2013 Chamber Annual Report

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2 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2013 Chamber Annual Report

Mission Statement To champion economic prosperity for our Chamber members.

Letter from the 2013 Chair and the President/CEO The Newnan-Coweta Chamber begins a new year in 2014, and we look back with pride and a sense of accomplishment for 2013. As is the case in each and every year, we could not have enjoyed the success we did were it not for our volunteers, our committee chairs, our board of directors and, of course, our members. Well done, everyone! It was a privilege to serve during the year when our Chamber achieved the official recognition as a 5-Star Accredited Chamber by the U. S. Chamber of Commerce. This was the result of several years of intense work done by a number of several administrations and it puts us in the top one percent of chambers in the entire country! Wow! We also were privileged to have a new campus of the West Georgia Technical College open here in Newnan, giving us yet another incentive for our employers to relocate or expand in Coweta County as well as give our citizens the opportunity to increase their value in the workplace. We added over 200 new Chamber members during 2013 and feel we are continuing the path of being “Prosperity’s Front Door.” 2013 was an outstanding year and we look forward to another in 2014. Thank you all and be proud of your Chamber, your community and stay involved! Sincerely, Dean Jackson and Candace Boothby

Dean Jackson

Candace Boothby

Coweta County Schools

2013 Chairman of the Board

Newnan-Coweta Chamber President and CEO

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2013 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 3

Letter from the 2014

Chairman of the


2014 is already shaping up as another terrific year for the Newnan-Coweta Chamber, and I am most honored and proud to be the Chair of the Board of Directors for 2014. First, let me offer a sincere “job well done” to Dean Jackson and the board for their hard work and success making 2013 yet another strong year for the Chamber. As Coweta County continues it growth and ability to succeed, we look forward to continued challenges to our maintaining our leadership role in Georgia as a top chamber of commerce. Under Dean’s able leadership, the Chamber had its best year ever in our 66-year history. This sets the stage for a continuation of achievement for our Chamber and I couldn’t be more excited to be Chair this year. Some of our targeted goals include: • MEMBERSHIP GROWTH: Last year saw 223 new members join the Chamber as well as a number of our valued Enhanced Investors. In 2014 we want to continue that pace as well as improve our member retention ratio as much as possible. Our organization can better accomplish our goals and set higher ones with a strong, committed and growing membership base. • HEALTHCARE DESTINATION: Coweta’s stature as a regional healthcare destination continues with more and more medical practices filling growing needs. This will certainly continue in 2014 with special emphasis on assisting the behavioral hospital locate its much-needed mission here. • “PROSPERITY’S FRONT DOOR” MARKETING PLAN: We have made significant progress on branding Coweta as “Prosperity’s Front Door” during the last two years. By following a carefully planned program, we will continue to build this model so that the world will become familiar with the connection between ‘prosperity’ and ‘Coweta County, Georgia.’ • GROWING NEW LEGACY EVENTS: The success we’ve experienced in the recent past with our financial situation enables us to grow and improve membership value. But keeping our ‘product’ fresh is important to the excitement and fun these networking events bring. This year will see some cool new things and the retirement of some old event friends in order to allow members to network in fun surroundings and bring revenues to our Chamber. And there is so much more we plan to accomplish! Thanks for this opportunity and thanks to our board, our members, and our volunteers for making the Newnan-Coweta Chamber one of the best! Best wishes,

Sharon Szymanski

Canongate Golf Clubs 2014 Chamber Board Chair

Top 10 Reasons for You to

OPEN THE DOOR TO PROSPERITY by Joining the Newnan-Coweta Chamber 1

Strength in Numbers – Our Chamber members include over 700 companies, representing more than 15,000 employees in Coweta County and including all industry types and company sizes.

2 Powerful Networking – Business-After-

Hours, Power Networking Lunch, and the NuLink Early Bird Forum are just a handful of events where you can build relationships with your peers. 3 Entrepreneur Support – The Chamber

offers resources to assist your business at every phase from start-up, through growth, and maturity of your business. 4 Marketing Opportunities – Receive mem-

ber-only benefit listings in The Chamber’s Business Directory via hard copy or online at newnancowetachamber.org; take advantage of free publicity through exclusive services such as ribbon cuttings or hosting a networking event at your location; ramp up your visibility in the community by sponsoring a highly-publicized Chamber event. 5 Member Exclusive Discounts – Open the

door to exclusive Chamber discounts such as insurance (an average savings of $200+ per employee!); Office Depot discounts; training and professional education seminars; and products and services from fellow Chamber members, including HotDeals.

6 Support Local Job & Career Growth

– You’ll be a part of promoting the wellplanned vision for growth The Chamber advocates in Coweta County, and The Chamber’s work to strengthen our local economy and ensure economic prosperity for everyone.

7 Buy Local – The Chamber is at the forefront

of encouraging area businesses and residents to keep their dollars within Coweta County by making their purchases from local stores and vendors.

8 Members First – Our members look to their

fellow members first when it comes to finding products or services to purchase and 80% of the public is more likely to buy from a Chamber member. Additionally, you’ll get free, ongoing referrals from the thousands of customer inquiries received each month at The Chamber office; only Chamber members are referred.

9 Help Establish Policy – The Chamber is

the voice of business in our community. We actively engage with government entities at the local, state, and federal level to inform policy decisions that affect your company’s ability to thrive.

10 Great Return on Investment – The aver-

age Chamber member’s investment is less than a dollar a day. Finding just one new customer through The Chamber pays dividends for years to come.


These “Top Ten Accomplishments” are only one level of our efforts to constantly improve our performance and value to our members. We are proud of the Coweta County community

and our distinguished mem- continuing improvement and bership and our part in creat- pledge to do our best at coning our growing reputation tinuing our efforts. as one of Georgia’s best communities and chambers. We See PAGE 5 thank everyone involved in this

Significant Achievement! In March, Chamber members celebrated the receipt of a 5-Star Accredidation from the U.S. Chamber, which put them in the top one percent of chambers nationally. Newnan Mayor Keith Brady (center) presents Chamber President and CEO Candace Boothby and 2013 Chamber Chair Dean Jackson a proclamation celebrating this achievement.


4 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2013 Chamber Annual Report

FEATURE STORIES Advocacy Division Support for Coweta’s Healthcare Community One of the key areas of concentration of the Advocacy Division in 2013 was the continued suppor t of promoting Coweta County’s position as a healthcare destination. A marketing plan was developed and implemented to get information disseminated about the increasing growth of hospitals, clinics and specialty health services in Newnan. The Chamber supported the application of Certificates of Need (CON) for several of the projects in the recent past and is joining the appeal of the denial by the Georgia Department of Community Health of the CON submitted by U. S. HealthVest for the proposed behavioral hospital in Newnan. The Chamber also helped generate funding for 43 dual-enrolled nursing student graduates to test for the required Nurse’s Aide certification so that our growing healthcare sector will be able to supply the increasing need for certified employees.

Industry Program Launches Safety Council The Advocacy Division suppor ted Coweta’s industrial and general business base by launching the Industr y Benchmarking Initiative series. This year-long initiative focused on two increasingly important areas of business: human

resources and safety on the job. Aimed at senior management, the series was delivered by experienced local business people who overcame challenging hurdles in successfully recruiting professional, technical and hourly staff in both start up and expansion projects. Separate sessions were conduc ted throughout the year for the development of talent, employee engagement and retention. Other presentations were made regarding industrial and retail safety steps to keep businesses running smoothly and keeping workers compensation premiums at a manageable level. From this initiative an industry safety council was formed.

Issues Education Drives Programs Important issues to Coweta County and Georgia are not always easy for busy people to stay abreast of. That is why the Advocacy Division took a leadership position in helping the Chamber present Candidate’s Forums for those running for elected office to present their ideas and plans for representing Coweta County in the legislature, county commission and municipal offices. When appropriate, issues workshops were held to bring specificity to important and complicated issues before us. The Chamber distributed Advocate e-mails to keep members apprised

19th Leadership Coweta class people face to face is often more valuable than an advertisement that may or may not be read by potential customers. That’s why the more than 156 strategic opportunities for networking and leads generation through committee involvement and attendance at the signature events is an increasingly growing activity developed by the Membership Engagement Division. Our legacy special events such as the Golf Classic, the Bowling Adventure and Membership the Big Expo brought in record and revenues in 2013. Engagement Division crowds Ribbon cuttings, Business-AfterHours, NuLink Early Bird Forums, Events Generate Leads meetings, committee activities and Referrals and other events averaged over The opportunity to meet new a dozen networking opportuni-

of breaking votes, issues and developments. We hosted an Eggs & Issues meeting and produced an annual public policy agenda in order for Coweta to have the most informed and effective legislative representation possible. And finally, we graduated the 19th Leadership Coweta class, which spent an inte nsi ve nin e m o nths immersed in learning about key community development issues.

ties a month to keep members busy meeting new people and customers.

Online Tools Increase Member Value Technology, of course, continues to provide more and more methods of doing business, and the Chamber’s Membership Engagement Division launched in 2013 “Cowet a To ols for Business Success.” Members can access more than 600 online low-cost resources that enable them to keep current without ever having to take time off from their busy schedules to physically attend events.

See PAGE 5


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Separate sessions were conduc ted throughout the year for the development of talent, employee engagement and retention.


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2013 FEATURE STORIES continued from page 4

Progressive Heating and Air accepts the award for the 2013 “Overall Winner” for the Small Business of the Year Award.

Programs Focused on Small Business Growth

Organizational Performance Division

Small businesses make up a large percentage of the busiBanner Year Boasts ness footprint in Coweta County National Recognition and are the backbone of the Chamber’s membership as well. 2013 was an extraordinary year The “Small Business Matters” for top level achievement for initiative provided specifically- the Newnan-Coweta Chamber. tailored opportunities for small Through the efforts of the Board businesses through “Leads to See page 30 Business,” “Power Networking Lunches” and recognition of business successes through the Small Business Awards. Progressive Heating and Air accepts the award for the 2013 “Overall Winner” for the Small Business of the Year Award.

Member Education Opportunities All businesses require continuing education to keep pace with new practices and technologies in their respective fields. The unique Chamber University delivers tailored needs-based training of a top level to keep our members abreast of new developments, including sales, social media, iPad and media. The extraordinary speed with which new business tools have been developed in recent times has made this program muchneeded and valuable to our members. The Membership Engagement Division’s timely program development has made a big difference in the way Chamber programs deliver value to our members.

2013 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 5

2013 top ten accomplishments continued from page 3

• Provided educational opportunities. Delivered Advocacy Division members needs-based, high quality train• Promoted growing healthcare sector. De -

ing as part of Chamber University to include veloped a healthcare marketing plan to help sales, social media, iPad, and media training. drive Coweta’s growing role as a healthcare destination and funded 43 dual-enrolled Organizational Performance candidates for Nurses Aide certification Division testing. • Recognized for Organizational Excellence. • Supported industry connections. Launched Earned distinguished five-star accreditation industry benchmarking engagement series from the U.S. Chamber, putting the Newnanand established a Coweta Industry Safety Coweta Chamber in the top one percent of Council. chambers nationally and received a nation• Educated members on issues. Informed memal Communications Award of Excellence bers through issues workshops, candidate from the American Chambers of Commerce forums, Advocate emails, legislative roundtaExecutives for the Prosperity’s Front Door bles, Eggs & Issues Forum and annual public marketing campaign. policy agenda. • Managed Finances Successfully. Posted most successful financial year in 66-year history Membership Engagement Division of the organization, closing the year with • Created business growth opportunities. a positive budget gap, growing long-term Provided more than 156 strategic opportureserves, exceeding sales goals for new nities for networking and leads generation member recruitment by welcoming 223 new through signature events and committee members to the Chamber Family, and growinvolvement. ing Enhanced Investors program by 40%. • Provided online tools. Launched “Coweta • Enhanced Prosperity’s Front Door. Completed Tools for Business Success,” a premier online phase two of much-needed, multi-year resource that gives members an amazing ROI building facelift, invested in extensive techwithout ever having to attend a single event. nology upgrades to ensure quality delivery • Increased value for small business owners. Ofof member services, and demonstrated staff fered expanded programming with our effectiveness and credibility by staff earnSmall Business Matters program to include ing professional designations and receiving Leads to Business, Power Networking state and national professional development scholarships. Lunches, Small Business Awards.

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6 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2013 Chamber Annual Report





Nathan Nipper

Victoria Ellison Chair


Piedmont Newnan Hospital Nipper

Bank of North Georgia

Tony Sinclair


Candace Boothby


Representative Newnan-Coweta Chamber

Coweta-Fayette EMC




Marcia Smith Chair

Arthur Murphy, CPA

Marcia Smith Chair

Jason Eaker Co-Chair



The Financial Planning Group

Arthur Murphy, CPA


Sally Anderson Chair

Jac Counts Chair

Key Promotions


Cancer Treatment Centers of America



Vice-Chairman Georgia Power Company

Randy Cardoza

Tony Sinclair, Chairman

Representative Cardoza Consulting

Coweta-Fayette EMC




Lisa Smith

Paul Lisborg

Dennis McEntire

Chair Newnan Utilities

Representative Newnan Utilities

Danny Beck Chair Back Janitorial


Samantha Brazie Chair

Progressive Heating & Air


Since 1964

DIPLOMATS Sharon Rogers Chair

General Nutrition Center


The Chamber gets its work done through a volunteer committee structure. Committee involvement is a fantastic tool for networking and lead generation as well as a chance to try new things and new skills. In 2013, more than 300 volunteers joined various Chamber committees.

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2013 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 7

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8 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2013 Chamber Annual Report


board of directors

Dean Jackson

Coweta County School System

2013 Chair

Judi Alvey

Comcast Spotlight

Sharon Szymanski

Danny Beck

Anothony Sinclair

2014 Chair-Elect


Vice-Chair Advocacy

Canongate Golf Clubs

Dr. Steve Barker Coweta County School System

Beck Janitorial

Coweta-Fayette EMC

Randy Cardoza

Cardoza Consulting

Hasco Craver

Newnan Business Development

Nathan Nipper

Lisa Smith

Dennis McEntire

Vice-Chair Membership Engagement

Vice-Chair Organizational Performance

Immediate Past Chair

Bradley Down

Gerald Kemp

Piedmont Newnan Hospital

Cargill Meat Solutions

GA Power Company

Fidelity Bank

Candace Boothby

Newnan Utilities

Newnan-Coweta Chamber

Dr. Tina McKay

Rusty McKellar

Healthy Life Chiropractic

President & CEO

Patillo Industrial Real Estate

Wahoo Customer Service Center

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2013 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 9

board of directors Martha Ann Parks Panoply Design & Consulting

Start early, finiSh Sooner.

Martin Pleyer Grenzebach, Inc.

Michael Rayburn Michael L. Rayburn, DDS, PC

Craig Ruby Sign & Graphic Solutions

Phil Trickey Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Corporation of America

Mark Whitlock Central Educational Center

Greg Wright Ex-Officio


Coweta County Development Authority

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Go West

10 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2013 Chamber Annual Report


Prosperity’s Front Door Markets Coweta to the World The marketing and branding theme of “Prosperit y’s Front Door” has been so alive and constant it seems hard to believe this community project only started in 2011 when the concept was birthed and design components begun. The “construction” of a door-

way to prosperity was a group effort of community leaders from business, education and government guided by the accomplished Great Southern Publishers of St. Simon Island, GA. Researching the community, its history and the perception of its people, Great Southern and the Chamber conceived of Coweta being a portal to a better, more prosperous community. Success and a productive future community was

metaphorically like passing through a doorway and achieving a bright and prosperous future from a launching spot – Coweta County. Logos, colors and graphic depictions were produced and launched in 2012. Agreements between the varied entities closely associated with Coweta were made to adopt and use the branding components on literature and other identifying vehicles. But what is it that makes

Coweta boast of being “Prosperity’s Front Door” meaningful and not just a slogan? The identification of basic “pillars” of Coweta’s strengths – healthcare, education, business, shopping, housing and quality of life—support the claim of the front door to prosperity. In 2013, the pillar of “healthcare” has been the focus of “Prosperity’s Front Door” and in years to come, each of the other pillars will be featured to give life and meaning to our marketing

slogan. Our belief is that “Prosperity’s Front Door” will become more and more closely identified with Coweta County. Coweta’s strength is the people and leadership, the opportunities and possibilities, and all the other pillars of that strength. We have made a great start and we see our citizenry, our businesses and our elected officials will continue to work together and continue to be “Prosperity’s Front Door” for years to come.

Healthcare Destination Progress Report Coweta County first set its sights on becoming a regional healthcare destination with the community development report by Herron Consulting in early 2011. There, the strengths of Coweta’s educational structures, the support of the business community and the high quality of life in Coweta positioned it as a strong candidate to successfully become such a destination. The Newnan-Coweta Chamber was the logical vehicle to take a lead role in coordinating a comprehensive and consistent communications message to local healthcare professionals, existing citizens and exter-

nal audiences. The Chamber has enthusiastically taken this role and has made significant progress in putting the necessary parts together. In a marketing and research study by Ellen Communications in late 2013, recommendations were made for the Chamber’s specific actions to best fulfill the role. F o r 2 014 , a H e a l t h c a r e Marketing Steering Committee was formed by the Chamber to continue the process in building the healthcare destination. Members of the steering committee include senior management from both Piedmont Newnan Hospital and Cancer Treatment Centers of America

as well as the Ansley Park Health and Rehabilitation Center. Additionally, senior leaders of education, business and Newnan City Council joined the Chamber management and Ellen Communications to form a strong group to push forward and not lose a step in this ongoing process of the last several years. The Chamber has also pledged to support efforts of the Coweta County Government, Newnan City Council and other groups to appeal the decision by the Georgia Department of Community Health to deny the application for a Certificate of Need (CON) by U.S. HealthVest

A Prosperity’s Front Door landing page was created to provide a portal for citizens and visitors to connect with key community resources.

to bring a much needed behavioral hospital to Coweta County. These actions show a willingness and determination to grow not only the business and increased employment

opportunities of advanced and diverse healthcare in Coweta County but to build a healthy and happy lifestyle in our community for current and future residents.

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2013 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 11


staff & sales team

The Chamber is blessed with an amazing team of professionals that guides the day-to-day operations of the organization.



Front Row L to R: Valerie Ward, Executive Assistant, Julia Oberhelman, Member Support; Glen Gould, Vice President. Back Row: Grant Gould, Technology Support; Candace Boothby, President & CEO.

Barry Ashe

Karen Kurtz

Jarret Byrd

Mel Kendrick


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12 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2013 Chamber Annual Report

2013 awards

Award Recipients Recognized for Outstanding Achievements Each year the Chamber rec- 2013 Prosperity Awards ognizes outstanding volun- This award recognizes actions teers and their contributions. or achievements that have sigCongratulations t o t h e 2 013 nificantly contributed to the recipients! economic prosperity and development of our community in 2013 Ambassador the past 12 months. Companies of the Year and organizations receiving this Nick Garrison, award were: LifePlan Financial, Inc. Ambassadors promote the goals, activities, and functions of the Chamber. These key volunteers can be seen representing the Chamber at Garrison monthly events Bonnell and are easily recognizable in their blue Chamber $17 million expansion projshir ts. The Ambassador of ect that included purchase of a the Year is selected from the new state-of-the-art aluminum Ambassadors of the Quarter. extrusion line for the automoAdditional Ambassadors of the tive market. Quarter during the year included Samantha Brazie, Progressive Heating and Air, and Karen Kurtz, OTB Strategies, LLC .

2013 Chairman’s Award Martin Pleyer, Grenzebach This award was presented by 2013 Chairman of the Board of Directors Dean Jackson to Martin Pleyer, Grenzebach.

2013 Volunteer of the Year Sharon Rogers, General Nutrition Center Selected from the Volunteers of the Month, this individual is re co gnize d for comprehensive volunt e e r i s m , p a rticipation, and contributions to Chamber activities. Additional Rogers Volunteers of the Month included Victoria Ellison, Bank of North Georgia, (1st quarter) and Mark Fritz, Bank of North Georgia (3rd quarter).

75 Jackson Real Estate

75 Jackson Real Estate

Coweta County Commissioners Positive ac tions eliminating commercial and industrial impact fees, which strengthened Coweta’s position as “Prosperity’s Front Door.”

Custom Molded Products Moved into the former Rite Ai d dis tr ib utio n ce nte r in the Shenandoah Industrial Park, bringing 60 jobs to the community.

Newnan Chrysler Jeep Dodge Opened new automotive dealership resulting in 20+ new jobs.

Small Business of the Year

Enhanced professional office and retail space through its Annually the Chamber recogrenovation of the 300 Bullsboro nizes one of our area’s small businesses as the Small Business of building. The Year. The Centre for Visual and This prosperity award is a testaPerforming Arts ment to the business that are key For 10 years this “pearl of contributors to our local econthe community” has positive- omy, those that lead the majorly impacted Coweta’s qual- ity of our workforce across the it y of life and communit y threshold to prosperity. Awards are provided in the following catcompetitiveness. egories: Employer, Entrepreneur, Growth, and Overall. Small busiThe Newnan Centre ness is the economic engine of New, state-of-the-art convenour economy. Nearly 97% of all tion facility, which generates businesses are small businesses increased community economic with less than 100 employees impact. and 54% of the total workforce. The Chamber and SouthTowne West Georgia Technical Motors are proud to recognize College Coweta Campus this vital segment of our local New, state-of-the-art, 38-acre economy. SouthTowne Motors facility serving almost 7,000 is the title sponsor for this program. students.

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2013 awards

2013 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 13

Progressive Heating and Air, Overall Winner

Baby Dimensions Diagnostic & 3D Ultra Sound, Entrepreneur Winner

CMIT Solutions, Growth Winner

At Home Assistants, Employer Winner

Overall Winner Greg Wallace and Samantha Brazie of Progressive Heating and Air accept Overall Winner Award from 2012 winner Dr. Tina McKay of Healthy Life Chiropractic and Steve Mader of SouthTowne Motors.

Entrepreneur Category (1-5 Employees) Jil Daniel and Stacy Livingston of Baby Dimensions Diagnostic & 3D Ultrasound accept the Entrepreneur Categor y Award from Steve Mader of SouthTowne Motors.

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(Thomas Crossroads Branch)

Post Office Box 1909

Newnan, GA 30264


Growth Category (6-19 Employees)

• W. Kirby Arnall, CLU • Otis F. Jones III, AAI

Doug Bates of CMIT Solutions, accepts the Growth Category Award from Steve Mader of SouthTowne Motors.

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• Jarrod L. Wright, CIC • Rick O. Mercer, AAI • Brian L. Smith, AAI

Employer Category (20-99 Employees) Scears Lee of At Home Assistants accepts the Employer Categor y award fromSteve Mader of SouthTowne Motors.

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14 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2013 Chamber Annual Report



The Newnan-Coweta Chamber is proud to partner with our businesses to assist them in their strategic growth. A benefit of Chamber membership includes ribbon cuttings to announce new openings or expansions. It is our pleasure to support the businesses that are vital to our local economy. Congratulations to the following organizations on their success!

75 Jackson Real Estate/300 Bullsboro 770-683-6635 • 300 Bullsboro Drive, Newnan

Atlanta Range and Ordinance • 770-683-8755 80 Millard Farmer Industrial Boulevard, Newnan

Ansley Park Health and Rehabilitation • 770-400-800 450 Newnan Lakes Boulevard, Newnan


Southern Roots Nursery • 770-683-7224 726 Highway 29 N., Newnan

Best Bank • 770-252-3810 1751 Newnan Crossing Blvd., Newnan

Are you looking for

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Income for Life?

The Chamber connects businesses with consumers in order to help them grow. Joining the Newnan-Coweta Chamber will also give you exclusive tools to help set your business in motion. Visit our website to discover the benefits of becoming a member, and to download a membership application today!


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2013 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 15

Ribbon-Cutting Ceremonies

Mathnasium of Newnan • 678-816-1660 1111 Lower Fayetteville Rd. Suite 1200, Newnan

Wells Fargo • 678-621-6148 3150 Hwy. 34, Newnan

Truman’s BBQ • 675-572-3917 24 W. Broad St., Newnan

Paxxo USA, Inc. • 770-502-0055 1924 Millard Farmer Rd., Newnan

Mobley Eye Care • 770-304-2025 3339 Highway 34 E., Sharpsburg

E x p e r i e n c e w it h C o nf i d e n c e Since 1953, Bonnell Aluminum has been North-America’s premier manufacturer of custom aluminum extrusions serving the building and construction and industrial markets. We manufacture mill finish, anodized, painted and thermal barrier aluminum extrusions. Our press size ranges from 1,550 to 5,500-tons. We produce large diameter extrusions requiring high-quality surface finish up to 16 inches of circle size. Fabricators and distributors use our extruded profiles in various applications: curtain walls, storefronts, light to heavy commercial and institutional windows, walkway covers, interior architectural products, photovoltaic panels, solar collectors, heat sinks for L.E.D. lighting, shower enclosures, hurricane protection products, automotive, light trucks, recreational vehicles and industrial machinery. We are headquartered in Newnan, Georgia and we continue to invest in our local community through a number of capital projects that support increased employment opportunities for our citizenry. In addition to our Newnan facility, we also have manufacturing operations in Carthage, Tennessee; Niles, Michigan and Elkhart, Indiana Our highest responsibility is to help customers deliver innovative, competitive products to market, so that they enjoy a true competitive advantage. We are your neighbors…We are Bonnell Aluminum

Bonnell Aluminum Divisional Offices • 25 Bonnell Street • Newnan • www.bonlalum.com

16 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2013 Chamber Annual Report

Ribbon-Cutting Ceremonies

Coweta Eye Care • 770-254-9996 114 Bullsboro Drive, Newnan

CMIT Solutions of Fayette/Coweta • 770-731-0824 1039 Sullivan Road, Newnan

Dawson Street Christian School • 678-423-0155 1608 N. Highway 29, Newnan

Everyday Cafe’ & Bakery • 770-683-8748 80 Newnan Station Dr, Newnan

International Learning Academy of Newnan 679-725-6208 • 210 Jefferson Parkway, Newnan

Heather’s Heavenly Vapes • 678-956-1448 1485 Highway 34 E, Newnan, Suite 3A

Chamber members held


Kimberly Neely

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Ribbon Cuttings in 2013.

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2013 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 17







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East Coweta

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High School Football

Uncle Rich 7p-10p



Coweta News

Coweta Weather

Coweta Traf fic

Coweta Sports

18 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2013 Chamber Annual Report

Ribbon-Cutting Ceremonies

The Newnan Centre • 770-253-2682 1515 Lower Fayetteville Rd. Suite 2, Newnan

Newnan Health Mart Pharmacy • 770-304-1345 15 Baker Rd, Newnan

Piedmont Newnan Hospital Wound Care • 770-254-3331 • 2401 Newnan Crossing Boulevard E. Suite 100, Newnan





Residential • Commercial • Sales & Service — 24 HOURS/DAY • 7 DAYS A WEEK SMALL BUSINESS OF THE YEAR Newnan-Coweta Chamber Program

Ciao Bella Medical Center & Spa 770-683-9136 175 Jefferson Parkway, Newnan



770-253-2665• www.progressiveac.com

2013 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 19

Ribbon-Cutting Ceremonies

Southeast Accounting and Finance Inc. • 770-487-4555 255 Highway 74 N. Suite 2, Peachtree City

Newnan-Coweta Board of Realtors • 770-683-0990 41 Farmer St. Suite 101, Newnan

PhySlim, Weight Loss & Wellness • 770-683-7546 931 Lower Fayetteville Rd. Suite F, Newnan

Orkin Pest Control • 770-253-5566 931 Lower Fayetteville Rd. Suite C, Newnan

Cambridge House Enrichment Center

The best kept secret in long term care — a better alternative Cambridge House of Newnan is a non-profit organization providing adult day respite services for caregivers caring for individuals with memory loss due to Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia. The Cambridge House adult respite program is specifically designed as an alternative method of care for adults who wish to remain independently in their homes or with a family member and who are not appropriate for nursing home care.

Goodwill Industries of the Southern Rivers • 678-423-3562 3121 Highway 34 E, Newnan

Cambridge House is located near Thomas Crossroads 2687 Hwy 154, Newnan, GA 30265 Open 5 days a week from 7 am to 6 pm 678-423-8700



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20 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2013 Chamber Annual Report


Crossing the Threshold to Prosperity

Record Year! The hard work of the 2013 Chamber Board helped produce one of the best years in the 66-year history of the Newnan-Coweta Chamber.

Farewell! Retiring County Administrator Theron Gay (middle) was recognized by the Chamber Board for his many contributions to the continued prosperity of Coweta County. Chamber President and CEO Candace Boothby (left) is joined by Chair-Elect Sharon Szymanski and Chair Dean Jackson.

Strategic Partnership

Congr atulations! More than a dozen past Chamber Chairs joined Candace Boothby to congratulate her on her 10-year anniversary serving as the Chamber President and CEO.

Joe Williams, owner of “The Coweta Shopper,” and Dean Jackson, 2013 Chamber Chair, and their respective organizations worked together producing a regular column about Chamber activities that appeared in “The Coweta Shopper” during the year.


2013 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 21


Crossing the Threshold to Prosperity A Surprise Celebration

A Day on the Greens

Piedmont’s course station offered water and other healthy pick-me-ups at one of the tees at this year’s tournament. Piedmont Healthcare and Canongate Golf serve as Presenting Sponsors for this annual favorite.

2013 Board Chair Dean Jackson

Walt Gutierrez of Toyota of Newnan (center) and Jac Counts (right), Golf Classic Committee Chair, join Jay Aubrey, winner of the “Walternative Golf Ball Drop” at the Golf Classic.

Its all about Connections! Great food and great networking were available at the 2013 “Power Networking” luncheon held at Mama Lucia’s

Rockin’ Good Time! Coweta’s Biggest Trade Show

The Coweta-Fayette EMC team costumes, camaraderie and craziness bowled ‘em off their feet at the 2013 Bowling Adventure!

Volunteers with Spirit! Coweta’s largest and most recognized business event! The wildly popular annual event, BigExpo, featured more than 100 exhibitors sharing their products and services with approximately 1500 attendees. Delta Community Credit Union serves as the Big Expo presenting sponsor.

The membership campaign’s volunteers show some of the green they produced as part of the MemberFest 2013 Campaign.


22 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2013 Chamber Annual Report


Crossing the Threshold to Prosperity Business Leaders of Tomorrow

YPNC fosters personal and professional development through social events, community service and professional opportunities for Coweta County’s young professionals.

Leaders Give Back! The Leadership Coweta class builds awareness as well as professional bonds for the continuation of the journey through “Prosperity’s Front Door.” The 2013 class helped build kiosks at Coweta’s Chattahoochee Bend State Park.

Building Relationships A great Business-After-Hours at Merle Norman increases member value.

Spring Break is Coming! Call now for an appointment! Will you be traveling with your pet? We have boarding facilities to meet your pet’s needs. Will you be flying with your pet? We can provide health certificates to meet airline requirements. Is your pet current on vaccines? We offer same day appointments for your pet to be seen by one of our veterinarians.

Call today to schedule your appointment! This honor requires us to use the latest state-of-the-art equipment, maintain the highest certifications for our personnel, and keep up-to-date on all changes in veterinary medicine and treatment.

24 Hospital Road Newnan 770-253-3416 www.dogwoodvet.com



2013 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 23


When it comes to creating a prosperous environment for business over the long term, Enhanced Investors are taking the lead. Their vision and influence are making a difference in the future of one of the fastest growing regions in the country. Enhanced Investors enjoy peer-to-peer engagement with the top minds and key influencers of our business community. Together, they work to identify and drive solutions and innovations that will shape our economic progress and quality of life.

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2013 members

24 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2013 Chamber Annual Report

The Chamber welcomed

223 MEMBERS in 2013

Congratulations to the following businesses for their investment in the Chamber, their community and their businesses. 1st Franklin Financial Corp. 2WR of Georgia, Inc. 75 Jackson Real Estate 85 South Out & About Magazine 92.5 The Bear A Balloon Affair A Better Way Ministries A Taste for Homemade A.S.P.I.R.E.S., Inc. ABRA Auto Body & Glass Absolute Weight Loss and Wellness Access Coweta Accounting Services by Day, P.C. Accurate Tax Financial Service LLC ACS of Georgia Active Pest Control Advanced Technology Logistics, Inc. Advantage Staffing, Inc. Affinis Hospice AFLAC - Charles Lacy Agape In Home Care Air Power Hydraulics Inc. Airforce Heating & Air, LLC Alexander, George All Stars Academy & Early Learning Center, Inc. Allen Turner Law Alliance DUI School Allstate Insurance - Barber Financial Services Allstate Insurance - Dianne Parker Allstate Insurance - John Cummings Always On Time Home Care Amazing Smiles P.C. Amazon Stone Amedisys Hospice and Home Health America Grading and Landclearing, Inc. American Cancer Society American Family Insurance/A David Rieder Agency, LLC American Health Imaging American Medical Response Ameriprise Financial/Butler Capital Management Andy's Nursery & Landscaping No. 3 Ansley Park Health and Rehabilitation Apex Communications - AT&T Store Approved Capital Partners ARC Protective Services Arke, Inc. Arnall, Billy Aronov Realty Management, Inc.

Accounting Services by Day, CPA

Art of Tees Arthur H. Murphy, CPA, PC Ascot Supply Corporation Ashe Sales & Consulting Ashley Furniture Ashley Park - Thomas Enterprises Asian Chef Assured Benefit Services, Inc. At Home Assistants AT&T Georgia Atlanta Gas Light Atlanta Range and Ordnance Atlanta's Professional Door, Inc. Automotive Associates of Atlanta Avalon Health & Rehabilitation Center Avery & Pope Wealth Management Baby Dimensions Diagnostic & 3D Ultra Sound Badcock Home Furniture & More Balanced Accountant Balanced Family Wellness Bank of North Georgia Bank of the Ozarks Barnett & Cheeves Inc. Bartlett & Barnett, CPA's, PC Batson-Cook Construction Battle of Brown's Mill - Hospital Town - 2014 BB&T Beck Janitorial Bedazzled Flower Shop Bedford School, Inc., The Beers, Elizabeth Belk Department Store Bell's Handcrafts Bella Smiles Family Dentistry Benton House Assisted Living & Memory Care Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Georgia Properties Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Georgia Properties/Bill Howard Berube, Claire B. Best Bank Better Homes & Gardens - Metro Brokers Better off at Home Binion Tire Company BJ's Wholesale Club Blimpie Bloodhound Investigative Services, Inc. Blue Chip Air Commercial Industrial

Bone Yard Antiques Bonnell Aluminum Boss Tree Service Bowers and Burns Real Estate Boy Scouts of America Flint River Council Branch & Vine Brand Mortgage Brian's Paint and Body II Brickhouse Grille & Tavern Brooks, Richard Buck's New & Used Tires, Inc. Buffalo Rock-Pepsi Bug Busters USA Burdette Electric Burger, Harvey C&C Healthcare LLC C.C. JENSEN, Inc. C.S. Toggery Calhoun Chiropractic Centre Cambridge House Enrichment Center Cancer Treatment Centers of America Canongate Golf Clubs Cardinal Waste Solutions, LLC Cardno ATC Cardoza, Randy Cargill Meat Solutions Carmike Cinemas, Inc Carolyn Barron Montessori School Carpet Solutions Plus Carroll Exterminating Co. Cartown Auto Sales Cartridge World Casablanca Burger Company Casey Corporate Transportation Centerfield Baseball Academy Central Educational Center Century Solutions Group, Inc. Champion Cleaning & Construction Charter Business CharterBank Chick-fil-A at Thomas Crossroads Chick-fil-A Dwarf House of Newnan Christian Families Today Christopher Brothers Land Surveying, LLC Chromalloy Georgia (CGA) Chuck Johnson, CPA, PC Ciao Bella Medical Center & Spa Circle W Express Citizen News, The City of Grantville

City of Newnan City of Senoia, The Clark Atlanta University/Educational Talent Search Classic World Travel American Express Clayton State University, College of Business Clean Air Campaign, The CleanSmart Janitorial Supplies Inc. Clear Choice Management ClearWater Academy CLICK Clickaroo Websites CMIT Solutions of Fayette/Coweta Coggin, Bob Coldwell Banker Bullard Realty

Collins Limousine & Transport Columns at White Oak, The Comcast Spotlight Comfort View Products Community Action for Improvement Community Welcome House, The Comprehensive Program Services, Inc. Computer Advantage, Inc. Contemporary Catering Continental Societies, Inc. Cook's Pest Control Co. Cornerstone United Methodist Church Corral

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Tax Preparation Business Plans Bookkeeping Forecasting Development Financial Statements Audits

2013 members Country Financial Keith Ross Agency Coweta CASA, Inc. Coweta Club Coweta County Convention & Visitors Bureau Coweta County Development Authority Coweta County Fairgrounds & Conference Center Coweta County School System Coweta County Sheriff Department Coweta County Tax Commissioner Coweta County Water and Sewerage Authority Coweta Dentistry Associates Coweta Eye Care Coweta Medical Center Coweta Monument Coweta Pool & Fireplace Coweta Samaritan Clinic Coweta Shopper, The Coweta-Fayette EMC Crain Oil Company Cranford Orthodontics, P.C. Crescent South Ins./Auto Owners Ins. Crossroads Animal Hospital Crossroads Behavioral Health/Schofield Psychiatric Services, LLC Curtis 1000 Custom Concepts & Performance, LLC Custom Molded Products, Inc.

Cycle City Power Sports D & G Garage Doors, Inc. D-Signed Graphics Dalton West Carpeting and Floors Dasenbrock, Pat DaVita Newnan Dialysis Dawson Street Christian School Delta Community Credit Union Delta Home Care Discovery Point #28 Diversified Billing Solutions Dixie Wing CAF/Great GA Air Show Dog House Kennel & Grooming, The Dogwood Veterinary Hospital and Laser Center Dolce Atlanta Peachtree Domino's Pizza Don Jackson Automotive Group Don's Automotive Dr. Ralph Davis, Chiropractor Dry Cleaning Connection Dunaway Gardens Dustin Shaw Homes, Inc. E.G.O. North America, Inc. Eco-Scrub Carpet & Floor Care, Inc. Ed's Pool Management, LLC Edward Jones Investments/Art Holbrook Edward Jones/Ashley Stapleton Elite Foam

2013 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 25

Ellen Communications, Inc. Elliott Chiropractic Clinic Embracing Hospice Emily's Skincare & Spa Encircle Roofing & Home Improvement Enterprise Rent-A-Car ERTSS-Emergency Response Training & Support Services Inc. ESG Business Services, LLC Estes Landscape Design Ethan Allen, Inc. Evans, Michael Steven EVP Photography Express Air Freight (GPP USA) Express Medical Clinic Express Oil Change Exquisite Care Dry Cleaning Service Fairburn Readymix, Inc. Falcon Aviation Family Friend Animal Hospital & Pet Lodge, PC Federated Insurance Fidelity Bank Fields Insurance File & Records Management Financial Planning Group, The Fine Lines Art & Framing First United Methodist Church Fletcher, Herman Foley Products Co. Food Outlet Footpaths Aromatic Reflexology Forest at York Apartments Forestar Real Estate Group Foxhall Resort and Sporting Club Fried Tomato Buffet Friends of Chattahoochee Bend State Park Frost Cummings Tidwell Group, LLC Full Circle



Game Day Magazine Harwell Brown & Harwell, PC General Nutrition Centers (Newnan GNC) Headley Construction Corp. Gentiva Hospice Healthy Life Chiropractic Gentivity LLC Heather's Heavenly Vapes Gentle Dentistry of Newnan HELP Spay/Neuter Clinic Georgia Aerospace and Defense Manufactur- Helpful Helpers ing, LLC Henson Signs & Graphics Georgia Bone & Joint, LLC Heritage Automotive Georgia Canine Heritage Bank of the South Georgia Department of Labor Heritage Property Management Services, Inc. Georgia Military College - Atlanta Campus Heritage School, The Georgia Pain & Spine Care HG Contracting Georgia Power Company Hibu Georgia Tech EDI Higgins & Smith, LLC Georgia Transmission Corp. Higgins Auto Sales/South Side Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency Higgins Funeral Home at Hillcrest Chapel Geotechnical & Environmental High Speed Signs & Designs Consultants, Inc. Hollberg's Fine Furniture Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta, Inc. Holloway Utility Contractors, Inc. Global Achievers Homestar Financial Glover/Piedmont Insurance Homestead Hospice Go 2 Studios Hooters of America, Inc. Golden Corral Horton's, Inc. Goldens on the Square Hospital Discount Drug Center Good To Go HVAC Housing Authority of the City Of Newnan Goodwill Industries of the Southern Rivers Hover Video Productions GPS Vacations Hunter Transportation Graylin C. Ward, Attorney Hyatt & Associates Lawn Care Great Southern Publishers, Inc. Innovative Aviation Services, Inc. Green Acres Lawn Care & Landscaping, Inc. Inspiration Agents Green Earth Options Biofuel of Georgia, LLC Integrated Science & Engineering, Inc. Greison Storage Mart Integrity Air & Home Inspection Grenzebach Corp. International Learning Academyof Newnan Group Six Real Estate, LLC It Works! Global Grundy's Paint & Auto Body Ivory Chevrolet Hampton Inn J & L Backflow, Inc. HamptonA InnN HotelO - Newnan J&M Pool Services, LLC UTSTANDING Harbin Agency, The J. Scott Taylor Agency, Inc./Allstate Harris Home Inspection Insurance Co.



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2013 members

26 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2013 Chamber Annual Report

J. Smith Lanier & Company J.K. Boatwright & Co., PC Jack Peek's Sales, Inc. Jackson Heating & Air James V. Casbarro Jr/Keller Williams Realty Atlanta Partners Jared B. Craig, Attorney At Law, LLC Jarret Byrd/5LINX Enterprises Jeffries Eye Care Jekyll & Hyde's Jennings, Marva Jersey Mike's Subs JLO Enterprises Johnson & Associates Consulting Firm Jorge Amador, MD LLC Josey, Young & Brady Realty, LLC Joy Barnes-Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Georgia Properties JP Morgan Chase Bank Junction Lanes Family Entertainment Center Just Us Kids Pediatrics, PC K & N Renovations, Inc. Kaad Technologies, Inc. Kaiser Permanente Kam, Ebersbach & Lewis, P.C. Kason Industries, Inc. Katie's Too Restaurant KBO Payment Processing, LLC KCMA Corporation Keller Williams Realty Atlanta Partners Keller Williams Realty Atlanta Partners/ Lynda Hawkins

Keller Williams Realty Atlanta Partners/ Sally McEntire Keller Williams Realty/Katherine Todd Keller Williams Realty/Maureen Lane Kent Alan Voyce, O.D., P.C. Key Promotions Keystone Chiropractic Association of Newnan, LLC Kirk The TV Guy, LLC Kitchens for your Family KMH Healthcare Staffing LLC Knox Co., Inc. KRB Communications La Fiesta Mexican Restaurant Landmark Christian School Laser Sporting of GA, Inc. Law Offices of R. Shane Smith Lee Goodrum-East Side Pharmacy Lee King Drug Legal Shield Let Them Eat Toffee! Lewis, Lynn Lexus South Atlanta Liberty Mutual Insurance LifePlan Financial Advisors, Inc. Lighthouse Counseling Center Lindsey Law Firm PC Lindsey's Inc. Realtors Litz Tire & Automotive Loft Lollapalooza Custom Framing & Interior Design



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Longhorn Steakhouse Loyalty Tax Group Lynn, Beverly M & R Print Solutions Madison Handbags Majestic Cuisine by Chef Anita Mama Lucia's Restaurant Mann & Wooldridge, P.C./TM Marable - Pirkle, Inc. March of Dimes Foundation/Georgia Chapter Marco's Pizza Marquis Management, Inc. Martins Millwork, Inc. Mathis Outdoors Inc. Mathnasium of Newnan Matrix Insurance Agency Matt's Roofing & Gutters, Inc. Matthew's Cleaning Service McDaniel's Financial Services McDonalds Corp #3149-Bullsboro McGuires Buildings McKee Heating and Air Conditioning, LLC McKoon Funeral Home McKoy, Marvin McLain Surveying, Inc. McWaters & Sons, Inc. Meadows and Ohly, LLC Meals On The Move Meals on Wheels of Coweta, Inc. (MOWOC) MedEd Media Macros, Inc. Meineke Car Care Center Mercer University Merle Norman Metro Maintenance Service Michael L. Rayburn, DDS, PC Microbe Free AL-GA Mid-Georgia Garage Doors, Inc. Midwest Food Bank- Georgia Div Mike Fitzpatrick Ford Lincoln Mercury Minuteman Press Mobley Eye Care

Morgan Jewelers Morgan Trophy Morning Glory Kitchen & Bath Design Center Morris & Spradlin Insurance Group, LLC Morris/Hardwick/Schneider Mt. Sinai Baptist Church Muniz, Julio Murphey Florist My Kidz Dentist, PC My Rent Source Property Management Nationwide Insurance Dexter Strickland & Agent NCG Cinemas New York Life/Trinity Insurance Newk's Express Cafe Newnan Ace Hardware Newnan Breast Center Newnan Centre, The Newnan-Peachtree Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Newnan Community Theatre Company Newnan Computers, LLC Newnan Country Club Newnan Health Mart Pharmacy Newnan Hospital Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Newnan Presbyterian Preschool and Kindergarten Newnan Regional Radiation Therapy Center Newnan Salvage Co., Inc. Newnan School of Gymnastics, Inc. Newnan Station Tire & Service Newnan Tax Service Newnan Times-Herald, The Newnan Utilities Newnan Wellness-Advanced Chiropractic Center Newnan-Coweta Board of Realtors Newnan-Coweta Boys & Girls Club Newnan-Coweta Habitat for Humanity Newnan-Coweta Historical Society, Inc. Newnan-Coweta Notary Nickell Equipment Rental and Sales

Nissan-Newnan Investments, LLC Northwest Exterminating NuLink NuWay Realty Oak Mountain Academy Odd's & End's Odyssey School Office Depot Oldcastle Building Envelope OPI - Outpatient Imaging Opportunity Staffing & Resource, Inc. Orkin Pest Control OrthoAtlanta OTB Strategies, LLC Pak Mail Panoply Interior Design & Consulting Parkside Management Group Patrick Malloy Companies Pattillo Industrial Real Estate Paul Peeler Leadership Development Paxxo (USA) Inc. Peachtree City Eye Center Peachtree City Obstetrics and Gynecology, P.C. Peachtree Hematology Oncology Consultants Peachtree Pediatric Dentistry Peachtree Planning Corporation Personnel Options, Inc. PetSmart Distribution Center - DC38 Pettersson Law Firm, P.C., The PhySlim, Weight Loss & Wellness Piedmont Healthcare Piedmont Heart Institute Piedmont Newnan Hospital Piedmont Physicians Group Piedmont South Imaging Plato's Closet PlumYumi Day Spa PNC Bank Point University Pollard Residential Waste Services LLC Pontoni Hair Design & Skin Care

2013 members Pope & Land Enterprises, Inc. Power Team House of Prayer International Powers Heating & Air Powers Pavilion Precious Memories Portraits Precision Pressure Washing Premier Foam, Inc. Preston Mill Apartments Pride Lawn Care Prime Time Eventz LLC PrimeCare Pediatrics Print Graphics Services, Inc. PrintSource Priority Payment Systems Pro - Stitch, Inc. Professional Broad Band Solutions Professional Consultants, Inc. Progressive Heating & Air PSS Signs & Glass Publix Super Markets Store 786 Purchasing Alliance Solutions, Inc. Quality Inn Quantum Commercial Real Estate Quick As A Wink Printing Company LLC QuickSilver Communications, Inc. R DuBose Jewelers R.K. Redding Construction, Inc. Rainbow International Raleigh Studios-Atlanta Ramsey, State Representative Matt Randstad RDR Contracting Real Life Center Redneck Gourmet, Inc. Rednexican Regina's Helping Hands Regions Bank Relyco Security ResCare HomeCare RettCo Steel, LLC Rhonda D. McClendon & Associates P.C. Rib Rub's BBQ Rider Pest Control Rip Tide Car Wash RMB Hospitality Staffing Ronny D. Jones Enterprises, Inc. Rooms To Go Rowe Together, Inc. Rutledge Center, Inc. Salvation Army Service Unit Sam's Club #4789 Sanders, Haugen & Sears, P.C. Savannah Court Sears Hometown Outlet Store Security Finance Sells Properties Senior Health Plans of GA, LLC Senior Helpers Service Experts ServiceMaster Total Cleaning Servpro Sewell Marine, Inc. Sexton, Amanda Shane's Rib Shack Sharp Business Systems Shell & Shepard Financial Services Shenandoah Electrical Services, Inc.

Shine 'N Drive Car Wash Shoe Mart of Newnan, The Shoney's Sign & Graphic Solutions, Inc. Sign-A-Rama Skin Cancer Specialists, P.C. Skyline Pest Solutions, Inc. Smith, Representative Lynn R. Snap Fitness SnapShot Graphics Solutions Health & Wellness Center Something Special Events Facility South Atlanta Winnelson South-Tree Enterprises, Inc. SouthCrest Bank SouthCrest Church SouthCrest Mortgage Southeast Accounting and Finance Inc. Southern A & E, LLC Southern Conservation Trust Southern Crescent Equine Service Southern Crescent Solutions Southern Crescent Women's Healthcare Southern Ground Social Club Southern Roots Nursery Southern Scapes Tree Experts Southern Shooters, Inc. Southern Vein Care Southside Wrecker Service SouthTowne Motors of Newnan SPIRAC (USA), INC. Spotless Pressure Washing

2013 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 27

Sprayberry's Barbecue Spring Hill Suites by Marriott Squiggly Doodles Standard Office Systems, Inc. Starlite Family Fun Centers State Bank State Farm Insurance, Brain Insurance Agency, Inc. State Farm Insurance, Phil Aaron State Farm Insurance, Trey Rhodes State Farm, Jake Stanley Stemberger & Cummins, P.C. StoneBridge Early Learning Center StoneBridge Early Learning Center 1 Strong Arms in a Truck Subway - 25678 Subway Restaurants/Footlong Investments, Inc. Summer Grove Golf Club Summit Family YMCA Summit Urgent Care & Occupational Medicine Sumo Japanese Steak House Superior Tree Service Surgical & Cosmetic Dermatology Suzanne Hudson *Thirty-One Gifts* Independent National Executive Director Suzette Abramson of the SuzAnna Properties Team at RE-Max United Svensk Design Studio LLC Sweet Sensations Italian Ice Taco Bell/Georgia-Texas Enterprises, Inc. Tasty Rib Shack Tatum Tree Ten East Washington TenCate Southern Mills, Inc. Texas Roadhouse The Inn at Serenbe/The Farmhouse The JOY FM The Keats Agency - Nationwide The Pink Hanger Consignment The Skin Spa of Newnan Dermatology


The Southern Credit Union The UPS Store #3476-Glenda Trace The Vaper Shop The World of Masonry Thomas Eye Group Thompson Gas Thompson, Walter Three Rivers Regional Commission Todd Scarbrough Timber, Inc. Tom C. Hudson, CPA, PC Tom VanHoozer, Partner of Indoff Tomco Construction, Inc. Tomlinson Services Total Recycling of Georgia Town and Country Restaurant Town of Moreland Town of Sharpsburg Toyota of Newnan Tradewind Guns and Outfitters Tri-Copy Office Equipment, Inc. Tri-State Land Management Trinity Air, Inc. Trinity Christian School of Sharpsburg Trinity Fellowship Church True Natural Gas TruGreen Landcare Truman's B.B.Q. Trust One Payment Services, Inc. Trust Teck TV Town Twisted Peelz LLC Uni-Health Post Acute Care of Greenville Uniglobe McIntosh Travel United Bank United Community Bank United Home Care Newnan United Hospice Newnan United Rentals, Inc. United Way in Coweta County University of West Georgia, Newnan Campus Unveiling Restoration Community Outreach, Inc.

ValuTeachers, Inc. Valvoline Instant Oil Change of Newnan Vapes Gone Wild Velocity Road Solutions, Inc. Vickers, Claude L. Victor Moody's Plumbing, Inc. Vinings at Newnan Lakes, The Walgreens Co. Ward, V W Waste Industries/CLM Water Source Plumbing Service, Inc. Watts, Marsha WC Limousine & Transportation Services, LLC WCOH-Fox Sports 1400 AM/Magic 98.1 FM/ WVCC-AM 720 The Voice Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Wesley Woods of Newnan/Peachtree City West Central Georgia Workforce Development West Georgia Roofing II, Inc. West Georgia Technical College West Georgia Technology West Georgia Wireless Westaff Wilburn Engineering, LLC William Murray and Son Funeral Home, Inc. Wing Busters USA Winpak Films, Inc. Wm. J. Redmond & Son, Inc. Wood-Mizer South WOW Advertising Wyndham Peachtree Conference Center Yamaha Motor Manuf. Corp. of America Yesterday's/Newnan-Coweta Event Center Yokogawa Corp. of America Your Chef To Go, Inc. Your Contractor's Directory Zaxby's



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28 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2013 Chamber Annual Report


sponsor thank you

A Thank You to our Sponsors!

The success of the Chamber’s events depends greatly on the support of member sponsors and volunteers who share their talents and expertise. A big thank you to our signature and networking event sponsors and volunteer leaders listed below! Charter Business Leads to Business Sponsor Held every other month, these events offer a “speed dating” format and give members an opporHosted monthly at the Central tunity to quickly expand their Educational Center, these events contact base. provided networking and information on community or busi- 2013 Annual Meeting ness issues. Sponsors This annual event celebrates accomplishments and recognizes volunteer contributions. A big thank you to the sponsors that made the event possible!

NuLink Early Bird Forum Sponsor

These monthly events give members an opportunity to network and mingle in a relaxed, after hours setting at a members business’ location. A big thank you to the 2013 sponsors! • Beck Janitorial • City of Newnan Business Development • Contemporary Catering • Dalton West Carpeting and Floors • Fidelity Bank • Foxhall Resort and Sporting Club • Georgia Pain and Spine Care • Merle Norman • Newnan Utilities • Parkside Management Group • Piedmont Healthcare • Progressive Heating & Air • Quantum Real Estate • Something Special • South-Tree Enterprises • Wyndham Peachtree Conference Center

Presenting Sponsor - Georgia Power Silver Sponsor - Kaiser Permanente Chairman’s Award - Lexus of South Atlanta Volunteer of the Year AwardNuLink Ambassador of the Year Award Coweta-Fayette EMC Beverage Sponsors - Greenwood Group, Newnan Utilities, SouthTowne, State Farm/ Stephanie Fagerstrom

28th Annual Golf Classic Sponsors The Chamber’s signature fundraiser is widely known as the premier golfing event in Coweta County; held the first Wednesday in May. Platinum Presenting Sponsor Canongate Golf Clubs, Piedmont Healthcare Gold Title Sponsors - Cancer Treatment Centers of America, The Southern Credit Union Silver Sponsors - Batson-Cook Construction, Mercer University, Orthoatlanta, Toyota of Newnan Food Sponsors - Cargill , Food Depot Beverage Sponsors - Buffalo Rock

Beverage and Food Services Golf Ball Drop Sponsors - Toyota of Newnan Volunteer T-Shirts/Player Package/ Bag Tag Sponsor - Dry Cleaning Connection, Georgia Pain Care, Thomas Eye Group Reg./Breakfast Sponsor - Lexus of South Atlanta Practice Tee Sponsor - SouthTowne Motors of Newnan Putting Green Sponsor - Skin Cancer Specialists Leaderboard Sponsor - Piedmont Healthcare

Bowling Adventure Sponsors

BigExpo Sponsors Held every October, this is the largest networking event and offers tremendous opportunity for exposure and lead generation. Presenting Sponsor - Delta Community Credit Union Facilities Sponsor - Summit Family YMCA Media Sponsor - 92.5 The Bear Corporate Sponsors - Baby Dimensions, Matt’s Roofing & Gutters, Inc.; Newnan Utilities , Nissan of Union City, NuLink, Piedmont Healthcare, Toyota of Newnan, Skin Cancer Specialists, PC, My Kidz Dentist

The Chamber would also like to thank Newnan Utilities for hostA themed event focused on team ing the Economic Prosperit y building and fun Council meetings. Presenting Sponsor - CowetaFayette EMC Silver Sponsor - Georgia Pain and Spine Care


Business-After-Hours Sponsors

Door Prize Sponsor - Wesley Woods of Newnan Print Sponsor - PrintSource Centerpiece Sponsor - Bedazzled Flower Shop

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Broker Inquiries Invited

2013 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 29

Newnan-Coweta Chamber awarded

5-Star Accreditation

Newnan Mayor Keith Brady (center) presents Chamber President and CEO Candace Boothby and 2013 Chamber Chair Dean Jackson a proclamation celebrating 5-Star Accreditation.

In March, Chamber members celebrated the honor of receiving a 5-Star Accreditation from the U.S. Chamber, which put them in the top one percent of chambers nationally.

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30 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2013 Chamber Annual Report Phase Two of the multi-year building upgrades has been completed.


continued from page 5

of Directors and Chairs over the past several years and the diligent work done by staff, the coveted 5-Star Accreditation was awarded the Chamber by the U. S. Chamber of Commerce. Only the top one percent of chambers nationwide receives this recognition of a job extremely well done and only two others in Georgia. Another outstanding honor was given to our Chamber by the American Chambers of Commerce Executives association with their national Communications Award of Excellence for the Newnan- Coweta Chamber’s “Prosperity’s Front Door marketing and branding campaign.

Year Marked by Strong Financial Performance Perhaps the most difficult but treasured achievement was the successful management of the organization’s finances. Through the efforts of the board of directors and staff, the Chamber posted its most financially successful year in its 66-year-history. The year 2013 ended with a positive budget gap, increasing longterm reserves and by exceeding sales goals for new member recruitment by welcoming 233 new members to the Chamber Family. A big nod to the membership campaign volunteers who led the campaign recruitment efforts to a victory. Every bit as important was the growth of the Enhanced Investors program, which grew by 40 percent. These milestones were especially satisfying because they speak to the value of belonging to the organization even as the national economy recovers for the Great Recession. Coweta County certainly didn’t avoid the pain of the period but was able to rebound a bit more swiftly than some others and continue Coweta’s growing reputation as a well-organized, financially strong community. Congratulations to the board, our members, and our business and elected leadership that makes Coweta County and the

Newnan-Coweta Chamber one the Chamber invested in extenof the best in Georgia. sive technological upgrades to ensure the highest quality Facilities Receive Facelift of member services. The staff, Phase Two of the multi-year too, improved its professional building upgrades has been abilities and credibility, demoncompleted, vastly improving strated by earning increasing the face the Chamber presents professional designations as to the world, thanks to the gen- well as receiving both state and erosity of donor members. As national professional developmany businesses have done, ment scholarships.


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2013 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 31

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32 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2013 Chamber Annual Report

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