20140430 myc

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013 April 30, 2014



Published every Wednesday and delivered free by The Newnan Times-Herald


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25¢ A Day!

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Ecycling gives new life to old technology By Clay Neely clay@newnan.com

On the surface, old technologies would seem to be at cross purposes with renewable resources. With more than 90 percent of Americans now owning either a cell phone, a computer, a game console, an e-book reader or a tablet, chances are you’ve noticed just how quickly many of these devices will become outdated or even obsolete. So what happens when your go-to electronic device or hardware gets usurped by the latest and greatest system? It’s not just an American dilemma. The rapidly growing issue of e-waste is particularly alarming in countries like China, where a recent United Nations report cited the country as the world’s largest e-waste dumping site in the world. However, for Newnan resident Jeff Shenning, this dilemma serves as an indicator of a burgeoning market that only seems to accelerate when each new electronic product hits the market. As founder of Ecycle Atlanta, Shenning hopes to help alleviate the concerns of those who are hesitant to simply throw away a piece of technology when it no longer serves a purpose in their daily life. “I think people are a lot more aware of what they’re disposing of and what it’s doing to the environment,” Shenning said. Prior to founding Ecycle Atlanta, Shenning worked at an insurance company that dealt in the losses of equipment. After the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993, the company

ECYCLING, page 4

Photo by Clay Neely

John Shenning disassembles an outdated desktop computer.

Celebrate a sweet Cinco de Mayo insidOewn

ourMake-Y es ayo dish M e d o Cinc E3 ➤ PAG

Northgate’s girls golf team captured this year’s Region 4-AAAAA championship at Canongate 1: Team members include, from left, Kelly Henderson, Madison Edner, Montana Womack, Ashton Thompson, Kevin Jeffers (Head Coach), Haley Grant, Jessica Houk, Talia Price, Dani Mitchell, Lindsey Dull, Not Pictured: Coach James Cromwell

Lady Vikings golf team wins region title

Northgate boys take 2nd, also advance

Charred Corn Tacos with Radish Zucchini Slaw

Family Features Cinco de Mayo is, officially, a holiday celebrating Mexico’s victory over France in the 1862 Battle of Puebla. In the U.S., where it is actually celebrated with more gusto than in its native country, the holiday has become a celebration of Mexican heritage and culture.

The holiday also provides a great excuse to make irresist­ ible Mexican-inspired recipes for entertaining and, of course, a big batch of margaritas to wash it all down. Fresh sweet

cinco de mayo, page 3

Northgate golf teams made the most of a home course advantage for this week’s Region 4-AAAAA tournament in Newnan on Canongate 1. The Lady Vikings dominated Thursday’s event at the Roquemore course in a 36-stroke victory over Union Grove. Led by senior Haley Grant’s top round of 87,




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Northgate’s girls fired a 271 to finish well ahead of the required team score of 300 needed to bypass the state sectionals and qualify for the GHSA championship. The girls GHSA Class AAAAA State Tournament will be held on May 19 at Jones Creek Golf

vikings, page 4

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2 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, April 30, 2014



1. Low life? 6. Hot springs 9. Nerd 13. _____ International Airport, Kyrgyzstan 14. *It ended in 1945 15. *Peninsula, location of El Shatt WWII refugee camps 16. March celebrants 17. “Much ___ About Nothing” 18. Bond Newnan Police Officer Van Meadows received a Golden Shield Honors award from MADD this week. Deputy Police Chief Rodney Riggs and 19. *Russian soldiers, en masse Chief Buster Meadows presented the award to Officer Meadows. 21. *Ribbentrop’s co-signer 23. ___-tzu 24. Absorbed 25. “Yakety ___” Bonus Pack U.S.D.A. Select Beef 28. Short skirt 30. Geo-spacial positioning system, for U.S.D.A. selecto de asado de la carne de cuete en trozo U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de solomillo sin hueso short Fresh, Lean U.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Select Beef 35. Genesis man 37. Cell phone button By Wes Mayer the officers that assisted lb. lb. me 39. Wynonna Judd’s mother 32. In no manner wesley@newnan.com DOWN in receiving this award and let U.S.D.A.Mennonite selecto de bistec de centro sin hueso U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec suizo sin hueso 40. Mischievous Scandinavian god 33. American them know that it was a team 1. Gulf V.I.P. A Newnan Police DepartU.S.D.A. Select Beef U.S.D.A. Select Beefeffort.” 41. Dress up or deck out 34. *Like France under PÈtain 2. Filly’s mother ment off icer was honored 43. Elegant and stylish M A DD presented t he 36. Eight furlongs lb. Select3. Blyton by Mothers Against Drunk Bonus Pack U.S.D.A. Beefor Bagnold awa rd s to m a ny lb. de ser v44. ___-__-la Bistec milanesa de desayuno magro fresco Drivinglb.to recognize multi38. Involving two parts 4. Primary ing police officers, sheriff’s 46. Russell Crowe’s 2014 role ple drunk he en pan de maiz, 2.67 libras Salchicha envuelto Tortas de salchicha de contenido 18 Salchicha Andouille estilo Cajun ahumado, 14 onzas driving arrests 42.libras Selfie 5. Hindu retreat Bizcochos ahumado de paquete de familia, 2.5 deputies and state troopers 2.67 Lb. 18 Ct. 2.5 Lb. Family Pack 14 oz. made. 47. Comedy Central’s “____.O” 6. Go to and fro 45. *Axis opponents in Georgia during the 10th Foster Tennessee Royal Andouille Cajun Officer Style Van Meadows wasFarms 48. One of the founders Pride of scholasticism 7. Mouse turf 49. “Word” in French annual recognition banquet ......... ...... Alas de pollo enteras fresco de honored with a Golden Shield 50. Box office failure, e.g. U.S.D.A. de bistec 8. de Enophile’s posta de paquete grande sensory concern the Georgia International Salchicha ahumado, 16at onzas Salchicha ahumado de pavo, 14 onzasselecto Salchicha ahumado, 48 onzas Jamón de desayuno rebanado sin hueso, 14 onzas 51. *Germany’s invasion target cuarto sin hueso driving oz. 14Five oz. Ws 48 oz. 14 oz. Boneless, Sliced Honors award for 32 16 52. One of Convention Center in Col9. Drunkard 54. Beforehand arrests Turkey Fourstar Sunset Farms under the inf luence Conecuh 53. BreadButterball portion lege Park. The organization 10. “Get __ __!” 56. J....... _____ Hoover either he made or assisted ......11. *Post WWII military alliance ......... also awarded...... pins to officers 55. Corn spot i n du r i n g t he l a st ye a r. 57. Tall one is a lie based on their number of DUI 57. Entertain, as in idea 12. *Battle of ____, encirclement of RusNewnan Police Chief Doug- citations — bronze for 25 to 58. Carbon monoxide lacks this 61. *WW II consequence sian troops las “Buster” Meadows and 49 arrests, silver for 50 to 99, 59. Y’all 65. Love intensely Deputy Chief Rodney Riggs 40 oz. Corn Plus, 15. Arabic ruler Alas de pollo enteras fresco de U.S.D.A. selecto de bistec de posta de paquetegold grandefor 100 to 149 and red for 60. Court order Corn or Canola cuarto sin hueso 66. Snake-like fish presented the award to Offi- those with 150 DUI arrests or 20. Damp Mazola61. Heidi’s shoe 8 Pk. cer Meadows. 68. Open-mouthed 22. Operations, as in military 45 oz. Jar 46-50 oz. Bottle more. Oil 62. Boat track Food Depot to h ave 16.9 oz. Select Varieties Select Varieties “ I a m honored 69. *He defeated Max Schmeling before 2824.Pk., “The Golden Shield HonHang up the phone Ragú Nestlé Hamburger 11-12 oz. 63. “Planet of the ____” Tide 2X re ceived t h i s awa rd a nd ors is our way of saying thank enlisting 25. *Churchill/Roosevelt/Stalin meetFrito-Lay's HoteDog Pasta Purified Laundry to h aveordon my dut ie s you for all you do to stop 64. Co-written, produced and directed by 70. In theSauce past ing site Bunsdr un k drivers drunk Tostitos Water Detergent of keeping driving, support the Warren Beatty 71. In the buff 26. Bedazzle off the roadway and makvictims of this violent crime, 9 oz. Pkg., Select Varieties 67. Bigheadedness 72. Formerly 27. New Zealand parrots 8 Pk.and prevent underage drinking Newnan a safer place,” 5.85-7.1 oz. Box, Select Varieties 8 oz. Pkg. Roasted Tomato, Chipotle or Chili Roasted Garlic 14.5 oz. Can, Select Varieties 73. Rin tinBarilla tin, e.g 29. Type of sign Solution on Page 4 Meadows said. “I would likeFrito-Lay's ing,” according to MADD Fiber One or Nature Valley Old El Paso DeltoMonte © StatePoint Media 31. Boors lack this 74. Done for success give a big thank-you to all Georgia’s website.

Newnan relay for life Coweta County Fairgrounds May 2 6 p.m. Sponsored by the American Cancer Society, Relay Coweta celebrates survivors, remembers those who have lost the battle and raises money for cancer research.

Info: 888-202-1487 www.relayforlife.org


3 $ 24

centre masterworks ensemble choir

Round Steak Breakfast Steak

Wadsworth Auditorium May 4 7:30 p.m.

$4 24

Roast ..........................


Round Steak $ lb. 470 Smoked Sausage

Sausage Patties

race for the orphans


$ 17

Smoked Sausage

Coweta County Fairgrounds May 10 11 a.m. The 5K run/walk will give 90% of proceeds to benefit two local families, helping them in their adoption fundraising. The remaining 10% of funds raised will benefit the First Baptist Church of Newnan Orphan & Foster Care Ministry.

Claxton Fresh Whole

Smoked Sausage ....


$ 18

Breakfast Ham





Chicken Wings lb. $597 $ 44 1 Corn Dogs ..............

6 $ 72 5



$ 79 $ 96

$ 49

Info: 770-310-8222 www.racefortheorphans. weebly.com

$ 77 ............


$ 64

Smoked Sausage

$ 75




Info: 770-253-2682 www.coweta.ga.us

1 $ 77

4 Sirloin Steak 4 $ 24 $ 04 Top Round Steak 4 Swiss Steak............ 4 $ 42

Eye of Round

$ 42

Ensemble group of middle school and high school singers and members of the Adult Centre Masterworks Choir who have been selected to represent Newnan in Ayr, Scotland in June will perform.

MADD honors Claxton Fresh Whole Newnan officer Chicken Wings




$ 02


$ 18

Smoked Sausage

$ 52


1 Protein Bars ......... $277 Cooking Sauce ..... $164 Tomatoes ........... 84¢ Crackers $ 59 $ 74 Brownie Mix ..... 1 $ 25 $ 03 2/ ¢ 1 Bars ................... 3 Refried Beans .... 1 Tomato Sauce. 86 $ 72 Cereal ................. 2 $ 09 ¢ * ¢ OUR COST PLUS 10% ADDED Hot Sauce ........... 81 TortillaAT ShellsREGISTER! ..... 1 White Bread .......99 Ketchup $ 10 ¢ Cereal ................. 3 Thirst Quencher $472 Salsa or Dip ........$169 Wheat Bread ......$117 77 $ 21 Cereal ................. 3 100% Apple Juice ..$253 Seasoning Mix ....61¢ or Hot Dog Buns$129 Asst. Chips ......3/87¢ $ 68 Cereal ................. 2 Facial Tissue .......$127 Laundry Detergent....... $703 BBQ Bread........ $142 Pretzels ...............$219 $ 74 Fruit Snacks ...... 1 Pasta Sauce ....... $205 Dish Soap .......... $209 Asst. Flavor Chips$270 Dinner Kits.........$164 $ 97 $ 72 $ 75 $ 39 $ 47 Fruit Snacks ...... 1 or Skillet Sauce .. Fresh 1 Grillin' Beans ....... 1Quarterloin Asst. Flavor Chips . 1 ClassicFresh Soup ...... 1 Bone-In Chuck Roast Ground Beef Pork Chops Pork Picnic Ready Meals.........

$ 55

15.3-19.5 oz. Box., Select Varieties

Weather Connection

may 1 - may 4

Betty Crocker Premium

16 oz. W/Chili, Fat Free or Vegetarian

8 oz. Can, Select Varieties

12 oz.

4.6-11 oz., Select Varieties

20 oz. Giant

Nature Valley

General Mills



Old El Paso Taco or

General Mills


72° 48°

13.7 oz. Raisin Bran


12 Pk.

1 oz.

68-120 Ct., Select Varieties

24 Load, 46 oz. Clean Breeze

16 oz.

16 oz.

15-24 oz. Jar, Select Varieties

25 oz. Bottle, Select Varieties

9-10 oz.

8.4-19.2 oz., Select Varieties

Old El Paso

Betty Crocker U.S.D.A. Select Beef Bone-In


95 $

And Jesus came and spake unto them saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 28: 18-20

America Must Stand with Israel! The W. Reece Payton Co., Inc. 770-301-7012



Progresso U.S.D.A. Inspected Fresh

45 $ 18 $ 65

Pork Picnic

Cordero Americano fresco


Carne diezmillo molida fresca de paquete de cualquier tamaño

7.5 oz.

Great ea. Cheese

5.3 oz. Ctn., Select Varieties

Carne diezmillo molida fresca de 8paquete oz. Natural Sliced tamaño de cualquier

¢ Swiss Cheese Cheese Garden Greens


Carolina Pride 5 oz.


’ to the


1/2 Gallon Whole

Salchichas de enlaces ahumado, 9 onzas U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de asado de punta

Bizcochos y salchicha, contenido 20

16 oz. Pkg.



16 oz. American ea.Essential Everyday


1/2 Gallon

Country Delite Bar-S Sliced

1 98 $ 98 $368 51

Ready Pac 8 oz. B ag Barra de carne de almuerzo de Almuerzo refrigerantes, pepinillo o oliva, 5 onzas 2.4 onzas



11 oz. Bag

Fresh Large

16 oz. Regular Or Thick

Shredded Lettuce........ ea.

Fresh Spinach

Spring Mix....

1 2 96

2.5 lb. Family Pack


Food Depot 10 lb. Bag

#1 Russet 11 oz. Bag


Mushrooms #1 Russet $

3 lb. Family Pack


Hot Links



1 3

familia de 2.5 libras

Ready Pac 8 oz. Bag

lb. Zucchini Squash.......... 00 89

16 oz. Pkg.

98 21 84

Fresh Large




11 oz. Bag ea. Ready Pac Crisp

Slicing To


All Brands 2 liter Bottles

Ready Pac 6 oz. Bag



99 1

¢ Pkg. $ 21 58Coca-Cola........... Cantaloupes White ea.Energy Drinks.. All Brands 1.25 liter Bottles 8 oz. Fresh Juicy Monster Assorted Flavors 16 oz.

Bar-S Bar-S Jumbo Corn Dogs Spinach Spring Mix....



Assorted Flavors 8 Pk, 20 oz. Btl. $ $ Coca-Cola......... Powerade.........

$ 98Mushrooms $ 33 $ 58 $Potatoes 38 Coca-Cola......... 1 2 1 Beef Franks ea. $ 98 $ 38 All Brands 12 Pack, 12 oz. Cans $ 45 $ 50 2 Garden GreensCoca-Cola......... Potatoes

Shredded Lettuce........

24 oz. Pkg.



All Brands 8 Pack, 12 oz Bottles

8 oz. Pkg.


Garden Greens

Dutch Farms $ 33 Coca-Cola......... Fresh Large Salchicha picante o suave,

onzas All Slicing Brands 12 Tomatoes.......... Pack, 12 oz. 16 Cans lb. ea.

ahumado FoodSalchicha Depot 10 de lb.paquete Bagde

Boloña de carne, regular o rebanado grueso, 16 onzas


All Brands 2 liter Bottles

Salchicha, ................................. 12 onzas

Jamon o pavo rebanado delgado, ................ Fresh2 onzas


16 oz. Hot or Mild

21 Yellow $ or White Energy 8 oz. Drinks.. Monster Assorted Flavors 16 oz.

Chocolate lb. Bar-S Smoked

Ready Pac 6 oz. Bag




ea. #1 Russet

Food Depot 10 lb. Bag

$ 68 ¢ $ 4 98 Sausage 1 3 ¢ Sausage Apples........ Tomatoes... Coca-Cola........... 99 $ Ham 58 $ 67Cooked $ 48 Meat$ Bologna 65 3 $$ 3 nks 17 46 at Fra Me$ $ 52 17 46 3 $$ 252 ¢ ¢ $ 35 NEWNAN 3 lb. Bag


ils! 6 for deta

$ 28 Cooked Ham


Fresh Juicy



....................... Red

12 oz. Fresh

Carl Buddig 2 oz. Wafer Thin

Armour 2.4 oz. ..........

Fresh Juicy

Ready Pac Crisp

ald Times-Her Newnan



$ 16



98 1

Gran boloña rebanado regular o grueso,inspeccionado 16 onzasde chuletas de lomo de U.S.D.A.

Apples........ Tomatoes... lb. ea. Garden Greens Potatoes Ready Pac Crisp

ber Septem

16 oz. Pkg.


g. 16 oz. Pk

bo Bar-S Jum ea.


Salchichas de enlace picante de paquete de familia, 3 libras

Car Show.

Jamón cocinado, 16 onzas



earning ge Early L

onzas as de carne, 16 Enorme salchich

StoneBrid s quality rating ter earn


2.5 lb. Family Pack

inside ➤

e Cream

, Pineap

PAGe 6

ple and


3 lb. Pkg.

3 lb. Family Pack

Bar-S 16 oz. Pkg.


Enorme salchichas de res, 16 onzas

2.5 lb. Family Pack




Salchicha polaco de paquete de familia, 2.5 libras

Salchichas envuelto en pan de maiz, 3 libras

Salchichas de paquete de familia, 3 libras


31$ 1 46

Bar-S Sliced Smoked Bacon ea.

3 lb. Family Pack



. Main St

Gr ei

Salchicha ahumado de paquete de familia de 2.5 libras


Boloña de carne, regular o rebanado grueso, 16 onzas

24 oz. Pkg.Salchicha ahumado o salchicha polaco de enlace, 16 oz. 16 Pkg. onzas

$ 89 $ 68

3 lb. Family Pack

$ 15 $ 45 $ 87

3$ 17 ea.

16 oz. Regular Or Thick


124 Bullsboro Drive •Bar-S Newnan, Georgia 30263 Bar-S Bar-S Jumbo

Salchichas, 12 onzas 12 oz. Pkg.

All Brands 1.25 liter Bottles

Tocino ahumado rebanado, 12 onzas 16 oz. Pkg.

16 oz. Pkg.

Jamón cocinado, 16 onzas


$ 00 Coca-Cola......... Bar-S Smoked All Brands 8 Pack, 12 oz Bottles 2.5 lb. Family Pack

Cooked Ham Bar-S Smoked Sausage Or Polish Sausage Links

Boloña de carne, regular o rebanado grueso, 16 onzas

12 oz. Pkg.

12 oz. Pkg. Bar-S Smoked 16 oz. RegularSliced Or Thick Bar-S



Salchicha ahumado de paquete de oro ullsb de 2.5 libras Bfamilia

Tr a


Bar-S CSliced enter

ing e Shopp Bologna Meat Drive

East Gat

Located on 124 Bullsboro Drive in the East Gate Shopping Center behind Blockbuster

24 oz. Pkg.

16 oz. Pkg.

Bar-S Bar-S Jumbo Sliced Hot Links 8:00 a.m.Corn Beef Franks MONDAY Bar-S THROUGH SATURDAY - 10:00Dogs p.m. SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 Corn p.m.Bar-S Bar-S•Jumbo Hot Links Dogs Beef Franks Ham Turkey......... MeatNotFranks................ Prices Effective April 28 through MayOr 4, 2014. Quantity rights reserved. responsible for typographical or pictorial errors. Jamón o pavo rebanado, 12 onzas Enorme salchichas de carne, 5 libras

Delicious No-Fuss Dessert Recipes

Easy Trifle

Salchichas envuelto en pan de maiz, 24 onzas

16 oz. Regular Or Thick

Bar-S Sliced Roma Bar-S Dogs Polish Sausage MeatCorn Bologna


year’s Senoia’s barbecue. and restaucandy and merchants from downtownbe open all day.50/50 playing ,a tangs,” rants will door prizes and fun Mustangs to be the “Mus food ‘50s Awards, 3 p.m. The town shopping, noon to music from the s, will be le drawing, Senoia down ie Filkin vehic perform the cookand Charl the event. The will back cook await at ct to and the ‘70s. y will be Churn event. Cruisin’ ation conta emceeing fee is $20 es will annual The Varsit e favorites. more inform 9-9155 or . he 8th s Car Show will made registrationa.m. Dash plaqu all-tim For cars 770-59 250 8 9-8182 s at ing their will offer home food the Oldie ing to downthe first begin at Gail Downhelfman at 770-59 nted to show will ‘N Scoop , and additional iian be return fall. be prese This year’s Suzanne cream provide hawa and older. this ice ered. a Sept. 1987 cotton regist d to cars , will town Senoi will be heldAlways l cakes be sponvendors be limite ice, funne ent will The event to 5 p.m. an. The shaved show Entertainm a of Newn 11 a.m. nt will 28 from event, the car from Toyot by ainme rs ar sored entert a popul s and visito featured draws entrie ia. ant 2013 Georg ” Scott Sarge all over Guys, “The Car ed in last

Red Diamond

Tennessee Pride 20 ct.

Fresh cerdo corte central de paquete de cualquier tamaño 8 Fresh Foodmolida Depot oz. Pkg. de lomo de cerdo fresco fresca10 lb. Bag 1/2 Gallon Whole Yoplait Country Delite Essential Everyday ¢ $ 23 12 oz. 16 oz. Hot or Mild Essential Everyday Ready$Pac Red Country Delite Carolina Crisp Pride 5 oz. Carl Buddig 2 oz. Wafer Thin Armour 2.4 oz.09 Yellow or White Turnip or Mustard #1 Russet White $ 49 or Olive $ 19 ............. ................ Armour John Morrell 9 oz. John Morrell Carolina Pride Sugardale 16 oz. Jumbo Carolina Pride 12 oz. Meat ¢ Pickle Ham oroz. Regular or Thick Sliced¢ Corn 16 Gwaltney Mangoes 16 oz. Lunch Tennessee Pride Greens 20 ct. ....... ¢.............. ¢ ¢ ¢ Gwaltney ............................... Gallon, Citrus,Sausage... Tropical PunchSausage or Mango Natural Sliced Smoked Loaf......... Quart Sausage ea. 8 oz.or Sausage... Turkey.... All16Meat Bologna Makers... Corn Great Great lb. oz.Dogs.. Assorted Flavors & 89 oz. Original or W/Raspberry Tampico Barra de carne de almuerzo de o suave, Jamon o pavo rebanado delgado, refrigerantes, Salchicha, Essential Everyday Salchichas envuelto en pan de Essential Everyday pepinillo o oliva, 5 onzas onzas $ 75 Dairy FreshSalchicha16picante 2.4 onzas Simply 12 onzas $Almuerzo89 maiz de 2 por paquete $ 83 $ 99 $ 2 onzas 48 ................................ .................. Boloña de carne o salchichas de Salchichas de enlaces ahumado, Bizcochos y salchicha, ................. Salchichas de toda carne enorme,......... Gran boloña rebanado regular o Gran salchichas, ea. lb. ea. carne, 12 onzas contenido 20 ea. grueso, 16 onzas 16 onzas 16 onzass Gallon, Assorted Flavorsea. 9 onzas 16 oz. 16 oz. Cheddar or Mozzarella 12 oz. American Gallon Assorted Flavors 8 Pk, 20 oz. Btl. Music City $ 89 Dutch Farms Essential Everyday Essential Everyday Country Delite

3 lb. Bag

y Birthda

See page


5/$ ¢ 2 Chocolate Milk 2 Greek98 Yogurt 80 Buttermilk 2 1 Potatoes Mushrooms 68 52 91 99 82 96 ¢ $ ¢31 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ 5/$ 98 ¢ $ 68 97 Hot Dogs.. Wieners... 52 $ 98 $ 38 Links....... 92 89 1 Lemonade Bologna... & Half Chunk Cheese 2 Provolone CheeseDogs........ 2 99Punch 1 197HalfBiscuits.... 98 78 $ 28 3 $ 12 $ 99 $ 72 $ 39 Fruit Ade 1 French Onion Dip 1 Shredded Cheese 2 Cheese Singles 1 Orange Juice 3 Armour John$Morrell Carolina Pride 1 ¢ or OliveCantaloupes ¢ Pickle Ham or $ 58 Lunch 18 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Corn Mangoes 1 Shredded Lettuce........ 1 Slicing Tomatoes.......... 68 52 91 99 96 Sausage... Sausage... Turkey.... Makers... Corn Dogs.. $ Loaf......... 19 $ 99 82 $ 03 $ 84 1 $ 58 Cantaloupes $ 98 18¢ Swiss Cheese Cooked 2 Singles981MeatButtermilk 2 Delite 1 French Onion Dip 64 $ Ham 58Cheese$ $ 28 5/$ ¢ Sausage Bologna 1 1 Spinach Spring Mix.... 2 1 Zucchini Squash.......... 50 $ 1 1 78 $ 98 $ 58 $ 28 Coca-Cola......... 3 $ 52 2 1 $ 17 $ 46 1 $ 28 ¢ 4 Empire Roma oz. Bag 8 oz. AssortedCordero Flavors,Americano Chunk fresco or 11 Shredded


Great ¢ Fresh Zucchini Squash.......... Yogurt Singles

Gran salchichas, 16 onzas de carne diezmillo Hamburguesa

$ 68




1 3

Boloña de carne o salchichas de carne, 12 onzas

Salchichas de toda carne enorme, Asado o chuletas de paletilla de 16 onzass

Fresh Loin lb.

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de asado de punta Fresh Large de cerdo fresco 4 oz. Whips orde6 lomo oz. Original lb. Slicing Dutch Farms Tomatoes.......... Select Varieties John Morrell 9 oz. Gwaltney 16 oz. Regular or Thick Sliced Yoplait Cheese Fresh Smoked Sausage

12 oz.U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de lomo de cerdo corte central de paquete de cualquier tamaño

& $ 31 ¢ Sausage Tea Links....... Dogs........ Biscuits.... Yellow or lb. White Bologna... lb. Turnip or Mustard lb.


lb. Red Wieners... lb.

78 1

Dutch Farms

Gwaltney 16 oz.


U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de paleta de cerdo fresco

U.S.D.A. Inspected

Center Cutlb.Loin

Select Varieties

All Margarine Meat Bologna or ¢Mix.... Spinach SpringFresh Biscuitsea.

Hot Dogs..

Any Size Package U.S.D.A. Inspected

Hamburguesa de carne diezmillo molida fresca

Jamón cocinado, 16 onzas

on ubscripti n S Special o ti c e n n MyCo

U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de paleta de cerdo fresco

cuarto de lomo de cerdo Rib or Loin Half Pork Chops

Chuck Patties

Fresh Ground Ground lb. Fresh Juicy lb. Cantaloupes 8 oz. Chunks or Shredded ea.

Shredded Essential Everyday Lettuce........Buttermilk or Homestyle Sugardale 16 oz. Jumbo Carolina Pride 12 oz. Meat Ready 6 oz. Bag Essential Everyday SpreadPac Bowl

maiz de 2 por paquete FD 042814_2

Newnan, GA

¢ lb.



Any Size Package U.S.D.A. Inspected

cualquier tamaño

Any Size Package

Asado Pac o8chuletas oz. Bdeagpaletilla de 45Ready oz.

Ready Pacenvuelto 6 oz. Bag Salchichas en pan................ de



U.S.D.A. inspeccionado de chuletas de cuarto de lomo de cerdo

lb. Inspected U.S.D.A. Center Cutinspeccionado Loin de chuletas de Fresh Loin U.S.D.A.


$ 35

Lamb Shoulder lb.

Essential Everyday

90 Millard Farmer Ind. Blvd.



Instant Lunch

Greens lb.

$ 18 $ 35 $ 95 3 2 3 2 3 18 Roast or Chops $158Chuck Loin Half Chuck Patties Pork Chops Rib$or 1 $ 98 $ $35 75 $ $95 75 $$2/ 2818 ¢ 99 $258 3/$ $ $95 $ 35 1 1 1 1 1 90 97 92 97 99 389 2 3 2 3 Corn Greens Mangoes $ 95

Superior Farms Fresh American

Ready ac 8 oz. Bag 8 oz. PChunk

(certain restrictions apply)

Ramen Noodles ..

Ground Carne de res molida fresca de paquete de



Turnip or Mustard

Corn lb. Maruchan

lb.ea.Fresh Ground Any Size Package

Roast or Chops

2 pk.


Yellow or White

Carne de res molida fresca de paquete de cualquier tamaño

U.S.D.A. selecto de rosbif de diezmillo con hueso

2.25 oz. Asst. Flavors


3 oz., Asst. Flavors

U.S.D.A. selecto de rosbif de diezmillo con hueso

Fresh Dairy Lamb Shoulder

2 pk.


” featur

Golden Flake U.S.D.A. Inspected Quarterloin


88Mangoes lb.

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Wednesday, April 30, 2014   |  MyConnection 3

Recipe Connection

cinco de mayo Continued from page 1

corn is an essential component of many Mexican dishes and a cultural staple. Luckily, Cinco de Mayo falls in the middle of Florida’s Sunshine Sweet Corn season, meaning the sweetest corn arrives just in time to be part of a Cinco de Mayo celebration. These naturally-bred varieties are grown by a group of family farmers who are committed to producing the finest sweet corn. Get the fiesta started with this Fire Roasted Corn and Chorizo Dip and a big bowl of tortilla chips. Crunchy, spicy, sweet and creamy, this addictive dip will have your guests asking for more. Next, be sure to serve Mexican Style Corn, a truly authentic and delicious Mexican street food. Crunchy

ears of fresh sweet corn are charred to perfection then slathered with a mixture of cheese and mayo, sprinkled with chili powder and squirted with lime for simple flavor perfection. Finally, no Cinco de Mayo celebration is complete without tacos. For a healthful twist on your typical taco, try this recipe for Charred Corn Tacos with Radish Zucchini Slaw that will have both vegetarians and meat eaters clamoring for seconds. Incorporating healthful whole foods and veggies into your Cinco de Mayo celebration this year makes it easier to justify one more margarita. No matter what you serve at your Cinco de Mayo celebration, make sure to incorporate the sweet and wholesome flavor of fresh spring sweet corn. Discover more mouthwatering recipes for Cinco de Mayo and every time of year at www.sunshinesweetcorn.com.

Mexican Style Corn Serves: 4 Ingredients: • 4 ears fresh Sunshine Sweet Corn, husked • 1/4 cup mayonnaise • 4 ounces Cotija or feta cheese • 1 teaspoon chili powder • 4 lime slices Preheat grill or broiler. Grill or broil corn, turning occasionally until hot and some kernels turn golden brown, about 5 minutes. Using k nife, coat each ear of corn with about 1 tablespoon of mayon­ na ise. Cr umble cheese on one side of each corn ear. Sprinkle with chili powder, dividing evenly. Broil until cheese starts to melt, approxi­m ately 1 to 2 minutes. Serve with lime.

Charred Corn Tacos with Radish Zucchini Slaw

Fire Roasted Corn and Chorizo Dip

Serves: 4

Serves: 8 to 12



• 4 ears Sunshine Sweet Corn • Extra virgin olive oil, as needed • Salt and freshly ground pepper, as needed • 1/2 cup torn cilantro, parsley and mint leaves • 1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced • 2-1/2 tablespoons fresh lime juice • 1 teaspoon maple syrup • 1 cup radishes, cut into matchsticks • 1 small zucchini, cut into matchsticks • 1 jalapeno, seeded and thinly sliced • 1/2 cup (2 1/2 ounces) crumbled Cotija or feta cheese • 10 to 12 small (6-inch) soft corn tortillas

• 3 to 4 ears Sunshine Sweet Corn • 1 small onion, peeled and sliced into rings • 1 small red bell pepper • 1 cup cooked chorizo • 3 cloves garlic, minced • 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, softened • 1/2 pound spicy pepper cheese, like pepper-jack or habanero cheddar • 1/4 cup chopped green onions

Brush corn with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Over hot grill or open gas stove flame, char ears of corn until well blackened but not completely burnt. Remove from heat; cool. With large knife, shave off kernels into bowl. Add cilantro, parsley and mint; reserve. In small bowl, combine onion and lime juice; let stand 10 minutes. Stir in maple syrup, radishes, zucchini, jalapeno and 2 tablespoons of oil. Season with salt and pepper; set aside. Heat your tortillas one of two ways: Wrap whole stack in foil and place in warm 250°F oven for 15 min­utes, or coat cast-iron skillet with thin layer of oil and heat over high heat; warm each tortilla 30 seconds to 1 minute each side, until lightly blistered. To make tacos, fill each tortilla with 1/4 cup corn. Top with cheese and radish-zucchini slaw. Serve with lime wedges, if desired.

Preheat oven to 400°F and preheat grill to high heat. Remove cornhusks and corn silk, and place fresh Florida Sweet Corn, onion slices and red bell pepper on grill. Grill corn and bell pepper for 8 to 10 minutes, turning every 2 minutes until all sides are slightly charred. Grill onion slices for approximately 3 minutes per side. When veggies are cool enough to handle, cut corn off cob. Then chop onions and pepper, removing pepper seeds. In 8-by-8-inch baking dish or onequart souffle dish, mix all ingredients together until well combined. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes until edges are bubbly. Serve warm with tortilla chips.

Fire Roasted Corn and Chorizo Dip

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4 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Community Connection

Coweta’s March for Babies to be held May 17 The local March of Dimes March for Babies will be held May 17 in Coweta. The annual three-mile walk benef its Ma rch of Di mes , which works to prevent premature births. This year’s local event will

ecycling Continued from page 1

went to help clean more than 10,000 computers. The company handled technologybased losses, anything from lightning strikes to fires and floods. “I would handle a lot of the salvage,” Shenning said. “As an insurance company, we have to replace the broken equipment after a disaster. But then once we own it, we have to determine just how much we can get out of it. Part of my job was finding resources to sell this equipment.” Using his background, Shenning saw an opportunity on the horizon and took a chance. “It felt l i ke a n at u ra l segue,” he said. “A lot of people just don’t know what to do with old technology and it’s def initely a growing problem.” Shenning partnered up with Bill May, a retired public information officer for the Atlanta Fire Department, and in January 2013, Ecycle Atlanta was incorporated. Like many startup companies, Ecycle Atlanta began in the family garage. Before long, the operation moved into a large storage unit but then quickly outgrew that space as well. For the last five months, the company has been occupying a small warehouse on Millard Farmer Industrial Boulevard. Inside of the small warehouse, computer towers are stacked like bricks. Multiple plastic containers are neatly organized – containing cell phones, hard drives, wires, metal, motherboards and practically any-

vikings Continued from page 1

Course in Augusta. The Vikings, meanwhile, also advanced to the state level after finishing as 4-AAAAA runner-up. Northgate’s boys f i n i shed beh i nd champion Starr’s Mill, who won the 4 -A A A A A t i t l e with a score of 305. The Vikings c om bi n e d for a team score of 321, qualifying the group for the Class AAAAA sectionals on May 5 at Canongate-onWhite Oak. Northgate’s girls scorers included both Grant and fellow senior Ashton Thomp-

begin at 10 a.m. at Newnan Utilities Carl Miller Park on Sewell Road in Newnan. Registration on event day begins at 9 a.m. For more information, call 770-977-3114 or visit www. marchforbabies.org.

thing else that could be salvaged from an otherwise unwanted piece of outdated technology. “The popularity of the ecycling movement is overwhelming,” Shenning said. “I think now that people know there is a place to safely and responsibly dispose of their technology, they’re really jumping at the chance.” For many individuals, the issue of personal privacy is a primary concern when disposing of a computer or cell phone. Even when a hard drive is “wiped” by reformatting the hard drive, certain recovering software can be used to retrieve old data. Throwing it in a dumpster isn’t a safe bet either. However, Shenning and Ewa ste u nder st a nd t he apprehension and maintain that their method of deleting personal information is unbeatable. “We’re very adamant about data security,” said Shenning. When the company recently acquired a slew of computers from the City of Lawrenceville, the hard drives were removed and wiped to the Department of Defense standard. Ecycle also solicits technology from individuals to large corporations. Anything that is technology based, Shenning will accept it. “Our philosophy is ‘zero landfill’ and we strive for that,” Shenning said. “We’re not 100 percent there yet, but we are very, very close. For us, the best way of recycling technology is simply finding a way to reuse it.” For example, Ecycle will take an obsolete computer and strip it down to the bare components. “The metal, the plastic, and the wiring – we have buyers for those,” Shenning said. “We’re not a center

New produce market coming to Newnan By Celia Shortt celia@newnan.com

Newnan, Coweta County, and the University of Georgia’s Cooperative Extension Office are partnering to bring a new farmer’s market to downtown Newnan. “Essentially, the market that is being brought downtown is the same market that has been going on at the Expo Center along Temple Avenue for numerous years,” said Newnan Business Development Director Hasco W. Craver IV at

or a scrap yard but we break everything down so that we can distribute the materials to the right person.” Repurposing plays a very large role in their business. According to Shenning, the average business or consumer does not generally find that extracting the parts from their older machines is a worthwhile endeavor. “Once people and businesses have their new syste m s i n pl a c e , t h e y ’r e focused on keeping things running, not reselling old equipment,” he said. However, there is definitely a market for “old equipment.” Quite often, many of the pieces of outdated technology are actually in high demand from those attempt-

April’s Downtown Development Authority meeting. “We are extremely excited about this partnership,” he added. T he na me of the new ma rket is “Coweta County Farmer’s Market,” and starting in June it will be held every Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Depot History Center lot off East Broad Street and on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the traditional location at the Asa Powell Sr. Expo Center on Temple Avenue. The market will begin in June and run

ing to run “legacy” systems. A legacy system often runs on obsolete hardware and antiquated software. In some instances, the cost of maintaining an obsolete system outweighs the cost of replacing the technology. Many other pieces of obsolete technology are actually sought out by collectors. Hardcore Apple enthusiasts often want a tangible piece of history and will pay handsomely for a 25- to 30-yearold MacIntosh or Apple computer. Shenning pointed to a box containing a computer from 1982 with an 8-inch floppy drive in the original packaging. “People just love t hat old stuff,” he said. “We can always find a home for

through early fall. According to Craver, it will be a produce market stocked by area farmers. He said they will allow a small percentage of crafts, but only ones from vendors who are there selling their produce. The UGA Cooperative Extension Office will manage the market and has a part-time employee who will supervise vendor participation. In January, the Newnan City Council tasked Craver with finding a new, produce- on ly fa r mer ’s ma rket for downtown.

something like that, believe it or not.” In the back of the warehouse, a well-built, homemade workbench is filled with tools and a soldering iron is illuminated. Shennings father, John, is working on disassembling an older computer. “I don’t mind the work – it keeps me off the street,” the elder Shenning joked. “We’re definitely a family business,” Shenning said. “Plus he’s cheap labor.” With both Earth Day and Arbor Day fast approaching, Shenning had the idea to create “Earth Week” in order to help raise awareness of what Ecycle Atlanta has to offer the community. During the week of April 21–26, Ecycle Atlanta will

be holding a technologybased recycling drive. Partnering with the Arbor Day Foundation, the company will provide the means to plant five trees to each person who brings in a piece of unwanted technology. “Working with the Arbor Day Foundation seemed like a natural conclusion,” Shenning said. “It all comes down to renewable resources and the reduction of waste.” Already hinting that the company is outgrowing the current location, Shenning feels that the demand for ecycling services will only increase. “Once people know there is a responsible and safe way to dispose of technology they no longer need, it’s a great thing,” Shenning said.

son, who added a round of 93. Sophomore Jessica Houk finished in between the pair with a 91. Union Grove’s Hannah Gassaway was the girls low medalist with a 85. The Vikings’ effort was led by a 77 from freshman Jaden Hall, who was just five strokes behind the tournament’s low medalist, Andrew Crocker of Starr’s Mill. Northgate teammates Maddux Lytle and Nathan Gamer added rou nd s of 8 0 wh i le Ta n ner Lee completed the Vi k i n g s’ scor i ng with an 84. The team can advance to the Class AAAAA State Boys Championship with a qualifying score of 330 or under at sectionals.




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Wednesday, April 30, 2014   |  MyConnection 5

Community Connection

Newnan-Coweta Magazine: Don’t miss this issue!

Luthier’s Passion now his career

Look for the May/June 2014 issue inside your home-delivered copy of The Newnan Times-Herald or pick up your FREE copy at these fine establishments starting May 2:

Organic Matters

Local farmer lives off the grid




— Teen's guitar skills turning heads

MAY | JUNE 2014

FAIRBURN The Bedford School Georgia Military College FAYETTEVILLE CareSouth Home Health The Cosmetic Laser & Skin Care Center GRANTVILLE Grantville Package Store Photos by Jeffrey Leo

Hanna Haskins is all smiles after throwing yellow color during the Abby’s Angels color run Saturday at the Coweta County Fairgrounds.

Rainbow Run, Fun Day in honor of Abby The Abby’s Angels Foundation 5K Rainbow Run and Family Fun Day went on as sc hedu led at t he Cowet a County Fairgrounds – despite the rainy weather. All proceeds from the event went toward Abby’s Angels, to help fund its community charity, Abby’s Closet. The project donates school supplies for children who lack resources. The closet is offered to children in need and gives privacy to the student, aided by the child’s teacher, so they are not embarrassed about not having materials. T he 2 014 5 K color r u n kicked off, following words of thanks from Natalie and Stephen Bacho to the crowd of participants as they gathered at the fairgrounds’ ag barn. Runners who left the starting line in the field area of the fairgrounds were blasted with colored powder to honor the memory of the late Abby Bacho, for whom the foundation was founded. Abby’s Angels was established following a Dec. 22, 2012, car accident where a

driver ran a red light and struck the family van. The accident injured several in the van, and claimed the life of Abby Bacho. Bacho’s mother, Natalie, says her 9-year-old daughter always wanted to do a color run. “In her short nine years, she lived so much,” Natalie Bacho said recently. “Her life generated a lot of momentum and we don’t want to stop that momentum. For the people who didn’t know her, we wanted to introduce them to Abby and share her story and the gifts that she gave. “We want it to reflect her,” Abby’s mom added. “She loved to get together with family and friends; she was very social. She loved to laugh and smile. Just the fact she wanted to run in a color run, this event is something we know reflects her. She’d want to be there and be a part of it.” As runners made their way along the 5K route marked throughout the fairgrounds fields and parking area, they were covered in colored powder at various color stations by

eager volunteers. The powder was tossed in shades of yellow, pink, blue and green. There were big smiles from the runners – covered in pastel shades. Youngsters attending the event had plenty of fun playing in the colored powder as well. Along with the color run a “family fun day,” a fair-like event, was held with various vendors and activities. The fun day was free and open to the public, even without registration for the 5K run. A mong planned fun day offerings were food, shopping vendors, music and karaoke, face painting, cornhole, sack races, raffles and even an ambulance and fire truck for kids to check out. The Newnan Crossing Elementary School chorus, which Bacho was in, was asked to open t he proceed i ng s by singing “The Star Spangled Banner.” For more on the foundation go to www.abbysangelsfoundation.org or email 3sisters@ abbysangelsfoundation.org.



The Newnan Times-Herald and Newnan-Coweta Magazine are pleased to announce the 2014-2015 issue of Coweta Living, an upscale guide that offers a fresh look at Coweta County to all residents, old and new. Coweta County shines as one of the best places to live in Georgia. Coweta Living, publishes in August and is distributed year-round, showing why living and doing business in Coweta is such a great idea.



Our target audience is all current Coweta residents, new residents and visitors. This guide will also be used as a promotional piece to attract new residents and businesses to our community. Circulation is 12,000+, and the readership level should be 48,000+.


Coweta Living is distributed prominently at locations throughout the county. It will be delivered to The Newnan Times-Herald subscribers in August and available year-round at The Newnan Times-Herald, Coweta County Welcome Center, Newnan-Coweta Chamber of Commerce and at various locations across the county.


May 9 (guaranteed section) May 23 (guaranteed section) June 6 July 3


➟ Business & Industry (real estate business, retail activity, industry update, shopping and dining)

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NEWNAN Amazon Stone Bank of North Georgia BB&T Binion Tire Carnegie Library Charter Bank Coweta County Welcome Center Coweta-Fayette EMC Coweta Medical Center Dogwood Veterinary Double Bar H Stables Farm Bureau

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To receive 6 issues of Newnan-Coweta Magazine only: In-county subscription — $23.75 Out-of-county subscription — $30.00 Subscribers to The Newnan Times-Herald will also receive 6 issues of the award-winning Newnan-Coweta Magazine, Coweta Living, and the Newnan Times-Herald Digital Edition FREE with your paid home delivery subscription!

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High expectations for East Coweta, Newnan volleyball

Local chef, instructor leads by example, inspires confidence

— page 6A

— page 1B

Train collides with semi-truck Family of five survives early-morning crash without major injuries


By the Numbers

By Wes Mayer

adult did not appear injured but were transported to ChilThe family of five involved in dren’s Healthcare of atlanta at a truck-train collision in north egleston as a precaution, and Coweta County Wednesday the driver was transported to morning did not suffer any Grady Hospital in atlanta after life-threatening injuries, and sustaining a possible broken the CsX train did not have any leg. There were three employleaks or hazardous materials spills, according to authorities. ees on board the CsX train, but Part of the intersection at they did not require any mediU.s. Highway 29 North and cal attention. Ga. Highway 154 was closed The f latbed tractor-trailer for a rou nd fou r-a nd-a-ha l f truck was hauling granite when hours. it was hit. The truck was travelT he Coweta Count y Fi re ing west toward U.s. Highway Department responded to the 29 when it was hit by the train accident at the intersection traveling northbound. accordaround 5:08 a.m. Wednesday. ing to witnesses, the semi was There was a family of three pushed down the track about children and two adults still in a quarter of a mile before the the cab of the semi-truck when train could stop. firefighters arrived. according to reports from although none of the f ive investigators with the Coweta were ent rapped , f i ref ig ht- County sheriff ’s Off ice, the ers did use a hydraulic tool wife of the driver told off iPhoto by Jeffrey Leo to remove part of the semi’s cers the truck’s brakes malThis view shows the front of the CSX engine that hit the truck at seat, Coweta Fire Department functioned. The exact cause the intersection of U.S. 29 North and Ga. highway 154 Wednesday. the assistant Chief Mitch Cog- of the accident is still under engine needed a quarter mile to come to a stop. No one in the engine gin said. The children and one investigation. was hurt. wesley@newnan.com

Photo by Jeffrey Leo

Coweta Fire Department responders work to place a back board in the cab of the truck struck by a CSX train Wednesday morning in order to remove the last of the five family members inside. the trailer shows the point of impact.

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Cyber State of Mind

— Newnan Shop Base Generates Fan Downtown



Luthier’s Passion now his career


Organic Matters

Locally inspired

Spring Style

Local farmer lives off the grid

Tattoo Growing edCultu re Gilly we




— Teen's guitar skills turning heads

MAY | JUNE 2014



The Newnan Times-Herald is pleased to announce our upcoming


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an upscale magazine which will introduce a wide array of restaurants, caterers, chefs, bars, menus and our special marketplace section.

Coweta Living is a full-color glossy magazine and features a thick cover stock, giving it a long shelf life. Writing, photography and design are of the highest quality.

Coweta Living is published online at times-herald.com which has a monthly average of over 800,000 page views! Your advertising message will reach millions of potential customers visiting our web site at times-herald.com. All links in your print ad will be clickable on the web edition.

HOGANSVILLE Hogansville Coffee Company

Forest at York Georgia Bone & Joint Habitat for Humanity ReStore The Heritage School In Stitches too Kemp’s Dalton West Flooring Lee-King Pharmacy Main Street Newnan Massage Envy Newnan-Coweta Chamber of Commerce Newnan Fitness Center Newnan Pediatrics Newnan Public Library NuLink OutPatient Imaging Pain Care of Georgia Piedmont Physicians Piedmont Newnan Hospital Publix Savannah Court of Newnan Skin Cancer Specialists, P.C. Southern Crescent Equine Stemberger & Cummins, P.C. Summit Healthplex Surgical & Cosmetic Dermatology StoneBridge Early Learning The Newnan Times-Herald Thomas Eye Group UNIGLOBE McIntosh Travel Vinewood Plantation

This will be a full-color, glossy magazine delivered to paid subscribers of The Newnan Times-Herald on Thursday, June 5, 2014, plus thousands of extra copies distributed in area hotels, welcome centers, high-foot traffic areas and many other locations. This will be a high-quality magazine that diners can use time and time again with readership longevity for many months. Every restaurant, caterer, bar and marketplace business who advertises in this special publication will receive a free listing. In addition, The Restaurant Guide publication will be online at www.times-herald.com which averages over 300,000 visitors and one million page views per month. The link in your ad will also be clickable to your web site for customers to order online, make reservations, peruse menus, call-ahead seating, etc.




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Colleen D. Mitchell • colleen@newnan.com 16 Jefferson Street, Newnan, GA • 770-683-1707 • times-herald.com

6 MyConnection   |  Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Community Connection

Coweta’s Dancing Stars event raises $81,000 It was a fun evening at the Centre for Performing and Visual Arts, as Coweta’s Dancing Stars event yielded its biggest night in its sevenyear history. With a packed house the fundraiser brought in more than $81,000. Eleven couples competed for People’s Choice and Judges’ Choice awards in the two-and-ahalf-hour program. Each duo paired an everyday community member with a professional dance instructor, similar to ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars,” which pairs celebrities with professional dancers. Jeff Chandler of SouthCrest Church and Hannah Yekel of Southern Crescent Academy of Dance were crowned People’s Choice winners from audience votes. They did a salsa to “Let’s Get Loud” by Jennifer Lopez. The duo added to their performance with a Vegas-theme, where Chandler and Yekel stopped dancing to perform a Carrot Top-inspired comedy routine. They resumed dancing only to stop again to do a magic trick where Chandler made the Statue of Liberty float in honor of magician David Copperfield. The two finished the routine with the last bit of the salsa.

First runner-up honors went to Lori Lovett of Piedmont Newnan Fitness and Chad Wood of Star Dance Studio, who performed the paso doble. Second runner-up was Kim Melhouse-Guerra of Comcast Spotlight and Billy Cranford of Star Dance Studio, who performed a rhumba/polka flare to Cha-Cha. Third runner-up was JP Watson of The Heritage School and Christy Stout of Star Dance Studio. They performed the swing to “Dance with Me Tonight.” The judges selected winners, based on technique, style, costumes and various other factors. Judges’ Choice winner was Scott Walker of Cancer Treatment Centers of America and Abigail Howard of Sharpsburg Dance Academy. They performed a musical montage, from old Vegas to new Vegas. First runner-up was Chandler and Yekel. Second runner-up was Nathan Nipper of Piedmont Newnan Hospital and Peggy Bern of Star Dance Studio, performing a rhumba to “Sway” by Dean Martin. Third runner-up was Watson and Stout. The Welcome House provides shelter to

women and children who have been victims of domestic abuse. Since 1991, the Community Welcome House has been the only haven for victims of domestic abuse in need of shelter.

Clinton Gilley and Newnan High School’s Kaitlin Green performs Bollywood at Coweta’s Dancing Stars.

Scott Walker and Abigail Howard dance to a musical montage of old Vegas to new Vegas on their way to winning the Judges’ Choice award.

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A young couple takes a sunset hike at Providence Canyon State Park in Lumpkin. Almost every state park and historic site in Georgia has hiking trails.

May events set at Ga. State Parks A nu mber of M ay 2 014 events will be hosted by Georgia’s State Parks & Historic Sites. For a complete calendar, visit GeorgiaStateParks.org/ events and individual parks’ pages. More information on accommodations and recreation can be found at GeorgiaStateParks.org or 1-800-8647275. You can also become a fan on Facebook, follow on Twitter and sign up for a monthly newsletter. Among some of the early May events are: • Pine Mountain Trail Hike May 3, 10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., F.D. Roosevelt State Park, Pine Mountain. Enjoy spring woodlands on this 5-mile moderate hike with PMT Association guides. Meet at the WJSP Parking Lot off Hw y. 190. Geared toward ages 10 and older. Dress for the weather and bring water and a snack. $5 parking, 706-663-4858. • Dirty Spokes Mountain Bike Race – May 3, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Fort Yargo State Park, Winder. These 6-hour and 9-hour races take competitors along a mountain bike trail and allow visitors to see the action first-hand, $5 parking. 770-867-3489 • Archery Explorer Train Ride – May 3, 10 a.m. to 4:50 p.m., Georgia Veterans State Park - SAM Shortline Platform - Cordele. Riding in air-conditioned, 1949 vintage train cars, travel from Georgia Veterans State Park, across Lake Blackshear to Plains, Archery and back. Explore President Jimmy Carter’s boyhood farm, and go shopping and sample peanut butter treats. 229-276-0755 • Searching for Dragons and Damsels – May 3, from 2 to 3:30 p.m., Hard Labor Creek State Park, Rutledge. Dragonflies and damselflies are some of the most beautiful and beneficial insects in the bug world. They come in many sizes, shapes and colors. Join a park ranger on the hunt for these tiny predators, and explore streams, lake and pond. Bring a digital camera and binoculars for the adventure. Ages 10 plus. $5 plus $5 parking. 706-557-3006 • Twilight Paddle – May 3, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., Hard Labor Creek State Park, Rutledge. Explore Lake Rutledge on this Ranger-Guided Twilight Paddle. Scan the sky and woods for wildlife, and watch the changing colors on the water as the sun sets. A guide will interpret the role the Civilian Conservation Corps made in creating this park in the 1930s. Meet at the Park Office/Trading Post. Register in advance. $15 plus $5 parking. 706-557-3001 • Billy’s Island & Okefenokee Swamp Tours – Saturdays 10 a.m. - noon May 3-31, Stephen C. Foster State Park,

Fargo. Tour historic Billy’s Island, which was home to Native Americans, pioneers and lumbermen for thousands of years. Take a boat out to the island and hike the short trail, about three-quarters mile, and view some of the relics left from the past. $15-$20, $5 parking. 912-637-5274 • Sapelo Isla nd Bi rdi ng Adventure – May 6-7, from 3 to 4:30 p.m., Crooked River State Pa rk, St. Ma r ys. A n exciting new 24-hour birding event. Travel by ferry to Sapelo Island along Georgia’s scenic coast, enjoy birding the beaches, marshes, fields and forests of this barrier island with expert birders. Stay overnight at the historic Reynolds Mansion. Registration is limited. Meals included. Starting at $299/person for double occupancy; ferry fee ($15) is not included in registration. $5 parking. 912-485-2299 • Watermelon Express Train Ride – May 8, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. SAM Shortline Downtown Cordele Depot, Cordele. Enjoy this ride from dow ntow n Cordele Depot to Historic Plains, the small Georgia town made famous by President Jimmy Carter. 229-276-0755 • Twilight Time Wagon Ride – May 9, from 7:45 to 8:45 p.m., Hard Labor Creek State Park, Rutledge, GA. Join park staff and volunteers on this quaint tour through the park’s history in an old-fashioned wagon. Learn about the Civilian Conservation Corps, visit an old blacksmith shop, and possibly see wildlife that call the park home. Space is limited, preregistration required. $5 plus $5 parking. 706-557-3001 • The Arrest of Alexander Hamilton Stephens – May 10, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., A.H. Stephens State Park - Crawfordville. On May 11, 1865, A.H. Stephens was arrested and charged with treason. Experience a live reenactment of this event. We will also be reenacting his homecoming that took place on October 27, 1865. 706-456-2602 • Mother’s Day Hike with Mother Nature – May 10, from 2 to 5 p.m., Cloudland Canyon State Park, Rising Fawn. Hike Sitton’s Gulch to the bottom of Hemlock Falls while identifying plants, birds, and trees a long the way. T his is a 4-mile hike on moderate terrain. Water and trail snacks provided. Ages 10 and up. Advanced reservations required. $10 plus $5 parking. 706-913-7170 • Astronomy Day Night Time Paddle – May 10, 8 to 10 p.m., Hard Labor Creek State Park, Rutledge. Join the paddle to view the sunset, and the night time sky with the various constellations. Pre-registration required, space is

limited. $15 plus $5 parking. 706-557-3001 • Moonlight Mountain Hike, May 10, 7:30 p.m., Pa nola Mountain State Park, Stockbridge. Enjoy an evening hiking to the mountaintop. Group heads out just before sunset and as the moon begins to rise. Bring flashlights, hiking boots and water. Meet at the nature center 15 minutes before each program. Participants must register in advance. $7 plus $5 parking. 770-389-7801

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The Newnan Times-Herald 16 Jefferson Street Newnan, GA 30263 770-253-1576 www.times-herald.com


Champion Shoe & Luggage 1774 Hwy 54, Suite 4 (Vineyard Plaza: Lower Fayettevile & 154) Sharpsburg, GA 30277 678-552-9200

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Bargain Buys $200 or less


Good condition. $75.



Ford heavy weight rubber bed mat. Size 81 x 65 in. $75


Whiskey Barrel

Old, dark wood. Good condition. $75



Good cond. $90 final.




600 TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.


'08 Ford Focus


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Freezer upright. 20.5 cu.ft. Commercial grade. Frost free. Runs great. Good condition. $150 cash




Generator Generac 5500 11HP Honda motor. Excellent condition. $575.


Beautiful. 30 in. height. Perfect for home, office. $25



Lawn Tractor

Set of Glasses

42 in, 17.5 hp, 6 speed, adjustable cut. Floating deck. Bagger. $575

21 McDonald's collectible drinking glasses. All for $100.



Need the location of a yard sale? View our yard sale map at:

Set of Table Overlays

Organza. 72"x72" square. 90" round. Ivory, navy blue. 43 total. $130.

Boat Sales / Services

'72 Manatee

boat w/ trailer. $600 OBO Leave message.



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Home Buyer Set of 3 TVs in working 4S 4 dr. $7,500, 60k mi. Services



Lawn / Garden / Nursery


Corner Curio Cabinet

Hiring all positions



Homes For Rent-Unfurn.


TO OUR READERS All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at this number: 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275.


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Palmetto, GA 30268


TO OUR READERS The Newnan Times-Herald does not knowingly accept advertisements regarding employment which are not bona fide job offers. This newspaper is committed to providing a reliable source and marketplace for those individuals seeking employment. Be cautious when attempting to do business with any unknown person or company. Please analyze all advertisements carefully and use good judgment and common sense. This newspaper does not knowingly accept advertisements that discriminate or intend to discriminate on any illegal basis. Nor does this newspaper knowingly accept advertisements that promote illegal activities.


Schools/ Instruction


Yard Sales


Truck Bed Mat

Church Furniture

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Bargain Buys $200 or less

Wednesday, April 30, 2014 | MyConnection 7




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