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Coweta students excel in Science Olympiad By Celia Shortt celia@newnan.com
Coweta County students continue to excel in many a re a s , a nd recent ly, fou r schools placed at the regional Science Olympiad compet it ion a nd w i l l represent Coweta County at the state competition. The Science Olympiad is a nationally recognized program that gives students an opportunity to experience the practical applications of science. Teams of 15 students cross-train to prepare for 23 different events, dealing with mechanical engineering, technology, genetics, chemistry, anatomy, physics, geology, and earth science. Coweta Cou nt y Schools have a successful history at Science Olympiad, this year’s regional competition included. All three high schools — East Coweta, Newnan, and Northgate — had medal winners in multiple events. Northgate finished fourth in a regional event and will represent Coweta County at the state competition in March. M a d r a s M i d d l e S c h o ol placed second at the middle school regional competition and will also represent Coweta at the state competi-
tion. Newnan Crossing Elementary school and Brooks Elementary School placed first and second at their regional competition and will represent Coweta in May at the state elementary school Science Olympiad competition. The Science Olympiad is special not only in that it fosters a spirit of competition for students, but also in that cultivates the spirit of volunteerism. High school students play integral roles, as more than 50 students from all Coweta high schools and the CEC have contributed to the competitions. Usually high school students help develop opportunities for the elementary and middle school teams. High school students also give up their Saturdays to judge events and help coach elementary and middle school science olympians. They even shared advice and encouragement with the younger kids and helped hand out medals to the winners. The Coweta County School System currently has 15 different Science Olympiad teams in three different divisions — elementary, middle, and high school. ECHS has one of the largest programs in Georgia with three full teams com-
peting yearly plus a number of students supporting the competition teams. Six of the Coweta elementary schools also have teams — Brooks, Poplar Road, Newnan Crossing, Ruth Hill, and White Oak. Coweta County also has four middle schools which field a team — East Coweta Middle School, Lee Middle School, Madras Middle School, and Smokey Road Middle School.
ABOVE: East Coweta High School students Yusra Anwar, left, and Sydney Bollinger showcase their medals from the high school regional Science Olympiad competition. LEFT: Madras Middle School student William Meeks shows off his award at the regional Science Olympiad competition.
Sensational Strawberry Snacks insidewn
ur- O Make-Yo nacks rry S Strawbe ➤
Dr. Kay Crosby (right) discusses one of her patients with volunteer RN Bonnie Umberger at Coweta Samaritan Clinic. The clinic treats uninsured adult residents of Coweta County who meet defined household income guidelines.
The Good Samaritan
Strawberry Dessert Pizza
Easy, healthy berry recipes will wow the family FAMILY FEATURES
Strawberries are a quick and easy snack for adults and children. It’s no wonder why they’re a top fruit juice in kitchens and lunchboxes everywhere. Plus,
these tasty fruits are packed with almost 140 percent of immune system boosting vitamin C. “Strawberries always put a smile on my face,” says Chef
Justin Timineri, executive chef and culinary ambassador, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. “My favorite recipe for them is to simply ‘Rinse, eat and repeat.’”
Medical clinic earns 11Alive Community Service Award By Bradley Hartsell bradley@newnan.com
Kay Crosby felt compelled to change her life and medical
practice after being guided by a strong calling. Crosby, a medical doctor, practiced at the PAPP Clinic in Newnan for 20 years. After traveling with her church on several mission trips, Crosby began to understand how rewarding it was to treat people in need. “It made me see the world
differently a nd our community differently, as well,” Crosby said. When she worked a church medical clinic, Crosby said she found a woman with a blood sugar level greater than 300 and realized there was nowhere in Newnan for this
samaritan, page 4
Bruce Hornsby and the Noisemakers
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Arrival– The Music of Abba
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TBA Concert will be announced in May! Check our website, facebook or call us!
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The Rat Pack is Back Sept. 13
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The FREDERICK BROWN JR. AMPHITHEATER • 201 McIntosh Trail, Peachtree City • FOR TICKETS: www.amphitheater.org • 770.631.0630
2 MyConnection | Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Newnan screen on the green First Avenue Park April 4 7:30 p.m.
Disney's 'Frozen' will be featured for all to enjoy — free!— at the public park on First Avenue. Movie beins at 8 p.m.
Info: 770-254-2601 www.coweta.ga.us
Pickin' on the square Downtown Newnan April 5 & 19 11 a.m.
Join us for Pickin' on the Square! A ll musicia ns a re i nvited to come down to Newnan’s Historic Courthouse Square and play. All music genres and skill levels are welcome. Acoustic only.
Info: 770-253-8283 www.mainstreetnewnan.com
community blood drive Downtown Newnan April 8 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The blood drive will be held in the parking lot of the Courthouse at 72 Greenville Street. There will be two blood mobiles in the parking lot.
Info: 770-253-8283 www.mainstreetnewnan.com
spring taste of newnan Downtown Newnan April 24 5 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Join us for downtowns most popular event. Coweta restaurants and caterers show off their best eats.
Info: 770-253-8283 www.mainstreetnewnan.com
1. Hidden, also "lost" in French 6. ___ and flow 9. Beehive basket 13. "Private Parts" author 14. ___ v. Wade 15. The Great Muppet 16. _____ peak 17. ___-Wan Kenobi 18. Bedazzle, e.g. 19. *"The Jazz Singer" and such 21. Honeymoon, e.g. U.S.D.A. Select Beef Any Size Package 23. Finale Bone-In Fresh 24. RPMs 25. Electric guitar hookup 28. *Art ____ 30. Kindle editions 35. Figure of worship 37. Margaret behind sexual revolution 39. *Flashy ocean ride in "The Great Gatsby" 40. *This "biscuit" was renamed a "sand31. The Hippocratic ____ wich" cookie in 1921 Fresh U.S.D.A. Inspected Superior Farms Fresh AmericanDOWN Any Size Package 32. *Lindbergh's first solo Fresh crossingLoin of End 41. Supplemented Fresh Ground grabber Cubed Lamb Shoulder1. Attention Atlantic ____ 43. Salty drop 2. Tallest volcano in Europe 33. Popular pant style for men 44. Chronic disease in homeopathy 3. Movie roll 34. Seatbelt 46. Pitcher with handle and spout for U.S.D.A. Select Beef 4. *Famous Chicago hotel, opened in Any Size Package 36. *Like Hemingway's generationFresh Bone-In pouring 1920 lb. lb.acquisition lb. 5. Uncharitable or cruellb. 38. Owner's 47. Maori war dance 42. _____ queen 48. ______ weight in boxing 6. Son of Aphrodite 45. Indian spice mix 50. Actor Sandler 7. *Roaring Twenties hairstyle 49. Auto unit 52. Frostiness 8. Neutral shade 51. The next day 11 oz., Asst. Flavors 53. To fix, as in cat 11.5 oz. Classic or French 9. *"Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime 54. Breastplate Essential Roast 55. Bygone bird ____," a.k.a. "7Up" 56. Sun-dried brick Essential Everyday 24 oz. 57. *Musical name for the 1920s 10. Be aware of a fact Red Gold Everyday 57. Pleasures Any Size Package 61. *"Return to Normalcy" FreshDomain U.S.D.A. Inspected SuperiorPresident Farms Fresh American 11. Poet Pound 58. Fresh Ground Fresh Loin End Cubed Lamb Shoulder 12. Child's 65. Architectural projection dream gift? 59. Pizzazz Chuck Pork Roast Pork Cuttlets Roast or Chops 15. *Fitzgerald's 66. "Wow!" famous character 60. Actress ___-Jones 68. Cowboy sport 20. Swelling 61. Pay attention 69. Female gossip 22. Adam's partner lb. 62. Badlb. day for Caesar lb. lb. 70. Feeling of anger 63. Home on a limb 24. *Route 66, e.g. 71. Corpulent 64. "What ____ around comes around" 25. Mushroom cloud maker 67. *Babe Ruth, star of the "Live-Ball ___ 72. *"The Foresyte ____" 26. Journalist Shriver 73. Down in the dumps 11 oz., Asst. Flavors 27. Song of joy Classic4or French "Solution11.5 onoz.Page Essential Roast Media 74. Adam and Mae © StatePoint 29. Relinquish or abandon Everyday
72° 57°
399 2 ¢
68° 46°
3 33 94
Chuck Chuck Roast
Any Size Ultra SoftPackage or Ultra Strong 5-10.25 oz.Charmin Fresh Ground Select Varieties
Superior Farms Fresh American
Any Size Package U.S.D.A. Inspected EggoFresh 14.5-15 oz. Can Fresh
128 oz. Bottle Select Varieties
(certain restrictions apply)
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$75 67 2
U.S.D.A. Inspected
6 Ct. Mega Roll Ultra Soft or Strong or 12 Ct. Double Roll Sensitive, Ultra Soft 11Strong oz., Asst. Flavors Anyor SizeUltra Package
2 2
Pork Cho
$ 1
U.S.D.A. Inspected
Pork Chops
$ 18 lb.
U.S.D.A. Inspected
Pork Chops
$ 18
48 oz. Vegetable or Best Blend
14.5-15 oz. Can Select Varieties
Fresh U.S.D.A. Inspected 11.5 oz. Classic or French Chef Boyardee Charmin Essential Roast Fresh Ground 11 oz., Asst. Flavors Fresh Loin End Cubed 11.5 oz.14 Classic or French Sliced 28 oz. oz. Boneless Pasta Everyday Pork Cuttlets Essential BathEssential Tissue Roast Chuck Pork Roast Fourstar Sunset Farms Everyday EssentialEveryday Frosted Toaster Everyday .... Frosted Toaster Ground Coffee
Superior Farms Fresh American
Best Blend French Toast Sticks, Pork Vegetable or Shrimp Pork Cuttlets ChefGround Boyardee Fresh Loin Beef End Roast Cubed Imperial Wesson Pancakes or Pasta Pork Cuttlets $ 18 $Mini 95 Pork Roast Garden Oil $ Muffin 95 Topslb. $ 18 Egglb.Rolls lb. lb. lb. Fresh
U.S.D.A. Inspect
48 oz.
Fresh Loin End 5 oz. Pork, Chicken, Vegetable or
CubedSelect Varieties
2 2 3 94 2 2 2 2 3 63 ¢ Smoked Sausage 6 Smoked Sausage 1 Smoked Sausage 2 84 77 2 99 84 77 2 99 $ 17 $ 95 $ 13 Lamb Shoulder
14 oz. 24 oz.
Punch Roast or Chops Butterball Turkey Red Gold $ 24 oz.
Shopper's Value 17 $ 95 $ 13 Shopper's Value Red Gold ¢ Smoked Sausage .... Smoked Sausage Breakfast Ham ..... $ 67 Tomato Sauce Ketchup18 $ $Pastries 96 35 $Ketchup $ Coffee 18 $ 95 Ground Pastries $ 95 Tomato Sauce lb. 2.5 Lb. Family Pack 14 oz. 16 oz. lb. lb. lb. $49 Royal ¢¢ Farms49 $ 64 Andouille¢Cajun¢Style $ 35 $ 83 3/ 3/ ¢ $ Sunset
2 $ Roma 64 6 TomatoesSmoked Sausage ....
Fourstar 11 oz., Asst. Flavors Smoked Essential Sausage Everyday 14 oz. Frosted Toaster Andouille Cajun Style
1 3$ 18
14 oz. Boneless Sliced
Sunset Farms
11.5 oz. Classic or French Roast
Essential 8 oz. 16 oz. Pkg. Everyday Sunset Farms
Shopper's Value
2 $ 38 White FrenchFrench Toast Sticks, Toast Sticks,
oz., Select Varieties 12.7-16.4 oz., 12.7-16.4 Select Varieties 8 oz. Pkg. Eggo
Tomato Sauce
1 $ 38 1 $
8lb. oz.
Ground Coffee
8 oz.
8 oz.
2 Breakfast Ham ..... 3 $ 35 White $ 83 1Mushrooms Smoked Sausage 2
28 oz.
1 75$ 98
5 oz. Pork, Chicken, 5 oz. Pork, Chicken, Vegetable or Shrimp Vegetable or Shrimp
Seedless Grapeslb.
94 1 1 75 3198 94 1 2 $ 58 $ 38 $ 38 21 981 $ 138 ¢ $ ¢ 88 ¢ $ 75 1 1 1 $ 67 $ 96 $$ 18 94 1 75 3 ¢ $ 67 94 $ 96 2 18 Garden Salad 6 2 94 Potatoes 2Squash 2 $ 286 $ 38 $ 98 1919oz.oz.Sticks Sticksor orFillets Fillets
Gorton's Gorton's
Crunchy Crunchy Fish Fresh Fish
5-10.255-10.25 oz. oz. Select Varieties Select Varieties
$$ 75 Banquet 75 Banquet Meals Meals¢ lb.
Mushrooms Pancakes or Pancakes orea. Mini Mini Muffin Muffin Tops Tops
¢ ¢
Large Slicing
Imperial Imperial Garden Garden
$ 88 $ 88 Egg Rolls
Tomatoes 12.7-16.4 oz., Select Varieties
5 lb. BagEgg Rolls
¢ $ 98 lb.
Pink Grapefruit.........
48 oz. $ 5 Fresh lb. Bag 5 oz. Pork, Chicken, Select Varieties 14.5-15 oz. Can Vegetable or Tomatoes French Toast Sticks, Vegetable or Shrimp Select Varieties Chef Boyardee Pink Grapefruit......... Zucchini Squash.......... lb.Soft or Ultra Strong Best Blend 5-10.25 oz.Ultra Wesson ea. Charmin lb. Pancakes or Chef BoyardeeImperial Oil Wesson Gorton's Select Varieties Charmin Pasta Hawaiian Bath Tissue 1 lb. Regular or 12 oz. Angel Hair $ Punch $ 38 Fresh Pasta Oil Garden Mini Bath Tissue Crunchy Fresh 5 lb. Bag Punch Ready Pac Cole Slaw 2 lb. BagBanquet Zucchini Squash.......... lb. Mealsea. Egg Rolls Muffin Tops Red Fish Ready Pac Yellow
1 lb. Regular or 12 oz. Angel Hair Fresh 128 oz. Bottle
6 Ct. Mega Roll Ultra Soft orLarge Strong Slicing or 12 Ct. Double Sensitive, 6 Ct. MegaRoll Roll Ultra Soft or Strong Ultra Soft Strong Roll Sensitive, or or 12Ultra Ct. Double
Ready Pac Cole Slaw Tomatillos................... Select Varieties Hawaiian oz. Bottle Sticks or Fillets Select Varieties 128 19 oz.
2 2626 2 lb. Bag
2 1 75 2
88 45 394¢2 2 $$1 2 ¢ 942 6
$ 35 $ $ 7595 $ 44 $$ 35 18 $395 3lb. lb.96 lb.
KetchupSausage Smoked
Any Size Package
12.7-16.4 oz., Select Varieties
6 Ct. Mega Roll Ultra Soft or Strong Bone-In Ground orFresh 12 Ct. Double Roll Sensitive,
Lamb Shoulder
Red Gold Royal
Starting at
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Tomato Sauce
Any Size Package
3/ 49Ground 5Beef oz. Pork, Chicken,
5-10.25 oz. Select Varieties
Smoked Sausage
America Must Stand with Israel!
Shopper's Value
French Toast Sticks, Fresh Vegetable or Shrimp Chuck Roast Pancakes orGround Beef Imperial Gorton's * * Banquet Garden Mini Crunchy lb. fees, and associated Meals stocking Egg lb. Rolls Muffin Tops expenses. Fish *Our cost includes freight, U.S.D.A. Select Beef
19 oz. Sticks or Fillets
Butterball Turkey
John 15:13
8 oz.
12.7-16.4 oz.,Ground Select Varieties Coffee
Chuck Roast ¢ Bone-In
$ $ 49 18
$ 18
Tomato Sauce
Ground Coffee
14 oz.
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends (associate, friend, neighbor).”
Pork Chops
84 2 99 $ 10% 44ADDED $88 45 ¢ OUR COST PLUS AT REGISTER! ¢ $ $ $ 75 44 $ 45 ¢
Essential Everyday
RoastShoulder or Chops Hawaiian Lamb Gorton's Chuck Bath Tissue Punch Roast or Chops Banquet Crunchy lb. lb. Meals Fish
67° 40°
$ 18
$ 45
Frosted Toaster U.S.D.A.Pastries Select Beef
77 Ketchup
128 oz. Bottle 19 oz.Select Sticks orVarieties Fillets
Ground Beef
Frosted Toaster Pastries
U.S.D.A. Select Beef Any Size Package
64° 41°
$ 18
$ 95
$ 35
Superior Farms Fresh American
$ 35
$ 44
Pork Roast
Pork Cuttlets
Chuck Roast
Red Gold
april 3 - 6
$ 45
$ 95
77 3
Pork Chops
Roast or Chops
said. “Contestants must submit This year’s Spin Time Car- an original cartoon strip,” toon Strip Contest is taking a Vielot said. “The entry may U.S.D.A. Inspected scientific turn. not haveQuarterloin been entered previThe contest is sponsored ously in any other contest.” by the Coweta Public Library The strip may be up to 15 System and the Moreland panels in length. Artwork Cultural Arts Alliance. may be black-and-white or This is the second year color. “The cartoon strip can be for t he contest, wh ich is envisioned as bei ng held hand created or computer generated,” Vielot said. “Conannually. “The theme for the car- tent must be family friendly.” toon strip contest is ‘My Judges reserve the right to Science Experiment,’” said disqualify entries for inapMarie Vielot, manager of the propriate content including libraries in Grantville and but not limited to nudity or U.S.D.A. Inspected Senoia. “This contest pro- profanity. Quarterloin The deadline for entries is motes creativity, the use of May 17. the imagination (and) writEntries may be sent to: Spin ing skills.” Time Cartoon Strip Contest, Entries may be by indiGrantville Library, 100 Park viduals or by a team. Teams Drive Grantville, GA 30220 can be school-based or just or via email to info@moregroups of friends.8 oz. landadventure.com. “These teams may work on Shopper's Value There will be prizes for the entire strip or segments first, second, and third place of it. For example, one part winners in individual and of a competing team may team categories. create t he a rtwork while Winners will be announced another creates the story at t he Gra nt v i lle Bra nch line content,” Vielot said. Library 2014 Summer ReadTea m s a nd i nd iv idua ls ing Program kickoff on June will be judged as separate 4. categories. “All ages are welThe kickoff event will start come to compete,” Vielot at 11 a.m. winston@newnan.com
Ground Beef
$ 44
By W. Winston Skinner
Chuck Roast
24 oz.
Weather Connection
‘My Science Experiment’ theme for Spin Time cartoon contest
Ready Pac
128 oz. Bottle
14 oz. Select Varieties
Garden Salad
Butterball Turkey Hawaiian 14 oz.
$ 18 Smoked Sausage Royal
2.5 Lb. Family Pack
$ Andouille 96 Cajun Style 64 14 oz.
.... ea.
Smoked Sausage
2 2 94 1
14.5-15 oz. Can Select Varieties14 oz. Boneless Sliced
1 1 22 2
48 oz. Vegetable or Best Blend
Oil 3 2 $ 98 $ Breakfast 95ea. Ham ..... $ $13 38 lb. Smoked Sausage .... 2 Breakfast Ham ..... 3
Fourstar $ 17Charmin 28 oz.
Smoked Sausage
2.5 Lb. Family Pack
6 Ct. Mega Roll Ultra Soft or Strong or 12 Ct. Double Roll Sensitive, Ultra Soft Ultra Strong 28oroz.
5 lb. Bag
$ .... 2 28 Bath Tissue Sausage Smoked $ ea. 17
Smoked Punch Sausage Butterball Turkey
14.5-15 oz. Can
98 lb. ea. 58
48 oz. Vegetable or Best Blend
Boyardee Wesson 13 Sunset Farms $ Chef 95 14 oz. Boneless Sliced $ Pasta
14 oz.
$ 35
Smoked Sausage .... Andouille Cajun Style 64
Smoked Sausage
Sunset Farms
¢ea. Sunset Farms
$$ 83 67
16 oz.
Sausage Farms $ Smoked 35 Sunset
16 oz.
99¢ 99
All Brands 1.25 liter Bottles
Coca-Cola........... Smoked Sausage Coca-Cola........... All Brands 1.25 liter Bottles
00 Black00 $$
2 2 3 Grapes $$ 0000 Seedless Coca-Cola......... Grapes Coca-Cola......... 18 Smoked Sausage$ 6 Smoked Sausage 1 Smoked Sausage 2 $ 38 $ 98 80 Macoun Green $$ 68 ¢¢ 80 Macoun Green 68 $ 18 $ 38 1$ 9 Apples........ 1 Snap Beans 98 1 Apples........ Snap Beans 14 oz.
$ Fresh 17 Roma
28 oz.
Coca-Cola......... Coca-Cola......... All Brands 8 Pack, 7.5 Oz. Cans
1 1 1 198 98 1 98 $ 18 NEWNAN $ 38 1 1 1 1 $1381 ....
3 lb. Bag
3 Seedless
All Brands 8 Pack, 7.5 Oz. Cans
8 oz. Pkg. Sliced 14 oz. Boneless
95 Sunset $ 13 WhiteFarms lb. 8 oz. Pkg. Smoked Sausage .... Smoked Sausage .... Breakfast Ham ..... AllAllBrands Brands 2 2literliterBottles Bottles Tomatoes Mushrooms Roma 14 oz. White 2.5 Lb. Family Pack 16 oz. Royal Farms $ 64 Andouille Cajun Style $ 35 Sunset $ 83 Tomatoes Mushrooms Butterball Turkey
3 lb. Bag
Roma lb.¢
Tomatillos................... Tomatoes
Large Slicing
8 oz. Pkg.
11 2 $ 981 2 1 1
Assorted Flavors 32 oz. Bottles
Powerade............ Assorted Flavors 32 oz. Bottles
¢ Powerade............ $ 21 lb. Energy Drinks.. Monster Assorted Flavors 16 oz. 21 lb. Black $ Energy Drinks.. Monster Assorted Flavors 16 oz.
Seedless $ Pink Grapefruit......... Grapes 5 lb. Bag
98 lb ea. $ 58 $
5 lb. Bag ¢ $ Tomatoes 38 $ 38 Fresh Grapefruit......... lb. Tomatillos................... lb. Ready Pac Cole Slaw ZucchiniPink Squash.......... ea. lb. 1 lb. Regular or 12 oz. Angel Hair $ lb. $ 124 38Bullsboro Drive • Newnan,ea.Georgia 30263 Fresh lb. • GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE 1Fresh lb. Regular or 12 oz. Angel Hair •
Large Slicing
2 lb. Bag 5 lb. Bag Ready Pac Cole Ready Slaw ea. SATURDAY 8:00 a.m.lb. MONDAY THROUGH - 10:00 p.m. • SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Pac
Garden Salad ¢lb. Tomatillos................... Ready Pac 1 lb. Regular or 12 oz. Angel Hair 28 $ 38 Garden $Salad
Large Slicing
. Main St
Gr ei
Tr a
$ 38
Fresh Zucchini Squash.......... Yellow
2 1
$ 98 Fresh Squash Pink Grapefruit......... ea. Yellow Red $ 58 $ 38 Fresh 98 Squash Potatoes
Potatoes 5 lb. Bag
Located on 124 Bullsboro Drive in the East Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster
31 through April 6, 2014. Quantity rights reserved. Not responsible for 5 typographical or pictorial errors. lb. Bag Fresh Prices Effective March 2 lb. Bag Tomatoes
Ready Pac Cole Slaw
ing Cen
e Shopp
East Gat
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 | MyConnection 3
Community/Recipe Connection
We are all about your health Everyone seems to be on a health kick these days. M aybe it ’s bec au se t he weather is finally warming up. The Little Black Dress, for instance, has restarted her “around the neighborhood walks,” toting her little snowball of fur along with her. I have on occasion joined her, simply to try and tame Gigantor, a behemoth mix of various wolf and bear species, so that the LBD can handle him on a leash as well. But it’s not only people getting into the groove — companies are pushing the health kick as well. Not too long ago, CVS, one
of the nation’s biggest pharmacy chains, announced that it was going to stop selling cigarettes and other tobacco products starting in the fall. “Ending the sale of cigarettes and tobacco products at CVS/pharmacy is the right thing for us to do for our customers and our company to help people on their path to better health,” Larry J. Merlo, president and CEO of CVS Caremark, said in a statement. “Put simply, the sale of tobacco products is inconsistent with our purpose.” Health gurus, and even the president, were quick to praise the company.
“As one of the largest retailers and pharmacies in America, CVS Caremark sets a powerful example, and today’s decision will help advance my administration’s efforts to reduce tobacco-related deaths, cancer, and heart disease, as well as bring down health care costs — ultimately saving lives and protecting untold numbers of families from pain and heartbreak for years to come,” Obama was quoted as saying.
Fear factor The screams started just after sundown. Decades later, the victims still swear this was a horror even a first-rate fortune teller could not have predicted. It should have been a routine overnight outing. The two campers weren’t experts in wilderness survival, but they knew how to pitch a tent, start a fire, watch the stars show off and savor the wonders of the great outdoors. The campsite was in safe territory. The most threatening critter encounter would likely be a face-off with a raccoon, possum or gopher. The tent was pitched just in time to watch a gorgeous deep summer sunset. An hour later, the campers were cloaked in darkness. The attack started without warning. The hollering was hard to miss. The victims shot out of the tent like Fourth of July bottle rockets, screaming their lungs out, desperate for
help. They weren’t desperate for long. Mostly because the tent was pitched in my backyard. The “outdoorsmen” were my son and his best buddy. They were maybe 6 or 7. When we realized the kids had basically been scared of the dark, everyone relaxed. “Aw, they’re just kids,” we said. “Probably heard a squirrel scratching around. Maybe a passing possum.” But the boys swore they had been attacked by a crazed beast. They didn’t just describe the creature. They named it. It wasn’t Bigfoot or Godzilla. The attacker was the neighb o r ’s c a t , M e a t b a l l , a k a “Meaty.” Meatball was an undistinguished beast, nice enough and generally willing to mind his own business. Meaty showed a little attitude when tested, but didn’t have a reputation for assault and cattery. Even if Meaty had attacked,
ALEX mcrae the damage would have been minor. At the time of the incident Meaty was roughly a thousand years old and down to three legs. Not exactly an apex predator. The cruel label of “scaredy cat” hovered over the boys for weeks. One of them finally said, “Enough.” My son, Hunter, shed the
T his, of course, coming from a man who admits to still sneaking an occasional cigarette himself, what he calls as “falling off the wagon.” But not to be outdone, nearly 30 attorney generals from various states have jumped on the no-more-selling-cigarettes bandwagon. They’ve even sent letters to Walmart, Kroger Rite Aid, Walgreens and Safeway, asking them to join the CVS plan. “Pha rmacies a nd dr ug stores, which increasingly market themselves as a source for community health care, send a mixed message by continuing to sell deadly tobacco products,” New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman says in a news release. “The
fact that these stores profit from the sale of cigarettes and tobacco must take a backseat to the health of New Yorkers and customers across the country. I urge these companies to do the right thing and remove tobacco products from store shelves.” I’m one of t hose who believes companies have the right to sell, or not sell, whatever they want — provided they don’t discriminate in their decision. Anyway. I stopped off at the local CVS the other day because I needed some contact solution. I walked down one aisle loaded with every kind of snack you could ask for. Cheetos, Fritos, Pringles, beef jerky — including teriyaki and extra
spicy flavors — and good old Lays potato chips. You know, the kind that are impossible to eat just one. That was followed by a myriad of various candy bars, including my favorites, Junior Mints and Reeses. I did stop at the wine section to pick up a bottle of chardonnay, although it wasn’t chilled. That was reserved for the beer, which I declined. Although Vienna sausages or those cheese crackers always go well with a frosty, and they were nearby. Walking down that aisle, I recalled that statement from the CEO of CVS about wanting to “help people on their path to better health.” S om e t h i n g tel l s m e h e missed a couple of aisles.
mask of shame and vowed n e ve r to c ower b efore a kitty again. As far as I know, he hasn’t. He even stood his ground against my 22-pound orange giant, George. My boy fears no feline. You can’t say the same for a Portland, Oregon, man who recently called 911 to rescue him. From his very own cat. Lee Palmer said the trouble started when his huge Himalayan, Lux, scratched Palmer’s 7-month-old infant. The minor damage was covered with a single SpongeBob Band-Aid, but a furious Palmer kicked the cat for terrorizing the toddler. Lux did what cats do when a t t a c k e d . He h i s s e d a n d
screeched a nd ju mped at Palmer, who said, “He just went over the edge.” Palmer grabbed the baby, his girlfriend and the family dog and barricaded everyone in a bedroom. Then he called 911 as Lux snarled and screamed just outside the door. On the 911 tape, Palmer says, “He’s charging us. He’s at our bedroom door.” Palmer also said that the cat had “a history of violence.” Cops came. The kitty was cornered in the kitchen. Lux went to cat jail and the family went free. The story made the rounds. It provided a bit more evidence of the growing wimpiness of
American men. Can you imagine Daniel Boone or General George Patton running from Garfield? The Palmers decided they’ll take the cat back, but only after Lux undergoes anger management “therapy.” Really. While the cat’s in therapy maybe Palmer should follow suit and seek treatment himself. A manhood transplant sounds about right. Or maybe not. Palmer isn’t Nav y SE A L m ater i a l , but considering his lack of backbone, he’d make a perfect U.S. Congressman. America is still the land of the free. But the home of the brave? You tell me.
Strawberry Dessert Pizza Yield: 2 to 3 servings Crust: 1/2 pound butter, two sticks 2/3 cup sugar 1 egg 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 1/3 cups all-purpose flour Topping: 1 8-ounce package cream cheese 1 tablespoon honey 2 tablespoons sugar 3 pints Florida strawberries Glaze:
1 tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon water To make crust, cream together butter and sugar with mixer until fluffy. Add egg, baking powder, salt and vanilla extract until mixture is smooth. Add flour and mix until smooth dough is formed. Place finished dough in between two sheets of wax paper and refrigerate for 20 minutes. Remove from refrigerator and roll dough out to 1/4inch thickness and in round shape. Place dough in greased 12-inch pizza pan and bake in preheated 350°F oven for 25 minutes or until crust is light brown. Cool completely. To make topping, combine cream cheese, honey and sugar until smooth. Spread evenly over cooled cookie crust, leaving 1/2-inch border uncovered. Place sliced strawberries around outside border; fill in middle of pizza. To make glaze, combine honey and water; brush over top of finished pizza. Kids Can: Glaze top of finished pizza. Place sliced strawberries on top of pizza. Grown Up Alert: Adults should help with oven.
Strawberry Muffins Yield: 12 servings 1 1/2 cups Florida strawberries, chopped 3/4 cup sugar 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour, unsifted 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 eggs, beaten 1/4 cup butter, melted 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Combine strawberries and 1/2 cup sugar in small bowl. Set aside for 1 hour. Drain and reserve liquid and strawberries separately. Preheat oven to 425°F. Combine flour, baking soda, nutmeg and salt. Set aside. Mix eggs, butter, vanilla extract, remaining sugar and liquid from strawberries in medium bowl. Add flour mixture. Stir until combined. Fold in reserved strawberries. Spoon into 12 greased muffin cups. Bake for approximately 20 minutes. Serve warm. Kids Can: Spoon mixture into muffin cups. Grown Up Alert: Adults should help with oven.
I-85 at Bullsboro Drive 770-253-3995
4 MyConnection | Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Community Connection
samaritan Continued from page 1
woman to be treated. “God put it on my heart and I left my practice of 20 years. I started Coweta Samaritan Clinic with a group of people, and with the support of this wonderful community,” Crosby said. “It’s been a blessing to see it all come together. It’s been wonderful to see such great support from the community.” On April 22, Crosby’s efforts will be recognized with an 11Alive Community Service Award for her work with the Coweta Samaritan Clinic. Since its inception, the free clinic has become a place for those uninsured to receive proper medical care. Crosby says before the clinic, the uninsured would go to the hospital emergency room for nonemergency care and, in many cases, receive temporary treatments for chronic illnesses. Crosby hopes now those in need can take the proper steps to achieve care they wouldn’t otherwise have had access to. “Our hope is that the uninsured are coming here for their medical home, not using the ER,” she said. The benefits of having such a clinic aren’t felt by Crosby alone. Alice Jackson, recently retired county nurse manager, said among her proudest professional moments was her role in establishing the Samaritan clinic in the former Coweta County Health Department building on Jackson Street. “To be involved with the Coweta Sa m a r ita n Cl i n ic was probably my most proud accomplish ment,” Jackson said. “Everyone associated with the clinic is thrilled that Kay is being recognized with such a prestigious award,” said the clinic’s executive director, Lou
Graner. “She is a most worthy recipient. Kay Crosby is not only an excellent internist, she is a humble, compassionate, selfless servant leader. Her work is a great blessing to our community.” Crosby said her eyes have been opened even more to the need Coweta has for proper medical care for the uninsured. Last year alone, the clinic had 2,100 patient visits, with the patient base now exceeding 700 people. “It’s revealed part of our community that people aren’t awa re ex ists , people who struggle to meet the need of daily living,” said Crosby. “I think most people have comfortable lives, and many are not aware of the needs of so many in the community. This clinic has brought awareness to those with great need, not only for health care and also other community support.” The free clinic, which has just three-and-a-half employees and relies on volunteers, donations, grants and foundations, has most of its patients 200 percent at the federal pov-
erty level or below. Crosby knows the clinic, with the expensive nature of health care, couldn’t do the good work it’s being honored for without a strong local backing. “I am overwhelmed at how well the community has supported the clinic. We couldn’t have done it without them,” she said. With more patients coming in who learn about the Samaritan Clinic, Crosby takes pride in the 11Alive Community Service award. The awards program will air on WXIA on Saturday, April 26 at 7:30 p.m. and again on WATL on Sunday, April 27 at 1 p.m. “I’m so honored, and very humbled,” Crosby said of the award. “We met the other honorees, and it was amazing to hear the wonderful things each person being honored was doing and how they were serving. “Everyone at the clinic has been very excited. I hope it will bring focus to the good works being done in free clinics, not just here, but all over the state. It’s all been very exciting.”
A special section will be published for each high school, highlighting honors to Coweta County high school students.
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These sections will also be published online at times-herald.com under “Special Sections” with over 1 million page views and over 300,000 visitors per month! All links in your print ad will be clickable on the web edition.
Deadline: Friday, April 25, 2014 16 Jefferson Street • Newnan, GA 770-683-1707 • times-herald.com
Solution to puzzle on page 2
things to do this summer
a guide to activities and destinations
The Newnan Times-Herald is pleased to announce our upcoming
Restaurant guide
2014 Restaurant Guide,
an upscale magazine which will introduce a wide array of restaurants, caterers, chefs, bars, menus and our special marketplace section.
Published by The Newnan
This will be a full-color, glossy magazine delivered to paid subscribers of The Newnan Times-Herald on Thursday, June 5, 2014, plus thousands of extra copies distributed in area hotels, welcome centers, high-foot traffic areas and many other locations. This will be a high-quality magazine that diners can use time and time again with readership longevity for many months. Every restaurant, caterer, bar and marketplace business who advertises in this special publication will receive a free listing. In addition, The Restaurant Guide publication will be online at www.times-herald.com which averages over 300,000 visitors and one million page views per month. The link in your ad will also be clickable to your web site for customers to order online, make reservations, peruse menus, call-ahead seating, etc.
The Newnan Times-Herald is pleased to announce the return of 50 things to do this summer, an upscale magazine which introduces to our readers a variety of activities and destinations awaiting them in the upcoming months.
a guid activit e to ie destin s and ations
to do this
This full-color, glossy magazine will be delivered to paid subscribers of The Newnan Times-Herald on Friday, May 16, 2014, plus 2,500 copies will be distributed throughout Coweta County and surrounding areas.
Don’t miss this opportunity to promote your business in the area’s premier restaurant guide. Contact your advertising consultant or call
770-683-1707 before May 2 to advertise.
This is a publication our readers and residents will refer to time-and-time again over the course of the summer, thus enhancing readership longevity. Summer 2013 A PUBLICATION OF THE NEWNAN TIMES-HERALD
Highland Marina Resort
In addition, the 50 things to do this summer publication will also be online at www.times-herald.com for over three months, with an average of over 1 million page views per month, in our online Special Sections and also be clickable from a promotional banner ad. The online version will reach thousands of potential customers thanks to our monthly online average of over 300,000 visitors, plus all links which appear in your ad will be clickable to your web site.
Colleen D. Mitchell • colleen@newnan.com 16 Jefferson Street, Newnan, GA • 770-683-1707 • times-herald.com
16 Jefferson Street, Newnan, GA • 770-683-1707
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 | MyConnection 5
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201 Crosstown Driv
6 MyConnection | Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Community Connection
Education Briefs Cullen wins $500 scholarship
This artist’s rendering shows the completed expansion on the left, currently under construction at Cancer Treatment Centers of America at Southeastern.
Batson-Cook building $48 million addition to CTCA Batson-Cook Construction of West Point, Ga., is currently building a new $48 million addition to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America at Southeastern Regional Medical Center in Newnan. The hospital, which was constructed by Batson-Cook and completed in 2012, is being upgraded with the addition of 121,000 square feet of new space and 30,000 square feet of remodeled space. The construction work can be seen from Interstate 85 at the site of the facility on Parkway North, between the interstate and Newnan Crossing Bypass. Steel has been going up in recent weeks. “After the successful completion of the original hospital, we are pleased to have been asked to return to the campus for this major expansion,” said Randy Hall, president and CEO of BatsonCook. “These new additions will add much-needed space for the hospital to further its mission of offering the highest possible level of care for their patients.” Batson-Cook will renovate
CTCA in four phases while the hospital maintains operations within its existing facility. The project will include construction of two vertical additions: the Inpatient Expansion Project, which will add 25 new patient rooms and a penthouse to the facility, and the Clinic Expansion Project. The Clinic Expansion Project, an addition of four-stories and a penthouse, will envelop the hospital’s existing clinic and infusion areas, as construction will take place both above and adjacent to the current structure. A one-stor y Surger y E x pa n sion is a lso u nder way, adding two new operating rooms, post-anesthesia bays and sterile area spaces in its confines. The Radiation Therapy Expansion, to be built adjacent to the current facility, will feature one new vault to house a Varian Edge radiosurgery system and additional offices, clinical space and enhancements to the existing central energy plant to accommodate the added space.
Christian Cullen of Newnan, a student at East Coweta High School, has been chosen as one of 10 students to win the Be Fearless Scholar Award Competition. The National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) launched this competition to help inspire young leaders to share their stories about being fearless. Students were awarded $500 scholarships for demonstrating outstanding leadership by offering their perspective in a 500-word essay on “What It Means To You To Be Fearless.” NSHSS, founded by Claes Nobel , sen ior member of the Nobel Prize family, is an international organization dedicated to highlighting the accomplishments of high school students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, scholarship, and community commitment. Cullen has exemplified his ongoing strength and determination to succeed and fulfill his goals regardless of the obstacles he has faced.
Woodruff presents senior graphic design portfolio exhibit
Johnny Isakson to speak at UGA commencement The undergraduate spring commencement ceremony is scheduled for May 9 at 7 p.m. at Sanford Stadium. In a state-
uled to speak at the school’s graduate commencement at 10 a.m. in Stegeman Coliseum. Tickets are not required for either ceremony. A number of well-known scholars on law and religion are set to speak at Emory University’s law school.
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Timothy Woodruff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Mark Woodruff of Newnan, Ga., presented his senior design portfolio exhibit at Pensacola Christian College from March 2 through March 14. The graphic design portfolio exhibit was presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in visual arts with a concentration in graphic design. University of Georgia officials say U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson has been selected as the school’s spring commencement speaker.
ment, UGA President Jere Morehead called Isakson a great public servant and statesman who has been an advocate for public education. University of Georgia College of Education dean emeritus Arthur M. Horne is sched-
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16 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-253-1576 www.times-herald.com
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Brooks United Methodist Church Advertise Your Business January 4- January 25. 7:00-8:30 Today! Charlyn 404-401-9895 James 770-487-6771 Call Ashley at 770-253-1576 Dance partner not needed.
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Raise money for your child’s school. As a newspaper, The Newnan Times-Herald strongly believes in literacy and ensuring your children - our future community leaders are well-educated about events in Coweta County. To that end, we are conducting a subscription drive contest with a portion of the proceeds of each new subscription sold going back to that student’s school. The proceeds are up to the discretion of each school and we only ask that they be earmarked for literacy, media and/or technology programs.
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Wednesday, April 2, 2014 | MyConnection 7
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TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.
Homes For Rent-Unfurn.
10+ Homes Available Locally
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Service Directory Pro Pave, LLC
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Sell it in the Classifieds.
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Apply M-F between 2-5.
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Service Directory Ads • 20 Days in Print • 30 Days Online • 4 Weeks in MyConnection
Homes For Rent-Unfurn.
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Manufactured Homes For Rent 705
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Call Ashley or Christy at
or email classifieds@newnan.com
To advertise in The Newnan Times-Herald Service Directory, call 770-253-1576.
16 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA times-herald.com
8 MyConnection | Wednesday, April 2, 2014