwether County Sheriff Chuck Smith in the press release. Sm it h sa id off icers f i rst formed a perimeter around the event, then helicopters shined spotlights on the participants and spectators — who f led and ran into the arms of waiting authorities. Suspects who attempted to hide in bushes were located using the Coweta County helicopter’s FlIr — forward looking infrared —
for an alternative their curcameras, said lt. Col. to Jimmy rent physicians and hospitals yarbrough with the sheriff’s office. a total of 34 people were taken into custody. authorities found a large fighting pit with an injured and bleeding female pit bull terrier inside, the Meriwether sheriff said. animal Control Officer Beth Miller was able to take the injured dog and another into protective custody. authoritiesByalso more SaraHseized Fay CaMPBell than $28, in cash, 26 vehicles of thoseraw arrested, iveis milk — milk fthat unpasteurized and non-homogguns, two generators, lightenized — is prized for the antibodies, probiotics and enzymes ing equipment, the fighting pit it contains, and for its delicious and a catering truck, the shertaste. raw cow and goat milk have iff said. a large catering truck become popular as health foods for those Wings seeking a natural diet, ca lled express was and small farmers across Georserving friedgiachicken fish produce andand sell raw milk to eager customers. to those gathered atstate theofevent, But the Georgia doesn’t allow the sale of raw Smith said. milk for human consumption. To get raw milk “according toaround FBIthat, intelliproducers must gence, one of the offenders is label their milk fo r “ p e t u s e wanted by U.S. Marshals on only.” a ne w bi l l a federal indictment accusing introduced him of dog fighting,”i naccordt he G e orgia legislature i ng to Sm it h . “Oneaims ofto change t he that. seized guns was reported stoState rep. Stover David Stover, len to the Manchester Police r-Palmetto, is Department.”one of many co-sponsors of House Bill 718, which would “I am saddened by what I allow the sale of “ungraded raw milk” scene,” as long as thethe milk saw at this crime is prominently labeled as such. sheriff said. “It’s ludicrous to think we can’t buy that product for “However,human I amconsumption,” very proud Stover said. He said he is not a milk of all these drinker, law enforcement but he is "a person who believes in organic We foods officers that were involved. and natural foods. That is just know in the dog world, wherefighting I stand. I feel it is healthfor you.” these events ier carry the highest If you research the pasteuriprocess, “it won’t make potential of zation being extremely you feel good about what you dangerous. are alldrinking,” officers Stoverdissaid. “This is something people have played the highest level been asking me for.”of prorep. Scot Turner is the bill’s fessionalismmain while showing sponsor. is currently one ‘armed’ force Georgia to minimize theof
Bill would legalize sale of raw milk for human consumption
Convenience store busted for gambling
See page 8
expire on Jan. 31. accord i ng to Hu rst , t he agreement would include not only Piedmont Fayette Hospital and Piedmont Newnan Hospital, but also more than 1,000 physicians who make up the Piedmont Physicians Group, Piedmont Heart Institute Physicians and Piedmont Clinic.
“We are optimistic about completing negotiations and reaching agreement within the next few weeks,” said Hurst in a press release. “However, if the contract expires, aetna/ Coventry will be forcing HMO members to f ind new doctors, and both HMO and PPO patients with aetna/Coventry
See page 3
may incur higher out-of-pocket are working diligently to renecosts for care they receive at gotiate this contract on behalf Piedmont hospitals and with of our five hospitals and physiPiedmont physicians as out-of- cians without creating undue network providers, beginning a n x iet y or wor r y for ou r patients.” February 1.” according to aetna/Coven“While there is no cause for great alarm at the time, it try public relations spokesman is important that you have the diSpUTE, page 2 facts,” continued Hurst. “We
Dog fighting sting nets 34 arrests in Meriwether
Coweta officials involved in operation By WeS Mayer
Photo by JeffRey leo
The tractor trailer, filled with hay, was cut in half by the train, and there were no injuries.
Train splits hay truck in half at Moreland rail crossing
What is described as a large dog fighting operation in Meriwether County was put to an end by multiple law enforcement agencies late Sat u rday — with help from Coweta authorities. around 10:30 p.m., authorities w it h t he Meriwet her C o u n t y S h e r i f f ’s O f f i c e , C owe t a C o u n t y S h e r i f f ’s Office, Georgia Department of Natural resources, Woodbury Police Department, Greenville Police Department, Spalding County Sheriff ’s Office and animal control converged on a suspected organized dog fighting event on Happy Hollow Drive off Highway 362, according to a press release from the Meriwether County Sheriff’s Office. The Coweta Sheriff’s Office and DNr provided helicopter air support for the raid. “O u r n a rcot ics u n it h a s worked tirelessly on gathering intelligence on the event, and at a moment’s notice, they ‘rallied up’ and met at the training center where a briefing was conducted,” according to Meriwether County Sheriff Chuck Smith in the press release. Sm it h sa id off icers f i rst formed a perimeter around the event, then helicopters shined spotlights on the participants and spectators — who f led and ran into the arms of waiting authorities. Suspects who attempted to hide in bushes were located using the Coweta County helicopter’s FlIr — forward looking infrared —
cameras, said lt. Col. Jimmy yarbrough with the sheriff’s office. a total of 34 people were taken into custody. authorities found a large fighting pit with an injured and bleeding female pit bull terrier inside, the Meriwether sheriff said. animal Control Officer Beth Miller was able to take the injured dog and another into protective custody. authorities also seized more than $28,000 in cash, 26 vehicles of those arrested, f ive guns, two generators, lighting equipment, the fighting pit and a catering truck, the sheriff said. a large catering truck ca lled express Wings was serving fried chicken and fish to those gathered at the event, Smith said. “according to FBI intelligence, one of the offenders is wanted by U.S. Marshals on a federal indictment accusing him of dog fighting,” accordi ng to Sm it h . “One of t he seized guns was reported stolen to the Manchester Police Department.” “I am saddened by what I saw at this crime scene,” the sheriff said. “However, I am very proud of all these law enforcement officers that were involved. We know in the dog fighting world, these events carry the highest potential of being extremely dangerous. all officers displayed the highest level of professionalism while showing ‘armed’ force to minimize the
Your greatest access to Newnan and Coweta County! A firefighter walks beside a train tanker filled with a sodium hydroxide solution checking for leaks after it was involved in a trainversus-truck accident.
pulling six or seven tanker cars containing a dangerous sodium hydroxide solution, so the Coweta County Fire Department’s hazardous materials truck was dispatched to the scene to check
for possible leaks. Fortunately, no leaks were found, officials said. For more on this story, look in Thursday’s print and digital edition of The Newnan Times-Herald.
Cowetans volunteer on MLK Jr. Day
You’ll love The Newnan Times-Herald and All the information you need is at your fingertips... no need to go anywhere else!
“look at all these awesome people,” said One roof executive Director Derenda rowe. “They’re like ants,” she said, motioning toward the volunteers who hurried about, carrying boxes and sorting food at the One roof alliance outreach. In observance of Dr. Martin luther King Jr. Day on Monday, Georgia Power employees along with many other volunteers donated their time sorting food for Coweta Community Food Pantry at Newnan's One roof ecumenical alliance Outreach on Temple avenue. Plant yates Citizens of Georgia Power employees — as well as employees from around the company's Metro South region — used Monday, a company holiday, for volunteer service and community enhancement.
vOLUNTEERS, page 2
STOvER, page 2
Community Forum ........4 Sports ............................... 8 Obituaries ..................... 5 Comics .....................10, 11 Healthy Living ................6 Classifieds ..................... 13
By WeS Mayer
Cool and sunny
THURSDAY Cool and partly cloudy Thousands of photos to choose from (even unpublished photos) to view and purchase! Several choices of banner ads available to showcase your business!
Target Your Message! Over 310,000 unique visitors each month visit, with over 1 million page views. • FOLLOW US ON
By WeS Mayer
The second suspect believed to be involved in a recent Newnan shooting turned himself in at the Coweta County Jail. Taurean raven Morris, 19, surrendered to authorities on Jan. 15 and was charged with aggravated assault and was being held at the jail without bail. The other suspect Dekarri Marveno ruffin, 21, is also being held in the county jail without bond. The shooting occurred the night of Jan. 8 in an apartment on Christian
Features Include: Photo by Clay Neely
Photo by Clay Neely
37° | 19°
Submit a Sound Off or Letter to the Editor!
vOLUNTEERS, page 2
dOgS, page 2
2nd shooting suspect in custody
By Clay Neely
Roy Long carts a box of sorted food at the one Roof alliance
SUSpECT, page 2
outreach on Monday.
41° | 26° Cool and sunny
39° | 16°
37° | 19°
News Cool and partly cloudy
Cool and sunny
51° | 30° Cool and sunny
Rainfall (in inches)
Yesterday (as of 7 p.m.) 0.00 Monthly total 2.86 Year-to-date 2.86
Local, State, National & World
Roy Long carts a box of sorted food at the one Roof alliance
39° | 16°
STOvER, page 2
for possible leaks. Fortunately, no leaks were found, officials said. For more on this story, look in Thursday’s print and digital edition of The Newnan Times-Herald.
Cowetans volunteer on MLK Jr. Day
INSIDE The second suspect believed to be Community Forum ........4 Sports ............................... 8 involved in a recent Newnan shootObituaries ..................... 5 Comics .....................10, 11 Healthy Living ................6 Classifieds ..................... 13 ing turned himself in at the Coweta County Jail. Taurean raven Morris, 19, surrendered to authorities on Jan. 15 and was charged with aggravated assault and was being held at the jail without bail. The other suspect Dekarri Marveno ruffin, 21, is also being held in the county jail without bond. The shooting occurred the night of Jan. 8 in an apartment on Christian
SUSpECT, page 2
outreach on Monday.
41° | 26°
pulling six or seven tanker cars containing a dangerous sodium hydroxide solution, so the Coweta County Fire Department’s hazardous materials truck was dispatched to the scene to check
“look at all these awesome people,” said One roof executive Director Derenda rowe. “They’re like ants,” she said, motioning toward the volunteers who hurried about, carrying boxes and sorting food at the One roof alliance outreach. In observance of Dr. Martin luther King Jr. Day on Monday, Georgia Power employees along with many other volunteers donated their time sorting food for Coweta Community Food Pantry at Newnan's One roof ecumenical alliance Outreach on Temple avenue. Plant yates Citizens of Georgia Power employees — as well as employees from around the company's Metro South region — used Monday, a company holiday, for volunteer service and community enhancement.
dOgS, page 2
A firefighter walks beside a train tanker filled with a sodium hydroxide solution checking for leaks after it was involved in a trainversus-truck accident.
17 states that forbid the sale of raw milk for human consumption. It is one of only four that allow the sale for pet food. Only 12 states allow the retail sale of raw milk, with some restrictions. Some other states allow on-farm sales. Though natural food proponents rave about raw milk, government officials decry it as dangerous. according to the federal Centers for Disease Control, from 1998 to 2011, there were 148 separate outbreaks related to consumption of raw milk or raw milk products reported to the CDC. These resulted in 2,384 illnesses, 284 hospitalizations and two deaths. Between 1993 and 2006, there were a total of 121 dairy-related disease outbreaks reported to the CDC. Of those, 60 percent (73 outbreaks) were related to
2nd shooting suspect in custody
By Clay Neely
By WeS Mayer
a train cut through a tractor-trailer rig stuck at an intersection in Moreland in south Coweta County on Tuesday, sending hay flying and sparking a dangerous materials threat. The truck, carrying a load of hay, was stuck on the tracks facing the highway at the intersection of Dingler road and U.S. Highway 29 in Moreland when a train rolled t h rough t he i ntersection and split the trailer in half. according to initial information from photographer Jeffrey leo of The Newnan Times-Herald after speaking with officials at the scene, the driver of the truck had exited the cab prior to the accident, and there were no injuries. The train, however, was
Cool and sunny
51° | 30° Cool and sunny
Rainfall (in inches)
Yesterday (as of 7 p.m.) 0.00 Monthly total 2.86 Year-to-date 2.86
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Hands on training for career opportunities in aviation, automotive, manufacturing and more. Financial aid for qualified students. Housing available. Job placement assistance. Call AIM:
770-253-1576 •
Advertise Your Auction
In over 100 newspapers for only $350 . Your 25-word classified ad will reach more than 1 million readers. Call Jennifer Labon at the Georgia Newspaper Service.
Special Notices
Pelvic/ Transvaginal Mesh?
Did you undergo transvaginal placement of mesh for pelvic organ prolapse or stress urinary incontinence between 2005 and the present? If the mesh caused complications, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Charles H. Johnson Law and speak with female staff members.
TO OUR READERS The Newnan Times-Herald does not knowingly accept advertisements regarding employment which are not bona fide job offers. This newspaper is committed to providing a reliable source and marketplace for those individuals seeking employment. Be cautious when attempting to do business with any unknown person or company. Please analyze all advertisements carefully and use good judgment and common sense. This newspaper does not knowingly accept advertisements that discriminate or intend to discriminate on any illegal basis. Nor does this newspaper knowingly accept advertisements that promote illegal activities.
Drivers Trucking
New Pay Increase
Your new career starts now! $0 tuition cost. No credit check. Great pay & benefits. Guaranteed job after successful completion of training. Call:
Georgia Southern Transportation
OTR Drivers For runs into and out of Newnan. Home 2 days/week. Southeast Regional Lanes. 36 cpm. Paid vacation.
Drivers Trucking
25 New Driver Trainees Needed!
Become a driver for TMC Transportation! Earn $750 per week! No CDL? No problem! Local 15 day Training!
Run FB with WTI. Be home through the week and weekends. Start up to 28% plus fuel bonus. New equipment. BCBS. Experience needed. LP available.
OTR Flatbed Drivers earn 50 up to 55 cpm loaded. $1,000 sign on to qualified drivers. Home most weekends. EOE Call:
Covenant Needs Driver Trainees!
Drivers are in demand & we need you! No CDL? No problem! 16 Day training avail! Opportunity awaits.
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N. GA: 866-494-7435 or S. GA: 866-557-9244
New Pay-for-experience program pays up to $.41/mile. Class A Professional Drivers call for details:
And CSA Friendly Equip. $$$ Up to 50 cpm. $$$ Full benefits + Pet & Rider. CDL- A Req.
Drivers CDL-A
Train and work for us! Professional, focused CDL training available. Choose company driver, owner operator, lease operator, or lease trainer. 877-369-6712
To be a Professional Truck Driver through Primeʼs Student Driver Program. Obtain your commercial driver's license, then get paid while training!
Watersource Plumbing has an opening for an experienced repair plumber. Excellent pay and benefits. All inquiries confidential.
Schools/ Instruction
Bulldozers, Backhoes, Excavators. 3 weeks hands on program. Local Job Placement Assistance. National Certifications. Gi Bill Benefits Eligible.
Medical Office Trainees Needed!
Train to become a Medical Office Assistant. No experience needed! Online training at SC gets you job ready! HS Diploma/GED & PC/Internet Needed!
Wanted: Life Agents
Earn $500 a day. Great Agent benefits. Commissions Paid Daily. Liberal underwriting. Leads. Life Insurance License required.
West Georgia Health, LaGrange GA
Payroll Administrator
Selected applicant will be responsible for the timely and accurate delivery of payroll and related client service, including recordkeeping and reporting. Required Licensure: Certified Payroll Professional, American Payroll Association preferred. Minimum Education: Bachelor of Business Administration Minimum Experience: Five years To apply please see full posting at: current-job-openings
Kenmore. Electric. Good condition. $125.
dition. $200.
Miscellaneous 413 For Sale
High-Speed Internet
1-800-283-1057 www.probroadband
Car Seat
Child's car seat. $25
Wicker/Rattan. Black in color. Has cushions. $125 OBO.
with acreage. Ready to move in. Seller financing (subject to credit approval). Lots of room for price. 3 BR, 2 Bath. No renters.
Land & Lots For Sale
Blue Ridge Mountain Getaway
Beautifully wooded 4.64 acre estate with picturesque rolling mountain views. Ideally located at 770-252-5458 end of quiet county road with no traffic. Enjoy privacy along with peace and quiet. Build Travel Bag when you are ready. All Leather. $10 cash. underground utilities: 770-253-7951 water, electric, fiber optic cable. Excellent financing. Perfect for weekend mtn cabin or Washer Admiral heavy duty. year round residence. Very good condition. Only $44,800. Call now: $100 866-952-5303 Color Inkjet Epson Stylus N11. In the box. Excellent cond. $35
ext 147
or go online:
Yard Sale Special! 6 lines • 3 days $29.85
24HR info: 770-253-2300 office: 770-683-4807
Homes For Rent-Unfurn.
9 Frank St.
Sudoku Solution
3 Bedroom/1 Bath
Completely Renovated. All new appliances. Fenced in yard, heat & air. $775/ month. Low deposit. Section 8 Friendly. 770-683-1239
96 Pinson St. 3 Bedroom/2 Bath
Completely Renovated. All new appliances. Heat & air. $875/month. Low deposit. Section 8 Friendly. 770-683-1239
Vacation Rentals
For Rent
Panama City Beach Florida
House in Sargent.
3 BR/2 Bath
Newly renovated house $790/mon. $600 dep.
Manufactured Homes For Rent 705
2 BR, 2 Bath
Powers Crossroads area. 14x70. Range, refrigerator, Central H/A. $125 / week, $550 move in
Mobile Homes For Rent
2 BR/2 Bath, 1 block from beach. Sleeps 6. $1000/week. $500 dep.
Vacation Property
Advertise your vacation property to more than 1 million Georgia newspaper readers. Your 25-word classified ad will appear in over 100 Georgia newspapers for only $350. Call Jennifer Labon at the Georgia Newspaper Service at:
Small Home & Mobile Homes Starting at $100 per week. Newnan & Lu the r svi l l e. Sa fe areas. Low deposit required 770-927-9276
or online at: newspaperservice.html
Rent it fast! 770-253-1576
678-340-6078 770-487-4555
3 BR/2 Bath
Good cond. $950/mon.
678-877-6184 770-318-8230
3 BR, 2 Bath
Brick, central heat and air. Convenient to I-85, Northgate School District. $895/month.
2014 Service Directory Concrete
Home Improvement
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Ornamental Iron
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WATER Source
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since 1979
For our expanding department. Home-based or freelance writers do not need to apply. Writer will work in our Peachtree City office as part of a project team to write funto-read health, finance, and household tips self-help books for the senior consumer market. Writer must be able to adapt their writing style to match FC&A’s conversational writing style. Applicant must have a proven track record as a professional writer; a college degree in journalism or related field; and excellent research, interviewing, and reporting skills. Applicant must be computer literate and have mastered online research. Applicant must be willing to take a lengthy writing test at our office. If you would enjoy working in a deadline-sensitive, wholesome, and non-smoking environment and meet the qualifications, call Barbara at 770-487-6307 or fax resume and writing sample to her at 770-631-4357
2 BR, 1 Bath
by bobby davis
Homes For Rent-Unfurn.
Very nice. Rent or sale. $575 per month.
federal form 1040ez
Why pay a nonprofessional to do work that demands a professional? CPA SOUTHEAST $50 Off ACCOUNTING Tax Preparation AND FINANCE for New Clients
painting FC&A Publishing needs an
TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.
free electronic filing • open year round Shenandoah Office Park, Newnan • 770-253-7530 Thomas Crossroads • 770-253-1660 802-C Lower Fayetteville Rd., Newnan • 770-254-9812 9165-E Roosevelt Hwy., US 29, Palmetto • 770-463-9443 50 Carriage Oaks Dr., Tyrone • 770-306-8818
Pinnacle Career Institute Online HVAC education in as little as 12 months. Call us today.
3 BR, 2 BA Apt., $695 444 Jefferson St. 2 BR, 1 BA Home $605 6 Ozmore St.
You can become an expert in
HVAC installation and repair.
Push mower. Poulan brand with bagger. Runs good. $75.
Patio Set
is now available where you live for only $39.99 per mo. New Superfast Satellite Internet with speeds up to 15 Mbps! Ask about discounts for DishNetwork or DirecTv customers! We also now offer phone service as low as $19.99 per mo. Call Today!
Bargain Buys $200 or less
TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.
Mobile Homes
MyConnection Sudoku Puzzle
Mobile Homes Like brand new. White. Verizon. 8GB. Mint con- For Sale
Queen, black. High post. Triple dresser. Nightstand. $600 OBO. Must see.
678-621-3479 770-252-0086
IPhone 4S
Bedroom Suite
4 Poster queen bed, night stand, chest, triple dresser and hutch mirror. $200.
Pulaski Bedroom Suite. Stanley, head/footGas Range boards, armoire, dress- Whirlpool. 3-5 years er, nightstand, beveled old. $75. mirrors/ marble tops, 678-416-8041 carvings, mahogany. $1200/set. Call after 6.
Heavy Equipment Operator Training!
Bedroom Set
King Size
Airline Careers
Begin here. Get FAA approved Aviation Maintenance Technichan training. Financial aid for qualified students. Housing available. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance:
Twin headboard, dresser, nightstand, desk, chair, bookcase. $150
Baby afghan. Crochet. $25.
Trades-Crafts328 Skilled
Bedroom Set
Welding Careers
To place your ad
Bargain Buys $200 or less
Wednesday, February 12, 2014 | The Newnan Times-Herald 7
Drain Cleaning
Backflow Install & Testing
“The Single Source For All Your Plumbing Needs”
Over 30 years experience Locally owned and operated / Fully licensed and insured
Specializing in: Gates, Rails, Handicap Rails
Call Jason for a Free Estimate!! 678-859-8492
770-328-8936 or 770-599-6382
Tree Services
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tree removal stump grinding Trimming, Chipping, Debris Removal, Hauling Licensed & Insured Experienced Excellent References
Service Directory Ads • 20 Days in Print • 30 Days Online • 4 Weeks in MyConnection Advertise in here and reach over 676,900 in Readership!
call mike: 678-416-5684
To advertise in The Newnan Times-Herald Service Directory, call 770-253-1576.
8 MyConnection | Wednesday, February 12, 2014